Re: [lace-chat] Re Pictures of this area.

2005-02-20 Thread Linda Walton
Jolly good idea !

 I thought that Heathers idea to let the rest of us see a bit of where she
 lives was a good idea, so I have put this web site up for anyone
interested to
 see where I live also.
 Shirley in Corio Oz.

I found it fascinating to see the Geelong website; and I was most intrigued
by the National Wool Museum, which I'd love to be able to visit someday.

Here's a link to our local High Wycombe website:-
Not great, I admit, but it's the best we have.
There are some interesting things and a few more pictures to be found if
you're patient enough to explore through the links that follow
Attractions, Countryside, Local History, and Museums.

And here's a slightly better website about Buckinghamshire:-
with a few more pictures, and a good page if you follow the link to
Main Towns.

Best wishes,
Linda Walton,
(in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.,
where I can't find any web pictures of the town *I* recognise,
and it does have *some* photogenic features).

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[lace-chat] Birmingham UK, shopping for ladies

2005-02-20 Thread Lynn Scott
My mom has just moved to Birmingham in the UK, and is desparate to get
some warm clothes to wear until her stuff arrives from Canada.  Can anyone
in the area suggest shops that cater to larger (100cmish waist) ladies. 
Her new toyboy hubbie has no idea where she can go to find something to

You can reply privately to me if you like and I will forward any ideas to

Thanks, Lynn Scott in Wollongong Australia

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[lace-chat] Shopping for ladies UK

2005-02-20 Thread Jean Nathan
This is the wrong time of year to shop for warm clothes in England. Winter
might be starting next week (weather-wise), but the shops have spring
clothes. Bikinis  and other summer wear should be on sale around the end of
March (just as spring has officially started) if the time stuff goes on sale
for Christmas, etc is anything to go by.

Larger sizes are stocked by Evans (a specialist outsize shop), but I at size
24 (22 US) buy my clothes at Bon Marche, who cater for all sizes up to 24. I
think the clothes are good quality and very reasonably priced. Some of the
stuff is very fashionable, but they also have the classic and everyday
stuff, and everything's available in all sizes (although the bigger sizes
sell out first). None of the if you're over size 18, you're a frump and
don't need anything with style so we don't stock it attitude which is
common with most of the major chains. Haven't been in Littlewoods (also
reasonably priced) or Marks and Spencer lately, but they're both large
chains which carry good quality clothing.

Jean in Poole

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[lace-chat] Italy

2005-02-20 Thread Shirlee Hill
I will be going on a little trip to Italy next month.  I'll be staying in 
Aviano  visiting Venice, Vicenza,  perhaps another place or two.  I am 
wondering if anyone knows of any lace shops in the area where I can buy 
bobbins, thread, etc?
Thank you ...

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2005-02-20 Thread Carol Adkinson
To my wonderful Secret Pal,

Well - the parcel arrived yesterday, on a cold and greyish, depressing
morning, and I am delighted to be cheered up by it.

The calendar with all those lovely photos of Tasmania is great - so cheerful,
and with such arresting scenery.   It is so inviting, and I am tempted to look
up fares on one of the (cheaper) airlines!

The Fish Pepper and the Jade Salt for Seafood smell so enticing - we will be
having fish for supper *very* soon indeed - I can't wait to try them both.   I
loved the description of the Pepper - Hand Ground by Cheerful Trollops ... -
and thought that when I am able to stump up for a ticket to Tasmania, there
could well be a job opportunity!

The notepad is lovely, and will match the mouse mat I received in the previous
round - notepads and stationery are always good to receive, especially if you
have a 'Stationery Habit' like mine!I could be shut in the Staples
superstore, and love every minute.

The bookmark is a delight, and will be well-used.   I love the tiny little
mouse, and he looks such a happy individual I'll have to keep him in *happy*
books so he doesn't get depressed.  The bobbin is so lovely, and I do thank
you for that too - and the tiny little glass mouse.   I will spangle the
bobbin with him, and will have to look carefully to find beads to match him.

In reply to your letter, I don't know an awful lot about the Lace Fair in
Grays, but will do my utmost to find out about it, and hopefully, I'll be able
to meet you and your lacey friend there!Essex is one of the larger
counties, but it would still be a relatively easy journey to get there, but
I'll see what more details I can find out, and will let you know, possibly
through Brenda!

Once again, many thanks indeed for your lovely gifts - I shall look forward to
knowing who you are, but in the meantime, many thanks indeed!


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[lace-chat] Re Pictures of this area

2005-02-20 Thread Shirley
Thanks Linda for letting me see where you live, if we get enough we can travel
the world without leaving the comfort of home.  ;-)

I would love to travel more but it can't be done.
Shirley in Corio, Oz.

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[lace-chat] Re: Pictures of this area

2005-02-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Feb 20, 2005, at 20:20, Shirley wrote:
Thanks Linda for letting me see where you live, if we get enough we 
can travel
the world without leaving the comfort of home.  ;-)

I would love to travel more but it can't be done.
Well, if you're interested...
This is my area at a click of a key :) Lexington volunteers have - many 
years ago - made a lovely quilt, representing various points of 
interest. The quilt itself, after hanging in the library for a year, 
was auctioned off, but the library has kept the right to print 
postcards of it and I restock, periodically, whenever I run out of them 
(not often, since I prefer to use lace ones). Since I'm unable to 
communicate with my scanner, you'll have to make do with non-textile 
photos :)
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: Time Off

2005-02-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
Who says that blondes are dim-witted? g I bet the boss - the truly 
stupid one - was dark-haired... :)

From: A.N.
I urgently needed a few days holiday, but because I never had any leave 
due to me, I knew the Boss would not allow me to take a few days leave. 
I thought that maybe if I acted Mad then he would tell me to take a 
few days off. So I hung upside down on the ceiling and made funny 
My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing? I told her that 
I was pretending to be a light bulb so that the Boss would think I was 
Mad and give me a few days off.
A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked What are 
you doing ?
I told him I was a light bulb. He said You are mad - take a few days 
off. I jumped down and walked out of the office.
When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her:
...And where are you going?
She said I can't work in the dark 

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Thanks to my secret pal

2005-02-20 Thread Rita Lloyd
Dear Secret Pal:
It was great to open your package again this month.  I just love all of your 
gifts!  I'm really enjoying getting the bobbins.  Now I am starting to get a 
nice collection going.  I've been using plain continental bobbins and didn't 
have very many that were different.  You are giving me some great bobbins to 
show off when I do demos. 
I really love the perfume and that it is called Pearls and Lace.  It smells 
absoilutely delicious!
I love the book on Aromatheraphy, I have a condensed version of this book by 
the same author, however, this book goes into a lot more detail.  It will come 
in handy with my Reiki and crystal healing.
You were asking about Wicca.  Well, a shortened version is this:  A Wiccan 
believes in God and Goddess balanced with one another and all of us.  We 
believe that nature and humans are one with Divinity, that we all are Divine 
and as such would never harm another.  I celebrate the Wheel of the Year, 8 
sabbats and 8 moon rituals.  We celebrate life in all of its ways, death and 
life.  We honor our ancestors and those who have gone before us and we honor 
all animals, reptiles, birds and fish.  So that gives you a small idea of what 
I believe. 
Also, this came shortly after my birthday, so it was an added present.  I 
celebrated my 50th birthday with a surprise party given to me by my closest 
friends.  It was such a fun time.  I had black, silver and purple candles.  I 
had a black cake with various funny candles on it, such as a R.I.P tombstone, a 
bottle of Aspirin, a book of Bran, a cane, and a pair of false teeth.  And 
since 50 only comes once in our life, I had a crown and a throne to sit on to 
open my presents.  It was a hoot!
I wanted to say how special I think it is that you shared some of your mothers 
things with me.  I think it is really special and I love stones ( I collect 
them) so that makes the turqoius piece even nicer.  I don't spangle my bobbins, 
however, I do use beads and such with some of my lace pieces, these will be 
really nice.  I'll have to design a lace piece that incorporates the beads you 
sent.  I'll send you a picture when I complete it.  That will be a while 
though, as I am currently in the midst of making a bridal garter for a close 
friend who is marrying in April.  It's a torchon piece with fans and hearts in 
white with gold gimps.  I'm really liking how it is turning out. I've done 
about 40 inches and I plan to make 60 inches so that it ruffles up really 
I was looking through my lace books and surprised myself on how many I have 
now.  I have Bobbin Lace Making by Pamela Nottingham, The Book of Bobbin 
Lace Stitches by Bridget Cook and Geraldine Stott, Bobbin Lacemaking by 
Doris Southward, Practical Skills in Bobbin Lace by Bridget Cook, The 
Torchon Lace Book by Bridget Cook, The Bobbin Lace Manual by Geraldine 
Stott, 100 New Bobbin Lace Patterns by Yusai Fukuyama, Minature Bobbin Lace 
by Roz Snowden, Chrysanthemum Lace by Catherine Belleville and Plants and 
Flowers in Lace edited by Bridget Cook.  I love lace books, there is so much 
to learn! :-)

Thank you so much,
I look forward to next month.
Rita Lloyd

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[lace-chat] Buckinghamshire

2005-02-20 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Thanks for putting up the Bucks site.
I spent much of my childhood in Bletchley, and I remember that during the 
war, Auntie  Uncle , who lived opposite, had a boarder lodged with them , 
who worked at Bletchley Park.  They Never knew quite what he did there, but 
he was a wizard with mending watches and clocks, and he would take them to 
work, for the quiet times and clean, and repair them, and everyone had the 
best working clocks in the area!!!
These people were (rudely) called Actually's by the locals - they all 
spoke with Oxford accents, and prefaced everything with Actually,... I 
often wonmder if he worked on the Enigma machine, or other coded 
information.  I expect so - it was all so 'Hush-Hush.'

I went to school in Bedford, and would catch the train there every day from 
Fenny Stratford station (as it was closer to where we lived).  Fenny has the 
old Roman road - Watling Street going through it.

Oh Dear ...memories...!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] Duchess Lace book raffle

2005-02-20 Thread Jacqui Southworth
I received 65 entries for the raffle and all the names went into the hat at 
midnight, and I got my DH to draw one out.
The winner is .. Dona Bushong in Asan, Guam
Congratulations Dona - I have sent you an email asking for your address.
Sorry to all the rest - maybe next time!
ttfn Jacqui

Jacqui Southworth, Fleetwood, Lancs, England
NEW ***Spangled Birth Month Bobbins***
Larkholme Lace - Bobbin Lace Supplies, painted bobbins and tools,books

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