RE: [lace-chat] Pancakes: was Re: tourist question from me

2007-01-05 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Silver Dollar pancakes - here in Australia I'd call them pikelets, and eat
them for afternoon tea with butter and jam, or with jam and whipped cream.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Dowagers

2005-10-23 Thread Noelene Lafferty
All the chat on Lace about dowagers reminds me
of a line -

Dame Joan Sutherland was singing in Chicago, and
one of the audience commented Fancy calling a
nice broad like that a dame

...Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Welcome back JoAnne

2005-10-02 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Welcome back to lace-chat, JoAnne, good to
see you on line again.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Tea/coffee/hot choc preferences

2005-09-22 Thread Noelene Lafferty
I drink a lot of decaf instant sweet black coffee, more because I'm
too lazy (or too busy) to brew tea, and I limited myself to one
caf loaded coffee a day because more than one and I can't sleep.

But I love hot chocolate, and my favourite here in Cooma is a
Mocha - a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso.  Needs no
extra sweetening for my sweet tooth, and gives me a lift.  And
made to perfection in one particular coffee shop here in a large
heatproof glass mug with a metal handle.  (You've got to try
this shop next visit, Jenny R)

I don't like tea in a mug - tastes wrong.   I prefer fine bone china
for my tea, and often go to a friend's house and ask for tea (when
offered) as she makes it from rain water collected from their
shed roof.  (In a country area, our rainwater is nice and chemical
pollution free - I can't collect it, because our roof is made of
copper - if anyone finds this strange, have a look a pictures of
my home on my website below).  It tastes entirely different to
tap water.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Gossamer threads/evolution

2005-09-08 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Joy writes
Which is why some kangaroos have faces like deer, leave deer turds on
walkways, and jump out in front of cars just like deer.  Don't taste much like
venison, though, and I haven't heard of them invading suburban gardens to eat
the tomato plants.

In drought times, in country areas like ours, kangaroos will invade gardens
and eat EVERYTHING (including roses, let alone tomato plants).

But no, they don't taste like venison.   Kangaroo meat is very, very lean,
no fat at all, and not much taste to talk of.  Of course, there is always
kangaroo tail soup - a bit like stone soup, it's all the other things you add
that gives it any real flavour.

I have tasted venison (in New Zealand).   I wasn't over impressed.  And
they also minced it and served it in patties like hamburgers - my son
called them Bambi Burgers and put everyone off them.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Language Evolution

2005-09-08 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Joy writes
 A good thing may be the better of two or the best of three or more

Good, better best.
Never let us rest.
'til our good is better
And our better best.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Bedfordshire lace

2005-08-19 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Jean in Poole  wrote
Although how making leaves can
be considered quick, I don't know - I find them very difficult and slow. The
teachers could all be wrong of course.

The proof in the pudding could be that the El Cheapo bobbin lace that comes
from China is usually a type of Bedfordshire, so they must find it quick and

But I agree with Jean, my Bedfordshire leaves are painfully slow.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] New Indian Recipes

2005-08-02 Thread Noelene Lafferty
On  my recent trip to Fiji I got some more Indian recipes from Roshlyn -
the wife of my friend Pravin, with whom I stay over there. Here they are
for your enjoyment,
David in Ballarat
Ah, the Indian spice aromas of the Fiji markets.   I lived in
Lautoka once, David, and got to enjoy the locally available
ingredients.   Did you ever get to eat pulisami, made with
taro leaves, real coconut cream fresh out of the coconut
with a trace of chili, rolled into parcels and baked?

I have had a Fijian friend (actually from Rotuma) stop with
us recently, and he brought me a big stack of rotis made
with Indian flour and almost dripping with unsalted butter,
made by his sister now living in Sydney. They're all gone now!

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Harry Potter - different covers

2005-08-02 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Jean, if you can get through the Da Vinci Code (I found I had
to read it right through, to my annoyance, because it was so
poorly written and a load of rubbish), then please give the
Harry Potter books a go.  They are far better written.

If I don't like a book, I won't finish it, but if I do like a book,
I like to keep it and re-read it.   Most of my reading now is
re-reading old favourites.  But Da Vinci Code I found I had
to finish, then I immediately gave to my daughter in law (who
has exactly the same ready attitude and tastes as I do)
with the instructions for her to read it and give it away, that
I did NOT want it back!

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] lace and music

2005-08-02 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Moving this from Lace to Chat, as it could get to be a very
chatty type of thread!

Once a Beach Boys fan, always a Beach Boys fan.  Their
music never ages.   I feel sorry for today's teens and their
deadly boring music.

But making lace?I too prefer the classics as I lace, and
again, the steady rhythm, but my favourite is Mozart.

My all time favourite is a double CD of the soundtrack from
an Australian half hour documentary series called A River
Somewhere, where a couple of men go fishing (mostly casting/
fly fishing) in streams and rivers all over Australia.  The music
is mostly guitar, a bit of harmonica, and is perfect background
music for both lacing and for driving.

Noelene in Cooma

   Felllow Spiders, In the light of some recent postigs: Does anyony have
   favourite music for making lace by - for me Torchon and the Beach Boys,
   in the garden on a Summer's day . Happy Lacing Andrea in a warm and
   sunny Cambridge, UK
   the Beach boys !wonder how many of us are still fans .. those were the
  days .

  dominique from paris

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[lace-chat] dangers...address/board

2005-07-18 Thread Noelene Lafferty
I'll agree with you Steph, I belong to one group on message
board software, and very seldom visit it.Arachne's text only
exchanges are far preferable for me, with pictures shared
via webshots.  I want to talk to other lacemakers, not be held
up with lots of pretty logos and idiotic smiley faces.

If an interesting topic comes up, I just create a sub folder
under lace or lace-chat, name it something relevant, and drag
any interesting messages into that for future reading or

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] London Bombing

2005-07-07 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Heartfelt condolances from here in Australia, too, who have woken
up to the terrible news.

I can still remember vividly the night Sydney was awarded the Olympic
Games - my son and many others went to the top of a nearby high arch
bridge looking down the harbour, and he said there was such a feeling
of high spirits and pride among the crowd.  To have such a cowardly
attack within 24 hours of your news must be so much the more

What is this world of ours coming to.  Don't we learn anything from

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Honours List / also Hornsbys

2005-06-15 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Liz writes
We have 2 ladies honourd here in Oz, with the Oz version - The Order of
Australia.  Rosemary Shepherd, and Norah Benopath(?)

The lady's name is Norma Benporath, an expert in tatting.
She was one of the most prolific designers of tatting ever,
and her stuff continued to be published during WWII for
the morale of the women at home - a special paper
allocation was made during wartime so her leaflet style
book could be printed.   The hard cover book Every
Woman's Complete Guide to Tatting Illustrated was
published after the war, in the early 1950's.

Incidentally, I've been able to contact Sylvia at Hornsbys
in the UK by email successfully - Sylvia says her fax at
the moment seems to be able to send, but not receive!

Thank you those who contacted me privately about how to
get in touch with her.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Hornsbys UK

2005-06-12 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Are Hornsbys UK still in existence?  I tried to fax them tonight,
but the number just rang out

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Eden retreat - trip home

2005-05-16 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Got to share this with everyone.

Spent a marvellous time on the far south coast of NSW this
weekend at a lace retreat.  It happens the weekend after Mothers Day
each year, and has been a regular event for many years.  Lacemakers
from all over NSW and Victoria attend.

We met up with Pene Piip's mother Marion from Narooma for the weekend, shared
our motel rooms with her.   About to drive home, she said she had been told of
Bead Gallery near Pambula, and as she had the instructions to get there, we
follow.  We'd just see if it was open Sunday afternoons.

About half a K down a dirt track off the main highway, we found this shed like
called Bead Gallery and Angel Junk.  There was a car there, but no-one in
We walked in, to be confronted with a wall of packets of beads, bowls of them,
workshop table full of them, and lots of other Angel junk - angels,
figurines, hard to
describe.  Just lots of stuff.   We browsed for about 10 minutes before
came.  She said she had been recovering from a market she had done that

Her name is Spider (true, it's on her card!) which was funny enough.  She
talks to
angels, she says - like, watch out if you ask St Michael for something, you're
to get it but you have to clean up the mess aftwards!  We all bought beads,
and when
we'd finished, she disappeared and came back with a gift each which just
suited us
- she seemed to be able to sum us up so well - mine was an enamelled jointed
Chinese fish.

On the way out, there was a chair beside the door with two old dolls in a very
state - soot stained clothes, singed hair, very sad.   Apparently, someone
to her had had their house burned down (could have been her daughter, didn't
get all the conversation,  I was putting stuff in the car) but these dolls had
rescued and were sitting in the chair Until God sends someone to fix them.
These were her actual words, I heard them clearly.

This brought me to an abrupt halt.  My friend Marion is a porcelain doll
a kind and generous person, and very much into her church in Narooma.
to say Marion took the two porcelain dolls, another smaller doll and the poor
teddy bear.  We cradled them like children to her car, and made them all
in a special box.  Spider was so very happy, but not surprised at all, as if
knew quite well that Marion had been sent to take care of them!.

Quite an ending to our weekend!

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] not your typical Sunday morning!

2005-05-07 Thread Noelene Lafferty
It must be a slow news day there Malvary - it hasn't reached the
news here in Australia, and it has ALWAYS been dangerous to
swim in the sea or in river/creek water around Darwin.  Suicidal
would be more the word.

Noelene in Cooma, where it is well into Autumn, far from the
tropical climate of Darwin thank goodness.  I lived close to
Darwin once, marvellous experience at the time, but once was

 One of the lead stories on our news this morning was about the increased 
 number of crocodiles in northern Australia which has closed many of the 
 swimming areas in the area around Darwin.

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[lace-chat] Camilla's hats

2005-04-12 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Intrigued by the reference to lace on Camilla's hat, I've been doing a
search around and come up with this:  It's on the cbs news site.
then select interactive - Charles and Camilla from the right hand column
then What they Wore
then Photo No. 4 - I think you might be surprised with the extent of lace on 
the hat!
Also Picture 10

Noelene in Cooma


- Original Message - 
From: Barbara Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 April, 2005 5:48 PM
Subject: [lace-chat] Re: Camilla's hats

 Due to working I did not see any of Camilla's hats, there was some
 discussion on Lace Digest about her hat having French lace on it.  In

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[lace-chat] Credit cards and banks

2005-03-28 Thread Noelene Lafferty
The exchanges on this topic have been interesting, comparing the different 
systems in other

One thing not mentioned is the existence of internet banks, like INGdirect, who 
will hold your money
for you at the equivalent of or a bit more than fixed deposit rates, but you 
can transfer in to and
out from your own bank account, all with no charges at all.  At the moment, 
here in Australia I get
5.40% per annum, calculated and credit to my account monthly.  In the USA I 
think it is 2.80%,
better than the 0.5% Tamara gets.

They have no credit cards, no cheque books, no direct debit, etc.   You just 
link it with your own
bank account.

All usual disclaimers, etc., I'm just a happy customer who likes getting a 
little bit of interest on
my paltry few dollers.  My son just signed up so that he can use it as a 
regular savings account,
having a fixed sum transferred in every payday.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Salsa

2005-03-20 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Lace has a thread going about young lacemakers, and it
keeps mentioning salsa classes as attracting the young.

Salsa to me is a mixture of tomato and onion chopped
finely and used as a salad or side dish to a meal.  Obviously
you wouldn't take a class in THAT, so what on earth is

Noelene in Cooma, with autumn upon us already, with
its wonderful colours

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[lace-chat] TV soapies

2005-03-16 Thread Noelene Lafferty
I got cured of TV soapies (which The Bill became - the
original series were really good) many years ago, (like over
30!) when I used to watch Days of Our Lives.

My husband was working on a civil engineering project, and
I made friends with a group of Yugoslavian wives who spoke
little English.   They would often invite me to their places and
DOOL would be on the TV, and they would ask me to explain
the plot to them.   We would always end up laughing until we
ached at the absurdities of it and after that, I could never watch
any soapie without getting the giggles.

Same with on the street type interviews - I've got the original
video of Creature Comforts, the claymation people who made
Chicken Run and the Wallace and Grommit series, and whenever
I see someone being interviewed with a mike stuck in front of them,
I get the giggles.  (And I knew my friend had selected a better
second husband, her first was a disaster, when we watched the
Wallace and Grommit tapes before the shows had been on TV, and 
he rolled around laughing at them).

BTW, we no more think England resembles The Bill than I hope
those in the UK think life in Australia resembles the Oz soapies
we seem to export to you in large quantities).

Noelene in Cooma

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Re: [lace-chat] Australian Tea Cosies

2005-03-10 Thread Noelene Lafferty
How on earth did you come across such a fascinating competition,
Linda!I had a look at the site and I particularly like this:
There is no entry fee, no entry form and tea cosies will not be returned.

Now doesn't that save on a lot of bother for all concerned! 

Noelene in Cooma

- Original Message - 
From: Linda Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lace Chat
Sent: Friday, 11 March, 2005 4:48 AM
Subject: [lace-chat] Australian Tea Cosies

The World Tea Cosy Making Championship is now taking place in Queensland.
Further details at:-

I'm amazed that none of our Australian Arachnes alerted us to this event -
nor all the other intriguing things that seem to go on in Murilla shire !

Best wishes from
Linda Walton,
(in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.,
where I have daffodils in bloom - very cheering).

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[lace-chat] How to deal with stress

2005-02-22 Thread Noelene Lafferty
*Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're The statue.

* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

* Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.

* Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.

* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably 
worth it.

* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to 

* Never buy a car you can't push.

* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't
have a leg to stand on.

* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.

* The second mouse gets the cheese.

* When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.

* You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to
one person.

* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

* We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and
some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they
all have to live in the same box.

* A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

I think I'll adopt the first one as my personal motto.

..Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] class system

2005-02-14 Thread Noelene Lafferty
  Guess I'm a bit of a
 pie in the sky type and think everyone should be equal..but there's always
 someone more equal eh?  Sharon on sunny Vancouver Island

Was it Animal Farm the saying came from All people are created
equal, though some are more equal than others.

The theme of Animal Farm is timeless.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] British accents

2005-02-14 Thread Noelene Lafferty
That's a great article, Jenny, you should get bored more
often and see what you turn up!

BTW, do you know that Errol Flynn was Australian?

And as far as British accents go, I can NEVER hear a
British interview with the man in the street without giggling
and thinking of those wonderful people who invented
the clay motion interviews in Creature Comforts
(Wallace and Grommet, and Chicken Run).

And to carry on the link with cartoons, I found a reference
to lace+ recently in Asterix and the Belgians where he
borrows a piece of Belgian lace to use as a truce flag, and
comments are made from then on about the holes in it, etc.

Noelene in Cooma

I must be bored tonight I actually googled and found this article on the use of 
the English accent
in American films.

I'll never think of the Aristocats in the same way ever again.
now back to my UFO bruges flower lace mat

jenny barron

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[lace-chat] British Royals

2005-02-11 Thread Noelene Lafferty
 Personally, I think their time has come to quit altogether.  There will
 always be an oppressive class sytem in Britain while the royals still

I think the royals in Britain will continue to exist while tourists flock 
there to see the pagentry - imagine the UK without their tourist industry!

Elizabeth II is still the queen of Australia (and even if we decide to go
republic some day, she would still be queen of Queensland - they have
their own special act of State parliament to ensure that!).  We had a 
referendum just a few years ago to vote on whether we wished to
continue as we were or declare ourselves a republic, and the royalists
won decidedly.

Noelene in Cooma, also a typical Australian supporter of the 
status quo.  

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[lace-chat] Blonde joke

2005-02-07 Thread Noelene Lafferty
A blonde was terribly overweight, so her doctor put her on a diet.

 I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this
procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least 5

When the blonde returned, she shocked the doctor - she had lost nearly 20

 Why, that's amazing! the doctor said, Did you follow my instructions?

The blonde nodded. I'll tell you though, I thought I was going to drop dead
that 3rd day.

 From hunger, you mean?

 No!... from skipping.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Bungalow

2005-02-01 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Margot writes:
garage) is huge by any but North American standards.  My 2 bedroom 
apartment is 475 square metres (plus another 100 square metres for the 
enclosed balcony and storage locker in the basement).  .. 

Margot, are these dimensions correct?  A balcony of 100 square metres
would be say 20 metres long and 5 metres deep.  Do you mean
square feet?  My entire house is 22 metres in diameter, which is 
about 72 feet, giving a house area of 2,600 square feet. 

As if we don't have enough trouble with dates written all different
ways (117 puzzled me for a second, until I realise they meant 711),
changing from one system of measurement to another can be very

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] 30 years makes a difference

2005-01-27 Thread Noelene Lafferty
I particularly like the final line too Maxine:
Save the earth, it's the only planet with chocolate.

Must remember that - my favourite is
I don't know of a problem that can't be solved by chocolate.

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] Revocation of your independence

2005-01-27 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Polygamy, I wonder?   She doesn't seem to like it in
her own family.  (But there wasn't much fuss about Ann
and her two husbands - VBG)

No offence meant Jim, it's just we usually associate
Utah with the Mormon religion.

A man who marries two wives is a bigamist.
A man who marries more than two wives is even a bigger mystery.

Noelene in Cooma

- Original Message - 
To: Chat
Sent: Friday, 28 January, 2005 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] :-D Revocation of your independence

Thanks goodness I live in Utah.  What does the Queen have 
against us anyway?


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[lace-chat] anti-Darwin award?

2005-01-26 Thread Noelene Lafferty
Tamara, this happened within the last 24 hours or so in
California somewhere - it's on the Australian news today.
Sadly, it's for real.

Noelene in Cooma

This morning during the AM rush hour, a man decided to commit suicide 
by parking his car on the commuter railroad tracks. The car was hit 
first by a passenger train, which derailed. The mess was then hit by 
another train going the other direction, which also derailed. Ten 
people were killed and about 200 were injured.

At the last minute before the crash, the guy had a change of heart and 
got out, leaving his car on the tracks. He's unharmed.

I hope he gets life in prison with no chance of parole.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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