[lace-chat] Urgent Reply!!!Alice Howell

2019-11-19 Thread Alice Howell
How are you? I need a favor from you.


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[lace-chat] Off Site Library

2019-07-05 Thread Alice Howell
I have heard of two methods of handling an off-site guild library, so far.
1.  Each member has a list of guild books.  When they want one, they notify
the librarian to bring that book to the next meeting.  If a person wants to
browse, they must go to the librarians home.
2.  The librarian brings a small selection of books to each meeting for
members to browse.  This could be a systematic rotation of the inventory, or
the books of a specific type of lace that the guild is studying.
Either of these methods is work and effort for the librarian for each
meeting.  As long as there is a willing librarian, it can work.  It will be
interesting to see what my guild will decide.
Alice in Oregon -- where we had a sunny Fourth but today is back to cloudy and

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[lace-chat] Posts and summer

2019-07-02 Thread Alice Howell
I, also, did not get the original post but only the answer.  I had been
wondering about posts, also.  There were a bunch of them for a bit, then
Oregon varies from hot, to cloudy and damp.  We are to have two cooler days,
then clear for the 4th and fireworks.  I don't go to the local fireworks
since they moved locations and charge to get in.  I'll go the a nearby town
and listen to the local Second Winds Band at a noon concert in the park.  I
take my chair and my lace, and enjoy the music and the park with an impromptu
demo.  The afternoon will see a lesson with a student -- which will probably
be on the patio because of the weather.  I try to spend part of each day
enjoying my patio and garden.
We are just starting the summer demos with fairs and festivals.  July, Aug
and Sep are busy, sometimes 2-3 the same weekend.  My county fair is the
first of Aug, and state fair is late Aug for two weeks.  We get to demo two
days only.  There are more craft groups wanting demo space than the fair has
room for.  We have to take turns.

The guild just got notice that the place we meet is being closed, so we have
scrambled to find a new location.  The old place let us leave our locked
library bookcases in the back room, but the new place will not.  We have to
set up a new library handling system.  I will miss out on the move because my
county fair is the same time as our last meeting in the old place.  We'll
start at the new place in Sept.  It's actually about 20 minutes closer to me
so my commute will be easier.
Have a good summer, and make lots of lace.
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Urgent Favor...........Alice Howell

2019-01-16 Thread Alice Howell
How are you? I need a favor from you. 
I need to get an Gamestop Gift Card for my Nephew, Its his birthday and i
totally forgot. i can't get this for him right now because I'm currently
traveling.Can you kindly help me  get it from any store around you? I'll pay
back as soon as i am back. Kindly let me know if you can handle this.


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Re: [lace-chat] Tim Tams

2010-01-15 Thread Alice Howell
 But I love chocolate...can someone describe them in a manner that an

 American can understand (biscuit is cookie here...so I figure they are a

Years ago -- maybe 10 or 12 -- a secret pal in Australia sent me a package.  DH 
and I decided that they main difference between what we had and the Tim Tams is 
the malt flavor in the chocolate.  It was very much like eating malted milk 
balls, plus whatever center filling was added.

Our cookies tend to be basic milk chocolate or dark chocolate but not with the 
malted flavoring.  I'll have to watch and see how long it takes distribution to 
reach the far west coast of our country.  I'll have to give them another try.

Alice in Oregon -- in the first of at least five days of rain in the forecast.  
I was going to go out but think I'll wait a bit to see if the rain lessens a 
bit before running my errands.  The heat pump outside my window bounces the 
rain drops back up, so it looks like it's raining both up and down right now.

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Re: [lace-chat] Hot... what?

2010-01-09 Thread Alice Howell
My friends around here call them 'Power Surges'.

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Old??? Me??

2009-08-25 Thread Alice Howell
This is a story byDavid McClure from the Dallas News Community 

$5.37. That's what the kidbehind the counter at Taco Bueno said to 
me. I dug into my pocket andpulled out some lint and two dimes and 
something that used to be a Jolly Rancher.
Having already handed the kid a five-spot, I started to head back out
to the truck to grab some change when the kid with the Emo hairdo said
the harshest thing anyone has ever said to me.

He said, It's OK. I'll just give you the senior citizendiscount.

turned to see who he was talking to and then heard the sound of change
hitting the counter in front of me. Only $4.68 he said cheerfully. I
stood there stupefied. I am 58, not even 60 yet - a mere child! Senior citizen?

I took my burrito and walkedout to the truck wondering what was 
wrong with Emo. Was he blind? As Isat in the truck, my blood began 
to boil. Old? Me?

show him, I thought. I opened the door and headed back inside. I strode
to the counter, and there he was waiting with a smile.

Before I
could say a word, he held up something and jingled it in front of me,
like I could be that easily distracted! What am I now?


Can't get too far without your car keys, eh? I stared with utter
disdain at the keys. I began to rationalize in my mind. Leaving keys
behind hardly makes a man elderly! It could happen to anyone!

turned and headed back to the truck. I slipped the key into the
ignition, but it wouldn't turn. What now? I checked my keys and tried
another. Still nothing. That's when I noticed the purple beads hanging
from my rearview mirror. I had no purple beadshanging from my 
rearview mirror.

Then, a few other objects cameinto focus. The car seat in the back 
seat. Happy Meal toys spread allover the floorboard. A partially 
eaten doughnut on thedashboard.

than you can say ginkgo biloba, I flew out of the alien vehicle.
Moments later I was speeding out of the parking lot, relieved to
finally be leaving this nightmarish stop in my life.

That is
when I felt it, deep in the bowels of my stomach: hunger! My stomach
growled and churned, and I reached to grab my burrito, only it was
nowhere to be found.

I swung the truck around, gathered my
courage, and strode back into the restaurant one final time. There Emo
stood, draped in youth and black nail polish. All I could think was,
What is the world coming to? All I could say was, Did I leave my
food and drink in here? At this point I was ready to ask a Boy Scout
to help me back to my vehicle, and then go straight home and apply for
Social Security benefits.

had no clue. I walked back out to the truck, and suddenly a young lad
came up and tugged on my jeans to get my attention. He was holding up a
drink and a bag. His mother explained, I think you left this in my
truck by mistake. I took the food and drink from the little boy and
sheepishly apologized.

She offered these kind words: It's OK.My grandfather does stuff 
like this all the time.

All of thisis to explain how I got a ticket doing 85 in a 40. Yes, 
I was racingsome punk kid in a Toyota Prius. And no, I told the 
officer, I'm nottoo old to be driving this fast.

As I walked in the front door,my wife met me halfway down the hall. 
I handed her a bag of cold foodand a $300 speeding ticket. I 
promptly sat in my rocking chair andcovered up my legs with a 

The good news was I hadsuccessfully found my way home.  

My DH just shared this with me, so I thought I'd pass it on.
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] gasoline smell

2009-08-07 Thread Alice Howell
I'm very annoyed at my DH.  He put a gas can in my car trunk, with my lace 
stuff.  It tipped over and spilled on my lace display board, as well as on the 
carpet of my new car.

The display board is ruined...soaked.  I pulled the lace pieces off if 
immediately, but about 1/3 of them smelled. I did some quick research on the 
web, and currently have the pieces soaking in water with white vinegar.

The top carpet piece from my car trunk can't be cleaned that way (I pulled it 
out)and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it.  I have baking soda 
spread out on paper in my car (trunk and back seat) to try to get rid of the 
smell left in the car.  There must have been a bit that went all the way to the 
carpet that is glued to the sides/bottom of the trunk. 

Any suggestions?  Anyone else dealt with this problem?

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Re: gasoline smell part 2

2009-08-07 Thread Alice Howell
In the USA, 'gas' is what we call petrol.  It was clear...left no marks... but 
the smell drives me nuts.

All the cleaning suggestions for fabrics end with saying NOT to dry it in a 
dryer because any residue could combust.  Drying in air is recommended until 
any trace of odor is gone.

I may have to wash, rinse, re-soak my lace for several days before it's clear 
of the stuff.  About a dozen lace pieces got it, so far.  I'm re-checking the 
rest of the display items just in case I missed some the first time through.

I know that I wanted a new board for display since a recent demo in wet weather 
warped it, but I really didn't plan to do it right now.  A small table, a box, 
my planing book,and some other things got caught in it too.  I keep finding 
more things that smell.  The display board was foam board, so it started to 
dissolve, or at least get very soft.  

Alice in Oregon -- overcast, and supposed to rain, so I can't leave the car 
windows open today.

- Original Message 
From: Brenda Paternoster paternos...@appleshack.com
To: Alice Howell lacel...@verizon.net
Cc: Arachne l...@arachne.com
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 1:57:36 PM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] gasoline smell

Hi Alice

I'm moving this to Lace as it *is* relevant as some of your lace got 
contaminated, and you are more likely to get answers.

Fortunately it's not a problem I've had to deal with, but I have a question for 
you - by 'gas' do you mean petrol or diesel?  Petrol is what most cars used 
until quite recently, diesel is what trucks and lorries use.

Petrol is much more flamable, but very volatile and I would have thought that a 
few days in fresh air would solve the problem.In road traffic accidents 
petrol spillage is a fire hazard.   Diesel is oiler and I guess would be much 
more difficult to deal with.  A  diesel spillage makes the road very slippery 
and needs sand applied to it to stop other vehicles from skidding.


On 7 Aug 2009, at 18:00, Alice Howell wrote:

 I'm very annoyed at my DH.  He put a gas can in my car trunk, with my lace 
 stuff.  It tipped over and spilled on my lace display board, as well as on 
 the carpet of my new car.
 The display board is ruined...soaked.  I pulled the lace pieces off if 
 immediately, but about 1/3 of them smelled. I did some quick research on the 
 web, and currently have the pieces soaking in water with white vinegar.
 The top carpet piece from my car trunk can't be cleaned that way (I pulled it 
 out)and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it.  I have baking soda 
 spread out on paper in my car (trunk and back seat) to try to get rid of the 
 smell left in the car.  There must have been a bit that went all the way to 
 the carpet that is glued to the sides/bottom of the trunk.
 Any suggestions?  Anyone else dealt with this problem?
 Alice in Oregon
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Brenda in Allhallows

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Re: [lace-chat] sky blue pink

2009-05-14 Thread Alice Howell
I was raised hearing 'sky blue pink' from my parents and grandparents, so the 
expression crossed the pond.   I live in the far west of the USA.  I have no 
English ancestors but they picked it up from somewhere.

Alice in Oregon -- where my black cat just caught two mice in the basement and 
brought them up in the house to show off, and they were alive.  At least he 
does it one at a time so I have a chance to cope.

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[lace-chat] Cantu? lace on eBay - lovely

2009-05-13 Thread Alice Howell
There's a lovely eye-candy cloth on eBay.  Number  290315744166.

They have changed the page layout again... and I'm not happy.  The pictures are 
smaller so the lace doesn't show as well.  It's only the picture at the top of 
the page, and click on very tiny pictures underneath it but no 
enlargements, at least as far as I've found.  Also, the place of origin of the 
auction is missing.  And everything is in a different place, so look carefully 
to click on any feature.

Anyway this cloth would be wonderful to own, if I were rich.  It doesn't 
really match my understanding of Cantu, but it's similar, handmade, and has 
interesting little figures in it.

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] update Cantu lace

2009-05-13 Thread Alice Howell
I found out that eBay must have been partially down when I was browsing.  Now 
there's better pictures and information on all the items I was looking at last 
night.  And the pages look more normal.

The Cantu lace is NOT Cantu.  It has bobbin trails/outlines and decorative 
figures, but the fillings and connections are made with needlelace.  Don't know 
what to call it now, but it's still a lovely cloth.
290315744166 is the eBay number.

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Re poodle skirts - moved from Lace

2009-05-02 Thread Alice Howell
I'm not Clay, but you brought up a bunch of memories for me.  I grew up in that 
era but had conservative parents.  I was never allowed a poodle skirt because 
it was impractical.

Poodle Skirt -- made of a full circle of felt and decorated with a large felt 

Saddle Shoes -- shoes that had two colors of leather, usually brown and white.

This website has both poodle skirts and saddle shoes, if you wish to take a 


Bobby socks were ankle socks.  This was before the days when girls wore nylon 
stockings to school, and before the days of panty hose.   I happened to travel 
with my grandmother one year, and found out something interesting.  The girls 
in the eastern USA wore their bobby socks with the tops straight up.  The girls 
in the middle of the USA wore theirs turned halfway down, folded down in the 
middle of the cuff area.  The girls in the far west (when I lived) wore their 
socks rolled down as far as they could roll the cuff area.

In the west USA, the saddle shoes weren't quite the rage as other places.  
White suede shoes were the thing.  They were the pits to keep white, so we all 
carried little bags of chalk dust to hide dirt marks, and had special polish 
that had to be used constantly to keep the shoes white.

I moved this to Chat because it's not Lace.

- Original Message 
From: Ilske Thomsen ilske-peter-thom...@t-online.de
To: Arachne Arachne l...@arachne.com
Sent: Saturday, May 2, 2009 7:31:04 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] did you know this

Hello Clay,
could you pleas tell me how a poodle skirt, bobby-socks and saddle-shoes look 
We were wearing petitcoats under our dresses or skirts and Ballerina-shoes with 
white socks. But we didn't hear songs neither from J. P. Richardson nor Richie 
Valens.ut for sure we knew Buddy Holly and Elvis.


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[lace-chat] Re: only 1 needle (moved from Lace)

2009-04-11 Thread Alice Howell
There's more than one story from early USA history of people sharing a single 
needle.  It was passed from person to person in a set rotation.  Each lady 
saved her mending until the days she got the needle.

To keep the needle safe during transport, it was inserted in a potato.  A 
potato was easier to see and hold than the needle by itself.  One story had a 
young boy doing the transport.  As he went through the woods to the next house, 
he met a bear which scared him so much he dropped the potato.  It rolled off 
down the hill as he ran away.  He got all the people he could find to come out 
and search for the lost potato... which was eventually found.  The needle in it 
was priceless to these people because they had no way to get another one.

Alice in Oregon

- Original Message 
From: Susan Reishus elationrelat...@yahoo.com
To: l...@dont.panix.com
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:13:47 PM
Subject: [lace] 2 pins/2 pence, but only 1 needle

In 19th century USA, pins were used as an informal monetary unit... Alice
Along with Alice and Robin, it occurred to me that two pins were originally
two pence.
Like here people often interchange A long row to hoe with A long road to
tow.  I have no idea which precedes.
Since we are on the subject of pins, I have to ask a question that has kept
popping up in my mind for some time, and if anyone would know, it would most
likely be on this list.
When I was a child, I remember reading a story of a young girl who had to
carry the one sewing needle the area had, to someone else to have a chance to
do their sewing, and of course inadvertently she dropped it (and then I am
sure found it).  
Perhaps it was my unconscious predisposition to needlework, or care I used to
take to all things so they would last forever, but the story impacted me.  I
believe it may have been a story from early US history.
Does it ring any bells anyone?  I would really like to find it and share it
with my daughter.  It also seems timely since so many nowadays think of
everything as so disposable, and having one of something and caring for and
sharing it would be more substantiation in my connection with children.
TIA,Susan Reishus 

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[lace-chat] Happy Birthday Arachne

2009-04-11 Thread Alice Howell
Yes... the 12th of April, 1995, is the day Arachne came on line.  Liz Reynolds 
is the creator (and owner) of the Lace List.  Thanks so much, Liz, for thinking 
of this and having the knowledge and access to a computer that could handle the 
List.  Even though Liz is no longer a regular participant, she stills pays the 
fees and keeps the List alive.

I found the group when it was one year and one month old.  There were 300 
members at that time.  We steadily grew until we reached something like 1200 
members. I haven't seen a member analysis for quite some time, but I think our 
membership has maintained itself at roughly that size for several years.

The discussions on the List have expanded my lace knowledge tremendously over 
the years.  And it was Arachne that took me to England in 1998 for the Arachne 
98 Conference.  I probably would never have gone there on my own.  60 of the 
Arachnians spent a week together for fun and classes.

So --- Happy Birthday Arachne !!!   And many more to come (I hope).

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Alice Howell
My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006 is in 
the online archives at our local newspaper.  It is a rather good writeup 
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the interview. 
 The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed article.

It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the link:

Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and 
tomorrow.  Then cool again.

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[lace-chat] Fw: Political Spin.

2009-01-30 Thread Alice Howell
I rarely send a laugh to Chat, but this one really made me laughand I 
wanted to share it.  The original message had a picture of the guy but I knew 
it wouldn't go on the list so I left it out.

Alice in Oregon ... in dense fog.

Judy  Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern  California, was 
doing some personal work on her own  family tree.  She discovered that Harry  
Reid's  great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train  
robberyin Montanain 1889.  Both Judy and Harry  Reid sharethis common  ancestor.

On  the back of the picture Judy obtained during her  research is this 
inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse  thief,  sent to  MontanaTerritorial  
Prison1885, escaped 1887, robbed the MontanaFlyer six  times. Caught by 
Pinkerton detectives, convicted  and hanged in  1889.'

So  Judy recently e-mailed Congressman  Harry Reidfor information about their 
great-great uncle. 

Believe it or not, Harry  Reid's staff sent back the following biographical 
sketch for her  genealogy research: 
'Remus  Reid was a famous cowboy in the MontanaTerritory.  His business empire 
grew to include  acquisition of valuable  equestrian assets and intimate 
dealings with the  Montanarailroad.  Beginning in 1883, he devoted several 
years of his life to  government service, finally taking leave to resume his 
dealings  with the   railroad.In 1887, he was a key player in a vital  
investigation run by  the renowned Pinkerton  Detective Agency.  In 1889,  
Remus passed away during an important civic  function held in his honor when 
the platform upon which he  was standing  collapsed.'

NOW THAT is how it's done folks! That's  real Political SPIN.  

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Re: [lace-chat] pumpkin recipes?

2008-09-23 Thread Alice Howell
You could consider Pumpkin Soup.  You would have to roast the pumpkin first, 
then make the soup.  
Search Pumpkin Soup Recipe to get several versions.  I found one but my 
computer won't let me copy the address and print it in this email.

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Chip and pin cards

2008-08-17 Thread Alice Howell
I had little problem on my OIDFA trip while using a debit card to an account 
set up just for traveling.  A couple machines refused my card but I just went 
to another machine and it worked fine.  This is the travel money method 
recommended by USA travel books to Europe.

One problem some people have is that their PIN number is a word. USA machines 
used to have letters as well as numbers on the keys, and if a person didn't 
learn the number version of their word, they couldn't use the number only 
keypads in Europe.

I had a credit card with me in case I needed it, but didn't have to use it.  
Some hotels say they won't take a debit card, but when I got there, they 
accepted the debit card just fine.

Alice in Oregon...on the last day of a record breaking heat wave, temps up to 
105 degrees F.

- Original Message 
From: Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The article also said that the USA doesn't use chip and pin, and that 
visitors to Europe have been unable to use their credit cards in 
face-to-face transactions because they don't have a PIN (Personal 
Identification Number)..
Has this been a problem? I'm particularly thinking of those from the USA who 
attended OIDFA.

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Re: [lace-chat] What are Grits?

2008-08-01 Thread Alice Howell
Well...Where is the recipe?  My DH would like it, I'm sure.
Alice in Oregon

- Original Message 
From: Lorri Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Vickie McKinney [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Lace Chat lace-chat@arachne.com
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] What are Grits?

I didn't discover Grits until 1984 when my husband took me to meet his family
in Tennessee.  I do remember corn meal mush for breakfast as a kid in
Washington State.  But to me they are different: white vs. yellow, and the
taste is different too.

Then a friend (originally from Tenn. too) and his wife gave me a recipe for a
grits and cheese dish that is baked and we just love it.  In fact I think it
is time to make it again.  I have adapted it by adding diced onion and green
When baked I cut it in squares and my husband eats it like brownies.  It makes
a nice side dish.


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Re: [lace-chat] What are Grits?

2008-07-31 Thread Alice Howell
Grits are basically corn meal mush.  It's ground up corn, cooked like 
mush/porridge.  It's a south-eastern (Southern) dish.  It can be served just 
as cooked as a side dish at a meal, or it can be put in a breadpan and chilled. 
 It sets quite firm so it can be sliced, perhaps dipped in something (flour, 
egg, etc) and fried to heat it.  Eat with syrup like a pancake.

People from the South who eat it a lot may have some other comments.  I'm a 
Westerner who eats it only on occasion.  I like grits but I usually don't think 
about fixing them when I do meal planning.  I wasn't raised eating grits.

Alice in Oregon -- ready for Day 2 of the fair.  Everything is set up...I just 
have some more paperwork to finish.  Should be a much easier day, just long.  
Perhaps I might even get some lace made today.

- Original Message 
From: Sue Duckles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lace Chat lace-chat@arachne.com
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 4:59:37 AM
Subject: [lace-chat] What are Grits?

Hi All

On films you see people eating grits for breakfast. what on earth  
are they?  It took me long enough to figure out what hershey bars were!!

Sue in EY where it's threatening to rain!

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[lace-chat] Miracourt lace item

2008-04-16 Thread Alice Howell
Here is a Mirecourt lace piece listed as a collar. I
understood Mirecourt as being used mainly for
household used.

This looks to me like the corner off something, rather
than a collar.  Usually lace made for a collar has the
two front sections matching.  This looks like an
edging that has been neatly trimmed between repeats.

What do you think?


In case this link doesn't work, look for item

Alice in Oregon -- gray but dry day so far. 

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[lace-chat] London hotels -- results

2008-03-13 Thread Alice Howell
Thanks for all the various suggestions.  I did find a
hotel, small and basic, that's half the price of the
County Hall Inn.  It's near my train station so I
don't have to haul luggage very far.  I can travel all
over town on the bus that passes the corner of the
block.  It's also close to the tube station, but I
prefer not to ride the tube.  The bus is more

It should work very well for the short time I'm there.

Next I need to get a bus pass so I don't have to
fumble with correct change.  I can get that from my
local travel agent.

I look forward to my visit to Victoria and Albert
Museum on Sunday June 22.  If any of you are in London
on that day, you can join me.  I'll remind you later,
closer to that date.  If would be fun to meet another
Arachnian and perhaps have lunch together in the
museum's cafe.

I remember the gathering ten years ago before Arachne
98 Conference.  There were a bunch of us in London
before going to Nottingham.  We ended up with 22
people at lunch.  We took over a good part of the
museum cafe.  Then we attended a lace lecture that
happened to be scheduled that day.  Surprised the
speaker very much because she usually had only 2-3
people at a time.

My next major hotel search will be in Paris.  I don't
yet have a clue as to even which section of town would
be practical to use as a base.  My current plans will
involve three different rail stations on three
different sides of town.  I'll be studying Paris maps
and info for the next couple weeks.

Thanks again to all who gave me London hotel

Alice in Oregon -- rain again, but pink trees are
starting to show around town.

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[lace-chat] hotel blues -- London

2008-03-12 Thread Alice Howell
This is not exactly lace, so I writing to Chat.

When I was in London 10 years ago for Arachne 98, I
stayed at the County Hall Travel Inn.  I just found
out the current price of the rooms.  It's double what
it was two years ago.  I don't know if this is just
inflation, or the prices were raised because the
London Eye is just outside it's door and it has become
one of the favorite hotels for visitors.

So -- I'm looking for a modest priced bed for three
nights... looks like 3 nights June 21,22,23.  Any
suggestions?  I'll be arriving by the Tunnel Train at
St Pancreas station.

Alice in Oregon -- with a brief spot of sun in a week
of rain.  Spring trees starting to bloom.

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[lace-chat] fake election

2008-03-07 Thread Alice Howell
People in my town recently recent voting ballets in
the mail.  Our state has mail-in elections so
receiving ballots is normal.  However, I hadn't heard
of anything we were voting on in March.  Our primary
election is in May.

To my surprise, it was a fake election.  The county
had purchased a new vote counting system and wanted to
test it before the big election.  There were a variety
of 'offices' to vote people into...with either
celebrities or dead people's names to choose from. And
a few policies to vote yes or no...which were

It gave me a laugh... and is an interesting way to
test out the new system. We're turning in our ballots.
 I wonder how many people will participate.  I can
appreciate the desire to give the new machinery a test
before the major election hits it.  We didn't have any
small elections scheduled before the primary.

Alice in Oregon -- getting ready to go to a Soup
Supper at church in support of the team of young
people who travel to Mexico on spring break and build
houses.  They pay all their expenses and the building
materials for four small houses that they will work on
during their week there.  With the higher price of
petrol, they need even more funds than in the past for
the trip.  It's a worthy cause and I'm happy to help

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Re: [lace-chat] Lace 20s Cloche hat

2008-01-17 Thread Alice Howell
This was on Chat.  I'm replying to both lists.

--- Ann McClean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Found this today whilst browsing:
 Surely, it's made from machine lace?
 I'm not on lace, so feel free to forward :)
 Regards,  Ann 
 in Kerry, Mid-Wales, U.K.

Yes, I would say it's machine made lace.  There were
lots of attractive machine laces in the early 20th
century.  Some of the little details in the
pattern/construction are not true to handmade bobbin
lace.  Some of the work on the hat could have been
done by hand, but the lace itself was not.

Alice in Oregon--where I'm waiting for roads to melt
to go to a lace gathering in the next town.  I'm still
driving one-handed though I'm gaining motion and
strength in my left hand, slowly.  Can do a few
stitches before hand hurts. Looking forward to OIDFA.

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[lace-chat] Chocolate Applesauce Fruitcake

2007-12-19 Thread Alice Howell
It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep, so I
decided to share a favorite family recipe.  This was
created by my mother about 50 years ago and has been
made by various family members every year since.

Chocolate Applesauce Fruitcake

In a large mixing bowl, sift:
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
3 tablespoons powdered baking cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cloves

Make a hole in the middle of the pile of dry
ingredients. pour in:
1 16-ounce can (or 1-1/2 cups) applesauce

Make a hole in the middle of the applesauce and put
1 egg

Start mixing by beating egg briefly then mix egg with
applesauce.  Then mix everything until all dry
ingredients are moist.

Gently fold in optional additions of your choice --
about one cup total:
chopped nuts (I use walnuts)
black raisins
golden raisins
candied fruits
maraschino cherries
chopped dried apricots or other fruits

Last option -- stir in 1/4 cup brandy or sherry (I use
apricot or cherry brandy)

LAST -- stir in 1 tablespoon oil

Put in pans of your choice (not greased).  Decorate
tops with nut halves and/or maraschino cherries.

Bake at 350 degrees.

Entire recipe in a bundt pan takes one hour.
Two bread loaf pans, check at 30 minutes.
5-inch loaf pans, check at 20 minutes.

Let cool briefly, then remove from pans to cool on
rack.  When cool, wrap in plastic wrap to keep moist. 
Store in refrigerator.  Freezes well.

Note:  Makes a good chocolate cake without optional

Dried raisins and other fruits are better if plumped. 
Put in a pan, cover with water and bring to a boil. 
Remove from heat and let set 10 minutes.  Drain well.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Alice in Oregon -- where I painted holly leaves on my
new red cast in honor of the season, and plan to make
this recipe later today (with one hand)

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[lace-chat] Fruitcake correction

2007-12-19 Thread Alice Howell
The baking time is incorrect on the loaf and small
loaf pans.  I just did a couple batches.  Sorry -- I
was going by memory because my recipe lists only the
large pan.

Small loaf pans will take 30-40 minutes.
Large loaf pans would be 45-50 minutes.

I'm sure you all have ways to test if a cake is done.

Best wishes,

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[lace-chat] Oregon-Washington floods

2007-12-05 Thread Alice Howell
The Oregon and Washington coasts were pounded by
hurricane force winds for three days, and received up
to 15 inches of rain.  Whole sections of forest were
broken off.  Trees were uprooted, landslides came down
on roads and towns, and many rivers flooded -- some
with the highest ever crests.

Interstate 5 is still flooded at one point in
Washington. It's expected to be closed for several
more days.  It's the mian route between Portland and
Seattle.  To detour route around the 20 miles that are
closed takes seven hours of driving and the mountains
have to be crossed twice.  The normal drive time
between the two cities is three hours.

Many state roads are still closed and the power has
been off in some areas for five days.

I do not live in a flood zone so all I got was some
water in the basement.  I haven't looked but the cat
came back with wet feet when he went down there.

Alice in Oregon -- missing a lace party tomorrow
because of my broken wrist and a cold.

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Re: [lace-chat] what kind of mattress do you like?

2007-11-29 Thread Alice Howell
We have had a medium firm mattress that worked well
until I had arthritis in my hips.  I needed more
cushion on top of the firmness.  I couldn't justify
the cost of a new pillowtop set just for the top two
inches, and found a separate pillowtop section that
went on top our existing bed.  That two inches of
feathers made all the difference to me.  DH didn't
care -- with or without the top.  When the bed is
stripped to change bedding, I shake the feather top. 
It's been more than a year and still doing just fine,
at 1/10 the cost.

I spent a night in a hotel with a sleep number bed. 
It adjusted just fine to suit me.  It is an air bed
with a pressure control on each side.  I don't know
what happens when the electricity is out.  It may just
retain whatever pressure was last put in.  A good
question to ask.

My aunt got a tempurpedic type of bed.  She says it's
comfortable but it takes about a half hour for the
foam to shape to her body.  When she turns over, it
again takes a half hour to re-conform to the new
position.  She may have exaggerated the time but it
isn't instantly done.

Go to a bed store, or two, and just try out various
beds.  If one feels comfortable, lie there for a while
to see if it stays fine.  This may help direct you to
the type that will best work for you.

Alice in Oregon -- dreading a visit to the therapist
in the morning.  Heard too many tales of agony in
therapy. Wrist still painful without that.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am suffering from aches and pains and think that
 buying a new mattress  
 might help. 
 My leg has been very sore and cramping due to other
 orthopedic/health  issues 
 and I think a new mattress might help.
 What mattresses do people like? One friend highly
 recommends the  
 Tempurpedic, saying it has helped her and her
 husband, in their seventies and  eighties 
 to sleep very well. There is the sleep number bed,
 which seems a little gimmicky to me. 

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[lace-chat] Card Exchange -- reminder

2007-11-28 Thread Alice Howell
Card Exchange participants --

Your card mailing goal is coming soon.  We aim to mail
by Dec. 5 so the cards can be received before
Christmas no matter how far they have to travel.

Reminder -- send a scan/picture of your card or lace
to Jenny.  Tell her who made it, who it's for, and the
source of the pattern.
Jenny Brandis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Jenny also said --Last year three (3) very wonderful
ladies also gave me a copy of their own designs so
that the a file of the patterns were available for
download at 
www.brandis.com.au/2006/downloads/patterns.pdf . If 
any of you would like to do the same this year, I
again will coordinate the download file.

Jenny will let us know when the webpage is up with the

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Alice - surgery

2007-11-15 Thread Alice Howell
Just got home from hospital.  Surgery late Wed and
spent night.  Wrist worst fracture doctor had seen. 
Two pins and a clamp. In cast --- to be changed to a
metal brace later, and therapy.

Both eyes circled by purple and black and green, plus
top of cheek bones.   it would make good Halloween
makeup for a ghoul.

Good time to redraft that old pattern I want to work. 
And make plans.  Got to have some lace in my days. G

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Exchanges assigned

2007-10-28 Thread Alice Howell
All participants in the Lace Card Exchange have been
assigned their exchange partners. If you thought you
applied but did not get a partner notification, please
contact me.

We ended up with 64 card entries so we have 32 sets of
partners from 14 countries.

Shailiz, your emails keep bouncing.  Please contact

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- expecting a dry Halloween for a change

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[lace-chat] Final notice -- lace card exchange

2007-10-25 Thread Alice Howell
Today is the last day for entering the Christmas Lace
Card Exchange.

If you sign up, you would be given a partner to
exchange cards with.  The cards must have some kind of
handmade lace in or on it.  Any kind of lace is fine.

You may sign up for one, two or three exchanges.  The
cards are to be mailed by Dec. 5.

Send me your:
Number of Cards

DO IT NOW if you want to participate but haven't sent
me an email.  Partners will be notified by Monday.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] fake turkey and huge chalice

2007-10-19 Thread Alice Howell
If you want to put your mind to something strange,
tell me how I can make a fake dead turkey
.everything except the feathers.  It's for a
theater play of Christmas Carol...the big turkey from
the butcher shop that is given to the Cratchetts.

My thought was fabric, stuffed with fiber fill.  It
would be nonbreakable and easy for a child to carry. 
Someone suggested paper mache but I thought that might
be heavy.  Maybe there's another way to make one.

I also need two huge chalices...about 2 feet high. 
I'm thinking about a gallon jug, bottom removed,
upsidedown with a plastic pipe for the stem and an
upsidedown saucer for the base.  Pad and tape the
connections, then spray with gold paint. Add jewels or

I need a pitcher to match. It will probably be made
from cardboard or sheet plastic. It does not need to
hold liquid.

Any other ideas?

I think I'll go prowl through the local Good Will
store and the dollar store.  Who knows what might turn

Join your local community theater.  You never know
what you might be doing next. G

Alice in Oregon -- with wind and rain today

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[lace-chat] Card Exchange 2nd Notice

2007-10-16 Thread Alice Howell
The Lace Christmas Card Exchange is getting organized.
 Many people have already signed up for it.  If you
missed the first notice, here is a recap.

Each person who signs up is given a partner.  The two
partners exchange cards.  The card must have some kind
of  handmade lace ON or IN it.  The card itself can be
either handmade or purchased.  The lace can be any
kind of lace: needle, bobbin, knitted, tatted,
battenberg, etc.

Each person can sign up for one, two or three
exchanges.  The cards are to be mailed by Dec 5. 
Consider carefully how much time you have to invest in
this project before signing up for multiple cards but
the energetic people may do more than one.

When the cards are finished, either the sender or
receiver should scan the card/lace and send it to
Jenny at  www.brandis.com.au/2006/index.html.  Jenny
has kindly offered to post the pictures of the cards
on her website so we can all see them.  Partners
should arrange between themselves who will send the
scan.  It was suggested that you include the source of
the pattern with the scan, as well as who made it and
who received it. If the pattern is your own design,
and you're willing to share, it could also be sent to

And, of course, send a thank you to your partner so
she or he knows the card was received.

If interested, email directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Oct 25.  Then start planning/making lace.

Alice in soggy Oregon -- pondering what I'll do on my
lace card

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[lace-chat] Card Exchange -- correction -- how to enter

2007-10-16 Thread Alice Howell
If you wish to participate in the Christmas Card Lace
Exchange, you need to send me:

Number of cards (one, two, three)

Sorry I left this out of my second notice.  I'm
getting emails with only the name of the person. 
Doesn't work very well to mail a card. G

Alice in Oregon 

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Re: [lace-chat] Q, doing a cookie exchange

2007-10-14 Thread Alice Howell
I used to belong to a group who did this every
Christmas.  The basic premise is that each person will
go home with the same number of cookies that she
brought, but she will have a variety.

One key thingbring an empty container as well as
the container with your cookies!!!  Otherwize you
won't have anything to put your share in, while
waiting for your original container to be emptied.

Put all the cookies on a table.  Circle the table,
taking a cookie from each container to put in your
(empty) container.  Continue circling until you have
picked up the number of cookies that you brought. 
When you have your dozen, two dozen, three dozen etc,
you are out of the circle.

Limiting it to one or two cookies from each container
for each trip around the table will give everyone a
chance to get a full variety.  (There's always the
chance that someone will see their favorite cookie,
and want to claim the whole plateful.)

You can either specify that each person bring,
perhaps, three (four? six?) dozen cookies.  Or you can
leave it open for people to bring one, two, three,
four, five, or six dozen.  A single person may only
want one dozen in her house.  A person with six kids
would need many more.

Martha's comment on listing ingredients is a very good
suggestion, if you have anyone in your group with a
food or diet limitation.

Enjoy your exchange.
Alice in Oregon

--- Bev Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone
 Closer to Christmas I'd like to do a cookie exchange
 family. It seems straightforward, bring x dozen
 cookies at 1 dozen per x
 other people bringing cookies. Question, as I've not
 done one before - to
 anyone who has done such an exchange, any tips,
 ideas, things to avoid?
 bye for now
 Bev on a sleepy autumn Sunday in Sooke, BC (on
 Vancouver Island, west
 coast of Canada)
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Re: [lace-chat] Left or right brain?

2007-10-12 Thread Alice Howell
YikesIt keeps alternating on me.  First one way,
then the other.  And back again.  Does that mean that
my mind can't decide what it's doing

Alice in Oregon -- with 2-3 dry days before the next
series of storms.

--- Tamara P Duvall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This popped up on on of the lefty blogs I read
 (it's not serious 
 politics all the time, y'know g). Interesting...
 From the way I see 
 the figure moving (and I ain't tellin' and spoiling
 your own test), it 
 means I'm right-brain dominant. Not detail-oriented,
 among other things 
 (though, apparently, more likely to get it g)...
 Not detail 
 oriented??? I think I should quit making lace
 forthwith :)

 Tamara P Duvall   
 Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw,
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Re: [lace-chat] Left or right brain?

2007-10-12 Thread Alice Howell
--- Sue Babbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have not a clue how you make the figure look as if
 it is going anti-clockwise.

I thought it strange that the direction would change
when I scrolled down so I could not see her feet. 
When I scrolled up, she changed back.  After a bit, I
could make her change by focusing on the edge of the
picture instead of directly on her.  Our minds apply
the depth to this flat picture, and that's what makes
it appear one direction or the other.

I'm a bit ambidextrous 

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[lace-chat] Card Exchange 2007 - procedure

2007-10-12 Thread Alice Howell
A message went on the List about a Christmas Card
Exchange.  There were several immediate replies in the
affirmative, so here is the information for Chat.

I think the end of the year is sneaking up on us much
too fast.  Yes, it probably is time to be thinking of
lace Christmas cards.

I'm willing to coordinate this year, if no one else
has a great urge to do so.

Basic rules:
You trade cards with another lacemaker.  Your card
must have some handmade lace in or on it.  It can be
any kind of lace.  The card can be any kind, handmade
or purchased, as long as it has lace somewhere.  The
card should be mailed by Dec. 5 so it will arrive well
before Christmas, to be enjoyed.

Each person is allowed to sign up for one, two, or
three exchanges. 

Think carefullySign up ONLY if you are willing to
make some lace and send the card.  It is extremely
disappointing to send a card and not receive one back.
This happened to one person last year.  I hope it
doesn't happen this year.

And when you receive a card, you should email a thank
you to the sender so he/she knows it was received.

Jenny sent the following message:
 Last year I  hosted the photos on my site at
 and am willing to do so again in 2007.

It was great fun to see many of the cards last year,
so there's one more instruction:

Send a picture/scan to Jenny

If interested in participating, send an email to me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Do NOT send to the List.)  Two
weeks should be enough to think about itso send in
your name by Oct 25 (but you can start planning and
making lace right away).

Give your name, address, email, and how many exchanges
you wish to do (1, 2 or 3).

Contact me if you have any questions.
Alice in Oregon -- where clouds covered the sun, but
there's no rain.

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[lace-chat] mushrooms and spiders

2007-10-09 Thread Alice Howell
I just found some mushrooms(toadstools) in my yard
that were new to me.  I'm used to mushrooms with a
smooth rounded top and pleated spore gills underneath.
 These have just the pleated gillsno tops.  They
remind me of the neck ruffs worn back in historya
circle of pleats made of fine gauze.

The spores are only on the underside.  The top looks
like a deeply grooved button...less than an inch in
width. Pale cream in color. In the middle, where the
pleats all come together, there's a cone-shaped
indentation that's yellow in the center.

On the other half of my subject, I recently had a
spider make a web on my front porch -- between the
railing and the roof, right at eye level.  The web was
so fine that it was difficult to see.  It was
perfectly made when I first saw it.  As the days went
by, and we had some storms, the web was damaged, and
repaired.  I got to watch it closely while it was
working. I was fascinated to watch how it used it's
back two legs to control the thread it was spinning
and to attach it to the foundation threads. 

That's your biology and botany tidbits for today.

Alice in Oregon .. under gray, cloudy skies with a
wind storm on the way.

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[lace-chat] what to do with spoof messages?

2007-09-11 Thread Alice Howell
In this wide world of Arachne, someone may know where
to forward the scam messages that appear in my email.

I know scam eBay messages are forwarded to:

Scam PayPal messages go to:

What do you do with messages of false lottery wins,
bank account notices, and other fake business messages
that want your personal info?  Is there some place to
forward them?  Or just delete them?

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Alert -- Re Cell phone numbers and do not call registry

2007-09-05 Thread Alice Howell
I just looked up the webpage, and this is what is says
right at the top of the page:

Did you get an email claiming that your cell phone is
about to be assaulted by telemarketing calls because
of a new cell phone number database? Those claims are
not true. In fact, federal law prohibits telemarketers
from using automated dialers to call cell phones. You
may place your personal cell phone number on the
National Do Not Call Registry, but there is generally
no reason to do so. For more information, see the
FTC's press release The Truth about Cell Phones and
the Do Not Call Registry. 

Alice in Oregon

--- Dora Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I got this from my mother in law - took two minutes
 to register both my 
 phones (the land line as well); you can also
 register at 
 http://www.donotcall.gov   - It's a U.S. government
  REMINDER12 days from today, all cell phone
 numbers are being released 
  telemarketing companies and you will start to
 receive sale calls.
  To prevent this, call the following number from
 your cell phone:
  It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only
 take a minute of your
  It blocks your number for five (5) years.
  You must call from the cell phone number you want
 to have blocked.
  You cannot call from a different phone number.
  It takes abo ut 20 seconds.
 Dora Smith
 Austin, TX
 Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
 Checked by AVG. 
 Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.12.1/965 -
 Release Date: 8/21/2007 4:02 PM
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Re: [lace-chat] How to replace corningware dishes

2007-09-04 Thread Alice Howell
Try this webpage  -- it this it?

I searched Corningware Plates, and it came up with one
that said Corningware Just White plates -- square with
rounded corners.

If this is it, you have a style name.

--- Dora Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't find it on the corningware web page.
 Dora Smith
 Austin, TX
 - Original Message - 
 From: Alice Howell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Dora Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]; chat
 Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 3:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [lace-chat] How to replace corningware
  --- Dora Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to replace some dinnerware; I've looked
  everywhere and can't find this.   
  white, square with rounded corners, salad plates
  maybe eight inches across.
  Check with the corningware webpage to get the
  name, then search eBay for it.  I replaced an
  style of dishes for my church through eBay when a
  bunch of plates were broken.
  Alice in Oregon -- tired after a long day at state
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Re: [lace-chat] cookware for daughter

2007-09-03 Thread Alice Howell
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering what others on the list have found
 to be good quality  
 cookware at a medium price available now. 

I have, and like, Farberware.  I got my first pots and
pans in a set over 40 years ago, and am still using
them.  I managed to burn up one kettle and missed it
enough to go shopping for a replacement, thus I have
one of the newer style pot and lid.  The styles have
changed a bit over the years and there's several
styles to choose from, but the basic construction is
the same.

While I like a nonstick skillet for some things, my
main pots are stainless steel.  The Farberware has an
alumimum (or copper) core for quick heating, and the
stainless body for easy cleaning.

There's probably more than one brand of stainless pots
with a core of a quick heat metal.  Check them out.  I
suggest this basic multipurpose type of pot rather
than the all aluminum ones (too heavy).  Revere Ware
is pretty but takes more cleaning to keep the copper
bottom clean.  I think it has the same basic
construction of Farberware, but has the copper bottom

The basic sets with 3 pots and 2 pans, plus lids, is
not too many pieces of cookware to have.  You may want
to add a larger pot also.

Explore a kitchen store, or a large department store
that carries a range of brands.  You should find
something that suits your requirements.

Best wishes,
Alice in Oregon -- after a long day of demo at state fair

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Re: [lace-chat] How to replace corningware dishes

2007-09-03 Thread Alice Howell
--- Dora Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to replace some dinnerware; I've looked
 everywhere and can't find this.   
 white, square with rounded corners, salad plates are
maybe eight inches across.

Check with the corningware webpage to get the style
name, then search eBay for it.  I replaced an older
style of dishes for my church through eBay when a
bunch of plates were broken.

Alice in Oregon -- tired after a long day at state fair

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: MORE Childhood Rhymes Chants

2007-08-09 Thread Alice Howell
  Taffy was a welsh man,
  Taffy was a thief.
  Taffy came to my house,
  And stole a piece of beef.
  I went to Taffy's house.
  Taffy was in bed.
  I took the piece of beef,
  And threw it at his head.

I learned the last two lines as:

I took a marrow bone
And hit him on the head.

As a young child, I used to read the Tall Book of
Mother Goose over, and over, and over..until my
mother bought a new copy for the city library and let
me keep the old one at home.

Alice in Oregon .. cloudy and warm, but not hot --
just right for lace demo in the park this weekend.

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[lace-chat] Oregon to Oklahoma

2007-07-03 Thread Alice Howell
Just wanted to say Hi to lacemakers in Oklahoma.  I'm
here visiting this week -- outside of Oklahoma City. 
It's a bit soggy from three weeks of rain, and the
clouds are still coming.

Oregon is dryer than normal this summer, and many
towns are cancelling the July 4th fireworks displays. 
It's supposed to be over 90 degrees this week in
Oregon, hotter than Oklahoma.

I brought my lace pillow with me, and have been
working on it.  The family is getting ready to go out
for lunch and show us some of the local sites.  Must

Alice -- temporarity in Oklahoma (normally Oregon)

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] E-mail addresses and computers

2007-06-06 Thread Alice Howell
 Jacquie, preparing to be shot down in flames.

Flames Really now.  There's nothing wrong with
YOU  The problem is the 'computer'or, rather,
the computer **PROGRAMS**

Even though the messages come through the same
computer, Majordomo, our various receiving computers
have different programs and treat the material
differently.  What you see in the way of headings is
not what everyone else may see.  There are as many
versions as there are programers.

Each person has to learn how to cope with his/her own
program.  It can be a real nuisance, but we just have
to deal with it the best we can.  After all, it's the
lace and lacemaking that's important.  And our
lacemaking friends all over the world.

Alice in Oregon -- starting a project of 2 dozen lace
rose corsages, needed this time next year.  (Had to
get some 'lace' into this discussion!)

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Re: [lace-chat] English as it is Spoked

2007-05-13 Thread Alice Howell
--- Brenda Paternoster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's an official Kent County Council notice, ie
 the Local Education 

The one that bugs me is a TV advertisement for a
college.  They say that someone can get their training
in 'less hours'.  That should be 'fewer hours'.  I
guess they shorten the study time by leaving out the
language classes.

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] lap pillow .... Not

2007-04-10 Thread Alice Howell
Anyone else find the Dritz Bobbin Lace Making Lap
Pillow on eBay?  It's a Pressing (or Dressmaker's) Ham
for sewing.  I told the seller, but there's no change
or note on the auction.  No bids, either. G

Isn't it interesting how so many things get labeled
lacemaking tools?

Alice in Oregon ... laughing

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Re: [lace-chat] re: sewing with Martha, Walmart

2007-04-09 Thread Alice Howell
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Walmart I believe is getting rid
 of all their sewing departments. Here in the United
 States, Central California, the fabric stores are
 becoming few and far between and seem to be giving
 over to more crafts than sewing supplies. Is this
 the case elsewhere? 


I heard this before, so asked my local Walmart sewing
department.  I was told that the stores being
remodeled are eliminating the sewing dept. The stores
that have already been remodeled with a sewing dept
will keep it, at least for the time being. 

My town does have three fabric/sewing stores, other
than Walmart, but I still check out Walmart fabrics
when I'm in the store.  I got the bolts of fabric for
my exhibit from Walmart.  They were very cooperative
with the special order.  I hope they stay around for

Recently I found some waterproof fabric with a nice
pattern at Walmart.  I got enough to make a couple
pillow bags.  Waterproof bags are often handy in the
climate we have in Oregon.

  Hm... going to have to dig
 for that stash... does machine need a check up
 before use? probably :(  

Yes..if the machine has sat for a long time, it at
least needs oiled before using.  A complete
checkup/cleaning/servicing from your dealer might be
advised before extensive use.  When I was sewing alot,
I got it done once a year.  (Watch your local dealer
for cleaning specials.  Sometimes they do it at a
reduced price.)

There may be more sewing done in my area than in some.
 We have one long-time business by a lady who teaches
children to sew, as well as doing custom sewing for
people.  There's lots of quilting done, and quilt
shows.  The fabric stores have classes frequently. 
Sewing classes are available, at least at the high
school.  I'm not sure about the middle schools.

I belong to a very active freemotion sewing group.
I have found, though, that lacemaking cuts into my
sewing time to a great extent. G  Maybe some time
(year??) I'll finish that quilt that's waiting.

As for Martha, I'm not a fan of hers.  I don't know
that I would watch her sewing show, but if it
encourages the younger people to sew then it may serve
a purpose.  There's already three-four sewing programs
on PBS on Saturday.  There may be more on cable TV,
which I don't have.

Be creative, whether it's lace or sewing.
Alice in Oregon -- with alternate rain/hail and sun

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Re: [lace-chat] Sewing machine oiling

2007-04-09 Thread Alice Howell
 ... does machine need a check up
  before use? probably :(
 Yes..if the machine has sat for a long time, it at
 least needs oiled before using. 
 Not if a machine like Husqvarna which shouldn't be
 oiled and can, in fact, 
 be damaged by oiling.

Rightyou have to go by the rules of your machine. 
I was trained on the older machines (you are making me
tell my age G), and some of the newer ones are
sealed so the owner cannot get in them.  Mine have oil
holes for some parts, and some parts are sealed.

Servicing by the trained dealer will check on all the
belts, wheels, alignment, settings, etc.  It will also
reveal if the machine is worn out.  The last time I
had my big machine serviced, I was told that I had
almost worn out a part that couldn't be replaced.  I
now use that machine only for special things my other
machines can't do, and do most of my work on another

Be sure to clean out the bobbin holder area, and any
area you can easily reach, of thread bits and fuzz. 
You might even put in a new needle if you can't
remember how long the old needle was used.  A sharp
needle works so much better. G

Happy sewing,

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Re: [lace-chat] Dog and cat food recall (US)

2007-03-18 Thread Alice Howell
This applies to wet food -- canned or moist packets.
If you use this kind, check the webpage for the
various brands.
Alice in Oregon

--- Tamara P Duvall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Everyone who has pets may have already heard about
 it -- the recall is 
 2 days old-- but, in case you haven't... Please
 check to see if your 
 preferred brand is one of the ones being recalled;
 pets have died 
 (kidney failure) in some instances. The company
 itself is unknown to me 
 but the brand names they sell their products under
 are very common.
 And please pass it on to other people you know who
 have pets.
 Tamara P Duvall   
 Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw,
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Re: [lace-chat] Are cloves cloves, or cloves of garlic?

2007-02-19 Thread Alice Howell
I googled spanish rice clove and got a whole list of
recipes which all specified 'clove of garlic', and
none listed the spice clove.

I would say to use the garlic in the recipe in

Alice in Oregon


 Dear Dora,
 I have several editions of BHG cook books (I used
 to collect them), and 
 can't find any cloves - the spice used.  But then
 who knows what they 
 mean - I am missing the1953 edition.
 I never make a recipe exactly as the test cooks
 say we should.  The 
 cloves-the spice won't hurt the taste, and I'd
 also put a clove or two of 
 garlic in it.  Tomato  screams for garlic anyway. 

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[lace-chat] good old days

2007-02-12 Thread Alice Howell
If you want a reminder of 'the good old days', take a
look at this old pack of loo paper.


I don't remember even seeing any packaged this way in
the USA.

Alice in Oregon -- where the sun just peeked out a bit

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Re: [lace-chat] How to get rid of perennial cornflowers?

2007-02-05 Thread Alice Howell
--- Linda  Bill Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So how did he apply it?

He put the vinegar in a hand sprayer and squirted each

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Re: Spot the ....

2007-01-01 Thread Alice Howell
 it's time to 
  play Spot the first Valentine card and Spot the
 first Easter egg 

While shopping in the middle of December with DH, he
grumped to me that this store has Valentines in that
aisle.  I don't remember the store, but it was in
this small town.  I didn't want to see them, so didn't

The New Year is here, now.  I started the day by
making some lace.  New Year's Eve day, I pulled out
the neverending project that I've worked on each New
Year's Eve for the last 5 (6? 7?) years.  It's almost
a tradition now to work on this piece of lace. G 
The end is almost in sight, now, and it could actually
get finished this year if I put in a little effort. 
(Oh, my...what will I do next New Year's Eve?)

Have a Great and Lacy Year, everyone.
Alice in Oregon -- where the Year is starting wet.

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Re: [lace-chat] battenburg lace

2007-01-01 Thread Alice Howell
I suggest Lacemaking Circle. 

They have 20 styles of Battenberg tapes, plus the
Princess Lace style of tapes, and a few others.

I've never putchased tape, but I have purchased other
things from them and found the service prompt.  No
connection -- just a happy customer.

Alice in Oregon -- with a wet, gray First Day of the

--- Lynn Weasenforth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,

   I hope this new year finds you all well...I have a
 question.  Where could I find the little lace tape
 used in making battenburg lace.  Jane V. has
 inspired me to check it out and see what I can do. 
 Thank you all in advance for any advice.

   Love, Lynn
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[lace-chat] strange tool on ebay

2006-12-23 Thread Alice Howell
Since the list is quiet, I'm putting this question to
the whole List.  What is This??


Or look up item number 260067744238.

To all who celebrate Christmas, have a great one!

Alice in Oregon --where the sun is temporarily
shining.  Rain forecast for the holiday.

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Re: [lace-chat] Another American translation please

2006-12-09 Thread Alice Howell
That's how I would interpret it.  I've heard the term
but it's not one commonly used with the people I'm
around.  It's either from a previous generation, or a
different region of the country.
Alice in Oregon  -- where I missed lace meeting
because of jury duty. (sniff)

--- Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm currently reading Keepsake Crimes by Laura
 Childs, and have come 
 across something I think I know what it means, but
 I've never heard before:
 She slid a pair of bright red cheaters down her
 bony nose.
 Is this what we refer to as reading glasses, ie
 the spectacles we nearly 
 all need when we reach a certain age because our
 arms just aren't long 
 enough to get a page far enough away to be able to
 focus on it?
 Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 
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Re: [lace-chat] 'Downtown'

2006-11-30 Thread Alice Howell
In my upbringing, 'downtown' just meant the central
business area of the smallish town I lived in.

In the medium sized town I'm in now, the merchant
organization is the Downtown Association.  It's the
core area of the town -- stores, restaurants, city
hall, police, fire, county courthouse, library,
swimming pool, city park, community theater, churches,
post office -- as opposed to the shopping centers that
have developed on the outskirts of town.  This would
include an area about 10 blocks long by 4 blocks wide.

Downtown Portland would include a larger area since it
is a much larger city.  I would make a guess that an
area about 20 blocks square would fit the designation.

Does anyone from a different area of this country have
another meaning to 'downtown'?

Alice in Oregon -- with a weather warning of freezing
rain.  Portland is supposed to be ice-covered for the
morning commute.  It's raining now, so wet or ice here
depends on the air temp by morning.  I'm glad I'm

--- Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone in the US tell me what you mean by

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[lace-chat] what is it

2006-11-19 Thread Alice Howell
Here is another  'what is it' tool on eBay.  Anyone
have any ideas?


Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Don't eBay sellers make you laugh at times

2006-11-17 Thread Alice Howell
The third item is indeed a collar made of two
different pieces.  The edge section is an edging that
had the wide sections attached to make the collar
fronts.  The narrow section is the back.  To cover the
seam, a braid was added behind the seam and
embroidered leaves on top for decoration.  I'm
guessing the wider sections used to be cuffs.  This
shows how lace was re-used to fit the change of
fashion or necessity.

The 'veil shawl' is a veil.  Using it as a shawl is an
interesting adaptation.  I would suggest gathering the
center back 'neck' section if used as a shawl/collar.
However, I believe this is machine made, so all the
hand lace designations would not apply. Opinion only,
of course.  Someone else may disagree.

The lappets have been ID'd by an acredited person so
the info is correct.  Very interesting pattern. 
Someone will get a nice item.

Alice in Oregon

--- Rosemary Naish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Spiders,
 I just had to share these eBays items with you:
 Rare Antique Bucks Point Bobbin Lace Veil Shawl
   Item number: 300049064754
 Handmade Antique Tonder Chantilly Bobbin Lace
   Item number: 300049067342

 Antique Bedfordshire Bobbin Lace Collar
   Item number: 300049104647  This piece has a very
 odd (to my eyes)  
 different coloured bit/seam - has some one tried to
 join two pieces?

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Re: [lace-chat] party time, help needed

2006-11-12 Thread Alice Howell
--- Janice Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The other thing is Thanksgiving.  I am hosting that
 this year but decided to save some work by ordering
 the turkey, potatoes,
 gravy and stuffing from the local supermarket, ready
 cooked, probably as cheap
 as buying it and having the oven on most of the day.
  It will need reheating
 for about 1 1/5 hours.  Does anyone know any way of
 tarting up the bird so it
 looks more homemade,...

Hi Janice,

I've been buying my Thanksgiving dinner ready-cooked
for years from Safeway.  I think the cooked turkey
looks just like any other cooked turkey when it comes
out of the oven, warmed up.  I have to spend 2 hours
to prepare dinner -- i.e., warm up everything and add
the extras.

The turkey comes in double plastic bags.  The outer
bag is removed, and the bird is heated in the inner
bag.  The bag catches all the juices.  When it comes
out of the oven, I carefully catch all the juices. 
Since there's only two of us, half of the turkey will
end up in the freezer in small containers and covered
with the juices.

Back to the oven..I start the turkey 2 hours before
eating.  At one hour before eating, I put the potatoes
and dressing in casserole dishes and put them in the
oven, along with anything else that just needs warmed
up.  (I add already cooked sweet potatoes because I
like them better than the white ones.)  I find that
the containers the potatoes and dressing come in don't
fit in my oven very well, that's why I put them in
different dishes.

At 30 minutes ahead, I finish up with a green
vegetable, put the gravy packet in a pan of hot water,
make the salad, wrap the rolls in foil and tuck them
in the oven.

Since you're not making the whole meal, you don't have
to worry about all the food details.

DH and I can get at least four meals from this dinner,
and there's still turkey for the freezer.  This makes
the cost very low per meal, and I don't have to spend
six hours in the kitchen.  The precooked meal gives me
four hours to make lace in the living room that I
wouldn't have if I made the meal myself. G  Plus the
time I would have spent cooking on the other meals
when we eat the leftovers.

My suggestion is to check the quantity of gravy that
comes with your turkey.  Our gravy runs out before the
rest of the stuff so I usually add extra.  You can get
canned or package mix turkey gravy to have on hand for

Have fun with your two dinners.  I'm sure they will be
just fine.

Alice in Oregon -- staying in out of a storm.

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Maltese Lace on Ebay

2006-10-19 Thread Alice Howell
Hi David and Chatters,

I usually see Maltese in collars, circles or shawls. 
This is too short for a shawl, so it is probably a
table runner, as listed.

However, it is a poor example of Maltese lace.  It was
made either by a beginner or amateur who did not
understand Maltese lace.  The leaves are not the full,
fat leaves indicative of Maltese.

I hope both the buyer and seller realize this.  The
seller probably does, from the low starting price.

Isn't eBay fun?  You can see all kinds of things on

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- off to a day of informal lacemaking
with friends, the Third Thursday group.

--- David in Ballarat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Friends,
 This Maltese lace cloth is a bit different:-
 David in Ballarat

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[lace-chat] Christmas Card Exchange -last chance

2006-10-13 Thread Alice Howell
If you wish to exchange a lace Christmas Card with
another Arachnean, please sign up by Sunday Oct. 15. 
Your exchange assignements will go out soon after
Participants will be notified of a webpage to send a
scan of their card so the other people can see them.  


If you wish to participate in a Christmas Card with
Lace exchange for 2006, please send a message to me

Number of exchanges -- One, Two, or Three
 (Think carefully of how much time you have to give to
this project.)

1. An exchange is a Christmas card with a piece of
lace on or in it.  It can be any kind of lace that you
made yourself.

2. All cards should be mailed by Dec. 1 so they can be
received and enjoyed through the Season.

3. You will be paired with a partner and exchange a
card with that person.  Arrange details between

4. If you sign up, be sure that you complete your
agreement and mail your card.  Nothing is more
discouraging than not receiving one.  Notify me when
your card is mailed, and when you receive one.

5. Enjoy your lace card.

Alice in Oregon
Card Coordinator

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[lace-chat] tatting kit

2006-10-08 Thread Alice Howell
Here is something different that is a 'tatting kit'. 
Could it be for netting?


Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] laptop uses, expanded

2006-10-05 Thread Alice Howell
Hi again.  I'm getting some interesting ideas. 
Thanks, everyone.

However, no one has mentioned inventories.  Does
anyone keep their bobbin or book inventory on their
computer?  I've been using a notebook that is easy to
carry to lace days and conferences.

I need to make bobbin and thread inventories.  I'm
guessing that the spreadsheet would be a good place
for that.  It would be a good chore to get me used to
using the spreadsheet.

I'm still open to ideas.
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] laptop uses

2006-10-04 Thread Alice Howell
Greetings.  I just got a laptop computer. Now I need
to learn how to use it effectively.

What are some ways to use laptops, which may or may
not be related to lace?

Thanks for any suggestions you have.
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Christmas Card Exchange - sign up

2006-09-26 Thread Alice Howell
  Hi folks - did anyone put their hand up to
 organise this? 

I've been gone 5 days, but can't find any messages of
someone agreeing to organize an exchange.  Since no
one else has taken it on, I'm willing to set up the
exchanges, but cannot do a webpage of the results.  We
would need a person to volunteer to do so, if a
webpage is desired.  (Thanks, Barbara, for doing it
the past couple years.)

If you wish to participate in a Christmas Card with
Lace exchange for 2006, please send a message to me

Number of exchanges -- One, Two, or Three
 (Think carefully of how much time you have to give to
this project.)

1. An exchange is a Christmas card with a piece of
lace on or in it.  It can be any kind of lace that you
made yourself.

2. All cards should be mailed by Dec. 1 so they can be
received and enjoyed through the Season.

3. You will be paired with a partner and exchange a 
card with that person.  Arrange details between

4. If you sign up, be sure that you complete your
agreement and mail your card.  Nothing is more
discouraging than not receiving one.  Notify me when
your card is mailed, and when you received one.

5. Enjoy your lace card.

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] recyling, and holiday

2006-09-05 Thread Alice Howell
 Here they also collect waste every week and
 recycling only every 
 other week. 

That's the schedule for us this year, also.  However,
at the start of the year, they gave every house a
large rolling bin for recycling -- one that's big
enough to hold two weeks worth.  When we had tubs to
put things in, they picked it up every week.  I put
mine out only when I had enough to be worth the
effort. Sometimes even now I skip a pickup when I
don't have much in my big bin.

Since I don't have much trash, I signed up for the
'every other week' trash pickup.  We have the option
to do that.  The week sequence they assigned me is
opposite the recycling pickup so I have to put
something out every week.  It's a challenge to
remember which bin goes out which week. G

The chuch has enough recylcing that one bin won't hold
two weeks worth.  Finally, we got a second bin.  I
helped collect it all today and put the bins out on
the curb for early tomorrow.  Our trash company
doesn't recognize most holidays (today is a major
holiday for USA) so we had to work on the holiday.

That's the only work I did today.  I spent most of the
holiday resting or making lace.  I'm about 60 percent
done with the wedding doily.  I just spent a half hour
retro lacing since something went wrong in the design.
 I'll try again tomorrow.

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Names Titles

2006-08-27 Thread Alice Howell
 But now I'm curious:  the tendency in the US of
 children addressing
 elders by their first name;.

You brought to mind the small child of our friends who
was just learning to talk.  He could pronouce DH's
name of Chuck but not mine.  He solved it by calling
both of us 'Chuck'.  He knew we always came together
so the single name worked for him.  This went on only
a few months until his language skills developed more.
I was rather a surprise to me until I realized what
was happening.  The families parted ways before he was
old enough to say Mr or Mrs, but he did finally learn
to say Alice.

On another subject...As I got older, I was sometimes
annoyed in a medical office when a young twerp of a
girl would call me Alice.  I have since noticed that's
it's commonly done in various medical offices.  Once
in a while they will use the full name but usually
it's just the first name. 

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Women's married names

2006-08-26 Thread Alice Howell
 Following my Father's death in 1983, my mother
 absolutely refused to 
 be known as anything other than Mrs. A. Keith
 COLLYER - that is in 
 written correspondence, including the phone book -

During my years with the local utility service, we
gave widows their choice of how they wanted the name
on the account.  I think it was about even in the
numbers that kept the husband's name and the ones that
changed the first name.
Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] First names

2006-08-25 Thread Alice Howell
  My parents decided to name us so that they
 couldn't be shortened. So Jean
  for me and John for my older brother. 

You reminded me of a young couple that didn't like
shortened names, so named their son Jaz.  I often
wondered if he grew up being called Red or Buddie or
Scooter or some such nickname since his own did not
lend itself to shortening.

Alice in Oregon  -- Wedding edging 1/4 done

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Re: [lace-chat] Surnames

2006-08-23 Thread Alice Howell
Here in the USA, I'm more familiar with a woman adding
a married name to the end of the maiden name.  I have
a niece who didn't want to give up her maiden name, so
she called herself Johnson-Smith.  Her husband just
uses his name of Smith.

The best known example here is Hilary Rodham-Clinton. 
Just after her husband was elected president, she
insisted that the press use the double name for her. 

However, the Hispanic people who have moved into the
USA from south of the border usually have a double
name.  The first one is the father's family name and
the second is the mother's.

When Maria Hernandez-Vasquez marries Jose
Mendosa-Santos, their children will be known as
Mendosa-Hernandez.  The maternal name from each parent
is dropped.  Only the paternal names carry more than a
generation.  At least, this is how it was explained to

Sometimes the names are 'Americanized' and the
maternal name is dropped, leaving a single last name.
All this name stuff can be confusing to the person who
is not used to hyphenated names.

I'm from the days when it was normal for a girl to
take her husband's name.  My maiden name is still
mine, and I can use it anytime I wish -- my name, his
name, or both names.  

A person can always go to court and get his name
changed to anything he wishes.  Changing a name at
marriage is legal without going to court.  Removing a
name does take a court action, I believe.  I doubt I
ever have to find out for sure.

Now I have to go feed my (think they're starving)cats.
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] another strange 'lace' tool

2006-07-25 Thread Alice Howell
Here is a lacemaking board that's different.  Any
clues, anyone?


Alice in Oregon -- where we're gradually cooling down
to the mid 80's.  If this 'cooler' temp continues,
county fair next week might be livable.

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Re: [lace-chat] UK postal charges

2006-07-05 Thread Alice Howell
--- Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From 18th August the Royal Mail will be 
 charging postage by size as well as weight. The
 notice says small letter, large letter and packet.

The USA has had this for years.  Don't panic.  I'm
sure you'll learn the dimensions allowed for small
letter, etc, quite quickly, and adapt to it. Our small
letter is large enough for business mail and greeting
cards -- most routine mailing items.  If it's big
enough for flat sheets of paper or if it is over 1/4
inch thick, yes, it will cost an extra 23 cents over
the normal weight postage.  The bigger packages go on
the Parcel Post rates.  Size/weight specifics can be
found on the web.

I think the USA does this because of machine
processing.  The oversize/overweight items have to be
done by hand.  The standard sized mail can go through
the machine for stamp cancelling and zipcode sorting. 
It's the price of progress. G Packages are always
hand processed because the the variety of shapes/sizes
that's received.

Let us know when you learn more about the specifics. 
It might affect just a small portion of your mailings.

Lace note -- I finished the needlelace sampler flower
that I began at conference 3 weeks ago.  Now I need a
tiny vase to hold it.

Best wishes,
Alice in Oregon -- where the weather is cooling down. 
It's cloudy again.  

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[lace-chat] strange bone spindles-eBay

2006-07-01 Thread Alice Howell
These are not bobbin lace spindles, but they are
interesting.  Do you know what they are?

Antique Ivory or Bone Tatting Tools Spindles Lace 
Item number: 20982193  

Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] embroidery tool

2006-06-30 Thread Alice Howell
Take a look at something I've never seen before.

Antique MARVEL HAND EMBROIDERER Embroidery Sewing Tool
*** Item number: 290002437572 

Even from the pictures, I'm not sure how it worked to
embroider something.  It looks more like a punching
device for rugs.

Anyone seen this before?
Alice in Oregon -- continued very warm weather but not
quite as scalding as last week.

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Re: [lace-chat] USA soccer

2006-06-12 Thread Alice Howell
Soccer was introduced into the elementary school I was
teaching in 35 years ago (USA).  It is popular in the
town where I now live.  There are school soccer teams,
and out-of-school soccer leagues.  The city has a park
devoted to soccer with six fields on it.

Baseball, in and out of school, is still popular,
also.   Soccer is more available to kids who can't
afford the more expensive equipment and clothes for
baseball leagues.  (I think soccer gives them more
excercise than baseball.) Some kids play both sports.

I have a sister-in-law who runs an indoor soccer
business with two fields.  It is steadily in use from
noon till midnight every day, year round.  It is very
funny to watch the games of the under-5 age teams.

There are probably towns in the USA that don't have
soccer programs, but it is more common than many
people realize.  Watch out in future years as our
young people grow up with the sport, and build their
skills.  USA may make a better showing some day at the
World Cup.  (And 'heads off' to those commentators who
act as if soccer is unknown in the USA.)

Alice in Oregon -- only two days till conference.  I'm
now figuring out how to transport all the boxes of
decorations, favors, door prizes, etc in as few trips
as possible. (How did I end up with all this stuff???)

--- Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just watrching USA playing football against the
 Czech Republic ..and it got me wondering how the
 came about. We don't hear 
 about it being played in schools, only American
 football and baseball..

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[lace-chat] beginner pillow etc

2006-06-05 Thread Alice Howell
Someone in UK should look at eBay Item number:
8289288250 .  It's a pillow, 24 bobbins, and all but
the last 4 inches of a lace edging.  The lace should
be finished, and the equipment would be great for a
beginner.  Shipping gets to be a bit much all the way
across the pond or I would be very tempted.

Alice in Oregon

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RE: [lace-chat] To those born in the 1940's, 50's, and 60's !!

2006-06-01 Thread Alice Howell
--- Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Our town air raid sirens are also still used as a
 flood warning, about once
 a year they are tested 

On the Oregon coast, sirens like this are used for
sunami warnings.  To keep from terrifying the people
during a test, instead of a siren, they broadcast a
cow mooing.  Weird, but not scary.
Alice in Oregon

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Lace pillow maker? on ebay

2006-05-26 Thread Alice Howell
Unusual lace pillow -- and described by someone who
knows little about it.  The closest pillows I can
think of to this style would be Italian, not English. 
There's very little bobbin surface.  I think it would
work mainly for a narrow edging.

It looks like a piece of machine lace wrapped around
the roller.

It's not northern European because the drawer is on
the left side.  That was unlucky in some countries.

I wonder if the price was originally $35, and someone
slipped a zero in to make it look more valuable.  If
someone paid $350 for it, they were foolish.

Another possibility is that this is a former museum
piece, and the donee inflated the value for a tax

Maybe it's someone's attempt at a travel pillow.  It
is rather small.

Thanks, Jean, for finding this interesting item.

Alice in Oregon -- during a damp week

--- Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is an intriguing description for an item on
 ebay. Firstly does the 
 seller really mean pillow maker? Secondly, where
 in England would it have 
 been used? I always thought it was the large bolster
 for Bucks point or 
 Bedfordshire, or the small ball-shaped Honiton
 pillows that were used - any 
 cloth and stuffed with readily available straw so it
 was cheap and easy to 
 And I'm sure the original retail wouldn't be
 $350.00. For a start, sold in 
 England, the price would be in pounds or guineas
 (1GBP 5 pence), and it 
 certainly wouldn'd have started ife at that kind of
 Rare antique English lace pillow maker. 9 3/8 inches
 x 12 inches x 7 1/2 
 inches tall. Original retail $350.00
 And what is that around the roller?

 or tinied:
 or search for item no 6283457875
 Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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[lace-chat] mystery tool

2006-05-14 Thread Alice Howell
Since things are quiet, does anyone have any idea what
this item is?

Search the item number or put in the words lace tool

Happy Mother's Day -- in the USA.
Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] What's the term?

2006-05-03 Thread Alice Howell
My town had a doctor named Dr. Cure and a policeman
named Officer Law.

Alice in Oregon

--- chh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can think of two more candidates for the
 nominative determinism list: 
 Dr. Bird is a retired professor of ornithology at
 The College of William  
 Mary and Chris Moneymaker won the World Series of
 Poker a few years ago 
 (along with a lot of cash!).

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Re: [lace-chat] Gammon

2006-04-22 Thread Alice Howell
My dictionary lists the word four times with
completely different sources and meaning.  The second
one is listed as British Informal -- misleading or
nonsensical talk.  There's also a nautical term, a
backgammon term, and a word for ham.

I don't use the word in any of the forms, though I
remember reading it in books, probably from British
authors.  The meaning is usually understandable from
the context of the story.

Alice in Oregon -- sun, breeze, flowers blooming

 Lynn wrote:
 The only place I've ever seen gammon was in
 Beatrix Potter's The Pie and
 the Patty-Pan, where the magpie says Gammon and

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Re: [lace-chat] The verb to bags

2006-04-21 Thread Alice Howell
I don't remember ever meeting up with 'bags' used this
way.  We did use 'bagged' to mean obtaining something.
 The dictionary has a meaning (British) for 'bag' that
is the limit of game allowed on a hunting expedition. 
I grew up hearing 'I bagged my deer'.  The dictionary
also had one usage under --bagged, bagging, bags ---
that was 'to gain possession, capture.  I heard the
term enough to know what was meant, but don't remember
using it beyond the hunting connutation.

I think we used 'got dibs' or 'dibs on...' when we
claimed possession of something.
--I got dibs on the front seat.
--Dibs on the blue ball.

These terms are as much family background as regional.
 I grew up in the Northwest USA, next door to
Washington where Lorri is.

But right now I got dibs on my bed.  Tomorrow will
be another busy day.

Alice in Oregon -- 55 days till NW Conference

--- Lorri Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have never heard this -in Washington State, the
 Pacific Northwest USA.
   - Original Message -
   From: David in
   Dear Friends,
   I was listening to the radio this morning and
 there was a fascinating
   discussion about the verb to bags. . 
   It means to choose, I got there first, it's
 mine - all sorts of
   connotations. I would love to know how widely it
 is understood. Examples of
   its use are:-
   - I bags the bone from the leg of lamb
   - I bagsed it first

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[lace-chat] Kortelahti book on eBay

2006-04-12 Thread Alice Howell
The Kortelahti book Bobbin lace Patterns 1998 is on
eBay right now -- due in six days.  It is listed as
'Bobbin lace patterns english is one language'.

This is a small booklet, but it has the angel pattern
that I used for my ornament exchange last year.  If
you are in the USA, especially west coast, this might
be a good chance to get a copy.

I won't be bidding on it since I already have the
book. G

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] Eel Killing Tool - Poland, Germany

2006-04-01 Thread Alice Howell

Try Eel Spear.  That might be what you are looking
Alice in Oregon

--- David in Ballarat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Friends,
 I have been asked by a friend to ask my resources
 (aka lace-chat) if anyone
 knows of a supplier for a tool which is used to kill
 eels in Poland, Germany
 Apparently this thing consists of two prongs to hold
 the eel down and a 3rd
 prong which is operated from the long handle and
 shoots through its head
 even a proper name for this tool would be a help so
 I could search on
 My friend is anxious to acquire large numbers of
 these tools for use in
 Australia's Northern Territory to kill the Cane
 Toads which have invaded
 from Queensland.
 David in Ballarat
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Re: [lace-chat] Blow the dust

2006-03-01 Thread Alice Howell
I have always liked to do 'creative' things.  That
could be anything from sewing to woodworking.  There
is always some sort of thread/textile project on the
go.  There are times I'm not enthusiastic about the
household chores, like dishwashing, but I enjoy seeing
the completed job.  Somehow, dusting is not really on
my list of 'creative' projects. G

My do-it-yourself project right now is refreshing my
living room and dining room.  We've bought new carpet
to be put down as soon as I get all the 'junk' removed
from the rooms.  After 35 years in this house, we have
a great number of things taking up space that we don't
really need. G  Along with the carpet is new window
treatment.  I have new curtains to put up, with the
valances to be edged with bobbin lace -- purchased
from eBay, not made by me.  I have enough 3 edging
for all the windows.

I've now decided to do the same in the bedroom, but it
will have a different lace on it -- probably crochet
that looks like bobbin lace from a distance.  I hope
to get the additional curtains tomorrow when I go
through the next town on the way to lace meeting.

Some of my pillows are now in wreath containers or
very large zip bags, to stay out of the dust.  I know
that plastic bags are not the best storage, but if I
rotate the usage of the pillows so they are not always
in plastic, I think they will be OK.

DH found the wreath bags on clearance, and bought me
all that were left.  I have more than I need, so I may
have to put some on the consignment table at Lace Day.

Speaking of the project on hand, I'd better get back
to it.

Happy lacing, 
Alice in Oregon - where I saw my first spring tree in
full blossom today

--- Janice Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Before I vacuumed and dusted today
 I had grouted the floor in the bathroom, doing my
 bit to speed things up.  I do keep all my lace
 pillows in progress under cover in the dining room
 at the moment, but all this construction work is
 cutting into my time to work on my competition piece
 this year.

   When I was grouting the shower last week I thought
 to myself that the Queen must miss out on all that
 kind of fun, having others to do the work for her. 
   Do other lacemakers like to do diy stuff?

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Re: [lace-chat] ebay ?

2006-02-24 Thread Alice Howell
--- Melinda Weasenforth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just a
 question, this item is on ebay, but the person says
 that there is not shipping
 and handling because after she receives the money
 she will email a copy to the
 winner, is that legal?  its ebay item

Yes, it's probably legal.  The material is older than
1923.  It is most likely no longer under copyright. 
The cost is very low.  You can buy it from her, or you
can search out a copy, scan it into your computer page
by page for yourself.  Your cost and time for doing
this would be much more than the $4 price on the email

When a person gets this long email, it can be saved to
CD if preferred.  Since it's not shipped, there would
be no shipping cost.

This is just a modern version of the photocopied books
and articles offered on eBay.

Alice in Oregon -- PNW Conference registration starts
March 1

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[lace-chat] lace and chicken

2006-02-10 Thread Alice Howell
Here is an ebay postcard auction with a slightly
different theme.

Look for Item 7388662702.

Alice in Oregon  -- where it's cold but sunny today

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Favorite Authors

2006-02-01 Thread Alice Howell
No one yet has mentioned my favorite -- Anne
McCaffrey, not only for her various science fiction
and fantasy series, but also for her biographies and
(believe it or not) romance.

And there's the long time popular Agatha Christie.

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace-chat] thistle bookmark

2006-01-20 Thread Alice Howell
Hi,  I made a Beds fan in colors.  The traditional
Beds methods do not translate readily to colors, so
adaptations must be made.  I had to have one color
just cross under a trail to continue on the other side
instead of trading pairs with the trail.  There was
also extra starting and stopping of threads for the
color changes.  Doing what must be done to get the
color where you want it, must come ahead of strict
traditional methods, but the results can be wonderful.

Be adventuresome and give it a try.
Alice in Oregon -- where the rain is going to ease off
for a few days

--- Janice Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Patty wrote:
   I have a Beds Piece in colors and it was colored
 according to the part, red poppies, 
 golden barley, green stems, yellow sunflowers. 
 Beds is not given to be made in color, but when I
 got the spirit of it, I was hooked.  The principal
 difficulty,  ahem! Challenge, is to find ways to
 change colors.  I just checked and my picture of it
 is still on the Arachne webshots.

 I think I have looked at this before but did not
 study it.  It is a very neat design and I love the
 changing colors.  May I ask how you did the barley
 leaves as I thought that in Beds the side leaves
 were worked by pairs that go into and out of the
 center stalk?  Did you have to keep removing a color
 worker or did you carry it along some how?
   On the large flower, did the worker threads go
 into the center as on my computer it appears to be
 all green in the center?

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Re: [lace-chat] eBay item mailing rules 7378547733

2006-01-03 Thread Alice Howell
I just spent a length of time browsing through PayPal
policies.  All I can find is that the rules of the
shipper must be followed.  For USPS mailing rules,
this is the reference:

Seller Tools - PayPal Shipping - U.S. Postal Service

 Does U.S. Postal Service® offer insurance?

 Yes, indemnity coverage is available online through
PayPal for up to $500.00 USD for lost, rifled, or
damaged articles. Insurance available at post office
locations provides coverage up to $5,000.00 USD.
Insurance purchased online cannot be combined with
additional insurance purchased at a post office. 

You can purchase USPS insurance online with: 
Express Mail® - Express Mail provides insurance up to
$100.00 USD free of charge. Additional incremental
insurance up to $500.00 USD costs $1.00 USD. 
First-Class Mail® parcels 
Priority Mail® 
Parcel Post® 
Global Express Mail - Global Express Mail provides
insurance up to $100.00 USD free of charge. Additional
incremental insurance may be purchased at a local post

For Global Airmail Parcel Post®, you may purchase
insurance at the post office. The amount of insurance
coverage is contingent upon the destination country.
For Global Priority Mail®, insurance is not available
for purchase online or at the post office.

Summary, as I see it -- Global Express has some
insurance built it.  Global Airmail regular depends on
the receiving country.  The lowest level, Global
Priority, has no insurance.

I think the policy stated on that eBay auction is
really the seller's policy, not Paypal.  Or it's the
rule in one of the countries that he/she has shipped
to.  The rules for sales in UK and other countries may
be entirely different. 

If someone wants to bid on this item, perhaps they
should question the seller, first, for the source of
the statement.

Remember -- you can find 'anything' on eBay!!!  G

Alice in Oregon -- where it's my DH's birthday, and I
sent a balloon bouqet with jellybeans to him at work. 
I trust it will make his workday a bit more

--- Malvary J Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Was just having a look at e-bay, and found this
 item.  Was interested that the
 shipping to anywhere non-US is $25 because,
 according to them, PAYPAL policy
 is that anything sent outside the US must be
 insured.  This is the first time
 I've heard that - is that a fact?  

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Re: [lace-chat] Boxing Day poem

2005-12-25 Thread Alice Howell
--- Noelene wrote:

 Twas the day after Christmas
 And all through the home
 There was nothing but silence
 And an occasional moan.

This does not quite apply to the lacemakers in our
area, so I was tempted to write my own version of what
will happen in the morning:

'Twas the Day after Christmas
and all through this place
is much bustle and scurry
as we pack food and lace.

Shirley invited us to
Lace And Potluck lunch.
We don't want to miss a minute
with that lacemaking bunch.

Lacemakers and husbands
will gather to spend
this day after holiday
with laughter and friends.

Shirley is our hostess
for this day full of cheer,
and we pack up the goodies
for lunch we'll have there.

Famous White Bean Chili
with Chicken is the prize,
so we bring the rest
to make a feast, no surprise.

Pack up the pillow--
remember the stand.
Show and Tell items
are much in demand.

Several hours of lacing
with chatter and drink,
is a good way to spend
a dull day, I think.

The Husbands disappear 
until the food is around.
They have their own fun
out of our sight and sound.

All the work at home
can just wait a day.
We have a fun way
to spend Boxing Day.

Alice in Oregon -- at the end of a wet and quiet
Christmas, but
looking forward to Monday.

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Schneeberg doily-solution

2005-12-17 Thread Alice Howell
Just a note to the list that I sent a detailed
possible solution to Jane.  If anyone else wants it,
please contact me.

Happy lacing -- and Merry Christmas,
Alice in Oregon -- cold, mostly clear, but rain coming
which will freeze and make a real mess tomorrow.

--- Jane Dobinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All
 I am working on the Schneeberg doily on page 137 in
 75 Quick  Easy by
 Veronica Sorenson.  I am ready to do the centre
 filling and am finding it
 quite a puzzle!  If anyone has suggestions for the
 working path of the plaits,

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[lace-chat] Advent calendar memories

2005-12-07 Thread Alice Howell
Speaking about advent calendars made me remember what
my mother did.  The first Christmas each of us had
away from home, she made an Advent Box.  There was
something wrapped up for each day of December up to
Christmas.  The packages were numbered, and we had to
seach  for the right one each day.

The first year she spent December alone after Dad
died, I made her a box.  It can be interesting, and
even challenging, to find 25 small gifts for a person.

Maybe, today, I'll get my Christmas wreath out of the
attic and get it decorated for this year.  I save the
grapevine base and put fresh greenery on it each year.
 I made the base from a single, long, vine several
years ago.  It has very large fir cones hanging from
it.  With a red ribbon, and fresh greens, it looks
quite gay (and unique).

Alice in Oregon -- where it's very cold, foggy, and
there's snow on the higher elevations but not in my

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