[lazarus] automatic unit adding

2006-02-21 Thread Pēteris Bērzs-Bērziņš

Thing, good to 
TIdSyslogServer unit IdSysLogServer is added automaticly, but units 
IdSysLogMessage andIdSocketHandle must be added 
Would be great if 
related class definition would be added automaticly.
Maybe same problem 
somwhere else.


Re: [lazarus] TListView selection

2006-02-21 Thread George Lober



This feature does not work under win32. I have attached a patch that
should fix this.




I have a bit of a problem. I have a form which has two TListViews. I
need to make a selection on each one and have it remained selected on
both while clicking on other components. Under Windows this does not
happen. When I click on a ListView the previously selected one
unselects. Clicking on a TEdit box also unselects the ListView. I
suppose having one thing focused at a time is desirable most of the
time, but is a problem for me in this case. This doesn't apply to Linux
where its the other way around. Any Suggestions ?



Thanks for the quick response. When you say 'This feature does not work 
under win32', Is your patch a permanent  fix meant for Lazarus, or are 
you  suggesting for me to use only ?


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[lazarus] Profiling code

2006-02-21 Thread David Righart


I like to profile my code with Lazarus or FPC. I tried to use the 
{$PROFILE ON} tag in the code and also the -pg option to fpc. In both 
situations I got an linker-error. The linker says he can't find the 
option -lc. In the file link.res the following section is displayed:


Normally when I compile only the following is displayed:


Are the different 4 lines libraries that must been linked to profile? 
Where can I find these libraries?

Has anyone experience with the option {$PROFILE ON}? Or is there another 
way to profile your code?

Thx in advance, David.

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Re: [lazarus] TListView selection

2006-02-21 Thread dhkblaszyk
It's supposed to be a patch to fix it permanently. I was working on it
some months ago but never come around to submitting the patch. If memory
serves me right there is however still an issue but I cannot remember
exactly what. Anyway it works with me.
I'm not good with widgetsets so hopefully someone with more knowledge can
asses it better.




This feature does not work under win32. I have attached a patch that
should fix this.



I have a bit of a problem. I have a form which has two TListViews. I
need to make a selection on each one and have it remained selected on
both while clicking on other components. Under Windows this does not
happen. When I click on a ListView the previously selected one
unselects. Clicking on a TEdit box also unselects the ListView. I
suppose having one thing focused at a time is desirable most of the
time, but is a problem for me in this case. This doesn't apply to Linux
where its the other way around. Any Suggestions ?


 Thanks for the quick response. When you say 'This feature does not work
 under win32', Is your patch a permanent  fix meant for Lazarus, or are
 you  suggesting for me to use only ?


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Re: [lazarus] VitrualTreeView

2006-02-21 Thread Razvan Adrian Bogdan
I have an older version of this component from one month ago, then it
was unusable, i managed to install it but it had serious painting
bugs, i will try again hopefully with more luck this time, TreeView
also has some bugs but the what makes this component so useful is
probably it's speed and flexibility, getting it to work would be great

On 2/19/06, Darius Blaszijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is anybody using VirtualTreeView? I've been trying to install the stable
 reelease and CVS version but on both accounts I get a compile error (this
 is the actual messag without anything else) and the package is left out for
 Lazarus to compile.
 Haven't looked into it deeper yet, thought I would ask first.


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Re: [lazarus] VitrualTreeView

2006-02-21 Thread Andrea Mauri

I use VirtualTreeView (CVS) with lazarus (SVN) and it works. (Win XP).

Razvan Adrian Bogdan wrote:

  I have an older version of this component from one month ago, then it
was unusable, i managed to install it but it had serious painting
bugs, i will try again hopefully with more luck this time, TreeView
also has some bugs but the what makes this component so useful is
probably it's speed and flexibility, getting it to work would be great

On 2/19/06, Darius Blaszijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is anybody using VirtualTreeView? I've been trying to install the stable
reelease and CVS version but on both accounts I get a "compile error" (this
is the actual messag without anything else) and the package is left out for
Lazarus to compile.
Haven't looked into it deeper yet, thought I would ask first.


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Andrea Mauri
PhD student - Chemical Sciences
Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Milano-Bicocca 
P.zza della Scienza, 1
20126 Milano - Italy

Tel: ++39 02 64482801

Re: [lazarus] TListView selection

2006-02-21 Thread Dan
It's a bug #0001657 
(http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php?id=1657). If you have 
patch, please send it to Vincent or publish it.

Thanks DAN

- Original Message - 
From: George Lober [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] TListView selection



This feature does not work under win32. I have attached a patch that
should fix this.



I have a bit of a problem. I have a form which has two TListViews. I
need to make a selection on each one and have it remained selected on
both while clicking on other components. Under Windows this does not
happen. When I click on a ListView the previously selected one
unselects. Clicking on a TEdit box also unselects the ListView. I
suppose having one thing focused at a time is desirable most of the
time, but is a problem for me in this case. This doesn't apply to Linux
where its the other way around. Any Suggestions ?


Thanks for the quick response. When you say 'This feature does not work 
under win32', Is your patch a permanent  fix meant for Lazarus, or are you 
suggesting for me to use only ?


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Re: [lazarus] New Project Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:27:27 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good afternoon,
 I would like to present a small study about New Project and File - 
 New dialogs on various IDEs as well as proposals to improve and modify 
 the existing dialog for Lazarus.
 Here are images of New Project dialogs from various IDEs:
 The Dialog for Visual Basic is almost identical to the Qt Designer dialog.
 Now, go to Lazarus and select File - New. You can see the 
 difference, can't you?
 The current File - New dialog on Lazarus certainly does it's job, but 
 it could be much better. What I would like to propose is to improve it's 
 usability and design, specially for new users.

I'm not sure, that the above examples are easy for new users. 

 The idea is to give enought information for someone that knows almost 
 nothing about Lazarus to create a new project of various kinds. Of 
 course, this alone is very little but it's a start. The complement of 
 this is the documentation. Both the Wiki and the reference.
 Now, back to New Project dialogs. I find that Qt Designed / Visual 
 Basic dialog is the easiest for the users. It allows quick access to the 
 most used things upon project start up, but it doesn't provide 
 description for the itens. One problem it doesn't fit well with the 
 current IDE mode, because Recently Opened files can be accessed by other 
 parts of the IDE, and the last used project is always reloaded, so this 
 dialog loses it's advantages, unless the IDE is modified.
 I propose using a dialog similar to the Net Beans one. The user needs to 
 choose a category and then a project type.

.. and then setup some parameters.

 Categories / Project Types could be:
 * File *
 -- Unit
 -- Form
 -- Data Module
 -- Custom Program
 -- Text
 Those currently exist
 -- Custom Control
 creates a unit with a frame for a TCustomControl descendent. Maybe allow 
 the programmer to choose from which class to descend?

Controls (this includes frames) are not yet supported by the designer.
And IMO it is always a better idea to put custom controls into packages.

 -- Dialog
 Simple dialog with some buttons (Ok, Cancel, Help) on a part of it. 
 Maybe various dialogs with various buttons positions?

See Michaels. project templates.

 -- Thread Object
 TThread descendent
 -- XML File
 Puts a xml header and one node perhaps.
 * Project *
 -- Graphical Application
 Uses the LCL and has auto-created forms.
 -- Console Application
 -- Custom Program
 -- Library
 Does our library template need a big notice not to use ansistring on dll 
 parameters like Delphi has??? I'm not sure, but I think it needs.


 -- Windows Device Driver
 Requires special compile options, and some special things. I still need 
 to test this.
 -- CGI Application
 Like Console Application probably, but with a big comment that explain 
 very, really very basically how CGI scrips work. There is a wiki article 
 about CGI on Free Pascal Wiki.

Just install the cgilazide.lpk.

 -- Unix Daemon
 -- Windows Service
 * Package *
 -- Standard Package
 Currently exists
 -- IDE Plugin
 I don't know how ide plugins work, so others might be able to help here.

It's a package with IDEIntf as requirement. Atm there are at least 8
different IDE 'plugin' types.


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[lazarus] One more development group with Lazarus/FP as primary language

2006-02-21 Thread bobby
Someone from this list may remember me, as I have had a lot of help from 
the people posting on this mailing list.

I'm a member of MC AV-Team, the team that as a primary occupation has a 
testing of antivirus programs.

Our new, partially finished site, is at http://avtest.mycity.co.yu
Our programs are developed with Lazarus/Free Pascal.
If there will be interested developers, the programs will be open-sourced.
At the moment our team is composed from:
- me, less experienced programmer, working only in Lazarus 
(Windows/Linux). I'm the man with the idea, and one that 'spams' other 
organizations mailboxes until I gain a proper attention :)
- two developers, more experienced, working in Delphi, but moving slowly 
to Lazarus
- site administrator, experienced in Delphi, but moved to C++ a couple 
of years ago. Now, he is moving to Lazarus.
- two members on the forum, professional developers, working in Delphi 
(I help one of them to move to Lazarus/Linux), helping us a lot by 
giving advices and tips. Their contracts do not allow them to join us, 
but they are always there, behind the corner ;)

Apart from our development of some apps, we have cooperation with some 
serious organizations/groups:

- Nepenthes team (http://nepenthes.sourceforge.net/)
- ClamAV (http://www.clamav.net/)
- Distributors of the following anti virus programs for Serbia: 
Kaspersky, F-Secure, AVG, BitDefender. Over the distributors, we also 
have contacts with Kaspersky Lab, and with F-Secure.

I hope that there is a clear picture that we have a chance to be a 
recognized player on antivirus-testing scene.
We also contribute back to antivirus developers, by committing the 
unrecognized malware samples (off course, after the tests are published).

Apart from the whole anti virus thing, we are also the administrators 
and moderators of www.mycity.co.yu forums (in former Yugoslavian 
languages). The forum is of general discussion genre, with an accent on 
tech questions and problems.
We have a section dedicated to Delphi/Lazarus/Pascal on the forum, so 
the Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian-speaking Lazarus users can gain some help 
from us on that forum.

Summary, what is this mail about:
- I want to say that Lazarus/FreePascal has gained one more 
organization/group, that uses it as a primary development language
- I want to attract more developers, interested in making programs for 
testing the abilities of anti virus programs
- I want to let you know that Lazarus is also supported by our forums (I 
hope this will be also a advertisement for Lazarus). I hope you will not 
have something against, if we sometime just translate 
Wiki/forum/mailinglist posts into Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian language. We 
are just willing to help the people that do not speak English, thus cant 
ask the questions on Lazarus forums/Mailing list.

I apologize because of my English, I hope its understandable.

Boban Spasic aka bobby

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Re: [lazarus] New Project Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Lord Satan
  I propose using a dialog similar to the Net Beans one. The
  user needs to choose a category and then a project type.
 I don't think this is a nice dialog. I would hate such
 dialog, it's too slow. For simple forms/datamodules,
 it's too heavy, and that is what you create most of all.

I am with Michael on this one.
I don't see much benefits in the examples you showed, as none of the dialogs 
offers more functionality but just some colorfull icons (read bloat).
If anything I'd like to see the Lazarus dialog look a little like the eclipse 
'new project'-dialog, as it offers the same functionality as now and looks a 
little nicer (i don't need the icons btw) I just don't like the separate 
description widget to the right. 

Description: PNG image

RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this 
text at altavista.com but result was not clear enough. 
Can you please explain this to me and if possible manage 
to make sample file downloadable again.

It's OK, Now I realized how it works. I did download the file, thank you.

I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose 
Building All, modified html is also recompiled.

I found a couple moste instances of same Font initialization and insert same 
line. Now, I have almost result as in your 
http://mx.geocities.com/jesusrmx/lazarus/images/tpipro_gtk1.png but I could 
make the next step. Strange.

Because I'n not familiar to Linux system issues I would like to ask a couple of 
elementary questions:
- Are all fonts available to all applications?
- Is there any permission stage I have to set before run my application?

I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported 
on my ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive 
sample files.

I apologize, I had to read your commetns further. DefaultTypeFace property is a 
suggestion right? Instead of setting this in the code.

Regards, Panagiotis

-Original Message-
From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:48 AM
To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

 Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is late
 here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.

I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it again. Next 
time I got the message:
‘Lo sentimos! este sitio estα temporalmente inaccesible. 
El sitio que estαs intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de transferencia de 
datos. El acceso a este sitio serα reestablecido dentro de una hora. Por favor, 
intenta nuevamente mαs tarde. 
Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra αrea de ayuda para informaciσn 
y asistencia.

Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at altavista.com 
but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain this to me and if 
possible manage to make sample file downloadable again.

iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
at this point insert a line so it should look like: iphtml.pas:9135 
Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET; iphtml.pas:9136 
Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;

I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All, modified 
html is also recompiled.

The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that,
it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
it's checked. 

I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my 
ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample files.

My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded
but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.

I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to Konquaror, page is not 
shown properly. I also checked it with a hex viewer. Is it possible charset to 
be changed by browsers on the fly?

A final weird thing, from a old post from you I have a screen
shot that show that tpipro rendered correctly greek chars, 
http://www.magentadb.gr/ftp/paint-selection-sample.jpg how is 
that it worked before but actually it doesn't?.

This screen shot it taken on Windows. I do not have problems on Windows 
probably because all texts are treated as  non-Unicode, 1 byte per character. 
Proper code page in the font is selected by .charset property of components.

Regards, Panagiotis

-Original Message-
From: Jesus Reyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 2:14 AM
To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Subject: Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

- Original Message - 
From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

 Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tommorow morning. It is late
 here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.
 Yes, this is correct, I feel I will find the solution investigating
 your source code.

Oops, I made the package before I make the last screenshot, to make the 
screenshot I modified iphtml.pas so it uses by default GREEK_CHARSET, if you 
want to try with your copy of iphtml.pas this is what I did:


Re: [lazarus] Profiling code

2006-02-21 Thread Giulio Bernardi


I like to profile my code with Lazarus or FPC. I tried to use the 
{$PROFILE ON} tag in the code and also the -pg option to fpc. In both 
situations I got an linker-error. The linker says he can't find the 
option -lc. In the file link.res the following section is displayed:

and follow instructions.

Note: it's still not very-well tested. FPC 2.0.2 for win32 has a bug that
prevents profiling from working.
You need a fpc snapshot (2.0.3 or 2.1.x) for profiling to work on win32.
I think that if you use the fpc distributed with lazarus there should be
no problems.


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Re: [lazarus] New Project Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 14:23:03 +0100
Lord Satan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I propose using a dialog similar to the Net Beans one. The
   user needs to choose a category and then a project type.
  I don't think this is a nice dialog. I would hate such
  dialog, it's too slow. For simple forms/datamodules,
  it's too heavy, and that is what you create most of all.
 I am with Michael on this one.
 I don't see much benefits in the examples you showed, as none of the
 dialogs offers more functionality but just some colorfull icons (read
 bloat). If anything I'd like to see the Lazarus dialog look a little like
 the eclipse 'new project'-dialog, as it offers the same functionality as
 now and looks a little nicer (i don't need the icons btw) I just don't
 like the separate description widget to the right. 

I think too, that icons does not make sense for such abstract items. The
best or maybe the most scaring example is the Delphi screenshot.
A context sensitive description is very important. And if we use a multi
page setup like eclipse, then the description should be placed above.

What we need:
At the moment you can register items. In fact, all what you see in the
dialog are registered items.
We should extend the interface to easily setup this multi page setup.
And we should add a some items to easily create new project types, file
types and package types (etc.).


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[lazarus] Parameter not used ...

2006-02-21 Thread Andreas Berger
I know that this question should go to FPC, but since I am not on that 
mailing list I am hoping some kind soul will answer this here :-)

When I compile a Lazarus project from the command line I get a HINT for 
every parameter not used in the method. This is ok if it is my method, 
but methods used by events must have these parameters to work. I know I 
can use the {$HINTS OFF} option to disable all hints, but that is not 
really a good idea. Is there any way to disable only that one specific hint?


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Re: [lazarus] Parameter not used ...

2006-02-21 Thread Tony Pelton
On 2/21/06, Andreas Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that this question should go to FPC, but since I am not on that
 mailing list I am hoping some kind soul will answer this here :-)

 When I compile a Lazarus project from the command line I get a HINT for
 every parameter not used in the method. This is ok if it is my method,
 but methods used by events must have these parameters to work. I know I
 can use the {$HINTS OFF} option to disable all hints, but that is not
 really a good idea. Is there any way to disable only that one specific hint?

not really what you are asking but ...

i've noted, in bits of sample source, that some people do :

if(Sender = Nil) Then ;

... at the top of the event procedure.

it took me a little while to realize why people were putting this into
their event procedures.

it seems strange to me to inject extra ops into your code to avoid a
compiler hint ... but what do i know.



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Re: [lazarus] Parameter not used ...

2006-02-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Dienstag, den 21.02.2006, 17:45 + schrieb Tony Pelton:
 On 2/21/06, Andreas Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know that this question should go to FPC, but since I am not on that
  mailing list I am hoping some kind soul will answer this here :-)
  When I compile a Lazarus project from the command line I get a HINT for
  every parameter not used in the method. This is ok if it is my method,
  but methods used by events must have these parameters to work. I know I
  can use the {$HINTS OFF} option to disable all hints, but that is not
  really a good idea. Is there any way to disable only that one specific hint?
 not really what you are asking but ...
 i've noted, in bits of sample source, that some people do :
 if(Sender = Nil) Then ;
 ... at the top of the event procedure.
 it took me a little while to realize why people were putting this into
 their event procedures.

in C they do just sender;, much worse :)

 it seems strange to me to inject extra ops into your code to avoid a
 compiler hint ... but what do i know.

yeah.. weird :)

That hint about unused parameters is well-meant, but it will just always
spam the programmer with spurious things :)

It probably would be nice to be able to turn them (only them) off as a
compiler setting, yeah... (and, arguably, those hints turned off by



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Re: [lazarus] Parameter not used ...

2006-02-21 Thread Andreas Berger

Danny Milosavljevic wrote:


Am Dienstag, den 21.02.2006, 17:45 + schrieb Tony Pelton:

On 2/21/06, Andreas Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know that this question should go to FPC, but since I am not on that
mailing list I am hoping some kind soul will answer this here :-)

When I compile a Lazarus project from the command line I get a HINT for
every parameter not used in the method. This is ok if it is my method,
but methods used by events must have these parameters to work. I know I
can use the {$HINTS OFF} option to disable all hints, but that is not
really a good idea. Is there any way to disable only that one specific hint?

That hint about unused parameters is well-meant, but it will just always
spam the programmer with spurious things :)

It probably would be nice to be able to turn them (only them) off as a
compiler setting, yeah... (and, arguably, those hints turned off by

Ideally this hint would be disabled for all methods in the published 
sections and enabled for those in the public, protected and private 

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Re: [lazarus] New Project Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
 I am with Michael on this one.
 I don't see much benefits in the examples you showed, as none of the
 dialogs offers more functionality but just some colorfull icons (read
 bloat). If anything I'd like to see the Lazarus dialog look a little like
 the eclipse 'new project'-dialog, as it offers the same functionality as
 now and looks a little nicer (i don't need the icons btw) I just don't
 like the separate description widget to the right.

Ok, maybe you don`t need a description, but do you really thing that
someone new to Lazarus will find that a easy to use dialog? Will he
understand at all what all options mean? I don`t think so.

About icons, they are widely used as metaphors since perhaps Apple II,
20 years ago. Why go back in time to old and unused User Interface
designs?? none of the listed IDE don`t use icons. If well used they
can do much good to the usability and appearance of the dialog. Ok,
maybe big icons without a explanation like Delphi has are bad, but
what about small icons like on Eclipse?

 Just install the cgilazide.lpk

Ok, we *really* need better documentation. I`ve being using the Wiki a
lot and already sent a patch to the online docs and I had never, ever
heard about that.

I would even add that dialogs should have a Help button, possibly
linking to the Wiki.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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Re: [lazarus] New Project Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Vincent Snijders

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

I`ve being using the Wiki a
lot and already sent a patch to the online docs and I had never, ever
heard about that.

I am sorry a patch got lost.

Can you send it again?


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Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Jesus Reyes

- Original Message - 
From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

  Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is late 
  here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.
 I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it again. 
 Next time I got the message:
 ‘Lo sentimos! este sitio estα temporalmente inaccesible. 
 El sitio que estαs intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de transferencia de 
 El acceso a este sitio serα reestablecido dentro de una hora. Por favor, 
 intenta nuevamente mαs tarde.
 Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra αrea de ayuda para 
 informaciσn y asistencia.
 Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at altavista.com 
 but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain this to me and if 
 possible manage to make sample file downloadable again.

This would be something like:

'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try again 
If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information and 

Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.

 iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
 at this point insert a line so it should look like:
 iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
 iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
 I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All, modified 
 html is also recompiled.

Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a font that 
has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm file all 
references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font installed it should 
work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk default font does support 
GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't know a straight way to find this, 
but I guess it should be in some gtk rc file. To be sure what fonts you have 
that support GREEK_CHARSET try the fontsenum lazarus example project.

 The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
 it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
 it's checked. 
 I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my 
 ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample files.

This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost 3 
months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you will lose 
your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice tables rendering ;)

 My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded 
 but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
 chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
 confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
 the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
 charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
 with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.
 I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to Konquaror, page is not 
 shown properly. I also checked it with a hex viewer. Is it possible charset 
 to be changed by browsers on the fly?

I think that transcoding is a posibility but I'm not sure in what circunstances 
it gets triggered, if you want, please make a zip of your htm file and sent it 
to me in private.

 A final weird thing, from a old post from you I have a screen 
 shot that show that tpipro rendered correctly greek chars, 
 http://www.magentadb.gr/ftp/paint-selection-sample.jpg how is 
 that it worked before but actually it doesn't?.
 This screen shot it taken on Windows. I do not have problems on Windows 
 probably because all texts are treated as  non-Unicode, 1 byte per character. 
 Proper code page in the font is selected by .charset property of components.

That explains the screenshot, and probably also why doesn't work in linux, 
either you don't have Arial font installed or the font doesn't support 
GREEK_CHARSET (provided that you have the same component charset adjusment)

 Regards, Panagiotis

Jesus Reyes A.

Correo Yahoo!
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Re: [lazarus] Interbase library

2006-02-21 Thread SteveG

Thanks Joost - working find now
does SqLite work using SqlDB, or is it seperate ?

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 09:26 +1000, SteveG wrote:

Now I know I haven't a clue :)
If I remove the Interbase unit, Laz can no longer find the TIBDatabase / 
query / trans

So I assume from your examples I need IbConnection in the uses as well?
When I compile the alisttables.pp example, I get the error 
'SqldbExampleUnit.pp(80,72) Warning: Constructing a class 
TIBConnection with ab

stract methods' - which brings me back to where I began to have problems

I was already affraid that you would see that. But if you take a good
look, you'll see that these are only warnings, and yo can ignore them.
The examples will compile.

These warnings are fixed in the latest svn-development branche, and I
admit it's somewhat confusing. 


Could you let me know how to correctly compile your examples please - 
I'm sure I can work it from there

Just did as you did above, and ignore the warnings.


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To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
   unsubscribe as the Subject
  archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
 Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
 font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
 file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font 
 installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk 
 default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't 
 know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk 
 rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET 
 try the fontsenum lazarus example project.

I decided to update ip before any other step in order to make use of all
improvements made to the component. So, I found this site for updating:

But, I found that version there is older than one already installed on
my system. Can you please guide me to how and where I can update 

BTW: Why there is no debian package available for Lazarus and it's

Regards, Panagiotis

Στις 21-02-2006, ημέρα Τρι, και ώρα 08:06 -0600, ο/η Jesus Reyes έγραψε:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: lazarus@miraclec.com
 Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
 Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.
   Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is late 
   here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.
  I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it again. 
  Next time I got the message:
  ‘Lo sentimos! este sitio estα temporalmente inaccesible. 
  El sitio que estαs intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de transferencia 
  de datos.
  El acceso a este sitio serα reestablecido dentro de una hora. Por favor, 
  intenta nuevamente mαs tarde.
  Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra αrea de ayuda para 
  informaciσn y asistencia.
  Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at 
  altavista.com but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain this 
  to me and if possible manage to make sample file downloadable again.
 This would be something like:
 'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
 The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
 The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try again 
 If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information and 
 Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.
  iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
  at this point insert a line so it should look like:
  iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
  iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
  I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All, 
  modified html is also recompiled.
 Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a font 
 that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm file all 
 references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font installed it 
 should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk default font does 
 support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't know a straight way to 
 find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk rc file. To be sure what 
 fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET try the fontsenum lazarus example 
  The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
  it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
  it's checked. 
  I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my 
  ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample files.
 This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost 3 
 months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you will lose 
 your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice tables rendering 
  My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded 
  but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
  chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
  confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
  the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
  charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
  with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.
  I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to Konquaror, page is not 
  shown properly. I also checked it with a hex viewer. Is it possible charset 
  to be changed by browsers on the fly?
 I think that transcoding is a posibility but I'm not sure in what 
 circunstances it gets triggered, if you want, please make a zip of your htm 
 file and sent it to me in private.
  A final weird thing, from a old post 

Re: [lazarus] New Project Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 16:57:30 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am with Michael on this one.
  I don't see much benefits in the examples you showed, as none of the
  dialogs offers more functionality but just some colorfull icons (read
  bloat). If anything I'd like to see the Lazarus dialog look a little
  like the eclipse 'new project'-dialog, as it offers the same
  functionality as now and looks a little nicer (i don't need the icons
  btw) I just don't like the separate description widget to the right.
 Ok, maybe you don`t need a description, but do you really thing that
 someone new to Lazarus will find that a easy to use dialog? Will he
 understand at all what all options mean? I don`t think so.

I guess, he meant the description should be put above instead of right.

 About icons, they are widely used as metaphors since perhaps Apple II,
 20 years ago. Why go back in time to old and unused User Interface
 designs?? none of the listed IDE don`t use icons. If well used they
 can do much good to the usability and appearance of the dialog. Ok,
 maybe big icons without a explanation like Delphi has are bad, but
 what about small icons like on Eclipse?

IMHO the Delphi icons are a good (or better say: most deterrent) example for
wrong used icons. Most of the items are abstract and have no visual meaning.
It does not make any sense to draw them so big. For example if you don't
know, what a 'component' is, the cog wheel, or whatever it is, won't help. 
When I used Delphi, the icons confused me. I learned to ignore them.
The netbeans icons are better, as they are smaller and the text is bigger.

  Just install the cgilazide.lpk
 Ok, we *really* need better documentation. I`ve being using the Wiki a
 lot and already sent a patch to the online docs and I had never, ever
 heard about that.
 I would even add that dialogs should have a Help button, possibly
 linking to the Wiki.

Good idea.


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   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:09:16 +
Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
  font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
  file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font 
  installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk 
  default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't 
  know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk 
  rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET 
  try the fontsenum lazarus example project.
 I decided to update ip before any other step in order to make use of all
 improvements made to the component. So, I found this site for updating:

That's the most recent lazarus version.

 But, I found that version there is older than one already installed on
 my system. Can you please guide me to how and where I can update 

Where do you got the newer version? 

 BTW: Why there is no debian package available for Lazarus and it's

No one had the time, to create debian scripts, or to update the old ones.


 Regards, Panagiotis
  21-02-2006, __ __, __ __ 08:06 -0600, __/__ 
 Jesus Reyes :
  - Original Message - 
  From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: lazarus@miraclec.com
  Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
  Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is
late  here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.
   I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it
   again. Next time I got the message: -
   ___Lo sentimos! este sitio est__ temporalmente inaccesible. 
   El sitio que est__s intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de
   transferencia de datos. El acceso a este sitio ser__ reestablecido
   dentro de una hora. Por favor, intenta nuevamente m__s tarde.
   Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra __rea de ayuda para
   informaci__n y asistencia. -
   Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at
   altavista.com but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain
   this to me and if possible manage to make sample file downloadable
  This would be something like:
  'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
  The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
  The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try
  again later.
  If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information
  and support.'
  Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.
   iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
   at this point insert a line so it should look like:
   iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
   iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
   I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All,
   modified html is also recompiled.
  Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
  font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
  file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font
  installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk
  default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't
  know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk
  rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET try
  the fontsenum lazarus example project.
   The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
   it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
   it's checked. 
   I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my
   ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample
  This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost
  3 months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you
  will lose your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice
  tables rendering ;)
   My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded 
   but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
   chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
   confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
   the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
   charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
   with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.
   I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to 

Re: [lazarus] One more development group with Lazarus/FP as primary language

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 14:20:19 +0100
bobby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Someone from this list may remember me, as I have had a lot of help from 
 the people posting on this mailing list.
 I'm a member of MC AV-Team, the team that as a primary occupation has a 
 testing of antivirus programs.
 Our new, partially finished site, is at http://avtest.mycity.co.yu
 Our programs are developed with Lazarus/Free Pascal.
 If there will be interested developers, the programs will be open-sourced.
 At the moment our team is composed from:
 - me, less experienced programmer, working only in Lazarus 
 (Windows/Linux). I'm the man with the idea, and one that 'spams' other 
 organizations mailboxes until I gain a proper attention :)
 - two developers, more experienced, working in Delphi, but moving slowly 
 to Lazarus
 - site administrator, experienced in Delphi, but moved to C++ a couple 
 of years ago. Now, he is moving to Lazarus.
 - two members on the forum, professional developers, working in Delphi 
 (I help one of them to move to Lazarus/Linux), helping us a lot by 
 giving advices and tips. Their contracts do not allow them to join us, 
 but they are always there, behind the corner ;)
 Apart from our development of some apps, we have cooperation with some 
 serious organizations/groups:
 - Nepenthes team (http://nepenthes.sourceforge.net/)
 - ClamAV (http://www.clamav.net/)
 - Distributors of the following anti virus programs for Serbia: 
 Kaspersky, F-Secure, AVG, BitDefender. Over the distributors, we also 
 have contacts with Kaspersky Lab, and with F-Secure.
 I hope that there is a clear picture that we have a chance to be a 
 recognized player on antivirus-testing scene.
 We also contribute back to antivirus developers, by committing the 
 unrecognized malware samples (off course, after the tests are published).
 Apart from the whole anti virus thing, we are also the administrators 
 and moderators of www.mycity.co.yu forums (in former Yugoslavian 
 languages). The forum is of general discussion genre, with an accent on 
 tech questions and problems.
 We have a section dedicated to Delphi/Lazarus/Pascal on the forum, so 
 the Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian-speaking Lazarus users can gain some help 
 from us on that forum.
 Summary, what is this mail about:
 - I want to say that Lazarus/FreePascal has gained one more 
 organization/group, that uses it as a primary development language


 - I want to attract more developers, interested in making programs for 
 testing the abilities of anti virus programs
 - I want to let you know that Lazarus is also supported by our forums (I 
 hope this will be also a advertisement for Lazarus). I hope you will not 
 have something against, if we sometime just translate 
 Wiki/forum/mailinglist posts into Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian language. We 
 are just willing to help the people that do not speak English, thus cant 
 ask the questions on Lazarus forums/Mailing list.

You are welcome to create extra sites about lazarus. Just add notes and
links to the original site, especially the wiki, so that people will find it
and extend it. There are still forums and sites asking questions about
lazarus, that are already answered in the wiki and there are answers, that
are not yet in the wiki.

 I apologize because of my English, I hope its understandable.


 To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe as the Subject
   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

[lazarus] Showing URL in default browser

2006-02-21 Thread Darius Blaszijk

What could be considered as a platform independent 
way to show an URL in the default browser? Under windows it would be something 

ShellExecute(0, 'open', MyURL, nil, nil, 

But it relies on the windows unit. I believe that 
Lazarus relies on thedefinition of the browser executable and launching it 
with the URL as parameter. Is this the way to go?


Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
 Where do you got the newer version? 

Sorry, probably compared worng files.

 This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost
 3 months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you
 will lose your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice
 tables rendering ;)

Even latest version at http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk/ does
not support DefaultCharSet property. What is the version and source of

Regards, Panagiotis

Στις 22-02-2006, ημέρα Τετ, και ώρα 00:27 +0100, ο/η Mattias Gaertner
 On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:09:16 +
 Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
   font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
   file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font 
   installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk 
   default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't 
   know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk 
   rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET 
   try the fontsenum lazarus example project.
  I decided to update ip before any other step in order to make use of all
  improvements made to the component. So, I found this site for updating:
 That's the most recent lazarus version.
  But, I found that version there is older than one already installed on
  my system. Can you please guide me to how and where I can update 
 Where do you got the newer version? 
  BTW: Why there is no debian package available for Lazarus and it's
 No one had the time, to create debian scripts, or to update the old ones.
  Regards, Panagiotis
   21-02-2006, __ __, __ __ 08:06 -0600, __/__ 
  Jesus Reyes :
   - Original Message - 
   From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: lazarus@miraclec.com
   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
   Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.
 Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is
 late  here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.

I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it
again. Next time I got the message: -
___Lo sentimos! este sitio est__ temporalmente inaccesible. 
El sitio que est__s intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de
transferencia de datos. El acceso a este sitio ser__ reestablecido
dentro de una hora. Por favor, intenta nuevamente m__s tarde.
Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra __rea de ayuda para
informaci__n y asistencia. -

Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at
altavista.com but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain
this to me and if possible manage to make sample file downloadable

   This would be something like:
   'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
   The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
   The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try
   again later.
   If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information
   and support.'
   Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.

iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
at this point insert a line so it should look like:
iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;

I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All,
modified html is also recompiled.

   Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
   font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
   file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font
   installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk
   default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't
   know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk
   rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET try
   the fontsenum lazarus example project.

The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
it's checked. 

I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my
ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample

   This could be a problem, it means that you 

Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
 ...support GREEK_CHARSET try the fontsenum lazarus example project.

I can't find an example project with this or similar name, can you
please guide me?

Regards, Panagiotis

Στις 21-02-2006, ημέρα Τρι, και ώρα 08:06 -0600, ο/η Jesus Reyes έγραψε:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: lazarus@miraclec.com
 Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
 Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.
   Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is late 
   here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.
  I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it again. 
  Next time I got the message:
  ‘Lo sentimos! este sitio estα temporalmente inaccesible. 
  El sitio que estαs intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de transferencia 
  de datos.
  El acceso a este sitio serα reestablecido dentro de una hora. Por favor, 
  intenta nuevamente mαs tarde.
  Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra αrea de ayuda para 
  informaciσn y asistencia.
  Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at 
  altavista.com but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain this 
  to me and if possible manage to make sample file downloadable again.
 This would be something like:
 'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
 The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
 The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try again 
 If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information and 
 Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.
  iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
  at this point insert a line so it should look like:
  iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
  iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
  I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All, 
  modified html is also recompiled.
 Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a font 
 that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm file all 
 references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font installed it 
 should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk default font does 
 support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't know a straight way to 
 find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk rc file. To be sure what 
 fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET try the fontsenum lazarus example 
  The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
  it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
  it's checked. 
  I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my 
  ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample files.
 This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost 3 
 months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you will lose 
 your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice tables rendering 
  My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded 
  but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
  chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
  confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
  the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
  charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
  with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.
  I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to Konquaror, page is not 
  shown properly. I also checked it with a hex viewer. Is it possible charset 
  to be changed by browsers on the fly?
 I think that transcoding is a posibility but I'm not sure in what 
 circunstances it gets triggered, if you want, please make a zip of your htm 
 file and sent it to me in private.
  A final weird thing, from a old post from you I have a screen 
  shot that show that tpipro rendered correctly greek chars, 
  http://www.magentadb.gr/ftp/paint-selection-sample.jpg how is 
  that it worked before but actually it doesn't?.
  This screen shot it taken on Windows. I do not have problems on Windows 
  probably because all texts are treated as  non-Unicode, 1 byte per 
  character. Proper code page in the font is selected by .charset property of 
 That explains the screenshot, and probably also why doesn't work in linux, 
 either you don't have Arial font installed or the font doesn't support 
 GREEK_CHARSET (provided that you have the same component charset adjusment)
  Regards, Panagiotis
 Jesus Reyes A.
 Correo Yahoo!
 Espacio para todos 

Re: [lazarus] Showing URL in default browser

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 00:40:28 +0100
Darius Blaszijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What could be considered as a platform independent way to show an URL in
 the default browser? Under windows it would be something like: 
 ShellExecute(0, 'open', MyURL, nil, nil, SW_SHOW);
 But it relies on the windows unit. I believe that Lazarus relies on the
 definition of the browser executable and launching it with the URL as
 parameter. Is this the way to go?

It would be nice, if someone would write a package with a component to start
a browser. Preferably without opening a new page/tab on every call.
I added examples/openbrowser/.
Maybe you want to add the above command for windows.


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Re: [lazarus] Showing URL in default browser

2006-02-21 Thread L505

  It would be nice, if someone would write a package with a component to start
  a browser. Preferably without opening a new page/tab on every call.
  I added examples/openbrowser/.
  Maybe you want to add the above command for windows.

 This problem is very hard to solve on Unix. I can´t imagine a solution
 that isn´t Desktop-specific or browser-specific.

 Currently on Virtual Magnifying Glass I simply call mozilla-firefox to
 open the page on linux and do a ShellExecute on Windows. Even then, on
 some distros the firefox executable has a different name =/

 I´m not saying it can´t be done, but I´m raising some difficulties and
 asking for ideas on how to solve them =)

Where's the the Lin32 API when you need it?  (Ermm.  good quote of the year)

Does firefox have some sort of API that allows users to remote control it from
another process? Does *NIX itself offer any standard inter-process communication
tactic or must each program contain a home brewed custom server damon (written
from scratch each time) to receive unix sockets or other API/remote

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Re: [lazarus] TTimer

2006-02-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:44:48 +
Tony Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 this is on Win32.

Hi Tony,

it is a little ot but I really like to know which OpenGL headers you are using 
on windows.

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Re: [lazarus] lightweight http

2006-02-21 Thread Juan Martinez
Ales Katona [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  Juan Martinez wrote: Hi all I'm looking for a very lightweight http component, I don't need  browser capabilities, even not html procesing, just sending, receiving  and parsing http headers are needed. Anyone knows about such a component? I've seen httpclient unit in the fcl, but I don't know how to use it. thanks Juan Martinez __ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/You should be able to use Indy or Synapse which already support http protocol.If you really want a lightweight component then you can wait for lNet
 (actualy called Lightweight Networking) to add http in version 0.4 (current is 0.3.1). You can check that out at http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/LNetI don't know the link to Lazarus Indy, but you can find synapse at http://www.synapse.ararat.cz/Ales_ To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with"unsubscribe" as the Subject   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchivesThanks a lot, Synapse seems to be the right one for me.Juan  __Correo Yahoo!Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/ 

Re: [lazarus] TTimer

2006-02-21 Thread Tony Pelton
hi satan,

On 2/22/06, Lord Satan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:44:48 +
 Tony Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  this is on Win32.

 Hi Tony,

 it is a little ot but I really like to know which OpenGL headers you are 
 using on windows.

i'm using the GL,GLU and GLUT units that come with the standalone
compiler from freepascal.org.

i'm probably a little weird, in that i'm really just using the Lazarus
LCL stuff as a set of units for my development.

i don't use the Lazarus RAD at all.

i'm doing all of my development in the FPC console IDE or using the
command line compiler.

i just point the FPC IDE at the Lazarus units that I need to build my code.

as i indicated with this post, part of that journey led me to discover
the OpenGLContext component in the Lazarus 'components' ... which is
kind of cool because it allows me to embed an OpenGL window inside of
an LCL GUI very simply.

i still have to compile my OpenGL paint code for the OpenGLContext
control against the OpenGL units that come with the FPC compiler.

your faithful minion ...


X-SA user ? 0.4 is out !

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[lazarus] keyboard events

2006-02-21 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

can someone help me out with an example or a pointer or something to
how to do keyboard processing.

i'm using TApplication.AddOnKeyDownHandler() to catch keyboard events
in my application.

my event fires.

my problem is, i have no idea how to implement key handling code.

i assume that the information i need/want is in the argument of Type
Word that gets passed to my event handler (along with the modifier).

i don't see any helper classes or unit functions that help me
process those events into something that i can write some code around
for dealing with different keypresses.

i took a look at the Keyboard unit, but that units looks like it is
designed/intended for doing keyboard handling closer to the metal.

can someone point me at a basic snippet or some doc that shows me how
to deal with the paramters in the event callback to get meaningful
keypress information ?


X-SA user ? 0.4 is out !

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Re: [lazarus] Showing URL in default browser

2006-02-21 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
On 2/21/06, L505 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where's the the Lin32 API when you need it?  (Ermm.  good quote of the year)

Lol! Like people say here. It doesn't exist yet, but fell free to
implement it. r

 Does firefox have some sort of API that allows users to remote control it from
 another process? Does *NIX itself offer any standard inter-process 
 tactic or must each program contain a home brewed custom server damon (written
 from scratch each time) to receive unix sockets or other API/remote

You don't need a Firefox API to do this. Just send the shell command:
mozilla-firefox www.google.com and if firefox is already open, it
will open the page without opening a new instance. I tested here, try
on your command line with firefox already open. If you want it to open
a new instance, there is probably a command line switch for this.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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[lazarus] LazReport License change

2006-02-21 Thread Jesus Reyes

- Original Message - 
From: Jesus Reyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] [patch] printers4lazarus

  --- Christian Ulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  works great for me with Lazreport (what about the licensing
  problems with lazreport any progress ??)
 No progress at all, still waiting response.
 About this I believe that there should be no problem using lazreport
 in commercial applications, lazreport is distributed under LGPL
 because it uses FreeReport code which is LGPL, FreeReport as far as I
 know may be used in commercial applications (just you don't get all
 features or support of FastReport)and so LazReport may be used too. I
 know there is some concern about the runtime-linking issue, but afaik
 the same applies to FreeReport.
 To be sure let's give them a couple of days more and then I will try
 some other path.

Well it took more than a couple of days but I finally got the answer, in short 
they agree so thanks to the FastReport Team and specially to Michael 
Philippenko and Emil Biserov LazReport is now officially released under the 
same LGPL License modification than Lazarus LCL.


Jesus Reyes A.

Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! 
Regístrate ya - http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/ 

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Re: [lazarus] keyboard events

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:42:37 +
Tony Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi all,
 can someone help me out with an example or a pointer or something to
 how to do keyboard processing.
 i'm using TApplication.AddOnKeyDownHandler() to catch keyboard events
 in my application.
 my event fires.
 my problem is, i have no idea how to implement key handling code.
 i assume that the information i need/want is in the argument of Type
 Word that gets passed to my event handler (along with the modifier).

The key constants are defined in the LCLType unit. For example VK_RETURN for
the return key.


 i don't see any helper classes or unit functions that help me
 process those events into something that i can write some code around
 for dealing with different keypresses.
 i took a look at the Keyboard unit, but that units looks like it is
 designed/intended for doing keyboard handling closer to the metal.
 can someone point me at a basic snippet or some doc that shows me how
 to deal with the paramters in the event callback to get meaningful
 keypress information ?

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Re: [lazarus] Showing URL in default browser

2006-02-21 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:48:02 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2/21/06, L505 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Where's the the Lin32 API when you need it?  (Ermm.  good quote of the
 Lol! Like people say here. It doesn't exist yet, but fell free to
 implement it. r
  Does firefox have some sort of API that allows users to remote control
  it from another process? Does *NIX itself offer any standard
  inter-process communication tactic or must each program contain a home
  brewed custom server damon (written from scratch each time) to receive
  unix sockets or other API/remote communication?
 You don't need a Firefox API to do this. Just send the shell command:
 mozilla-firefox www.google.com and if firefox is already open, it
 will open the page without opening a new instance. I tested here, try
 on your command line with firefox already open. If you want it to open
 a new instance, there is probably a command line switch for this.

See examples/openbrowser/ how to do that with mozilla, galeon, firefox,
konqueror, netscape and opera.


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Re: [lazarus] TTimer

2006-02-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:35:53 +
Tony Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi satan,
 On 2/22/06, Lord Satan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:44:48 +
  Tony Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   this is on Win32.
  Hi Tony,
  it is a little ot but I really like to know which OpenGL headers you are 
  using on windows.
 i'm using the GL,GLU and GLUT units that come with the standalone
 compiler from freepascal.org.
I thought so, btw you don't need GLUT if you use a TOpenGLContext.
I was just asking because I am on a long journey to find good cross plattform 
(I am on Linux) OpenGL headers for fpc as the ones that come with fpc are not 
'good enough' for me and at the moment I am using some selfmade ones that are 
not great but do the job under Linux and OSX. But OpenGL on windows is IMHO a 
major PITA and I can't be bothered to make my headers work under windows, so I 
was hoping to find some usable ones.

Thanks for answering 


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Re: [lazarus] Interbase library

2006-02-21 Thread SteveG

Drat - spoke (or typed) too soon
can you tell me whats wrong with this line (works ok using the Interbase 
INSERT INTO NLISTest (RecIdent, DateIn, TimeIn, Agent, Lot, Paint, 
HeadCount,TagCount, ClientPIC, ClientNVD, ClientNAME, BeastPIC) VALUES ( 
'1370984712', '22/02/2006', '12:55', 'A1', '0', 'P1', '0', '0', 
'XXX-03', 'XXX-03', 'XXX-03', '' )

fails with the following err:
-104[LF] -TOKEN UNKNOWN - LINE 1, CHAR 176[LF] -A1


SteveG wrote:

Thanks Joost - working find now
does SqLite work using SqlDB, or is it seperate ?

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 09:26 +1000, SteveG wrote:

Now I know I haven't a clue :)
If I remove the Interbase unit, Laz can no longer find the 
TIBDatabase / query / trans

So I assume from your examples I need IbConnection in the uses as well?
When I compile the alisttables.pp example, I get the error 
'SqldbExampleUnit.pp(80,72) Warning: Constructing a class 
TIBConnection with ab
stract methods' - which brings me back to where I began to have 

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Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
  I can't find an example project with this or similar name, can you
  please guide me?

There was no such example into my examples/ folder. Either it was not
included in Lazarus package I installed or it is a debian package miss.
You see, not finding a .deb package for Lazarus and not beeing able to
install a .rpm package (limited skills), I hired an experienced Linux
proffesional to investigate and create a .deb package for me. He may
missed to included all parts.

This debian package is available to upload. Do you think it would help
debian users? If yes, please please guide me how and where to upload.  

I found this example at tunk/ repository. thank you.

Regards, Panagiotis

Στις 22-02-2006, ημέρα Τετ, και ώρα 01:07 +0100, ο/η Mattias Gaertner
 On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:55:51 +
 Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ...support GREEK_CHARSET try the fontsenum lazarus example project.
  I can't find an example project with this or similar name, can you
  please guide me?
  Regards, Panagiotis
   21-02-2006, __ __, __ __ 08:06 -0600, __/__ 
  Jesus Reyes :
   - Original Message - 
   From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: lazarus@miraclec.com
   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
   Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.
 Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is
 late  here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.

I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it
again. Next time I got the message: -
___Lo sentimos! este sitio est__ temporalmente inaccesible. 
El sitio que est__s intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de
transferencia de datos. El acceso a este sitio ser__ reestablecido
dentro de una hora. Por favor, intenta nuevamente m__s tarde.
Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra __rea de ayuda para
informaci__n y asistencia. -

Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at
altavista.com but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain
this to me and if possible manage to make sample file downloadable

   This would be something like:
   'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
   The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
   The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try
   again later.
   If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information
   and support.'
   Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.

iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
at this point insert a line so it should look like:
iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;

I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All,
modified html is also recompiled.

   Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
   font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
   file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font
   installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk
   default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't
   know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk
   rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET try
   the fontsenum lazarus example project.

The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
it's checked. 

I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my
ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample

   This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost
   3 months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you
   will lose your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice
   tables rendering ;)

My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded 
but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.

I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to Konquaror, page
is not shown properly. I also 

Re: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.

2006-02-21 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
  I can't find an example project with this or similar name, can you
  please guide me?

Is enumfont/ example OS independed? While compiling produces a lot of
errors such 
- mainunit.pas(81,31) Error: Identifier not found TNewTextMetricEx
- mainunit.pas(436,5) Error: Identifier not found EnumFontFamiliesEX

It seem like WIN API specific.

Regards, Panagiotis

Στις 22-02-2006, ημέρα Τετ, και ώρα 01:07 +0100, ο/η Mattias Gaertner
 On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:55:51 +
 Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ...support GREEK_CHARSET try the fontsenum lazarus example project.
  I can't find an example project with this or similar name, can you
  please guide me?
  Regards, Panagiotis
   21-02-2006, __ __, __ __ 08:06 -0600, __/__ 
  Jesus Reyes :
   - Original Message - 
   From: Panagiotis Sidiropoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: lazarus@miraclec.com
   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:48 AM
   Subject: RE: [lazarus] HtmlPanel: Non Latin alhabets and utf codepage.
 Thanks a lot. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning. It is
 late  here in Greece and this need a lot of attention.

I apologize, while downloading; connection was lost so I started it
again. Next time I got the message: -
___Lo sentimos! este sitio est__ temporalmente inaccesible. 
El sitio que est__s intentando accesar ha excedido su tasa de
transferencia de datos. El acceso a este sitio ser__ reestablecido
dentro de una hora. Por favor, intenta nuevamente m__s tarde.
Si sigues encontrando problemas, visita nuestra __rea de ayuda para
informaci__n y asistencia. -

Because I don't speak Spanish, tried to translate this text at
altavista.com but result was not clear enough. Can you please explain
this to me and if possible manage to make sample file downloadable

   This would be something like:
   'We are sorry! this site is temporally unavailable.
   The site you are trying to access has exceeded it's data transfer rate.
   The access to this site will be restored within one hour. Please, try
   again later.
   If you continue having problems, visit our help section for information
   and support.'
   Sorry I'm not so familiar with this kind of geocities error.

iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;
at this point insert a line so it should look like:
iphtml.pas:9135 Owner.Target.Font.Charset := GREEK_CHARSET;
iphtml.pas:9136 Owner.Target.Font.Name := FontName;

I made these changes but nothing changed. I suppose Building All,
modified html is also recompiled.

   Yes it should be recompiled when doing build all. It will also need a
   font that has GREEK_CHARSET support, In my case I removed from the htm
   file all references to Arial. If in your system there is Arial font
   installed it should work, if not, you need to be sure that your gtk
   default font does support GREEK_CHARSET, the problem is that I don't
   know a straight way to find this, but I guess it should be in some gtk
   rc file. To be sure what fonts you have that support GREEK_CHARSET try
   the fontsenum lazarus example project.

The default font checkbox in the screenshot does just that, 
it assigns IpHtmlPanel1.DefaultTypeFace :='Clean' when 
it's checked. 

I missed something, DefaultTypeFace property is not supported on my
ipHTMLPanel. I hope this will be clear to me when receive sample

   This could be a problem, it means that you copy of iphtml.pas is almost
   3 months old. I suggest you to update your copy, but in this case you
   will lose your XOR selection style, on the good part you will get nice
   tables rendering ;)

My guess is that your sample file is not UTF-8 encoded 
but simply thanks to your localized environment, greek 
chars were entered using local encoding, this seems to be 
confirmed with a simple change in your sample file, in 
the header instead of charset=UTF-8 I changed to 
charset=ISO-8859-7 then I opened the file with opera (even 
with an old version 7) and it showed the file correctly.

I think it is UTF-8 because when change code page to Konquaror, page
is not shown properly. I also checked it with a hex viewer. Is it
possible charset to be changed by browsers on the fly?

   I think that transcoding is a posibility but I'm not sure in what
   circunstances it gets triggered, if you want, please make a zip of your
   htm file and sent it to me in private.

A final weird