[lazarus] FPC 2.0.2 - Internal error 200311075

2006-03-10 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
I did this:

To retrieve the full source repository, all publicly available modules,
[]$ svn checkout http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk fpc

Information found at 

After download completed I tried to compile using command make all. As a 
result I got error message:

Fatal: Internal error 200311075
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[4]: *** [fp] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/lazarus/fpc/ide'
make[3]: *** [buildfp] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/lazarus/fpc/ide'
make[2]: *** [gdb] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/lazarus/fpc/ide'
make[1]: *** [ide_all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/lazarus/fpc'
make: *** [build-stamp.i386-linux] Error 2

There is another post to mailing list archive dated Sat, 24 Dec 2005
07:22:00 -0800 regarding Windows.

Os: Linux Knoppix
FPC: 2.0.2. revision 2824

I do not know if this is crucial using Lazarus because of sources

Any help would be most appreciated.


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RE: [lazarus] MySQL Connection

2006-03-10 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 20:33 +0200, Panagiotis Sidiropoulos wrote:
 Yes, and maybe that you can update the wiki?
 Although I don't feel confident advising because of my limited skills, I
 made this amendment to the wiki:

That doesn't matter. Anyone has to learn. And besides of that, if only
the developpers, who knows all ins and outs, can update the Wiki, it
will never happen. ;)

 Reading the WIKI-text above, you'll see 
 immediately what's wrong: 
 you're not using the latest SVN version 
 of Lazarus.
 I run svn update into Lazarus folder every day and not only once. This
 moment's Lazarus revision is 8893.

Ok, another error in the wiki. You need the latest svn-version from fpc.
All non-visible components are part of the FCL of fpc. The Lazarus-
package is only a wrapper around the real components. So an update of
lazarus is only needed if a new component is added. (or deleted)

 Sorry, but I can't resist: 
 'I've written some code and it raises 
 an exception. Can anyone help me?'
 What is the exception: 'Incorrect 
 password'? Or maybe: 'Can not resolve 
 I understand the way you feel not getting enough information to figure
 the problem out. Information I had last time just before posted this
 request seemed useless to me so I did not include it, don't know, can't
 remember what exactly was, I believe it was totally general. I'm sure
 that if it was providing something useful such as 'Incorrect password'
 or 'Can not resolve hostname' I wouldn't judge it the way I did.

Offcourse. But information that looks like useless to you, can mean
everything to the programmer.

 In the mean time, I read again article mentioned, followed every one of
 suggestions there and made some cleaning and privileges checking.
 Running sample application again, I get segfault mentioned on your
 reply. After svn-ing fpc from scratch I got revision 2820.
 Now, after svn-ing fpc and try to compile it (I have to do it, don't I?)
 using comamnd make all I get an error cannot find -lgpm. Let me find
 the cause and be back if necessary.

You need to install the gpm-devel package. This is how it's called on
Fedora, I'm not sure how to handle this on Knoppix.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

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Re: [lazarus] FPC 2.0.2 - Internal error 200311075

2006-03-10 Thread Joost van der Sluis
 Fatal: Internal error 200311075
 Fatal: Compilation aborted

There is a bug in the current svn-version.

I'm sure that revision 2710 works. Try 'svn update -r 2710'
That version contains all DB-related updates. 

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

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Re: [lazarus] Drag'n'Drop in a treeview ?

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
From what I could see, looking at the code yesterday.  Only the
TTreeview has drag-n-drop enabled.  I managed to get TListbox working
as well, but not the way it works in Delphi.  Still busy playing with
it though.

  - Graeme -

On 3/9/06, Matthijs Willemstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 15:05 +0100, Lepidosteus wrote:
  Thanks, really looking forward to it !
 All right. The following code works. Place a TTreeView on a Form and add
 items to it. Use the following code:

   SleepNode: TTreeNode; // To store the dragged node.

 procedure TForm1.TreeView1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y:
   State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
   HT : THitTests;
   Accept := False;
   HT := TreeView1.GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y);
   if (htOnItem in HT) or (htOnButton in HT) or (htOnindent in HT) then
 Accept := True;

 procedure TForm1.TreeView1StartDrag(Sender: TObject; DragObject:
   SleepNode := TreeView1.Selected;

 procedure TForm1.TreeView1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y:
   OntvangNode : TTreeNode;
   HT : THitTests;
   OntvangNode := nil;
   HT := TreeView1.GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y);
   if (htOnItem in HT) or (htOnButton in HT) or (htOnindent in HT) then
 OntvangNode := TreeView1.GetNodeAT(X, Y);
   if (OntvangNode  nil) and (SleepNode  nil) then begin
 SleepNode.MoveTo(OntvangNode, naAddChild);
   SleepNode := nil;

 I had this code in an old Delphi project, pasted it in my Lazarus
 project and it worked out of the box :)

 Matthijs Willemstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[lazarus] new install on Linux

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

I am new to developing under Linux and installing fpc/lazarus on
Linux.  I downloaded the FPC 2.0.2 .tar.gz file.  Unpacked it, and ran
Selected /opt/fpc as my install path.  Everything seem to have gone fine.
Added /opt/fpc/bin to my PATH.  Ran fpc -i  and got the correct output

If I try and compile any sample application or Lazarus (using make
all), I get this error. Fatal: Can't find unit System

The full output is below.  Am I supposed to put something else in my
path or LD_LIBRARY path to find the fpc compiled units?

I am running Ubuntu 5.10 and have all the dev packages I could find or
think of installed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/lazarus$ make all
Makefile:3511: warning: overriding commands for target `examples'
Makefile:3473: warning: ignoring old commands for target `examples'
make -C lcl all
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/lazarus/lcl'
/bin/rm -f units/i386-linux/alllclunits.ppu
/opt/fpc/bin/ppc386 -gl -Fu. -Funonwin32 -Fuwidgetset -Fiinclude -FE.
-FUunits/i386-linux -Fl/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.2
-Fl/usr/lib/libc5-compat -Fl/lib/libc5-compat
-Fl/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib -di386 alllclunits.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.2 [2005/12/07] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling alllclunits.pp
Fatal: Can't find unit System
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/lazarus/lcl'
make: *** [lcl] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/lazarus$

  - Graeme -

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[lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Jouke Rensma
Hi all, 

Just updated via svn to rev. 8903. Now the build of Lazarus breaks in 
MemCheck.pas with this message: 

C:\lazarus\components\codetools\MemCheck.pas(797,9) Error: Identifier not 
found StackTop 

What could be wrong? 

I'm using WinXP and FPC 2.1.1 

Thanks for your help!

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Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Vincent Snijders

Jouke Rensma wrote:

Hi all,
Just updated via svn to rev. 8903. Now the build of Lazarus breaks in 
MemCheck.pas with this message:
C:\lazarus\components\codetools\MemCheck.pas(797,9) Error: Identifier 
not found StackTop

What could be wrong?
I'm using WinXP and FPC 2.1.1

You need to update fpc 2.1.1 to the current SVN version.


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Re: new install on Linux

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
I found the problem.  My units folder was located in
/opt/fpc/lib/fpc/units!! I expected /opt/fpc/units.  Anyway, created a
symbolic link in /usr/lib and that sorted the problem. :-)

  - Graeme -

On 3/10/06, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to developing under Linux and installing fpc/lazarus on
 Linux.  I downloaded the FPC 2.0.2 .tar.gz file.  Unpacked it, and ran
 Selected /opt/fpc as my install path.  Everything seem to have gone fine.
 Added /opt/fpc/bin to my PATH.  Ran fpc -i  and got the correct output

 If I try and compile any sample application or Lazarus (using make
 all), I get this error. Fatal: Can't find unit System

 The full output is below.  Am I supposed to put something else in my
 path or LD_LIBRARY path to find the fpc compiled units?

 I am running Ubuntu 5.10 and have all the dev packages I could find or
 think of installed.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/lazarus$ make all
 Makefile:3511: warning: overriding commands for target `examples'
 Makefile:3473: warning: ignoring old commands for target `examples'
 make -C lcl all
 make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/lazarus/lcl'
 /bin/rm -f units/i386-linux/alllclunits.ppu
 /opt/fpc/bin/ppc386 -gl -Fu. -Funonwin32 -Fuwidgetset -Fiinclude -FE.
 -FUunits/i386-linux -Fl/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.2
 -Fl/usr/lib/libc5-compat -Fl/lib/libc5-compat
 -Fl/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib -di386 alllclunits.pp
 Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.2 [2005/12/07] for i386
 Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
 Target OS: Linux for i386
 Compiling alllclunits.pp
 Fatal: Can't find unit System
 Fatal: Compilation aborted
 make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/lazarus/lcl'
 make: *** [lcl] Error 2
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/lazarus$


   - Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] [patch] Drag-n-Drop in TListbox

2006-03-10 Thread Vincent Snijders

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


The TListbox didn't have the drag-n-drop properties published.  This
patch fixes that.  I have tested it under Windows.

It is our policy only to publish properties, that are implemented 
sufficiently, as not to lead people to think drag-n-drop is working, 
while in fact only some properties are published (Look at the 
disappointment people are having with some Font properties and some 
Trackbar properties). Looking at your next paragraph I conclude, 
drag-n-drop is not working good enough yet, or am I wrong?

I dragged an item from one listbox to another listbox. When I display
the Source.Classname in the DragDrop event, I expected a TListBox
type, but got TDragControlObject instead.
I tested this under Dephi, and did receive a TListBox.

So maybe it is better to wait with applying this patch, until this thing 
 is sorted out.


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Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread Giuliano Colla

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho ha scritto:


There are so many modifications that I really don't recall all. The 
most important are:

* Updated the bindings to Qt 4.1.1

* Added several new widgets, about 10 new widgets I think. Most of 
them have only CreateHandle and very basic functions implemented 
however. TNotebook works.

Now I can compile and run my Oscilloscope GUI with Qt4 =) It lacks 
some painting things, but I'm close to make it work.

I'm strongly interested to Qt interface, so I'd like to test it, and 
maybe contribute a little. How can I do that? A few questions:
1) To which revision the patch should be applied? (currently I'm stuck 
to revision 8836 because of the gtk font patch which wasn't yet applied 
to main trunk)
2) I think that at this stage the Qt IDE isn't working yet, so I should 
just compile from command line. Am I right? What would be a reasonable 
Makefile.fpc to play with qt?

Thank you in advance,


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RE: [lazarus] FPC 2.0.2 - Internal error 200311075

2006-03-10 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
Thank you, it is compiled. A couple of questions regarding this

- I had fpc 2.0.2 installed on another path. After make install,
related to path entries  in file /etc/fpc.cfg did not changed to meet
new path. This had as effect Lazarus to produce compiler errors not
finding some units. Replacing related entries problem solved. I think
FPC developers should be aware of this.

- I have downloaded fpc using svn command. After downloaded, I run make
install to install fpc. Now, when need to check for updates I should
run svn update fpc into original downloading folder. 

Should I rerun make install after each update?


-Original Message-
From: Joost van der Sluis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:32 AM
To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Subject: Re: [lazarus] FPC 2.0.2 - Internal error 200311075

 Fatal: Internal error 200311075
 Fatal: Compilation aborted

There is a bug in the current svn-version.

I'm sure that revision 2710 works. Try 'svn update -r 2710' That version
contains all DB-related updates. 

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

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Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread dhkblaszyk
 1) To which revision the patch should be applied? (currently I'm stuck
 to revision 8836 because of the gtk font patch which wasn't yet applied
 to main trunk)

Why are you stuck? You can just update as normal. Possible changes in the
same source files will be merged. Different changes in the same part of
the code will show up as a conflict. Try to work from the latest version


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Re: [lazarus] [patch] Drag-n-Drop in TListbox

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 3/10/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I dragged an item from one listbox to another listbox. When I display
  the Source.Classname in the DragDrop event, I expected a TListBox
  type, but got TDragControlObject instead.
  I tested this under Dephi, and did receive a TListBox.

 So maybe it is better to wait with applying this patch, until this thing
   is sorted out.

Having a closer look at the code today, I fully agree with you.  A
good call on your part.  The Drag-n-Drop needs more work!  I got
Lazarus working under Ubuntu Linux, so now I can start testing
features on both Windows and Linux platforms.

I will keep you posted with my progress and submit a patch when I know
things are usable.  I still have a bit more to learn regarding the
workings of the LCL components. (It is huge!)

  - Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Does Lazarus work with FPC 2.1.1  ?

  - Graeme -

On 3/10/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jouke Rensma wrote:
  Hi all,
  Just updated via svn to rev. 8903. Now the build of Lazarus breaks in
  MemCheck.pas with this message:
  C:\lazarus\components\codetools\MemCheck.pas(797,9) Error: Identifier
  not found StackTop
  What could be wrong?
  I'm using WinXP and FPC 2.1.1

 You need to update fpc 2.1.1 to the current SVN version.


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Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread Giuliano Colla

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

Why are you stuck? You can just update as normal.

I didn't dare to. I'm not yet familiar with svn.

Possible changes in the
same source files will be merged. Different changes in the same part of
the code will show up as a conflict. Try to work from the latest version


Done, just a tiny adjustment needed because a line had been commented 
out, and now I'm up to date, with font patch still in.

Thanks a lot!


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Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:13:16 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are so many modifications that I really don't recall all. The most 
 important are:
 * Updated the bindings to Qt 4.1.1
 * Added several new widgets, about 10 new widgets I think. Most of them 
 have only CreateHandle and very basic functions implemented however. 
 TNotebook works.

Thanks. Applied.

 Now I can compile and run my Oscilloscope GUI with Qt4 =) It lacks some 
 painting things, but I'm close to make it work.


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Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:35:51 +0200
Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does Lazarus work with FPC 2.1.1  ?

It should. But it is the development branch, so don't expect it to work


   - Graeme -
 On 3/10/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jouke Rensma wrote:
   Hi all,
   Just updated via svn to rev. 8903. Now the build of Lazarus breaks in
   MemCheck.pas with this message:
   C:\lazarus\components\codetools\MemCheck.pas(797,9) Error: Identifier
   not found StackTop
   What could be wrong?
   I'm using WinXP and FPC 2.1.1
  You need to update fpc 2.1.1 to the current SVN version.
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[lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Paul Michell
I have been looking at threads in FPC/Lazarus over the last few weeks and I
found on the web a conversion of the old Delphi threads demo that was 
partially working. I have added the {$ifndef win32}  CThreads, {$endif} 
code to enable thread linking on Linux. I have also got the Synchronize calls 
to work by adding the '@' operator to the DoVisualSwap procedure reference. I 
also had to remove the final refresh of the paint boxes as this caused a seg 
fault on Windows. The new version of the code is now here:


The threads now work fine on Windows and on Linux in the Lazarus IDE, 
unfortunately the Linux standalone program executes the threads sequentially, 
i.e. not using time slicing? I am testing in Laz 0.9.13Beta 9-2-06. Anyone 
any ideas? 

I would value any insight into what is going on as I need to use threads in
my MSc dissertation project to be completed this September and I would
very much like to use Lazarus as the development platform.



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Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread Giuliano Colla

Mattias Gaertner ha scritto:

You don't need a QT IDE to create QT applications.
Just use the gtk IDE and set the project LCL widget set (compiler options)
to qt.


Thank you,


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Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Jouke Rensma
Damn, do I hate this!!! Normally I think of myself as a high-skilled network 
engineer with a more than moderate computerknowledge. Most problems I can 
solve on my own without asking others. But this time I have no clue 

So what I did:
- From my current Lazarus directory, I removed the fpcsrc directory.
- Created a new, empty fpcsrc directory.
- Performed a SVN CheckOut.
- Did a make clean all (while in c:\lazarus\fpcsrc).
- This breaks with the following: 

C:/lazarus/pp/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -Ur -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fui386 -Fusystems 
C:/lazarus/fpcsrc/rtl/units/i386-win32 -Fii386 -FE. -FUi386/units/i386-win32 

ELEASE  -di386 -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -Fux86 pp.pas
C:\lazarus\pp\bin\i386-win32\ld.exe: cannot find wprt0.o 

From some document I find that I should check THE fpc.cfg for existance of a 
line -Fupath to rl files 

The only fpc.cfg I found contains this:

which I believe is correct. The file wprt0.o is there too. 

Why does make try to find the in:


To Graeme: Yes, it works with 2.1.1. From what I understood the snapshots 
are compiled with 2.1.1, while the stable releases (even numbers) use 2.0.x. 

Vincent Snijders writes: 

Jouke Rensma wrote:

Hi all,
Just updated via svn to rev. 8903. Now the build of Lazarus breaks in 
MemCheck.pas with this message:
C:\lazarus\components\codetools\MemCheck.pas(797,9) Error: Identifier not 
found StackTop 

What could be wrong?
I'm using WinXP and FPC 2.1.1 

You need to update fpc 2.1.1 to the current SVN version. 


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Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Vincent Snijders

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Does Lazarus work with FPC 2.1.1  ?

Yes, with fpc 2.1.1 from svn, not a two weeks old one.

If you want to use fpc 2.1.1, then you must be prepared to update your 
fpc version regular, because only fpc 2.1.1 svn head will be supported.


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Re: [lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Paul Michell wrote:

I have been looking at threads in FPC/Lazarus over the last few weeks and I
found on the web a conversion of the old Delphi threads demo that was
partially working. I have added the {$ifndef win32}  CThreads, {$endif}
code to enable thread linking on Linux. I have also got the Synchronize calls
to work by adding the '@' operator to the DoVisualSwap procedure reference. I
also had to remove the final refresh of the paint boxes as this caused a seg
fault on Windows. The new version of the code is now here:


The threads now work fine on Windows and on Linux in the Lazarus IDE,
unfortunately the Linux standalone program executes the threads sequentially,
i.e. not using time slicing? I am testing in Laz 0.9.13Beta 9-2-06. Anyone
any ideas?

How the threads are executed is not up to FPC: the PThreads
implementation is used to do the actual thread handling.

The FPC code does not decide anything about how the threads are


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[lazarus] dead pixel in tpanel.xpm

2006-03-10 Thread Marien van Westen
For two seconds I thought I had found a dead pixel in my TFT-screen.
It was only a gray pixel in the tpanel.xpm file.($Lazarus\images\components)

Attached is the patched file for an image without this pixel

Description: X pixmap

Re: [lazarus] F1 context help for object inspector

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:25:28 +0100
Bogus__aw Brandys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please add support for F1 context help in object inspector.It will be 
 very useful.
 For example: pressing F1 when selected is SessionProperties property on 
 TForm should display help for that property.Similiar for other 
 properties/event - without  details (not TFont-style but only top level 
 (Font) property should be considered)
 I know that F1 handle could be added to objectinspector.pp in 
 HandleStandardKeys but nothing more. I don't know how to get selected 
 property name here and how to call context help.
 I would probably do that some day ,but I think that it is a matter of 
 few minutes for Mattias to add this :-)

There are a lot of lazarus things, that are easy for me and medium for other
And there are things that are medium for me and difficult for others.
That's why I'm working on the medium things and leave the easy things to
others. Otherwise the difficult things get never be done.

I'll take a look.


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   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] dead pixel in tpanel.xpm

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:01:29 +0100
Marien van Westen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For two seconds I thought I had found a dead pixel in my TFT-screen.
 It was only a gray pixel in the tpanel.xpm
 Attached is the patched file for an image without this pixel

Thanks. Applied.


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   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Paul Michell
On Friday 10 March 2006 14:02, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Paul Michell wrote:
  I have been looking at threads in FPC/Lazarus over the last few weeks and
  I found on the web a conversion of the old Delphi threads demo that was
  partially working. I have added the {$ifndef win32}  CThreads, {$endif}
  code to enable thread linking on Linux. I have also got the Synchronize
  calls to work by adding the '@' operator to the DoVisualSwap procedure
  reference. I also had to remove the final refresh of the paint boxes as
  this caused a seg fault on Windows. The new version of the code is now
  The threads now work fine on Windows and on Linux in the Lazarus IDE,
  unfortunately the Linux standalone program executes the threads
  sequentially, i.e. not using time slicing? I am testing in Laz 0.9.13Beta
  9-2-06. Anyone any ideas?

 How the threads are executed is not up to FPC: the PThreads
 implementation is used to do the actual thread handling.

 The FPC code does not decide anything about how the threads are

Thanks for the reply. Why would the behaviour change from running from the IDE 
to executing from the command line?


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Re: [lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Ales Katona

   Why would the behaviour change from running from the IDE to
   executing from the command line?

If you use synchronize, the IDE calls CheckSynchronize for you. In 
command line you need to do this in main thread.

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  archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Paul Michell wrote:

On Friday 10 March 2006 14:02, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Paul Michell wrote:

I have been looking at threads in FPC/Lazarus over the last few weeks and
I found on the web a conversion of the old Delphi threads demo that was
partially working. I have added the {$ifndef win32}  CThreads, {$endif}
code to enable thread linking on Linux. I have also got the Synchronize
calls to work by adding the '@' operator to the DoVisualSwap procedure
reference. I also had to remove the final refresh of the paint boxes as
this caused a seg fault on Windows. The new version of the code is now


The threads now work fine on Windows and on Linux in the Lazarus IDE,
unfortunately the Linux standalone program executes the threads
sequentially, i.e. not using time slicing? I am testing in Laz 0.9.13Beta
9-2-06. Anyone any ideas?

How the threads are executed is not up to FPC: the PThreads
implementation is used to do the actual thread handling.

The FPC code does not decide anything about how the threads are

Thanks for the reply. Why would the behaviour change from running from the IDE
to executing from the command line?

The IDE uses probably different libraries than your command-line
program. CMem for instance. Is your program a GUI program or not,
and so on... There are many factors involved...


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  archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Jouke Rensma
Please advice then: is it better to use 2.0.2? Also when I'm developing for 
Lazarus itself (or at least try to :-) )? 

Vincent Snijders writes: 

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
Does Lazarus work with FPC 2.1.1  ? 

Yes, with fpc 2.1.1 from svn, not a two weeks old one. 

If you want to use fpc 2.1.1, then you must be prepared to update your fpc 
version regular, because only fpc 2.1.1 svn head will be supported. 


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Re: [lazarus] Cannot build Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Vincent Snijders

Jouke Rensma wrote:
Please advice then: is it better to use 2.0.2? Also when I'm developing 
for Lazarus itself (or at least try to :-) )?

Yes, I think so. Less things to worry about. If you want to develop for 
lazarus itself you do need *Lazarus* from SVN.


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[lazarus] lazarus crashs

2006-03-10 Thread Christian U.
have updated from svn bevor 5 minutes and this happens after recompile

D:\SRC\lazarusgdb lazarus.exe
GNU gdb 6.2.1
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as i686-pc-cygwin...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /cygdrive/d/SRC/lazarus/lazarus.exe

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
$004d8df7 in READPIXELS (INTARRAY=$a69b4, parentfp=$6f8b0)
at IntfGraphics.pas:2174
2174IntfGraphics.pas: No such file or directory.
in IntfGraphics.pas
(gdb) bt
#0  $004d8df7 in READPIXELS (INTARRAY=$a69b4, parentfp=$6f8b0)
at IntfGraphics.pas:2174
#1  $004d8c6d in TLAZREADERXPM__INTERNALREAD (STR=$1a5703c, IMG=$118bbc,
this=$165424) at IntfGraphics.pas:2229
#2  $0080454e in
#3  $0080360d in
USESIZE=true, SIZE=603, READERCLASS=$90f404, this=$1a742bc)
at bitmap.inc:700
#5  $004b8bb4 in TBITMAP__READSTREAM (STREAM=$1a5701c, USESIZE=true,
SIZE=603, this=$1a742bc) at bitmap.inc:566
#6  $004b84fa in TBITMAP__LOADFROMSTREAM (STREAM=$1a5701c, this=$1a742bc)
at bitmap.inc:390
this=$1a742bc) at bitmap.inc:382
#8  $006ff0a7 in TPKGCOMPONENT__GETICONCOPY (this=$1aa8434)
at PackageDefs.pas:3151
at ComponentPalette.pas:497
this=$1a683b4) at ComponentPalette.pas:201
at PkgManager.pas:2379
PALETTECHANGED=true, this=$1abcc04) at PkgManager.pas:519
this=$1a683b4) at ComponentReg.pas:434
at ComponentPalette.pas:296
#15 $00572add in TBASECOMPONENTPALETTE__ENDUPDATE (this=$1a683b4)
at ComponentReg.pas:516
#16 $0059d59a in TPKGMANAGER__LOADINSTALLEDPACKAGES (this=$1abcc04)
at PkgManager.pas:2360
#17 $00419b95 in TMAINIDE__CREATE (THEOWNER=$cd7b4, vmt=$88eed8,
at Main.pp:1104
#18 $004010d7 in main () at lazarus.pp:88
(gdb) step
$77f4109c in ntdll!LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
$77f51763 in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
which has no line number information.
$77f734ce in ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey,
which has no line number information.
$77f5178d in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
which has no line number information.
$77f734ea in ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey,
which has no line number information.
$77f51792 in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
which has no line number information.
$77f7333f in ntdll!RtlCopyOutOfProcessMemoryStreamTo () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
$77e7bb86 in KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW,
which has no line number information.
$77e85168 in QueueUserAPC () from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function QueueUserAPC,
which has no line number information.
$77e7bbd5 in KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW,
which has no line number information.
$77e7c8fa in QueueUserAPC () from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function QueueUserAPC,
which has no line number information.
$77f733a0 in ntdll!RtlCopyOutOfProcessMemoryStreamTo () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function
which has no line number information.
$77f517ee in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function 

Re: [lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Marc Santhoff
Am Freitag, den 10.03.2006, 13:52 + schrieb Paul Michell:
 I have been looking at threads in FPC/Lazarus over the last few weeks and I
 found on the web a conversion of the old Delphi threads demo that was 
 partially working. I have added the {$ifndef win32}  CThreads, {$endif} 
 code to enable thread linking on Linux. I have also got the Synchronize calls 
 to work by adding the '@' operator to the DoVisualSwap procedure reference. I 
 also had to remove the final refresh of the paint boxes as this caused a seg 
 fault on Windows. The new version of the code is now here:

Only for the records (and because it was fun ;):

It runs well and perfectly threaded on FreeBSD 4.11 with fpc 2.0.2 and
Lazarus 0.9.13 beta (svn from yesterday).

Thank you for letting me see this demo again,

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Re: [lazarus] graphical shapes library or component

2006-03-10 Thread Matt Henley
A question on this one... once diacanvas wrapped qtk2q is working for
lazarus.. would this be cross platform, say for Windows and OSX?

On 3/3/06, Danny Milosavljevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am Montag, den 27.02.2006, 20:08 +0100 schrieb Marc Santhoff:
  is anoyone aware of a library or a (set of) componet(s) for pitchforking
  around some shapes, rectangles, elipses and the like and for creating
  connectors between this shapes?
  Of course it should be easily usable with fpc and lazarus. I'm searching
  for the basic things making up a graphical editor.

 diacanvas, wrapped for pascal with
 http://developer.berlios.de/projects/gtk2q/ . Last time I tried (a month
 or two ago) the compiler still had a problem with inter-package unit
 checksums (diacanvasq uses gtk2q, but when _it_ tries to use the gtk2q
 units it brags about checksum failure, so you could not use diacanvasq,
 only gtk2q directly) ... I kind of got demotivated/sidetracked, thus.
 Feel free to try again now.

 Now if you need a canvas to work with non-gtk stuff then the above would
 be a bad choice :)

 I don't know any VCL/FCLish canvas thingie.


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 To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] lazarus crashs

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:58:00 +0100
Christian U. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 have updated from svn bevor 5 minutes and this happens after recompile
 D:\SRC\lazarusgdb lazarus.exe
 GNU gdb 6.2.1
 Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
 are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
 Type show copying to see the conditions.
 There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for
 details. This GDB was configured as i686-pc-cygwin...
 (gdb) run
 Starting program: /cygdrive/d/SRC/lazarus/lazarus.exe
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 $004d8df7 in READPIXELS (INTARRAY=$a69b4, parentfp=$6f8b0)
 at IntfGraphics.pas:2174

I don't know yet, why the tpanel.xpm is buggy...


 2174IntfGraphics.pas: No such file or directory.
 in IntfGraphics.pas
 (gdb) bt
 #0  $004d8df7 in READPIXELS (INTARRAY=$a69b4, parentfp=$6f8b0)
 at IntfGraphics.pas:2174
 #1  $004d8c6d in TLAZREADERXPM__INTERNALREAD (STR=$1a5703c, IMG=$118bbc,
 this=$165424) at IntfGraphics.pas:2229
 #2  $0080454e in
 #3  $0080360d in
 USESIZE=true, SIZE=603, READERCLASS=$90f404, this=$1a742bc)
 at bitmap.inc:700
 #5  $004b8bb4 in TBITMAP__READSTREAM (STREAM=$1a5701c, USESIZE=true,
 SIZE=603, this=$1a742bc) at bitmap.inc:566
 #6  $004b84fa in TBITMAP__LOADFROMSTREAM (STREAM=$1a5701c, this=$1a742bc)
 at bitmap.inc:390
 this=$1a742bc) at bitmap.inc:382
 #8  $006ff0a7 in TPKGCOMPONENT__GETICONCOPY (this=$1aa8434)
 at PackageDefs.pas:3151
 at ComponentPalette.pas:497
 this=$1a683b4) at ComponentPalette.pas:201
 at PkgManager.pas:2379
 PALETTECHANGED=true, this=$1abcc04) at PkgManager.pas:519
 this=$1a683b4) at ComponentReg.pas:434
 at ComponentPalette.pas:296
 #15 $00572add in TBASECOMPONENTPALETTE__ENDUPDATE (this=$1a683b4)
 at ComponentReg.pas:516
 #16 $0059d59a in TPKGMANAGER__LOADINSTALLEDPACKAGES (this=$1abcc04)
 at PkgManager.pas:2360
 #17 $00419b95 in TMAINIDE__CREATE (THEOWNER=$cd7b4, vmt=$88eed8,
 at Main.pp:1104
 #18 $004010d7 in main () at lazarus.pp:88
 (gdb) step
 $77f4109c in ntdll!LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function
 which has no line number information.
 $77f51763 in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
 which has no line number information.
 $77f734ce in ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey,
 which has no line number information.
 $77f5178d in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
 which has no line number information.
 $77f734ea in ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey,
 which has no line number information.
 $77f51792 in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
 which has no line number information.
 $77f7333f in ntdll!RtlCopyOutOfProcessMemoryStreamTo () from ntdll.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function
 which has no line number information.
 $77e7bb86 in KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW ()
from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW,
 which has no line number information.
 $77e85168 in QueueUserAPC () from
 /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function QueueUserAPC,
 which has no line number information.
 $77e7bbd5 in KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW ()
from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
 (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW,
 which has no line number information.
 $77e7c8fa in QueueUserAPC () from
 /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll (gdb) step
 Single stepping until exit from function QueueUserAPC,
 which has no line number information.
 $77f733a0 in 

[lazarus] TApplication.OnEndSession and TApplication.OnQueryEndSession

2006-03-10 Thread Bogusław Brandys


Final patch for both events.

P.S. Working on small Wiki/help documentation for this one.

Best regards
Bogusław Brandys
Index: forms.pp
--- forms.pp(revision 8904)
+++ forms.pp(working copy)
@@ -799,6 +799,7 @@
   { TApplication }
+  TQueryEndSessionEvent = procedure (var Cancel : Boolean) of object;
   TExceptionEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object;
   TIdleEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean) of object;
   TOnUserInputEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Msg: Cardinal) of object;
@@ -906,6 +907,8 @@
 FOnHint: TNotifyEvent;
 FOnIdle: TIdleEvent;
 FOnIdleEnd: TNotifyEvent;
+FOnEndSession : TNotifyEvent;
+FOnQueryEndSession : TQueryEndSessionEvent;
 FOnShortcut: TShortcutEvent;
 FOnShowHint: TShowHintEvent;
 FOnUserInput: TOnUserInputEvent;
@@ -1016,6 +1019,8 @@
 procedure RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(AnObject: TObject); virtual;
 procedure DoBeforeMouseMessage(CurMouseControl: TControl);
 function  IsShortcut(var Message: TLMKey): boolean;
+procedure IntfQueryEndSession(var Cancel : Boolean);
+procedure IntfEndSession;
 procedure DoEscapeKey(AControl: TWinControl; var Key: Word;
   Shift: TShiftState);
@@ -1042,6 +1047,8 @@
 property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent read FOnDeactivate write FOnDeactivate;
 property OnIdle: TIdleEvent read FOnIdle write FOnIdle;
 property OnIdleEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnIdleEnd write FOnIdleEnd;
+property OnEndSession: TNotifyEvent read FOnEndSession write FOnEndSession;
+property OnQueryEndSession: TQueryEndSessionEvent read FOnQueryEndSession 
write FOnQueryEndSession;
 property OnHelp: THelpEvent read FOnHelp write FOnHelp;
 property OnHint: TNotifyEvent read FOnHint write FOnHint;
 property OnShortcut: TShortcutEvent read FOnShortcut write FOnShortcut;
@@ -1077,6 +1084,8 @@
 FOnHint: TNotifyEvent;
 FOnShowHint: TShowHintEvent;
 FOnUserInput: TOnUserInputEvent;
+FOnEndSession : TNotifyEvent;
+FOnQueryEndSession : TQueryEndSessionEvent;
 procedure SetShowMainForm(const AValue: Boolean);
 Procedure SetCaptureExceptions(Const AValue : boolean);
@@ -1093,6 +1102,8 @@
 Procedure SetOnException(Const AValue : TExceptionEvent);
 Procedure SetOnIdle(Const AValue : TIdleEvent);
 Procedure SetOnIdleEnd(Const AValue : TNotifyEvent);
+Procedure SetOnEndSession(Const AValue : TNotifyEvent);
+Procedure SetOnQueryEndSession(Const AValue : TQueryEndSessionEvent);
 Procedure SetOnHelp(Const AValue : THelpEvent);
 Procedure SetOnHint(Const AValue : TNotifyEvent);
 Procedure SetOnShowHint(Const AValue : TShowHintEvent);
@@ -1116,6 +1127,8 @@
 property OnException: TExceptionEvent read FOnException write 
 property OnIdle: TIdleEvent read FOnIdle write SetOnIdle;
 property OnIdleEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnIdleEnd write SetOnIdleEnd;
+property OnEndSession : TNotifyEvent read FOnEndSession write 
+property OnQueryEndSession : TQueryEndSessionEvent read FOnQueryEndSession 
write SetOnQueryEndSession;
 property OnHelp: THelpEvent read FOnHelp write SetOnHelp;
 property OnHint: TNotifyEvent read FOnHint write SetOnHint;
 property OnShowHint: TShowHintEvent read FOnShowHint write SetOnShowHint;
@@ -1226,6 +1239,7 @@
 function IsAccel(VK: word; const Str: string): Boolean;
 procedure NotifyApplicationUserInput(Msg: Cardinal);
 function InitResourceComponent(Instance: TComponent;
   RootAncestor: TClass):Boolean;
Index: include/application.inc
--- include/application.inc (revision 8904)
+++ include/application.inc (working copy)
@@ -1378,6 +1378,27 @@
+  procedure TApplication.IntfEndSession();
+procedure TApplication.IntfEndSession();
+  if Assigned(FOnEndSession) then FOnEndSession(Self);
+  procedure TApplication.IntfQueryEndSession(var Cancel : Boolean);
+procedure TApplication.IntfQueryEndSession(var Cancel : Boolean);
+  if Assigned(FOnQueryEndSession) then FOnQueryEndSession(Cancel);
   procedure TApplication.DoBeforeMouseMessage(CurMouseControl: TControl);
 procedure TApplication.DoBeforeMouseMessage(CurMouseControl: TControl);
Index: include/applicationproperties.inc

Re: [lazarus] lazarus crashs

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:23:14 +0100
Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:58:00 +0100
 Christian U. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  have updated from svn bevor 5 minutes and this happens after recompile
  D:\SRC\lazarusgdb lazarus.exe
  GNU gdb 6.2.1
  Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
  are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
  Type show copying to see the conditions.
  There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for
  details. This GDB was configured as i686-pc-cygwin...
  (gdb) run
  Starting program: /cygdrive/d/SRC/lazarus/lazarus.exe
  Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
  $004d8df7 in READPIXELS (INTARRAY=$a69b4, parentfp=$6f8b0)
  at IntfGraphics.pas:2174
 I don't know yet, why the tpanel.xpm is buggy...

Tabs - I hate tabs.


  2174IntfGraphics.pas: No such file or directory.
  in IntfGraphics.pas
  (gdb) bt
  #0  $004d8df7 in READPIXELS (INTARRAY=$a69b4, parentfp=$6f8b0)
  at IntfGraphics.pas:2174
  #1  $004d8c6d in TLAZREADERXPM__INTERNALREAD (STR=$1a5703c, IMG=$118bbc,
  this=$165424) at IntfGraphics.pas:2229
  #2  $0080454e in
  #3  $0080360d in
  USESIZE=true, SIZE=603, READERCLASS=$90f404, this=$1a742bc)
  at bitmap.inc:700
  #5  $004b8bb4 in TBITMAP__READSTREAM (STREAM=$1a5701c, USESIZE=true,
  SIZE=603, this=$1a742bc) at bitmap.inc:566
  #6  $004b84fa in TBITMAP__LOADFROMSTREAM (STREAM=$1a5701c,
  at bitmap.inc:390
  this=$1a742bc) at bitmap.inc:382
  #8  $006ff0a7 in TPKGCOMPONENT__GETICONCOPY (this=$1aa8434)
  at PackageDefs.pas:3151
  at ComponentPalette.pas:497
  this=$1a683b4) at ComponentPalette.pas:201
  at PkgManager.pas:2379
  PALETTECHANGED=true, this=$1abcc04) at PkgManager.pas:519
  this=$1a683b4) at ComponentReg.pas:434
  at ComponentPalette.pas:296
  #15 $00572add in TBASECOMPONENTPALETTE__ENDUPDATE (this=$1a683b4)
  at ComponentReg.pas:516
  #16 $0059d59a in TPKGMANAGER__LOADINSTALLEDPACKAGES (this=$1abcc04)
  at PkgManager.pas:2360
  #17 $00419b95 in TMAINIDE__CREATE (THEOWNER=$cd7b4, vmt=$88eed8,
  at Main.pp:1104
  #18 $004010d7 in main () at lazarus.pp:88
  (gdb) step
  $77f4109c in ntdll!LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function
  which has no line number information.
  $77f51763 in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
  which has no line number information.
  $77f734ce in ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey,
  which has no line number information.
  $77f5178d in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
  which has no line number information.
  $77f734ea in ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function ntdll!RtlCheckRegistryKey,
  which has no line number information.
  $77f51792 in ultoa () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function ultoa,
  which has no line number information.
  $77f7333f in ntdll!RtlCopyOutOfProcessMemoryStreamTo () from ntdll.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function
  which has no line number information.
  $77e7bb86 in KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW ()
 from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function
  KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW, which has no line number information.
  $77e85168 in QueueUserAPC () from
  /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function QueueUserAPC,
  which has no line number information.
  $77e7bbd5 in KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW ()
 from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
  (gdb) step
  Single stepping until exit from function
  KERNEL32!EnumResourceLanguagesW, which has no 

[lazarus] patch for TextOut in UTF8

2006-03-10 Thread darekM

  without this patch tLabel and tSpeedButton not work proper with
caption in UTF8 and Unicode fonts


Index: interfaces/gtk/gtklclintfh.inc
--- interfaces/gtk/gtklclintfh.inc  (wersja 8890)
+++ interfaces/gtk/gtklclintfh.inc  (kopia robocza)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 function ExtUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Options: Longint; Rect: PRect;
   Str: PChar; Count: Longint; Dx: PInteger): Boolean; override;
+function TextUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Str: PChar; Count: Longint): 
Boolean; override;
 function FontCanUTF8(Font: HFont): boolean; override;
Index: interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc
--- interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc(wersja 8890)
+++ interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc(kopia robocza)
@@ -2862,7 +2862,7 @@
 {Draw line of Text}
-TextOut(DC, LeftPos, TopPos, PChar(aStr), Length(aStr));
+TextUtf8Out(DC, LeftPos, TopPos, PChar(aStr), Length(aStr));
 {Draw Prefix}
 If pIndex  0 then begin
@@ -3694,7 +3694,7 @@
 with TDeviceContext(DC) do begin
   if (Dx=nil) then begin
 // no dist array - write as one block
-//debugln('TGtkWidgetSet.ExtTextOut.DrawTextLine Dx=nil 
 gdk_draw_text(Buffer, UseFont, GC, TxtPt.X, TxtPt.Y,
   LineStart, LineLen);
   end else begin
@@ -5908,9 +5908,8 @@
   UseFont := CurrentFont^.GDIFontObject;
   UnRef := False;
-If UseFont = nil then
-  DebugLn('WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.GetTextExtentPoint] Missing font')
-else begin
+  assert(usefontnil,'WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.GetTextExtentPoint] Missing 
@@ -5937,9 +5936,8 @@
   //debugln('TGtkWidgetSet.GetTextExtentPoint END Str='+DbgStr(Str)+' 
Size=',dbgs(Size.cX),'x',dbgs(Size.cY),' ascent=',dbgs(ascent),' 
   If UnRef then
-  Assert(False, 'trace: [TGtkWidgetSet.GetTextExtentPoint]');
@@ -9330,16 +9328,16 @@
   TempPen : hPen;
   LogP : TLogPen;
   Points : array[0..1] of TSize;
+  lbearing, rbearing, width, ascent,descent: LongInt;
   Result := IsValidDC(DC);
   if Result and (Count0)
   then with TDeviceContext(DC) do
-if GC = nil
-then begin
-  DebugLn('WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Uninitialized GC');
-else begin
+  assert(GCnil,'WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Uninitialized GC');
   if (CurrentFont = nil) or (CurrentFont^.GDIFontObject = nil)
   then begin
 UseFont := GetDefaultFont(true);
@@ -9353,11 +9351,20 @@
 Underline := LongBool(CurrentFont^.LogFont.lfUnderline);
 StrikeOut := LongBool(CurrentFont^.LogFont.lfStrikeOut);
-  If UseFont = nil then
-DebugLn('WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing Font')
-  else begin
+assert(UseFontnil,'WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing Font');
-GetTextExtentPoint(DC, Str, Count, Sz);
+gdk_text_extents(UseFont, Str, Count,
+ @lbearing, @rBearing, @width, @ascent, @descent);
+Sz.cY :={$IFDEF Win32}
+GDK_String_Height(UseFont, Str)
 aRect := Rect(X+DCOrigin.X,Y+DCOrigin.Y,X + Sz.CX, Sz.CY);
@@ -9404,8 +9411,6 @@
 If UnRef then
-  end;
Index: interfaces/gtk/gtklclintf.inc
--- interfaces/gtk/gtklclintf.inc   (wersja 8890)
+++ interfaces/gtk/gtklclintf.inc   (kopia robocza)
@@ -232,6 +232,8 @@
   function TGtkWidgetSet.ExtUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Options: Longint;
 Rect: PRect; Str: PChar; Count: Longint; Dx: PInteger): Boolean;
@@ -259,7 +261,27 @@
+function TGtkWidgetSet.TextUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Str: PChar; Count: 
Longint): Boolean;
+  IsDBCSFont: Boolean;
+  NewCount: Integer;

Re: [lazarus] patch for TextOut in UTF8

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:41:31 +0100
darekM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

without this patch tLabel and tSpeedButton not work proper with
 caption in UTF8 and Unicode fonts

You replaced several If..else with an assert. For example:

-  If UseFont = nil then
-DebugLn('WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing Font')
-  else begin
+assert(UseFontnil,'WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing

If UseFont is nil, then it almost always means, the calling code did
something wrong. The gtk intf should not continue, because otherwise the gtk
will give a warning, and this will be far less helpful, than the above.
It should not be replaced by an assert, because the warning should be
written even in non debugging code. It can only be replaced with an raise
exception, but that would be incomaptible to the other widgetsets.


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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Joost van der Sluis
If you need help on the DB-part, do not hesistate to ask me for help. I
would like to help.

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 08:39 +0100, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
 Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
 Just to keep you informed: Mattias and me are working on that proof of 

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   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] patch for TextOut in UTF8

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 18:23:59 +0100
darekM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mattias Gaertner napisa?(a):
  On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:41:31 +0100
  darekM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 without this patch tLabel and tSpeedButton not work proper with
  caption in UTF8 and Unicode fonts
  You replaced several If..else with an assert. For example:
  -  If UseFont = nil then
  -DebugLn('WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing Font')
  -  else begin
  +assert(UseFontnil,'WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing
  If UseFont is nil, then it almost always means, the calling code did
  something wrong. The gtk intf should not continue, because otherwise the
  gtk will give a warning, and this will be far less helpful, than the
  above. It should not be replaced by an assert, because the warning
  should be written even in non debugging code. It can only be replaced
  with an raise exception, but that would be incomaptible to the other

 Ok, I can revert it.
 But I want to:
 1.  remove any write to console in release version of my program

Of course. In a release version you will hopefully use the functions
properly and then you will not see any output. If you have a bug, then the
program will not crash, but write a warning, that your user can tell you and
this will help you to fix the bug.

 2. When I test my Delphi application, I noticed that  function with any 
 strings operators  work longer, even if then not reach that line (Delphi 
 make longer preamble to that functions) , enough to move that code to 
 subfunction - in FPC is the same (if somebody understand me)

That's because of the hidden exception frame.
AFAIK using string constants without operators do not create such frames.
That's why the lazarus code at all time critical places works without string

 PS. What with my last patch about tComboBox

I will search ...


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Re: [lazarus] setcolor setFont for tComboBox, tCheckBox

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 07 Mar 2006 23:13:42 +0100
darekm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   as in subject
 related to but 700: TScrollBox does not accept Color

Applied. Thanks.


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Re: [lazarus] patch for TextOut in UTF8

2006-03-10 Thread darekm

repair patch


Mattias Gaertner wrote:


2. When I test my Delphi application, I noticed that  function with any 
strings operators  work longer, even if then not reach that line (Delphi 
make longer preamble to that functions) , enough to move that code to 
subfunction - in FPC is the same (if somebody understand me)

That's because of the hidden exception frame.
AFAIK using string constants without operators do not create such frames.
That's why the lazarus code at all time critical places works without string


Thanks for explain!!


PS. What with my last patch about tComboBox

I will search ...


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  archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives


Index: interfaces/gtk/gtklclintfh.inc
--- interfaces/gtk/gtklclintfh.inc  (wersja 8890)
+++ interfaces/gtk/gtklclintfh.inc  (kopia robocza)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 function ExtUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Options: Longint; Rect: PRect;
   Str: PChar; Count: Longint; Dx: PInteger): Boolean; override;
+function TextUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Str: PChar; Count: Longint): 
Boolean; override;
 function FontCanUTF8(Font: HFont): boolean; override;
Index: interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc
--- interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc(wersja 8890)
+++ interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc(kopia robocza)
@@ -2785,13 +2785,6 @@
   theRect.Right := theRect.Left + Min(MaxLength, AP.cX);
   theRect.Bottom := theRect.Top + TM.tmHeight;
-  If not CalcRect then
-Case TopOffset of
-OffsetRect(theRect, 0, (Rect.Bottom - theRect.Bottom) div 2);
-  DT_Bottom :
-OffsetRect(theRect, 0, Rect.Bottom - theRect.Bottom);
 else begin
   // consider line breaks
@@ -2802,17 +2795,17 @@
   Self.WordWrap(DC, Str, MaxLength, Lines, NumLines);
-  LineWidth := 0;
-  If (Lines  nil) then begin
+  If (Lines  nil) and (NumLines1) then begin
+LineWidth := 0;
 For J := 0 to NumLines - 1 do begin
   GetTextExtentPoint(DC, Lines[J], StrLen(Lines[J]), AP);
   LineWidth := Max(LineWidth, AP.cX);
-  end;
+  end else LineWidth:=1;
   LineWidth := Min(MaxLength, LineWidth);
   theRect.Right := theRect.Left + LineWidth;
   theRect.Bottom := theRect.Top + NumLines*TM.tmHeight;
   if NumLines1 then
@@ -2862,7 +2855,7 @@
 {Draw line of Text}
-TextOut(DC, LeftPos, TopPos, PChar(aStr), Length(aStr));
+TextUtf8Out(DC, LeftPos, TopPos, PChar(aStr), Length(aStr));
 {Draw Prefix}
 If pIndex  0 then begin
@@ -3694,7 +3687,7 @@
 with TDeviceContext(DC) do begin
   if (Dx=nil) then begin
 // no dist array - write as one block
-//debugln('TGtkWidgetSet.ExtTextOut.DrawTextLine Dx=nil 
 gdk_draw_text(Buffer, UseFont, GC, TxtPt.X, TxtPt.Y,
   LineStart, LineLen);
   end else begin
@@ -5940,6 +5933,7 @@
   Assert(False, 'trace: [TGtkWidgetSet.GetTextExtentPoint]');
@@ -9330,6 +9324,9 @@
   TempPen : hPen;
   LogP : TLogPen;
   Points : array[0..1] of TSize;
+  lbearing, rbearing, width, ascent,descent: LongInt;
   Result := IsValidDC(DC);
   if Result and (Count0)
@@ -9357,7 +9354,18 @@
 DebugLn('WARNING: [TGtkWidgetSet.TextOut] Missing Font')
   else begin
-GetTextExtentPoint(DC, Str, Count, Sz);
+gdk_text_extents(UseFont, Str, Count,
+ @lbearing, @rBearing, @width, @ascent, @descent);
+Sz.cY :={$IFDEF Win32}
+GDK_String_Height(UseFont, Str)
 aRect := Rect(X+DCOrigin.X,Y+DCOrigin.Y,X + Sz.CX, Sz.CY);
Index: interfaces/gtk/gtklclintf.inc
--- interfaces/gtk/gtklclintf.inc   (wersja 8890)
+++ interfaces/gtk/gtklclintf.inc   (kopia robocza)
@@ -259,7 +259,27 @@
+function TGtkWidgetSet.TextUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Str: PChar; Count: 
Longint): Boolean;
+  IsDBCSFont: Boolean;
+  NewCount: Integer;

Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Joao Morais

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade tracker
for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end database,
which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this in
Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show our
trust in Lazarus.

I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after 
v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you 
start something).

Joao Morais

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   unsubscribe as the Subject
  archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

first, thanks a lot for the interrest,

one thing, I don't seam to be able to send e-mails directly to you.
They return with permanent failure. Is your e-mail

On 3/10/06, Giuliano Colla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm strongly interested to Qt interface,

In what aspect of the Qt interface are you mostly interrested at?
There 3 directions to go:

* Linux desktop - this is the most advanced part
* Qt for Mac OS X
* Linux-based PDAs, like Zaurus

 so I'd like to test it, and maybe contribute a little. How can I do that?

Well, the first step is to get it up and running. I added information
about this on the wiki page for Qt, here:

Try to compile some simple projects to be sure that it's running ok on
your computer.

After you get it running we can talk about details of the implementation ;)

 A few questions:
 1) To which revision the patch should be applied? (currently I'm stuck
 to revision 8836 because of the gtk font patch which wasn't yet applied
 to main trunk)

How old is that revision? This patch can be applied at any moment
after my last qt patch, about 2 weeks ago, perhaps more.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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Re: [lazarus] Icon property of TTrayicon in win32 patch

2006-03-10 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
Mattias, Vincent, what is your oppinion about this?

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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Re: [lazarus] dead pixel in tpanel.xpm

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
hehehe  That one got me too.  I bought a 19 wide screen LCD a
little while ago, and got a fright as well when I saw that dead pixel!
 I was so careful when I bought the monitor.  :-)

  - Graeme -

On 3/9/06, Marien van Westen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For two seconds I thought I had found a dead pixel in my TFT-screen.
  It was only a gray pixel in the tpanel.xpm

  Attached is the image without this pixel

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Re: [lazarus] Very big Qt Patch

2006-03-10 Thread Giuliano Colla

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho ha scritto:


first, thanks a lot for the interrest,


You're welcome. I'm taking advantage of what others are doing, and I
feel it proper to give a hand, if I can.

  one thing, I don't seam to be able to send e-mails directly to you.
They return with permanent failure. Is your e-mail


No, sorry, there was a typo, I'd dropped a 't'. Now it's fixed. The
correct address is [EMAIL PROTECTED].

  On 3/10/06, Giuliano Colla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm strongly interested to Qt interface,

In what aspect of the Qt interface are you mostly interrested at?
There 3 directions to go:

* Linux desktop - this is the most advanced part
* Qt for Mac OS X
* Linux-based PDAs, like Zaurus


I'm interested in Linux desktop, because I have applications which I
must migrate from the dead Kylix. I like Qt much more than gtk, because
of the look and also because of the functionalities. For example, the
functionalities I was speaking about in TEdit, are already there in the
Qt widget, and one can exploit them with just a few lines of code.

so I'd like to test it, and maybe contribute a little. How can I do that?

Well, the first step is to get it up and running. I added information
about this on the wiki page for Qt, here:

Try to compile some simple projects to be sure that it's running ok on
your computer.

After you get it running we can talk about details of the implementation ;)


OK. I've already managed to get to the point where I'm told that
libQtCore.so.4 and libQtGui.so.4 are missing, which isn't unexpected,
because I haven't yet Qt4 installed 
Unfortunately next week I'll be abroad by a couple of customer sites,
so I won't be able to go on. But it turns out that customers pay my
salary, so I can't avoid it  :'( 

A few questions:
1) To which revision the patch should be applied? (currently I'm stuck
to revision 8836 because of the gtk font patch which wasn't yet applied
to main trunk)

How old is that revision? This patch can be applied at any moment
after my last qt patch, about 2 weeks ago, perhaps more.


Thanks to Darius suggestions the matter is solved, and now I'm updated,
and ready to run into troubles...

Thanks a lot, for the moment. 

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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:

 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

  I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade tracker
  for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end database,
  which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this in
  Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show our
  trust in Lazarus.

 I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
 v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
 start something).

Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.


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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Matt Henley

On our project, we have decided to use embedded Firebird.  We would
typically have both data aware components as well as programmatically
to retrieve and write data.  Which of the libraries is the most mature
or works best?  I have also heard of fblib


On 3/10/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:

  Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
   I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade tracker
   for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end database,
   which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this in
   Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show our
   trust in Lazarus.
  I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
  v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
  start something).

 Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.


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   archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives

Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Matt Henley wrote:


 On our project, we have decided to use embedded Firebird.  We would
 typically have both data aware components as well as programmatically
 to retrieve and write data.  Which of the libraries is the most mature
 or works best?  I have also heard of fblib

I have no well-formed opinion on this. Personally, I would use SQLDB.
I've used it in projects and it works fine for me.
It's also the best way to improve SQLDB.

If you need database management routines (backup/restore/usermanagement etc).
Then it's better to use fblib, or UIB (united interbase),
Because SQLDB does not have that, and it's not planned in the
near future.



 On 3/10/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:
   Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade tracker
for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end database,
which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this in
Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show our
trust in Lazarus.
   I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
   v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
   start something).
  Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.
   To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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RE: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Sergio Samayoa
Did you try Unified Interbase?
I think it was ported to FPC.

-Mensaje original-
De: Matt Henley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Viernes, 10 de Marzo de 2006 03:39 p.m.
Para: lazarus@miraclec.com
Asunto: Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept


On our project, we have decided to use embedded Firebird.  We would
typically have both data aware components as well as programmatically
to retrieve and write data.  Which of the libraries is the most mature
or works best?  I have also heard of fblib


On 3/10/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:

  Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
   I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade
   for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end
   which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this
   Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show
   trust in Lazarus.
  I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
  v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
  start something).

 Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.


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Re: [lazarus] Thread Behavior in Lazarus

2006-03-10 Thread Paul Michell
On Friday 10 March 2006 14:24, Ales Katona wrote:
 Why would the behaviour change from running from the IDE to
 executing from the command line?

 If you use synchronize, the IDE calls CheckSynchronize for you. In
 command line you need to do this in main thread.

I tried this in the application OnIdle event with Done set to false and it 
worked a charm! I am a little concerned this may not be the best way to get 
this call seen by the main application loop. Any ideas? Once I have decided 
on the best way to handle this I will post a link to the revised code.

Thanks again,


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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Matt Henley
I have not seen that.  I have never tried to use firebird at all much
less with lazarus.. I have only played with sqlite.   Do these
datasouces work for both the embedded version and the client/server
version?  (Getting a crash course here)

On 3/10/06, Sergio Samayoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you try Unified Interbase?
 I think it was ported to FPC.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Matt Henley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Viernes, 10 de Marzo de 2006 03:39 p.m.
 Para: lazarus@miraclec.com
 Asunto: Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept


 On our project, we have decided to use embedded Firebird.  We would
 typically have both data aware components as well as programmatically
 to retrieve and write data.  Which of the libraries is the most mature
 or works best?  I have also heard of fblib


 On 3/10/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:
   Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade
for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end
which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this
Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show
trust in Lazarus.
   I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
   v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
   start something).
  Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.
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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Matt Henley wrote:

 I have not seen that.  I have never tried to use firebird at all much
 less with lazarus.. I have only played with sqlite.   Do these
 datasouces work for both the embedded version and the client/server
 version?  (Getting a crash course here)

Yes. This is transparant.


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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
I have tried SqlDB, but then needed database management components as
well. I turned to FBLib 3 months ago, and haven't had any issues yet. 
So far it is working perfectly under Windows and Linux.

Regarding the embedded version vs client/server...  I only have about
6 months experience with Firebird, but from what I understand they do
the same thing. The emedded version is just packaged differently and
is used for single user access only.

  - Graeme -

On 3/11/06, Matt Henley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have not seen that.  I have never tried to use firebird at all much
 less with lazarus.. I have only played with sqlite.   Do these
 datasouces work for both the embedded version and the client/server
 version?  (Getting a crash course here)

 On 3/10/06, Sergio Samayoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you try Unified Interbase?
  I think it was ported to FPC.
  -Mensaje original-
  De: Matt Henley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el: Viernes, 10 de Marzo de 2006 03:39 p.m.
  Para: lazarus@miraclec.com
  Asunto: Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept
  On our project, we have decided to use embedded Firebird.  We would
  typically have both data aware components as well as programmatically
  to retrieve and write data.  Which of the libraries is the most mature
  or works best?  I have also heard of fblib
  On 3/10/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:
Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade
 for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end
 which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this
 Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show
 trust in Lazarus.
I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
start something).
   Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.
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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Matt Henley
Sounds good to me.  I will try both.  Gentoo installed the Server
version, but I want to be able to just name a database file and not
have to deal with host at this moment.  Trying to get it working one
step at a time.

On 3/10/06, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have tried SqlDB, but then needed database management components as
 well. I turned to FBLib 3 months ago, and haven't had any issues yet.
 So far it is working perfectly under Windows and Linux.

 Regarding the embedded version vs client/server...  I only have about
 6 months experience with Firebird, but from what I understand they do
 the same thing. The emedded version is just packaged differently and
 is used for single user access only.

   - Graeme -

 On 3/11/06, Matt Henley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have not seen that.  I have never tried to use firebird at all much
  less with lazarus.. I have only played with sqlite.   Do these
  datasouces work for both the embedded version and the client/server
  version?  (Getting a crash course here)
  On 3/10/06, Sergio Samayoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Did you try Unified Interbase?
   I think it was ported to FPC.
   -Mensaje original-
   De: Matt Henley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Enviado el: Viernes, 10 de Marzo de 2006 03:39 p.m.
   Para: lazarus@miraclec.com
   Asunto: Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept
   On our project, we have decided to use embedded Firebird.  We would
   typically have both data aware components as well as programmatically
   to retrieve and write data.  Which of the libraries is the most mature
   or works best?  I have also heard of fblib
   On 3/10/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:
 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

  I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade
  for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end
  which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this
  Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show
  trust in Lazarus.

 I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just 
 v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when 
 start something).
Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.
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[lazarus] SqlDB with Firebird

2006-03-10 Thread Matt Henley
I figured I would start a new topic on this.

I installed Firebird Classic on my Windows XP machine.  In Lazarus, I
added a TIBConnection to a blank form.  I put the full path to an
example database (C:\Program
Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\examples\EMPLOYEE.FDB)  in the Database
Field of the Object Inspector.  I left the host blank as well as
UserName and Password  as I have not set any of these and the Firebird
docs said they could be left blank.  When I try to set the object to
active, I get a response that unavailable database.

I must be missing something.  Is there a begineers tutorial on this
component?   How would I set host for a database running in embedded
mode and how do I set users and passwords, if needed?

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Re: [lazarus] problems with DynHashArray

2006-03-10 Thread anteusz

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 18:02:52 +0100



Could you help with this program?
I am testing the functionality of Dynhasharray but

 I get these errors:
dynhasharray.lpr(18,9) Warning: Variable A does not seem to be
initialized C:\lazarus\dynhasharray\dynhasharray.o(.text+0x2f): In
function `main': dynhasharray.lpr:18: undefined reference to 
undefined reference to `DEBUGINFO_DYNHASHARRAY'
undefined reference to `THREADVARLIST_DYNHASHARRAY'
undefined reference to `FINALIZE$_DYNHASHARRAY'

dynhasharray.lpr(21,1) Error: Error while linking

This is typically the result of a dirty build. Please make sure, your unnit
path does not include any of the lazarus .pas/.pp directories, but only .ppu
directories. And rebuild lazarus clean.




program dynhasharraytest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}


Don't use 'new' on PChar.


s:=StrNew ('u');

s:=StrNew('Some Text');



If you only need a String to pointer hash array:
There is already one in lcl/stringhashlist.pas



Thanks.. Your suggestion aided me to find the solution..


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Re: [lazarus] Icon property of TTrayicon in win32 patch

2006-03-10 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
Hello Christian,

First I would like to thank you for your effort into creating the
patch and helping us improve Lazarus.

However, I (and the lazarus developers) feel that it would be better
if we implement a proper TIcon instead of adding a work around the
current TIcon problems on components.

Would you like to help us create such better TIcon?

thanks again,
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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Re: [lazarus] SqlDB with Firebird

2006-03-10 Thread anteusz

Matt Henley wrote:

I figured I would start a new topic on this.

I installed Firebird Classic on my Windows XP machine.  In Lazarus, I
added a TIBConnection to a blank form.  I put the full path to an
example database (C:\Program
Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\examples\EMPLOYEE.FDB)  in the Database
Field of the Object Inspector.  I left the host blank as well as
UserName and Password  as I have not set any of these and the Firebird
docs said they could be left blank.  When I try to set the object to
active, I get a response that unavailable database.

I must be missing something.  Is there a begineers tutorial on this
component?   How would I set host for a database running in embedded
mode and how do I set users and passwords, if needed?

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I experimented with this setup. I mean Lazarus + sqldb + embedded firebird.
All I can say it works.
If I remember correctly, I had to rename fbembed.dll to fbclient.dll to 
make it work.

And maybe the password needs to be set.

Márton Papp

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Re: [lazarus] F1 context help for object inspector

2006-03-10 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:25:28 +0100
Bogus__aw Brandys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please add support for F1 context help in object inspector.It will be 
 very useful.
 For example: pressing F1 when selected is SessionProperties property on 
 TForm should display help for that property.Similiar for other 
 properties/event - without  details (not TFont-style but only top level 
 (Font) property should be considered)
 I know that F1 handle could be added to objectinspector.pp in 
 HandleStandardKeys but nothing more. I don't know how to get selected 
 property name here and how to call context help.
 I would probably do that some day ,but I think that it is a matter of 
 few minutes for Mattias to add this :-)



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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus proof of concept

2006-03-10 Thread Joao Morais

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Joao Morais wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I'm currently writing specs for a 'serious' application (a grade tracker
for teachers) which will use (embedded) firebird as a back-end database,
which will be using tiOPF or InstantObjects and LazReport - all this in
Lazarus. This is a commercial application, I'm telling this to show our
trust in Lazarus.

I'll continue the port of the InstantObjects framework to FPC just after
v2.0 is out, let me know if you need something (or let me know when you
start something).

Database storage using SQLDB or ZeosLib is on the top of the list.

Anyway let me know when you start something on behalf of IO (here or at 
IO's development ng) due to avoid duplicate effort.

Joao Morais

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Re: [lazarus] Icon property of TTrayicon in win32 patch

2006-03-10 Thread Christian U.
I have tried 4 ways at time to create transparent icons in win32 but the 
transparency is drawn black everytime when i use it in taskbar, i dont know 
why this happends. iam sure at least one of the tested methods works and 
creates real transparency i have no idea at time why this is not drawn in 
the taskbar. when i find an method, i make a patch for ticon.handle, where 
schould the handle of the tbitmap be stored then ?

.Bitmaphandle ?


- Original Message - 
From: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lazarus@miraclec.com
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Icon property of TTrayicon in win32 patch

Hello Christian,

First I would like to thank you for your effort into creating the
patch and helping us improve Lazarus.

However, I (and the lazarus developers) feel that it would be better
if we implement a proper TIcon instead of adding a work around the
current TIcon problems on components.

Would you like to help us create such better TIcon?

thanks again,
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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Re: [lazarus] SqlDB with Firebird

2006-03-10 Thread Matthijs Willemstein
On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 17:08 -0600, Matt Henley wrote:
 I installed Firebird Classic on my Windows XP machine.  In Lazarus, I
 added a TIBConnection to a blank form.  I put the full path to an
 example database (C:\Program
 Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\examples\EMPLOYEE.FDB)  in the Database
 Field of the Object Inspector.  I left the host blank as well as
 UserName and Password  as I have not set any of these and the Firebird
 docs said they could be left blank.  When I try to set the object to
 active, I get a response that unavailable database.
You should add the hostname (or ip) before the database name. So
something like:\Program Files\etc

Second you have to provide username and pasword. If not in design time
then during runtime.


Matthijs Willemstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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