RE: [Leaf-devel] weblet the like

2002-02-05 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

Nothing nailed down so-far...the whole enchalida is up for grabs!  I'd
especially like to see a clean, extensible, understandable method for
setting up complex networking configurations  static routes, since we're

Something like a meta-defninition that goes in the package (currently
/var/lib/lrp/packagename.*)  that defines what  how to configure the

That way someone could write a screen-based configuration manager (like
Oxygen's acfg), or the web-gui, or a microwindows/nano-x configuration
manager, or whatever, and they all talk to the common backend definition?

Or am I going too far?

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] weblet the like

2002-02-04 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

Lynn wrote regarding the Mosquito distribution:

 I have been busy looking at some CGI options myself lately. :)

soapboxPersonally, I think there's something fundamentally wrong with
managing a firewall/router through a web-based interface, but it seems that
I'm the only one who feels this way.../soapbox

I've been working on and off on integrating lua into a web server to provide
an inline embedded scripting language, similar to PHP.  For example:

TITLEConfiguration page for ? readfrom(|/bin/hostname)
 write (hostname)   

H1Configuration page for ? write(hostname) ?/H1

The above generates a web page that knows the local hostname... you get
the idea (I hope.) I got micro_httpd working, but it only supports GET
requests, so I switched to working with mini_httpd.  GET requests work, but
I'm still working on the correct approach for POSTS...

Advantages I see to this approach are:

Let the web server handle the access control, logging, etc.  (better
web pages should be more portable across the LEAF distributions
mini_httpd can be built with SSL support, if desired
inline-scripting is cool

Disadvantages mainly involve size:
The statically-linked lua library adds 50-70K to the web server
code; lua-enabled mini_httpd is just under 100K in size. (UPX gets it to
less than half of that, though).   

Does anyone out there see a need/use for this kind of thing?  Or do you
think the standard CGI scripting is fine?  (I do realize you can fit alot of
weblet pages in 100K)

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Question on Oxygen 1.8.0 boot CD

2001-12-28 Thread Angelacos, Nathan


I've noticed that the cdrom.cfg, smallnet.cfg, etc. configuration files on
the bootable cd are not in the root directory of the cdboot.ima image on the

Instead, they are inside the root.lrp, in /var/boot/config.

This is different from the standard floppy boot images, where the .cfg files
are on the root of the boot floppy.

Is there some specific reason that it has to be this way?  
Is it possible to create .cfg in the root of cdboot.ima and have them read?

Thanks in advance.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Oxygen Updates

2001-12-20 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

You're seeing this error because the default configuration is linux -
which is for a floppy-based boot.  The most recent CDROM should use
cdrom as the default config.

Ah.  Thanks.

The default screen is the linux config screen.  F1 will make the
cdrom/largenet/firewall/etc. options appear, and F10 will make the Linux
option the current screen again.

When using CDROM, it still tries to mount /dev/fd0u1680, fails, and goes on.
Not a big problem, but you will see the read failure messages on the console
and in the syslog.

I'm very pleased with the way things are shaping up with the Oxygen
CDROMs.  The main problems with the current image are:

This is looking very nice, Dave.  You should be proud.  Thanks!

Regarding the largenet SegFault, this is probably a stupid question, but
could it have anything to do with trying to load 105 packages all at once?
Has anyone else loaded that many before?  

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Oxygen Updates

2001-12-19 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

Luis.F.Correia wrote:

When booting from a CD, the only floppy formats supported are 1.44
and 2.88.
Check which format Oxygen-CD is using and correct your config file.



Just as a clarification, the CD-image I'm using is (currently dated Dec 17)
and at:
I think anyone who simply downloads that image and burns a CD from the iso 
will have the same problems I did.   

But your suggestion is helpful in looking for what to modify before 
burning another CD.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Oxygen Updates

2001-12-19 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

David, others, is there a reason for using syslinux instead of isolinux? 
I'd say it's easier to use isolinux and forget about floppy images on 
the CD.


ISOLinux worked great on the initial load, but there were some problems with
If I recall correctly, it seemed to want to mount the cd drive, which it
couldn't do, and
then got lost.  I don't recall the specifics, as I tossed my CD in the hopes
that people
much smarter than me would figure it out. :-)

But my impression was that the Oxygen init script is expecting to be run
from a floppy or
floppy-emulated device.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Oxygen Updates

2001-12-18 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

David Douthitt wrote:

 Also, the Oxygen Bootable CDROM has been updated, but the 'largenet'
 configuration is still SegFaulting at the end.  Please help me find
 out why It's very puzzling, as there is plenty of RAMdisk space
 and other configurations work fine.

In case it is any help to anyone else, when I booted with the CD 
and just hit enter (default is linux), linuxrc ran until the section


  LINUXRC: couldn't mount /dev/fd0u1680 with fs msdos!
  LINUXRC: error: not configuration
  LINUXRC: stopping system...

and it stopped.  From an older post of Dave's I tried this at the 
initial boot prompt:

boot: linux conf=testcd.cfg
boot: linux conf=cdrom.cfg

and LINUXRC goes through, complains about not finding /dev/fd0u1680 
several times, then loads the packages and runs.  I'm sure I'm abusing 
the boot prompt and should be entering other things as well, but 
this was the minimum I needed to get going.

I'm sure I missed something along the line, but the Dec 17 .iso is the
first one that's worked for me.

Looking forward to testing further.  

Dave, is the linux conf=largenet.cfg the way I'm supposed to 
test the largenet.cfg? 

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Updated Oxygen Development Image - and lrp/ source directory

2001-12-11 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

If people could bang away on the Oxygen development image, I'd
appreciate it.  I'd like to hear from some testers before I release...

Finally got a chance to download (and test), so far looks good.  The
config.lrp handling works nicely now.  Thanks!

As an observation,  /dev/boot seems to be a permanent symlink to 
/dev/fd0u1680, even when booting from /dev/hda1 (I had globally replaced 
fd0u1680 /w hda1 in oxygen.cnf)   But I probably missed something somewhere
on changing that (RTFM, right?)

So far the new image looks good.

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] cryptographically signed .LRPs

2001-12-11 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

 Yeah, I think it's pretty big, plus I believe most of these packages
 openssl and other huge add-ons to run.  The basics of public-key
 cryptography, however, are pretty simple, so I think it'd be possible to
 make a small (a few K, perhaps) binary that would simply calculate and
 verify signatures, as long as there arn't too many various options to deal
 with (ie no cert chains, or fancy stuff, just plain-old crypto signing).

And Jack Coats pointed out gpgv that might fit on a CD (283932 bytes), 
to which Jeff Newmiller reminded all that gpg will take that much 
ramdisk + RAM to run in...

gpgv is the verification only part, and looking through the source code,
most of it is gpg stubbed out (to be as small as possible.)  From the 
looks of it, it is pretty close to what you were describing:  

gnupg 1.0.6 (gpgv), stripped and upx'ed down to 113522 bytes

That's still pretty big.  Or do you think that would be small enough?  I
see any way to get a pgp-like app smaller than that.

Another idea might be to use OpenSSL, something like s/mime.
(OpenSSL 0.9.6b stripped  upx'ed is 400K or so, but it includes 
alot of other junk.)   I saw no obvious way to strip it down without
rewriting a small wrapper app that uses just a subset of the SSL 
libraries.  (but, I make NO claims to being a coder.)  

With OpenSSL, you'd have to worry about maintining x509 certs, though.

No solutions, just some ramblings on my thoughts. 
Comments or ideas welcome.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] packages and filesystems

2001-12-03 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

Jack Coates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And for this reason I'm thinking that versioning in the filename is a
convenient nice-to-have. If the version and author attributes are kept
on the web server that should be enough to enable accurate downloads,
though there are still troubleshooting issues. Determining what version
an end-user is using will require looking at package sizes.

Jack, I like your idea alot.  

Does anyone see any advantage to adding some packager/versioning information
inside the /var/lib/lrpkg/pkgname.version file?  I think the file is
supposed to have the package version number.  What if a second line had the
packager's name/version/tag/vfat package name/whatever. 

Scripts that use the file to get the version number would have to grab just
the first line, but putting the additional info in the file would allow the
original package info to be saved even if the target system was a fat-only

Just a thought.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] packages and filesystems

2001-12-03 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

 How do your fields compare against those stored by rpm  deb?

A quick cruise over to debian and produced this for me
(Sorry, Dave, if I'm speaking out of turn)

rpm debianDave
Version Version   Version
Release   Release
Summary Description   Description
Description follows descr 
Url   URL
Group   Section   Group
ProvidesProvides  Provides
Conflicts   Conflicts
  Keywords (provides?)

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] packages and filesystems

2001-12-03 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

David Douthitt wrote:
 I have a strong faith in the current format - even if we package up
 newfangledsoftware 2.2.2 as a *.lrp with glibc 2.0, it'll still work
 in that LRP 2.9.4 somebody's running.

 If we add a new file (*.desc) to the /var/lib/lrpkg directory, the
 package STILL works in that LRP 2.9.4 ...

I like. :-)  ( you are right .desc is a MUCH better place to put this 
stuff than .version.)

One question, though - What about adding a Requires tag?
 snort.lrp and tcpdump.lrp may both require libpcap.lrp
 newfangledsoftware 2.2.2 with glibc 2.1 requires glibc 2.1, 
 and might segfault under 2.0.7.  

Maybe there's no way to automate the requires bits of the desc file 
like rpm does, but at least the package maintainer could give hints as
to anthing else the new lrp might need.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] packages and filesystems

2001-12-03 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

David Douthitt wrote:

About all that can be asked for is a comment-like tag that package
creators use to detail dependencies.  

Agreed. That's what I was thinking of - comments for things the
maintainer knows of, with no guarantee that its accurate or comprehensive.

And I see what you mean about gets charles talking about new formats. :-)

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Re: How to keep config files separate from the packages

2001-11-07 Thread Angelacos, Nathan

- Original Message -
From: arne @ loopback . org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I would go a step further. make a minimal busybox only containing very
 applets(tar,msh as shell,mount,ls,cat,...) And link it statically with
 uClibc. This will result in a quite small binary and you don't need to
 include a big libc...
I do not the interest of doing that in an LRP distro. You will need libc
and ld-linux libraries anyway so why not putting them in initrd.gz ? If
you compile statically even with uClibc you would loose disk space at
the end...
  That is why you really don't need to back-up this as you would need
  for a standard package with config files  and the like. And I also
  not see the need to make modification to root.linuxrc in the LRP
  environnement: there is not reason to change this script outside of
  My only concern with this is the initial module loading introduced
  Charles in dachstein. But I think I have found a solution to take
  of this. See previous post.

 The Problem with your previous post is, that you can not load the
 loadmod.lrp from the boot medium cause you need the modules from there
 access your boot medium.
I  do not understand that. If you need to mount a special driver to read
your boot medium, obviously you cannot have either the original root.lrp
nor my boomod.lrp package on this boot medium. It has to be on a floppy.
 I would prefer to put it into the kernel, this would lead to a few
 kernels, but only a few. As i want to concentrate my work on LRP for
 with CD,harddisk or flashdisk i have no Problem with a larger kernel.
Obviously that is a safe solution.
 My main Problem is to have it the size to fit on a floppy. But if we
do not
 use a embedded libc we will run into problems anyway, as fewer
programs will
 support glibc-2.0.7 and we have to switch to another libc. This will
 the floppy stuff (as using kernel 2.4 might).
Well I guess we will have to move to glibc 2.1 or 2.2 at some point. But
we all know that will lead to a somewhat bigger LRP distro...

Leaf-devel mailing list