Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-25 Thread Jerry
Yeah, you are right about that.  I forgot it also said FACTS.  --Jerry

On 02/23/2012 05:41 AM, Jenny M Benson wrote:
> On 23/02/2012 04:09, Jerry wrote:
>>But I almost
>> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
>> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
>> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
>> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
>> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
>> obituary.
> Let us not forget that the lower section of an Individual's Information
> screen is labelled Events/Facts.  The FACT that someone appeared on a
> Census or in a newspaper article or had an obituary written about them
> may perfectly reasonably be entered there *if anyone chooses to do so*.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Paula Ryburn
Yay!  Glad it was so easy.  Hope your reports are starting to take shape the way
you want!

From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Fri, February 24, 2012 5:38:34 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable

Thank you Paula, that was the case- I needed to insert the [Source]
field at the end of my sentence override.  I didn't understnd that was
part of the default wording structure for the event.
I have been doing  mainly data imput into Legacy and am only just now
seeing how the reports look.  Upon reflective I should of been
checking the output into reports as I had been going along.  I think I
have come up with a combination of default wording and then adding
some condensed extra wording that doesn't clog up the report too much.

On 25 February 2012 09:04, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> In the sentence structure, there is a field you add that is the little
> number... I think it is [Sources]  Take a look at another event's sentence
> structure (that you haven't made changes to) and see where Legacy has put
> that field.  You can add that field to your override sentence structure, and
> then the little number should show up WITH the event in the body of the
> report.
> However, there are still some report options to check.  The descendants book
> report's report options has a tab for Sources, where you have to check the
> box for them to print, then you can indicate how you want the source
> citations to print - footnotes vs. endnotes, etc.  Then again, if you're
> getting the citations at the end, you have all that checked.
> So, another reason the little number could be missing is because the
> citation hasn't actually been added to this particular event.  Can you
> double-check that?  In the Individual's screen in the events/facts list,
> does the event in question have an "S" beside it?  If not, then it hasn't
> been sourced.  Not sure how that happened, but it has definitely happened to
> me, where I thought I had cited the source, but was trying to do so many
> things at once that it just hadn't been done.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Ron Ferguson

I rarely use the Sentence override, as a suggestion, in the box where the
example is given, would it not be an idea to have at the end
".[Sources][Notes]", at least this would serve as a reminder?

Ron Ferguson

-Original Message-
From: Brian/Support
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports


The original poster was using a custom event sentence. When defining
your own event sentences you do need to include the [sources] field to
tell Legacy where to include the source citations in the sentence. If
you do not use the [sources] then no sources will be cited in the sentence.

All the Legacy defined events already have the [sources] field in the
sentence definition so for those events you only have to set the source
options in the report setup.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 24/02/2012 6:11 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Paula,
> It should not be necessary to add the sources in the way you suggest (if
> indeed that is possible). The addition of sources is a combination of two
> factors 1) The Event has a Source linked to it, and b) in Report Options>
> Sources the box to display sources is checked.
> Ron Ferguson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Ron Ferguson
Thanks, Brian.

Ron Ferguson

-Original Message-
From: Brian/Support
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports


The original poster was using a custom event sentence. When defining
your own event sentences you do need to include the [sources] field to
tell Legacy where to include the source citations in the sentence. If
you do not use the [sources] then no sources will be cited in the sentence.

All the Legacy defined events already have the [sources] field in the
sentence definition so for those events you only have to set the source
options in the report setup.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 24/02/2012 6:11 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Paula,
> It should not be necessary to add the sources in the way you suggest (if
> indeed that is possible). The addition of sources is a combination of two
> factors 1) The Event has a Source linked to it, and b) in Report Options>
> Sources the box to display sources is checked.
> Ron Ferguson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Brian/Support

The original poster was using a custom event sentence. When defining
your own event sentences you do need to include the [sources] field to
tell Legacy where to include the source citations in the sentence. If
you do not use the [sources] then no sources will be cited in the sentence.

All the Legacy defined events already have the [sources] field in the
sentence definition so for those events you only have to set the source
options in the report setup.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 24/02/2012 6:11 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Paula,
> It should not be necessary to add the sources in the way you suggest (if 
> indeed that is possible). The addition of sources is a combination of two 
> factors 1) The Event has a Source linked to it, and b) in Report Options>  
> Sources the box to display sources is checked.
> Ron Ferguson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Brian/Support
Look at any one of the standard Legacy defined sentences to see how to
have the source citations included in your custom sentences. What you
have to do is use the special codes from the little box at the bottom of
the sentence definition screen to add the sources text field to your
sentence. Wherever you include that field Legacy will insert the source
citations for the event.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 24/02/2012 5:19 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
> Thanks Paula for your suggestions.
> Correct me if I'm wrong but I tried the sentence override part of the
> event entry but when I checked the output (descendants book report)
> the small number identifying the source doesn't appear with this event
> in the main part of the report.   The source is still in the source
> citation at the end of the generation.
> I am still experimenting but all suggestions are greatfully received.
> Lea-Anne

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Lea-Anne Davison
Thank you Paula, that was the case- I needed to insert the [Source]
field at the end of my sentence override.  I didn't understnd that was
part of the default wording structure for the event.
I have been doing  mainly data imput into Legacy and am only just now
seeing how the reports look.  Upon reflective I should of been
checking the output into reports as I had been going along.  I think I
have come up with a combination of default wording and then adding
some condensed extra wording that doesn't clog up the report too much.

On 25 February 2012 09:04, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> In the sentence structure, there is a field you add that is the little
> number... I think it is [Sources]  Take a look at another event's sentence
> structure (that you haven't made changes to) and see where Legacy has put
> that field.  You can add that field to your override sentence structure, and
> then the little number should show up WITH the event in the body of the
> report.
> However, there are still some report options to check.  The descendants book
> report's report options has a tab for Sources, where you have to check the
> box for them to print, then you can indicate how you want the source
> citations to print - footnotes vs. endnotes, etc.  Then again, if you're
> getting the citations at the end, you have all that checked.
> So, another reason the little number could be missing is because the
> citation hasn't actually been added to this particular event.  Can you
> double-check that?  In the Individual's screen in the events/facts list,
> does the event in question have an "S" beside it?  If not, then it hasn't
> been sourced.  Not sure how that happened, but it has definitely happened to
> me, where I thought I had cited the source, but was trying to do so many
> things at once that it just hadn't been done.
> --Paula in Texas
> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
> ____________
> From: Lea-Anne Davison 
> To:
> Sent: Fri, February 24, 2012 4:19:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> Thanks Paula for your suggestions.
> Correct me if I'm wrong but I tried the sentence override part of the
> event entry but when I checked the output (descendants book report)
> the small number identifying the source doesn't appear with this event
> in the main part of the report.  The source is still in the source
> citation at the end of the generation.
> I am still experimenting but all suggestions are greatfully received.
> Lea-Anne
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on
> our blog (
> To unsubscribe:

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Ron Ferguson

It should not be necessary to add the sources in the way you suggest (if indeed 
that is possible). The addition of sources is a combination of two factors 1) 
The Event has a Source linked to it, and b) in Report Options> Sources the box 
to display sources is checked.

Ron Ferguson

From: Paula Ryburn
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in 
readable reports

In the sentence structure, there is a field you add that is the little 
number... I think it is [Sources]  Take a look at another event's sentence 
structure (that you haven't made changes to) and see where Legacy has put that 
field.  You can add that field to your override sentence structure, and then 
the little number should show up WITH the event in the body of the report.

However, there are still some report options to check.  The descendants book 
report's report options has a tab for Sources, where you have to check the box 
for them to print, then you can indicate how you want the source citations to 
print - footnotes vs. endnotes, etc.  Then again, if you're getting the 
citations at the end, you have all that checked.

So, another reason the little number could be missing is because the citation 
hasn't actually been added to this particular event.  Can you double-check 
that?  In the Individual's screen in the events/facts list, does the event in 
question have an "S" beside it?  If not, then it hasn't been sourced.  Not sure 
how that happened, but it has definitely happened to me, where I thought I had 
cited the source, but was trying to do so many things at once that it just 
hadn't been done.

--Paula in Texas
Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman 
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field 
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle 
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche 
Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Fri, February 24, 2012 4:19:29 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in 
readable reports

Thanks Paula for your suggestions.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I tried the sentence override part of the
event entry but when I checked the output (descendants book report)
the small number identifying the source doesn't appear with this event
in the main part of the report.  The source is still in the source
citation at the end of the generation.

I am still experimenting but all suggestions are greatfully received.


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Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Paula Ryburn
In the sentence structure, there is a field you add that is the little number...
I think it is [Sources]  Take a look at another event's sentence structure (that
you haven't made changes to) and see where Legacy has put that field.  You can
add that field to your override sentence structure, and then the little number
should show up WITH the event in the body of the report.

However, there are still some report options to check.  The descendants book
report's report options has a tab for Sources, where you have to check the box
for them to print, then you can indicate how you want the source citations to
print - footnotes vs. endnotes, etc.  Then again, if you're getting the
citations at the end, you have all that checked.

So, another reason the little number could be missing is because the citation
hasn't actually been added to this particular event.  Can you double-check that?
 In the Individual's screen in the events/facts list, does the event in question
have an "S" beside it?  If not, then it hasn't been sourced.  Not sure how that
happened, but it has definitely happened to me, where I thought I had cited the
source, but was trying to do so many things at once that it just hadn't been
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn
Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Fri, February 24, 2012 4:19:29 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable

Thanks Paula for your suggestions.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I tried the sentence override part of the
event entry but when I checked the output (descendants book report)
the small number identifying the source doesn't appear with this event
in the main part of the report.   The source is still in the source
citation at the end of the generation.

I am still experimenting but all suggestions are greatfully received.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Ron Ferguson

That should not be the case, can you please give details of the Event (I
think) and your full sentence override so it can be replicated?

Ron Ferguson

-Original Message-
From: Lea-Anne Davison
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports

Thanks Paula for your suggestions.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I tried the sentence override part of the
event entry but when I checked the output (descendants book report)
the small number identifying the source doesn't appear with this event
in the main part of the report.   The source is still in the source
citation at the end of the generation.

I am still experimenting but all suggestions are greatfully received.


On 25 February 2012 04:06, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> Just wanted to also mention that the sentence structure for ANY "event"
> can
> be modified to suit your needs.  Legacy has included a "Census" event that
> has a set sentence structure "Soandso appeared on the suchandsuch census
> in
> date in place."  (or something close to that)  You can modify that in the
> Events list, once for all of your Census events.  Or you can override the
> sentence structure for one event (or maybe a set of events if you override
> it once and copy the event using the clipboard, for example).  Or I think
> you can even copy the "Census" event to your own version "Lea-Annes
> Census"...!
> Another thing to keep in mind is that all of the events are "generic" in
> the
> database.  They all have the same fields  description, date, place,
> notes.  A Residence event looks remarkably similar to a Census event ;)
> but
> for the sentence structure.  So, from a purely using-the-database
> viewpoint,
> you can do anything you want.  Legacy just took the time to set up some
> "standard" sentence structures to assist us.  (Well, that sounded a bit
> "know it all" but thought I am not a Legacy programmer, I do believe
> that's
> how it is set up.)
> Though I'm not an expert on all Legacy reporting options either, I believe
> every report has one or more options on the format in which to print the
> events.  I've lately been using the FGR, and the option is "list" vs.
> "sentence"... be sure to check these out, too, as you test your output.
> One
> format might be more to your liking.
> Good luck!
> --Paula in Texas
> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton
> Chapman
> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline
> Field
> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
> From: Lea-Anne Davison 
> To:
> Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 9:40:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
> there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
> important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
> I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
> description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
> his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
> source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
> that looks for the reports.  Whether I print it as part of the
> citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
> it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
> through the report.
> Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
> Lea-Anne
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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Lea-Anne Davison
Thanks Paula for your suggestions.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I tried the sentence override part of the
event entry but when I checked the output (descendants book report)
the small number identifying the source doesn't appear with this event
in the main part of the report.   The source is still in the source
citation at the end of the generation.

I am still experimenting but all suggestions are greatfully received.


On 25 February 2012 04:06, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> Just wanted to also mention that the sentence structure for ANY "event" can
> be modified to suit your needs.  Legacy has included a "Census" event that
> has a set sentence structure "Soandso appeared on the suchandsuch census in
> date in place."  (or something close to that)  You can modify that in the
> Events list, once for all of your Census events.  Or you can override the
> sentence structure for one event (or maybe a set of events if you override
> it once and copy the event using the clipboard, for example).  Or I think
> you can even copy the "Census" event to your own version "Lea-Annes
> Census"...!
> Another thing to keep in mind is that all of the events are "generic" in the
> database.  They all have the same fields  description, date, place,
> notes.  A Residence event looks remarkably similar to a Census event ;)  but
> for the sentence structure.  So, from a purely using-the-database viewpoint,
> you can do anything you want.  Legacy just took the time to set up some
> "standard" sentence structures to assist us.  (Well, that sounded a bit
> "know it all" but thought I am not a Legacy programmer, I do believe that's
> how it is set up.)
> Though I'm not an expert on all Legacy reporting options either, I believe
> every report has one or more options on the format in which to print the
> events.  I've lately been using the FGR, and the option is "list" vs.
> "sentence"... be sure to check these out, too, as you test your output.  One
> format might be more to your liking.
> Good luck!
> --Paula in Texas
> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
> From: Lea-Anne Davison 
> To:
> Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 9:40:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
> there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
> important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
> I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
> description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
> his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
> source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
> that looks for the reports.  Whether I print it as part of the
> citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
> it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
> through the report.
> Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
> Lea-Anne
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on
> our blog (
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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-24 Thread Paula Ryburn

Just wanted to also mention that the sentence structure for ANY "event" can be
modified to suit your needs.  Legacy has included a "Census" event that has a
set sentence structure "Soandso appeared on the suchandsuch census in date in
place."  (or something close to that)  You can modify that in the Events list,
once for all of your Census events.  Or you can override the sentence structure
for one event (or maybe a set of events if you override it once and copy the
event using the clipboard, for example).  Or I think you can even copy the
"Census" event to your own version "Lea-Annes Census"...!

Another thing to keep in mind is that all of the events are "generic" in the
database.  They all have the same fields  description, date, place, notes.
 A Residence event looks remarkably similar to a Census event ;)  but for the
sentence structure.  So, from a purely using-the-database viewpoint, you can do
anything you want.  Legacy just took the time to set up some "standard" sentence
structures to assist us.  (Well, that sounded a bit "know it all" but thought I
am not a Legacy programmer, I do believe that's how it is set up.)

Though I'm not an expert on all Legacy reporting options either, I believe every
report has one or more options on the format in which to print the events.  I've
lately been using the FGR, and the option is "list" vs. "sentence"... be sure to
check these out, too, as you test your output.  One format might be more to your

Good luck!
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn
Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 9:40:42 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable

I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
that looks for the reports.   Whether I print it as part of the
citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
through the report.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Shirley Richardson
I realise this topic has done the rounds on several occasions and I am 
relatively new to Legacy but my logical mind tells me - on a certain day a 
person visited the household to collect the information ie an EVENT (and a 
FACT). The information is recorded and archived which creates a SOURCE.

I suppose you could say the same, for a birth registration, for instance. By a 
person registering the birth it is an EVENT. The FACT of the, EVENT of the 
birth, is recorded and archived which creates a SOURCE.

Mt Maunganui, NZ
  - Original Message -
  From: Georgia
  Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 8:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in 
readable reports

  This is my first time weighing in with an answer but I wanted to offer a
  couple of thoughts.
  Jerry - I understand your desire to have accurate descriptions for
  events and that "census" doesn't seem like an event.  I believe the
  actual event is "appearance on the census" which very specifically ties
  an individual to a date and a location.  For me, Census is both an event
  and a source.  I use the census as a source for approximate birth date
  and place, occupation, residence, sometimes marriage, etc.  I also
  create a census event (considering that census is an abbreviation for
  "appearance on a census") as Geoff does.

  I am still deep in the research state of my work so being able to see at
  a glance where a person was during specific decades, helps me decide
  where to research next.  I also like being able to click on "edit" when
  the event is highlighted so that I can quickly confirm who is in the
  household and what they were doing there.

  As for reports, I realize that how we input the data will affect the
  output but I have always assumed that I would be making substantial
  edits to any report (copy and paste into Word as someone suggested) or
  even that I would use the report as an outline to write my own narrative.

  Perhaps one of the factors to consider in how to enter your census data
  is whether you want to glance at a person's events to see a quick
  chronology - or not!

  Georgia - researching Ohio and Mississippi from California

  On 2/22/2012 8:09 PM, Jerry wrote:
  > I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
  > think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
  > find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
  > life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
  > That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
  > because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
  > event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
  > obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
  > Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
  > But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
  > through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
  > "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
  > brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
  > detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
  > simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
  > this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
  > definitions on this subject.
  > Jerry -

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Ron Ferguson

Whilst this attached to your post it is not really a reply to your comments,
but simply a way of commenting on the posts in the thread, and I picked
yours because I knew you would understand :-).

In my previous post I expressed the wish that the thread did not develop
into a "my way is better/more right than your way" type of discussion. I am
not, therefore entering that debate. I was pointing out that there is more
than one way of dealing with Events/Facts and in my view the selection is
dependent on the use to which the users wish to put their data - reports,
websites, detailed research and so on! There is no right and wrong way, but
there may be a right, or a least a better, way for the owner of the data -
it is personal to them.

If I suggest a method of improving the output for somebody, and this happens
to conflict with someone's cherished idea of "there is only one way of doing
this, and that's my way", then tough, I will never agree with you. That is
not to say I never change my way of working, I do, but only because it makes
things easier for me, or gives me a better outcome. And for those who
believe that standards are the 'be all and end all', please tell one which
hasn't changed, or, like GEDCOM, needs changing.

Ron Ferguson

-Original Message-
From: Jenny M Benson
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports

On 23/02/2012 04:09, Jerry wrote:
>   But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.

Let us not forget that the lower section of an Individual's Information
screen is labelled Events/Facts.  The FACT that someone appeared on a
Census or in a newspaper article or had an obituary written about them
may perfectly reasonably be entered there *if anyone chooses to do so*.

Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Georgia
This is my first time weighing in with an answer but I wanted to offer a
couple of thoughts.
Jerry - I understand your desire to have accurate descriptions for
events and that "census" doesn't seem like an event.  I believe the
actual event is "appearance on the census" which very specifically ties
an individual to a date and a location.  For me, Census is both an event
and a source.  I use the census as a source for approximate birth date
and place, occupation, residence, sometimes marriage, etc.  I also
create a census event (considering that census is an abbreviation for
"appearance on a census") as Geoff does.

I am still deep in the research state of my work so being able to see at
a glance where a person was during specific decades, helps me decide
where to research next.  I also like being able to click on "edit" when
the event is highlighted so that I can quickly confirm who is in the
household and what they were doing there.

As for reports, I realize that how we input the data will affect the
output but I have always assumed that I would be making substantial
edits to any report (copy and paste into Word as someone suggested) or
even that I would use the report as an outline to write my own narrative.

Perhaps one of the factors to consider in how to enter your census data
is whether you want to glance at a person's events to see a quick
chronology - or not!

Georgia - researching Ohio and Mississippi from California

On 2/22/2012 8:09 PM, Jerry wrote:
> I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
> think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
> Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
> But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
> through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
> "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
> brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
> detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
> simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
> this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
> definitions on this subject.
> Jerry -

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread M. Brenzel
Funny, but my response, so much like Jenny's below, was written and sent before 
I saw hers.


Sent from my iPad

On Feb 23, 2012, at 5:41 AM, Jenny M Benson  wrote:

> On 23/02/2012 04:09, Jerry wrote:
>>  But I almost
>> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
>> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
>> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
>> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
>> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
>> obituary.
> Let us not forget that the lower section of an Individual's Information
> screen is labelled Events/Facts.  The FACT that someone appeared on a
> Census or in a newspaper article or had an obituary written about them
> may perfectly reasonably be entered there *if anyone chooses to do so*.
> --
> Jenny M Benson

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RE: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Ronald Bernier

Unfortunately, there are some folks on this list who feel the way they have 
chosen to do something is the only way to do it.  They like to ridicule the 
folks who don't use their method.

Ron Bernier

-Original Message-
From: M. Brenzel []
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in 
readable reports

Once again, some of you are forgetting that the section on the Individual's 
form is Events/Facts.  The census itself wasn't an event for the person, but 
the person's being recorded on the census is a FACT.  Likewise, being mentioned 
in a newspaper article is a FACT, having an obituary published is a FACT.

Whether you choose to record a Census in that section or not is a personal 


On Feb 22, 2012, at 11:09 PM, Jerry  wrote:

> I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
> think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use
> my Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
> But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to
> wade through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
> "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want
> a brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
> detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
> simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
> this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the
> dictionary definitions on this subject.
> Jerry -

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread M. Brenzel
Once again, some of you are forgetting that the section on the Individual's 
form is Events/Facts.  The census itself wasn't an event for the person, but 
the person's being recorded on the census is a FACT.  Likewise, being mentioned 
in a newspaper article is a FACT, having an obituary published is a FACT.

Whether you choose to record a Census in that section or not is a personal 


On Feb 22, 2012, at 11:09 PM, Jerry  wrote:

> I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
> think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
> Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
> But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
> through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
> "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
> brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
> detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
> simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
> this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
> definitions on this subject.
> Jerry -

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RE: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Michele Lewis
On 23/02/2012 04:09, Jerry wrote:
>   But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.

A census puts a person in a specific place at a specific time, that is an 
event.  If you use the census just as a source, I think you lose a lot.  You 
are supposed to look at each person you are researching as a person, not just a 
set of facts and figures. You try to imagine how they lived and what their life 
was like and census records help with that.  You get an overview at a glance.  
I like to have all of the census records for their entire life span and  you 
can easily see how their life progressed.  Using a census merely as a source 
you lose a lot of that.


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RE: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Michele Lewis
I do census records as an event and then I copy it  to  each person named.  I 
try to follow each person through all the census years while they were living.  
I don’t worry too much about reports because I don’t use them.  Reports never 
format correctly to be used in magazines,newspaper articles or client reports 
so I hand type them anyway.  I rarely print out or pdf a report for someone 
else.  I prefer to discuss the research and the sources with them.  Just giving 
someone a printout doesn’t cause them to think on their own.  I will print out 
a predigree chart for someone to show them the basic skeleton of their family.  
Legacy for me is my database, my notes, my research.  It isn’t a short cut way 
to present research to someone else.


From: Paula Ryburn []
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in 
readable reports

That's why I do not enter it the way Geoff recommends.  When trying something 
new, I enter the data the new way and then run several different reports to see 
how it looks.  Hopefully, Geoff will respond with some report settings that can 
keep the repetitions to a minimum.

--Paula in Texas
Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman 
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field 
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle 
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche 
Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams


From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 6:11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in 
readable reports

I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
only once at the end of each family.

On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong  wrote:
> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have to 
> find some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email 
> program. I belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly. It 
> worked fine then.
> >>From
> Jenny M Benson
> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
> I am about to do the same!
> ...
> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
> Cathy-0
> Peggy,
> I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do this
> and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily read.
> They seem to like it in this format.
> However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the information
> that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes 
> field
> of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I print 
> the
> Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
> events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.
> And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report so 
> that
> family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.
> Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.
> Cathy>>>
> Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on 
> (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making extra 
> notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore the 
> features of Legacy.
> Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have a 
> good start after I finish entering the information.
> Peggy
>  >>>>From: Marg Strong
>  To: LegacyUserGroup@Le

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Dennis M . Kowallek
On Wed, 22 Feb 2012 23:09:36 -0500, Jerry 

>Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
>Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.

Keep in mind that the Legacy field is called Event/Fact. So anything

>or an obituary is an event in someone's life because, certainly, they are 
>mentioned in the obituary

I generally don't create "Census" events/facts for people in my database
(I do as Ron does) because I don't want them displayed in reports (web
pages are a type of report). I suppose I could create them and mark them
private with much the same effect. But I do create "Obituary"
events/facts (with a transcription or an image attached) precisely
because I do want to display those in reports. I do things this way
because I feel my readers would be interested in seeing the obituary ...
and would probably not be interested in looking at one or more censuses.

So it boils down to the target audience.


Dennis Kowallek (LTools/Custom Programming)

NOTE TO LUG USERS: Use plain text if you want me to read your post.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-23 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 23/02/2012 04:09, Jerry wrote:
>   But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.

Let us not forget that the lower section of an Individual's Information
screen is labelled Events/Facts.  The FACT that someone appeared on a
Census or in a newspaper article or had an obituary written about them
may perfectly reasonably be entered there *if anyone chooses to do so*.

Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Jerry
Sorry, I meant to say ...better by treating a census as a source, rather
than as an event...

Jerry -

On 2/22/2012 11:33 PM, Jerry wrote:
> Yeah, I understand and don't mean to be dogmatic about it.  But I do
> think that your reports might come out better by treating events as
> sources, rather than events.
> Jerry -
> On 2/22/2012 11:18 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
>> I think I am on the fence with the source vs event debate and
>> certainly it wasn't my intention to start it up again.  All I want is
>> a way for the report to be easy to read and not have endless
>> repetitions of the event that I put in, at this point - census.I
>> will take the time to experiment and come up something that suits me.
>> Lea-Anne
>> On 23 February 2012 14:09, Jerry   wrote:
>>> I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
>>> think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
>>> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
>>> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
>>> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
>>> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
>>> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
>>> obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
>>> Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
>>> But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
>>> through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
>>> "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
>>> brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
>>> detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
>>> simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
>>> this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
>>> definitions on this subject.
>>> Jerry -
>>> On 2/22/2012 10:40 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
>>>> I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
>>>> there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
>>>> important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
>>>> I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
>>>> description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
>>>> his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
>>>> source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
>>>> that looks for the reports.   Whether I print it as part of the
>>>> citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
>>>> it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
>>>> through the report.
>>>> Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
>>>> Lea-Anne
>>>> On 23 February 2012 13:31, Paula Ryburn 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Lea-Anne,  I do use census events, but I don't have the transcription of 
>>>>> the
>>>>> entire household in every event.  I use a more narrative style and include
>>>>> just that person's information.  For the couple, I add the event to the
>>>>> marriage.  In fact, if I have the image, I don't have the transcription
>>>>> anywhere, because I can just pull up the image if I need to see something
>>>>> and neither the image nor transcriptions add anything to the reports that 
>>>>> I
>>>>> use.  Even on those census sources where I have just transcriptions (have
>>>>> yet to obtain an image and see what was entered for myself), I have the
>>>>> transcription in the source, but I don't print it as part of the citation
>>>>> (entered in the Text field without checking that box).  Hope this made
>>>>> sense.  But as Ron has said "not a recommendation" - just describing how I
>>>>> do it in case it can be helpful to you.
>>>>> Note: if you do end up re-doing events, remember to use the event 
>>>>> clipboard
>>>>> -- I mention this explicitly because I only very recently learned about 
>>>>> this
>>>>> feature and it is wonderful, very quick!

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Jerry
Yeah, I understand and don't mean to be dogmatic about it.  But I do
think that your reports might come out better by treating events as
sources, rather than events.

Jerry -

On 2/22/2012 11:18 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
> I think I am on the fence with the source vs event debate and
> certainly it wasn't my intention to start it up again.  All I want is
> a way for the report to be easy to read and not have endless
> repetitions of the event that I put in, at this point - census.I
> will take the time to experiment and come up something that suits me.
> Lea-Anne
> On 23 February 2012 14:09, Jerry  wrote:
>> I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
>> think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
>> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
>> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
>> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
>> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
>> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
>> obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
>> Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
>> But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
>> through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
>> "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
>> brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
>> detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
>> simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
>> this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
>> definitions on this subject.
>> Jerry -
>> On 2/22/2012 10:40 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
>>> I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
>>> there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
>>> important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
>>> I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
>>> description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
>>> his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
>>> source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
>>> that looks for the reports.   Whether I print it as part of the
>>> citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
>>> it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
>>> through the report.
>>> Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
>>> Lea-Anne
>>> On 23 February 2012 13:31, Paula Ryburn
>>> wrote:
>>>> Lea-Anne,  I do use census events, but I don't have the transcription of 
>>>> the
>>>> entire household in every event.  I use a more narrative style and include
>>>> just that person's information.  For the couple, I add the event to the
>>>> marriage.  In fact, if I have the image, I don't have the transcription
>>>> anywhere, because I can just pull up the image if I need to see something
>>>> and neither the image nor transcriptions add anything to the reports that I
>>>> use.  Even on those census sources where I have just transcriptions (have
>>>> yet to obtain an image and see what was entered for myself), I have the
>>>> transcription in the source, but I don't print it as part of the citation
>>>> (entered in the Text field without checking that box).  Hope this made
>>>> sense.  But as Ron has said "not a recommendation" - just describing how I
>>>> do it in case it can be helpful to you.
>>>> Note: if you do end up re-doing events, remember to use the event clipboard
>>>> -- I mention this explicitly because I only very recently learned about 
>>>> this
>>>> feature and it is wonderful, very quick!
>>>> --Paula in Texas
>>>> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
>>>> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline 
>>>> Field
>>>> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
>>>> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
>>>> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sulli

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Lea-Anne Davison
I think I am on the fence with the source vs event debate and
certainly it wasn't my intention to start it up again.  All I want is
a way for the report to be easy to read and not have endless
repetitions of the event that I put in, at this point - census.I
will take the time to experiment and come up something that suits me.

On 23 February 2012 14:09, Jerry  wrote:
> I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
> think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
> find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
> life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
> That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
> because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
> event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
> obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
> Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!
> But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
> through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
> "genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
> brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
> detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
> simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
> this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
> definitions on this subject.
> Jerry -
> On 2/22/2012 10:40 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
>> I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
>> there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
>> important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
>> I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
>> description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
>> his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
>> source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
>> that looks for the reports.   Whether I print it as part of the
>> citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
>> it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
>> through the report.
>> Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
>> Lea-Anne
>> On 23 February 2012 13:31, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
>>> Lea-Anne,  I do use census events, but I don't have the transcription of the
>>> entire household in every event.  I use a more narrative style and include
>>> just that person's information.  For the couple, I add the event to the
>>> marriage.  In fact, if I have the image, I don't have the transcription
>>> anywhere, because I can just pull up the image if I need to see something
>>> and neither the image nor transcriptions add anything to the reports that I
>>> use.  Even on those census sources where I have just transcriptions (have
>>> yet to obtain an image and see what was entered for myself), I have the
>>> transcription in the source, but I don't print it as part of the citation
>>> (entered in the Text field without checking that box).  Hope this made
>>> sense.  But as Ron has said "not a recommendation" - just describing how I
>>> do it in case it can be helpful to you.
>>> Note: if you do end up re-doing events, remember to use the event clipboard
>>> -- I mention this explicitly because I only very recently learned about this
>>> feature and it is wonderful, very quick!
>>> --Paula in Texas
>>> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
>>> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
>>> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
>>> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
>>> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
>>> From: Lea-Anne Davison
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 6:42:45 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
>>> readable reports
>>> Ron
>>> Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
>>> for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
>>> saying you have a residence eve

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Jerry
I think Ron is in the UK and it is about 5 in the morning there, I
think, so you can probably expect him to answer later.  But I almost
find it hysterical that a census is considered an event in someone's
life, despite the fact that many professionals advocate for that.
That's sort of like saying a newspaper is an event in someone's life
because they might be mentioned in the newspaper, or an obituary is an
event in someone's life because, certainly, they are mentioned in the
obituary.  Clearly, they are sources, not events, and I prefer to use my
Merriam-Webster roots to provide the correct definition.  LOL!

But the other side is, that most users will definitely not want to wade
through lots of information about their ancestors that most of us
"genealogists" might even have some difficulty deciphering.  They want a
brief synopsis that tells them the story and most of them, even me,
detest wading through endless, not needed, information.  So, keep it
simple, comes to mind, but I realize most of the ones who disagree on
this issue are very smart people, just mis-informed about the dictionary
definitions on this subject.

Jerry -

On 2/22/2012 10:40 PM, Lea-Anne Davison wrote:
> I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
> there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
> important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
> I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
> description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
> his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
> source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
> that looks for the reports.   Whether I print it as part of the
> citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
> it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
> through the report.
> Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
> Lea-Anne
> On 23 February 2012 13:31, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
>> Lea-Anne,  I do use census events, but I don't have the transcription of the
>> entire household in every event.  I use a more narrative style and include
>> just that person's information.  For the couple, I add the event to the
>> marriage.  In fact, if I have the image, I don't have the transcription
>> anywhere, because I can just pull up the image if I need to see something
>> and neither the image nor transcriptions add anything to the reports that I
>> use.  Even on those census sources where I have just transcriptions (have
>> yet to obtain an image and see what was entered for myself), I have the
>> transcription in the source, but I don't print it as part of the citation
>> (entered in the Text field without checking that box).  Hope this made
>> sense.  But as Ron has said "not a recommendation" - just describing how I
>> do it in case it can be helpful to you.
>> Note: if you do end up re-doing events, remember to use the event clipboard
>> -- I mention this explicitly because I only very recently learned about this
>> feature and it is wonderful, very quick!
>> --Paula in Texas
>> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
>> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
>> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
>> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
>> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
>> From: Lea-Anne Davison
>> To:
>> Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 6:42:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
>> readable reports
>> Ron
>> Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
>> for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
>> saying you have a residence event instead of an actual census event,
>> which the census is used as the source.  Are the names etc entered
>> into the source as per Geoff's webinar.  If so where are they entered
>> and does this then only show as one source at the end of the report
>> Lea-Anne
>> On 23 February 2012 10:35, Ron Ferguson  wrote:
>>> Lea-Anne,
>>> Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
>>> the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
>>> name, occupations, residences etc.
>>> Ron Ferguson

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Lea-Anne Davison
I think I will experient with what has been suggested.  I realise
there is no right or wrong way, but how it looks in the report is an
important part for me.  I think I will try putting in an event whether
I call in Event or Residence not sure yet with an condensed
description of the family in the census eg John Smith was living with
his wife and children (perhaps name each but keep it short).  Then
source the census with the full details in the text field and see how
that looks for the reports.   Whether I print it as part of the
citation I will decide after I see how it looks but at least this way
it will only be once at the end of the report and  not repeated all
through the report.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

On 23 February 2012 13:31, Paula Ryburn  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,  I do use census events, but I don't have the transcription of the
> entire household in every event.  I use a more narrative style and include
> just that person's information.  For the couple, I add the event to the
> marriage.  In fact, if I have the image, I don't have the transcription
> anywhere, because I can just pull up the image if I need to see something
> and neither the image nor transcriptions add anything to the reports that I
> use.  Even on those census sources where I have just transcriptions (have
> yet to obtain an image and see what was entered for myself), I have the
> transcription in the source, but I don't print it as part of the citation
> (entered in the Text field without checking that box).  Hope this made
> sense.  But as Ron has said "not a recommendation" - just describing how I
> do it in case it can be helpful to you.
> Note: if you do end up re-doing events, remember to use the event clipboard
> -- I mention this explicitly because I only very recently learned about this
> feature and it is wonderful, very quick!
> --Paula in Texas
> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
> From: Lea-Anne Davison 
> To:
> Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 6:42:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> Ron
> Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
> for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
> saying you have a residence event instead of an actual census event,
> which the census is used as the source.  Are the names etc entered
> into the source as per Geoff's webinar.  If so where are they entered
> and does this then only show as one source at the end of the report
> Lea-Anne
> On 23 February 2012 10:35, Ron Ferguson  wrote:
>> Lea-Anne,
>> Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
>> the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
>> name, occupations, residences etc.
>> Ron Ferguson
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on
> our blog (
> To unsubscribe:

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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To unsubscribe:

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Paula Ryburn
Lea-Anne,  I do use census events, but I don't have the transcription of the
entire household in every event.  I use a more narrative style and include just
that person's information.  For the couple, I add the event to the marriage.  In
fact, if I have the image, I don't have the transcription anywhere, because I
can just pull up the image if I need to see something and neither the image nor
transcriptions add anything to the reports that I use.  Even on those census
sources where I have just transcriptions (have yet to obtain an image and see
what was entered for myself), I have the transcription in the source, but I
don't print it as part of the citation (entered in the Text field without
checking that box).  Hope this made sense.  But as Ron has said "not a
recommendation" - just describing how I do it in case it can be helpful to you.

Note: if you do end up re-doing events, remember to use the event clipboard -- I
mention this explicitly because I only very recently learned about this feature
and it is wonderful, very quick!
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn
Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 6:42:45 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable

Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
saying you have a residence event instead of an actual census event,
which the census is used as the source.  Are the names etc entered
into the source as per Geoff's webinar.  If so where are they entered
and does this then only show as one source at the end of the report

On 23 February 2012 10:35, Ron Ferguson  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
> the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
> name, occupations, residences etc.
> Ron Ferguson

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support:
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To unsubscribe:

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Paula Ryburn
That's why I do not enter it the way Geoff recommends.  When trying something
new, I enter the data the new way and then run several different reports to see
how it looks.  Hopefully, Geoff will respond with some report settings that can
keep the repetitions to a minimum.
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn
Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

From: Lea-Anne Davison 
Sent: Wed, February 22, 2012 6:11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable

I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
only once at the end of each family.

On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong  wrote:
> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have to 
> find
>some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email program. I
>belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly. It worked fine
> >>From
> Jenny M Benson
> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
> I am about to do the same!
> ...
> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
> Cathy-0
> Peggy,
> I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do this
> and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily read.
> They seem to like it in this format.
> However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the information
> that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes
> of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I print
> Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
> events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.
> And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report so
> family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.
> Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.
> Cathy>>>
> Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on
> (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making extra
>notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore the 
>of Legacy.
> Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have a
>good start after I finish entering the information.
> Peggy
>  >>>>From: Marg Strong
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
>   Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable
> reports
>   I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources there;
> perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an
> way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in the
> census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it
> doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I find the
> information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for the
> family members I am concerned about.
>   Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into,
> works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book type
> output? A story or history

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Marg Strong
Well here I go again, trying to cut and paste to reply. I did re-subscribe and 
just sent back the confirmation email, so hopefully I'll start getting mail 

Actually, I won't cut and paste. I was interested in Ron's discussion of the 
census records. I guess from what he said, I could do a search on the topic, 
but that might be more confusing.

I have been entering them as an event (for couples, if there is a family, or 
one person, if single). I put the whole text from the image into the citation 
and after than use just the census source and citation for other events. I do 
want to see the whole family printed out once. But I'm so new to all this I'm 
not sure how it's going to look when put into a report.

For what I have in mind, for family wanting this in "story" form, the whole 
family together (in a census) once, might be interesting. In my notes when I 
put the book together, I can enter my thoughts and observations on the family 
changes and the history of the area. I don't know where to do that so it prints 
out in Legacy.

If an ancestor was a farmer, I doubt it would be interesting to have it print 
out several times because it is found in several census lists. So I'm not sure 
how to deal with occupations. For myself, I want them all there. For the "book" 
I want what will hold attention of a non historian person. 

I've just begun to understand how important the "places" event is for 
timelines. And I haven't used it. So will have to go back and add them.

I know I need to test the report features and see how it prints out now. Maybe 
that will give me ideas.

The last time I put a book together for family members, I pretty much took the 
information and rewrote it, adding the photos I had. The trouble with that is 
that, after more research, a lot changes and somehow has to be incorporated 
into a new book, which, hopefully won't have to be completely rewritten! The 
never ending story.

There are so many ways to do things, and I've just started. And I'm getting on 
in years so my time is limited.

Back to work!

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support:
Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on our 
blog (
To unsubscribe:

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Ron Ferguson

Firstly, let me say that I am just saying that this is the way in which I
record data, and not a recommendation that anyone should change the way in
which they work. I have not seen Geoff's webinar, but I know from the Sample
File that I do not work the same way as Geoff. I should perhaps add that
when deciding how I was going to store data my first consideration was how
the data would look on the web, reports were a second consideration. These
considerations led to me deciding not to have Census Events.

There have been a number of previous discussions on LUG as to whether a
census is an Event or a Source (please let's not debate it again - it's in
the archives), and I do admit that I tend to come down on the side of it
being a Source. Actually, I am mellowing as I get older, because at one time
I would have said it was definitely only a Source :-).

I do not record people who are not in any way related to my tree eg.
servants etc. except where there is a special reason, eg. if a son marries
the family's maid then I will put something in the Marriage Event . I am
conscious that some will say I can easily miss connections this way, and I
would not disagree, although I suspect that the number of times this happens
is very low. If I wanted to I could always add them as a comment to the
Source Detail - but I don't!

My Residence Event is not a replacement for a Census Event, it is a record
of where each person has lived and when; it can, therefore, include at
birth, at marriage, at army registration, in fact whenever a new location
crops up. Similarly I have Occupation Events where, again, I use the census
as a Source. In fact if any data on the census can be used as a Source for
any type of Event, then that is how I use it.

Ron Ferguson

-Original Message-
From: Lea-Anne Davison
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports

Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
saying you have a residence event instead of an actual census event,
which the census is used as the source.  Are the names etc entered
into the source as per Geoff's webinar.  If so where are they entered
and does this then only show as one source at the end of the report

On 23 February 2012 10:35, Ron Ferguson  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
> the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
> name, occupations, residences etc.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Lea-Anne Davison
> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
> winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
> a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
> census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
> This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
> Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
> only once at the end of each family.
> Lea-Anne
> On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong  wrote:
>> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have
>> to
>> find some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email
>> program. I belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly.
>> It worked fine then.
>> >>From
>> Jenny M Benson
>> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
>> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
>> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
>> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
>> I am about to do the same!
>> ...
>> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
>> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
>> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
>> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
>> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
>> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
>> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
>> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
>> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
>> Cathy-0
>> Peggy,

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Lea-Anne Davison
Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
saying you have a residence event instead of an actual census event,
which the census is used as the source.  Are the names etc entered
into the source as per Geoff's webinar.  If so where are they entered
and does this then only show as one source at the end of the report

On 23 February 2012 10:35, Ron Ferguson  wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
> the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
> name, occupations, residences etc.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Lea-Anne Davison
> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
> winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
> a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
> census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
> This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
> Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
> only once at the end of each family.
> Lea-Anne
> On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong  wrote:
>> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have to
>> find some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email
>> program. I belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly.
>> It worked fine then.
>> >>From
>> Jenny M Benson
>> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
>> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
>> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
>> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
>> I am about to do the same!
>> ...
>> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
>> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
>> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
>> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
>> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
>> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
>> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
>> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
>> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
>> Cathy-0
>> Peggy,
>> I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do
>> this
>> and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily
>> read.
>> They seem to like it in this format.
>> However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the
>> information
>> that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes
>> field
>> of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I
>> print the
>> Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
>> events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.
>> And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report so
>> that
>> family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.
>> Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.
>> Cathy>>>
>> Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on
>> (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making
>> extra notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore
>> the features of Legacy.
>> Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have
>> a good start after I finish entering the information.
>> Peggy
>>  >>>>From: Marg Strong
>>   To:
>>   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
>>   Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
>> readable
>> reports
>>   I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
>> members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources
>> there;
>> perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an
>> informal
>> way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Dennis M . Kowallek
On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 10:11:53 +1000, Lea-Anne Davison

>Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
>only once at the end of each family.

The only quick & dirty way I can suggest is to make the Census's Event
Definition "private".


Dennis Kowallek (LTools/Custom Programming)

NOTE TO LUG USERS: Use plain text if you want me to read your post.

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Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Ron Ferguson

Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
name, occupations, residences etc.

Ron Ferguson

-Original Message-
From: Lea-Anne Davison
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports

I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
only once at the end of each family.

On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong  wrote:
> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have to
> find some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email
> program. I belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly.
> It worked fine then.
> >>From
> Jenny M Benson
> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
> I am about to do the same!
> ...
> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
> Cathy-0
> Peggy,
> I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do
> this
> and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily
> read.
> They seem to like it in this format.
> However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the
> information
> that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes
> field
> of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I
> print the
> Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
> events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.
> And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report so
> that
> family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.
> Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.
> Cathy>>>
> Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on
> (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making
> extra notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore
> the features of Legacy.
> Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have
> a good start after I finish entering the information.
> Peggy
>  >>>>From: Marg Strong
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
>   Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable
> reports
>   I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources
> there;
> perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an
> informal
> way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in
> the
> census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it
> doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I find
> the
> information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for
> the
> family members I am concerned about.
>   Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into,
> that
> works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book
> type of
> output? A story or history kind of book?
>   Right now I'm entering a lot of information and it would be easier to do
> it
> in the most helpful way for my purpose, than to go back and redo it all.
>   Thank you if you can help,
>   Peggy<<<<

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Carolyn
I also use the Descendants Book report,  I save it as a PDF, then copy and
paste it into a Word document.
That way I can then add or subtract as much as I want, I usually add in
copies of the census pages and certificates as well as any photos I have.
It looks quite impressive when finished, I add in the sources at the end of
the 'book' .


Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support:
Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on our 
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To unsubscribe:

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Lea-Anne Davison
I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
 This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
only once at the end of each family.

On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong  wrote:
> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have to 
> find some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email 
> program. I belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly. It 
> worked fine then.
> >>From
> Jenny M Benson
> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
> I am about to do the same!
> ...
> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
> Cathy-0
> Peggy,
> I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do this
> and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily read.
> They seem to like it in this format.
> However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the information
> that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes 
> field
> of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I print 
> the
> Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
> events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.
> And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report so 
> that
> family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.
> Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.
> Cathy>>>
> Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on 
> (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making extra 
> notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore the 
> features of Legacy.
> Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have a 
> good start after I finish entering the information.
> Peggy
>  >>>>From: Marg Strong
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
>   Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable
> reports
>   I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources there;
> perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an 
> informal
> way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in the
> census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it
> doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I find the
> information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for the
> family members I am concerned about.
>   Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into, 
> that
> works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book type 
> of
> output? A story or history kind of book?
>   Right now I'm entering a lot of information and it would be easier to do it
> in the most helpful way for my purpose, than to go back and redo it all.
>   Thank you if you can help,
>   Peggy<<<<
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on 
> our blog (
> To unsubscribe:

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Marg Strong
I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have to find 
some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email program. I 
belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly. It worked fine 


Jenny M Benson
Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
> I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> members who aren't interested in sources, etc. I am about to do the same! ... 
> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources. If 
necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
but I don't think that will be necessary.<<

Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!

>>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800Cathy-0

Peggy, I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to 
do this
and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily read.
They seem to like it in this format. However, to make it easy for them to read, 
I have placed all the information
that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes field
of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I print the
Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline. And, of course, 
I include a name index at the end of the printed report so that
family members can easily find anyone of interest to them. Have you looked at 
the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look. Cathy>>>

Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making extra 
notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore the 
features of Legacy.
Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have a 
good start after I finish entering the information.

 >>>>From: Marg Strong
  Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable

  I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources there;
perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an informal
way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in the
census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it
doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I find the
information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for the
family members I am concerned about.

  Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into, that
works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book type of
output? A story or history kind of book?

  Right now I'm entering a lot of information and it would be easier to do it
in the most helpful way for my purpose, than to go back and redo it all.

  Thank you if you can help,

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Cathy-0

I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do this 
and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily read. 
They seem to like it in this format.

However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the information 
that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes field 
of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I print the 
Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as 
events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.

And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report so that 
family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.

Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.


  From: Marg Strong
  Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable 

  I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family 
members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources there; 
perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an informal 
way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in the 
census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it 
doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I find the 
information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for the 
family members I am concerned about.

  Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into, that 
works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book type of 
output? A story or history kind of book?

  Right now I'm entering a lot of information and it would be easier to do it 
in the most helpful way for my purpose, than to go back and redo it all.

  Thank you if you can help,

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support:
Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on our 
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To unsubscribe:

Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-22 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
> I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
> members who aren't interested in sources, etc.

I am about to do the same!

  (But I want the sources
> there; perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information
> in an informal way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put
> the information in the census notes (under the "detail), it will be more
> difficult to be sure it doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often
> in the census that I find the information I want to note. And Legacy
> reports will need to be edited for the family members I am concerned about.

What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.

If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
but I don't think that will be necessary.
> Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into,
> that works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal,
> book type of output? A story or history kind of book?

There may be, but I don't know of one.  My method is a bit long-winded
perhaps, but there won't be too many people involved and I will get
exactly the right output for the relative I am doing it for.

Jenny M Benson

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support:
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To unsubscribe:

[LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in readable reports

2012-02-21 Thread Marg Strong
I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family members 
who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources there; perhaps 
as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an informal way 
under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information in the 
census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it 
doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I find the 
information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for the 
family members I am concerned about.

Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information into, that 
works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book type of 
output? A story or history kind of book?

Right now I'm entering a lot of information and it would be easier to do it in 
the most helpful way for my purpose, than to go back and redo it all.

Thank you if you can help,

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support:
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