Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Phase 4 and what it means

2011-06-12 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Am 05.06.2011 02:09, schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 ... because that's when they intend to systematically delete

> and re-map everything that has not yet been relicensed.

There are a lot of open questions that have to be solved BEFORE
any official licence change or "private" cleaning up the data ...

- version history is incomplete: ways, which were splitted or joined,
  have lost parts of version history including mappers, that don't acceppted

- what's about deleted objects?
  If a mapper, who don't accepted, for example has deleted a POI
  and mapped a building with similar tags, the building has to be
  deleted, but also the POI has to be restored?!
  So changesets may have to be verified for such things ...

- Might be that it is not necessary to delete trivial edits
  (Might be "trivial" depends on the country of the edit ...)

- ... and surely a mapper may decide to accept lately ...

- ...

So a "private clean-up" befor this questions are solved might
- delete objects where it is not necessary (trivial, change decision)
- not delete objects where it is necessary (splitted/joined ways
  which where partially mapped of non accepting mappers)
- violate copyright, if he "copy" the old object
- ...


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] (Not) "Removing" data

2010-08-09 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Michael Collinson schrieb:

One question, I think from Liz, was "who decided to remove data".

As starter of the thread "decision removing data" I claim to be
the copyright holder of this question1
I thougt it might be an easy question, so without copyright.
But it seems to be a very complicate question, because no answer yet,
so the question may have some creativity in it, so it is copyrighted ;-)

> That got me thinking as there was never any explicit decision point.

I hope that this is not true ...

If someone does not accept the new license, (I am really thinking of 
folks who never respond) and we have reasonable made efforts to reach 
them, are we really obligated to remove their data from the ODbL live 
database unless they exert their original copyright and request us to do 
so?  A common mantra is that copyright does not mean much unless 
exerted. Views? Precedents?

I'm still dreaming of a process without any loss of data and without
any fork like Wikipedia and others had it ... Yes, their old licences
seem to be easyer for this goal ...


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-05 Thread Heiko Jacobs

John Smith schrieb:

On 5 August 2010 18:04, Heiko Jacobs  wrote:

I don't want youre private guesses.
I want to have official facts.

Unless someone sues another in court over this issues, you are only
going to get guesses.

As you weight in the court ...
They also will ask for "OSMF decided", not for "Frederik guessed" ...

As you weight in the court ...
Which copyright is relevant for edits in XY besides CC?
National copyright law of XY? Or copyright law of GB (OSMF, server)?
I would guess ;-) first one? Because all talk about differences
of protection of data between USA, GB, Germany, Australia, ...

What's the problem to do this for the reasons of data loss, too?

The reason for the data loss is as Frederik wrote,

And where I can find, that OSMF follows Frederiks opinion? ;-)

A lot of things around the point of data loss are very absurd, indeed ...

You essentially have 2 camps here, the pragmatists who think anything
but minor data loss is unacceptable, and you have the idealists who
think even if we loose a most of data people will just put new "freer"
data back in and we'll be able to then license under the most freest
license possible so there is no restrictions at all on anything ever

Yes I'm a member of the first camp ;-)
But I would also say, it is an idealistic camp, too.
I'm an idealist with the opinion, that all will work together
to make the data better for a better world ;-) and not want
to go back some years to old bad geometry and old bad tags only
to obey some mappers, that are unreachable ...
To put errors in a map to have fun while closing the gaps again
is not an idealistic point of view for me ...


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-05 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Frederik Ramm schrieb:


Heiko Jacobs wrote:

Everyone discusses consequenzes of the decision of removing
data from non-accepting people, but it seems, that they all
have forgotten, WHY they have decided to remove data?

Because. as I explained to you yesterday, CC-BY-SA does not allow 
redistribution of data under a different license; so once the data is 
distributed under ODbL, anything that is CC-BY-SA and not relicensed has 
to be removed.

I don't want youre private guesses.
I want to have official facts.

For such an important thing, for my opinion every mapper
has the right to read a document where the reasons of the loss
of data are well documented to analyze and understand it for
it's own decisions.
Thousands of words are already written down to declare, why
the change of licence is necessary and why the new licence is
better than the old one. Thanks for that to everyone who write this.
What's the problem to do this for the reasons of data loss, too?

If we forgot the official reasons or if they had no worth to write
them down then we should also simply forget to remove any data ... ;-)

Next thing you request to see the board meeting minutes that give the 
reason why we're not allowed to copy from Google,

OSM has not to decide wether Google allows copying or not.
So I can't ask it.
You use absurd examples do draw off the attention from
well-founded, but unanwsered questions.

That's absurd, and you're making a clown of yourself by repeating your 
question every two days.

A lot of things around the point of data loss are very absurd, indeed ...


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-04 Thread Heiko Jacobs

May I set a reminder to a mail of mine?

Everyone discusses consequenzes of the decision of removing
data from non-accepting people, but it seems, that they all
have forgotten, WHY they have decided to remove data?

For such an inportant thing like removing data from OSM project
while licence change anyone here should know, where the reasons
of this decisionare written down...

If we forgot the official reasons or if they had no worth to write
them down then we should also simply forget to remove any data ... ;-)

Heiko Jacobs schrieb:

Richard Weait schrieb:
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Heiko Jacobs 


I searched without success in the Wiki
who official decided, when and *WHY* they decided, that data of
contributors, who not (can) accept the ODbl, has to be removed.


up to 2010-06-22 this questions stayed open:

" Week 13 (approximate)
Final cut-off. Community Question... What do we do with
the people who have said no or not responded?"

But the discussion (and decision) seems to be much older ...?

The presumption is that contributors who joined under ccbysa only,
have the right to choose whether to proceed under ODbL or not.  Do you
suggest that they should not have a choice?

If the OSMF Board were to decide, "okay, that's it.  All the data is
relicensed" without asking contributors, is that in line with their
mandate to assist OpenStreetMap but not control it?

What would you suggest as an alternative?

Before I will discuss this points I want to see the official
decision and on which base this decision was made.
For such an important decision I assumed that is written down.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-04 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Frederik Ramm schrieb:

Heiko Jacobs wrote:

I'm still searching the former decision (of LWG or any other)
that the removal of data is mandatory and WHY it is on which legal
base of copyright, CC or anything other.

I don't think that there is any decision necessary. CC-BY-SA says data 
must only be distributed under CC-BY-SA, and ODbL is != CC-BY-SA so 
that's that.

The decision might be a vote or might be a statement,
but the reason should be documented that others can follow
it or not and can discuss it.

I also still searching archived versions of old (pre double
licensing) versions of contribution terms. You answered it in
talk-de citing a small sentence but with a preceding "I guess" ...
An archive without guess would be fine ;-)

You should be able to find that in the rails_port source code history.

thanks, i try to find i there


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-04 Thread Heiko Jacobs


First thanks a lot for some unknown (and known) interesting pages.

Frederik Ramm schrieb:

That again referenced the implementation plan at 
Which, under the "What do we do with people who have said no or not 
responded" sentence that you quoted, linked to

And this sentence says up to 2010-06-21, that this has to be decided. But

> The final proposal linked from that E-Mail was:

... already says, that IS decided, that data has to removed ...
So the other page was wrong for half a year ...

While the proposal and plan have been drafted by the LWG before that 
date, and certainly have been the result of some discussion, the formal 
*decision* to proceed along the proposed lines was taken by the OSMF 
membership in that vote.

I'm still searching the former decision (of LWG or any other)
that the removal of data is mandatory and WHY it is on which legal
base of copyright, CC or anything other.
Such an important decision and its reason should be well documented
for the mappers ... I'm just missing this ... The pages you linked
only show discussions of the consequences of this decision, but not
the real reasons of it.

I also still searching archived versions of old (pre double
licensing) versions of contribution terms. You answered it in
talk-de citing a small sentence but with a preceding "I guess" ...
An archive without guess would be fine ;-)


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-04 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Richard Weait schrieb:

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Heiko Jacobs  wrote:


I searched without success in the Wiki
who official decided, when and *WHY* they decided, that data of
contributors, who not (can) accept the ODbl, has to be removed.

up to 2010-06-22 this questions stayed open:

" Week 13 (approximate)
Final cut-off. Community Question... What do we do with
the people who have said no or not responded?"

But the discussion (and decision) seems to be much older ...?

The presumption is that contributors who joined under ccbysa only,
have the right to choose whether to proceed under ODbL or not.  Do you
suggest that they should not have a choice?

If the OSMF Board were to decide, "okay, that's it.  All the data is
relicensed" without asking contributors, is that in line with their
mandate to assist OpenStreetMap but not control it?

What would you suggest as an alternative?

Before I will discuss this points I want to see the official
decision and on which base this decision was made.
For such an important decision I assumed that is written down.


legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-03 Thread Heiko Jacobs


I searched without success in the Wiki
who official decided, when and *WHY* they decided, that data of
contributors, who not (can) accept the ODbl, has to be removed.

up to 2010-06-22 this questions stayed open:

" Week 13 (approximate)
Final cut-off. Community Question... What do we do with
the people who have said no or not responded?"

But the discussion (and decision) seems to be much older ...?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License Cut-over and critical mass

2010-07-29 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Lars Aronsson schrieb:

The perpetual discussion over licenses is very tiring,
but I can put up with that. What I just can't tolerate
is this kind of argument that professional lawyers
have some absolute authority, that trumps every
contributor's opinion. I'm not saying that these
lawyers are wrong, but the argument that they are
correct because they are professionals is a stupid
kind of argument. It's like saying that professional
programmers wrote this software, so now we
can't ever modify it. Most people are involved in
free software and open content projects exactly
because they don't like being told such things.

If these lawyers told OSMF board to push totalitarian
authority as an argument towards contributors in an
open content project, then you should ask to get your
money back, because that would be useless advice.


Especially if the lawyers tell, that a loss of data
and so throwing away a part of the work of the
community is necessary for licence change I can't
tolerate this.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License Cut-over and critical mass

2010-07-26 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Rob Myers schrieb:
Creative Commons did put a mechanism in place with BY-SA 3.0 to declare 
other licences "compatible" with BY-SA and allow derivatives to be 
relicenced under them. But they haven't declared any compatible yet.

So updating our 2.0 to 3.0 and then finding a licence compatible
with cc-3.0-by-sa would be a way to avoid all loss of data and problems
with asking all members and all other problems?
Then we should search a compatible way ...


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License Cut-over and critical mass

2010-07-25 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Frederik Ramm schrieb:

Heiko Jacobs wrote:

A real ODBL-OSM can only be build with "home copies" of the data
of the contributors who said yes. They cannot copy their own edits
from CC-OSM, because this also will be a condensation of CC-OSM ...

I don't think so. Copyright is not based on the physical path that data 
has traveled.

But on his travel using the "physical path OSM" data changes ...
The original mapper makes his GPS track suitable to existing data in OSM
and other mappers will modify this data

For example, there's dual-licensed software where you can 
either use it under GPL or pay for a commercial license. You don't have 
to re-download the software when you switch from GPL to commercial 

but this software is dual licenced frmm beginning, not relicenced,
and it's GPL not CC, that may be a difference, too

Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
> Heiko Jacobs wrote:
>> A real ODBL-OSM can only be build with "home copies" of the
>> data of the contributors who said yes. They cannot copy their
>> own edits from CC-OSM, because this also will be a
>> condensation of CC-OSM ...
> So if they violate the licence, they'll be sued by the copyright holder,
> right?
> I look forward to Richard Fairhurst suing Richard Fairhurst for violating
> the license on Richard Fairhurst's data.

If you read my last mails you may know that I don't like any loss of data
with the only reason of relicencing OSM ...
Up to now the only possibility of voting to fail the licence change including
any loss of data is to say, that my own data has not to be relicensed,
hoping that the critical mass is not reached ...
That's not very satisfiable for me and the community, if the change does not
fail, because I will lose my login and all my data are lost ...

You say, that Richard may suing Richard ...
Because of this I just got a new idea:
I say yes for changing licence and after relicencing  I am suing OSMF to
put the new data under CC again because it is still under CC following
the contents of CC...

Or any other user of "ODBL"-OSM may use the data still under old CC licence
because it is really still under CC licence and no one can sue them with
success because of they are right ...

Frederik said in one mail (I don't know if also in english, I just remember
his german mail) that "we" promised that the mappers work is protected by CC,
but we remark, that this don't work, so we need a better licence.
But because we made a promise, we cannot find an easy solution to transfer
ALL data to ODBL and must skip some data of unreachable and declining mappers.

Now we will make a new promise, that the mappers data is now really protected
under ODBL, but again this may doesn't work ...

We should find a way to protect data without making unclear promises ...
... and without any loss of data ...


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License Cut-over and critical mass

2010-07-24 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Richard Weait schrieb:

Data that is now CC-By-SA will always be CC-By-SA. Currently published planets,

> for example are CC-By-SA and will stay that way.  No data loss.
> The data is still there. Still CC-By-SA.

Yes indeed. Including ...

We'll each choose to allow our data to be promoted to OSM with the
license upgrade, or we will not. 

... the new planet which is called to be under ODBL.

But it isn'nt, because the contributors who said "yes" for change
don't give their "home copy" of their data a second time like in

"7.b ... Licensor reserves the right to release THE WORK under different
license terms"

"the work" = "their original work" and not a copy of it.

But the new "so called ODBL-OSM" is only an "vote-yes"-extract
of the old CC-OSM so ...

"1.b 'Derivative Work' means a work based upon the Work ... such as a
... condensation ..."

... is suitable, so ...

"4.b You may distribute ... a Derivative Work only under the terms of
this License, a later version of this License with the same License Elements
as this License, or a Creative Commons iCommons license that contains the same
License Elements as this License (e.g. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Japan)."

... also a "so called ODBL-OSM" ist still under CC and only under CC.

A real ODBL-OSM can only be build with "home copies" of the data
of the contributors who said yes. They cannot copy their own edits
from CC-OSM, because this also will be a condensation of CC-OSM ...


legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] new OSM, supposed ODbL, will be still CC-BY-SA ?!

2010-07-20 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Frederik Ramm schrieb:

   here's an interesting one.

May I add another one? ;-)

Suppose OSM has just changed its license to ODbL. A final CC-BY-SA 
planet has been released, non-relicensed data has been removed from the 
servers, and the project is again humming along nicely (relief!).

In the german forum someone just found 7.b in CC-by-sa:

"Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is
perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work)."

And he had the opinion, that such date will never can change the licence.

I answered: obey the next sentence:

"Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release
the Work under different license terms"

So the way proposed would be

Mapper "M"
created a way "W",
gave W to project "P-C"
under licence CC-by-sa "C"
P-C has the right to publish it for ever, but only under C ...
but P-C must not do it, P-C may die ...

Mapper M
may gave W also to project "P-O"
under licence ODBL/DBCL "O"
P-O has the right to publish it for ever, but only under O ...
(or combine to other products under licences X, Y, Z, ...)

that's the way proposed:

P-C will die officially (OSM under CC-by-sa), might be a last-CC-planet.osm
exist, but also this is not necessary to fullfill CC-by-sa ...

a new P-O will be opened officially (OSM under ODBL/DBCL, casually on the
same hardware as P-C ...) with all M's which agree licence O

So I anwered him that there is no problem ...

Mmmmh ...

Really no problem?

That is the state at the beginning:
M1 -> W1 -> P-C
M2 -> W2 -> P-C
M3 -> W3 -> P-C

just now you may say, that:
M4 -> W4 -> P-C/P-O
M5 -> W5 -> P-C/P-O

CC-by-sa says, that there is no problem with:

M2 -> W2 -> P-O
M3 -> W3 -> P-O
M4 -> W4 -> P-O
M5 -> W5 -> P-O
(assuming M1 don't want to give his data under O)

But how to do this technically?

W2, W3, W4, W5 mostly only exists in P-C, because a mapper seldomly
saves all his ways locally ...
So the technical onliest possible way is
P-C -> W2 -> P-O
P-C -> W3 -> P-O
P-C -> W4 -> P-O
P-C -> W5 -> P-O

but P-C has licence C (not only for old date, for new ones double licenced,
too, because infected) and all data extracted from P-C also must have
licence C so P-O is still under licence C (which don't allow another licence?)
so skipping licence C in P-O failed ...

If I write a book and gave it under CC-by-sa to the publishing house A,
than I may give it also to publishing house B under licence XY.
The processs proposed now for OSM "translated to books":
"Sorry, I don't have anymore a CD containing my book, hey B, please
scan the book from A and republish it unter XY instead of CC"
then XY fails ...

Do we have any problem?
(Besides lot of other problems ...)

If we state, that we can't trace data from last-CC-planet.osm to ODBL-OSM,
we also cannot "copy" digitally from it for ODBL-OSM, because this data
is CC-infected for ever ... And the mapper cannot change this by only
saying "yes" ...

We not only have to ask the mapper, if he give us a second licence,
HE also has to give us HIS way and only HIS data without edits ... and so on ...

I fear, that only throwing away data from mappers, who say no or nothing,
is no way to skip CC ... ???
P-O is still a derivative Work of P-C under CC only!?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-17 Thread Heiko Jacobs

John Smith schrieb:

On 17 July 2010 18:34, Heiko Jacobs  wrote:

I saw anywhere in the deeps of discussion at legal, that also
the new licence does not protect data in australia ...? Mmmmh ...

No, someone was claiming cc-by licenses we're valid in Australia, as a
reason to change to ODBL, if that is the case why did both the federal
and state governments of Australia release data under cc-by if it was
so weak.

Did I misunderstood the posting below because of not perfect english?

Liz schrieb:
> On Sat, 17 Jul 2010, Rob Myers wrote:
>>> Science Commons seem to think copyright doesn't apply to databases,
>> In the US.
>>> OKFN
>>> seem to think it might.
> After a recent High Court decision, in Australia copyright is not applicable
> to databases. Maps were not included in the Court decision, but a database was
> the subject of the case.
> The contract part of ODbL may not have any force either in Australia. That
> would need court hearings to determine.
> Against - It is presented as a shrink wrap licence with no opportunity to
> negotiate terms
>- The entity representing the data does not 'own' the data and it could
> be argued has no right to be a party to a contract over the data

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] What could we do to make this licences discussion more inclusive?

2010-07-16 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Roland Olbricht schrieb:
- There is no tool yet to see the impact of the relicensing to the data. But 
this is the key need for those who are rather interested in the data than the 

I would say that the new licence might be good, beter than the old one
I also interested MUCH MORE in the data than the legalese.

The last days I read a lot on the process proposed on changing the
licence, especially about the technical way of deciding which node/way
might be ok, which not, if anyone of the mappers decided to say no.
I saw that there will never be a solution that can work.
E.g. the history is incomplete if ways are splitted or joined, so you
cannot see all data affected of such mappers. Also you cannot decide,
which copyright is more valuable if to persons did something.
There were a lot of examples etc. in german forum and talk-de mailing list
from me and others, but my english is not goog enough to repeat them all.
The process will never work,
so stop this process and find another solution!
The solution now ALWAYS leads to data loss, more or less.
But I don't will accept any data loss because only of legal reasons.
Wikipedia and other projects changed licence without any loss of data.

The process now gives me only one vote: a combination of new
Contributor Terms, new licence for the whole project and new licence
for my own data. Although the new licence is good: I have to say no
because of the data loss, which ALWAYS will appear with changing licence.
Much more arguments on talk-de

But don't forget that one of the key features of the 
project is the message: "Care for the data and the applications - we promise 
you won't be affected by legal trouble". Thus, I would consider the license as 
a technical detail, like the change from API v0.5 to API v0.6.


things are less logical than technical things, thus everybody would accept 
more collateral damage.

No, why? Wikipedia has lost 0 bytes

Then, the algorithm "unbroken chain of history of ODbL users" is close to 



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