Re: [Lift] Serious widget action

2010-03-09 Thread Jim Barrows
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 8:45 PM, aw wrote:

 It is time for me to add some serious widgets to my lift app.

 So far, I am most enamored by ExtJS.
 Another alternative could possibly be ZK.

 Does anybody have any experience with these frameworks?  Can you
 comment on why integrating them with Scala/Lift would be a bad idea
 (or not work)?

 I searched for some historical posts on ExtJS and discovered some
 threads about it's license and how it impacts inclusion in the lift
 framework.  Would a commercial license prohibit it from being a lift-
 widget submodule candidate?

 Does anybody have a better suggestion that you think can compete with

I'm using ExtJS in anger at 0rk.  3.1.1 is nice.  3.0.0 is weird.  Some odd
bugs being reported.  We're also getting some weird interactions with some
other js libraries ( I won't mention it, it's not available anymore, and if
it was it just leave you scarred) and CSS.  However, that's the other
libraries fault more then ExtJS's.

If you want something that looks and feels as close to a desktop app as you
can get.. ExtJS can do the job well.  With Lift providing the JSON, it would
be hard to go wrong.  That said.. ExtJS is not an easy beast to learn.  It's
even worse to try and L10N it easily.  I would not try and use just pieces
of it, it's really not designed to do that.  It seems to me to be an all or
nothing approach.  That's not say you can't use it piecemeal, I think you
lose a lot of flexibility (especially in layout) that way.

I wouldn't use it if left to my own devices though, unless I had a
requirement for a desktop app on the web.  It's serious overkill.

James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Re: IdPK Model boiler-plate

2010-03-08 Thread Jim Barrows
How about:  PrimaryKeyEquality

which would read something like: class foo extends IdPk with

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:25 AM, David Pollak

 I'm going to implement this as a sub-trait of IdPK (anyone got a good name
 for the trait).  So, by default, you'll get the current behavior, but if you
 think equality should be based on primary key rather than on the field
 values, you don't have to have all the boilerplate.

 On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 11:01 PM, aw wrote:

 What's wrong with KeyedMapper's implementation?

 Well, that was exactly why I was asking the question, Is this
 implementation for equals and hashCode a good idea?  I had gotten
 this at some point, been using it, and am only questioning it now
 because if it truly is a good idea, I think it should be part of the

 The hashCode implementation for KeyedMapper looks essentially the

 However, the equals implementation for KeyedMapper is a little

  override def equals (other : Any) = other match {
case t : Team if == = true
case _ = false


  override def equals (other : Any) : Boolean = {
other match {
  case null = false
  case km: KeyedMapper[Nothing,Nothing] if
 this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(km.getClass) ||
km.getClass.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass) =
 this.primaryKeyField == km.primaryKeyField
  case k = super.equals(k)

 There are some subtle differences.  I have never used inheritance with
 Mapper to make a complex class hierarchy, so I'm not 100% sure of the
 ramifications (or if it is even possible).

 Personally, I would imagine that two mapper objects are equal using a
 primary key comparison only as long as they are read-only singletons.
 If I had instance #1 loaded into val A and again into var B, then
 modified some elements of B, I would no longer expect A to equal B --
 but with the above implementation, they remain equal as long as the
 primary key field is not altered.

 In JPA/Hibernate land, I actually have a different approach for equals
 and hashCode:  each field is compared with the exception of the @Id
 and @Version columns because they can change upon persistence, and so
 are not part of the equality.  I leverage Apache Commons-Lang

public boolean equals (final Object obj) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj,

public int hashCode () {
return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this,

 * Exclude fields from equals, hashCode, and compareTo that may
 change upon
 * persistence.
 * @see a href=;Best
 strategies for
 * implementation of equals() and hashcode() in your persistent
private static final String [] EXCLUDE_FROM_EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE =
 {id, version};

 So, if Hibernate suggests that you should NOT just compare the primary
 key field, why should Lift-Mapper be doing that?

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Re: [Lift] Reorganize mapper specs?

2010-03-08 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm not 100% clear on your proposal.
 First of all, is what I've done (on RB) in the meantime okay (without a
 ticket)? Basically, I renamed ItemsListSpecs to MapperSpecs2 and put the
 test for issue 370 there. MapperSpecs2 only uses H2 memory db. (Any
 suggestions for a better name?)

ItemsList_H2Memory_Specs.scala -- this is probably the most readable and
sets up the pattern for names like

It's wordy, but if you want everything in the same directory, then that's
what happens.  Probably better would be:


Less wordy, but you have one more directory to traverse to get there.
 However if you figure we'll have mysql, sqlserver, oracle, h2  postgres at
a minimum, I think that this actually easier on the eyes when trying to find
the right jdbc driver specific tests.  In addition, we'll probably at some
point end up with version specific test cases as well.  That should probably
go in the same file, and use the version as part of the name.

So the specs name (ItemsList, in this case) is the cross driver tests, with
the driver specific specs test in the same directory.

Any other ideas?

 As for your proposal, are you saying that things like ItemsListSpecs and
 370, which deal with high-level Mapper API not directly related to the
 database, should ideally be testable on every database vendor? And/or are
 you saying that *all* the tests should be run by default on only one driver
 but have the option to run on all?
 Also, is it possible to run MapperSpecs for all the drivers in parallel,
 and if so would that cause it to finish faster?


 David wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim

  Based on discussion on Review Board item 247, I want to propose the
  following change to the organization of Mapper specs.
  Currently there are four files in
  DBProviders - initalization for each provider to be tested
  MapperSpecs - the original set of tests. Tested per provider, which makes
  sense for tests that interact with the database
  ManyToManySpecs - tests I added with an enhancement to ManyToMany to not
  choke on broken joins. Only uses DBProviders.H2MemoryProvider. When FK
  constraints are enabled in H2 this will have to disable them.
  ItemsListSpecs - tests for a bugfix in ItemsList. Also only uses
  Currently MapperSpecs takes about five minutes to run on my laptop. So
  new test that isn't driver dependent should probably not be tested on all
  drivers. Thus I'm considering consolidating ItemsListSpecs and
  ManyToManySpecs into one specs for all H2MemoryProvider-only tests.
  Then, with two set of tests, one run for each driver and one not, maybe
  their names should reflect that.
  It's just a possible idea, but what do people think? Also, if I would go
  ahead would it need a ticket or just straight to RB?

 I agree with the goal of shortening the time it takes to run mapper tests.

 I would like there to be a way (not the default, but something that can be
 done with some form of compiler/maven flags) to run all cross-products of
 all tests so we just make 100% sure that things work on all RDBMSs.

 Please open a ticket first before putting stuff on RB.

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Re: [Lift] Reorganize mapper specs?

2010-03-08 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Currently what I did is combine ItemListSpecs with another test, so I gave
 it a more generic name than ItemsList, hence MapperSpecs2. The idea is that
 some tests really have zero to do with the vendor, but higher-level
 behavior. H2MemoryProvider is incidental--in memory databases are perfect
 for testing. So I'd prefer not putting the choice of testing db in the name
 of a driver-independent test.
 If an ORM is a form of caching then these are cache-related specs.
 If David vetoes the change on RB, a name is irrelevant; and depending on
 his proposal it may be temporary; but I'm looking for a name that says More
 Mapper Specs except these specs are run on one arbitrary driver rather than
 on all of them, because these specs are driver-independent by definition.

I'm curious how my naming proposal doesn't do that?  In a much more
structured way?

James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Reorganize mapper specs?

2010-03-08 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Not sure -- it sounded like you were describing a scenario with separate
 test files for each combination of area being tested and driver, where I was
 describing combining multiple areas in one file (like MapperSpecs is now).
 Maybe I misunderstood.

Both can go into one file.
The second one would have a file name of ItemUnderTest.scala while each
separate specs test could still follow the driver specific naming
convention.  The one that tests things that shouldn't care about driver
would be called ItemUnderTestSpecs.

 Jim wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim

  Currently what I did is combine ItemListSpecs with another test, so I
  it a more generic name than ItemsList, hence MapperSpecs2. The idea is
  some tests really have zero to do with the vendor, but higher-level
  behavior. H2MemoryProvider is incidental--in memory databases are perfect
  for testing. So I'd prefer not putting the choice of testing db in the
  of a driver-independent test.
  If an ORM is a form of caching then these are cache-related specs.
  If David vetoes the change on RB, a name is irrelevant; and depending on
  his proposal it may be temporary; but I'm looking for a name that says
  Mapper Specs except these specs are run on one arbitrary driver rather
  on all of them, because these specs are driver-independent by

 I'm curious how my naming proposal doesn't do that?  In a much more
 structured way?

 James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Re: LiftRules.rewrite, 404 error

2010-03-04 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:34 AM, Gang wrote:

 Could somebody answer my question?  If it's too stupid a question to
 answer, please let me know that too.  It just seems to me that unless
 I add a link to SiteMap, the links(a tag) in my page just return
 404.  And I tried following URL rewrite without adding link to
 SiteMap, still 404 error.

That's correct.  If you're using sitemap you have to add the directory the
resource is in, or the resource itself to SiteMap.  SiteMap is more then
just a menu generator.  It's also the security system and other things.


 On Feb 28, 6:20 pm, Gang wrote:
  I have this rewrite returning 404 error.  Here are what I did:
  URL:  ../app-context-path//images/CBDU-1098-BCV?F1115261516749FQD=_
  Template:  src/main/webapp/viewImages.html
  LiftRules.rewrite.append( {
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(images :: sku :: Nil, _, _,_),
  _, _) =
  RewriteResponse(viewImages :: Nil, Map(imageId -
  } )
  Are there any other settings I need to set?  I have looked around but
  couldn't find any other than the basics listed above.  Thanks in

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James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Textmate bundle with codecompletion (beta)

2010-03-04 Thread Jim Barrows
You can use the E editor for windows, and with luck soon on Linux as well.
 It will read and use all TextMate bundles.

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:17 AM, David Pollak

 I might have to fire up my Mac to try this out. ;-)

 On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Mads Hartmann Jensen mads...@gmail.comwrote:

 This is the last time I'll bump this  (I promise) - anyone using TextMate
 can follow the bundle on github.

 I improved the bundle and it's fairly usable now, check  out a teaser
 video here:


 On 23/02/2010, at 19.08, Mads Hartmann Jensen wrote:

  Duh, I comittet a wrong version of the bundle to git! The right version
 is up now if you wan't to give it a try Indrajit :) I would appreciate the
  On 22/02/2010, at 13.12, Mads Hartmann Jensen wrote:
  Don't get too excited, it's very beta right now ;)
  Sent from my iPhone
  On 22/02/2010, at 13.04, Indrajit Raychaudhuri
  Heavens! Need to give this a shot.
  On 22/02/10 4:55 PM, Mads Hartmann wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  I've been working a bit on a TextMate bundle for Lift projects that
  has codecompletion. It's still very beta but I'm sure someone would
  find it helpfull :)
  If you're interested you can read a bit more about it here:
  NB: It's nowhere near as good as what I've seen in intelliJ (haven't
  tried netbeans or eclipse) but that doesn't mean it isn't helpful :)
  If you want to help out, please fork me on github
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James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Re: SQL error

2010-03-04 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is blob a standard reserved word or only on MySQL?
 If the latter this is a potential breaking change.

Blob is not apparently part of the ANSI standard reserved word for SQL.  I
would have sworn it was.   However, it is common in Oracle, MS SQL server
and others.  Might as well be standard.

 Mads wrote:

 Ah! That fixed it, thanks a lot Jeppe ;)

 I'm not sure what to say in the ticket though, the column-name blob
 was a bad choise made by me.

 On Mar 4, 1:32 pm, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Mads Hartmann wrote:
   Hello everyone,
   I'm not sure if this is a lift problem or it's me. I'm trying to add
   the ability to upload images to a project - I'm using the code
   explained here:
   I added two mapper classes:
   class ImageInfo extends LongKeyedMapper[ImageInfo] with IdPK {
def getSingleton = ImageInfo
object date extends MappedLong(this) {
  override def defaultValue = Helpers.millis
object mimeType extends MappedPoliteString(this, 64)
object name extends MappedPoliteString(this, 256) {
  override def dbIndexed_? = true
  override def defaultValue = 
  private def noSlashes(s: String) : List[FieldError] =
if (s.contains(/))
  List(FieldError(this, Text(Image name
 \ + s + \ may not
   contain \/\)))
  override def validations =
valMinLen(1, Image name must not be empty) _ ::
valUnique(Image name must be unique) _ ::
noSlashes _ ::
object blob extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, ImageBlob)
def deleteWithBlob {
  this.blob.obj match {
case Full(x) = x.delete_!
case _ =
   class ImageBlob extends LongKeyedMapper[ImageBlob] with IdPK {
def getSingleton = ImageBlob
object image extends MappedBinary(this)
   The schemifier couldn't create the tables it gave to following
   error ::
   You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
   corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
   near 'blob BIGINT UNSIGNED)  ENGINE = InnoDB' at line 1
   this is the sql statement it tried to execute
  I looks like it tries to create a column named blob, afaiks blob is a
  reserved word in MySqlhttp://
  You could try renaming the field. If this solves the problem, please
  file a ticket

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James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Re: SQL error

2010-03-04 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Mads Hartmann Jensen mads...@gmail.comwrote:

 This has already been on reviewboard and comitted to master - should i send
 out a breaking change note?

 I'm not sure i get why this is a breaking change though?

Not sure if it is.  However it's certainly something folks will want to
upgrade to asap.

Naming columns keywords in SQL is bad.

 On 04/03/2010, at 22.07, Jim Barrows wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is blob a standard reserved word or only on MySQL?
 If the latter this is a potential breaking change.

 Blob is not apparently part of the ANSI standard reserved word for SQL.  I
 would have sworn it was.   However, it is common in Oracle, MS SQL server
 and others.  Might as well be standard.

 Mads wrote:

 Ah! That fixed it, thanks a lot Jeppe ;)

 I'm not sure what to say in the ticket though, the column-name blob
 was a bad choise made by me.

 On Mar 4, 1:32 pm, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Mads Hartmann
   Hello everyone,
   I'm not sure if this is a lift problem or it's me. I'm trying to add
   the ability to upload images to a project - I'm using the code
   explained here:
   I added two mapper classes:
   class ImageInfo extends LongKeyedMapper[ImageInfo] with IdPK {
def getSingleton = ImageInfo
object date extends MappedLong(this) {
  override def defaultValue = Helpers.millis
object mimeType extends MappedPoliteString(this, 64)
object name extends MappedPoliteString(this, 256) {
  override def dbIndexed_? = true
  override def defaultValue = 
  private def noSlashes(s: String) : List[FieldError] =
if (s.contains(/))
  List(FieldError(this, Text(Image name
 \ + s + \ may not
   contain \/\)))
  override def validations =
valMinLen(1, Image name must not be empty) _ ::
valUnique(Image name must be unique) _ ::
noSlashes _ ::
object blob extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, ImageBlob)
def deleteWithBlob {
  this.blob.obj match {
case Full(x) = x.delete_!
case _ =
   class ImageBlob extends LongKeyedMapper[ImageBlob] with IdPK {
def getSingleton = ImageBlob
object image extends MappedBinary(this)
   The schemifier couldn't create the tables it gave to following
   error ::
   You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
   corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
   near 'blob BIGINT UNSIGNED)  ENGINE = InnoDB' at line 1
   this is the sql statement it tried to execute
  I looks like it tries to create a column named blob, afaiks blob is a
  reserved word in MySqlhttp://
  You could try renaming the field. If this solves the problem, please
  file a ticket

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 James A Barrows

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James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] MapperRules.nameToDisplayName?

2010-03-01 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:19 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:


 In the interest of cutting boilerplate from mapped objects, I would
 like to get the display name from a property file.

So your replacing code boilerplate with property file boilerplate?  The
boilerplate has to go somewhere, and abstracting things like this out
doesn't change that.  On the other hand, if you have to l10n your app, then
this works.

What about turning it off by default, and turned on in Boot though.  Also it
should probably use the existing method by default, rolling to the property
file if it's turned on and it's not provided.

 So I was thinking that it would be an idea to add a
 MapperRules.nameToDisplayName such as this

 var  nameToDisplayName: ( Mapper[_], String) = (_,name) = name

A department of redundancy department approved name? :) *LOL*

How about displayNameFromPropertyFile?  A little wordy, but it shouldn't
ever need to be typed except to be overridden.

 This would allow me to do things like nameToDisplayName = (m,name) =



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Re: [Lift] Emerging Languages Face Off: Scala, Go, Clojure and Ruby

2010-03-01 Thread Jim Barrows
Best of luck!

Will you be facing off with swords or... oh wait.. never mind... ;)

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:50 AM, David Pollak


 I'll be representing Scala in an emerging languages face-off at

 Interestingly, Scala and Clojure and both functional languages...
 indicating that FP is gaining interest from folks inside 2 standard
 deviations from the mean.

 Looking forward to seeing lots of cool folks there.



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Re: [Lift] MapperRules.nameToDisplayName?

2010-03-01 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

 Jim Barrows writes:

  On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:19 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
  In the interest of cutting boilerplate from mapped objects, I would
  like to get the display name from a property file.
  So your replacing code boilerplate with property file boilerplate?  The
  boilerplate has to go somewhere, and abstracting things like this out
  doesn't change that.

 Yes it does. Now I have to go through all my 100+ fields and add:

 override def displayName = S.?(getClass.getName+.+name)

My point was that you've moved the boilerplate, not eliminated it.  If what
you suggest was in place you'd have to add 100+ properties in a file.

 Same line in every field. That counts as boilerplate for me :-)

  On the other hand, if you have to l10n your app, then this works.


  What about turning it off by default, and turned on in Boot though.  Also
  should probably use the existing method by default, rolling to the
  file if it's turned on and it's not provided.

 That was pretty much what I suggested.except I don't want to force
 people to use displayNameFromPropertyFile. They could provide their own
 function that looked it up in a db, generated random names etc.

Okay, so displayNameFactory maybe?


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Re: [Lift] scala-time and Lift pom.xml

2010-02-26 Thread Jim Barrows
In what fashion do you mean integrate?
Adding this:


 to the dependency section to your maven POM will bring in the jar files.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Hi Peter,

 I read your mail, maybe you can help me. I'm wondering how I can integrate
 JodaTime or scala-time into my project.


 This is more a question for Jorge than anyone else but since it's Lift-
 related I thought I'd put it here:

 What's the easiest way to add scala-tools to my Lift project's
 pom.xml? My knowledge of Maven is very limited, but I hope that it is
 simply a matter of adding another repository and dependency.

 Peter Robinett


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Re: [Lift] scala-time and Lift pom.xml

2010-02-26 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Hannes wrote:


 Thanks that helped!

 Maybe its to late, or I don't know what, but.

 Its a bit complicated to use I think. What's about scala-time? For my
 purpose, I just need the the time as a number (e.g. long). How do I do that?

java.util.Date will give it to you.


 In what fashion do you mean integrate?
 Adding this:



  to the dependency section to your maven POM will bring in the jar files.

 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Hi Peter,

 I read your mail, maybe you can help me. I'm wondering how I can integrate
 JodaTime or scala-time into my project.


 This is more a question for Jorge than anyone else but since it's Lift-
 related I thought I'd put it here:

 What's the easiest way to add scala-tools to my Lift project's
 pom.xml? My knowledge of Maven is very limited, but I hope that it is
 simply a matter of adding another repository and dependency.

 Peter Robinett


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Re: [Lift] scala-time and Lift pom.xml

2010-02-26 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Hannes wrote:

  I swear that I ONLY use it to compare if things are older than other
 things. I think comparison of long values is faster than string or date
 comparison, or?

In what timezone?  and for what calendar?


 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Hannes wrote:


 You saved my weekend

 You're welcome.
  On the other hand using a Long as a date terrifies me, and makes me
 think your weekend, and the next three are all toast... but, maybe

  On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Hannes wrote:


 Thanks that helped!

 Maybe its to late, or I don't know what, but.

 Its a bit complicated to use I think. What's about scala-time? For my
 purpose, I just need the the time as a number (e.g. long). How do I do that?

 java.util.Date will give it to you.


 In what fashion do you mean integrate?
 Adding this:



  to the dependency section to your maven POM will bring in the jar files.

 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Hi Peter,

 I read your mail, maybe you can help me. I'm wondering how I can
 integrate JodaTime or scala-time into my project.


 This is more a question for Jorge than anyone else but since it's Lift-
 related I thought I'd put it here:

 What's the easiest way to add scala-tools to my Lift project's
 pom.xml? My knowledge of Maven is very limited, but I hope that it is
 simply a matter of adding another repository and dependency.

 Peter Robinett


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Re: [Lift] This is the style of SQL persistence that I like ...

2010-02-24 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.euwrote:

 Agreed - its nice. The var's are a little unsettling though... shame there
 is not a way to make it more immutable.

Wouldn't the new copy functionality of case classes in 2.8 take care of
that?  I've been drooling over this and the migrations project combined
since marius posted this.

Very cool stuff.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 24 Feb 2010, at 17:35, David Pollak wrote:

 Yeah.  It's good stuff.  Would love to see it integrated with Mapper/Record
 (so it's not looking at var fields, but looking at the more complex objects
 that represent fields).

 On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Marius wrote:

 Maybe most of you have seen it:


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Re: [Lift] Re: Has anyone gotten the uservoice javascript to work?

2010-02-22 Thread Jim Barrows
*grumble smurf*  Ok.  I'll just use the link then, and try to get an example

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 12:26 PM, David Pollak wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

 On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Marius wrote:
  In boot try setting LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType = false;

 I've had the same issues and iircc it's an issue with the Uservoice
 script not being fully xhtml compliant even if the problem is marked
 as fixed...

 What exactly does one loose by putting useXhtmlMimeType in Boot?

 In my experience, the layout deltas in XHTML are fewer across browsers.


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[Lift] Has anyone gotten the uservoice javascript to work?

2010-02-20 Thread Jim Barrows
I'm trying to get the uservoice widget working correctly, but it doesn't
like working from the server, but works from a file just fine when I view
source and copy and paste to a file.  Any help would be appreciated!

Uservoice adds it's feedback tab via some javascript that looks like:

script type=text/javascript
var uservoiceOptions = {
  /* required */
  key: 'customerelevator',
  host: '',
  forum: '39338',
  showTab: true,
  /* optional */
  alignment: 'left',
  text_color: 'white',
  hover_color: '#06C',
  lang: 'en'

function _loadUserVoice() {
  var s = document.createElement('script');
  s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
  s.setAttribute('src', (https: == document.location.protocol ?
https://; : http://;) +;
_loadSuper = window.onload;
window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? _loadUserVoice
: function() { _loadSuper(); _loadUserVoice(); };

You add it at the end of the page, near the /body tag.  I put tthe
//![CDATA[wrapper around the javascript itself:
 script type=text/javascript
// ![CDATA[
/* Javascript from above goes here */
// ]]

If I view source, and copy/paste the code to a file, it works just fine.
When I add http://localhost:8080 to all the now broken links, it works just
fine.  It's just when I view the page from the server that it's b0rked.
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Re: [Lift] setuid

2010-02-17 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Tamer Rizk wrote:

 I am using Apache as a reverse proxy forwarding traffic to Jetty on port
 8181. I am under the impression that a slight performance benefit offered by
 Apache would be offset by the bottleneck arising from double request
 handling (resulting in a reduction of throughput in comparison to direct
 requests to Jetty).

Depends on what you serve a lot of.  If it's anything but the page (i.e.
css, js, png, img, etc etc), then you'll see better performance with Apache
in front then jetty by itself.  On the other hand, if you're serving mostly
dynamic pages, then you won't see as much of a performance boost.

However, ultimately, you're going to be better off putting Apache/Nginx in
front.  the performance concerns vs horizontal scaling options doing so are
minor.  A web server in front of the application server model allows you to
easily add application servers to the mix.  Running an application server
alone won't do that.

As with any talk of optimization, you should do it only when you have a

 Thus, I would like the option to remove Apache down the road. In either
 case I would not want Jetty running as root. At this point its just an
 experiment, so I will try out a production scenario with Jetty server in the
 hopes that the issue with missing org.mortbay.setuid.SetUIDServer is due to
 building with Maven and using the plugin. Please let me know if you have a
 reason to believe otherwise. Thanks to all.

I've never heard of a way to get a command line from the Java VM.  The VM
doesn't really work that way, and so gives you a layer of protection you
don't have with a native app. is a nice summary of
why.  While Scala is not Java, it does run in the Java VM, using the compile
Java Byte Code.


 On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Timothy Perrett 

 I would recommend using Nginx or similar up front and using a reverse
 proxy setup - it is the most optiomal solution as Nginx can handle a vast
 number more connections than Jetty so it makes scaling your app easier on a
 single machine.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 17 Feb 2010, at 15:11, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:

  On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
  On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:40 PM, trizk wrote:
  Ok, just reread your post and saw you want to run Jetty on port 80.
  I've not tried this,I usually run a frontend (such as nginx) in front.
  Not sure how the different distros support this ootb.
  The point about Maven still applies though :-)
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Re: [Lift] Handle OOM

2010-02-03 Thread Jim Barrows
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:18 PM, David Pollak

 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hmm... Can the code catch the exception and try to execute a script that
 restarts it? :)

 The Sun JVM has the following flag:


 This will allow an auto-restart.

Oh, very cool.  I didn't know that.

 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Jim Barrows jim.barr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Not generally within your code no.  The VM is out of memory, not the
 webapp, so the VM has to be restarted.  However you could have a nagios
 other monitoring service auto-restart in such cases.
 On the other hand... you really shouldn't be getting a OOM error in

 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

 Is there any way to have a webapp handle an out of memory exception
 semi-gracefully? E.g., release session, restart, something other than 
 to ssh into the server?

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Re: [Lift] TableEditor enhancements

2010-02-03 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 5:23 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 It's very different -- you edit the whole table on one screen at the same
 time, and changes are buffered until you click save.

We're doing that in  a very heavy data entry app.  A really nice feature is
to be able for the client to go Oh look the backend is down again, better
hold off on sending for a bit, and let the user know so they don't lose
Our user will typically enter 20-30 courses before finding out that the app
can't save :)

 Jeppe Nejsum wrote:

 Naftoli Gugenheim writes:


  They tickets are:
  299 - ItemsList should be have refresh method to clear added/removed
  without requerying database
Until now it only had a reload method, which reset the state to that
  of the database, clearing pending additions and deletions. This adds a
  refresh method, which only reloads items but remembers pending
  additions and deletions.
  300 - unremoves removed unsaved items
This is a defect. After a number of attempts, I made a more
  substantial change to fix it.
  301 - ItemsListEditor should allow custom columns
Provide a hook so user code can add additional columns, e.g.,
 calculated data.
  302 - ItemsListEditor should display items pending removal, albeit in
  strikeout font
Previously when you click 'Remove' the item disappears, and only
  reappears if you reload it without saving first. This places the items
  at the end of the list, uneditable and in a strikeout font.
  I would like to add a new enhancement as well, namely to generate
  javascript to prompt you if you try to leave the page with unsaved

 These changes sound nice. I haven't used this before. How does it differ
 from CRUDify? Seems like it covers the same functionality?


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Re: [Lift] Handle OOM

2010-02-02 Thread Jim Barrows
Not generally within your code no.  The VM is out of memory, not the webapp,
so the VM has to be restarted.  However you could have a nagios other
monitoring service auto-restart in such cases.
On the other hand... you really shouldn't be getting a OOM error in

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is there any way to have a webapp handle an out of memory exception
 semi-gracefully? E.g., release session, restart, something other than having
 to ssh into the server?

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Re: [Lift] Handle OOM

2010-02-02 Thread Jim Barrows
That would require memory allocation etc to do so.  Which is of course, a
problem at this point.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hmm... Can the code catch the exception and try to execute a script that
 restarts it? :)

 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Jim Barrows wrote:

 Not generally within your code no.  The VM is out of memory, not the
 webapp, so the VM has to be restarted.  However you could have a nagios
 other monitoring service auto-restart in such cases.
 On the other hand... you really shouldn't be getting a OOM error in

 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

 Is there any way to have a webapp handle an out of memory exception
 semi-gracefully? E.g., release session, restart, something other than having
 to ssh into the server?

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Re: [Lift] Tomcat tips

2010-01-24 Thread Jim Barrows
Freezing randomly is usually gc related. I'd look at memory settings.

On Jan 24, 2010 3:10 PM, aw wrote:

I have been developing my Lift app using the Jetty plugin on Windows,
but now am deploying production on a Tomcat 6 server on Solaris.  I
don't exactly have great details at this moment, but I will admit that
I am observing some behavior differences in Tomcat that I don't see
with Jetty.  I do still have a couple of configuration tweaks to make,
but I don't think that those are the underlying culprit.  My main
symptom is that Tomcat randomly seems to freeze.  I need to drill
into this more to isolate the problem, recreate it, and inspect the
log files, but I thought I would ask first...

Does anybody have any tips for deploying Lift apps on Tomcat?  I
assumed that I could just deploy the war and everything would work
just like on Jetty.  Alas, I realize now that the Comet implementation
is different for Jetty vs. other containers.  I am assuming, however,
that Tomcat can still do Comet reliably.  If there are any
configuration tasks that are necessary or recommended, I would
appreciate a heads up.

I am using 2.0-M1.


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Re: [Lift] Mapper question / autogenerate some number

2010-01-06 Thread Jim Barrows
You can use mapper by itself.  There's a dependency on lift webkit I
believe.  There might be some other issues, as i don't if anyone is using it
that way.
As for the number, are you talking about a userId?  Why would you think you
can't set an arbitrary field in Mapper?

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Julian Backes

 Does really nobody know something about my problem? Something like this is
 not possible at the moment is also ok... :-)

 Am 03.01.10 22:46, schrieb Julian Backes:


 I have the following problem:
 For simplicity, assume I want to store users in the database. Before
 storing a user the first time in the database (using,
 I want to create a special unique number for this user (which we need in
 our company) and store this number together with the new user. This
 number is based on several values and some of them need to be read from
 the database.
 My first idea was to add something to beforeCreate in the meta object
 but I'm not sure how to do the computation of the number together with
 the save operation in one transaction (which is absolutely necessary)?
 And are there better places to do this?
 I read something about putting the whole request in one transaction but
 this is not what I want. I'm currently only using the Mapper stuff
 (because I want a pure scala ORM) and not the whole Lift framework.

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: [Lift] Mapper question / autogenerate some number

2010-01-06 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Julian Backes

 Thanks for your answer!!

  You can use mapper by itself.  There's a dependency on lift webkit I
 believe.  There might be some other issues, as i don't if anyone is
 using it that way.

 This is perfectly working

  As for the number, are you talking about a userId?  Why would you think
 you can't set an arbitrary field in Mapper?

 no, it is not a userId, just think of it as some string. Let's call it
 userSpecialString for the moment. I know that I can set some field but my
 problem is that when *storing a new user in the database*, the system

 1) start transaction
 2) generate special number/string from database
 3) set userSpecialString to this generated thing
 4) store new user in the database
 5) end transaction

In this previous question:

I find the following:
import net.liftweb.*mapper*.{DB, DefaultConnectionIdentifier}
DB.use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier) { conn =
  ... // CRUDs
  if(success) conn.commit
  else conn.rollback

Have you tried something like this?

 Steps 2-4 are no problem. My problem is how to do this in one transaction
 (steps 1 and 5) and where the best place is so that steps 1-5 automatically
 happen when calling


 On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Julian Backes wrote:

Does really nobody know something about my problem? Something like
this is not possible at the moment is also ok... :-)

Am 03.01.10 22:46, schrieb Julian Backes:


I have the following problem:
For simplicity, assume I want to store users in the database.
storing a user the first time in the database (using,
I want to create a special unique number for this user (which we
need in
our company) and store this number together with the new user. This
number is based on several values and some of them need to be
read from
the database.
My first idea was to add something to beforeCreate in the meta
but I'm not sure how to do the computation of the number
together with
the save operation in one transaction (which is absolutely
And are there better places to do this?
I read something about putting the whole request in one
transaction but
this is not what I want. I'm currently only using the Mapper stuff
(because I want a pure scala ORM) and not the whole Lift framework.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [Lift] Re: Lift is awesome (with reservations)

2009-12-30 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 But that need could be reconciled with my idea in either of two ways:
 1. There is discussion taking place, just in the Google Docs file as
 opposed to the maling list. Anyone who wants can participate. The point is
 that I suspect much of the reason everyone wants better naming but no one is
 doing anything, is because there's a lot of overhead besides the actual act
 of discussion. I think we need an approach that lets people 'just discuss'
 the names in context, without any extra work like copy pasting into
 spreadsheets etc.

So, you're trying to drive disucssion to some place hidden from the rest of
the list (and by list I mean, users and creators of Lift).

 2. If that's not satisfactory, then we can summarize the discussion on the
 list or just run the conclusion by everyone on the list. This way the
 discussion itself will remain lighweight and overhead-less, but it will
 still have to go through public scrutiny on the list before any ticket is

To present the users and creators of Lift with, essentially, a fait

Leave me out of that one.

 Of course if you still object we're all ears!

 David wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim

  Does anyone object to this approach?
  Any source file that's being reviewed (hopefully one or very few at a
  should be uploaded to Google Docs as a text document. Discussion can
  of the built in google chat functionality but mainly by inserting a (((
  ))) section in scaladoc comments and writing your name and thoughts
  The advantage to this poor man's code review is that there's no
  for someone to join the effort - no arranging things in a spreadsheet or
  linking threads. I suspect that may have been an impediment until now.
  Of course nothing will be merged back from there; it's just a context for
  discussion that may lead to tickets.

 In general, folks shouldn't open tickets without a discussion on this list
 and at least a nod from me, Marius, Derek or Tim.  There are some
 to this general rule.  For example, if there's an actual defect (e.g., NPE
 de-serializing JSON data structures and you include a reproduceable case)
 if you are me, Marius, Derek or Tim and you're queuing up work for

 Why?  (1) the current ticketing system does not allow for good discussion
 things and the whole community is not involved (2) one person's defect is
 another person's feature so having a discussion to keep things oriented
 towards where Lift is going is a lot better on list and (3) some tickets
 like write more documentation serve no purpose because there's no person
 attached to the work and those kinds of tickets just clutter the ticketing
 system which doesn't have good filtering or prioritization tools as it is.

  Erkki wrote:
  I just noticed that GitHub also lets you comment on *commits*, but not
  files :(
  But Google Docs or whatever you end up deciding on works for me.
  On Dec 29, 11:42 pm, Ross Mellgren wrote:
   We have a code review board (, but it's pretty
   geared towards changes. I don't know if it can be configured or used
   or what-have-you for reviewing the current state of code.
   On Dec 29, 2009, at 4:39 PM, Erkki Lindpere wrote:
Another option would be to use a specialized code review tool, though
someone would have to host it. There's one thing that may not fit
about these, though: usually they are for reviewing *changes* and not
existing code. I don't know what the good ones are, but some
commercial products are free for Open Source projects (all of these
list Git support as well):
SmartBear CodeCollaborator / CodeReviewer about open source
Atlassian Crucible
-- about open source licensing
I know there are some open source ones as well, personally I've only
used Crucible once and an open source tool a long time ago (don't
remember which one).
Or how about writing a simple code review app in lift as an example
project :)
Erkki L
On Dec 29, 9:31 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
Neat, thanks!
Where to post it is a very, very good question. I would suggest not
to invest much in a particular medium before you help us
crystallize a good answer!
(Attention all interested in the naming progess: I think we made
good progress in terms of guidelines, 

Re: [Lift] Re: Lift is awesome (with reservations)

2009-12-30 Thread Jim Barrows
Note: I just realized this was gonig to the list, and individual emails as
well.  edited the to and cc fields.

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm confused by your reply.
 Firstly, I think I was clear that I'm not going to do anything that you or
 David disapprove of. So if my idea is not a good one just scratch it!
 In any case I'm confused by what you said. What is hidden about a Google
 Docs document? Whoever wants to participate in the discussion can write in
 the document.

The first problem is that anyone who might wish to comment hase to know
about it.  How often people either not check, not check thoroughly enough
the existing mailing list as it is?So now you want them to read the
mailing list or the wiki to find out about a discussion happening someplace
else?  That's going to complicate matters a whole lot.

The second problem is that you won't be able to get away from the
implication that things are being done behind the communities back.   Pretty
much no matter what you do.  Again the problem is human beings.  Everybody
is not going to search, and some people are going to feel like that without
a personal invitation to join the elite working way over here, they have
no opportunity to participate.

The spreadsheet I created is just a data tracker.  I fully expect, and
encourage the discussions to happen on the lists.  The limited number of
people who can write to it is to prevent discussions happening away from the
list, not to limit the discussion itself.  That's why it has columns to put
links to discussion on it.

And if three people, or ten, discuss it there and then run it by everyone on
 the list, those people will certainly not ignore what others on the list
 have to say.
 Was I unclear in the previous message? Or is my ignorance of Google Docs at
 play? Or did I misunderstand something?

There's a huge difference between people working together, coming to the
list and going what's the best way to solve 'X', or we think 'Y' would
better the 'X' because of blah blah, and people working together and coming
to the list and going Change this!.There's an even bigger difference
when the latter are some sort of Refactor and Reorganize Lift Committee.


 Jim wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim

  But that need could be reconciled with my idea in either of two ways:
  1. There is discussion taking place, just in the Google Docs file as
  opposed to the maling list. Anyone who wants can participate. The point
  that I suspect much of the reason everyone wants better naming but no one
  doing anything, is because there's a lot of overhead besides the actual
  of discussion. I think we need an approach that lets people 'just
  the names in context, without any extra work like copy pasting into
  spreadsheets etc.

 So, you're trying to drive disucssion to some place hidden from the rest of
 the list (and by list I mean, users and creators of Lift).

  2. If that's not satisfactory, then we can summarize the discussion on
  list or just run the conclusion by everyone on the list. This way the
  discussion itself will remain lighweight and overhead-less, but it will
  still have to go through public scrutiny on the list before any ticket is

 To present the users and creators of Lift with, essentially, a fait

 Leave me out of that one.

  Of course if you still object we're all ears!
  David wrote:
  On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim
   Does anyone object to this approach?
   Any source file that's being reviewed (hopefully one or very few at a
   should be uploaded to Google Docs as a text document. Discussion can
   of the built in google chat functionality but mainly by inserting a (((
   ))) section in scaladoc comments and writing your name and thoughts
   The advantage to this poor man's code review is that there's no
   for someone to join the effort - no arranging things in a spreadsheet
   linking threads. I suspect that may have been an impediment until now.
   Of course nothing will be merged back from there; it's just a context
   discussion that may lead to tickets.
  In general, folks shouldn't open tickets without a discussion on this
  and at least a nod from me, Marius, Derek or Tim.  There are some
  to this general rule.  For example, if there's an actual defect (e.g.,
  de-serializing JSON data structures and you include a reproduceable case)
  if you are me, Marius, Derek or Tim and you're queuing up work for
  Why?  (1) the current ticketing system does not allow for good discussion

[Lift] How to handle a redirect to your site with info for a user that still has to sign up/login?

2009-12-14 Thread Jim Barrows
I'm working on a plugin for a website.  Essentially a user of the external
website (we'll call it Shopify), can click on a link to add my service to
their webstore.  So Shopify uses a URL like:
This provides me with everything I need to get access to the Shopify (and
now, my) customer.  However, they have not yet registered with my site yet.
So I have code that handles the case where they are already logged in, and
where they just need to login.  When I try to register them, the code
doesn't work.  The User.loginRedirect seems to get lost somewhere.  This
tells me that I don't understand something.  Like is there an easier way?
:)  And more importantly what am I missing?

Here's the Boot:
 LiftRules.dispatch.append {
  case Req(shopify :: install :: addStore :: Nil, _,_ ) =
ShopifyUI.addStore _

And then this is the addStore implementation:
object ShopifyUI {
  def addStore(): Box[net.liftweb.http.LiftResponse] = {

object shopInfoVar extends SessionVar[Box[ShopInfo]](Empty)

var shopInfo: ShopInfo = ShopInfo.createInstance

param(timestamp) match {
  case Full(x) = shopInfo.timestamp.set(new Date(x.toLong))
  case _ = error(timestamp, Shopify did not send a timestamp.)

param(shop) match {
  case Full(x) = shopInfo.shopName.set(List.fromString(x, '.').first)
  case _ = error(shop, Shopify did not send a shop url.)

param(signature) match {
  case Full(x) = shopInfo.signature.set(x)
  case _ = error(signature, Shopify did not send a signature.)

param(t) match {
  case Full(x) = {
  case _ = error(t, Shopify did not send an authentication token
(the 't' param))
if( ! errors.isEmpty  ! {
  shopInfo =!
if (User.loggedIn_?) {
} else {


James A Barrows


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Re: [Lift] Goals for type and method renaming for Lift 2.0 - was: Open discussion on Lift Name Calling practices

2009-12-14 Thread Jim Barrows
I snipped some stuff.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 12:34 PM, David Pollak wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:

 2009/12/13 Kris Nuttycombe
 5) Avoid using abbreviations

 I disagree.  When coding with a non-IDE, abbreviations make life much

I agree with David, abbreviations are better.  When I'm trying to get
something out of my head and into code, I don't want things getting in my
way.  2 things in this scenario get in my way.  1) autocomplete is slow 2)
typing is slow.

Here's something else to think about on this issue.  A good typist, familiar
with their material can type faster then most code completions can operate.
In studying data entry folks at UofP, I noticed something about the
auto-complete functionality that wasn't obvious to me before.  It's not how
fast the code complete pops up that slow you down.  It's the mental shift
from typing to reading that takes the most time.  You always have to verify
that what the auto-complete is going to use is correct.  This almost always
takes more time then typing it yourself (assuming an expert typist).

 In general, the principle goal of this effort must be improving the
 clarity of the Lift API for both new adopters and for maintainers.

 100% agreed!

 In order to make Lift even more popular it is essential to ease adoption.
 Often folks require better documentation and we all know that the code (the
 API) is the first and best source of documentation.


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Re: [Lift] Open discussion on Lift Name Calling practices

2009-12-10 Thread Jim Barrows
Dates have changed below.  I slipped everything a week.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:59 PM, Kris Nuttycombe

 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jim Barrows wrote:
  Lift is getting very large.  We've got singular names as lists, and
  names that aren't lists.  We've got people calling roses red flowers,
  diamonds and other mass chaos.  Well, it's not that bad, but you get the
  idea.  This is an attempt to come up with a series of standard names to
  working in lift easier, not only for the committers, but also (and more
  importantly) for you folks using it on a day to day basis.
  Achieving this means that there must be two things, a set of rules for
  naming conventions, and a process to make sure everyone is following
  rules, and changing things when we mess it up.
  This thread is for discussing the process.  I'll be starting another
  to discuss the rules, as well as another thread to discuss current names
  that we want to change.
  As always, if you don't speak up, you're not dissenting, and we welcome
  views and ideas on how to do this!
  1) Goal discussion (closes 15 Dec 09)
  2) Identify changes, and put the list on the wiki (closes 22 Jan 10)
  3) Convert the list to github tickets.  This includes discussing setting
  priorities etc, assessing impacts etc etc to go into the ticket. (closes
  Jan 10)
  4) Committers can then work the tickets into their own workflows, and
  everything would then follow the normal commit workflow from there.
  (committers work according to priority and impact etc)
  5) Naming becomes a part of the normal review board process.  However, if
  committer thinks that the Name Caller needs to look at it earlier, or is
  having a hard time with naming something, by all means send an email.  (
  date we add this to the process 5 Feb 10)
  6) As we find things we missed, or better names, we work them through the
  github ticket and review system. ( date we add this to the process 5 Feb
  James A Barrows

 The timeline looks good to me, with the exception of the fact that
 we've already passed the first milestone!

 With respect to goals, I have a few general suggestions.

 1) Remove ambiguity wherever possible! There are a number of places
 where very similar names are used to refer to utterly different
 2) As an aide removing ambiguity, consider outlawing or eliminating
 extremely generic names, or else establish a single way in which a
 given name will be used across Lift. Examples are Field, Info, Holder,
 3) Avoid making the name of the return type part of the name of the
 method. The types should tell the story as much as possible, except in
 the case where multiple methods varying only in return type would
 exist (illegal overloads)
 4) Prefer Scala-style accessors and mutators.

 I also am attaching a start at some names I see as suboptimal from
 S.scala, but since this thread isn't really for discussion of
 individual naming issues (and such a thread doesn't yet exist) I
 thought I'd go ahead and present my suggestions as a strawman for
 format and what type of changes might be considered.



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[Lift] The thread for discussing names that need to change.

2009-12-10 Thread Jim Barrows
And we can start with Kris's list!  Which hopefully will start things off
If any particular discussion starts getting long, I, or the discussers
should move it to it's own thread.

module: lift-util
file: src/main/scala/net/liftweb/util/JsonCmd.scala
ResponseInfoHolder = ResponseMetadata

module: lift-webkit
file: src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/S.scala
RewriteHolder = NamedRewrite
DispatchHolder = NamedDispatch
CookieHolder = Cookies
(\w+)HighLevelSessionDispatcher = \1SessionDispatcher (No LowLevel???)
? = % or $ (printf, jsp - what's the inspiration for ? as
(\w+)_? = is\1 (underscore is used for enough things in Scala, let's not
make method names harder to read)
getHeader = getResponseHeader
getDocType = docType (change return type from tuple to case class with
sematically significant names?)
setDocType = docType_=
addCleanupFunc = onCleanup
functionLifespan_= parameter type Boolean = Lifespan (sealed trait
Lifespan; case object Session extends Lifespan; case object Request extends
functionLifespan_? = functionLifespan
attrs = snippetAttrs; return type should be something more informative than
List[(Either[String, (String, String)], String)]
prefixedAttrsToMap = snippetAttrMap
prefixedAttrsToMetadata = snippetAttrMetadata
mapToAttrs: Move to one of the util classes? No state dependencies in this

getSessionAttribute(s: String) = containerSessionAttribute (to avoid
confusion with LiftSession) where containerSessionAttribute is a local
object as defined below
setSessionAttribute(s: String, v: String) = containerSessionAttribute(s:
String) = v; see below
object containerSessionAttribute {
  def apply(name: String) = containerSession.flatMap(_.attribute(name) match
{case s: String = Full(s) case _ = Empty})
  def update(name: String, value: String) =
containerSession.foreach(_.setAttribute(name, value))
  def unset(name: String) =

fmapFunc = something else this is confusing for those familiar with fmap
from Haskell
clearCurrentNotices =
Disambiguate S.loc / Loc; maybe use S.l instead (taking inspiration from
rails's h)
Disambiguate getNotices/getAllNotices/notices. Since there's a Notice type
of notice, maybe getNotices = messages ?
the current methods messages/noIdMessages/idMessages are all pure functions
that don't interact with state, maybe move them elsewhere?

NoticeType, maybe make a sealed trait w/case objects instead of Enumeration?

Why does S._statefulSnip not override nameSalt?

Needs better documentation, potential renames, or both:

booster (private, unused, candidate for removal?)
*FuncHolder - these are widely used, but neither the names, types, or
documentation tell the novice what they're for

General suggestions:
Disambiguate/eliminate generic names: Field, Param,

James A Barrows


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[Lift] Having trouble figuring out how to get a form to submit without submitting the page, using ajaxForm

2009-12-05 Thread Jim Barrows
This is the basic definition of the form that works, but submits the page:
xhtml: form=post
!-- Form fields --

And the binding looks like:
bind(contactMechanism, xhtml,
  comment - text(comment, comment = _),
  fromDate - text(fromDate, fromDate = _) % (id - fromDate) %
(maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
  thruDate - text(thruDate, thruDate = _) % (id - thruDate) %
(maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
  submit - submit(Add, saveContactMechanismToParty ))

So, after reading the ajaxForm methods description I thought I could do
!-- Form fields --

And the binding would look like:
ajaxForm(  bind(contactMechanism, xhtml,
  comment - text(comment, comment = _),
  fromDate - text(fromDate, fromDate = _) % (id - fromDate) %
(maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
  thruDate - text(thruDate, thruDate = _) % (id - thruDate) %
(maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
  //mechanism - text(dateFormat.format(new Date()), thruDate = _) %
(id - thruDate) % (maxlength - 10) % (size - 10),
  submit - submit(Add, saveContactMechanismToParty )))

However, when the submit button is clicked the saveContactMechanismToParty
never gets called.
What am I missing?

James A Barrows


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Re: [Lift] Re: Having trouble figuring out how to get a form to submit without submitting the page, using ajaxForm

2009-12-05 Thread Jim Barrows
On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Marius wrote:

 Jon is correct. There is another approach though  that was recently
 introduced: using SHtml.submitAjaxForm(formId) ... this is useful if
 you want to submit an ajax form from outside of it say when clicking a
 link etc. But probably the most common way is to use what Jon

Yep, Jon's suggestion worked!!


 On Dec 5, 7:58 pm, Jonathan Hoffman wrote:
  This is a tricky bit.  It turns out that the javascript that's used to
 serialize (jQuery.serialize) the form does not include the submit button.
  The best way to get the functionality you want is to add a hidden field:
  SHtml.ajaxForm(bind(...) ++ SHtml.hidden(saveContactMechanismToParty))
  If saveContactMechanismToParty returns a JsCmd that code will get
 executed on the client.
  - Jon
  On Dec 5, 2009, at 10:55 AM, Jim Barrows wrote:
   This is the basic definition of the form that works, but submits the
   xhtml: form=post
   !-- Form fields --
   And the binding looks like:
   bind(contactMechanism, xhtml,
 comment - text(comment, comment = _),
 fromDate - text(fromDate, fromDate = _) % (id - fromDate)
 % (maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
 thruDate - text(thruDate, thruDate = _) % (id - thruDate)
 % (maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
 submit - submit(Add, saveContactMechanismToParty ))
   So, after reading the ajaxForm methods description I thought I could do
   !-- Form fields --
   And the binding would look like:
   ajaxForm(  bind(contactMechanism, xhtml,
 comment - text(comment, comment = _),
 fromDate - text(fromDate, fromDate = _) % (id - fromDate)
 % (maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
 thruDate - text(thruDate, thruDate = _) % (id - thruDate)
 % (maxlength - 15) % (size - 15),
 //mechanism - text(dateFormat.format(new Date()), thruDate =
 _) % (id - thruDate) % (maxlength - 10) % (size - 10),
 submit - submit(Add, saveContactMechanismToParty )))
   However, when the submit button is clicked the
 saveContactMechanismToParty never gets called.
   What am I missing?
   James A Barrows
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James A Barrows


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[Lift] Open discussion on Lift Name Calling practices

2009-12-01 Thread Jim Barrows
Lift is getting very large.  We've got singular names as lists, and plural
names that aren't lists.  We've got people calling roses red flowers, spades
diamonds and other mass chaos.  Well, it's not that bad, but you get the
idea.  This is an attempt to come up with a series of standard names to make
working in lift easier, not only for the committers, but also (and more
importantly) for you folks using it on a day to day basis.

Achieving this means that there must be two things, a set of rules for
naming conventions, and a process to make sure everyone is following those
rules, and changing things when we mess it up.

This thread is for discussing the process.  I'll be starting another thread
to discuss the rules, as well as another thread to discuss current names
that we want to change.
As always, if you don't speak up, you're not dissenting, and we welcome your
views and ideas on how to do this!

1) Goal discussion (closes 8 Dec 09)
2) Identify changes, and put the list on the wiki (closes 15 Jan 10)
3) Convert the list to github tickets.  This includes discussing setting
priorities etc, assessing impacts etc etc to go into the ticket. (closes 29
Jan 10)
4) Committers can then work the tickets into their own workflows, and
everything would then follow the normal commit workflow from there.
(committers work according to priority and impact etc)
5) Naming becomes a part of the normal review board process.  However, if a
committer thinks that the Name Caller needs to look at it earlier, or is
having a hard time with naming something, by all means send an email.  (
date we add this to the process 29 Jan 10)
6) As we find things we missed, or better names, we work them through the
github ticket and review system. ( date we add this to the process 29 Jan

James A Barrows


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Re: [Lift] Looking for an example of how to do master detail, on the view side

2009-11-26 Thread Jim Barrows
Excellent.  He's already where I was headed :)

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 8:51 PM, David Pollak

 Kris blogged about a really nice pattern:

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Jim Barrows jim.barr...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm using JPA, and need to do a One-Many, or master detail view.  So I
 tried the obvious: form=post
 !-- form --
 lift:PersonSnippets.addContactMechanism form=post

 However, the HTML that gets generated is the same form for both.
 Is there an example somewhere I've missed about how to do this?
 James A Barrows

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James A Barrows


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Re: [Lift] Looking for an example of how to do master detail, on the view side

2009-11-25 Thread Jim Barrows
package com.nsfw.snippet

import common.{Empty, Full, Box}
import sitemap.{Loc}
import http._
import js.{JsCmd, JsCmds}
 import JsCmds._
import S._
import SHtml._
import util._
import Helpers._

import _root_.javax.persistence.{EntityExistsException,

import com.nsfw.model.Model
import xml.{Group, NodeSeq, Text}
import{PartyContactMechanism, Person}

class PersonSnippets {

  object personVar extends RequestVar(new Person())
  def person =

  object partyContactMechanismVar extends RequestVar( new
  def partyContactMechanism =

  def addContactMechanism (html: Group) : NodeSeq = {
var comment : String = 
bind(contactMechanism, html,
  comment - Text(partyContactMechanism.getComment()))

  def list(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {

val people =

people.flatMap(person =
bind(person, xhtml,
  firstName - Text(person.getFirstName()),
  middleName - Text(person.getMiddleName()),
  lastName - Text(person.getLastName()),
  edit -, () =
personVar(person), Text(?(Edit))),
  delete -, () =
personVar(person), Text(?(Delete)))

  def form = { form=post
  div class=span-3
label for=firstName
  lift:locFirst Name/lift:loc
  div class=span-21 last
  div class=span-3
label for=middleName
  lift:locMiddle Name/lift:loc
  div class=span-21 last
  div class=span-3
label for=lastName
  lift:locLast Name/lift:loc
  div class=span-21 last
  div class=span-24

  def save(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {

bindPerson(xhtml, doSave, Save, false)

  def delete(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {

bindPerson(xhtml, doDelete, Delete, true)


  def doSave() = {

try {
  val name = person.getFirstName() +   + person.getLastName()
  notice(Saved  + name)
} catch {
  case ee: EntityExistsException = error(Person already exists)
  case pe: PersistenceException = error(Error adding person);
Log.error(Error adding person, pe)


  def doDelete() = {
try {
  var mergedPerson = Model.mergeAndFlush(person);
  val name = mergedPerson.getFirstName() +   +

  notice(Deleted  + name)
} catch {
  case pe: PersistenceException = error(Error removing person);
Log.error(Error removing person, pe);

  def bindPerson(xhtml: NodeSeq, action: () = Unit, submitButtonName:
String, disableAll: boolean): NodeSeq = {
// Hold a val here so that the id closure holds it when we re-enter
this method
val currentId = person.getId()
val currentVersion = person.getVersion()

val disableAttr: Box[String] = if (disableAll) Full(disabled) else

bind(person, xhtml,
  id - SHtml.hidden(() = person.setId(currentId)),
  version - SHtml.hidden(() = person.setVersion(currentVersion)),
  firstName - (SHtml.text(person.getFirstName(),
person.setFirstName(_)) % (id - firstName) % (readonly -
  middleName - (SHtml.text(person.getMiddleName(),
person.setMiddleName(_)) % (id - middleName) % (readonly -
  lastName - (SHtml.text(person.getLastName(), person.setLastName(_))
% (id - lastName) % (readonly - disableAttr)),
  submit - SHtml.submit(?(submitButtonName), action))


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't think that that should be happening, but I would need to see the
 code for PersonSnippets to really see what's going on.


 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Jim Barrows jim.barr...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm using JPA, and need to do a One-Many, or master detail view.  So I
 tried the obvious: form=post
 !-- form --
 lift:PersonSnippets.addContactMechanism form=post

 However, the HTML that gets generated is the same form for both.
 Is there an example somewhere I've missed about how to do this?
 James A Barrows

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Re: [Lift] Looking for an example of how to do master detail, on the view side

2009-11-25 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.euwrote:

 Lift does not use markup like that - there is no magic mapping between
 persistence and view.

 You would most likly have to construct the appropriate master - detail
 code in your snippets and work like that.

That's what I was trying to do.  There's a list of contact mechanisms
attached to each person.  I was going to use the second form to add the
contact mechanism to the person.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 25 Nov 2009, at 23:16, Jim Barrows wrote:

  I'm using JPA, and need to do a One-Many, or master detail view.  So I
 tried the obvious: form=post
  !-- form --
  lift:PersonSnippets.addContactMechanism form=post
  However, the HTML that gets generated is the same form for both.
  Is there an example somewhere I've missed about how to do this?
  James A Barrows
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Re: [Lift] Looking for an example of how to do master detail, on the view side

2009-11-25 Thread Jim Barrows

It's contactMechanism:comment not contactMechanism.comment

It's colons not dots in xhtml
It's colons not dots in xhtml
It's colons not dots in xhtml
It's colons not dots in xhtml
It's colons not dots in xhtml
it's colons not dots in xhtml
It's colons not dots in xhtml
It's colons not dots in xhtml

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Jim Barrows wrote:

 Here's the complete xhtml file:
 lift:surround with=default at=content
 lift:locEdit Person/lift:loc
 h1You are editing: /h1 form=post
 div class=span-8 last

 div class=span-3label for=firstName
 lift:locFirst Name/lift:loc
 div class=span-5
 div class=span-8 last

 div class=span-3label for=middleName
 lift:locMiddle Name/lift:loc
 div class=span-5
 div class=span-8 last

 div class=span-3label for=lastName
 lift:locLast Name/lift:loc
 div class=span-5

 div class=span-24 last
 h2Contact Mechanisms/h2

 lift:PersonSnippets.addContactMechanism form=post
 label for=comment
 input type=radio name=contactMechanism
 input type=radio name=contactMechanism value=Postal
 Address/labelPostal Address/label
 input type=radio name=contactMechanism value=Phone
 Number/labelPhone Number/label
 input type=radio name=contactMechanism
 input type=radio name=contactMechanism
 input type=text name=value/
 button type=submitSave/button
 table summary=A list of all the ways to contact this person
 or organizations title=Contact Mechanisms



 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Derek Chen-Becker 

 That markup should be in a template file somewhere, which would then call
 the snippets appropriately. I don't see markup for a second form, but I
 might just be missing it.

 A couple of other notes:

- Generally, on links, omit the suffix and Lift will then do I18N
lookup for you as needed. That means use /contact/person/edit instead of
- When you're deleting in JPA, there's no need to do a merge first.
Just obtain a reference instead and delete that. It's more efficient. Your
code would look like:

   def doDelete() = {
 try {

   notice(Deleted  + person.getFirstName() +   +

 } catch {
   case pe: PersistenceException = error(Error removing person);
 Log.error(Error removing person, pe);

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Timothy Perrett

 Lift does not use markup like that - there is no magic mapping between
 persistence and view.

 You would most likly have to construct the appropriate master - detail
 code in your snippets and work like that.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 25 Nov 2009, at 23:16, Jim Barrows wrote:

  I'm using JPA, and need to do a One-Many, or master detail view.  So I
 tried the obvious: form=post
  !-- form --
  lift:PersonSnippets.addContactMechanism form=post
  However, the HTML that gets generated is the same form for both.
  Is there an example somewhere I've missed about how to do this?
  James A Barrows
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Re: [Lift] Working with legacy databases

2009-11-23 Thread Jim Barrows
On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Donald McLean wrote:

 We are considering porting an existing Java desktop app to a
 Scala/lift web app. The application works with a Sybase DB. I'm still
 pretty new to Scala and Lift so I'm probably overlooking something
 obvious but could someone recommend a technology that is know to work
 for this environment? I have used Hibernate in the past and will use
 it again if necessary but I would be interested to know if there are
 other options.

You have Record and Mapper, which are a part of lift.  You have Scala QL.
Since Lift is written in Scala you have a plethora of Java based ORM's and
DB acccess libraries as well.

It's your choice, really.

 Thank you,


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Re: [Lift] Issue 201 - checkbox not returning all checked

2009-11-22 Thread Jim Barrows
On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Ross Mellgren wrote:

 yejun on github opened up an issue:

 def checkbox[T](possible : Seq[T], actual : Seq[T], func : (Seq[T]) = Any,
 attrs : (String, String)*)

Checkbox is returning a list of checkboxes?  Could we at least make checkbox
return and either checkboxList or checkboxes for many?

 Func will only return first element in possible when it is checked or

 It is easily reproducible.

 Based on the type of func, I agree it looks like it should give all checked
 boxes, not just either the first checked box or an empty list. If it's
 supposed to be for a single checkbox only, then I think the type should be
 changed to Box[T] = Any, or at the very least a doc comment indicating that
 it only supports a single check box.

 This behavior was introduced 

 Since there is no doc comment on the function I wanted to check what is the
 intended behavior before making and posting a patch to either do multiple
 checkbox or make the doc comment / type more clear and add another function
 to do the multi behavior.


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Re: [Lift] JPA and eager fetch

2009-11-20 Thread Jim Barrows
Model isn't doing much other then setting up the manager to work, so I don't
think that's the issue.
I don't have time to look at it this morning, but if no one has an answer
for you, I'll try to help this evening.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 5:40 PM, wstrange wrote:

 Newbie Lift / JPA alert!

 I am sure I am doing something dumb here, but I can't quite figure it
 out. I have a JPA project (modelled after the lift JPA demo app).

 I have an object with a one-to-many association, and I want to eager
 fetch the collection.  It is declared like :

  @OneToMany(){ val targetEntity = classOf[OpenIdUser], val cascade =
 Array(CascadeType.ALL), val fetch=FetchType.EAGER}
  var openIds :[OpenIdUser] = new[OpenIdUser]()

 In my spa persistence unit, eager fetching works fine from the unit
 test. The unit test uses plain old emf factory instances.

 However, from my web application (run with jetty:run) and  using
 Model.createNamedQuery, or Model.find, only the parent object is
 fetched. The collection is not.

 I gather this has something to do with the way that Model works? Or
 are my annotations being ignored when they are packed in a .jar file?

 Clues would be appreciated.




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Re: [Lift] Another List XYZ Menu Entry

2009-11-20 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Hannes wrote:

  I meant, that I had general problems to find a way how to do it, not
 talking about the Lift way to do it.

 So I think I need a new XHTML page where I call a snippet method, that
 displays the table. Then, from the menu item, I just link to that new page?
 Would that be the right way?

I'm not sure what you're asking.  You could do it with an xhtml page, you
could also build the table in code, like the CRUDify stuff does.  Either way
works, if I understand you correctly.


 On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Hi Lifters,

 I need a new menu entry that displays a table similar to the one, that
 is shown by the CRUDify List XYZ link. But I need to display different
 fields without the chance to edit or delete the items. So basically,
 just a simple table. Later on, some Comet stuff would be nice, to see
 changes on the table immediately.

 I've tried to add a new menu entry in Boot.scala, but I don't really
 know how/where the XML should come from

 What XML goes into a menu item?


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Re: [Lift] Another List XYZ Menu Entry

2009-11-20 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Hannes wrote:

  Maybe you could give a one liner, showing how to write the menu item in

A menu entry looks something like:
Menu( Loc(helpHome, (help ::  ::Nil) - true, Help))

The list ( help ::  :: Nil) is the path to the the page.   In this case
the - True says that everything underneath help is ok.

So you could do path :: to :: my :: page :: Nil and - false

There's a great description in section 5 of the Exploring lift PDF if you
need more help.


  On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Hannes wrote:

 I meant, that I had general problems to find a way how to do it, not
 talking about the Lift way to do it.

 So I think I need a new XHTML page where I call a snippet method, that
 displays the table. Then, from the menu item, I just link to that new page?
 Would that be the right way?

 I'm not sure what you're asking.  You could do it with an xhtml page, you
 could also build the table in code, like the CRUDify stuff does.  Either way
 works, if I understand you correctly.


 On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Hi Lifters,

 I need a new menu entry that displays a table similar to the one, that
 is shown by the CRUDify List XYZ link. But I need to display different
 fields without the chance to edit or delete the items. So basically,
 just a simple table. Later on, some Comet stuff would be nice, to see
 changes on the table immediately.

 I've tried to add a new menu entry in Boot.scala, but I don't really
 know how/where the XML should come from

 What XML goes into a menu item?


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Re: [Lift] Another List XYZ Menu Entry

2009-11-20 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Hannes wrote:

  I read some stuff of chapter five before, but this was the extra hint,
 that I needed...

A lot of Scala and, by extension, Lift requires some deep contemplation of
what it means.  a path implemented as a List makes little sense... until
you play with Scala's list a lot... then it's a beautiful thing


 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Maybe you could give a one liner, showing how to write the menu item in

 A menu entry looks something like:
 Menu( Loc(helpHome, (help ::  ::Nil) - true, Help))

 The list ( help ::  :: Nil) is the path to the the page.   In this case
 the - True says that everything underneath help is ok.

 So you could do path :: to :: my :: page :: Nil and - false

 There's a great description in section 5 of the Exploring lift PDF if you
 need more help.


  On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Hannes wrote:

 I meant, that I had general problems to find a way how to do it, not
 talking about the Lift way to do it.

 So I think I need a new XHTML page where I call a snippet method, that
 displays the table. Then, from the menu item, I just link to that new page?
 Would that be the right way?

 I'm not sure what you're asking.  You could do it with an xhtml page, you
 could also build the table in code, like the CRUDify stuff does.  Either way
 works, if I understand you correctly.


 On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Hannes wrote:

 Hi Lifters,

 I need a new menu entry that displays a table similar to the one, that
 is shown by the CRUDify List XYZ link. But I need to display different
 fields without the chance to edit or delete the items. So basically,
 just a simple table. Later on, some Comet stuff would be nice, to see
 changes on the table immediately.

 I've tried to add a new menu entry in Boot.scala, but I don't really
 know how/where the XML should come from

 What XML goes into a menu item?


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Re: [Lift] Looking for the single person who owns naming in Lift

2009-11-19 Thread Jim Barrows
I'm still new to learning Lift, and Scala for that matter, but if you can't
find anyone better, I'll do it.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:37 PM, David Pollak wrote:


 There has been a lot of talk about method/class naming in Lift lately.
 It's a good thing(tm) to normalize method and class naming in Lift.

 But it's also important that after the initial cleanup is done, the
 consistency is kept going forward.  It's also important that there's a pair
 of eyes looking at code as it's evolving and getting the names right early.
 For example, the common Actor stuff was floating around for 6 weeks (and
 very publicly so) before we rolled it into Lift.  Jonas and I were the only
 ones that commented on the code.  We got it to where we liked it and pushed
 it into master... then people made suggestions about the names.  This is the
 wrong time.  As important APIs are evolving, it's important to get the names
 right before people start using the code.

 So, I'm asking for someone in the community to step forward and own naming
 in Lift.  You may choose to have commit rights to the Lift code or not, but
 you will be responsible for:

- Understanding most (all?) of the Lift modules such that the person
has a broad understanding of the pieces of Lift
- Organizing a set of change recommendations for name changes and
- Soliciting community involvement and feedback on the recommendations
- Finalizing the recommendations for the next release of Lift (whether
that's called 1.1 or 2.0)
- Doing ongoing review of material additions to Lift to make sure
things are consistent

 So, if you're interested in that role (and it's a non-trivial time
 commitment over the next 6 weeks), please contact me off-list and let's



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Re: [Lift] Re: Call it Lift 2.0

2009-11-18 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:


 2009/11/17 Jim Barrows

 The behavior of a method, it's implementation is part of the contract I
 have with the library.

 Behavior yes, as long as agreed part of the contract. Implementation no.

Implementation is not behavior?

 So, just because you, or some committee ...

 Not a committe, but the developer of the library.

I don't care who.  Somebody, who isn't me, is deciding whether the impact to
me is is minor (ie 0.0.1), major (ie 0.1.0), or catastrophic (ie 1.0.0).

 ... think that the change is minor, I still have to thoroughly test
 everything that uses your library.

 Did you hear me saying Don't test your app when a required library changes
 its version?

Yes, actually your attempting to use a scheme to tell me what I need to
test.  If you agree that with every change, I need to test those changes,
then why complicate everybody's lives with number schemes?  Because whether
a someone uses the OSGI complex scheme of numbers, or Ubuntus year.month
scheme, it still means I have to read the change list, and test the things
that changed.

 As to your As Lift also is to support OSGi (already some support in
 place) it would be beneficial to stick to this version policy comment.  I
 counter with Lift works on Ubuntu it would be beneficial to stick to this
 version policy and of course Lift runs on scala  it would be beneficial to
 stick to this version policy, or better yet Lift runs  on the Java VM it
 would be beneficial to stick to this version policy.  All three of my
 arguments have far more to do with Lift running then OSGI does.

 If you are not interested in OSGi or Lift's OSGi support, then just ignore
 it. As far as I know neither Ubuntu, nor Scala, nor the JVM care about
 Lift's version number or version strategy. But OSGi does!

You miss my point.  My point was that the argument you make is useless.

 That's what I really need to know,

 Please accept that other folks might have different needs.

You cut the context.  However Everyone needs to know that things
changed.  And they need to know what changed.  The OSGI scheme attempts to
tell the developer how severe the change is, without knowing how the
developer is using the library.  That's useless.
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Re: [Lift] Re: Call it Lift 2.0

2009-11-18 Thread Jim Barrows
Only if Phx is in town :)

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:


 Let's stop this discussion (I won't convince you and you wont't convince
 me) and start doing something more valuable: Are you in town for a couple of


 2009/11/18 Jim Barrows

 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:


 2009/11/17 Jim Barrows

 The behavior of a method, it's implementation is part of the contract I
 have with the library.

 Behavior yes, as long as agreed part of the contract. Implementation no.

 Implementation is not behavior?

 So, just because you, or some committee ...

 Not a committe, but the developer of the library.

 I don't care who.  Somebody, who isn't me, is deciding whether the impact
 to me is is minor (ie 0.0.1), major (ie 0.1.0), or catastrophic (ie 1.0.0).

 ... think that the change is minor, I still have to thoroughly test
 everything that uses your library.

 Did you hear me saying Don't test your app when a required library
 changes its version?

 Yes, actually your attempting to use a scheme to tell me what I need to
 test.  If you agree that with every change, I need to test those changes,
 then why complicate everybody's lives with number schemes?  Because whether
 a someone uses the OSGI complex scheme of numbers, or Ubuntus year.month
 scheme, it still means I have to read the change list, and test the things
 that changed.

 As to your As Lift also is to support OSGi (already some support in
 place) it would be beneficial to stick to this version policy comment.  I
 counter with Lift works on Ubuntu it would be beneficial to stick to this
 version policy and of course Lift runs on scala  it would be beneficial 
 stick to this version policy, or better yet Lift runs  on the Java VM it
 would be beneficial to stick to this version policy.  All three of my
 arguments have far more to do with Lift running then OSGI does.

 If you are not interested in OSGi or Lift's OSGi support, then just
 ignore it. As far as I know neither Ubuntu, nor Scala, nor the JVM care
 about Lift's version number or version strategy. But OSGi does!

 You miss my point.  My point was that the argument you make is useless.

 That's what I really need to know,

 Please accept that other folks might have different needs.

 You cut the context.  However Everyone needs to know that things
 changed.  And they need to know what changed.  The OSGI scheme attempts to
 tell the developer how severe the change is, without knowing how the
 developer is using the library.  That's useless.
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Re: [Lift] Hosting problem, could PHP hosting front end the Liftweb? or is there cheap Liftweb hosting?

2009-11-17 Thread Jim Barrows
I use rackspace cloud servers ( for my hosting.  runs me
about 55/month for a medium sized server.  They have an API etc for
autostarting servers, and shutting them down.
Then you have the spring source
stuff runs on
Amazon, but gives you pushbutton deployment and autoscaling

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 9:45 PM, philip wrote:


 I will explain my problem, generally it is easy and cheap to get a PHP
 hosting account, often my new customers for websites have a PHP
 hosting as they are on the cheaper end of websites.
 My real server is using dyndns and is located at home.

 Although I have one server, I cannot host many domains on it. So my
 thought is that if I could write a PHP script I could use that to
 mirror my real server, also conbined with a .htaccess. So a request
 going to the PHP server hosting the domain would be re-directed to my
 real server and the content sent back to the client.
 I guess a iframe would work, but thats ugly. There's a few ways to do

 What about the Javascript and Ajax, could that work cross-domain? For
 example, going directly to server rather than proxy by the PHP

 Well I'll try it out some time soon and put some followup info on

 This is all because its not so easy to get cheap Liftweb hosting! ...
 or does anyone have a solution for that?

 Thanks, Philip


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Re: [Lift] Re: Call it Lift 2.0

2009-11-17 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:

 I think version numbers are idiotic, and created by the marketing
 department, and not engineers.

 I strongly disagree: An appropriate version strategy is not at all about
 marketing but expresses valuable information. In OSGi increasing the major
 version means breaking changes in the API, increasing the minor version
 means nonbreaking changes in the API and increasing the micro version means
 no changes to the API but only changes of the implementation. Further these
 versions are used to declare dependencies between modules (OSGi bundles)
 which results in a high degree of trust that different modules work
 seamlessly together. As Lift also is to support OSGi (already some support
 in place) it would be beneficial to stick to this version policy.

Version numbers only guarantee that the number is different.  What you call
no changes to the API, but changes to the implementation', I call
completely destroy my expectations of how this works, and therefore creates
a show stopper bug for me.  Which, by your logic should have been a more
major number.  And this entire argument proves my point.  I can counter
every argument you have for your scheme with real world epic fails that
happened because one person version of minor, is another persons version of

The behavior of a method, it's implementation is part of the contract I have
with the library.  If you change the behavior I depend on, then that's
major.  No matter how minor  you might think the change.  Moving from a
hashmap to a list is a huge change, for a sufficiently large set of data for
instance.  I can think of several hundred other minor implementation
changes you can make, that can have drastic consequences to the calling
code.  So, just because you, or some committee think that the change is
minor, I still have to thoroughly test everything that uses your library.
So calling it minor doesn't do me any good.

As to your As Lift also is to support OSGi (already some support in place)
it would be beneficial to stick to this version policy comment.  I counter
with Lift works on Ubuntu it would be beneficial to stick to this version
policy and of course Lift runs on scala  it would be beneficial to stick
to this version policy, or better yet Lift runs  on the Java VM it would
be beneficial to stick to this version policy.  All three of my arguments
have far more to do with Lift running then OSGI does.

Most important it's not KISS.  At least Ubuntu's year.month is simple.  Most
importantly it tells you that you need to test your stuff to make sure it
works because stuff has changed.  That's what I really need to know, that
and how old is my library.  How old is version 2.3.1?  A year?  two years?
6 months?  How do I know when to go looking for an updated version of the

 I think a 2.0 needs more time with a 2.0 mindset.

 Once 2.0 is on the table there may be more redesign involved.

 I disagree: Versions should not express a mindset but information about
 (non)breaking API changes. That's all, no magic, no marketing, no mindset.

 Heiko Seeberger

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[Lift] Re: Call it Lift 2.0

2009-11-16 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:


 There has been a large amount of new stuff and also some breaking changes
 since Lift 1.0. As an OSGi guy I suggest we call the next version Lift 2.0,
 because increasing the major version number will show the world that there
 are breaking changes and/or cool new features. At least, this is how
 versions are used in OSGi land. OK, I know that Sun follows another version
 strategy (keeping the major version fixed to 1 forever) and the Scala folks
 also seem to be stick to 2.x (quite a lot people would like 2.8 to be 3.0),
 but IMHO this is no reason for Lift to follow the same mislead strategy. So
 what do you think?

I think version numbers are idiotic, and created by the marketing
department, and not engineers.  You just need a build number so you can tell
if you're on the right version, and that's about it.  As you point out, one
mans 1.3 is another mans 2.0.

The version number should be something like 20091231 to indicate just how
old your version is.  Anything else is just madness :)


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[Lift] Re: Problems downloading dependencies, can't get started

2009-11-14 Thread Jim Barrows
Nate there is a directory in your home directory called .m2.  Delete that and 
If that doesn't work, and nobody else jumps in, its an issue with maven.  I'm 
mobile abd be more helpful I'm afraid.
Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Nate Martin
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 16:32:19 
Subject: [Lift] Problems downloading dependencies, can't get started


I was very intrigued with Lift, so I tried to work my way through the
Hello World tutorial. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get that to work.

I'm running on Snow Leopard. I installed Lift with the installer
downloaded from the Lift web site (version 1.0.1). When I first ran
mvn jetty:run it tried to download a bunch of dependencies.
Unfortunately, I was in china on a business trip when this happened,
and because of my spotty internet connection, I don't think all the
dependencies downloaded, and I couldn't launch the hello world

Now, I'm back in the states, but I can't figure out how to get Maven
to retry downloading the dependencies. All that happens when I type
mvn jetty:run is:

[INFO] Copying 0 resource
[WARNING] POM for 'backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-
concurrent:pom:3.0:runtime' is invalid.

Its dependencies (if any) will NOT be available to the current build.


[INFO] Error configuring: net.sf.alchim:yuicompressor-maven-plugin.
Reason: A required class was missing during mojo configuration: org/

[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch

Can anyone give me some advice on fixing this?


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[Lift] Re: How do you set disabled/readonly attributes from a snippet?

2009-11-12 Thread Jim Barrows
I'm importing HttpHelpers, and the implicit is not there.
Did this change for M7?

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Ross Mellgren wrote:

 Use None (Option) or Empty (Box) as the value of the attribute -- this
 will cause the pairToUnprefixed implicit that is being used inside
 SHtml to not generate an attribute.


 val disableAttr: Box[String] = if (disableAll) Full(disabled) else

 bind(person, xhtml,
   firstName - SHtml.text(person.firstName, person.firstName =
 _, id - firstName, disabled - disableAttr),


 On Nov 9, 2009, at 6:51 PM, Jim Barrows wrote:

  I found this answer on nabble but it's regarding setting the values
  client side.  I want to set them in the snippet, depending on data.
  This doesn't work, but will give you a better idea of what I'm
  trying to do:
   def bindPerson(xhtml: NodeSeq, action: () = Unit,
  submitButtonName: String, disableAll: boolean): NodeSeq = {
  // Hold a val here so that the id closure holds it when we re-
  enter this method
  val currentId =
  val disableString :String = disableAll match {
case true = disabled
case false = 
  bind(person, xhtml,
id - SHtml.hidden(() = = currentId),
//  version - SHtml.hidden(() = person.version),
firstName - SHtml.text(person.firstName, person.firstName =
  _, id - firstName, disabled - disableString),
middleName - SHtml.text(person.middleName,
  person.middleName = _, id - middleName, disabled -
lastName - SHtml.text(person.lastName, person.lastName = _,
  id - lastName, disabled - disableString),
submit - SHtml.submit(?(submitButtonName), action))
  James A Barrows


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[Lift] Re: ManyToMany decision

2009-11-11 Thread Jim Barrows
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 When I wrote ManyToMany a couple of months ago, I designed it to internally
 hold a collection of join table records, and to act as a collection of
 elements of the child table.
 For example, given Volunteer and VolunteerGroup where volunteers can be in
 multiple groups, Volunteer.volunteerGroups implements a collection of
 VolunteerGroups, but internally it's actually managing a collection of
 VolunteerVolunteerGroups (the join table).

I don't think you really need to maintain the pivot table list
(VolunteerVolunteerGroups) at all.  If you maintain the Many-to-Many as part
of the object, and use a standard naming convention then you don't really
need this extra list running around.  You can still build the SQL correctly
knowing only the objects involved.

 The current implementation throws an error (Predef.error) when it tries to
 get the child element via the join record and it doesn't exist. Thus any
 page accessing corrupted data will not display if the error is not caught. I
 plan, G-d willing, to change the implementation to silently skip such
 But the occurrence that reminded me of the defect also brought another
 point to my attention. To my knowledge Lift's schemifier does not correctly
 generate foreign key constraints for all databases (at least not at the
 point in time it schemified my H2 database... :) ) so we need a way for
 ManyToMany to keep things in sync. ManyToMany helps, to an extent, because
 when its MappedManyToMany members are initialized, it puts them in a list,
 and it propagates saves and deletes. So if you have a ManyToMany Mapper
 instance that contains a MappedManyToMany that has been initialized, and you
 call delete_! on the Mapper, it will delete all the associated join table
 entries. But it's not enough.

1. That can only happen if both sides of the relationship use
MappedManyToMany. Is there some way to enforce this? I was thinking of 
a combination of (a) requiring the foreign MetaMapper to extends 
and (b) when a MappedManyToMany is initialized, it should check that the
foreign MetaMapper/ManyToMany actually contains a MappedManyToMany 
to the current MappedManyToMany. (a) is not sufficient without (b), and (b)
has the same problem as #2 below, that objects are lazy.

I think you're right here.  Both sides have to have the mapping.. however I
don't think there is a good clean way to detect this without a compiler
plugin of some kind.

1. There is a basic problem, which is that since objects are lazy, if
you haven't referenced the MappedManyToMany field, delete_! will not be 
to propagate to the join entries.

As you traverse the deleteing side, doesn't the other side get initialized
as well?

 #2 and #1.b can be solved by using reflection to initialize the
 MappedManyToMany members eagerly, just as MetaMapper does for all
 MappedFields. (MappedManyToMany is not a MappedField.) Now the advantage to
 having them lazy is that if you don't reference them they don't query the
 database. This advantage can be retained though by implementing the
 collection internally to populate lazily, much as MappedOneToMany already


I think your maintaining to much information that can be deduced from the

   Naftoli Gugenheim


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[Lift] Re: Template help

2009-11-11 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:21 AM, aw wrote:

 OK, your suggestion definitely makes the snippet code more readable,
 but I fear I didn't make my point clear because the snippet code still
 is highly coupled with the view layout.

If this was a MVC type framework, I think you're point would be valid.  But
it isn't a MVC framework.  The snippet is tightly coupled to the xhtml,
because it's the dynamic part of the xhtml.

The best way to mitigate these kinds of changes is to design the UI first,
then build the snippets.   That way, you're not rearranging as often.
See this article for a better understanding:

 Imagine that I want to change my view from this:

 a href=next
span class=namename/span
span class=commentdescription/span
span class=arrow/

 to this:

 span class=namename/span
 span class=commentdescription/span
 a href=next
 span class=arrow/

 This would mean that I need to change my template from:

span class=nameb2:name//span
span class=commentb2:description//span
span class=arrow/

 to this:

 span class=nameb:name//span
 span class=commentb:description//span
span class=arrow/

 And then I need to update my code from:

 bind(b1, xhtml,
   link - kids =, () = clicked(b),
bind(b2, kids, name -, description -

 to something like this:

 bind(b, xhtml,
   name -,
   description -,
   link - kids =, () = clicked(b))

 My complaint is that reorganizing the view is tending to require code
 changes at the snippet level.  And that just doesn't seem right to me.

 At first, I thought that I could leverage the recursive nature of
 snippets.  In other words, I thought I could avoid the b1 and b2
 binding keys and simply use b, then when the first round contained
 more b variables to bind, it would recurse.  Alas, this didn't work
 (I'm sorry, but I don't recall the error message).  But this was what
 I was thinking:

span class=nameb:name//span
span class=commentb:description//span
span class=arrow/

 or this:

 span class=nameb:name//span
 span class=commentb:description//span
span class=arrow/

 and the code would remain this:

 bind(b, xhtml,
   name -,
   description -,
   link - kids =, () = clicked(b))


James A Barrows

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[Lift] How do you set disabled/readonly attributes from a snippet?

2009-11-09 Thread Jim Barrows
I found this answer on
it's regarding setting the values client side.  I want to set them in
the snippet, depending on data.
This doesn't work, but will give you a better idea of what I'm trying to do:
 def bindPerson(xhtml: NodeSeq, action: () = Unit, submitButtonName:
String, disableAll: boolean): NodeSeq = {
// Hold a val here so that the id closure holds it when we re-enter
this method
val currentId =
val disableString :String = disableAll match {
  case true = disabled
  case false = 
bind(person, xhtml,
  id - SHtml.hidden(() = = currentId),
  //  version - SHtml.hidden(() = person.version),
  firstName - SHtml.text(person.firstName, person.firstName = _, id
- firstName, disabled - disableString),
  middleName - SHtml.text(person.middleName, person.middleName = _,
id - middleName, disabled - disableString),
  lastName - SHtml.text(person.lastName, person.lastName = _, id -
lastName, disabled - disableString),
  submit - SHtml.submit(?(submitButtonName), action))

James A Barrows

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[Lift] Where did Mapper's MappedManyToMany go?

2009-11-09 Thread Jim Barrows
I can see it 
the 1.1M7 code base, but can't find it in the jar that Maven
The trait is there, but the Mapped version is missing.
The same for MappedOneToMany as well.

James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: beginner's question about surround/bind/bind-at/with-param

2009-11-05 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 3:04 PM, jhonig wrote:

 Thank you James,

 What I tried first was taken from
 I don't have the code anymore.  It was a surround without at
 attribute, and with
 multiple bind-at-s inside.   Nothing got bound, as far as I could
 see.  When I
 replaced the bind-at's with with-params, they *did* bind as expected.
 head-merging didn't work.   No errors either, just didn't work.

 That would be because those are examples of tags, not copy-and-paste-code

I can think of about million definitions of just didn't work.  Which one
do you mean here?

 When I used a surround with an at attribute as in the old wiki, but
 without bind-at's
 or with-params, head-merging *did* work!   That's why I assumed that
 that description
 was the newer version!  So now it seems I'm on the wrong track,
 because that's
 the code I started using.

Again.  No code, can't really tell you what's wrong, or right.

 Another problem I didn't resolve sofar is that I had a few
 conventional a href=..
 elements in my page.  But jetty can't resolve them so clearly I have
 to do more
 than that.  Should be trivial, of course.  Guess it has something to
 do with the
 sitemap, but I don't have a clear picture as to how that works.  The
 I found are much more involved than what I was looking for.

Yes, sitemap is a place to start looking.
The problem is that you're not providing enough detail to help you out.
Doesn't work is not enough to help out.  Did you get a 404 error?  blank
page?  Anything at all?

Which examples are you talking about?  Most of the ones I've seen are fairly

 Any help appreciated!

 Job Honig


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[Lift] Re: Anything similar as Rack::Test and rspec for lift applications?

2009-11-02 Thread Jim Barrows
Scala has 2 test frameworks (Specs, scala
test that I'm aware of, and can make use
of the selenium test framework

You could also, I suppose use JUnit or TestNG java frameworks if you wanted,
again with selenium.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 6:41 AM, Vesa wrote:


 Ruby web apps can be tested easily with Rack::Test like on the example
 below. Is there anything similar tfor org.specs and lift? I see the
 lack of tutorials/documentation on testing the greatest obstacle of
 taking lift into use.

 require 'hello_world'
 require 'test/unit'
 require 'rack/test'

 set :environment, :test

 class HelloWorldTest  Test::Unit::TestCase
  include Rack::Test::Methods

  def app

  def test_it_says_hello_world
get '/'
assert last_response.ok?
assert_equal 'Hello World', last_response.body

  def test_it_says_hello_to_a_person
get '/', :name = 'Simon'
assert last_response.body.include?('Simon')



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[Lift] Re: Why no default with getSingleton?

2009-11-02 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Vesa wrote:

 By the way, why orm classes need to be aware of the companion object?
 Could this dependency be eliminated somehow?

The Mapper/Record companion object is where the code to do all the DB stuff
lives.  These are all static methods, they don't really change per instance
of the class itself.  The companion object is one way Scala allows you to do
this.  It's probably also the most convenient.
An answer to the question: What is the rationale behind having companion
objects in 

 - Vesa

 On 2 marras, 22:02, Vesa wrote:
  I doubt I can find one, but it still feels awkward having to type the
  name of the class so many times. Another option could be to use some
  shared object to do this stuff, but I guess it wouldn't be as neat to
  use it then.
  - Vesa
  On 2 marras, 18:33, David Pollak
   On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Vesa wrote:
It seems like boilerplate that every mapped class needs to define a
getSingleton method returning companion object. Can't there be any
default with this and is there any way to get rid of the manually
defined companion object if user isn't going to define any new
on it, while still having the default meta functionality?
   I know of no mechanism in Scala to discover companion objects.  If you
   one (that's not simply Java Reflection), please let me know.
- Vesa
   Lift, the simply functional web framework
   Beginning Scala
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[Lift] Re: Making use of case classes and varargs in Link

2009-11-02 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Vesa wrote:


 I was wondering few thing while reading lift examples. Could the Link
 class be turned into a case class so reading would improve? new Link
 (a :: b :: nil, false) could be RecursiveLink(a, b) and new
 Link(a :: b :: Nil) could be something like AbsoluteLink(a,
 b). This would at least eliminate the need to explain scala's list

Shouldn't the reader already be aware of Scala's list construction, since
that is in fact the language we're using?
If you think Scala's list construction is difficult to for a new reader, I
think explaining a case class would be even more confusing.

You might want to look at how case classes differ from a normal
class well.

 construction syntax to the reader. I found out extremely unintuitive
 the syntax to create Links with dsl like (help ::  :: Nil) -
 true. This syntax is usually associated with generation of key-value
 pairs even in lift APIs and creates confusion (at least on my case). I
 guess varargs might be out of question if scala backward compatibility
 is considered, but I don't see a reason not to use case classes here.

 - Vesa


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[Lift] Re: Making use of case classes and varargs in Link

2009-11-02 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Vesa wrote:

 You're right about that. You probably wouldn't get very far without
 understanding that. I'm still concerned that I have to type
 unnecessary stuff to express myself without getting any gains in (new

A comma separated list of values inside a method call (ie, anything inside
parens) are arguments to the method, and not a list of names, in a
particular sequence that belong together.
This also means that you can have things like (I didn't run this through a
compiler, so syntax is off):
val someStandardDir = dir1 :: dir2 :: dir3 :: Nil
Link( someStandardDir :: file :: Nil)


Link( fnThatCanCreateTheFirstBit() :: finalBit ::Nil)

All of which would harder to read, your way :)

Link(a :: b :: nil) vs Link(a, b)) :D

 - Vesa

 On 2 marras, 22:27, Jim Barrows wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Vesa wrote:
   I was wondering few thing while reading lift examples. Could the Link
   class be turned into a case class so reading would improve? new Link
   (a :: b :: nil, false) could be RecursiveLink(a, b) and new
   Link(a :: b :: Nil) could be something like AbsoluteLink(a,
   b). This would at least eliminate the need to explain scala's list
  Shouldn't the reader already be aware of Scala's list construction, since
  that is in fact the language we're using?
  If you think Scala's list construction is difficult to for a new reader,
  think explaining a case class would be even more confusing.
  You might want to look at how case classes differ from a normal
  class well.
   construction syntax to the reader. I found out extremely unintuitive
   the syntax to create Links with dsl like (help ::  :: Nil) -
   true. This syntax is usually associated with generation of key-value
   pairs even in lift APIs and creates confusion (at least on my case). I
   guess varargs might be out of question if scala backward compatibility
   is considered, but I don't see a reason not to use case classes here.
   - Vesa
  James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: I am not able to save a many-to-many relationship from an API

2009-10-26 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:43 AM, GA wrote:

 I have made a test that worked. I have modified my code like this:
 newUser.devices += newDevice

 The newDevice was already saved. It looks like both parents must be saved
 before I save the relationship. Am I right? or I am doing something wrong?

No, you always have to save the parents before the relationship.  Well.. as
long as the relationship table has the parents PK as it's PK's anyway.
If you remove that restriction, then nah.. it doesn't matter.  Of course
that way lies madness



 On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:55 PM, GA wrote:

 Hello guys,

 I have a many-to-many relationship between two mappers called, Users and

 There is also an API that receives and XML message that contains one user
 and one device.

 The API could create the Device and User with the relationship or it could
 create only the relationship in case the users and/or device already exists.

 The problem I have is that the API creates the User and the Device, but the
 not the relationship. This is the code that saves the records (just a test
 for a now):

 def addUser(req: Req): LiftResponse = {

 var tempUserName = 
 var tempDeviceName = 
 var deviceAlreadyExists = false

 val newUser = new User
 val newDevice = new Device
 req.xml match {
 case Full(person{parameters @_*}/person) = {
 for(parameter - parameters){ parameter match {
 case userName{userName}/userName =
 tempUserName = userName.text
 case firstName{firstName}/firstName =
 case lastName{lastName}/lastName =
 case password{password}/password =
 case email{email}/email =
 case createdon{createdOn}/createdon =
 newUser.createdOn(new java.util.Date(createdOn.text))
 case updatedon{updatedOn}/updatedon =
 newUser.updatedOn(new java.util.Date(updatedOn.text))
 case device{deviceName}/device =
 tempDeviceName = deviceName.text
 case _ =
 try {
 match {
 case Full(deviceRequested) =
 deviceAlreadyExists = true
 case _ = {
 User.find(By(User.userName, tempUserName)) match {
 case Full(userRequested) =
 id=addPerson success=1/operation), text/xml)
 case _ = {
 *newUser.devices += newDevice*
 id=addPerson success=0/operation), text/xml)
 catch {
 case e = Log.error(Could not add person/device,
 e); BadResponse()
 case _ = Log.error(Request was malformed +req.view);

 The field devices is the MappedManyToMany field within the User mapper.

 What am I doing wrong?

 Thanks in advance,



James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: I am not able to save a many-to-many relationship from an API

2009-10-26 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 It would be feasible to refactor ManyToMany to remove this restriction.
 OneToMany does not require either side to be saved first.
 Can you describe a use case where it would be desirable?

I don't think there is.
OneToMany it makes sense that there is no requirement for either side to be
saved first.  However, the pivot table involved in a ManyToMany always needs
both PK's to be unique.

 Jim wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:43 AM, GA wrote:

  I have made a test that worked. I have modified my code like this:
  newUser.devices += newDevice
  The newDevice was already saved. It looks like both parents must be saved
  before I save the relationship. Am I right? or I am doing something

 No, you always have to save the parents before the relationship.  Well.. as
 long as the relationship table has the parents PK as it's PK's anyway.
 If you remove that restriction, then nah.. it doesn't matter.  Of course
 that way lies madness

  On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:55 PM, GA wrote:
  Hello guys,
  I have a many-to-many relationship between two mappers called, Users and
  There is also an API that receives and XML message that contains one user
  and one device.
  The API could create the Device and User with the relationship or it
  create only the relationship in case the users and/or device already
  The problem I have is that the API creates the User and the Device, but
  not the relationship. This is the code that saves the records (just a
  for a now):
  def addUser(req: Req): LiftResponse = {
  var tempUserName = 
  var tempDeviceName = 
  var deviceAlreadyExists = false
  val newUser = new User
  val newDevice = new Device
  req.xml match {
  case Full(person{parameters @_*}/person) = {
  for(parameter - parameters){ parameter match {
  case userName{userName}/userName =
  tempUserName = userName.text
  case firstName{firstName}/firstName =
  case lastName{lastName}/lastName =
  case password{password}/password =
  case email{email}/email =
  case createdon{createdOn}/createdon =
  newUser.createdOn(new java.util.Date(createdOn.text))
  case updatedon{updatedOn}/updatedon =
  newUser.updatedOn(new java.util.Date(updatedOn.text))
  case device{deviceName}/device =
  tempDeviceName = deviceName.text
  case _ =
  try {
  match {
  case Full(deviceRequested) =
  deviceAlreadyExists = true
  case _ = {
  User.find(By(User.userName, tempUserName)) match
  case Full(userRequested) =
  id=addPerson success=1/operation), text/xml)
  case _ = {
  *newUser.devices += newDevice*
  id=addPerson success=0/operation), text/xml)
  catch {
  case e = Log.error(Could not add
  e); BadResponse()
  case _ = Log.error(Request was 

[Lift] Re: I am not able to save a many-to-many relationship from an API

2009-10-26 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 What do you mean by that? Every primary key is unique.

The pivot table is typically only 2 columns, which are the PK's for each
side of the MTM.
----  ---
---  ---

Sorry, should have drawn that out earlier :)

 Jim wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim

  It would be feasible to refactor ManyToMany to remove this restriction.
  OneToMany does not require either side to be saved first.
  Can you describe a use case where it would be desirable?

 I don't think there is.
 OneToMany it makes sense that there is no requirement for either side to be
 saved first.  However, the pivot table involved in a ManyToMany always
 both PK's to be unique.

  Jim wrote:
  On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:43 AM, GA wrote:
   I have made a test that worked. I have modified my code like this:
   newUser.devices += newDevice
   The newDevice was already saved. It looks like both parents must be
   before I save the relationship. Am I right? or I am doing something
  No, you always have to save the parents before the relationship.  Well..
  long as the relationship table has the parents PK as it's PK's anyway.
  If you remove that restriction, then nah.. it doesn't matter.  Of course
  that way lies madness
   On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:55 PM, GA wrote:
   Hello guys,
   I have a many-to-many relationship between two mappers called, Users
   There is also an API that receives and XML message that contains one
   and one device.
   The API could create the Device and User with the relationship or it
   create only the relationship in case the users and/or device already
   The problem I have is that the API creates the User and the Device, but
   not the relationship. This is the code that saves the records (just a
   for a now):
   def addUser(req: Req): LiftResponse = {
   var tempUserName = 
   var tempDeviceName = 
   var deviceAlreadyExists = false
   val newUser = new User
   val newDevice = new Device
   req.xml match {
   case Full(person{parameters @_*}/person) = {
   for(parameter - parameters){ parameter match {
   case userName{userName}/userName =
   tempUserName = userName.text
   case firstName{firstName}/firstName =
   case lastName{lastName}/lastName =
   case password{password}/password =
   case email{email}/email =
   case createdon{createdOn}/createdon =
   newUser.createdOn(new java.util.Date(createdOn.text))
   case updatedon{updatedOn}/updatedon =
   newUser.updatedOn(new java.util.Date(updatedOn.text))
   case device{deviceName}/device =
   tempDeviceName = deviceName.text
   case _ =
   try {
   match {
   case Full(deviceRequested) =
   deviceAlreadyExists = true
   case _ = {
   User.find(By(User.userName, tempUserName))
   case Full(userRequested) =
   id=addPerson success=1/operation), text/xml)
   case _ = {

[Lift] Re: Proposal : Lift ticketing system

2009-10-24 Thread Jim Barrows
ERP systen or parts, which is what I'm working over on sourceforge.  Ill post a 
link when I get home.  The models are built and just need apps in front of them.

Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: jlist9
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 11:20:43 
Subject: [Lift] Re: Proposal : Lift ticketing system

CMS, wiki, blog, forum also sound more interesting than bug tracking
system to me :-)

On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 11:13 AM, aw wrote:

 I don't mean to be negative, but are other options being considered
 besides a ticketing system?  I kind of wonder if the effort is worth
 it when excellent alternatives exist (like JIRA -- their Git
 integration may interest you:
 -- I have used their Subversion integration and was very pleased).

 I would be far more interested in seeing something done for the
 benefit of the Lift Web Site.  (Is it written with Lift?)  I don't see
 a Lift CMS -- and that is something that could evolve well over time.
 I think it is important for a web framework to use their own stuff,
 and it should be indicative of the cool things that it can do,
 stability, scale, and performance...  (I am amazed that I have seen
 rather poor demonstrations of this, specifically by Adobe and JBoss --
 but again, I'm not trying to be negative...)

 I see the Lift site integrating Google Analytics...  Is that something
 that could be out of the box with Lift?  That could be a selling
 point to people making external web sites.

 Another area that would be neat to develop is instrumentation.  Sort
 of the JMX-Console equivalent for Lift.  For scalability and sizing
 analysis, this would be really useful.

 Having said that, one major feature that I feel is missing from github
 is the lack of attachments for an issue.  How do you attach test cases
 or patches for an issue?


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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Chris Lewis burningodzi...@gmail.comwrote:

 My head just exploded. Twice.

That explains the wet face this morning when I woke up... thought it was the
dog licking it... :)

 ngocdaothanh wrote:
  Because Lift's ad is so good.


It was good.  My first thought was Yeah
rIGHT!  Let's see what they mean.
And voila... here I am.. so it was good, if only because it was right :)

  For example:
  Lift is the only new framework in the last four years to offer fresh
  and innovative approaches to web development. It's not just some
  incremental improvements over the status quo, it redefines the state
  of the art. If you are a web developer, you should learn Lift. Even if
  you don't wind up using it everyday, it will change the way you
  approach web applications.
  Lift can't be used without Scala. Is there a plan to implement Lift in
  Clojure, for example? :D


Ummm.. ok.. This one I understand.

  On Oct 22, 3:47 pm, TylerWeir wrote:
  On Oct 22, 2:02 am, ngocdaothanh wrote:
  This is a Lift group, but I have to say I feel the same about Scala.
  I had to ask for advice here:
  Scala may help me to get my work done for the day. But I don't feel
  happy with Scala. Scala makes me feel I'm a slave all the day to
  machines (or Scala itself!).
  If it makes you feel like a slave, why are you using Scala at all
  On Oct 22, 2:13 pm, jlist9 wrote:
  override def validations = validPriority _ :: super.validations
  This is a more of a comment about Scala than one about Lift - this
  look cryptic to me. And this is just one of the simpler syntax that
  people, who are new to the language. And I'm one of them.
  I understand that you don't have to learn all the tricks/syntax to
  coding in Scala but you do have to understand it when you read
  source code of libraries written by someone with much more advanced
  language skills.
  In David's book he says After more than two years of coding Scala,
  My brain has finally stopped hurting. This sounds like a very high
  barrier to entry.
  I'm just wondering why Scala has to be so complicated. I'm sure a lot
  of things in Scala have their reasons but at the mean time I also
  suspect that many of the odd things are there to reduce
  typing, which is advertised as one of the advantages of this language
  conciseness. (I could be very wrong due to my lack of understanding.)
  If the latter is true, I feel that I'd rather type a little more to
 make the
  code easier to read.
  Just feeling a little frustrated learning Scala. I think it's much
  easier learning
  Java. Not much surprise. Not sure if anyone shares my experience
  (and opinion, if there is one.)
  On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Randinn wrote:
  The site above is a blog post from a Rails developer, he had some
  and bad things to say about Lift and since I do not know enough to
  debate with him I thought I'd post it here.


James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.comwrote:

 But if you name your method: ashiuahsdyasdasd what does it do?

Oh Bloddy Ell... that caused Cthulu to appear on my keyboard when I read

 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:47 PM, bob wrote:

 I'll repeat: there are no operators in scala


 anywhere, here's a typical case:


 val a = bar 42
 val b = a ~!~ 3.14159

 you can't easily tell that bar is being imported via foo._ .
 what is bar's return type?
 what does ~!~ do?

 i'm not saying its not possible to track all this down, but you can't
 just print out a listing of a class and take it on the subway. you
 have to have access to the scaladocs and possibly even the sources.


 Viktor Klang
 | A complex system that works is invariably
 | found to have evolved from a simple system
 | that worked. - John Gall

 Twttr: viktorklang


James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Jim Barrows
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Jim Barrows jim.barr...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.comwrote:

 But if you name your method: ashiuahsdyasdasd what does it do?

 Oh Bloddy Ell... that caused Cthulu to appear on my keyboard when I read

 Chtuluh ftagn! ;D

Huh.  Now he's 6 inches tall and has a red nose interesting.

Also I think we've made our point about cryptic method names whether there
alphanumeric or not, whether you call them operators or not... are

Now excuse me... cthulu appears to be mucking with my code

James A Barrows

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[Lift] In the spirit of Friday, anyone want to see this ruby rack ported to lift?

2009-10-23 Thread Jim Barrows

and yes, I'm volunteering. :)

James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-22 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 9:22 AM, David Pollak

 On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Timothy Perrett 


 I think your response was well measured and appropriate. The analogy of
 linguistics is a good one :-)

 Without wanting to diverge this thread, can I ask why it is your unhappy
 with Record? Its been fairly fun to use so far and appears to work well.

 I don't like mutable fields.  I don't like manual saving.  Dunno... it's
 hard to articulate... it just feels wrong in my tummy.  Also, I want to be
 clear that I think Marius did a great job of cleaning up some of the
 problems with Mapper when he did Record... my comments are not a negative to
 him... there's just something unsatisfying about the whole approach.

 Bet that was less than helpful.

I've worked with an OODBMs systems before, and of course ORM.  OODBMs takes
care of the manual saving, and could probably take care of the mutable
fields too.
The problem with OODBMs is that every object has strings attached to it to
make the persistence mechanism work.  Even the systems that don't require
you to inherit a special class have these strings.  The problem is that in
a web based framework, the tags don't have this string.  So you deliver an
unattached field to the browser, then have to reattach it later.  This is
actually uglier then it sounds (or was when I was doing it).  It's the
de-tached vs attached issues that make things entertaining.
However, AJAX/Comet and the other dynamic stuff wasn't around in 2001, and
so we may be able to solve some of those issues.  Whether we can do that and
persist to a RDMS is the real question, and I don't think that will ever be
anything but ugly.  I hope I'm proven wrong.
I think Hibernate and JPA are steps in the right direction.  JPA being a
half-step back from Hibernate.  I think if you could convert the XML to a
real DSL, it would be another step.  Annotations are a step there.  Another
step would be to create an object sans-setters and getters of any kind.
Just magically deal with the internal object state.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 22 Oct 2009, at 17:04, David Pollak wrote:

 I've drafted a couple of different versions of a response to this message
 and they all seem somewhat mean and/or condescending... that is not at all
 my intent... here's another draft and please read it as acknowledging the
 challenges you are articulating, but suggesting a different perspective on
 the issue.
 Lisp/Scheme/Clojure is syntactically the simplest language around.  Yet,
 when I look at Clojure code, it to a great degree seems complex to me, even
 though I know it's not.  I believe this is because the patterns are
 different than those I've rehearsed through my journey of asm, Basic, C,
 ObjC, C++, Java, Ruby, and Scala.  Rehearsing a different paradigm is part
 of making that paradigm part of you.

 When I studied French in grade school and high school, I was flummoxed and
 quite angered by gendered nouns.  As a native English speaker, a table is an
 it, not a she (or he.)  But fluent French speakers make gendered nouns a
 normal part of the language, and once skilled can use these subtleties with
 great skill.

 My 2 year learning curve for Scala can be summed up in the first 4 (or
 maybe 5) chapters of Beginning Scala.  I sought to present my painful
 learning curve in  150 pages that could be reasonably consumed by a Java or
 Ruby or Python coder in a week or two.  Yeah, it still takes a fair amount
 of practice, rehearsal, to be proficient, but if someone had led me down the
 path that I led my readers down, I think my pain-curve would have been 3-4
 months, not two years.

 Put a different way, the Programming in Scala folks passed a couple of
 drafts of the first chapters of their book by me early on.  I think PinS is
 a tredmendously awesome work, but I objected strongly to the show
 imperative first and gently migrate to functional approach they took.  I
 thought it did a significant disservice to their readers.  I took the
 opposite approach in BegSca... the second substantive example covers a broad
 spectrum of functional programming.

 So, getting to some of the substance of your post, as Tim pointed out, the
 _ is a running joke in Scala-land.  Yep, it's way overloaded.  Every time
 (and this happened at both Scala Lift Offs) Martin tries to justify the
 _'s use, people roll their eyes.

 On the other hand, the example that you gave is one of my proudest moments
 in Lift.  Specifically, I think Mapper is a steaming pile of something.  I
 am really dissatisfied with it (although we followed the same paradigm with
 Record and I'm unhappy with that as well... mostly from the mutability
 standpoint).  On the other hand, the graceful way that Mapper deals with
 validators (they are functions and they are declared as a List that can be
 dynamically generated) is something that I look at and remember it being the
 first time I really felt 

[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-22 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1:29 PM, jlist9 wrote:

 Hi David,

 Appreciate your reply. It's definitely helpful in clearing some of my
 as well as in my process of learning Scala down the road. I also think your
 book is very well paced and organization of the content is well thought
 Great job!

 I'd like to explain a little bit where my frustration is coming from
 (and I don't
 want to waste people's time reading further for those who aren't

 I come from Java and Python background. When learning these two languages
 I didn't have a problem with the syntax. I think Java's syntax is well
 although verbose, and Python's is clear and concise. There is a small
 of operators and data types and it's pretty clear which is for what
 Zen of Python says it well:

 There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

Except that sometimes, there isn't.  In fact for any non-trivial case, there
can be multiple ways to do anything.
Sorting is an excellent example.  There isn't just one way to sort.  Which
way you do it depends on the data, and your

 and I think this reflects well in the language design of Python.

 It's also generally discouraged to use too much black magic when coding
 in Python so that the code is easier to understand and maintain, although
 Python, being a powerful dynamic language, is very capable of black magics.

 These two things helped a lot in my learning of Python. It's a much smaller
 set of syntax to learn and it can be learned in a very short time, maybe
 one or two online tutorials. The rest of it is just libraries, which
 are very rich
 in functionality, but the source code is easy to understand, because of the
 small set of clearly defined elements in the language - syntax and
 data types, etc..

 However, I don't feel the same about Scala. In Scala, I often see multiple
 of doing the same thing, or very similar things, and this is confusing.

Tell me about it If you find Scala confusing, never go look at Perl or

Perl's motto is There is more then one way to do it.

 For example, there are multiple ways of running a program. You can have a
 script, or an application. To run an application, you can write an object
 implement the main method, or you can extend Application class and write
 the code right in the body of the class. It took me a while to figure out
 it works. What's wrong with having only one of them? Python only start as a
 script and Java only need a main method but either way works.

Each brings it's own strengths and weaknesses to the table.
And Java only needs a main isn't true in web development there is no
main.  There is no main if you write an eclipse plugin, and there is no main
if you use a Swing based framework.  (note if it's just swing, you do.)

 Another example is that in some scenarios ( ) and { } are
 interchangable in Scala
 code, although I haven't figured out in what occasions they are, and
 in what occasions

they are not. This puzzles me more because ( ) and { } are the basic
 in a language and the language allows such flexible usage of them. Although
 think there should be a good reason for this but it still struck me as odd.

Wish I could articulate this better.  Using the for comprehension as an
example... it's the way it gets compiled into code.  There is no for loop in
Scala.  A for comprehension gets boiled down to method calls.  The curly
braces get converted into an anonymous function.

 In contrast to Python's short list of operators, because operators are
 actually functions
 in Scala, it's easy for Scala to have a new operator, or have
 functions that works
 like operators. This is a powerful feature and it is good news for
 people who want to
 create DSLs. However I think a plethora of operators make code much harder
 read before people can make it a habit to convert operators as
 functions in their mind.

And too few operators leads to a whole lot of words, which leads to a whole
lot of typing, or a whole lot of ctrl-space completions.  It's a toss up.
The wordy way is definitely noob friendly, while the operator way is more
expert friendly.
Which do you design a language for?  Let me know when that particular
religious war dies down please.
As someone who slings code for a living the less I type the happier I
am. YMMV

 To summarize, the more I learn Scala the more I realize how powerful
 it is. Meanwhile,
 I think Scala imposes this mind tweaking that people have to go
 through in learning
 this language, the difficulty that I didn't feel when I learned
 Python, or Java, C or C++.
 I like many of the features provided by Scala but I hope some of the
 things can be
 simplified/demystified to make it easier to pick up and use.

Interestingly, I heard 

[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-22 Thread Jim Barrows
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:27 PM, jlist9 wrote:

  Perl's motto is There is more then one way to do it.

 I remember reading somewhere that part of the the design goal
 of Perl 6 was to make the language more sane. That says
 it all. For scripting language, I'd stick to Python, whose syntax
 feels natural to me, and to stay sane as much as I can. :-)

Eh.  Sanity is overrated :)

  Each brings it's own strengths and weaknesses to the table.

 True. But the same could be said if you had 10 ways to start a program.
 You have to balance the downside and the benefit. I personally think
 The confusion of 2 or 3 ways already out-weights the benefit in this
 particular case :-)

See my points about noob vs experienced programmer.  Also see:

Also, Application is a trait, so any Object can be an application.  See
multiple reasons :)

  And Java only needs a main isn't true in web development there is no
  main.  There is no main if you write an eclipse plugin, and there is no
  if you use a Swing based framework.  (note if it's just swing, you do.)

 In those cases you are not starting a program/process. You are
 only loading a library - your code being the library, the framework being
 the entry point of the process.

Ayup.  The application trait is just an entry point in the process...

  Wish I could articulate this better.  Using the for comprehension as an
  example... it's the way it gets compiled into code.  There is no for loop
  Scala.  A for comprehension gets boiled down to method calls.  The curly
  braces get converted into an anonymous function.

 Thanks for the explanation. I'll try to understand it.

Good luck.  I have it bookmarked so I can re-read it regularly :)  Hopefully
you're smarter then I am... :)

  And too few operators leads to a whole lot of words, which leads to a
  lot of typing, or a whole lot of ctrl-space completions.  It's a toss up.
  The wordy way is definitely noob friendly, while the operator way is more
  expert friendly.

 If you are talking about Java, that's true. Python is very concise, though.
 People say if you are not able to do the same thing in 1/10 LoC in Python
 as in Java, you are not coding Python right. I think it's exaggerating a
 bit but it's close. This is probably partially due to the dynamic nature of

Python's lack of operators vs GREP might have been better :)  GREP is a far
better example of operator conciseness. :)

Java has way too much boiler plate code, and way to many code slingers who
think the JEE Blueprint Patterns are to be followed dogmatically rather then
by need... *SIGH*

  Or, if I may wax metaphorical (and deep into my own opinion)once more...
  do you think is the better driver, a NASCAR driver or a Prius driver?
  is more expensive to learn to do?   Which is more fun? :)

 I guess it depends on the goal of driving. NASCAR  is definitely more fun
 but If the goal is to go from point A to B in time, safely and in a
 friendly way, maybe the Prius driver :-) And I think these are Java
 that Scala is also trying to appeal to.

You answered which is more fun, and analyzed the goals of each.  How about
the which driver is more skilled (ie better)? :)
 We can even add, who has more understanding of what happens to make the car
go? (which of course leads to the question, whose more fuel efficient, the
NASCAR driver who knows the shortest way around a turn, and how to draft? or
the prius driver? ) :)

James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: **Breaking Changes** **README** **Important**

2009-10-22 Thread Jim Barrows
Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: ssid
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 18:03:25 
Subject: [Lift] Re: **Breaking Changes** **README** **Important**

Hi all,
I'm using XMPP in my little LiftApp and tried to migrate my code to
the new Lift Actors.
Somehow it seems that net.liftweb.xmpp still uses Scala Actors.
Is this intentional or about to change?
If not is it possible that Scala Actors communicate with Lift Actors?
At the moment I don't get my project to compile due to some type
mismatch errors but that might also be my lack of understanding
of the different Actor implementations.


On 22 Okt., 05:37, David Pollak wrote:
 As the title of this email indicates, there are breaking changes in Lift
 that just got pushed to master.

 We've migrated from Scala Actors to Lift Actors and included a series of
 traits that allow Lift to use its own Actors or Akka Actors (or anything
 else that implements that interface.)

 The two big changes that you'll have to work with are:

    - Box/Full/Empty/Failure was moved from the lift-util/net.liftweb.util
    package to the lift-common/net.liftweb.common package.  The reason for this
    change is that we're going to make the lift-common package a more generic,
    non-web related package.  It currently contains Box and Actor, but in the
    future may contain other interfaces that will have concrete implementations
    outside of Lift.  We moved Box there because Box is richer than Scala's
    Option class and being able to carry Exceptions around in a Box while still
    being able to map/flatMap/foreach over a Box (these are unavailable for
    Scala's Either).  Some we're going to actively promote using Box as a
    replacement for Option in all Scala apps.  What this means for you is you
    have to import net.liftweb.common._ in any file that you also import
    - Lift no longer support Scala Actors for Comet Actors.  The GenericActor
    API offers pretty much the same client interface to Lift's Actors, so ! and
    !? work the same way.  However, there's no link, self, start or exit

 Please do an mvn -U clean install on your code and run it against the new
 code.  If you have any Comet-related weirdness, please report it
 immediately.  We're planning M7 in 2 weeks, so we've got lots of time to
 iron any kinks out of this code.



 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
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[Lift] Re: Where is the default.props in the lift1.1-M6 and the Full method ?

2009-10-21 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 1:48 AM, GA wrote:

 Hello Neil,

 the file must be located in src/main/resources/props/default.props

 Here you have an example that it is working for us:


 You should create the props directory and the file.

 I do not know about the Full method. I also should ask the silly
 question. :-)

Look at the Box class.  This works like Scala's Option class, only more
specialized for web development.

 I hope this helps.



 On Oct 21, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Neil.Lv wrote:

  Hi all,
Where is the default.props in the lift1.1-M6 whether the file name
  is defualt.props ?
I see this code in the Boot.scala
If it uses the default Props, and where is it ?
And i have a silly question about the helper method Full(). What
  can it do for us?
  Full(user), Full(pwd)) = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,
  user, pwd)
Thanks for any information!


James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: Menu generated from database?

2009-10-21 Thread Jim Barrows
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:26 AM, philip wrote:


 How can I get a Liftweb menu to be generated from database content?

The meditative answer is: functions are first class citizens in Scala. :)

 Alternatively, can the menu come from a XML datasource? could I load/
 serialize from that?
 Could it change dynamically at any time?

//From Bootstrap
 // Build SiteMap
val entries =
  Menu(Loc(Home,   List(index),Home)) ::
  Menu(Loc(Create, List(createBusiness), Create Business, Hidden))


so you could replace any menu entry in the above with a function call that
returns a single, or list of Menu's.

 Thanks, Philip


James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: Calling a method from other snippet

2009-10-21 Thread Jim Barrows
Doesn't emacs already do all three?

Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Ross Mellgren
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 22:18:29 
Subject: [Lift] Re: Calling a method from other snippet

Screw it, I'll just do all three in emacs. GUIs are for wimps anyway,  


On Oct 21, 2009, at 10:03 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

 How about building an email client into your REPL? ;)

 Ross wrote:

 So true. I need a REPL built in to my email client ;-)


 On Oct 21, 2009, at 9:50 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

 That needs to be new SecondSnippet().render or (new

 Ross wrote:

 Just call it:

 class FirstSnippet {
def render(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
bind(foobar, ns,
 otherSnippet - new SecondSnippet.render _)

 class SecondSnippet {
def render(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = divhello!/div


 On Oct 21, 2009, at 7:06 PM, sunanda wrote:

 I have a method updateColumn() in ColumnInfo.scala snippet.
 I need to call this method form another snippet GridInfo.scala

 How can I do this.



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[Lift] Re: Are we willing to make a breaking change for Joda Time?

2009-10-19 Thread Jim Barrows
I've been thinking a lot about the issue of backwards compatibility, and the
trade off with good architecture.
I've come to the conclusion that the only real answer is that you have to
take each instance on a case by case basis and ask yourself this question:
Do you want to write a thunking layer between the better architecture and
worse architecture for the next 20 years, and what is that going to cost the
sanity of everyone who comes after?
I think in this case, given the mind numbingly idiotic date and calendar
handling in java, I would answer Dear God, I'd rather dive into a pool
filled with double edged razor blades then ever have to deal java.util.Date
or Calendar again.
I say this because Date and Calendar have been broken since 1.0.1, when I
started working with Java.  Sun/Oracle obviously has no intention of giving
us anything better, so it's up to us to do it.  Doing it now, while the
existing code base of lift is small, is much better then doing it on down
the line.  Ideally I'd like to see this abomination fixed at the Scala
level, rather then the Lift level, but I'll take my sanity savers where I

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:17 AM, rstradling ryanstradl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Take my input or vote of confidence with a grain of salt...
  I had to use java.util.Calendar recently and noticed some of the
 issues with it that you mention.  For my case, I created a light
 wrapper for my use of java.util.Calendar that redefined the relevant
 statics (Monday, Tuesday, etc) as Scala enumerations and then
 provided some implicit conversions to go from DayOfWeek.Monday to
 java.util.Calendar.Monday.  My hope is that client code never knows
 that they are using java.util.Calendar and that they will also get
 some level of type-safety by using my wrapper.

 In summary, I do not like the design of java.util.Calendar because of
 its inconsistencies and think that creating a more consistent way of
 doing things is a good thing.

 On Oct 18, 10:58 am, Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
  OK, I've run into an issue that makes me really uncomfortable.
  java.util.Calender is generally 1-based for fields, except for month of
  year, which is zero-based. This inconsistency has bled through to the
  TimeHelpers API. I can't just change this, because that would break a lot
  code, possibly at runtime. What I would like to do is make a
  set of field accessor methods (day, month, year) in the JodaTimeHelpers
  trait that behave just like TimeHelpers, and then I'm building an
  class that will wrap a DateTime to provide functionality very similar to
  what Scala Time does (it's mostly pretty simple). The other inconsistency
  the API is that some fields are UTC relative (day, month, year), but
  aren't (currentYear). To address this, I would like to make all of my
  extender class methods use the local timezone, and provide a utc method
  will return an extender relative to UTC. That way you could do things
  now.days // day of month relative to local timezone
  now.utc.days // day of month relative to UTC
  On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM, David Pollak
   I'd prefer not the break the apis without deprecating them first
   On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Derek Chen-Becker 
   Just asking, since I'm looking at bolting a lot of java.util.Date
   onto the innards of TimeHelpers so that the specs pass.
   Lift, the simply functional web framework
   Beginning Scala
   Follow me:
   Surf the harmonics

James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: Are we willing to make a breaking change for Joda Time?

2009-10-19 Thread Jim Barrows
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Derek Chen-Becker

 That's pretty much my take. The whole Java Calendar/Date/Timezone impl is
 poorly designed, hence Joda Time.

  Now I've run into another wall, this time with the TimeSpanBuilder. I
 can't mask the implicits from long/int to TimeSpanBuilder, so I can't define
 the same DSL for things like 3 seconds, etc. I tried to provide an
 implicit conversion from TimeSpan to JodaSpan but that won't cover all of
 the cases and this is feeling increasingly ugly as I add more and more
 layers and implicit defs to work around the old API.

 At this point, the only way that this may work is if I create and entirely
 new JodaHelpers object that extends all of the Helpers traits, replacing
 TimeHelpers with my new JodaTimeHelpers trait. This may be the path of least
 pain, but it means two cycles of deprecation: one to deprecate the current
 TimeHelpers in favor of JodaTimeHelpers, and the second to deprecate
 JodaTimeHelpers back to a refactored/reworked TimeHelpers. Does this sound
 like a reasonable approach, or is this getting too crazy?

  The other option I thought of is to make a new branch just for this and
 just track master with the branch. The big downside is that this doubles the
 release work to have a Joda Lift and non-Joda Lift.


I'm always on the side of less work, and less clutter.  What about keeping
the old stuff deprecated (and unmaintained) till 1.5 or 2.0, and encouraging
the use of the JodaTimeHelpers in the mean time.  That gives existing code
time to be transitioned to the new stuff..


 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:17 AM, rstradling ryanstradl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Take my input or vote of confidence with a grain of salt...
  I had to use java.util.Calendar recently and noticed some of the
 issues with it that you mention.  For my case, I created a light
 wrapper for my use of java.util.Calendar that redefined the relevant
 statics (Monday, Tuesday, etc) as Scala enumerations and then
 provided some implicit conversions to go from DayOfWeek.Monday to
 java.util.Calendar.Monday.  My hope is that client code never knows
 that they are using java.util.Calendar and that they will also get
 some level of type-safety by using my wrapper.

 In summary, I do not like the design of java.util.Calendar because of
 its inconsistencies and think that creating a more consistent way of
 doing things is a good thing.

 On Oct 18, 10:58 am, Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
  OK, I've run into an issue that makes me really uncomfortable.
  java.util.Calender is generally 1-based for fields, except for month of
  year, which is zero-based. This inconsistency has bled through to the
  TimeHelpers API. I can't just change this, because that would break a
 lot of
  code, possibly at runtime. What I would like to do is make a
  set of field accessor methods (day, month, year) in the JodaTimeHelpers
  trait that behave just like TimeHelpers, and then I'm building an
  class that will wrap a DateTime to provide functionality very similar to
  what Scala Time does (it's mostly pretty simple). The other
 inconsistency in
  the API is that some fields are UTC relative (day, month, year), but
  aren't (currentYear). To address this, I would like to make all of my
  extender class methods use the local timezone, and provide a utc method
  will return an extender relative to UTC. That way you could do things
  now.days // day of month relative to local timezone
  now.utc.days // day of month relative to UTC
  On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM, David Pollak
   I'd prefer not the break the apis without deprecating them first
   On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Derek Chen-Becker 
   Just asking, since I'm looking at bolting a lot of java.util.Date
   onto the innards of TimeHelpers so that the specs pass.
   Lift, the simply functional web framework
   Beginning Scala
   Follow me:
   Surf the harmonics


James A Barrows

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[Lift] Having trouble understanding SessionVar[Box[MyClass]] and how to use it.

2009-10-18 Thread Jim Barrows
Here's a snippet:

object parentOrganization extends SessionVar[Box[Organization]](Empty)

  def create(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
var name: String = 
def processAdd() = {
  if (name.isEmpty)
S.error(Please provide a name)
  else {
val organization = new Organization()
organization.addPartyRole(new ParentOrganization());
organization.addPartyRole(new InternalOrganization());

//Now that I've got the parent organization, and it's going to be heavily
used and modified, I'd like easy access to it. So how do I set it?

Then once I've set it I should be able to do something like:
org match {
  case Empty=S.redirectTo(/eeek)
  case Full = //To access the underlying organizatino
object I think

I think but it's not working like I thought.  If someone could give the
right code, and an explanation of what's going on, I'd appreciate it!

James A Barrows

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[Lift] [Sorta Not Related] Ummm.. at the risk of crashing my browser........

2009-10-15 Thread Jim Barrows
Who wants a wave invite?
Not sure how long Google will take to process them.. but I have some!

I just added the lifehack list to my wave account, and I think firefox
nearly died.  Quite amusing.. in many ways

James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: Cannot get YUI text editor to work from Liftweb in Firefox or Google Chrome, works in IE

2009-10-14 Thread Jim Barrows
Both of the links work just fine on my firefox 3.0.14 on Ubuntu.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:44 PM, philip wrote:


 I know this is not specific to liftweb, but I cannot get the YUI rich
 text editor to work in Firefox or Google Chrome from my Liftweb.

 This example:

 It does not make any sense, it runs fine in Internet explorer 8, but
 does not work in Firefox or Google Chrome.
 Is it some javascript from Liftweb interfering with YUI?

 Has anyone had any success or failure with this case?

 Thanks, Philip


James A Barrows

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[Lift] Re: Question about the TreeViewDemo in the lift widgets section of the Exploring LIft pdf

2009-10-13 Thread Jim Barrows

Tracked this down to a missing import statement:
import JE._

You can recreate this by removing this import in the
TreeViewDemo.scala (
widgets/src/test/scala/webapptest/snippet/TreeViewDemo.scala) file,
and compile it.

On Oct 11, 9:34 pm, Jim Barrows wrote:
 I've interpreted the demo as the code below.  However, I get this
 exception when I compile:
 /snippet/TreeViewDemo.scala:14: error: not found: value JsObj
     TreeView(example, JsObj(animated-90))

 I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate any help.

 Here's the code:
 package com.nsfw.bmp.businesssetup.snippet

 import S._
 import Helpers._
 import _root_.scala.xml._

 class TreeViewDemo {

   def render(xhtml:Group):NodeSeq={
     TreeView(example, JsObj((animated-90)))

   def loadTree() = {
     Tree(No Children)::
       Tree(one static child, Tree(Lone child) :: Nil) ::
      Tree(Dynamic node, myDynamic, true) :: Nil

   def loadNode(id:String) : List[Tree] = id match {
     case myDyanmic =
       Tree(Child one) ::
         Tree(Child two) ::Nil
     case _ = Nil


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[Lift] Question about the TreeViewDemo in the lift widgets section of the Exploring LIft pdf

2009-10-12 Thread Jim Barrows

I've interpreted the demo as the code below.  However, I get this
exception when I compile:
/snippet/TreeViewDemo.scala:14: error: not found: value JsObj
TreeView(example, JsObj(animated-90))

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate any help.

Here's the code:
package com.nsfw.bmp.businesssetup.snippet

import S._
import Helpers._
import _root_.scala.xml._

class TreeViewDemo {

  def render(xhtml:Group):NodeSeq={
TreeView(example, JsObj((animated-90)))

  def loadTree() = {
Tree(No Children)::
  Tree(one static child, Tree(Lone child) :: Nil) ::
 Tree(Dynamic node, myDynamic, true) :: Nil

  def loadNode(id:String) : List[Tree] = id match {
case myDyanmic =
  Tree(Child one) ::
Tree(Child two) ::Nil
case _ = Nil


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[Lift] Re: Need two classes to inherit from one model, database design and view issues

2009-10-06 Thread Jim Barrows

On Oct 2, 7:55 pm, Dave wrote:
 Hi all-

 I posted this on stackoverflow but I figure its probably relevant here
 too.  I checked out the post with David and Steve Yen corresponding
 but I am still at a loss and am curious if any progress has been made
 in this direction.  So, here goes.  I am creating a website which will
 need two types of users: students and providers. In a traditional java
 setting I would create a user class (or interface) and then create two
 classes which inherited from the user. Is this the best course in
 scala too, using the extends and with modifiers? If that is indeed
 the best way (which I suspect it is), what the best way to map this in
 the DB? Would it be best to keep a type column and then have it set
 to one or the other?  Etc.

A student is not a kind of user, nor is a provider.  They are roles
that a user plays in your system.
While your business rules may state that this is not possible, it is
possible in the real world.  That's what's best to model, since
business rules can change quite easily.
I can even make an argument that Person has user as role, and that
there are two types of users.

 The second question is how to work with the view. The display will be
 very different depending on which type of user one is and so I figure
 there will be some serious routing logic involved or at least logic
 built into snippets in the view.

Why not use 3 directories, one for common stuff, one for the provider
and one for the student.
Reduces the number of if statements that way.

 I guess the overarching question is: Is there a preferred way to go
 about doing this (like a recipe in rails or some such), or am I kind
 of out on my own?


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[Lift] Re: lift nearly inaccessible for newby

2009-10-06 Thread Jim Barrows

On Oct 6, 12:52 am, Stefan Langer wrote:
 Not ment as a offence but you are in way over your head!

While I agree. Linus Torvalds was in much the same place.  He has
to somewhere :)

 A couple of things:
 1. You say you are a non-programmer but I assume you do understand Scala? Or
 else it is pointless to use Lift as it is based on the Scala language and
 relies heavily on its features. Knowledge of Java is also a plus cause some
 of the libs are not available in Scala but only in Java and it is better to
 know Java in order to understand the libraries.
 2. You do have experience with websites? Complex web applications? If not
 then I suggest you start by doing a simple static page for your design to
 get to know the technics you are trying to use or you get yourself a
 programmer/webdesinger to do it for you. If you are not willing to learn
 about the technical details you will get in big trouble later on and I mean
 trouble that can actually cost you money.
 3. If the above points do not seem valid for you then please get
 professional help
 4. If you are not scared by the above points and you are willing to invest
 then I suggest getting some example code and starting to disect that.
 Take a look at is a complete
 demo app in lift
 and take a look at a liftbook that is
 available freely.

 Regards and good luck on your project


 2009/10/5 koveen

  hi Naftoli,

  thanks for your interest.

  On Oct 5, 10:50 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
   Being a non-programmer, and additionally not having a Java background,
   which framework are you comparing Lift to when you say it's not easy?

  First I read a book about rails, explaining things from the start, I
  did watch quite a lot of nice video's on the web explaining some basic
  tricks with Rails. I think it is a system that is easy to start with
  but I became nervous about recurring issues about scaling, the
  integration of Rails and Merb and had the idea, maybe wrong, that it
  was a system too much in transition.

  I read part of the tutorial of Lift, installed it on my computer using
  Maven, but in a way I got lost.

  Then I partially read a book about Wicket. I like the system very
  much, especially one trick exited me: the Ajaxfallbacklink in which a
  link worked in a simple way when javasript is disabled , but at the
  same time has some Ajax functionality when Javascript is enabled on
  the users system. I liked this feature very much, but the integration
  with a database is not an integral part of the Wicket-system and can
  be acquired via a Wicket-Spring-Hibernate combination. This seemed too
  much for me to get into as a starter.

  That's how I came back to Lift. I need a stable database-connection.
  You need one when you hope that people will be paying some, even
  small, amount of money for your service.

   Can you clarify: Is this going to be a site, or a back end to a mobile
   app that sits on the phone?

  I just want to make a site

  But I hope it is clear I am not here to criticise anybody, it is just
  that often I feel this system is way over my head. Maybe that will



   On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 2:32 PM, koveen wrote:


Being a no-programmer and having no Java-background
I'd like to have mentioned that Lift really isn't an easy framework.
Having said that, I will try to read my way into this system and try
to solve the problems I encounter.

I have one question.

I would like to establish a login method where a visitor of my site
(to be) could be accepted as a valid user, based on the info the
server receives when the visitor enters the site.

In my case it will be a site for mobile phones and some mobile phone
operators will provide me with the telephone-number of the user once
she enters. Once a user has paid for the service,  this number alone
should be enough to make the visitior into a valid user. Without
needing to log in.

I have read the following on:

t's easy to dispatch incoming HTTP requests.
In your Boot class create a PartialFunction
that matches a pattern related to the incoming request and
then create a short-lived controller to service the request.

This code matches all the requests to /webservices/ and
assigns the stuff in '' to the variable c.  Then
the code attempts to find a public method with that name on
the controller.  If the method exists, it's invoked and Lift
processes the result.

I assume I will have to write my own  public method and place it
where??? in the direcory webservices.?

Maven didn't  include such a directory in my project set-up, so I
assume this  webservices are on an external server and that I will
have torefer to