Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Carl-Henrik Buschmann
Hi again,

I try to do this dymanic acrobatic: 

"sfz > pp <"

In my mind i figured that nothing can come from nothing, so i tried the 

{s4\sfz\> s4\pp\<}

But this produces only the top voice with the stem the wrong way (of course). 
Any ideas?

Med vennlig hilsen,
Carl-Henrik Buschmann

> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to learn how to use lilypond to typeset orchestral material.
> Handling large projects is fun but good documentation regarding this is hard
> to come by. I'm still a lilypond novice and my Google-Fu has let me down, I
> need help.
> I'm using my own orchestration which i engraved in Sibelius a while back.
> This is my original sibelius score i.e.: the "ideal":
> And this is my lilypond output so far:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Carl-Henrik Buschmann
> Hi Carl-Henrik,
> if you want your score like the Sibelius-output, I'd use Sibelius. ;)
> I think trying to trim LilyPond doing the same as Sibelius will make
> you miss some LilyPond-features.

True, but if i have to show examples from *somewhere*. I happen to master 
sibelius, having used it since v2 (!). It is not that i prefere one over the 
other - all have theire use. 

> HTH,
>  Harm

Thank you for the code! Much appreciated.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread N. Andrew Walsh
Late to the party, but most Linux distros will allow you to add
repositories/packages for more-recent versions: on gentoo, you can even use
a "live" version that installs from git. This has the occasional
consequence of lilypond reporting itself as a version that isn't officially
released yet. So if you want to be WICKED HARDCORE, you can certainly
install newer versions. Ubuntu, iirc, allows you to add repositories, and I
think (?) there's one out there for more-recent lilypond.



On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:05 AM, David Wright 

> On Sun 21 Feb 2016 at 22:12:51 (+0100), Malte Meyn wrote:
> > Am 21.02.2016 um 22:02 schrieb David Wright:
> > >On Sun 21 Feb 2016 at 19:10:29 (+0100), Peter O'Doherty wrote:
> > >>Thanks a lot. Sorted now using sudo sh lilypond...
> > >
> > >I can't help wondering what the ... stands for.
> > >
> > It’s the install script, something like
> >
> >
> I was interested whether anything followed that, both arguments and
> subsequent commands (if any). Your advice was good, but his second
> posting was a reply to his own OP, not to yours. (Not all the advice
> in the thread was good.)
> Cheers,
> David.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Vertical position of bar numbers

2016-02-21 Thread David Wright
Having recently fixed a similar problem with bar numbering by moving
the Mark_engraver and adding Staff_collecting_engraver at Staff level,
I've run into the following: my bar numbers are running along the
skyline of my lyrics, as shown in the fabricated example.

I like the 4 in the normal (default) position, and would prefer the
others to settle at the same level: below the upper lyrics, just above
the staff.

As before, I've arrived at   4.4.3 Outside-staff objects   on p114 of
the Learning Manual (2.19.36) but, although there are default
priorities for bar numbers (and measure numbers, what's the
difference? apart from 650 in priority), lyrics are not mentioned
(as not grobs?). It's often the case that I can work out how to do
two things on separate occasions, but not when they happen together.

\version "2.19.32"
\language "english"

\header { tagline = ##f }
\paper { #(set-paper-size "a5") }

\layout {
  indent = 0
  \context {
\override SystemStartBar.collapse-height = #1
\override BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 2)
\remove Mark_engraver
  \context {
systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBracket
\override SystemStartBracket.collapse-height = #1
  \context {
\omit TimeSignature
\consists Mark_engraver
\consists Staff_collecting_engraver

global = {
  \key d \dorian \time 4/4 s1 * 6

soprano = \relative {
  a'2. a4 a4 a g e f4. g8 ( a4 ) a \break
  g4 e f4. g8 a8 ( b c2 ) b4~ b4 a2 gs4

alto = \relative {
  d'2. d4 c4 a b c d2 c4 a
  b4 c d2 f4 e4. ( d8 ) e4 c4 d ( e2 )

tenor = \relative {
  f2. f4 f4 f g g a2 a4 f
  g4 g a2 a4 a2 gs4 a2 b

bass = \relative {
  d2. d4 f4 f e e d4. e8 ( f4 ) f
  e4 e d2 d4 a2 e'4 f2 e

sopranotext = \lyricmode {
  Lord, now let -- test thou thy ser -- vant de -- part in peace
  ac -- cor -- ding __ to thy word.

altotext = \lyricmode {
  Lord, now let -- test thou thy ser -- vant de -- part in peace
  ac -- cor -- ding to thy __ word.

\score {
  \new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff = st <<
  \clef treble \global
  \new Voice { \voiceOne \soprano }
  \addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = st } { \sopranotext }
  \new Voice { \voiceTwo \alto }
  \addlyrics { \altotext }

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread David Wright
On Sun 21 Feb 2016 at 22:12:51 (+0100), Malte Meyn wrote:
> Am 21.02.2016 um 22:02 schrieb David Wright:
> >On Sun 21 Feb 2016 at 19:10:29 (+0100), Peter O'Doherty wrote:
> >>Thanks a lot. Sorted now using sudo sh lilypond...
> >
> >I can't help wondering what the ... stands for.
> >
> It’s the install script, something like

I was interested whether anything followed that, both arguments and
subsequent commands (if any). Your advice was good, but his second
posting was a reply to his own OP, not to yours. (Not all the advice
in the thread was good.)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to correctly use ly:warning-located?

2016-02-21 Thread David Kastrup
Simon Albrecht  writes:

>> *location* is a procedure (used for accessing the fluid %location local
>> to the guile module), not a location.  So call it.
> OK, that’s one thing. But with (*location*) I still get the same error
> message that it be of the wrong type…

Example code?

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-02-20 22:02 GMT+01:00 Carl-Henrik Buschmann :
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to learn how to use lilypond to typeset orchestral material.
> Handling large projects is fun but good documentation regarding this is hard
> to come by. I'm still a lilypond novice and my Google-Fu has let me down, I
> need help.
> I'm using my own orchestration which i engraved in Sibelius a while back.
> This is my original sibelius score i.e.: the "ideal":
> And this is my lilypond output so far:

Hi Carl-Henrik,

if you want your score like the Sibelius-output, I'd use Sibelius. ;)
I think trying to trim LilyPond doing the same as Sibelius will make
you miss some LilyPond-features.

That said...
It's not wrong to implement missing features into LilyPond.

Hence I took a look at your request below.

> 3) I want the beams to and from rests, with stemlets, like so:

Others answered already about the possibilities to get the beam. So I
limited my work to stemlets over rests.

Right now LilyPond offers the possibility to set the length of
stemlets to a certain but fixed value.
Iiuc, you want it flexible, always extending from the beam close to the rest.

Thus my coding below, it's only tested for the given examples, though.
Further testing is your turn.

\version "2.19.36"

#(define stemlet-length-to-rest
;; Always extend stemlets over beamed rests, minimum is 0.5
  (lambda (grob)
(let* ((stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
 (if stem
 (ly:grob-object stem 'beam)
  (if (and (not (null? beam)) (not (null? stem)))
  (let* ((sys
   (ly:grob-system grob))
   (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object beam 'stems)))
   (- (ly:grob-relative-coordinate
(car (member stem stems)) sys X)
(car stems) sys X)))
   (ly:grob-property beam 'positions))
   (- (car beam-pos) (cdr beam-pos)))
   (let ((x-pos (ly:grob-property beam 'X-positions)))
 (- (car x-pos) (cdr x-pos
   (if (or (inf? stem-coord) (zero? stem-coord))
   (* (/ beam-y-length beam-x-length)
   (ly:grob-property beam 'direction))
   (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))
   (ly:grob-extent grob (ly:grob-parent grob Y) Y)))
(ly:grob-set-property! stem 'stemlet-length
  (max 0.5
(+ (* beam-dir stem-add-for-beam-slant)
   (- (if (= beam-dir DOWN)
  (- (car rest-y-ext) (car beam-pos))
  (- (car beam-pos) (cdr rest-y-ext)))
  (/ staff-space 2))

stemlets-test =
  \override Rest.after-line-breaking = #stemlet-length-to-rest

m = { r8[ d''\rest r c''8] c''2 \bar "||" }
mus = {
  \time 2/4
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(5 . 7)
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(7 . 5)
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-5 . -7)
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-7 . -5)

\score {
  \new StaffGroup
  \new Staff \mus
  \new Staff \mus
  \layout {

Code and png attached as well.

\version "2.19.36"

#(define stemlet-length-to-rest
;; Always extend stemlets over beamed rests, minimum is 0.5
  (lambda (grob) 
(let* ((stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
 (if stem
 (ly:grob-object stem 'beam)
  (if (and (not (null? beam)) (not (null? stem)))
  (let* ((sys 
   (ly:grob-system grob))
   (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object beam 'stems)))
   (- (ly:grob-relative-coordinate 
(car (member stem stems)) sys X)
(car stems) sys X)))
   (ly:grob-property beam 'positions))
   (- (car beam-pos) (cdr beam-pos)))
   (let ((x-pos (ly:grob-property beam 'X-positions)))
 (- (car x-pos) (cdr x-pos
   (if (or (inf? stem-coord) (zero? stem-coord))

horicontally shift of polyrhythmic staves

2016-02-21 Thread Jonathan Scholbach

I would like to set the following scenario:

In a polyrhythmic piece with multiple staves one staff starts a quarter
note later than the others. I need to horizontally shift this stave for
the "duration" of a quarter note. How can I do that?

To illustrate what I want I post the following ME, which shows a
(dissatifactory) workaround, where the rhythmical structure is
represented correctly. However this is dissatisfatroy, because I do not
to want  cheat with \set Timing.measureLength. And I want the bracket of
the later starting staff (the third one in my ME) to be shifted to the
right, because I think it represents the composer's musical idea better.

Thank you,


\version "2.19.22"

firstVoice= \relative c'' {

\time 2/4


\time 4/4

g4. b8 b4 g4

\time 1/4



secondVoice= \relative c' {

\time 2/4

c4 c

\time 4/4

g'4 g f e

\time 1/4



thirdVoice= \relative c' {

\time 3/4 s4

\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4/4) e4 e e

\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)



\score {

\new StaffGroup <<

\new StaffGroup<<

\new Staff <<

\new Voice = "first" { \firstVoice}


\new Staff <<

\new Voice = "second" { \secondVoice}


>>%end of first inner StaffGroup

\new StaffGroup <<

\new Staff <<

\new Voice = "third" { \thirdVoice}


>> % end of second inner StaffGroup

>>%end of outer StaffGroup

%layout settings needed for drawing barlines correctly

\layout {

\context {


\remove "Timing_translator"

\remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"




\consists "Timing_translator"

\consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"



}%end of score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to correctly use ly:warning-located?

2016-02-21 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 21.02.2016 15:13, David Kastrup wrote:

Simon Albrecht  writes:


the doc string for ly:warning-located says

‘Function: ly:warning-located location str rest
A Scheme callable function to issue the warning str at the specified
location in an input file. The message is formatted with format and

However, with this example

\version "2.19.36"

m =
#(define-music-function ()()
(ly:warning-located *location* "Here, \\m should be replaced with
#{ \melisma #})

 c'1\m d\melismaEnd
   \addlyrics { test test }

I get Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting string):

What is the correct way?

*location* is a procedure (used for accessing the fluid %location local
to the guile module), not a location.  So call it.

OK, that’s one thing. But with (*location*) I still get the same error 
message that it be of the wrong type…

Yours, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 21.02.2016 um 22:02 schrieb David Wright:

On Sun 21 Feb 2016 at 19:10:29 (+0100), Peter O'Doherty wrote:

Thanks a lot. Sorted now using sudo sh lilypond...

I can't help wondering what the ... stands for.

It’s the install script, something like

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread David Wright
On Sun 21 Feb 2016 at 19:10:29 (+0100), Peter O'Doherty wrote:
> Thanks a lot. Sorted now using sudo sh lilypond...

I can't help wondering what the ... stands for.

> On 21-02-16 13:13, Peter O'Doherty wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >When I install lilypond on Ubuntu (following the instructions on
> >the website i.e.
> >sh
> >)
> >it installs two folders in my home directory, lilypond and bin.
> >What's the best way to organise these? Should I just put the bin
> >in the lilypond folder and move that to .local/share or
> >/usr/share?


lilypond-user mailing list

Manual Chapter 2.10.2 Arabic music subchapter Selected Snippets Non-traditional key signatures

2016-02-21 Thread Blöchl Bernhard

\include ""
\relative do' {
  \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`(
(0 . ,SEMI-FLAT)
(1 . ,SEMI-FLAT)
(2 . ,FLAT)
(5 . ,FLAT)
(6 . ,SEMI-FLAT)
  %\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
  re reb \dwn reb resd
  dod dob dosd \dwn dob |
  dobsb dodsd do do |

The key accidentals in this example are shown in the turkish notation 
version. Is there any chance to get the key accidentals in the arabic 
view with the slashed half accidental, as with

dwn = {
  \once \override Voice.Accidental.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
(ly:accidental-interface::print grob) Y UP
(grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:line
  (#:fontsize -1 (#:musicglyph "flags.ugrace" -1.3))

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Peter O'Doherty

Thanks a lot. Sorted now using sudo sh lilypond...

On 21-02-16 13:13, Peter O'Doherty wrote:


When I install lilypond on Ubuntu (following the instructions on the 
website i.e.

it installs two folders in my home directory, lilypond and bin. What's 
the best way to organise these? Should I just put the bin in the 
lilypond folder and move that to .local/share or /usr/share?


// Peter O'Doherty

lilypond-user mailing list

// Peter O'Doherty

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Multi-rest with automatic bar number before and after it

2016-02-21 Thread Craig Dabelstein
This is great work! It's exactly what I need but it threw me a bunch of
errors. I'll try to put together an example to show you.


On 20 February 2016 at 22:41, Thomas Morley 

> 2016-02-19 4:23 GMT+01:00 Craig Dabelstein :
> > Hi Harm,
> >
> > I discovered a problem. It works perfectly with 4/4 time but it doesn't
> work
> > with other time signatures. Can you suggest to me how I can make it work
> for
> > different time signatures?
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > Craig
> I found no way to make it work with all possible \time-settings via
> \applyOutput
> Hence the engraver below. (Also attached.)
> Formating is done in a scheme-function `formatMMRNumber'. Thanks David
> for the hint to `translated-scale'
> Printing of the range may be enabled/disabled by setting the new
> defined context-property `printMmrRange'.
> Some remarks/TODOs, especially:
> Why I cannot _create_ a MultiMeasureRestText-grob via
> `ly:engraver-make-grob'?
> It works for TextScript ...
> \version "2.19.36"
> %% define the custom context-property `printMmrRange'
> #(define (define-translator-property symbol type? description)
>   (if (not (and (symbol? symbol)
> (procedure? type?)
> (string? description)))
>   (ly:error "error in call of define-translator-property"))
>   (if (not (equal? (object-property symbol 'translation-doc) #f))
>   (ly:error (_ "symbol ~S redefined") symbol))
>   (set-object-property! symbol 'translation-type? type?)
>   (set-object-property! symbol 'translation-doc description)
>   symbol)
> #(for-each
>   (lambda (x)
> (apply define-translator-property x))
> `((printMmrRange
>"Print range of a MultiMeasureRest")))
> %% define how to format `start' and `stop'
> %% for `MultiMeasureRestNumber' in the engraver
> %% TODO find a method to set the values for `translate-scaled'
> formatMMRNumber =
> #(define-scheme-function (start stop)(integer? integer?)
> #{
>   \markup
> \center-column {
>#(number->string (- stop start))
>%% value found by try and error
>\translate-scaled #'(0 . -6.5)
>\with-dimensions #empty-interval #empty-interval
>\halign #CENTER
>\fontsize #-2
>\line {
>  #(number->string (1+  start))
>  " - "
>  #(number->string stop)
> }
> #})
> %% TODO
> %% I didn't manage to _create_ a MultiMeasureRestText-grob via
> %% `ly:engraver-make-grob'
> %% How to do?
> %% It worked with simple TextScript ...
> #(define (mmr-range-engraver context)
> "Print the range of a @code{MultiMeasureRest}, if the context-property
> @code{printMmrRange} is set @code{#t}."
>   (let ((m-m-r-print '()))
> `((acknowledgers
> (multi-measure-interface
>  . ,(lambda (engraver grob source-engraver)
> (if (eq? (grob::name grob) 'MultiMeasureRestNumber)
> (set! m-m-r-print
>   (cons
> (cons grob (ly:context-property context
> 'printMmrRange))
> m-m-r-print))
>   (finalize
> .
> ,(lambda (trans)
>   (let* ((timeSignatureFraction
>(ly:context-property context 'timeSignatureFraction))
>  (fraction
>(/ (car timeSignatureFraction) (cdr
> timeSignatureFraction
>   (for-each
> (lambda (mmr)
>   (if (and (cdr mmr) (not (null? (cdr mmr
>   (let* ((m-m-r-start
>(/ (ly:moment-main
> (grob::when (ly:spanner-bound (car mmr)
> LEFT)))
>   fraction))
>  (m-m-r-stop
>(/ (ly:moment-main
> (grob::when (ly:spanner-bound (car mmr)
> RIGHT)))
>   fraction)))
> (ly:grob-set-property! (car mmr) 'text
>   (formatMMRNumber m-m-r-start m-m-r-stop)
> m-m-r-print)
>   (set! m-m-r-print '(
> %%
> %%
> \layout {
>   \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
> }
> \score {
>   {
> \time 3/4
> c'2.
> \compressFullBarRests
> R2.*14
> c'2.
> \once \unset printMmrRange
> R2.*15
> c'2.
> R2.*15
> c'2.
>   }
>   \layout {
> \context {
>   \Voice
>   \consists #mmr-range-engraver
>   printMmrRange = ##t
> }
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   {
> \time 3/4
> c'2.
> \compressFullBarRests
> R2.*14
> c'2.
> \once \set printMmrRange = ##t
> R2.*15
> c'2.
> R2.*15
> c'2.
>   }
>   \layout {
> \context {
>   \Voice
>   \consists #mmr-range-engraver
>   printMmrRange = ##f
> }
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   {

Re: manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread Blöchl Bernhard
Sorry! I pressed the wrong send button I corrected the error some 
minutes later.

Am 21.02.2016 16:15, schrieb Simon Albrecht:

Don’t reply off-list! I have no idea whatsoever about arabic music, so
there’s no point in e-mailing me.
Best, Simon

On 21.02.2016 14:44, BB wrote:
I still think that the snippet ifrom the world music chapter is better 
than the one actually in the arabic chapter. I will recommend it in 
the bug-lilypond mailing list, if I find some time. Actually I am 
fighting with some problems.

I would post a better one, if I could get an example code! There is 
some inconsisteny.

If i use
the arabic maqams are defined and will be found, but the english note 
names are not known.

\include ""

\relative do' {

\key re \bayati

%\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f

dod dob dosd \dwn dob dobsb dodsd do do


That is another important fact to say that given example in the arabic 
chapter is double-crap! This snippet indeed uses english note names 
not known with \!

As I prefer the english note names. If I use
the maqams are undefined, but the english note names are known.

\include ""

\relative c' {

\key d \bayati

c4 cc db fk

gbm4 gfc gfb efk

fk4 db cc c


If I try the definition of Bayati from, the resukt is vey 
strange, I do not understand why?

\include "" \relative c' { \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`( (0 
. ,NATURAL) (1 . ,SEMI-FLAT) (2 . ,FLAT) (3 . ,NATURAL) (4 . ,NATURAL) 
(5 . ,FLAT) (6 . ,FLAT) ) c4 cc db fk gbm4 gfc gfb efk fk4 db cc c }

I think that ha s to do with the missing key alteration order? May be 
an extension/redesign of is necessary? Help would be 

On 21.02.2016 13:27, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 21.02.2016 12:54, BB wrote:
At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page 
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is 
very peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter 
tone. Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic 
notation section dealing with the special case of quarter tone 
You’re welcome to come up with a better example and post it on the 
bug-lilypond mailing list, with a concise description what exactly it 
is for and why it is better. Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 21.02.2016 16:15, Simon Albrecht wrote:
Don’t reply off-list! I have no idea whatsoever about arabic music, so 
there’s no point in e-mailing me.

Sorry for the noise…

Best, Simon

On 21.02.2016 14:44, BB wrote:
I still think that the snippet ifrom the world music chapter is 
better than the one actually in the arabic chapter. I will recommend 
it in the bug-lilypond mailing list, if I find some time. Actually I 
am fighting with some problems.

I would post a better one, if I could get an example code! There is 
some inconsisteny.

If i use
the arabic maqams are defined and will be found, but the english note 
names are not known.

\include ""

\relative do' {

\key re \bayati

%\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f

dod dob dosd \dwn dob dobsb dodsd do do


That is another important fact to say that given example in the 
arabic chapter is double-crap! This snippet indeed uses english note 
names not known with \!

As I prefer the english note names. If I use
the maqams are undefined, but the english note names are known.

\include ""

\relative c' {

\key d \bayati

c4 cc db fk

gbm4 gfc gfb efk

fk4 db cc c


If I try the definition of Bayati from, the resukt is vey 
strange, I do not understand why?

\include "" \relative c' { \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`( (0 
. ,NATURAL) (1 . ,SEMI-FLAT) (2 . ,FLAT) (3 . ,NATURAL) (4 . 
,NATURAL) (5 . ,FLAT) (6 . ,FLAT) ) c4 cc db fk gbm4 gfc gfb efk fk4 
db cc c }

I think that ha s to do with the missing key alteration order? May be 
an extension/redesign of is necessary? Help would be 

On 21.02.2016 13:27, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 21.02.2016 12:54, BB wrote:
At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page 
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is 
very peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter 
tone. Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic 
notation section dealing with the special case of quarter tone 
You’re welcome to come up with a better example and post it on the 
bug-lilypond mailing list, with a concise description what exactly 
it is for and why it is better. Best, Simon 

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread Simon Albrecht
Don’t reply off-list! I have no idea whatsoever about arabic music, so 
there’s no point in e-mailing me.

Best, Simon

On 21.02.2016 14:44, BB wrote:
I still think that the snippet ifrom the world music chapter is better 
than the one actually in the arabic chapter. I will recommend it in 
the bug-lilypond mailing list, if I find some time. Actually I am 
fighting with some problems.

I would post a better one, if I could get an example code! There is 
some inconsisteny.

If i use
the arabic maqams are defined and will be found, but the english note 
names are not known.

\include ""

\relative do' {

\key re \bayati

%\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f

dod dob dosd \dwn dob dobsb dodsd do do


That is another important fact to say that given example in the arabic 
chapter is double-crap! This snippet indeed uses english note names 
not known with \!

As I prefer the english note names. If I use
the maqams are undefined, but the english note names are known.

\include ""

\relative c' {

\key d \bayati

c4 cc db fk

gbm4 gfc gfb efk

fk4 db cc c


If I try the definition of Bayati from, the resukt is vey 
strange, I do not understand why?

\include "" \relative c' { \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`( (0 
. ,NATURAL) (1 . ,SEMI-FLAT) (2 . ,FLAT) (3 . ,NATURAL) (4 . ,NATURAL) 
(5 . ,FLAT) (6 . ,FLAT) ) c4 cc db fk gbm4 gfc gfb efk fk4 db cc c }

I think that ha s to do with the missing key alteration order? May be 
an extension/redesign of is necessary? Help would be 

On 21.02.2016 13:27, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 21.02.2016 12:54, BB wrote:
At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page 
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is 
very peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter 
tone. Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic 
notation section dealing with the special case of quarter tone 
You’re welcome to come up with a better example and post it on the 
bug-lilypond mailing list, with a concise description what exactly it 
is for and why it is better. Best, Simon 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to correctly use ly:warning-located?

2016-02-21 Thread David Kastrup
Simon Albrecht  writes:

> Hello,
> the doc string for ly:warning-located says
> ‘Function: ly:warning-located location str rest
> A Scheme callable function to issue the warning str at the specified
> location in an input file. The message is formatted with format and
> rest.’
> However, with this example
> %%%
> \version "2.19.36"
> m =
> #(define-music-function ()()
>(ly:warning-located *location* "Here, \\m should be replaced with
> \\melisma.")
>#{ \melisma #})
> <<
>   {
> c'1\m d\melismaEnd
>   }
>   \addlyrics { test test }
> I get
> Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting string):
> #
> What is the correct way?

*location* is a procedure (used for accessing the fluid %location local
to the guile module), not a location.  So call it.

Of course, you can just pipe

m =
#(define-music-function (parser location)()
   (ly:warning-located location "Replace me")
   #{ \melisma #})


convert-ly -f 2.19.20 -t 2.19.30 -

and see what comes out.

I get

convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.32

convert-ly: Processing `'... 
Applying conversion: 2.19.22, 2.19.24, 2.19.28, 2.19.29

\version "2.19.29"
m =
#(define-music-function ()()
   (ly:warning-located (*location*) "Replace me")
   #{ \melisma #})

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread BB
I still think that the snippet ifrom the world music chapter is better 
than the one actually in the arabic chapter. I will recommend it in the 
bug-lilypond mailing list, if I find some time. Actually I am fighting 
with some problems.

I would post a better one, if I could get an example code! There is some 
inconsistency. If i use

the arabic maqams are defined and will be found, but the english note 
names are not known.

\include ""

\relative do' {

\key re \bayati

%\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f

dod dob dosd \dwn dob dobsb dodsd do do


That is another important fact to say that given example in the arabic 
chapter is double-crap! This snippet indeed uses english note names not 
known with \!

As I prefer the english note names. If I use
the maqams are undefined, but the english note names are known.

\include ""

\relative c' {

\key d \bayati

c4 cc db fk

gbm4 gfc gfb efk

fk4 db cc c


If I try the definition of Bayati from, the resukt is vey 
strange, I do not understand why?

\include "" \relative c' { \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`( (0 . 
,NATURAL) (1 . ,SEMI-FLAT) (2 . ,FLAT) (3 . ,NATURAL) (4 . ,NATURAL) (5 
. ,FLAT) (6 . ,FLAT) ) c4 cc db fk gbm4 gfc gfb efk fk4 db cc c }

I think that ha s to do with the missing key alteration order? May be an 
extension/redesign of is necessary? Help would be appreciated!

On 21.02.2016 13:27, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 21.02.2016 12:54, BB wrote:
At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is 
very peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter tone. 
Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic notation 
section dealing with the special case of quarter tone notation! 

You’re welcome to come up with a better example and post it on the 
bug-lilypond mailing list, with a concise description what exactly it 
is for and why it is better.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

How to correctly use ly:warning-located?

2016-02-21 Thread Simon Albrecht


the doc string for ly:warning-located says

‘Function: ly:warning-located location str rest
A Scheme callable function to issue the warning str at the specified 
location in an input file. The message is formatted with format and rest.’

However, with this example

\version "2.19.36"

m =
#(define-music-function ()()
   (ly:warning-located *location* "Here, \\m should be replaced with 

   #{ \melisma #})

c'1\m d\melismaEnd
  \addlyrics { test test }

I get Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting string): 

What is the correct way?

TIA, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Hwaen Ch'uqi
Greetings Peter,

When I install LilyPond, I use the --prefix flag and direct it to be
installed in folder /usr/ In this way, the bin files will be created
in the proper places. The "down side" is that the directories of the
.el files and .info files will need to be explicitly stated somewhere
in order for them to be usable. In my case, the former is stated in my
.emacs file, and the latter is reflected in the main dir file of the
/usr/share/info folder. This is a bit more manual work, but the
benefit is that, whenever you install the latest LilyPond version
(which the ubuntu's repository will likely not find), you should not
have to make those adjustments again.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 2/21/16, Jean Bréfort  wrote:
> Hi,
> Why don't you directly use the lilypond package?
> sudo apt-get install lilypond
> The installation would be clean.
> Hope this helps,
> Jean
> Le dimanche 21 février 2016 à 13:13 +0100, Peter O'Doherty a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> When I install lilypond on Ubuntu (following the instructions on the
>> website i.e.
>> sh
>> )
>> it installs two folders in my home directory, lilypond and bin.
>> What's
>> the best way to organise these? Should I just put the bin in the
>> lilypond folder and move that to .local/share or /usr/share?
>> Thanks,
>> Peter
>> //=
>> // Peter O'Doherty
>> //
>> //
>> //=
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 21.02.2016 13:18, Jean Bréfort wrote:

Why don't you directly use the lilypond package?
sudo apt-get install lilypond

You might end up with a more or less old LilyPond version.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread J Martin Rushton
Hash: SHA1


As Jean suggests, use apt-get if you are allowed to, you'll need to be
root.  If you have to install the package without privilege, then
~/bin seems pretty normal.  Many users will have a ~/bin directory
with it entered on their $PATH where they can drop odd scripts - so it
seems pretty reasonable for the lilypond executable to be put there.


On 21/02/16 12:18, Jean Bréfort wrote:
> Hi,
> Why don't you directly use the lilypond package? sudo apt-get
> install lilypond
> The installation would be clean.
> Hope this helps, Jean
> Le dimanche 21 février 2016 à 13:13 +0100, Peter O'Doherty a écrit
> :
>> Hi,
>> When I install lilypond on Ubuntu (following the instructions on
>> the website i.e. cd PATH-TO-DOWNLOAD-DIRECTORY sh
>> ) it installs two folders in my home
>> directory, lilypond and bin. What's the best way to organise
>> these? Should I just put the bin in the lilypond folder and move
>> that to .local/share or /usr/share?
>> Thanks, Peter
>> //= // Peter O'Doherty //
>> // 
>> //=
>> ___ lilypond-user
>> mailing list 
> ___ lilypond-user
> mailing list 
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 21.02.2016 um 13:21 schrieb Malte Meyn:

You should either install as root (using sudo):

sudo sh

Advantage: You (and all other users) can start lilypond directly from 
terminal etc. without changing PATH/make it known to Frescobaldi, …

or specify another installation directory (f. e. ~/LP2.18.2 instead of ~):

sh --prefix ~/LP2.18.2

Advantage: You can install several different versions of LilyPond.

I use this second method: I’ve installed five different versions and 
make all of them known to Frescobaldi; Frescobaldi will then choose the 
used version according to the \version statement.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 21.02.2016 12:54, BB wrote:
At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is 
very peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter tone. 
Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic notation 
section dealing with the special case of quarter tone notation! 

You’re welcome to come up with a better example and post it on the 
bug-lilypond mailing list, with a concise description what exactly it is 
for and why it is better.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 21.02.2016 um 13:18 schrieb Jean Bréfort:

Why don't you directly use the lilypond package?
sudo apt-get install lilypond

The installation would be clean.

This only works for packaged LilyPond versions ;)

Le dimanche 21 février 2016 à 13:13 +0100, Peter O'Doherty a écrit :


You should either install as root (using sudo):

sudo sh

or specify another installation directory (f. e. ~/LP2.18.2 instead of ~):

sh --prefix ~/LP2.18.2

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Jean Bréfort

Why don't you directly use the lilypond package?
sudo apt-get install lilypond

The installation would be clean.

Hope this helps,

Le dimanche 21 février 2016 à 13:13 +0100, Peter O'Doherty a écrit :
> Hi,
> When I install lilypond on Ubuntu (following the instructions on the 
> website i.e.
> sh
> )
> it installs two folders in my home directory, lilypond and bin.
> What's 
> the best way to organise these? Should I just put the bin in the 
> lilypond folder and move that to .local/share or /usr/share?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> //=
> // Peter O'Doherty
> //
> //
> //=
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Install on linux

2016-02-21 Thread Peter O'Doherty


When I install lilypond on Ubuntu (following the instructions on the 
website i.e.

it installs two folders in my home directory, lilypond and bin. What's 
the best way to organise these? Should I just put the bin in the 
lilypond folder and move that to .local/share or /usr/share?


// Peter O'Doherty

lilypond-user mailing list

Fwd: manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread BB

With this snippet example with .BAKIYE I have the turkish style - better 
than nothing.

But how to get the arabic style?

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:manual Makam example
Date:   Sun, 21 Feb 2016 12:54:44 +0100
From:   BB 
To: lilypond-user Mailinglist 

I needed the (seldom used) makam saba - not predefined in the maqam 
group. So I consulted the manual.

At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is very 
peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter tone. 
Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic notation 
section dealing with the special case of quarter tone notation!

At least I found a useful example for keyAlterations in subchapter 
"Makam example" of the chapter "World music" on page

I would recommend to add a copy of that snippet to the subchapter 
"Selected Snippets" of chapter "2.10.2 Arabic music". That would be a 
time saver ...

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

manual Makam example

2016-02-21 Thread BB
I needed the (seldom used) makam saba - not predefined in the maqam 
group. So I consulted the manual.

At the end of subchapter "Arabic key signatures" in chapter "2.10.2 
Arabic music" on page
there is in subchapter "Selected Snippets" a snippet example. It is very 
peculiar that in this example is not even a single quarter tone. 
Peculiar and totally displaced and useless in this arabic notation 
section dealing with the special case of quarter tone notation!

At least I found a useful example for keyAlterations in subchapter 
"Makam example" of the chapter "World music" on page

I would recommend to add a copy of that snippet to the subchapter 
"Selected Snippets" of chapter "2.10.2 Arabic music". That would be a 
time saver ... 
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread David Kastrup
Carl-Henrik Buschmann  writes:

> To use [ ] on the entire piece is simply not acceptable and surely not
> the way lilypond should work.

To beam or not to beam is a decision.  Beaming across rests requires a
rather dedicated decision.  The autobeamer caters rather for the cases
where the composer does _not_ make an explicit decision.

LilyPond has a number of possibilities to avoid repetitive entry
however.  You can, for example, use something like

<< \mymusic
   \repeat unfold 32 { s8[ s s s] }

to add explicit beams in parallel to some passage written in eights.  Of
course, this beam right across everything.

> I found that it is possible to use:
>  \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2)
> (
> )
> which I have tried putting in my global variable. As i showed in my
> first post, this break the beams. Any ideas how to make the beams
> automaticly span 4 8s?

The documentation is quite explicit that automatic beams will not span

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Noeck
Does this explain it?
and search for "Known issues and warnings"


Am 21.02.2016 um 09:50 schrieb Carl-Henrik Buschmann:
> I'm afraid i dont fully understand. When i put \grace s8 in my voices it
> still produces double timesignatures.
> Med vennlig hilsen,
> Carl-Henrik Buschmann
> /Lektor/

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Noeck
Hi Carl-Henrik,

the snippets can be quite helpful:
and online search if you can guess the name.

> 1) The title. Is there a sensibale way to adjust font/fontsize and
> placement of the title? (this is most likely an easy thing, but it would
> be nice to hear how you guys deal with it)

If it is just about the font size, this is probably the easiest way:
\header {
  title = \markup \abs-fontsize #30 "ABC"
If you want to create your own style of the header, here you go:

> 2) This is the wierdest thing. Double up of time, clef and tempo, what
> is on earth have i done wrong? 

\grace s8 as Urs pointed out. That's indeed ugly.

> 3) I want the beams to and from rests, with stemlets, like
> so: 

This can help you:

  \override Stem.stemlet-length = 0.75
  r8[ gis']

However, this requires manual beaming with [ ], IIUC.

> 4) I want the beams to stretch 4 8ths and break if necessary. My puny
> attempt thus far looks bonkers. 

You explicitly put the beaming there:
 a16.[\f gis32] a16. b32

This means the a is beamed with gis32 and then the beam has to stop. So
exactly what you get. For a longer beam, you can do either
  \time 2/4
  a16.[\f gis32 a16. b32 c8-. < b gis' e' >]\fz |  % manual with [ ]
  % or
  \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(2) % beams last 2 beats
  a16.\f gis32 a16. b32 c8-. < b gis' e' >\fz
% see

> 5) I tried making a scordatura using a snippet from LRS. Perhaps my eyes
> are playing tricks with me, the font size seems off, to large?

You have a \large here which makes the instrument name larger than the
Just remove it.

> %%General questions
> 6) I also wonder about parts creation. How do i set it up? 

see 9)

> 7) When i did the Sibelius engraving, i came to the conclution that A3
> was the proper page format. Once i've entered my music, will lilypond
> scale the score to fill the entire page, like it does with A4, OR; do i
> need to make adjustments to font and/or staff sizes?

It will fill the paper format you specify while keeping the font and
staff sizes as you set them (or default 20).
\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a3")
If that's what you intend, you can also scale the global staff size by
sqrt(2) to 28.28, of course.

> 8) I've searched far and wide but have not found a way to make
> large/huge time signatures. This is what i really want (from
> Adler): 

There are people on this list who know how to do that. I have seen it
before, but I couldn't find it so quickly.

> 9) Where to i place system wide events, like 
> repetitions, 

As far as I know, repeats must go into each part (voice). However, for
rehearsal marks and
> time and
> tempo?
it is recommended to put them in to a global variable with spacers:
global  = { \time 2/4 s1*8 \mark "A" }

Then you can come back to the parts creation:
You start a new file for each part, let's say the violin I, with a
\score block and you put your global variable and your music variable
(\fiolinEn) of that instrument into it.

\include "stemmer/fiolin"
\score {
  \new Staff << \global \fiolinEn >>

You ask your questions very clearly. That makes it easy to answer. I
hope this was helpful. Please don't hesitate to ask back in case of


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Carl-Henrik Buschmann
I'm afraid i dont fully understand. When i put \grace s8 in my voices it still 
produces double timesignatures.

Med vennlig hilsen,
Carl-Henrik Buschmann

> 21. feb. 2016 kl. 08.56 skrev Urs Liska :
> Am 21. Februar 2016 08:25:22 MEZ, schrieb Carl-Henrik Buschmann 
> >:
>> I found that it was 
>> \slashedGrace {b8}
>> that caused the whole double time signature thing. I can only assume it
>> is a bug. I still need a acciaccatura though. Any thoughts?
> This is one of the *oldest* and most embarassing bugs, yes.
> What you need to do is put a grace construct in *every* context, using spacer 
> tests to make it invisible. E.g. \grace s8
> Urs
>> Med vennlig hilsen,
>> Carl-Henrik Buschmann
>> Lektor
>>> 20. feb. 2016 kl. 22.02 skrev Carl-Henrik Buschmann
>> :
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I'm trying to learn how to use lilypond to typeset orchestral
>> material. Handling large projects is fun but good documentation
>> regarding this is hard to come by. I'm still a lilypond novice and my
>> Google-Fu has let me down, I need help. 
>>> I'm using my own orchestration which i engraved in Sibelius a while
>> back.
>>> This is my original sibelius score i.e.: the "ideal":
>>> >
>>> And this is my lilypond output so far:
>>> >> >
>>> 2) This is the wierdest thing. Double up of time, clef and tempo,
>> what is on earth have i done wrong? 
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
> -- 
> Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

2016-02-21 Thread Carl-Henrik Buschmann
To use [ ] on the entire piece is simply not acceptable and surely not the way 
lilypond should work.

I found that it is possible to use:

 \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2) 

which I have tried putting in my global variable. As i showed in my first post, 
this break the beams. Any ideas how to make the beams automaticly span 4 8s?

Med vennlig hilsen,
Carl-Henrik Buschmann

> 20. feb. 2016 kl. 22.02 skrev Carl-Henrik Buschmann :
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to learn how to use lilypond to typeset orchestral material. 
> Handling large projects is fun but good documentation regarding this is hard 
> to come by. I'm still a lilypond novice and my Google-Fu has let me down, I 
> need help. 
> 4) I want the beams to stretch 4 8ths and break if necessary. My puny attempt 
> thus far looks bonkers. 
lilypond-user mailing list