Re: Header title problem or convert-ly problem

2009-06-25 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
as per mats suggestion, change directory to where your .ly file is located

On my machine just typing convert-ly and hit enter brings up usage
instructions. If that does not work for you, try specifying everything

c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\ -e

or if that still fails

c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\python.exe c:\program
files\lilypond\usr\bin\ -e

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jay Hamilton jay...@linuxquestions.netwrote:

 A: I have tried over and over to follow the docs.  AND I have copy and
 pasted both Mats suggestions and now Simon's .
 Mats has never worked.  Yes the version info is in the file.  No it did not
 Simon's suggestion, I renamed the file without the space and in fact after
 that copy/pasted his version into run and it can't find convert-ly so I
 browsed to my applications file (on my desktop which is where I install lily
 from) and convert-ly flashes and there is no new version or file that I can
 find anywhere and the problem continues to exist.

 So I need more hints as either
 1] how to change the header so it works the way it did in 2.10
 2] how to get convert-ly to work on my machine.

 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:18:55 +0300
 From: Simon Dahlbacka
 Subject: Re: Problem with header/copyright in new 2.12 version
 Cc: lilypond user group,Mats Bengtsson
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Jay Hamilton

  Unfortunately, I have never been able to get convert-ly to work.  It's
  mostly my computer ignorance.  My files don't seem to be in simple places
  and I never get the parameters correct.
  so I have the file in C:\Documents and Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton
  it's called
  it's version 2.10.25
  I just tried to follow the instructions from the docs here's what I think
  it says to do in run under xp
  convert-ly --from C:\Documents and Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton\\version 2.10.25 --to C:\Documents and
  Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton\my version 2.12.2
  That didn't work so what am I not understanding?

 As you seem to have spaces in directory and/or filenames the arguments need
 to be quoted. Maybe that is your issue?

 e.g. convert-ly -e C:\Documents and Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton\

 Sorry for total ignorance.
  On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Mats Bengtsson 
  The standard solution to all such compatibility problems is to run the
  file through convert-ly, to automatically update the syntax.
  (Just remember to specify \version 2.10.0 or something like that in
  file header, so that convert-ly knows what to do.)
  Jay Hamilton wrote:
  Mats sent me this solution for multiple lines in the copyright and now
  the bottom is overlapping and in one line.  How do I make it work like
  did in 2.10
  \version 2.12.2
  \header {
   title = Positioning your finding
   composer = Jay Hamilton
 copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
 {  CC lic 2.5 some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2009
} }
  melody = \relative c'
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
  #(set-global-staff-size 30)
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #' style = #' ()
  \tempo 4=60
   \bar |.
  \score {
  \new Staff \melody
  \layout { }
  \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
  Jay Hamilton
  lilypond-user mailing list
 Mats Bengtsson
 Signal Processing
 School of Electrical Engineering
 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
 Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
  Jay Hamilton Sound and Silence 206-328-7694
  lilypond-user mailing list


 Jay Hamilton

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: significance of whitespace [WAS: LilyPond, Finale and Sibelius]

2009-04-07 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
 Can be typed pretty rapidly too: hold down right shift with your little
 finger and  fall under the index and middle fingers.
..not everyone uses us keyboard

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: download versie 2.12

2009-03-31 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
The unknown publisher warning sounds like OP is running Vista. The
warning is due to the fact that the installer isn't authenticode
signed. Getting a suitable certificate for this is several hundred €/$
per year, and thus is not likely to happen.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-13 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

 The problem is that the problem is often hard to diagnose and
 reproduce without having the afflicted machine at hand.  In general,
 my takeaway from it is that shipping software on top of Windows is a
 religious experience. You can never be sure that it works, so you have
 to pray a lot.

Fwiw, one way to diagnose on an affected machine is to have process monitor
( running
while performing the problematic operation.

After that, it is just a matter of wading through a humongous amont of log
messages :)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: What term do you use? (redux)

2008-02-17 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
FWIW, it seems that Finnish is the only? language that includes the
note/rest part.

And the swedish name for 128th would be
and 256th


2008/2/18, Kurt Kroon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 2/17/08 1:09 PM, Risto Vääräniemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  More stuff:
  Quarter notes and rests seem to be named as neljännesosanuotti and
  neljännesosatauko in the glossary. They are understandable but more
  common words are neljäsosanuotti and neljäsosatauko.

 Common as in:
 * Any Finnish person would understand immediately? or
 * Any Finnish _musician_ would understand immediately?

 I'm aiming for the second case -- a musically correct name, but if the
 Finn on the street can puzzle it out as a special use of ordinal numbers
 (which is how it looks to me,  but that's only a guess because I don't
 Finnish), so much the better.

  More or less the same goes for 32th notes and rests. I don't think the
  names in the glossary are really used. I think it would be more proper
  to use kolmaskymmeneskahdesosanuotti (32-osanuotti, 1/32-osanuotti)
  for the 32th note and kolmaskymmeneskahdesosatauko (32-osatauko,
  1/32-osatauko) for the 32th rest. ...

 Odd ... they're in the table under Duration names notes and rests, but
 under the individual entry in the Glossary.

 It looks like I have more cleanup to do.


 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: What term do you use? (redux)

2008-02-17 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
2008/2/18, Reinhold Kainhofer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Am Sonntag, 17. Februar 2008 schrieb Simon Dahlbacka:
  FWIW, it seems that Finnish is the only? language that includes the
  note/rest part.

Ahm, no, in German we also say ...

actually, what I meant (but failed to explicitly spell out) was that on that
particular page I linked to: German, Danish, Swedish, Dutch doesn't include
the note/rest part but Finnish does. Not counting the languages that use own
words, (not sure in which group I should put French though)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: EasyLilyPond: A Tribute To LilyPond And LilyPondTool

2007-12-27 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Nice work!

I have a few bug reports though

- recommanded should be spelled recommended
- the progress text area/scroll bar ( in the installer flickers (probably
due to scrolling?)
- EasyLauncher seem to be in french!?! (I do speak a little bit of french so
I can just about use it, but I would have liked to have the english version,
my normal locale is sv-FI if that matters)

but overall, I'm impressed with the good work!

2007/12/23, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello everybody, Hi Bertalan,

 I just wanted to let you know about a recent project of mine: I called
 it EasyLilyPond, as it is meant for people who are not familiar with
 using computers and installing programs.

 A few weeks ago, Bertalan made the suggestion to regroup in a single
 bundle all that's needed to work with LilyPond and LilypondTool. He
 suggested using NSIS to put it all together; I noticed it and then
 stopped thinking about it.

 About a month ago, since my laptop went down again and I found myself
 forced to use an old 600 MHz Windows box, I started using msysGit and,
 just out of curiosity, downloaded the whole GUB sources. I discovered
 that the current LilyPond MinGW installer itself was written using
 NSIS; this made me realize that it would be great to take it as a base
 for an extended new LilyPond installation, that would not only install
 LilyPond but jEdit and LilyPondTool as well.

 After having spent a few weeks working on it, I feel like I have a
 made a first step. It is still very buggy, but here are a few ideas I

 - Installs LilyPond using the authentic GUB procedure (slightly
 updated); everything is preserved, the PATH integration, the use
 bundled python option etc.

 - Installs jEdit editor, absolutely unmodified, just like in a
 standard installation. LilyPondTool can also be installed, with a few
 additional configuration files and examples. The user can choose to
 use the bundled (1.6) Java Environment; if he chooses not to, the
 setup checks for a decent JRE available, and if there isn't, another
 choice is proposed: use the bundled JRE anyway, or download and
 install Java for real.

 - Installs Sumatra PDF reader, that is both lightweight and free as in
 freedom. LilyPondTool is preconfigured to use it.

 - Installs the EasyLauncher: a small application that is meant to give
 newbies an initial familiar feeling: a smooth transparent splash
 screen, a nice startup sound of piano music (the Free Software Song as
 recorded by Markus Haist, used with his permission). The Launcher
 provides an easy and quick way to launch LilyPondTool, open an
 examples folder, open the online Learning Manual, LSR, etc.

 - Installs (optionally) some skins: I have completely reskinned the
 jEdit interface, with transparent/blur effects, new splash screen and
 icons, customized colors and backgrounds to make it look a bit like
 the EasyLauncher. Those who do not like the green color, or my happy
 little note drawing, probably do not want to select this option :)

 - the whole thing (setup+Launcher) is fully localized (English/French
 only for now, but it's easy to add more languages). Besides, if a
 French user launches the application for the first time, he will see a
 translated version of the Congratulations etc. ly file (with French
 explanations, \include and so on).

 - there are currently three predefined installation types: Full,
 Standard, and LilyPond Only.

 - Finally, there's an option called Offshore installation that
 allows users to install EasyLilyPond on a USB drive, a bit like the
 PortableApps you may know. Unfortunately I'm having a pretty hard time
 trying to implement it, so hopefully this will be ready for a future

 That's about all.
 It is still a pre-pre-pre-alpha-beta-whatever version, plus it's the
 first time I code anything (besides LilyPond scores, of course). It
 was more about demonstrating some concepts than anything else.

 If you're interested in having a look at it, please visit the page on
 All suggestions are welcome -- and that includes the design ;-)

 Thank you very much, and a merry Christmas to all LilyPonders!


 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond slowness?

2007-11-30 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Ok, I did some further testing ...

Test setup:
install versions one at a time to C:\lilypond and issue
c:\lilypond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe -V twice and see if it halts at
Building font database both times

2.6.5 seemed to work properly
didn't find anything 2.7 at (
2.8.0-1 exhibits the same behavior (i.e. is buggy)

This thread[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10945.htmlseems
to talk about the same behavior..
I can also provide a FC_DEBUG=255 log if need be, but as the log file is
17.5MB ! I would need to know what to look for in order for me to find
something useful from it..

anything more you would need to solve this issue?



ps. what funky business is the uninstaller up to, given that it seems to be
a magnitude slower to uninstall the files than install them ?

On Nov 30, 2007 4:13 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2007/11/29, Simon Dahlbacka [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have had a break working with lilypond, but I just downloaded 2.11.35
  (running on Vista x86), and find it *very* slow compared to my
  We're talking close to thee digit numbers for a simple monophonic score
  less than 20 bars.. This cannot be right? What am I missing here?
  running with -V seems to indicate that it's Building font database
  time, how can I avoid this? ..and yes, I have installed it to a
  that does not require admin privileges.

 Unfortunately, I don't have a vista machine handy to test this.

 Can you check if older versions (2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, etc.) exhibit
 the same behavior?  If no, can you use bisection to figure out which
 version introduced the slowness?

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond slowness?

2007-11-29 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
I have had a break working with lilypond, but I just downloaded
2.11.35(running on Vista x86), and find it *very* slow compared to my

We're talking close to thee digit numbers for a simple monophonic score with
less than 20 bars.. This cannot be right? What am I missing here?

running with -V seems to indicate that it's Building font database every
time, how can I avoid this? ..and yes, I have installed it to a directory
that does not require admin privileges.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with repeats for midi

2007-10-01 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Actually *following* Grahams advise about reading Repeats and Midi in the
documentation *will* give the answer...


ps. sorry to sound arrogant, but this is clearly a case of RTFM

On 10/1/07, John Pezouvanis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 \set Staff.midiInstrument = bright acoustic
 \clef treble
 \tempo 8=102
 \key  d \major
 \time 9/8
 \relative c''
 \repeat volta 2 {d16. cis32 d16 e fis d32 d e16 cis d8. a16 b b32 a aes16
 a d8}
 \repeat volta 2 {d,16 fis g gis a b32 b a16 g fis g32 g e16 fis d16. cis32
 cis d8 d16. cis32 d16 e fis g32 a g fis e16 d16. cis32 c16 cis d8 d d}
 d'16. cis32 d16 e fis d32 d e16 cis d8. a16 b b32 a aes16 a d8 d16. cis32
 e fis d32 d e16 cis d8. a16 b b32 a aes16 a d8
 d,16 fis g gis a b32 b a16 g fis g32 g e16 fis d16. cis32 c16 cis d8 d16.
 cis32 d16 e fis g32 a g fis e16 d16. cis32 c16 cis d8 d d
 d16 fis g gis a b32 b a16 g fis g32 g e16 fis d16. cis32 c16 cis d8 d16.
 d16 e fis g32 a g fis e16 d16. cis32 c16 cis d8 d d

 Thanks for answering. I've already read the documentation and tried
 and still can't get no results. If someone more expirienced can tell me
 what I
 need to insert in the code I would be very grateful..

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Windows install/run error

2007-09-27 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 9/27/07, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  If you haven't had LilyPond installed on this machine earlier, I hope
  you have tried to log out and log in again after the installation,
  otherwise there are some settings of environment
  variables that Windows hasn't noticed yet.
  The environment variable path in Windows doesn't require a reboot (or

 Are you sure? I know for certain that we have had some problems
 reported on the mailing list that have been solved by log out/in.
 Maybe it's the PATHEXT environment variable that caused the problems

Slighly OT but..

At least you the following does *not* work:
open a cmd window
update enviroment variables (elsewhere than from opened cmd window)
have updated environment variables in the opened cmd window
(however, if you open a new cmd window, there the environment is updated)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Removing text from a typeset PDF

2007-09-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
See section 10.2.1 Creating titles in the manual (numbering for 2.10)

On 9/18/07, tyr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hope this question isn't too ridiculous.

 I would like to typeset some of my pieces for my portfolio using Lilypond
 but I
 can't seem to remove the Music engraving by Lilypond etc text from the
 of the file. I tried searching for a solution but there doesn't seem to be
 anything about it in the tutorial and no one seems to mention it on the

 I don't suppose there is an easy way to do this in program without having
 edit it out of the pdf afterward?

 I am not at all ungrateful for Lilypond, I would just like my music to
 look a
 bit more formal.


 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem with Lilypond

2007-05-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

you  might want to RTFM, Lilypond isn't a point and click application. And
if this isn't your problem, then do elaborate a bit on exactly what doesn't

On 5/18/07, sid glickman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I get only a Black page when I open Lilypond, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-10 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

On 4/10/07, Anthony W. Youngman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kieren
MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 musicXML - lilypond   is currently done as a python script; python
is a very nice language and is quite easy to learn.

Why is it not in XSLT?
Even if the performance is worse, it would seem to make more sense from
an industry perspective...

As I understand XSLT it is designed to convert from one valid XML
representation to another valid XML representation.

yes, that's the most common usage, it is however possible to transform into
something non-xml

However, developing (*and* supporting) a working xslt solution is a *major*
PITA. Secondly, xslt is essentially stateless leading to more pain...

So... stay clear of xslt :)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: markup in header

2007-03-15 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

According to this it doesn't

On 3/15/07, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

According to
your editor does support UTF-8, which provides a much
better solution to your problem.


Palmer, Ralph wrote:

Greetings -

I'm running:
LilyPond 2.10.16
Windows XP Pro 2002 SP2
ConTEXT 0.98.5 with LilyPond Highlighter

I'm trying to get é into Séan in the title and composer headers. I
haven't been successful. I've looked in the manual and in the list archives,
but can't find what I need. ConTEXT will save to DOS, but not to UTF-8, that
I can find. I did find the character code : #233, and that will produce the
correct character when I use it with \markup and \char in the header, but
the program leaves a space before and after the é. [Aside : I'm not using
JEdit because it takes so long to load, and I've gotten used to ConTEXT.]
The following snippet shows the behavior.

% Begin Snippet %

\version 2.10.16

\header {
title = Sean's Jig
composer = \markup {S\char #233 an}
\layout {
   \context {
   \remove Bar_number_engraver
\paper {
   indent = 0.0\cm

SeansJig = {
   \clef treble
   \key a \dorian
   \time 6/8

   \repeat volta 2 {
   \partial 8*1 b'8 |
   c''4.^Am b'^G |
   a'8^Am g' e' d' b g |
   a4 e'8 e' d' b |
   d'^G e' g' a' g' e' |
   c''4.^Am b'16^G c'' d''8 b' |
   a'^Am g' e' d' b g |
   a4 e'8 e' d' b |
   d'^G b g a4^Am |


\score {

%% End Snippet %

I've also tried :
composer = \markup {S \char #233 an}
composer = \markup {S\char #233 an}
but the result is identical;
composer = \markup {S \char #233 an}
S \char #233 an
in the .pdf.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems with german umlauts

2007-01-24 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

then you should go shopping for a better editor IMO


On 1/24/07, David Gippner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When using any convert option of WinEdt with UTF-8, the File cannot be
compiled and is corrupted.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transpose just the midi

2006-12-31 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

you'll want to use the \transposition command

On 12/30/06, Neuro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excuse me,  one small questions.
How can I transpose just the midi output?

for example, French horn is in F; we want it sounds fifth lower than

Here are the examples,

0  %% file
1 horn = {
2 \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { Horn  \line { in
F } } }
3 \set Staff.midiInstrument = french horn
4 \clef treble
5 \key c \major
6 \time 4/4
7 c' 1 \ppp
8 \bar |.
9 }

00 %% file
01 \version 2.10.5
02 \include
03 \header { }
04 \score {
05 \horn
06 \layout { }
07 \midi{
08  \context {
09   \Voice
10   \remove Dynamic_performer
11   \remove Span_dynamic_performer
12   }
13  }
14 }

# so we can run
# lilypond

Now, the printed music is good, but the midi is not in tune.
It's in concert pitch C, but I want it written pitch C as in F horn,
is concert pitch F.

... sure we can transpose the horn (for example to the fwllowing file),
a whoe set of scores, re-run the lilypond for the midi.

0 %% file
1 horn = \transpose f c {
2 \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { Horn  \line { in
F } } }
3 \set Staff.midiInstrument = french horn
4 \clef treble
5 \key c \major
6 \time 4/4
7 c' 1 \ppp
8 \bar |.
9 }

00 %% file
01 \version 2.10.5
02 \include
03 \header {}
04 \score {
05 \horn
06 \layout { }
07 \midi{
08  \context {
09   \Voice
10   \remove Dynamic_performer
11  \remove Span_dynamic_performer
12  }
13  }
14 }

# so we can run
# lilypond

But, is there a simler way? perhaps like ...

\midi {
\transpose f c \horn

%% or

\midi {
\context {
\transpose f c \horn

%% or

\midi {
\context {
  \voice {
\transpose f c \horn

Thank you very much.
Nappy New Year


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond and editors

2006-12-03 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

If you are on Windows, I created this syntax highlighter for the Context

Here is the highlighter plug in I created:

First download/install Context editor, then download/copy the highlighter
file to the appropriate directory, then whenever you open a ly file in
context it will be highlighted, it also separates scheme code from
code style-wise.  I entered around 700 or so lilypond reserverd words in
highlighter and the sceme code appears with a gray background, it also
matches opening/closing brackets, hilights comments differently, etc. and
acceps unicode or ascii data.

So long as you only need ASCII then it's probably ok, but last time I
checked it did *not* support UTF-8 properly (even though it claims something
along the lines of utf-8 awareness on the front page) so at least for me,
it's pretty much useless.. YMMV of course..

my 0.02€

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bash: lilypond: command not found

2006-11-17 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

either type /home/silvio/bin/lilypond

OR add /home/silvio/bin to $PATH


sorry for such a trivial question:

if i tape

the shell answers:

GNU LilyPond 2.10.0
Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...

Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.

LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
For more information, see

so I though my installation was ok...
but with:

bash: lilypond: command not found

Sorry, nor the archivs neither google helped me...
I'm under Ubuntu

thanx for any hints

Passa a Infostrada. ADSL e Telefono senza limiti e senza canone Telecom

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: percussion midi ?

2006-11-13 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 11/13/06, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As long as you use a DrumVoice context to typeset the percussion, theMIDI output should automatically contain the corresponding drum soundsin channel 10. /MatsIn that case, something else is broken. I
ncluded is a snippet from 7.4.3 Percussion staves in the 2.10 manual (wrapped into a \score block)%begin lilypond\version 2.10.0\score { \new DrumStaff  \new DrumVoice = 1 { s1 *2 }
 \new DrumVoice = 2 { s1 *2 } \drummode { bd4 sn4 bd4 sn4  { \repeat unfold 16 hh16 } \\ { bd4 sn4 bd4 sn4 } 
 }  \layout {} \midi {}} %end lilypondThe produced midi does *not* sound like drums... (apart from only the first four notes audible...)/Simon
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF file

2006-11-11 Thread Simon Dahlbacka 11/11/06, Richik 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I've got the PDF file with the scale.I need to know how to get the program.
How do I get it on?Regards,Richik___lilypond-user mailing
lilypond-user mailing list

percussion midi ?

2006-11-11 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Hi all,I'm trying to add some percussion to my music and cannot seem to get midi working sensibly for the percussion, my assumption is that I cannot get lily to use midi channel 10. I tried to RTFM, but did not find anything related to this..
Have I missed something (simple) or is this a known limitation?regards, Simonoh, \version 2.10.0 on windows
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New User (Problems getting started)

2006-10-31 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 10/31/06, Cliff Pruitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey everyone,I'm just trying Lilypond for the first time today andI'm hoping this list is a resource that can help me out a bit.I use an Intel based Mac running OS X 10.4.8.I'm hoping to getLilypond running via the command line (not via the OS X GUI).The
hope is to use Lilypond for my church in some automated way, possiblyvia PHP running on our local network.I am unfortunately havingproblems with the setup though.First, the OS X binary seems to have some kind of problem locating a
font cache file (?).It says something about the missing file crossing my fingers, but it seems to compile the sample scale filenonetheless.So I can at least seem to get that far, butunfortunately that doesn't let me run Lilypond from the command line.
So second I tried the BSD installer version.The installer runsfile, but trying to actually run the binary fails with not much morethan a Problem executing binary type of message.I guess my first question would be, is there any way to run Lilypond
via the command line on an OS X system?If so, might anyone be kindenough to point me in the right direction on how to get it up running?I'm not a novice user and am somewhat familiar with Unix 
the command line, though I am by no means an expert on that end ofthings.Any help is greatly appreciated,Cliff___lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is Lilypond right for this need?

2006-10-31 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
In step 1 I need to just provide lyrics for my vocalists, and lyricswith chord names for the musicians.So for example I would need the
Lilypond equivalent of:GD C D Over all the earth You reign onGhighthe problem with this, is that you somehow will need to tell Lilypond how to sync the lyrics with the cords. And for that I think that it might be easiest to just write down the melody and sync the lyrics to that just like the following snippet (uncomment either of the commented choices to get desired effect).
harmonies = \new ChordNames \chordmode { b2 f2 es2 f2/es % and so on ...}thelyrics = \lyricmode { O -- ver all the earth You reign on high % and so on ...}melody = \relative c' {
 \key bes \major r4 d8 f a4 ~ a16 bes16 g8 ~ | g4 g f8. f16 ~ f8 f % and so on ...}\score {   \harmonies  % uncomment the following line for just chord sheet
  %\new Devnull = melody \melody  % uncomment the following line for melody sheet  %\new Voice = melody \melody\new Lyrics \lyricsto melody \thelyrics
   \layout { }}\paper {}I guess my questions is, is Lilypond geared toward formal music to
the extent that there is no easy way to use it for simple chordsheets until I become proficient enough to use it for melody lines?there might be simpler choices yes, but I don't have any names to give
hope this helps/Simon
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: question about midi2ly (mac osx)

2006-10-29 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 10/29/06, Peter O'Doherty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,I would be very grateful if some one could give me some pointers onusing midi2ly; I keep getting an error message in terminal. Here iswhat I do:The first command I enter is:/Applications/
That seems to work okay and I get a list of instructions for usingmidi2ly. But at the end of this list there appears this message:/Applications/ error:no
files specified on command line. From then on if I try to used midi2ly, for example by entering:midi2ly -e test.midiI receive only error messages like this (even if I only look for helpby entering midi2ly -h):
-bash: midi2ly: command not foundCan someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?Many thanks,Peter___lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Regarding unhelpful error messages.. (reproduction)

2006-09-29 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
So the example does not run as-is? After all is distributed with lilypond and is what makes swedish note names possible./SimonPS. And no, I haven't yet tried 2.9.19
.. will doOn 9/29/06, Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Simon,Please include complete examples in bugs.Your include line\include http://svenska.lyand use of notes like
dess8make it impossible for me to test this.That said, there was a bug that was recently fixed that disallowed musicfunctions with more than three variables.I suspect that your examplewill work in 
2.9.19.Cheers,- GrahamMats Bengtsson wrote: Simon Dahlbacka wrote: I sent a mail to bug-lilypond regarding unhelpful error messages in \version 2.9.16 (winxp/mingw)
 The included snippet produces these kinds of errors, but still produces more or less the intended output. Is this a bug or have I screwed up somehow?
 /Simon PS. (the \sourcefilename is just for debugging purposes..) Output: D:\Development\Scores\d:\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe GNU LilyPond 2.9.16 Processing `' Parsing... Renaming input to: `foo' string:0:0: error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting '='
 (position unknown) Renaming input to: `bar' Renaming input to: `baz' string:2:2: error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '=' } Renaming input to: `burp'
 Interpreting music... [6] Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... [3][6][7] Drawing systems... Calculating page breaks... Layout output to `'...
 Converting to `test.pdf'... % Begin \version 2.9.16
 \include pattern = #(define-music-function (parser location short long)
 (ly:music? ly:music?) #{ $short $short $short $short $long #}) \sourcefilename foo fluteInstrumental = \relative c'' { \pattern ess8 f2 |
 \pattern ess8 ass2 | \pattern ess8 { b'4. f8 } | f4 f, g8 ess'4 dess8 | c1 | r1 } \sourcefilename bar clarinetInstrumental = \relative c'' {
 \pattern d8 f2 | \pattern d8 g2 | \pattern d8 { a'4. g8 } | g4 g, a8 d4 c8 | b1 | r1 } harmoniesInstrumental = \chordmode {
 ass2 dess2:maj9 | ass2 dess2:maj7 | ass2 ess2/ass | ess4/g ess4 ess2:7 | } \sourcefilename baz pianoRHInstrumental = \relative c'' {
 \pattern c ess c'8 ess f ass ess'2 | \pattern c ess c'8 f ass f'2 | \pattern c ess c'8 { g' b ess g4.\ f f'8\! } | f b f'4 f, f'4\ g g'8 c c'4 b b'8\! |
 ass c ess ass1 ~ | ass c ess ass1 \bar || } \sourcefilename burp lhPattern = {  {r8 ess ass c } \\ { ass,2 dess f c'2 }  }
 pianoLHInstrumental = \relative c { \lhPattern \lhPattern  { r8 ess'='8 ass c, } \\ { ass2 ass, ess' b'2 }  |  { b'= dess f2 } \\ { g4 ess ess b' dess2 }  |
 ass, ass'1 ~ | ass ass'1 } staffFluteInstrumental = \new Staff { \time 4/4 \key ass \major \clef treble
 \fluteInstrumental } staffClarinetInBbInstrumental = \new Staff { \transposition b' \key b \major \clef treble
 \clarinetInstrumental } staffPianoInstrumental = \new PianoStaff {  \context Staff = RH { % Right hand \clef treble
 \key ass \major \pianoRHInstrumental } \context Staff = LH { % Left hand \clef bass \key ass \major \pianoLHInstrumental
 }  } \score {  \staffFluteInstrumental \staffClarinetInBbInstrumental \staffPianoInstrumental
  } % End 
 ___ lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: advanced \tag -ing

2006-09-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
it seems you would need the \chordcombine that I've been requesting/thinking about trying to implement, but never gotten to..On 9/18/06, Jan Janovcik 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi,thank for the suggestion with \partcombine, it does indeed part of the job, it merges the noteheads, but it also changes the directions of the stems at the same time and that is undesirable. What I would need is something that would merge the noteheads and keep the stems down ( the result of merging is supposed to be voiceTwo ) Is this even possible, any ideas?
Jan Janovcik___lilypond-user mailing
lilypond-user mailing list

Fwd: Lilypond + LaTex (on Mac)

2006-09-17 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
[Resending my mail to maillist, since Reply does not do the right thing]-- Forwarded message --From: Simon Dahlbacka 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sep 17, 2006 12:51 PMSubject: Re: Lilypond + LaTex (on Mac)To: Peter O'Doherty [EMAIL PROTECTED]you have the .profile in the wrong place, that is, do *NOT* do step 2 so that .profile ends up in your home directory
/SimonOn 9/17/06, Peter O'Doherty
Thanks for this Graham (and your patience!). I think I messed it up
somewhere. Here's what I have:1) is in /applications folder2) I call up a terminal and see this:ip5455a71f:~ peter$ cd '/Applications/'ip5455a71f:/Applications peter$3) Then I type:
nano4) next: I hit CtrlR.Type .profile and hit Enter.I get : File to insert [from ./] :5) I type .profile andhit Enter6) This is what I now get:export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/
Contents/Resources/binexport PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Apps/ for some reason I get a combination of Geoff's suggestion and yoursuggestion.What should I do here?

 Geoff Horton wrote: Thanks, Graham. So here's what Peter (and I) need to do, assuming that you moved the LilyPond app off your desktop and into the Applications folder:
 Werner mentioned altering the documentation.Just in case you don't have it handy, here's the link:
 1) Open a new terminal window. Make sure to hit Return at the end of that line, and make sure not to add any spaces before the colon, which has to be there. My line
 looks like this: export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/ IMO, it's better to do this: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Apps/
 That way the existing path is still used, even if it's set somewhere else (say, /etc/profile). 8) Type CtrlX, which closes the editor. All of these can be condensed to
 $ cat export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Apps/ bin  ~/.profile (or something like that; please test it before suggesting a doc change)

 11) Open a new terminal window and see if lilypond-book works now. Peter, did you do this?After making the change, you _must_ quite terminal and then re-start it.In addition, are you sure you have
 the right directory?Where did you put lilypond? Cheers, - Graham___lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Regarding unhelpful error messages.. (reproduction)

2006-08-28 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
I sent a mail to bug-lilypondregardingunhelpfulerrormessagesin\version2.9.16 (winxp/mingw) The included snippet produces these kinds of errors, but still produces more or less the intended output.Is this a bug or have I screwed up somehow?
/SimonPS. (the \sourcefilename is just for debugging purposes..)Output:D:\Development\Scores\d:\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe test.lyGNU LilyPond 2.9.16
Processing `'Parsing...Renaming input to: `foo'string:0:0: error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting '=' (position unknown)Renaming input to: `bar'Renaming input to: `baz'
string:2:2: error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '=' }Renaming input to: `burp'Interpreting music... [6]Preprocessing graphical objects...Calculating line breaks... [3][6][7]
Drawing systems...Calculating page breaks...Layout output to `'...Converting to `test.pdf'...% \version 2.9.16\include 
svenska.lypattern = #(define-music-function (parser location short long) (ly:music? ly:music?)#{	$short $short $short $short $long #})\sourcefilename foo
fluteInstrumental = \relative c'' {	\pattern ess8 f2 |	\pattern ess8 ass2 |\pattern ess8 { b'4. f8 } |f4 f, g8 ess'4 dess8 | c1 | r1}\sourcefilename barclarinetInstrumental = \relative c'' {
\pattern d8 f2 |\pattern d8 g2 |\pattern d8 { a'4. g8 } |g4 g, a8 d4 c8 |b1 | r1	}harmoniesInstrumental = \chordmode {ass2 dess2:maj9 |ass2 dess2:maj7 |ass2 ess2/ass |
ess4/g ess4 ess2:7 |	}\sourcefilename bazpianoRHInstrumental = \relative c'' {\pattern c ess c'8 ess f ass ess'2 |\pattern c ess c'8 f ass f'2 |\pattern c ess c'8 { g' b ess g4.\ f f'8\! } |
f b f'4 f, f'4\ g g'8 c c'4 b b'8\! |ass c ess ass1 ~ |ass c ess ass1 \bar || }\sourcefilename burp
lhPattern = {  {r8 ess ass c } \\ { ass,2 dess f c'2 }  } pianoLHInstrumental = \relative c {\lhPattern  \lhPattern { r8 ess'='8 ass c,  } \\ { ass2 ass, ess' b'2 }  |
 { b'= dess f2 } \\ { g4 ess ess b' dess2 }  |ass, ass'1 ~ |ass ass'1}staffFluteInstrumental = \new Staff  {\time 4/4\key ass \major
\clef treble	\fluteInstrumental}staffClarinetInBbInstrumental = \new Staff {\transposition b'\key b \major\clef treble\clarinetInstrumental	}staffPianoInstrumental = \new PianoStaff {
	 	\context Staff = RH {  % Right hand \clef treble\key ass \major\pianoRHInstrumental 			}\context Staff = LH {  % Left hand 		\clef bass			\key ass \major
			\pianoLHInstrumental 		}	}\score {			\staffFluteInstrumental		\staffClarinetInBbInstrumental		\staffPianoInstrumental		}% End
lilypond-user mailing list

\breathe in lily 2.9.14

2006-08-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Running the following file through lily 2.9.14 on winxp %\version 2.9.14\relative c' { c c \breathe c c }% end
Produces the following output:D:\Scores\lilypond --png breathe.lyGNU LilyPond 2.9.14Processing `'Parsing...Interpreting music...warning: Unknown event class breathing-sign-event[1]
Preprocessing graphical objects...Calculating line breaks... [2]Drawing systems...Calculating page breaks...Layout output to `'...Converting to PNG...and the resulting png (or pdf) does not show any signs of a breathing sign, am I missing something obvious?

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sized Contents

2006-07-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
lilypond --helpGNU LilyPond 2.9.10Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.For more information, see 
http://lilypond.orgOptions: -b, --backend=BACK use backend BACK (gnome, ps,eps, scm, svg, tex, texstr) default: PS
 -d, --define-default=SYM=VAL set a Scheme program option. Uses #t if VAL is not specified Try -dhelp for help. -e, --evaluate=EXPR evaluate scheme code -f, --formats=FORMATs dump FORMAT,... Also as separate options:
 --dvi generate DVI (tex backend only) --relocate relocate using directory of lilypond program --pdf generate PDF (default) --png generate PNG
 --ps generate PostScript --tex generate TeX (tex backend only) -h, --help print this help -H, --header=FIELD dump a header field to file 
BASENAME.FIELD -I, --include=DIR add DIR to search path -i, --init=FILE use FILE as init file --no-print do not generate printed output -o, --output=FILE write output to FILE (suffix will be added)
 -p, --preview generate a preview of the first system -s, --safe-mode disallow unsafe Scheme and PostScript operations -v, --version print version number
 -V, --verbose be verbose -w, --warranty show warranty and copyrightReport bugs via
..and you also might want to look at the various ragged-* options (e.g ragged-right and ragged-bottom)/SOn 7/18/06, 
Have a look at Section 13 of the manual, 'lilypond-book--integratingtext and music.' Easy!So, just to make sure, the only way to do this (create images of fragments) is by using lilypond-book to create html? I played around and got that working, but it would be much better if I could simply make just a png or eps and nothing else.
 about your operating system and which version of lilypond you run, as well as how you installed it.I'm running version 2.6.3 on SuSE Linux, installed using YaST.___
lilypond-user mailing listlilypond-user@gnu.org

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Newbie LilyPondTool installation help?

2006-07-14 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Try first reverting the console plugin to an older version, that did the trick for me (I think I have something like 4.1.3..)On 7/14/06, Stephen Corey 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:On Wed, 12 Jul 2006 13:43:09 +0100, Joseph Anderson wrote:
 Hello All, I'm looking for a bit of help getting LilyPondTool up and running on MacOS X (10.4.7). I've downloaded jEdit 4.2, and have the following plugins installed:
 Console ErrorList 1.4 Jakarta Commons 0.4.4 Latest Version Check 1.5 LilyPondTool 0.2.9 Mac Os Plugin 3.0 QuickNotepad 4.2 SideKick 
0.3.4 Templates 3.3.0 I believe I'm running java 1.5, as from the terminal window, java -version reports back: java version 1.5.0_06. I have LilyPond 2.9.10 installed--and it can be run from the command line, along with things like convert-ly.
 The toolbar for LilyPondTool does appear in jEdit, however I'm having problems running LilyPond from within jEdit/LilyPondTool. With a simple test file, clicking the Convert to newer version button produces the following in BeanShell error:
 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: console.Console.setShell(Ljava/lang/String;)V at lilytool.LilyToolPlugin.runCommand( at lilytool.LilyToolPlugin.runCommandOnBuffer
( at lilytool.LilyToolPlugin.runCommandOnBuffer( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at 
bsh.Reflect.invokeOnMethod( at bsh.Reflect.invokeStaticMethod( at bsh.Name.invokeMethod( at bsh.BSHMethodInvocation.eval(
:72) at bsh.BSHPrimaryExpression.eval( at bsh.BSHPrimaryExpression.eval( at bsh.BSHAssignment.eval(
 at bsh.BSHBlock.evalBlock( at bsh.BSHBlock.eval( at bsh.BSHBlock.eval( at bsh.BSHIfStatement.eval(
:48) at bsh.BSHBlock.evalBlock( at bsh.BSHBlock.eval( at bsh.BSHBlock.eval( at bsh.BSHIfStatement.eval(
:48) at bsh.BSHBlock.evalBlock( at bsh.BSHBlock.eval( at bsh.BshMethod.invokeImpl( at bsh.BshMethod.invoke(
:246) at bsh.BshMethod.invoke( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.BeanShell.runCachedBlock( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.BeanShellAction.invoke(
 at org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.InputHandler.invokeAction( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit$3.invokeAction( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditAction$Wrapper.actionPerformed
( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( at 
javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased
( at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased( at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased( at 
java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased( at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent( at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
:3126) at java.awt.Component.processEvent( at java.awt.Container.processEvent( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
 at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
:4256) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl
( at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
:463) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( at 
java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at
:110) There's a similar error for the Run LilyPond button. Any clues as to what I need to do to get things working properly? Thanks for the help!
 J Anderson 

Re: Evolutionary User Strategy - A Compromise

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 7/12/06, Erik Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 12:59, Anthony Youngman wrote: Something I thought of (having seen the comment about convert-ly using grep ...)It's not using grep, but it relies heavily on regexps (so it can somewhat
fairly be compared to sed). I've got an on-off thing about writing a DATABASIC compiler (never mind) and have come across a tool called Antlr. It is a compiler-compiler and generates lexers, parsers and treeparsers.
 IF someone wants to put the effort in, it may (or may not be) easy to define various grammars to read in and chuck out different music formats. It sounds as though a lot of the problems (like the swap
 between   and   for example) would be easy. Especially given lilypond's structure it looks like it would be fairly easy to define grammars which can read in or chuck out different lily version syntaxes,
 even the \addLyrics / \oldAddLyrics thing maybe.I'd rather have a look at parsing _expression_ grammars, see:
Seems to combine simplicity of regexps with the power of CFGs. Doesn't seem tobe widely implemented though.another possibility might be to upgrade convert-ly to use something like pyparsing (
http:// Still, you can't make a 100% perfect converter../S
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

2006-07-10 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

Bruce, sorry to be rude but:

Being forced to absolute backward compatibility sucks, and having to
keep compatibility with e.g. 2.4 2.6 and 2.8 sucks even more, and
makes the code base bloated, less maintainable and probably a lot of
#ifdefs of what not that leads to more bugs..

Put it another way, you don't want to write your .ly files in such a
way that you can use whatever lilypond version to compile them and
get a perfect result. The developers most certainly does not want
absolute backwards compatibility, and they even bother so much as to
provide convert-ly to make the transition forward easier. Whose
arguments do you thing weigh more? Most developers develop lilypond in
their spare time just for the fun of it for all I know..

After all, this is free software, if you like, you can make your own
compatible-with-everything-even-all-the-bugs fork project..


On 7/10/06, Fairchild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Erik -

Thanks for contributing to this thread.  It is attempting to deal with an
important unresolved issue: seamless evolutionary transitioning of ly files.

Your suggested solution requires n versions residing entirely in the
user's machine, which would, as you point out, increase resident code by a
factor of n.  The code switching option requires parallel code only for
features that are interpreted differently for different versions, only
marginally increasing the size of the newer versions - far less size, and
hassle, than retaining several versions.

Marginally increasing the single package size is not a concern.  Through the
generations, memory and speed have increased to accommodate applications -
or maybe the other way around.  The first computer I used had 2000
bi-quinary ten-digit words on a drum.  Long-term memory was punched cards.
It was a fantastic improvement over its predecessor, the Card Programmed

Increasing processing time is a consideration, but testing a flag to select
from version-specific code segments would be barely measurable.

 - Bruce

-Original Message-
From: Erik Sandberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 3:12 AM
To: Fairchild
Subject: Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

On 7/9/06, Fairchild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 New scores could use new features and not have to work around the bugs
 of earlier versions.  Older scores that have been carefully tuned,
 compensating for earlier bugs, would continue to produce the intended
 result without having to be overhauled.  There would be no need to
 maintain multiple versions.

This basically implies that all old versions of lily must be included in the
new versions, so e.g. lilypond 2.10 will contain both version 2.10, 2.8, 2.6
and 2.4. Which means that the lilypond package grows by a factor 4. I think
a better solution would be that you create a script locally, which parses
the input ly file, reads the \version statement, and picks which lilypond
version to use to compile your ly file.


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Reading the fine manual.. hint [was Re: MultiMeasureRest - trying to be clever ...]

2006-07-05 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
And no disrespect, but I think Thibault is spot on with his firstsentence. The lilypond documentation is the size of a small novel!
Finding what you're looking for isn't easy.Personally, I find it easier to work with the one page html version and just let the browser search for hopefully good keywords. (The pdf version does not work as well due to the search being slower and I cannot seem to copy text from it..)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Reading the fine manual.. hint [was Re: MultiMeasureRest - trying to be clever ...]

2006-07-05 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 7/5/06, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, Simon (et al.): Personally, I find it easier to work with the one page html version and just let the browser search for hopefully good keywords. (The pdf version does not work as well due to the search being
 slower and I cannot seem to copy text from it..)Interesting...I find the PDF version *by far* my preferred source: the search isplenty fast enough for me, and I have no problem copying text.
hmm, it seems that the not being able to copy was a PEBKAC error.. but FWIW I still find the search faster in the html version (and the search while typing behavior better) (using Firefox)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: DYI \chordcombine

2006-06-21 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 6/21/06, Eduardo Vieira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi! Isn't \partcombine what you need?well... No, as can be seen from the example. (depending on if the \oneVoice:s are commented or not, I get different, but equally bad results.) Basically, I want to input the music as non-chords, but want lilypond to view them as chords.
%% Example startsmusic = \relative c' { %\oneVoice c4 c8 c8 c4 r4}musicTwo = \relative c' { %\oneVoice e4 e8 e8 e4 r4}musicThree = \relative c' { %\oneVoice
 g4 g8 g8 g4 r4}\score {  \partcombine { \partcombine \music \musicTwo } \musicThree \new Staff { \relative c' { c e g4 c e g8 c e g8 c e g4 r4 }
 }  }\paper { ragged-right = ##t }%% Example ends
- Original Message -From: Simon DahlbackaTo: lilypond-user@gnu.orgSent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 3:49 PMSubject: DYI \chordcombineI've been wanting something like \chordcombine, 
i.e. combine multiple voicesinto chords if they occur at the same time and same duration (possible edgecases not taken into account right now)How hard would it be to put together something like that myself, (a person
knowing close to nothing about scheme, but programmer by profession).That is, is it feasible, or should I just forget it right away?regards,Simon___
lilypond-user mailing listlilypond-user@gnu.org

lilypond-user mailing list

chordnames vs lyrics problem

2006-06-13 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
I'm trying to typeset a SATB piece, with chords for pianoThe problem: the sopranos partially have their own lyrics (three verses, so it takes a lot of room)
If I put the ChordNames above the lyrics, the placement of the chords looks rather stupid where the sopranos sing the same as the rest,
I tried putting the cords under the lyrics and tweak the cordnames up above the lyrics where necessary, but this also moves the lyrics upI tried putting the ChordNames under the lyrics, and moving up, but this was not successful.
* I tried doing the moving with \once \override ChordNames.ChordName #'Y-offset = #6and%\once \override ChordNames.ChordName #'Y-offset = #-6respectivelyAttached2, and chords above with tweak, and chords below with tweak
What I would like: I want the chordnames under where there are no special soprano lyrics, but over the special soprano lyrics. How can I accomplish such a thing?regards,

SimonPS. lily 2.8.4 on winxp

Description: PNG image

Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: chordnames vs lyrics problem

2006-06-13 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
My best proposal is to typeset the ChordNames below thelyrics. When there is lyrics, you move the ChordNames up
and the lyrics down (I would have used the extra-offsetproperty, but it seems that you have found another option).I found another option, yes, but it did not work (Y-offset that is)But thanks for steering me in the right direction,
it seems changing Y-offset also affects surrounding grobs, while extra-offset just moves the one affected.(Looking again in the reference, the extra-offset seems obvious now: This
offset is added just before outputting the symbol, so the typesetting
engine is completely oblivious to it. but that Y-offset affects surrounding grobs is not obvious from the reference (for me at least) The vertical amount that this object is moved
relative to its Y-parent)I now solved it by typesetting the ChordNames below the lyrics, andtweak the chord with\once \override ChordName #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 10)and tweaking each of the lyric verses with
\override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -4)and after that I get the output I want (see attachment) I mention this in the event it benefits another user..regards,Simon
Simon Dahlbacka wrote: I'm trying to typeset a SATB piece, with chords for piano
 The problem: the sopranos partially have their own lyrics (three verses, so it takes a lot of room) If I put the ChordNames above the lyrics, the placement of the chords
 looks rather stupid where the sopranos sing the same as the rest, I tried putting the cords under the lyrics and tweak the cordnames up above the lyrics where necessary, but this also moves the lyrics up
 I tried putting the ChordNames under the lyrics, and moving up, but this was not successful. * I tried doing the moving with \once \override ChordNames.ChordName #'Y-offset = #6
 and %\once \override ChordNames.ChordName #'Y-offset = #-6 respectively Attached2, and chords above with tweak, and chords below with tweak What I would like: I want the chordnamesunder where there are no
 special soprano lyrics, but over the special soprano lyrics. How can I accomplish such a thing? regards, Simon PS. lily 2.8.4 on winxp
___lilypond-user mailing BengtssonSignal ProcessingSignals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of TechnologySE-100 44STOCKHOLMSwedenPhone: (+46) 8 790 8463Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260Email: 

Description: PNG image
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Re: How to work with makefile?

2006-06-01 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 6/1/06, Anthony W. Youngman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Eduardo Vieira[EMAIL PROTECTED] writesHello list! Once in a while I see .ly examples posted in this list in a zip file
containing several pieces and a file called makefile. I suppose it is to putall the parts together. Is it possible to work with it Windows?If you're running it under Cygwin ...
'make' is part of the GNU development tools. I use it, but I'm currentlyusing the ?mingw version of lilypond and don't know how to get make towork with least on there is a mingw version of make, so it seems it might be possible, I haven't yet had the time to try, but I'll see during the weekend../Simon 
Cheers,Wol--Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot ukHEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be agood idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999___lilypond-user mailing
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Re: Generating SVG in Windows

2006-05-03 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 5/3/06, Tomas Valusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,.ly files have context menu entry Create PDF. How to add an entry CreateSVG? Basically you fire up regedit, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Lilypond\shelland create another key, 
e.g. generatePDF (the name does not matter)as it's default value you add the string that should be visible in the context menu, eg Generate SVG ...add a subkey to that named commandand to that you add a default key along the lines of:
c:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-windows.exe -dgui -bsvg %1The actual path to lilypond depends on your installation...and you're done.bThe usual warnings about fiddling around in the registry apply/b
And the simple way for processing LilyPond files meant for olderversions would be nice as well - now it is impossible to download
anything older from Mutopia and generate output without using command line.Best wishesTomas Valusek___lilypond-user mailing list
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Re: Generating SVG in Windows

2006-05-03 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
On 5/3/06, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As far as I can understand, you can do exactly the same without regeditif you start a file browser, go to Tools - Folder options - FileTypes, mark LY file and click on Advanced. There you can add new
actions.yes, that produces the same effect in a safer way, sorry I forgot to remove my tech hat before answering, (actually, did not think of that at that moment)/Simon
Quoting Simon Dahlbacka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: On 5/3/06, Tomas Valusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, .ly files have context menu entry Create PDF. How to add an entry Create
 SVG? Basically you fire up regedit, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Lilypond\shell and create another key, e.g. generatePDF (the name does not matter) as it's default value you add the string that should be visible in the
 context menu, eg Generate SVG ... add a subkey to that named command and to that you add a default key along the lines of: c:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-
windows.exe -dgui -bsvg %1 The actual path to lilypond depends on your installation. ..and you're done. bThe usual warnings about fiddling around in the registry apply/b
 And the simple way for processing LilyPond files meant for older versions would be nice as well - now it is impossible to download anything older from Mutopia and generate output without using command
 line. Best wishes Tomas Valusek ___ lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: kill off acrobat reader before generating .pdf?

2006-04-18 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
No, it is not hard in any way, it's just annoying, especially when you forget to do it..On 4/18/06, Ben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Closing the document inside acrobat, and leaving Acrobat running? It's not that hard, on a windows box. Just click the small close icon. Nothing to it.
On 4/17/06, David Feuer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 4/17/06, Ben 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Actually, I've found that if you just close the document inside Acrobat
 Reader, the program runs fine. The data simply isn't changed if you leave it open. So, just close the document, and leave Reader running. I have had no problems doing this.The problem is that it's a major pain.

___lilypond-user mailing
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kill off acrobat reader before generating .pdf?

2006-04-17 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Hi,After getting annoyed with the fact that lilypond fails if I happen to keep Acrobat Reader open (since it for some curious reason holds an exclusive lock on the file)  when running it I wondered if lilypond could kill acrobat reader, before trying to generate the pdf?
It seems that it is possible using DDE (this is what texniccenter does).- does this belong in lilypond proper or in lilypond-mode (emacs) or insert editor of choice?- if all else fails I suppose I could create my own wrapper that took care of the problem..
How are you guys dealing with this?regards,SimonPS. Using lilypond 2.8 on winXP
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Re: kill off acrobat reader before generating .pdf?

2006-04-17 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
FWIW, I experimented a bit with the wrapper theory myself, attached is a python script that closes a specified file using DDE (requires pywin32 extensions)regards,Simon
On 4/17/06, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Outright killing the EXE would be problematic for those of us who keep Adobeopened with the user manual and other documents while coding lilypond.It should instead issue a Close request to Adobe telling it to close the
file name if it's currently opened.Yes I believe Adobe Reader exposes apublic Close method that can be called by getting an object reference to therunning EXE.I think you can get an Adobe developers manual/kit from Adobe
that would document how to do this prgrammatically maybe using Windowsscripting host.Simon Dahlbacka wrote: Hi, After getting annoyed with the fact that lilypond fails if I happen to
 keep Acrobat Reader open (since it for some curious reason holds an exclusive lock on the file) when running it I wondered if lilypond could kill acrobat reader, before trying to generate the pdf?
 It seems that it is possible using DDE (this is what texniccenter does). - does this belong in lilypond proper or in lilypond-mode (emacs) or insert editor of choice?
 - if all else fails I suppose I could create my own wrapper that took care of the problem.. How are you guys dealing with this? regards, Simon
 PS. Using lilypond 2.8 on winXP ___ lilypond-user mailing list this message in context: from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at
lilypond-user mailing listlilypond-user@gnu.org
Description: application/python
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Re: Starting up

2006-04-04 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
In the Format menu in Notepad++ you can choose the option Encode in UTF-8 that should be all that is required, hope this helps..regards,SimonOn 4/4/06, 
Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting Tomas Valusek [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hello, I'm a Czech music teacher. I'm visually impaired, so creating scores graphically is very tiring for my eyes. I just downloaded and
 installed LilyPond 2.8.1 on WindowsXP Pro Czech edition. As a Czech user, I'd like to use Czech accented characters within text elements in LilyPond. 1. I have never used Unicode-capable text editor, all my plain-text
 files are stored using cp1250 codepage. I'd like to use Notepad++ (based on Scintilla engine) as an input file editor. Is there any support for this editor? How to save an input file so that CZ
 characters appear correctly in output?The simple answer is that you need an editor that can savefiles using UTF-8 encoding. You know more about Notepad++ than I do.There are a number of proposed editors listed somewhere in the on-line
documentation. 2. Is there a way to output LilyPond score as a raster image with preset dpi value (e.g. 300, 600 dpi), so that I could create short music examples and insert them as images into Windows word processor?
See the section on Invoking LilyPond. I hope you are familiar to thecommand prompt in Windows. Then it's easy to use whatever flags toLilyPond, such aslilypond --png
 /Mats___lilypond-user mailing
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combining stems

2006-03-28 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
I'm (a relative newbie) trying to typeset a choir-type piece, where I'd have SAT on one staff, *with* combined stems,Now, I realize that I can do it by adding everything as chords, but this does not feel natural to me, and I'd like to keep the different voices separate in the input file if at all possible,
I tried to set them as different voices, and overriden stem direction to be \stemUp, which is not ideal but better than S-up A-down T-up. This works, sort of, as long as the duration is quarternotes or longer (and ignoring the fact that I get a sh*tload of warnings), the beams do not combine, rendering things seen in attached screenshot, 
(fromsopranThree = \relative c' { d8 e16 f ~ f8 g16 e ~ e8 d16 c r8 c16 d ~ | d8 e16 f ~ f8 g16 a ~ a4 ~ a8 d16 d16 ~ | \key g \major d1 |}altThree = \relative c' { b8 c16 d ~ d8 d16 c\( ~ c8 a16 g\) r8 g16 b ~ |
 b8 c16 d ~ d8 d16 g ~ g4 g8 h16 h ~ | \key g \major a1 |}tenorThree = \relative c' { s1 | s4 s8 s16 d16 ~ d4 ~ d8 g16 g( | \key g \major fiss1 |})So, how am I supposed to merge stems and beams (into chords, but without writing them as chords)?
regards,SimonI'm using 2.8.0 on windows FWIW.A somewhat related note, the documented behaviour about stem directions when using \partcombine seem to be off, or there's a bug in section
 8.3.1 Automatic part combining

Description: PNG image
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Re: Regression Tests?

2006-03-27 Thread Simon Dahlbacka to be a good guess :)/Simon
On 3/22/06, Edward Ardzinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm confused, trying to read old posts...What is the Regression Tests documents?Where do I locate them?I'm using 2.6.5 on a Win XP/Home machine...right now I'm at a point where Iwant to alter the way a couple of chords are printed, probably common tricks.
I want a 13th to just have 13 in the chord symbol rather than 9 add 13(which I know is really the same thing), and want a half diminished chord to beprinted out as a m7b5...
I've seen some posts about these subjects, but always mentioningthe Regression Tests, and that detail stumps me!Thanks!___lilypond-user mailing list
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indicate where melody continues

2006-03-20 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Hi,I'm trying to create a sheet where there are at times two voices (but mostly one) on one staff and occasionally it is not obvious which one is the melody and which is the second voice, so I'd like to have some kind of indication where the melody continues, (like an arrow or glissando-ish line or something similar)
I have essentially the followingmelody = \relative c' {c d g b % let's say I want an indication here between d and g}second = \relative c' {e f e f}and \score {\context Staff = full 
\context Voice = melody {\melody\second}}I tried using a \glissando (and it would have been good enough if it only worked), but inevitably the line went from the d in the melody to the e in the second voice :( , and the same problem also with phrasing slurs.
Now, this is more or less the first song I'm typesetting so I'm a newbie, so hopefully there is something simple I've overlooked. In that case I'd appreciate a pointer to where to start to RTFM ;)regards,
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