Manual in the terminal

2020-04-17 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I know you can access to the manual page inside a terminal with "info
lilypond", but I was wondering if there was also a similar option available
to access the "internal documentation", without having an access to the
internet and without having to download the pdf page? It would be so helpful
to do something like "lilypond --internal | grep Slurs" which will show me
instantly the options available!

Sent from:

Re: Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-10 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> \version "2.20.0"
> #(define-markup-command (subUp layout props f1 f2) (markup? markup?)
>(interpret-markup layout props
>  #{ \markup \overtie \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } #}))
> subst = #(define-music-function (f1 f2) (markup? markup?)
>#{ \finger \markup \subUp #f1 #f2 #})
> substII = #(define-music-function (f1 f2) (markup? markup?)
>#{ \finger \markup \overtie \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } #})
> \relative c' {
>c1\finger \markup \subUp "1" "2"
>c\subst "1" "2"
>c\substII \markup \with-color #red "1" \markup \circle "2"
> }
> NOTE: In general, prefer markup? to string? for markup-related 
> arguments.  You never know when you might want to provide more than just 
> simple text as demonstrated above.
> -- Aaron Hill

That was very instructive, thank you very much!
The third example was definitely the best one.

Sent from:

Re: Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
But I don't understand, why is that shortcut also not working then?

#(define-markup-command (subUp layout props f1 f2)
(string? string?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
   \markup {
 \overtie \line { \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } }

subst = \finger \markup \subUp \etc

\relative c' {
  c1\finger \markup \subUp "1" "2"
  c\subst "1" "2"

Sent from:

Re: Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
Of course, thanks!

Sent from:

Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

Quick question, I made the following shortcut which draw an arrow of custom

#(define-markup-command (arrow layout props size) (number?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
  (#:fontsize 3
  (#:general-align 0 -1
  (#:override (cons (quote thickness) 2)
(#:draw-line (cons 0 size))
(#:arrow-head 1 -1 #f

\relative c' {
  c1^\markup \arrow #2


I wonder, is it possible to skip the \markup declaration before the command
and just have to write something like c1^\arrow #1 ?

Sent from:

Re: TextScript baseline in Dynamics context

2020-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
Stefano Troncaro wrote
> Hi Kieren, I was not aware of that function. Thank you for sharing it and
> thank you Harm for coding it!

Very interesting function! But I think there is a bug when using a separate
Dynamics line. See the following example:

\version "2.20.0"


  \new Staff \relative c' {
c4\dynamicH "{ppp} misterioso"
\repeat unfold 15 {

\new Staff \relative c' {
  \repeat unfold 16 {
\new Dynamics {
  s1\dynamicH "{ppp} misterioso"


I don't know why, but in the the second example, the dynmics "ppp" are not
centered correctly with the notehead.

Sent from:

Re: TextSpanner shortcut

2020-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> No worries.  Does this help?

That's perfect! Thank you very much :)

Sent from:

Re: TextSpanner shortcut

2020-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> span-type and span-text are for dynamic text spanners (e.g. 
> CrescendoEvent).  You can set these music properties for a 
> TextSpanEvent, but Text_spanner_engraver will just ignore them.
> Instead, you should \override or \tweak the bound-details of TextSpanner 
> to attach text to the left or right end of the span.  Something like 
> this avoids the need to use make-music:

Thank you Aaron for the explanation. I was trying the make-music solution as
I was also trying to make a generic function, something like:

c4-\mySpan "molto rit." d e f g1\stopTextSpan

Unfortunately, your solution doesn't allow that:
mySpan = -\tweak bound-details.left.text \etc \startTextSpan

I'm curretly re-writing my shortcuts and configuration files in lilypond. I
try to rationalize it and avoid the massive recourse of independent
shortcuts (for instance, rit=... , moltoRit=... etc.). Maybe that has
already been discussed somewhere else but I wasn't able to find the

Sent from:

TextSpanner shortcut

2020-03-17 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

Could anyone could tell me what's wrong with my shortcut?
It's printing the spanner correctly but not the text:

rit =
  #(make-music 'TextSpanEvent
   'span-direction -1
   'span-type 'text
   'span-text "rit.")

\score {
  \new Staff \relative c'' {
d e f

Sent from:

Makefile document improvement

2020-03-15 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I'm currently learning the use of Makefile and how to automate the creation
of lilypond files. In the process, it's important to keep a clean repertory
structure, as suggested in the documentation

However, I had problems when generating some midi files when you want them
to be placed automatically in the appropriate folder. The documentation
suggests this code:

# The pattern rule to create PDF and MIDI files from a LY input file.
# The .pdf output files are put into the `PDF' subdirectory, and the
# .midi files go into the `MIDI' subdirectory.
%.pdf %.midi:
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \   # this line begins with a tab
if test -f "$*.pdf"; then \
mv "$*.pdf" PDF/; \
fi; \
if test -f "$*.midi"; then \
mv "$*.midi" MIDI/; \

But if you have a bookoutputname set in your .ly file (for instance if you
want multiple midi files within the same file), this code won't work because
the midi file name won't match the original *.ly name and the generated
files will stay at the root folder. After some time thinking about that
problem (I'm not a bash expert at all), I came to this solution:

%.pdf %.midi:
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \   # this line begins with a tab
  for file in *; do \
if [[ $$file == *.pdf ]]; then \
  mv $$file PDF/; \
fi; \
if [[ $$file == *.midi ]]; then \
  mv $$file MIDI/; \
fi; \

What do you think, would it be a good idea to update the example in the
documentation or not?

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Re: Custom dynamic function

2019-12-17 Thread foxfanfare
I didn't see that post back in time. Thank you, I'll look into that!

Sent from:

Custom dynamic function

2019-12-17 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I am trying to make a shortcut which could easily create dynamic texts
without having the necessity to create a specific variable each time. Here
is my attempt :


\version "2.19.82"

dynI =
(markup #:line (#:left-align
#:normal-text "this is a long text")))

dynII =
  \tweak DynamicText.self-alignment-X #-1
(markup #:line (#:left-align
#:normal-text "this is a long text")))

dynIII =
  #(define-music-function (mymarkup) (markup?)
  (markup #:line (#:left-align
  #:normal-text mymarkup

  \relative c'' {
  \relative c'' {
  \relative c'' {
c1-\dynIII "this is a long text"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a6")


The problem I have is that Dynamics are always centered (as shown in the
first example). It needs a tweak of the self-alignment-X as show with my
second example. In my third example, I was able to create the correct
function but I can't find where to include the self-alignment-X to solve the
placement issue.

Does someone has any idea?

Sent from:

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-20 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> Thanks for the idea. I will look into that, but if I understand correctly,
> I
> have to launch the command separately from the Makefile? The idea was to
> include everything in it... But since I obviously have to change the
> beginning of my Makefile and get rid of the "%.pdf %.midi:", I will
> maybe find a better solution to move the file to their according
> directories
> with make.

Okay, here is the solution I found and seems to work by now:

CPU_CORES=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -m1 "cpu cores" | sed s/".*: "//`
LILY_CMD = lilypond  \
-ddelete-intermediate-files \

general = \
instrumentation.ily \
liens.ily \
presentation.ily \

# Piano (Solo)
piano-solo.%.pdf: \ \
notes.piano-solo.%.ily \
dialogues.%.ily \
global.%.ily \
pedales.%.ily \
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \
mv "piano-solo.$*.pdf" PDF/piano-solo/; \
mv "piano-solo.$*.midi" MIDI/piano-solo/

# Piano (Primo)
piano-primo.%.pdf: \ \
notes.piano-primo.%.ily \
dialogues.%.ily \
global.%.ily \
pedales.%.ily \
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \
mv "piano-primo.$*.pdf" PDF/piano-primo/

# Piano (Secondo)
piano-secondo.%.pdf: \ \
notes.piano-secondo.%.ily \
dialogues.%.ily \
global.%.ily \
pedales.%.ily \
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \
mv "piano-secondo.$*.pdf" PDF/piano-secondo/

# Piano (Duo)
piano-duo.%.pdf: \ \ \
piano-primo.%.pdf \
piano-secondo.%.pdf \
notes.piano-primo.%.ily \
notes.piano-secondo.%.ily \
dialogues.%.ily \
global.%.ily \
pedales.%.ily \
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \
pdftk PDF/piano-secondo/piano-secondo.$*.pdf \
PDF/piano-primo/piano-primo.$*.pdf \
shuffle output PDF/piano-duo/piano-duo.$*.pdf

I can now make all the different parts, create automatically the layout of a
piano 4-hands score, and move all the generate files in the appropriate
directories. I don't know if this solution is a "good way" of using make,
what do you think? At least, it seems to work... :)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-20 Thread foxfanfare
Karl Hammar wrote
> Where have you found that?

In the LilyPond documentation:

I think I found the problem and it is related to that part. I copied the
beginning of the example you can see in the documentation, for instance:

CPU_CORES=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -m1 "cpu cores" | sed s/".*: "//`
LILY_CMD = lilypond -ddelete-intermediate-files \
.SUFFIXES: .ly .ily .pdf .midi
%.pdf %.midi:
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \
if test -f "$*.pdf"; then \
mv "$*.pdf" PDF/; \
fi; \
if test -f "$*.midi"; then \
mv "$*.midi" MIDI/; \

score.%.pdf: notes.%.ily markup.%.ily


And in that case, make only update when is new, but not the other
In the other hand, that Makefile works:

score.%.pdf: notes.%.ily markup.%.ily
lilypond $<


So I guess the problem is because of the rule you pointed out. I'm really
unfamiliar with make and how this works, I just thought it was a good idea
to copy the one in the documentation. Apparently not!

Karl Hammar wrote
> mv *versionA* folder
> for i in A B C D; do mv *version$i*.pdf PDF/version$i; done 

Thanks for the idea. I will look into that, but if I understand correctly, I
have to launch the command separately from the Makefile? The idea was to
include everything in it... But since I obviously have to change the
beginning of my Makefile and get rid of the "%.pdf %.midi:", I will
maybe find a better solution to move the file to their according directories
with make.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-20 Thread foxfanfare
Karl Hammar wrote
> piano-solo.%.pdf: \
>   $(general) \
>   dialogs.%.ily \
>   global.%.ily \
>   notes.piano-solo.%.ily \
>   pedals.%.ily
> ...

Little update for those interested by that problem, actually, that solution
doesn't work properly. In that example, the problem I have with the % sign
is that it doesn't seem to apply correctly to any of the dependencies,
except the first one which share the same name with the target. So if I
update a dependency (like dialogs.01.ily), make will not recompile
piano-solo.01.pdf. It only works when updating ...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-19 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> Would using a function help?

Thanks Aaron for your answer. I tried your solution but it crashes in my
situation. I think I understood where the problem is, it seems to be because
of the use of a variable, for instance:
\version "2.19.83"

fetch = #(define-scheme-function (pet) (string?)
   #{ \include #(string-join (list pet "ily") ".") #})

\fetch "kitten"
\fetch "puppy"

\version "2.19.83"
mytextI= "I like kittens."
\markup  \myTextI

\version "2.19.83"
myTextII = "I like puppies."
\markup \myTextII

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-19 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

Another question... In the documentation page, about Make, there is that
rule which will make the PDF and the MIDI and move them in their own

%.pdf %.midi:
$(LILY_CMD) $<; \
if test -f "$*.pdf"; then \
mv "$*.pdf" PDF/; \
fi; \
if test -f "$*.midi"; then \
mv "$*.midi" MIDI/; \

For my project, I would like to create new folders in the PDF and MIDI
directory because I have to many files. As I am working on a project with
different versions, I would like for instance to do something like
PDF/versionA/... PDF/versionB/... etc. which would be more easy to navigate.

Does someone knows how I can test if the filename contains for instance
versionA in it, then if true, move it to its specific folder? I am
struggling with that problem for several days now but I'm not able to find
the solution...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-19 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote
> I don't get your point.  If you say that the assignment is not placed
> somewhere separate from the \include statement, it's a bit hard to see
> why you don't just roll the string in question into the \include
> statement in the first place.  The usual use case for an assignment like
> that is to be able to separate definition and use.

Maybe my objective was unclear. I am working on a quite huge project, a
musical theater made of 35 pieces. I also have to make different version of
the same work, piano solo, easy piano, for a small ensemble, and eventually
for an orchestra. I have decided to divide as much as possible everything in
separate files which could be included in the different versions (the
dialogues, the layout of the score, the notes, the pedals for the piano,

In the end, when I create the ly file which will contain only one piece, I
will have that kind of beginning:

\include ""
\include "configuration.ily"
\include "../../ily/liens.ily"
\include "../../ily/global/global.01.ily"
\include "../../ily/pedales/pedales.01.ily"
\include "../../ily/dialogues/dialogues.01.ily"
\include "../../ily/notes/piano-orgue/notes.primo.01.ily"
\include "../../ily/notes/piano-orgue/notes.secondo.01.ily"
\include "../../ily/instrumentation.ily"

and after only the shortcuts which will generate my score, in my case,
something like:

\book {

  \paper {
bookTitleMarkup = \titres-forme

  \score {
\keepWithTag #'(print piano-orgue I-tag)
\piano "1" \piece-I.primo
\header {
  piece = \piece-I.titre
  instrument = "primo"

The idea I had was to do something like this:

Create a new file (for instance "links.ily"), which would contain:

\include ""
\include "configuration.ily"
\include "../../ily/liens.ily"
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/global/global" num "ily" ) "." )
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/pedales/pedales" num "ily" ) "." )
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/dialogues/dialogues" num "ily" ) "."
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/dnotes/piano-orgue/notes.primo" num
"ily" ) "." )
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/dnotes/piano-orgue/notes.secondo"
num "ily" ) "." )
\include "../../ily/instrumentation.ily"

And then in the ily score, I would simply do something like:

num = "01"
\include "links.ily"

\score {

This would allow me to not write again for all the 35 pieces the same
I hope that makes now more sense!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-18 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote
> So you need to
> put basically anything after the assignment to "num" before calling the
> \include statement.

Thanks for your answer David, but I'm sorry I'm not following you here. What
should I call before the include statement exactly? Because the whole point
is that what comes after is referring to the file which had been include.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-18 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> I would suggest using \bookOutputSuffix, but you can certainly use a 
> little Scheme to concatenate the strings:

Is it also possible to use that kind of code with \include ? I tried
something like:

num = "01"

%\include "../../ily/global/global.01.ily"
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/global/global" num "ily" ) "." )

The first one work but not the second. Am I doing something wrong here?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-17 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> I can now choose which piece I want to generate, but do you know how I can
> also generate all the 35 pieces with the same command? (if possible)

I just understood how to achieve that, sorry for the noise!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-17 Thread foxfanfare
Karl Hammar wrote
> Try something like:
> piano-solo.%.pdf: \
>   $(general) \
>   dialogs.%.ily \
>   global.%.ily \
>   notes.piano-solo.%.ily \
>   pedals.%.ily
> ...
> Have a look at "Syntax of Static Pattern Rules" in make documentation
> $ info make
> Also, you could use a dependancy finder like:
> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Oh, that was easy! Thank you very much Karl!
I can now choose which piece I want to generate, but do you know how I can
also generate all the 35 pieces with the same command? (if possible)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Makefile help!

2019-10-16 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I'm currently working on a big project and learning how to use a makefile
for convenience. I'd like to know if some guys here knows how to write a
proper loop? I have the following example which can generate the PDF for
every single movement of a large set of pieces (there is 35 pieces in

piano-solo.01.pdf: \
$(general) \
dialogs.01.ily \
global.01.ily \
notes.piano-solo.01.ily \

piano-solo.02.pdf: \
$(general) \
dialogs.02.ily \
global.02.ily \
notes.piano-solo.02.ily \

... and so on! Is there a better way to write this only one time?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Music function interfere with variable name

2019-10-12 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote
> Naming a variable X will likely crash LilyPond since X is already used
> to designate the X axis and quite a bit of Scheme code depends on it.
> Try using longer variable names.

That's what I thought. Thank you David.

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lilypond-user mailing list

MetronomeMark customization

2019-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I wanted to customize the default appearance of the MetronomeMark. I wrote
some little functions to achieve that and I used them a lot in my recent

But now, I have in mind to prepare a new style sheet for which I would like
to avoid as much as possible my customized function, but use instead the
orginial lilypond syntax with a corrected appearance. This kind of subject
has been discussed recently about the ottava marks:

I would like to do the same now with MetronomeMarks. Here is the exemple to
demonstrate what I would like to achieve:

\version "2.19.82"

#(define-markup-command (metronomeText layout props text note number)
  (string? string? string?)
(interpret-markup layout props
 \markup {
   \hspace #0.25
   \medium {
 \general-align #Y #DOWN
 \fontsize #-4 \note #note #1
 \fontsize #-2 \sans \raise #0.2 =
 \hspace #-0.2
 \fontsize #-2 \bold #number

\paper {

  % uncomment if you have Old Standard TT installed
  % Global Fonts
  #(define fonts
  #:roman "Old Standard TT"

  #(set-paper-size "a6")


\score {
  \relative c' {
\tempo "Presto" 4 = 100
c2^"default" e4 g

\score {
  \relative c' {
\tempo \markup \metronomeText "Presto" "4" "100"
c2 e4 g



I personally change the roman font to Old Standard and the default result
for the MetronomeMark is quite ugly (in my opinion):
  1. The Metronome indication is too big
  2. I don't necessary like the parentheses and it should be set as an
  3. The note is too big. A traditional practice seems to keep the notehead
big and shorten the stem in order that it doesn't raise too far above the
  4. The equal sign is too big

That's the reason I tried to write the small function above "metronomeText"
but I would like to know if it is possible to incorporate this better in LP
code, which will allow the use of the standard \tempo command ? It would
also be possible for the midi to interpret it because now it cannot. This
force me to use two separate \tempo command, combined with specific tags,
one for the layout and one for the midi which is kind of annoying...

I looked in the .ly repertory but I wasn't able to find where those \tempo
shortcuts were defined... A little help would be muchly appreciated, thanks!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \partial and measure numbers

2019-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
N. Andrew Walsh wrote
> As I used to understand it, that first bar, with nothing but a rest, would
> count as bar 1. But in my score, it's getting counted as "measure 0". Is
> that expected behavior?


The traditional behavior is to not count a partial measure in the total, so
yes it should be counted as "0". If you want to count it, you should just
add \set Score.currentBarNumber = #2 before your first measure.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Music function interfere with variable name

2019-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

In my piano scores, I use a lot a music function which can draw little hook
to indicate the hand separation. We discussed this in this post :

I currently use the code that Harm wrote last year. The problem I just
encounter is when I use specific variable in my score, it could interfere
with the function. I cannot use the X anymore, like X.title if I want a
variable for the name of the 10th movement in my work. I guess it's related
to the absciss in the function but I don't have the skill to understand it

My question is the following, can this function be corrected to avoid that
bug or does that mean that I definitely cannot write anymore roman numbers
in my variables? (note that the function works when I write "x" but crashes
with "X").

Here is an example for clarification:

\version "2.19.82"

%% From
%% slightly changed
#(define (get-parent-in-hierarchie grob searchword)
  ;; goes up in hierarchie until it finds
  ;; a grob named searchword
  (define result #f)

  (define compare
(lambda (x)
  (and (ly:grob? x)
   (eq? searchword (grob::name x)

  (define (get-par grob)
(let* ((parx (ly:grob-parent grob X))
   (pary (ly:grob-parent grob Y)))

  (cond ((not(equal? result #f))
  result )
((compare parx)
  (set! result parx)
((compare pary)
  (set! result pary)
  (if (ly:grob? parx)
  (get-par parx))
  (if(ly:grob? pary)
  (get-par pary))
  ;; the inner function gets called from here
  (let* ((result (get-par grob)))
;; check if we found something
(if (ly:grob? result)

#(define (get-grob-most-left-relative-coordinate ref-point)
  ;; most suitable for container-grobs
  (lambda (grob)
(if (ly:grob? grob)
  ((eq? (grob::name grob) 'NoteColumn)
 (let* ((note-heads-array (ly:grob-object grob 'note-heads))
  (if (ly:grob-array? note-heads-array)
  (ly:grob-array->list note-heads-array)
(lambda (nh)
  (ly:grob-relative-coordinate nh ref-point X))
(sorted-note-heads-refpoints (sort note-heads-refpoints
  (if (not (null? sorted-note-heads-refpoints))
  (car sorted-note-heads-refpoints
   ((eq? (grob::name grob) 'AccidentalPlacement)
  (let* ((acc-list (ly:grob-object grob 'accidental-grobs))
 (lambda (acc)
   (ly:grob-relative-coordinate (cadr acc) ref-point
 (sorted-acc-refpoints (sort acc-refpoints <)))
   (if (not (null? sorted-acc-refpoints))
   (car sorted-acc-refpoints
 (if (ly:grob? grob)
 (ly:grob-relative-coordinate grob ref-point X
hook =
#(define-event-function (details direction)
  ((number-list? '(0 0 -0.85 3)) ly:dir?)
  (let* ((hook-markup
 #`((moveto 0 0)
   (rlineto ,(caddr details) 0)
   (rlineto 0 ,(* direction (cadddr details
   \tweak before-line-breaking
 #(lambda (grob)
(let* (;; grob-parent may be FingeringColumn
   (grob-parent (ly:grob-parent grob X))
   (note-head (get-parent-in-hierarchie grob 'NoteHead))
   (staff-pos (ly:grob-property note-head 'staff-position))
   (staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))
;; If `fingeringOrientations = #'(left)' and more than one fingering
;; is present, we need to go via FingeringColumn.positioning-done
(if fingering-column
(let* ((fingers-array (ly:grob-object grob-parent 'fingerings))
 (if (ly:grob-array? fingers-array)
 (ly:grob-array->list fingers-array)
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob-parent 'positioning-done
(lambda (x)

Re: Input syntax question

2019-10-01 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> Well, I was commenting more on the use of syntactic elements and emoji 
> within the name.
> I use letters (e.g. ChorusA, ChorusB) and Roman numerals (e.g. StanzaI, 
> StanzaII) when naming variables, to avoid the need to use actual numbers 
> that could be confused for durations.  So far, it seems to work well.
> That said, I have considered switching to quoted names in a few special 
> cases, since "Psalm 146" renders better than PsalmCXLVI.
> -- Aaron Hill

Thanks for the clarification. I really often encounter that problem, for
instance I'm currently working on a project with 35 pieces and 2 pianos. My
variable names are something like : XXXIII-ensemble.PII-LHI ... which I
don't find very easy to read... I think this quoted names solution may help
me in a lot!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Input syntax question

2019-09-30 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> Whether it is prudent to do such a thing is another matter.  (:

That's interesting, because I find very complicated to deal with variables
without any digits... especially when composing multiple pieces works. But
why would for instance \"01" not be safe?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Improving ly files readability

2019-09-19 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

This isn't a topic I was able to find in the archive. It may be not a very
interesting subject for most of you, but I hope to learn a bit more about
your own practices for making your files more readable and maybe improve
mine. By that, I mean, how do you use the comments lines to make clear
parts, sections, etc. through your file and make it nice to read. I also
wonder for instance how do you write nicely your titles at the beginning of
your files. Currently, mine looks that way but I'm not very satisfied:

 %%% (piano solo)  %%%


\version "2.19.82"
\language "nederlands"


% Files
\include "Global/fichiers.ily"


%* PDF *%

\book {

Sounds like a silly question, but maybe some of you came up with nice ideas
for making those comments lines more readable, espacially when you want to
show different levels of importance!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \bookpart question

2019-09-18 Thread foxfanfare
Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote
> What is the logic behind that being rejected, and the need to use a \paper
> block instead, which does what I want actually?

I Jacques. I think the page-count should be in a \paper block instead, and
at the end. Ex:

  \bookpart {
\new Staff = "HautboisDeux"
\with {
  instrumentName = "Hautbois 2"
  shortInstrumentName = "Hbs 2"
  \context Voice = "HautboisDeux" <<
\paper {
  page-count = 1

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lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Transpose

2019-09-10 Thread foxfanfare
I think the problem is that you're trying to engrave an a\minor chord in the
root position from a c\major in second inversion.
Lilypond won't guess how to adjust that with the transpose tool. 
But it should work smoothly if you use the same chord position for each

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Function for /score block

2019-04-26 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you very much Aaron and David!

I didn't really understand your conversation which is above my competences
but I was able to adapt your example with my situation. This will save me a
lot of time... !

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lilypond-user mailing list

Function for /score block

2019-04-24 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I have a piano book to write with several individual pieces. I'm currently
setting my environments and I have decided to devide in several files all
the configuration (one for the meters of all pieces, one for the dynamics,
etc.). I am working on a file which will set the layout of the score and
call all my predefine variables. Here is my model:

IA = {

  \new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = \markup \instrumentNameNumber "1"
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
\new Staff = "RH"
  \new Voice = "MDI" \IA-MDI
\audio { \context Voice = "MDI" { << \IA-dynamique \IA-pedale >> } }
  \new Voice = "MDII" \IA-MDII
\audio { \context Voice = "MDII" { << \IA-dynamique \IA-pedale >> }
  \new Voice = "MDIII" \IA-MDIII
\audio { \context Voice = "MDIII" { << \IA-dynamique \IA-pedale >> }
\new Dynamics \IA-dynamique
\new Staff = "LH"
  \new Voice = "LHI" \IA-MGI
\audio { \context Voice = "MGI" { << \IA-dynamique \IA-pedale >> } }
  \new Voice = "LHII" \IA-MGII
\audio { \context Voice = "MGII" { << \IA-dynamique \IA-pedale >> }
  \new Voice = "LHIII" \IA-MGIII
\audio { \context Voice = "MGIII" { << \IA-dynamique \IA-pedale >> }


This model will be sensibly the same between all my pieces. The only thing
that might change is the name of the piece (here it is "IA"). I wonder, is
it possible, instead of copying each time the same instrumentation, to call
this block in a function and replace each time the name of the piece by the
one defined? For instance, something like "\instrumentation #"IA"" or
"\instrumentation #"IB"", etc...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Automatic beaming with rest

2019-03-31 Thread foxfanfare
Kieren MacMillan wrote
> The documentation explicitly says “the autobeamer will not put beams over
> rests or bar lines”
> (;).
> I hope someone [with real Scheme-fu] offers you a function/callback/hack
> that will do it automagically, since I sometimes need the same thing!

Thanks Kieren, I read this page before posting, but the example that is
written in this chapter is really unconventional. That's why it seems
logical to put the bracket there. 

But in my case, it is a typical engraving rule and I was wondering if I
wasn't missing a little option like 
  \set BeamOverRest = ##t 

:-) Apparently I'm not! ;-)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Automatic beaming with rest

2019-03-31 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I have a score to write with a lot of beaming upon rests. Here is a short

\relative c' {
  c8 c c c c c c c
  c r c r c r c r
  c[ r c] r c[ r c] r

By default LP make the beam duration of a half note in 4/4. 
But is there a way to make the second line of my example to look like my
third line without writing manually the brackets each time?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Haiprin staff-padding

2019-03-20 Thread foxfanfare
Valentin Villenave-3 wrote
> You could try something like:
> \layout {
>   \context {
> \Staff
> \override DynamicLineSpanner.outside-staff-padding = #1.5
>   }
> }

Thanks for the tip Valentin, unfortunately, it doesn't work as expected... 

(I just realized that for some reasons, the forum just erase some characters
when I post it. That's the reason my example code isn't working well. I'll
upload the ly file directly to show you where the problem is.)

You can see that when I change the DynamicLineSpanner.outside-staff-padding,
in my example, this works great for the left hand but the hairpin between
the two staves is also moving without any apparent reason...   

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Haiprin staff-padding

2019-03-19 Thread foxfanfare
Kieren MacMillan wrote
> Also, please post examples that compile without errors.  =)

Oups, yes, here it is:

\version "2.19.82"

\relative c {
  \time 3/4
  \clef bass
  | r4..^"too closed" fis'16~\> 4
  | f(\! e) --
  |  (\< 2)\!
  | 4( ) 
  | g4.( fis8) 4

\relative c {
  \time 3/4
  \clef bass
  \override Hairpin.Y-offset = #-1.5
  | r4..^"a bit more spaced" fis'16~\> 4
  | f(\! e) --
  |  (\< 2)\!
  | 4( ) 
  | g4.( fis8) 4

Kieren MacMillan wrote
> You mean separate from the whole DynamicLineSpanner?

I don't know! Maybe I'm unclear. I just find that by default, the hairpins
are too close to the staff for my taste. I think I don't like the fact that
the distance between the top of the hairpin and the staff is smaller than
the staff-line-size.

I adjust them every time, but it's annoying and I was wondering if I wasn't
simply missing a setting for the distance between those lines and the staff?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Haiprin staff-padding

2019-03-19 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I wonder if there is an option to set a staff-padding value for hairpins? I
cannot find it, I would like to change the default distance of the hairpins
which I find a bit to close to the staves.

Here is an example:

\relative c {
  \time 3/4
  \clef bass
  | r4..^"too closed" fis'16~\> 4
  | f(\! e) --
  |  (\< 2)\!
  | 4( ) 
  | g4.( fis8) 4

\relative c {
  \time 3/4
  \clef bass
  \override Hairpin.Y-offset = #-1.5
  | r4..^"a bit more spaced" fis'16~\> 4
  | f(\! e) --
  |  (\< 2)\!
  | 4( ) 
  | g4.( fis8) 4

I know I can change this by setting a different Y-offset to Hairpin or
DynamicLineSpanner, but I wonder if there is a way to set a new
staff-padding value for all the hairpins?



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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \acciaccatura collision

2019-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
I personally don't see that as a bug, since avoiding the collision would make
the slur too tiny...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to decrase the inbeam space

2019-03-02 Thread foxfanfare
Павел Буданов wrote
> Or is there any command for automatic scaling notes with all elements
> including beams? 
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@

> example.png (9K)
> ;

Why simply use the magnifyMusic command?

\relative c' {
  \magnifyMusic 0.63 { a32[ b c d] }

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: The Guide to getting Point and Click going with Gvim under Ubuntu 18

2019-03-01 Thread foxfanfare
Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> The main part about point and click in general and the configuration in 
> Linux is basically ready. I just have to make a final review.
> I'll split the Windows part in a new post and probably pass the Mac 
> post to Davide, if he has time to finalize a draft he sent to me some 
> weeks ago.
> I'll try to do it next weekend (9-10 March).

Great! Let us know when you'll upload it :)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: The Guide to getting Point and Click going with Gvim under Ubuntu 18

2019-03-01 Thread foxfanfare
I tend to agree with Andrew on that, it may be impossible to set-up a guide
that could work in all cases, due to the variety of environments. Maybe it
is the reason the original guide is lacking so much of information...

>From my perspective in trying to figure out how to make a set-up with VIM, I
think the main information that was missing from the manual was a good
example of how LYEDITOR should be configured and also more explanations on
VIM servermode.

Andrew Bernard wrote
> In conclusion, I think an informal blog post on Scores of Beauty would be
> useful, and the simplest way to preserve this information, and others may
> want to add posts for other environmental setups.

I remembered Frederico talked in a previous post about having written a
draft on this subject, almost ready for lilypondblog. It would be
interesting to know where the project is by now? Maybe this would be a good
idea in order to solve the lack of information of the manual, without the
need to be exhaustive.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: repeat title

2019-02-24 Thread foxfanfare
Yes, and don't forget to add the page numbers to the right or left with:
\on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \number \fromproperty

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Gvim and lilypond and emacs

2019-02-24 Thread foxfanfare
Andrew Bernard wrote
> I am beginning to think a more extensive section on setting up point and
> click is needed in the manual. Perhaps when I comprehend it and deal with
> all the matters like 'press ENTER ...' appearing every time I click the
> and so on I could draft something. I'd still be using emacs but my current
> string quartet score of only 60 pages makes even emacs in lilypond mode
> slow down to the point of unusability, ten or fifteen seconds to position
> the cursor, on  a very fast computer workstation.

I agree, the manual isn't easy to understand on that point... Where do you
get your "press enter" messages, in your PDF viewer or in gvim?

I managed to get rid of all the messages and confirmation between vim and
zathura. You can check this thread if you already haven't:  Configuration
Point & Click


It seems to be the season of getting working point and click with some basic
text editor :-) I also liked very much frescobaldi but I had the same
problem as you mentioned, a huge latency when the project gets larger... I
hope simple text editor will solve that issue for me...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-24 Thread foxfanfare
Hey David,

There were some lags on the nabble forum some days ago, and I didn't saw
your answer before posting my solution using "nohup". I just tried yours and
I think it's better (at least the code is shorter!). And I learnt a new
command at the same time:) 

For those interested,  the mapping gives:
  map   :!zathura "%<.pdf" 2>/dev/null &
(note: I remapped to ctrl-p which I find more convenient)

I also managed to make working lilypond words for auto-completion! Looks

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-22 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> That is the reason why I call zathura from within vim. But I understand
> your
> point and where the problem is. As zathura and vim are sharing the same
> terminal, lilypond-invoke-editor message from zathura will appear in my
> vim
> file...
> So it would seem a better way to configure that would be to set a shortcut
> which first opens a new terminal and then launch zathura within... I'll
> try
> to figure this out, right now I don't know how to achieve that...

After a lot of experiments, I think I found the correct way to manage it.
Here is my new configuration in lilypond.vim 

"   view pdf with zathura 
map   :!i3-sensible-terminal -e nohup zathura "%<.pdf" &

Now vim opens a new terminal (i3-sensible-terminal could be replaced by
whatever terminal you use) and launch zathura in it before closing it. Now
messages from zathura are not interfering with the original ly file.
Everything works as expected! The only little annoying thing is that a new
file called nohup.out is created in the home directory. I guess it may be
common in linux, I'm not used to that, I personally don't like to see a lot
of files or folders I haven't created in my home directory...

So, I think I finally managed to get working correctly Point & Click in vim,
thought it wasn't as easy as I would have expected... Thank you everyone who
helped me solving that issue, especially Federico and David for the time
they spent trying to replicate my problem and helped me figuring it out!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-21 Thread foxfanfare
edes wrote
> it's fairly easy to have basic completion, you just need to define a
> dictionary for lilypond.

Thanks, I'll look into that!

David Wright wrote
> Had you told us why vim is essential, as opposed to gvim?

Because as far as I know, just configure in .bashrc export EDITOR="gvim" is
enough to get P&C working. You don't have to start server-mode, remote, etc.
It is really easier. For vim, you'd have to set-up correctly the LYEDITOR
variable which could be confusing (at least for me it is...)

David Wright wrote
> Does that warp the mouse to the vim window? (I'm not familiar with i3.)

No it doesn't but the window gets the focus and I can then directly write
into the file. Actually the whole purpose of using i3 is avoiding as much as
possible the use of the mouse and you could almost disable the trackpad. The
most important thing for me is the focus, not the fact my mouse jumps into
the vim file.

David Wright wrote
> Is this just opening the appropriate PDF when you press F6 in vim?

Yes precisely.

David Wright wrote
> What does it automate in the file manager? Opening the .ly file in
> vim, or opening the .pdf in zathura?

This allows me to automatically open .ly files in the right server-name
instance of vim in order to get P&C working. I also have added an alias in
.bashrc in order to correctly edit the ly files when opening from a
terminal. But this solution forces users to have only one instance of vim
(with tabs) to edit all the LP files. You can't have several windows with ly
files and P&C working at the same time...

David Wright wrote
> Here, you're double-clicking on a note and vim moves its cursor
> to the corresponding "b", right?

Yes, exactly. But the ly file gets a bit messy because of the
lilypond-invoke-editor line.

David Wright wrote
> Now I'm not sure why you need to start vim in the same xterm that
> started zathura.

Actually, I wanted to configure my system that way:
  1. I open a ly file in order to edit it
  2. I f I want to visualize the output, I can simply open the corresponding
PDF in another window by directly pressing a shortcut (F6 was already
pre-configured by default)
  3. I can click on the PDF and the cursor goes at the right position in the
ly file.

That is the reason why I call zathura from within vim. But I understand your
point and where the problem is. As zathura and vim are sharing the same
terminal, lilypond-invoke-editor message from zathura will appear in my vim

So it would seem a better way to configure that would be to set a shortcut
which first opens a new terminal and then launch zathura within... I'll try
to figure this out, right now I don't know how to achieve that...

Valentin Villenave-3 wrote
> This is completely off-topic, but: what’s that tiling environment
> you’re using? It looks neat! Is that pseudo-transparency or
> compositing? (I used to be a ratpoison user, but I switched to sway
> for the past few years.)
> By the way, if you speak French, feel free to join our dedicated ML if
> you haven’t:
> (we’re also setting up casual `LilyPond Café’ meetings in Paris
> starting in a few weeks).

As Aaron guessed, I've installed i3-gaps and the transparency of the
terminal or whatever window in i3 is managed with compton. Top bar is
polybar for now.

And yes I'm french :) Unfortunately, too far from Paris to join you (too
bad, I would have really liked that, it is a terrific idea). I haven't
subscribed yet to the french list but I sure will!
I don't know abroad, but I'm a bit despair to see that french musicians who
are using LP are really too few in regard of the quality of that software.
Actually, I'm thinking making some presentations of LP for my colleagues or
even working on some training for music students... I have some ideas, I'll
sure have to start a thread about that and get some advices...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-20 Thread foxfanfare
Hi everybody,

I didn't take the time to update the thread earlier because of intense
working, but I wanted to write a little more about the issue and the
solution that worked. I hope this could help some people who wants to make a
working environment for LP between VIM and zathura. BTW everything seems to
work "out of the box" with gvim, things get more complicated with vim.

The solution of using vim in servermode was right, I just didn't configure
it well between, remote and server-mode... So here's what I put in my

  export EDITOR="vim"
  export LYEDITOR="vim --servername LP --remote-tab-silent '+call
cursor(%(line)s, %(column)s)' %(file)s && wmctrl -a LP && exit"

This solution needs to edit lilypond files in a named vim instance (here
LP), that's why I use --remote-tab-silent in order to open new files without
errors in the same instance. I also installed wmctrl in order to focus the
ly file after clicking on the link in the PDF.

In usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/lilypond.vim

"   view pdf with zathura 
map   :!zathura "%<.pdf" &:!wmctrl -a LP

This opens the PDF and then focus the original file.

The .ly file must be called the servername LP then. For those using file
browser ranger, here's the line I've added to automate things:

ext ly = vim --servername LP --remote-tab-silent "$@"

And the the result in action.
There's still a lot of things to configure, but now Point & Click is working
as expected. The only little "problem" I couldn't solve, is that when
calling lilypond-invoke-editor, it returns a little message with the current
LilyPond version. And this message appears in the vim file which is a bit
annoying... You can see this in the screenshot. I have to refresh the
terminal in vim (ctrl+l) in order to get rid of this message and wasn't able
to find the solution for this. I don't know if there is a way to call
lilypond-invoke-editor silently? If someone has an idea I would be

I also still have to figure how to use correctly the auto-completion. In
lilypond.vim it is set with a shortcut (ctrl+n), but this works only with
words that are already written in the file... Does someone knows how to
configure vim in order to have the access of the whole LP syntax and make
suggestions like in frescobaldi?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-05 Thread foxfanfare
Okay, I think I solved the issue. I'll update this post with the correct
solution and some of my configuration when I'd be sure it's working properly
(for those interested!).

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-04 Thread foxfanfare
Hey David,

David Wright wrote
> I'd be interested to know what configuration command you're using in
> zathura to handle the clicks.

Actually I didn't change anything in my zathura config file yet. I use
Zathura + zathura-pdf-poppler as it allows me to update the pdf
automatically when it is actualized. I simply double-click on notes, or just
use "f" to follow link if I don't want to use the mouse (when I'm lazy :-) )

David Wright wrote
> Clicking a note seems to have no effect, left, right or centre,
> ± shift ± control. However, double clicking a note opens my browser,
> searching unproductively for the textedit string.

Have you tried opening your file and zathura directly from a terminal.
Because for me this solved this browser thing...

OK, I have made newer test (I still haven't given my hopes in making VIM a
good environment for LP!) and discovered some interest things I wanted to

1. If I put in .bashrc export EDITOR=gvim, everything works perfectly
between gvim and zathura. I get a simple warning in the terminal when I
check, like yours (E247: no registered server named "GVIM": Send failed.
Trying to execute locally) but I think it is normal. The documentation tells
lilypond-invoke-editors is calling "gvim --remote +:line:normcolumn file".
That's why the message is prompting, it is calling a server mode without a
name. But this warning isn't very important as everything is then just
working great. You can click on the scores, gvim reacts correctly (you just
have to click enter which is annoying...) but no error message, the cursor
is going at the right place and it opens in the same gvim instance. So first
conclusion, it isn't a problem of configuration in zathura and the E247
isn't a problem.

2. Setting in.bashrc export LYEDITOR="gvim --remote '+call cursor(%(line)s,
%(column)s)' %(file)s" works also without any bug. Same as above.

3. Renaming "gvim" to "vim" in both scenarios will cause the exact same
problems as I have described along this thread. The swap problem when
opening the same file is an issue but can be solved by putting "set
noswapfile" in vimrc. The main problem is this "Input Is not from a
terminal" error which is a big issue. Because when this message appears in
the .ly file, the vim instance is starting to react anormaly. Everything is
bugging, the cursor jumps from various positions, you can enter command
normally, etc. The file is unusable, I have to quit the instance and
restart. It's a shame because with the second option, the cursor moved at
the right position!

Here is a little screen of the error message:

David Wright wrote
> So I'm pretty confident that lilypond-invoke-editor is doing a good job.

Well now I'm not sure of that. I personally ask myself if the problem
doesn't come simply from the fact that lilypond-invoke-editor is programmed
for gvim but not vim! I try looking at the file but it overtakes my
competences. I wonder, as everyting works as expected in gvim, maybe there
is linux way of "piping" the result of LYEDITOR when configured with gvim
(my second example) in vim? Well it's just an idea, I'm not aware enough how
the pipe command is working in linux.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Reducing top margin for a single page in a score

2019-02-04 Thread foxfanfare
Andrew Bernard wrote
> I am doing a long string quartet. The full score sits nicely in the middle
> of an A4 landscape page with a generous top margin. But there's a solo
> viola part that's very dense and the staves fill out the whole page very
> tightly right to the bottom, and it looks clumsy because there is lots of
> space at the top margin not able to be utilised.
> Is it possible to alter the top margin for just a single page in the midst
> of a score where it is otherwise OK?
> Andrew
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Hi Andrew,

I think there is a better way (at least it is the one that I use), simply
\overrideProperty Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-system-details
#'((Y-offset . -10))

Place it before the first note of the highest system of your page and then
you can gain some space in your top margin.

I often use #'((Y-offset . 0)) because I think the margins should stay
intact and never have content inside (that's the whole purpose of the
margins !). But LP calculate the distance of the first stave between the top
markup (generally the page number) and the highest thing in the first staff.
But in some cases it isn't convenient, for instance on ottava bracket in the
middle of the line will not interfer with the page number and there is no
reason to align the bottom of the page number to this item. That's where I
find this command verry useful because it will put the ottava bracket
exactly at the limit of the margin.

I don't know if what I said was clear enough!

All the best.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-01 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> And again, what is strange is that I have to launch zathura through vim if
> I
> want it to react to the link. If I launch the PDF alone in Zathura and
> click
> on the link, for instance
> textedit:///home/remy/Documents/test/
> goes directly to the browser. Maybe zathura isn't configured properly and
> should add xdg-open before the link? 

OK for that part I just understood where the problem was. I used to launch
the PDF directly from my file browser (currently ranger). The PDF shows
correctly but the links redirect to the web browser. But if I just open a
terminal and launch the PDF from there, the PDF opens at his side and then
the link is redirected directly to vim in the previous terminal.

Still, I can't manage to skip all the warning like "Vim: Warning: Input is
not from a terminal" and E325 which tend to make vim unusable. I don't have
the feeling that the server mode solves this. I also tried with
remote-silent but it is the same.

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-01 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote
> What PDF? Please show the actual commands you used.
> You need to start the server *before* you try to connect to it with a
> client:
> $ vim --servername foo
> and then, at a different location, type:
> $ vim --servername foo --remote
> and that should open in the server (at the original location).
> Cheers,
> David.

OK I succeed to open the file in the servername foo with your indication. I
didn't understood that I had to keep the vim server opened somewhere and
launch the file in another terminal then. I checked that my swap directory
was empty before launching in servermode. I also checked with :echo
v:servername and it returns the name FOO. So I guess I'm good to go, but
when I launch the PDF with F6, click on a link, then again, vim react with:

1. first:
  lilypond-invoke-editor (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.82 Processing "
  Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal

2. then it suddently shows the swap error prompt E325 because the swap file
already exists.

About the PDF command, I use F6. I found in
/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/lilypond.vim that some shortcuts were
mapped. I just changed F6 (default ghostview) with:
  map   :!zathura "%<.pdf" &

And again, what is strange is that I have to launch zathura through vim if I
want it to react to the link. If I launch the PDF alone in Zathura and click
on the link, for instance textedit:///home/remy/Documents/test/
goes directly to the browser. Maybe zathura isn't configured properly and
should add xdg-open before the link?

Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> You gave confusing information. You said that it worked, then it didn't 
> work and now that it worked :-)
> I  tried to stress that you need to split the configuration in two 
> parts. The first part is telling the system that textedit:// URIs 
> should be handled by lilypond-invoke-editor.desktop. This part is 
> working well.
> What is not working yet is the vim command defined in LYEDITOR variable.
> Try following David's suggestions about vim server mode.

I know I gave confusing information! That's the reason I tried the same
things with and without installing lilypond-invoke-editor.desktop to be sure
on how interpreting the fact that it still didn't work properly. BTW I'm a
bit surprised, has nobody yet tried to make vim a good environment for LP
and set-up this P&C thing?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-31 Thread foxfanfare
OK, I tried

$ vim --servername foo --remote
(which gives me the output E247: no registered server named "VIM": Send
failed. Trying to execute locally)

and also

$ vim --servername foo

But when opening the PDF file in vim, I still get the same error messages...

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-31 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you both for you help.

Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> How did you install lilypond? From Arch repository? Or from
> installer (the .sh file)? 

Yes I did install Lilypond directly through arch repository via pacman. cat
`which lilypond-invoke-editor` returns 
#!/usr/bin/guile1.8 -s
 lilypond-invoke-editor.scm -- Invoke an editor in file:line:column mode

Should I uninstall it and make the install differently in order to be able
to call a vim file after clicking on a textedit link?

Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> Please paste the output of these two commands (if you don't have
> /etc/hostname, replace it with another text file you can read): 

$ echo $LYEDITOR
vim '+call cursor(%(line)s, %(column)s)' %(file)s

$ xdg-open textedit:///etc/hostname:1:1:2
It is working, writing my hostname in vim. 

For a test purpose I tried uninstalling the script
lilypond-invoke-editor.desktop from the manual and then I get the message:
/usr/bin/xdg-open: line 881: x-www-browser : command not found

So my conclusion is that archlinux users would have to follow the Gnome 3
instructions from the documentation.

Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> Same problem here with the swap file. It's the problem we already
> discussed: vim is being opened in a new instance/process/window each
> time you click on the PDF..
> I hoped that clientserver could help, but I cannot make it work. In
> Fedora 29 only gvim has clientserver enabled

Actually I did install vim with the gvim package in order to have a better
implementation of copy/paste buffers. Here is what I get:

$gvim --version | grep clientserver
+clientserver  +job   +perl/dyn  +user_commands
$ vim --version | grep clientserver
+clientserver  +job   +perl/dyn  +user_commands

I'll look into this mode that I don't know in order to see if this can solve
the other part of the problem.

David Wright wrote
> Sorry, but you said you don't use gnome, not that you don't use a DE.
> Yes, you said you use the i3 WM, but AIUI some lightweight DEs allow
> you to choose WMs like i3 (if you don't like stacking WMs).
> I've also ignored whether you run a DM: they too can affect which
> startup files get executed and can make the distinction between
> .bash_profile and .bashrc moot. 

I haven't install any DM either. I followed your advice and put "export
EDITOR" and "export LYEDITOR" on my .bashrc instead of bash_profile.

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-31 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote
> That doesn't tell me whether you run a DE or just a WM. 

Sorry I thought it was clear as i3 is a WM. I haven't install a desktop
environment, the $DESKTOP_SESSION command returns a blank line.

I have spent several hours yesterday trying to figure out where the problem
is but still I can't find it... I also may have cry victory to soon... 

Actually, the LP gnome 3 scripts did make a difference but doesn't seem to
work properly either. If I open the PDF alone and click on a link, it still
goes to the browser. What is new is when I launch the LP file with vim, and
then press F6 to open the PDF in a new window, the link seems to be opened
in the same file. But then I get a lot of message errors due to the fact the
document was already opened and has an existing swap file. Also before
seeing the screen telling me the warning of the swap file, a line appears in
the vim window saying : Vim Input is not from a terminal.

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-30 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> Still I cannot understand how to mange the URI links. About my
> environment,
> I'm not using gnome but a minimalist tilling window manager (i3) on a
> clean
> install of arch. I may have forgotten to install some packages? I checked,
> I
> have the xdg-utils package, but does the "/usr/bin/xdg-open: line 881:
> x-www-browser : commande introuvable" error means that I have to play with
> the xdg-open file in order to solve that issue?

Sorry for the noise, the Gnome 3 script proposed in the documentation was
apparently the solution for the textedit URI. But now I understand what you
meant by the problem "of not reopening the same file in a new process"...
Not easy to configure it like in frescobaldi...

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-30 Thread foxfanfare
Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> I have a blog post draft (since some months...) for on 
> this subject. It's not released yet because I had some troubles 
> configuring Windows and especially Mac. Hopefully I'll finalize it next 
> week (the last famous words...).

Funny you mention it, I checked the blog monday evening in order to see if
there was some news! Looking forward to your article!

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-30 Thread foxfanfare
Hi Federico, thank you very much for your answer.

I managed now to see the exact position with your correct LYEDITOR synthax.
One problem solved :-) BTW, I thought I had to make the export variables in
my .bash_profile, is there any difference in setting them in the .bashrc

Still I cannot understand how to mange the URI links. About my environment,
I'm not using gnome but a minimalist tilling window manager (i3) on a clean
install of arch. I may have forgotten to install some packages? I checked, I
have the xdg-utils package, but does the "/usr/bin/xdg-open: line 881:
x-www-browser : commande introuvable" error means that I have to play with
the xdg-open file in order to solve that issue?

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-29 Thread foxfanfare
Hi fellow lilyponders!

I would have need some of your help understanding how the Point & Click
option works. I switched from Windows to Linux some weeks ago (please be
gentle with me, I'm still a noob in this world!) and I'm trying to set-up a
minimalist desktop. I've installed ArchLinux and configured already some
basic things and I am trying now to set up all my LilyPond workstation.

What I can do: I can edit my lilypond file with vim (my main editor),
compile it with a shortcut, see at the same time the PDF in another window
(I've choosen Zathura) which is updated automatically.

What I can't do: set-up the point & click! 

I'm sorry, I read the documentation several times, tried a lot of things,
but I have to admit that I can't figure how this works by myself... Is there
by any chance someone using a similar configuration who could help me?

What I think I've understood so far:
-LP generate a PDF with URL links which start with textedit:///...
- I should set-up zathura to open those links with lilypond-invoke-editor
(... I didn't found how yet...)
-lilpypond-invoke-editor should interract properly with vim.

Right now, when I click on the PDF link, the textedit:///... link goes to
firefox, and I get a message in my vim file at the same time saying
"/usr/bin/xdg-open: line 881: x-www-browser: commande introuvable"
And when I type in the console lilypond-invoke-editor following with the
textedit link, it opens correctly the vim file, but the cursor isn't at the
good position...

To make a long story short, I'm lost here!

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-13 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote
> I disagree that LP does not follow the standard engraving rules. It just 
> seems to me that \new GrandStaff etc. imply a certain semantics which is 
> perfectly alright for, e.g., an orchestral Piano part, but just does not 
> apply for the braces connecting Violin 1 and 2. - I do not own Gould's 
> book, but I would expect that this is discussed there.

I have her book. About the curly braces, she says: "The curly bracket, also
called a brace, connects the staves of instruments that use two staves: most
commonly keyboard and harp. [...] The brace may connect two or more staves
of like instruments (or like voices), but this is a traditional style now
rarely used in orchestral music: it is more effective visually - and
space-saving - to reserve it for joining the staves of a single instrument"

The brace used for a single instrument should be written with PianoStaff. I
see absolutely no reason of using the GrandStaff for that purpose! Or could
someone explain me why two functions would do exactly the same thing?

The GrandStaff connector should be reserved as a secondary demarcation (it
is by the way how it is presented in the documentation and examples!) and
that is why I think the default behaviour is wrong in this case (or the
documentation misleading).

I think it is the same with "square bracket" which should only apply to
secondary demarcation. In the documentation
the "square bracket" is used in the second example as a primary demarcation.
I looked in different scores and cannot find this kind kind of use anywhere!

I may be wrong, but in my opinion, that is what I would expect for the
default behaviour of staff grouping:
- PianoStaff for a single instrument, with a centered instrument name label
(if needed, a staff label could be added). This group takes spaces on top
and below itself.
- StaffGroup for grouping different instruments in a same section with a
main bracket. This group takes spaces on top and below itself.
- GrandStaff (or something else) for secondary grouping. Like the function
you have produced and which allow the user to choose whatever he wants as a
secundary demaraction, but without adding any spaces.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-12 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote
> Hi,
>> The StartDelimiterHierarchy gives the possibility to change the first
>> bracket by anything you want, for instance:
> [...]
>> It would be interesting if your function can manage also that!
> I guess this is what happens when you start coding before agreeing on a 
> desirable user interface ;-).

Awesome! Thank you very much Lukas for this handy solution. I wonder why you
have added two occurences for the barline (barlineOnly & barline)  ?

I also don't know how something like this could be pushed in the snippets
directory. At the risk of repeating myself, LP default tools and behaviour
doesn't follow the standard engraving rules for an orchestral layout. I
think this should be somehow referenced or that Lukas solution might be
pointed out.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-12 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote
> Hi,
>> Thank you for this little function Lukas! It is very good and useful.
>> Would
>> it be possible to add to the list the choice for "square" or "bracket"?
>> Some
>> editions are using squares for grouping Violins 1-2.
> Ah, do you mean an extra bracket? No problem. I also added the 
> possibility to skip single staffs without having to issue a pair, e.g.
> #'((extraBracket . 2) skip skip (brace . 3))
> would mean: connect the first 2 staves with an extra bracket, then skip 
> 2 staves, then join the next 3 staves with a brace:
> \version "2.19.82"
> \layout {
>    indent = 35
> }
> #(define (make-n-copies x n)
>     (if (> n 0)
>     (cons x (make-n-copies x (- n 1)))
>     '()))
> #(define (make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
>     ; expects a list of pairs of the form (symbol . number) where
>     ; symbol is either brace, noBrace or extraBracket
>     ; number is the number of staves connected by a brace/extra 
> bracket/nothing
>     ; an arbitrary non-pair entry is interpreted as a single staff
>     (apply append (map (lambda (entry)
>      (if (pair? entry)
>      (cond
>   ((equal? (car entry) 'brace)
>    (list (cons 'SystemStartBrace 
> (make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)
>   ((equal? (car entry) 'extraBracket)
>    (list (cons 'SystemStartBracket 
> (make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)
>   (else
>    (make-n-copies 'some-staff (cdr entry
>      '(some-staff)))
>     group-list)))
> setBraces = #(define-music-function (group-list) (list?) #{
>    \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = 
> #(make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
>     #})
> \new StaffGroup \with {
>    \setBraces #'((extraBracket . 2) skip skip (brace . 3))
> } <<
>    \new Staff = "Staff_violinI" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin I" } { a
> }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_violinII" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin II" } 
> { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_viola" \with { instrumentName = #"Viola" } { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_cello" \with { instrumentName = #"Cello" } { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_bassd" \with { instrumentName = #"Double Bass" } 
> { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_basst" \with { instrumentName = #"Triple Bass" } 
> { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_bassq" \with { instrumentName = #"Quadruple Bass" 
> } { a }
>  >>
>> As suggested by David, it would be then enough "user-level" and complete
>> to
>> be documented, don't you think?
> I'm afraid the threshold for additions to the set of "stock" functions 
> shipped with Lilypond is quite high (regarding quality of code, 
> bug-freeness, robustness, universality etc.). Maybe one could turn this 
> into a snippet, but I've never done this.
> Best
> Lukas
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@



I've added to the list the square:

\version "2.19.81"

\layout {
   indent = 35

#(define (make-n-copies x n)
(if (> n 0)
(cons x (make-n-copies x (- n 1)))

#(define (make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
; expects a list of pairs of the form (symbol . number) where
; symbol is either brace, noBrace or extraBracket
; number is the number of staves connected by a brace/extra
; an arbitrary non-pair entry is interpreted as a single staff
(apply append (map (lambda (entry)
 (if (pair? entry)
  ((equal? (car entry) 'brace)
   (list (cons 'SystemStartBrace
(make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)
  ((equal? (car entry) 'extraBracket)
   (list (cons 'SystemStartBracket
(make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)
  ((equal? (car entry) 'square)
   (list (cons 'SystemStartSquare
(make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)
   (make-n-copies 'some-staff (cdr entry

setBraces = #(define-music-function (group-list) (list?) #{
   \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy =
#(make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)

\new StaffGroup \with {
   \setBraces #'((square . 2) skip (extraBracket . 2) (brace . 2))
} <<
   \new Staff = "Staff_violinI" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin I" } { a }
   \new Staff = "Staff_violinII" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin II" }
{ a }
   \new Staff = "Staff_viola" \with { instrumentName = #"Viola" } { a }
   \new Staff = "Staff_cello" \with { instrumentName = #"Cel

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote
>> With a little bit of scheme, it should even be easy to make this into 
>> a function accepting to parameters, indicating that k staves starting 
>> with the n'th staff should be braced.
> Here is an implementation of that. Unfortunately I do not know if/how it 
> is possible to define the function (which issues a \set) in such a way 
> that it might be called in a \with block, which would be neater imho. 
> But it seems to work anyway...
> \version "2.19.80"
> \layout {
>    indent = 35
> }
> #(define (make-n-copies x n)
>     (if (> n 0)
>     (cons x (make-n-copies x (- n 1)))
>     '()))
> #(define (make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
>     ; expects a list of pairs of the form (symbol . number) where
>     ; symbol is either brace or noBrace
>     ; number is the number of staves connected by a brace/no brace
>     (apply append (map (lambda (group-pair)
>      (if (equal? (car group-pair) 'brace)
>      (list (cons 'SystemStartBrace 
> (make-n-copies 'staff (cdr group-pair
>      (make-n-copies 'some-staff (cdr
> group-pair
>     group-list)))
> setBraces = #(define-music-function (group-list) (list?) #{
>    \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = 
> #(make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
>     #})
> \new StaffGroup  <<
>    \setBraces #'((brace . 2) (noBrace . 2) (brace . 3))
>    \new Staff = "Staff_violinI" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin I" } { a
> }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_violinII" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin II" } 
> { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_viola" \with { instrumentName = #"Viola" } { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_cello" \with { instrumentName = #"Cello" } { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_dbass" \with { instrumentName = #"Double Bass" } 
> { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_tbass" \with { instrumentName = #"Triple Bass" } 
> { a }
>    \new Staff = "Staff_qbass" \with { instrumentName = #"Quadruple Bass" 
> } { a }
>  >>
> Best
> Lukas
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Thank you for this little function Lukas! It is very good and useful. Would
it be possible to add to the list the choice for "square" or "bracket"? Some
editions are using squares for grouping Violins 1-2.

As suggested by David, it would be then enough "user-level" and complete to
be documented, don't you think?

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> This works better for most of the
> cases, but in this example, I was unable to group the celli and double
> bass
> staves...

Answering my own problem here. I don't know how I got it, but after some
experimentations, I found:
\set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy =
  #'((SystemStartBrace a b) SystemStartL (SystemStartBrace a b))

So, it appears it is possible to make everything work properly with
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy. It appears to me as a non-sense then to use
GrandStaff for this purpose. What do you guys think about this? Would it be
useful to update the template in the documentation with this solution?
Because in my opinion, the default output proposed there is

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Thanks for your reply SoundsFromSound, unfortunately, this doesn't solve my
problem. I may have been unclear of what the problem is.

I tried to understand how it was possible to configure in LP a full score
layout. I searched for some templates and read how family groups works

But I noticed a problem when you use a combination of two groups. LP seems
to add spaces on top and below a new group, even if this group was already
in another group. Let's take this example:

You can notice (page 17) that the four horns, violins I-II and Cello-Double
Bass are grouped with a brace. I made a copy of this example :

The first page illustrate the use of the GrandStaff to achieve this (as
proposed in the documentation:
You can notice that the staves aren't disposed properly by default with this

This means that one should avoid the use of "GrandStaff" for this purpose in
order to avoid any new space. I used in the second page of my exemple the
property systemStartDelimiterHierarchy. This works better for most of the
cases, but in this example, I was unable to group the celli and double bass

What I was trying to achieve, is to make the template look harmonious by
default, without having to adjust manually those extra undesirables spaces. 

I hope my explanation of the problem is now clear!


Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-09 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> On 2018-10-09 7:15 am, foxfanfare wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to configure a template for my orchestral works but I have a
>> problem with the GrandStaff vertical distance. You can take the 
>> template
>> proposed in the manual to see the problem:
>> You can see in the string section, between Violin II and Viola, an 
>> extra
>> space is added due to the use of the brace of the GrandStaff. (Same 
>> problem
>> with the Alti group in the choir).
>> I have made some ressearch in scores and also in Gould's book, this is 
>> verry
>> unconventional. A space is added between the StaffGroups, but should 
>> not
>> appear within the same family.
>> How could you properly change that? I tried with:
>> \override GrandStaff.StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing = #'(
>> (basic-distance . 9)
>> (minimum-distance . 7)
>> (padding . 1)
>> (stretchability . 5))
>> But this will move above AND bellow the GrandStaff. Here is in my score 
>> the
>> illustration of the problem:
>> distance.png 
>> <>;
> I can see the same behavior given the default settings; but if you are 
> explicit about your spacing parameters, then it seems the spacing can be 
> forced to be even.  Consider the following contrived example:
> \version "2.19.82"
> notes = { <c' b' a''>1 }
> \score {
>  \new Staff \notes
>  \new Staff \notes
>  \new StaffGroup <<
>\new Staff \notes
>\new Staff \notes
>\new GrandStaff <<
>  \new Staff \notes
>  \new Staff \notes
>\new Staff \notes
>\new Staff \notes
>  >>
>  \new Staff \notes
>  \new Staff \notes
>\layout {
>  \context { \Score
>\override StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing.basic-distance = 
> #9
>  }
> }
> The default basic-distance for staff groups seems to be roughly 11, but 
> staves normally prefer a basic-distance around 9.  That override above 
> seems to be enough to make my contrived example show (nearly) consistent 
> spacing.
> Another thing that worked was setting the staff-staff-spacing at the 
> \Staff level:
>\layout {
>  \context { \Staff
>\override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance = 
> #9
>  }
> However, this doesn't really make sense to me.  Maybe someone with a 
> better understanding of the internals could determine whether this is 
> expected behavior.  But it seems that the staff-staff-spacing override 
> trumps staffgroup-staff-spacing, which means one loses a degree of 
> freedom if you do want to adjust those independently.  Then again, all 
> the staves are in the same system, so perhaps staff-staff-spacing really 
> should apply regardless of whether or not the staves belong to staff 
> groups.
> -- Aaron Hill
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Hi Aaron, thanks for your reply. I tried your solution but again, it moves
either all the staves, or above and below a grand staff. This isn't the
ideal behaviour.

In the meantime, I found another solution for this, but this doesn't appear
to be the easiest way to do it! I used systemStartDelimiterHierarchy instead
which doesn't add any space within a family group. Again, with the LilyPond
exemple, this will give:

fluteMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
% Pitches as written on a manuscript for Clarinet in A
% are transposed to concert pitch.
clarinetMusic = \transpose c' a
  \relative c'' { \key bes \major bes1 d }
trumpetMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g''1 b }

% Key signature is often omitted for horns
hornMusic = \transpose c' f
  \relative c { d'1 fis }
percussionMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g1 b }
pianoRHMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g''1 b }
pianoLHMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major g1 b }
violinIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
violinIIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
violaMusic = \relative c { \clef alto \key g \major g'1 b }
celloMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major g1 b }
bassMusic = \relative c { \

GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-09 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I'm trying to configure a template for my orchestral works but I have a
problem with the GrandStaff vertical distance. You can take the template
proposed in the manual to see the problem:

You can see in the string section, between Violin II and Viola, an extra
space is added due to the use of the brace of the GrandStaff. (Same problem
with the Alti group in the choir).

I have made some ressearch in scores and also in Gould's book, this is verry
unconventional. A space is added between the StaffGroups, but should not
appear within the same family.

How could you properly change that? I tried with:
\override GrandStaff.StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing = #'(
(basic-distance . 9)
(minimum-distance . 7)
(padding . 1)
(stretchability . 5))

But this will move above AND bellow the GrandStaff. Here is in my score the
illustration of the problem:

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GUI for selecting text and music fonts

2018-09-22 Thread foxfanfare
Hi Urs,

Here are two new exemples. 

  - One from Bach with several baroque glyphs
   Bach.JPG <>

  - One from Berg, for string quartet with a lot of text annotations and
some string specific technics.
   Berg.JPG <>  

For the last exemple, I have two little bugs which I couldn't success to
solve and would require your help:
  - 1st and 3rd measure, I'd like to shorten the ossia staff
  - 4th measure, the ppp dynamic makes the tuplet space a bit weird

Aaron Hill wrote
> On 2018-09-20 1:26 am, foxfanfare wrote:
>> Anyone motivated?
> Seems someone got a little confused.  That GIF mixes two songs by Stump.
> "Faerie's Aire..." is only one page long.  The second page is part of 
> "String Quartet No. 556(b) for Strings".
> This website lists some of Stump's work as part of his obituary:
> However, it should be noted that these pieces would still be under 
> copyright.  In fact, John includes the following notice at the end of 
> one of his "decompositions":
> "Unauthorized photocopying of this material is not only illegal, 
> unethical, irresponsible and disrespectful, it is very, very uncool."
> P.S.  I'm not sure how international intellectual property laws deal 
> with satire.
> -- Aaron Hill
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Though I'm not sure the score is for sale. I made a quick research and
couldn't find it anywhere! BTW, I didn't know who the author was, it was
very interesting to read more about him!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Suppressing TextSpanner right boundary text at a system break

2018-09-21 Thread foxfanfare
Thomas Morley-2 wrote
> Isn't
> sufficient?
> Cheers,
>   Harm

Yes you may be right. There is also this:

Though I don't know why in the case of octava-bracket and not for the
TextSpanner, there is a need to override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil =
#ly:line-spanner::print ?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to use magnifyStaff

2018-09-21 Thread foxfanfare
Bernhard Kleine wrote
> I have now packed the magnifyStaff with the individual organ=Piano
> staffs; that worked. Thanks you to make me aware of the error with the
> pianostaff.
> organPart = <<
>   \new PianoStaff \with {
>     instrumentName = "Orgel"
>    } <<
>     \new Staff = "right" \with {
>   \magnifyStaff #4/7
>     } << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
>   \new Dynamics = "dynOrgel" {  \dynOrgel }
>   \new Staff = "left" \with {
>     \magnifyStaff #4/7
>   } { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }
>   \new Staff = "ped" \with {
>     \magnifyStaff #4/7
>   }
>   {  \clef bass \pedal }
> Am 20.09.2018 um 14:40 schrieb Malte Meyn:
>> Am 20.09.18 um 13:49 schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
>>> In the following example I want to reduce the size of the organ part
>>> using \magnifyStaff #4/7. But I do not succeed. Where do I have to
>>> place it?
>> \magnifyStaff should be placed in a \with block of the staff you want
>> to shrink. Currently it seems to work for Staff contexts only, neither
>> Dynamics nor PianoStaff work. Also be aware of issue 5385:
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@

> -- 
> spitzhalde9
> D-79853 lenzkirch

> bernhard.kleine@

> -
> thunderbird mit enigmail
> GPG schlüssel: D5257409
> fingerprint:
> 08 B7 F8 70 22 7A FC C1 15 49 CA A6 C7 6F A0 2E D5 25 74 09
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@

> signature.asc (849 bytes)
> ;

Bernard, if I may suggest, using magnifyStaff isn't such a good idea. I have
encounter a lot of bugs using this tool (especially with the horizontal
spacing) and I now simply use the magnification tool which works better in
every situation. Best part is you can apply it to a larger context
(PianoStaff for instance). Here is my actual configuration:

\version "2.19.81"

\new PianoStaff
  \with {
fontSize = #(magnification->font-size 4/7)
\override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #4/7
%\override StaffSymbol.thickness = #1 % not necessary, but I use this }

  \new Staff \relative c' { c d e f }
  \new Staff \relative c { \clef bass c b a g }

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample document to show music fonts

2018-09-20 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> Scriabin.JPG
> <>;  
> <>;

Little mistake, could you please correct line 16 with:
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
  \column { 
\translate #'(1.5 . 1.5)
\override #'(thickness . 2)
\draw-line #'(1.25 . 0) 
"4523" }

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample document to show music fonts

2018-09-20 Thread foxfanfare
Urs Liska-3 wrote
> I would say generally it should include one system because it should 
> require as little compiling time as possible and that would most likely 
> fit in the window without (much) scrolling. If it feels useful or 
> necessary to show more then it's ok, too. The window will cope with 
> multi-page documents as well, but I'd strongly suggest not to go that
> route.
> And I think sample documents should include text in roman, sans and 
> typewriter fonts too. It's not possible at the moment, but text fonts 
> will be selectable too, and then it would be stupid not to demonstrate 
> them in the sample documents.
> Urs

Okay, here is my little contribution, 4 bars by Scriabin.
It is a good exercice for me, if this is useful for you, I could write some



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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample document to show music fonts

2018-09-20 Thread foxfanfare
Urs Liska-3 wrote
> Now all I need is a bunch of (self-contained) sample files without paper 
> blocks which I can then add to the ComboBox's list.
> Looking forward to contributions.
> Urs

Great! How long should the excerpt be? 1 line? 1 page? more?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Suppressing TextSpanner right boundary text at a system break

2018-09-20 Thread foxfanfare
James Harkins-4 wrote
> That's exactly it. Thanks!
> Would be useful as a snippet perhaps... this totally eluded me in the
> manual. I tried to find info about bound-details but missed it somehow.
> hjh

I agree, I learnt more about bound-details in this forum. The internal
references page is maybe misleading because
will show all the bound-details that are currently used, not all which are

Many properties can be changed, Y, padding, text, attach-dir,
stencil-align-dir-Y, sencil-offset, etc... left, left-broken, right, etc.
and I also don't know where all of those are listed in the documentation!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample document to show music fonts

2018-09-20 Thread foxfanfare
Urs Liska-3 wrote
> Now that there seems to be a certain common understanding of my initial 
> idea, may I repeat my request for someone to provide a suitable default 
> sample document?
> Coming up with a score that provides representative details with as 
> little content as possible does require some creativity, and it would be 
> a good idea if someone else deals with that so I can spend my time with 
> the coding itself.

Anyone motivated?

Joke apart, would you think possible/interesting to have small excerpts in
the window preview and options to select a musical time or style in a tab
which will propose different scores? One can then typeset an excerpt of a
renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, xxth, etc... score, which all
combined would represent nearly all the interesting glyphs.

For some fonts, musical context is important. The same idea was used here:

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample document to show music fonts

2018-09-19 Thread foxfanfare
Urs Liska-3 wrote
> In a nutshell (would take too long to explain in detail)
>   * Significantly improve the "Show available fonts" dialog that so far
> only shows the pretty uncomprehensible LilyPond log:
>   o Display real family names, grouped and sorted, with actual-font
> preview
>   o Allow filtering by typing in a line edit.
>   * Show all music fonts that are "installed" for the given LilyPond
> installation. The preview is what I'm asking about in this thread.
>   * Remove music fonts from the current LilyPond installation
>   * (Recursively) "Install" music fonts from a directory by linking them
> into the LilyPond installation
>   * Planned: Select text and music fonts and generate the corresponding
> code to insert in the document
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Sounds very promising :) I didn't know Frescobaldi was still in development!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Suppressing TextSpanner right boundary text at a system break

2018-09-19 Thread foxfanfare
James Harkins-4 wrote
> Apologies if this is a basic question. I've searched but I didn't find the
> answer.
> I have many text spanners with text for both the left and right bounds.
> If a spanner crosses a system break, I would like the right-hand text to
> be hidden at the end of the first system.
> The spanner represents an instruction for computer ensemble performance:
> at the left bound, begin transitioning to the next state; at the right
> bound, you should have arrived but not before.
> Currently I'm getting "arrive" printed to the right of the last bar line
> of the system break. The performers should not arrive at this point! The
> score is misleading if it suggests that performers should have arrived at
> the end of the system.
> I searched the manual and didn't find it. An LSR search for "spanner"
> finds a technique that is supposed to hide the spanner /line/ after a
> break (not what I want). I haven't found anything about controlling
> boundary text visibility.
> Thanks,
> hjh
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@



I think you'll have to play with "right-broken" and "left-broken".

Maybe this would help:

\version "2.19.81"

\new Staff \relative c'' {
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = 
\markup { \small \bold Start }

  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = 
\markup { \small \bold STOP! }
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left-broken.text = ##f
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right-broken.text = ##f
  c\startTextSpan d e f 
  g a b c 

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample document to show music fonts

2018-09-19 Thread foxfanfare
tisimst wrote
> My 2 cents...
> A font preview is a font preview and the best, in my opinion, are those
> that show something in a practical context. In this case, an image of a
> single or grand staff showing 2-3 bars of a marginally interesting looking
> passage would be much more representative of what actual music would look
> like than a simple string or matrix of glyphs, though there's nothing
> wrong
> with that either.

I totally agree with that. I also find better to choose a font in a musical
Exactly like for a text font, one cannot see how it works if you see it
glyph by glyph, you need to see words, sentences, paragraphs...
Urs, the preview you sent looks very interesting, may I ask what this will
be achieving exactly?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I'm sorry I feel stupid asking so many questions. How do I make fingering go OUTSIDE of the staff?

2018-09-19 Thread foxfanfare
tripleamia wrote
> I know you have the note-fingering but when i do this it goes inside the 
> staff and it looks crowded and ugly. Is there any way I can make it go 
> outside?
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


By default, the fingerings should be outside the staff:

\new Staff \relative c { 
  g-1 a-1 b-1 c-1 d-1 e-1 f-1 
  g-1 a-1 b-1 c-1 d-1 e-1 f-1 
  \override Fingering.direction = #-1
  g-1 a-1 b-1 c-1 d-1 e-1 f-1
  g-1 a-1 b-1 c-1 d-1 e-1 f-1 }

The only case it could happend to be inside it, is when you use fingerings
within a chord: < a-1 >.
You'd have then to set the fingeringOrientations as shown by Aaron. But this
would work by default: < a >-1

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyluatex

2018-09-18 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote
> Do you know how to add this
> command in TeXworks if I want to compile with it?

Don't bother, I found it!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyluatex

2018-09-18 Thread foxfanfare
R. Padraic Springuel wrote
> Well, LuaTeX is still having trouble finding the executable, just in this
> case it’s looking for C:\Program.  That, of course, is not a complete path
> to the lilypond executable.  The space in the path is clearly not being
> escaped correctly.  Try adding quotes around the complete path or edit
> your PATH variable so that `lilypond` is recognized without the complete
> path. 

Hi Padraic,
Thank you for the tip, I could get it to work with:

\usepackage[program={"C:/Program Files

A new world is now opening to me :-) This problem could maybe be written in
the GitHub repository for Windows users no?
Also -shell or --shell works the same for me. Do you know how to add this
command in TeXworks if I want to compile with it?

Malte Meyn-3 wrote
> I think that Urs’s answer could be the right direction and sadly cannot 
> help further. But as you’re a LaTeX novice here is an off-topic hint:
> Since you use LuaLaTeX you can use utf8 characters in input. So you can 
> write j’édite insted of j'\'edite ;)

You're right, thanks! I'm currently reading some manual, but most of those I
found were old and never mentioned Lualatex. For french users, they always
seemed to use some specific packages for that...

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyluatex

2018-09-18 Thread foxfanfare
Urs Liska-3 wrote
> Did you correctly quote that here? I see -shell-escape instead of 
> --shell-escape.

Hi Urs, 
Actually, I just copied what was written in the GitHub documentation:

I tried with the -- and also with 
\usepackage[program={C:/Program Files
(x86)/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-windows.exe}]{lyluatex}, and yet again:

D:\tex>lualatex --shell-escape test.tex
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX)
 system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 5
(using cache: C:/texlive/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic)
luaotfload | main : initialization completed in 0.263 seconds
Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
(c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo(load luc:
(c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ifxetex/ifxetex.sty))) (./test.aux)
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
) (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/epstopdf-base.sty
(c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/lscape.sty))(load luc:

(load luc:
gular.luc)'C:/Program' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Module lyluatex Error: LilyPond could not be started.
(lyluatex) Please check that LuaLaTeX is started with the
(lyluatex) --shell-escape option, and that 'program'
(lyluatex) points to a valid LilyPond executable.
(lyluatex) on input line 8

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.lua:109: in
(...tail calls...)
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex.lua:898: in
function 'lil
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex.lua:1113: in
function 'ru
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex.lua:1094: in
function 'pr
[\directlua]:1: in 


2018-09-18 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I'm beginning my first steps in the world of LaTeX and I'm currently trying
to figure out how Lyluatex works. I'm using TeX Live (and TeXworks for
editing) on Windows.

I made this simple document:

Bonjour, j'\'edite en \LaTeX!

\relative c' { c d e f g a b c }


But when I compile it (either via TeXworks or with the command "lualatex
-shell-escape DOCUMENT.TEX", I get this in the console:

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX)
 system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 5
(using cache: C:/texlive/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic)
luaotfload | main : initialization completed in 0.502 seconds
Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
(c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo(load luc:
(c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ifxetex/ifxetex.sty))) (./test.aux)
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
) (c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/epstopdf-base.sty
(c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/lscape.sty))(load luc:

(load luc:
gular.luc)'lilypond' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Module lyluatex Error: LilyPond could not be started.
(lyluatex) Please check that LuaLaTeX is started with the
(lyluatex) --shell-escape option, and that 'program'
(lyluatex) points to a valid LilyPond executable.
(lyluatex) on input line 8

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.lua:109: in
(...tail calls...)
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex.lua:898: in
function 'lil
c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex.lua:1113: in
function 'ru

Re: A separate line for dynamics?

2018-09-17 Thread foxfanfare
Thomas Morley-2 wrote
> 2018-09-17 12:40 GMT+02:00 Bernhard Kleine <

> bernhard.kleine@

> >:
>> I found it.
>> However without the -"legato" the \f is centered , with the -"legato" it
>> is
>> not. How to draw them on the same line?
>> dynOrgel = {
>>   {
>>s2\f s4-"legato"
>>   }
>> }
> \new Dynamics = "dynOrgel"
>   \with { \override TextScript.Y-offset = #(scale-by-font-size -0.6) }
> {  \dynOrgel }
> See:
> Cheers,
>   Harm
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


In certain case, I find it useful to make the text seen as a dynamic:

\version "2.19.81"

legato = #(make-dynamic-script #{
  \markup {
\with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
\general-align #Y #CENTER
\override #'(font-name . "TeXGyreSchola, Italic")
"legato" }#})

dynOrgel = {
   s2\f s4\legato

\new Dynamics = "dynOrgel" {  \dynOrgel }

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A Midi question

2018-09-13 Thread foxfanfare
H. S. Teoh wrote
> For the printed score, this would produce tons of redundant dynamic
> markings, so I always use a separate score just for layout, and stick
> \dynPart into a Dynamics context between the upper and lower parts of
> the piano score for nicer layout.
> Hope this helps.

Yes, very much! I tried all your proposals and now everything works great,
I just need to find how I can make rallentando and the midi output will be
"acceptable" for my needs!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cover page

2018-09-12 Thread foxfanfare
Thanks for all your useful thoughts. 
I think I'll try to make this with LateX for a start and see if I can manage

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A Midi question

2018-09-12 Thread foxfanfare
Vaughan McAlley wrote
> Hmmm...
> Has anyone tried
>   \midi {
> \context {
>   \Staff
>   \remove "Staff_performer"
> }
> \context {
>   \PianoStaff
>   \consists "Staff_performer"
> }
> }
> % ??
> (I haven't, but who knows?)
> Vaughan

I just tried. It kinda work, but only for piano solo because if you have
another instrument with one staff, you'll get no output for it!

Thanks Theo and Guy for your solution. I tried them and I think I'll make a
mix of both. I didn't think of the Tags for specific midi indications, and
especially, the idea of making two separate scores, one for the layout and
one for the midi is very good.

I can now merge the dynamics variables and sustain pedals on each voices
which need them. This sounds good to me, although I still have more test to
attempt! But thanks anyway for the first clues :-)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A Midi question

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Mr Tim wrote
> A friend of mine uses Anvil Studio for midi on Windows. I think they have
> a free version, but even the premium is not much. 

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately Anvil Studio isn't cross-platform. I
should have been more specific, but I'm looking for something which could
also work with linux in the future.

So I guess there is no solution for my first problem than re-write all the
nuances and pedal markings with the notes input instead of variables if I
want to improve the audio output?

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cover page

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
> Maybe. LaTeX becomes less of a good choice the more you actually want to 
> design the visuals. In a scientific paper, looks don’t matter at all, 
> it’s only about the content; that’s where LaTeX is perfect, no doubt. If 
> you’re going to design a poster, LaTeX is most certainly not the tool of 
> choice, because you want to have total control over where everything is 
> placed; visuals are essential.
> A cover page is somewhere inbetween, but further to the poster side, I’d 
> say.

Interesting. The total control of the layout is very important for me to
achieve this task.
Especially for the cover which (I agree with you) I'd like to be more of a
poster than a simple text...
Maybe it is worth a try using LP and the markups for this... Although I'm a
little worried that no one seems to use it that way!

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cover page

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote
> In fact, that is 
> probably a good strategy for any application you are using that is not 
> currently cross-platform.  Seek out an alternative and start getting 
> used to it now while you can still use your current setup.
> (Side note: Bear in mind you can start playing around with Linux in a 
> VM, such as VirtualBox, which gives you the chance to experience the 
> "other side of life" while still having access to Windows at the same 
> time.)

That's definitely what I was planning to do. I still have some softwares to
learn before taking the leap. For instance the audio player, as a big user
of Foobar2000 (I even wrote a skin back in my young days!), I'm so surprised
to see it isn't compatible with linux...

Aaron Hill wrote
> Another option to consider is one of the many extensible text editors 
> out there, such as Atom and Sublime Text.  My personal favorite is 
> Visual Studio Code.  All have extensions that support TeX, ranging from 
> basic syntax coloring to interactive previewing.  For Code, there is 
> LaTeX Workshop, which seems to have earned a pretty decent user rating.  
> I cannot, unfortunately, give any personal recommendation here, as I do 
> not currently use TeX in my day-to-day workflow.  But should you find 
> yourself needing to work with other text-based file formats, it could be 
> beneficial to look for a more general-purpose editor.

Good idea too. Is it the same than VIM? I discovered this some time back
thanks to Luke Smith YouTube channel. I have to confess I was impressed by
it. If I understand correctly, with some training, I could even write
everything in there, LP, LateX, etc...?

David Kastrup wrote
> Perhaps Denemo?  Gets you hooked on the results.

I also tried it at the beginning. But I wasn't conviced at all. I found it a
lot more unstable than Frescobaldi, and frankly, I don't think the Windows
95 look would help to convice my colleagues (typically user of Finale on a
Mac). But that's another debate :)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cover page

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote
> Judging from your posts here, I'm kind of surprised that you aren't
> already using it, as you would seem to have the aptitude for it.

Thanks David. But it is not as easy as it seems :) It is quite difficult to
change all your habits, to learn everything again, even if I'm convinced
about the necessities to do so. 

It is exactly the same with LP, I'm truely conviced about the software. As a
music teacher, I never succed to conviced my colleagues to try it. Even if
they were conviced when I showed them how it works and the possibilities, I
think they didn't have the courage to learn it. It takes time and energy. I
think it is the same with me and Linux right now... As we say, all habits
die hard!

But when I read about your workflow, although a bit chinese to me, my eyes
shine! And you all conviced me about LateX. To be frank, I tried in june to
make working lyluatex but without any success at the time. I fear it is not
that easy, at least without a proper tutorial (if SoundsFromSound read this,
it would be a great idea for a video ;-)

Urs Liska-3 wrote
> That's where lyluatex comes in (as mentioned by Malte). It handles nearly
> everything in this regard, even protrusion.
> The cool thing is: it doesn't only *scale* a pdf to fit into the margin,
> but makes sure LilyPond compiles with the right layout to begin with. It
> can even make LilyPond use the text fonts of the surrounding document, and
> automatically caches the score and recompiles when. the score or the
> layout changes.

Does this mean that you don't even have to generate the PDF with LP, you
just copy all your code in latex and it handle the engraving of the score by

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cover page

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Kieren MacMillan wrote
> A decade ago, I tried to use Lilypond for the whole deal… but soon found
> out it was not powerful or flexible enough.

That's interesting! That's also what I fear, but I didn't try yet...

Kieren MacMillan wrote
> 2. Edit the "wrapper" in LaTeX, with the PDF score included at the
> appropriate place.

Does this means the PDF is imported in LaTex, a bit like with inDesign?
Don't you lose some margins precision? Is it appropriate when you update
your original score PDF?

Kieren MacMillan wrote
> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.

Yes, thanks!

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A Midi question

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Karlin High wrote
> On 9/11/2018 11:05 AM, foxfanfare wrote:
>> 2. What do you do with the default midi file?
> I often convert MIDI to audio formats via VLC Media Player and the 
> GeneralUser GS soundfonts by S. Christian Collins. Full details here:
> <>;
> Only change is that newer versions of VLC again have the FluidSynth 
> codec. Using an older version is no longer required.
> That's all I know on the topic of getting improved sound from LilyPond's 
> MIDI files.
> -- 
> Karlin High
> Missouri, USA
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Thanks for the tip, I just try and it is effectively really better!
Rosegarden works on Linux only, but I'll keep in mind when I'll get rid of
my Windows (soon I hope ;-)

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cover page

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Malte Meyn-3 wrote
> What do you mean by “manager”? What OS are you using?

Thanks David & Malte for your first comments. What I meant by manager is a
bit like Frescobaldi is to LilyPond to me! I'm still using Windows but
probably going to change for Linux soon...

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lilypond-user mailing list

A Midi question

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I'd like to know a bit more about your use of the midi file. First, I use
LilyPond for its engraving qualities, nothing else. But still, a good audio
output is sometimes very handy. I wonder if the average usage of LP is
making PDF only and nothing else, or if I'm missing something big here...

So, here are some questions I'd like to ask:

1. I find very useful to write piano music in different variables, all my
nuances and sustain-pedal marks aren't written with the notes. So, they
unfortunately don't get include in the midi file. How do you guys manage
this situation? It would be a bit silly to re-write everything with the
notes, breaking all the advantages of using variables!

2. What do you do with the default midi file? The french wikipedia page
( said the midi could be improved by
a sequencer. From your experience, what would you suggest for this task?
(I'm still talking about open-software). 

3. About this, do you know if there is some good free VST?

I'm waiting for your comments and experiences about managing audio with

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lilypond-user mailing list

Cover page

2018-09-11 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all,

I've ended the process of re-engraving several of my scores to LilyPond (and
I'm still astounded by it, the more I use it, the less I see myself using
again Sibelius or buying Dorico...). But I'd like now to go a bit further
and create the "whole" score, with all the front and back pages, prefaces,

I'd like to get your experiences about creating the front page cover for
your scores. What really is your process for doing this.

Usually, I made those with Word, or Photoshop, but I want to profit from the
fact I came to LilyPond to change little by little my habits and use only
open-source software.

All your comments really interest me, but here are some questions I'd also
wish to ask:

- Is Latex a good replacement for Word? What manager you'd recommend to use?
- Would it be possible (or at least "convenient") to use LilyPond to make
everything (front page, ToC, Preface, etc... ?)
- Is it possible to import Inskape files in LP for the cover?

Waiting for your advices,

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spacing of titles and text in a \book

2018-09-09 Thread foxfanfare
Ralph Palmer wrote
> Greetings -
> I've been using LilyPond for a long time now, and *really* like it. I
> transcribe and transpose classical music and fiddle tunes for myself and
> friends.
> I'm running LilyPond 2.19.81 with Frescobaldi 3.0.0 under Linux/Ubuntu
> 18.04.1.
> I'm putting together a collection of fiddle tunes, and I've run into a
> spacing problem. I've tried to make a MWE, but it's still sort of long.
> I'm having difficulties with the spacing. The title of the Collection and
> the title of the first tune are closer than I like, and the distance
> between a line of text after a tune and the title of the next tune is
> close
> enough that it sometimes looks like the text goes with the following tune.
> Any suggestions for an easy, preferably \book -wide solution?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Ralph
> -- 
> Ralph Palmer
> Brattleboro, VT

> palmer.r.violin@

> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Hi Ralph,

For your first problem, I'd suggest to play with (in the \paper block):
markup-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 20)
 (padding . 2)
 (stretchability . 10))

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lilypond-user mailing list

RE: SustainPedal and outside-staff-priority

2018-09-09 Thread foxfanfare
Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote
> FoxFanFare,
> Why not place the slut above the notes?
> To me that would be more conventional.
> Mark

Actually, the exemple above was just for demonstration. The problem is in
another context:  pedal.JPG

You can look at the second pedal mark which look better inside the slur. I
did manage this by using the extra-offset property but I try to not use this
very often as it doesn't prevent for collusion. I wondered why in this case
my code wasn't working!

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