Re: [LincolnTalk] For sale: [SOLD] Schwinn World Voyageur bike $250

2023-05-04 Thread Rebecca Bureau
On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 8:41 AM Rebecca Bureau 

> Rare blue Schwinn World Voyageur touring road bike made in Japan 1973
> 23 in / 58 cm frame
> Classic design proportions and tube detailing, opaque blue color
> Has been converted to single speed, cruiser handlebars
> If interested please contact me at
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Re: [LincolnTalk] For sale: [SOLD] Midcentury modern cabinet with glass panels

2023-05-04 Thread Rebecca Bureau

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Kathy Madison via Lincoln
I think creativity is always essential, especially prior to making major 
capital investments.

I don’t think the argument is EITHER Lincoln Station OR Hartwell… but how can 
we serve the needs of the community (including financial needs) by designing a 
solution that may also make the most of collaborative space around town?

The idea of a community center is great, and the concept of kids having access 
to after-school programs (athletics, arts, etc.) is terrific.
But we must build on solid financial footing. What irony if a shiny big new 
pricey community center gets voted in, but the seniors it might have served 
must move out.  

- Kathy Madison

> On May 4, 2023, at 2:01 PM, Paul Shorb  wrote:
> There is a time for creativity and brainstorming - usually near the beginning 
> of a process - and then a time for evaluating and comparing alternatives that 
> were dreamed up in the brainstorming phase. I think we are in the second 
> phase now, and did not give short shrift to the first phase.
> The facts summarized in what Krystal shared in the beginning of this thread 
> seem compelling to me, in explaining why Lincoln Station would not make sense 
> as a CC location. I see the counterargument that "People could drop in as 
> they went to PO or wanted to have a central place to meet friends and 
> neighbors" ; I take that to mean that, because people have reason to go to 
> the post office, grocery store, etc, that are already located at Lincoln 
> Station, it would be more convenient for them to drop in at the CC while they 
> are there. 
> That leads to the question of what is more important for the CC to be 
> co-located near: (A) the Lincoln Station spots (PO, Donellans, etc.) or (B) 
> the school? There already is a coffee shop at Lincoln Station where one can 
> meet friends, by appointment or otherwise. The colocation benefits of the CC 
> being near the school seem much more important, because schoolkids then could 
> continue to walk to the after-school activities there, whereas 99% of adults 
> will be driving to any of the above. For those adults, how hard would it be 
> to do your errands at Lincoln Station and keep going to a CC at Hartwell to 
> take a scheduled adult class there and/or drop in and hang out for coffee? I 
> do not buy the idea that adding a CC to Lincoln Station would drive much more 
> traffic to the retail stores there. 
> Therefore, I do not think the co-location convenience of also putting a CC at 
> Lincoln Station adds up to much, and is greatly outweighed by the different 
> colocation benefits provided by the Hartwell location. (There are other 
> factors besides colocation convenience that also weigh strongly in favor of 
> the Hartwell Campus location - see the summary from Krystal above.)
> - Paul Shorb
> On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 11:36 PM Sara Mattes  > wrote:
>> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
>> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a 
>> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop in” 
>> center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to eat 
>> form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
>> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
>> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place to 
>> meet friends and neighbors.
>> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of 
>> socializing.
>> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more 
>> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for 
>> community engagement.
>> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand mixed 
>> use.
>> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not less…more 
>> on ideas for that at a later date.
>> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic 
>> considerations preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell 
>> Campus.
>> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
>> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
>> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed 
>> at Spc. Town Meeting.
>> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential 
>> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of 
>> spaces off campus.
>> I am curious what others heard.
>> Sara
>> --
>> Sara Mattes
>>> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood 
>>> >> > wrote:
>>> Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.
>>> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting 
>>> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell 
>>> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone 
>>> Community 

[LincolnTalk] Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Karla Gravis
To provide some important perspective around the 18K sqft new construction
being proposed for the Lincoln community center, let's look at Wayland,
since they are also in the process of a new COA/CC.

   - Wayland's population is close to 14,000 people, which means Wayland's
   population is 2.5X Lincoln's
   - The Wayland community center plan that is going up for approval is for
   ~11,000 sqft, at an estimated cost of $7.5M
  - I talked to Anne Gordon at the Wayland town office and she provided
  these figures. They are also available on their website.
   - The Wayland Community Center space will be shared by COA and Parks and
   Rec programs. Wayland expects to accommodate up to 200 people at peak times
   for Council on Aging, recreation and youth programs

*Wayland, with a population 2.5 times our size, will have a community
center that is ~60% smaller than Lincoln's**.* Our proposal link does not
show the current estimated price for the 18K sqft + LEAP remodel, but given
that the only 3 price options given at the special town meeting were
$12.5M, $17M and $25M, *the Wayland Community Center, at an estimated cost
of $7.5M, is also expected to be much less expensive than Lincoln's.*
the Wayland cost would be spread out over many more residents, so the
burden to individual families will be much less for Wayland residents than
Lincoln residents.

It was asked: *"**Also, for those throwing around words like "monolith",
I'm curious what the threshold is between monolith and reasonable?**"*

I would argue we should not assume the original 2018 proposal is our
baseline and be "OK" with a 23% reduction to that. I would also argue that
building so much *new* sqft when other, much more populated towns are being
more conservative, is not reasonable. Rather, we should be creative with
existing space around town to reduce cost, especially given the uncertain
economic climate.

> From: Andy Wang 
> To: Kathy Madison 
> Cc: Lincoln Talk 
> Sent: Thu, May 4, 2023 1:33 pm
> Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center
> Location
> My sense on the amendment was probably closer to Krystal's, after all, it
> is a Building Committee, not a Study Committee (folks can argue what it
> SHOULD be at this stage, but that is what it IS).  I'm sure a lot of people
> walked away from that meeting (and probably voted) with different
> impressions though.
> My impression was there was support to move the process forward for the
> CCBC to explore the options for construction of a Community Center at the
> Hartwell location, while also reviewing assumptions about programming space
> requirements and taking into consideration the ability to use facilities at
> other sites in order to reduce the overall footprint / cost / scale of a
> building at Hartwell Campus.  The 2022 vote was support to *develop
> options* to build at Hartwell, not necessary support to build.  At least
> that was the impression I was voting with: Provide necessary funds to the
> committee for them to come back with a proposal that they believe will pass
> a 2/3 vote to bond in 2024. That vote in 2024 is what would determine if
> there was support to build at Hartwell.
> Also, for those throwing around words like "monolith", I'm curious what
> the threshold is between monolith and reasonable?  I believe the Total
> Gross SF for New Construction in the previous final report in 2018 was
> 23,436 sq ft (19,530 + 20% net to gross multiplier).  The current draft
> proposal
> looks like 17,948 sq ft (12820+40% net to gross multiplier).  About 23%
> reduction from that.  For size reference, each existing pod is about 4,600
> sq ft. Bemis is about 7,290 net sq ft, with COA using about 5,000 sq ft.
>  Given that two of the pods would be replaced, that's 14,200 sq ft total.
> I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole of arguing how much space one
> group or another needs.  'Monolith', I suppose, is in the eye of the
> beholder, I just wanted to put into perspective the sizes of existing space
> relative to the proposal.
> - Andy
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 1:06 PM Kathy Madison via Lincoln <
>> wrote:
> Yes, regarding the amendment passed on Nov 22, I also heard that a
> Community Center design would explore expanded use of spaces, as part of
> presenting a range of financial options. Not that there would be one big
> building option.
> My understanding was that this survey was meant to elicit thoughts,
> opinions and preferences of residents.
> So it is disappointing to read that when when "residents expressed their
> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
> consideration of other locations around town,”  the response is outrightly
> rejected/defended against. A process of solving a problem demands

Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Craig Sussman
Can someone explain to me how it is possible that a pickle can bounce in such a way that you may utilize it for racket play?Sent from my iPhoneOn May 4, 2023, at 1:12 PM, Mary Mansfield  wrote:I'm with you Leslie. I would love to learn, but would also need an "old and slow group!"Best,Mary Mansfield315 Hemlock Circle978-443-4404On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:45 AM Leslie Turek  wrote:I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball offering? Leslie TurekOn Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  wrote:Me too! I would love to learn how to play!On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly with information.

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-- Mary Mansfield315 Hemlock CircleLincoln, MA 01773Ph: 978-443-4404Cell: 617-645-1797
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Sara Mattes
Part of some current discomfort is that the world is radically different today 
than it was in 2018 when the last serious study was done.
Certainly finances were different and the impact of the school bond on our tax 
bill is sinking in and give many a jolt.
And, we are in a worldwide situation that is unstable and our own economy is 
rocky, to say the least.

The lengthy debate at Spc. Town MEeting reflects that discomfort.
If there had been consensus there would not have been such lengthy debate 
requiring an amendment and compromise to move forward.

Pretending that we should just out our heads down, ignore the flags raised at 
Spc. Town Meeting and in the recent survey,   and plow forward is not prudent.

Seeking space collaborations around town, not duplicating space that already 
exist in town (esp. commercial kitchens), not building spaces that will compete 
with our small commercial center but rather seeking ways to support it, using 
town-owned facilities and making modest repairs (improving air quality in 
renovated Bemis space) all while seeking some new space at Hartwell, esp. to 
serve rec. and after school and summer programing for kids would seem 
reasonable and responsible way to move forward.

When I used the term “monolith” I was referencing the notion that one space, 
one monolith was serve everything, and not looking for creative dispersement.

We can do better.


Sara Mattes

> On May 4, 2023, at 5:02 PM, Laura Crosby  wrote:
> Many thanks, Krystal, for outlining all the reason the community  
> overwhelmingly voted for the Hartwell location over town center and other 
> options  in 2018 planning process.  
> Multiple times during recent  Community Center Open Meetings it has been 
> explained why Hartwell location makes the most sense for  financial,  
> operations, staffing 
> considerations. 
> I hope all will take the time to read your clarifications to have many of 
> their questions answered. 
> Laura
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood 
>>  wrote:
>> Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.
>> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting 
>> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell 
>> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone 
>> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their 
>> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the 
>> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of issues 
>> that are worth more explanation.
>> The Lincoln Station location:
>> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing space 
>> at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell, so 
>> Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities. 
>> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging & 
>> Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to the 
>> Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three 
>> properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter 
>> parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for moving 
>> the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer Station) to be about $25 million. 
>> The unpaved commuter lot is too small. The paved commuter lot provides 
>> public parking for the commuter rail, and presents challenges complying with 
>> MBTA requirements for appropriate parking capacity at train stations. 
>> Limited parking correlates with reduced train service. The MBTA and its 
>> constituency can be expected to protest a reduction in public parking at any 
>> MBTA station. Building on the paved lot would also eliminate the possibility 
>> of using the lot for potential commercial activity or a potential housing 
>> development.  (Additional housing is the top priority for the revitalization 
>> efforts.)
>> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require public 
>> funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition to public 
>> funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in Hartwell 
>> Complex.
>> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require 
>> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the Hartwell Complex, 
>> adding significantly to the construction costs, and also the maintenance and 
>> management costs.   
>> 5. Trying to use other locations at Lincoln Station -- above the bank, 
>> above Donelan’s, other Rural Land Foundation property etc., if available, 
>> would also reduce the options for future housing. 
>> There are many important considerations for locating the Community Center at 
>> Hartwell:
>> 1. The PRD and COA can co-locate as they need similar types of 
>> facilities and, most importantly, can share the same spaces.   Both provide 
>> fitness 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Laura Crosby
Many thanks, Krystal, for outlining all the reason the community  
overwhelmingly voted for the Hartwell location over town center and other 
options  in 2018 planning process.  
Multiple times during recent  Community Center Open Meetings it has been 
explained why Hartwell location makes the most sense for  financial,  
operations, staffing 
I hope all will take the time to read your clarifications to have many of their 
questions answered. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood 
>  wrote:
> Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.
> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting 
> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell 
> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone 
> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their 
> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the 
> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of issues 
> that are worth more explanation.
> The Lincoln Station location:
> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing space 
> at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell, so 
> Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging & 
> Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to the 
> Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three properties: 
> the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter parking lot.   
> Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for moving the DPW to the 
> only viable site (Transfer Station) to be about $25 million. The unpaved 
> commuter lot is too small. The paved commuter lot provides public parking for 
> the commuter rail, and presents challenges complying with MBTA requirements 
> for appropriate parking capacity at train stations. Limited parking 
> correlates with reduced train service. The MBTA and its constituency can be 
> expected to protest a reduction in public parking at any MBTA station. 
> Building on the paved lot would also eliminate the possibility of using the 
> lot for potential commercial activity or a potential housing development.  
> (Additional housing is the top priority for the revitalization efforts.)
> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require public 
> funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition to public 
> funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in Hartwell Complex.
> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require 
> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the Hartwell Complex, 
> adding significantly to the construction costs, and also the maintenance and 
> management costs.  
> 5. Trying to use other locations at Lincoln Station -- above the bank, 
> above Donelan’s, other Rural Land Foundation property etc., if available, 
> would also reduce the options for future housing.
> There are many important considerations for locating the Community Center at 
> Hartwell:
> 1. The PRD and COA can co-locate as they need similar types of 
> facilities and, most importantly, can share the same spaces.   Both provide 
> fitness activities, but largely at different times of the day.   PRD and 
> COA provide arts-and-craft activities that can again be located in the 
> same space, at different days and times etc.   Use of the same facilities 
> will provide significant reduction in construction costs, and provide 
> operational efficiency gains.
> 2. There are synergies between the School, PRD and COA programs, and 
> the Hartwell location that will provide readily accessible opportunities for 
> intergenerational activities unhindered by distance and transportation 
> logistics of separate locations.
> 3. The campus has been studied extensively to ensure that a community 
> center could be located on Ballfield Road, and it was determined that with 
> proper design, there is sufficient space for parking and circulation.
> 4. The campus location is aesthetically more pleasing than the commuter 
> lot at Lincoln Station.
> PRD and COA programming beyond the Hartwell Complex
> Currently, PRD and COA programs occur at many locations around town, other 
> than the Hartwell Complex and both organizations will continue to use these 
> locations.   For a full listing please see the Decentralized Programming 
> Matrix on the CCBC web site.
> 1. Currently the PRD runs programs at the Lincoln School Reed and Smith 
> gyms, the School Auditorium and Learning Commons, and at Bemis Hall, Pierce 
> House, the Library, First Parish Church, and Codman Farm, amongst other 
> locations; and at town athletic facilities including Codman Pool, the sport 
> and tennis courts, 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Ellen Waldron
And me as well though I do have  tennis in my distant past!ellen Sent from my iPhoneOn May 4, 2023, at 1:08 PM, Mary Mansfield  wrote:I'm with you Leslie. I would love to learn, but would also need an "old and slow group!"Best,Mary Mansfield315 Hemlock Circle978-443-4404On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:45 AM Leslie Turek  wrote:I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball offering? Leslie TurekOn Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  wrote:Me too! I would love to learn how to play!On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly with information.

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-- Mary Mansfield315 Hemlock CircleLincoln, MA 01773Ph: 978-443-4404Cell: 617-645-1797
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Paul Shorb
There is a time for creativity and brainstorming - usually near the
beginning of a process - and then a time for evaluating and comparing
alternatives that were dreamed up in the brainstorming phase. I think we
are in the second phase now, and did not give short shrift to the first

The facts summarized in what Krystal shared in the beginning of this thread
seem compelling to me, in explaining why Lincoln Station would not make
sense as a CC location. I see the counterargument that "People could drop
in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place to meet friends and
neighbors" ; I take that to mean that, because people have reason to go to
the post office, grocery store, etc, that are already located at Lincoln
Station, it would be more convenient for them to drop in at the CC while
they are there.

That leads to the question of what is more important for the CC to be
co-located near: (A) the Lincoln Station spots (PO, Donellans, etc.) or (B)
the school? There already is a coffee shop at Lincoln Station where one can
meet friends, by appointment or otherwise. The colocation benefits of the
CC being near the school seem much more important, because schoolkids then
could continue to walk to the after-school activities there, whereas 99% of
adults will be driving to any of the above. For those adults, how hard
would it be to do your errands at Lincoln Station and keep going to a CC at
Hartwell to take a scheduled adult class there and/or drop in and hang out
for coffee? I do not buy the idea that adding a CC to Lincoln Station would
drive much more traffic to the retail stores there.

Therefore, I do not think the co-location convenience of also putting a CC
at Lincoln Station adds up to much, and is greatly outweighed by the
different colocation benefits provided by the Hartwell location. (There are
other factors besides colocation convenience that also weigh strongly in
favor of the Hartwell Campus location - see the summary from Krystal above.)

- Paul Shorb

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 11:36 PM Sara Mattes  wrote:

> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a
> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop
> in” center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to
> eat form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place
> to meet friends and neighbors.
> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of
> socializing.
> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more
> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for
> community engagement.
> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand
> mixed use.
> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not
> less…more on ideas for that at a later date.
> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic
> considerations preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell
> Campus.
> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed
> at Spc. Town Meeting.
> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of
> spaces off campus.
> I am curious what others heard.
> Sara
> --
> Sara Mattes
> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood <
>> wrote:
> *Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.*
> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting
> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell
> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone
> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their
> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of
> issues that are worth more explanation.
> *The Lincoln Station location:*
> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing
> space at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell,
> so Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging
> & Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to
> the Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three
> properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter
> parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for
> moving the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Andy Wang
My sense on the amendment was probably closer to Krystal's, after all, it
is a Building Committee, not a Study Committee (folks can argue what it
SHOULD be at this stage, but that is what it IS).  I'm sure a lot of people
walked away from that meeting (and probably voted) with different
impressions though.

My impression was there was support to move the process forward for the
CCBC to explore the options for construction of a Community Center at the
Hartwell location, while also reviewing assumptions about programming space
requirements and taking into consideration the ability to use facilities at
other sites in order to reduce the overall footprint / cost / scale of a
building at Hartwell Campus.  The 2022 vote was support to *develop options*
to build at Hartwell, not necessary support to build.  At least that was
the impression I was voting with: Provide necessary funds to the committee
for them to come back with a proposal that they believe will pass a 2/3
vote to bond in 2024. That vote in 2024 is what would determine if there
was support to build at Hartwell.

Also, for those throwing around words like "monolith", I'm curious what the
threshold is between monolith and reasonable?  I believe the Total Gross SF
for New Construction in the previous final report in 2018 was 23,436 sq ft
(19,530 + 20% net to gross multiplier).  The current draft proposal

looks like 17,948 sq ft (12820+40% net to gross multiplier).  About 23%
reduction from that.  For size reference, each existing pod is about 4,600
sq ft. Bemis is about 7,290 net sq ft, with COA using about 5,000 sq ft.
 Given that two of the pods would be replaced, that's 14,200 sq ft total.
I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole of arguing how much space one
group or another needs.  'Monolith', I suppose, is in the eye of the
beholder, I just wanted to put into perspective the sizes of existing space
relative to the proposal.

- Andy

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 1:06 PM Kathy Madison via Lincoln <> wrote:

> Yes, regarding the amendment passed on Nov 22, I also heard that a
> Community Center design would explore expanded use of spaces, as part of
> presenting a range of financial options. Not that there would be one big
> building option.
> My understanding was that this survey was meant to elicit thoughts,
> opinions and preferences of residents.
> So it is disappointing to read that when when "residents expressed their
> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
> consideration of other locations around town,”  the response is outrightly
> rejected/defended against. A process of solving a problem demands
> creativity, not reinforcing a foregone conclusion.
> Lincoln is a small town. We can have multi-generational experiences simply
> by shopping at Donelans!
> Seriously, focusing more on town/citizen needs (including fiscal
> constraints) than on designing a monolith is key to arriving at a solution!
> Kathy Madison
> On May 3, 2023, at 11:36 PM, Sara Mattes  wrote:
> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a
> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop
> in” center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to
> eat form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place
> to meet friends and neighbors.
> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of
> socializing.
> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more
> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for
> community engagement.
> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand
> mixed use.
> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not
> less…more on ideas for that at a later date.
> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic
> considerations preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell
> Campus.
> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed
> at Spc. Town Meeting.
> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of
> spaces off campus.
> I am curious what others heard.
> Sara
> --
> Sara Mattes
> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood <
>> wrote:
> *Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.*
> While the motion approved at the November 

[LincolnTalk] Getting to Zero: #6 The Builder's Perspective - Green Building and Restoration

2023-05-04 Thread Belinda Gingrich
Getting to Zero Series!  
#6 The Builder's Perspective – Green Building and Restoration 
May 18th at 7 pm
Do you love the look of your home but the chill is getting you down?  Can any 
home become energy efficient, or is Net Zero just for new  construction? Can 
Modern homes keep their uniqueness and while meeting  21st century efficiency 
In the sixth presentation of the Getting to Zero series, Lincolnite Mark 
Doughty, President of Thoughtforms Construction Company and Colin Flavin, 
founder of Flavin Architects will discuss their experience with respectful 
renovation of historic homes, particularly mid-century modern homes, and how 
renovations can meet new energy codes.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: May 18, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the meeting.

Check out our past presentations on 
Our final presentation will be on May 23rd with Paul Gromer from Peregrine 
Energy Group. He will talk about electric aggregation and what green energy 
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[LincolnTalk] Bluebirds, Orioles, Hummingbirds

2023-05-04 Thread Anne Warner
So the bluebirds are happily nesting in our front yard bluebird box, and hoping 
the wrens or the sparrows will not oust them. Does anyone know when the orioles 
will be coming through or when the hummingbirds will arrive? I want to be ready 
for them…

- Sent from iPhone. Typed by thumb. Excuse misspellings! 
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[LincolnTalk] Beer Homebrewing System for Sale

2023-05-04 Thread Ward Walkup IV
Hello Lincoln Talk,

I am looking to sell my beer homebrewing system for $1500.  The system is 
comprised of a propane fed three burner brew stand, four kettles (10, 15, 26 & 
26 gallons), two chillers (Plate and immersion), several fermenters (PET and a 
heated and cooled stainless conical) and can be used to brew batches from 5 to 
25 gallons.  The stand is pump fed and comes with all of the tubing and quick 
connects for moving liquid between the kettles and chilling (two chillers are 
included).  A full list of equipment is included at the bottom of this message. 

I am happy to provide pictures of all items.  I've used the system for 9 years 
and have won many awards with the system, including Best of Show in the 2021 
New England Regional and 2022 Southern California Homebrew regional 

If you are new to brewing I am also happy to do a training session and brew a 
beer on the system with you.

System Inventory:

Brew Stand
3 Tier Brew Stand

Brew Kettles
Blichmann 15 Gal BoilerMaker G1 with False Bottom
26 Gallon BrewBuilt Mash Tun + Recirculation Arm + False Bottom
26 Gallon BrewBuilt Boil Kettle with Whirlpool Arm
10 Gallon BrewBuilt Boil Kettle with Recirculation Arm

Blichmann Therminator plate chiller
50 ft Stainless Chiller

More Beer Heated and Cooled Conical (14 Gal)
Spiedel 60 L (15.9 Gal)
Spiedel 30L (7.9 Gal)
Spiedel 30L (7.9 Gal)
Better Bottle (6 Gal)
Better Bottle (6 Gal)

Chugger Pump
Blichmann Hop Rocket
All kettles have quick connects and all tubing with reciprocal fittings is 
Blichmann Brew Vision
Additional items

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Richard Panetta
With all due respect there was not a clear consensus. There was a
compromise since the meeting was dragging on and people just wanted to move
the process forward.

We were told the hartwell option was the only viable option so there really
was not a choice. Let’s call a spade a spade and stop with the false
narratives please

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 9:38 PM Krystal Wood <> wrote:

> *Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.*
> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting
> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell
> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone
> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their
> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of
> issues that are worth more explanation.
> *The Lincoln Station location:*
> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing
> space at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell,
> so Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging
> & Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to
> the Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three
> properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter
> parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for
> moving the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer Station) to be about $25
> million. The unpaved commuter lot is too small. The paved commuter lot
> provides public parking for the commuter rail, and presents challenges
> complying with MBTA requirements for appropriate parking capacity at train
> stations. Limited parking correlates with reduced train service. The MBTA
> and its constituency can be expected to protest a reduction in public
> parking at any MBTA station. Building on the paved lot would also eliminate
> the possibility of using the lot for potential commercial activity or a
> potential housing development.  (Additional housing is the top priority
> for the revitalization efforts.)
> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require
> public funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition
> to public funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in
> Hartwell Complex.
> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require
> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the Hartwell Complex,
> adding significantly to the construction costs, and also the maintenance
> and management costs.
> 5. Trying to use other locations at Lincoln Station -- above the
> bank, above Donelan’s, other Rural Land Foundation property etc., if
> available, would also reduce the options for future housing.
> *There are many important considerations for locating the Community Center
> at Hartwell:*
> 1. The PRD and COA can co-locate as they need similar types of
> facilities and, most importantly, can share the same spaces.   Both
> provide fitness activities, but largely at different times of the day.   PRD
> and COA provide arts-and-craft activities that can again be located in
> the same space, at different days and times etc.   Use of the same
> facilities will provide significant reduction in construction costs, and
> provide operational efficiency gains.
> 2. There are synergies between the School, PRD and COA programs,
> and the Hartwell location that will provide readily accessible
> opportunities for intergenerational activities unhindered by distance and
> transportation logistics of separate locations.
> 3. The campus has been studied extensively to ensure that a community
> center could be located on Ballfield Road, and it was determined that with
> proper design, there is sufficient space for parking and circulation.
> 4. The campus location is aesthetically more pleasing than the
> commuter lot at Lincoln Station.
> *PRD and COA programming beyond the Hartwell Complex*
> Currently, PRD and COA programs occur at many locations around town,
> other than the Hartwell Complex and both organizations will continue to use
> these locations.   For a full listing please see the Decentralized
> Programming Matrix on the CCBC web site.
> 1. Currently the PRD runs programs at the Lincoln School Reed and
> Smith gyms, the School Auditorium and Learning Commons, and at Bemis Hall,
> Pierce House, the Library, First Parish Church, and Codman Farm, amongst
> other locations; and at town athletic facilities including Codman Pool, the
> sport and tennis courts, playgrounds, athletic fields and parks.
> 2. The COA has programs at the First Parish Church, at Lincoln
> Woods, Hartwell Complex, the 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center location

2023-05-04 Thread Louis Zipes
Correct. My response does not endorse a viewpoint

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, Seth Rosen  wrote:

> Hi Louis - I think you meant that YOUR response does not endorse a
> viewpoint.  I thought you meant that MY response does not endorse a
> viewpoint.  I was responding from my phone and didn't see the italics.
> I may have misread your note, and if so, I apologize.
> Seth I Rosen
> Cell: 617-771-5602
> Email:
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 12:15 PM Seth Rosen  wrote:
>> Hi Louis, that is an important distinction and I appreciate you pointing
>> it out.
>> While the thresholds for approval are important, I don’t think that’s
>> germane in the context of my note. I feel my viewpoint was unambiguously
>> expressed.
>> Seth
>> On May 4, 2023, at 12:00 PM, Louis Zipes  wrote:
>> *This response does not endorse a viewpoint.*
>> *Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this
>> will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a
>> minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of
>> the bill.*
>> If you are referring to the final funding vote that would be coming next
>> year, then remember that just like with the initial vote last November it
>> is not a 'majority', at least how most people would understand a majority
>> to be (50% plus one) that will decide on the eventual project's funding. To
>> approve funding it will take a *super-*majority, during the Town Meeting
>> part of the vote, so actually the people that will be in favor of it will
>> need to turn out more voters than the people opposed to it. Apologies if
>> you were not referring to that part.
>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:54 AM Seth Rosen  wrote:
>>> Hi Ned, I agree with you and Sarah.  Candidly this was my fear and why I
>>> was such a vocal opponent of authorizing the funds.
>>> What was green-lighted to be an exploration of various alternatives is
>>> rapidly turning into a foregone conclusion that will cost at least $12.5M,
>>> with options up to $25M or more.
>>> For example, I am quite certain that no one is going to propose a $3 or
>>> $4m renovation of the pods and attendant alternative uses of other
>>> pre-existing spaces. I’d be most supportive of something along those lines,
>>> as I think it’s prudent, responsive to the community’s needs, correctly
>>> sized in proportion to our population, and fiscally responsible.  But that
>>> proposal is not coming.
>>> Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this
>>> will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a
>>> minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of
>>> the bill.
>>> If folks feel such a large expenditure is imprudent, they will need to
>>> show up to vote it down.
>>> Seth
>>> > On May 4, 2023, at 10:25 AM, Edward Young via Lincoln <
>>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I certainly heard what Sarah heard at the Spc. Town Meeting.
>>> > The process we have seen to date is not the process I expected from
>>> the discussion at the meeting.
>>> >
>>> > Sarah wrote:
>>> >
>>> > "And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment
>>> passed at Spc. Town Meeting.
>>> > My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
>>> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming?an expanded use of
>>> spaces off campus.
>>> > I am curious what others heard."
>>> > --
>>> > The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>> mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
>>> >
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[LincolnTalk] FR: Hand Sanitizer

2023-05-04 Thread Mary Dethavong
Free Amazon Basics hand sanitizer, original scent, 67.6 fl oz, expires 12/23. I 
opened it once and realized I don’t like the scent. It’s supposed to be similar 
to Germ-X. Pick up in North Lincoln.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Priscilla Leach
That’s a great idea!  I’ll be there!

Priscilla Leach

Sent from my iPad

> On May 4, 2023, at 8:11 AM, Sandra Bradlee  wrote:
> Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call 
> directly with information.
> Sandy
> 617-840-2321
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Mary Mansfield
*I'm with you Leslie. I would love to learn, but would also need an "old
and slow group!"*

*Mary Mansfield*
*315 Hemlock Circle*

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:45 AM Leslie Turek  wrote:

> I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow"
> group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball
> offering?
> Leslie Turek
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger 
> wrote:
>> Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee 
>> wrote:
>>> Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call
>>> directly with information.
>>> Sandy
>>> 617-840-2321
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> --
>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>> Browse the archives at
>>> Change your subscription settings at
>>> --
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>> Browse the archives at
>> Change your subscription settings at
>> --
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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> .
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Mary Mansfield
315 Hemlock Circle
Lincoln, MA 01773
Ph: 978-443-4404
Cell: 617-645-1797
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Kathy Madison via Lincoln
Yes, regarding the amendment passed on Nov 22, I also heard that a Community 
Center design would explore expanded use of spaces, as part of presenting a 
range of financial options. Not that there would be one big building option.

My understanding was that this survey was meant to elicit thoughts, opinions 
and preferences of residents.

So it is disappointing to read that when when "residents expressed their 
continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the 
consideration of other locations around town,”  the response is outrightly 
rejected/defended against. A process of solving a problem demands creativity, 
not reinforcing a foregone conclusion.

Lincoln is a small town. We can have multi-generational experiences simply by 
shopping at Donelans! 
Seriously, focusing more on town/citizen needs (including fiscal constraints) 
than on designing a monolith is key to arriving at a solution!

Kathy Madison

> On May 3, 2023, at 11:36 PM, Sara Mattes  wrote:
> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a 
> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop in” 
> center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to eat 
> form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place to 
> meet friends and neighbors.
> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of 
> socializing.
> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more 
> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for 
> community engagement.
> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand mixed 
> use.
> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not less…more 
> on ideas for that at a later date.
> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic considerations 
> preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell Campus.
> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed at 
> Spc. Town Meeting.
> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential 
> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of 
> spaces off campus.
> I am curious what others heard.
> Sara
> --
> Sara Mattes
>> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood 
>>  wrote:
>> Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.
>> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting 
>> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell 
>> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone 
>> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their 
>> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the 
>> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of issues 
>> that are worth more explanation.
>> The Lincoln Station location:
>> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing space 
>> at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell, so 
>> Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
>> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging & 
>> Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to the 
>> Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three 
>> properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter 
>> parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for moving 
>> the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer Station) to be about $25 million. 
>> The unpaved commuter lot is too small. The paved commuter lot provides 
>> public parking for the commuter rail, and presents challenges complying with 
>> MBTA requirements for appropriate parking capacity at train stations. 
>> Limited parking correlates with reduced train service. The MBTA and its 
>> constituency can be expected to protest a reduction in public parking at any 
>> MBTA station. Building on the paved lot would also eliminate the possibility 
>> of using the lot for potential commercial activity or a potential housing 
>> development.  (Additional housing is the top priority for the revitalization 
>> efforts.)
>> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require public 
>> funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition to public 
>> funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in Hartwell 
>> Complex.
>> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require 
>> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Judy Kittredge via Lincoln
 I'd like to learn as well. 
On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 08:34:49 AM EDT, sally kindleberger 
 Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:

Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly 
with information.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Judy Kittredge via Lincoln
 Same for me, total novice and not as young as I used to be 
On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 11:07:48 AM EDT, Laura Crosby 
 Agreed! Am very Interested but need a complete beginners class. No tennis 
experience here and just a smidge of ping pong! 
Sent from my iPhone

On May 4, 2023, at 9:38 AM, Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln 

Is it easy to learn if you have never played tennis? 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, 9:01 AM, Betty Green via Lincoln 

My husband just bought me a ball and rackets. I’d love to join u

Sent from my iPhone

On May 4, 2023, at 8:45 AM, Leslie Turek  wrote:

I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" 
group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball 
offering? Leslie Turek
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  

Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:

Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly 
with information.

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[LincolnTalk] FS: Antique School Desk

2023-05-04 Thread Lisa Heffley
In great condition. Seat folds up, ink well and shelf, $100.  Contact me
directly.  Lisa Heffley --
Lisa Heffley
Yoga Teacher
Dynamic Stillness Practitioner
ArtSpace, Studio #120, 63 Summer Street, Maynard, MA 01754
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Andy Bennett
I echo Sara and Diana’s energy and sentiments. Let’s not forget about the
former Cambridge Trust venue. I am not in the know on the ownership of that
property and feasibility for considering, but the point I am making is a
support for a non-monolithic revisiting of the design and planning basis.

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:49 AM Diana Smith 

> hear, hear, Sara.
> I feel defeated by the charge ahead attitude of the CCBC.  going in one
> direction was NOT the sense of the meeting.  We should be exploring
> creative ideas - eg, Sara's above.
> Diana Smith
> On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 11:37 PM Sara Mattes  wrote:
>> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
>> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a
>> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop
>> in” center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to
>> eat form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
>> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
>> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place
>> to meet friends and neighbors.
>> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of
>> socializing.
>> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more
>> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for
>> community engagement.
>> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand
>> mixed use.
>> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not
>> less…more on ideas for that at a later date.
>> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic
>> considerations preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell
>> Campus.
>> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
>> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
>> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment
>> passed at Spc. Town Meeting.
>> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
>> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of
>> spaces off campus.
>> I am curious what others heard.
>> Sara
>> --
>> Sara Mattes
>> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood <
>>> wrote:
>> *Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.*
>> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting
>> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell
>> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone
>> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their
>> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
>> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of
>> issues that are worth more explanation.
>> *The Lincoln Station location:*
>> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing
>> space at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell,
>> so Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
>> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging
>> & Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to
>> the Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three
>> properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter
>> parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for
>> moving the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer Station) to be about $25
>> million. The unpaved commuter lot is too small. The paved commuter lot
>> provides public parking for the commuter rail, and presents challenges
>> complying with MBTA requirements for appropriate parking capacity at train
>> stations. Limited parking correlates with reduced train service. The MBTA
>> and its constituency can be expected to protest a reduction in public
>> parking at any MBTA station. Building on the paved lot would also eliminate
>> the possibility of using the lot for potential commercial activity or a
>> potential housing development.  (Additional housing is the top priority
>> for the revitalization efforts.)
>> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require
>> public funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition
>> to public funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in
>> Hartwell Complex.
>> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require
>> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the Hartwell Complex,
>> adding significantly to the construction costs, and also the maintenance
>> and management costs.
>> 5. Trying to use other locations at Lincoln Station -- above the
>> bank, above Donelan’s, other Rural Land Foundation property etc., if
>> available, would also reduce the options for future housing.

Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Andy Bennett
Sorry to have forgotten my name …

Andy Bennett
Bedford Lane

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 12:37 PM Andy Bennett 

> I echo Sara and Diana’s energy and sentiments. Let’s not forget about the
> former Cambridge Trust venue. I am not in the know on the ownership of that
> property and feasibility for considering, but the point I am making is a
> support for a non-monolithic revisiting of the design and planning basis.
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:49 AM Diana Smith 
> wrote:
>> hear, hear, Sara.
>> I feel defeated by the charge ahead attitude of the CCBC.  going in one
>> direction was NOT the sense of the meeting.  We should be exploring
>> creative ideas - eg, Sara's above.
>> Diana Smith
>> On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 11:37 PM Sara Mattes  wrote:
>>> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
>>> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a
>>> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop
>>> in” center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to
>>> eat form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
>>> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
>>> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central
>>> place to meet friends and neighbors.
>>> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of
>>> socializing.
>>> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more
>>> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for
>>> community engagement.
>>> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand
>>> mixed use.
>>> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not
>>> less…more on ideas for that at a later date.
>>> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic
>>> considerations preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell
>>> Campus.
>>> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
>>> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
>>> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment
>>> passed at Spc. Town Meeting.
>>> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
>>> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of
>>> spaces off campus.
>>> I am curious what others heard.
>>> Sara
>>> --
>>> Sara Mattes
>>> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood <
>>>> wrote:
>>> *Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.*
>>> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting
>>> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell
>>> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone
>>> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their
>>> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
>>> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of
>>> issues that are worth more explanation.
>>> *The Lincoln Station location:*
>>> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing
>>> space at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell,
>>> so Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
>>> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on
>>> Aging & Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has
>>> talked to the Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns
>>> three properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved
>>> commuter parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the
>>> cost for moving the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer Station) to be
>>> about $25 million. The unpaved commuter lot is too small. The paved
>>> commuter lot provides public parking for the commuter rail, and presents
>>> challenges complying with MBTA requirements for appropriate parking
>>> capacity at train stations. Limited parking correlates with reduced train
>>> service. The MBTA and its constituency can be expected to protest a
>>> reduction in public parking at any MBTA station. Building on the paved lot
>>> would also eliminate the possibility of using the lot for potential
>>> commercial activity or a potential housing development.  (Additional
>>> housing is the top priority for the revitalization efforts.)
>>> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require
>>> public funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition
>>> to public funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in
>>> Hartwell Complex.
>>> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require
>>> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the Hartwell Complex,
>>> adding significantly to the construction costs, and also the maintenance
>>> and management 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center location

2023-05-04 Thread Seth Rosen
Hi Louis - I think you meant that YOUR response does not endorse a
viewpoint.  I thought you meant that MY response does not endorse a
viewpoint.  I was responding from my phone and didn't see the italics.

I may have misread your note, and if so, I apologize.

Seth I Rosen
Cell: 617-771-5602

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 12:15 PM Seth Rosen  wrote:

> Hi Louis, that is an important distinction and I appreciate you pointing
> it out.
> While the thresholds for approval are important, I don’t think that’s
> germane in the context of my note. I feel my viewpoint was unambiguously
> expressed.
> Seth
> On May 4, 2023, at 12:00 PM, Louis Zipes  wrote:
> *This response does not endorse a viewpoint.*
> *Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this
> will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a
> minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of
> the bill.*
> If you are referring to the final funding vote that would be coming next
> year, then remember that just like with the initial vote last November it
> is not a 'majority', at least how most people would understand a majority
> to be (50% plus one) that will decide on the eventual project's funding. To
> approve funding it will take a *super-*majority, during the Town Meeting
> part of the vote, so actually the people that will be in favor of it will
> need to turn out more voters than the people opposed to it. Apologies if
> you were not referring to that part.
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:54 AM Seth Rosen  wrote:
>> Hi Ned, I agree with you and Sarah.  Candidly this was my fear and why I
>> was such a vocal opponent of authorizing the funds.
>> What was green-lighted to be an exploration of various alternatives is
>> rapidly turning into a foregone conclusion that will cost at least $12.5M,
>> with options up to $25M or more.
>> For example, I am quite certain that no one is going to propose a $3 or
>> $4m renovation of the pods and attendant alternative uses of other
>> pre-existing spaces. I’d be most supportive of something along those lines,
>> as I think it’s prudent, responsive to the community’s needs, correctly
>> sized in proportion to our population, and fiscally responsible.  But that
>> proposal is not coming.
>> Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this
>> will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a
>> minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of
>> the bill.
>> If folks feel such a large expenditure is imprudent, they will need to
>> show up to vote it down.
>> Seth
>> > On May 4, 2023, at 10:25 AM, Edward Young via Lincoln <
>>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I certainly heard what Sarah heard at the Spc. Town Meeting.
>> > The process we have seen to date is not the process I expected from the
>> discussion at the meeting.
>> >
>> > Sarah wrote:
>> >
>> > "And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment
>> passed at Spc. Town Meeting.
>> > My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
>> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming?an expanded use of
>> spaces off campus.
>> > I am curious what others heard."
>> > --
>> > The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> > To post, send mail to
>> > Browse the archives at
>> > Change your subscription settings at
>> >
>> --
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>> Browse the archives at
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center location

2023-05-04 Thread Seth Rosen
Hi Louis, that is an important distinction and I appreciate you pointing it out.  While the thresholds for approval are important, I don’t think that’s germane in the context of my note. I feel my viewpoint was unambiguously expressed.Seth On May 4, 2023, at 12:00 PM, Louis Zipes  wrote:This response does not endorse a viewpoint.Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of the bill.If you are referring to the final funding vote that would be coming next year, then remember that just like with the initial vote last November it is not a 'majority', at least how most people would understand a majority to be (50% plus one) that will decide on the eventual project's funding. To approve funding it will take a super-majority, during the Town Meeting part of the vote, so actually the people that will be in favor of it will need to turn out more voters than the people opposed to it. Apologies if you were not referring to that part.On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:54 AM Seth Rosen  wrote:Hi Ned, I agree with you and Sarah.  Candidly this was my fear and why I was such a vocal opponent of authorizing the funds.  

What was green-lighted to be an exploration of various alternatives is rapidly turning into a foregone conclusion that will cost at least $12.5M, with options up to $25M or more.  

For example, I am quite certain that no one is going to propose a $3 or $4m renovation of the pods and attendant alternative uses of other pre-existing spaces. I’d be most supportive of something along those lines, as I think it’s prudent, responsive to the community’s needs, correctly sized in proportion to our population, and fiscally responsible.  But that proposal is not coming.

Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of the bill.

If folks feel such a large expenditure is imprudent, they will need to show up to vote it down.


> On May 4, 2023, at 10:25 AM, Edward Young via Lincoln  wrote:
> I certainly heard what Sarah heard at the Spc. Town Meeting.
> The process we have seen to date is not the process I expected from the discussion at the meeting.
> Sarah wrote:
> "And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed at Spc. Town Meeting.
> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming?an expanded use of spaces off campus.
> I am curious what others heard."
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to
> Browse the archives at
> Change your subscription settings at
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center location

2023-05-04 Thread Louis Zipes
*This response does not endorse a viewpoint.*

*Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this
will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a
minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of
the bill.*

If you are referring to the final funding vote that would be coming next
year, then remember that just like with the initial vote last November it
is not a 'majority', at least how most people would understand a majority
to be (50% plus one) that will decide on the eventual project's funding. To
approve funding it will take a *super-*majority, during the Town Meeting
part of the vote, so actually the people that will be in favor of it will
need to turn out more voters than the people opposed to it. Apologies if
you were not referring to that part.

[image: image.png]

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:54 AM Seth Rosen  wrote:

> Hi Ned, I agree with you and Sarah.  Candidly this was my fear and why I
> was such a vocal opponent of authorizing the funds.
> What was green-lighted to be an exploration of various alternatives is
> rapidly turning into a foregone conclusion that will cost at least $12.5M,
> with options up to $25M or more.
> For example, I am quite certain that no one is going to propose a $3 or
> $4m renovation of the pods and attendant alternative uses of other
> pre-existing spaces. I’d be most supportive of something along those lines,
> as I think it’s prudent, responsive to the community’s needs, correctly
> sized in proportion to our population, and fiscally responsible.  But that
> proposal is not coming.
> Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this
> will show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a
> minority of the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of
> the bill.
> If folks feel such a large expenditure is imprudent, they will need to
> show up to vote it down.
> Seth
> > On May 4, 2023, at 10:25 AM, Edward Young via Lincoln <
>> wrote:
> >
> > I certainly heard what Sarah heard at the Spc. Town Meeting.
> > The process we have seen to date is not the process I expected from the
> discussion at the meeting.
> >
> > Sarah wrote:
> >
> > "And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment
> passed at Spc. Town Meeting.
> > My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming?an expanded use of
> spaces off campus.
> > I am curious what others heard."
> > --
> > The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> > To post, send mail to
> > Browse the archives at
> > Change your subscription settings at
> >
> --
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to
> Browse the archives at
> .
> Change your subscription settings at
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Laura Crosby
Agreed! Am very Interested but need a complete beginners class. No tennis experience here and just a smidge of ping pong! Sent from my iPhoneOn May 4, 2023, at 9:38 AM, Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln  wrote:
Is it easy to learn if you have never played tennis? Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneOn Thursday, May 4, 2023, 9:01 AM, Betty Green via Lincoln  wrote:My husband just bought me a ball and rackets. I’d love to join uSent from my iPhoneOn May 4, 2023, at 8:45 AM, Leslie Turek  wrote:I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball offering? Leslie TurekOn Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  wrote:Me too! I would love to learn how to play!On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly with information.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center location

2023-05-04 Thread Seth Rosen
Hi Ned, I agree with you and Sarah.  Candidly this was my fear and why I was 
such a vocal opponent of authorizing the funds.  

What was green-lighted to be an exploration of various alternatives is rapidly 
turning into a foregone conclusion that will cost at least $12.5M, with options 
up to $25M or more.  

For example, I am quite certain that no one is going to propose a $3 or $4m 
renovation of the pods and attendant alternative uses of other pre-existing 
spaces. I’d be most supportive of something along those lines, as I think it’s 
prudent, responsive to the community’s needs, correctly sized in proportion to 
our population, and fiscally responsible.  But that proposal is not coming.

Such is the democratic process.  The folks who feel strongly about this will 
show up in force and can be a majority of the vote despite being a minority of 
the town.  The folks who do not show up will be paying most of the bill.

If folks feel such a large expenditure is imprudent, they will need to show up 
to vote it down.


> On May 4, 2023, at 10:25 AM, Edward Young via Lincoln 
>  wrote:
> I certainly heard what Sarah heard at the Spc. Town Meeting.
> The process we have seen to date is not the process I expected from the 
> discussion at the meeting.
> Sarah wrote:
> "And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed 
> at Spc. Town Meeting.
> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential 
> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming?an expanded use of 
> spaces off campus.
> I am curious what others heard."
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to
> Browse the archives at
> Change your subscription settings at 
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[LincolnTalk] Community Center location

2023-05-04 Thread Edward Young via Lincoln
I certainly heard what Sarah heard at the Spc. Town Meeting.
The process we have seen to date is not the process I expected from the 
discussion at the meeting.

Sarah wrote:

"And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed at 
Spc. Town Meeting.
My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential expansion 
of use of alternative spaces for programming?an expanded use of spaces off 
I am curious what others heard."
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[LincolnTalk] Invitation to First Parish Food for Thought Supper and Sidetrack discussion, next Wednesday, May 10

2023-05-04 Thread bslayter



Wednesday, May 10

6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 

Parish House 14 Bedford Road, Lincoln










What was their experience as Roxbury
& Lincoln middle schoolers in the program?

How did it affect their lives & help
shape the adults they have become?

What can we learn today from this
"forgotten" experiment in educational integration?



WHAT WAS SIDETRACK?   In 1971 two groups of 7th graders from Roxbury and
Lincoln spent the school year studying together for the first semester in
one community and the second semester in the other.A 50-50 project  as
determined by race, gender, geography, and teachers, its purpose was, in
part, to enable students to explore each community beyond the classroom.
Fifty years later, one of those 7th graders , Peter Thomson, has tracked
down a good portion of his classmates to see whether and how the experience
has affected their lives. He has written of this experience in an extensive
article which you can read in the Ideas section of the Boston Sunday Globe,
January 22, 2023.



  Peter Thomson is an award-winning journalist, author, editor, and
radio producer with special emphasis on environmental and climate concerns.
He is widely known for his book,
 Sacred Sea: A
Journey to Lake Baikal, published by Oxford University Press.  Peter grew up
in Lincoln, was active in First Parish's YPC, attended Lincoln-Sudbury High
School,  and now lives in Boston with his wife and daughter.

Tracy Steele is a Boston native with strong ties to his
community. Now living in Ashland, MA, Tracy is a Senior Vice President at a
leading Software Technology company, where his passion for giving back has
been realized through the company's charitable giving program. Tracy has
teamed up with Nonprofit Tech Goes Home and NETSCOUT to Expand Digital
Access in the greater Boston community, making a tangible impact on his
hometown of Roxbury.


INTRODUCTION:   Rev, Nate Klug


FACILITATORS:   Ken Hurd and Barbara Slayter


SPONSORED BY:  FPL's Racial Justice Journey

No RSVP Required!  Childcare provided.

Recommended donation to cover cost of the home-cooked meal prepared by our
own talented FPL "Chefs"!  

Adults $10, children $5, families $25 max.






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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln
Is it easy to learn if you have never played tennis? 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, 9:01 AM, Betty Green via Lincoln 

My husband just bought me a ball and rackets. I’d love to join u

Sent from my iPhone

On May 4, 2023, at 8:45 AM, Leslie Turek  wrote:

I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" 
group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball 
offering? Leslie Turek
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  

Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:

Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly 
with information.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Rob Stringer
Our Parks and Rec Department does offer Pickleball.  It’s indoors in the Smith 
Gym one Ballfield Road. Here’s a link. The season has already started, but if 
you’re interested, maybe it will be offered again. Check your mail when you get 
a Parks and Recreation flyer, they’ll have their programs listed. 

Rob Stringer

> On May 4, 2023, at 8:45 AM, Leslie Turek  wrote:
> I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" 
> group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball 
> offering?
> Leslie Turek
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  > wrote:
>> Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee > > wrote:
>>> Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call 
>>> directly with information.
>>> Sandy
>>> 617-840-2321
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>>> To post, send mail to 
>>> .
>>> Browse the archives at
>>> Change your subscription settings at 
>> -- 
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> To post, send mail to 
>> .
>> Browse the archives at
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> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Betty Green via Lincoln
My husband just bought me a ball and rackets. I’d love to join uSent from my iPhoneOn May 4, 2023, at 8:45 AM, Leslie Turek  wrote:I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball offering? Leslie TurekOn Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  wrote:Me too! I would love to learn how to play!On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly with information.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread jbwise121--- via Lincoln
I believe the Rec is offering a beginning class this spring.J

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, 8:45 AM, Leslie Turek  wrote:

I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow" group. 
Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball offering? 
Leslie Turek
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger  

Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee  wrote:

Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly 
with information.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Survey Responses Regarding the Community Center Location

2023-05-04 Thread Diana Smith
hear, hear, Sara.
I feel defeated by the charge ahead attitude of the CCBC.  going in one
direction was NOT the sense of the meeting.  We should be exploring
creative ideas - eg, Sara's above.
Diana Smith

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 11:37 PM Sara Mattes  wrote:

> Sadly, the focus on a monolith is constraining creativity.
> What if, rather than simply dismissing Linocln Station as the host for a
> monolith, we looked for a smaller space for a long-term lease of a “drop
> in” center- ca community space for folks to stop, sit, bring something to
> eat form home, the Twisted Tree, Donelans, Country Pizza?
> Have a Senior Work-Off individual be in place to maintain order.
> People could drop in as they went to PO or wanted to have a central place
> to meet friends and neighbors.
> The campus is not central and does not lend itself to this form of
> socializing.
> A more modest vision about how to use Lincoln Station would bring more
> traffic to our small commercial district and provide a central location for
> community engagement.
> This would not preclude expansion of housing in the area, only expand
> mixed use.
> We need more collaboration and sharing of spaces across town, not
> less…more on ideas for that at a later date.
> As to intergenerational activities, the programing and traffic
> considerations preclude potential for this to be realized on the Hartwell
> Campus.
> Adult activities end as youth programs begin.
> Facilities will offer multi-generational , not inter-generational use.
> And, finally, I respectfully disagree on the sense of the amendment passed
> at Spc. Town Meeting.
> My read was there was a clear desire for continued use and potential
> expansion of use of alternative spaces for programming…an expanded use of
> spaces off campus.
> I am curious what others heard.
> Sara
> --
> Sara Mattes
> On May 3, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Krystal Wood <
>> wrote:
> *Survey Responses regarding the Community Center Location.*
> While the motion approved at the November 2022 Special Town Meeting
> recognized that the Community Center would be located at the Hartwell
> Complex, in the recent CCBC survey responses and during the open microphone
> Community Center meeting on April 4, some  residents expressed their
> continuing interest in locating the Center at Lincoln Station, or in the
> consideration of other locations around town.   There are a number of
> issues that are worth more explanation.
> *The Lincoln Station location:*
> 1. The Parks and Recreation (PRD) programs are located at existing
> space at the Hartwell complex, and will continue to be located at Hartwell,
> so Lincoln children can easily walk to their after-school activities.
> 2. There is no viable site at Lincoln Station for a Council on Aging
> & Human Services (COA) center.   No private land owner has talked to
> the Town about siting a center on their property. The Town owns three
> properties: the DPW site, paved commuter parking lot and unpaved commuter
> parking lot.   Consultants in a previous study estimated the cost for
> moving the DPW to the only viable site (Transfer Station) to be about $25
> million. The unpaved commuter lot is too small. The paved commuter lot
> provides public parking for the commuter rail, and presents challenges
> complying with MBTA requirements for appropriate parking capacity at train
> stations. Limited parking correlates with reduced train service. The MBTA
> and its constituency can be expected to protest a reduction in public
> parking at any MBTA station. Building on the paved lot would also eliminate
> the possibility of using the lot for potential commercial activity or a
> potential housing development.  (Additional housing is the top priority
> for the revitalization efforts.)
> 3. Any construction for a center at Lincoln Station will require
> public funding for site preparation, parking, and a building, in addition
> to public funding for solving PRD’s facility and office space needs in
> Hartwell Complex.
> 4. Locating the COA center at Lincoln Station would require
> duplication of facilities with those used by PRD in the Hartwell Complex,
> adding significantly to the construction costs, and also the maintenance
> and management costs.
> 5. Trying to use other locations at Lincoln Station -- above the
> bank, above Donelan’s, other Rural Land Foundation property etc., if
> available, would also reduce the options for future housing.
> *There are many important considerations for locating the Community Center
> at Hartwell:*
> 1. The PRD and COA can co-locate as they need similar types of
> facilities and, most importantly, can share the same spaces.   Both
> provide fitness activities, but largely at different times of the day.   PRD
> and COA provide arts-and-craft activities that can again be located in
> the same space, at different days and times etc.   Use of the same

Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Leslie Turek
I also have an interest, although I would need a friendly "old and slow"
group. Perhaps Lincoln Parks and Rec could consider adding a pickleball
Leslie Turek

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM sally kindleberger 

> Me too! I would love to learn how to play!
> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee 
> wrote:
>> Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call
>> directly with information.
>> Sandy
>> 617-840-2321
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball and more

2023-05-04 Thread Sara Mattes
Where can we create a community listing of all the opportunities for 
programs/classes/services in our neighboring towns.
We drive everywhere anyway.
We can drive to these offerings-pickle ball, art classes, language classes, 
yoga, dance classes, billiards... etc., etc.

I would like to see “one stop shopping” on a list - not necessarily physically 
located in LIncoln, but what I might find in Concord, Lexington, Weston, etc.


Btw-whatever happened to ping pong at Hartwell in the evening?

Sara Mattes

> On May 4, 2023, at 8:10 AM, Sandra Bradlee  wrote:
> Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly 
> with information.
> Sandy
> 617-840-2321
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread sally kindleberger
Me too! I would love to learn how to play!

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM Sandra Bradlee 

> Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call
> directly with information.
> Sandy
> 617-840-2321
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[LincolnTalk] Pickleball

2023-05-04 Thread Sandra Bradlee
Looking for opportunities to learn pickle ball nearby.   Please call directly 
with information.

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[LincolnTalk] Walk Bike Roll FAQs Week: Day 4

2023-05-04 Thread John Mendelson
Hi Lincoln,

This week is Walk Bike Roll to School week for the students at Lincoln
School. So that the adults in Lincoln don’t feel left out, the Bicycle &
Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is offering Walk Bike Roll FAQs week
for adults; all you have to do to participate is read the daily message
sent to LincolnTalk. Day 4:

Q: Do bicyclists need to stop at stop signs?

Yes, in Massachusetts they do. (MGL Chapter 85, Section 11B)

Q: Do bicyclists need to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks?

Yes. (MGL Chapter 85, Section 11B)

Q: Can a bicyclist pass a line of stopped cars on the right?

Yes. (MGL Chapter 85, Section 11B)

John Mendelson, on behalf of BPAC
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