Re: Re: (OT) Mac: move up a folder

2004-10-12 Thread Sean Wilson

Here're a few lines that may be helpfull:
Thanks for that Cole!

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Re: (OT) Mac: move up a folder

2004-10-11 Thread Sean Wilson

You want to do that in Lingo?
I'm wanting to construct a full path to feed to FileXtra4 (which doesn't 
support '@' and variants), but having given it some more thought all I need 
to do is "drop" a directory when re-constructing the path at run time thus 
by-passing any need for "..\" or whatever.

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(OT) Mac: move up a folder

2004-10-10 Thread Sean Wilson
Hi All,
Given that "..\" will navigate up one directory from the current one on 
Windows, what is the Mac equivalent? Is it as simple as "..:"? And is it 
the same for <= OS9 and OSX?

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Re: getNetText and netDone question

2004-10-09 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm trying to pull an XML page from Amazon (using their REST API) and it
works great from the message window, but the handler must work too fast.
When it gets to checking netDone, it isn't done yet.  Is there a way to
have it wait until it is done?   I'm not getting any netError or any other
error.  Just no nettextresult and netdone is always false.  Here's what
I've got, pretty basic:
 netID = getNetText(myURL)
 put myURL
 put netError(netID)
 if (netdone(netID)=true AND netError(netID)="OK") then
As you've just discovered, getNetText is an asynchronous call - meaning 
that lingo execution doesn't halt until a value is returned. This makes 
perfect sense if you think about it as there's no way to be sure, when 
fetching files from the internet, whether there will even be a successful 
result much less how long it might take. Consider downloading a 100MB file 
over a 56kbps connection and that your projector might appear frozen until 
the download is complete to understand why it works this way.
The upshot of this is that you issue a getNetText command which returns you 
an index for a net operation (netID). You have to then continuously monitor 
this netID (with netDone) until the operation is finished ( netDone(netID)= 
TRUE ). Once the operation is finished you can see if it succeeded or not ( 
netError(netID) = "OK" ). Exactly as you have above, with the exception 
that you (usually) have to wait until the netDone() function returns TRUE. 
The process of waiting and checking can be achieved in a number of 
different ways - by using a frame-related event in the script doing the 
GET, by dropping it into the actorList and checking on stepFrame, by 
creating a timeout object and checking from its callback, etc., etc.

Perhaps you could try:
property myURL
property netID
on mouseUp me
  netID = getNetText(myURL)
on exitFrame me
  if voidP(netID) then exit
  if netDone(netID) then
if netError(netID) = "OK" then
  txt = netTextResult(netID)
  -- whatever you need to do with the text
  -- alert "An error occurred:" && netError(netID)
end if
  end if

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RE: Runmode with respect to scriptExecutionStyle

2004-09-22 Thread Sean Wilson

> no amount of scriptexecutionstyle = 9 was able to
> convince it to deal with my D9 MIAW syntax.
What syntax are you referring to? The scriptExecutionStyle property only
affects the behavior of the window() function itself:
scriptExecutionStyle = 9:
If you provide a name to the window function and no window of that name
exists, then a new window object is created and a reference to that window
is returned.
scriptExecutionStyle = 10:
If you provide a name to the window function and no window of that name
exists, then a VOID value is returned.
in both cases:
If you provide a name to the window function and a window of that name
exists then a reference to that window object is returned.
Other than that this property has no other affect on MIAW related code, it
only affects the top-level function as described. Does that mesh with your
experience or are you seeing something different?
What about syntax like: _player.window[x].movie.someHandler() and all the 
other DOM stuff? Isn't the "validity" of this governed by the SES? And I 
can't seem to find a listing for 'tell' in the help anymore - doesn't the 
SES "deprecate" this command?


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Re: Projector on NT Problem

2004-09-13 Thread Sean Wilson

It is working fine on all the test systems here and on almost all the test
platforms on the client end. Unfortunately, on Win NT, SP6 - the moment the
projector is launched, a Dr. Watson error is thrown.
Which version of Director did you use to create the projector?
(This does not happen at our end).
By this do you mean you tested it yourself - on NT SP6 - and it worked 
fine? Suggesting it might be machine specific as opposed to OS related?

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Re: MUS Peer-to-peer

2004-09-03 Thread Sean Wilson

I guess my question is what's the best way to handle these disconnects?
Firstly, be sure to read these technotes:


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Re: baOpenFile, a level up

2004-09-02 Thread Sean Wilson

you can't use the "@" identifier for the moviepath with xtras.
With version 3.6 (Windows), Buddy API added support for the @ operator.

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Re: Time arithmetic

2004-08-24 Thread Sean Wilson

MOD is your friend 
And so is dateObject.seconds and framesToHMS()

At 2:05 PM -0400 8/24/04, you wrote:
Is there a built-in way to do time arithmetic like you do date
I can get the number of days between two dates with something like
date(, mm, dd) - date (, mm, dd) (thanks to those who provided
that info last week).  Now I'm looking for a way to get the number of
minutes, hours, or seconds between two times. The two times can be on
different dates.
If there's not a built in-way, or some old code lying around, I can
figure it out easily enough. If it's already out there, though, I don't
want to reinvent the wheel.

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Re: Exitlock=true, titlebar=true - closebutton doesn't work?

2004-08-24 Thread Sean Wilson
At 04:35 a.m. 25/08/2004, you wrote:
Hey all -- trying to do the old school 'see quitscreen before exiting' thing
in 2004. I've got exitlock to true, and am only showing the closebutton on
the titlebar; I've got a main movie handler of 'on closewindow' but it
doesn't seem to be getting called; when exitlock is true the closebutton
doesn't work, and when exitlock is false, the closebutton works but it exits
while the on closewindow handler is called
Perhaps you meant for your 'on closeWindow' handler to be, rather, 'on 
closeRequest' - which will be called when your end-user clicks the Close 
button on the titlebar so that you can take them to your quit sequence?

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Re: Sprite alpha?

2004-08-19 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm creating some sprites at run-time, and
they're showing up with odd colors.
They should be a nice grey color, with a drop-shadow. Instead, the
colors are all over the place--grey, lime green, lemon yellow, but with
drop shadows.
 Sometime earlier you allocate this channel to a sprite that 
needs to have its #color or #foreColor altered and that this setting 
persists. Can you try setting these props to rgb(0,0,0) in your allocation 


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Re: Setting vector colors

2004-08-18 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm trying to set the color of a vector graphic at runtime. I need to
give it an rgb value, but it seems to only want to take palette colors.
Here's my code:
  channelColorList = [160104100, 192138100, 189180112, 135162111,
112147110, 101155153, 98134145, 95113146, 127104147, 131095122]
  sprite(channelSprite).foreColor = channelColorList[i]
What are those values in your channelColorList - presumably they're palette 
indices? Have you tried altering the #vectorShape's #fillColor instead of 
the sprite's #foreColor?

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Re: Esc key and exitLock in Dir 10

2004-08-01 Thread Sean Wilson

in OS X closeRequest is called BEFORE the keyDownScript handler or a 
keyDown test can be applied--Esc seems to bypass that test.
Darn! I'm all out of suggestions... 

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Re: Esc key and exitLock in Dir 10

2004-08-01 Thread Sean Wilson

You're right, Jeff--I still can't trap the Escape key when the projector 
runs under OS X. I wanted to use Escape for other purposes, like I do in 
Windows. Bummer.
Hang on - can't you set the exitLock so that it won't quit your projector 
and set a keyDownScript to monitor for the escape key's keyCode and respond 
appropriately? This is what I've done on Windows prior to DMX 2004.

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Re: Line Spacing?

2004-07-29 Thread Sean Wilson

I was messing around setting the line spacing in my project and now when
I changed the font size the line spacing will not change automaticly now
I have to change it manually.
Is there a way to change it back to automatic line space?
member("TextMember").fixedLineSpace = 0
should allow it to "auto-space" again. It's unfortunate that it's set to 0 
by default. Doing so makes it difficult to query the line spacing from code.

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Re: misbehaving scrollbar on Mac OS X

2004-07-26 Thread Sean Wilson

The problem I see is that when the text member is given a #scroll boxType, 
the scrollbar that appears looks like a portion of the normal scrollbar: 
it has only the up-arrow, and a portion of the slider.
While requiring more work to implement, could you use an OSControls scroll 
bar to replace the default one? 

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Re: Esc key and exitLock in Dir 10

2004-07-26 Thread Sean Wilson

It seems that even in Dir 10 there's no way to trap the Esc key when 
exitLock is set to false. I other words, suppose I want to enable the 
standard OS X ways of quitting the application--the X button and the Quit 
command in the system menu--but don't want Esc to close the projector. Is 
there a way to do that?

Director 10 Help says that Escape key "is also supported in Windows." It 
doesn't list Escape among the keypresses that quit the projector. Bu on my 
OS X Mac, Escape quits the projector unless exitLock is true. I want to 
enable the X button and the Quit command in the system menu, but I don't 
want Escape to close the application.

Is there a way?
I don't have a machine running OSX handy to test, but can you set the 
exitLock to TRUE and call quit from an on closeRequest handler (which 
should be called when the user clicks on the close control)? I'm not sure 
though if this handler fires when you choose Quit from the system menu.

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Re: Director error code -1101: ANSWER

2004-07-15 Thread Sean Wilson

The only solution we were able to find is to use MX 2004.
AND to be sure to use axConvertToFile(soundName, filename, "MPEG3"/"SWA") 
on a sound file that is _already_ mono OR to use 
axSetEnvironmentInfo("convertNumChannels", 1) prior to conversion.
And that these problems seem, to date, to be Windows-specific and perhaps 
even sound card specific (Creative SB Live! Value).

Thanks for the update Slava.

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Re: Director error code -1101

2004-07-11 Thread Sean Wilson

Maurucio has now sent me a projector that he built under DMX 2004. Like on 
your system, it returns error -84 for recordings at 22050 /16 / 2 and 
44100 /16 / 2, but succeeds without complaining for mono recordings at the 
same two sample rates.
I have the same projector and it behaves the same way for me, too.
The mono recordings it produces are actually 16 KBits/sec, not 32. I 
suppose the 32 rate that is quoted is for stereo? The 5 second mono 
recording that Mauricio's test projector made for me is 10, 126 bytes.

I don't know if you ever ran into this, but with Audio Xtra 4.1, I was 
never able to record at 22050 under Windows XP.
No, I never saw this - or rather, never had error reports from users.

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Re: Director error code -1101

2004-07-11 Thread Sean Wilson

Sorry, I steered you wrong there. With DMX2004 I get an error code of -84 
returned (which also doesn't belong to the Audio xtra).
And one final update before we should perhaps take it off-list: it works 
with DMX2004 if I record mono, or use 
axSetEnvironmentInfo("convertNumChannels", 1) prior to axConvertToFile() 
and I can find NO combination that works with DMX


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Re: Director error code -1101

2004-07-11 Thread Sean Wilson

Thanks for telling me that MX 2004 shows the same problem--you saved me 
the trouble of trying the evaluation version for this issue.
Sorry, I steered you wrong there. With DMX2004 I get an error code of -84 
returned (which also doesn't belong to the Audio xtra).


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Re: Director error code -1101

2004-07-11 Thread Sean Wilson

Mauricio has been outstanding--we've exchanged a dozen emails already, in 
the middle of the weekend. So far, no real progress, but I'm hopeful.
Same here...
I see the problem in authoring as well as in projector, but only under 
Windows XP.
So do I (authoring & projector) under WinXP. Both MX and MX 2004.
I don't see this problem under Windows 2000, all else being equal.
I don't have another machine/OS readily available for testing, unfortunately.
-- [#shockMachine: 0, #shockMachineVersion: "", #platform: "Windows,32", 
#runMode: "Author", #colorDepth: 32, #internetConnected: #online, 
#uiLanguage: "English", #osLanguage: "English", #productBuildVersion: 
"104", #productVersion: "8.5.1", #osVersion: "Windows XP,5,1,148,2,Service 
Pack 1"]
Mine (from DMX) is identical.
put axGetEnvironmentInfo("inputDeviceList)
-- "SB Live! Wave Device
US-122 A:B
And mine reports:
-- "SB Live! Wave Device
--but I don;t think it's a Xtra conflict because Mauricio has sent me a 
projector that he made, and I see the same problem with it.
Here's a routine to present the xtraList in a legible format - requires 
(free) pRegEx xtra:
on HumanReadable_XtraList
  inList = [string(the xtraList)]
  pRegEx_Replace(inList, "\], \[", "gi", RETURN)
  pRegEx_Replace(inList, "#name: ", "gi", EMPTY)
  pRegEx_Replace(inList, "\]", "gi", EMPTY)
  pRegEx_Replace(inList, "\[", "gi", EMPTY)
  pRegEx_Replace(inList, ", #version: ", "gi", TAB)
  return inList[1]

Looking at the difference between your xtraList and mine, I see that as far 
as "standard" or default xtras go they differ in that my TextXtra.x32 is 
version 9.0.1 and my Flash Asset.x32 is 9.0.2

-- [[#name: "DHCXtra.x32", #version: ""],
 [#name: "Arca.x32", #version: "1, 5, 1"],
 [#name: "asFFT.x32", #version: "2.0.8"],
 [#name: "TxtCrnch.x32", #version: ""],
 [#name: "MPEGADVANCE.X32", #version: "1, 0, 4"],
 [#name: "V12-DBE for Director.x32", #version: "3.3"],
 [#name: "shockfiler.x32", #version: "1, 2, 2"],
[#name: "sharpExport.x32", #version: "1, 0, 0"],
 [#name: "RecSnd.x32", #version: ""],
[#name: "quitMsg.x32", #version: ""],
[#name: "PMLite.x32", #version: "1.6.2"],
 [#name: "OSControlXtra.X32", #version: "2.1.0"],
 [#name: "OSControlOptions.X32", #version: "2.1.0"],
 [#name: "DirectEmail.x32", #version: "2.1.1"],
 [#name: "budapi.x32", #version: ""],
 [#name: "AudioXtra.x32", #version: "5, 0, 0"],
 [#name: "AmplitudePro.x32", #version: "1.0"]
Here are my non-standard xtras, where the first 6 are the same as yours:
"OSControlXtra.x32" "2.1.0"
"OSControlOptions.x32"  "2.1.0"
"DirectEmail.x32"   "2.1.1"
"SharpExport.x32"   "1, 0, 0"
"AudioXtra.x32" "5, 0, 0"
"TreeView.x32"  "3, 0, 0"
"vListAuthor.x32"   "1.7.5"
"vList.x32" "1.7.5"
"V4MD.x32"  "2, 0, 0"
"dropFile.x32"  ""
"DirectConnection.x32"  ""
"BinaryIO.x32"  "1.1.3"
"Glu32.x32" "1, 0, 1"
"Multiusr.x32"  "8.5.1"
"FileXtra4.x32" "4.0.2"
It seems to me that given that we have the same problem we should be 
focusing on what is identical between our systems/configurations, not what 
is different. Or perhaps what we share in common that Mauricio doesn't.
It appears we have the same sound card. Perhaps the driver is at issue, 
given that Win2K is probably using a different driver to XP on your machine 
(you dual-boot?) Under XP, mine is:
Driver Provider:Creative
Driver Date:2/11/2001
Driver Version: 3509.2.0.0


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Re: comparing lists

2004-07-11 Thread Sean Wilson

C2 = highest number of the two lists
  repeat with x = c1 to c2
   --Some Crafty CODE
While Irv has already provided some crafty code, it's worth noting that for 
performance's sake you only need to iterate through the _smaller_ list 
looking for duplicates.


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Re: Director error code -1101

2004-07-11 Thread Sean Wilson

Sorry to bother you guys with a trivial question, but I did look at the MM 
site first: where is a table of Director MX (9) error codes? Is -1101 in 
that table? I'm getting it when trying to encode a wave to MPEG3 in 
WIndows XP using AudioXtra (but it's not an AudioXtra code). Thanks!
By a strange coincidence I ran into this error myself with the same version 
of Director and the Audio xtra trying to do the same thing a week or so 
ago. Which version of the Audio xtra are you using? I reported it to 
Mauricio and he has spent some time trying to reproduce but can't on his 
configuration so hasn't found the source of the problem yet. Did you report 
it to Tabuleiro? Perhaps he could find a common denominator between our 
systems? He (also) thinks it's the Audio xtra relaying an error returned by 
one of MM's MIX xtras that the Audio xtra relies on.


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RE: Help yourself, children

2004-06-27 Thread Sean Wilson

Because of the problem with the actorList, many years ago, I wrote a 
replacement for the actorList which would solve the deletion problem.
Hi Irv,
You know, of course, that there's a simple work-around. Before an object 
deletes itself from the actorList it gets its position and compares it with 
the total number of entries. If it isn't the last, it makes a call to the 
stepFrame handler of the next object and it removes itself. Something like:
on mKill( me )
  pos = (the actorList).getPos( me )
  if ( pos < count(the actorList) ) then
call(#stepFrame, [(the actorList)[pos + 1]])
  end if
  (the actorList).deleteOne( me )
  -- remove remaining references ...


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Re: The Xtras

2004-06-20 Thread Sean Wilson

I'd like to know what xtras (all of them that are available
under the Xtras folder in Dir app) are needed for any projector excluding
the authoring ones.
For a list of Asset (not scripting) xtras required by a movie you can hit 
the Modify|Movie|Xtras dialog and walk the xtras listed there "Remove"ing 
them one at a time until the dialog is empty then close and re-open the 
dialog. Any cast members that require an xtra will automagically 
re-populate the xtras dialog. You may need to do this for every movie your 
projector will play to determine a complete list for your external xtras 


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Re: net params

2004-06-10 Thread Sean Wilson

How to pass some params to the shockwave movie like in HTML pages:
I'm not sure exactly what you're wanting to achieve, but here are some options:
You can send a property list with getNetText or postNetText commands. See 
the docs for syntax and examples.
To have a SW movie read information from the page it's embedded in you can 
use sw1 -> sw9 in the page's object/embed tags and your movie can read 
these when it loads using externalParam. Look up externalParam / 
externalParamName / externalParamCount in the docs.
There is also externalEvent and evalScript but their support across 
browsers and platforms shouldn't be relied upon.

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Re: Problem with "goToNetPage" on OSX

2004-06-07 Thread Sean Wilson

Anyone know
an alternate way of opening a browser (instead of using "goToNetPage")?
I'd recommend using Buddy API for opening browsers - it will run whatever 
application the user has flagged as their preferred browser as opposed to 
however it is that Director makes its decision. And it's more user-friendly 
with mailto: URLs

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RE: Language Local Setting

2004-06-03 Thread Sean Wilson

When I change the language setting by following method:
Windows 2000 --> Start\settings\control panel\Regional options
and select the Czech option. Then I run the projector, it gives the error msg.
I vaguely remember someone reporting errors with Eastern European languages 
and the text or font xtra. IIRC, turning OFF anti-aliasing for all text 
members solved the problem - but I've no idea if this will help you or not.

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RE: Font problem

2004-05-18 Thread Sean Wilson

Ah, if you could only wait a couple of months, you could read the
article I just wrote
Hi Kerry,
Just for the record - where is your article being published? Can I ask you 
to post a heads-up when it's out (I don't want to miss it)?


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Re: Unwanted highlight

2004-04-27 Thread Sean Wilson

Has anybody run into this? Any idea what's happening?
Are there any other windows - for example, a print dialog - displayed? I've 
seen this happen when something else "steals" focus such that when it 
returns to the stage, editable text sprites are selected/highlighted. Very 
frustrating and I'm yet to find a satisfactory work-around.


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Re: zooming windows

2004-04-26 Thread Sean Wilson

Thanks, that works...almost.  It fires for maximize and minimize, as you
say, but doesn't fire for "normalize" (returning to an open but
non-maximized state from other minimized or maximized state).  I would
need some way of detecting this "normalize" also.
I'm not sure it would fire when "returning to an open but non-maximized 
state from (a) minimized ... state", but activateWindow or 
activateApplication should fire when returning from a minimized state. I 
don't how to detect a return to "normal" from maximized if zoomWindow 
doesn't catch this transition.


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Re: Borderless MIAWs

2004-04-26 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm sure this has been covered before, but is there a way to get a
borderless MIAW?
Use a 1-bit bitmap for the windowType? Or one of the border-removing xtras? 
Which version of Director?


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Re: (no subject)

2004-04-26 Thread Sean Wilson

Here's a MIAW question for you - Is there any way of detecting when a
windowType=6 MIAW is maximized by the user?
AFAIK, the "on zoomWindow" handler is supposed to fire when a window's 
maximize/minimize boxes are clicked. 

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RE: is there an escape character in Lingo?

2004-04-26 Thread Sean Wilson

How to set the value of an
#editText widget in a MUI window
Do you mean while constructing the dialog or as a response to user 
interaction with the dialog once posted? 

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Re: progress bar

2004-04-23 Thread Sean Wilson

>I have a question with regard to monitoring the progress of a group of MPEG
>files being copied from CD to harddrive. ..
>What I would like to do is monitor the number of bytes being copied as a
>percentage of the total number of bytes to be copied
Since you already have BuddyAPI, perhaps you could use one of its progress 
copying methods: baCopyFileProgress, baCopyXFilesProgress or baXCopyProgress
Using Buddy API's built-in progress bar for file copying will certainly be 
the easiest approach, but you could achieve the same with a series of 
downloadNetThing calls and monitoring the bytesSoFar of each individual 
copy operation with getStreamStatus(netID). Bear in mind that this will 
have to be asynchronous so you'll need to monitor from within a timeout 
callback or frame-related event.


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Re: Checking file (and path) validity

2004-04-18 Thread Sean Wilson

Ultimately, I want a Shockwave movie embedded in a web-page that will find 
the user's CD-ROM drive letter, and open a file from that drive
I don't think you're going to be able to do this even if you can determine 
the user's CD drive letter. It breaks the entire Shockwave security model 
(DirectorMX2004's DVD-playing ability aside).


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Re: intercepting Taskbar/System menu Close command

2004-04-11 Thread Sean Wilson

I can't find a way to intercept the Close command when the user clicks 
Close after right-clicking the icon in the taskbar in Windows or clicks 
Quit  in the system menu (top left of the screen) in Mac OS X.

Is there a way to intercept those two Close commands?

If this is not possible in Dir 9.0 MX, can this be done in Dir 2004 MX?
AFAIK, this happens automatically with DMX04, in both Windows and OSX 
projectors, when the exitLock is set. When any exit options are attempted 
you are notified iff you've provided an on closeRequest movie handler. From 
within this handler you can prompt, quit, continue, whatever you'd like 
(you aren't forced into a close cycle).

But I haven't tried it on OSX - just read other's reports, as in this 

And looking for documentation about "closeRequest" will prove frustrating. 
You could try Macromedia's livedocs site, but I wouldn't recommend this if 
you live rurally and use a dialup connection.


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Re: Object cleanup (was: no subject)

2004-03-05 Thread Sean Wilson

i'm experimenting with the amplitudePro xtra (which is great by the way) and
i am having trouble getting rid of my objects without explicity naming them.
i have tried
global  gAmpXtra -- current instance of the object

 if sound(1).status = 0 then
  put sound(1).status
  ClearAmpObject(gAmpXtra) -- pass the object to the ClearAmpObject
end if

on  ClearAmpObject(theampobject)
  if objectP(theampobject) then
theampobject= 0
theampobject= VOID
  end if
The problem with your ClearAmpObject method is that nowhere do you seem to 
be disposing of the reference being held in the gAmpXtra variable. While 
the entire handler seems unnecessary (when you could just be issuing the 
line I've inserted below), try:

on  ClearAmpObject(theampobject)
  if objectP(theampobject) then
theampobject= 0
theampobject= VOID
  gAmpXtra = VOID
  end if

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Re: Director 10 lingo changes?

2004-03-03 Thread Sean Wilson

Then again, scriptExecutionStyle isn't in the docs anywhere, including the 
LiveDocs site, so I dunno if there's really any documentation of what I'm 
looking for.
The poor documentation is my greatest frustration with this new release.
It's fabulous to have new features, but if we don't know they're there or 
how to use them, no-one wins.

Have a hunt-around for "on closeRequest".
Anyone have any undocumented/overlooked features they'd care to share?

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Re: MIAW and objects or else

2004-02-14 Thread Sean Wilson

I open a MIAW that show QuickTime VR and then clicking on a button I get 
ride of it, the problem is that after the MIAW is gone the movie doesn't 
respond anymore to an object. I mean in the main movie I use an object 
that do certain tasks, like swiching images and so on but after I have 
used the MIAW and get ride of it that functions are not working anymore.
Hi Teo,

You don't provide enough information to have a good guess about what's 
going wrong so I'll make some assumptions - the major one being that the 
object you refer to is stored in a global variable. Is there any chance 
that in the MIAW's stopMovie handler you issue a clearGlobals?
What happens when you run this in the authoring environment and use the 
object inspector and/or watcher windows to monitor your object?


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Re: FileIO limits

2004-02-10 Thread Sean Wilson

What is the limit to the length of a path for fileIO on Windows? I have
a path 130 characters long, and I'm getting an IO error. Buddy reports
that the file exists.
IIRC, I think it's around 128. Can you use Buddy's baShortFileName() to 
pass to FileIO?

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Re: Bug of the week

2004-02-10 Thread Sean Wilson

I managed to get the startMovie handler called 7 times. I'm willing to
let you guess how I managed that before I reveal yet another Stupid
Lingo Trick.
You created 6 timeout objects in prepareMovie and none of their targets 
contained startMovie handlers? 

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Re: Repost: File storage

2004-02-09 Thread Sean Wilson

The movies will have to be protected ofcourse, so using savecastLib or
saveMovie is out of the question. My plan is to make a playback engine that
retrieves the contents of each screen and plunk them into their respective
fields. The content files can reside in a subfolder, but I'd like to go for
a safer solution such as combining all the images, text and video clips into
one big data file. I know BinIO can do this...but there was a solution using
FileIO for the same thing someplace. Can someone point me to that?
I think you're referring to an article on DOUG. You might check there.

I've been doing something similar lately, and I've been using vList to drop 
all my media assets into for (protected, compressed) storage, and to 
re-create the original files at run-time. It's well worth a look for what 
you describe - vXtra.readBinary() and vXtra.writeBinary() are surprisingly 
fast, much more so than stepping through a string of binary data and 
writing it character-by-character (which is how you'd have to do it if you 
were to use FileIO, I think). You can create a property list, read in all 
your files and store the binary data as properties and write the (single) 
list file out to disk, or place it in a castLib and issue a 
castLib(x).save() to store the vList file as an encrypted cast member so 
that even if someone were to open the castLib, the data is irretrievable 
without the key you create.
Just be careful to resist the temptation to double-click those large vList 
members when you're testing it in authoring - it can take quite a while for 
the options dialog to be displayed depending on how large the container is.


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Re: A little heads-up

2004-01-17 Thread Sean Wilson

I just ran into a weird problem that I thought I would share. I came up 
with a workaround, so I'm posting just in case I can save somebody from my 
2-day headache.

The go movie call wasn't doing anything.
Is there any chance 'go ...' was being issued from a prepareFrame or 
stepFrame event? A gotcha that keeps on getting me is that navigation 
commands fail silently when used within those handlers (and prepareMovie).


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Re: Director MX 2004 Questions

2004-01-06 Thread Sean Wilson
OK, I've got another one off the top of my head: any "improvements" to the 
MUI xtra (above the obvious need to fix the broken getURL call on OSX)? Any 
chance of encapsulating it, and its callbacks, to a parent script and thus 
avoid polluting the global space?

I'm sure there are more to come, but I haven't thought of them yet ;)


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RE: Dir MX 2004 - MIAW's

2004-01-06 Thread Sean Wilson

Did I mention that you can now [SNIP]
Now you're just bragging!

All of this sounds VERY tasty. I can't wait to get my hands on a shipping 
copy ...
Congratulations to you and all the Director team on what sounds like a 
significant release.

And yet there's still even more to talk about beyond all this...
Feel free to talk on. The info posted at MM doesn't go into any depth and 
the more you talk it up the more we users slaver in anticipation.

To get the ball rolling on an intriguing aspect of the release: is there a 
performance penalty incurred by using JavaScript syntax instead of 
"traditional" dot syntax, like there is with some elements of dot versus 
verbose syntax?


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Re: Changing name of a file

2003-12-13 Thread Sean Wilson

is it possible to change the name of a file via Director?
i mean, i want to offer a way to rename an already outputed textfile, 
myfirstname.txt ---> secondname.txt

en eventually to move the file into another directory?
You could use Buddy API's baCopyFile() method, or you might even be able to 
use downLoadNetThing() and provide fully qualified paths for both the URL 
and localFile parameters.


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Re: Weird error code

2003-12-13 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm only checking a list to see what the count of something is

(ie if gThisAssetList.assets.count) and I'm getting an alert of:

Unknown error code (-2147219478)
...and I'm not even DOING anything with 3d.

More on this: I think it might be related to vList
I suspect this isn't going to help, but
put MOAErrorToString(-2147219478)
-- "Asset creation failed"
Is there any chance that the read/create operation failed with vList? Do 
you error check on the returned value from Have you 
confirmed that the path to the external list file is valid, if you're 
reading an external list? Did you confirm that gThisAssetList is a list 
before running list functions on it?

Have you tried using list-brackets to access your properties:
if count(gThisAssetList[#assets]) then ...
Hopefully something above will help.

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Back for the future (was: accessing ...)

2003-12-12 Thread Sean Wilson

with another "founding father" of Director in the house
Hi Tom,

Any chance you could elaborate on "another"?


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RE: accessing the timeoutlist, part II

2003-12-11 Thread Sean Wilson

Well in my own mind, along with Febo, Director is already de lekkerste. 
Always has been, always will be.
I'd have to agree!


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RE: accessing the timeoutlist, part II

2003-12-11 Thread Sean Wilson

> Can one imply from this statement, that JT has returned to the nest?

DIRECTOR, de lekkerste!
Following along this path of implications, this suggests Director may yet 
regain it's "most delicious" status ... 

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Re: accessing the timeoutlist

2003-12-11 Thread Sean Wilson

It's strange: I can't seem to access items in the plain old linear list
of the timeoutlist.
put the timeoutlist
-- [timeOut("wiper")]
g = "timeout(" & QUOTE & "wiper" & QUOTE & ")"
put (the timeoutlist).getPos(g)
-- 0
If ((the timeoutlist).getPos(g)) <> 0) then -- doesn't work either

Somehow, some way, I should get 1.  What gives?
What gives is that you're building a string and comparing it with an object.
You could try
g = "timeout(" & QUOTE & "wiper" & QUOTE & ")"
g = value(g)
put (the timeoutlist).getPos(g)
g = timeout("wiper")
put (the timeoutList).getPos(g)
But I'd question what it is you're trying to achieve in the first place. 
I've yet to find a need to access named objects in the timeoutList, much 
less their specific position.


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Re: goToNetPage buggy?

2003-12-08 Thread Sean Wilson

   * Is there some other (cross-platform hopefully) way to launch a
 browser with a given URL, or open that URL in an existing browser?
While I won't answer any of your other questions, I _always_ use Buddy 
API's baOpenURL() for launching a browser from a projector. It is much 
better at locating the user's "preferred" browser than goToNetPage()


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Re: Script window flushing

2003-12-05 Thread Sean Wilson

Just a quick question: when working with big scripts how do I get rid of
constant flushing (or flashing) of script window whenever I typed in a
new character?
I've had a degree of luck with turning OFF line numbering, either from Edit 
-> Preferences -> Script, or right-click in an open script window and 
de-select Line Numbering.

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Re: Re: QT issues

2003-11-30 Thread Sean Wilson

I am working on a interactive project and I have went to test it online
and the QuickTime .mov files will not show up. I exported out the .dcr
file and it shows up on the preview test; however, when it is live the
.mov files don't display audio or video.I have all the files that are
associated with it uploaded online and Im sure thats not the issue.
Does anyone have any suggestions to fix the problem???
Did you check the "Download if needed" box after highlighting the QuickTime 
xtra in the "Modify -> Movie -> Xtras" dialog? If not you should do this 
and re-publish your movie.

To see if this is your problem you could test it by copying the QuickTime 
xtra to your Shockwave plugin folder. If your video plays properly then 
this is probably the cause. I'm not sure what you mean by "preview test" 
above, so this mightn't be related at all. If you provide system details 
(OS version, Director version) someone could help you locate this folder if 
you're not sure where it resides.

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Re: Commenting out chunks of code

2003-11-27 Thread Sean Wilson

i wonder, how can i comment out only spcific chunks of code standing on one
line? e.g.
if varA < 0 or varB > 0 then
end if
how can i comment out only statement "or varB > 0" but not the whole line?
in java you can do it... here?
Unfortunately not, AFAIK. Currently lingo, or the script editor, lacks a 
block-comment or close-comment character sequence. It's a great idea! Mail 
it to the wish-list.


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Re: Using Lingo to compress Casts

2003-11-26 Thread Sean Wilson

Is there a 'lingo access' to the "Update Movies" option that we use to
compress and 'encrypt' the cast libraries? I want to make a projector
that is able to do it
Unfortunately not. The best you can do (AFAIK) is:

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Re: Consistency shmusisten...uh....

2003-11-24 Thread Sean Wilson

put ilk(sprite(1).pFModule.listbox.currentItem)
-- #void
put sprite(1).pFModule.listbox.currentItem = #void
-- 0
I try to stay away from syntax like your last line above. What does
put ilk(sprite(1).pFModule.listbox.currentItem, #void)
return for you?

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Re: dumb question - opening a folder

2003-11-18 Thread Sean Wilson

Don't forget, you can also get a folder list, and "roll your own" file and 
folder browser - for instance if the aesthetics of the native Windows one 
hurts your sensibilities, and blows the "nice interface" you have going.
And then you could go nuts and use updatestage's excellent TreeView xtra to 
roll your own version of Windows Explorer. 

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Re: dumb question - opening a folder

2003-11-18 Thread Sean Wilson

How do you open a folder for browsing with director?
I don't see any commands to open just the folder.
There are functions to return a list of folders or files but I just want to
open the folder and let the user browse on their own using the Explorer
Using DirectorMX, WindowsXP Pro
Here's one option that uses BuddyAPI:
pth  = baShortFileName(the moviePath)
dir  = the movieName
prog = baSysFolder("windows") & "explorer.exe /e," & pth & ",/select," & 
pth & dir
OK   = baRunProgram(prog, "maximised", 0)
I can't remember where I referred to to find out the available command-line 
switches for Windows Explorer (/e, /select, etc.) but you might find them 
if you search at MSDN.


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Re: Dumb dir question

2003-11-14 Thread Sean Wilson

Anyway of getting the projector name?
the applicationName


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Re: Antispam UOL?

2003-10-28 Thread Sean Wilson

Is anyone else getting those annoying spanish 'click here to make sure this
email isn't spam' messages for posting to lingo-l? Much like I'll get after
this one...?
Yep, I've had a few and they're getting to be a real pain. I suspect a 
Brazilian subscriber's ISP runs this "service" - so if you're from Brazil, 
and you're the subscriber in question, you'll probably never see this as I 
_won't_ visit the URL provided and "validate" myself.


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Re: Protect content outside Director

2003-10-23 Thread Sean Wilson

just an addendum to the binaryIO suggestion, there is a detailed
description and lingo code for this under
The "problem" with the BinaryIO option is that since the media is on CD-ROM 
you can't write to it. So if you were to use BinaryIO you'd need to copy 
the file from the CD onto the HDD(, reset its read-only flag?), copy back 
binary data you'd removed, and delete the copied file when done.


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Re: Protect content outside Director

2003-10-23 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm using video (mpg) in director movies, is there a way to protect this
media, so  they only can use it in the movie. I've tried to encrypt the
file, but the project is distributed on
CD-Rom and there seems no-way to encrypt it when the file is on the CD-Rom.
A possibility that I'm currently experimenting with is to import the binary 
data for the MPEG file into an encrypted vList member using readBinary() at 
author-time, writing it out to an external file at run-time using 
writeBinary(), linking it to a cast member for playing, and deleting the 
external file when done. It's surprising how fast the read/write operations 
are, even for large files.


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Re: printing PDF with buddyAPI

2003-10-22 Thread Sean Wilson

Doing a simple routine to print a PDF document as follows:

on mHit me
sPDFFileToPrint = themoviePath & pPDFPathName & "\" & gCurrentLanguage &
pPDFFileName & ".pdf"
returnError = baPrintFile(sPDFFileToOpen)

if returnError < 32 then
-- issues a number of calls and then returns an alert dialogue
end if

If a printer is not connected, it just opens a blank PDF document in the
background and doesn't call the printingProblemAlert() handler.  Is there a
better way to do this.  Just want it to print in the background and only
alert if there is issue.
You could check available printers first with baPrinterInfo().
Given that you're printing Acrobat documents, you could first find the path 
to the app (and do some error checking around the returned value), then use 
baRunProgram() to run Acrobat "hidden" and print the file with command-line 


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Re: Accessing global variables with sent parameters

2003-10-20 Thread Sean Wilson

put the globals.count
-- 1
setAProp the globals, #x, "hi"
put the globals.count
-- 2
put x
-- "hi"
What I think Agustín is (circuitously) suggesting is:

on LoadDataSet stdnum
  tData = (the globals)[symbol("gStandard" & stdnum & "DataRef")]
-- utilize tData as you see fit (it *should* hold the value of the 
global required)
but the list-access method Kerry and Cath suggest is "tidier". Problems of 
this nature generally suggest the use of a list to circumvent them


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Re: OSX baShortFileName

2003-10-13 Thread Sean Wilson

thank you Sean, but I tried it with existing files.
the docs say, that if I provide the short name, I will get the short name.
since I get the short file name, whenever I baGetFilename(), the following 
shouldn't return void IMO:
It certainly looks like there's something "screwy" going on there. On 
Windows, baGetFilename() doesn't return the shortFileName but the 
longFileName - at least it does for me with XP.

-- "Dagobert:who ever allowed long fil#A34AD:with spaces should be#A34B0.txt"
is a very strange construction. Presumably #A34AD and #A34B0 should resolve 
to unique values within their respective directories. Odd that 
baLongFilename resolves properly but baShortFilename fails.

Even odder is that
put baFileExists(longname)
-- 0
fails, where baFileExists(filename) seems to work.
Did you try mailing Gary directly, or checking his forum (I'm not sure 
whether it's still active) for more help?


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Re: OSX baShortFileName

2003-10-13 Thread Sean Wilson

I can't for the life of me get buddyApis function baShortFilename() to 
work on OSX.
the docs say clearly, that it should work on OSX, but the only thing I get 
from this function is  :-(
regardless what I do.
what am I missing ?
The thing I *always* miss with this function is that the file _must_ exist 
before you can obtain its shortName - at least this is the case with the 
Windows version. Perhaps this is your problem too - if the same requirement 
applies to OSX?


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Re: Scrollwheel?

2003-10-03 Thread Sean Wilson

Is there any xtra that can get a scrollwheel?
WheelMouse - Windows only:

Updatestage is a good place to check for available xtras:


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Re: Can MUI bitmaps have ink effects?

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm wondering if you can somehow add ink effects to bitmaps in MUIs.  I
ask because my MUI has a bitmap that needs a shape to it other than
Unfortunately not, in my experience.
In order to work around this "limitation" I created a bitmap with the same 
bg colour as the dialog window and the rect I need it to cover and 
copyPixel into this my desired image. Windows XP Themes complicate this 
because dialog background colours are different from 95/98/ME/2K. Using 
BuddyAPI, if you parse this registry setting you can get the correct 
(current) colour:
baReadRegString("Control Panel\Colors", "ActiveBorder", "error", 


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Re: Open a folder

2003-09-22 Thread Sean Wilson

I thought there would have been a method somewhere to open a
folder...maybe in buddyAPI or the fileXtra or something.  Is there any
way to open a folder (not a file)?
You don't say which platform you're interested in, but this will work on 
Windows using BuddyAPI:
on mouseUp me
  prog = baSysFolder("windows") & "explorer.exe" && baShortFileName(the 
  OK   = baRunProgram(prog, "normal", 0)
  -- error check on OK
end mouseUp

There are various command-line switches you can pass to Explorer to show 
folders, select files, etc. They were discussed in the past and should be 
available with an archive search.


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Re: dynamic text fields, how-to...

2003-09-02 Thread Sean Wilson

there are potential performance hits using lots of flash sprites on
the same frame.
Why do you think you have the performance hit? It is because everytime you 
"use" a Flash Member as a sprite, you are in fact invoking another 
instance of the Flash player (flash xtra).
Yes, and each instance uses up available memory as well as time to 
composite and render.

Each flash xtra is displaying the text field, but each instance is 
"unaware" of the other instance. Therefore altering the text in one 
instance will not affect the other instance.
This is not the same as have a sprite being an instance of the text.
Yep, understood. That's why I suggested using #flash text as an option.

Quoting from the horse's mouth:

When using Flash Sprites in Director, each Flash Sprite creates a new 
instance of the Flash Asset Xtra. This means that as more Flash Sprites are 
used, more memory is required by the application and exponentially 
increases the computations required. Developers have reported performance 
difficulties with over twenty simultaneous Flash sprites, which is to be 

Included in the above document are some tips for optimisation which are 
well worth looking over.


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Re: cpu usage

2003-09-02 Thread Sean Wilson

I have made a new .dxr and in the preferences unmarked the check box 
"animate in the background" but it still use 100% cpu.
I have also now tried:
on exitFrame
go the frame
And are you saying that baSleep() doesn't help?
Try moving it to an enterFrame handler. That would mean that fewer "idle" 
messages are sent to every frame. Using it at exitFrame, I would think, 
would decrease your frame rate as the projector would "sleep" between 
exitFrame and prepare/stepFrame messages - which is a less ideal time to 
slow it down than simply skipping idle messages.
Your frame rate is 15 fps -> 1 frame (ideally) takes 66.6667 ms. So try
on enterFrame
in a movie script.
I don't really understand your concern. Are you noticing that other apps 
are sluggish because they aren't allocated CPU time? Director projectors, 
on Windows, appear to use 100% of the CPU. In most cases they are simply 
consuming system idle time. If another app needs time, Director *should* 
release the CPU for them. Is this not the case you're witnessing?


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Re: detecting quicktime player

2003-09-02 Thread Sean Wilson

Cath has shown the 'quickTimeVersion', whats the other method?
and what are the advantages or disadvantages of the various methods.
All approaches involve an xtra of some sort. For example 
'quickTimeVersion()' is dependent on the QT3 or QT6 Asset xtra - both of 
which ship with Director (and are therefore "free").
There are third-party xtras which will do something similar. For example, 
with BudAPI you can call baVersion("qt3") for similar info. BudAPI returns 
a string, quickTimeVersion() returns a floating-point number.
I would imagine MasterApp has similar functionality, though I don't own a 
copy or have the demo version installed.
FileXtra4 - which is free - contains a method fx_FileGetAppPath, which 
should tell you which application is associated with a given filetype. So 
fx_FileGetAppPath(".qt") should give you the full path to the application 
associated with QT. If it returns a non-empty string you know there's at 
least a version of QT installed, even if the xtra doesn't contain a method 
allowing you to determine *which* version.
(Most) third party xtras require payment before you can use them. This is 
the only real "disadvantage". And I can't see any advantage between 
different methods.

Links to the above xtras:
A good site for a list of available xtras is

Actually, a non-xtra method comes to mind. You could write a routine using 
"getNthFileNameInFolder" to search the entire machine for 
"QuickTimePlayer.exe" - this would also tell you if QT was installed, but 
again fail with version information. And it would take, potentially, a 
*very* long time. Now there's a distinct disadvantage!


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Re: dynamic text fields, how-to...

2003-08-27 Thread Sean Wilson

Is there any other way of making it work besides creating multiple text 
cast members and assigning each sprite its own cast member? I am open to 
suggestions - I´m not even sure how I would go about creating text members 
Daniel showed you how to create members on the fly.

Another approach is to use a #flash member to display text. You can use a 
flash member with a text field in it and change its text and it won't 
affect the member. So you can use the same flash member for many sprites to 
display different text on the same frame. However, there are potential 
performance hits using lots of flash sprites on the same frame.


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Re: Bloody stupid HP drivers

2003-08-27 Thread Sean Wilson

It's not Director. It's those bloody stupid buggy HP printer drivers.
Every time I print something, Director starts crashing. I reboot, and
everything is fine. Until I print again.
Try calling "fpReset()" on updateStage's vList xtra after printing and see 
if it helps. I think it's one of the things that particular method is 
intended to help with this phenomenon. From the docs:

Windows command that resets the floating point register after it has been 
left in a bad state by a printer driver. This situation caused a vList 
crash when reading and writing files, and causes the same type of crash in 
other xtras and Director itself. The crash dialog identifies this type of 
crash as an "exception 10H".

vList now resets the FP register internally so this command is not 
necessary to protect vList operations. But it can be useful to head off 
trouble in other xtras or Director. For instance it has been reported to 
fix a Flash printing problem from a Flash sprite in Director.

The following links provide more information on the problem:;EN-US;q183522

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Re: RGB codes

2003-08-25 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm sure you're on the right lines for what was being asked, but which 
palette does the routine refer to?
Excellent question, Colin! And something I struggled with. I *think* it 
defaults to the palette set in the movie properties dialog and for some 
reason that setting isn't available to lingo, either gettably or settably. 
However, I changed that setting to all the other available options (and 
saved the movie) and it would only ever spit out values for #systemWin, so 
I have no idea how that works in the background.
James Newton has a routine in his book that involves creating bitmaps with 
different palettes and get/setPixel which are then queryable for rgb <-> 
paletteIndex "conversions".


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Re: RGB codes

2003-08-25 Thread Sean Wilson
While I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, paste this into a movie 
script and call it from the message window:

on mShowColors
  repeat with i = 0 to 255
aColor   = color(#paletteIndex, i)
hex  = aColor.hexString()
aColor.colorType = #rgb
put i, hex,,,
  end repeat
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Re: Save as binary file

2003-08-14 Thread Sean Wilson

do I need an Xtra to save a bitmap to the hard drive? This is a
projector, not a Shockwave.
AFAIK, yes. The best option, IMHO, is Werner's SharpExport xtra
(I believe DirectImage also has this kind of functionality - at a price!)


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Re: : DMX issues (summary)

2003-06-20 Thread Sean Wilson

Maybe I'm the only one seeing this one - idle projectors in OSX consuming 
huge CPU resources for no apparent reason.
I don't know whether Buddy API for the Mac, or even the OSX version, 
contains the same function, but with the Windows version you can use 
baSleep() to reduce apparent cpu hogging.


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Re: MUI Xtra on OSX

2003-06-11 Thread Sean Wilson

I had the same problems in 8.5, and I double checked the Xtra version, and
it is the MX xtra.  Here's the code I'm using to build the dialog box.  It
works fine on Windows:
In your windowPropList you don't specify anything for the modality of the 
In my experience, run() expects the window.modal = 1; whereas show() 
expects the window.modal = 0 - I'm not sure what the default is, but it's 
possibly 0.
Try explicitly setting window.modal = 1, especially if you're showing it 
with a run() command.


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RE: Imaging lingo

2003-06-03 Thread Sean Wilson

This was an interesting problem. I'm sure there are official anti-aliasing 
routines out there, but I decided to try and work one out for myself.
There's a pair of excellent articles on DOUG about Gaussian blurring that 
talks about the same kinds of concepts as you describe, Colin. and 

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Re: To hide a browser window using buddy api

2003-04-02 Thread Sean Wilson

set b1=new(xtra "budapi")
set OK = baOpenFile( "c:\tmp.htm" , "hidden" )
put ok
-- 26031
I don't know whether it has any bearing on your ability to open a browser 
as "hidden", or why your return value for baOpenFile is as large as it is, 
but you don't need to create an instance of Buddy API before accessing its 
methods - they are essentially 'global' and registered with the 
projector/authoring environment when the program loads.
IOW: you don't need the line 'set b1=new(xtra "budapi")'

Also, the documentation states that a return value of < 32 from the 
baOpenFile method indicates an error, suggesting that 26031 *isn't* an 
error and that the method did what you asked.
Given that you are opening an htm file, why not try: baOpenURL( string URL, 
"hidden" )


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Re: [XPOST] Director Product survey

2003-03-28 Thread Sean Wilson

Apparently they are doing this on behalf of Macromedia, but the 
announcement probably should have come from Macromedia itself in order to 
avoid any confusion.
Apologies to all for any confusion. My reason for posting the survey link 
in the first place was that MM had *apparently* overlooked Lingo-L when 
announcing this survey.


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[XPOST] Director Product survey

2003-03-26 Thread Sean Wilson
With apologies to those subscribed to other lists where the original 
message may have been sent, MM are surveying Director features.
Feel free to use those "Comments" boxes - now's your chance:


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Re: Printomatic on IBM

2003-03-20 Thread Sean Wilson
At 10:57 a.m. 20/03/2003 +0530, you wrote:
While using the Printomatic xtra in Director, we found that printing on IBM
machines running Windows 98 results in a failed printout.
I'm not sure of the specific application, but you might want to hit 
updateStage and look through the docs for their vList xtra. There is free a 
method in this xtra ( fpReset() ) that is included to deal with these sorts 
of problems. I *think*. Worth a try, at the least.


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Re: Vector out of a field or text cast member

2003-03-17 Thread Sean Wilson

Just had a quick question, I would like to have users imputing text
through a normal text field and would like to be able to convert the
characters of the imputed text to vector shapes for later access to the
vertexList. Is there any easy way of doing this?
I think there is an undocumented (=> unsupported) command to do this, or 
something akin to it.


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Re: beep command

2003-03-12 Thread Sean Wilson

I just tried using the beep command on a Windows XP machine and it doesn't 
work on either of my machines. I can try it in the Message window and 
nothing happens. I don't remember ever testing on WinXP before, but I 
don't think I done anything that should affect the system beep.

Alert gives a beep, other sounds seem to work fine, just no beep from the 
beep command.

Any suggestions?

If I remember right, D7 switched the beep from the "asterisk" sound to the 
"default" sound. But there isn't a sound named default in my sound control 
panel. Anyone know what sound the beep should be using on XP?
It works for me with WinXP Professional.

'beep' in the message window plays "Windows XP Ding.wav" from my 
%SystemRoot%\Media directory, with the same named sound selected as the 
'Default Beep'  under the Sounds tab in Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio 


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Re: Customized hypertext

2003-03-10 Thread Sean Wilson

I know I have read somewhere that I can customize hypertext in Director to 
make it a different color (other than blue), but can't remember where I 
saw these notes.  Does anyone know where I can find this information?
Turn off useHyperTextStyles in the PI, select the text in your 
hyperlinkRange and use the text inspector to set its colour.

There's an article at DOUG 
(; and James 
Newton has a movie on his site: (Custom Hyperlink Style)


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Re: All possible combination sequence of a list of items

2003-03-05 Thread Sean Wilson

Does anyone have a function that when given a list of items, the function 
will return all the possible combination sequences.
You need to spend more time with DOUG. The latest article posted covers 
exactly this topic.


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Re: icon question

2003-02-27 Thread Sean Wilson

What's the best way of changing icons for a pc projector? I've used
microangelo in the past, but it seems to kill projectors now...
I still use Microangelo successfully - you just have to be careful when 
updating icons to choose "Update graphics 'in place'" from the "Edit -> EXE 
update method" menu. There's a note on their site about it specifically for 
Macromedia/Director/high-level language developers.

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Re: sound loop question

2003-02-08 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm looking at an old Director movie with a sound in it. The sound is 
internal, and I don't have the source file to investigate. This sound 
starts with a rising pitch, reaches some point and stays there (actually, 
think of the sound of a car starting out and then reaching cruising
speed). When I turn looping on for the sound, it does the starting out, 
gets to the cruising and loops on the cruising - the starting out part is 
not repeated in the looping.
Can anyone offer a guess what was done to allow/cause this sound to work 
like this?

I don't know that I can tell you how to reproduce this yourself, only that 
I've seen a similar sound file in one of MM's Training from the Source-type 
CDs that came with a Peachpit Press book. The movie file involves animating 
a mechanical arm to move up and down the left side of the stage and a 
series of cast members to swap that shows the arm extending and retracting. 
The sound file that comes with this movie does exactly what you describe - 
when you turn on looping it does so not from the start of the file but from 
some point into the file. I realize that this should be achievable with 
(newer) sound lingo, but this file worked in D7, before any of that was 

I've never heard of any explanation of how to achieve this, but looked 
around in Sound Forge for possible options and thought I'd found one that 
looked promising, but having just had another quick look I can't find what 
it was and it was years ago I was trying to recreate this effect.

Perhaps Buzz has some ideas?


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Re: bringing a window to the front

2003-01-21 Thread Sean Wilson

I'm using Buddy API to make sure a window stays on top of other windows, and
have tried this code, without success:


I've also tried baStageHandle() to get the handle of the current window, but
to no avail.  I've tried full screen, titleless window, and titled window
projector modes, too, but nothing actually seems to work.  The way I'm
testing to see if it works, is to start the application and then hit alt-tab
to bring another window to the front.  Is this interaction not the same as
another application making itself on top?

Is there any other way to keep my app on top?

There is no need to instantiate Buddy API before using its command-set, so 
no need for the new() call.

If you want your window to *stay* on top, as opposed to moving it to the 
front, try baSetWindowState( WinHandle, "StayOnTop" )


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Re: Email/Mailto from Scrollable text.

2003-01-21 Thread Sean Wilson

I've placed the script 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' without the 
quotation marks on the Text Inspector.
I've also placed an on hyperlinkClicked event handler as a movie script:

When I create a projector it works fine, but on the hyperlinks it opens an 
unfound html page, before going to the default email program. Any ideas 
what I'm doing wrong?? Do I need an extra, or can this be done from within 

Use Buddy API's baOpenUrl() method instead of gotoNetPage()


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Re: FindingNotWantedFonts

2003-01-14 Thread Sean Wilson

on FindFonts
repeat with i = 1 to the number of castmembers of castLib 4
 if the castType of cast i of castLib 4 = EMPTY then
  if the castType of cast i of castLib 4 = #richtext then
   put the memberNum of cast i of castLib 4 && the textFont
of cast i of castLib 4
  end if
 end if
end repeat

This works but only gives me one font per cast member. If I pick a cast
member and, for test purposes, place three or four different fonts in it,
only the first one is identified with this code.

QUESTION: Is there some way for me to locate all font typefaces used by
castmember? It could even be a space with a not wanted font on it.

If you're using D8.5, your keywords are out of date - castType, #richtext & 
textFont - although it obviously works for you to an extent.

#text members have a #missingFonts property - check the dictionary.

That being said, when I've had a similar problem it hasn't been *that* 
useful to me. Safer/more successful is to walk the cast looking for #text 
members, then walking the individual characters of the text member checking 
for fonts used.

Try the following as a start:
on findMissingFonts aFontName
  nLibs = the number of castLibs
  repeat with l = 1 to nLibs
nMems = the number of members of castLib l
repeat with m = 1 to nMems
  if member(m,l).type = #text then
nChars = member(m,l).char.count
if nChars then
  repeat with c = 1 to nChars
tFont = member(m,l).char[c].font
if tFont = aFontName then
  put member(m,l), c
  exit repeat
end if
  end repeat
end if
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat


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Re: Shockwave projector

2002-12-22 Thread Sean Wilson

Thanks for letting me know that it works for you. I had already tried what 
you suggested and it made no difference. I know they yanked the Director 
MX download for a while, and made some bug fixes, but I didn't hear 
anything about dealing with with this issue. I have the NFR (Not
for Resale) CD, which maybe is an early release. Hopefully they have 
caught it for the comercial release.

I thought it was only the trial version that was yanked.

Looks to me like the commercial version works as expected when creating 
slim projectors - or at least my copy does! Perhaps this functionality is 
intentionally disabled for NFR releases?


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Re: Shockwave projector

2002-12-22 Thread Sean Wilson

This is Director MX, Win98.

I just noticed that the Player radio buttons in the Projector Options 
dialog box has the Shockwave option grayed out. Does this mean that 
Shockwave projectors are no longer supported? Or is my system weird?

Does anyone have the ability to make a Shockwave projector on their system 
using Director MX?

Works for me.

I have the downloaded final release installer (still waiting for the CD to 
arrive, but it should be the same as the installer on the CD when it ships) 
running on WinXP SP1. If you tell me how to tell which version of SW I have 
installed, I could tell you that too! The base is 8.5.1 and looking in my 
SW folder I see (although AFAIK this shouldn't have any bearing on the 
ability to create a SW projector):

Perhaps if you try creating the external xtras folder and putting the 
required dlls and xtras in there *prior* to creating the projector you 
might have more luck.


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Re: Optimizing streaming media

2002-11-21 Thread Sean Wilson

it starts to play, but the initial music and voice over don't play right

I've created looping animations that ask to please wait while media
downloads, and I've got a script preloading those items

The two members are swa's, and I get the distinct feeling they're
downloading fully before playing, although I'm using the loop until media
available, which I supposed would allow the media to start streaming as soon
as it could.

Could you insert the swa files as swa files and stream them? Instead of 
inserting them as sounds. Sorry, that's really confusing. What I mean is
Insert-> Media Element->Shockwave Audio... and give the file a relative or 
absolute URL. It should then genuinely stream, as opposed to preloading 
before playing. Beware that it may hiccup/drop out/stutter while 
downloading other media into the movie, so test it hard.


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Re: bug in getPixel()?

2002-11-05 Thread Sean Wilson

i've these result

instead of rgb(255, 000, 000) getPixel return rgb(248, 000, 000)
   "   rgb(000, 255, 000)""   rgb(000, 248, 000)
   "   rgb(000, 000, 255)""   rgb(000, 000, 248)

and so on for every pure colors likes rgb(255, 255, 000) even rgb (255, 255,
255) --> white is return as rgb(248, 248, 248)

With these results, your monitor is probably set to 16-bit depth. Set to 
32-bit you will get 'expected' results.

See James Newton's book for an excellent explanation. Quote: "In 16-bit 
color, the highest value for each primary color is 31. The value of 248 
comes from 31 x 8. For 16-bit colors, rgb(248, 248, 248) means white."


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