Re: backing up windows

2003-08-24 Thread Alma J Wetzker
Ken Moffat [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat, 23 Aug 2003 06:26:56 -0700

Alma J Wetzker wrote:
If you open the message while in windoze, then you are infected.  The 
virus NEEDS the OS to respond before it can do it's thing.  If the OS 
doesn't respond, and linux will not respond to a windoze targetted 
attack unles wine responds, the virus never starts.

-- Alma

Are these sobig virii Outlook (express) specific, or are other mail 
clients, say Netscape (on windows) or eudora, vulnerable?
In general, any client can be vulnerable.  You need to execute the 
attachment in order to be infected.  (Outlook can be configured to 
execute attachments for you, it was the default last time I used it.)

I am not sure, but I think sobig is the same way.

The advantage to linux is, even under wine there is a permissions issue 
to the infection.  To be fair, a NT kernel version of windoze could be 
made secure the same way, I am not sure how usable it would be 

-- Alma

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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Collins Richey
[ snips ]

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 15:37:52 +
Ted Ozolins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Keith Antoine wrote:
  BTW was there loss of life or did they ALL get away in time.
  It does seem co-incidental that both continents seem to swap fire
  hazzard, again is arson part of it too as with us. Mind you Europe
  copped it this time as well and the death toll was bigger that we
  ever had.
 They managed to evacuate everyone with plenty of time to spare, no
 loss of life. 
 This mess isn't over by a long shot. 
 Since ... in 1982 (I  think) they had a similar fire in that area and
 didn't go anywhere, the idiots ignored it. In 1982 it wasn't anywhere
 near as dry and heat parched as it has been this year. This is going
 to be one hell of a summer for many to remember.

Sounds much worse than what we had in Colorado past summers.  My
sympathy for all affected!

In addition to the idiot politicians, we have the usual problems
building up to a conflagration like this:

1) People like to build in areas that look pretty and green without any
thought given to what might happen when it's all ablaze.  In the case of
towns, the decisions were made decades or centuries ago.

2) Environmentalists are usually opposed to any efforts to thin the
forests and remove dead fuel in aging forests near populated areas.  The
standard argument: Forest management is just clearcutting, but if
nature is doing the clearing, that's aok.  People who might suffer
aren't extremely important.

3) All of the above leaves the way open for arsonists and/or careless
people to trigger a disaster.

A few of the people who live in the foothills communities west of Denver
are now starting to prepare themselves by clearing around their homes
and removing excess downed timber.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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Re: I've hosed my clock setup

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth Kevin O'Gorman:
 I don't know what I did the last time I went to adjust my machine's
 clock, but it seems Linux no longer talks nice to the hardware clock.
 Every time I boot, the clock is off by 7 hours, and for my setup
 thats usually once a day (no fault of Linux, I just have to shut this
 off at night).
 The system is RH 7.3, and the contents of /etc/sysconfig/clock are

Do you have an /etc/localtime file? If so, it probably is a symlink
to the actual timezone file.

 I keep the hardware clock in local time because I dual-boot to other
 OS-es once in a while.  Here's what it looks like:

Okay. It seems like you should be able to rerun the timezone 
configuration portion of setup and make sure that everything is

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc.d]# /sbin/hwclock -r
 Fri 15 Aug 2003 07:53:56 AM PDT  0.849306 seconds
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc.d]# /sbin/hwclock -r --localtime
 Fri 15 Aug 2003 07:54:12 AM PDT  0.268908 seconds
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc.d]# /sbin/hwclock -r --utc
 Fri 15 Aug 2003 12:54:18 AM PDT  0.280746 seconds

hwclock --hctosys (or hwclock -s) should sync the system time
to the the hardware clock.

 However, on each reboot KDE's clock in the panel, and the 'date'
 program both report time as if I used UTC; in the above example
 that was 12:54 AM.
 I'm baffled and sleepless in California.

Presumably, nptdate (deprecated for ntpd -q, it appears) should be 
able to set your hardware clock to the right time so long as you have 
an NTP server setup in /etc/ntp.conf.

Yesterday I was a dog.  Today I'm a dog.  Tomorrow I'll probably still
be a dog. Sigh!  There's so little hope for advancement.
-- Snoopy
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Re: SCO fizzles

2003-08-24 Thread Bob Hemus
Collins Richey wrote:

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 23:42:54 -0400
Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoth Joel Hammer:

Do you think SCO is pulling a typical lawyers trick? Trying to
pollute the jury pool? Anybody who is remotely aware of technical
issues will hear all about these issues long before the trial, thus
making them ineligible for the jury.
Maybe. But I can't honestly say I understand *what* they're doing.
I'm not even confident *SCO* knows what they're doing.
I'm confident that *SCO* doesn't know WTF they're doing! 

No one with an

iota of sense would take on IBM and their team of lawyers.

A month ago I made the same comment, sorta.

I've got a friend who worked for ATT maybe 20 years ago until fairly 
recently.  When the Govt. went after them they sent 5 trainlosads of 
paper to 'em.  While the individual jerks at M$ have money, I bet the 
pockets of IBM are deeper than the M$ company's.  Microsloth may, even, 
have to sell or make more stock to sell to keep this thing alive.  As 
someone said follow the money if it's worth it, IBM has the money. 
Money buys attorneys.  Let's all hope IBM stays with it.  I'm old and 
wise enough to realize right doesn't always win!

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Re: I've hosed my clock setup

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth Kevin O'Gorman:
 On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Kurt Wall wrote:
  Quoth Kevin O'Gorman:
   I don't know what I did the last time I went to adjust my machine's
   clock, but it seems Linux no longer talks nice to the hardware clock.
   Every time I boot, the clock is off by 7 hours, and for my setup
   thats usually once a day (no fault of Linux, I just have to shut this
   off at night).
  Did you ever get this straightened out?
 Sort of, but it's a hack.
 I found that the /var/log/messages stuff started having two different
 timestamps starting partway through the boot.  That was really odd.
 Details: my RTC is set to local time because I occasionally boot to
 Windoze.  Timestamps were all okay up to where /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog
 gets run and tries to do the right thing with the clock, but from
 then on, the kernel reported times 7 hours off, presumably through
 klogd.  Meanwhile other things continued to report the correct time,
 presumably through syslogd.  All claimed to be PDT times.
 My hack was to put the line
 /sbin/hwclock -s --localtime# Local hack

This sets the system time from the hardware clock. If you were
tinkering with KDE's clock setting function, undo it. I've no
idea _how_ to undo it, of course. Here at KurtWerks, I just point
ntpd at some public stratum 2 time servers and let ntp do the 
grunt work. Then again, none of my machines ever boot Windows,
so I can set my hardware clock to UTC without worry that Windows
will helpfully reset it.

 in /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog as the first line of the start() function.
 I don't understand how, but that fixed it.  What's really odd is
 that as I read things, /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit should have already
 executed exactly that command.


Yield to Temptation ... it may not pass your way again.
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Re: SCO fizzles

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth Bill Campbell:
 On Fri, Aug 22, 2003, Kurt Wall wrote:
 Which pretty much removes ESR and RMS from the running. :-) That
 said, self-promotion notwithstanding, ESR is very good at making
 complex technical issues clear. However, this is not about complex
 _technical_ issues, but, rather, about IBM's alleged contract 
 violoations. SCOs trial-by-press-release is calcualated attempt
 to cloud the core legal issue: did IBM subvert the contract or not?
 Lawyers and judges in the U.S. today really don't want people on the juries
 who are bright enough to understand how they're being manipulated.  They
 most certainly don't want people who understand jury nullifcation.

So, I don't have to worry about being called to jury duty. 

 It appears to me that the SCO folks like Darl may be trying to establish a
 possible insanity defense if they're ever charged with attempting to
 manipulate their stock price.  Their most recent charges that IBM is
 orchestrating the opposition is about the most ridiculous thing I've heard
 in ages.  Come to think of it though, this may be an indication that it
 really is Microsoft that's behind much of SCO's posturing considering that
 it was found that M$ was in fact paying people to write letters to the
 editor and similar activities during their anti-trust trials.

Yup, SCO's charge that IBM is the puppetmaster pulling the strings
was a clear sign that someone hasn't been taking their medication 
regularly or in a strong enough dosage. Nonetheless, it was the funniest
thing I've heard yet.

I have great faith in fools -- self confidence my friends call it.
-- Edgar Allan Poe
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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Ted Ozolins
Collins Richey wrote:

3) All of the above leaves the way open for arsonists and/or careless
people to trigger a disaster.
Dam it! Now we have a fire on the Westbank side of the lake. This fire 
has started at a log dump. Source of fire unknown. I can't believe 
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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Re: We Love The SCO Information Minister

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth Bill Campbell:
 On Sat, Aug 23, 2003, Kurt Wall wrote:
 This is just too funny.
 /me wipes eyes.
 This brings to mind one of my father's favorite questions which I
 would love to post to the SCO folks, ``are you as stupid as you
 appear to be''?

The answer is an unequivocal affirmative.

The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination -- but the
combination is locked up in the safe.
-- Peter DeVries
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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth burns:
 On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 17:44, Keith Antoine wrote:
 For those interested in this evolvingtragedy...
 Information first hand from the City of Kelowna:


War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ketchup is a vegetable.
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AVI Conversion

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Bonjour, List,

Can anyone recommend a tool, preferably CLI, for converting
AVIs to (something else)?


You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for
freedom and liberty.
-- Henrik Ibsen
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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Bob Hemus
Ted Ozolins wrote:

Collins Richey wrote:

The one thing we Americans and Canadians have in common, besides the
language, is the best politicians money can buy.  They all suck.
I just learned that the reason that we (here in B. C.) are short of 
manpower to address these fires is that a Workers Compaensation ruling 
requires that anyone fighting a forest fire must possess cirtification 
by the Forestry. snip
Not so sure that is as bad as you think.  Back in my youth I used to 
fall timber on fires.  Big trees like you have.  Back then they would 
hire a guy that went out and buy a saw for the big bucks.  If he didn't 
kill himself he could do it to a couple others,  also.  I'm not 
defending all of their rules or procedures.  I have a kid (43 year old 
kid) who's on one of the special overhead teams for the USFS/BLM/??, the 
trouble with those teams as I see it is they move in on the locals that 
know the lay of the land and take over.  In '87 they really botched 
about a quarter million burn around Happy Camp.  Some jerk from Arizona 
tried to light a big back-burn 10 muiles long at the bank of the Klamath 
River 3 or 4 ridges away from the fire!  Fortunatley it was so smokey 
and cold it wouldn't take.  Oh well I'd better quit. I get real radical.

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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Ralph Sanford
On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 07:00, Ted Ozolins wrote:
 Tom Marinis wrote:
  Ted Ozolins wrote:
  Collins Richey wrote:
  The one thing we Americans and Canadians have in common, besides the
  language, is the best politicians money can buy.  They all suck.
  I just learned that the reason that we (here in B. C.) are short of 
  manpower to address these fires is that a Workers Compaensation ruling 
  requires that anyone fighting a forest fire must possess cirtification 
  by the Forestry. I've heard of all kinds of stupidity but this takes 
  the cake. I think its time for a class action suit against WCB. I can 
  not believe that a private organization none of which are elected 
  officials can pass laws. I thought that within the british-north 
  amercan act states that only elected officials can pass laws here. 
  Dang I better drop this.
  I was just out of highschool, and was tree-planter/firefighter for the 
  summer in and around the Penticton area in mid 1987.
  The only WCB regs at that time were the requirements for
  safety gear ( you know, gloves, brain bucket, boots,
  cover alls ), a manditory 2 hr training course on how to fight
  forest fires, and a single guy with Industrial First Aid for
  crew of fire fighters.
  Back then it was; for every 5 man firefighter crew, you had
  to have a I.F.A. Level 1 ticket holder in the group.
  If the crew was 20 or over, the I.F.A. guy had to be
  LEVEL 3.
  Now your saying the volunteers firefighters need Forestry
  Certification ?  What the heck is that exactly?
  Damn, things have changed a lot in BC since the mid 1990's. I never 
  heard about this before, and I live here.
 Yup, I live here as well and untill now was not aware of it iether. I 
 guess that is why the Canadian forces personel were stuck in Vernon 
 training camp for a while to obtain their training (and not just a 
 couple of hours) This whole thing sucks.

The Wildland Fire Fighter certification is pretty well the standard now
in Canada and the U.S.

My business partner has a separate venture where he converts surplus
military transport vehicles into wildland fire fighting equipment
(  He and all his operators needed to complete
the certification before he could enter into contract negotiations with
the fire fighting agencies.  The basic course was 2 or 3 days.  This
minimum standard is what allows firefighters to be shared by the various
provinces.  The minimum U.S. standard in the adjoining states is a one
week course.

The certification process does reduce the number of persons that could
be employed as firefighters.  BUT Canada and the U.S. are urbanized to
the point that vast majority of people have no idea how to properly
swing an axe, operate a chain saw, do not understand what kickback or
top fall means in lumber operations, can't sleep comfortably in the
forest, do not know which way to fall if caught in the drop path of a
water bomber, much less know how to effectively fight a fire.

Yeah it sucks but I am not convinced that the certification is really
the source of the problem.  p.s. did not B.C. have a law suit within the
last year or two where some bureaucrat passed a regulation concerning
fitness standards for forest fire fighters that effectively prohibited
women from fire fighting.

Ralph Sanford   -   If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -   should you trust your government?

DH/DSS Key   -   0x7A1BEA01

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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Gerry Doris
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Bob Hemus wrote:

 Ted Ozolins wrote:
  Collins Richey wrote:
  The one thing we Americans and Canadians have in common, besides the
  language, is the best politicians money can buy.  They all suck.
  I just learned that the reason that we (here in B. C.) are short of 
  manpower to address these fires is that a Workers Compaensation ruling 
  requires that anyone fighting a forest fire must possess cirtification 
  by the Forestry. snip
 Not so sure that is as bad as you think.  Back in my youth I used to 
 fall timber on fires.  Big trees like you have.  Back then they would 
 hire a guy that went out and buy a saw for the big bucks.  If he didn't 
 kill himself he could do it to a couple others,  also.  I'm not 
 defending all of their rules or procedures.  I have a kid (43 year old 
 kid) who's on one of the special overhead teams for the USFS/BLM/??, the 
 trouble with those teams as I see it is they move in on the locals that 
 know the lay of the land and take over.  In '87 they really botched 
 about a quarter million burn around Happy Camp.  Some jerk from Arizona 
 tried to light a big back-burn 10 muiles long at the bank of the Klamath 
 River 3 or 4 ridges away from the fire!  Fortunatley it was so smokey 
 and cold it wouldn't take.  Oh well I'd better quit. I get real radical.

I was listening to an interview with a supervisor from the Ontario team
that's out in BC.  Apparently most of our Ontario fire fighters are out
there working under the guidance of the local folks (as are teams from 
Montana etc).

The supervisor was saying how important it was for this reporting
structure as his people weren't used to fighting fires in mountainous
terrain.  Northern Ontario is basically flat with lots of lakes.  In BC
they've been on mountain sides with temperatures often well over 30C.  The 
gear they have to carry is heavy and different.  Here they don't worry too 
much about drinking water but it's a major concern in BC.

It was an interesting interview.


The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne  Chaucer

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Re: SCO fizzles

2003-08-24 Thread Richard Thompson
On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 15:21, Bill Campbell wrote:

 It appears to me that the SCO folks like Darl may be trying to establish a
 possible insanity defense if they're ever charged with attempting to
 manipulate their stock price.  Their most recent charges that IBM is
 orchestrating the opposition is about the most ridiculous thing I've heard
 in ages.  Come to think of it though, this may be an indication that it
 really is Microsoft that's behind much of SCO's posturing considering that
 it was found that M$ was in fact paying people to write letters to the
 editor and similar activities during their anti-trust trials.
An insanity defense makes a certain amount of sense.  Perhaps, however,
the recent lunatic ravings of Darl McBride to the SCO forum members that
IBM is orchestrating the open source response to the SCO -v- IBM suit
may have a less obvious purpose - a first strike to divert attention
away from the puppeteers at Microsoft who are pulling SCO's strings,
i.e. lie first, lie loud, lie often and repeatedly, and chances are good
- well, you get the picture.  Out of curiosity, except for a few reports
of cash infusions for useless licenses and outdated tech, there seems to
have been a fair amount of silence on the MS/SCO connection.  Any ideas

- Rich Thompson

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Re: AVI Conversion

2003-08-24 Thread Net Llama!
On 08/23/03 17:58, Kurt Wall wrote:

Bonjour, List,

Can anyone recommend a tool, preferably CLI, for converting
AVIs to (something else)?
mencoder, from MPlayer.

Linux Step-by-step  TyGeMo:
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Re: SCO fizzles

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth Richard Thompson:


 An insanity defense makes a certain amount of sense.  Perhaps, however,
 the recent lunatic ravings of Darl McBride to the SCO forum members that
 IBM is orchestrating the open source response to the SCO -v- IBM suit
 may have a less obvious purpose - a first strike to divert attention
 away from the puppeteers at Microsoft who are pulling SCO's strings,
 i.e. lie first, lie loud, lie often and repeatedly, and chances are good
 - well, you get the picture.  Out of curiosity, except for a few reports
 of cash infusions for useless licenses and outdated tech, there seems to
 have been a fair amount of silence on the MS/SCO connection.  Any ideas

Very little solid evidence on which to base an article. Suspicions
are strong but, just yet, there's nothing there there. With the spotlight
of anti-trust shining on them, Microsoft must move cautiously. They
will undoubtedly make a misstep sooner or later.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape
at about 30 miles/second.
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Xine slow to start up while probing hardware

2003-08-24 Thread Joel Hammer
xine seems to be working but:
When I issue the command xine, I get a long delay while it probes the audio
This is what I see.

xine *asx

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.21
(c) 2000-2003 by G. Bartsch and the xine project team.
Built with xine library 1.0.0 (1-beta12)
Found xine library version: 1.0.0 (1-beta12).
XServer Vendor: The XFree86 Project, Inc. Release: 40201001,
Protocol Version: 11, Revision: 0,
Available Screen(s): 1, using 0
Depth: 16.
XShmQueryVersion: 1.1.
-[ xiTK version 0.10.3 ]-
-[ xiTK will use XShm ]-
-[ WM type: (EWMH) KWIN {KWin} ]-
Display is not using Xinerama.
main: probing xshm video output plugin

main: probing alsa audio output plugin ---DELAY IS HERE

xine_interface: unknown param 10
xine_interface: unknown param 10
xine_interface: unknown param 10
xine_interface: unknown param 10
video_out_xshm: tried to get unsupported property 2
video_out_xshm: tried to set unsupported property 2
video_out_xshm: tried to get unsupported property 2
Playlist file (082203_5_iraq1.asx) is valid (ASX3).
libmms: stream id 1, bitrate 20362
libmms: audio stream 1, video stream 0

This delay is a minute or so. Any insight appreciated.


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Re: I've hosed my clock setup

2003-08-24 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Kurt Wall wrote:

 Quoth Kevin O'Gorman:
  On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Kurt Wall wrote:
   Quoth Kevin O'Gorman:
I don't know what I did the last time I went to adjust my machine's
clock, but it seems Linux no longer talks nice to the hardware clock.
Every time I boot, the clock is off by 7 hours, and for my setup
thats usually once a day (no fault of Linux, I just have to shut this
off at night).
   Did you ever get this straightened out?
  Sort of, but it's a hack.
  I found that the /var/log/messages stuff started having two different
  timestamps starting partway through the boot.  That was really odd.
  Details: my RTC is set to local time because I occasionally boot to
  Windoze.  Timestamps were all okay up to where /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog
  gets run and tries to do the right thing with the clock, but from
  then on, the kernel reported times 7 hours off, presumably through
  klogd.  Meanwhile other things continued to report the correct time,
  presumably through syslogd.  All claimed to be PDT times.
  My hack was to put the line
  /sbin/hwclock -s --localtime# Local hack
 This sets the system time from the hardware clock. If you were
 tinkering with KDE's clock setting function, undo it. I've no
 idea _how_ to undo it, of course. Here at KurtWerks, I just point
 ntpd at some public stratum 2 time servers and let ntp do the 
 grunt work. Then again, none of my machines ever boot Windows,
 so I can set my hardware clock to UTC without worry that Windows
 will helpfully reset it.

I probably was, but I don't know how to undo it either.  I cannot even
reconstruct what I did (one of the reasons I'm only lukewarm about
GUI sysadmin tools unless they do really good logging).  I may have
to live with the hack for now.

  in /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog as the first line of the start() function.
  I don't understand how, but that fixed it.  What's really odd is
  that as I read things, /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit should have already
  executed exactly that command.

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Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread Swapana Ghosh

 Few days we are having problem with one of
our clients's server(linux 7.1)...
Within last few days, we had to reboot the server
atleast 12 times...

 When the server stopped to work - we are
checking the *traceroute*..
We are getting that after prceeding upto 10/12 hubs
the server is not sending the package... We contacted
their server maintainance engineers , they are telling
that they have no problem with the router
/network...They are maintaining  so many
servers - if they have problem with router/network
then others' servers should have been also
under same condition!!!

 Now their engieers without rebooting the
server just did as follows:

#ifconfig eth0 down
#ifconfig eth0 up
#route add default gw

 Then the server started working

Here is the servers ifcfg-eth0 file cofiguration


Can anybody help me out to diagnose the problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: OT To all New Zealand SxS members

2003-08-24 Thread Keith Antoine
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 09:27 am, Collins Richey wrote:

 1) People like to build in areas that look pretty and green without any
 thought given to what might happen when it's all ablaze.  In the case of
 towns, the decisions were made decades or centuries ago.

 2) Environmentalists are usually opposed to any efforts to thin the
 forests and remove dead fuel in aging forests near populated areas.  The
 standard argument: Forest management is just clearcutting, but if
 nature is doing the clearing, that's aok.  People who might suffer
 aren't extremely important.

 3) All of the above leaves the way open for arsonists and/or careless
 people to trigger a disaster.

 A few of the people who live in the foothills communities west of Denver
 are now starting to prepare themselves by clearing around their homes
 and removing excess downed timber.

This is very much what happens in OZ. There are certain places on this earth 
where fire is a natural environmental rejuvinator; there are trees and shrubs 
here that need fire to germinate. So Oz is a place where big fires can and do 
occur. Yet if there is no fire for a while its DEVELOPED, and people start 
living there: short term memory is naon existant.

Last but not least are the pollies and of course the greenies and arsonists.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'SKIPPY'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061, Australia:: PH:61733002161
Practising Geriatric, Retired Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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nano-1.2.2 strange output

2003-08-24 Thread el lodger
After upgrading to portage-2.0.49 I ran etc-update and then tried to
edit make.conf with nano. Nano produced some blinking blocks of text
that said something like painting line 1 new line is. This is not
verbatim as I exited nano immediately. Konsole then showed the

bash-2.05b$ nano -w /etc/make.conf
Main: set up windows
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
(snip,snip many,many lines of the same)
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
delete_node(): free'd last node.
delete_opennode(): free'd last node.

To me this looks like a virus. What do you think?
Everything else seems to be running ok.

Portage 2.0.49 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.3, glibc-2.3.2-r1,
System uname: 2.4.20-gentoo-r4 i686 Pentium III (Katmai)
ccache version 2.2 [enabled]


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2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall

/me still laughing
It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood
Boulevard at one time.
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Re: Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread Net Llama!
On 08/24/03 00:34, Swapana Ghosh wrote:


 Few days we are having problem with one of
our clients's server(linux 7.1)...
Within last few days, we had to reboot the server
atleast 12 times...
 When the server stopped to work - we are
checking the *traceroute*..
We are getting that after prceeding upto 10/12 hubs
the server is not sending the package... We contacted
their server maintainance engineers , they are telling
that they have no problem with the router
/network...They are maintaining  so many
servers - if they have problem with router/network
then others' servers should have been also
under same condition!!!
 Now their engieers without rebooting the
server just did as follows:
#ifconfig eth0 down
#ifconfig eth0 up
#route add default gw
 Then the server started working

Here is the servers ifcfg-eth0 file cofiguration

Can anybody help me out to diagnose the problem?
Have you checked any logs to see if there are errors?  Are there any 
ipchain/ipfilter rules in place?  Can you ssh to the box during the times 
that it can't see the outside world?  How confident are you that the box 
hasn't been compromised?

Linux Step-by-step  TyGeMo:
  6:20am  up 8 days, 18:47,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: nano-1.2.2 strange output

2003-08-24 Thread Net Llama!
On 08/24/03 05:57, el lodger wrote:

After upgrading to portage-2.0.49 I ran etc-update and then tried to
edit make.conf with nano. Nano produced some blinking blocks of text
that said something like painting line 1 new line is. This is not
verbatim as I exited nano immediately. Konsole then showed the
bash-2.05b$ nano -w /etc/make.conf
Main: set up windows
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
(snip,snip many,many lines of the same)
delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!
delete_node(): free'd last node.
delete_opennode(): free'd last node.
To me this looks like a virus. What do you think?
Everything else seems to be running ok.
Portage 2.0.49 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.3, glibc-2.3.2-r1,
System uname: 2.4.20-gentoo-r4 i686 Pentium III (Katmai)
ccache version 2.2 [enabled]
Looks like you built nano with debugging symbols turned on:,+YAY!%22hl=enlr=ie=UTF-8oe=UTF-8safe=offselm=handler.111237.D111237.10021739178042.ackdone%40bugs.debian.orgrnum=1
(Google is your friend)
Linux Step-by-step  TyGeMo:
  6:25am  up 8 days, 18:52,  2 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.08, 0.03

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Re: nano-1.2.2 strange output

2003-08-24 Thread el lodger
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:27:01 -0700
Net Llama! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 08/24/03 05:57, el lodger wrote:

 Looks like you built nano with debugging symbols turned on:,+YAY!%22hl=enlr=ie=UTF-8oe=UTF-8safe=offselm=handler.111237.D111237.10021739178042.ackdone%40bugs.debian.orgrnum=1
 (Google is your friend)
That I did. I'll try it w/o debug!

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Re: WeLoveTheSCOInformationMinister

2003-08-24 Thread burns
On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 14:10, Kurt Wall wrote:
 /me still laughing

Had a good hoot at the site yesterday, but today none of the images are
downloading. Trying to force them shows that they are not being
served... interesting.

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Re: WeLoveTheSCOInformationMinister

2003-08-24 Thread Kurt Wall
Quoth Shannon Scott:
 I received this message, but you sent it to someone else.
 How does that happen?
 Take Care

I BCCed the linux-users mailing list when sending this message
to my friend (I meant to CC the list). I have *no* idea what
happened to the distribution list between my mail client and
the linux-users mailing list, though. Wierd.

Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it.
-- Mark Twain
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Re: Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread Bill Campbell
On Sun, Aug 24, 2003, Swapana Ghosh wrote:

 Few days we are having problem with one of
our clients's server(linux 7.1)...
Within last few days, we had to reboot the server
atleast 12 times...

 Now their engieers without rebooting the
server just did as follows:

#ifconfig eth0 down
#ifconfig eth0 up
#route add default gw

 Then the server started working

What type of NIC are you using?  Realtek, and many of those running the
tulip drivers with non DEC chips can be really flakey.  If you're looking
for inexpensive, high quality NICs, the 3COM 3c905 series are often
available for about $10US.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

A paranoid is a man who knows a little of what's going on.
-- William S. Burroughs
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Re: WeLoveTheSCOInformationMinister

2003-08-24 Thread Collins Richey
On 24 Aug 2003 10:43:57 -0400
burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 14:10, Kurt Wall wrote:
  /me still laughing
 Had a good hoot at the site yesterday, but today none of the images
 are downloading. Trying to force them shows that they are not being
 served... interesting.

Can we hope that Darl has disappeared so quickly and completely?  The
aliens got him?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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Re: WeLoveTheSCOInformationMinister

2003-08-24 Thread burns
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 13:14, Collins Richey wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2003 10:43:57 -0400
 burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Had a good hoot at the site yesterday, but today none of the images
  are downloading. Trying to force them shows that they are not being
  served... interesting.
 Can we hope that Darl has disappeared so quickly and completely?  The
 aliens got him?

More likely the sub-human SCO lawyers found the webmaster.

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Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread Swapana Ghosh

.Have you checked any logs to see if there are
errors?  Are there any 
ipchain/ipfilter rules in place?  Can you ssh to the
box during the times 
that it can't see the outside world? 

  I have checked the log when the server is up but
did not get anything
from where i can diagnose the problme.
  ipchains/ipfilter rule , i can't say anything
about that - it is done
by some other admin. But ofcourse i will ask him and
send if i get
  I tried to do ssh to the server when it is down
- obviously we did
not get to reach... I checked the server with the
*sar* analysis but it
is not showing anything related highload, memory or
anything to any
installation But it is showing some messages which
i am giving here::

 How confident are you that the box 
hasn't been compromised?


eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link
  product info: vendor 00:00:00, model 0 rev 0
  basic mode:   10 Mbit, half duplex
  basic status: no link

What type of NIC are you using?  Realtek, and many
of those running the
.tulip drivers with non DEC chips can be really
flakey.  If you're looking
for inexpensive, high quality NICs, the 3COM 3c905
series are often
available for about $10US.

  I have no idea really what type of NIC they are
using, as
i said this server maintainance part(hardware etc) is
under some company
We are maintaining only the OS/softwares related
matters ...But it is
really disgusting when a server does not respond
atleast 15 times within
5 days.

If you all can help me out this will be really

Thanks again..

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Re: Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread Shawn Tayler
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:47:57 -0700 (PDT) Swapana Ghosh
[EMAIL PROTECTED] professed:

 eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link
   product info: vendor 00:00:00, model 0 rev 0
   basic mode:   10 Mbit, half duplex
   basic status: no link

The no link is interesting.  Could it be a flakey NIC, cable, or Router

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Re: Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread burns
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 14:56, Shawn Tayler wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:47:57 -0700 (PDT) Swapana Ghosh
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] professed:
  eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link
product info: vendor 00:00:00, model 0 rev 0
basic mode:   10 Mbit, half duplex
basic status: no link
 The no link is interesting.  Could it be a flakey NIC, cable, or Router

I had this happen a couple of years ago with a Realtek 8139C NIC. I
swapped out the card and it was fine. Other than that, I have had much
better service from these cards than others apparently have.

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Re: Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

2003-08-24 Thread ronnie gauthier
For my use I love the realteks, not a problem with them. For business use when
doing jobs I tend to use 3com 509's, same with modems, give me a good old 3com

On 24 Aug 2003 15:16:51 -0400 - burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the
Re: Re: Linux server packet loss - stopped occassionally

On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 14:56, Shawn Tayler wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:47:57 -0700 (PDT) Swapana Ghosh
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] professed:
  eth0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, no link
product info: vendor 00:00:00, model 0 rev 0
basic mode:   10 Mbit, half duplex
basic status: no link
 The no link is interesting.  Could it be a flakey NIC, cable, or Router

I had this happen a couple of years ago with a Realtek 8139C NIC. I
swapped out the card and it was fine. Other than that, I have had much
better service from these cards than others apparently have.

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Re: WeLoveTheSCOInformationMinister

2003-08-24 Thread Tony Alfrey
I thought I might dial up the Caldera/SCO website and see if there was a 
contact us that I might use to send them all a nasty letter but their 
site seems to be down.  Maybe they got cracked?

Tony Alfrey
I'd Rather Be Sailing

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Re: SCO fizzles

2003-08-24 Thread Alma J Wetzker
Richard Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 23 Aug 2003 18:13:13 -0800
On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 15:21, Bill Campbell wrote:
It appears to me that the SCO folks like Darl may be trying to establish a
possible insanity defense if they're ever charged with attempting to
manipulate their stock price.  Their most recent charges that IBM is
orchestrating the opposition is about the most ridiculous thing I've heard
in ages.  Come to think of it though, this may be an indication that it
really is Microsoft that's behind much of SCO's posturing considering that
it was found that M$ was in fact paying people to write letters to the
editor and similar activities during their anti-trust trials.
An insanity defense makes a certain amount of sense.  Perhaps, however,
the recent lunatic ravings of Darl McBride to the SCO forum members that
IBM is orchestrating the open source response to the SCO -v- IBM suit
may have a less obvious purpose - a first strike to divert attention
away from the puppeteers at Microsoft who are pulling SCO's strings,
i.e. lie first, lie loud, lie often and repeatedly, and chances are good
- well, you get the picture.  Out of curiosity, except for a few reports
of cash infusions for useless licenses and outdated tech, there seems to
have been a fair amount of silence on the MS/SCO connection.  Any ideas
My guess is that they are not as involved as we would like to believe. 
Much as SCO's blathering is to the benefit of M$, I don't think they are 
orchestrating it.  Sun is also a backer of SCO with _LOTS_ to lose if 
linux catches on.  Remember that Caldera was birthed by a lawsuit with 
M$ over DR-DOS not working with Windoze.  (They won for big bucks.)

The current SCO management does not seem to have a clue how the industry 
works.  That plus equal parts greed and stupidity are sufficient reason 
for their actions and claims.  Much as I _WANT_ M$ to be involved and, 
more importantly, caught driving this thing it is a far simpler 
explanation that Darl and Co. are incompetent and want to drive their 
stock value up anyway.  Think about it.  They are not old men.  Where 
are they ever going to work as executives again?

-- Alma

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Re: SCO fizzles

2003-08-24 Thread Tony Alfrey
On Sunday 24 August 2003 01:02 pm, Alma J Wetzker wrote:
  Richard Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 23 Aug 2003 18:13:13 -0800
  On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 15:21, Bill Campbell wrote:
 The current SCO management does not seem to have a clue how the
 industry works.  That plus equal parts greed and stupidity are
 sufficient reason for their actions and claims.  Much as I _WANT_ M$
 to be involved and, more importantly, caught driving this thing it is
 a far simpler explanation that Darl and Co. are incompetent and want
 to drive their stock value up anyway.  Think about it.  They are not
 old men.  Where are they ever going to work as executives again?


Tony Alfrey
I'd Rather Be Sailing

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Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread Ian Stephen
Look what I just got, with an attachment patch.exe

Microsoft must like me!

(Now if I can only figure out how to get IE to run with Wine maybe I can
use this patch ;-)

pasted email

Use this
Sun, 24 Aug
-0600 (MDT)

Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
More than 500.000 already infected!

/pasted email


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Re: Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread Shawn Tayler

That might not be what it claims to be.

Would you mind forwarding the patch.exe file you received to me off list? 
I think it may be something else!


On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 13:22:12 -0700 Ian Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Look what I just got, with an attachment patch.exe
 Microsoft must like me!
 (Now if I can only figure out how to get IE to run with Wine maybe I can
 use this patch ;-)
 pasted email
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RE: Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread Wil McGilvery
Better use it quick. It's from Microsoft after all! :)


Wil McGilvery
Lynch Digital Media Inc


416-716-3964 (cell)
416-744-0406  FAX

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Tayler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 4:29 PM

That might not be what it claims to be.

Would you mind forwarding the patch.exe file you received to me off list? 
I think it may be something else!


On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 13:22:12 -0700 Ian Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Look what I just got, with an attachment patch.exe
 Microsoft must like me!
 (Now if I can only figure out how to get IE to run with Wine maybe I can
 use this patch ;-)
 pasted email
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Re: Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
If you are crazy enough to run it G please let us know what it infects 
you with G.  

Ian Stephen wrote:

 Look what I just got, with an attachment patch.exe
 Microsoft must like me!
 (Now if I can only figure out how to get IE to run with Wine maybe I can
 use this patch ;-)
 pasted email
 Use this
 Sun, 24 Aug
 -0600 (MDT)
 Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
 There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
 More than 500.000 already infected!
 /pasted email

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt 
Registered Linux User #188143
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Re: Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread James McDonald
Ian Stephen wrote:

Look what I just got, with an attachment patch.exe

Microsoft must like me!

(Now if I can only figure out how to get IE to run with Wine maybe I can
use this patch ;-)

Well if it's from Microsoft it's safe to run... :)

I always say if AOL, IBM, Microsoft say to forward/run it then it's OK 


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Re: Email from 'Microsoft'

2003-08-24 Thread Bill Campbell
On Mon, Aug 25, 2003, James McDonald wrote:
Well if it's from Microsoft it's safe to run... :)

When has anything from Microsoft been safe to run?

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Systems, Inc.
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer from poor people in rich
countries to rich people in poor countries -- Douglas Casey
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