Re: OpenUnix vs OpenLinux

2002-01-24 Thread Roger Oberholtzer

I think it depends on your use.

I use both. Our product line is still officially based on OpenUnix, but
we are moving customers to OpenLinux. Our reasoning is this:

OpenUnix is a server OS. Why? Look at the types of things that are
bundled with it. So, when we buy OpenUnix, we buy and maybe install
lots of interesting things for servers. But, ours is a desktop
application. We don't need all that server stuff. OpenUnix does
not have a very good desktop. On a server OS, it is probably only
the sysadmin whu might use it. And, so many prefer command lines
that making a nice GUI would probably not buy many points. Even
though scoadmin is nice and works in X as well as console mode.
The older UnixWare 1 desktop made by AT&T/Novell was much better.
It was back in the days when the two felt they might enter the
desktop market. So, they sold a Desktop and an Application Server.
The Desktop is gone. OpenUnix is the current incarnation of the
Novell UnixWare Advanced Server. Of course, both are from the original
AT&T SVR4.2 tree, but the Advanced Server took a route to be best suited
to servers, So, if it is a server you are after,
then I would go with OpenUnix. I know OpenLinux can do server
stuff quite well. Among all the other things it does well. But
OpenUnix is designed from the bottom up to perform this task. And
it does it very well. The types of devices that are supported are
those one would use in a server.

If you are after desktops, go with OpenLinux. I think even the
OpenUnix people 'might' agree with that. If nothing else than
because of the more varied hardware support useful in the ever
changing desktop. Servers tend to be more static, and OpenUnix
reflects this in driver support.

JMTCW. And based on 10 years experience with OpenUnix (and the
various forms SVR4.2 has taken over the years).

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:58:43 -0500
patrick kapturkiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Hi,
| I need your experts' advices, please.
| I announced to my boss that, in my opinion, now, 
| OL server 3.1.1 is better than OpenUnix.
| He asked me to give him the advantages and 
| disadvantages between these two OS.
| I think that, with ext3fs and reiserfs, the last advantage 
| of unix is down and I don't see any more advantage for unix.
| My job is the Unix platforms' integration in a good
| company. We worked a lot with Sco OpenServer.
| And now, we have a new generation of programs
| which need data server with Oracle.
| I thank that OpenUnix 8 was the new good idea but
| I prefer OpenLinux 3.1.1 now. Even oracle has 
| a linux version on OpenUnix. 
| But if I see that unix is better, I'll keep it.
| Thanks in advance.
| Patrick
| __
| E-mail gratuit - Multimania -

Roger Oberholtzer E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OPQ Systems AB   WWW:
Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  Phone:   Int + 46 8 314223 
115 32 Stockholm  Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657
Sweden   Fax:   Int + 46 8 302602
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2002-01-24 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 05:43:06 -
"kriss rolo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled greedily:

> These are the items that iam interested in selling..
> Could you help me with some details on the goods, history, origin etc.
> are these worth anything and if so who would i contact with regards to
> selling them? and the best way to sell them ie auction etc

What happened here


"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there."
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century
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Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread burns

On January 22, 2002 11:20 pm, Andrew Mathews wrote:
> phillipp wrote:
> > Installfests now generate revenue???
> > Rip Van Winkel
> If you offer extra services, sell products, or build relationships with
> the right people, then yes. I can think of a dozen items that could be
> offered, t-shirts, tux penguins, pictures of me, well maybe not me, but
> Kurt, Doug, Lonnie, Burnsie, Kantoine, and Mike Andrews at least. 

The mind boggles!! The only people I could imagine considering my face for a 
T-shirt might be People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals... and only then 
as a scare tactic.

Regarding the question of beer, of course there would be beer - I haven't 
seen a Linux event yet where there wasn't lashings of ale (and beer).
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Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread burns

On January 23, 2002 03:20 am, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 19:31:43 +0100
> Klaus-Peter Schrage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | Ok, when the parity dollar vs euro will have gone down by then ...
> But in what direction, we all ask ourselves.

Well the Canuck buck is in the toilet right now compared to the Yank dollar, 
so if this is in the near future, I will be the guy sleeping in a tent and 
boiling up Kraft Dinner over a Sterno can. (and I'll bring REAL beer down 
with me, thanks.) 

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Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread burns

On January 24, 2002 02:26 am, Zoran wrote:
> On Jan 22 Susan Macchia was heard saying:
> ->I would be interested.  July is out though and I probably couldn't travel
> all ->the way to the west coast (sorry llama) since I live on the east :-)
> *** East, west... You forgot there're Europeans on this list too... ;-)

No we haven't.  I think the last location tossed around in this thread was 
Ohio... that's about half way between you and our Friends in Norfolk Island 
and their neighbouring colony, Australia. 

See? - nice and central!

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Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread burns

On January 23, 2002 05:19 am, Mike Andrew wrote:

> Kurt, Burns, Skippy, lama and myself all still have our tickets
> for the Caldera Symphony Brass Band convention, in Tahiti. However, due to
> the Camel's outright selfishness in applying (and getting!) a real job, in
> California as a cable car conductor, it got cancelled. Consequently, none
> of us could go parcel post via his old company, UPS.
> It was a damn shame, I had my grass skirt, and my ear thongs all freshly
> painted, nails manicured., even bought a mark I Kurtwerks tin hat for the
> occaision...

Yes. Keef had polished his crystal balls, tuned up his magic wand and I had 
gotten new dentures for the occaision (I hate borrowing Mike's).

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eW3.1 Additions

2002-01-24 Thread Clint Tevlin

I've just installed eW3.1 (impressed so far!) and would like
to add support for the following to PHP:

MySQL, Apache, cURL, PSPELL & PDFLib.

What's the best way to do this given that they are *.tar.gz
and php is  *.rpm?

Should I uninstall the php rpm and reinstall as *.tar.gz?


Clint Tevlin
Sydney, Australia

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opinions on services?

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

You're not paranoid.
The world _IS_ fscked.
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Re[1] OpenUnix vs OpenLinux

2002-01-24 Thread patrick kapturkiewicz

I thank you Roger for your thoughts,
Our will is Data Base Server with Oracle.
Account, pay ... applications are Windoze applications on 
windoze workstations. 
Platform Windoze use W2K server and sqlserver.
I want add for our customers a new choice with Unix/Linux 
server and Oracle, where windows manager isn't so important.
But Oracle doesn't exist for OpenUnix. We can install Linux 
Oracle 8i. I tested it and it works well on OpenUnix. 
I tested webmin, Samba on OpenUnix, they work well. And 
finally I tested vncserver and fvwm on OpenUnix and they 
work well. But all these products are Linux products and 
I'd a doubt on the real opportunity of OpenUnix usage.

For the moment, with your advice, OpenUnix is winning 2 
goals to 0.
Thanks again.


> ---Message d'origine---
> De : Roger Oberholtzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date : 24/01/2002 10:33:51
> I think it depends on your use.
> OpenUnix is a server OS. We don't need all that server 
stuff. OpenUnix does
> not have a very good desktop. 
E-mail gratuit - Multimania -


2002-01-24 Thread Tom Wilson

Myles Green wrote:
> WTF??

You took the acronym write out of my mouth Myles.

Tom Wilson
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[ot] seti

2002-01-24 Thread Chang[linuxism]

can your clients talk to seti headquarter?

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Re: problem

2002-01-24 Thread Chang[linuxism]

you pay for what you think is important.
Most of us here don't (if not won't) find 
the GUI and M$ marketing important at all.

> Apart from this XP was good, has very quick boot time, good integration
> of file types, etc.
> Now after using XP it is clear to me that windows has the same way of
> doing things that Linux does, only GUI make it easy for newbies.

The pivotal point is the "second chance", judged by another set of force
and farce. In Linux We Trust -- and
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Re: Thinkpad upgrade

2002-01-24 Thread Bruce Marshall

On Thursday 24 January 2002 1:52 am, zohar wrote:
> I have once used Symantec Ghost which copied my complete HDD on another
> disk and after reformatting my HDD I again used Ghost to copy the
> contents to the original HDD and all settings were as before. But mine
> was PC.
> I think taking the original HDD to PC and then attach the other one
> (bigger) as slave.
> Copy the contents of it on the new one using ghost.
> Then put extra OS(win, SUSE).
> This msy solve your problem.
> Please mail me if I am wrong logically so I would not make the same
> mistake next time.

I'm hoping to mount the old and the new drive on the laptop and do the copy 
there.  That's essentially the same thing you're suggesting.  Since all of my 
desktops are SCSI based, I'd really rather not get into trying to configure 
IDE on those.

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Bruce Marshall
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 10:48 AM
> Subject: Re:  Thinkpad upgrade
> On Tuesday 22 January 2002 0:06 am, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> > On 21 Jan 2002, at 12:57, Bill Campbell boldly uttered:
> > > BTW:  When I got the new hard drive, I called IBM support to find
> out
> > > where to buy an extra mounting bracket for the new drive so I could
> just
> > > swap drives quickly without having to mess with screws and such.
> The
> > > support person said this wasn't really his department, but took the
> model
> > > number, got the necessary part numbers, and set up a conference call
> with
> > > the appropriate people so I could order it quickly.  Excellent
> support is
> > > the primary reason we use only IBM laptops (that and I can't stand
> the
> > > touchpads instead of the little eraser in the keyboard :-).
> >
> > One thing that you can do on some Thinkpads is get a converter that
> > will allow you to replace the battery with a 2nd HD.  I did this on
> > my older Tpad when doing an HD upgrade and it's a *way* convenient
> > way to copy stuff over without having to deal with external backup
> > mediums.
> >
> > I totally agree on IBM service, which is one reason why I'm a
> > dedicated Tpad user and I recommend them to all my clients.
> >
> >
> > Phil
> I think I've found an answer   I have backup software that will
> write to
> a disk...   that disk can be remote on the LAN.
> So I will backup the TP to another Windows machine, put the new drive in
> and
> install a new Windows and the backup software.   Then restore from the
> backup.
> If all goes well, the job is done.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 01/24/02 08:58  +
"Capitalism without Bankruptcy is like Christianity without Hell."   
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atd startup error

2002-01-24 Thread Joel Hammer

Can't link execution file: Permission denied  

Does anyone know why I am getting this error when I try to run atd?



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Re: atd startup error

2002-01-24 Thread Ian

Joel Hammer wrote:
> Can't link execution file: Permission denied
> Does anyone know why I am getting this error when I try to run atd?
> Thanks,
> Joel

As a user or root?

See /etc/at.deny * at.allow if as a user
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Re: [ot] seti

2002-01-24 Thread Ian

"Chang[linuxism]" wrote:
> can your clients talk to seti headquarter?


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Re: atd startup error

2002-01-24 Thread Joel Hammer

As root.
I have the same at.deny list on two different machines, but only  one
machine refuses to start atd.


On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 09:39:31AM -0500, Ian wrote:
> Joel Hammer wrote:
> > 
> > Can't link execution file: Permission denied
> > 
> > Does anyone know why I am getting this error when I try to run atd?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Joel
> As a user or root?
> See /etc/at.deny * at.allow if as a user
> -- 
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RE: Thinkpad upgrade

2002-01-24 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> -Original Message-
> From: zohar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:52 PM
> I have once used Symantec Ghost which copied my complete HDD 
> on another
> disk and after reformatting my HDD I again used Ghost to copy the
> contents to the original HDD and all settings were as before. But mine
> was PC.
> I think taking the original HDD to PC and then attach the other one
> (bigger) as slave.
> Copy the contents of it on the new one using ghost.
> Then put extra OS(win, SUSE).
> This msy solve your problem.
> Please mail me if I am wrong logically so I would not make the same
> mistake next time. 

To copy a full file system to another disk try:

cd top_level_of_filesystem_to_copy
find . -print -depth -mount | cpio -ptmV top_level_of_destination_filesystem

'-print' causes the output to be a list of filenames (with path included)
'-depth' tells it to go as deep as your directory structure
'-mount' tells it *not* to cross mount points (only this one partition will
be used)

This will take a while, but it will copy *everything*.  Directories will be
created for you.  It would be best if the destination file system is empty.

CAUTION: I'm working from admittedly poor memory on the cpio flags.  I
*know* the "V" is correct (it prints one dot to the screen for each file
copied).  I'm pretty sure about the "p" and "t" options, but I was doing
this on a Solaris system when I did it regularly.  I'm not so certain about
the "m".  So, RTFM on cpio and you should be able to choose the correct
options.  If you can't figure it out, drop me a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(where I have it written down) and I'll send the specifics of the cpio

When you have finished whatever you are doing to the original partition you
can reverse the process to put it all back.

Note: Please be sure to check ahead of time to make sure you have adequate
disk space for the transfers.  'du' should be able to tell you how much
space you will need to copy originally, and the same amount should go back.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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2002-01-24 Thread Tyler Regas

> Myles Green wrote:
> > WTF??
> >
> You took the acronym write out of my mouth Myles.

That reminds me of a variant of WTF that I've used occasionally over the
past 15 years:

Fut the Wuck??!!

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Bad Track Record

2002-01-24 Thread Tyler Regas

Here is what I've been trying to send to the right place, but seemingly
cannot. Please forgive my bumbling. I'm drunk. Ok, I'm not drunk, but its a
good excuse.


PS: Thanks to Tim for pointing things out. TCR

So far I have received 22 name/loc statements. Would it be possible to get a
member count for this list? I'd like to get more statements before I produce
the map, but It's not all that hard to do. The posting address is:


You know, the beer'll be nice but I can't wait to see the party hats!!


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Re: opinions on services?

2002-01-24 Thread Net Llama

--- Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> anyone?

Are you talking about Colo hosting with your own box, or theirs?  I've
never heard of this company (not that it means much), so i think the
details of the deal are what is critical.


Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [ot] seti

2002-01-24 Thread Andrew Mathews

"Chang[linuxism]" wrote:
> can your clients talk to seti headquarter?
> --

>From the Seti page at
   - January 24, 2002 - 
The data server is currently overloaded. Many
users are unable to connect to send/receive data.
We are working on it - sorry for the inconveneince.

Andrew Mathews

 10:42am  up 19:16,  4 users,  load average: 2.02, 2.04, 2.01

One man's constant is another man's variable.
-- A.J. Perlis
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Re: [ot] seti

2002-01-24 Thread Myles Green

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:47:26 +0800
"Chang[linuxism]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> can your clients talk to seti headquarter?

?? well, their servers were down for a little while but they seem to be
back online again now.

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:
USER, n.: The word computer professionals use 
when they mean "idiot".
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Re: ext2/ext3

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

dep babbled on about:
> yup. because you can't just up and delete the .journal file without  
> chattr -i /.journal first, which i believe takes care of this.

whoa! so you're saying that chattr will also clear the correct flag in the 
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

"Ah, women. They make the highs higher and lows more frequent."
-- Nietzsche
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Re: ext3 on root partition question

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Jerry McBride babbled on about:

> That's correct.  But my original post was to the effect of making people
> aware of a real bad gotcha is your RESCUE floppy wasn' ext3 aware. It can
> be very embarassing. :') ___

I still dont follow you Jerry. Embarassing how? It will work. I do it all the 
time. I have an ext2 boot flopy and regularly use it to boot an ext3 system. 
where's the issue?
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

I don't pirate MS software. It wouldn't be worth the price..
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Re: Bad Track Record

2002-01-24 Thread Myles Green

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:58:20 -0700
"Tyler Regas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is what I've been trying to send to the right place, but
> seemingly cannot. Please forgive my bumbling. I'm drunk. Ok, I'm not
> drunk, but its a good excuse.
> Tyler
> PS: Thanks to Tim for pointing things out. TCR
> So far I have received 22 name/loc statements. Would it be possible to
> get a member count for this list? I'd like to get more statements
> before I produce the map, but It's not all that hard to do. The
> posting address is:
> You know, the beer'll be nice but I can't wait to see the party hats!!

Yup. Brand-new Kurtwerks Model I vintage N.O.S. units... 

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:
USER, n.: The word computer professionals use 
when they mean "idiot".
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Re: opinions on this iptables script

2002-01-24 Thread Matthew Carpenter

That's what I mean by "nasty"...  Retaliation (albeit mild).  That's the
way to go IMHO.  Just haven't had the time to automate one. 

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:31:23 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthew Carpenter babbled on about:
> > I've done a bit of "civil" using the standard chains of
> > responsibility, but"nasty" has been very tempting... especially with
> > the "SSH_Version_Mapper" crap...
> > ___
> not "nasty" per say... just turning the attack around and using an IIS 
> exploit to shutdown the machine that's attacking mine
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: Linux StepByStep -
> "She's gone! Oh my God, she used me. I was used. I was used! Cool"
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the
> above URL.
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Re: opinions on this iptables script

2002-01-24 Thread Bill Campbell

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 01:40:09PM -0500, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
>That's what I mean by "nasty"...  Retaliation (albeit mild).  That's the
>way to go IMHO.  Just haven't had the time to automate one. 

One of our ISP customers was being mail bombed from an ISP, and when I
called their technical contact to have them disconnect the modem for that
customer he told me that he couldn't tell which modem corresponded to that
IP address (he was running NT of course :-).  My suggestion was to
disconnect modems until the attack stopped to which he replied, ``how will
I know when it's stopped''.  I told him he would know when the messages
stopped coming into his postmaster address as I pressed  to active
the deliver script to forward that message to him... (the problem stopped
shortly after then when the NT system crashed).

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``...I'm not one of those who think Bill Gates is the devil.  I simply
suspect that if Microsoft ever met up with the devil, it wouldn't need an
interpreter.'' -- Nick Petreley
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Re: Large cracks in the Windoze, a fud warning.

2002-01-24 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Note that I just read an article in which Ballmer is quoted as stating
that Windows 2000 is more stable than Linux, among other BS.  Laughable,
but public perception is no laughing matter when the whole world is

Note On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 21:56:30 +1130
"Mike Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Our dear friend Big Bill has a fearsome reputation for discerning the
> "next big direction" in computing, and thus keeping his Company afloat.
> Unlike all others in the game (except notably IBM), all others made the 
> mistake of living off their killer app, and consequently being consigned
> to history. (aka Novell, visicalc, Digital Research, to name a few).
> Where Bill is uncanny is his insistence on moving Msoft, boots 'n all
> into . Thus he re-invents Msoft every decade. Remember
> microsoft? that company that just did Dos and Basic?
> Thus the occaisional missives from him to all staff to move from DOS to 
> Win3.1 (he sacked the entire DOS6 dev staff) The subsequent all out
> focus on Word and Excel, the marriage of convenience to Novel when he
> saw ethernet being 'it', the marriage to IBM while gui desktops were
> still being accepted...
> and, recently, his inspired guess that Internet was 'it'. His misguided 
> attempt to kill Internet stone motherless dead and replace it with his 
> (original) version of MSN. The flat out, mad-pace development of
> IExplorer (just 6 weeks for christ sake!)
> and, now. The missive from Gates is:
> stop work on every single project and development, add no more features,
> and concentrate *solely* on making our products 1) secure, 2) stable.
> In context to the 1st paragraphs, this missive is the same gigantic leap
> into something new. He is past the point of just being 'worried' and
> sees the demise of Msoft on the horizon because of the TWO issues.
> Recall, he saw correctly, the demise of Windoze without IExplorer.
> Now, if this OS of his, *is* unstable, and *is* insecure, the bottom
> line to that is who gives a sh*t when nothing else is available? The
> arrogance of pumping crap out for a decade was because he could. For a
> decade now, there was indeed NOTHING else (that worried Bill enuff).
> The only reason Bill is taking this issue as strong as he can, is he can
> see people flocking (I use the word advisedly) to Linux and it's
> derivates.
> The word from the industry watchers (Gerian, DB Associates, Standard &
> Poors) is "too little, too late".
> We live in interesting times. Knowing Msoft history makes me think these
> pundits are wrong, yet-again. Bill will simply create a new Xindows that
> IS secure.
> And now a warning.
> There are a (very) small number of people on this list, who will confirm
> for you, that FUDmongery is real and was a paid for veritable disease in
> the OS/2 vs Msoft warz. The basic rules are, you take your opponent's os
> apart and find anything sloppy. You then innocently post 'bug reports'
> into mailgroups. ANY response of any kind to these bugs (real or
> imagined), prompts a wave of auto-generated hate mail from umpty dozen
> new mail@somewheres, "How can it be like this", "I thought you said it
> was 'perfect", "I agree with Fred, your OS is crap"
> When genuine weakneses run out, you then look for ones that can't be 
> verified. 'The team' supplies a stream of questions on issues that can't
> be proved or disproved. Purpose? Confusion, doubt, unsure-ness.
> What Bill's boys will now (desperately) attempt to do is DIScredit
> Linux's famed stability and security. They don't actually have a choice
> if they wish to survive, because they have to show Windoze is MORE
> secure than *nix. It's that serious, for them.
> You may laugh, I may laugh, at this obvious untruth, Windoze isn't
> secure, probably can't be (but knowing Bill, that may not be true
> forever). The point is, they are going to go flat out with the unwashed
> masses, convincing them that Linux, it's grandathers, and it's children
> are cr*p.
> This won't affect THIS mailer directly because the corporate mind is
> thinking Redhat, but
> Be warned.
> -- 
> _
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Re: Large cracks in the Windoze, a fud warning.

2002-01-24 Thread Bill Campbell

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 02:05:55PM -0500, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
>Note that I just read an article in which Ballmer is quoted as stating
>that Windows 2000 is more stable than Linux, among other BS.  Laughable,
>but public perception is no laughing matter when the whole world is

It's probably more stable if one considers the stability of a box sitting
on the shelf, and the likelihood of the shelf being displaced in an
earthquake.  The mass of the licenses and other paper in the box make it a
better paper weight.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``We shouldn't elect a President;  we should elect a magician.''
Will Rogers
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Re: problem

2002-01-24 Thread David A. Bandel

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:50:01 +0800
"Chang[linuxism]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed into the bitstream:

> you pay for what you think is important.
> Most of us here don't (if not won't) find 
> the GUI and M$ marketing important at all.
> > Apart from this XP was good, has very quick boot time, good
> > integration of file types, etc.
> > 
> > Now after using XP it is clear to me that windows has the same way of
> > doing things that Linux does, only GUI make it easy for newbies.

I had a good laugh yesterday.  At a demo, the guy doing the demo was using
Windows XP Professional (in the demo he was connected to a Linux box).  He
had a laptop, 1GHz CPU, 256Mb RAM, and it took several minutes to
accomplish even the simplest task (over 2 minutes wait to change the IP
and get it on the client's network -- I was surprised that he didn't have
to reboot, but that would not have taken any longer).

My poor old 333 Celeron laptop, with only 128 Mb of memory, had changed
everything and I had time to go through over 30 mails and respond to quite
a few before he was done with just the IP change.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
Internet (H323) phone:
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Re: Netscape and symbolic links

2002-01-24 Thread Net Llama

--- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have just noticed a problem with netscape 6.2. When I try to open a
> file or look into a directory on my local computer, it will not do it
> if it involves following a symbolic link. I can go directly to the
> file,
> bypassing the link, and open the file with no difficulties. Has anyone
> seen this before?

Joel, what do you have against using Mozilla?  This bug doesn't exist in Mozilla.

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Re: opinions on services?

2002-01-24 Thread David Aikema

On January 24, 2002 05:05 am, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> anyone?

I'd suggest asking at

David Aikema
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Re: quick gotcha w/ xfree86 4.2.0 and ati cards

2002-01-24 Thread Ian

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> USER, n.:
> The word computer professionals use when they mean "idiot".

That's not very nice now is it?

Linux SxS []
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Netscape and symbolic links

2002-01-24 Thread Joel Hammer

I have just noticed a problem with netscape 6.2. When I try to open a
file or look into a directory on my local computer, it will not do it
if it involves following a symbolic link. I can go directly to the file,
bypassing the link, and open the file with no difficulties. Has anyone
seen this before?

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quick gotcha w/ xfree86 4.2.0 and ati cards

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

If you find that after upgrading to 4.2.0 your screen looks like it is 
shifted to the right and/or is too "tall", you should try adding:
Option "nocompositesync" 
to the Device section of your XF86Config. Seems 4.2.0 changed the default 
value from False to True. It was changed back to False in CVS yesterday.
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

USER, n.:
The word computer professionals use when they mean "idiot".
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: atd startup error

2002-01-24 Thread Joel Hammer

Here is some more info:
strace on the working box contains this near the end:

chdir("/var/spool/atjobs")  = 0
brk(0x8051000)  = 0x8051000
time([1011914030])  = 1011914030
open("/etc/localtime", O_RDONLY)= 4
read(4, "TZif\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\0\0\3\0"..., 44) = 44
read(4, "\236\246\36p\237\272\353`\240\206\0p\241\232\315`\242e"..., 1170) = 1170
read(4, "\377\377\307\300", 4)  = 4
fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1250, ...}) = 0
read(4, "\1\0\377\377\271\260\0\4\377\377\307\300\1\10EWT\0EST\0"..., 4096) = 32
close(4)= 0  

Whereas the nonworking atd gives this with strace:

chdir("/var/spool/atjobs")  = 0
SYS_174(0x1, 0, 0xba68, 0x8, 0x1)   = 0
SYS_174(0x1, 0xbae8, 0, 0x8, 0x1)   = 0
SYS_174(0x11, 0, 0xba50, 0x8, 0x11) = 0
SYS_174(0x11, 0xbaf4, 0, 0x8, 0x11) = 0
SYS_174(0xf, 0, 0xba5c, 0x8, 0xf)   = 0
SYS_174(0xf, 0xbadc, 0, 0x8, 0xf)   = 0
SYS_174(0x2, 0, 0xba68, 0x8, 0x2)   = 0
SYS_174(0x2, 0xbae8, 0, 0x8, 0x2)   = 0
close(0)= 0
close(1)= 0
close(2)= 0
open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)   = 0
open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)   = 1
open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)   = 2   

Any insight, as always, appreciated.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 10:11:24AM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> As root.
> I have the same at.deny list on two different machines, but only  one
> machine refuses to start atd.
> Joel
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 09:39:31AM -0500, Ian wrote:
> > Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > 
> > > Can't link execution file: Permission denied
> > > 
> > > Does anyone know why I am getting this error when I try to run atd?
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > 
> > > Joel
> > 
> > As a user or root?
> > 
> > See /etc/at.deny * at.allow if as a user
> > -- 
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.
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Re: Netscape and symbolic links

2002-01-24 Thread Joel Hammer

I don't have a new version of mozilla to run. I have no assurance it would
compile and run on my machine, and I am getting too old and tired to switch
applications (netscape 4.75 to netscape 6.0 to opera (two versions), and
finally to netscape 6.2, just because there are a few things on the current
app not working quite right. I am tired of solving the same problem over and
over. Bring on some new ones!
And, there are always unforeseen problems. Would my bookmarks transfer over?
Anyway, netscape 6.2 has worked on every webpage I have tried so far EXCEPT
the federal loan page for my son's school loan. That I had to use explorer
for with win4lin. I will try mozilla on my redhat machine to see if that
will work for this federal loan page.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 04:04:45PM -0800, Net Llama wrote:
> --- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have just noticed a problem with netscape 6.2. When I try to open a
> > file or look into a directory on my local computer, it will not do it
> > if it involves following a symbolic link. I can go directly to the
> > file,
> > bypassing the link, and open the file with no difficulties. Has anyone
> > seen this before?
> *sigh*
> Joel, what do you have against using Mozilla?  This bug doesn't exist in Mozilla.
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Re: problem

2002-01-24 Thread Tom Wilson

On Thursday 24 January 2002  6:18:10 pm, David A. Bandel's voice rose above 
the ones in my head and declared:

> I had a good laugh yesterday.  At a demo, the guy doing the demo was using
> Windows XP Professional (in the demo he was connected to a Linux box).  He
> had a laptop, 1GHz CPU, 256Mb RAM, and it took several minutes to
> accomplish even the simplest task (over 2 minutes wait to change the IP
> and get it on the client's network -- I was surprised that he didn't have
> to reboot, but that would not have taken any longer).

I do believe m$ calls those type of things 'features'.  I had a girl in my 
class last night ask me why her Office 97 disk wouldn't install on her new XP 
machine.  I just sighed, said I far as I knew nothing installed on XP, and 
recommended she pick up a copy of Linux to install on her new machine.  I 
even offered my e-mail address for advice and tips.  I doubt I here anything 

> My poor old 333 Celeron laptop, with only 128 Mb of memory, had changed
> everything and I had time to go through over 30 mails and respond to quite
> a few before he was done with just the IP change.

And people don't believe me when I refer to windoze as bloatware.  They think 
that that is just the way computers work.  

Tom Wilson
Register Linux user # 199331
I used to be with it, then they changed what it was.  Now what I'm with isn't 
it anymore and whats it seems strange and scary to me.

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.


2002-01-24 Thread Tom Wilson

On Thursday 24 January 2002 11:11:41 am, Tyler Regas's voice rose above the 
ones in my head and declared:

> > Myles Green wrote:
> > > WTF??
> >
> > You took the acronym write out of my mouth Myles.
> That reminds me of a variant of WTF that I've used occasionally over the
> past 15 years:
> Fut the Wuck??!!

I like to toss out the occasional, "Joke 'em if they can't take a Fsck."

Tom Wilson
Register Linux user # 199331
I used to be with it, then they changed what it was.  Now what I'm with isn't 
it anymore and whats it seems strange and scary to me.

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

noticing on the kde lists a lot of people complaining about ugly/messed up 
fonts after upgrading. seems that the new 4.2.0 of xfree86 contains new fonts 
and some old fonts have new names...
watch out everyone
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

Design is like a religion - too much of it makes
you inflexible and unpopular.
- Linus
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Re: ext3 on root partition question

2002-01-24 Thread Jerry McBride

> I still dont follow you Jerry. Embarassing how? It will work. I do it all the 
> time. I have an ext2 boot flopy and regularly use it to boot an ext3 system. 

I've had the experience where a root system running ext3 was so clobbered that it had 
to be accessed via a boot floppy. The only rescue floppy I had on hand did not have an 
fsck thas was able to recover the ext3 system...

Bingo... a big problem, yes? After upgrading the utils on the floppy, I was able to 
fsck.ext3 the partition in question and all data was recoverable.

That was my point, sorry I wasn't clear enough in the begining.

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Re: quick gotcha w/ xfree86 4.2.0 and ati cards

2002-01-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:45:00 -0500 Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you find that after upgrading to 4.2.0 your screen looks like it is 
> shifted to the right and/or is too "tall", you should try adding:
> Option "nocompositesync" 
> to the Device section of your XF86Config. Seems 4.2.0 changed the default 
> value from False to True. It was changed back to False in CVS yesterday.

Over here on a COMPAQ 1278, 1276 and maybe an old 1610.. I've had to add: option 
"SWCursor" "yes" to fix the "offset mouse pointer" problem. Where the pointer is 
offset from the click location by about 1/4" to 3/8". It's not needed in 4.1 or 4.02.
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Re: Netscape and symbolic links

2002-01-24 Thread Tim Wunder

Are you running Netscape 6.2.1 or 6.2. 6.2.1 fixes some things, but I don't 
know if your problem is one of them.
FYI, Netscape 6.2 and 6.2.1 are based on Mozilla 0.9.4, which was released in 
September, over 4 months ago. Mozilla is days away from 0.9.8. You also don't 
have to compile it if you don't want to , they have binary tarballs. 
Bookmarks should transfer over fine, as should e-mails. Mozilla will store 
profile data in ~/.mozilla, I believe Netscape 6x will store it in 
~/.nestape6, but I don't know for sure (I've never actually installed 
Netscape 6 ;-) ) . So it should be possible to run them both simultaneously.


Previously, Joel Hammer chose to write:
> I don't have a new version of mozilla to run. I have no assurance it would
> compile and run on my machine, and I am getting too old and tired to switch
> applications (netscape 4.75 to netscape 6.0 to opera (two versions), and
> finally to netscape 6.2, just because there are a few things on the current
> app not working quite right. I am tired of solving the same problem over
> and over. Bring on some new ones!
> And, there are always unforeseen problems. Would my bookmarks transfer
> over? Anyway, netscape 6.2 has worked on every webpage I have tried so far
> EXCEPT the federal loan page for my son's school loan. That I had to use
> explorer for with win4lin. I will try mozilla on my redhat machine to see
> if that will work for this federal loan page.
> Joel
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 04:04:45PM -0800, Net Llama wrote:
> > --- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have just noticed a problem with netscape 6.2. When I try to open a
> > > file or look into a directory on my local computer, it will not do it
> > > if it involves following a symbolic link. I can go directly to the
> > > file,
> > > bypassing the link, and open the file with no difficulties. Has anyone
> > > seen this before?
> >
> > *sigh*
> > Joel, what do you have against using Mozilla?  This bug doesn't exist in
> > Mozilla.
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above
> URL.

Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
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Re: Netscape and symbolic links

2002-01-24 Thread Net Llama

--- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't have a new version of mozilla to run. I have no assurance it
> would
> compile and run on my machine, and I am getting too old and tired to

Precompiled binary packages are readily available at 
Tarballs for i686 and RPMs for i386.

> And, there are always unforeseen problems. Would my bookmarks transfer
> over?

Yes.  Mozilla automagically checks to see if you have a .netscape
directory, and then offers to import bookmarks (assuming that you've
never run mozilla as that user before).

> Anyway, netscape 6.2 has worked on every webpage I have tried so far
> the federal loan page for my son's school loan. That I had to use
> explorer

IF you mean the site, it works just fine for me in
Mozilla when i'm putzing with my $15k in educational loans.


Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Step-by-step help:


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Re: another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-24 Thread Myles Green

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:04:27 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> noticing on the kde lists a lot of people complaining about
> ugly/messed up fonts after upgrading. seems that the new 4.2.0 of
> xfree86 contains new fonts and some old fonts have new names...
> watch out everyone

I've been running XF86-4.2 for about 2.5 or 3 days now without any of
the problems (touch wood) that have been brought up on the list lately.
One thing I do that may be different is: I grab the MS webfonts from and mostly use those. For the record though, I do see some
errors listed in the logs (I just looked now ;) pertaining to certain
font paths and the disabling of the offending ones but it/they don't
seem to be a problem here. Am I just lucky or what?

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:
USER, n.: The word computer professionals use 
when they mean "idiot".
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Fwd: Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

Well thats one way of saying, Ferget it! Bounce the mail 

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 07:48:10 +1000
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Keith Antoine

Brisbane OZ.
Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage


Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Re: VMware Wkstn 3.0 and XP Upgrade

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:07,[EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:
> Hello Skippy,
> It actually went quite well and runs damn faster than natively. I
> am satisfied that I went ahead and bought the upgrade to VMware 3.0
> from 2.04 Express. Now, I will rarely have to boot into native winblows.
> Best Regards,
> Keith B.

It would not run certain programs for me but 2000 does so it went.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.


2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:43,kriss rolo scribed:
> These are the items that iam interested in selling..
> Could you help me with some details on the goods, history, origin etc.
> are these worth anything and if so who would i contact with regards to
> selling them? and the best way to sell them ie auction etc

What the bloody hell is this crap doing in here??

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:26,Zoran scribed:
> On Jan 22 Susan Macchia was heard saying:
> ->I would be interested.  July is out though and I probably couldn't travel
> all ->the way to the west coast (sorry llama) since I live on the east :-)
> *** East, west... You forgot there're Europeans on this list too... ;-)
> Cheers,
> Zoran.

(with a whisper) Don't forget us in the South Pacific either.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:34,Lavinius Romio Petru scribed:
> Where ever it might be count me in as I need a Holliday and ummdo
> they have JimBeam and nice woman in Afganistan?
> Lavinius Romio Petru
> Network Administrator
> * Brisbane, Australia, Springwood exit off the highway two lefts ..three
> rights pass the roundabout and 5th house on yer right"

Hell! yer half way to the Gold Coast from me.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-24 Thread Net Llama

--- Myles Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:04:27 -0500
> Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > noticing on the kde lists a lot of people complaining about
> > ugly/messed up fonts after upgrading. seems that the new 4.2.0 of
> > xfree86 contains new fonts and some old fonts have new names...
> > watch out everyone
> I've been running XF86-4.2 for about 2.5 or 3 days now without any of
> the problems (touch wood) that have been brought up on the list
> lately.
> One thing I do that may be different is: I grab the MS webfonts from
> and mostly use those. For the record though, I do see
> some
> errors listed in the logs (I just looked now ;) pertaining to certain
> font paths and the disabling of the offending ones but it/they don't
> seem to be a problem here. Am I just lucky or what?

Other than the weird problem that i am having going directly to RL5,
4.2.0 is running flawlessly for me as well.


Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Step-by-step help:


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Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:52,burns scribed:
> On January 22, 2002 11:20 pm, Andrew Mathews wrote:
> > phillipp wrote:
> > 
> >
> > > Installfests now generate revenue???
> > > Rip Van Winkel
> >
> > If you offer extra services, sell products, or build relationships with
> > the right people, then yes. I can think of a dozen items that could be
> > offered, t-shirts, tux penguins, pictures of me, well maybe not me, but
> > Kurt, Doug, Lonnie, Burnsie, Kantoine, and Mike Andrews at least. 
> The mind boggles!! The only people I could imagine considering my face for
> a T-shirt might be People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals... and only
> then as a scare tactic.
> Regarding the question of beer, of course there would be beer - I haven't
> seen a Linux event yet where there wasn't lashings of ale (and beer).

I do nopt look bad in a pair of thongs!

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 22:08,burns scribed:

> > It was a damn shame, I had my grass skirt, and my ear thongs all freshly
> > painted, nails manicured., even bought a mark I Kurtwerks tin hat for the
> > occaision...
> >
> > 
> Yes. Keef had polished his crystal balls, tuned up his magic wand and I had
> gotten new dentures for the occaision (I hate borrowing Mike's).

U bin watching me on that webcam again, ainchya Burnsie.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: opinions on services?

2002-01-24 Thread David Aikema

On January 24, 2002 05:05 am, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> anyone?

One thing I did notice though is that they are one of these annoying 
companies who bumps up your monthly fees whenever you upgrade your hardware 
(dedicated server)

eg. take their base linux server and change the hard drive from a 30gb ide to 
a 9 gig scsi... the setup costs understandable jump but the monthly fees for 
the machine also climb by the same amount.  
just think, after a year you've paid $1300 for your 9 gig scsi drive.

David Aikema
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Re: second dvd (cdrom) not seen as

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 20:40,Mike Andrew scribed:

> Second, most distros only supply /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1. You will have to
> mknod /dev/scd2 yourself.

Sorry about the delay but I have been busy and offlist for a few days. So 
what I would like from you is a howto for making the scd2 with mknod, if you 
have the spare time. The major minor # are 11 and 1 on my scd1.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Compile error

2002-01-24 Thread Ted Ozolins

In an attempt to compile gCatalog I've run into errors. I've managed to fix 
all the errors except the last one:

src/files.h:2: using typedef-name `GtkWidget' after `struct'
make: *** [gCatalog] Error 1

This is the offending line:
void new_file(struct GtkWidget *, gpointer *data);

I'm not a programmer and haven't the foggiest what this means, any help would 
be appreciated

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
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problem for non Linux users - Windoze users

2002-01-24 Thread Rick Sivernell


   I was in class last night myself. A programming course, and the machines 
they are going to use are linux. Now the Prof said you can use any languag 
and any OS. He uses linux and c++, if you need help from him, well you need to
do as he does. One guy complained that he just bought a new machine and was 
planning to put Mandrake on it. He has said that he has tried 2 times and it
fails to install. He would prefer to use Borland c++. He and many others
complained that they really did not know unix/linux. The Prof told the class you
were sused to learn that in the early courses and this course assumes you do.
After class over I said I would teach them how to do what they needed to know. Of
course for a price. They for most part turned it down, so far. This will be
grear. Hell 15 years ago they taught Unix, it was required. Some will have a
tough time on their project. A c++ program that outputs a script to a web
browser. This class should be fun, for me.


Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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printer in Suse 7.3

2002-01-24 Thread Keith Antoine

I have a problem with my print program in Suse and Konqueror/Kmail.
when I go to print a mail out it brings up a window to print from, in ther 
are printer names as strings. The one I need 'lpr' is not there but 3 others 
lp|lp2|y2prn_lp.vpp--auto-lp|y2prn_lp.upp auto
the others are lp-asci and lp-raw

None of these print of course, they just bring up an error window. Where can 
I edit these to lpr or whatever.

It seems to be in kmail and konqueror only, I think.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-24 Thread Myles Green

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 19:15:35 -0800 (PST)
Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Myles Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:04:27 -0500
> > Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > noticing on the kde lists a lot of people complaining about
> > > ugly/messed up fonts after upgrading. seems that the new 4.2.0 of
> > > xfree86 contains new fonts and some old fonts have new names...
> > > watch out everyone
> > 
> > I've been running XF86-4.2 for about 2.5 or 3 days now without any
> > of the problems (touch wood) that have been brought up on the list
> > lately.
> > One thing I do that may be different is: I grab the MS webfonts from
> > and mostly use those. For the record though, I do see
> > some
> > errors listed in the logs (I just looked now ;) pertaining to
> > certain font paths and the disabling of the offending ones but
> > it/they don't seem to be a problem here. Am I just lucky or what?
> Other than the weird problem that i am having going directly to RL5,
> 4.2.0 is running flawlessly for me as well.

Must be a problem with GDM (you did say that was what you were using,
correct?) because I use KDM when using RL5 and haven't had any problems.
Is there a quick and dirty way for me to change to using GDM so I can
check it out? There gotta be a way, I used to do it with Slackware all
the time...  Anyway, I thought that if I could try it out and
(hopefully) get it to work alright here then maybe we could compare
config files and figure out your problem... or provide more fuel for a
bug report.

Just an idea...

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:
USER, n.: The word computer professionals use 
when they mean "idiot".
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2002-01-24 Thread zohar

I want to know how to distinguish between 
(1)external (internal or real modem), 
(3)AMR modem, and 
any other types by signs of it in hardware and software(operating
system) and AT commands of it to use for that.
Can I get a complete explanation of the site(s) describing the details
completely. Which are they?

Second time

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RE: problem

2002-01-24 Thread zohar

I am using windows mainly for mails and surfing because on my system
there is a winmodem and now I do not have money to get external modem to
work on my linux side.
But linux boots fast in character mode, if not using GUI mode. I have
done the same and comparing to W98 and W2k, WXP is faster.   

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Zoran
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 1:31 PM
To: Linux Users list
Subject: Re: problem

Today zohar was heard saying:

->I had a problem with XP, on that platform my mail server and messenger
->was not working so I formatted again and installed W2K and installed
->outlook XP and now it is working. Do anyone can help me what the
->was? So I can solve it in the future if any of my friends can have

*** I will politely remind you that this is a **Linux** list. I'm not
the details of your problem are of a lot of interest (I'm willingly
an understatement here) to this user-base.

I think your specific problem can be best solved by calling the M'$oft 

->Apart from this XP was good, has very quick boot time, good
->of file types, etc.  

*** Interesting, I think I'll ditch Linux now and install this product.
especially like the quick boot times: It looks like a very important
feature for the Microsoft OS product line. BTW, does XP allow to
the BSOD or is that feature available in the to be released Norton

->Now after using XP it is clear to me that windows has the same way of
->doing things that Linux does, only GUI make it easy for newbies.

*** Weeell, I don't know... I think I prefer 


to any GUI interface...

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

P.S. Part of my message should be read with a :-P in mind...

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the
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