RE: Response of BT to my message...

2002-02-13 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> -Original Message-
> From: Zoran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> BT now have a new and exciting self-help service, please 
> click below to try the
> BT Search Engine;
> Additionally you can now tell us how we are doing by clicking 
> the online survey
> below;

I find it interesting that after telling you how they really do need to
charge someone for clicking those little hyperlinks, they put two of them at
the bottom of their message to entice you into owing them money.

In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

Tom  :-})

Thomas A. Condon
Computer Engineer
Barbershop Bass Singer
Registered Linux User #154358

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RE: new ibm ad

2002-02-07 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> new ibm linux ad, based on basketball:
> "how can anybody that good play for peanuts?"
> "loves the game."

I think this is a *very* subtle ad for SuSE.  The player wearing the Linux
jersey is Detlef Schrempf, former NBA player (Portland last year, Seattle
several years before that and Dallas before that), who was nicknamed "The
Mercedes" for his smooth glide to the hoop, great ball handling for a big
man (6'11"), his consistency over the years, and his German heritage.  He
came to the UW straight from Germany.  A most fitting representative for
SuSE!  ;-}>

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: MS product placement

2002-02-04 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> Yep, Mike, you're exactly the Indian subcontinent H1-B I was talking
> about.  Couldn't communicate with them.  They could code in C.  But I
> speak English and Spanish, not C or Indian (any dialect).  
> And the ones I
> knew of were not well paid, no where near as well paid as the English
> speaking C programmers who were looking for (and not finding) 
> work they
> could make a living off.

In the late 80's/early 90's I headed a software team made up almost
exclusively of people for whom English was a second language.  Some were
pretty sharp, some were dull as marbles.  Some were fractious, some were
total team players.  The only Indian of the bunch, however, was a *very*
dedicated worker.  She called me at 8:30 one morning to ask if it was all
right if she didn't come to work that day.  Her son had been born at 5:30 (a
week premature) and her maternity leave wasn't scheduled to start until the
next Monday.  She did quality work -- not brilliant, but thorough.  It was a
pleasure to work with people that dedicated.  I have no idea what their pay
scale was.  I do know, however, that management gave the big raise to the
only one I'd have fired.  They didn't bother to ask the lead for inputs,
though.  That company is now about 10% of the size it was.

Oh, and we completed a project in 15 months that sales had promised in 9, so
we were considered a failure.  The fact that the Systems Engineer told them
it was an 18 month project, and that none of the three other companies
trying to deliver in the same time frame finished in two years wasn't even
considered.  This was accomplished despite the language problems in a mix
2 Chinese from Hong Kong
2 Chinese from Taiwan
1 Indian
3 Syrians (*don't* call them Arabs)
1 Canadian
3 US citizens

We in the US have a distorted view of a "living" wage.  Most of the world
would be glad to have what we refer to as poverty.  The difference being
that they would make much better use of that money.  They haven't bought
into the "gadgets" mentality that the US has.  I know a poor person who
always is broke, but always has that latest CD that he wants.  You can also
tell when the bean counters have taken over the Engineering department.
Don't blame the people who are improving their lives, blame the bean

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: no printing from kmail

2002-01-31 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> On Thursday 31 January 2002 9:36 am, John Voigt wrote:
> > At this point, I am considering switching distros, and am 
> considering both
> > SuSE and Mandrake (I still can't bring myself to use 
> RedHat...yet) and
> > possibly others. I need to  consider both workstation and server
> > application for both home and business use, although there 
> probably isn't
> > one distro which is equally adept for all applications, I'm 
> interested to
> > hear anyone's opinions on the options.
> I switched to SuSE from  eD2.4  and have been very happy.  
> First with 7.2 and 
> now with 7.3.

Ditto on this and all of the areas I've not addressed below.

> > - stability/security
> Have had no problems.  I don't heavily use the on-line (and 
> automatic) update 
> facility but it is there and works well.

I have used it and the only problem has been that I'd let it slide too long
without, so my ISP connection would time out if I tried to update 50+
patches at once.  If I split it into two groups ('security' patches in one
and 'recommended' patches in another) it worked fine.  The option to select
which patches to update made this an easy process.

> > - A distro with some continuity/upgradability/sense of direction.
> > Wipe-clean/install-new gets to be a PITA very quickly, 
> particularly with
> > multiple installations in different locations, location-specific
> > configurations, etc...
> SuSE seems to put out a new release about every 4 months.  I 
> can't really 
> attest to how well it upgrades from one release to the next 
> as I tend to 
> always do fresh installs.

The 7.2->7.3 upgrade was easier than falling off a log (and *much* less

> > - other criteria which I haven't thought of yet ;-)

I liked it well enough to write a song about SuSE:
SxS -> Distros -> URL Links ... -> SuSE section -> A Song for SuSE

More than that, I have an old 56K ISA modem (USR, but the one with*out* the
switches to make it easy to configure).  SuSE is the only distro I've tried
that recognized it and set it up correctly (and with no input from me).
Tried Caldera eD2.4 (liked it but no modem), RedHat (OK, but no modem &
other problems), Slackware (no dice) and a few others.  Only SuSE made that
old modem work.  Without it I have to fall back on my external 28.8 modem!

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: Linux Compete for Microsoft partners

2002-01-29 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> answer, " I do not have time for that crap". Where did I go 
> wrong here? I feel so
> ashamed, & violated. Someday maybe he will realize his 
> errors and return to the
> fold. Actually a friend of his put XP on a machine & has had 
> nothing but problems
> ever since. I would think he would have gotten the message. 
> What is a dad to do?

Well, first, Rick, remember our M$PA (Microsoft Parents Anonymous) group
meets at the Grange Hall on Tuesday evenings.  We'd love to see you come
down and visit tonight.  ;-}>

But let us remember that our younger folk tend to respond well to child
psychology.  Tell him you support his efforts to become a more well rounded
sheep, er, person.  Nod sagely and encourage his experimentation.  You might
even provide him with a boot partition (known to have sector problems) that
he can use to experiment at home.  ;-}>  It would be good to mention the
evils of FreeBSD, while you are at it.  After all, freedom to choose is all
he's really after.  ;-}9   <== tongue firmly in cheek

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: code red retaliations

2002-01-25 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> > the script I used would turn the damn computer off...
> > I abandoned it after a while though cause a lawsuit would definately
> > suck..-- 
> Ayup, getting sued can ruin your whole day...

Gee, it just seems that there ought to be a way for someone clever to have
one of those already taken over computers send out the script commands for
you.  They wouldn't be doing any more damage than they are now.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: Thinkpad upgrade

2002-01-24 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> -Original Message-
> From: zohar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:52 PM
> I have once used Symantec Ghost which copied my complete HDD 
> on another
> disk and after reformatting my HDD I again used Ghost to copy the
> contents to the original HDD and all settings were as before. But mine
> was PC.
> I think taking the original HDD to PC and then attach the other one
> (bigger) as slave.
> Copy the contents of it on the new one using ghost.
> Then put extra OS(win, SUSE).
> This msy solve your problem.
> Please mail me if I am wrong logically so I would not make the same
> mistake next time. 

To copy a full file system to another disk try:

cd top_level_of_filesystem_to_copy
find . -print -depth -mount | cpio -ptmV top_level_of_destination_filesystem

'-print' causes the output to be a list of filenames (with path included)
'-depth' tells it to go as deep as your directory structure
'-mount' tells it *not* to cross mount points (only this one partition will
be used)

This will take a while, but it will copy *everything*.  Directories will be
created for you.  It would be best if the destination file system is empty.

CAUTION: I'm working from admittedly poor memory on the cpio flags.  I
*know* the "V" is correct (it prints one dot to the screen for each file
copied).  I'm pretty sure about the "p" and "t" options, but I was doing
this on a Solaris system when I did it regularly.  I'm not so certain about
the "m".  So, RTFM on cpio and you should be able to choose the correct
options.  If you can't figure it out, drop me a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(where I have it written down) and I'll send the specifics of the cpio

When you have finished whatever you are doing to the original partition you
can reverse the process to put it all back.

Note: Please be sure to check ahead of time to make sure you have adequate
disk space for the transfers.  'du' should be able to tell you how much
space you will need to copy originally, and the same amount should go back.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: Microsoft Support

2002-01-16 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> > > > I have told them that MCSE stands for Must Consult with 
> Someone Else,
> >
> > Mouse Certified System Engineer
> Mandrake Consultant & Suse Expert

My Certification Somewhat Exaggerated

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358|

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RE: cdrom help

2002-01-14 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


This topic has raised a lot of questions, and even touched on an area where
I may be able to contribute (for a change).

The question was raised about whether to copy the CD image to hard drive
before burning to CDRW.  That will work more reliably in some cases, and
won't hurt.

The usual cause of problems during a burn is when the write buffer gets
empty.  For some reason CDRW software (on board) can't seem to accommodate
this (YMMV according to manufacturer).  So, if you are copying from a *fast*
CDROM to a slow CDRW, this may never be a problem.  If, however, they run at
the same speed, or are on the same bus where a data transfer conflict can
slow things down, you might be safer to copy to HD and burn from there.
This is a *great* reason to insure that you don't have both CDs on the same
IDE bus, BTW.  I have seen this problem occur on a 16x read and a 4x write,
but the processor and bus were the limiting factors.

Hope this helps.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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Searching for a distro...

2002-01-08 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

I'm looking for a distro that will boot from either a floppy or CD,
recognize a SCSI raid system, allow me to mount the partitions thereof, r/w
to NTFS (NT4 version) and burn CDs on an IDE CDRW.  I'd be quite happy with
a command line interface instead of GUI.  The purpose is to copy some file
systems to CD and make a quicker install method than trying to set up four
CPUs exactly the same on several systems (4 CPUs each).

I've been having troubles getting the usual small distros to work under
these conditions.

Would anyone out there have some recommendations for such a distro?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: christmas and its HOT!

2002-01-02 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> From: Dave Anselmi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> How about angular measures like lat & long?  Radians are 2 pi 
> to a circle
> because it makes some calcualting simpler (what's with that pi thing,
> anyway?!?)

Hey, that has been solved.  In the State of Indiana in 1897 the House of
Representatives unanimously passed a Bill introducing a new mathematical

"Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana: It has been
found that a circular area is to the square on a line equal to the quadrant
of the circumference, as the area of an equilateral rectangle is to the
square of one side."   (Section I, House Bill No. 246, 1897) 

The Senate of Indiana showed a little more sense and postponed indefinitely
the adoption of the Act! 

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: christmas and its HOT!

2002-01-02 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> -Original Message from Aaron-
> BTW, here in Washington State, USA the weather is currently set at
> default.  A little below 50F and raining.

> -Original Message from Keith-
> Due to it's size, like the States, Australia has many 
> differing climate 
> zones. Brisbane has one of the most equitable climates 
> around, but this year 
> for some reason instead of getting some cooler breaks, it's 
> just been hot and 
> humid. I guess for 90% of the year its beautiful weather, but 
> no matter what 
> it's like the Aussie will complain, too hot, too wet, cold 
> etc.

Which is why, like a local beer commercial says, "The Pacific Northwest is
the only area where both the fact that it is raining and the fact that it
isn't raining are cause for a beer."

Although, Aaron forgot to mention that we had clear skies and sunshine
(albeit cold ~0C at night) for the last 10 days of December.  Ooops.  I
didn't write that.  It *always* rains around here.  Come visit, but don't
move here!

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: Happy B-day Doug

2001-12-18 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> i've been tasked with interviewing people for a position that 
> my manager
> has deemed me not 'mature' enough to take.
> =
> Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As someone who looks 15 years younger than his age, I can honestly say:

Been there, done that, didn't give the young squirt a very good
recommendation, either.  Most of his "experience" was persiflage.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: Happy B-day Doug

2001-12-18 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


[To the Volga Boatman]

Happy birthday,
Happy birthday,
Sin and sorrow fill the air
People dieing everywhere,
Happy Birthday!

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: Linux on P150? (was Luggable 'downgrade'?)

2001-12-11 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> Anything!  Mandrake seems to be sweeping the reviews just now 
> and 8.1 is 
> recently out. There are a lot of 'drakes' in it (Harddrake, 
> rpmdrake, etc) 
> Ignore them if they get on your nerves.

I'm running SuSE 7.3 on a P120 as a server/firewall for my home network.  It
slows down significantly if I run KDE, but if I remain in the command prompt
(and why not, for a server) it just chugs right along.  SuSE 7.2 installed
very nicely and with no problems deciphering the strange (not chosen for
Linux) hardware, and the upgrade went smoothly, too.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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Windows RG

2001-11-20 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

A Flash demonstration -- works just like the real thing.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: Sony Vaio laptop

2001-11-15 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

Mike, et al,

I've had pretty good luck with the two Sony Vaios I use here at work.  They
seem to run Linux pretty well, and have been reliable, too.

However, anyone looking to purchase one should know about Sony's repair
policy.  You must ship the laptop to a location (they will give you the
address, but not a phone number) in California where *all* US laptops with
the Sony label on them are repaired.  Period.  End of sentence.  No time or
cost estimates are given.  If you have anything valuable or classified on
the hard drive, too bad.  You better copy it or remove it.

I managed to drop a phone (old style and heavy) onto my keyboard and break a
keycap.  The Sony party line was that I had to ship them the computer to
replace a keycap.  Government instructions for removal of classified data
from a computer hard drive end with grinding the disk material to powder and
burning the residue, so erasing the disk wasn't an option.  Nor was doing
without the computer for an unspecified amount of time while we were
supposed to be using it for testing.  Significant intervention from Micro
Warehouse (where I bought it and many other things as a government credit
card holder) got them to send me a new keyboard, but it took several months
and something akin to an act of congress to convince Sony that this should
be done.

Now, I've had no other problems with either Vaio, and this one was of my own
making.  So they are pretty reliable.  But be aware that repairs can be a

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: Fwd: [linux-elitists] Attention Ingenious Patriots!

2001-11-02 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> Hey, wait a minute, all the old Army radios from World War II
> were good for ham radio, maybe parts from all the autonomous
> solar robot cameras they'll end up making for this war will be
> good for cheese radio.  (Cheese radio is like ham radio, but no
> licenses and with encryption and curse words; it uses router and
> compression power instead of transmitter power to carry voice over
> long distances. Every radio is a router.)

You have to work hard to make enough bread to afford both Ham and Cheese
radios, though, so you'll never sandwich in enough time to pig out on both

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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RE: Is this Code Red?

2001-11-01 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> An interesting side-effect was that the addition of those RewriteRule 
> lines hosed up access to my webcal calendar, I was no longer permitted 
> to access the page. I've since removed the lines from httpd.conf. Either 
> I come up with something else, I just let the logs fill up, or I go back 
> to accessing my webserver on port 8192 and close port 80.

Have you considered a cron script (to run at odd hours) that will delete
just those messages from the log?  I know it isn't a clean or neat solution,
nor proper or elegant.  However, it will keep your logs in check until you
have found the *right* method of fighting this incursion.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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Shutdown limitations

2001-10-30 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


I've installed SuSE 7.2 Pro on my father's machine as a dual-boot with his
Win98.  Everything was going well and he was learning about Linux, when
something changed while I was attempting to make his USB ethernet device
work.  I'm not sure what caused it, although I suspect it was entering:
init 0
as root.  But now it requires the root password to shutdown or restart.  I
can see where this would be valuable in a server that you didn't want the
average user rebooting, but in a home machine that is set up for dual-boot
it is cumbersome at best.  Since my father can not be trusted with the root
password (not a slight, but if you knew him you'd understand), this is not
acceptable as it prevents him from playing with (learning) Linux.

I've searched the SuSE database and the SxS database for information on
this, but nothing comes up.

Can someone please explain to me where this is set up?  Specifically, how to
turn this "option" off?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
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AT&T USB Ethernet device

2001-09-24 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

My apologies if this is in the archives, but they are down this morning (or
inaccessible from here) and I can't find anything in the SxSs that relates.

I was installing SuSE Linux 7.2 Pro on my dad's machine as a dual-boot with
his Win98, just so he could compare the two OSs for himself.  He was
impressed with the ease of many things, including the fact that it
automatically recognized his wheel mouse and worked first time.  When it got
to network connection, however, it wasn't much of a surprise that it didn't
find anything to connect to a network with.  He has AT&T@Home, which uses an
USB Ethernet device (not a modem, as best I can tell), and it wasn't
recognized as anything.  Has anyone found a set of drivers for this device?
Or is there information that you can point me towards to find more
information?  I'd be glad to write the SxS if I can get it working.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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2001-09-13 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> what I want to know, who's willing to put together a 
> contribution site for 
> the rebuilding of the WTC? I know, skyscrapers are 
> impractical. I know it 
> will be years before the current mess is cleaned up... I know 
> it would take 
> like 10 years before the building would open... but wouldn't 
> it be cool?

Nah.  Cool would be to create a huge (life size) holographic projection
image of the two towers and make the rest of the world think they had been
rebuilt overnight.  Then let's see them crash a plane into them!  Ha!

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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RE: New York WTC

2001-09-11 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> > I just hope the US government will keep a cool head and not 
> retaliate to 
> > fast.  If the talibans are behind it. as seems probable at 
> the moment, I hope 
> > the world communities can agree to crush them. Besides the 
> unkown number who 
> > died in US they have murdered tens of thousands in 
> Afgahnistan and burned 
> > their own cities to the ground.
> Turn Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Libya into glowing holes.

While it is soothing to the emotions to vent anger in this manner, it is
counter productive to actual solutions.  What is needed is a concerted
effort, world wide, to *STOP* all terrorism.  Unfortunately, there are areas
of the world where people feel free to allow terrorists to hide and mingle
with the general population.  Attacking these areas only allows you to
become a terrorist, too, thus increasing the problem, not decreasing it.

I would think this is a perfect case for Linux and distributed data.  If all
those people who conglomerate in the WTC each day were to telecommute, there
wouldn't be such an obvious and easy target for terrorists.  Secure
networking is the only way to make this a reality.  But heck, this is the
*information* age, not the stone, bronze, iron, industrial or atomic age.
Let us proceed accordingly, and *not* by sinking to their level.

Prayers for and best wishes to the survivors and families of those lost.
Hope for world change as a result.  Love to all (love the sinner, hate the

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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PPP/ioctl Problem

2001-09-10 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


On my newly installed server/firewall (P5 120MHz, 128MB RAM, 20GB HD, USR56K
ISA Modem, LinkSys Ethernet card) I've been able to set up to dial out and
connect to my ISP.  However, when I do I get the following errors on my
console log:

gungadin pppd[29116]: Couldn't release PPP unit: Inappropriate ioctl for
gungadin pppd[29396]: not replacing default route to eth0[192.168.xx.1]
gungadin kernel: martian source from, on dev ppp0
gungadin kernel: ll header 45:00:00:31

Now I assume that I've done something wrong in configuring GungaDin as a
firewall/server, and this is what causes the first two errors.  Those I need
help solving.  Any comments from the intelligencia out there?

I'm also curious about the second two errors.  They seem to be some form of
attack on my system (since this IP is nowhere near my ISP's).  Can anyone
elucidate on this?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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RE: Hey everybody, it's the New Billemium!

2001-09-10 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

If only this meant we had a new Bill to kick around!  Seems like we still
have the same old one, though.  Sigh.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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RE: MS Error message Haikus

2001-09-10 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

Well, let us pretend that users of *this* OS can count.

> > Haiku poetry has strict construction rules. Each poem has 
> only three lines,
> > 17 syllables: five syllables in the first line, seven in 
> the second, five
> > in the third.
> >
> > The Web site you seek
> > Cannot be located,
> > but Countless more exist.

Try, instead:

The Web site you seek
Cannot be located here,
but Countless more can.

Oh, wait, these were M$ Error messages.  Never mind!

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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SuSE Automatic Updates

2001-09-07 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


Douglas Hunley wrote an update script for Caldera that worked rather well to
keep the security updates installed as soon as they were released.  Has
anyone written an equivalent for SuSE?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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RE: Another great article by D.E.P.

2001-09-05 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


>   Most people that want to test the waters when it comes 
> to linux, still want 
> to have a working and fully functional copy of Windows.  You 

Isn't this an oxymoron?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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SWAT and associated problems

2001-09-01 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


I'm running SuSE 7.2 with KDE 2.1, on a Celleron 600 MHz PC with 256MB RAM,
and four hard drives (21 partitions -- lots of disk space).

I've been trying to get SWAT to work so I can more easily configure my home
network.  For now let us ignore the security issues of running KDE as root.

According to the O'Reilly "Using Samba" book this is simply a matter of
making sure that 901 is set to swat in the /etc/services file, and then
pointing a browser to http://localhost:901 .  However, my browser
(Konqueror) is not accepting this.  It will access local host, but it says
it cannot connect to the localhost:901 URL.  I'm sure there is something I'm
forgetting here -- something simple like starting some daemon.  Anyone have
any clues?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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RE: Picture Problem

2001-08-16 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> > As has happened before, I received the picture at home as 
> text gibberish,
> > and if I were to bother to re-read some manuals that I 
> first ran into about
> > 20 years ago I'd remember how to decode that into a picture again.
> > 
> >
> Back in the early trumpet winsock days, we used to use 
> code and decode images from "gibberish". I'll be buggered if 
> I can figure out
> how to do it with all this new fangled stuff we have now, 
> though.  Sorry.

Simple.  Save the email to a file, then (from a console) enter:
uudecode filename

uudecode will put the picture (or any encoded file) into the properly named
file for the attachment *as it was added*.  It really is simple, I was just
exercising my laziness.

However, I've since realized that putting an automatic uudecode into Kmail
would open a back door almost as large as M$ likes to put into their
*secure* software.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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Picture Problem

2001-08-15 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

I've run into a problem as a result of the Administrivia Notice.  It brought
to my attention a picture that arrived here at work and I'd deleted it
without knowing.  Well, I resurrected it from the trash, and since we are
not supposed to have such pictures on a government computer, I sent it on

I'm running Outlook on Win2K at work, but SuSE 7.2 at home (with KDE and
reading mail with KMail).

As has happened before, I received the picture at home as text gibberish,
and if I were to bother to re-read some manuals that I first ran into about
20 years ago I'd remember how to decode that into a picture again.

However, I've received pictures at home just fine from my father (Netscape
Mail on a Win98 OS), and this encoded text from work when I was running
WinNT, too.  So it is something done on the sending end, I think.  Is it
because I send messages in "Text Only" mode?  I've understood that that is
more correct for email, because not all systems have attachment capability.
If this is so, I'll need to remember how to decode it at the other end.

But, perhaps someone on this list knows how to set KMail to do this
automatically.  How about it?  Anyone up to that challenge?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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RE: RE: Fwd: New column

2001-07-24 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> You can't be that close to Redmond, you've got a 360 area 
> code! :-)  Of
> course,
> I suppose that's relative given the list membership.

I *work* in the 360 area code (most of western Washington).  I live in 206
(Seattle area).  Redmond is in 425 (King County *except* Seattle).  Without
the ferry ride I could drive there in 20 minutes (traffic permitting).  Or,
my preference, I could hit it with a short range tactical nuke from here.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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RE: Fwd: New column

2001-07-24 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> > Here in the pacific northwest we transmit them via tree sap 
> -- we aren't
> > allowed to use owls or other birds.
> > 
> Is there an RFC that covers this?  Avian carriers do have an 
> RFC (see my
> previous post).   If you method is legitimate, then it either has or
> needs an EXPERIMENTAL RFC.  Anyone can submit.

As an atlas would tell you, Redmond is nearby.  So it should be obvious that
we have full permissions to use anything sappy as long as we pay enough.
You must admit, that sap flows uphill in winter faster than fixes to lame
software are delivered around here.  Further, this is the center of the
known "I don't give a flying rat's patootie about any freaking standard!"
universe.  ;-}>

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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RE: Fwd: New column

2001-07-24 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 07:35:27PM -0400, Randy Donohoe wrote:
> > Thanks for the exposure, that'll help a lot. Two-second 
> pings aren't 
> > bad, over here in the hills of eastern Kentucky our signals 
> come in on 
> > surplus DC mine cable.
> We use carrier pigeons to transmit our packets in Holladay, UT.

Here in the pacific northwest we transmit them via tree sap -- we aren't
allowed to use owls or other birds.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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RE: Hard Drive (was: Reiser FS)

2001-07-23 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

Mike, et al,

> Now that you've sorted your hardware conficts out. What's 
> the problem? 
> Simply reconfigure lilo.conf to reflect the truth. You're 
> using this system 
> to send messages right? So there's no issue really.

Well, I actually sent that one from here at work on my Friday.  I didn't
have anything sorted out at the time, and was reciting that all from memory
(which is why my VL6 motherboard is mis-identified).

However, with thanks to all of you who contributed, I did discover Saturday
that it was something to do with that hard drive.  I replaced it with a new
one and did a fresh install.  It worked great from the start.  So I tried to
join this group from home and announce this but the problems that
was having kept it from being routable at that time.

Thanks again.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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Hard Drive (was: Reiser FS)

2001-07-21 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> I don't follow why you get a 'successfully installed bios'? 
> Who or what is 
> *installing* a bios? Have you a scsi card playing in here?

Well, my first mistake was having the hard drive as the slave on the primary
IDE with the CDROM as the master (I was too lazy to change the setting and
didn't have a second IDE cable).  With that configuration it gave me no hard
drive detected (except in BIOS setup) and then a "BIOS Failed To Install"
message.  What I know about BIOS could fill the library of congress, so I
thought this might be important.

> "primary master hard disk fail" is strictly a hardware / 
> motherboard issue, 
> It is NOT bootware related. You have some sort of hardware 
> conflict with this 
> 'new' drive. Eg two drives are masters, or some such. Check 
> your drive 
> selections CS / MA / SL on each drive that's on the same 
> cable. You have an 
> old sblaster card with it's ide set to the wrong address, you 
> have a udma66 
> controller in addition to motherboard, etc etc. This is 
> hardware conflict.

New box
Abit VL7 Motherboard (on board sound) (Award BIOS)
Celeron 600MHz Processor
AGP Video Card (32MB RAM)
PCI 10BT Ethernet card (3Com 905??)
Adaptec SCSI card (older)
ISA 56K Modem
WDC 10GB Hard Drive IDE1 Master
48X CDROM IDE2 Master
Crystal Scan 17 Monitor
Standard 104 Keyboard
Logitech Trackman Marble Wheel
Iomega Zip Drive (on SCSI bus)

In addition, I have two SCSI hard drives (neither with an MBR -- that disk
died) and a scanner that are not plugged in to power at this point (I want
the system working first).

The video card, modem and the hard drive are new.  However, the modem was a
swap for a US Robotics that was there and didn't work.  The video card works
fine (hey, I can read the messages and get a full desktop when I do get

Both the HD and CDROM are selected as primaries on their IDE controller by
their pins, and as AUTO in the CMOS for primacy.  Both are listed in the
CMOS as AUTO for detection, and are accurately detected.

Does this help?


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RE: Reiser FS

2001-07-20 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> Do you have a 2nd box to throw this hard drive into?  That would make
> this process infinitely easier to troubleshoot.

Not working at home.  That was the eventual destination of this hard drive.
I suppose I could bring it to work and plug it into my W2K machine and do a
low level format with MBR.

I have the parts for a second box at home, and I have another hard drive
(arrived yesterday) that I could try instead.  The new hard drive will also
suffer from the 8GB limit (it is 20) and the older box would have an older
BIOS, so I'd have to work around that.


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RE: Reiser FS

2001-07-20 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


> this smacks of the 8gig limit. Is your motherboard cabable? 
> What boot manager 
> is causing bios to report an error? Is lilo the later version?

I never get to the LILO loader -- the "Primary Master Hard Disk Fail"
message comes first.  This is just after the "Bios Successfully Installed"
message.  It occurs even when I'm booting from a floppy (which is the first
boot device).

> A quick check incidentally of discovering bios 
> incompatibilties is to install 
> windoze. The cmos CAN dsicover the real size of the drive, 
> but if the bios 
> cannot use ead, then windoze will limit that drive to 8gig no 
> matter what.

Installing Windoz is the "quick" test?  I've never found that to be less
than a 4 hour job.  Of course, the only M$ OS I have available is NT 4.0
(workstation or server), and I scraped that off to run a decent OS some time
ago.  I'd prefer a simpler way to test it.

Incidentally, it strikes me as counter-productive for Linux users to decry
the nasty folks at M$ while expecting to find and use M$ and DOS tools to
fix/run our systems.  Hmm.  Maybe we need more tools of our own.

Last night's results:
Linux fdisk does not have a /mbr option.  I suspect that is dos.  I couldn't
find anything in man of fdisk on how to write the mbr, so in ran YaST2
(since I'd booted SuSE with the floppy).  In Yast I found where to write
LILO to the MBR, and did so.  Rebooting showed no change to the situation.

I suspect you are right about the 8GB limit, so I'll look into that in
toady's reading.  Debugging the home system from tips I pick up in spare
time at work is difficult.

Thanks to all for suggestions so far.


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RE: Reiser FS

2001-07-19 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> > My reason for assuming this is that I have installed SuSE 
> 7.2 Pro on a new
> > hard drive, and the Bios tells me there is an Hard Drive 
> Failure if I try
> > to boot from it.  But if I boot from CD or floppy I can not 
> only see that
> > installation, but access it, as well.

> Did you make your /boot filesystem reiserfs?   or is /boot on 
> the reiserfs of 
> '/'?

/boot is reiserfs (.5 GB)
/ is reiserfs  (7.5 GB)
/home is reiserfs (2 GB)

It is a new SuSE 7.2 installation with YaST on a new EIDE hard drive
(Western Digital 10GB).  My assumption is that YaST, in performing the
installation and partitioning of the disk, would have taken care of LILO and
the MBR.  Perhaps that is not a correct assumption.

> My suspicion is that whatever you are using for boot  (grub 
> or lilo) can't 
> read your kernel from a reiserfs partition, but I might be 
> wrong on that.

LILO. (I guess).  Since it doesn't get that far (the boot loader prompt)
before the "Hard Drive Error" message, I thought it would be BIOS, not boot

So, if I must do an FDISK, is that a Linux utility, or just DOS?  I don't
happen to have a submarine disk (DOS BOOT).  Is there a SxS that I haven't
found yet on a Linux version?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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RE: Reiser FS

2001-07-19 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> From: David A. Bandel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Does Reiser FS work for / partitions?
> reiserfs will work on any partition -- caveat: your kernel must be
> compiled with reiserfs included (not a module). Then even /boot can be
> reiserfs.

I've run into a problem with a new hard drive and a ReiserFS installed on
it.  My current suspicion is that the BIOS must also accept/handle the
ReiserFS for it to be able to boot from a drive formatted in that manner.

My reason for assuming this is that I have installed SuSE 7.2 Pro on a new
hard drive, and the Bios tells me there is an Hard Drive Failure if I try to
boot from it.  But if I boot from CD or floppy I can not only see that
installation, but access it, as well.

Does anyone know if this is the case?  Or a way to circumvent this problem
if so?

I haven't found a BIOS update that mentions file system type.  I am
reluctant to re-install (for the third time) if this won't fix the problem.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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Reiser FS

2001-07-18 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> Doug, does ext3 work on / partitions?

This question spurs me to ask:

Does Reiser FS work for / partitions?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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RE: Microsoft.Com scan on port 1178

2001-07-13 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

> >>Ah, but I got another tidbit on this today.  Apparently I am not the
> >>only person this has happened to.  People are finding port scans on
> >>1178 from Microsoft.Com the day after a Windows Online update is
> >>executed on a regular basis.  Anyone on the list have a Winblows box
> >>behind a firewall they'd like to test my theory on?

I do have a M$ box (W2K) behind a firewall.  It has not had an online update
performed.  Does that qualify?  I missed something along the way, so you'll
have to repeat what the test you'd like run is.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |
| "If you want to know what God thinks about money, just   |
|  look at the people He gives it to." -- Old Irish Saying |

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Gnome startup help

2001-07-11 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA


I was asked yesterday, and spent about an hour trying to help, how to turn
off the file manager in gnome when you start up as root.

Yes, I know you shouldn't be running an X as root due to security problems,
but this particular computer is isolated on a secure network inside a locked
room and the network isn't connected to anything outside that room, so there
really isn't a problem with that.

However, the user gets a bit fried by the message that he shouldn't be
running the file manager as root at each login.  We managed to turn off the
file manager, but not the warning message!  Any help would be greatly
appreciated.  I don't have the specifics of the computer (they have to shoot
me if I ask), but the OS is RedHat 8.x.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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RE: Sound problem

2001-07-11 Thread Condon Thomas A KPWA

Gee, I couldn't help noticing that all of the proposed fixes were software.
The thing that is most different about playing CDs is that they play direct
from the CDROM/CDRW, not through the memory.  Did you check to make sure the
CDROM-Sound Card cable is installed properly?

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer   phone: (360) 315-7609|
| Barbershop Bass SingerSailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind |

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