opinions on hostway.com services?

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

You're not paranoid.
The world _IS_ fscked.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: ext2/ext3

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

dep babbled on about:
> yup. because you can't just up and delete the .journal file without  
> chattr -i /.journal first, which i believe takes care of this.

whoa! so you're saying that chattr will also clear the correct flag in the 
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

"Ah, women. They make the highs higher and lows more frequent."
-- Nietzsche
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: ext3 on root partition question

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Jerry McBride babbled on about:

> That's correct.  But my original post was to the effect of making people
> aware of a real bad gotcha is your RESCUE floppy wasn' ext3 aware. It can
> be very embarassing. :') ___

I still dont follow you Jerry. Embarassing how? It will work. I do it all the 
time. I have an ext2 boot flopy and regularly use it to boot an ext3 system. 
where's the issue?
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

I don't pirate MS software. It wouldn't be worth the price..
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
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quick gotcha w/ xfree86 4.2.0 and ati cards

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

If you find that after upgrading to 4.2.0 your screen looks like it is 
shifted to the right and/or is too "tall", you should try adding:
Option "nocompositesync" 
to the Device section of your XF86Config. Seems 4.2.0 changed the default 
value from False to True. It was changed back to False in CVS yesterday.
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

USER, n.:
The word computer professionals use when they mean "idiot".
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-24 Thread Douglas J Hunley

noticing on the kde lists a lot of people complaining about ugly/messed up 
fonts after upgrading. seems that the new 4.2.0 of xfree86 contains new fonts 
and some old fonts have new names...
watch out everyone
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

Design is like a religion - too much of it makes
you inflexible and unpopular.
- Linus
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: opinions on hostway.com services?

2002-01-25 Thread Douglas J Hunley

David Aikema babbled on about:
> On January 24, 2002 05:05 am, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> > anyone?
> I'd suggest asking at http://www.webhostingtalk.com

great! thanks much
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

Let just be honest, and admit that it wasn't designed.
- Linus
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: another xfree 4.2.0 gotcha

2002-01-25 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Myles Green babbled on about:
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:04:27 -0500
> Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > noticing on the kde lists a lot of people complaining about
> > ugly/messed up fonts after upgrading. seems that the new 4.2.0 of
> > xfree86 contains new fonts and some old fonts have new names...
> > watch out everyone
> I've been running XF86-4.2 for about 2.5 or 3 days now without any of
> the problems (touch wood) that have been brought up on the list lately.
> One thing I do that may be different is: I grab the MS webfonts from
> microsoft.com and mostly use those. For the record though, I do see some
> errors listed in the logs (I just looked now ;) pertaining to certain
> font paths and the disabling of the offending ones but it/they don't
> seem to be a problem here. Am I just lucky or what?

I didn't get burned by any of the font issues either (I have my own custom 
/etc/X11/XftConfig file)
It just seemed to be a big thread on the kde lists, so I thought I'd forwarn 
I got bit by the ATI synch thing. But that was an easy fix.
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

Vote anarchist.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

hey Bandel! (was Re: BIND 9.x: Part II)

2002-01-25 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Bill Day babbled on about:
> The secret for the example and then having secret in the named.conf,
> rndc.conf and rndc.key I replaced all the 'secrets with the pass and then
> also replaced all the quoted spots next to it with my output from encode,
> as soon as I returned it to secret and left the output from the pass and
> mmencode it fired up.
OIC. You changed the
secret "c2VjcmV0";

in /etc/named.conf and actually changed the word secret. you should only 
change the value inside the quotes. I'll change the page to make it more 
clear and use a different example.

> Jan 23 15:24:56 linuxbox named[20466]: Jan 23 15:24:56.504general: error:
> dns_master_load: pz/127.0.0:3: no current owner name
> It still has the 'no owner' problem and 'no current owner'.

I have no idea on this one. Perhaps David knows?

> Should I be starting named as named or root?  This is the command I'm using
> to start it:
> /usr/sbin/named -u named #assuming this is starting it as named
> already.. anyother ideas?

this is correct. it starts up as root, then switches to named. it is the 
correct way
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

/* After several hours of tedious analysis, the following hash
 * function won.  Do not mess with it... -DaveM
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: ext3 on root partition question

2002-01-25 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Jerry McBride babbled on about:
> I've had the experience where a root system running ext3 was so clobbered
> that it had to be accessed via a boot floppy. The only rescue floppy I had
> on hand did not have an fsck thas was able to recover the ext3 system...
> Bingo... a big problem, yes? After upgrading the utils on the floppy, I was
> able to fsck.ext3 the partition in question and all data was recoverable.
> That was my point, sorry I wasn't clear enough in the begining.

ah! ok. I see what you mean. I *thought* you menat the rescue floppy kernel 
didn't know ext3... I follow you now
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

 * For moronic filesystems that do not allow holes in file.
 * We may have to extend the file.
2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

code red retals

2002-01-25 Thread Douglas J Hunley

I cant sem to find the old copy of the code red retaliation I had. However, a 
quick search on google.com for code red counter and/or nimda counter turns up 
plenty of links to code to turn an attacking machine into the one being 
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

printk("CPU[|d]: Sending penguins to jail...",smp_processor_id());
2.4.8 arch/sparc64/kernel/smp.c
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Re: code red retaliations

2002-01-25 Thread Douglas J Hunley

GREWELL, AARON babbled on about:
> I actually wrote a script to do something like this, though I'm not sure
> what I did with it.  I gave up on it because I felt that it was a legal
> risk.  It wasn't destructive, just issued the beloved "net stop" command so
> the remote machine would quit attacking me.  Still, a lawsuit would suck.

the script I used would turn the damn computer off...
I abandoned it after a while though cause a lawsuit would definately suck..
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

printk("MASQUERADE: No route: Rusty's brain broke!\n");
2.4.3 linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_MASQUERADE.c
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init and defunct process cleanup

2002-01-28 Thread Douglas J Hunley

I have a process or two that are listed as  and are owned by init.
It was my understanding that these types of processes would get init as their 
parent, and periodically init would scan its children and remove the defunct 
ones. These processes seem to be hanging around. They don't respond to kill 
signals at all (I sent kill -$i where i was 1-15) and they are still there. 
Can I signal init to tell it to cleanup its children?
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

if (user_specified)
/* Didn't work, but the user is convinced this is the
 * place. */
2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/drivers/parport/parport_pc.c
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Fwd: Re: [logs] Apache Logs

2002-01-28 Thread Douglas J Hunley

this is a neat little gimmick I thought I'd share..

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [logs] Apache Logs
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 12:13:43 -0800
From: "Bill Burge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Actually I use (something like):

TransferLog "| /usr/bin/logger -p local7.info "

And the format that gets used is the most recent (to that line) "LogFormat"
 as TransferLog doesn't take a format parameter.

Bill Burge


On 1/28/2002 at 8:01 PM George Lewis wrote:
>Roy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Is there an easy way to get Apache to log to syslogd of the local server
>> (so it will go to the central logserver) or a way to log to the central
>> server directly.
>> speak slowly please.. it's Monday :-)
>You should be able to do something like this within your httpd.conf:
>   CustomLog "| /usr/bin/logger -t 'httpd' " combined
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Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: WEIRD! XF-4.2.0 fixes itself

2002-01-31 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Net Llama babbled on about:
> Some of you may remember the rather odd experience that I had with my
> XFree86-4.2.0 upgrade where gdm bombed when switching to runlevel 5.
> Well, i had to reboot my box to test something, and not even thinking
> about it, i just let it go naturally into RL5.  Instead of choking like
> its done about 5 times before, it booted properly into gdm.  I'm
> incredibly stumped,but pleased that it somehow fixed itself.

You didn't catch this entry in the changelog:

No more animal sacrifices needed. XFree86 will now automagically work for all 
system named after or operated by individual known as animals. Certain 
municipalities were beginning to enact measures to curtail the thinning of 
redient wildlife, so this feature was moved from the 
super-experimental-has-no-real-business-being-used branch to the HEAD branch. 
Expect continued development and refinement in CVS.

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

if (user_specified)
/* Didn't work, but the user is convinced this is the
 * place. */
2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/drivers/parport/parport_pc.c
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Proof that MS has WON! ( was Re: WEIRD! XF-4.2.0 fixes itself)

2002-01-31 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Net Llama babbled on about:
> Some of you may remember the rather odd experience that I had with my
> XFree86-4.2.0 upgrade where gdm bombed when switching to runlevel 5.
> Well, i had to reboot my box to test something, and not even thinking
> about it, i just let it go naturally into RL5.  Instead of choking like
> its done about 5 times before, it booted properly into gdm.  I'm
> incredibly stumped,but pleased that it somehow fixed itself.

So, just le me get this straight...

A problem unexpected cropped up on your computer, and the solution was to 

I thought that only worked for MS products! Next you'll tell me that you 
needed to re-install the software to fix something else!

We're doomed! ;)
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

die_if_kernel("Whee... Hello Mr. Penguin", current->tss.kregs);
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/traps.c
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Re: xfree-4.2+ now does a weirdness

2002-01-31 Thread Douglas J Hunley

dep babbled on about:
> no logfiles provide anything out of the ordinary, at least in this
> connection. (i am puzzled by this, though:
> Jan 29 00:14:00 depoffice /USR/SBIN/CRON[2847]: (root) CMD ( rm -f
> /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily)
> Jan 29 00:15:13 depoffice su: (to nobody) root on none
> Jan 29 00:15:13 depoffice PAM-unix2[3083]: session started for user
> nobody, service su
> Jan 29 00:20:15 depoffice PAM-unix2[3083]: session finished for user
> nobody, service su
> i was not doing anything at all at that time.)

running SuSE yes? this is normal for the daily cron stuff. weird, but normal.

> ideas?

t sure sounds like cron. perhaps the /tmp cleaning is a little too agressive 
and is deleting a pipe/socket?
maybe xscreensaver needs relinked against xfree86's new libs?
4.2.0 turns dpms on for a lot of cards that 4.1.0 did not. perhaps that is it?
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

/* When we have more time, we can teach the penguin to say 
 * "By your command" or "Activating turbo boost, Michael".
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/prom/sun4prom.c
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Linux StepByStep monthly updates

2002-02-01 Thread Douglas J Hunley

It's been a fairly busy month at Linux StepByStep again. We've put up the 
following additions to the stie:
FTP -> Servers -> ProFTPD (Chang)

Bind 9 -> clarifications on the secret key needed for rndc (Douglas Hunley)

FREEBSD (Added to Left Menu)
FREEBSD -> Intro to FreeBSD (C.Richey)

WARNING -> Proper French Translation (Patrick)

Timekeeping -> Automatic Sync (Added 'netdate' option c/o K. Cullis)

Bedtime Reading -> Partitions (proper German by Hermann-Josef)
Distros -> Reviews -> Redmond (update)

Bedtime Reading -> IDE cd burners (revised)
Programming -> kbhit() example (revised) (Anders Brander / Mike A)
Added [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list and newsgroup for BSD discussion (Doug

KDE2->Soundbug (Mike Andrew)

Bedtime Reading-> CD Burners (Mike Andrew)
CD BURNERS -> Bedtime Reading

Added new bios of the Editors (Front Page->Snapshots) (Doug Hunley)
Moved all mirror-related content to new mirror subdir (Doug Hunley)
Bind/DNS-> major re-org/cleanup. new security additions, and rdnc info (Doug
PALMPILOT->PROGRAMMING->Rapid Development Tool Install
->Putting it all together

Moved copyright and privacy notice to new legal directory (Doug Hunley)
Proper German for print filters (Klaus-Peter)
Moved bio and images to new bio subdir (Doug Hunley)
Proper French for all front page frames (patrick kapturkiewicz)
VIDEO -> AVI + DIVX -> Mplayer (Net Llama!)
VIDEO -> AVI + DIVX -> Avifile (moved (Net Llama!)

Upgrade -> Compiling and Installing GLib and GTK+ (Kurt Wall)
Bind 9 -> updates to handle the /var/run permissions issue (Doug Hunley)
KDE -> Getting Rid of KDE1 (Bill's way) Bill Day
FTP->Server (ammended) Linuxism
PALMPILOT->(susan/alan) Bedtime Reading->Print Filters (Joel Hammer)
Bedtime Reading->Hardware driver API's and technical breifs (Mike Andrew)
--->CDROM Kernel API
--->CDROM Example C Code driver
--->IEEE1284 Parallel Interface
>LS120 Parallel Interface protocol
>ZIP Parrallel Interface protocols
usb->general-> change of url to linux-usb.org

Bedtime Reading -> BASH Startup Process Scripts (Chris Kassopulo)

We also had a lot of happening on the mailing lists.
We added a bsd-users mailing list this month to coincide withour new BSD 
the linux-users list is up to 152 members, and generated 1937 messages for 
the month of January!

As usual, the website continued to grow in popularity and traffic:
Total Hits for the month: 249126
Average Hits per Day: 1255
Average Hits per Hour: 334
Average Hits per Day: 8036

Top 5 Referrers for the month are:

(LWN, DistroWatch, Caldera, Redat, and KDE.com also showed strongly in the 
Referrer catagory)

Top 5 Search  Items:
s3 trio
sis 5597
s3 virge
s3 trio 3d/2x drivers

Top 5 Visiting TLDs:

Full details of the web traffic is available at 

January also showed a marked increase in traffic on our news server 
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

Meeting, n.:
An assembly of people coming together to decide what person or
department not represented in the room must solve a problem.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Thanks Douglas Hunley

2002-02-06 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Michael Hipp babbled on about:
> I finally got around to doing *all* the stuff in SxS -> XFREE -> XFree410.
> What a difference!
> My Linux box no longer has to bow its head in shame next to the W2k machine
> for readabilty. And my 41-year-old eyeballs will forever be indebted.

Please, call me Doug.

I'm glad that it worked for you! Did you catch the latest additions I put up 
about Mesa and Freetype? 

No thanks needed. Just knowing that it worked for you is thanks enough
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

Any connection between your reality and mine is 
purely coincidental.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: X420 how to...

2002-02-06 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Jerry McBride babbled on about:
> Thanks Doug. Nice step-x-step. What I was missing was all the hacking to
> the config scripts.

that was one of the reasons I wrote the XFree86 steps... too much was 
involved in getting it to work right. and the information was scattered round 
the ether...
Glad to hear it worked for you. Gives me incentive to keep hacking
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/block/cpqarray.c
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

{RFC} sendmail sxs

2002-02-06 Thread Douglas J Hunley

I don't normally do this, but seeing as everyone uses sendmail for something 
else and uses some other feature that no one else uses, I expect to get a big 
benefit from this.
Attached is the *start* of a sendmail sxs. Please review, 
and reply with comments, additions, etc.
I'm hoping to buld out a section of the site for sendmail and all the things 
can be done with it (the various addressing games, anti-virus interfaces, 
spam killer interfaces, etc) so all comments (or even better, small 
write-ups) are welcome.
Please refrain from 'use postfix' and other such 
comments. those programs are getting write-ups in the near future on their 
own merits. we're dealing with "demystifing" sendmail right now. thanks!

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

/* So there I am, in the middle of my `netfilter-is-wonderful'
   talk in Sydney, and someone asks `What happens if you try
   to enlarge a 64k packet here?'.  I think I said something
   eloquent like `fsck'. */
2.4.3 linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_nat_ftp.c

Title: Sendmail - from the source








Sendmail - from the source

This document describes installing Sendmail to utilize some of it's neater features,
to be a little more secure (we will run Sendmail under a non-root id), and so we
have a better understanding of Sendmail itself. Please note that we assume you
have already installed Procmail.

Since early in the 11.x series, Sendmail's milter interface has been greatly improved
and enhanced. We are going to build Sendmail with its libmilter feature turned on. We do
this because the milter interface is the preferred method of enhancing and extending
Sendmail. The milter interface can be used to "hook" anti-spam, anti-virus, and many
other features into the Sendmail daemon. If you're interested, please see
www.milter.org for the latest developments in
milter features.

Download the latest source archive from www.sendmail.org
 and extract it

tar zxvf sendmail.8.x.x.tar.gz

Create Sendmail's needed directories, and ensure their proper permissions/ownerships

mkdir -p /etc/mail /var/spool/mqueue /var/spool/clientmqueue
chmod go-w / /etc /etc/mail /usr /var /var/spool

Add our new user and group for Sendmail to run as

groupadd smmsp
useradd -G smmsp smmsp

Ensure ownership of needed directories

chown root / /etc /etc/mail /usr /var /var/spool /var/spool/mqueue
chown smmsp:smmsp /var/spool/clientmqueue
chmod 770 /var/spool/clientmqueue
chmod 700 /var/spool/mqueue

Configure Sendmail to use the libmilter interface

cd sendmail-8.x.x
vi devtools/Site/site.config.m4

insert the line:
APPENDDEF(`conf_sendmail_ENVDEF', `-DMILTER')
please note that the above are NOT all single-quotes. they are:

Build and instal libmilter

cd libmilter
sh Build && sh Build install

Build the sendmail daemon

cd ../sendmail
sh Build && sh Build install

you should see  '-DMILTER' periodically during the compile

Now we need to configure and build the dreaded CF files

cd ../cf/cf
cp generic-linux.mc config.mc
vi config.mc

jump down to the line that says 'DOMAIN(generic)dnl'
insert the following lines:


This defines procmail as the LDA (local delivery agent)
This moves smrsh (Sendmail restricted shell) to a more sensible location
This turns off UUCP messaging and generates a 'reject' for anyone who tries to use UUCP

sh Build config.cf
mv config.cf sendmail.cf && cp sendmail.cf submit.cf /etc/mail

The supporting tools are now built and installed

cd ../..
sh Build && sh Build install

Final configuration

cd /etc
ln -sf mail/aliases
ln -sf mail/sendmail.cf
vi sendmail.cf

Find HelpFile and change it to:


Find PrivacyOptions and change it to:


Find SmtpGreetingMessage and change it to:


Find HostStatusDirectory and uncomment it

Rebuild your aliases file


Decide if you machine is going to accept incoming mail from other systems, or if it is going to only send outbound mail.
If you have no need for incoming mail on this machine, edit your sendmail startup script (usually in /etc/rc.d somewhere)
and change the sendmail options from:

sendmail -bd -q30m


sendmail -q30m

This will prevent sendmail from starting up as a listening deamon.


© Douglas Hunley (doug at linux.nf)

Re: Thanks Douglas Hunley

2002-02-06 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Michael Hipp babbled on about:
> What's the *proper* way to do this (verify the libs)?

rpm -q -a|more

>   P.S. I recommend you run XFree86 in 100 DPI mode for best results.
> How is this done?

xdpyinfo|grep resol
then tell me how you run X? through xdm? or startx? or other?

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/smp.c
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

hey dep

2002-02-07 Thread Douglas J Hunley

just read your article on kde3. nice!
how in the fsck did you kill that stupid alarm deamon? thanks
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

panic("sun_82072_fd_inb: How did I get here?");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/include/asm-sparc/floppy.h
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Thanks Douglas Hunley

2002-02-07 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Peter Ruskin babbled on about:
> I have to say I haven't studied any manuals about this (because "it works
> for me®") - it came from a tip by a guru on kde-linux list.

I don't use that. I just run startx with the --dpi 100 option
you should be able to edit /etc/X11/kdm/ as well
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

If I throw a stick, will you leave?
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

new feature for linux.nf

2002-02-11 Thread Douglas J Hunley

I managed somehow today to find time to figure out how to make SpamAssassin 
run as a sendmail milter. So, as of this afternoon (11-feb-02) all mail into 
and out of linux.nf is scanned for spam. Please note that this will NOT 
prevent the spam from getting through, but all mail recognized as spam will 
be clearly marked as such. In fact, the subject will look like:

I think that's pretty easy to filter on. Don't you?
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

LSD melts in your mind, not in your hand.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: new feature for linux.nf

2002-02-11 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Douglas J Hunley babbled on about:
> I managed somehow today to find time to figure out how to make SpamAssassin
> run as a sendmail milter. So, as of this afternoon (11-feb-02) all mail
> into and out of linux.nf is scanned for spam. Please note that this will
> NOT prevent the spam from getting through, but all mail recognized as spam
> will be clearly marked as such. In fact, the subject will look like:
> *SPAM* 
> I think that's pretty easy to filter on. Don't you?

oh. forgot to add. do NOT send me mail that gets flagged as spam that is not. 
I'll see it and fix it. thanks
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

Face it, being one-sided is a BAD THING. Unix was dying because
it was becoming much too one-sided.
- Linus
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

couple of quick stupid questions

2002-02-12 Thread Douglas J Hunley

1. what's the linux-users channel on IRC? I forget...
2. can one create a hyperlink in HTML to an irc channel? if so, how?
3. anyone know of an irc->html forum (and vice-versa) gateway?
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

printk("CPU[|d]: Sending penguins to jail...",smp_processor_id());
 [... 20 lines ...]
printk("CPU[|d]: Giving pardon to imprisoned penguins\n", smp_processor_id());
2.4.8 arch/sparc64/kernel/smp.c
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: couple of quick stupid questions

2002-02-12 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Federico Voges babbled on about:
> Doug,
> 1. Channel: #linux-users
>Server: irc.openprojects.net
> 2. irc://irc.openprojects.net/#linux-users ??
> 3. Er, what do you mean?? A web frontend for IRC?? If so, have a look
> at http://www.phpwizard.net/projects/phpChat/ &
> http://www.phpwizard.net/projects/phpIRC/

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://linux.nf

I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards.  I got a full
house and four people died.  -- Steven Wright
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux.nf/mailman/listinfo/linux-users
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Security Announcements?

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

Would the list be interested in my forwarding Linux-related security 
announcements? Just wondering..
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

if i knew what i was doing, life would be so much more boring
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2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

I'll be taking the system offline for a reboot first thing tomorrow morning. 
I expect the system to be down 5 minutes tops. We are installing a new 
security-patched kernel onto the system. (Don't start about using kernel 
modules and how we wouldn't have to reboot. We do use kernel modules.. just 
not for important shit like security measures )
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Old programmers never die. They just branch to a new address.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Archives, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, Etc 

Re: Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 06:47, Mike Andrew babbled:
> On Monday 02 July 2001 21:39, Kurt Wall wrote:
> > Could it be that the library and the headers are mismatched (different
> > or incompatible versions)?
> I downloaded and compiled the libjpeg tarball as suggested. No change.

major weird.. you want the suse rpms to install?
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: mail header

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 09:18, David A. Bandel babbled:
> > O
> > PrivacyOptions=authwarnings,goaway,noreceipts,noexpn,novrfy,noetrn,needma
> >ilhelo,restrictmailq,restrictqrun
> with goaway, most of the rest are redundant.

I meant to mention that. The reason I list them is so that should goaway 
change meaning, I *know* I still have my @$$ covered..

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

 *   Should be panic but... (Why are BSD people panic obsessed ??)
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/ip_fw.c
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YOU READ MY MIND (was Re: building a new distro)

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 12:59, Warren Rasmussen babbled:
> > I'm probably hallucinating from the coffee, but I can envision the
> > people on this list building a customized distribution that's quite
> > easily patched on a regular basis to keep current. Instead of a 16 month
> > period between releases, members get a CD of updates to the libraries,
> > kernel, XFree, KDE, etc. via snail mail or built into an .iso to
> > download and burn once every 60 days or so. Besides, a distro built by
> > the group would evidence our distancing from: 1. Caldera, 2. hostile
> > licensing methods, and 3. excessive pricing structures, (regardless of
> > who made the distro). It's a lot easier said than done of course.
> > 
> > Nonetheless, keep the info coming, you're work is appreciated many times
> > over.

I'm acutally working on setting up another system for this very purpose. I 
was going to start with a Linux From Scratch base, then make it available on 
linux.nf and allow others to help drive the development of the distro..

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Sometimes one should just look at things and think about things without
doing things. -- Calvin
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Re: Swap still not recognized

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 14:50, Glenn Williams babbled:

> In /var/log/boot.msg, there's a line that says 'failure to find swap
> space signature.'  Would it help to go to Partition Magic 6.0 and
> re-format the swap space as file system ID 82?
> Any ideas, anyone?
> Regards,

looks like it ain't a valid swap partition anymore (which is why the 
installer didn't activate it). try running mkswap on it... 'mkswap /dev/hdb5'
once its done, swapon -a should work

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

And on the 8th day God said, "OK Murphy, you take over."
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, Etc 

Re: Antialiasing

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 13:41, Shawn Church babbled:
> I loaded Opera a few weeks ago, and I love it except for the lack of
> antialiased fonts in eD2.4.  I remember at the time someone (maybe Les?)
> mentioning a way to enable this, but I haven't been able to find it
> anywhere in my archives, the list archive, or in the SxS.  I've heard this
> comes preconfigured in SuSE 7.2, but I would like to ride out ed2.4 for a
> while longer.

Have the correct font paths in XftConfig? how about XF86Config? if so, should 
be a matter of enablig it in the Kontrol Panel. assuming you have recent QT 
and KDE...
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Your ignorance cramps my conversation.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Fwd: [SLE] [OT] www.microsoft.com.gr runs on SuSE

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

- --  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: [SLE] [OT] www.microsoft.com.gr runs on SuSE
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 03:22:58 -0300
From: Bráulio Weimann Gergull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: suse-linux-e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can we trust a company that floods the press with FUD about Open Source
and do use Open Source in their business???

gergull@mentor:~ > lynx -dump -head http://www.microsoft.com.gr
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 05:07:15 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)  (SuSE/Linux) mod_perl/1.19 PHP/3.0.11
Last-Modified: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 08:46:23 GMT
ETag: "1a12b-1cf-3aed265f"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 463
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

- --
Bráulio Weimann Gergull
GetNet Comunicações

- --
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- -----------

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

/* After several hours of tedious analysis, the following hash
 * function won.  Do not mess with it... -DaveM
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c
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Fwd: [SLE] True Type Fonts Under Linux

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

- --  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: [SLE] True Type Fonts Under Linux
Date: 01 Jul 2001 16:08:56 +0200
From: Alexandr Malusek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nick Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone have an opinion as to the workability of the following
> fix under Suse 7.2? It comes from
> http://linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/fonts/trutypef.html

FYI: There is an article "Setting Up Font Anti-Aliasing in SuSE Linux
7.1 and 7.2" on http://portal.suse.de/ describing how to install
TrueType fonts. It's very easy in SuSE 7.2.

The direct link follows:

- --

- --
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- ---------------

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Dad are you vicariously living through me in the hope that my
accomplishments will validate your mediocre life and in some way 
compensate for all the opportunities you botched ?
  -- Calvin
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: building a new distro

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 14:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
> I would be very interested in an article taking a look at the LSB and the
> distros, now that the LSB has been out and published for a while.  Are we
> achieving the interoperability which was the goal of the LSB.  If not, is
> any distro doing better than the others?  We as a Linux community should
> consider supporting any such vendor as STANDARDS are the key strength of
> Open systems.  We need to encourage this philosophy.  It took a lot of time
> and effort to have these individuals come together and work on a
> standard... something that has been a necessary goal for some time.

SuSE comes really close.. they even have /etc/lsb-release so you know what 
version they are matching
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Earth is full. Go home.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Archives, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, Etc 

Re: building a new distro

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 16:20, dep babbled:
> On Monday 02 July 2001 03:11 pm, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> | SuSE comes really close.. they even have /etc/lsb-release so you
> | know what version they are matching
> not on my suse 7.1 and 7.2 machines, they don't.

looked like it to my eye.. but then I didn't give the thing much in-depth 
analysis. I'll take dep's word for it..
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Is it a right to remain ignorant?
  -- Calvin
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Re: YOU READ MY MIND (was building a new distro)

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 16:57, Chris Kassopulo babbled:

> I would be very interested in what you come up with and am willing to beta
> test and work on documentation or provide any other support I can.  On a
> scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being braindead and 10 being Linus himself, I
> classify myself as a 2 as far as Linux literacy.  But I am damn persistant
> (tm).
> Let me know if I can help.

you're input would be extremely valuable to me as I tend to forget about 
things that a "newbie" would need or would not know. I would put msyelf 
somewhere around 6/7 on your scale (not in programming, just in Linux distro) 
and tend to forget that I learned something really arcane a long time ago and 
the typical end-user ain't gonna know that already..

I'll keep the list updated
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Dad are you vicariously living through me in the hope that my
accomplishments will validate your mediocre life and in some way 
compensate for all the opportunities you botched ?
  -- Calvin
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Archives, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, Etc 

Re: Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 19:04, Mike Andrew babbled:
> On Tuesday 03 July 2001 05:19, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> > major weird.. you want the suse rpms to install?
> I took your very own cvs snapshot of kicq as a thirteenth attempt at this.
> It didn't have a configure script so i ran autoconf and got even worser
> results.

make -f Makefile.cvs && ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde2 --enable-mt 
- --disable-debug && make && make install && ldconfig -v is what you need

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

I just found a slip of paper in my pocket that says i have been passed by
inspector number 7. I figure they did it while I was asleep.
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Re: Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 19:15, Eddie Arteaga babbled:
> On Monday 02 July 2001 18:04, you wrote:
> > Think I may have to try licq for the time being...
> Is there a particular reason you like Kicq Mike? I tried it recently and it
> lacks sorely for features when compared to Licq.
> Eddie

which version did you try? kicq 1.x sucked. the 2.x client is *MUCH* better
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

What's the point of wearing your favorite rocketship underpants if nobody
ever asks to see 'em?  -- Calvin
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Re: Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 02 July 2001 23:12, Eddie Arteaga babbled:

> Yes I did try kicq 1.0, I'll give the new version a shot. Does it require
> the icqlibs installed as well?

yes. latest cvs (well, not quite). you can snarf them off my machine if you 
like. use the rsync info I posted a while ago
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

I liked things better when I didn't understand them.
  -- Calvin
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Fwd: [COLUG] LSB 1.0 -- Laboring mightly to yield ... a mouse

2001-07-02 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

anyone else w/ opinions?

- --  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: [COLUG] LSB 1.0 -- Laboring mightly to yield ... a mouse
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 22:16:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There was mention of the .DEB and .RPM packaging tool formats at
the meeting last week.  The LSB has just issued its Spec. 1.00
for comment, and come up with a solution that will be acceptable
to NEITHER the Debian folks, NOR the Red Hat-ites.

See:  http://www.linuxbase.org/spec/gLSB/gLSB/swinstall.html

Which proposes to use a 3 year old variant of the RPM --
ABSENT some of its features --

Even MORE curiously, "Packages may not depend on the order in
which scripts are executed (pre-install, pre-uninstall, &c),
when doing an upgrade."

... that is -- intelligent dependency walkthroughs appear to be
prohibited.  Apt is largely there in -stable; and current RPM
has been moving this way, having it working in 'up2date' with
an XML backend for 8 months.


No mention at all of .DEB <---> .RPM conversion by 'alien', nor
template of permitted transforms to psermit use of the standard
as a reference for .DEB users.  Reviewing the last two month's
meeting attendees, no Debian representative was evident.


- -

In a seeming slap at Red Hat, rather than referencing the stable
(and referrence)  www.rpm.org site for the online text of the
Maximum RPM text (which is incorporated in part by reference),
they choose a secondaary source 'fan site' without redundancy.

- -

To offend the Slackware folk, it appears to require SysV


- --

Humorously, the first mentioned secondary source is BSD Lite:


- --

I am underwhelmed and disappointed ... Extension and Growth path
for changing times -- particularly with the glibc / gcc of late
- -- seems not to have been considered.

- -

By choosing to release a document not relevant to current
Linux development and practice, the LSB may have succeeded in
answering the question "Who needs the LSB standard?" with: "Not
the Linux communities."

- -- Phil Hunter

colug mailing list

- ---

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

 * For moronic filesystems that do not allow holes in file.
 * We may have to extend the file.
2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c
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Re: Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-03 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 07:55, Mike Andrew babbled:

> libz I understand. lz I do not.

I bounced this to the kicq list to see what they say.. never seen that myself
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

You might have mail.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Re: Smart Tags and howto avoid them..

2001-07-03 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 07:13, Mike Andrew babbled:

> I'm not sure if I follow along here, technically. I don't see how Msoft or
> anyone else can scribble a page back to the hosting server (except where of
> course it's an Msoft server to begin with).

the original page is NOT modified. the page that gets presented to the USER 
is modified... the render engine does a scan for keywords and then does some 
sed 's/actual code/M$ friendly advertiser code/g' >> /dev/screen
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

She's dead, Jim. Now get off her.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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making tripwire easier

2001-07-03 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

Tripwire unveils The Tripwire Policy Resource Center for the Tripwire

The Tripwire Policy Resource Center was created for the vast Tripwire
Community to share policy file expertise. It contains tools, a collection of
practical information on deploying Tripwire policy files , and a user forum.
This is valuable for Tripwire Partners, independent consultants, IT managers
and the Integrity Industry at large.

The Policy Tool - The Center contains snippets created by Tripwire
developers, as well as those contributed by the Tripwire community. Each
week we will be adding more.  Check out the TPRC at
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Sometimes I wish I could put an expiration date on my quotes."
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new searchable online archives of this list!

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

Everyone who needs it can now use 
http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-users@linux.nf/ as a searchable archive of 
this list...
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"It's great to have a friend who appreciates an earnest discussion of
ideas."  -Calvin
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Re: Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 18:13, Mike Andrew babbled:

> Turns out that RH don't have a libz.so as such. (or more correctly, the rpm

http://hunley.homeip.net/linux_sources/libs/ for libz and many others

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

printk("Penguin |d is stuck in the bottle.\n", i);
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/smp.c
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new ISOs up

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

OpenLinux 3.1 Workstation and Server are up (with md5sums) at 
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Where do you want to go today?" Outside
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Re: Upgrading your rpm package:FIXED

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 13:52, Joel Hammer babbled:

> Well, I got it done, but never in a straight line.
> I used the package rpm-3.0.6.tar.gz, which was not the one specified in the
> Step by step. This has the advantage of not needing a working rpm to
> install, it is just a big tar file. This was good, since I thoughtfully
> rpm'd -e my old rpm to get it out of the way for the new rpm. Worked nice.
> The only hooker is that it puts all the files into /usr/src/redhat, which
> confused me for a while. I sure hope playing yahoo chess it worth all this.
> Joel

I did the same thing on most of the boxes I admin (But I went for rpm 4.x). I 
created /usr/src/packages as a dir, then made /usr/src/redhat and 
/usr/src/OpenLinux symlinks to that dir... I've yet to find and rpm that 
doesn't like the setup..

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Dad are you vicariously living through me in the hope that my
accomplishments will validate your mediocre life and in some way 
compensate for all the opportunities you botched ?
  -- Calvin
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Re: Distro iso's

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 21:23, David Aikema babbled:

> > > DOesn't someone have a collection of distro iso's available for
> > > download somewhere?  I saw an email, maybe from Doug, that there

it was me... what you need?

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

It's only premarital sex if you're going to get married...
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Re: libz.so (per Redhat) Kicq won't ./configure

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 22:01, Mike Andrew babbled:
> On Thursday 05 July 2001 02:49, David A. Bandel wrote:
> > You can't build openssh without libz. Sheesh.  Kinda basic library
> > they're missing.
> So that I don't give out misleading information. libz is there in all it's
> glory, it is simpy the (what I would think) necessary symlink libz.so is
> not.

are you sure it's all there? missing symlink would lead me to believe their 
might also be missing libs... I found a lib on Caldera (forget which one) 
which only had the static version. worked fine until I tried compiling 
something which needed the dynamic version.

Personally, I'd install zlib from source. it's like 2 commands..
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Where do you want to go today?" Outside
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Re: Distro iso's

2001-07-04 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 23:10, Shawn Tayler babbled:

> Found it.  I had misplaced the msg, but found it in the archives, after
> a reminder from the list.  I was only getting 64K download speed on it
> though.  What is your pipe size there Doug?

cable modem... 300Kbps tops...

seems to be some kind of slowpoint in the road runner network right now 
though... my box is only pushing 50K right now and some sites are real 
responsive, while others are sllooowwww

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"It's God.  No, not Richard Stallman, or Linus Torvalds, but God."
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Re: ISO Making Software

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 05 July 2001 02:24, Alan Bryant babbled:
> This is mainly to Doug, but also to anyone who has created ISOs...what
> software did you use for it? I'm sure you used it on Linux, but do you also
> know of any software for Winblows to create ISOs with?

1.stick cd to be made into iso into cdrom
2. dd if=/dev/hdc of=/home/iso/xx.iso bs=1k

you now have iso. (assuming hdc is your cdrom)

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Who wouldn't be interested in everything we do?!
  -- Calvin
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Re: ISO Making Software

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 05 July 2001 08:04, Dario Copia babbled:
> > 1.stick cd to be made into iso into cdrom
> > 2. dd if=/dev/hdc of=/home/iso/xx.iso bs=1k
> >
> > you now have iso. (assuming hdc is your cdrom)
> Also :
>   mkisofs -r -o cd_image_name /mnt/cdrom
> assuming your cdrom is mounted on /mnt/cdrom

true. however, consider that this is really:
1. find mkisofs source
2. download source
3. install source
4. insert cd
5. mount cd
6. run mkisofs
7. umount cd
8. eject cd

whereas mine is:
1. insert cd
2. dd
3. eject cd

but in all fairness mkisofs does things that dd can't do... hybrid cds come 
to mind...
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Sometimes I wish I could put an expiration date on my quotes."
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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koffice 1.1beta3 compile error

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

anyone got any insight on this:
- -L/home/source/gcc-build/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/src 
- -L/home/source/gcc-build/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs 
- -L/home/source/gcc-build/gcc -L/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin 
- -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.0 
- -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.0/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/lib 
- -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.0/../../.. -lm -lm -lm -lgcc_s -lgcc 
- -lc -lgcc_s -lgcc -lm -lgcc_s -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lgcc -lm -lc -lgcc 
- -L/home/source/kde2/koffice-1.1-beta3/lib/kofficecore/.libs 
- -L/home/source/kde2/koffice-1.1-beta3/lib/store/.libs 
- -L/home/source/kde2/koffice-1.1-beta3/lib/kwmf/.libs -L/usr/lib 
/usr/lib/libstdc++.so -lm -lgcc -lc -lgcc   
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3/crtendS.o /usr/lib/crtn.o  
- -Wl,-soname -Wl,libkillustratorpart.so -o .libs/libkillustratorpart.so
/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: .libs/libkillustratorpart.so: undefined 
versioned symbol name __register_frame_info@@GLIBC_2.0
/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [libkillustratorpart.la] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/source/kde2/koffice-1.1-beta3/killustrator'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/source/kde2/koffice-1.1-beta3/killustrator'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/source/kde2/koffice-1.1-beta3'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Mom and dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I
believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop it."
--- Calvin
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Re: ISO Making Software

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 05 July 2001 11:56, Net Llama babbled:

> Along these lines, has anyone had success burning ISOs to CDs with dd?
> I've tried:
> dd if=stupid.iso of=/dev/sr0
> and it complains that the device is readonly.  Permissions on /dev/sr0
> indicate that it is 777.

I'd be surprised if this ever works. Well, Ok. maybe with the 2.4.x kernels 
and the new packet fs (or whatever the hell it's called. UDF maybe?)..

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Unix is simple. It just takes a genius to understand its simplicity.
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Re: Konqueror

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 05 July 2001 12:09, Auyeung at Technet babbled:
> Playing with Konqueror.
> What is this useragent for?
> IS it used to disguise as another user or what?

its for those sites that say "you need Internet Explorer or Netscape to view 
this site". Just make Konqueror pretend to be one of those browsers on that 

it "tricks" the browser detection code on the site in question

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

C++ - where friends can access your privates
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2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 05 July 2001 14:49, Randy Donohoe babbled:
> confirm 172444

re-read those directions. this went to the list and not to the admin address.
contact me if you need help [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Allow me to introduce my selves.
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Re: [OT] Roadrunner Cable Access

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 05 July 2001 15:43, Tom Wilson babbled:

> When I was looking into getting RR here (in CIncinnati) there was a
> blurb on their FAQ that said they didn't allow any servers.  Maybe they
> changed policy before or after I was looking at them.

maybe the policy still stands and the tech was just telling me that they 
didn't enforce it unless needed

> I went with Zoomtown instead because RR told me you needed to have
> cable TV to get Internet access.  I didn't particularly want to pay for

this is bull. you do NOT need to have cable service just to have RR.

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

/* Nobody will ever see this message :-) */
panic("Cannot initialize video hardware\n");
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/arch/m68k/atari/atafb.c
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Slackware 8 install iso

2001-07-05 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

is up at http://hunley.homeip.net/iso
the "extras" iso is coming shortly
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

I bought a grape imac, but only because I had the munchies and went shopping
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SuSE 7.2 Pro

2001-07-06 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

is up on http://hunley.homeip.net/iso
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

*** damania2 [~[EMAIL PROTECTED]] has joined #unix
 how do i run something on sun solaris?
*** damania2 was kicked off #unix by cstone (you don't)
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FYI: ftp not allowed on linux.nf/hunley.homeip.net

2001-07-06 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

Sorry, but for those of you who keep trying, I don't run ftp on any of my 
boxes. ssh and rsync only.
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

The only skills I have the patience to learn are those that have no real
application in life.  -- Calvin
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Re: FYI: ftp not allowed on linux.nf/hunley.homeip.net

2001-07-06 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 06 July 2001 10:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
> Speaking of which, I am unable to connect to http://hunley.homeip.net

resolved. new logrotate code didn't restart apache properly. sorry
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Today is the last day of your life so far.
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Re: Security Alert Consensus #104

2001-07-06 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 06 July 2001 03:13, Roger Hayter babbled:

> I vote no, thank you.  Its very long, full of advertising, and most
> people who want such alerts already get them. Personally, I prefer them
> in a different mail box from these lists.  Thank you for the thought,
> however.

I agree with these points.
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

When solving a "panic" you must first ask yourself what you were doing
that could possibly frighten an operating system.
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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KDE 2.2beta1 compile error

2001-07-06 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

Anyone know what to do about this:
Making all in kdoctools
make[2]: Entering directory 
Making all in libxslt
make[3]: Entering directory 
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[3]: Entering directory 
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=compile --tag=CXX c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. 
- -I../dcop -I../libltdl -I../kdecore -I../kdeui -I../kssl 
- -I/usr/lib/qt2/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/opt/kde2/include  -I../kio 
- -I.. -I../kio/gzip -I../kio/bzip2 -I/usr/include/libxml -I/usr/include  
- -DSRCDIR="\"/home/source/kde2/2_2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1/kdoctools\""  
- -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -pthread -D_REENTRANT   -DNDEBUG -O2 -fno-exceptions 
- -fno-check-new  -ftemplate-depth-99 -DQT_NO_TRANSLATION -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE 
- -DQT_NO_COMPAT -DQT_NO_ASCII_CAST  -c kgzipfilter.cpp
c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../dcop -I../libltdl -I../kdecore 
- -I../kdeui -I../kssl -I/usr/lib/qt2/include -I/usr/X11R6/include 
- -I/opt/kde2/include -I../kio -I.. -I../kio/gzip -I../kio/bzip2 
- -I/usr/include/libxml -I/usr/include 
- -DSRCDIR=\"/home/source/kde2/2_2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1/kdoctools\" 
- -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -pthread -D_REENTRANT -DNDEBUG -O2 -fno-exceptions 
- -fno-check-new -ftemplate-depth-99 -DQT_NO_TRANSLATION -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE 
- -DQT_NO_COMPAT -DQT_NO_ASCII_CAST -c kgzipfilter.cpp  -fPIC -DPIC -o 
kgzipfilter.cpp: In method `class QObject * 
KGzipFilterFactory::createObject(QObject *, const char *, const char *, const 
QStringList &)':
kgzipfilter.cpp:40: cannot allocate an object of type `KGzipFilter'
kgzipfilter.cpp:40:   since the following virtual functions are abstract:
/opt/kde2/include/kfilterbase.h:40:  void KFilterBase::setInBuffer(char 
*, unsigned int)
make[3]: *** [kgzipfilter.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/source/kde2/2_2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"One of the joys of being a kid is that experiences are new and therefore
more intense."  -Calvin sniffing mustard
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Re: quanta compile troubles

2001-07-08 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 06 July 2001 22:38, Myles Green babbled:

> libphp4dbg_a_meta_unload.cpp
> libphp4dbg_a_meta_unload.cpp:0: Internal compiler error.
> libphp4dbg_a_meta_unload.cpp:0: Please submit a full bug report.
> libphp4dbg_a_meta_unload.cpp:0: See
> http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/bugs.html> for instructions.

it don't like your gcc. which one you using?

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Windows without the X is like making love without a partner.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: quanta compile troubles

2001-07-09 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 08 July 2001 13:04, Myles Green babbled:

>  if I could only remember what I did with my notes on
> mounting and installing from an iso sitting on a HD... 

mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/xx.iso /mnt/cdrom

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

printk("Penguin |d is stuck in the bottle.\n", i);
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/smp.c
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linux swap priority

2001-07-09 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

I just noticed that on SuSE, swap is mounted w/ a priority of 42. I know that 
if you don't specify a priority it gets a priority of '-1'.
I understand what the swap priority is for (man 2 swapon), but why set it to 
42? Is that better than -1? Or is it just a Douglas Adams reference?
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"What the net needs now are kill files that actually kill."
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Re: mounting iso image

2001-07-10 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 09 July 2001 23:52, Linuxism Chang babbled:
> could one mount nrg, bin, and all those kind of images as supported by
> isobuster?

I doubt it. they wouldn't be valid fs types probably

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

panic("Unable to find empty mailbox for aha1542.\n");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/aha1542.c
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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2001-07-10 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

- --  Forwarded Message  --
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 05:00:58 -0700
From: Unix Guru Universe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Unix Tip 1652 - July 10, 2001



We are checking with SUN and
other vendors to confirm the
following tip that was sent
in. We wanted to pass it on
so those that may be affected
could plan for the change:

- -

The unix time() value becomes
10 digits for the first time on
Sun Sep  9 01:46:40 2001

For the first time in modern
computer history, the timestamp
will be something besides 9 digits.
That could break things.

- -

If anyone knows more please contact

- --
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- -----------

- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Is it a right to remain ignorant?
  -- Calvin
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Re: PGP stuff

2001-07-11 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 16:17, Collins Richey babbled:
> Douglas,
> Just a matter of curiosity.  Not being a PGP user, there's probably
> something basic I don't understand.
> What good does all the PGP crap in your mails accomplish, other than
> cluttering up every mail from you with stuff that we don't need to see?

verifies to you (should you check it against my public key) that the mail in 
question did in fact some from me and has not been tampered with in any way 
(unless the key don't compare).
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

I bought a grape imac, but only because I had the munchies and went shopping
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Fwd: [SLE] a free intro to Linux Systems Administration

2001-07-13 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: [SLE] a free intro to Linux Systems Administration
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 18:51:56 -0400
From: zentara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A college course in Queensland ,Australia is giving
out a free intro course to linux system administration.
It's about a 5 meg pdf file.
It covers everything at an intro level, commands,
scripts, automating tasks, etc.

The author hates NT, ..need I say more.


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Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Don't take life too seriously; you won't get out alive...
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Fwd: Announcing Fuzzy Linux 0.5!

2001-07-14 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Announcing Fuzzy Linux 0.5!
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 02:12:26 -0700
From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Announcing Fuzzy Linux 0.5!

I just finished an ISO of Fuzzy Linux, my ickle business card sized linux
 distro build from LFS. The ISO is available for critique at
http://fuzzy.morphidian.com. This server is quite slow, if anyone wants to
mirror it please feel free :) It's designed to fit on a business card sized
 CDR, to put in your wallet or whatever, and consequently is limited to 40mb
 (which I've filled :)

I'm quite proud of it (for a first attempt). It has a web browser (lynx) and
 an IRC client (BitchX). It tries to use DHCP on boot to grab your IP
 address, but has documentation for setting up your networking settings if
 that fails manually. It automagically detects your network card through the
 crappy script /etc/init.d/netdet (which I wrote and others are free to steal

There are a few issues I have that I intend to fiz before the next release:
1. No PCMCIA support (I didn't know how to do it then :)
2. It's compiled to i686 (damn uname), this will be changed to i386
3. Theres not enough stuff on it. I'll look into the linuxcare BBC to see
how they implemented their CD and copy their method.
4. It needs to be 'weeded'. There are quite a few files in there that
 arent needed, so I'd like to remove everything (like gcc, there are no
 includes, so this isnt needed :)

Any comments you have would be greatly appreciated, however scathing, so I
 can improve it. If anyone has any questions about how anything is done,
 please ask me.

Many thanks to Bryan Dumm for help with the bootscripts.


/* Andrew Craven ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - http://www.morphidian.com/~andy/ */
,n=y&15;n;printf(d>21?"\e[40m\n"+(d=0):" ",d++,n--));}/*   Carpe Noctem   */

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Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"don't forget that Linux only became possible because 20 years of OS
research was carefully studied, analyzed, discussed, and thrown away."
-- mingo on linux-kernel
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what are you doing about the ORBS mess?

2001-07-15 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

I finally landed a new job and have been really busy this week. I just got 
caught up (kinda) and am at a loss about the ORBS thing. My current 
sendmail.cf uses blackholes.mail-abuse.org for it's DNS spam blocking. Should 
I swith that to or.orbl.org? What have you guys done about it? 
Please don't chime in w/ "you shouldn't do that. it censorship" or any of 
that other crap. If that's what you want to talk about, go to /. 
I have sites to run and policies to follow. Thanks
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions.
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Re: what are you doing about the ORBS mess?

2001-07-15 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Sunday 15 July 2001 13:52, Net Llama babbled:

> Congratulations!  Mind if i ask where, and doing what?

It's a UNIX Admin position with a company called Careworks Technologies. The 
actual assignment is being the admin for the entire Ohio Department of Jobs 
and Family Services network (unemploment, child services, etc). Pretty cool 
so far.
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Teach programmers not to drink and hack.
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Re: what are you doing about the ORBS mess?

2001-07-15 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Sunday 15 July 2001 17:32, Shawn Tayler babbled:
> Wow Doug,
> Congradulations!

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.
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Re: what are you doing about the ORBS mess?

2001-07-15 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

returning to the topic on hand:
It looks like simply doing a 
cat sendmail.cf | sed 's/blackholes\.mail-abuse\.org/or\.orbl\.org/g' > 
mv sendmail.cf~ sendmail.cf

My system has already denied 2 messages based on the new lookup and allowed 
over 200 messages to pass. So, it looks like it is working.
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

printk(KERN_ERR "msp3400: chip reset failed, penguin on i2c bus?\n");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/msp3400.c
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Fwd: Paper about secure Programming in C/C++, Shell, Perl

2001-07-16 Thread Douglas J. Hunley


--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Paper about secure Programming in C/C++, Shell, Perl
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:16:48 +0200

On http://portal.suse.de/ in the Security Section you will find
a paper about secure programming splitted in 8 parts.

Enjoy reading.



Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
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2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

The offending drive has been removed and is awaiting the Dremel torture...

I quick rundown:
/dev/hde1 started flaking.
/dev/hda had to be converted back from ext3 to ext2 so that:
parted was used to shrink /dev/hda3. freespace was used to create /dev/hda4 
so that:
data from /dev/hde1 was copied to /dev/hda4.
/dev/hda converted back to ext3

we are now good to go
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"The inside of my head was exploding with fireworks. Fortunately,
my last thought turned out the lights when it left."
  --- Calvin
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2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 12:26, Net Llama babbled:

> Might this be related to the weirdness with the ISO images that i was
> experiencing?

you can bet on it. trying to move those isos to another drive spewed read 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"That's the problem with science.  You've got a bunch of empiricists 
trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder." -Calvin
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Re: failure delivery

2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 17:15, Ken Moffat babbled:
> > > > does not like recipient.

it ain't linux.nf that is bouncing..
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

#define BB_STAT2_TMP_INTR0x10/* My Penguins are burning. 
Are you able to smell it? */
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/include/asm-sparc/obio.h
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Re: List problems?

2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Monday 16 July 2001 20:36, Tom Jandl babbled:
> Has anyone else been getting "ghost" messages dated June 28th thru July
> 13th from this list today?
> Strange.

define ghost

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
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2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 09:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
> How many IDE controllers do you HAVE in that box?

2 onboard. one via the other promise.
this is a nice athlon machine ;)
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

[_] <-- Put complaints in this box. Write neatly.
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2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 18:05, Net Llama babbled:

> > you can bet on it. trying to move those isos to another drive spewed
> > read
> > errors...
> Hrmmminteresting.  Sorry bout that.

shit happens. wasn't your fault. I'm just miffed that I gotta go buy another 
18 gigger...
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
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Re: Problems with i810 under SuSE 7.2.

2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 18:40, David Aikema babbled:

> Any suggestions?  I can't say I qualify as an expert as far as
> configuring linux apps goes.

saw a post on the suse list that says there is a new i810 driver on the intel 
site. try it

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

The only skills I have the patience to learn are those that have no real
application in life.  -- Calvin
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2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 18:00, Net Llama babbled:
> Doug, does ext3 work on / partitions?

linux.nf:~ # mount
/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,check=none)
/dev/hda3 on /mp3 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,check=none)
/dev/hda4 on /opt type ext3 (rw,nodev,check=none)
/dev/hdb1 on /home type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,check=none)

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"What the net needs now are kill files that actually kill."
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2001-07-17 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 18:19, Shawn Church babbled:
> dumb questions:
> If /dev/hde1 spewed read errors, how were you able to copy it's data to
> /dev/hda4?  Did you first delete the iso images?

deleted isos. used gnu parted to do a partition copy

> How did the iso images have anything to do with the drive failure?

they didn't directly. it's just that Llama noticed that suse iso #2 always 
errored in the same spot. that was an on-disk error

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"I'd change the world, but God won't give me the source code..."
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We're being scanned (and attacked)

2001-07-19 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Some joker started scanning my ports VERY heavily today. I'm also getting 
beaten by that new IDA worm (the IIS one). Some kiddies have a shit load of 
scripts and are trolling for vulnerable machines (thank god for apache/linux).
Portsentry and my other tools are doing their best, but we're still getting 
hammered. hang in there
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"I don't know which is worse,  ...that everyone has his price, or that the
price is always so low."  -Calvin
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Fwd: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.

2001-07-19 Thread Douglas J. Hunley
e worm will create a loop that performs
18000h single byte send()'s to www.whitehouse.gov.

After 18000h send()'s the worm will sleep for about 4 and a half hours. It
will then repeat the attack against www.whitehouse.gov (goto step one of
Attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality).


This is associated information about the "Code Red" worm including how to
stop the worm, commentary on the worm, and dispelling common misconceptions
about this worm.

How to secure your system from this .ida "Code Red" worm?
Microsoft patch for this .ida vulnerability
The worm spreads itself to new vulnerable systems via the .ida
vulnerability. Applying this patch will keep your server from being
infected. However, as stated earlier, because of the way the worm creates
its list of "random" IP addresses to attack, you could still be affected by
a high traffic overload denial of service.

eEye Digital Security Advisory for .ida vulnerability
We initially discovered the .ida vulnerability which is being used by this
worm as its infection vector. The above advisory details our research of
that specific vulnerability. We worked with Microsoft to help them create a
patch for the .ida vulnerability.

SecureIIS - Application firewall, stops known and unknown IIS
We do produce a product that protects IIS web servers from attack which is
one of the reasons that we were so quick to research this worm. Funny enough
in our initial testing we couldn't get the worm to work because we forgot we
had SecureIIS enabled on the lab web server. heh.

I have been infected by this worm what can I do?

The first thing you must do is goto the Microsoft security site, as
referenced above, and install the .ida patch ASAP. The worm will remain in
memory until you reboot your server so make sure to reboot after installing
the .ida patch.

I think I am infected, how can I tell?

An infected system will show an increase in load (processor/network). It
will also show a number of external connections (or attempts) to port 80 of
random IP addresses. You can see this by doing a "netstat -an" from a MS-DOS
prompt. Either way do not take any chances... if your system is missing the
.ida patch then install it ASAP and reboot.

How to setup your IDS to detect this specific worm?
The following is part of the packet data that is sent for this .ida "Code
Red" worm attack:

Just add that to your IDS signature database.

What are some common misconceptions about the "Code Red" worm?
1. It connects to worm.com.
This worm only specifies www.worm.com in the initial HTTP GET request HOST:
header and in the defaced page show on English (US) systems. This worm does
_not_ connect to www.worm.com. This worm operates completely independent and
can spread and infect systems without having a single point of failure. What
that means is that this worm will be wild on the Internet until there is a
_VERY_ high degree of systems that go and install the .ida patch.

2. This worm is based off of hsj's "proof of concept" .ida exploit.
This worm is _NOT_ based off of hsj's "proof of concept" .ida exploit. His
exploit code had no worm functionality. It was a simple exploit shell that
had little to no implicit functionality. It was designed to prove to
administrators the seriousness of this vulnerability so that they would
install patches ASAP.

Ken Eichman of Chemical Abstracts Service
Matthew Asham of Left Coast Systems Corp
and a large handful of administrators who gave us much needed data to piece
this together.

eEye Digital Security
http://eEye.com/Retina - Network Security Scanner
http://eEye.com/Iris - Network Traffic Analyzer
http://eEye.com/SecureIIS - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

"Its not a virus! Its a worm!" - z3r0 c00l
"Whats this one eat?" - l0rd n1k0n
"th1s 0n3 34ts 11S s3rv3rs!" - ch4m3l30n


Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

You might have mail.
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Archives, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, Etc 

Fwd: 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS

2001-07-19 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

this stupid little thing is what's currently pounding linux.nf

I wish other admins would keep their machines locked down... what a headche!

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 23:32:53 +0200 (CEST)
From: Mike Brockman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From what i read about the 'Code Red'-worm, it was supposed to be scanning
for IIS-servers. It obviously is'nt, i believe it tries to infect
everything they find on port 80, or something as simple as that.

About three to four days ago, i started to get those default.ida-GET's in
my Apache-logs. I shut down the server as fast as i could, and checked for
outgoing connections from my computer, and then did some research.
I was told that it was an IIS-worm, and that it could'nt affect
Apache-servers, so i was safe. I turned the server back on, and from that
day i have received forty-one attempts.

How can this be? Why am i getting so few attempts, if it is as eEye says
-- that every worm-instance has the same seed?
I should be getting tons and tons of tries, if the worm has been around
for this long. Or is it that my IP is high up in the "sequence", and not
many comes that far? If that is the case, the number should be increasing
fast in the near future, right?

I'll come back with a report in a week or so.

 m'name be mike brockman! jeeh!


Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

panic("bad_user_access_length executed (not cool, dude)");
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/kernel/panic.c
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Fwd: [Xpert]Fwd: i810 and i810e display corruption problem!

2001-07-21 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: [Xpert]Fwd: i810 and i810e display corruption problem!
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:46:51 -0600
To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, KDE general mailing list 

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: i810 and i810e display corruption problem!
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 08:55:20 -0600
To: Patrick Shirkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Danny Maupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Friday 06 July 2001 11:48, you wrote:
> You said:
> >Myself and many others have reported display problems with the
> >i810 XFree 4.0.* drivers while running KDE.  I have attached a
> >small screen shot that shows the corruption in the title bar and
> >other backgrounds.  Does anybody know what the root cause
> >of the strange vertical bars is?  Could this be a KDE problem?
> >It has only been reported with i810 drivers.  Any help would
> >be appreciated.
> May I ask if you had any luck sorting this problem?

Two more people have asked me the same question today
so I'm going to post the only solution I've found to both
places I've seen complaints.

I figured out how to get rid of the corruption, at least on my
system.  Unfortunately it is at the expense of optimizations.
A added an option to the XF86Config-4 file to turn off acceleration
for the i810 driver and also removed a line from the file that
listed my video ram as 16M when it really is only 4M.  The
relevant section of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 follows:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel 810"
Driver "i810"
BoardName "Unknown"
# VideoRam 16384
 Option "NoAccel"   "On"

Hope this helps, the driver obviously needs to be debugged, one
or more of the accelerations is doing bad things.

> I have got one of these card types and it just keeps getting worse.
> Right now I am on the 400x600 res but I don't expect it to last.
> TIA.

Tim Lee
R&D Design Engineer
Fluke Networks
6805 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80919


Tim Lee
R&D Design Engineer
Fluke Networks
6805 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
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Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

panic("floppy: Port bolixed.");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/include/asm-sparc/floppy.h
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Fwd: BLFS Announcement

2001-07-21 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: BLFS Announcement
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 17:41:46 +0100
From: Mark Hymers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: lfs-apps mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, lfs-discuss 
mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


By order of his royal madness King Gerard of Scratch, assisted by the
resident court jester High of Os (Mark ducks and runs from Jesse!) there
will be a new project as part of Linux From Scratch and it will be as

Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS) will be a book, similar to the base LFS
book dealing with various things to do once a system has been LFS'd.

The web site is (at the moment) in a state of not-much-ness but that
will be fixed in the next couple of days.

The CVS tree is available as detailed on the temporary web page and
there is also a nightly HTML build similar to that of the LFS book
itself available.

Of most interest though is the new list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This list is NOT for general discussion of problems with installing
packages, it's for people interested in working on the book.  Package
discussion should stay on lfs-apps for now

Subscribe to blfs-book now or else.. something.. will probably. well,
you know.. happen.

Questions and bullets in the head to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe: send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put unsubscribe in the subject header of the message


Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

I'm killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and
happiness.-- Calvin
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Re: building kde2.2 beta1

2001-07-21 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Saturday 21 July 2001 04:37, David Aikema babbled:

> My system is slackware 8.0 btw.
> I've got problems making the kdelibs package.  I took a hint from
> myles and used this command for configure:
> ./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt --disable-debug
> In the make process however I run into the following:
> c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../dcop -I../libltdl -I../kdecore -
> I../kdeui
>  -I../kssl -I/usr/lib/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/opt/kde/inclu
> de -I../kio
>  -I.. -I../kio/gzip -I../kio/bzip2 -I/usr/local/include/libxml -I/usr/
> local/incl
> ude -DSRCDIR=\"/root/kde2.2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1/kdoctools\" -D_REENT
> RANT -I/us
> r/local/include -DNDEBUG -02 -fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -ftemplate
> -depth-99
> CAST -c kg
> zipfilter.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/kgzipfilter.o
> kgzipfilter.cpp: In method 'class QObject *
> KGZipFilterFactory::createobject(QOb
> ject *, const char *, const char *, const QStringList &)':
> kgzipfilter.cpp:40: cannot allocate an object of type KGzipFilter
> kgzipfilter.cpp:40:   since the following virtual functions are
> abstract:
> /opt/kde/include/kfilterbase.cpp:40:  void
> KFilterBase::setInBuffer(const char *, un
> signed int)
> make[3]: *** [kgzipfilter.lo] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> '/root/kde2.2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1/kdoctools'
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> '/root/kde2.2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1/kdoctools'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/kde2.2beta1/kdelibs-2.2beta1'
> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> I'm not quite sure what to make of this other than that it seems to be
> pulling some include files from /opt/kde/include which would be from
> the kde2.1.2 that slackware 8.0 ships with.  Any suggestions how to
> get around this error?

try moving /opt/kde2/include/kfilterbase.h to /tmp or somewhere else, then 

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

My opinions are my wife's and she says I'm DAMN lucky to have them.
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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help with C/H/S in BIOS,LILO, and kernel

2001-07-21 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

Remember the other day when I lost hde on linux.nf? I had to shrink /dev/hda3 
and split it into hda3 and hda4. All was great...
Or so I thought. It seems that in doing so, the tranlsations for the disk 
geometry got messed up somewhere. The drive is a:
Maxtor 53073U6, 29311Mb w/2048Kb cache.

The BIOS is set for 'auto' and report a CHS of 1024/255/63
I use the latest lilo, and use lba32.
The kernel says the drive has a CHS of 3736/255/63

I have to boot lilo with 'hda=1024,255,63' to get the machine to be usable.
a cat of /proc/ide/id0/hda says the physical layout is 16383/16/63

The drive is broken into hda[1-4]

running 'hdparm /dev/hda' gets 'HDIO_GETGEO_BIG failed: Input/output error'

fdisk /dev/hda says
'The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 3736. This could in certain 
setups cause problems.'

cfdisk says 3736 cylinders, 255 head, 63 sectors/track   
Device Boot Start End   #cyls   #blocks  Id  System
/dev/hda1   *  0+   12721273- 10225341  83  Linux
/dev/hda2   1273+   1306- 33-   26258482  Linux swap
/dev/hda3   1306+   2677-   1371- 11010216+  83  Linux
/dev/hda4   2677+   37351059-  8505419+   83  Linux

running parted says:
Warning: The operating system thinks the geometry on /dev/hda is 3736/255/63.
Therefore, cylinder 1024 ends at 8032.499M.  You should check that this 
the BIOS geometry before using this program.

running 'verify parition table' from within fdisk says:
11717 unallocated sectors

running 'sfdisk -d /dev/hda >hda.out && sfdisk /dev/hda http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Thank you. before I begin, I'd like everyone to notice that my report is in
a professional, clear plastic binder...When a report looks this good, you know
it'll get an A. That's a tip kids. Write it down. -- Calvin
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Re: help with C/H/S in BIOS,LILO, and kernel

2001-07-21 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Sunday 22 July 2001 01:35, Jim Conner babbled:
> In the BIOS there are usually two places to set auto for detecting the hard
> drive.  That's to get the C/H/S and to see what, if any, translation needs
> to be done.  These settings are usually Normal, LBA, Auto, etc.  This might
> be the problem that is occuring between the bios and the kernel.

OK, but it's set to auto/auto like it always has been...

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Linux: The OS people choose without $200,000,000 of persuasion.
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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were back and I give up

2001-07-22 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

sorry about the ridiculous delay.
I have spent all day either fdisking, fscking, or otherwise chasing my tail 
(ever mount '/' with the 'nodev' option after moving paritions around?)
I still cannot get the bios, lilo, and linux to agree on the damn geometry of 
this disk. a such, it is running without dma, with no read buffering, no 
multicount, nada. in otherwords, like molasses uphill in winter..

I give up. I've done everything I can think of. 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

Earth is full. Go home.
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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-23 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

forwarde for Mike who got bounced...

On Monday 23 July 2001 01:18, David A. Bandel wrote:
> I'm seriously considering Slackware.  Slackware 8.0 has X 4.1.0, kernel
> 2.4.5 to start (and they're more likely to actually upgrade it in


as you're probably running 2.4.6 it won't bother you, but 2.4.5 broke (some)
modules. Wrong kernel call when registering video devices. Point taken
though, the idea of a 'distro' is to supply the latest 'n greatest software
in a convenient packahe. A cd.

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: help with C/H/S in BIOS,LILO, and kernel

2001-07-23 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Sunday 22 July 2001 13:17, Net Llama babbled:
> Wow, what a mess.  I think the key to the kingdom here is what you used
> to play with the partitions (resizing etc).  Whatever that was, it
> royally fuxored your partition table.  Hopefully its not partition
> magic.
> Doug, if you're really desperate for a working HD, i could have one in
> your hands by Tuesday morning.  Let me know.

gnu parted. stupid thing actually let me create a parition that didn't line 
up on a cylinder boundary

I've since used cfdisk to repartition the drive... but it still acts as if 
the fubarred partitioning is there...

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Some things don't need the thought people give them."  -Hobbes
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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-23 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Sunday 22 July 2001 13:14, Net Llama babbled:

> > dig up some documentation on their package manager.  I forget
> 'man tar'  ;)

bit of an oversimplification there LLama... 'man pkgtool' would be correct 
(but who actually uses that?)
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Mom and dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I
believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop it."
--- Calvin
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