Re: ext3 on root partition question

2002-01-23 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:34:15 -0500 Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jerry McBride babbled on about:
> > I wasn't able to fsck and ext3 partition with old ext2 utils... Quite
> > embarassing.
> if you're running ext3 you need a recent e2fsprogs and util-linux anyway. I 
> kinda thought that this was a given.

That's correct.  But my original post was to the effect of making people aware of a 
real bad gotcha is your RESCUE floppy wasn' ext3 aware. It can be very embarassing. :')
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Re: ext3 on root partition question

2002-01-24 Thread Jerry McBride

> I still dont follow you Jerry. Embarassing how? It will work. I do it all the 
> time. I have an ext2 boot flopy and regularly use it to boot an ext3 system. 

I've had the experience where a root system running ext3 was so clobbered that it had 
to be accessed via a boot floppy. The only rescue floppy I had on hand did not have an 
fsck thas was able to recover the ext3 system...

Bingo... a big problem, yes? After upgrading the utils on the floppy, I was able to 
fsck.ext3 the partition in question and all data was recoverable.

That was my point, sorry I wasn't clear enough in the begining.

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Re: quick gotcha w/ xfree86 4.2.0 and ati cards

2002-01-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:45:00 -0500 Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you find that after upgrading to 4.2.0 your screen looks like it is 
> shifted to the right and/or is too "tall", you should try adding:
> Option "nocompositesync" 
> to the Device section of your XF86Config. Seems 4.2.0 changed the default 
> value from False to True. It was changed back to False in CVS yesterday.

Over here on a COMPAQ 1278, 1276 and maybe an old 1610.. I've had to add: option 
"SWCursor" "yes" to fix the "offset mouse pointer" problem. Where the pointer is 
offset from the click location by about 1/4" to 3/8". It's not needed in 4.1 or 4.02.
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Re: NFS filesystem

2002-01-25 Thread Jerry McBride

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:52:23 -0500 "Michael W. Holdeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Setting up another Fileserver, and SAMBA server. I am interested in teh most 
> stable filesystem for this server. Reiser I have been told is not the best 
> choice, and I have had corruption problems with it. EXT3?, or EXT2, the old 
> standby. 

Of all the filesystems you have access to, ext2 will be the BEST performer and the 
most stable of them all. The only hitch with using it is the long wait for fsck on 
large partitions. If you don't mind the wait, then this is probably your best choice. 

If your server isn't running on a UPS, then using one of the journalling file systems 
is probably a smart idea. XFS would be my choice, followed by ext3. Beware though... 
no matter what you hear, concerning how good the performance is with a journaled fs, 
there is definitely a performance hit in using them. 

In particular I can cry like a baby about how slow nfs runs across ext3. It really is 
that bad. ;')

I'm not a linux guru by any measure, but my experience would recommend the
following. Use ext2 on the server with a fully implemented UPS and run
samba for file sharing. While NFS has been around for a long time, it
comes no where's near samba in performance. On the other hand, samba can
be a nightmare to setup if you don't have prior experience, while nfs
is almost a breeze to setup.

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Re: Intel compiler

2002-01-27 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 07:04:30 -0800 Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a link to a review of a new 'closed source' compiler from intel.
> Anyone heard of this? Impressive improvements over ms visual c++ and gnu
> 2.95. They talk of 30% speed improvement. 

I'm downloading it now... :')

My take on the whole affair is that Intel is making sure it's new P4 is properly 
supported... in that its' new optimizaions are being exploited by this compiler. That 
said... I'll find out shortly if its' worth the salt. The curious thing is... they 
want $500.00 for the fully supported product... 
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Re: Intel compiler

2002-01-27 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 08:41:15 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My take on the whole affair is that Intel is making sure it's new P4
> > is properly supported... in that its' new optimizaions are being
> > exploited by this compiler. That said... I'll find out shortly if its'
> > worth the salt. The curious thing is... they want $500.00 for the
> > fully supported product... 
> I don't know that this is their reasoning.  Intel worked very closely
> with various OSS groups to make sure that their I64 had good support in
> Linux.  I think Intel is just looking to make a buck.

You're probably right Lonni. But not my buck.

> Keep in mind that even if the Intel compiler is faster, better etc than
> gcc, this isn't all that much of a coup.  

I'll never know. While I'm not the sharpest tool in the shead, I'm not the dullest 
either... The intel compiler is not a direct drop in for gcc. It's going to take a bit 
of editing to get a really large makefile to actually compile something useful... 
Right about now, I'd love to do a kernel with the intel compiler... but I haven't the 
time or drive to learn another compiler and it's switches.

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LPRng compile...

2002-02-02 Thread Jerry McBride

Here's what I've been using to compile LPRng source code. Beware that you need the 
LPRng source as well as LPRng-tools to achieve max utility.

The current source code tree is up to 3.8.5...

I'd appreicate any feedback on my compile script... beware word wrap/warp...

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-lockfile='/var/spool/lpd' 
 --with-groupid=lp --with-lpddir='/usr/sbin' --with-admindir='/usr/sbin' 

#make install

ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K60lpd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K60lpd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S60lpd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S60lpd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S60lpd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S60lpd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K60lpd

The above script closely duplicates the Caldera way of compiling LPRng and then 
creates the needed symlinks for the various init levels. 

As a side note... I've had all sorts of weird problems with cups in the workstation 
3.1 distribution. Sometimes cups works, most times it fails. It seems to me that this 
is more beta code than user code... but then that's my personal opinion.

LPRng on the other hand always worked well and that's what I'm going to use on my 
personal lan and the production lan at work. However... upgrading ws 3.1 to LPRng is 
not as clean as Caldera thinks. An LPRng rpm is provided in the 3.1 distro, but 
atempts to install it result in dependencies being reported. It appears there are a 
few file names that LPRng and cups use. This sucks. What I've been doing is this... I 
remove all cups related rpm's using the -nodpes option then go about building LPRng 
and LPRngTool from sources. If upon executing lpd you see the "can't bind to port 515" 
error... reboot your machine, there's cups stuff still in memory...

Going into the various LPRng config files (printcap, etc) is beyond this simple 
message, but it's all covered in the lprng how-to and faq. 

Cheers all, there's light at the end of this cups tunnel!

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2002-02-03 Thread Jerry McBride

There's a fire in linux.advocacy... Here's why:

>Market share for top servers across all domains,
> August 1995 - January 2002
>   Active Sites
   >Developer December 2001 Percent January 2002 Percent
Change>Apache  8588323   63.34  8997645   63.69   0.35
>Microsoft   3609428   26.62  3683141   26.07  -0.55
>iPlanet  3830782.83   4228062.99   0.16
>Zeus 1723521.27   1711971.21  -0.06
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X420 how to...

2002-02-03 Thread Jerry McBride

Thanks Doug. Nice step-x-step. What I was missing was all the hacking to
the config scripts. 

Thank you, again.
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Re: Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 18:16:23 -0600 Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to LinkSys support page they work fine with the ne2000 driver.
> Link:

If it's the lne100tx, it'll work better with the tulip drivers...
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Re: Suggested module for PCI LAN Card..?

2002-02-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 08:07:11 -0500 Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, Im pretty sure that under winders the card came up as lne 100tx so I
> will give it a shot with tulip, if it fails will give it a go with the
> ne2000 then

You booting this nic on a workstation 3.1? If so, the lionksys will be
detected and use the the tulip driver. Trust me, I've got a bushel basket
of the cards to brood over... :')

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Another upgrade path from ws31 to ws311...

2002-02-09 Thread Jerry McBride

I have had no luck in getting the workstation 3.1.1 ISO's that so many
have been getting. I keep getting turned away because the iso server is
full up with users logged on...

However, on one of the mirrors I found the WS311 rpms and srpms and
grabbed those. The ones I actually used to upgrade my ws31, were the 3.1.1
RPMS. After carefully removing the ones I didn't want... I simply issuded:
rpm -Uvh --replacefiles --replacepkgs --force and after a bit of wait for
the packages to install... I eventually got my console back and did a:
shutdown -r now

When the macine came back up... I had WorkStation 3.1.1 running. :')

The packages I didn't upgrade were the kernel and xfree.. I already had
updated stuff running, no sense in overwritting my hard work. I had to go
around and do a little clean up. My custom compiled copy of samba 2.2.2
was in a different location than WS311, all I had to do was move smb.conf
to the caldera location and restart smbd. 

One other note... the ws311 provided acpi daemon fails to work correctly
on the compaqs I host. Over-writing the caldera copy with the one from
acpid-20010510 fixed it. Shutdown with either -r or -h now works as

All in all, fairly painless. unsupported upgrade of Workstation 3.1 to

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Workstation 3.1, what's it all about?

2001-07-04 Thread Jerry McBride

I just finished ftping and burning a copy of the freely available
Woprkstation 3.10 images and here's what I think...

Caldera... I don't know what all the hoopla was about?! 

I haven't installed it yet, I will probably do so on a test laptop,
but from what I can see browsing the cdr's...'s not that earth shaking. 

Yeah, it has a new 2.42 kernel, yeah it has updated glib's... but
what the hey... it has an old version of lilo, xfree 4.02, etc..

About all I didn't have on my eDesktop 2.40 was
a later build of netscape. It installed perfectly off the workstation
cdr... Thank you Caldera.

Unless I really need those bundled commercial apps in the boxed
version of Workstation... I don't think I'm gonna' spend the money
on it...

In my humblest of opinions... HOME BREW will be a much more
valuable distribution.


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Re: Upgrading your rpm package

2001-07-04 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 04 Jul 2001 09:40:12 -0700
rickf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Joel Hammer wrote:
> > 
> > I just tried to rpm a package but it said I couldn't do it, only major
> > number <= 3 are allowed.
> > So, I went and got a new version of rpm, 4.03 or somesuch, but when I tried
> > to rpm the new rpm package, it gave me the same error message.
> > This sounds like catch 22.
> > So, how does one upgrade his rpm software?
> > Any insight appreciated.
> > Joel
> Joel, this is documented somewhere in the SxS, I believe, but
> basically you need to upgrade to either 3.0.5 or 3.0.6 first.
> The db format used changed (db1 to db3, IIRC) and the rpm libs
> need to be updated along the way.  3.0.5 & 3.0.6 can read both
> 3.x & 4.x RPM's.

Also... once you update the rpm tool to 3.0.6... kpackage will no
longer work correctly. What you have to do, to fix it, is make a 
link named /usr/lib/rpm-3.0.3 that points to the new rpm package.
Usually it's in /usr/lib/rpm-3.0.6.

Once you get that done. Kpackage will begin to work again, but it
will not allow you to process version 4 rpm's... yeah, it's stupid, but
it's hardwired in the Kpackage code. If you're decent at working with
C... the source code can be altered to allow for the higher version
level then compiled.

It works. :')


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Re: @Home setup

2001-07-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 16:01:55 -0500
Jim Conner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have @Home as well.  I didn't have any trouble setting it up as a static 
> ip.

Same here. I'm logged into comcast@home in Burlington County New Jersey. The
only problem I had was early on, with their pop servers. It took a while, like
5 or
6 hours, for all the pop servers to get to know me. I would get random invalid
user ID and Password until the servers all sync-ed up. No problems now. Also
chose the static setup as I doubt, very much I'll be needing the dhcp bull shit
my home lan connection.

>  I've tried to set it up using dhcp and haven't had much luck.  Probably 
> a setting is off somewhere. 

Initially I tinkered with it, never got it to work. So when the @home installer
me the choice of static or dhcp... it was an easy decision.

> I've heard of people having problems with 
> Linksys cards though.

It comes from the fact that LINKSYS distributed some old drivers with their new
hardware... didn't work. However... the cards are VERY good, will do duplex
100base transfers with a good (linksys) switch box. Through put is VERY good.
The best thing is... the newer kernels 2.4.x have drivers that work from the
I am using nothing but Linksys on the home net, LNE100TX versions 4.1 and 4.0
with no problems.

One other upside with Linksys NIC's... everybody wants to get rid of them... I
a virtrual endless source of NIC's... :')

If you don't want to compile a new kernel, just to get a working driver...
visit SCYLD
and grab the tulip driver source and compile that. It works just as good as the
stuff already mentioned.


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Re: SDR - wireless on steroids

2001-07-07 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001 13:09:54 -0500
Ronnie Gauthier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> July 2001 - Boardwatch, p.34
> Go to your newsstand and read it.
> It's called SDR, Software Defined Radio. Sorta like packet on steroids, but 
> different. The tests have gotten a 400MHz link to 30Mbps symetrical at 150 
> miles. 

This is amazing stuff. I wonder how much impact it will have on the current
crop of
wireless technologies?


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Re: Kernel 2.4.6

2001-07-08 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 08 Jul 2001 06:02:22 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Net Llama wrote:
> > 
> > I've got 2.4.6 working on 1 box at work.  No problems whatsover.  I'm
> > running into alot of strange behvior on my box at home, though.  IDE
> > timeouts & resets, module problems.  I haven't had time to sort them out
> > yet though.  But, the bottom line is that 2.4.6 works fine on at least 1
> > box for me.
> > 
> When 2.4.6 hits the cardbus stuff, I get a rather dramatic kernel oops. 
> I need the PCMCIA stuff, so guess I have to wait and use 2.4.5.

I've got it here on a desktop. Tremendous performance... I'm highly impressed
with it. I ahve also have it on an old LEO DESIGNOTE 5500 (company standard)
and like the dekstop a real performer. The LEO connects via pcmcia Linksys
pcmpc100 nic card... no problems.

I've got no explanation as to WHY it all runs so much better but it does!


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Is there a SAMBA doctor in the house???

2001-07-08 Thread Jerry McBride

I've set up a test samba 2.2.0a server on eDesktop 2.40 desktop computer and
have 5 windows clients plugged into it. So far, all is well. Linux is really
shining over here. Cheap, fast and very reliable... No real nits... but I'm no
where near being a SAMBA guru...

Which leads into my next question... :')

How does a linux client handle shares? I see an smbclient app, included with
the samba distribution... but surely there's more. I've found a browser of
sorts... XSMBROWSER... works ok, but my god... I'll never sell a linux samba
client to a prospective customer with it.

So.. what does everyone else use? Has anyone found a real smb browser for
linux? Any tips or input will be appreciate.

Thank you, in advance.


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Re: Is there a SAMBA doctor in the house???

2001-07-09 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001 07:58:04 -0700
"Steve Jardine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jerry,
> Have you done a search on freshmeat or the like? I searched for smb and
found quite a few hits. I found smbmount, kruiser, etc without digging much..

Yes, I've been there... actually on google. The best resource for linux smb
browsers is at the samba website. What pains me most is... there's not a lot to
choose from... Personally, I'm happy with text mode tools, etc... But I've got
to get something on par with windows, that runs on kde 1.x...

I haven't considered kruiser... I'm under the impression it's a kde 2.x app.
I'll look again.

Thank you for the post.

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Re: Is there a SAMBA doctor in the house???

2001-07-09 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001 17:57:25 -0400
Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's wrong with making entries in /etc/fstab to automagically mount the 
> shares?

What do you do if you don't now the shares? 


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Re: Is there a SAMBA doctor in the house???

2001-07-10 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001 13:26:54 -0400

> Kruiser is one of the better ones for KDE1.x. 


I agree! KRUISER is a real nice piece of work. Only three minor nits bother me

1 - Try as I may, I have not found a way to compile the damn thing from source.
Version 0.40 is the most recent and I can't get it to detect to
save my life. The author knows about the problem, even offers a fix for it...
but it's a no go.

I did find an RPM of 0.40 that I could twist into installing on eDesktop
2.40... :')

2 - Like all the previous versions, the bitmaps on the toolbar buttons are all
screwed up. I though this was fixed? ;')

3 - one very glaring bug can be found in the preferences, under SMB. Be CERTAIN
you select the correct samba version on that dialog, so kruiser can interface
with smbmount that resides on the client. Running SAMBA 2.2.0a here and
selecting anything other than 2.06 will cause KDE to lockup dead. It's not a
software crash, it's smbmount trying to process an incorrect call from kruiser.
if you called kruiser from the desktop via a link... KDE will be locked into a
totally dead state... Becareful. Why kruiser can't query smbmount to detect the
version level is... stupid.

That said, KRUISER 0.40 is the ticket if you need a nice looking samba shares
browser to keep your ex-windows users relatively happy.

Thank you, for the reminder Matt. 


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Re: OggVorbis

2001-07-10 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 20:44:50 -0500
Alan Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm just curious as to wether or not anyone hear has had any experience with 
> ogg audio files? 

Hey Alan...  What's the difference between ogg and mp3, besides the formats?


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Re: OggVorbis

2001-07-10 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 21:54:09 -0500
Alan Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now that I have actually listened to an ogg file that I encoded from my cd, 
> and gone back and read the FAQ on the Vorbis website, ogg files aren't quite 
> audio superior to MP3files yet, because oggenc (the ogg encoder) isn't as far

> along as the actual ogg format. There is quite a bit of popping and crackling

> during the song in the ogg file.

Yeah. That was my impression too... I've been to ogg a couple of minutes ago
and tested some stuff. I'm real excited. I hope they can pull this stuff off
like OGG claims. It'll be another hole in the dike that the riaa can try and

The way I see it, mp3 is real mature... It'll be hard to impove upon.

Thanks for the messages, Alan.


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Re: linux stuff

2001-07-11 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001 22:59:30 -0500
Eddie Arteaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I spent the last week or so installing various Linux distributions.  It 
> really gets frustrating trying to make it all work.

Yeah, it can really suck. 


> Other than that, I am able to log in and run the system. I do experience 
> hangs out of nowhere. KDE just all of a sudden hangs on the newer releases. 

Does kde die and take the os with it or does kde die and the os survives? If
it's the latter, I would suspect (and I'm reaching here a bit) that it's just
the nature of the beast. KDE2 is a developing piece of codebase. Did you have
similar probelms with kde 1.1.2, as shipped in the eDesktop distribution?
Again, IMHO, kde 1.1.2 is a superior desktop in some reguards and stability is
one of them.

> Gnome, well it does what Gnome does best, segfault all the time.

You gotta' love dis' shit... ;') Gnome IMHO doesn't even win a lolly pop. Some
of the applications are nice... but...

> By far the best distro I have used is Caldera 2.4. It detected sound, NIC, 
> and printer all during the install. Netscape does inline video right out of 
> the box on COL 2.4. On the newer releases you have to set it all up, what a 
> pain.

BINGO. I highly suspect that 2.40 will hang around for quite sometime. Where I
work, we decided to "stay put" and only upgrade components as the need pops up.
Caldera really made a nice pie when they rolled out 2.40. Thanks, guys.

> All I know is this...I do not experience problems such as this in Windows 
> 2000. I have yet to get a blue screen in Windows 2000. I know I'm gonna get 
> flamed for this, cool. I use a machine to work on, real work, not sending 
> e-mail or surfing pr0n.

Well... it happens on windows platforms too. You mentioned win2k... I don't
have any pratical experience with it... but here of late I've been working
around NT, 95 and 98 boxes and boy... are there worms in those cans. :') The
location I mentioned is a fairly large shop here in southern New Jersey and
they issued a company mandate a while back that win2k would not be used in any
parts of that facility. From the sounds of it, probably not in the coprorate
office either. Currently they're running a couple of NT servers and a mix of
win95, win98 clients and one linux client for the intranet. There's a XENIX box
that serves the point-of-sale and material tracking. It's unlikely that the
XENIX sofware will ever be ported to linux or windows... so it's not going
anywhere just yet. However, and get this... the  NT intranet servers will be
replaced with Linux at mid year. Their in house IT guy is in tears. :') My take
on the whole affair is this... their inhouse testing of win2k didn't pan out
like Microsoft promised it would. That, plus the costs, the desire to break the
upgrade cycle and some nice forward thinking on managements part... Linux is
taking the role of server in what was once a windows only niche. ;') That's a
whopping change of thinking... and there's good reason for it too.

I digressed abit here... but the point is... you use the tool that fits the
need. Sometimes it's hard to decide what tools are best, but you take the time
to evaluate them none the less.

> I will keep trying to learn Linux and work with it. Maybe someday I'll take 
> it serious.

Eddy, if you can keep an open mind, spend as much time learning linux as you
did learning dos/windows... I'd be willing to bet that you'll end up having a
much better appreciation for Linux. It's a lot more than you presently think of
it. Trust me.

Cheers, Eddy. Have a good one.


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2001-07-29 Thread Jerry McBride

Am I correct in thinking that qt2 (latest version) a complete replacement for
all previous versions of QT?

If so, is there any compelling reasons to keep QT 1.xx around on the harddrive?

Thank you, in advance.


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Re: fine. no more orbl

2001-07-29 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001 22:16:38 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> ...enjoy your spam.

Message recieved, Doug. No problem... filters in place... ;')


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Re: compiling 2.4.7 for eW3.1

2001-07-30 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:57:37 +0800 Linuxism Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I downloaded the 2.4.7 kernel, rpm -e all 2.4.2 stuffs, make 
> menuconfig, make mrproper, make dep... ding.. got the attached error:


You haven't installed the glibc-devel stuff... It's on the cdrom. To help you
track down missing headers and stuff, you can visit the RPM REPOSITORY at: and do a serach for the missing component.
When you figure out what package the missing file is from, install that package
from your Caldera Open Linux install cd...


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Re: compiling 2.4.7 for eW3.1

2001-07-30 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 07:15:55 -0400 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:57:37 +0800 Linuxism Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I downloaded the 2.4.7 kernel, rpm -e all 2.4.2 stuffs, make 
> > menuconfig, make mrproper, make dep... ding.. got the attached error:
> > 
> > 
> "/usr/include/limits.h"...
> You haven't installed the glibc-devel stuff... It's on the cdrom. To help you
> track down missing headers and stuff, you can visit the RPM REPOSITORY at:
> and do a serach for the missing component.
> When you figure out what package the missing file is from, install that
> package
> from your Caldera Open Linux install cd...

I just had a thought... You should automate your kernel compile porcess too...
Here's a script I use to get the job done, while I'm out doing more resourceful
things like... getting coffee and a donut... :') 

Modify it to suit your fancy...


cd /usr/src/linux

if make mrproper&&\
   make xconfig &&\
   make dep &&\
   make clean   &&\
   make bzImage &&\
   make modules &&\
   make modules_install
   cp -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/newkernel
else echo " kernel compile failed! "


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Re: compiling 2.4.7 for eW3.1

2001-07-30 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 23:21:20 +1130 Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 30 July 2001 23:03, Jerry McBride wrote:
> > I just had a thought... You should automate your kernel compile porcess
> > too... Here's a script I use to get the job done, while I'm out doing more
> [snip]
> > then
> >cp -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/newkernel
> >/sbin/lilo
> > else echo " kernel compile failed! "
> > fi
> it has one doozy of an error, type dmesg | more *after* you boot this kernel 
> if you're curious, otherwise simply insert the following
> > then
> >cp -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/newkernel
> ---
> > mv /boot/ somewhere_safe
> >  cp  /usr/src// /boot
> >/sbin/lilo
> > else echo " kernel compile failed! "
> > fi
> There are variations on the above theme. Rh for instance names the 
> and provides a symlink, but the above is sound enuff.

Hi Mike.

I just did a newkernel with the script I supplied and here's what turned up in


The "map" file and "ndewkernel" both have the same time/date stamp. "map" has
always turned up on it's own when I compile new kernels. As for checking dmseg
after booting the new kernel... I don't see any errors or complaints listed...
what am I to look for?

Cheers... I'm off to the office. From what I gather from this weekends gosip...
I have a dead server to look at... Oh... boy... ;'(


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Re: how to solve the sir cam problem

2001-07-31 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:40:07 -0400 dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A couple of us are hainv a small party here at the house. Reminds me of Y2K...

> 20 minutes until code red. if the internet never comes back, it's 
> been nice knowing you all.
> -- 


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Re: encrypted ftp

2001-08-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 08:36:28 -0400 Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can log into my ftp server as a user and have access to the entire 
> system (well, the files that my user has access to, anyway). As far as I 
> can tell, though, the login is not encrypted, so I'm sending my login 
> and password in plain text over the internet each time I log in. Is 
> there any utility for encrypted ftp logins?
> A quick search on google found some hits, but I'm looking for trusted, 
> expert advice. I'm asking on this list, too.
> Tim

You can trust me, but I'm no expert. The best that I can suggest is for you to
look into using openssh and sftp... Really good encryption, works like
telnet... the sftp part of the above is secure ftp. Uses the same encryption
that openssh does... the best part about ssh is... ALL the handshaking and data
exchange is encrypted.


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Re: makeing people pay attention to SirCam

2001-08-03 Thread Jerry McBride

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 10:28:50 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> So, I got to thinking about how to make people sit up and PAY ATTENTION. 
> Then it occurred to me! Why not send people parts of the document that 
> SirCam sent out? If you can quote some private, personal document, they might
> pay attention. I'm happy to say I found a way to extract the document safely!

That's what I've been doing... :')


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2001-08-05 Thread Jerry McBride

Hello all...

As some on you may know, I'm in the market for a new CDRW drive. My old an
trusted Yamaha 4416s finally turned belly up and... I'm looking. The one thing
I noticed while surfing for a good deal, IDE drives far outnumber scsi and
quite frankly, they're cheap as hell when compared to their scsi counterparts.
Since I'm nearly 100% scsi here... I'm a bit confused what to do... I've never
had the IDE CDRW experience and so I here asking:

Is anyone here using an IDE cdrw? I'm curious how well it's working and if you
would recommend your particular model.

My main area of concern is being able to do "on-the-fly" cdr generation, like I
was able to do with my old scsi drive...

Thank you, in advance.

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2001-08-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001 11:22:04 -0700 (PDT) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > My main area of concern is being able to do "on-the-fly" cdr
> > generation, like I
> > was able to do with my old scsi drive...
> I'm not sure that "on-the-fly" means, 

Copy from a cdrom reader directly to the cdr writer. The CDRDAO package works
great like this. CDRECORD will do the same madness... you pipe the output from
MKISOFS to CDRECORD... no files written to harddisk. The only worry about this
is... you need good trhough-put everywhere... and I'm not sure how an IDE
will fit into this scheme.

> At any rate, begin & end your
> search at  

I live there. :') Also I managed to find a new, leftover
yamaha 4416s for $105.00. I was just interested to see if the IDE stuff was any
good... You can find IDE CDRW's for as little as $50.00 new...

Thanks for the post, Lonni. Cheers.


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2001-08-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001 18:56:12 -0400 dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday 05 August 2001 04:42 pm, Joel Hammer wrote:
> | I checked in CompUSA a while back. The guy said that almost all
> | burners, if not all, were now IDE.
> | Joel
> this means that some guy who got a job other than selling shoes or 
> inquiring as to whether the customer wants fries is guiding you as to 
> your hardware and doesn't want to say, "wow. i didn't know they made 
> scsi cdrw drives."
> -- 

I'm glad you said that dep... :') I didn't know how to respond to it... :')


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Re: geez hate airing my washing

2001-08-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 09:31:35 +1000 Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well the gero did it again; I was asking re my new backgrounds that would not
> show, and I now know why!! I bloody well uploaded .tiff files instead of .jpg
> to /opt/kde2/share/wallpapers, no wonder they would not work. Kde does not 
> see anything other than jpegs.

Hmmm... must be a kde2 thing. My kde 1.1.2 can use .gif, .jpg and .bmp for
wallpaper. Another notch for the old desktop I guess. 


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Re: ipchains, gateway etc.

2001-08-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 05 Aug 2001 19:32:55 -0700 (PST) "Shawn Tayler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Oh, that hurt  

me too and it smarts! Let us know how it runs now! :')


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Re: The Worm: How you doin'?

2001-08-05 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001 21:47:13 -0400 dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday 05 August 2001 09:34 pm, Joel Hammer wrote:
> | Well, @HOME is still going strong.

I haven't sat down to to read it that closely... but since I'm in @home turf...
I can tell ya' it's busy as hell right now! KSNUFFLE is up to it ears... I
finally resorted to changing some "DENY" lines to "REJECT" lines in my
firewall... it actually helped a great deal... But some of is still there...

Knock... knock... who's home tonight? Makes me want to run outside and paint
lambs blood on the lintle...

Cheers all... it's bed time.


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Re: cuecat scanner prob: works in console but not in kde

2001-08-06 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 01:26:50 -0700 David Aikema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On August 5, 2001 03:56 pm, David Aikema wrote:
> > I was in kde when I first tried this and time and time again was annoyed to
> > see the text cursor fly all over the place in kedit when I attempted to
> > scan anything.
> Actually this seems to be the case with gnome as well.

That's with an unmodified cuecat? Interesting...


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Re: Me, or them?

2001-08-08 Thread Jerry McBride

Just to add my $.02 here...

I had a similar experience with an ISP here in New Jersey. The name is
SNIP.NET. Try as I may, I couldn't make a 
good data exchange with them to save my life. The modems would hand shake, the
"tech" at the ISP could see my 
pings, but  I wouldn't get anything from them. We tried a number of different
dial-ins, IP addresses, mask's, etc...
However they had their end set up, it wasn't linux or OS/2 friendly at all... I
dropped them like a hot potatoe.

I didn't want the chance of future problems with them... :')


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Re: Article

2001-08-13 Thread Jerry McBride

>Excellent article.

Most excellent! 


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Re: Administrivia - Everyone please read!

2001-08-14 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 20:09:48 -0400 Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Darn the bad luck! Just when I was getting ready to post an almost nude
picture of B. Gates
> stuffung money in his socks.

Uhh... stuffing money WHERE? ;')


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Re: 2.4.8 kernel is evil!

2001-08-15 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 15:14:32 -0700 (PDT) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone else tried out 2.4.8 yet? 

I've got it on one server and so far it's pretty good. I haven't had the
problems you mentioned... but maybe I will. :')

The only... and I say, "only", problem I've had with 2.48 was a sound driver
refused to compile. EMU10K1 failed, totally. Backleveling to the 2.4.7 driver
code has fixed that.

If it matters, there's ALREADY a 2.4.9 prerelease version 4 up for FTP... Wow!
was fast!


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Re: 2.4.8 kernel is evil!

2001-08-15 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 15:51:07 -0700 (PDT) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hrmm...perhaps that suggests that there is a big problem with 2.4.8
> since 2.4.9 development is coming at such a fast pace.

I just looked at the changelog and there's a fix for the emu10k1 sound driver.

There's not much else in there to suggest a fix for random lockups or such...
Lonni. My guess is, 2.4.9 will be out in record time though... :')

> =
> Lonni J. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: dep says it's soup ;-)

2001-08-15 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 23:05:42 -0400 Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Anyone see the news story on TV news about the guy in Texas begging for a job

> at the roadside??   He was holding a sign that says "IT Professional - HIRE 
> ME"
> Underneath that it said:MSCE, A+, CNE,  etc etc  

What's wrong with A+? :')

God! That may be me someday... ;'(


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Re: {RFC} - new service on in answer to MPSA

2001-08-16 Thread Jerry McBride

On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 08:04:40 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What does everyone think of me putting up a page on that anyone can 
> come to and have their system scanned for known security exploits?


I would love it! Coming from you, it'd be soemthing I could trust to be

When are you going to do it? :')


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2001-08-16 Thread Jerry McBride

I just completed a BIG hardware upgrade at a clients worksite and they gave me
the old components that I could carry... not to mention a nice paycheck too...

Anyways, I've got a BIG BAG full of 72 pin simms of various speeds, sizes and 
manufacture... No body wants them... the local libraries, hospitals are all
upgraded to the max... ;')


If anyone needs to upgrade a host of old 486/586 computers...  I've got what
you need.
Free. Just pay me the shipping... I can't guarentee what you'll get, but I'll
try to help you get what you need as best as possible. If I totally strike
out just send the stuff back so I can try again with somone else.

Also, I got a REALLY OLD phillips CM205 with ISA interface card and cable. It's
like new... if anyone needs this specific hardware... same deal... just pay
shipping. Along these same lines, I've got 3 internal IDE cdrom drives, one
pcmcia ide cdrom drive and an IOMEGA PARALLEL PORT TAPE 250 (no software)...
same deal. A couple of noname ISA sound cards, etc... 

Also a number of various pentium chips... from 66mhz to 120mhz... same deal.
No harddrives this time... they kept them for security reasons.

If anyone here can use this stuff, just ask. If you know of anyone, refer them.



 Registered Linux User Number 185956
 7:05pm  up 4 days,  3:19,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 Old hardware... don't trash it... share it.

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Re: KDE 2.2 unreadable text

2001-08-18 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 18 Aug 2001 20:29:30 -0700 (PST) "Shawn Tayler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sat, 18 Aug 2001 22:31:08 -0400, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> >No such problems here.KDE 2.2  from  XF86   4.0.3
> Interesting.
> Any ideas as to where I should start looking?

Just for the record... I grabbed the binary rpms and installed per README
file... I've 
got the same CRUSHED text problem... errr... had... I reinstalled the previous
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Re: KDE 2.2 unreadable text

2001-08-19 Thread Jerry McBride

The other thing I noticed when upgrading to kde 2.2 via the binary rpm's... you
loose the option to "shutdown to console"...

That, IMHO, really sucks!
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Re: I'm in LILO hell

2001-08-20 Thread Jerry McBride

There's a HARD DISK UPGRADE MINI-HOW-TO on the linux documentation project
website that goes into detail how to copy one hard drive to another... making
target harddrive bootable. It covers how to fool lilo into writing the boot
info where
you want it, on the newly created disk...

Makes for great reading and a neat way to mirror linux harddrives. You can
the process to a bash script if you wish even. :')

Cheers, Jerry.


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Re: I'm in LILO hell

2001-08-20 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:55:15 -0600 Glenn Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, Jerry:
> I wonder if there's a way to get this info into the SxS.  If you have 
> the URL handy, send it to me and I'll take a look at it with that in 
> mind.  I'll check in the meantime.
> I'd have to know more about the rules for SxS vis-avis copyright, 
> plagiarism, etc.
> I think it would be nice to put the information where is't most 
> accessible.

Here's the complete URL to the doc I mentioned. Rather than copy the text, just
the URL... Beware of wordwarp... ;')


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Re: I'm in LILO hell

2001-08-21 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 20:29:12 -0700 (PDT) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is "lba32" a new option in a newer version of LILO?  The version that
> i'm using doesn't seem to recognize it.

Yes. Version 21.7.5 is the latest lilo and it supports that option, if your
supports the call.


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Re: linux 2.4.9 not ready for prime time

2001-08-25 Thread Jerry McBride

I just compiled 2.4.9 here... no problems what-so-ever... on ws 3.1. The trick
is to 
comment out everything in  /etc/modules.conf that you don't need or want. Once 
that was done, the compile completed without errors...


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Re: kde 2.2 AA issues - SOLVED?

2001-08-25 Thread Jerry McBride


> >Go to the XFree download site and get all the binaries for GLIBC 2.2 (or
> >whatever level you have) then follow the very simple instructions on the
> >site.  It's only about a 5 minute operation, once the downloads are
> >complete.  

5 MINUTES??? How are you doing that??? The tar balls are like 58meg in
size, the
uncompress source is HUGE... How are you compiling that much source in 5


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win98 hell... (OT)

2001-08-26 Thread Jerry McBride

I hate to ask this here... but I don't know of a better source of

I've got a clients win98 box that she wishes to place on a lan and share
connections, with other users...

Everyone else on the lan is setup perfectly. This one win98 box refuses to see 
anything outside of it's own box. That is, I can ping localhost and the host
name and it
works perfectly... ping into the rest of the lan and it times out... no
connections. I've
done EVERYTHING except change the version of OS. I really mean that too... I
ran a new ethernet cable... swapped her nic for known good nic, her nic worked
another box, the one swapped into her computer didn't... I even tried moving
connection on the switch box end... all manner of twiddle and tweak in the
setup, etc... ipconfig shows the nic setup as eth0, winicfg look like
everything else
I've ever ran it on... The led's on the nic indicate good connect at

I've done this type of setup a 1000 times before, but this one machine is dead
to the

Here's the kicker, Swap out her harddrive for one of mine and within a
few moments I'm browsing the inet and local samba shares like heaven... WTF?

Rotten windows 98 install?

Pop her harddrive back into the machine, backup her most important data, make a

bunch of notes about where and what is in here install and reinstall windows
her copy of 98... after sitting though all this shit... SAME EXACT symptoms!
move another computer into this ones space... no problems.

Now, this leads to my question Was there ever an edition of win98 that had
a brain
dead tcpip stack on the cd? I think I've got one!

The fix was to "illegally" use a co-worker's copy of 98se and... bingo... it's
doing what
she wanted!

While I'm here... what is the last version of 98 called and does anyone here
have a 
copy they'd like to sell or make a copy of?


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Linux on COMPAQ PRESARIO 7360...

2001-08-27 Thread Jerry McBride

I just installed linux on a COMPAQ PRESARIO 7360...

Linux installs, all the onboard stuff (vid,par,ide,serial,usb,sound) works, but
it's not a
good box to use for your linux projects.

The BIOS is totally braindead, does not setup with discreet irqs. For instance,
insists on video and sound to use the SAME irq. it works... but when you drag
text while playing sounds... you get the dreaded "motor-boat" sound effect.

It'll make a great work box, but not for most people...

Conclusion... trash the motherboard and install something else. :')

One other thing... this is a amd k6-2 compat board, which Compaq claims a top
of 500mhz... they're wrong, it does 550 no problems and works very well with

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 11:40am  up 12:14,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.06, 0.01
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Re: win98 hell... (OT)

2001-08-27 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 08:37:40 -0700 Aaron Grewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I often had this issue with Win9x, the fix for me was to remove everything 
> from the network control panel, reboot, then add it all back.

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the tip, but that was one of the first remedies I tried. I'm going
to try and
swap a copy of win98se for her cd... just so I can see what's really going on
with it
when I have the free time to really play around.

As an aside... I just finished installing win2kpro this morning what a
ho-hum deal
that was... :') 
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Stock market...

2001-08-30 Thread Jerry McBride


A tough day for wall street. Right about now, all those nice certs in my stock
are about as worthless to me as a 12 pack of toiletpaper... but too rough to

Say what? ;')

Thank GOD, I converted most all of it to other investments earlier this year. I
listened to my wife for a change and stopped being greedy and exposed in the 
market. My losses hurt, but at the least I still have something left to think

It's hard watching your hard earned dollars slip into nothingness. As I left
work this
evening, my normally cold-as-ice-asshole-boss simply looked terrible. I stopped

and we talked a bit... probably the first time I heard him speak from his heart
in over
5 years. It was all about money and BOY was it heart wrenching... his
retirement is all
but gone. Talk about a lost soul. I know and work with people that have lost
of thousands of dollars in the last year or so... 

My god, what have we done?

I gotta' tell you guys and gals... my heart of hearts is predicting doom. Where
it's comming 
from I'm not real sure. Is it NAFTA? Cyclic changes in the market? Who knows.
be sure you're ready for it, though. It's gonna' be tough. 

If what my mom told me when I was a kid... that $600.00 that Bush wants to send
may not be enough to buy bread and milk next year.

Sorry. I'm usually a lot more upbeat than this... Good night and God bless.


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Re: eW3.1 and KDE2.2

2001-09-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 19:43:55 -0700 (PST) "Shawn Tayler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> XFree 4.1.0 is compiled and installed on several systems now.  Thanks
> Guys.  The Steps Instructions for 4.0.1 were right on the money.

Did you specify any ./configure switches or otherwise do anything to modify the
compile session?

I'd like to compile 4.10 on my 3.1 test box, but I'm not real sure about the
settings... that is to say, I don't want to loose and functionality over what
caldera has
provided in 4.02.

Thank you, in advance.


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Re: eW3.1 and KDE2.2

2001-09-02 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 02 Sep 2001 20:01:36 +1000 Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > XFree 4.1.0 is compiled and installed on several systems now.  Thanks
> > > Guys.  The Steps Instructions for 4.0.1 were right on the money.
> > >
> >
> > Did you specify any ./configure switches or otherwise do anything to modify
> > compile session?
> Jerry
> I have installed 4.1.0 twice in two weeks from the std binaries to WS 3.1
without any problems
> whatsoever.

Thanks for the support information. I'd like to recompile my own though... and
not real sure of the required configure switches.


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XFREE 410...

2001-09-03 Thread Jerry McBride

I just compiled Xfree 4.10, including fonts for the k6 processor. I ran
so I could have it all in a nice shiney binary RPM... BOY... did that take some
harddrive space to get through that process...

Anyway... target platform is WorkStation 3.1, running k6's... it anyone is
in trying it, just ask. I can move it to my webpage for http transfer. It's a


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Re: New SxS ?

2001-09-04 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:19:36 -0600 Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My eye. Mote. Your eye. Beam.

A MOTE IN YOUR EYE? A great book, indeed.


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Re: New SxS ?

2001-09-04 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:44:54 -0600 Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jerry McBride wrote:
> > On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:19:36 -0600 Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > My eye. Mote. Your eye. Beam.
> > 
> > A MOTE IN YOUR EYE? A great book, indeed.
> Indeed. I loved the phrase "the moties".

You know, Kurt, I was in my late teens when I first read it... I can just about
recall the
whole story though. Imagine... riding a laser beam to earth... And now, there's

proposals on the table to visit near planets using the same technology.


Cheers and good-night.


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Re: Best Linux CD burners?

2001-09-08 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 08 Sep 2001 21:09:14 +1000 Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I am in the market for a RW CD for my pc...


> Well I have had 2 different Burners working with Linux over 4 years. The
first was an Actima and
> the others were Sony (8 and 12X)...

If I may add my $0.02 worth here... :')

Sony is a good brand and it may be the brand I buy in the near future. What I
using, before it died a miserable death, was a Yamaha 4416s. It worked
for a number of years, perhaps making thousands of copies of various flavors of
linux distributions. :') I did at one time own a 6416s that died shortly after
putting it
to work... Both were scsi devices. Would I buy another Yamaha? Maybe, but it'd
to be listed as 100% CDRECORD compatible and priced very cheap.

That said... I'll probably be buying an IDE interface cdrw this time around.
that sports the "BURN PROOF TECHNOLOGY" tag... like for instance a TDK VELOCD
line of drives... TDK sells one that supposedly writes at 40x... Wow... If
true, it'll
be alot of fun. 

Basic advice would be... if your computer is totally IDE, then go with an IDE
device on it's own IDE channel. If you're able to use scsi devices, then scsi
is the
way to go. Over here, when the 4416s was still alive, I was able to stream from
Toshiba 40x scsi cdrom drive to the scsi burner at 4x and never made a bad
copy. All
the while I was running kde, netscape, you name it...

I've been told that ide writers were good, but I have my doubts if they can do
kind of activity because of bandwidth limitations, etc . I'll find out for
certain one of 
these days.


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Re: Linux Ad

2001-09-08 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 8 Sep 2001 10:32:01 -0400 burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 08 September 2001 09:22, Lee wrote:
> > Out here in the piney woods of Florida news and tv signals travel
> > slowly. Saw my first Linux ad on tv last night. It was for IBM Linux
> > servers. Claimed you could replace a whole warehouse full of servers
> > running that other system with one IBM server using reliable Linux
> > technology. Looks like Big Blue is serious about Linux and doesn't fear
> > the gang from Redmon WA.
> >
> That's the standard IBM market strategy for the S390 running Linux

I wonder what the price difference would be between on s390 and a warehouse
of pc's and windows... :')


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Re: Best Linux CD burners?

2001-09-08 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 8 Sep 2001 12:37:11 -0500 Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>  I have both yamaha's SCSI & IDE and oth work flawlessly. on Unix Linux 
> Winder< slap for saying that word grin. I like the scsi best 
> more portable and do not have to work about using up ide slots.

That's the big decision I have to make. Easy scsi setup or filling another ide
slot and
then figuring out scsi to ide emulation...

Thanks for the post Rick.


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Re: Linux Ad

2001-09-08 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 08 Sep 2001 14:40:16 -0700 (PST) "Shawn Tayler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sat, 8 Sep 2001 05:34:59 -0400, Jerry McBride wrote:
> >I wonder what the price difference would be between on s390 and a warehouse
> >full
> >of pc's and windows... :')
> The big break would be ongoing maintenance costs.  A warehouse full of
> Winders PC's would keep a dozen techs busy 24/7 with hangs and
> crashes  

No question there...

>Windows, the time toilet.

Geee... that has a nice ring to it. Maybe the germ of an idea for a new sci-fi


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Re: Fwd: [OT] More Politics

2001-09-09 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001 12:57:59 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Hey gang,
> I have just read and signed the online petition:
>"Oppose the SSSCA (government policeware on your PC)"
> hosted on the web by, the free online petition
> service, at:

I read it, I agree with it too.

All it will add is yet another "thumb stuck in the dam"... The funny part is,
the proposal
is not applicable "world wide". What I would be outlawed from, would be
legal elsewhere.

It's goofy. I woner if the $10,000 prize money was paid as promised?


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Re: Java IDEs

2001-09-09 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001 16:06:01 -0500 Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Text editor & 
> konsole is my recommendation for learning Java.

That's a combo you can't beat... Now... if you're willing to add in netrexx...
you can
keep the compiler loaded in memory and recompiles occur almost instantly... not
the slow-as-molasses-in-january javac or jikes. Netrexx... is much more

Visit for the latest version.


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Re: NFS / network performance

2001-09-10 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 09 Sep 2001 22:14:24 -0400 Ian Marchak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tim Wunder wrote:
> > 
> > I spent much of this afternoon enabling NFS 


> > Any recommendations on troubleshooting network performance?
> If you are running a 10Mb 4 port hub, you'll probably never get more
> than 2.5 megabits of xfer no matter what you do.  A hub divides the
> total bandwidth (10Mb/s in your case) between all the ports evenly.

Not to mention that only one port is active at a time...

>  A 10Mb/s switch on the other hand allocates 10Mb/s **per port**. 

And can have all ports active simutaneously. Some will even do duplex I/O very
nicely. The really nice thing about switching features... if you plug-in a
really bad
connection into it, one that barely does any I/O at all... the switch box will
still run
all the other connections at full speed reguardless. A hub will down shift it
I've been in more than one installation where everything is 100mb, save for a 
forgotten 10mb client somewhere and... low and behold that shiney new 100mb hub
insists on running everthing at 10mb... A switch box won't do that... it'll run
at peak speed, whether it's 10 or a 100...

I've got Linksys hubs with switch features that are doing duplex 100mb I/O...

> As for your download speeds, are you certain you are getting 30Mb/s? 
> That's actually honkin' fast for a home connection of any type.  @home
> limits you to 3 Mb/s, your son I suspect was getting xfer rates in the
> hundreds of Kb/s range.  It almost sounds normal to me...a 10 Mb hub
> will not win many speed contests...except ones against a sneaker-net.

I'm on comcast@home and see download speeds in the 400 to 600k range at times.
The connection from the cable mode is 10mb... and it still flies like the wind
It depends a great deal on the load of the servers your packets are streaming 
through or at the least on the server you're connected to. I once ftp'ed the
3.1 iso in under an hour. That, was heavenly... :')

> I suspect that .wav performance would be quite choppy, due to the fact
> that you are trying to stream/play files that have file sizes best
> estimated in ten's of megs...quite a challenge for a 2.5 Mb/s pipe.

One thing that could be done for the choppy problem, increase the cache size on
media player and set it up to cache a large percentage of the file before
playing it...
I'm assuming XMMS, ofcourse.
> You can check your for collisions during a big transfer though, they
> will bring hubs to a near standstill without much effort.  Another thing
> to suggest would be cable swapping, unless you are quite sure you have
> good cables, they can cause trouble quite easily...were they bought or
> built?

Amen to to that one! Don't be cheap... buy only cat 5e cables. One day 1000mb
be cheap enough for the average user and having cat 5e already installed will
the upgrade easier... 

The bottom line here is, sell the hub to a neighbor and buy a hub with switch
features... one that will support both 10mb and 100mb would be prefered.
1000mb would be really prefered... ;')

One other thing you can try... twiddle the nfs parameters in fstab like this:

spyro:/ /sroot nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,hard,intr,noauto 0 0 

The send and recieve buffers can be made quite large with 8k seeming to be
right for everyone... :')


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Re: Java IDEs

2001-09-10 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 03:28:59 + Chris Kassopulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > Visit for the latest version.
> > 
> From the NETREXX news column:
> "The latest version of the jedit editor includes Jerry McBride's
> NetRexx syntax highlighting."
> [6 Aug 2000]
> One and the same Jerry McBride?

Damn! You found me!


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2001-09-12 Thread Jerry McBride

Say group,

Has anyone here implemented voice over ip? I've been asked to look into it and
from what I can tell it's a badwidth killer.

Once disturbing thing I've found is that the better solutions use proprietary
cards. Anyone here using simple/cheap duplex sound cards in their voip


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I need a copy of a file...

2001-09-12 Thread Jerry McBride

Would someone here do me a small favor? Would you send me a copy of KDM from
kde 2.1... before you upgrade to 2.2?

I'm still working at getting my "shutdown to console" option back... :')

Thanks, in advance.


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Re: VOip?

2001-09-13 Thread Jerry McBride

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 00:46:55 +0800 "Auyeung at Technet Systems Consultant Ltd"

> Several years ago I played with the Internet Phone software, using simple
duplex sound cards. Not exactly the same VOip of today. It was also a bandwidth
killer, but then the connection to the Internet was via a 33.6 modem. Voice
quality is not bad, even when connected from Hong Kong to South Africa, roughly
the same you get with a 4K SSB. Getting a 5-10% loss.

Thanks for the tip.


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Re: web site won't work

2001-09-16 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:28:14 -0400 Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks, 


> check out 
> and see if you can get the site to come up properly with Konqui, Mozilla or 
> Netscape? 

Works here, netscape 4.77. The site relies on java maybe  that's your setup


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Re: web site won't work

2001-09-16 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 15:49:15 -0700 Bill Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Check out ``Correct
> Moronic Microsoft HTML''.

While you're there, browse around a bit and have a look at FLASHBACK. I did and

now I use it ALL THE TIME! It's a directory backup utility... great for taking
of your developing java project...

Be sure to drop a "thank you" note... :')


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2001-09-16 Thread Jerry McBride

Well... I've joined the thousands of other folks and am now processing data for
the SETI project at Arecibo Radio Observatory.

I highly encourage anyone with idle cpu cycles to join.

By the way, the new Xseti viewer is really nice too. :')


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Re: SETI...

2001-09-16 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 20:51:13 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> why not or genome@home? or folding@home?
> at least their clients are optimized to get the most out of your idle time 
> and not designed to on purpose to use a non-optimized algorithm... ;0

I'd rather find E.T. than bust someones idea of a good encryption code key. :')


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2001-09-17 Thread Jerry McBride

I'm trying to put together a complete list of options, etc that are possible in
XF86Config file. Running XF86Config -configure only generates a partial list...

If anyone knows of a detailed list of this config file, would you be so kind as
point me there?

Thanks, in advance.


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Re: SETI...

2001-09-17 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001 08:55:39 -0400 Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Piddly:o) 
> 2,199  units done the last time I looked.Over 5 years worth.

I...errr... my computer... just finished the first unit... :.)


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Re: I am afraid...

2001-09-17 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001 20:14:15 -0400 Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > >People almost invariably choose personal security over "freedom".
> > >Any rational person would.
> > 
> > Speak for yourself.  I prefer ``Live Free or Die''.
> I would rather...

I hate to admit this, but after some thought I agree with you. We don't live in
a world
of innocense any longer. We live in a time when the man, woman or child
next to you can take your life in the name of some god you've never had the
time to 
learn about...

I'd rather submit to random searches than random acts of terrorism.

Damn that bastard for what he's done to us. Damn him all the way to his grave.

I've burned his image into my mind and as sure as you are my witness, I will
clean his
plate on sight...


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Re: Fwd: Active defense gets serious: Announcing LaBrea 2.0

2001-09-19 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 07:57:35 -0400 "DOUGLAS HUNLEY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> what does everyone think of this?

I'm confused as usual...

Does LaBrea require an unused ip to work or will it defend an ip that actively

I set it up on my home lan, on the server. It didn't appear to "capture"
anything except
my imagination. :')

So... how about a HOW-TO for us to busy to RTFM?


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Re: fighting the worm (enough of this already)

2001-09-19 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:21:40 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am a bit hesitant to post this, but I know others probably feel the way I 
> do, so...


Dude... becareful who you show this to... :')

You're amongst friends here, no dobt about it... but an idiot from the outside
cause a lot of trouble...

That aside, thank you. I printed this one out on the laser printer and will
keep it
in my personal note book. :')


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Re: Fwd: [linux-elitists] class-action fun

2001-09-22 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 22 Sep 2001 09:19:30 -0500 Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Talking with my son last night, he swears that there is no other OS that can 
> do what M$ or XP can do. 


Actually, xp ain't that bad. It's not the answer to the world problems or the
OS for everyone, but the one, lone computer I saw it running on was pretty
niffty. But
then again... it (windows) all looks the same. :') 

XP is probably the final realization of what Bill Gates always dreamed of. The
show stopper is, the price, the "footprint", the registration process and all
the linux 
code that was illegally used to prop it up...

Cheers... I'm off to buy a clothes washing machine and clothes dryer... :') 


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2001-09-24 Thread Jerry McBride

With fifteen (15) major enhancements, fixes, etc... kernel version 2.4.10 is
release for public consumption...

Good luck! :')


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Re: AT&T USB Ethernet device

2001-09-25 Thread Jerry McBride

In my neck of the woods... my cable modem will connect either through an
rj45 or via usb. After seeing a demo done done with usb, then a demo done via
ethernet connection... Why would anyone want to use usb devices anyways??? :')

If your cable modem will connect up via an ethernet port, by all means possible
yourself a cheap lan card and go that route. You'll be much more happier with


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Re: gcc v3 embargo

2001-09-27 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 23:50:14 -0600 Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> stayler wrote:
> % Is it still stylish to embargo gcc v3 or has that tide subsided?
> Grab it and see for yourself. It's easy to build, although
> time-consuming. I'm using it here and having no problems. I haven't
> built the kernel with it yet


It works. I just compiled 2.4.10 with it and so far so good. I don't know if
embargo is political or it really has any meat to it at all. Whatever I compile
with it
stays on one machine, until it get's the ok from the HindMost of the pack


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2001-09-27 Thread Jerry McBride

Just a side note, question here...

I just compiled 2.4.10 for running on my test client/server setup, no problems.

I enable MTRR in the kernel this time around on the client machine, as X
supposedly those registers for faster screen updates if it is available. 

Running xfree 4.10... how does one tell if they are actually being used??? :')
nothing in the x log that clearly states it is... 


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COMCAST@HOME files chapter 11

2001-09-30 Thread Jerry McBride

I got this one this morning

---quote on---

Dear Comcast @Home Customer,

On Friday, September 28, Excite@Home, the Internet service provider for 
Comcast @Home, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to allow them 
the opportunity to restructure their financial situation with their
 As you may know, financial restructuring allows companies that have declared

bankruptcy to continue to operate their business successfully.
More than five years ago, Comcast committed to the high-speed Internet 
business by partnering with Excite@Home, and we continue to be committed 
to providing high quality, reliable service.  We are confident that
whose major shareholders include AT&T, Cox and Comcast, will maintain all 
e-mail and web space services for our customers. 

Comcast will continue providing its customers with the best high-speed 
Internet service both now and in the future.  We are doing everything
to ensure that the 950,000 customers we will serve by year-end will continue 
to be served well while Excite@Home restructures its financial situation.

---my comment---

That's almost 40 million dollars a year and they can't pay their bills?! Cut
me a break.

---my comment off---

Comcast views high-speed Internet as one of the most important products 
in our portfolio and we remain committed to this business and to our
 We thank you for choosing Comcast and look forward to continuing to provide 
you with the best high-speed Internet service available.


David Juliano
Sr. Vice President & General Manager

---quote off---

I wrote Mr. Juliano and blasted the shit out of him. He holds two top
offices and no doubt drawing a slarary large enough to match. What a crock! 

I told him (like he really gives a damn) that I wouldn't fork over
another dollar increase for their lousy cable internet... 

Verizon of New Jersey is within $7.00 of what I'm currently paying now...
other for sure. At least, as far as digital internet goes, I have some


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Re: Building a machine on the cheap - MB Info

2001-09-30 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 30 Sep 2001 21:07:51 -0400 Ian Marchak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am looking at building a machine on a shoestring, actually using some
> existing parts and blah blah, you get the idea.

My kinda' guy!

> I have decided I want to go down the Athlon route...

Nice start. Prices have really been dropping like leaves lately. I've seen
$30 256meg 
sdrams at work...

> One board that has shown favorable reviews for quality and reliability,
> the ECS K7S5A, which includes AC97 audio (which is supposed to be the
> same across al boards is it not?).  "SiS 7012 PCI" are the specs from
> the ECS website. And a built-in NIC, which according to the ECS site is
> a: "SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet".

I favor SOYO TEC, but have no experience with their athlon boards. However,
their k6-2 cousins... they probably do very well.

> After digging into these two items, I found links to driver info for the
> SiS900 NIC which has apparently been supported for some time, both on
> the ECS site and on the web.
> However the the SiS7012 search didn't fare as well.  With Skippy's
> recent posts on the subject of AC97 sound I am concerned it won't work. 
> Along those lines, can these AC97 devices be disabled?  I am wondering
> if this thing will mung up or otherwise interfere with my ability to use
> a known functional sound card based.

I've got some experience with ac97 on some compaq boxes at work. They're
equiped with ess sound chips. Caldera 3.1 will install on them without
problems and even detect the sound system. It loads the right chip driver
with the ac97_codec driver. Since the onboard sound chip sucked for VOIP, I
did a shut down, turned off the box, plugged in a soundblaster value live
sound card and rebooted the machine. After I got to a console, I rmmod the
maestro3 sound driver, modprobe or insmod (whatever you like) the sb live
driver emuk10k and bingo... the ess stuff is disabled, my sb card is running
like a champ. VOIP works pretty good on this compaq stuff too.

On the PCI bus, the irq's are passed out to the various cards so as to not
cause any
conflicts. Since I don't load the driver for the ess chips, they are
more-or-less cut out
of the system. I'm not real thrilled by doing this, but there's no way, short
of removing
the chips off the motherboard, to disable them othewise.

Is that good enough for disabling the onboard hardware? Seems to be. There's
unusual problems or anything out of the ordinary.

> Can anyone shed some light on this?  I stopped paying attention to
> Hardware for too long and am playing catch up.

You never catch up, Ian, the best we can hope to do is surf the crest... :')


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Bash problems...

2001-10-01 Thread Jerry McBride

I'm having some problems renaming some files created under windows. The
filenames contain characters that bash thinks are tokens... and causes the
usual "unexpected token complaint"

An example file name would be: THIS is a (DUMB) windows filename & test

A simple rename with mv is not possible, nor is a cp to another filename...

What's the secret? I've been through a BIG search on google about this and it
to be quite a well known problem... but I haven't found the answer. ;'(

Anyone care to help?


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Re: Big LILO Mistake

2001-10-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sun, 30 Sep 2001 22:22:49 -0700 Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I screwed up my lilo.conf file big time...

Visit the linux documentation project, look for HARD DISK UPGRADE in 
the mini-how-to's.

It very carefully describes how to mount a drive and run the lilo.conf on it
to write
the boot sector on the mounted drive, not the currently booted drive... which
is what 
you want to do, right?


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Re: NSA secure linux

2001-10-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 02 Oct 2001 00:03:29 +0200 Zoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 13:16 01/10/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >Slashdot has a post on the newest release of the NSA's secure linux.
> >Has anyone looked at this?
> >I'm wondering about the real-world aplication for these enhancements?
> *** Call me paranoid but I don't think I would trust NSA's secure Linux 
> blindly...

Boy, you read my mind. Call me paranoid or what... but I wouldn't doubt
there's a 
mother of a "back-door" in that distro... ;')


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Samba 2.2.2

2001-10-18 Thread Jerry McBride

I've been running the new samba server these last few days and have not had
problems with it so far. Seems the performance is about the same as the

How has everyone else done with it so far?


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Re: Samba 2.2.2

2001-10-19 Thread Jerry McBride

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 20:17:59 -0400 Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jerry McBride babbled on about:


> > How has everyone else done with it so far?
> good here... still can't get the damn thing to "see" openssl during the 
> ./configure.. but otherwise...

Now that you mentioned it... I went back an compiled it with ssl turned
on it failed
as before. Hmmm


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Re: site license

2001-10-23 Thread Jerry McBride

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:14:39 -0500 Ronnie Gauthier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> anyone have an unused 5 seat license for MS office 97 they want to sell? I 
> figure somewhere somwone here had to switch to Star and can help. Possibly 
> also/either any office 97 CD's you no longer use might work.

I've got windows 3.1 on floppies if you need a copy... ;')


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2001-10-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:12:21 -0400 Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I'm trying to install LimeWire onto my RH7.1 box and when I execute the 
> LImeWireLinux.bin it says there is no JVM installed.  Here is the error:

Open the kpackage manager. Search for jre. It it fails, you need to install
it. An even
better test would be, open a konsole... execute "java". If that fails then
see above. If
either test passes, then you have a config problem. For whatever reason,
isn't finding the java executable... check your "PATH" line... does it
include "/opt/java..."
or "/usr/java"?



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Re: CD-R media

2001-10-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 21:51:49 -0400 Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks, 
> Not really a linux question. But y'all are experts on everything, so I'll 
> ask...
> I've been having issues with the last 6 or 7 CD's I've burned. Excessive 
> skips throughout. 


> The drive is a yamaha 6416 SCSI and I get the problem whether I burn at 6x
> 4x... 

God! I'll be flame bait for this one...

I had a 6416s last for just a few months... I also had a 4416s that lasted
like... maybe 2 years or there abouts. From that experience I'll never buy or
recommend another yamaha anything... The 6416 would write cdr's without a
problem... but nothing could read them... not even the 6416 that originally
wrote the cdr... Real useful for backups.

As for the 4416s... it won't detect the media being present... The last disk
it burned
was perfect in every way... the very next disk... "no media present"... and
that was

The next cdrw writer I get will be the cheapest IDE bastard that I can find.
That way if it turns belly up next month... all I'll miss is a $20.00 bill
instead of the $150.00 and $200.00 I spent on my yams... :')

Incidentially, I buried my 4416s alongside my 6414s in the county landfill.
Who knows, maybe they'll keep each other company.



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(OT) CDrom drives...

2001-10-24 Thread Jerry McBride

I've got some more old hardware looking for new homes. This time, 5 cdrom

All 4 are recognized as atapi drives by linux, all worked well under linux
and did
everything ever asked of them. Their only failing grace is... they can't read
They all read CDR's just fine, however. They will also allow booting off a
cdr/cd if
you need the capability.

The deal is... no charge for the drives, just pay me the shipping when you
satisfied with the quality of the drive.

I have:

1 - HIGH TECHNOLOGY model CDD-6100 (identified as OTI-HERMES at boot time)
1 - GOLDSTAR model CRD-8160B (missing that little flopper door thinging)
1 - MITSUMI model FX810T4
1 - ACER model 685A-043
1 - TOSHIBA model XM-1202B (laptop model in external PCMCIA case)
1 - IBM model DB0A-2528 laptop harddrive 528meg 

They all play music cd's fine, have volume controls and audio jacks, etc.,

As a side note... I am no longer able/willing to ship materials outside of
the United States. Sorry.


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Re: (OT) CDrom drives...

2001-10-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:59:49 -0700 David Aikema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 24 October 2001 03:46 pm, Jerry McBride wrote:
> > I've got some more old hardware looking for new homes. This time, 5 cdrom
> So we have 5 items
> Now it's down to 4 items
> And then back up and beyond all the way to 6 items 
> although one of them is a hard drive of which no mention was made in the
> so maybe it doesn't really count as an item although then it would probably

> have been mentioned earlier...
> Trying a new blend of coffee or something? ...or is my brain simply numb
> staring at numbers far too long these past few days?

Is this where I cry and whimper or just admit to total exhaustion? I never
anything other than offering help to anyone that can use the old hardware I
put up
on the list...

Ahhh... I'm too tired. Shoot me in the head and kick me when I'm cold...


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