[REBOL] virus-ip-scan

2004-05-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok


I build small but usefull script for my own purpose to allow me to scan 
network for possibly infected computers. It is new/rewritten version of 
my old script, which contained IP adresses hardcoded. Now they are 
abstracted. I have also one question, hopefully answered by Romano or 
Gabriele, but I would not mind answer by anyone else ...

- what I have removed from script was request to dns://ip-here, because 
it lasted too long. So I only ask for computer-name via dns:// if 
possible virus is found. I know there is async dns possibility via 
dns:///, but I don't know how should I track it, so 

- it does not try to communicate with opened port - it only tries to 
open tcp port, and if successfull, it regards such machine as being infected

- it does only tcp check, I was lazy to abstract i further and scan for 
UDP opened ports if any virus uses them, but I could add it :-)

- don't set timeout too low. I tried with 0.1, so hopefully on local 
network it is ok, but you simply risk that if answer is not fast enough, 
it will time-out and in fact such machine could be infected ...

- now for ranges of IP adresses:  block of four integers or subblocks. 

172 25 7 [0 255] ; scan all range on 172.25.7 network
172 25 7 [20 40 61 61 128 200]  ; scans only 20 - 40, 61, 128-200 ranges 
on 172.25.7 network
172 25 [7 10] [0 255] ; scans 172.25.7-10 networks, from 0-255
[0 255] [0 255] [0 255] [0 255] ; NEVER try that :-)

PS: as always - my code is probably far from optimal, but it hopefully 
does the job :-)

Now the script:


system/schemes/default/timeout: 0.1

if exists? %virus-ip-scan.log [delete %virus-ip-scan.log]

log: func [text][
  print text
  write/append %virus-ip-scan.log join reduce text newline

IP-ranges: [

172 25 7  [0 255]
172 25 37 [0 255]
172 25 14 [0 255]


virus-ports: [

Sasser  [1022 1023 4445 5554 9996]
Blaster []


IPs-to-check: copy []

log [Start at:  now]
log Generating IP ranges ...

foreach [IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4] IP-ranges [

  if integer? IP1 [IP1: copy reduce [IP1 IP1]]
  foreach [min-IP1 max-IP1] IP1 [
   for IP-1 min-IP1 max-IP1 1 [

  if integer? IP2 [IP2: copy reduce [IP2 IP2]]
  foreach [min-IP2 max-IP2] IP2 [
   for IP-2 min-IP2 max-IP2 1 [

 if integer? IP3 [IP3: copy reduce [IP3 IP3]]
 foreach [min-IP3 max-IP3] IP3 [
  for IP-3 min-IP3 max-IP3 1 [

   if integer? IP4 [IP4: copy reduce [IP4 IP4]]
   foreach [min-IP4 max-IP4] IP4 [
for IP-4 min-IP4 max-IP4 1 [
  append IPs-to-check to-tuple reduce [IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 IP-4]

   ] ; IP4

 ] ; IP3

  ] ; IP2

  ] ; IP1

] ; main loop ...

log Checking ...

foreach IP IPs-to-check [
 report: copy 
 start: now/time

 foreach [virus ports] virus-ports [
  infected-by: copy []
  foreach port ports [
   if attempt [user: open join tcp:// reduce [IP : port]][
 if not found? find head infected-by virus [append infected-by virus]
 attempt [close user]
  ] ; ports
 ] ; virus

 either empty? infected-by [
   append report rejoin [now/time - start :  IP : OK]
   log report
   append report rejoin [IP  (user:  either none? u: read join dns:// 
IP [unknown][u] ): ]
   append report form infected-by
   insert report join  [now/time - start : ]
   log report
   clear infected-by
] ; IP (user)

log [End of check at:  now]
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[REBOL] Re: [Plugin] is cool

2004-04-21 Thread Petr Krenzelok


The plugin module for MSIE is cool. And with the javascript access to the
browser's DOM tree, interesting things can be done.

Yes it is cool but MSIE is such a security sive that my company, and a
growing list of others, have banned the use of IE.  I would really like to
see development of the Plugin module for Mozilla/FireFox take place.


Are you new here? :-) According to some ppl Mozilla simply does not work 
properly, nor does 50% of Flash work :-) Well - no need to start browser 
war here, RT's strategy is clear - start with IE, produce stable release 
and follow with NS type plug-in. In their announcement, they stated NS 
plug-in will follow, they just did not clarified when.

But - I share your sentiment . plug-in will not imo gain enough of 
acceptance if NS type plug-in don't come soon enough = at least imo this 
year. Most potential developers (not talking intranets here) will come 
from camps caring about alternatives pretty much.

For many youg ppl IE as a browser is simply non-existant, but of course 
my pov is biased, as I come from computer related user camp, where 
alternatives are more often used than with average home user.

Anyway - plug-in is cool even in its current form, just not stable for 
1.0 release (still no working proxy support, random crashes reported). I 
think once RT solves such issues, they will start looking into NS 
plug-in once again, as we have some cool folks here who are fluent with 
C/C++ and who offered RT help to set-up Mozilla dev. environment, which 
according to some ppl on web is a bit chaotic sometimes ...

One important issue which has to be solved in the future though is 
multiple plug-in instances per page, or banners are not possible. I hope 
RT keeps that request in mind to later not introduce incompatibilities 
once such support is added.

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[REBOL] Re: [Plugin] is cool

2004-04-21 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Paul Tretter wrote:

We all want to see development on other browsers as well.  However, we had
this discussion on the REBOL/View world and it was quite obvious that most
agreed that RT's efforts are better spent on other projects for now.  As for
the IE problem your company experienced, we have indications that IE Is
growing in support.  In fact IE security is not a problem in our 170,000+
employees.  Besides none of the other browsers are really fit for Enterprise
level rollouts that adapt to robust Global policies. Your company should
really contact an IT firm also to get better facts about IE.  Here is a good
link for more info about browser stats:


and here are links about WindowsXP security issues at all :-)

Paul - your company is probably very well protected by strong 
architecture (firewalls, VPNs, IDS systems, strict user policies, 
probably limited web access etc.). It always depends upon what 
architecture are you using. We e.g. run 40+ Novell servers, so no MS 
Windows based users login into domains etc., no tools to remote 
administration. As from what you describe - you are probably very much 
dependant upon MS architecture, where various tools are well designed to 
fit together.

We face basic problems - antivirus systems are not enough. We are 
thinking into plugging-in some adware protection tools, setting all our 
machines to automatically update Windows, and maybe even personal 
firewals in some longer future. My personal prediction is, that the 
situation will become only worse re security.

But let me say that I can't somehow believe that IE is secure enough for 
you without additional settings/twists, but most ppl use it as-is, as it 
comes with OS. The fact is - you never know until new bug is found. And 
new issues are being found way too often to my liking ...

As for getting getting enough facts about IE - just put some scan on 
IE + Win vulnerabilities - there is plenty of facts :-) I don't believe 
IE is growing in support. I read other reports stating otherwise and 
what is more - IE6 is not developed for 2 years already and new version 
will come with Longhorn (2006?), etc. Those are arguments, which 
could/should be put into consideration too - 11 - 13% of alternatives is 
not small number at all and besides that IE is no option for Mac users 
anymore anyway 


Paul Tretter

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:02 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: [Plugin] is cool


The plugin module for MSIE is cool. And with the javascript access to


browser's DOM tree, interesting things can be done.


Yes it is cool but MSIE is such a security sive that my company, and a
growing list of others, have banned the use of IE.  I would really like to
see development of the Plugin module for Mozilla/FireFox take place.

Linux User Number: 348867

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[REBOL] Re: [Plugin] is cool

2004-04-21 Thread Petr Krenzelok


The point is mute, I don't make the rules and the rule for us is no MSIE;
this is the only fact I need.


Well, I need - that is correct of course, but others may have another 
needs  I can expect such large company has pretty much their 
development tools already set in stone. I wonder if there might be any 
chance of rebol plug-in (IE or Mozz, that does not matter now), to fit 
in? Just curious, because I know I would hit the wall here easily  
And if rebol plug-in does not win intranet scenarios, the situation 
turns out being more difficult, because outer world is not only Win + IE 

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[REBOL] Re: Newbie Rebol (CGI) questions

2004-04-16 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Kai Peters wrote:

Hi All ~

 From the web tutorials I have doctored the script below together which 
leaves me with three questions:

1) Why do I receive an error if i omit the print line immediately after 
the REBOL [] header?

you should not receive an error? I don't understand exactly what do you 
mean though. As for cgi mode, you have to print that Content/type. 
line for your browser to be set to right mode ...

2)  How can I insert LFs in the line emit [ mold var  mold 
value ] to make the mail more readable?

easily   put newline there  rejoin [value newline value newline]

3) How can i do the set-net stuff permanently?

into user.r? I just don't remember exactly, where is rebol looking for 
it. It will be either your cgi-bin dir, or rebol executable location dir 


Thanks again for any help!



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[REBOL] Re: Presentation software

2004-04-09 Thread Petr Krenzelok

rebol wrote:

Thanks Carl. I 've seen that mention of the reblet but apparently it isn't
finished. I agree, I should be able to create one using the plugin.

Thanks again.

dunno why noone stepped in yet, but IIR there was some presentation 
dialect done by Jeff Kreis from RT. Don't know where it was awailable, 
maybe old Express server.

So, I found it. Can't test it locally, as I am currently at server's 
subnet, but try downloading following URLs:



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[REBOL] web counter, next-page method?

2004-04-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok


I will soon prepare some part of portal. Let's suppose  I get data from 
db, I have template system, where I simply put data into table or 
whatever xhtml structure. Now what I am not sure about how to do is - 
e.g. my table will have 30 rows, db query returns 150 rows, so I need to 
introduce some next-page continuation mechanism. Any suggestions? That 
is not about search  replace only. xtml template is designed by our gfx 
designer, cgi/data part is mine responsibility. We just set yesterday 
and our designer asked, what should he put into xhtml template? And now 
I am not sure how to do it. Maybe it could use similar aproach as when 
you construct gfx based counter? Dunno. Any suggestions, examples?

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[REBOL] Re: web counter, next-page method?

2004-04-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Hallvard Ystad wrote:

Hi, Petr,

I see Marten had good answers to this. Look at them first!

Here's what I do with the RIX (uses MySQL and DocKimbel's mysql-protocol.r): I use 
LIMIT in the DB-command, and fetch only, say, the first ten records:

Bottom of page, I have a next 10 occurances link. Click it, and I do
LIMIT 10, 10
Which fetches only 10 records, starting at 10.

Persistent connections / sessions would be better, but I didn't bother using cookies 
or figuring out a good way to make session IDs and putting them in the url. Guess 
this is easier with FastCGI.

Was this to any help?


OK, guys, all fine answers. As for DB aproach pov, I think I can manage 
it, as I have some db background. Maybe I expressed myself a bit 
incorrectly. My problem is that of how to visually represent that. As 
I already said - I don't do gfx + html. It is done by our gfx folk. I 
can fill-in the table with appropriate info, but I was asked what should 
designer do to represent next-page visually.

- once on first page, you can represent your results as: (1) 2 3 4 -
- you click 2, you get - -- 1 (2) 3 4 --

Those page-continuation sections, can have various visual 
representations - as e.g. with counter - you can use html only with 
clear text, or you can compose it with bitmaps, etc. But there is no 
if, then, else awailable with html. So my question is, what is the 
right aproach to build html template for me to just fill in the data. 
Maybe the only solution is that designer marks html section where such 
next-page section will be placed, and it will be separated in another 
few templates I will have to plug-in? As you can see with above example, 
it is rather dynamic - when you start, there is no back button, as you 
move to (2), there is the back button, once you reach (4), there will be 
no forward button, etc.


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[REBOL] Re: [Bot] email command Bot

2004-03-26 Thread Petr Krenzelok

It's a different problem, really. REBOL allows access to *all* of
itself. So you get to see and manipulate *everything*. Some of us have
gone down that road, exploring a lots of mechanisms that would be
internal to other interpreters.

What I am trying to say is that it is not reasonable to expect all parts
of REBOL to be documented, simply because some parts are visible but
essentially internal. The fact that some gurus have figured them out is
a great accomplishment that results in nice libraries, but not something
you should necessarily want to do yourself.

It's one of the joys of having a fully accessible (reflexive) language.

I see. However this self access to the interpreter seems a boomerang 
thing, as it allows to make powerful scripts but also allows for hacks 
that are not that simple to understand. IMHO at long people get 
discouraged by what they can obtain from the standard feature vs those 
that can be accomplished by the hacked ones.

Yes, that is typical, sometimes a BIG problem for Rebol acceptance - I 
am only average programmer, but sometimes I look at even short script 
and am not able to understand easily and fast enough what it is supposed 
to do 

 You see, Rebol has nothing 
natively that can provide access to any DB or XML, so it seems to be quite 
a self contained/isolated world.

People have somewhat resolved this problems, but I see that using complex

3rd part scripts to access a DB is somewhat a drawback with respect having 
it natively integrated/supported.
The same goes for XML parsing and building features.


but now I have to object. What is si complex about mySQL protocol? 10KB? 
Yes, it is third party, but excuse me - when in python or perl - aren't 
their even more general functions in separate modules you have to 
include/load/call/whatever? I do'nt see anything complex about do 
%my-sql.r at all ;-)

/Command version contains direct mySQL access, but maybe DocKimble could 
compress his mysql.r into binary format, so you would not see its 
internals and only API would be left for you, which is plain simple - 
open, insert, copy, close :-)

OK, I think I know what you consider being a trouble - such third party 
tools don't use unified way to certain areas which we try to address. 
That is why I asked for thing as Uniserve - multi-protocol plug-in 
architecture, so that ppl would not have to start over and over again 
building their protocols from scratch. I think Maarten tried to address 
that by some rebol library - the best scripts put into some toolset, 
which could be used by many  other thing may be Maxim's Slim - 
module system - Robert asked us to try that on AltME world, and I will - 
maybe it can solve some dependency problems etc.

The problem with Rebol community is, that each of us uses some slightly 
different aproach, and that we can't somehow agree upon some standard, 
where others would use it and build upon it ...

No, I was speaking about the free Core version, which is the tools I have 
been using since the beginning. I have not real use of View or Windows 
only dll access features.

Windows only? I may not understand ... under Linux you get access to .so 
libraries of course. But maybe you mean lack of real virtual machine in 
rebol for real cross platform code?




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(no subject)

2004-03-26 Thread petr . krenzelok
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Boleslav Brezovsky wrote:


this is small joke in REBOL but I'm afraid it's understable for czechs 
only. But, at least, it's *possible* to do jokes in REBOL ;))

  probe not none
== nojo


ha! :-))) made my day ... just how to translate no jo correctly :-) 
something as ah well ...? :-)



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[REBOL] Re: Disappearance of CGI generator

2004-03-24 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Trevor Gosbell wrote:

Does anyone know where the CGI generator formerly at http://www.rebol.cz/~rebol/cgi/ 
has gone?

Does it even still exist?


the server was removed last year - it was not updated and got hacked. I 
backed all content IIRC. Now rebol.cz is set-up on our new Fedora 
server, so I may look into putting it back. The autor is Fatal (nick 
name, full name is Jan Strejcek), and AFAIK he is no more active in 
rebol land for some years already. Do you find such script important for 

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[REBOL] Re: Announcement: REBOL/Plugin Beta-1 Released!

2004-03-13 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Carl Read wrote:

On 13-Mar-04, Josh Mitts wrote:


To experience the plugin for yourself, go to:



Is the plugin meant to update automatically?  As it didn't for me. 
Obviously uninstalling the alpha version and going to the above would
do the job, but is there an easier way?


I was away for few days but was told by folks on AltME that Josh said 
something like that in future all versions will be able to coexist, so 
RT is looking into issue. Even docs state you should manually remove 
alpha plug-in first 

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[REBOL] Re: IOS like syncing

2004-03-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Robert M. Mnch wrote:

Hi, I want to create a Rebol based tool (what else?) that posts data to a  
server, and syncs this data to other uses. Something like an IOS/light. It  
should work thru HTTP, to avoid firewall problems.

I took a look at the IOS proxy C code. But I must say, that I don't  
understand everything. AFAIU it, this cgi-bin takes the HTTP request from  
a Link client and mangles it into a format the IOS server can understand,  
right? How are answered delivered from the IOS server thru the cgi-bin  
back to Link client?

What other methods could I use? I would like to use some web-service like  
engine on the server. But this thing must support going via a web-server.

Has anyone written a generic file-sync / sharing protocol I could use? I  
think I will store all data into single files, as IOS does, and just sync  
these. I found the remote-file thing from Ingo, which is pretty close to  
what I need but it establishes a direct connection, not via a POST/GET CGI  


Hi Robert,

now as async is here and we've got Gabriele, Romano, Maarten active and 
well skilled in REBOL TCP issues, there might be some way. IIRC, other 
way was Uniserve, but Doc has not finished it yet. IIRC Doc told me 
there is some rsync? protocol and he iirc even tried to write it in 
rebol, but don't know about the results.

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[REBOL] Re: rebol-plugin and mozilla firefox

2004-03-03 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Lok Yek Soon napsal(a):


Just want to drop a note that I have been successful getting 
rebol-plugin to work on firefox on winxp.

This is done by installing the mozilla active x control from 

Hod did get you it running, please? I tried to download version for 
Mozilla 1.6, tried to follow install instruction, but no success ...


neuSteps Technologies Pte Ltd
m: +65 9684 2308

B.efficient. B.Serve


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[REBOL] Re: rebol-plugin and mozilla firefox

2004-03-03 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Lok Yek Soon napsal(a):


I just tested with Mozilla 1.6 and have no problem. I believe, Graham 
and Terry have reported similar success on AltMe REBOL world.

On this page, http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/plugin.htm#download
I download the one that says Mozilla 1.6

If you still have problem, one of the other possibilities could be your 
access rights to install stuffs on your machine / OS. That is what I 
can think of at this moment.


maybe something different could be a reason - I use copy  run version 
of Mozilla, so no installation. I wonder where should I target that 
ActiveX component - into Mozilla directory? (in my case C:\Mozilla). As 
for file permissions, it should be OK, I am admin on my W2K machine ...




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[REBOL] Re: The REBOL async:// tutorial - take 1

2004-03-03 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maarten Koopmans napsal(a):


that stuff looks really excelent! Strange thing is, that even if the 
code looks pretty straightforward, I don't understand every detail of 
it, but that is what there are questions for :-)

  handler: func [port [port!] state [word! error!] /local tmp cmd] [
  if error? :state [print mold disarm state return true]
  switch state [
  connect [
  ; do HTTP request
  insert port {GET /fg/anen.jpg HTTP/1.0^M^JHost: 

That one - raw tcp stream, right? I wonder if some kind of dialect (set 
of functions) could be produced to handle that ugly MJMJMJ and GET 
commands etc., as e.g. read/custom allows. Just a theoretical question, 
if it even would be worth it, nothing more

  write   [false]
  close   [
  ; get data
  data: copy port

OK, so that one does not block right? And it is so just because we are 
inside handler function, which is being called once some event happens 
on port, so theoretically some data should be awaiting us. I just wonder 
it comes in 'close switch part. We get here once other side closed 
connection? So if I understand it correctly, we read it in parts, but 
'read part does nothing, rebol is internally buffering data (how large 
data is rebol able to buffer easily that way?) and once other side 
closes connection, we can read it by copy (which will not block, even if 
no-wait was not used), and whole data is being read out of the port 
buffer at once? Well, I hope I am still on track :-)

Now for a simple server:

First we add a listening server port to the system/ports/wait-list, like:

Why? Is that needed? Am I right thinking it is because of View? Once 
View starts, it adds event-port into wait-list and if we want to process 
all various events properly, we have to go via wait-list?

  either error? try [listen: open/no-wait tcp://:8000] [
  port: open async://localhost:8000
  port/awake: do handler

Above code somehow escapes my understanding :-) So if we are not able to 
open listen port (because e.g. we are already listening), we open 
connection on localhost to that port? What is that good for?

  ] [
  listen/awake: func [l /local p] [
  print Got connection.
  p: first listen
  remove find system/ports/wait-list listen
  port: make port! [scheme: 'async sub-port: p]

that is something I never understood. That is why I was not able to 
further more deeply adapt Sterling's proxy.r script. It contained way 
too much port subport and proxy (as a port :-) stuff for my brain to 
swallow :-) 'p is assigned first connected client. It does not contain 
any sub-port, yet it can communicate. IIRC someone said, that sub-port 
contains real communication port. But I don't understand the difference, 
even without sub-port, I am able to send data here and there and I can 
see it buffered in port/state. What is sub-port then?

  open port
  port/awake: do handler
  insert tail system/ports/wait-list listen
  port: none


so overall - it is clever - once first event happens on listening port, 
we remove it from wait-list, reassign handler and insert it back into 
wait-list. That sounds like nice constructor/init method in OOP :-)

As you can see, its awake function convert the accepted port to an async
one and sets the handler. So what is the handler then?

  handler:  [ use [ buffer ][
  buffer: copy []
  func [port [port!] state [word! error!] /local tmp cmd] [
  if error? :state [print mold disarm state return true]
  switch state [
  connect [print Connected. false]
  append buffer copy port
  while [tmp: find buffer newline] [
  cmd: copy/part buffer tmp
  remove/part buffer next tmp
  do-cmd cmd
  write   [false]
  close   [print Peer closed connection. close port true]

The first thing to notice is the fact that we use 'use to create a context
that returns a function! value. This function (and only this particluar
value) has access to its buffer. By doing the handler block in the server
part above, every accepted port gets a copy of theis function value with
its own static buffer space. A very simple but effective trick.


Thanks for your tutorial, very educative!


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[REBOL] Re: Wake up ;-)

2004-03-02 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Vos, Doug napsal(a):

Can't load this or install it, seems to fail on install or have proxy


What you guys all are doing? W2K here, behind complicated proxy and 
firewall set-up, and works nicely here ...

IE 5.50


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[REBOL] Re: Wake up ;-)

2004-03-01 Thread Petr Krenzelok

A J Martin napsal(a):

Anyone noticed something different on the main page ;-)
Yes there is a newborn tool around ...lets plug it in !


Though at the moment, it does seem to fail after a while. :( The plugin
stopped working after about 30 - 40 seconds after the install.

What could this plug-in be useful for? Please note this is not sticking a
knife into Rebol's back, I had the same question for Java applets as well!


to kill JS :-) Imagine VID forms with all its dynamic abilities. More 
complex styles as grid (list), tree, will be imo much better in rebol.

Now something for your eye - Cyphre's famous bounce-alpha demo :-)


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[REBOL] Re: No-wait

2004-02-23 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Paul Tretter napsal(a):

Yeah this was my current work around to use 0 as a timeout but I was a
wondering why it was needed if there was no-wait.

It was not imo. Your code was imo wrong for what you wanted to achieve:

port: open/direct/no-wait tcp://:7000
x: 0

forever [
   print x + 1
   x: x + 1
   data: first wait port

Do you know what above code is basically doing? You opened so called 
listen socket - TCP channel assigned to you by OS. That kind of socket 
is able to accept new connections, nothing more. One there is new client 
asking for connection, it simply assigns it other type of socket, so 
called communication socket. Just look at 'probe of given port and look 
for 'local-port item - that is the port assigned to you by OS.

So basically - what did you expect your above code will do? I think I 
can tell you :-) Your 'forever loop will hang on, untill there is new 
connection coming. Just open second console and type-in:

client: open tcp://

and your 'x will counter will be raised by 1 - You created nothing more, 
than connection counter. For that, you choosed wrong name 'data. I would 

server: open/direct/no-wait tcp://:7000
conn: first wait server

forever [
wait conn
data: copy conn
print mold data

client: open tcp://
data: read %user.r
forever [
   insert client data
   wait 5

Just copy and paste and watch your simple client/server communication 
 you can put your console code in another loop, which will be able 
to accept several connection, wait on list of clients connected and 
voila, - you've got your tcp multiplexing engine running.

Wouldn't above short description/example make it for short beginner's 
tutorial? :-) ... except the fact, that I am beginner too :-)



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[REBOL] Re: No-wait

2004-02-22 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maarten Koopmans wrote:

No-wait modifies the behaviour of 'copy, not 'wait.
Copy doesn't block, but returns immediately with an empty string if 
there is no data.

BTW: I found that it works best to have buffering on in TCP ports.

Could you explain, please? I would not expect it being so ...



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[REBOL] Re: [ANN] RebDB v1.1

2004-02-20 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Ashley Trüter napsal(a):

Latest release includes:

* memo! support
* Client / Server
* SQL dialect
* RebDB*Lite variant (uses save/load with REBOL native values)
* SQL*Plus like command-line (uncomment last line of db.r / db-lite.r)

Release notes and source available at http://www.dobeash.com/RebDB/


my friend looked for small DB, your solutions would be good for him, but 
the app is supposed to run on old notebook with only 16MB RAM. Is there 
really no way of how to get damned open/skip-or-whatever-would-help to 
work? Currently, in rebol, being able to only work with in-memory 
storage is starting to be pretty painfull, I meet ppl here or there who 
don't want to install full mySQL server and would be fine with some kind 
of small rebol db, if that would not be memory based.




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[REBOL] Re: [ANN] RebDB v1.1

2004-02-20 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Graham Chiu napsal(a):

Petr Krenzelok  wrote.. apparently on 20-Feb-2004/9:10:58+1:00


my friend looked for small DB, your solutions would be good for him, but 
the app is supposed to run on old notebook with only 16MB RAM. Is there 

try dbase ...


do you mean Konstantin's dybase? It requires library component IIRC. But 
that is not a much of a problem. I also remember Jeff producing link to 
... was it BerkeleyDB? The problem as I see it is - the set-up and 
deployment cost. E.g. mySQL maybe overhead, but it accepts SQL syntax, 
so switching to another DB may not influence your scripts so much, even 
if there will surely be some work required.

I think that Rebol badly misses its small, native db format, which would 
become standard for those, who don't want/can't use in-memory storage 
and IOS-like one-record-per file storage is either not an option. I 
think RebDB could be the answer, if open/skip would be fixed, but that 
is another story. In the time being, I would stick with standard - 
mySQL and would not support proprietary aproach/syntax, unless thinking 
of such solution as being standard and long-term ...

PS: I have nothing against existance of various options, though ...


Graham Chiu

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[REBOL] Re: Another outage?

2004-02-17 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maarten Koopmans napsal(a):

Hi All,

Anybody else experienceing an AltME outage once again?


Yes, the same here. Some 14 hours ago too, while being at home. AltME 
starts to be unreliable service. I would expect Reichart to put some 
note or explanation on their website, once it is awailable once again. 
Not because of us, but because of those who use their service 
profesionally ...



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[REBOL] Re: oss revisited (briefly!)

2004-02-13 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Joel Neely napsal(a):

Having a definitive specification makes it possible to learn more
efficiently then trial-and-error or ask-somebody-when-stumped, and
also makes it possible to distinguish implementation defects (bugs)
from cases of I-didn't-understand-that-feature.


Yes, but I also wonder WHO of us uses Java productively? Because, last 
time I talked to Cyphre - who did some game in Java for his company, 
complained about how BAD acutally compatibility is, and wonders if SUN 
cares about QA assurance, as it does not seems to be so. According to 
him it looks more like each cell phone company implements functions by 
themselves, not by porting some standard code. So I think even with Java 
it will not be so all-works-as-expected, although I understand your 
point in regards to rebol ...




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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/View 1.3

2004-01-29 Thread Petr Krenzelok


Hi List,

A lot of things are going on in the Rebol world, and the list is barely aware of it. 
I have discovered recently http://www.rebol.net/projects/view1.3/.

Every thing seems to be on AltME now, whith very little echo here and the weblog is 
very difficult to read.

I feel a bit frustrated with all this. Isn't it possible, even for someone like me 
that do not have to skills to participate actively to the project, to be a little 
more aware of what is going on?

Is it possible to visit your AltME world as a guest?

All I can do is to download and use every View release.


Patrick - noone wants to prevent anyone from joining? In fact, IIRC, 
Carl openly invited everyone to participate - just contact Gregg, ask 
him for account and you are in! You should be glad View 1.3 is coming to 
its life nicely, and be a bit more optimistic :-)

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[REBOL] db/file storage .... (was) Re: Re: ANN: RebDB Pseudo-Relational Database

2004-01-28 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Graham Chiu wrote:

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:48:44 +1100
  Ashley Trüter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

need varchar is true if you need to store something 
like the email body 
text *and* you want the DB to operate on it with 
statements such as 
soundex, like, etc. If, however, it is the header data 
you need to operate 
on and you merely need access to the underlying body text 
when specific 
records are retrieved then storing file! references to 
individual text 
files (perhaps compressed) has its own advantages: among 
them the fact 
that incremental backups are a lot easier!

Yes, I guess that would work as well.  But I haven't read 
RebDB docs yet, so don't know what wonders we can do :)


solutions I've come across play to the strengths of both 
the DB *and* the 
underlying file system.

well, having just moved thousands of message.r files in 
IOS from hard drive to USB to hard drive ... I think 
sometimes the file system can be overused!

in XBase world, fixed sized (10char) variable is used, called MEMO. Memo 
fields are stored in one binary file though, it depends upon index 
system you use. We used SixDriver, which was really a powerfull beast 
back at those days ... I think that is way to go for RebDB - to offer 
another datatype/column - MEMO ... and create driver for one-file 
storage ... that way you would get what you need for your IOS data ...

ah ... that damned copying of thousands of small files to USB pen, 
boring, isn't it? :-) Once again - we need .zip scheme or just ability 
to threat archives as ordinary dir - that would be better ... so:

exists? %/C/my-dir/my-zip.zip/message-0001.r

1) File Managers (most of them imo, and no - Explorer is NOT file 
manager, it is a joke!) treat archive files as ordinary directories. Our 
company bought multi-license of Windows Commander (Total Commander 
nowadays) and users are happy about that. Who needs tools like Winzip 
etc.? I will try one thing though once I get home - WinXP can do just 
the same natively, so maybe rebol will be able to read from archives 
that way naturally?

2) It is the same as with gif saver, convolution - Carl once said, that 
if we find free C code for that, he can add it into Rebol. One other app 
which uses such technique is WinAMP - it stores all that small skin 
files into one .zip per skin. I find it really usefull

So - I can imagine IOS messenger files still being plain text, still 
being separate files, but living in one physical file or several linked 
ones. I think there would be no noticable slow-down and copying to USB 
would be just instant. Would anyone else find such enhancement usefull? 
Can we find source codes?


BTW, this is all on topic :)

Graham Chiu

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[REBOL] Re: db/file storage .... (was) Re: Re: ANN: RebDB Pseudo-Relational

2004-01-28 Thread Petr Krenzelok


1) File Managers (most of them imo, and 
no - Explorer is NOT file 
manager, it is a joke!) treat archive 
files as ordinary directories. 

Explorer is not a file manager, it is the 
windows shell. as such you can extend it via 

to give yourself the file management 
capabilities you want for


That is really a bad excuse :-)  it comes with Windows as-is and so 
most users will use it that way. Besides that ... once you get used to 
some tool there is no way back ... I could not live without two panels 
of WinCommander :-)

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[REBOL] Re: ANN: REBOLml 0.1.4

2004-01-27 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Hi Graham ...

do you think you would find any free time to try to test with native 
rebol database - RebDB? :-) It would be interesting to see the 

Second - what make doc do you use for your docs? Very nice output 

thanks a lot,

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[REBOL] Re: Problem with CGI

2004-01-25 Thread Petr Krenzelok

ZikZak wrote:


I'm a beginner and I don't understand why I can not obtain some informations.
If I try to : mold system/options/cgi/query-string then the system doesn't give to me 
the informations.

Why ?

system/options/cgi is object, which is being given data only if rebol is 
run in cgi mode, so - do you run your rebol session using -c option?

#!/path/to/rebol/rebol -c


your script here ... don't forget to print following two lines first:

print Content-Type: text/html
print newline

btw: what OS and what web server do you use?



Copyright 1997-2003 REBOL Technologies
REBOL is a Trademark of REBOL Technologies
All rights reserved.  

Component: REBOL Mezzanine Extensions (30-Nov-2002/13:47:03)
Component: REBOL Internet Protocols (15-Nov-2002/5:20:31)
Finger protocol loaded
Whois protocol loaded
Daytime protocol loaded
SMTP protocol loaded
POP protocol loaded
IMAP protocol loaded
HTTP protocol loaded
FTP protocol loaded
NNTP protocol loaded
Component: System Port (2-Jan-2003/1:37:25)
Script: User Preferences (8-Jan-2004/20:52:19+1:00)

mold system/options/cgi/query-string

== none

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[REBOL] Re: [view] changing window title. -- vid 1.3 --

2004-01-23 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Maxim,

On Friday, January 23, 2004, 12:41:40 AM, you wrote:

MOA as far as I know, we cannot change the title of a
MOA window while the window is open.



REBOL/View 3-Aug-2002
Copyright 2000-2002 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM

Type DESKTOP or SET-USER for settings.

win: view/new/title layout [text Hello, World! This is just a test.] Hi
win/text: Changed win/changes: 'text show win


Ah well, I put it into tracker. Gabriele, please, if you are on AltME (I 
am behind firewall and will be at home late in the evening), please 
remove that request from tracker then ...

Thanks a lot,
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[REBOL] Re: [view] changing window title. -- vid 1.3 --

2004-01-23 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Maxim,

On Friday, January 23, 2004, 3:39:05 PM, you wrote:

MOA   This is NOT documented, so its not a feature, IMHO,
MOA its a happy side-effect to something internal within the view
MOA engine, this could change, only RT knows.

FACE/CHANGES  *is*  a  feature and not a side effect. It is not in
the  docs,  but Holger explained it here in the past. For example,
it is used for HW scrolling (face/changes: 'offset), to activate a
window (face/changes: 'activate), and so on.


but it still seems to me as quick hack done quickly at some point. Why 
should similar functionalities, which are not platform dependant, being 
done that way? Why it is not handled via normal event flow? It is imo 
far from being intuitive to do various things that way ...


MOA what do y'all think?

That we need proper docs. :-)


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[REBOL] Re: [VID] resizing areas

2004-01-23 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Dide wrote:

Re: [VID] resizing areas


You don't have to do all this.
The problem is that you have to set content/lines to none. This facet hold some 
values used by the View engine to know where to cut the text (a sort of right margin 

So you just have to do this :

content/size: 800x600
content/lines: none
show content


really usefull hint! ... should be remembered and put into FAQ or View 
docs ... right Maxim? :-)


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[REBOL] Python on nokia? Where's Rebol?

2004-01-22 Thread Petr Krenzelok


so - someone said we have enought time to think about PDAs, outer world 
seems to think otherwise. So, first there was Flash Light, 200KB engine 
news info, then Perll on Nokia and now possibly Python on Nokia ...

As Robert said on AltME - in 2 years from now, there will be no reason 
to port Rebol to such devices, as the place will be occupied by others 
and most solutions will be already dependant upon such environment. The 
quesiton is - are we gonna be second-league players on mobile devices?


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[REBOL] Re: Schemes, handlers and COM-ports

2004-01-22 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Peter Carlsson wrote:


I am trying to write an application that talks/listens to my modem.
The modem is identified as an internal Conexant Intl HSFi V92 MiniPCI Modem
on COM4 on a Compaq Evo running Windows XP Pro.

Maybe it is a little special since it is not really a COM-port but an
internal WinModem mapped to COM4.

I think I have to create an instance of the serial handler but don't know

I have tried:

  modem: open/lines/no-wait/direct serial://port4/9600/8/none/1
** Access Error: Invalid port spec: port4
** Near: modem: open/lines/no-wait/direct serial://port4/9600/8/none/1

But maybe I have to define a new instance of the serial handler for com4?

  probe system/ports/serial
[com1 com2]
== [com1 com2]

- system/ports/serial
== [com1 com2]
- append system/ports/serial [com3 com4]
== [com1 com2 com3 com4]



Could someone explain what I am doing wrong and also explain how schemes
and handlers are used, where to find them in the system tree and where to
find more information?

Best regards,
Peter Carlsson


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[REBOL] Re: [Ann] Mailing list archive - a new home

2004-01-15 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

Bravo !! 

Thanks guys... can't wait till you add search etc.

the question is, if it would not be easier to resubscribe to escribe? It 
has common interface, good search, is known etc.



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[REBOL] Call for C source codes to be included into Rebol.

2004-01-14 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Hi list!

few days ago I had some talk with Carl on AltME, I also mentioned it 
here but maybe it was just lost deeply in some non-related discussion. 
Carl expressed his opinion and that it should be said publicly, that 
there is no problem to add some usefull stuff into Rebol, but rule is as 
follows - he controls what gets in! What is more he told me that such 
things can be added to rebol in one day of coding, so ...

Already requested source codes:

- rgb24 convolver for custom gfx effects
- gif saver
- more wav format loaders ..

So, now it is upto us too to help RT. But of course source codes have to 
be properly licensed.


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[REBOL] Re: SHELL cmd exec using CALL in View 1.3

2004-01-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gerard Cote wrote:

Oups!  I forgot to join the entire file as a reference to those interested.
Here it is.


P.S. I also looked back to the REBOL Command SHELL interface (Official Docs) and it 
seems that one way to let REBOL do leave an
executed console window opened would necessitate a new switch to use when launching 
REBOL as in REBOL -k(for keep open)
and this would be bypassing the normal internals REBOL is using. In normal case REBOL 
automatically adds intrnally the /c switch
with the CALL under Windows OS as if the coders had used CALL/c to automatically 
close the console window when finished...


What about call/wait?


-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: text/x-rebol
-- File: my-easy-vid-coder.r


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[REBOL] Re: What else don't I know

2004-01-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Volker Nitsch wrote:

Am Samstag 10 Januar 2004 23:46 schrieb Gerard Cote:

Hi Volker,

Since I saw your name on the discussion about the CALL mechanism included
in View, can you tell me if it will be possible to permit under Windows
that a DOS execution Window to stay open after the launched command exec is
completed. The actual Doc about the SHELL and CALL use say it can't -
because it is forced.

I am new to call and windows, so i can't tell much.
what i would try: 
 - run it in a batch-file and add some wait-statement at end. you could launch 
rebol with a requester to keep window open

yes, we did it that way - start /wait . do not remember if console 
window stays open or not though ... try to run console (cmd command 
under W2K/XP and type start /? for help - you will find some nice 
functions parameters there, which could provided you with what you want)


- if you don't need user-input in dos-window, use call/output and show results 
in a /view-window
- there is a call/console which says it uses rebol-console instead of 
dos-window. but never tried.


Can ask Carl if version of View with this Call enabled can be produced to
that a user could modify this option so the exec window be kept open until
the user desires to manually do so.



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[REBOL] Re: Cookbook submissions idea

2004-01-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

Hi Gerard


I didn't find any info about this REBOLDOC project on Robert's website

(Saw an

OpenDOC entry but nothing else)

...perhaps this explains

Regarding Vanilla. First, good idea to post Vanilla questions to the
list vanilla-pudding.


sorry to snip your whole talk about Vanilla. While Vanilla or Wiki, 
whatever may be nice design to study, I think you overestimate its 
usefullness for Rebol. I am sorry to very strongly back-up Robert's pov, 
but I can bet that if free version of IOS like sync mechanism would 
exist, much cooler scenarios could be created - with rebol, for rebol - 
entire network could grow. Don't get me wrong - how is it usefull to 
study and deploy non rebol mechanism to document and learn what is rebol 
capable of? Of course web-interface is still important nowadays but when 
I hear talk about Vanilla to Vanilla communication and similar kind of 
stuff, you ppl are working agains basic idea of rebol then, no? - 
messaging ... I want rebol way of messaging, not some http, cgi kludges 
- what is new about that? For what do we want to use rebol then if not 
for rebol native messaging in the first place?

I am far from being good coder to do it myself, but I found things like 
Rugby way superior to popular things like XML-RPC. What is so innovative 
about it? Its wide popularity? It is a pity Doc did not finish 
multiprotocol engine - Uniserve, - run-time pluggable multi-protocol 
architecture. Wouldn't it be better to communicate to irc, jabber, rebol 
native way of course, etc.?We have Gabriele, Doc, Romano, Maarten, Gregg 
cool rebol networking protocols hackers here and I wonder why our 
community was not able to come up with something rebol related. Do we 
really lack innovation?


hope this makes sense
- Jason


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[REBOL] Re: starting to be really late!?

2004-01-11 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Karl Robillard wrote:

Hey Ed, that's an excellent summary of how Rebol differs from other mainstream 

Everything else in this post I have said before, but I like to restate my 
thoughts whenever this topic pops up, as Robert notes that it does, every few 
months or so.

I believe the artificial limits placed on Rebol by RT is the problem and agree 
that the strategy is wrong.  I don't want another platform and Rebol is 
doomed to failure if it insists on trying to compete with all the existing 
ones.  I want Rebol as a tool to bind my existing platforms and applications 

And I have to ask why do you want to limit rebol in becoming kind of 
Arexx universal glue, when it can actually provide much more usability? 
I can see the main rebol concept as very good - the one of rebol block 
and mixture of code = data (even binary ones) principle. My opinion is, 
that there is not so much effort needed to push rebol in certain areas. 
How do you want to judge what aproach is right? You want kind of arexx, 
someone else might be interested in Authoring tool (right cyphre? :-). 
But then I often hear that that why to compete with Flash etc. kind of 
argument and my opinion is - that is not true. E.g. I have no intention 
(limited by lack of free time) to learn FlashMX to become fluent in such 
environment and besides that I think that some nice changes to View 
would eliminate such need.

The problem of past of RT was imo their investors. I do remember when RT 
switched to IOS (Express back at that time) kind of strategy. I really 
disliked it. They had no corporate experience imo and what is more, even 
IOS development stopped while there is so much what can be done to make 
it better. While the glory days of RT employing several good coders is 
over, I think there can be way how to handle current situation:

- community cooperating with RT - View 1.3 project is good start. I 
think that all ppl there are properly focused, no extra noise on 
particular channels etc. The difference between 1.3 effort and last year 
effort is clear - Carl's almost daily involvement, while in the past 
Carl appeared just once per 2 or 3 months to check. Other difference is 
often beta releases for betatesting 

- the way to go imo - RT concentrates on addition of general engines. 
E.g. - why to wait for RT to add particular functionality, feature, if 
we could add it ourselves? And yes, I mean addition of virtual machine, 
or at least specific area dialect engines for fast manipulation (e.g. 
working with image data). That way we could add additional effects 
ourselves, or in the case of RVM, code some additional ports/drivers to 
other environment ourselves, while stying fast - the advantage agains 
linking to libraries is obvious - rebol app would stay self-contained, 
RT would be freed from I-want-this-he-wants-that kind of feature 
requests. In fact, talking to Carl few days ago, he mentioned he thinks 
of addition of such principles into rebol more and more. That is imo a 
good sign.

- also - Carl said that he could add more functionality into rebol, if 
we would help to find C source codes, .e.g. that he would be able to add 
RGB24 convolver in less than day probably. GIF saver and wav loader were 
also mentioned in that respect. So, it is also upon us. Similar thing I 
remember about .zip, .arj., .rar code, where the idea was to treat them 
like ordinary directories or to create schemes for them, something like 
zip:// ...The offer was made, but we (the community) failed to deliver 
... so ...

There are of course other things ... newer GC, async networking sitting 
in separate dev. tree, not yet merged, things like more granular event 
system, language extensions, direct draw modes etc. But - we should keep 
in mind we are short on resources. But I do believe, that if we work 
with so much dedication as can be seen in the case of View 1.3, the 
things will get better and better. Of course it would be cool to be able 
to clone ppl like Romano, Volker, Gregg and many others, who do 
wonderfull work for 1.3, but the situation is as is :-)




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[REBOL] can't connect to AltME ....

2004-01-11 Thread Petr Krenzelok


last two days I am not able to connect to AltME properly. It worked 
yesterday in the evening, but is not working whole day today once again. 
Anyone else got problems connecting to AltME?

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[REBOL] Re: can't connect to AltME ....

2004-01-11 Thread Petr Krenzelok




last two days I am not able to connect to AltME properly. It worked 
 yesterday in the evening, but is not working whole day today once again. 
 Anyone else got problems connecting to AltME?

You are not alone.  This is a me-too post! Exactly the same problem.

Also, it seems that altme.com and safeworlds.com websites are down.

I assume Altme has to do a request to altme.com to get the IP address of the 
world.  Thereafter (unless the IP address is dynamic), a session should work 
without further reference to altme.com.

This (assuming my analysis is right) introduces a single point of failure, 
with a couple of (immediately off the top of my head) approaches to alleviating 

-- Altme could have mirror servers, and look the world-name up on those
-- If altme.com (and mirrors) aren't available, the start up could try the 
last-used IP address.

Well, I was surprised of one thing - I looked at AltME rebol-view 
config, and it actually contains IP adress, not a name! I checked agains 
DNS setting using nslookup and IP was the same. So I wonder what is 
going on? Simply their servers are down or they have problems with DNS 
entries and it would not be for the first time IIRC, but maybe I 
remember it incorrectly and it was RT who had problems with DNS some not 
so long time ago?


Altme is so useful, that it is really annoying when it doesn't work.  I 
shouldn't really complain though: it's free (at least the way I use it) so I'm 
certainly getting value for money,


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[REBOL] face/parent-face and top-most window?

2004-01-11 Thread Petr Krenzelok


some time ago I created following functions for disabling-enabling 
certain elements. It worked well with Cyphre's styles, as I put many ui 
elements into group-box. But when I don't use group-box (by default 
rebol does not have it available), I wanted to somehow put disabling 
face into system/view/screen-face/pane, but it does not seem to work.

disabled-face?: func [f][flag-face? f 'disabled]

enabled-face?:  func [f][not disabled-face? f]

disable-face: func [f /fx effect-block][
  if not disabled-face? f [
insert skip find f/parent-face/pane f 1 make face [
offset: f/offset
size: f/size
edge: none
either fx [effect: effect-block][effect: [merge gradmul 1x1 ]]
feel: make feel [engage: does []]
   flag-face f 'disabled
show f/parent-face

enable-face:  func [f][
if disabled-face? f [
   remove skip find f/parent-face/pane f 1
   deflag-face f 'disabled
 show f/parent-face

e.g. try following code:

 view screen: layout [bt: button OK [disable-face bt]]

and now:

 view screen: layout [bt: button OK [disable-face screen]]

I thought that 'screen here is simply being put into 
system/view/screen-face/pane, but screen-face/parent-face is not set, 
nor can I find 'screen in system/view/screen-face/pane.

could anyone explain, please?


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[REBOL] Re: face/parent-face and top-most window?

2004-01-11 Thread Petr Krenzelok

replying to myself:


disabled-face?: func [f][flag-face? f 'disabled]

enabled-face?:  func [f][not disabled-face? f]

disable-face: func [f /fx effect-block][
  if not disabled-face? f [
either f/parent-face [
insert skip find f/parent-face/pane f 1 make face [
offset: f/offset
size: f/size
edge: none
either fx [effect: effect-block][effect: [merge gradmul 1x1 ]]
feel: make feel [engage: does []]
show f/parent-face
 insert tail f/pane make face [
offset: 0x0
size: f/size
edge: none
either fx [effect: effect-block][effect: [merge gradmul 1x1 ]]
feel: make feel [engage: does []]
 show f
flag-face f 'disabled

enable-face:  func [f][
  if disabled-face? f [
either f/parent-face [
   remove skip find f/parent-face/pane f 1
   deflag-face f 'disabled
   show f/parent-face
   remove back tail f/pane
   deflag-face f 'disabled
   show f

; test suite 

view screen: layout [bt: button OK [disable-face bt wait 3 
disable-face screen wait 3 enable-face bt wait 3 enable-face screen]]

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[REBOL] Re: Forums Ready...

2004-01-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Defiant Mail wrote:

We took the time to set up a index page and a forum, 
please take the time to stop by.


We would be extremely Jazzed to see this forum utilized, 
and would be grateful if some of the rebol veterans would like
 to moderate if / when the board gets busy.

Let me know what you think...



your page looks really awesome - really nice graphics. I wonder - is it 
done from scratch, or just any pre-built package e.g. in php is used?

btw - smalll typo on main page?   Rebol is a highly flexable cross - 
should read - flexible



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[REBOL] Re: [shell core] Shell access for rebol/core on win32

2004-01-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Luke wrote:

Oops I spotted a mistake in my last post, python script 
should be as follows. I've reincluded the rebol client too.

The script got broken when I tried to tidy it up too much...


Hi Luke - what about to wait a bit for 1.3, which will have free shell 
access? :-)


 - Luke


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[REBOL] Re: [shell core] Shell access for rebol/core on win32

2004-01-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Luke wrote:

Hi Petr

Is that the new REBOL/View. Will REBOL/Core have it too?

Is there a list anywhere of what the new features will be?

As for waiting - I've done enough of that ;-)

It seems like you are ignoring completly real and ongoing View 1.3 
project, where anybody from rebol community is invited to participate? ;-)


btw - even when RT did not plan to do some larger changes, there is now 
completly new implementation of image datatype. 

lot's of bug fixed, lots of issues reported - 

you can download experimental releases here - 

So, what - is that effort real or not? :-)


 - Luke


Hi Luke - what about to wait a bit for 1.3, which will have free shell 
access? :-)


- Luke



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   Various gadgets widgets, links and chat

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[REBOL] Re: [shell core] Shell access for rebol/core on win32

2004-01-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

/View 1.3 seems like a very good joint effort..

Q1: Good news about Shell Access. Does that mean there will soon be a free
rebol with shell access, or only via some purchased version? If so what

it will be allowed in free versions imo 

Q3: Where are the docs?
I only see http://www.rebol.net/projects/view1.3/rebolview.html but links
are all dead

yes, links are dead - so far ppl + RT concentrate upon bugfixing, 
patching functionality, adding new stuff, there was no time for docs. 
Above link just shows the structure proposed by Carl and most ppl agreed 
that if chapters are written according to posted scheme, the docs will 
be good.

Q3: Does View 1.3 support clipboard copy of images from the OS?

I doubt that ... you can join-in and post it to the tracker as a wish ;-)


- Jason


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[REBOL] Re: IP Address

2004-01-08 Thread Petr Krenzelok

A J Martin wrote:

Mauro wrote:

Is there a good (but simple) XML and HTML builder in Rebol out there that

I can embed in my bot (something more than XMLgen)?

Yes. You could use my ML.r script, which generates HTML and/or XML from a
Rebol dialect. The following function shows my common envelope to surround a
CGI response:


Why do you use below doctype instead of e.g. XHTML Transitional one? 
Just curious ...

Envelope: func [Head [block!] Body [block!]] [
 print rejoin [
  Content-Type:  'text/html newline
  ML compose/deep [?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?
-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN
   html [
head [(Head)]
body [(Body)]

If you're interested in it, let me know, and I'll send you the scripts.


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2004-01-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Coussement Christophe wrote:

Hi list!

As we're now experimenting for porting our projects on other platteforms, I was 
wondering the following:

1. As anyone experienced running REBOL on a Compaq iPAQ H3900 (64 MB RAM - Intel 
PXA250) ?

I don't know of any RTs activities of porting to PDAs, but your set-up 
you mentioned is pretty arcane. Today's PDAs are having 128MB RAM, 
XScale 400MHZ - that should be enough even for View to run! I want one! :-)


2. On any other PDA ?
3. What are the base system requirements needed to run REBOL/Command/View on PDA ?

Thanks a lot !!!



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[REBOL] starting to be really late!?

2004-01-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

First there was the rebol - x-internet app, nearly alone  then 
others stepped in into the game - Flash MX ... now they are moving ahead 
to mobile devices :


Is rebol ever going to catch up once again? We need Rebol with more 
media capabilities, better memory consumption characteristics and even 
better with general virtual machine in 2004, or probably never 


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[REBOL] Re: Using serial ports in Linux (rebol/core 2.5.6)

2004-01-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Petr,

On Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 3:28:05 PM, you wrote:

PK I asked several times, but did not get any reply as maybe ppl don't use
PK rebol serial port heavily. The problem is, that once I send more than
PK two bytes into device, it will not accept it or the result is completly
PK screwed.

On what platform? I never had any problems with the serial port on


On windows - maybe there was problem with external device then - we run 
it in debug mode and simply rebol ignored how logical states were put 
onto wires. PC did not wait untill device handles incoming data. I don't 
remember if we tried rtc/cts or other settings, but simply sending 
longer string one char at a time solved situation for us, so we did not 
investigate further back at that time ...



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[REBOL] Re: Using serial ports in Linux (rebol/core 2.5.6)

2004-01-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gregg Irwin wrote:

Hi Jose,

j system/ports/serial: [ttyS0 ttyS1]

j modem: open/string/direct/no-wait
j serial://port1/9600/8/none/1

j insert modem ATDT123123^M

Did you try adding update modem after the insert? I know you
shouldn't need to with /direct but...

I think that update should not be really needed after opening whatever 
kind of port, unless you change its parameters, etc. with serial ports 
it is parity, rtc/cts etc. kind of settings 
I will install one or two serial port monitors tomorrow and will some 
test if I will have some free time ... we will see ...


-- Gregg 


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[REBOL] Re: starting to be really late!?

2004-01-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

Is rebol ever going to catch up once again? We need Rebol with more
media capabilities, better memory consumption characteristics and even
better with general virtual machine in 2004, or probably never 


First - let me add that I almost completly disagree here. So, here we go 

While View is nice and capable of more, I really think Rebol's best
strengths are not graphics/media, unless RT got massive investment and had
some very different kind of marketing director working for them. imo Rebol
is best for invisible stuff.

It has to be defined what does invisible mean? Apache mode? Yes. Few 
other unix clones - no-way - waste of time. I e.g. did not understand, 
when Reichart told me, that he would like to see View for Solaris. Why? 
Because of FtpGadget? Excuse me, but now I call that total waste of 
energy and resources. Would it bring money to RT? Probably yes - but imo 
only short time. And Carl created Rebol because of some vision imo. And 
as for vision - sooner than later the world will be full of wireless 
mobile devices so I ask openly if we are going to stay behind or not. 
Something like View for Solaris or even systems like BSD is completly 
secondary point, if you think in some 3 +  years. The only good thing is 
that such devices are going to be faster and faster, so maybe some Linux 
View version may run on them.

 As things stand I believe it would be a
relative disaster for RT to spend too much more effort on /View devlopment.

disaster? And that is why View 1.3 is under development? That is why 
direct draw modes were/are planned? That is why Carl told us that 
multimedia is his second name? :-)

But maybe first - the problem with me disagreeing is - media - what is 
media? I don't think rebol should turn into media player - I just mean - 
ability to work with gfx faster.

Better to integrate and use make-swf, 

what? Why? :-) What is the single advantage of making flash in rebol? 
That you would be able to run your rebol app inside the browser? Or 
where can I find flash and not rebol? Unless there is one-button-press 
conversion of rebol VID app into flash, it still means to program 
separately for View and for Flash ...

and work on tight useful Flash
integration. Look at the cool swf2exe prodcuts which have come out
Screenwaever, Northcode, FlashStudioPro. That's easy money and opens up
desktop flash applications to compete with Rebol very quickly.  FlashStudio
pro adds 400 fscommands including socket, http, ftp, mail, file i/o.. What
more does one want or need? Even a  Rebol-based swf2exe for Windows, Mac and
Linux [in that order] could be a very successful and useful product. And a
viable way to introduce Rebol to much larger and visible audience .

That can be done without any need for Flash.

mobiles will follow.

Rebol Projects worth investing in?

How about a really *great* http server in rebol with integrated tfp, xmpp
[Jabber], mail etc.?

I can install Apache in 3 mins, configure in 2 - so 5 min to run profi 
http server on my desktop machine. You mentioned Jabber - so, OK - that 
is something i agree with, if you think something like more advanced IOS 
server, with direct communication and also polled communication, ability 
to use some file-sharing principles, sync to multiple servers ... kind 
of grid of various protocols, that would be cool. I can imagine rights, 
roles, rules, workflow engines, which would allow you to model various 
scenarios - that is REAL business oportunity, and it is a pity RT 
dropped IOS development - it could be much better.

How about a really good mod_rebol component for Apache?

I agree - but then - fast-cgi is not all that bad  and you also 
mentioned money - how does RT makes money with that?

How about rebol for bluetooth/wifi enabling digital video and still cameras?

Let the others build media engines, let rebol be the modular engine they use
to communicate.

So now I hope I reached the point which explains it all. I should not 
mention media - as by media I mean - fast, smooth refresh/movement of 
elements around screen, fast effectcs, nothing more - I in no way meant 
RT should duplicate works of others and make native divx, avi whatever 
codecs inside. I fully agree with integration. In  fact - my pov is, 
that RT should done the most general things ever and the rest should be 
done by user-base. My top priority is:

- general VM dialect - which would allow for to use subset of commands, 
would be fast and would not require to write external modules in C, as 
they mean end to cross-platform scripts unless ported to certain 
platform. TAO did it right with Intent imo. btw - on AltME world Carl 
told us, that such kind of VM would take one person average month to 
code. Imo worth real consideration then.
- if not general VM, so dedicated VMs then - we call them dialects - 
currently we heave 'secure, 'remove-each ... we want at least other for 
fast gfx handling.
- language 

[REBOL] Re: extending IE with Rebol was RE: Re: Easy-Vid

2004-01-06 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gerard Cote wrote:

i Bran,

I also thought about addind some COM interface for REBOL to be used instead of 
Javascript as the scripting language for IE but my
programming knowledge was falling short too soon. Sorry about that but life is like 

That is not imo needed. AFAIK even RT is interested in browser plug-in 
resurrection. Of course I have not studied consequences of the plug-in 
problem MS was sued patent-wise for. As a start, I would welcome 
something like following:

1) View engine - encapped app
2) minimal desktop - current View desktop is way too much similar to 
typical OS desktop. As for browser-plugin kind of app - users are NOT 
looking for rebol and its related docs, but they visit certain sites and 
want to try to run certain x-inet-apps. I have seen Java Webstart - it 
is very similar of GO View desktop button section, just nicer and with 
some auto-update abilities
3) autoupdate - 3 levels - a) core engine (plug-in) update - only needed 
when new version of View is released b) desktop (navigation app, call it 
whatever) package update - kind of similar functionality as how IOS 
desktop is updated c) particular end user app update - default setting 
via context menu (or other way) to allow or disable auto-update, 
notification of user of new updates etc. with ability to download them 
4) installation - it would be good if ti could be installed as other 
plug-ins ... users brought to certain download area, detection of 
browser platform, offer of certain app. User would select place of 
(placement) and if possible, settings like proxy would be set automatically
5) new apps. So - once some site posts .rpl (whatever .rpl = rebol 
player), user would click it, and if rebol player plug-in is already 
in-place, it would be started and added to player's list (desktop)
6) in some distant future RT does plug-in with ability to display inside 
of browser window, but I think it would not be needed imo for kind of 
apps as demos, game packages, but would be handy for VID based forms 
embedded in your html presentation ...

That is my pov, I even dare to think it may be a killer app, if promoted 
a bit and if it would be deployed into user's web experience and would 
not be difficult to set-up ...

Let's hope View 1.3 and 1.4 bring-in some more innovations to View low 
level, as current demos are just too jerky, animations slow (show me 
someone smooth and fast scrolling and I will send you bottle of beer 
;-), keyboard navigation insufficient and making small games almost 
impossible to produce ...


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[REBOL] Re: bit of mysql help?

2004-01-06 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Tom Foster wrote:

hi guys,

I can open up the mysql listener from bash, and access a database, but
when I try to use the mysql.r protocol,

a: open mysql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/database

try instead of localhost?

I get, cannot connect to localhost

what can I look at to fix this?


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[REBOL] Re: Rebol API to DyBASE

2003-12-17 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Anton Rolls wrote:

Hmm looks interesting.
I have downloaded it and looked quickly but
I must go to bed...

you don't have to - just dring more coffee :-)



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[REBOL] Re: What does REBOL fix?

2003-12-16 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Jason,

On Monday, December 15, 2003, 6:02:50 PM, you wrote:

JC Yes but that is still also true for  HTML, XSLT, Perl, Python, PHP, Java, C,
JC etc..

How do you MOLD some PHP code and send it to another computer? ;-)


Well, OTOH, AFAIK :-) (what an abbreviations :-), Rebol is not fully 
serialisable- is it? Try sending event block to another View ;-) ... and 
surely not only that. Isn't even Python (stackless or what version it 
is) going further in that regard?



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[REBOL] css vs View (VID) compositing? (was) Re: Re: page-breaks in html or pdf?

2003-12-06 Thread Petr Krenzelok

A J Martin wrote:

I have my scripts insert this HTML (using CSS):

br style=page-break-after: always /

huh, didn't know it is possible to style BR tag? I thought that is 
why there is DIV tag available?

It's placed at the start of each page after the first page, using a
Rebol script fragment like:
First_Page?: true
; Inside page creation loop:
either First_Page? [
First_Page?: none
] [
br style=page-break-after: always /

I also make sure that I use this tag:

-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN

for each page, to make sure the MS IE switches into the right mode. If it's
not present, MS IE 6 interprets HTML and CSS as if it were an older browser
complete with bugs!

I always thought that kind of info is just absolutly unnecessary - 
thanks ... there is something to learn each day :-)

I also have two different media sections in my .css stylesheet, like:

@media screen {
 body {
  background: url(Wiki.jpg) #FC repeat-y fixed;
  color: #00;
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
 .Left-Column {
  position: absolute;


@media print {
 .Left-Column {
  display: none;


Interesting. Yesterday I read some CSS compositing docs and I have to 
admit that it looks well thought out. Not that View would not be thought 
out, but View compositing ommits various output devices/media-types. 
What we call 'face they call 'box. It will be interesting to see, where 
Carl gets View further, as we badly miss color text capabilities, and 
once introduced, how they will complicate View/VID usage. I even thought 
for a while that there could be some converter from View to css 
compositing as we have flash dialect currently. Don't know if it is 
easily doable, but imo possible. We would get View display in browser. 
But what about events?

OTOH - studying css docs for one day I have to say that it is way more 
complicated than View. Maybe just a question of becoming used to 
different concept? What do others think?


I hope that helps!

Andrew J Martin
Speaking in tongues and performing miracles.
ICQ: 26227169


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[REBOL] Re: Sharp Zaurus 5600

2003-12-05 Thread Petr Krenzelok




Do any of you have a Zaurus? Can Rebol be ported? 

Yes I do, but only a 5500 version.

In theory, yes. In practice, REBOL needs a surprising amount of memory to 
run, so that may be a limiting factor for PDAs for a year or two.

Max made a similar reply in a thread about porting to Palm/OS


Me, I'd love REBOL on a PDA, so if RT are cooking up any plans, the sooner 
the better for me,


I think we don't need to wait year or two. Curent MDA from T-Mobile 
sports e.g. 128MB RAM and 400MHz XScale CPU. That should be simply 
enough. In fact - if we start to think about porting to mobile devices 
in a year or two - it will be late. We have to think about it now, and 
have rebol/view available next year ;-)

As for me, I regard mobile devices View ports much more important than 
some unix variants starting from Solaris, ending with BSD. My platform 
priority is as follws:

- Windows, Linux, MacOSx, mobile devices/consoles .. then nothing 
for a looong time, then maybe other platforms 


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[REBOL] page-breaks in html or pdf?

2003-12-05 Thread Petr Krenzelok


our company is sending aviso documents to customers. Aviso is in html 
form or in pdf form. I have to say, that it is probably generated by 
some SAP automat. The code is pretty ugly - strict css usage - placing 
ALL elements onto absolute pixel positions.

The problem is, that if there is more than one doc for customer at one 
batch, it is generated as multi-doc document (html or pdf) - but - some 
of our customers complained that it is really difficult to print that 
way. I chcecked out and did not find any way of how to issue something 
like page-break in html. It is probably not even possible. What about 
pdf? Is there any chance to insert page-break into pdf doc?

So far the fastest fix seems to be parsing html doc, dividing it into 
separate files - I could create some encapsulated tool for that, but I 
would rather fix problem in our primary ERP system than go for 
workarounds ...


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[REBOL] Re: page-breaks in html or pdf?

2003-12-05 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Andreas Bolka wrote:

Friday, December 5, 2003, 11:49:00 AM, Petr wrote:


I chcecked out and did not find any way of how to issue something
like page-break in html. It is probably not even possible.

there are two CSS properties named page-break-before and
page-break-after. by using e.g.

   span style=page-break-after: always;

you could achieve what you want. however, i don't know which browsers
respect those attributes.


Thanks all to your answers! However - something like following did not 
work. Neither with IE 5.5 nor Mozilla 6.1a

span style=page-break-before:always/span

btw - as we are here discussin html/css issues, I have following questions:

- our document does not look good in mozilla. It uses absolute pixel 
positioning for each element. But drawn table (using following code) 
makes it shifted:

span style=left:0pt;top:00pt;height:842pt;width:595pt
span style=left:022pt;top:099pt;height:100pt;width:266pt;border:001pt 
solid #00;background-color:#FF/span
span style=left:288pt;top:099pt;height:100pt;width:266pt;border:001pt 
solid #00;background-color:#E6E6E6/span
span style=left:022pt;top:198pt;height:596pt;width:533pt;border:001pt 
solid #00;background-color:#FF/span

 I found the difference - IE, when using borders, still keeps the size 
of the rectangle intact and margins of the area are substracted from the 
inner area space, otoh Mozilla keeps internal box area intact and border 
is drawn outside such box.

I would like also to know, what is the difference in using span and 
pre styles - I simply replaced above 'span styles by 'pre ones and now 
even Mozilla draws it correctly.


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[REBOL] Re: Interesting date formatting functions

2003-12-04 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gregg Irwin wrote:

AJM This is the interesting one/two:

*Very* creative thinking Andrew!

-- Gregg 


not to mention 'pad function - that one has to be added to core to stop 
bothering me each time I need it :-)

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[REBOL] Re: List text-list - font object

2003-12-03 Thread Petr Krenzelok


nice explanation Volker - I just wonder how many even non developers 
will be struggling subobject sharing on various places in Rebol :-) I 
have not met any single beginer with VID who would not run into such 
kind of problems. As some ppl suggested 'clone is not usefull at all, we 
need at least better docs on that one ;-)


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[REBOL] Re: REBOL and live video

2003-11-28 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Carlos Lorenz wrote:

Hi list,

I have this TV card on my PC and I'd like to know
if it is possible to write REBOL scripts that could capture live video
from this card


:-) What does it mean capture ? Well, if you would like to apply some 
effect, transitions using rebol only - the bitmap handling is so slow, 
that you would wait 10 sec for one image being processed. As you may 
need 24 images per second, well :-)

I think there might be way for you, using some library interface. But I 
don't know what libraries are available. I would suggest you using some 
conventional tools available. Look e.g. at http://www.doom9.org for 
suitable tools.


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[REBOL] Re: Problem with Rebol in a LAN

2003-11-27 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Mauro Fontana wrote:

Hi all,
I would like to use Rebol in a LAN to write some simple client/server apps 
but I find it impossible to do any communication with any other computer on 
the LAN.
That is I cannot open any TCP or UDP port on any computer. Actually even a 
open tcp://myhost:anynumber works.

We have a firewall on the LAN that checks for external accesses (that is 
towards Internet) but I do not think it can influence internal packet 

So, can anyone help me sirting this problem out?

I hope the given info is enough.



1) try setting debugging mode: trace/net: true
2) it surely should work. Do you have rebol NET settings set properly in 
your user.r? E.g. mine is:
set-net [EMAIL PROTECTED] orion.sec.trz.cz orion.sec.trz.cz 
proxy.sec.trz.cz 3128 generic]

Imo - if you can ping other IP and there is no local (personal) firewall 
software blocking the connection, it has to work :-)


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2003-11-19 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, IIRC we once had a discussion if / how to get the IOS Link client to 
run from an USB stick. I just tried it but the Link client wants to 
install itself. I think this has to do that IOS Link searches for a 
registry key, if it's already installed. Does someone know which registry 
keys are used?

As I don't expect RT to fix this issue in a time range, that I will live 
to see, I'm thinking about something different. How about a simple tool, 
that will catch registry access calls and reroute them to some ini files? 
With this it would be possible to decouple a lot of programs from a local 


well ... I replied in another mail, but - beware of IOS marketing :-) 
Most ppl claim that IOS is good, because it syncs to all your machines 
and some of us even tend to argue, that Lotus Notes e.g. and its server 
based central storage is not good. Now we want to go with go everywhere, 
sync once too? I know it is a bit different, as you still have your data 
local, instead than on server, but anyway ... interesting issue to think 
about ...

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[REBOL] Re: DLL Hell = Rebol library script version

2003-11-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Volker Nitsch wrote:

Am Dienstag, 11. November 2003 19:57 schrieb Petr Krenzelok:

Robert M. Münch wrote:

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 09:28:36 +1300, Andrew Martin


When distributing a Rebol script,
include all the functions (words) that the main script requires. Of
course, the problem here is that most of us have nice toolkits of
functions that we want to use in our main script applications, and it's
pointless manually copying and pasting from our toolkit because that
just produces multiple copies, with no definitive, authoritive source.

Hi, IMO that's they way to go: Include all stuff in one script. As long as
this particular script works, there is no need to update the included
part. How to do it? Well, include PREBOL in the core engine. I don't know
why this isn't done. Replace the #... PREBOL commands thru something like
$... and have the interpreter recognize this.

I just hope I don't understand you correctly robert, but aren't you
suggesting having rebol distributed with all of our scripts? That is MS
way of doing things, waste of bandwidth etc. There should be central
engine - rebol/whatever installed on your hd, it should check for its
updates and scripts should come as packages (as IOS desktop does). I
would hate to redownload 500KB each time just because someone changes
one function in script ...

The MS-way of providing everything and keep it out of the system works very 
well. unfortunally its not the MS-way, some stuff is always placed in 
system-dirs. Overwriting another version. (hmm, is this true today? not a 
real windows-user).

The MS-way of providing 501k-applications to download? What do you smoking? ;)

:-)) LSD - Liquid Steel Dialect?

5.01M maybe.
Thinking again, where did you find 501k-scripts? 50,1k-scripts are more 

Well, that is missunderstanding. I thought that Robert is suggesting 
encapping our apps, which imo leads to redundancy. I also heard 
official places stating, that it is not too much - but hey, who 
started Rebol just because of being more efficient? What about mobile 
devices? So you encap your app and you let your users redownload it each 
time just because you change one color of a button? :-) I think that -

1) Rebol should become engine - sitting on our HDs, being able to update 
itself eventually - kind of JVM. Then you could just distribute your scripts
2) You distribute your app, but rebol is separate and your app is kind 
of compressed package, so you can redownload only your app.

Both points save you from redundancy, wasted bandwidth. If your tool 
will be downloaded by 10K ppl, you will sing different song, if you are 
supposed to 10K * 50x app, or 10K * x package

Rebol enables us to provide apps this size. Why should we introduce risc of 

When speaking of malfunction, I can tell you following - current 
situation is just that - malfunction. View should imo take different 
aproach - register/install into registry only when forced to. So, what 
is your .r registered to? Base? Face? Core? Command? View? Which one? 
1.2.1? 1.2.8? 1.2.10? Command? View/Command? Eh? I hope that if R# sees 
the light of the day, there is the promise of ONE single executable = 
kernel, and the rest being modules. I remember Carl stating that he is 
father of modular amiga system, but rebol is not modular, componentised 
yet. And I also remember someone stating, that current state (product 
diferentiation) is so because of marketing reasons. So - don't you hate 
when marketing stands in the way of technology? ;-)

 If it does not work, user spends a lot more time fixing a 
problem then downloading everything.

You know better than me that it can be solved by semi-intelligent 
system. Amiga works that way, libraries have their version number - what 
is the problem? So you better like compromises like uncomplete sound 
system, no support for mp3 etc., because it would make View big? Well - 
that is way to nowhere. If sound component would be separate binary, 
library, module, component, call it whatever - you would not mind it 
having e.g. 200 kb, but with current state it would simply make View too 
big for some ppl to like it.

Regarding IOS, all scripts work standalone, there is no script which does 
another. And that would be very simple with ios-distribution.

IOS is different. And while it is nice architecture, its main drawback 
is just that - all scripts work standalone and I hope competent ppl do 
something about it to take IOS further. Complete isolation does not help 
anybody ...






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[REBOL] Re: DLL Hell = Rebol library script version

2003-11-11 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Robert M. Münch wrote:

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 09:28:36 +1300, Andrew Martin 


When distributing a Rebol script,
include all the functions (words) that the main script requires. Of
course, the problem here is that most of us have nice toolkits of
functions that we want to use in our main script applications, and it's
pointless manually copying and pasting from our toolkit because that
just produces multiple copies, with no definitive, authoritive source.

Hi, IMO that's they way to go: Include all stuff in one script. As long as 
this particular script works, there is no need to update the included 
part. How to do it? Well, include PREBOL in the core engine. I don't know 
why this isn't done. Replace the #... PREBOL commands thru something like 
$... and have the interpreter recognize this.


I just hope I don't understand you correctly robert, but aren't you 
suggesting having rebol distributed with all of our scripts? That is MS 
way of doing things, waste of bandwidth etc. There should be central 
engine - rebol/whatever installed on your hd, it should check for its 
updates and scripts should come as packages (as IOS desktop does). I 
would hate to redownload 500KB each time just because someone changes 
one function in script ...

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[REBOL] MS Rebol competition?

2003-11-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Sparkle - I thought Rebol could take such position once more media 
features added, now it seems even Flash will have difficult times:



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[REBOL] Re: Opening Specific Ports

2003-11-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Matt MacDonald wrote:

How can I control what port (on the client side) gets opened when connecting 
to a TCP server?  I know you can control which port on the server it 
connects to, but not where it connects from.


MSN Shopping upgraded for the holidays!  Snappier product search... 


console 1:

server: open tcp://:9005
conn: first wait server

console 2:
client: open tcp://
probe client

watch for following object words:
local-port: 1786
remote-port: 9005


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[REBOL] insane patent system - can rebol be hurt?

2003-11-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok


What is your opinion? Could our rebol apps be affected?


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[REBOL] Re: Looking over the horizon - Rebol 3

2003-11-10 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Tim Johnson wrote:

* Steven White [EMAIL PROTECTED] [031110 09:43]:

Andrew Martin

Anything else you'd want on your wish list for Rebol 3?

 Here's mine

 1)Protect an object member.

 2)Fix the binary 'skip bug.

 3)Regex support

 4)Optional module linkage.

   Ex: Rebol is distributed with binary modules. 
   example: regex engine 
   (don't need source code necessarily)
   Make file provided that allows linkage
   of optional modules. 

   I know that this could be a bit complex,
   but is likely more doable in a POSIX environment.
   (i.e. the OS has a ansi-C compliant compiler)

1) I do not know if it is the same - but - finishing the idea of 
language plug-ins. IIRC, Doc even described that for R#, he meay 
introduce something like low-level dialect to program directly in, which 
would be compiled - kind of RVM? Currently we have draw dialect - more 
of such dialects, e.g. bitmap operation, number crunching could be 
usefull. Simply - specialised dialects where it does make sense. 
Libraries are nice, but hardly cross-platform.

2) end of product hell - core, view x y z version, command, face, base 
... what else? one exe - binary modules. For those who don't like files 
scattered around hd:

3) native .zip .rar .arj ports/schemes - WinAmp puts all skin files into 
.zip file and reads it directly from there. Would be way cooler than 
anything along the lines of .rip and similar proprietary formats which 
have no chance being widely accepted. What is more - Windows Commander 
or even other managers treat archives as being directories - 
transparently ...

4) all cyphre's suggestions to View kernel + view plug-ins. Support of 
Direct3D or similar technologies -using advantages of certain platforms

5) slowly to prepare for PDA and similar mobile devices - considering 
Symbian, PalmOS 6, WinCE ports - sorry if I hurt someone, but imo BSDs, 
Solaris etc. should be left with Core/Command versions, View is not all 
that important there - otoh I will surely have difficulties explaining 
some managers IOS can't run on single mobile device!!!

6) enhanced VID

7) finishing async networking as originally planned, including async console

8) browser plug-ins - deployment is the word - if user can't start it 
from browser, he/she will not regard it being part of web. I want to do 
my web forms using VID, not java script crap ;-)

9) vhelp function - which would bring visual help along the lines of 
dictionary script put on IOS (good idea Robert, isn't it? :-)

10) extension of 'about function - visual box showing Carl's photo :-)



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[REBOL] Re: Another day, another project

2003-11-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maarten Koopmans wrote:

Hi all,

I just signed the contract with Gregg for a very nice project.

Gregg will develop an SSL tunnel installer that will interact with a
portal to get its configuration parameters. For the installer he will
develop an install toolkit/dialect (as a side-effect).

If you're an SDK user you'll be able to generate *cross-platform*
installers. As the toolkit will be open source (as well as the Stunnel
installer) this will hopefully be a GOOD alternative to all those 30Mb
Java installers as well.

I may be dumb but I don't understand - do you mean general sw installer 
package? Cross platform, done in rebol, so e.g. Delphi developer uses 
such installer to install his/her app? But most programming environments 
have their installers anyway? So what is Stunnel?

What about contracting someone to create web browser plug-in, so that in 
first phase View based apps could be run directly from webpage link and 
in second phase View would be embedded inside browser window? :-) The 
question is - do we have technical skills to do something like that? If 
so, money could be found imo ;-)


Stay tuned this will be finished this year.



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[REBOL] Re: Another day, another project

2003-11-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maarten Koopmans wrote:

Hi Pekr,

What about contracting someone to create web browser plug-in, so that in

first phase View based apps could be run directly from webpage link and

in second phase View would be embedded inside browser window? :-) The
question is - do we have technical skills to do something like that? If

so, money could be found imo ;-)

I have no need for that in any project I'm managing. Sorry.

Heh - then I am really dumb :-) Sometimes I wonder quite opposite - what 
is other stuff usefull for, while browser plug-ins are imo kind of a 
killer app ... I have to miss something then ...




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[REBOL] Re: Hitting the learning curve

2003-11-05 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Ged Byrne wrote:

I've read the recent 'losing the case' thread with

Personally, I've just come to the end of my honeymoon
with Rebol.

I've been throwing to gether 5 line scripts that do
what pages of Java or VB do in 5 pages.  I've stopped
saying 'Wow,' and I'm starting to ask 'How.'

The problem is that, given a blank piece of screen,
where do I begin when devising my own code to solve my
own problems.  What is the starting point.

Different languages have their own starting points. 
In VB I start with a blank form, dropping controls and
then writing the event handlers.

Well, I can tell you one thing. I didn't like that aproach. I worked 
with VO, which was not so form based (which is imo bad aproach anyway), 
but with main window, defining menu, what menu items refer too, etc. - I 
hate those delphi/VB MDI apps. But that is not the point - even with VO, 
there was lot's of unneded stuff predefined in form of prebuilt apps, 
templates (even changeable but anyway) ... all this stuff provides you 
own logic of how child windows are stored, referred too, dbases 
organised etc. To not end with kludge, our team did exactly following - 
deleting whole stuff and astarting with main loop - we build our own 
system framework, classes, applied some DOS based keyboard navigation 
thru whole IS, we have done things like localisation and remote 
automatic update, we removed registry crap dependency etc. - and we were 
lucky .

In Java I start with an object model.  I identify my
objects with methods and properties and then start
composing the relative classes.

That nearly seems as ideal case for project goals identification, but 
then I don't understand, what is your problem with rebol? If you are 
able to identify your goals with java, why not using rebol? After all - 
IIRC someone created class/method aproach for rebol too ...

In Perl or Ruby I start with the input stream, usually
a file, and start heading for the output stream.


I don't understand here 

What is the starting point with Rebol?  Given a
problem and an empty .r file how do I start growing my
problem?  With a form to enter the data?  With a set
of objects?  With a set of functions?  By defining a

Hmm - as I said - you have to learn how to correctly identify project 
goals and how to fulfill them. Deciding between objects, functions, 
dialect - is after step. I will try to define my aproach later, but let 
me get back to dialects:

I don't know if I am alone, but Rebol dialects (or dialects in general) 
can be cool thing as well as they can become very tricky. Rebol dialects 
are completly free form, so dialect author can introduce stuff looking 
as coming from Mars, as well as it can look as any other programming 
language :-) The problem is, proven using VID, that dialects don't fit 
rebol language correctly. I tried to think about it for a while, but I 
am not sure, how you can eg. dialect to work with official rebol help? 
How can you know (talking VID now), what styles are available, what are 
their facets? Not to mention catastrophe, when you need to mix dialect 
with rebol level (button OK with [rebol-code-here]) - you suddenly deal 
with whole underlying View infrastructure - and once again - there is no 
help mechanism for objects, so the only thing you are left for in the 
case of object is to 'probe it - I can guarantee you, that only handfull 
of ppl understands how styles are constructed, when does it happen, how 
whole event mechanism flows etc etc.

Now general question - has anyone thought how to make this situation 
better? I am not sure there is an easy answer. As far as VID is 
concerned, I propose:

- VID 1.3 - provide users with more robust and encapsulated styles 
(tree, grid, tabs) so ppl will not need to touch underlying engine too often
- fix inconsistencies and bugs
- new level of docs are imo needed - View engine description, working 
with events, effects at face level ... show how to build UI in non VID 
fashion. Then start to explain VID, e.g. single button style ... explain 
how and when certain things happen and show us how to customize button 
and build own style get-style 'button output is far from being enough ...

But that is just VID of course ...

There seem to be so many approaches, but no single
method affords itself?

OK, one other problem I can see with rebol is - lack of frameworks. 
Maybe I now understand your java aproach - maybe you have I have all 
and I have nothing at hand feeling with rebol. Sometimes I have feeling 
that if you want to do something using rebol, you have to start over and 
over again - from scratch ... missing more general mechanisms to work 
with. I don't want to use async:\\whatever kind of stuff - I want RT to 
decide what is good and what not, and if it is good it should be added 
to rebol, simply to provide such common base to all of us. Or e.g. 
things like Medusa multi-protocol server framework with plug-in system?


[REBOL] Re: lost the case ...

2003-11-04 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Paul Tretter wrote:


I totally agree with the frustration.  However, RT's mission is not to first
create a language.  I was also very confused over the developer updates and
thinking it would be published eash month and that never happened.  I never
did look at VID as anymore than a sample of what we can do.  I think that
there is alot more that could be done.  CALLBACKS are really in need for
alot of us.  That was one of the big walls we hit - I know at least a few of
us anyway.  We want REBOL to do much more than it is and are so excited
about it only to wait and wait and then get dissatisfied.  I hope something
comes soon.  So lets wait Carl has a way of keeping us guessing.  The
DLL thing was as close as a NEWS release last time so maybe he will hit us
with that soon.

I gotta feeling we will be singing REBOL praises again very soon.

Ah, then you know something we don't. Look, as for me - I know what the 
situation is. I know we can hardly do anything about it, my frustration 
goes from loosing another 2 potential users for the rebol case. I tried 
my best, but can't do more about it. We talk about updated VID for more 
than year and I was given a question - when?, and asked for realistic 
answer  which I am not able nor willing to provide, as I know 
nothing about RT's concrete short term plans in that regards ...


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[REBOL] Re: dbase files under rebol ???

2003-10-17 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gregg Irwin wrote:

Hi Petr,

PK I think it is possible, but I would not use such solution.

I actually think it would be great to have a free REBOL dBase module,
and I don't think it would be that hard (especially since Franois and
Gabriele have given us starting points). Yes, there are some
variations to account for, but handling 95% of the cases shouldn't be
too much.


well, it always starts the easy way and complicates later. All I wanted 
to say is - that any such stuff without support for indexing, updating 
databases, sharing/locking, is not practically of much use. And once you 
decide to reimplement CA-Clipper of FoxPro in Rebol not even having 
open/skip working, let me know, it will be at least interesting to 
watch  :-)

Just kidding - not trying to distract from any such activity ...


I have a folder set aside for doing it, but it hasn't made it to the
top of my list. :)

-- Gregg


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[REBOL] Re: Multithreading with Rebol

2003-10-17 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maarten Koopmans wrote:

Hi Andreas,


The problem I see w/ coop multi-tasking (and I've implemented two coop
mt server frameworks in REBOL) is that it's a viral, an all-or-nothing
approach. If I have e.g. disk IO, I've to impl a simple file IO in a
coop way, i.e. decompositing it into a state machine w/ small tasks
that preferrably don't block. If I've some computing intensive
algorithm, once more, I've to state it in a coop way. And I (my very
personal opinion based on my experiences with that kind of stuff in
REBOL) find that decomposition rather boring and the result quite hard
to maintain. Imho, first class continuations would help in this
situation, but that's another topic.

So let's do first-class continuations on the mezzanine level,
re-implementing reduce as block interpreter that recursively evaluates
the values supplied. And then redo 'do ;-) , retrofit load etc. Anybody
interested? And when we have done that, why not make'em first class
distributed in our full reflexive meta-language? Now that's GRID
computing on steroids!

how fast can it be? Well, anyway - I am not expert on such things, but - 
if your aproach will prove, why not take them down to native level? And 
if we follow such thinking, why Rebol 2.0 family took step away from 1.0 
model, which supported continuations? I e.g. remember Holger stating 
that if Rebol would not be done the way it is, something like View would 
not be easily possible (or would be slow?) ...

... just curious, as R# plans on such thing as continuations IIRC ...



I'm in no way an expert in the theoretical issues surrounding this
topic, nor am I a REBOL guru. So it may well be that I've missed some
nifty ways to write something that won't require complete changes in
all my coding habits. So - questions, corrections and suggestions are
welcome :)

Same here, but if you really want to, you'll learn what you need to know



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[REBOL] Re: dbase files under rebol ???

2003-10-16 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Tim Johnson wrote:

* Gregg Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [031015 15:18]:

Hi Ronald,

r   Is it possible to work with .dbf files under REBOL ??

Like Petr, I've only seen a couple REBOL script implementations that
do some basics. For real work, Command might be your best bet.

  The dbf file format is a known (and fairly simple) layout.
  I once did a project with C using raw file I/O on dbf files.
  And example of .dbf layout is at

  Given this information, one *should* be able to parse a .dbf file
  on a binary port with just rebol/core.

  Just don't do a skip in a port open in binary. RT hasn't
  fixed that one yet.

I think it is possible, but I would not use such solution. First, as you 
said - open/skip is buggy for 3 years at least and I really don't 
understand RT not fixing the problem. Second - once there are index 
files involved, memo files etc., shared db access, things start to 
complicate and I would warn from trying to change some data in database 
that raw way :-) For some basic data extraction simple parser aproach 
should work, but - I use 50MB databases, almost two hunderds of 
collumns, relations, etc. :-) Command + /ODBC is good value here, really ...




-- Gregg

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[REBOL] Re: IOS and Personal Firewalls

2003-10-16 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Robert M. Mnch wrote:

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 23:35:38 +0200, Volker Nitsch 


AFAIK reblets connect to desctop through tcp/ip.
maybe your firewall thinks connections from localhost to localhost are 
wrong and tries to defend your bits?

Hi, one more. I noticed that an other rebol-link process is started and 
everythings seems to be fine (no error messages) but the GUI isn't 
displayed... the process is a zombie process.


Hi Robert,

isn't it DNS look-up process? IIRC Holger said they use second process 
to achieve better async behavior, but maybe he was talking only Linux 
version, do not remember exactly ... btw - I tried Zone Alarm some time 
ago and as I had some problems with IOS too, I removed it ... It is bad 
there are still some problems ...


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[REBOL] Re: dbase files under rebol ???

2003-10-15 Thread Petr Krenzelok

ronaldoff wrote:

Hello rebol-list,

  Is it possible to work with .dbf files under REBOL ??

  If yes, how do you do that ?

REBOL Command + ODBC drivers (I personally use Advantage Database server 
ODBC) I also saw some dbf reader on rebolfrance site, but I doubt it 
will be robust enough to work efficiently with dbase files.


  Thanks in advance.


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[REBOL] Re: Parse limitation ?

2003-10-08 Thread Petr Krenzelok

patrick  la poste wrote:

Hi List,

I'd like to parse a string searching for two things at the same time.
it seems to me that this is impossible.

For example, a text from which I want to extract the HREF and the SRC target.

myText: {A HREF=#section1IMG SRC=foobar.gifA HREF=#section1}

parse myText [
any [ thru HREF= copy target to  (print target) |
  thru SRC= copy target to  (print target)
] ; any   
] ; parse


parse myText [
any [ thru SRC= copy target to  (print target) |
  thru HREF= copy target to  (print target)
] ; any   
] ; parse


The result is different depending which rule comes first. The only way I see as a 
workaround is to parse the text twice. Is there a better (smarter) way?


I would just like to point out, that 'first directive or tu/thru [a | b 
| c]  was proposed for parse enahncement some time ago, but then some 
parse gurus (e.g. Gabriele) admitted, that parse would have to work 
other way internally and that it is not easy achievable (am I right, 

OTOH - your example is just one of those which we often enough meet in 
real life, but have no easy/elegant solution for, at least not for 
novice being able to solve it 




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[REBOL] Re: Parse limitation ?

2003-10-08 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Petr Krenzelok wrote:

patrick  la poste wrote:


Hi List,

I'd like to parse a string searching for two things at the same time.
it seems to me that this is impossible.

For example, a text from which I want to extract the HREF and the SRC target.

myText: {A HREF=#section1IMG SRC=foobar.gifA HREF=#section1}

parse myText [
   any [ thru HREF= copy target to  (print target) |
 thru SRC= copy target to  (print target)
   ] ; any   
] ; parse


parse myText [
   any [ thru SRC= copy target to  (print target) |
 thru HREF= copy target to  (print target)
   ] ; any   
] ; parse


The result is different depending which rule comes first. The only way I see as a 
workaround is to parse the text twice. Is there a better (smarter) way?


I would just like to point out, that 'first directive or tu/thru [a | b 
| c]  was proposed for parse enahncement some time ago, but then some 
parse gurus (e.g. Gabriele) admitted, that parse would have to work 
other way internally and that it is not easy achievable (am I right, 

OTOH - your example is just one of those which we often enough meet in 
real life, but have no easy/elegant solution for, at least not for 
novice being able to solve it 


Well, I just played a bit and following hack appeared in my notepad :-)

reposition: func [str blk /local res tmp][
   res: copy []
   foreach item blk [
 if not none? tmp: find str item [append res reduce [index? tmp item]]
   sort/skip res 2
   either empty? res [str][at str (first res) - (index? str) + 1]

myText: {
A HREF=#section1IMG SRC=foobar.gifA HREF=#section2
A HREF=#section1IMG SRC=foobar.gifA HREF=#section2
A HREF=#section1IMG SRC=foobar.gifA HREF=#section2
A HREF=#section1IMG SRC=foobar.gifA HREF=#section2

src-rule:  [SRC= copy target to  (print target)]
href-rule: [HREF= copy target to  (print target)]

parse/all mytext [
  any [
mark: (mark: reposition mark [HREF= SRC=]) :mark
[src-rule | href-rule]
to end

You can call 'reposition function with block containing any number of 
options you want to decide upon which is coming first. It will just do 
plain search, analyze its postion, sort resulting block and reposition 
your parse input string so that the parser pointer points to first of 
the options, so you can directly apply HREF=, SRC= etc and you can 
be sure one of them is there ...

Well, I don't know how it is robust, but tried with mytext: read 
http://www.rebol.com and it seems it needs further tuning :-) 

following might get you better results:

mytext: read http://www.rebol.com

src-rule:  [{SRC=} copy target to {} (print target)]
href-rule: [{HREF=} copy target to {} (print target)]

parse/all mytext [
  any [
mark: (mark: reposition mark [{HREF=} {SRC=}]) :mark
[src-rule | href-rule]
to end

Anyway ... you've got some inspiration ...







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[REBOL] Re: Parse limitation ?

2003-10-08 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Petr,

On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, 2:06:58 PM, you wrote:

PK I would just like to point out, that 'first directive or tu/thru [a | b
PK | c]  was proposed for parse enahncement some time ago, but then some
PK parse gurus (e.g. Gabriele) admitted, that parse would have to work
PK other way internally and that it is not easy achievable (am I right,
PK Gabriele?)

The  point  is,  that  internally  PARSE would be forced to do the
equivalent of:

   [any [a | b | c | skip]]


ah, but that is char-by-char execution ...

so  even  if it could be a bit faster than the above I don't think
it  would  be  of  great  help.  More  readable,  maybe... so it's
something I could add to compile-rules, if I get some time to work
on it.

In  this  particular  case,  I wouldn't use this construct at all,
since  it's  much better to have a more complete grammar 

yes, exactly - but I think such grammar to simply achieve what was 
requested will not be easy for novices. The tool (REBOL) should support 
our thinking pattern - and the most easy on is to skip  to | thru 
certain string - no matter what is in between.

If someone is up-to writing complete html parser, building DOM object, 
then maybe we are near seeing rebol based web-browser? :-)


(that can
make  distinction  between  href=  in  a  tag and outside of a tag
etc.), IMHO.


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[REBOL] Re: Parse limitation ?

2003-10-08 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Petr,

On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, 4:39:01 PM, you wrote:

PK ah, but that is char-by-char execution ...

Do  you know any other way to do that? (Your example is using FIND
multiple  times,  and  in  a  big  string that would be many times

Well - I am not sure my example will be any slower, except the penalty 
of extra function call. First, I pass it string at certain position and 
it then returns strings at positions, where further parse rule a) or b) 
can be applied directly, second - it is 2 direct search in string and 
decision upon which index came first vs probably recursive char-by-char 
rules (which penalty I am not able to think about :-)

PK yes, exactly - but I think such grammar to simply achieve what was
PK requested will not be easy for novices. The tool (REBOL) should support
PK our thinking pattern - and the most easy on is to skip  to | thru
PK certain string - no matter what is in between.

I  think  that it is better to think of the problem in a different
way,  because  it  allows you to understand things much better. If
you switch to think about grammars instead of patterns you'll find
out that your problems get simpler, not more complicated. IMHO.

Yes, I can imagine it, really. The problem is (at least for me), that I 
am able to understand such grammar once someone creates it, but am not 
able to come up with it to solve problem at hand. Will you blame us 
little bit underskilled rebol programmers now? :-)

PK If someone is up-to writing complete html parser, building DOM object,
PK then maybe we are near seeing rebol based web-browser? :-)

Well,  the  74-lines  [X]HTML parser built into Temple is far from
being complete, but has been able to parse all the HTML files I've
fed  into it until now. I don't think this is so much complicated,
you  just  need  to avoid that brain-dead way of doing things that
seems to pervade the world. ;-)


Sounds interesting. I am just curious, if e.g. html only (not trying to 
complicate things with java-script for now :-) browser would be possible 
with Rebol? IIRC Python has web browser. Just curious.



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[REBOL] Re: New Q module - Translate

2003-10-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch wrote:

Is Q developped with rebol (/sdk)?

Yes, I assume it is done using SDK. Hower, while slightly off-topic, I 
today saw one product - Macro Express. What I miss with Q (otoh I 
haven't read any docs yet) - is - you run it and ask yourself - how do I 
use it? Some kind of wizard would help.

Look at following site - with that tool you can 
macro-your-Windows-to-death  mouse, keybord, pop-up window 
simulations, miximising, minimising, closing, launching stuff etc.


I wonder if something like that would be possible with Q ...


all the user code I see looks like a straight interpretation of rebol datatypes.

especially this:
Q [FP bj  3][O read %docs/journal.txt] 

You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, being 
part of the problem is much more fun.


-Original Message-
From: Terry Brownell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 5:57 AM
Subject: [REBOL] New Q module - Translate

New Q Module Notice - Translate - Translate any web page to 
and from a number of languages. To use, tell Q T (short for 
translate), followed by the to/from languages, followed by 
the url of the web page. For example...

T english to chinese http://www.powerofq.com;

...w ill translate the Power of Q website into chinese. Uber cool.

Download it at http://powerofq.com/modules.html

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[REBOL] Re: complete rebol mail client ?

2003-10-07 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch wrote:


Does anybody have a fully functional mail client written in REBOL which is available 
as share ware, open source or anything of the like?

It should have the usual features like mailboxes, automatic FW: RE: and stuff like 

I want to replace outlook...  And I have enough things to do already... If I already 
had a solid base, I wouldn't mind hacking in the features I need.

Thanks in advance


I am not sure there is something robust enough for you to continue with, 
but I would suggest you going with Mozilla 1.5 RC2 - good enough - 
emails stored in plain text format, fast enough, feature complete, 
contains spam filtering.


or there is stripped down version if you don't want to download full 
browser ... but hey - IE is crap in comparison to Mozilla for quite some 
time already ...




Steel project coordinator


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[REBOL] Re: Windows Crash

2003-10-02 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Steffen Kahr Pedersen wrote:

Hi Gabriele  Bohdan,

Thank you for your comments re commercial applications.

I should be very happy to be convinced.

I'm also curious as to what type af applications?

Regards Steffen

Whatever ones :-) Your thinking should be lead in a following way - what 
other tool would you use if it was not rebol? Are you familiar with such 
tool? I expect we talk tools league of Delphi, VB etc. E.g. we used here 
CA-Visual Objects (as I come from Clipper world). So, let's start with 
pekr's rules :-)

- don't trust stupid argumenting such as - if you use VB, don't even 
dare calling yourself a programmer. Good coder would never tell you 
such sentense, as he/she knows, that right tool at right time at your 
hand is what matters. What is more - if you are not familiar with those 
tools, forget you start utilising your tool easily. It does not matter 
you know what is object programming about - you have to learn classes, 
events, their logic, etc. If you already came to rebol, it is clear you 
want to do some apps your way. E.g. with VO, we scrapped all templates 
and produced our logic - I hate those templates which can solve easy 
cases for you, but once you go deeper and deeper in a problem, you 
end-up with kludgy code. So in the end we had some small IS sales system 
done. Do you think our users care what it was programmed in, or how 
sophisticated object logic it uses? :-)

I use minimalistic aproach - ask yourself :

- does it work? If so, who cares what sophisticated tool you used - 
users/customers don't!

- Is it fast enough? Now I mean mainly speed. There is old trade-off of 
speed of scripting languages. Only morons can claim such things 
nowadays, at least for general apps. Fast enough is simply fast enough. 
I often can hear - but my C++ code would work 10x faster. Well, ppl 
claiming so very often forget the fact, that today's PC is x times 
faster than yesterday's server ;-) so - for general business apps, rebol 
is more than ideal. Forget some video, sound capabilities - we are slow 
and not there yet, forget writing MS Office clone using rebol etc.

- don't try to provide your app with native OS skins! Well - that is my 
suggestion. I know some ppl think otherwise, but I can tell you, that my 
ppl notice my apps, because they look slightly different. E.g. REBOL IOS 
has very pleasant feeling - if it would have native Windows look - it 
would just look as other windows based app ... so - use the difference 
as your advantage!

- Does it behave consistently?  And now take care! VID is still not 
consistent in some cases. While I prefer different look of app, I know 
that what ppl hate is different app behavior (I talk keyboard navigation 
here). But there are some patches mainly from Romano, which help in that 
area. And - after all - once you will become more fluent with View, you 
can change lot's of things yourself.

-  more styles - ask Cyphre for tree-view, list-view, tabs, menu etc 
styles - they are very nice, even in beta. There was VID 1.3 community 
effort but it is not finished. I know RT wants to do something in that 
regard, as current VID stopped imo in some 80% of perfection (missing 
styles, some inconsistencies, capabilities ...)

- time to market - I can bet that Rebol will allow you to very quickly 
prototype your app. You will be designing it around your thoughts. Rebol 
is first environment which provides me with such feeling. e.g. in VO I 
had to wrap my thinking around strict object logic. Rebol is free-form.

- what rebol lacks a bit is simple built-in database (IIRC Gabriele did 
something in that regard but I don't know its state). So it depends what 
are your intentions. Rebol/Command has ODBC interface, using View/Pro 
you can use Firebird wrapper and even with non-profi Rebol products you 
can use e.g. Postgress and MySQL - we have cool folk called DocKimbel 
here, who did really nice drivers ...

Enjoy reboling!

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[REBOL] Re: Newbie questions

2003-10-02 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Kai Peters wrote:

Hi all ~

just stumbled upon REBOL yesterday and have started writing my first min-app
and the following questions

just curious ... where have you heard of rebol, folks? Last weeks we can 
see new ppl coming :-)

have come up thus far:

what is the most elegant way to read a value out of an ini file?

it depends upon the structure of ini file ... you can build parser for 
it ... you can e.g. read/lines - that will return your file in a block 
of lines, thru which you can traverse ...

tried to find some docs on error handling but thus far have not succeeded -
is there anything out there?


try [yourd code here]
attempt [your code here]

- error? try [read %ble.bel]
== true
- probe disarm try [read %ble.bel]

make object! [
code: 500
type: 'access
id: 'cannot-open
arg1: /C/REBOL/View/ble.bel
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: [read %ble.bel]
where: none


how do i know that a read from ftp succeeds and how do i know which error
occured if it fails?

Thanks for all input



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[REBOL] Re: help with function utilising extended life-time words ..

2003-10-01 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Thanks all for answers! I was just thinking in a bit different way - I
did not want to enclose measured task into special block to prevent
myself from forgetting to include ending bracket :-) So, my initial
intention was to have how-long? just marking current time substracted
from last function call ... From the various aproaches I saw I like
object based the most probably ... do not why though :-)


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[REBOL] Re: The OldsKool Demo :-)

2003-09-18 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Sébastien Jeudy wrote:

Yo all,

My first demo in Rebol :

The OldsKool Demo :)

Available here : http://reboleur.free.fr/OldsKool/OldsKool.zip

- scrolling texts in french and in english,
- synchronisation with the speed of your processor (better quality with 
power ;).

Enjoy it ! :)

Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.


so cool! Now finally Cyphre and Oldes got their competition ;-) Well, 
your demo reminds me of Amiga demos! Now if we could get some smoother 
scrolling with Rebol, it would be even cooler :-)


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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/BASE testing

2002-10-16 Thread Petr Krenzelok

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

Yes, wait for the probably free FastCGI protocol from DocKimbel - it 
will be 10 times faster at least ;-)

Will that run on any REBOL installation?



I hope so ... it will be just it - rebol script - no additional 
libraries. Once released, Rebol community finally gets PHP competitor, 
as whatever speed-up Base offers you, it still uses CGI environment, 
while Fast-CGI protocol will let your Rebol process in memory, so it 
does not need to be started once again with new request.

MySQL and PostgresQL drivers are also encouraging 


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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/BASE testing

2002-10-15 Thread Petr Krenzelok

RebOldes wrote:

Hello rebol-list,

  I've finally found some time to test the Rebol/base...
  I choosed one of my cgi scripts and set the Rebol/base as the
  interpreter, I had to add decode-cgi function to this script to make
  it working and run this simple test:


t: now/time/precise loop 1000 [read] t2: now/time/precise - t

== 0:00:36.552

t: now/time/precise loop 1000 [read] t2: now/time/precise - t

== 0:01:11.342

As you can see the Rebol/BASE is almost 3 times faster. It really worhts to
rewrite some of the server-side scripts to be runable with it:-))

PS: I'm now thinking about some way how to find and import the missing
functions into the Rebol/Base from Core, do you have any ideas?

Yes, wait for the probably free FastCGI protocol from DocKimbel - it 
will be 10 times faster at least ;-)


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[REBOL] strange behavior ... (Was) Re: Re: Refresh speed of Rebol/View...

2002-10-14 Thread Petr Krenzelok

James Marsden wrote:

Re: Cyphre's benchmark.r

Two things intrigued me from the benchmarks I got - one was the fact that
Win2k seems to have been limited intentionally to 50fps and the other was
the insane speeds BeOS gave in the 320x240 and 640x480 tests.

very strange effect is - try to hold mouse button down and move around. 
Your frame-rate will raise to higher values. So - what is the 
conclusion? Can View refresh rate be faster or not? Why 'move event 
causes faster refresh?

btw: exactly the same value for W2K here.


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[REBOL] Interview with DocKimbel ...

2002-10-13 Thread Petr Krenzelok


I was informed by secret source, that Rebol France site features 
interview with our fellow Rebol guru DocKimble :-)


You can translate to English by e.g. http://babelfish.altavista.com


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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-13 Thread Petr Krenzelok
Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Romano,

On Sunday, October 13, 2002, 10:42:58 AM, you wrote:

RPT get-modes system/ports/system get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes
RPT == [window: 688 winmsg: [] endian: little]

Very interesting information. I assume the window ID refers to the
console  window?  Did  you  find  any  way to get that for a /View

I wonder if anyone knows what could be set in WINMSG; what type of
messages  does  Windows  send? Maybe we can figure how it works by
ourselves,  so  that  Carl  doesn't have to spend precious time in
writing examples... :-)

I asked yesterday Carl to post some example, as I saw ppl here not being 
able to proceed with system port usage. Now it is our turn :-) As for 
Winmsgs, it should be available somewhere in Win32 API reference manuals 
imo ...



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[REBOL] rebol and kiosk systems embedding ...

2002-10-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok

part of our project is gonna be - KIOSK systems. We just looked into 
some at Invex computer show. They are pretty expensive, so we will 
eventually produce few kiosk systems ourselves. However - the questioin 
is - software.  We can go several routes:

1) by some 3rd party software - but we are not sure they will sell us 
without their kiosk system.

2) build such sw ourselves. What is needed?
   a) customized browser, which will run in full screen mode and will 
prevent user of touch screen to leave the environment back to OS 
desktop. Such environment has to provide us with the ability to display 
virtual keyboard, which would allow to enter urls, fill in forms, etc.
   b) it has to allow for the admin to enter allowed urls, etc. - we 
don't want to let ppl to browse the whole web, right? :-) (maybe kind of 
a proxy would be needed?)
   c) maybe to allow even visual mixture with Rebol code, - dialog 
appearance - but can we have forced (modal, non-modal - I never know 
which one represents what, but you surely understand :-) rebol based 
window in the front of other screen content?

Several ways to implement 2)

A) do everything in rebol and forget browser - not too much acceptable, 
as I would lost ability to delegate design work to designer, who is not 
fluent with VID (although he will learn it in the future). The idea is 
to allow combination of e.g. browser, dialog boxes in rebol, full-screen 
rebol content, Scala Multimedia content etc, we will see how it can all 
be combined

B) use browser - but as I said - we would have to be able to adapt 
browser's environment, to allow some custom buttons for the kiosk 
purpose, virtual keyboard display, etc. We would definitely go with 
Mozilla (cross platform) and probably XUL, but I am not sure yet, if it 
will allow us to customize UI to our liking. If anyone is experienced in 
that area, I would appreciate some input here ...

some XUL references:
http://www.mozilla.org/xpfe/xulref/- programmer's guide?
http://www.xulplanet.com/  - portal ...

C) what we saw during the show was - external configurable environments, 
with embedded browser (mostly IE I think). I tried to look into Mozilla 
embedding API, but it seems pretty complex to me. Well - I am not sure I 
want to create cross-platform rebol browser anyway (although it could 
help IOS a lot, as it misses just that kind of integration - no ability 
to display embedded html content). I would like to ask, if anyone tried 
to embed external app into View face? Is that even possible technically? 
Simply not linking Rebol to Mozilla API, but to tell Mozilla to run 
inside defined window. But I am not sure it would be sufficient, as 
parameters would have to be exchanged between those two anyway (virtual 
keyboard entry e.g.)

Embedding Mozilla API link (for those, who are skilled enough and would 
provide rebol community with a gift of getting ability to display web 
content into View layout. Mozilla is free and cross-platform, so no 
problem on that side, what would be needed to distribute is just Mozilla 
run-time and rebol wrappers :-)


Well, as always, I will appreciate any kind of input.

Thanks a lot,

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[REBOL] Re: rebol and kiosk systems embedding ...

2002-10-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok
Just replying to myself but maybe as a reference for others - there seem 
to be more to the mozilla than one could think - it seems to become a 
platform rather than being simple browser :-)

http://www.mozdev.org/projects.html - what a bunch of projects ...

I don't know why, but e.g. XUL XML UI description language seems to me 
rebol like - clean, simple enough, well though out (especially chrome:// 
- they use port-like principle we use in rebol :-)


Well, talking to myself here in the morning ... everybody seem to be 
asleep :-)


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[REBOL] Re: rebol and kiosk systems embedding ...

2002-10-12 Thread Petr Krenzelok
bryan wrote:

C) what we saw during the show was - external configurable


with embedded browser (mostly IE I think). 

Well IE did make an initial push towards developers for the KIOSK
market, tied in with Windows CE I believe, so that would be logical.
A propos XUL, I started with that when it first came out but dropped it
cause namespaces were not being handled correctly, i.e you could not
bind the namespace to a prefix but had to use the xul prefix all the
time. Would be interested in knowing if that's fixed.


I don't know - according to following site, there is also easier way - 
but still some options don't seem to work.


I also got to the article describing how Borland faked embedding Mozilla 
into their Kylix - they run mozilla process with -width and -height 
parameters and just assured that Kylix can communicate with mozilla 
process to exchange keyboard focus info, etc. Something like that could 
be sufficient - I would run Rebol top and bottom bar, easily do virtual 
keyboard, but command-line switches don't work for me here yet.

As you can see, old Communicator feature kiosk and super-kiosk modes - 
Mozilla doesn't and my suspicion is - the way to solve it is to use XUL 
or some other tweak ...

List of Mozilla's command line options are here: 


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