[REBOL] script not terminating, continues to replicate Re:(3)

2000-10-06 Thread jeff



  So, this script had been working when tested?  

  Adding QUIT to the end?

  The script as it appears to me, as a regular CGI, shouldn't
  behave that way, so I'd conjecture there's something about
  the SSI method that causing the problem.  Wish I could be
  more helpful. 


> >A) You are not using a REBOL/view to serve this cgi, yes?
> I am using /Core 2.3 for Solaris on Sparc.
> >B) You are using an expired experimental?
> It is not an experimental version of /Core.
> >So is the #! line pointing to the correct REBOL?
> Yes. The script is in the same directory as the binary.
> >How is this invoked, through an IMG tag?
> The  script  is invoked using   an  exec statement which is
> invoked by an include statement.
> >I see that  it is ending  with  .cgi.  Perhaps another
> >copy  of  it  is  lying around  in   another directory
> >getting invoked erroneously?
> nope.

[REBOL] script not terminating, continues to replicate Re:

2000-10-06 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Ryan.
  Sorry to hear about your CGI woes.
   Two considerations:  

   A) You are not using a REBOL/view to serve this cgi, yes?
   If so, a REBOL/view would fail on boot trying to connect to
   an X host that is not available.  The process then hangs
   out.  This is a known problem.  Use REBOL/core.

   B) You are using an expired experimental?  This would also
   fail on boot-- though I don't know if it will hang out.
   Maybe check to see if you can run the version of REBOL

   So is the #! line pointing to the correct REBOL?

   Otherwise, this script doesn't look like it could be
   causing that problem. 

   How is this invoked, through an IMG tag?

   You could also add a little logging:

 write/append %banner-script.log now

   I see that it is ending with .cgi.  Perhaps another copy of
   it is lying around in another directory getting invoked


> My hosting service said they suspended my site because "This script has been 
> running constantly since the site was re-enabled, with 10 plus copies running 
> on each webserver. Not only does this monopolize system resources, but the 
> script does not terminate properly and continues to replicate. We cannot 
> permit scripts with programming errors on our servers as they 
> impact the behavior of other customer sites."
> -Ryan
> #!rebol -cs
>  Title:  "Banner Ad Randomizer"
>  File:   %webbanner.cgi
>  Date:   16-Apr-2000
>  Author: "Ryan Christiansen"
>  Purpose: {
>  Generate HTML code that displays a linked banner advertisement
>  }  
> ]

[REBOL] Rebol web servers Re:

2000-10-06 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Sharriff: 

  Sorry for the delayed response.

  The webserver you're referring to went like this.
  Originally, Tyler and I built a version with the goal of
  making a working webserver in as few lines as possible.
  This was 20 lines, if I remember right.  Bo, later, reworked
  the webserver to add REBOL cgi support.  

  So the goal wasn't really robustness, though it looks like
  Ryan put it through its paces :-).  A more robust webserver
  could be achieved using port multiplexing.  A good example
  of this is Sterling Newton's http proxy script:


  Certainly you could add mime types and all sorts of
  stuff. There's also (Ingo Hohmann's) YaRWeS (Yet another rebol web
  server -- did I get that right?) that had a bunch more
  direct support for mime types and lots of other goodies as
  does Cal Dixon's REBOL webserver:


  (I can't seem to find Ingo's webserver.  It's not on his
  site or on rebol.org-- maybe it's not released anymore)

  As far as licensing goes, the script is public domain, and
  REBOL has it's own EULA (end user license agreement). So,
  that's my understanding of that stuff.  



> Hi Mr.Tyler Booth, Jeff Kreis and Bohdan Lechnowsky !
> Have you done a  stress test with  The "microweb server" or
> "small  web  server" ?  I had in mind to  deployour
> applications with another free  web server, but it would be
> nice if everything was in REBOL, code and deployment, how I
> want it, transparently ( human readable REBOL code) .
> I would like  to serve XML,  XHTML and HTML  pages in an
> Intranet situation (  40-50 users  ).   Can I  add other
> MIME types? I use FLASH  a lot for navigation menus,  so
> I´ll be  needing SWF support.   Since its  written in
> rebol, one could tailor an install routine accordingly.
> Any  ideas? Please advise  ASAP, if  this idea is feasible,
> let me know more about licensing,  I´ll speak to my boss
> about it.
> Sharriff Aina med.iq information & quality in healthcare AG

[REBOL] System/? Re:

2000-09-30 Thread jeff

> Where can I find all the refinements or path values and what is the best way
> to probe them.
> Paul Tretter

  With the newest experimental versions of REBOL you can just


  and a huge pile (~64k) of source code will fly by.  That's
  information overload, so to see what words are at each
  level of the system object you can do the following:

probe first system
[self version build product components words license options
user script console ports network schemes error standard view
stats locale]


probe first system/ports  ;-for instance
[self input output echo serial]

  Bo made a script to help people navigate the system object:


  A view version would be neat. 


[REBOL] rebol.org seems to be down Re:

2000-09-30 Thread jeff

> I can't seem to get through to rebol.org tonight (it is now 4:30am PST September 30,
> 2000)...  Anybody else having problems?

  Looks up to me.  5:30am PST, September 30, 2000 AD. 


[REBOL] Small admin/report benchmark Re:(4)

2000-09-23 Thread jeff

  Hash! and list! datatypes are fixed up in the upcoming
  experimental view builds.


> Hi Joel,
> You wrote: > Ladislav's   comes  next (this is  the  second
> script he  >   posted; the first  one blew   up   on my box
> repeatedly).
> Confused,  I expected the SECOND   script (the script using
> Hash! datatype) to blow up - it looked to me like RT didn't
> succeed to implement  of Hash!  datatype reliably,  or like
> there was another sign of the GC bug...
> Regards
>  Ladislav

[REBOL] What should we bake? Re:(4)

2000-09-23 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Ted:

> Personally, I'd   say that   a discussion  board/BBS system
> would  be step one,  with   file archives and email  alerts
> being step two.

  Now there's a real good one.  Take a look at the Ultimate
  BBS (http://infopop.com), which is written in PERL and is
  like 250k worth of scripts in size.  The equivalent REBOL
  code should be like 50k or something.

  The key issue for doing a cgi based BBS is session
  management, authentication, authorization.  Those issues
  have to be dealt with first in the design and implementation
  before moving on to any of the screens.  

> A really good environment would  be standards-based, so you
> could use any handy browser  or email client, or enjoy  the
> enhanced benefits of  using  a unified, properietary  (a la
> /VIEW).   Ofcourseto  remain  competitive, Palm
> synchronization will be an absolute requirement.

  A BBS that you can get to from the REB! How cool is that?


[REBOL] Small admin/report benchmark Re:(3)

2000-09-23 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Joel:

> As for Jeff's...
> First, I had  to  comment  out all  of  the code  that  was
> specific to /View and replace it  with equivalent code.  (I
> needed /Core syntax,  and needed   to run  it in the   same
> fashionas   the   others,in  order   to   keep  the
> apples-to-apples comparison.

  Hey, no fair! Mine was supposed to be PRETTY not FAST!!!



2000-09-22 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Ted:

> [re: FUD]..
> And, I  don't  think it's  FUD to offer  candid advice with
> specific suggestions for change.

 Naw, my intention was not to rebuke your efforts toward
 calling it as you see it. Just the feeling was a little
 demoralizing and ominous the way it comes across on my side
 of the screen--

> His Majesty's Loyal Advocate,

  We are all the new Jedi knights of the computing world and
  we must not turn to the darkside! As say Master Yoda: "Fear
  leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to
  suffering!!"  :-) :-) ;-)



2000-09-21 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Ted:

   Isn't one of there an Open Source mantra about running
   around spreading FUD? (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) ;-)



> On 9/22/2000 at 8:51 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > You are starting to sound a little disheartened in your recents
> posts.. :-(
> Oh,   I've always been a  little  cranky, just haven't been
> posting as much. The sad part  is I'm still saying the same
> things I said a year ago. My concern  is that people get so
> excited about REBOL as  a language, they overlook its basic
> needs  as a competitive product.   It would be nice to  see
> thoughtful, efficient design actually win for a change.

[REBOL] The Industry Needs REBOL But Thinks it Wants Perl Re:(6)

2000-09-21 Thread jeff

  Hello, Mr Siegel!

  I'm always happy to offer any help I can provide those new
  to learning REBOL, as are many on this list.  I offer my
  hearty encouragement to you in your ambitious endeavor!


> > >  Now   that smells  like  a  good business  plan, teach
> > programming using  REBOL.  $x  per  person  per lesson  x
> > times a week adds up  well. I am tempted  to try this one
> > out.
> I am a non-programmer  new to the list.  I might be working
> with Rebol soon,   and it is  possible that  I  will have a
> patron  who would sponsor tutorials for  me and my son, 16,
> to learn Rebol programming. As I am a writer, these lessons
> could then be developed into a commercial or non-commercial
> tutorial.
> I'd be interested in hearing  some ideas on the feasibility
> of this as well as a show of hands from possible tutors.
> --
> JULESSIEGEL   Apdo1764Cancun   Q.  Roo77501
> http://www.cafecancun.com Fax1.530.706.8739  Tel1.52.98
> 83.36.29

[REBOL] pinging SELMA Re:(4)

2000-09-21 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Brian: 

> >Hmmm, I don't believe this is a bug. The 0 2 "a" matches
> >two instances of "a".  Check out:
> Well, it took me a long time, but I figured out a bug in my
> test code that made it look like parse had a bug.  It's not
> whitespace, but I still feel foolish now :(

  Don't! Your efforts are not wasted.  Someone may well have
  learned more about PARSE as a result of it.  Reminds me of a
  story a pilot once told me about "flying the seatbelt".
  That's when the seatbelt gets caught in the door and when
  you're up in the air it starts rattling like mad and you
  start freaking out looking around for the problem and you
  end up "flying the seatbelt", instead of the plane, so you
  end up plowing into a mountain! :) Even pilots fly seatbelts
  occasionally.  (How's that for a cheery anecdote?)
> I formally apologize for the Feedback messages I sent.

  No apologies. That's what feedback's there for, but I think we
  could/should have spotted that earlier and saved you some
  frustration. :-) Hmm.. I suppose I should see if any bug
  reports were filled out on this one.  (Yep) Well -- all's
  well that ends well.

> Reviewing  the  SELMA source I   can't  reproduce the bug I
> found before so it must have been fixed. Good!
> Another thing I haven't figured out is how Gabriele is able
> to consistently end up with a Re: after the list tag on all
> of his posts. 

   Hey, Gabriele has magic SELMA confusing powers! 


[REBOL] parse or Re:(5)

2000-09-20 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Joel:

> Notice that now the result block has only TWO elements!
> Since the first test (the thru {.^/} part) can succeed by
> grabbing text all the way to the end of the SECOND
> paragraph, >it does so, putting the first two paragraphs
> into the first >output string.  I assumed that this is NOT
> what you wanted, >but rather you wanted to copy through
> either {.^/} or {."^} >WHICHEVER COMES NEXT.  (Natural
> language text munching is a >real pain, speaking from
> personal experience! ;-)

  Sure.  In the interests of advancing its popularity, I
  offered up a simplistic example of PARSE. :-)

  Paragraphs can end in a variety of punctuation ("!?.-;:),
  with different quantities (as Russ pointed out), no? 


[REBOL] parse or Re:(3)

2000-09-20 Thread jeff

Howdy, Ryan:

> > paragraphs: {First paragraph.^/Second "paragraph."^/Third paragraph.}
> > parse paragraphs [some [thru {.^/}  | thru {."^/} | thru "." end]]
> This returns "true"

  Yep, that means that PARSE successfully made it through the
  whole string. 

  To break up your paragraphs, copy out the parts thru each
  paragraph ending, like this:

pb: copy []
parse  paragraphs [
some [
   copy part [thru  {.^/} | thru {."^/} | thru  "." end] 
   (append pb part) 

== ["First paragraph.^/" {Second "paragraph."
} "Third paragraph."]

> Sorry  if I'm  being a  pain, but  when  I read the  "parse
> rules"  documentation  it doesn't  make any  sense to me. I
> can't see theusefulness of  returning  "true" in   this
> situation.

  No pain whatsoever.  I like trying to help. 


[REBOL] parse or Re:

2000-09-20 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Ryan:

paragraphs: {First paragraph.^/Second "paragraph."^/Third paragraph.}
parse paragraphs [some [thru {.^/}  | thru {."^/} | thru "." end]]


> == {First paragraph.
> Second "paragraph."
> Third paragraph.}
> >> probe parse paragraphs [{.^/} | {."^/}]
> false
> == false
> >> probe parse paragraphs ({.^/} or {."^/})
> ** Script Error: Cannot use or~ on string! value.
> ** Where: ".^/" or {."
> So how DO I parse by a value OR another value?
> -Ryan

[REBOL] pinging SELMA Re:(2)

2000-09-20 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Brian:

> There is a long-standing bug in the
> parse native in all versions of REBOL that affects the code
> in SELMA that parses subject lines.
> ; Second, with optional more than one "a"
> y-cnt: 0
> parse a: "y a a y z" [
>   some [
>   to "y" here: "y"
>   0 2 "a" ; Note more than one "a" optional here
>   any " " there:
>   (y-cnt: 1 + :y-cnt remove/part :here :there) :here
>   ] ; This block should run twice, but doesn't
> ]
> print [mold a y-cnt {(should be "z" 2)}] 

   Hmmm, I don't believe this is a bug. The 0 2 "a" matches
   two instances of "a".  Check out:


   "The parse function ignores all intervening whitespace
   between patterns that it scans."

   Try these:

   parse "a a a a a b" [0 1 "a" m: (print m)]
   parse "a a a a a b" [0 2 "a" m: (print m)]
   parse "a a a a a b" [0 3 "a" m: (print m)]

 . . . 

   [0 2 "a"] is like saying [0 1 "a" 0 1 "a"] 


[REBOL] pinging SELMA Re:(8)

2000-09-19 Thread jeff

  You really just need this function:


  returns a block containing two URLS and/or none values.

  You really would want the list archiver to make available a
  simple REBOL data file of thread info for SELMA to grok on.


> Re threading, I think your suggestion is really good because it is both
> useful and simple.
> However I guess there will be  a non-trivial amount of work
> to get  the  threading  result/functionality from  archival
> program into Selma.
> Nevertheless, the user archive would be a lot more useful.
> Brett.

[REBOL] pinging SELMA Re:(2)

2000-09-18 Thread jeff

   Howdy, T: 
  Nice idea, senior! :)

  Anyone actually hacked some improvements to the SELMA code?
  (You can obtain a copy of the selma source by sending the
  subject "selma-source" to SELMA.  Now there's a mouthful!)


> Here's a thought.. some sort of thread
> control/filtering?  Enjoy monitoring the conversation,
> but deleting upwards of 100 e-mails on busy days.
> T Brownell
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   BTW: Anyone made any improvements to SELMA that they would
>   like to share?
>   -jeff
> __   Do You
> Yahoo!?   Yahoo! Mail  -  Free  email  you  can access from
> anywhere!  http://mail.yahoo.com/

[REBOL] Small admin/report benchmark Re:

2000-09-18 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Joel:

> REBOL solution:
> My effort at producing a comparable REBOL script is
> given next.  I tried to use appropriate REBOLish
> idioms to accomplish equivalent results.
>  begin REBOL script 
> #!/usr/local/bin/rebol -sq
> REBOL []
> shells: copy make block! 5
> countshell: func [sh [string!] /local shr] [
>  either none? shr: find shells sh [
>  append shells reduce [sh 1]
>  ][
>  change shr: next shr 1 + shr/1
>  ]
> ]
> foreach line read/lines %passwords.txt [
>  countshell any [pick parse/all line ":" 7  "(none)"]
> ]
> foreach [sh n] sort/skip shells 2 [
>  n: to-string n
>  while [3 > length? n] [insert n " "]
>  print [n sh]
> ]
> = end REBOL script =

Here's an alternate approach:
(I skipped the sort for now..)

shells: make block! 5 ;- no need for xtra copy

do func [/sh/blk][
foreach line read/lines %passwords.txt [
sh: pick parse/all line ":" 7
append any [
select shells sh all [
append shells reduce [sh blk: copy []] blk
] sh
blk: copy [backdrop 20.40.200 title "Shells" across]
foreach [name sh] shells [
   append blk compose [text (form length? sh) tab text (form name) return]
view layout blk

;-- Note, we used rebol's NONE datatype to represent those
;whose shells are NONE. 

  The approach taken is to use blocks to accumulate data and
  use length? and index? and what not to do the bean counting.

  I did cheat, though, and didn't bother sorting. Sorry!
  Reason why is the REBOL sort function is getting some much
  needed work done to it right now and the new sort function
  will make this kind of thing a lot easier.  Might even use
  it to sort the actual layout produced!  :-)

  Perl is likely faster for various tasks to REBOL, but REBOL
  makes many tasks much easier to do.

  It's all how you slice it. :)


[REBOL] best means of passing refinements from main to helper function? Re:(4)

2000-09-18 Thread jeff

> But  then this  (the  example below)  explicitly  lists the
> refinements in the function  body.  I think the  "ultimate"
> solution would process an arbitray list, as with a loop. It
> is fairly  short  though  :) and IS   a  step  up  from 'if
> statements, esp for more than 2 refinements.
> - Michael Jelinek

  Yes, like I meant to say: it's not exactly elegant. (:
  Refinement transferal is at the frontiers of REBOL
  research. ;)


> main: func [
>  /use-month month-to-use /use-day day-to-use
> ] [
>  go?: func ['what  /it][either it: get what [either true = it [what][it]][]]
>  do  reduce  compose/deep   [
>  to-path   [deduction  (go? use-month) (go? use-day)]
>  (go? month-to-use) (go? day-to-use)
>  ]
> ]

[REBOL] debugging rebol apps Re:(2)

2000-09-18 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Michael:

> Well, since you asked...
> I  have a fairly  large  application, divided  into several
> files (modules). 
 . . .
> eprint: make object! [
>   adv: func   [msg-raw  [series!]][ if any  [testing/adv
>   testing/all][print
> [ "^(tab)ADV: " reduce msg-raw ]]]
>   dun: func   [msg-raw [series!]][  if  any [testing/lib
>   testing/all][print
> [ "^(tab)DUNGEON: " reduce msg-raw ]]]

  Wow, when do we get to see that? (-:


[REBOL] debugging rebol apps Re:(2)

2000-09-18 Thread jeff

Incrementally.  Each time I make a change that I think is
trivial, I still go make sure it works as expected.  I break
out common code into functions, and then debug those functions
individually.  Always add type specifiers to function arguments
to be sure you're being passed what is expected. 

The thing that always seems to help for me is I'll try to make
each module do something very simple successfully before
elaborating.  Like, for instance, if the goal of a function is
to generate some data and then display it (or have another
function display it) I make my first goal to successfully:

  print mold data

When a script reaches the couple pages mark, I find it helps
to break out common parts, like utility functions, to go into
their own file.  They can always be recombined later, but the
more scrolling you end up doing the more confusing it can become.

Nothing revolutionary in those approaches, but I find them
helpful in building larger apps.


> Hi. Since rebol  does not have a  compiler, I find it a bit
> more difficult to  debug  large rebApps.  Anyone  have  any
> debugging tips/strategies? Curious  how others debug  their
> scripts...
> Rishi

[REBOL] pinging SELMA

2000-09-18 Thread jeff

  Just FYI: If you think one of the lists is down you can
  always send SELMA a message with only the word "help" on the
  subject line.

  If she's running she'll let you know with a copy of the
  commands she knows:


Here is some helpful information:

Commands to REBOL SELMA are given on the subject
line of your message. These commands are currently

  help - get this information
  suggest - make a suggestion about the list
  selma-source - get the current source code to SELMA
  get msg N - send yourself message #N
  subscribe - add yourself to the list
  unsubscribe - remove yourself from the list

No other commands are provided at this time.



  BTW:  Anyone made any improvements to SELMA that they would
  like to share?


[REBOL] best means of passing refinements from main to helper function? Re:(3)

2000-09-15 Thread jeff

> Howdy, Michael:
>The following approach   is exactly elegant, but  it gets
 I meant to say "ISN't exactly elegant"... sorry.  That
 wasn't very elegant either! :)

>the job done and it's fairly short.  I think it's kind of

[REBOL] another parsing problem: converting dos filenames to rebol Re:

2000-09-15 Thread jeff


Title:"DOS-REBOL File Name Conversion Routines"
File: %dosbol.r
Author:   "Terrence Brannon"
Purpose:  "Ease working with dos filename in REBOL programs"
Category: 'file

dosbol: make object! [
out:  make string! 100
path-char: complement charset ":\/"

rules: [ 
copy char path-char ":" (out: rejoin [ "/" char ]) |
"\" (append out "/")   |
copy char some path-char (append out char)
d2r: func [
dos-fn [string!] "takes a dos filename and converts to rebol format"
parse dos-fn [ some rules ]

dosbol/d2r "c:\temp\file"

== "/c/temp/file"

> Could someone please fix this? It hung my interpreter:
>  Title: "DOS-REBOL File  Name Conversion Routines" File:
>  %dosbol.r
>  Author:"Terrence   Brannon"  Email:
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Purpose: "Ease workingwith
>  dos filename in REBOL programs"
>  Category: 'file
> ]
> dosbol: make object! [
>  char: make string! 0 out: make string! 0
>  drive-letter: charset [ #"A" - #"F" ]
>  rules: [ copy char drive-letter  ":" (out: rejoin [ "/"
>  dl ]) |
>   "\" (append out "/") | copy char (append out char)
>  ]
>  d2r: func [
>   dos-fn [string!] "takes a dos filename and converts to
>   rebol format"] [
>parse/all dos-fn [ any rules ]
>out ]
> ]
> >> dosbol/d2r "c:\temp\file"
> terrence-brannon:  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]   perl-refugee
> myth-gamer] free-email:  http://www.MailAndNews.com
> free-usenet: http://www.mailAndNews.com ;  all the above is
> real REBOL code, believe it or not.

[REBOL] checking for localhost versus remote host Re:

2000-09-15 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Terrence: 

  my-box: "bluelightspecial"

  if my-box <> read dns:// [do-remote-trace-info]

> I am writing a script and I only want the trace info created
> and logged if the script is running on a remote machine, not
> my own.
> Is there a programmatic  way to check  for what machine  my
> script is running on?
> terrence-brannon:  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]   perl-refugee
> myth-gamer] free-email:  http://www.MailAndNews.com
> free-usenet: http://www.mailAndNews.com ;  all the above is
> real REBOL code, believe it or not.

[REBOL] best means of passing refinements from main to helper function? Re:(2)

2000-09-15 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Michael: 

  The following approach is exactly elegant, but it gets the
  job done and it's fairly short.  I think it's kind of cute. 



deduction: func [
/use-month month-to-use 
/use-day day-to-use
rejoin [ "file-"
 either use-month [ month-to-use ] [ now/month ]
 either use-day   [ day-to-use ]   [ now/day  ]

main: func [
/use-month month-to-use
/use-day day-to-use
] [
go?: func ['what /it][either it: get what [either true = it [what][it]][]]
do reduce compose/deep [to-path [deduction (go? use-month) (go? use-day)] 
(go? month-to-use) (go? day-to-use)]

> This seems   to be  an  occasionally reoccurring  topic. In
> short  I don't   think anyone  has come  up   with a simple
> elegant way of  doing this. A few  of us have come up  with
> solutions  whichinvolve  building  the  helper-function
> call/refinements string. You might  find, however, that you
> would rather use a bunch of 'if statements.
> - Michael Jelinek
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@MailAndNews.com>  on  09/15/2000
> 03:30:03 PM
> From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@MailAndNews.com  on
> 09/15/2000 03:30 PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent by: Terrence Brannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  cc:   Subject: [REBOL]  best  means  of
> passing refinements from main to helper
> I  want  to know the best way to  propagate  refinement
> selections (or  their lack)  to  a function  which actually
> does the processing for them.

[REBOL] parse question Re:

2000-09-14 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Terrence: 

   Neat stuff.  Planning on making web page out of the result?

> In order to improve my skills with the REBOL parse word, I thought I would go 
> through "Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey Freidl and do all the 
> examples in REBOL. Here is my first attempt and it does not work.
   [ . . .]

> rules: [
>  to "resetsize"(size-cmds:  size-cmds  -1)  | to
>  "setsize" (size-cmds: size-cmds + 1)
> ]
> proc: func [ filenames [block!] ] [
>  foreach file filenames [
>  size-cmds: 0  parse  read  to-file  file rules prin
>  reform [ "in" file ": " ] either size-cmds = 0 [
>  print  "resetsize  cmds  matched #  of  setsize
>  cmds"
>  ][ either size-cmds > 0 [
>  print "resetsize cmds > # of setsize cmds"
>  ][ print "resetsize cmds < # of setsize cmds" ]
>  ] ]
> ]

 Try this:

s-size:  ["setsize" (size-cmds: size-cmds + 1)]
rs-size: ["resetsize" (size-cmds: size-cmds - 1)]
rules: [some [rs-size | s-size]]


[REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(7)

2000-09-13 Thread jeff

> >   REBOL doesn't want your fingers to hurt.
> But here  I need shift for  the semicolon, and "ALT GR" for
> the square brakets (on the Amiga it's  better, the [] don't
> need shift on the keypad). :-(
> Should I buy an US keyboard? :)

  Wow-- why do all these international keyboards make
  everything so inconvenient to type? [Ducks and runs for
  cover] ;-)

[Maybe the send key should be harder to hit on my keyboard (-:]


[REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(9)

2000-09-13 Thread jeff

   Howdy Elan:

> Hi Jeff,
> whynotinclude  anoptionalkey   mapping  for
> system/ports/input?  Perhaps  system/ports/input/state/misc
> could be used for this, if it is not already being used for
> something else?
> Then the input of  Umlaut  characters could be replaced  by
> brackets before they are passed to REBOL for processing and
> to the console output.

  I think sytem/console/keys is there for this kind of thing,
  but currently it doesn't appear to me that anything uses it.

  Aye Jim?


[REBOL] How do I dynamically extend an object! instance Re:(5)

2000-09-12 Thread jeff

> So this used-to-work but for reasons  of our own protection
> has been made unworkable?

  Right, what happens if you remove one of the values from the
  middle of the value block?  Do all the other words now point
  to new values?  What does the word at the end point at?
  Likewise, adding a new word without a corresponding value.
> perhaps  I should try  another  track... 

  Are you opposed to using blocks inside objects?

> most object based
> systems try   to   respect that an   object  should  resist
> external   change  and   only  undergo transformation  when
> initiated from within.  you cant change an object unless it
> wants  to change {reminds me of  an old light bulb joke} or
> provides an access method to facilitate the change.
> can  a   function  be  made   (within  the   object)   that
> self-extends  the object?   what would  that  function look
> like?

  Yes, using blocks. 

obj: make object! [
a: [b: 2]

obj/a/b: 4

== 4

append obj/a [c 6]

== 6


  If you were sadistic, you might use self modifying
  functions. Here's a rather counter intuitive way to add and
  remove refinements from an object:

fobj: make object! [ 
p-words: [] 
path: func refs: [/add what /remove who] body: [
either add [
path: func head insert refs to-refinement what body 
append p-words what
either remove [
system/words/remove find p-words who
system/words/remove find refs to-refinement who
path: func refs body
foreach item bind p-words 'add [
print [item "==" get item]

fobj/add 'a
fobj/add 'b

fobj/remove 'a

Of course this isn't that much different from using
blocks, though, and you still have to add logic in the
body of the function to act on the activation of different

Blocks are a much better and simpler way to go. 


[REBOL] How do I dynamically extend an object! instance Re:(3)

2000-09-12 Thread jeff


> ok here is my   latest   method for extending  anobject
> in-situ.  the example hasnt been turned into a function and
> I hope I am not violating any storage but here goes...  [
> a: make object! [
>addr: "417 howser st" name: "joyce haversham" ]
> wds: first a vals: second a
> append wds 'email append vals "joyce@someplace"
> probe a
> ]
> now this -looks-  fine, you can save/probe/mold the  object
> and read it back  in with no  problems. 

  FIRST obj and SECOND obj have returned copies of the object
  word and value blocks since last year or so.  Modifying
  those blocks will not affect the original object.


[REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(7)

2000-09-12 Thread jeff

  Howdy Holger:
> >   REBOL doesn't want your fingers to hurt.   
> The fingersof  Americans  anyway. German  fingers   are
> supposed to hurt, I guess :-).

  Utilitarianism: Do the thing that will make the most people
  happy.  If German keyboards were the most common, then I'm
  sure we'd all be programming in umlauts instead!  (And you'd
  have to hit shift-alt-[ to get an umlaut on the less common
  American layout keyboard.. haha).
> >   Everyone essentially got the answer right-- A+! :-)
> Or  "1+" in German  grades. Of  course everyone's grade for
> "international awareness" would be a little lower :-).

  Allen did allude to other keyboard layouts of different
  nationalities.  The Australians always get high points for
  international awareness. 

[REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(5)

2000-09-12 Thread jeff

  As Carl once related to me: 

  Semicolon was not picked because it's the LISP comment
  character, the square brackets are not in REBOL because
  they're found in FORTH, the reason for their use is based on
  their position on the keyboard (home row) and the fact that
  they are UNSHIFTED!! People will be typing these things ALOT
  so they'd better be conveniently located and easy to hit.  

  REBOL doesn't want your fingers to hurt.   

  That's just an indication of the attention to detail that is
  the REBOL standard. 

  Everyone essentially got the answer right-- A+! :-)



[REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(2)

2000-09-12 Thread jeff

  Howdy Bob: 

> >Always creating a new object from  the old one when I want
> >to add a refinement doesn't appeal to me.
> it bugs me too,   further  it makes incorporation  of  that
> object into some other(s) a chore  to track if it is linked
> in multiple places.
> does anyone have an elegant/quick  way to see who refers to
> an object?  (IE who  else has an == link  to the same self'
> value?)

  Here's a way: 

  Every object has a block of referring objects and referred
  to objects. When ever you link to an object, you add
  yourself to that object's referring block.  When ever you
  unlink, you remove yourself from their referring block.

  a: make object! [referring: copy [] points-to: copy []]
  b: make object! [
  referring: none points-to: reduce ['a a]
  append a/referring reduce ['b self]
  link-obj: func ['from 'to /obj1 /obj2][
  obj1: get from
  obj2: get to
  append obj2/referring reduce [from obj1]
  append obj1/points-to reduce [to obj2]
  unlink-obj: func ['from 'to][
  remove/part find obj2/referring from 2
  remove/part find obj1/points-to to 2

  Now you can:


  So we're making a graph?  Maybe start a "how do I represent
  graphs in REBOL" thread? :)

  By the way: The way we used the two blocks above is a
  general mechanism for easily adding and removing refinements
  to an object:

  foo: make object! [
  b: none
  x-refs: copy []

  Let's add 'c:

  append foo/x-refs [c 99] ;-- can also bind things into foo here


  Removal is similarly easy:

  remove/part find foo/x-refs 'c 2

  Blocks, the universal dynamic container, are best for things
  where you want to add and remove from frequently.  In REBOL,
  objects are less dynamic than blocks.  Use them together and
  make the world a better place. 

[REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(3)

2000-09-11 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Kevin:

  (REBOL also uses international date standards.)

> The  language  was   obviously   designed with this   as  a
> conscious  choice.  I'm dying  to  know what  the reasoning
> was. 

  That's a Q. only Carl can really A.  He's been figuring out
  how REBOL should work for more than a decade and a half, so
  that question is pretty deep in the philosophy.  What you
  say about deliberateness is true about most (but not all)
  things in REBOL.  Here's two of those kinds of questions I
  know the "answer" to, but let's see if any one else has some

  Why is semicolon (;) the REBOL comment character? 
  Why are square brackets ([]) used for REBOL blocks?
  What do the above reasons have in common?

> Could it be  possible that this  way is more natural  to me
> only because I'm a native English speaker?

  Holger would probably do [answer :your-question 'yes]



[REBOL] does REBOL run on Palm or not? Re:(5)

2000-09-11 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Ryan:

> > Under 20 ? I wish... Try 5 :-)
> You all deserve a raise.


   to-money make hash! []


[REBOL] Problem with newsgroup message count Re:(2)

2000-09-01 Thread jeff

> > When   requestingnumber  of  messages  for  newsgroup
> > fr.misc.finance we got  100 ! although there are less
> > than 3000 messages. How can we cope with that ?
> The built-in  nntp protocol   (nntp://) appears  to  always
> return 100 as the length of the group.
> The  external news:// protocol ('do   %nntp.r) has a  count
> command   which looks  like  it  correctly  obtains article
> counters from the news server.  However, I can't figure out
> the  proper way to  issue   the count command via   news://
> ...  I'm copying this to Jeff  directly (as the all-knowing
> master of  the news:// protocol) to see  if  he can explain
> it.
> Cheers, Kev


  The problem is news servers lie. One of the aspects of the
  built in nntp handler is that it is supposed to provide a
  series metaphor for a newsgroup, but we can't be assured of
  total ordering of the messages there (many may be missing
  from the total that is returned).  This is as the nntp spec
  goes-- since articles may be expiring at the time you
  inquire.  The count data returned from nntp servers isn't
  supposed to be reliable, so the series metaphor is kind of
  weak in this case (especially compared to pop:// for
  instance).  100 was just an arbitrary large number for
  the length of the port since it is indeterminable.  Do you
  think it would be better to have whatever the server said
  about the message count there?  

  Anyhow, here's a post I made a while back that talks about
  this issue and what someone might do to guarantee message
  ordering, at least with nntp.r:


  NNTP servers lie. They tell you a range of numbers of
  articles that MAY be there.  They may well not be there,
  though.  It's a funny thing.

  The only way to really get the true number of articles in a
  newsgroup is to get the headers for each article (which over
  a 22kb modem 'aint always a good idea).

  NNTP.r, as it is, also provides the optional NNTP "XHDR"
  command which lets you quickly download just the subject
  lines (or any other given header field: from, to, keywords,
  etc..) of all the headers in the group.  Having all the
  subject lines, you can then know for sure (unless some of
  those articles expire while you are reading) the count of
  articles in a newsgroup.

  One of the things NNTP does when it connects to a news
  server is determine if it can do XHDR.  Interactively you
  can ask an open news port what it can do by inserting [help]
  into the port.  Here's how you can determine
  non-interactively if the server you are talking to has XHDR:

np: open news://news.somewhere
found? find np/handler/commands 'xhdr

   Using XHDR you can do something like the following:

   np: open news://news.somewhere
   set [total start end] insert np [count from "alt.test"]
   x-mids: rejoin ["Message-ID " start "-" end]
   message-ids: insert np [xhdr x-mids from "alt.test" please]

 ;- please is optional :)

   The XHDR command gives you back a big string in a block.
   Yes, that is a little odd (XHDR was added at the last
   minute just to help aspiring news bot writers, if you want
   to know!).  The string you will find in the block has the
   number of each article followed by the message id.  It's
   trivial to parse the string and it'll allow you to ask for
   individual articles by their message-ids in order.  There's
   examples of getting articles by message id in the NNTP.r
   howto.  Using XHDR, you'll have an efficient way of
   obtaining true newsgroup ordering with no gaps (for news
   severs that support the feature ... If they don't well, you
   probably have to fall back on getting all the message
   headers in a group if you want to insure total
   ordering... that's what Forte' free agent does!!).

   Boy, nntp.r really is in need of an update.  Looking at
   NNTP.r it's doing all sorts of dialecting things by hand
   that would be a lot easier to do today in modern REBOL with
   things like parse block.  The whole thing could be shrunk
   by at least a half.  So many things rattling around on our
   overly loaded wagon trains...

   [still need to get to that... arg.. too much stuff.. head
   caving in... must.. alert the others... desk jobs sometimes
   aren't "cushy".. but can be fun anyhow]

[REBOL] Challenging script idea Re:(6)

2000-08-30 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Sterling:

> If  it's a GPF that  takes down the  universe, you would be
> implying  that we're  all  living  in  MS  Universe 2000 or
> something like that.  Maybe that's  why we die, eh?  It's a
> bug in the system.

  That theory sounds as good as any to me -- or maybe a bus
  error in the brain.

  If Microsoft created the universe, then we all know that
  there could be no heaven.  "Welcome to heaven, click the
  start button to begin."  Sounds like hell to me.

[REBOL] /deep versus /only Re:

2000-08-30 Thread jeff

  Just to throw in some more commentary from "the boys" :-) :

  The /only refinement is used for more than just referring to
  nested blocks. It means to consider the item in question as
  a single series type, instead of as a bunch of separate
  items. Change/only means to apply the changes as a single
  series, and not as individual items, for example:

 >> ser: ["str1" "str2" "str3"]
 >> change ser [1 2]

 >> ser 
 == [1 2 "str3"]

 ;-- CHANGE took the 1 and 2 and applied the change
 ;   to ser like two separate changes. 

 >> ser: ["str1" "str2" "str3"]
 >> change/only ser [1 2]

 >> ser
 == [[1 2] "str2" "str3"]

 ;-- Change/only took the [1 2] and thought of it as a single
 ;   value which it changed the first value of ser to. 

  The /only refinement is like saying "There's ONLY one value
  here, not many values".

  "Deep" really is very different. 


> Thought you would like to hear what "the  boys" have to say
> about /deep versus /only
> - Forwarded Message -
> DATE: Mon,  28  Aug 2000 17:21:39  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> princepawn,
> The /only refinement  is   used for a block  nested  within
> another block.  The  /deep refinement is used for recursing
> through any number of nested blocks.
> This may  not  sound like much  of a  difference, but it is
> felt  that the difference is sufficient  enough  to note by
> two different refinements.
> If you  have any additional questions/comments/suggestions,
> please let us know!
> REBOL Support --

[REBOL] Rebol - The Official Guide Re:

2000-08-23 Thread jeff

  Howdy Andrew:

> Finally got my copy. It's nice to see my name in it. That's now the second
> book my name is in. :-)
> Just a  note to Elan, if  there's a second edition, the two
> lists of name on page xvi need to be swapped.

  It really is pretty fitting, though, you know. RT's motto is
  that the users always come first! (-:

  Proud rebol mailing list member since 1998

[REBOL] recent experimental core builds

2000-08-22 Thread jeff

  Brief notes on items found in the latest experimental

  Serial port support under windows and unix (others are being
  added as we go along..)

  Tcp ports are now asynchronous.  If you want the "old"
  behavior, you need to do OPEN/wait, ie:

tcp-port:  open/lines/wait tcp://example.com:80

  (Jim said he'll come along and say more about some changes
   to ports...)

  LOAD has a new refinement: /ALL -- this will ignore REBOL
  headers when loading.  

  The current and previous experimental versions use the new
  command line argument passing scheme. 

  There have been a number of bug fixes here and there as
  well.  See if *your* favorite bug is still in there! :-)

  For lack of any better current documentation on these new
  features, below are our REPs for the new serial ports, the
  change in command line passing, and the new LOAD/all

  I did not make them into attachments. Hope you all don't




REBOL Enhancement Proposal: REP004
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Jim Goodnow II


This specification describes the creation and operation of serial communication
ports within REBOL.


Serial ports are created in the same manner as other ports within REBOL.
The scheme name for serial ports is "serial:".
The specification of a serial port may include the device number, the communication
speed, the number of data bits, the parity and number of stop bits.
The specification information can be specified directly by setting the
appropriate fields within the port specification object or by creating a URL
which contains the same information.
Any field not specified will be given a default value.
The default values are:

device: port1
speed:  9600
data bits:  8
parity: none
stop bits:  1

URL's are encoded with the different fields separated by slashes. For example,


The order of fields is not significant, as the type of field can be determined
by the content.

Within a port specification, the various parameters are stored in the following
object fields:

host:   device
speed:  speed
data-bits:  data bits
parity: parity
stop-bits:  stop bits

The portN specification is an indirect reference to the communication device.
It refers to the Nth device defined in the System/ports/serial block.
This block is initialized by default depending on the system being used and
can be modified in user.r to reflect any local requirements.

For example, on Windows the block might be defined as:

System/ports/serial: [ com1 com2 ]

or if COM1 is being used by the mouse, it might just be:

System/ports/serial: [ com2 ]

On unix-style systems, the block might be defined as:

System/ports/serial: [ ttyS0 ttyS1 ]

or if the first device should correspond to COM2:

System/ports/serial: [ ttyS1 ttyS0 ]

Thus, the ports can be specified in a machine indpendent manner while the
machine specific definition can be controlled using the serial definition
block in System/ports/serial.


Serial ports are always opened as direct ports in much the same way as
console and network ports.
They may be opened as either /STRING or /BINARY with the default being
They are opened by default as asynchronous, but may be made synchronous
by using the /WAIT refinement.
When operating asynchronously, any attempts to copy data from the port
will return NONE if no data is present. When operating synchronously,
the copy will block until data is available.

Data can be written to the port using the INSERT native. Data can be read
from the port using the PICK, FIRST or COPY natives with the usual
ramifications. As usual with direct ports, the REMOVE, CLEAR, CHANGE and
FIND functions are not supported.

The UPDATE function can be used to change port parameters. For example,
to change the speed after an initial connection has been established, you could
just do:

ser-port: open serial://9600
ser-port/speed: 2400
update ser-port

Changing the device number or the System/ports/serial and calling UPDATE will have
no effect. Once the port has been opened with a particular device, the device
can't be changed.

There are two additional port fields that can't be set with a URL, but can
be set in a port specification block or by manually changing them.
The RTS-CTS field specifies whether hardware handshaking should be used on
the port. The default is ON. To change the default, do:

ser-port/rts-cts: off
update ser-port

A timeout value can be specified by modifying the timeout field in the port
structure. The timeout value only applies to serial ports that are opened
with the /wait refinement. When the timeout expires, a serial port timeout
error will be generated. To set the timeout value do:

[REBOL] A small security hole REBOL, and a huge one! Re:(6)

2000-08-21 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Brian: 

> >The security risks  of modifiable REBOL  code will be best
> >dealt with by modules.   Untrusted REBOL code can evaluate
> >in a  module   prevented from  affecting  the  surrounding
> >execution environment.
> I'd be curious to see how that  is done. The current module
> spec doesn't prohibit the kind of change to the code of the
> mezzanine  functions  that   I   outlined,  nor  the  hacks
> involving changes to the specs that Ladislav mentioned.

  The current spec doesn't directly address this issue, but
  essentially the idea is that modules will provide secure
  execution environments.  It's a deep question, and one that
  the final design will address.  I'm looking forward to the
  "answer" myself. 

> The problem with  the current module  spec is that once you
> make a function visible  inside a module so  that it can be
> used  there, that function can  be modified.

  Maybe, and maybe not... :-)
> Don't  misunderstand, I'm as  much  a fan of self-modifying
> code as the next mad scientist - it's just that I'm willing
> to give  up modifiable functions  for  security reasons. We
> should be able to  get by with replaceable functions, since
> we can easily  track assignment if we  want to. If we still
> need self-modifying code we can still do blocks.

  Insightful observations, Brian. 

> >Besides, only goodhackers use REBOL!;-) Why  would
> >someone be   so evil  as to  makegood little  REBOL do
> >something bad?! (-;
> A jealous Perl enthusiast, perhaps? :-)

  Ditto.  (-:


[REBOL] spaces in file names Re:(3)

2000-08-21 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Andrew and Fantam and all:

> >>> to   url!  join ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ %"test/test
> >>> test.txt"
> > == ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test/test%20test.txt

 The to-url is redundant, actually:

 join ftp://ftp.example.com/ %"spaces in file.txt"

 == ftp://ftp.example.com/spaces%20in%20file.txt

 You can also do:

 site: ftp://ftp.example.com/
 site/%"spaces in file.txt"

 == ftp://ftp.example.com/spaces%20in%20file.txt

 Above is handy if you're doing a number of files.

> > I hope that helps!
> > Andrew   Martin  ICQ:26227169
> > http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/
> ->><-
> --
> Fantam

[REBOL] A small security hole REBOL, and a huge one! Re:(4)

2000-08-21 Thread jeff

  Launch, at least in its present form, will not likely be in
  the regular distribution.  It went out in the windows view
  version by accident. 

  The security risks of modifiable REBOL code will be best
  dealt with by modules.  Untrusted REBOL code can evaluate in
  a module prevented from affecting the surrounding execution

  Besides, only good hackers use REBOL!  ;-)  Why would
  someone be so evil as to make good little REBOL do something
  bad?! (-;  

  Just goofin' --

head reverse mold disarm catch reduce [
 func [[throw]][throw-on-error [no flames]]


> Hi,
> the  following code was posted by  me some time ago and the
> principle was sent to feedback too. Here it is again:
> protect'secure   system/error/script/type:   ""
> system/error/script/expect-arg: [
>  (
>  change pick  third :secure 3 reduce  [word! block!]
>  secure allow "I love you"
>  )
> ] change pick third :secure 3 reduce [unset! none!]
> ; the results are:
> >> secure throw
> ** : I love you.  Where: secure throw
> >> secure []
> == [net allow file allow]
> Regards
>  Ladislav
> - Puvodní zpráva -
> Od: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Komu: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Odesláno:
> 21. srpna 2000 0:59  Predmet: [REBOL] A small security hole
> REBOL, and a huge one!  Re:(2)
> > Ladislav,
> >
> > Can you provide some example code that demonstrates this
> security hole.
> >
> > Paul Tretter
> >
> > -Original   Message-  From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent:  Sunday,   August 20,
> > 2000 5:43 PM  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [REBOL] A small
> > security hole REBOL, and a huge one!
> Re:
> >
> >
> > Hi Brian,
> >
> > the problem is, that even the natives are mutable, as can
> > be
> seen > in Mutable natives thread.
> >
> > Regards
> > Ladislav

[REBOL] command/mySQL Re:

2000-08-10 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Hendrik-Jan:

> Dear List,
> I was wondering if  someone has tried to let  rebol/command
> use the %libmySQL.dll from MySQL.
> at the moment  i   can  get   several routines  working
> (e.g. connecting  to MySQL,  getting stats, create database
> etc)
> but, i am failing to get to the 'real' stuff
  Which API functions are you finding problematic?


[REBOL] Anyone doing something with LDAP? Re:(2)

2000-07-25 Thread jeff

   When your dealing with LDAP, you have to first deal
   with BER (basic encoding rules -- a subset of ASN.1 --
   abstract syntax notation, spec 1).  This is a binary
   TLV (Type Length Value) encoding scheme for sending
   "self describing" objects around the network.  The
   implementation details are a little hairy, but one of
   the motivations for expanding support for manipulating
   the binary! datatype in REBOL was in consideration of
   things like BER.

   If you create a BER.r script (which should only take as
   long as it takes to understand BER, and maybe a day or
   so to implement it) then it will also help someone to
   create SNMP which also uses BER.

   Another way to do it: REBOL/command can import an API
   implemented in a shared library, such as Netscape's
   LDAP sdk.


> There is a free LDAP perl/cgi script called
> LDAP express at http://www.browserexpress.com/LE-Features.shtml
> It looks like  about 7 or 8 pages  of perl -script.  It can
> be translated to REBOL,  but also looks  like it depends on
> some other serious looking perl mods (.pm files).
> Anybody,  know of some  other sources  that  maybe could be
> translated into REBOL? or any better ideas?
> -Original Message-
> From:  Vos, Doug Sent: Tuesday,  July  25, 2000 2:49 PM To:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [REBOL] Anyone doing something with
> Has anyone put together any scripts using LDAP?
> LDAP (light-weigt directory access protocal)
> There was some talk of   LDAP  going into /command at   one
> time.
> - Doug

[REBOL] Words, Bindings and Contexts. (5) Re:

2000-07-24 Thread jeff

   I've always thought that someone could use REBOL/view to
   create an animated colored map presentation which
   demonstrates the nature of contexts...


> In the part 4 I forgot to introduce a special kind of Contexts:
> f) Dangerous Contexts. Example:
>  f: func [x] [] special-context? first first :f
> I obviously cannot  claim that Same-context?  works in this
> case.
> Now I supply another interesting function:
> ; actually, Thomas Jensen  was first there (nice work), but
> ; this
> functionis  able  tofind  eventhe  Unset  Words
> context-words: func [
>  {returns all Context   Words of a Word's  Context} word
>  [word!]  /local result c-word
> ] [
>  either special-context? word [
>  ; we are out of luck in this case
>  none
>  ] [
>  result: copy [] foreach g-word first system/words [
>  if not same? g-word c-word: bind g-word word [
>  append result c-word
>  ]
>  ] result
>  ]
> ]
> to be continued...

[REBOL] know bugs - how to get? Re:(5)

2000-07-21 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Tim:

   What you're saying works for me.  I'm sorry if what
   your seeing from RT appears as unresponsiveness to
   issues like publication of bugs, but these issues are a
   matter of policy which myself and the other developers
   don't really have anything to do with.  We're the ones
   always yakking on the list but our sphere of influence
   is really just in matters directly related to the
   production of code (which unfortunately will contain an
   occasional bug (-:)

   Whether the approach you and Ted are suggesting is best
   is not for me to say.  But if there is popular consent
   that we're picking the wrong route in some of our
   practices.. well...

   What the community says is often going to have a
   greater influence than what the developers say.  You
   are all doing _us_ a favor by telling us when you think
   we're goofing it. So, if you folks see us missing the
   boat, keep letting us know (please: in a nice,
   reasonable, and non flaming way).  Someone's always
   bound to answer a ringing phone, so to speak.

   I don't know that that's a satisfactory answer, but
   that's just more or less my frank opinion.

   Surrender? We have not yet begun to fight!


> ... which is why I'm CC'ing Jeff on this, because I'm really
> having a hard time getting a response from rebol folks on
> this matter, and I think that they would jump at such an
> opportunity and give me some feedback.
> BUT: (Sorry to shout here, I'll try to keep my voice
> softer).  I've submitted several bugs myself and I'm myself
> rather appalled that rebol isn't addressing these more
> openly.
> It is a truism that is older than the Internet that people
> respect you more when you are honest about your
> shortcomings.
> Rebol guys and gals: Lissen 'up here.!!  Stomp out those
> bugs that you can and post the rest of them.
> You will be rewarded for it, in the long run.  There are
> more watching you than you know, and you also have made a
> lot of friends. Those friends can help.
> Best Wishes -Tim

[REBOL] know bugs - how to get? Re:(3)

2000-07-21 Thread jeff

   I, for one, truly appreciate what you are saying Ted.
   Sometimes the issue for RT is man power -- balancing
   spinning plates on sticks can keep everyone pretty
   busy. :-) Automation is the key.  We've been working
   recently on some internal automations to help us
   address this "active development" question that you
   mention. Stay tuned and keep the faith!


> Personally,  I've always  felt   that this  is  a strategic
> error.
> I think  the fact that  REBOL.COM  doesn't mention bugs, or
> offer  a standard knowledgebase,  makes it look like a beta
> site. (Hasn't been out long  enough to generate reports  --
> or no one's using it long enough to find them!)
> Every active  software project  has defects. The difference
> between the good projects and bad  projects is whether they
> get fixed. Looking at the REBOL site,  there's not a lot to
> show someone  that  that  the language   is  being actively
> supported.
> Of  course, those  of us on  the  list know better, but you
> shouldn't have to wade through all  this for bug reports. A
> strong knowledgebase  would save  a lot of  debugging time,
> and keep new users from being frustrated too early.
> http://bugs.perl.org/http://www.python.org/python-bugs/
> http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/support/  -- option
> for Bug database http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/
> To name a few.
> -Ted.

[REBOL] know bugs - how to get? Re:

2000-07-21 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Volker:

   At one time we kicked around the idea of a WAK.  A WAK
   (We Already Know) unlike a FAQ would be something like
   a list of known bugs, but a little broader like
   covering certain common usability issues that people
   encounter.  I can't remember the whole definition we
   came up with, but to answer your question (sorry for my
   longwindedness): No, there's presently nothing like
   that other than searching the mailing list archives for
   a description of your bug or asking Bo at

> can i get a list of the feedback - "known bugs" somewhere?
> Volker

[REBOL] /core 2.3 cli-args changed - bug?! Re:

2000-07-21 Thread jeff

   Yes, sir. Unfortunately a known bug.  Please use FIRST
   or FORM as a work around in the meantime until the next

> What happens  to  command-line-arguments (on  linux)?  1) i
> get now the string in a  block 2) the space immediate after
> the command is included as argument.
> bugs or  hidden  sense?  before  i  simple  used [to  file!
> system/options/args]
> demo:   ;with rebol[file:  %showargs.r]  print[mold
> system/options/args"->"   moldto  file!
> system/options/args] quit
> ;the shell-script:
> rebol-22  -q showargs.r a-filename  rebol-23  -q showargs.r
> a-filename rebolv -q showargs.r a-filename
> ;gives
> "a-filename"   ->  %a-filename ["  a-filename"]  ->
> %%20a-filename ; ?!?!?!  "a-filename" -> %a-filename
> Volker

[REBOL] CGI saftey -- was (New REBOL Networking Document) Re:

2000-07-21 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Petr:

   Reducing or DOing the decoded cgi-query block is not
   the recommended approach.  That method allows the world
   to assign arbitrary words in your script to strings.
   Imagine this REBOL cgi program:

#!/path/to/rebol -cs
print "Content-type: text/html^/"

reduce decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

;- Expecting user to be passed in
page: [print reform ["Hello" user]]
do page

See the danger?  I can go up to my browser and type in
this url:


Of course, you can still be perfectly safe if the
script establishes a sensible sandbox with SECURE, but
the point is you don't want the outside world to be
able to globally define words to strings in your CGI
script.  If, in the course of your CGI script, those
strings could ever get interpreted as code then anyone
can make your script DO arbitrary code.

By making the query block into an object, this problem
is completely avoided.  REBOL CGI script writers
should be aware of this issue.  REBOL provides
powerful tools to make REBOL cgi scripts air tight
secure, but if the script lowers the shields then
REBOL can't help you.  :-)



> 8) as for cgi - another option could be added - when not
> creating object out of query-string, we need to 'reduce
> block to get its words loaded.  My friend struggled with
> that one, as molded value of block seemed to him everything
> is ready :-)
> Later, -pekr-

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(5)

2000-07-18 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Sean:

> Jeff,
> you seem to be missing the point by comparing REBOL to grep.

  Point taken.  Not arguing or debating, was just offering up
  another program that works like REBOL does now. There are
  many aspects of REBOL that we're working on improving.
  Appreciate all the feedback.


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(3)

2000-07-18 Thread jeff

> This bit me too. Rebol apparently parses everything that looks like an
> option on the command line, not just up to the script name.
> I consider this a bug and not a feature.
> Garold   (Gary)L.   JohnsonDYNAMIC Alternatives

  Grep works similarly as REBOL currently does, considering
  arguments preceded by - to be switches regardless of where
  they are placed. For example:

Before and after args:

  grep -A 3 foo * -vi

In between and after args:

  grep foo -B 10 *.txt -A 20


[REBOL] stdin type? was: impossible email dream Re:(2)

2000-07-17 Thread jeff

> message: import-email stdin: copy system/ports/input
> and I get:
> ** Script  Error:  import-email  expected data argument  of
> ** type: string.  Where: message: import-email stdin

  Sure enough.. you wind up with a block of lines from stdin. 


  message: copy ""
  stdin: copy system/ports/input
  foreach line stdin [append message append line newline]
  message: import-email message

  sorry for any confusion --


[REBOL] stdin type? was: impossible email dream Re:(2)

2000-07-17 Thread jeff

> message: import-email stdin: copy system/ports/input
> and I get:
> ** Script  Error:  import-email  expected data argument  of
> ** type: string.  Where: message: import-email stdin
> So I did:
> stdin: copy system/ports/input
> print type? stdin
> And it's a block... How did this work for you?

  Sure enough.. you wind up with a block of lines from stdin. 


  message: copy ""
  stdin: copy system/ports/input
  foreach line stdin [append message append line newline]
  message: import-email message

[REBOL] code as data Re:

2000-07-17 Thread jeff

   foreach [condition action] code [
  if all condition action


  if any condition action


>I want to evaluate a block of code like the following :
>code:  [ [condition1][action1] [condition2] [action2]
>[condition3] [action3] ]
>forskip code 2 [if do first code [do second code]]
>The above works only when  [condition] has one value.  My
>actual code is :
> code: [
>[condition1a   [condition1b]][action1]   [condition2]
>[action2] [[condition3a]  [condtion3b]   condition3c]
>[action3] ]
>Any idea ?
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://perso.worldonline.fr/mutant

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-17 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Sean:

> 2) the Rebol developers (if jeff is representative) aren't
> aiming at any kind of cross platform compatibility except
> within Rebol itself, or this issue would have surfaced long
> ago.  There also seems to be a bit NIHilism (Not Invented
> Here-ilism) regarding making Rebol work the way that people
> experienced in other environments might expect.

  Naw.  Be patient.  These things are still evolving.  Under
  windows and mac we have drag and drop support for scripts,
  and we arrange associations so you can start a script by
  double clicking on it.  Similarly, we should expect REBOL in
  unix environments to follow suit with the way other
  applications fit in.  It was my own concern with improving
  the way REBOL operates from the command line that set me off
  on exploring this issue to begin with.  As a result, I've
  gotten a lot of good feedback from people (thanks) and the
  info is being formulated into improved arg handling which
  (hopefully) will meet all our needs and make us all happy.



[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(2)

2000-07-14 Thread jeff

> I note that REBOL doesnt pass on  all the command line args
> anyway. See  example  below.   This -  along  with  all the
> escaping  nonsense suggested earlier  - means that it looks
> impossible to   use  REBOL to implementsomething with a
> predefined command line syntax.
> I have  C, C++ and Delphi   command-line programs that work
> with identical  command line args, containing switches like
> -v  etc, and was hoping   to write REBOL equivalents, using
> same arg convention.
> Is REBOL  not a  suitable language for   this kind of task?
> (REBOL newcomer, not yet sure what its good for).
> Sean

  Howdy, Sean:

  If you pass items beginning with a dash (-switch) as
  arguments to the script, how would you suggest REBOL find
  it's own command line switches?


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(5)

2000-07-14 Thread jeff

   Okay, so let me see if I can tie everything together:

   1) What's really wrong with DOing formed strings? 

  Well, besides the inefficiency factor (and every
  little bit counts -- lots of little inefficiencies
  pile up...) there's also a base philosophical issue.
  Can I get away with just saying that "DO FORM block"
  is sort of unREBOLish?

   2) What about cluttering the system object? 

  When you start something from the command line, both
  system/script/args and system/options/args are set
  to the same args. (Remember that system/script/args
  is what's used for DO/args).  By making one of the
  two slots a block of the separate arguments, we'll
  actually be lowering the redundancy of information
  in the system object for from the command line case.
  The caveat, of course, is that which ever form of
  the args goes in system/script/args on boot up, that
  data will be clobbered by DO/args so the programmer
  will need to ferret it away if they want it later
  on-- but everyone should be able to live with

   3) What do people want DOable args for?

  It's part of better command line integration.  Below
  is a little example of the use of DOable
  args. I call the script "reb" and put it in my
  private bin/ directory:


#!/path/to/rebol -qs
REBOL [File: %/home/me/bin/reb]
random/seed now
print do system/options/args


   Using the above script opens up lots of possibilities. From
   the command line you can do stuff like this:

## Quick command line calculator
reb "1 + 2"

## Help create filenames -- nicer than using unix 'date' command
cat log > log`reb now/date`.txt

## pick a random file
foo=`reb x: read %. prin pick x random length? x` 

## dump mail to file 
reb read pop://me:pass@site > mail-box

The possibilities are endless. REBOL one liners really can
be handy from the shell. You can mix in a little bit of
REBOL into shell expressions and you get a pretty swell
enhancement to life in the process. :)

Any other args, pro and con welcome. I'll put the whole
thing together into a "Request For Enhancement" and nail
it to Carl's door.. (;  


[REBOL] Writing to a half-byte Re:(2)

2000-07-14 Thread jeff

   Just FYI: Recent REBOL's include the ability to perform
   bitwise operations on binary types using AND, OR, and
   XOR.  -jeff


nibble: func [
a [binary!]  "Binary Byte"
b [integer!] "0-15"  /high
][a or to-binary to-char either high [b * 16][b]]

comment [ 
nibble/high #{01} 15 == #{F1}  
nibble  #{10} 15 == #{1F} 

> >In Assembler class we called a *niblet*
> >the lower- or higher- order 4 bits in
> >a byte. I'd like a function that would
> >would write a niblet in a char! type.
> >It would something like this:
> >
> > >>niblet/low #"a" 2; write 0010 to low-order "niblet"
> >==#"b" ; changed low-order "niblet" = 2
> > >>niblet/high #"b" 7   ; write 0111 to high-order "niblet"
> >== #"r"; r is ascii 72
> Well,  this function is  kinda ugly  and  could probably be
> done MUCH better, but it works:
> niblet: func [ base new /low /high ] [
> either high [
>or~ (and~ base to-char 15)
>   to-char (16 * to-integer and~ new to-char 15)
>][ or~ (and~ base  to-char 240) (and~ new to-char 15)
> ]
> I've been  meaning  to  write  decent functions  for  doing
> binary manipulations in REBOL but  I haven't had time  yet,
> but when I do I'll post them on rebol.org (and maybe to the
> list)
> Hope this helps,
> Cal Dixon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -><-
> >This is for a high-school  course that I'm designing as an
> >intro to programming using rebol.
> >
> >Thanks: -Tim

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(3)

2000-07-12 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Jake: 

> 1) How many people are going to *want* an immediately DOable
> REBOL expression?  

  Lots of people! ;-)
> Maybe   I'm missing something,  but what   about FORM?  For
> example, assume I pass this to my script:

  DOing formed blocks is sort of inelegant.  You're taking a
  REBOL data structure, a block, and then turning it into a
  string. By the DOing the string the interpreter actually
  turns the string back into a block of REBOL data types
  before evaluating it.  It's not very optimal.  Just DOing
  the original string ends up being half as much work. 

  I do agree with what you're saying, though, about the need
  to distinguish command line args.  Believe me-- I want REBOL
  to excel at command line integration as much as the next

  Another idea that was brought up was that you could have
  more than one view of the command line args available, so
  those that want the separation of args would have it in a
  block somewhere, and those that want just a doable string
  would have it somewhere else.  Best of both methods

  Would that work for us disgruntled REBOL command liners? (-:

  Command-linely yours, 


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:

2000-07-12 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Jussi:

   [arg passing]

> As this probably  is  the suggestion already discussed  and
> turned  down  I would like to   hear the reason and  a work
> around for us, who use spaces in filenames.

The argument passing scheme for REBOL needs to address two
things:  1) Providing args from command line, of course
and 2) providing an immediately DOable REBOL expression. 

With just a string for command line args, the second case
is easy-- just do the system/options/args.  In the first
case there are situations where the distinction between
args is unrecoverable, however you can force distinctions
using escaped quotes, eg:

\"first arg\" \"second arg\"


{first arg} {second arg}

Using escaped quotes or curly braces on command line args,
you can create needed delimiters that can be broken up in
your script using PARSE, for instance. 

If you get a block of separate args in strings then the
result is not easily DOable.  The alternative is to have
the args prescanned (essentially the LOAD of the command
line args).  The prescan creates a potential for
syntax errors in the command line arguments preventing a
script from running.  That's not very advantageous. 

In the end, it was decided the best course of action was
to leave it as it is because people COULD make delimiters
using shell escaping measures and what not.  

So that's what the reasoning was. Make sense?


[REBOL] impossible email dream Re:(2)

2000-07-11 Thread jeff

   Boy, guess I'm a little absent minded these days (too
   much on the mind): Here's a more correct version of the
   example mail filter I sent...  -jeff

> #!/path/to/rebol -qws
>  Title: "Mail filter"
> ]
> stdin: copy system/ports/input 
> message: import-email stdin
> foreach [item file][
>  "REBOL" %rebol-box "Debian" %deb-box "me" %me-box
> ][
>  if find item message/content [
>  write/append file stdin exit
>  ]
> ] write/append %default-box stdin
> quit

;-same thru REBOL header

;- saves a step
message: import-email stdin: copy system/ports/input  
foreach [item file][
"REBOL" %rebol-box "Debian" %deb-box "me" %me-box
;- the args to find were backwards
if find message/content item [
write/append file stdin 
QUIT ;- instead of exit (not in function)
write/append %default-box stdin


[REBOL] impossible email dream Re:

2000-07-11 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Tom:

   Say you run a REBOL script from a .forward: 

   | /path/to/filter.r

   then executable script filter.r might look like this:

#!/path/to/rebol -qws
Title: "Mail filter"

stdin: copy system/ports/input
message: import-email stdin

foreach [item file][
"REBOL"  %rebol-box
"Debian" %deb-box
"me" %me-box
if find item message/content [
write/append file stdin
write/append %default-box stdin



Of course you can filter on message/subject,
message/to, message/from, etc...

The principle is the same using pop, but you use a pop
port to retrieve the mail and you need to export messages
you take from pop back to mailbox format (easy).


> howdy guys,
> I have  this crazy idea that I  can use REBOL  to filter my
> mail to different files as I receive it.  Ok, starting with
> this:
> match: ["REBOL"
>  "Debian"
>  "me"
> ]
> I'm gonna wing it, here:
> no I'm not, either.  can someone give me a hint?
> thanks, -tom


[REBOL] Parse differenece in Core 2.3 Re:

2000-07-11 Thread jeff

> I have a script which works under Core 2.2 but fails under 2.3:
> The  problem appears to be  in the way I  use  parse, but I
> can’t see what   is wrong, particularly  since it worked
> under 2.2
> Thanks,
> Garold(Gary)  L. Johnson  DYNAMIC  Alternatives


   print mold system/options/args

2.3 contains a goof with how the command line args are
passed.  What once was a string is now a block containing
a string.  Yeah I know: that's silly.  The change slipped
in there by accident while the args passing mechanism was
being revamped. (The args passing mechanism used to have a
size limitation.  While that limitation was being fixed
there was a proposed plan to change the args string to a
pre-scanned block. However, that plan was decided against
but some intermediate code was accidently left in. Yours
truly is the one to blame for the blunder.)

The next version will correct the arg passing behavior
back to the old style.

Your script should work again with you do: 

first system/options/args  

My apologies for any command line inconveniences.


[REBOL] REBOL and the unix shell Re:(2)

2000-07-10 Thread jeff

   Sorry. It was taken down as it is being considered for a
   pubication..  Will deliver news about it soon..


> > [...] I put up an article I wrote this weekend [...]
> > 
> > http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html
> Hi Jeff,
> I  know I  am  late, but it  really  would be nice  to read
> that. It seems that the  article has been censored from the
> site :)
>Youdon't  have   permission to access
>/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html on this server.
> --
> Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33

[REBOL] func[func] Re:(5)

2000-07-10 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Galt:

> Galt wrote: make-adder: func [x] [func [y] [+ x y]]
> I am guessing  that the problem is that  there is only  one
> copy  of the  block  [+ x  y]  and that  it has  a context,
> whatever  that is, and  that it can  only have one context,
> and that one  gets  changed  everytime you run   make-adder
> again with   a  new  parameter value  for   x.   So running
> make-adder a  2nd time messes up  the  value hidden  in the
> context of the first?

  There's only one context for make-adder where the value for
  x is looked up in your returned adder function.  You'd need
  to create a new context for each x.  You'll also need to
  keep those contexts around to be GC safe.  Here is one
  possible way of creating these functions based solely on

  save-em: copy []
  make-adder: func [x][
  get in last append save-em make object! [
  z: x f: func [y][+ z y]
  ] 'f

  The above creates new contexts to hold the different values
  of X in your separate add functions.  (It also creates new
  functions that use those X values).


[REBOL] [ANN] 2KB News Reader 0.1.1 Re:(3)

2000-06-28 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Ryan, and others interested in REBOL's nntp.r:

   NNTP servers lie. They tell you a range of numbers of
   articles that MAY be there.  They may well not be
   there, though.  It's a funny thing.

   The only way to really get the true number of articles
   in a newsgroup is to get the headers for each article
   (which over a 22kb modem 'aint always a good idea).

   NNTP.r, as it is, also provides the optional NNTP
   "XHDR" command which lets you quickly download just the
   subject lines (or any other given header field: from,
   to, keywords, etc..) of all the headers in the group.
   Having all the subject lines, you can then know for
   sure (unless some of those articles expire while you
   are reading) the count of articles in a newsgroup.

   One of the things NNTP does when it connects to a news
   server is determine if it can do XHDR.  Interactively
   you can ask an open news port what it can do by
   inserting [help] into the port.  Here's how you can
   determine non-interactively if the server you are
   talking to has XHDR:

 np: open news://news.somewhere
 found? find np/handler/commands 'xhdr

   Using XHDR you can do something like the following:

 np: open news://news.somewhere
 set [total start end] insert np [count from "alt.test"]
 x-mids: rejoin ["Message-ID " start "-" end]
 message-ids: insert np [xhdr x-mids from "alt.test" please]

 ;- please is optional :)

   The XHDR command gives you back a big string in a
   block.  Yes, that is a little odd (XHDR was added at
   the last minute just to help aspiring news bot writers,
   if you want to know!).  The string you will find in the
   block has the number of each article followed by the
   message id.  It's trivial to parse the string and it'll
   allow you to ask for individual articles by their
   message-ids in order.  There's examples of getting
   articles by message id in the NNTP.r howto.  Using
   XHDR, you'll have an efficient way of obtaining true
   newsgroup ordering with no gaps (for news severs that
   support the feature ... If they don't well, you
   probably have to fall back on getting all the message
   headers in a group if you want to insure total
   ordering... that's what Forte' free agent does!!). 

   Boy, nntp.r really is in need of an update.  Looking at
   NNTP.r it's doing all sorts of dialecting things by
   hand that would be a lot easier to do today in modern
   REBOL with things like parse block.  The whole thing
   could be shrunk by at least a half.  So many things
   rattling around on our overly loaded wagon trains...


   Hope that info may be useful on your projects. 


>  As for the message count, that seems 
> screwed up, too, because I always end up reading fewer messages than what the 
> nntp.r returns.
> I'm not sure if trying to fix  this would be more than just
> butting heads with nntp.r which may have some issues.
> >Pretty  impressive.  It's about   time  someone  made some
> >public use of  NNTP.r.   I found  one  problem, it  either
> >reports the wrong number  of messages available or else it
> >can't  always   find the   next  message.  After 3   or so
> >messages, if I press "n" for next message,  I just get the
> >instructions again for each time I press "n".
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Allen K


2000-06-22 Thread jeff

   Hearty pat on the back for Thomas Jensen!  A number of
   people have expressed an interest in XML-rpc and they
   ought to be happy to hear of your efforts.

> Hello,
> I  am in the process  of  creating  a XMLRPC framework  for
> REBOL, according to the specs at http://www.xmlrpc.com/
> currently most of the marshalling is  done, and I'm able to
> actually call a procedure on thier test server and get back
> a result.
> Best regards Thomas Jensen

[REBOL] Ping Tool Re:(4)

2000-06-22 Thread jeff

> "I believe  IRC  uses UDP  which should  be fully supported
> very soon." - Those were the words of Bo  some time ago :-)

  Nope, it's TCP/IP.

[REBOL] Ping Tool Re:(5)

2000-06-22 Thread jeff

  Petr quoting me:
> For some reason
> it   doesn't seem possible   to create a   udp listen port,
> though.  

  In view you can see that udp listen ports are working:

  ;-- UDP listen and send --

x: open udp://:9090
close insert open udp://localhost:9090 "hello udp!"
y: wait reduce [x 1]
copy y
    == "hello udp!"


[REBOL] A data inconsistency Re:

2000-06-17 Thread jeff

   It's a problem with the declaration of CHANGE, like

f: func [x][]
g: func [x [any-type!]][]

>> f
** Script Error: f is missing its x argument.
** Where: f
>> g


> Hi,
> did anyone report The following?
> >> head insert copy [] ()
> == [unset] >> change copy [1] () ** Script Error: change is
> missing its value argument.  ** Where: change copy [1] ()
> Ladislav

[REBOL] Curious Re:

2000-06-17 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Deryk:

> Now,  knowing  that  index.html  is _usually_  the  desired
> target, it isn't _always_  the target itself.   Index files
> can  be almost anything  the   web server has support  for,
> i.e.  .php, .php3, .asp, .shtml, etc.   Why was this chosen
> to be a fillin and not what the server itself returns to be
> the _actual_ target?

  Yup.  That's a bug. I forwarded your message to feedback so
  it will get put into our Rebol Automated Master Bug

  I'm surprised that that one hasn't shown up before for
  someone... or maybe it did and they didn't realize what was


[REBOL] No longer dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(3)

2000-06-15 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Ladislav:

   You really ought to write up a little explanatory
   article for that, how you created a separate execution
   context for the untrusted code, why you needed to do a
   double bind, etc.

   In briefly studying your script, I didn't spot any real
   dangers of the untrusted script being able to escape
   its secure context and modify the top level context.
   If there is that sort of danger what is it?

   One principle "danger" involved with executing
   arbitrary REBOL code is that an untrusted script might
   never finish executing.  While not dangerous to your
   files or the security of your computer, this could be
   an annoying drain of CPU cycles. Of course, the way
   security works now, a human operator has to okay
   lowering security transitions so that same person can
   hit escape if the untrusted script seems to be
   endlessly looping. :-) For non-interactive setups, you
   could write a file before doing a script and remove it
   when the script is done. A watching process may
   shutdown and restart the REBOL process if it sees that
   the timestamp on the "I'm going to do a script" file is
   older than a certain predetermined age. 

   Moral of the story?  There are always inherent risks in
   arbitrarily executing random code. Careful
   consideration has to be given to the full range of
   possibilities.  We're very security minded here at
   REBOL Tech. as rock solid security is a prerequisite
   for successful distributed computing-- and these kinds
   of questions are guiding the evolution of REBOL's
   security model.

   As it stands today, you can build REBOL scripts that
   can inspect arbitrary REBOL code, and scripts that can
   DO untrusted code.  Just turn on all the security and
   never try and lower it again.

   secure [file throw net throw] 

   With all the sheilds raised you can DO whatever walks
   through the door with out any fear of it resulting in
   harm to your system.

   Non-interactively (cgi, shell, etc), raise the sheilds,
   DO the script, end of program (script gets respawned
   later) -- any impact the script could have on your
   execution environment will be wiped from memory, so
   it's no bother.


> If you got here, I have got a  problem for you: the present
> code is still dangerous. Could  you find why and suggest  a
> solution?
>  {8^D Ladislav

[REBOL] REBOL and the unix shell Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread jeff

   Thank you kindly, Larry, for your encouraging words.

   Hopefully I will get out more such articles soon.
   They're an after hours thing, ya know.  The grand
   picture is for a variety of domain specific articles
   which discuss particular specific applications of
   REBOL.  The next one in the works is all about the ins
   and outs of REBOL bots-- stuff you gotta do to filter
   mail, running via .forwards, exporting to unix mail
   format, etc.  I've got a number of other topics but I
   won't go into them now because that's the cart in front
   of the horse.

   Another goal is to provide both an html and a view
   version of the articles, generated from the same source
   files.  Right now I've got a little parser that
   generates the html for the articles based on a very
   minimally tagged plain text file.  It won't be too much
   work to get it to spit out view source at the same
   time, but once I got the html to spit out more or less
   the way I wanted I moved on to writing the articles.
   Can always add the view support latter.

   My real hope is that if I get a bunch of these articles
   together, other people would be interested in
   contributing some domain specific articles of their own
   to the collection.  REBOL is used for a universe of
   tasks, and various people out there know the complete
   ins and outs of doing a particular task with REBOL.
   IMHO, their specialized REBOL knowledge should be
   recorded and shared with the rest of the community.


> Hi Jeff
> Very  nice!  I reallylike short command utilities  like
> these.
> -Larry
> - Original Message -
> From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
> > 
> > Say folks: I put  up an article  I wrote this weekend  on
> > using  REBOL with  the unix shell.   It's  a part of some
> > other   domain  specificREBOL   materials  I've  been
> > assembling.  Have a look and please  feel free to send me
> > any feedback you have.
> > 
> > http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html
> > 
> >  -jeff

[REBOL] No longer dangerous (use of) Secure Re:

2000-06-14 Thread jeff

> if I understood you correctly, you are asking what happens,
> if the untrusted script were:
> untrusted: [
>  security: [file allow] get: func [/any][
>  do %bad-stuff.r
>  ] ]
> let's  try  it with  a  more comfortable/debugged secure-do
> (sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  Howdy, Ladislav: 

  Had a look at what you put there-- really neato. It's great
  to see that some of the finer higher level aspects of REBOL,
  the context dependent nature of REBOL (the R.E.B. in
  REB-ol), are being so well absorbed by people such as
  yourself.  I think the way contexts work is one of the
  neatest things since sliced bread!

  At some point there will be more built in support for
  protected execution environments.  Can't say when--
  scheduling and development priorities are a complicated
  thing. :)


[REBOL] CGI Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Daniel: 

> Thank you for your help, everyone.
> This is how far I've got until now :
> Apparently,  file access is   working normally only in  the
> first  cgi script launchedby   Apache, all itschild
> processes (subsequent calls of scripts, whether they reside
> in cgi-bin or elsewhere) have  problems to access the local
> file system.

  That's an odd one.  We'll have a closer look at that one
  when we can (cgi with apache for windows, right?), but
  unfortunately don't have a decent answer for why you're
  seeing that behavior right now.

  Is having your cgi-bin script reading and writing files
  outside of cgi-bin what you want to accomplish?

  Perhaps you could have a separate rebol process running
  living in the directory that you want to write files in that
  talks through ports to the cgi-bin program. This background
  REBOL process could do the writing and reading of files on
  the cgi-bin script's behalf.


[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(10)

2000-06-13 Thread jeff

   Cool stuff, Ladislav!  Someone's going to accuse you of
   being a guru here at the rate you're going! (Or maybe
   someone just did (; ) I love your "MY" function, saves
   typing and works nicely with the way compose works,
   allowing you to sculpt the context of words that are
   executed in a block.  It's wild in REBOL how a given
   block of words to be executed could have words that are
   bound to a million different places:

   Like this silly thing comes to mind:

REBOL [Title: "Mind num'in magic"]
contexts: [a b c d e f g]
i: 0
foreach context contexts [
set context make object! compose [num: (i: i + 1)]
;- in this hand we have an ordinary block of
;  nums.. nothing up our sleeves.. ;)
nums: [[(num)] [(num)] [(num)] [(num)] [(num)] [(num)] [(num)]] 

;- allow me to fan the nums out here on the table:
forall nums [
bind first nums in get first contexts 'self contexts: next contexts
] nums: head nums

;-- Abracadabra!! Alacazoo! 
;   All the nums come back to you!
print [mold nums "==" mold compose/deep nums]


Enough silly business, though... 

   What happens if someone does something like this in
   your secure-do, though?:
   secure-do [
   security: [file allow] get: func [/any][
   do %bad-stuff.r 
   ] 'throw [] []


> Hi,
> the GC problem has a work-around as can be seen below:
> secure-do: func [
>  {secure  script   execution}  untrusted  [block!  file!
>  string!] {untrusted  script} security [block!word!]
>  {specify net/file policy}   hidden [block!] {words   to
>  hide}   protected  [block!]  {words  to protect} /local
>  my-words my result sec-do
> ] [
>  ; tell GC about secure-do
>  sec-do: :secure-do  ... 

[REBOL] Parsing command line arguments Re:

2000-06-13 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Garold:

   Command line args that use - or + can be quoted. If you
   need quotes, at least under unix, you can escape the

   Using the following script which I called "rargs":

#!/usr/local/bin/rebol -q
REBOL [Title: "Rargs"]

foreach item [
][ print [mold :item "==" item]]

You can see some examples:

rargs print \"hello\"

system/options/args == print "hello"
system/script/args == print "hello"

rargs \"+-\"

system/options/args == "+-"
system/script/args == "+-"


rargs {+-}

system/options/args == {+-}
system/script/args == {+-}

If you're running under windows, I'm not sure what the
comparable .bat file for above would be like.  Would it
just call rebol on the script you wanted? Maybe so... Not
sure about what you'd do under mac or amiga to do shell
script kind of stuff.  Maybe someone will educate me. :-)

Oddly enough, I just wrote a little article on using REBOL
for shell scripts:



> Since I didn’t find anything for processing command line
> arguments, I  decided to investigate  the issue as my first
> REBOL script.
> I use command line programs heavily from other programs.
> REBOL   eats  ALL  arguments   starting with  ‘-‘  or
> ‘+’. Since ‘/’  is  used in paths, it  isn’t
> available as a flag either.
> Is there a REBOL standard for option flags?
> Is there a standard REBOL  script for handling command line
> arguments that I missed?
> Any suggestions for improvements of this script?
> Should  I move   the   parse rules  inside  the  parse-args
> function?
> Is there a better choice for names?
> Thanks,
> Garold  (Gary)   L.Johnson   DYNAMIC   Alternatives
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 562 802 1639

[REBOL] CGI Re:(3)

2000-06-13 Thread jeff

   So, Daniel: what do you see if you do what-dir in the
   other script?  Can you change-dir?  What are the
   system/options/path, and system/script/path values?
   Can your script write out a test file, if so, where
   does it show up?  

   The exists? function actually makes this determination
   by attempting to open a port to the file or url your
   specified.  If opening the port results in an error it
   does not exist (for all practical purposes that's true
   as far as REBOL's concerned there)-- otherwise it does
   exist.  Point being that other things can make it
   appear to not exist. 


> > Just  a  guess, but does the  same  happen if   you add a
> > trailing slash, ie: print exists? %./
> Yes it does.  I  guess it has to  do with file permissions.
> I'm  running NT, the script   does some stuff on files  but
> it's  local.  The rebol script  invoked with the do/args is
> outside of the cgi-bin directory defined in Apache. Is this
> a problem ? (it runs fine, it just  seems oblivious to what
> local files pertains).
> daniel

[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(7)

2000-06-12 Thread jeff

If you want to be really paranoid about running an untrusted

my-words: make system/words []
unset bind difference [my-words system] copy next first system/words 'system
my-words/unset my-words/in system 'words

export-these-words: [
print + - help ... etc

;-- Export some words that the untrusted script
;   is allowed to use. 
my-words/foreach word export-these-words [
my-words/set word my-words/get my-words/in my-words word

my-words/if my-words/error? my-words/try [my-words/do %untrusted][...


  Crazy, no?  With REBOL you can be very possesive about your
  words.  No, they're MY words! :-)

  In fact, the object you create doesn't have to be called
  "my-words". It could be a randomly generated word.  Then
  even if people know your souce code they'll have a pretty
  hard time knowing where you hid the words because they can't
  look in system words.  

rand-word: does [to-word loop 10 [append "" #"A" + random 63]]

set rword: rand-word make system/words []

do compose/deep [
unset bind difference [system (rword)] copy next first system/words 'system

( bind [
unset in system 'words
foreach word export-these-words [
set word get in (to-lit-word rword) word
] rword )


   In the second case we can avoid using all those paths by
   binding our unset and foreach code to the context referred
   to by our random word before that code is dropped into our
   block we're going to do (and before all the global words
   are unset).  

   What a swell language...


> On the  subject: as long as  you want to hide  something in
> Rebol, you  should consider System  as the first candidate,
> otherwise you allow the  script to try to  look for what it
> needs in System/words.
> Ladislav

[REBOL] %detach.r Re:(4)

2000-06-12 Thread jeff

>   thru {==} (append imagecode text)]]
> insert imagecode "64#{" append imagecode "}"
> write/binary %image.jpg imagecode

write/binary %image.jpg load imagecode


[REBOL] rebol/view without X Re:

2000-06-12 Thread jeff

   Yep, that's a bug in the current release of VIEW that
   will go away in the next.  REBOL/view will be able to
   run with out talking to X at all.  Can't presently
   offer a work around. 

> I dont use rebol for anything usefull or important, so when
> I got  hold  of /view  I  replaced   the old /core,   as  I
> understand /view has  /core in it.   One problem though,  I
> often  used  rebol from a  terminal,  with no $DISPLAY set,
> /view being an X client   claims it needs the display  even
> though it really doesnt.
> How to get around this?
> Ofcourse  the best would  be that if  there  is no $DISPLAY
> set, it  would simply drop back to  /core without /view, or
> even better, implement /view in cursers, hehe :)
> -- kolla

[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(6)

2000-06-11 Thread jeff

   Clever!  Okay, so untrusted isn't allowed to use load
   bind or do.  


if error? err: try [
do func [/system/rebol/query] compose/deep [
do [(script: read %untrusted.r
foreach nope ["load" "bind" "do"][
replace/all script nope "none"
load script
][print "Error with untrusted" print mold disarm err]

check query/clear system/words


Of course, you can always move the system out of the way

moved: :system
unset [system rebol]
if error? try [do %untrusted.r][dump-it]
system: :moved
check query/clear system/words


> how about:
> do load {query/clear system/words}
> ?

[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(4)

2000-06-10 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Gabriele:

   The new capability of QUERY was mentioned in the last
   changes file for view beta 4.1.  I figured it was easy
   to overlook so I've been hoping to find a good
   oportunity to mention it.  :-)

  x: make object! [a: 1 b: 2]
  query/clear x
  == none  ;- nothing when it's brand new

  set in x 'a 33  
  z: query/clear x 
  == [a]

  reduce z
  == [33]  ;- block returned bound to the queried object

  c: to-set-word 'b
  x/:c 99

  query/clear x
  == [b]  ;- even round about modifications are remembered 

   New strains of REBOL introspection! (-:


> On 09-Giu-00, you wrote:
>   w>  Using the new ability to QUERY objects, you can do the
>   w> following:
> Is this documented somewhere? There's   no hint to this  in
> the help for QUERY.
> Anyway, this is VERY interesting.

[REBOL] [REBOL]Finding characters in strings Re:

2000-05-17 Thread jeff

   Howdy Tim:

   I'm a big fan of ANY and ALL for instance like that

char-pos: func [str [string!] ch [char!] /r][
any [all [r: find/case str ch index? r] 0]

> Hi:
>  I have written a function to find the matching index
> for a character in a string:
> ;code follows:
> char-pos: func [str[string!] ch[char!] /local result] [
>result: find/case   str  ch   either equal?  result  none
>[return 0] [return index? find/case str ch]
> ] ;I have  had to use find/case twice  because  if ; I  use
> index? find str ch ; and  i submit a  character that is not
> found in  str ; I get the  following error message from the
> interpreter **   ScriptError: index?  expected   series
> argument of   type: series  port   How can Ichange this
> function so that I don't have to call find/case twice?
> Thanks In advance Tim

[REBOL] emacs colors Re:(5)

2000-05-17 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Fredrik 

  ( and other brothers and sisters of the EMACS faith (-: ): 

  Okay, you may want to byte-compile the file first:

   M-x byte-compile-file

  This will produce "rebol.elc". Then you might put this in
  your home directory.  You may need to add your home
  directory to the search path. Add this to your .emacs:

(setq load-path (cons "/path/to/your-home-dir" load-path))

  After that you can add this line:

(load "rebol") 

  To associate the mode with .r files add:

(setq auto-mode-alist
  (cons '("\\.r$" . rebol-mode)  

Now here's a real handy piece of elisp to rebol glue code:

(defun go-rebol ()
(write-region (buffer-string) 0 "/path/to/somewhere/.temp.r")
(switch-to-buffer (process-buffer (setq proc (start-process "subrebol" "subrebol" 
"/path/to/rebol" "-s" 
(global-set-key "\M-e" (quote go-rebol))

   ;- changing all the paths to where ever they are.
   Now you can be in a buffer making a script, type M-e and it
   will pass your script to rebol and start it in a separate

   Good luck!

   If any one out there has some experience dealing with emacs
   modes, the rebol.el emacs mode could use your help.  There
   are still a couple things wrong with the way it parses
   strings in particular and where it places close square


> src> print emacs-mode: read http://www.rebol.org/rebol.el
> Thank you.
> Now  I'm not this good at  emacs, the program is very good,
> but i cannot figure out where  to put the rebol.el file and
> how to include/start it in emacs.
> I tried:   ESC-x load-file rebol.el (add-hook
> 'rebol-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
> neither one works, may be because this isn't the right way?
> Regards, Fredrik Bergstrom
> --
> [ PowerWebs have  a  good Webhotel  for  everyone, supports
> Rebol to =) ] [ www.powerwebs.se ]
> PowerWebs AB Wåxnäsgatan 10 S-653  40 Karlstad Sweden  Tel:
> +46-(0)54-103377 Fax: +46-(0)54-103376 ICQ# 7654213

[REBOL] Re: [ALLY] big mails filtering Re:(2)

2000-05-15 Thread jeff

   [x-posted to list] 

   How to get REBOL to tell you how big the messages are
   with the pop:// protocol. 

> Bo wrote:  
> Well, it's kind  of a hack, but   you can do this with  the
> standard REBOL:
>  echo  %popread.txt  trace/net on mbx:   open/direct
>  pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED] echo none
> ... 

  Whoah. That was inspiring.  :-) Below is a slightly modified
  version of the pop:// protocol which will store the message
  numbers and sizes together in a block within the port/locals
  sub-object.  For instamce:

pop-port: open pop://user:pass@server
probe pop-port/locals 

  ;- and you'll see a field called total size and sizes which 
  ;  contains the total size of your mail, and the sizes block
  ;  contains the message number followed by the size of that
  ;  message. 

  We'll go ahead and add this to the next version, but until
  then here it is:


Title: "A slightly modified version of pop"

make Root-Protocol [
{Communicate with POP.  This protocol is block oriented not
string oriented.}

port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru

open-check:  [  ; port is bound to confirm frame
none "+OK"
["USER" port/user] "+OK"
["PASS" port/pass] "+OK"
close-check: ["QUIT" "+OK"]
write-check: [none   "+OK"]
stat-check:  ["STAT" "+OK"]
list-check:  ["LIST" "+OK"]

open: func [port /total][
open-proto port
port/state/tail: second total: load net-utils/confirm port/sub-port stat-check
port/locals: make object! [
total-size: third total
net-utils/confirm port/sub-port list-check 
sizes: load read-til-dot port make string! 100 
msg-nums: make block! port/state/tail
repeat n port/state/tail [append msg-nums n] ; lookaside index
port/state/index: 0   ; a zero based index

read-til-dot: func [port buf][
while [(line: system/words/pick port/sub-port 1) <> "."] [
insert tail buf line
insert tail buf newline
read-message: func [
"Read a message from the POP server"
n [integer!]
/local buf line
insert port/sub-port reform [
"RETR" system/words/pick port/locals/msg-nums port/state/index + n]
net-utils/confirm port/sub-port write-check
read-til-dot port buf: make string! 1024  ; guess at size

pick: func [
"Read the Nth message from the POP port"
read-message port 1

copy: func [
"Copy a set of messages into a block"
/local msgs n
msgs: make block! port/state/num
repeat n port/state/num [
append msgs read-message port n

remove: func [
"Remove the current message"
while [ port/state/num > 0 ][
insert port/sub-port reform [
"DELE" system/words/pick port/locals/msg-nums port/state/index + 1]
net-utils/confirm port/sub-port write-check
system/words/remove at port/locals/msg-nums port/state/index + 1
port/state/tail: port/state/tail - 1
port/state/num: port/state/num - 1

net-utils/net-install POP self 110

[REBOL] load/next - bug?! (repost) Re:(2)

2000-05-09 Thread jeff

References:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Howdy Gabriele, agem:

   Load/next will only skip past a REBOL header when it
   sees something like this:

  { something something ^/REBOL []}

   If you have a block like this:

  [something something rebol []]

   and you SAVE it, you won't wind up with "REBOL []"
   preceded by a newline, so it will LOAD/next back in as
   you like, an element at a time. Also, you can always
   TRIM/lines other strings that you want to LOAD/next if
   you suspect there may be REBOL headers within the


> On 06-Mag-00, you wrote:
>   a> the "REBOL-header" is skipt even  if it is somewhere in
>   a> the  code, even  in nested  blocks?!  when  at start of
>   a> line!  this means i have to  check for occasional REBOL
>   a> everywhere in my save - databases?!  Bug, yes?
> No, I think this  is intended behaviour. (rip  works thanks
> to this, too.) If the string contains a REBOL header, it is
> assumed to be a   script... but perhaps this  should happen
> for files only, and not for strings?
> Regards,
>  Gabriele.
> --
> Gabriele  Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -  Amigan  - REBOL
> programmer  AmigaGroupItalia   sez.   L'Aquila   --
> http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] Parse this: Sassenrath gets herbal facial! Re:(3)

2000-02-01 Thread jeff

Reply-to: jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
FCC: /home/jeff/outgoing
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Oh, and the  money wagon passed  by while I was relaxing in
> the mineral tub.  Darn.
> -Carl

   Gee, we should invite that reporter down here around the
   next time we get ready to release.  Then they can also add
   to that article how much we enjoy watching the sun rise in
   the morning... :)


[REBOL] Rebol on Sun Server and scripting? Re:

2000-01-31 Thread jeff

   Howdy Kelby Cody:
> I have Rebol  installed on a Sun Solaris  web  server.  Now
> I'm wanting to  use the script tag  within an HTML document
> to run a Rebol script.  How do I configure my server to run
> the  rebol script??Iknow   I justput

[REBOL] Where is that string comming from? Re:(3)

2000-01-25 Thread jeff

 Already fixed, you big meanie finger pointer! (-;

> Good job Elan!  Yes, the bug is in  compose. Yo Jeff! ( Jim
> points his finger... ;-)
> At 02:39 PM 1/25/00 -0800, you wrote: >Hi Steve,
> >
> >if you look at the source of build-tag, you will find that
> >the culprit is compose:

[REBOL] How do I test for simple regex from external string Re:(4)

2000-01-20 Thread jeff

   Howdy senator Racko: 

> to go from 
>  ^(ted|admin|bobr|andrew|elan|keith|cheryl|joel|brady)$
> which is what is literally in the input stream/file to 
>   ["ted" "admin" "bobr" "andrew" "elan" "keith" "cheryl" "joel" "brady"]
> needs to be explained. the rest using 'find is trivial.
>  (though you don't cover excluded values or prefixes or suffixes)

   Apologies in advance if I'm missing the mark (haven't been
   able to really read this or any other thread very deeply
   lately, but isn't the situation you are addressing one of sets:


  ;- given data of the form:
  data: {^^(ted|admin|bobr|andrew|elan|keith|cheryl|joel|brady)$}
  split-it: func [what][difference parse/all what "^^|$()" [""]]

  split-data: split-it data 
  users: ["ted" "admin" "bobr" "andrew" "elan" "keith"
   "cheryl" "joel" "brady"]

  some-other-data: split-it {^^(tom|dick|harry|ted|ivan)}

  whos-in:  intersect some-other-data users== ["ted"]
  whos-out: differece whos-in some-other-data  == ["tom" "dick" "harry" "ivan"]


  If not, pardon my intrusion in this knowledge base building

  (Wondering to myself: if polymorphic set operations were
  available in languages that rely heavily on regular
  expressions, would those regexps still be used just as much?)


[REBOL] [REBOL] Message box? Re:

2000-01-13 Thread jeff

   Howdy Ridley:

>  Is there  any way to  access the security check box and
>  use it for general messages?
>  The kids hang on the computer all day and I can never
>  call home. I'd like to run a script that will pop a
>  message whenever I hit a  particular port.  Something
>  like "get off the phone" or  "call me at 123-4567".

   Sure: You fire up the windows version of REBOL and: 

   write/binary %hacked-rebol.exe head change 
   find read/binary %rebol.exe 
   "Script requests permission to" 
   "Hey kids! Get off the phone!!"
   (There's more text on the message that you can change, if
   you want to add expletives and stuff.. but of course, be
   sure to only overwrite the text that's there.  Don't change
   the length of the text.)

   Then you start up your hacked version of REBOL, (W/O
   modifying the default security) and you run this following:

   REBOL [] wait reduce [open tcp://:9911] secure none

   Then, when you send something to port 9911, the message box
   with your message will pop up. 

   What a hack... :-)

   Of course, this letter in no way implies that REBOL
   Technologies encourages people to arbitrarily hack REBOL!

   Be kind to the old rebol binary...


[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was "archive" ) Re:(14)

2000-01-13 Thread jeff

   Howdy Doug:
> Did I miss something?
> What list  did I not  hear about?   I  might be  interested
> also.
> { So, the  other mailing  list  is being set  up right now.
> I've
> subscribed those who have expressed an interest.
> }

  There's been set up a mailing list for people interested in
  developing rebol.org, the REBOL community web site.

  Since the list is aimmed at a specific development task and not
  about rebol in general it hasn't been made public.  But send me an
  email off list if you are interested in joining the rebol.org
  development group.



[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was "archive" ) Re:(11)

2000-01-11 Thread jeff

> to clarify, Ted's project is "kabob" on husted.com
> my done-one's source code is at kehei.com .  if you want to
> see   a  biginstance  ofone  runningtry
> http://www.worldforge.org
> everything with /website in the url uses it.
> now the bad  news: sadly,  it  was written  before we  knew
> about rebol.
> it does  shell-out  via  system() and  examine  environment
> variables so   it   will  have trouble  getting by with
> rebol/core even if we did convert it to another language.
> so while free/open source, jeff will not allow it.

  Well, some shell script glue (that collect environment
  variables and passes them in via stdin to the REBOL script,
  or what have you) where needed is fine, but the bigger point
  is that REBOL is highly capable of creating all the content
  on its own (when it comes to scripts, that is. Of course
  people can use whatever editor they want, as long as it's
  emacs! (-:) Often enough, machine dependencies created by
  shelling-out can be avoided.  Shelling languages end up
  making shell calls rather frivolously sometimes.  As a
  simple matter of principle, the REBOL community website
  should be totally "powered by REBOL".  It should also
  reflect the shared interests of that community, so, in my
  humble opinion, it shouldn't just be a matter dropping a
  bunch of already made non-REBOL components in there.  It
  should be like a "hey, guys, we need one of these and one of
  those..."  or "hey, I got this kooky idea to run past you
  all."  And on from there.

  I can't promise this at all, but the development group might
  be entitled to a non-distributable pre-beta copy of command
  if it would help the site.  No promises, though. 

  So, the other mailing list is being set up right now.  I've
  subscribed those who have expressed an interest. 

  Trying to strike while the iron's hot, 



[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was "archive" ) Re:(6)

2000-01-11 Thread jeff

   Ted said:

> This might be a bit much to put on one person's door-step.
> Why not post  some "help wanted" notices  on the  site, and
> take applications for a few days.
> Possible roles  might  be Script  Librarian,  Mailing  List
> Moderator,  HTMLDeveloper, CGI Developer,  Site
> Administrator.

  Okay, I sent off that message last night with out stating a
  few small qualifications.

  First, preferably, a single person is given the password to
  the site who is ultimately responsible for the well being of
  the entire site.  This would be the Site Administrator
  above.  They have final say over decisions about the site.

  It would be great to form a rebol.org development group
  which might elect this administrator for a term.  A mailing
  list can be established for this group.  They can break down
  development tasks among themselves, brainstorm, etc.
  Perhaps the various people developing stuff for the site can
  upload files via authenticated http into designated
  directories.  Of course, it should be established that
  everything is tested off site before it goes into operation.

  One other important ground rule is that everything has got
  to be done with REBOL.  No name-your-other-script
  language allowed !!! (-: 

  Of course, we at REBOL Tech. will lend as much direct
  support as possible, and would certainly like to contribute
  items to the cause when possible.

  So, does this approach still interest people?  I would be
  happy to immediately set up another selma list here for the
  rebol.org group if three or more people are interested in
  getting involved in this effort?  (Dare I ask for people to
  "me-to" on this on the mailing list??) ;-)

  AND THANKS YOU GUYS, for showing interest in helping to
  improve rebol.org!  My faith in humanity is reaching new

  (-: (-: (-:


[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was "archive" ) Re:(4)

2000-01-11 Thread jeff

   What people are saying about REBOL.org:

> Andrew said:
> If improvements were made to this script, such as converting "<" to "<"
> and similar modifications were made, could this new script then be
> installed/added to the REBOL.org site?

> Cheryl said:
> Well, I hope whoever maintains rebol.org will not ignore you any longer. You
> have presented two very good solutions. Perhaps, one day we'll learn who is
> actually maintaining that site and makes the decisions.

> Ted said:
> If you think Rebol.org needs better technology (and, of course, it
> does), a good response would be to provide the REBOL scripts that can
> do the job the way you would like. From REBOL's viewpoint, it may be
> better to leave it bare bones, hoping that someone will come along and
> volunteer to improve it. 
> Right now, I think a lot of us would prefer REBOL put their extremely
> limited resources into getting REBOL/View and REBOL/Command out the
> door. Any of us could help to improve the Web site if we chose, but
> right now only REBOL Tech can work on these other products.

> Elan said:
> Then [the changes] should be made. Perhaps some people could
> declare themselves responsible for the submission script and whoever
> is managing the script can release the source to this group?

> Bob said (in regards to super rebol.org wikiness):
> I am also not about to ask REBOL Technologies to "take this over"
> as they have a full plate. Why slow them up when we on the outside
> have the time/resources of our own to make it happen.

   Welp, I sincerely hope this energy spewing forth about
   rebol.org is a signal of people eager to make the site
   better.  With that in mind, I dropped what I was doing
   tonight and revamped for public consumption the submit-bot
   script so that ya'll can hack it, improve it, fix it,
   etc. and get a sense for what rebol.org is presently doing.

   Download it at:  http://rebol.org/internal/submit-bot.r

   A couple times before I've BEGGED people to help rebol.org
   and the silence was amazing.  Sterling and I, along with
   Andrew Grossman have been the creators of the scripts there
   when time allowed, which is less and less all the time.  We
   wanted to get something up there that mostly ran, that
   soaked up scripts, and provided a threaded mailing list
   archive.  We weren't even asked to do it by Carl or anyone
   else in the company.  We just felt someone had to get that
   ball rolling so we did it after hours. There's certainly
   kinks in those scripts, and forget about the low budget
   appearance of the site.  But it's there and it generally
   works.  There's more than 110 scripts in the site, and the
   mailing list has thousands of messages processed and

   We wanted to get it off to a good start, but we can't
   possibly maintain it while doing our day jobs as developers
   on REBOL. So we've longed for someone to leap up from the
   community: a scripter extraordinaire who wanted to own the
   site, take pride in it, help it to prosper and grow.  If
   someone really wanted to take the project on, manage
   changes to the system sent in, etc. then we'd happily turn
   over the account and break a champagne bottle across the

   Imagine yourself maintaining the flagship website of the
   REBOL community!  The site is a well run linux box with
   REBOL cgi, as well as most all other unix utilities you'd

   Somebody take this site over or I will loose all faith in
   humanity. ;-)


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