Re: Fwd: Re: [luau] Java question

2003-04-19 Thread Ray Strode

Since the Scubatoolkit advertised some capability my program didn't 
and I am working on some stuff that Scubatoolkit was missing, I thought,
hey... maybe this can be mutually beneficial  So I downloaded it and am
now trying to get it to work so I can see if there is anything I may be able
to offer.


Follow these steps (url compliments of Vince)

1) cd
2) wget

3) mkdir scubatoolkit-0.0.4
4) cd scubatoolkit-0.0.4
5) unzip ../
6) javac *.java
7) java Scubatoolkit

Each time you make changes to the java code redo steps 6 and 7.


Re: [luau] Java question

2003-04-18 Thread Ray Strode

[EMAIL PROTECTED] SCUBATOOLS]$ java -cp .Scubatoolkit
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: /Scubatoolkit
   at java.lang.Class.forName(
   at java.lang.Class.forName(

It's been a few semesters since i've done any java programming, so i may 
be way off base here, but my initial guess is that you need a space 
between the period and Scubatoolkit.

The reason I say this is, the java command has one mandatory argument, 
namely the class to execute (or possibly a jar file), and the -cp 
commandline argument also has its own mandatory argument, namely one 
directory to search in when trying to find classes.  So currently there 
aren't enough arguments for the command to make sense.

So, again,  i think you want:

java -cp . Scubatoolkit

Also, I think that java will automatically search the current directory 
for classes anyway, so you can probably get away with just:

java Scubatoolkit


Re: [luau] State of Texas

2003-03-31 Thread Ray Strode

If you want to use OSS from the start, you can use python and
wxWindows and keep some of the modules you write when porting to

I definately agree that code reuse is the way to go. 

One other option (other than wxWindows) is PyGTK/libglade.  It won't 
have the exact same look and feel as most windows programs (because it 
doesn't use native controls), but you get to build your GUI in Glade 
which is a pretty easy to use gui builder and with that you get the 
advantage of more natural separation between core program logic and user 
interface code.  I think wxWindows may have a gui builder, too, but I 
think it may be worth the effort to check both out.

Btw, with either option you get portability to Linux for free.


Re: [luau] rc.local question

2003-03-25 Thread Ray Strode

Charles Lockhart wrote:

An embedded device I'm using has a kind of wierd, junky, hacked up, 
piecemeal version of Linux running on it.  One of the problems I'm 
having is that the rc.local script doesn't seem to be getting called. 

Hmmm...well to be honest i have no idea how rc.local normally gets 
called.  I spent a few minutes looking at redhat's initscripts, but 
found nothing.  One thing you could do though... Add your program 
straight to your inittab.  You can even make it automatically restart in 
the event it crashes.

Add something like:

where FOO is just some short identifier (2 or 3 letters), R is a list of 
runlevels the program should run on, and PROGRAM is the full path to the 
program to launch.

If you don't want it to automatically restart on crash, then change 
respawn to once.




Re: [luau] Personal Touch (was anyone know of a good computer repair place?)

2003-03-18 Thread Ray Strode

1) Whirring sound (like a fan) when running which
wasn't the case when things were fine and beautiful. 
The sound will sometimes kick into high gear and that

is the system's signal that it is about to crash.

If a walks like a duck :-)  It probably is a fan.

2) Sometimes the system boots and sometimes it
doesn't.  If it fails, I'll get the XP version of the
blue screen of death.  (The sceen isn't blue but the
text which indicates the crash address and other
diagnostic info is.)

3) If it manages to boot successfully, several system
failure errors are generated.  Sometimes that's eough
to halt the system, sometimes not.

4) If I can proceed at all (which lately is not the
case) then evetually the whirring noise gets loud
enough and then BOOM.

This definitaley sounds like your CPU is overheating.

I agree with Mike.  Your fan is probably bad, or possibly some wire or 
is block it from spinning properly (either could make your fan noisey). 

If i were you i would open the case up and see if anything is blocking 
the fan
If so, unblock the fan. 

If nothing is blocking the fan then pull the fan off and replace it.  
You may wanna
pull the fan off anyway to clear any dust bunnies that have built up 

air works well).


Re: [luau] Redstar3

2003-03-14 Thread Ray Strode
Ok, probably nobody cares, but the group I work for/with has pretty 
much finished our first iteration of the Redstar3 array controller.  
An array in this case is an infrared ccd.  The system is the main 
controller for imaging for astronomy.  I mention it only because it's 
running Linux. 

Very cool.

we're using the ORBit CORBA stuff and the java CORBA stuff for the 
more advanced interfaces.

This is the first time I've heard of someone using ORBit outside of the 
GNOME project.  Very neat.

Very interesting...


Re: [luau] Re: no answers from roadrunner dns

2003-03-05 Thread Ray Strode

That is a good explanation of the iterative lookup. However, it
is my understanding that the client does not normally perform

Oh, could be.

I always thought it was up to the DNS servers configured on
your system to ultimately perform that role.

It certainly makes sense for dns servers to iteratively query other dns 
servers, but
to me it also makes sense that clients would want to.  Whether they do 
in practice,

I don't know.

To verify, I edited /etc/resolv.conf on a few systems to point
to different nameservers that I knew did not answer recursive
queries from external networks and could not resolve an IP
address that belonged to a third external network. (I tested on
Debian, FreeBSD, Red Hat, and Solaris.)

Well, sounds like you are right then.  Interesting...


Re: [luau] Firewall

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Strode

For a small company and the right software, you might be able to
get away with running a firewall on a 386.

Note that for most 386's you are constrained to the ISA bus, which means
8 MHz and 16bits ~= 16Mbytes per second theorhetical maximum throughput.  
In practice you are going to get considerably less than that.  Probably 
okay for a 10Mbit
connection, but probably going to be a bottleneck for 100Mbit or more.  


Re: [luau] Re: no answers from roadrunner dns

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Strode

I cannot explain why dig says things are OK while your own
resolver does not.

I haven't looked into this at all (don't really have time right 
now...maybe over the

weekend), so I don't know the answer either, but my guesses are the obvious
ones: either Road Runner's dns doesn't cache, or there is a bug in the
homebrewed client or a misinterpretation of its results.

That being said, if your DNS servers are not performing recursive
queries, then you will not be getting any name resolution outside
of the Road Runner network (and the support line would be flooded
with complaining customers).

This is incorrect.  Normally (when Recursion Desired bit is not set), if 
a server doesn't
know the answer, then it will provide suggestions for servers that are 
more likely to know
the answer.  The idea is, the client can then ask those servers.  If RD 
is set, then
the server goes out and queries other servers on its own and then 
returns the result.

This recursive feature is optional for dns server implementations.


Re: [luau] Idea...

2003-02-25 Thread Ray Strode

If the volume of this past weekend continues, I will have to 
unsubscribe and limit my participation to the online luau archives that 
I will access during my on-campus weekly schedule.  

Note if you go to your mailman preferences (see the url at the footer of 
every message), you can
set your mail for digest mode, where messages get sent in batches. That 
may be a better

alternative for you.

If you prefer the online mail archive, don't unsubscribe, just setup 
mailman to not send you messages,

that way you can still post w/o your messages going to the moderation queue.


Re: [luau] Verizon DSL

2003-02-19 Thread Ray Strode

I like being able to LEGALLY run my own servers with fear of 

ports being blocked or getting a letter saying that it is 

against the AUP.  

I've noticed recently that a lot of people think, Road Runner doesn't 
allow servers

to be run over residential access.

As long as the servers aren't being used for "enterprise" purposes, I 
don't think

Oceanic/Road Runner cares:

I know i've been running various servers (http, mail, etc)  on my box 

to Road Runner using their regular dhcp, residential access for a couple
years without problems.

(Note, I'm not saying Flex/DSL is bad or anything.)


Re: [luau] java on linux question - sorry, source inserted

2003-02-11 Thread Ray Strode
Uhm, for those people who program in Java on Linux, 

I'm not really qualified to answer, because I haven't used Java in
a while and I haven't ever used  a GridBagLayout,
but I'm going to guess, and it probably won't be much help you.

All of my speculation is based on guessed semantics from the names
of the classes.

is there any reason that everything here wouldn't stack up nice and 
clear at least horizontally? 

I'm guessing the fill member of the constraints object specifies whether 
the given control should
grow to fill any surplus it has in its cell(s).  I'm guessing that the 
BOTH constant means the
control should grow both horizontally and vertically.  I'm guessing 
gridwidth is the number of cells
the given control is allocated horizontally (something like colspan in 
html).  Are my assumptions


I think that the fact the buttons are different widths are a symptom of 
the problem, not the cause.
The grid columns themselves are different widths, and the buttons are 
configured to fill the entire
width of their respective columns.  I think if you set the fill member 
to 0 or NEITHER or NONE or
whatever the constant is called, then the buttons would be the same 
width, but the spacing

would look weird.  Am I right?

Now here is my completely uniformed guess at what might be going wrong:

I think your problem might actually be the labels.  They are probably 
going to try to prevent
themselves from wrapping or at least wrapping on non-whitespace as much 
as they are able.
So the columns with labels are probably as wide as the labels, which are 
probably wider than
the other columns, becuase the other columns contain controls that 
handle small space better

(e.g. the text controls scroll and clip, the buttons shrink, etc..).

If what i'm saying is right, then the first and fourth columns probably 
have the widest buttons.

Again, though, I want to make it clear to you that I'm just guessing and 
have no idea if that is

actually the problem.  I don't use Java very much.

Another possible guess: it wants a new contraints object for every add 
call, and by passing
the same reference around you are confusing it?  I haven't looked at the 
documentation, so

I don't know what it expects.

One general note:

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
macroFunctionButton[i] = new Button();
macroFunctionButton[i].setLabel("Function " + i);
g.gridx = i; 

I think it would better, if you moved this down a line and changed it
to g.gridx++

add(macroFunctionButton[i], g);

g.gridx = 5;

...then this line wouldn't be needed, yes?  


Re: [luau] Network Question in Redhat 5.2

2003-01-21 Thread Ray Strode

I'm trying to setup my network on Redhat 5.2. My NIC is a PCI Ethernet 
D-Link DFE-530TX. It seems as if my NIC is not being recognized by 
Linux. People recommended I use the "tulip" module.

That particular card uses the via-rhine module I believe.

Re: [luau] HOSEF Organizational Meeting

2003-01-18 Thread Ray Strode
I am sorry that I did not make it to the meeting today.  My 15 year old 
dog died yesterday.
He has been with me since some of my earliest memories.  I had to take 
him to the

creamatory and I am not in a very good emotional state right now.


Re: [luau] Solaris Questions for Mililani High School

2003-01-08 Thread Ray Strode

Hi Leonard,

At the bottom of every mailing list message is a URL.

Go to that URL and you can unsubscribe from there.

Have a good day,

Re: [luau] Need some package help...

2002-12-28 Thread Ray Strode

Can someone tell me what packages I need that contains and packages?  Also, where can I get them at?  I have Suse 8.0 
(retail) and looked through the entire list of packages and neither of these 
are there.

Well, I don t use SuSE, but on my redhat box they are in libgcc and 
libpng-devel, respectively.


Re: [luau] Introduction...

2002-12-27 Thread Ray Strode

Welcome to the list Derrick.

Feel free to ask questions whenever you need help.  There is almost 
always someone

who can help.


Re: [luau] dhcp-146-41

2002-12-23 Thread Ray Strode
I noticed that, instead of the usual "localhost", the computer was 
designated, out of the blue, a name called "dhcp-146-41".  It was 
subsequently concluded that this was the source of all the problems 
(including inability to install printer driver, etc.)

Not sure why it's causing so many problems, but I can explain a little 
bit about how the process works on


First, the computer requests an ip from the dhcp server (called DHCP 
request), then
dhcp server returns the computer's ip address and other network 
information, including the dns server
(called DHCP ACK [ACK is for acknowledgment]).  Some time during this 
process the file
/etc/sysconfig/network gets sourced and certain environment variables 
are set.  

If HOSTNAME is one of the environment variables to get set and it is set 
to something other than

"" or "localhost", then the hostname of the system is set to $HOSTNAME.

If HOSTNAME is not set, or it is set to "" or "localhost"  then the 
computer performs a reverse lookup on the ip
it was just given (by asking the dns server it was just told about). 
Whatever results from this reverse lookup is the
hostname assigned to the system.  If the reverse lookup fails, then the 
hostname is set to localhost.  

Re: [luau] help with rm

2002-12-23 Thread Ray Strode

Assuming your Windows/VFAT partition is /dev/hda1, and is mounted
on /mnt/hda1, as root, type:

   cd /mnt/hda1
   find . -type f -name "*.eml" -exec rm -f {} \;

That should remove all the files under a directory that ends with
the .eml extension.

Just a warning.  As Vince said, it will delete ALL the files with .eml 
extension, so make sure that's

what you really want to do before you run the command.


Re: [luau] Running a script

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Strode

Miguel wrote:

I downloaded an "E-mail Server" software for linux called eXtremail, i've 
installed it but i cant get it to start (the daemon) the instructions say to 
type "smtpd start" in the command prompt but it gives me this error 
"bash: smtpd: command not found" ive tried going in to the directory in wich 
the file is located but its not helping muchit still give me the same 


Chances are it is in either /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin, so  you 
may want to

/usr/local/bin/smtpd start
/usr/local/sbin/smtpd start

Note though, that sendmail, postfix and qmail are more popular smtp servers.


Re: [luau] HOSEF Status

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Strode
I propose that we have a Chief Officer, an Information Officer, and a 
Technical Officer.  Please suggest otherwise.  The Trilug site is not 
available now, but, I liked their arrangement as well.  I propose that 
Warren Togami be the first CO for the rest of this year and next, that 
Jimen Ching be the IO, and that Ray Strode be the TO. 

I appreciate the nomination, but I don't think it's something I would 
like to do (or be good at doing).

Thanks tho.

I think you would make a very good Technical Officer.  You know quite a 
bit about a lot of things, and you are always very polite and humble.


Re: [luau] Mozilla 1.2.1 released

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Strode

Thanks for the excellent detailed response... I'm not trying to be nit-picky, 
but are both these rasterization? Converting files to pixels and blurring 
rough edges don't seem like the same thing.  Is the term used for both? I've 
seen "rasterize fonts" options on printer setups (don't remember where 
offhand), and guess that the latter, smoothing is what it was referring to.

Woops.  I was trying to make my paragraphs parrallel and i guess I 
copied too much.. The second

rasterization should be, "anti-aliasing".

Sorry bout that.

Re: [luau] Installing Fonts in Red Hat 8.0

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Strode

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

While we are at it (i.e., discussion about fonts), I seem to vaguely 
remember that there was a font installation tool in Red Hat 7.3 
(through KDE, I believe).  But now I don't seem to be able to find it 
in 8.0. Does anyone know how to do that in Red Hat 8.0?

I think you should be able to copy the fonts to /usr/share/fonts or to 
Any fontconfig enabled programs will have access to them then.  

For programs not using fontconfig yet, you will have to install 
create a directory somewhere, put your fonts in that directory, run 
ttmkfdir > fonts.dir, add the relevant line to your XFree86 config file, 
and then restart X (or xset +fp the directory).  I don't know of any 
graphical utilities for installing fonts, but I wouldn't be surprised if 
there is one.


Re: [luau] Uninstalling Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-03 Thread Ray Strode
hi recently I installed linux mandrake 9 on my computer but something 
happend and now i can't boot into linux i was wondering on how you on 
install linux.  i also have win98se on a seperate partition, i would 
really appreciate any help here.

Well, you need to:
1) Delete your linux partitions
2) Create new fat32 partitions in place of your hold linux partitions.

Windows fdisk can do 2), but I think it chokes when you try to do 1), so 
you need some other parititioning tool.  
Linux fdisk or Partition Magic should work.

Since you can't boot into linux, you will probably need to use some 
mini-distro or rescue disk.


Re: [luau] Mozilla 1.2.1 released

2002-12-03 Thread Ray Strode
 Adobe (and probably to some extent, Microsoft) owns the rendering 
engine, which is proprietary, and libraries for ttf.

Actually, I believe microsoft and apple own the rights to truetype.

I think that Adobe created postscript which was used to make scalable 
fonts, before truetype existed.  Then I think Apple created truetype to 
solve certain deficiencies with Type1 (postscript) fonts.  Microsoft 
copied apple and released itsown truetype implementation, which wass 
steadily developed for a few years, then Adobe and Microsoft allied to 
create the OpenType specification, which specifies a font format that 
can contain both postscript and truetype data.

The specification is freely available, but supposedly misleading and 
incorrect in places.  Nevertheless, from the specification and from 
experimentation, the freetype project created an open source library for 
reading truetype and opentype fonts. This library was first used by 
special independent x font servers (back in the XFree86 3.3.x days) to 
give X truetype font support.  Later, when XFree86 4.0 made its debut, 
it had freetype built in, so X could natively support truetype fonts.

Now there is Xft which also uses freetype.  See my other mail on this 
thread for more information about how Xft works.

  OTOH, while you cannot copyright a truetype font (or any other 
font), you can trademark its name.  Without a license, which is 
unlikely to be granted by Microsoft, a Linux distro cannot legally 
distribute many of the popular truetype fonts such as Times New Roman, 
Arial, or many Microsoft fonts (mainly because of trademark infringement).

Well you certainly know more about legal issues than me, so I'm curious. 
If you can't copyright a font, then why don't people just take fonts, 
rename them, and then redistribute them?

I know microsoft for a while (like a couple of years or more) made there 
Web Fonts (all the really good fonts they have) freely available to 
anyone who wanted them.  The license also didn't restrict redistribution 
of the fonts, so even though microsoft no longer distributes them, you 
can still get them legally online.  Now i'm wondering if the reason they 
didn't restrict redistribution was because they legally couldn't?


Re: [luau] Mozilla 1.2.1 released

2002-12-03 Thread Ray Strode

I saw that on the mirror, but was not sure what the difference between vanilla 
and xft are.  What does xft stand for?

I'm not sure what it stands for, but it's designed to fix the mess 
currently associated with X and fonts.  Basically, fonts are normally 
stored on the font server (the display part of X), which presents major 
headaches for programmers and application designers.  One such problem 
is, since the server is in charge of displaying its own fonts there is 
little opportunity for the client (the executing, cpu-using part of X), to

control how the font should be rendered.

Xft is a library for using fonts on the client-side.  It uses fontconfig 
for accessing fonts, freetype for rasterizing fonts, and the X Render 
extension (if available) for rendering the fonts.

fontconfig is a system setup for storing and retrieving fonts. 
Basically, you drop a new font into a preconfigured directory and then 
the font is installed and usable.  Also, applications that use 
fontconfig, rather than having to specify big, nasty, X font 
descriptions (those long things with lots of hyphens and asterisks), can 
just ask for "Courier" or "Times".  And fontconfig will follow certain 
configurable heuristics for choosing the best font to reply with.  Note 
it has no dependency on X, so it is potentially useful for more than 
just X applications (for instance, printer drivers, or console-mode 
documentation packages).

freetype is a libary that can open font files (truetype, opentype, and 
other lesser formats) and convert fonts from their 
resolution-independent mathematical representations (as stored in the 
files) to pixels. This process is called rasterization.

X Render extension is an add-on for XFree86 (and the latest version of 
sun microsystem's version of X), which provides functions for 
compositing onscreen images.  This is particularly useful for making 
fonts look smooth, because font's are smoothed by bluring certain rough 
edges with the font's background.  This process is called rasterization.

So there is a lot of really cool technology behind xft, but the only 
thing you will probably notice is that it gives you smooth looking fonts.


Re: [luau] Mozilla 1.2.1 released

2002-12-03 Thread Ray Strode

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

The biggest difference between Moz 1.2.1 and Moz 1.2, in addition to 
the DHTML bug fixes (which keep freezing my Moz sessions when running 
under Windows, but I did not notice any problem in Linux), is that it 
now includes a version that has xft built in.

Actually 1.2 had xft rpms, too.


Re: [luau] Duplicating Music CD

2002-11-27 Thread Ray Strode
I don't think you can access an audio CD without going through 
cdda2wav or cdparanoia or other equivalent programs.  Insert an audio 
CD, run any CD player program, then do a kdf, and you will find out 
that the CDROM is not even mounted. 

I've been wanting to get into kernel programming for a while now.  I 
think that

writing a cdda file system would be a neat little project.  Since, I've
not really done any kernel programming (other than helping jimen) it 
might take
me a while, but i'm putting it in the back of my mind for when i have a 
few days
free time.  Thanksgiving break would actually be perfect if I didn't 
have a bunch

of school work to get done.


Re: [luau] Duplicating Music CD

2002-11-27 Thread Ray Strode
Music CDs are recorded in a different format, that I don't even know 
if they can be access via the block device.  

Also, since the music is in multiple tracks, this wouldn't work.

D'oh.  You're right of course.  I suppose my idea would probably blend 
all the tracks together into one long track.

I assume the audio is available from the block device for most newer 
drives tho, because most newer drives support
cdda extraction (w/o the digital -> analog  -> digital evilness), and I 
assume tho do that through the ATAPI interface.

I don't know, maybe the cdrom driver uses an ioctl interface to 
manipulate the drive and access various audio tracks

and things..

Re: [luau] Duplicating Music CD

2002-11-27 Thread Ray Strode

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

Does anyone know how to duplicate music CDs in either Red Hat or 

I think you should just be able to go cp /dev/cdrom musiccd.iso
and then use your favorite cd recording program to burn the iso to the 
the cd.


Re: [luau] connecting tape drive to RH 7.2, 7.3, 8.0

2002-11-21 Thread Ray Strode
They're just character can use them with tar's "f" 
option to make tar files on the tape.

I've never used a tape drive in linux before, so I'm wondering, is it 
standard practice to symlink

/dev/st0 or /dev/ht0 to /dev/rmt0 ?

I ask, because I know that tar assumes /dev/rmt0 if you don't use the 
"f" option.


Re: [luau] RH 8.0

2002-11-07 Thread Ray Strode

Ray: Might want to check your clock :)

Yea i don't know what's up with me and my
clocks.  Fixed now.


Re: [luau] Web-Based Thin Clients

2002-11-07 Thread Ray Strode

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

I have a bunch of old associates who are very interested in trying 
Linux but could never gather 

the courage to install a non-Windows system on their machines. Perhaps 
a web-based thin client 

system will be the easiest way for them to experience KDE/GNOME and 
test some of the 

applications in Linux.  Any thoughts on building a simple web-based 
thin client test pilot?

I have setup at my box for when i'm on campus and 
the computer doesn't have vnc installed.  
Maybe you could do something like that?


Re: [luau] Warren's walkthrough of MonMotha's firewall script

2002-11-07 Thread Ray Strode

I've not really used monmotha's script, forwarding to him...


I've followed Warren's walkthrough of MonMotha's firewall script found at 
I installed the script on a computer running redhat 7.3. The only change I made
was that I used instead of for the firewall LAN gateway
address (eth1), because I have an existing Linksys router that had been using
that address and all my clients are already set up that way, I don't want to
have to reconfigure 17 computers when I swap my dedicated firewall for my 

I can't get the firewall talking to the WAN at all. After I run the script,
I can't get the LAN to ping the firewall.

When I try to ping anything on the WAN from the firewall I get "network is not
reachable." This is true even before I run the firewall script so there are
no rules and default is "accept". I have set up the firewall with the same IP
number and gateway that the router had, I've disconnected the router from both
the WAN and the LAN, and hooked in the firewall instead.

I tested the cables. I tested the two ethernet cards. I reconfigured a client
to use the WAN address as a gateway and plugged it into the WAN NIC with a 
cable, the client was able to ping the firewall on eth0.

I am able to ping the firewall from the LAN before running the script. After
running the script, the firewall no longer answers ping. Is this what I should

Could redhat 7.3 have ipchains running by default and messing me up?

Could the IP# change matter? (Warren's walkthrough says use as 
IP#, the gateway address for the LAN, I used instead.) I tried to
set the firewall up to be identical to the router it replaces, same gateway,
same IP#. The LED shows activity on the card attached to the WAN. 

Could the MAC change when I switch from the router to the firewall be confusing
my gateway so that it refuses to speak to me? I am at UH, not using an ISP.

Could there be a delay before things start working? When I switch things back,
it always takes a while before the router starts working again.

There is some stuff in the walk-through about the PCI slots using bus-mastering,
I have no idea what this is about, could that be causing my problem?

How can I tell whether ipforwarding is enabled and working? (That's how the
packets get between the LAN NIC and the WAN NIC, right? I see it in the script
output,but is there an explicit test?)

Since I can't reach the network even before I run the script, the script doesn't
seem to be the entire problem. But for what it's worth, here is the output when
I run the script:

Loading iptables firewall:
Checking configuration...passed
Performing TCP_ALLOW and UDP_ALLOW alias preprocessing...done
Checking IP Forwarding...enabled.
Checking IP SynCookies...disabled.
Checking Route Verification...activated:eth0 activated:eth1 
Refusing SSR Packets via SysCtl...activated:eth0 activated:eth1 

Setting up drop chains chains: LDROP LREJECT TREJECT LTREJECT 
TREJECTing invalid packets...done
Setting up INET chains: INETIN INETOUT 
Local Traffic Rules: loopback:ACCEPT

Setting up masquerading:

TREJECTing ICMP messages specified in BAD_ICMP...5 9 10 15 16 17 18 
Flood limiting: ICMP-PING 
Allowing the rest of the ICMP messages in...done
Hostwise TCP Allows: 0/0>22 
Hostwise UDP Allows: 0/0>68 0/0>6112 0/0>6119 0/0>4000 
Allowing established outbound connections back in...done

Allowing related inbound connections...done
Done loading the firewall!


These don't look like errors to me. What does "" in the
local traffic rules mean - anything from a machine on the 192.168.1 subnet is

Here is the output from iptables -L after running the script:

Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination 
INETIN all  --  anywhere anywhere   
ACCEPT all  --   anywhere   
ACCEPT all  --   anywhere   
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere   

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination 
INETIN all  --  anywhere anywhere   
INETOUTall  --  anywhere anywhere   
ACCEPT all  --   anywhere   
ACCEPT all  --   anywhere   

Re: [luau] basic firewall script walkthrough

2002-11-06 Thread Ray Strode

as if Netfilter and iptables were separate items. Is it possible to have 
installed but not have iptables installed? 

Yes.  iptables is a sort of frontend for netfilter.


Re: [luau] RH 8.0

2002-11-06 Thread Ray Strode a shell and run PS,I get nothing (two entries)but there is a 
GUI utility called sys monitor that seems to replace it

ps by default only shows processes running from the current user/current 

ps -ef
ps aux
will do what you want i think.

2.I set up a root and user account; to use KDE KPPP from the user 
account I am prompted for a root passwrd.Does this compromise security?

Probably not.  ppp needs root access to be able to access the modem.

When I start Kppp from user it doesn't dock to the task bar and infact
locks all action there--the desktop icons are still active,so I have 
found I can go to this sys monitor and kill the running Kppp,it says it
is killing it(and I get a message from Kppp saying can't start) but 
then I exit to normal operation,where the modem icon of Kppp
has docked to the taskbar,all icons are now again active. 

No clue.


Re: [luau] gaim with encryption plugin

2002-11-03 Thread Ray Strode

Has anyone tested you yet??
Did you pass??

I messaged him using the plugin.. using a packet
sniffer I noticed the messages aren't plaintext, so
I guess it works..


Re: [luau] dummy vim question

2002-10-23 Thread Ray Strode

sometimes I like using the line numbering feature in vi, but hate the way
it's implemented in vim. Do you know if the minimal package you speak of
implements line numbering in the standard vi way?

Well, I've really only used vim, but I just tried vi on a SunOS box 

and line numbering seems to behave the same way.  You are referring to
:set number

Vim does have a vi-compatibility mode that is on by default unless you have
a ~/.vimrc file.  you can force it on by

:set cp

But since I don't recognize any difference in behavior I can't tell you if
that makes a difference or not.

I guess the best way to find out if /bin/vi does what you want or not is to
just try it.


Re: [luau] dummy vim question

2002-10-23 Thread Ray Strode

Please keep the free world safe by
telling me how to turn the damn syntax highlighting crap off forever.
Please.  I just can't take it anymore.  

As Myles said, you can turn syntax off with "syntax off" (or :syntax 
off) in your ~/.vimrc, but
if you have the vim-minimal package installed then /bin/vi will also 
contain a less featureful
version of vi (no support for syntax highlighting, no support for 
multiple buffers, or split screen).

So in reality, you can use "vim" when you want all the features, and 
"vi" when you want a minimal



Re: [luau] ics412: operating systems

2002-10-22 Thread Ray Strode

I assume you mean for applications?  This seems to be the consensus.  I
don't know why people still use C for large applications, like GNOME.
C++ would be a much better choice.

C offers more portability and better abi compatibility than C++.  C++ 
tend to be more buggy than C (which contributes to the portability 
C is better for making bindings to other languages (in part because of it's

better abi compatibility).

In my opinion C is a good language for libraries and application frameworks
(e.g. like GNOME), but I think applications themselves should be written in
something more highlevel like Python.

I think also that people tend to love the language they used seriously 
Miguel de Icaza did kernel programming before starting the GNOME 
project, so

that may help explain why GNOME uses C.

C++ from what I've seen (and experienced today) is harder to compile.

What do you mean?  You're not compiling C++ by hand, are you?  ;-)

I think he's saying that the syntax is harder to get right, so it takes
more changes to get the code to compile.


Re: [luau] kernel module, /proc filesystem, and mmap

2002-10-20 Thread Ray Strode

Hmm, it seems if proc_fops is set, these two have no effect.  That's not a
big deal, since I only care about mmap'ing a variable.  

I took a quick peek at the code and it seems that it already initializes 
proc_fops, so maybe instead of

replacing it, you could just update it.

entry->proc_fops.mmap = ;
that way the default handlers for seek, read and write work.

I'll take a look at the example...

Yea the example was pretty clear and covers creating directories and 
even creating /dev entries.

It doesn't cover your specific case with mmap though.

Anyway, when you send me your code i'll be able to find out more by 
playing around.

Make sure you send me a makefile with it, because i don't know what 
flags, include paths,

and preprocessor definitions need to be sent to the compiler,


Re: [luau] Proposed list guidelines

2002-10-20 Thread Ray Strode
This is my proposed list guideline/welcome.  I have inserted it into 
my message, 

and I am including a plain text attachment.   Please do with it what 
you will.  

You don't have to like it.  Just help make it better if you don't.

Very nicely written. Thank you for taking the time to do it.  

George, what do you think of the guidelines?


Re: [luau] kernel module, /proc filesystem, and mmap

2002-10-19 Thread Ray Strode
I've never actually done any kernel programming, so I probably won't be 
of much
help (actually probably won't be of any help, i'm just shooting in the 


I am trying to write a kernel module that shares a global variable between
a userland application and the module.  In the kernel module, I use this:

mode = ...; /* read/write for all... */
entry = create_proc_entry("jimen", mode, NULL);
entry->proc_fops = my_fops;

My guess is that you probably need to set entry->read_proc and 
also. (I don't know if you've seen 

or not, but it seems like a pretty easy example to follow).

Where my_fops contains an mmap entry like so...

int var __attribute__ ((aligned (PAGE_SIZE)));

my_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
vma->vm_flags |= VM_RESERVED;
if (remap_page_range(vma->vm_start, (unsigned long)&var,

offtopic, but that cast doesn't sit well with me (because whose to say
sizeof(int *) == sizeof(long) ?)
For instance on sparc i think that long is 32-bit and pointers are 
64-bit, so

a cast like that would cut off half the address's bits.

That said... I think it must be right because the kernel developers are 
a lot

smarter than me :-) and they've prototyped the function that way.

int fd = open("/proc/jimen", O_RDWR);
int *ptr = mmap(NULL, 4, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

The mmap system call seems to work without error.  

So /proc/jimen exists?  What happens if you cat /proc/jimen ?

If I add in MAP_ANONYMOUS to the flags, I am getting valid values and able to
modify '*ptr'.  But if the module modifies 'var', '*ptr' does not reflect
the change.  This kind of makes sense since MAP_ANONYMOUS means there is
no underlying file.


 But without it, I'm not even getting a valid pointer.

You mean you are getting a valid pointer, but the value the pointer 
points to

doesn't change?

If you sent me your code, I wouldn't mind playing around with it.  I've 

kinda wanted to learn kernel programming.


Re: [luau] News - UH ITS dept evaluating Spam blocking

2002-10-18 Thread Ray Strode

Warren Togami wrote:

University of Hawaii ITS department is looking for spam blocking solutions,
this article specifically mentions that they are looking at Spam Assassin
among other tools.  

Yeah i read about that in the paper this morning.  I'm curious tho,
1) spamassassin is pretty processor intensive (especially for a whole 

Are they going to put it on it's own box?

2) how is this going to integrate with their new iPlanet mail system?


Re: [luau] Any Open Source Programmers?

2002-10-17 Thread Ray Strode

I'm curious how many other people on this list are open source developers,
particularly those living on O'ahu.

I'm a ics major at UH.  I've got a couple things in the back burner that 
i've worked on at one point or another:

GOALS, eventually going to be something like WebCT/blackboard, but 
currently it's just a http/https webserver

and a cgi i wrote to do filemanagement  (right now ~10 KLOCs written in C)

UH Logo, a small LOGO interpreter using a recursive descent parser (~1 
KLOC written in Python/Tk (would like to port to Gtk+))

Neither project is really finished and neither are actively being worked 
on at the moment.


Re: [luau] Mandrake rules again

2002-10-16 Thread Ray Strode
At the CompUSA event, a nice Danish man (I'm sorry, I can't remember his 
name), told me about
a program called R .  It's supposed to be a 
like S-plus, so i think it's more for
statistics/probabilities/finite math than calculus, but i thought i'd 
mention it.

Of course for intregration there is always the integrator,
(basically mathematica hooked up to a web interface)


Re: [luau] Logos Shirt design

2002-10-16 Thread Ray Strode

Im asking for suggestions on how you want the MPLUG shirts to look.  
Im taking them down this week and Im getting one small size done for 
Elayne Man. 

I don't think that it needs to be fancy.  I think the big thing is that 
everyone wears consistent clothing for the more organized events.

Didn't you say you were going to be able to get an inexpensive deal for 
shirts with just MPLUG written on them? I would just go with



Re: [luau] wiki wiki user id?

2002-10-08 Thread Ray Strode

When I try to edit the wiki it demands a user id and password. There is no link
to a signup page or explanation of the process for getting a user id. How does
one get a user id?

IIRC, you can just make one must be two words tho with each word 
starting with a capital letter and

no spaces


Re: [luau] non-profit incorporation

2002-10-07 Thread Ray Strode

Hawai`i Open Source Education Initiative
Foundation For Hawaiian Open Sourced Schools
Hawai`ian Institute for Open Sourced Education
Open Source Technology for Hawai`ian Schools Foundation
Hawai`ian Gnu/Linux Educational Organization
Hawai`ian Institute of Openly Sourced Education Technology
Technological Inititative for Open Source Hawai`ian Schools
Schools Growing with Open Source Technology
Hawai`ian Education Foundation for Open Source Integration
Open Source Computing Organization for Hawai`ian Schools

I see a common theme here of education, but wouldn't it be better to 
name the
non-profit to something slightly more general, so that in the future we 
can use
it for helping other non-school related entities?  Libraries, Youth 
Centers, etc...


Re: [luau] Multiple E-Mail Accounts in KMail

2002-09-25 Thread Ray Strode

Microsoft Outlook Express supposedly also allows multiple accounts; however, 
all the mails from separate accounts are comingled together, making it quite 
unpleasant to use.

Actually, with OE you can have multiple profiles and multiple accounts 
per profile.  If you put the
the separate accounts in the same profile then they will be comingled 
(unless you filter them to separate
folders), but if you put each account in it's own profile then they 
won't be (and you can password

protect profiles that hold sensitive mail)


Re: [luau] easy refresh rate change?

2002-09-24 Thread Ray Strode

Anyone know how to change this without knowing how to 

change clock lines of an XF86config file

Try add "VirtRefresh 76"  or something similar to the Monitor section of 

XF86Config file.

(in other words don't give it a range.  just give it one value to use)


Re: [luau] Experiences with the RHCE

2002-09-24 Thread Ray Strode

The material was well covered, the instructor was knowledgeable, and the exam
was rough.  

Do you remember any of the questions?  I'd be interested in knowing the 
type of stuff they ask.
(I'm not much for certifications though, so I doubt I would ever take 
it... just curious)


Re: [luau] Jobs People in LUAU might want...

2002-09-24 Thread Ray Strode
Email Lei Wakayama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen Itoga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
or Brian Chee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
They moderate the ics-undergrads and ics-graduate lists at UH.  They 
often post job openings on these lists.

--Ray Strode

Re: [luau] Throw Away Microsoft Word

2002-09-20 Thread Ray Strode
we have had to purchase and install MSO in each and every one of our 
gd'd machines


Word, as expensive as it is, has no use for us, except for openning 
.doc files.

You might be interested in this link:

Much cheaper than buying MSO licenses, I think.


Re: [luau] NFS problem

2002-09-20 Thread Ray Strode

I hope it's not in the kernel, it sort of "breaks" NFS to match the SGI bug.

Well actually I briefly looked at the patch, it's not automatic.  A 
patched kernel still has to turn on the compatibiltiy

mode with a kernel line option.(lh=1 or something like that)

so I tried [mount -t nfs /tmp/somewhere] and it worked!
I guess localhost is mapping to which is excluded  by my /etc/exports


Now it works on the SG, but only if I use the command line. I had been using
their GUI filesystem manager, but it still can't find the /abyss directory.

Well, if you add it to your /etc/fstab then it should be just a one time 
change (weird that the GUI interface

doesn't work tho)

It even works on the SGIs with the old OS, so I guess the patch did get rolled
into the kernel. Or else maybe the bug is intermittent/slow to show a problem?

My understanding is with older versions of IRIX things like "ls" when 
there are a lot of files in a directory
won't work, but yea it's possible that they've found a way to work 
around the problem automatically.

Those linux kernel hackers are pretty smart :-)


Re: [luau] NFS problem

2002-09-19 Thread Ray Strode

look at the bottom of /var/log/messages

That's a good idea.  tail -f /var/log/messages
on the server box and then try to mount.  The
reason why it won't mount will be displayed.


Re: [luau] NFS problem

2002-09-19 Thread Ray Strode

I had some trouble starting the nfs daemons, then I found a good page at redhat

that got me going. But I still cannot share the directory, when I try I get
a message about "the remote directory is invalid". I am trying to mount from
an SGI station (running IRIX 6.5.15, should be okay), there are no other linux
boxes in the lab.

That's too bad, it would be good to see if linux clients work for 
Make sure that you have the port mapper running. /etc/init.d/portmap 
status should say

started.  If it doesn't then run /etc/init.d/portmap start and then
/sbin/chkconfig portmap on

Check this URL, too:

actually you might want to read the whole howto:

Could it be the filesystem format (ext3) causing a problem?


Also, I want to use this setup with some SGI/IRIX clients running 6.5.10, which
has an NFS bug. Upgrading IRIX on the other SGs would fix it, but that is not
really an option right now. 

Just did a quick search and it seems that you can add vers=2 as a mount 
for your IRIX clients to force them to use v2 NFS which doesn't have the 

There is a linux patch at 

That patch is for an old version of kernel and it no doubt won't apply 
to recent
versions of the kernel.  You'll probably have to try to manually 
integrate it
yourself, but...the patch (in one form or another) might already be 
integrated into

the main tree, so you might want to check kernel changelogs and such.


Re: [luau] New Linux Worm Threatens Serious Denial Of Service Attacks Sept. 16, 2002

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

At first when I heard of Red Carpet, up2date, urpmi, and apt-rpm didn't

Actually, urpmi was around a _long_ time before Red Carpet.

 There were no automatic RPM dependency tools, so I was excited
about Mono.

Mono? :-)  

Ximian has always been in bitter disagreements with Red Hat, and as a 

result their packages are very incompatible. 

oh? I don't remember anything.

I'd really like for someone to prove me wrong, but I personally feel
that Ximian Gnome has no real benefits.  

Ximian produced a usable distribution of Gnome when no one else did.
Since then, others have produced good versions of Gnome, too, so Ximian's
distro is less important.  Ximian hasn't released a distribution of Gnome
for the 2.0 platform, so Ximian Gnome isn't up to date. When they do
release a version then it will be interesting to see how it compares.


Re: [luau] Looking for Debian

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

Is anyone either mirroring the latest Debian cd images locally

Warren is going to mirror debian on in the
very near future (I actually started setting it up a few days ago,
but Warren wants to do some maintenance on the vservers first)


Re: [luau] getting system time in milisecs

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

I have some code that loops with some real-time constraints, and I need to
check the time per cycle. 

Do you really need to check it per iteration?  I mean, in your case, 
could you move the timing outside
the loop and divide the result by the number of iterations?  If you do 
that, then you will get an average

iteration which will minimize the time spent timing.

The problem I run into is that adding "debug" to log the time is somewhat

inaccurate and impacts the loop. 

Not quite sure what you mean by "debug".  You mean the timing code is 
skewing your results?
Here's an idea:  say get_time() is your timing function (be it from 
gettimeofday() or clock() or whatever),
before you start your loop do a little profiling of the timing function, 
something like

before = get_time();
for (i = 0, total = 0; i < 1; i++) {
timing_cost = (get_time() - before) / 1

Then you have a rough idea of what get_time() is going to take during 
your loop, so you can

subtract it out from the results.

On a side note, there is a syscall called times() which fills a 
structure that contains clock ticks since the
start of the  program.  It has two fields. One of the fields is the 
clock ticks spent in kernel-space and the other is
the clock ticks spent in userspace.  If you might be able to use it to 
isolate the times from parts of you program,



Re: [luau] Apache question

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

One more question.the network is behind a will the linux
webserver be accessible from outside the network (this is not desireable)?

Does the webserver have an outside accessible IP, or does your router 
NAT a single internet
connection?  If the latter, then probably not, unless you explicitly 
configured it otherwise.  Best way
to find out though, is to just check.  The hostname (mywebserver or 
whatever) will not resolve outside

your net for sure.


Re: [luau] getting system time in milisecs

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

I'm pretty sure in a C class we once used something like x=time(0).  It
might require time.h or clock.h or something.  But that was a long time ago.

time() returns seconds, so i don't think it's precise enough for him. 
As an aside, time() takes a pointer
so (imo) it's better to use NULL instead of 0 (Unless of course you are 
using C++), or time(&x) will

work, too.


Re: [luau] getting system time in milisecs

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode
Another goofy programmer question, what's the fastest and most 
accurate way of getting the 

current time in milisecs within a program?  I've been calling 
gettimeofday, but was wondering 

if there's any better/faster way of doing it?

As far as I know gettimeofday() is the best way.  Remember the structure 
it fills contains
fields for seconds and microseconds, so if you want milliseconds you're 
goina have to do some
math (and probably use a 64bit type).  There is also ftime(), but it is 

What do you need it for?  If you want to benchmark some algorithm or 
something I think
you can use clock() (run it once before, once after, subtract and then 
divide by


If you want to run some code after a specified amount of time then you 
can use alarm() or


Some boxes also have /dev/rtc which you can be configured (by 
ioctl()'s)  to send data from
1 time a second all the way up to 2^13 times per second.  (2^6 times per 
seconds is the max for
non-root users).  


Re: [luau] Linux AV

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

Do you guys know of a good commercial grade antivirus for Linux?

There was a thread about antivirus software earlier this year that might 
be of interest to you:


Re: [luau] Apache question

2002-09-18 Thread Ray Strode

Rodney Kanno wrote:

I am trying to set-up a Linux workstation as a intranet web server on a NT
network, but I cannot figure out how to make the web server accessible
through a virtual host name.

Actually, for future reference "virtual" isn't correct in this context.

Apache is installed and is accessible by entering in the IP address as 

the URL, but I would like to make it accessible by typing in a name rather 

than numbers.

Okay, you've got two options.

1) Add an entry to every machine's 
%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file for your
webserver. It has the same format as /etc/hosts on linux boxes.  
for example: mywebserver

You might want to do this if your intranet is small.

2) Run a nameserver that all your clients are configured to use and then 
just create a zone for your
intranet, and query outside nameservers for all other requests (and 
cache them for performance).

You might want to do this if you have a larger intranet.

Once you've got it working, then add "ServerName mywebserver" (or 
whatever) to your apache

configuration file.

Do I need Samba installed for this?

No.  Samba handles matters dealing with Netbios.  This is a matter 
dealing with hostnames.


Re: [luau] Terabiz Linux SysAdmin Class in October

2002-09-14 Thread Ray Strode

Hi Gary.

I think you should re-think permitting these commerical announcements on the 

mail list no matter how well meaning they may be.

I disagree.  These messages are very much ontopic.  I think a lot of 
open source/free software types
see commericial to be in the same league as proprietary.   I don't know 
if you do (and it is your
progative if you do), but I know I don't. We've actually already had a 
thread about this in the past,
and it was decided by consensus I believe that these announcements are 
informational and not unwelcome.

The subjects are usually pretty descriptive of the content, so if you 
don't want to read them I don't think it

will be that hard for you to single them out for deletion.


Re: [luau] Strange diff format

2002-09-12 Thread Ray Strode

I've never seen anything like this diff format before.

It's called Context format (versus the unified format that most patches 

I guess the Sun version of diff can't do unified format.

Look here for a description of those two formats:


Re: [luau] samba spanking

2002-09-10 Thread Ray Strode
   I am introducing a new samba server to our network.  It is running 
on rhat 7.2.  It is version 2.2.1a.
I have a second samba server that I am adding.  It is also running 
redhat 7.2, but I have upgraded
it to version 2.2.5.  My intent is to replace an older samba server on 
the network.  It is running
redhat 6.2 and samba version 2.06.  Every client on our LAN and 
through our WAN is able to
connect to the 6.2 based server.  Only Windows2k clients are able to 
connect to the two 7.2 based
servers.  No win98 clients on our lan, and no clients through our WAN 
are able to connect to the
7.2 servers.  The WIN2K clients are only able to connect by mapping a 
network drive and using the
samba server's ip address.  No client can connect by browsing the 
network neigborhood here on our LAN. 

Could you post your smb.conf?  Do you have a domain controller on your 
net?  Is one of the samba
servers going to be a domain controller?  


Re: [luau] Digital Camera with Linux

2002-09-10 Thread Ray Strode

We use a Sony Cameras that work on a .jpg format floppy disk. Good
Quality and loads directly onto any OS with a floppy drive. 

You can get the camera for a good price at the Navy EX. 

JPEG isn't really the best format for holding raw image data because 
it's lossy.
It's an excellent format for saving disk space though (such as for the 
web or for storing

megapixel images on a floppy disk.)


Re: [luau] Re: digital imaging on Linux

2002-09-10 Thread Ray Strode

That site is very informative.  Have you thought about submitting the 
URL to the gimp mailing list,

so they can link to your page from the main site?


Re: [luau] Digital Camera with Linux

2002-09-10 Thread Ray Strode
Does anyone have, or know anyone who has, experience in operating a 
digital camera with 

Linux (e.g., downloading images, connecting smartcard/compact flash 
adaptors, editting images, etc.)? is a good peice of software for getting 


Re: [luau] Ruby

2002-09-08 Thread Ray Strode

How many use Ruby to set up their website?

What are the pros and cons about Ruby?

I haven't actually used Ruby, but I read about it
some time ago.  It is completely
Object Oriented--more so than C++ or even Java.  
Even primitives and literals are treated as objects.  
It lets you assign code to field access ala C#'s properties,

eliminating the need for setters and getters.  I also
remembering it having some sort of new block structure
that's useful for iterators, but I don't remember the
details (I looked at it a couple years ago).  IIRC, it
uses symbols like perl for different types.  I'm not
sure though.  

All in all, if I had to choose, I think I would use
Python over Ruby for many projects, just because I think it
has a cleaner syntax.  But I would probably use PHP for web


Re: [luau] tftp/xinetd config question

2002-09-08 Thread Ray Strode

iptables.  It's one of those terms I see tossed around a bunch, occasionally
along with ipchains.  I kept hoping that it wasn't another thing I'd need to
learn (learning stuff is getting kind of painful, one day I'd actually like
to *know* something).  So much for hoping.  

Actuall, MonMotha, Warren, and me are in the design stages of a GTK+ 
firewall tool now.  We are only going
to work on it in free time, but maybe in six months it might be in 
pretty good shape.


Re: [luau] Linux Business Hawaii mailing list

2002-09-04 Thread Ray Strode

I signed up for the new list then was sent a welcome notice. Now I just
got a rejection that said I am not a member.

Was the "welcome notice" actually a confirmation mail?  If so, you'll 
probably have to reply to it

to become subscribed.


Re: [luau] RH 7.3 and Presario

2002-08-29 Thread Ray Strode
I did find a way to get samba installed and a way to start it, have 
not yet 

figured how to edit start up files so it will start on boot. 

/sbin/chkconfig smb on

also have figured how to do without the Gnomba and Komba2 utilities by 

command line options like smbmount; not quite as easy or visual but it 

Well, actually, I think you can access network sharres from nautilus by 
going to

address, smb://
Probably the same for Konquerer, too.

You may have to install gnome-vfs-extras or the appropriate kio-slave, 


Re: [luau] mandrake9 install

2002-08-27 Thread Ray Strode

I have the network.img on the floppy, but the address is asked for on
two lines on the network.img setup, not like the one line I was told to
use to conect to videl.

Well, I haven't installed mandrake in a while, but if it's like Red Hat, 
you would put on the first line
and then on the second line


Re: [luau] OT: windows 2000 networking

2002-08-26 Thread Ray Strode
I think warren's answer will fix the problem, but I just thought I'd add 
that you
probably can access the machines by doing \\ipaddress instead of 


Re: [luau] BIG sendmail prob.

2002-08-23 Thread Ray Strode

Florian Hines wrote:

Hi guys,

I've never run into this before so im hoping you guys can help me.

Twice in the last few days i've had to recompile the > because of the following errors.


Aug 19 22:12:14 NS2 sendmail[2613]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): QueueDirectory
option must be set

That's fishy.  What happens if you explicily define(`QUEUE_DIR', 

(or wherever) in your

does your have QUEUE_DIR set?

When someone from the outside tries to connect to sendmail using the domains
(ex. i get  "Connection Refused" it works fine if you're
on the machine and sending mail localy.  

You don't have
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')
something similar in your do you?

What does grepping for DaemonPortOptions in your report?

worked fine up until this week i made no changes what so ever.(I disabled
iptables to make sure its not the firewall) 

Maybe sendmail got upgraded and your got replaced or 
something? You don't have any
upgrade scripts running in cron do you?  IIRC, redhat's latest sendmail 
moves to /etc/mail.

Could that be the cause of your problems?


Re: [luau] BIG sendmail prob./man in the middle maybe ?

2002-08-23 Thread Ray Strode

Aug 23 07:10:43 NS2 rpc.statd[752]: gethostbyname error for
^X? ?^X? ?^Z? ?^Z? ?

rpc.statd is normally used by nfs to know when the server goes down.

gethostbyname() is a libc function for converting a standard internet 
address (ip or hostname) to a form
that some other libc functions use.  It will do a hostname lookup if the 
argument passed to it is a

hostname.  Some how gethostbyname() is getting passed a bogus value.

Someone is probably trying to hack your box.  Make sure you don't have 
port 111 open to the outside.


Re: [luau] rpm problem

2002-08-23 Thread Ray Strode

rpm -I --justdb --force package-version.arch.rpm

rpm -i --justdb --force package-version.arch.rpm


Re: [luau] rpm problem

2002-08-23 Thread Ray Strode

Vikram Khurana wrote:

rpm -qa | grep package

doesn't show it. But I can tell it is installed because of some of the
files it has installed.

That's odd.
What does
rpm -qf /path/to/one/of/the/files/installed

Do I need to somehow update the RPM database or something?

If the database really is wrong you can do
rpm -I --justdb --force package-version.arch.rpm

where package-version.arch.rpm is the full path to the rpm you used. 
This is update the database

to reflect that the package is already installed.


Re: [luau] rpm problem

2002-08-23 Thread Ray Strode

When I do a rpm -ql  to see the files installed by the rpm, I
get a message saying the package is not installed.

However when I do rpm -Uvh  to install it, it says package is
already installed, which is true, because the package is indeed

Note that -ql and -Uvh take slightly different arguments.  -Uvh takes a 
filename where -ql takes

a package name.  So if you do
rpm -Uvh foo-0.0.1.i386.rpm
then you would do
rpm -ql  foo-0.0.1
rpm -ql foo
if you only have one version of package foo installed.


[luau] Re: CJK Input (Limbo 2 Gone from Mirrors)

2002-08-21 Thread Ray Strode
Thanks Ray.  Would you be able to show me how to input and print CJK 
characters in vim?

I'm sorry, but I don't really know how.   At one point I was playing XIM 
(X Input Method), but
I never really learned exactly how to set everything up.  I'll tell you 
what I do know.

Vim supports XIM, so if you can get CJK character input to work for any 
other XIM application

then the same method should work for Vim.

XIM requires what's called an input server.  Examples of input servers 
are kinput2, xwnmo

(Japanese), and xcin (Simplified and Traditional Chinese).

There are four different methods of input using XIM: on the spot, over 
the spot, off the spot,
and root window. Mozilla has a nice document that says the differences 
between those:

Vim only supports over the spot, off the spot, and root window.

When you run your input server, you'll need to be in the correct locale 
and have the correct
fonts installed.  

You can find out what locale's your system supports by typing "locale -a".

For instance, simplified chinese is zh_CN and japanese is ja_JP.  

You have to tell X Windows which input server you are using.  You can do 
by settings
the XMODIFIERS environment variable or by adding a line to your 
~/.Xdefaults file.

eg. type:
or add
*.inputMethod: kinput2
to your ~/.Xdefaults file

Most input servers allow you to activate them by pressing shift-space or 

Last note, make sure you have a version of vim installed that supports 
characters and xim, if you type :version then you should see +multi_byte 
and +xim

somewhere in the list of things.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head.  I don't speak 
anything but
English (well and a Spanish 101 level of Spanish).  You might try search 
or looking through the vim help files... (vim has excellecent 
documentation).  I
would try something like :help xim or something.  With vim, if you see 
of the form |Topic| (like a word in vertical bars), you can use the 
arrows (or

j, k, l, and h) to move your cursor to the word and then press CTRL-], to
jump to that specific topic.  CTRL-o will bring you back to where you were.


Re: [luau] PowerPoint Alternative

2002-08-21 Thread Ray Strode
But basically, I want to create an HTML file, with which I can 
control/confine each "slide" 

within a screen, use the page-down key to move from one slide/screen 
to the next, and 

quickly jump from one slide/screen to another.  Is this possible?

Well, I think you might have to do some manual JavaScript editing to get 
the page-down

effect to work, but you can always write your documents in LaTeX and convert
them to html slides.   Alternatively, if you are willing to do PDF 
(which most computers
have readers for), there are a  lot of options (and you get your 
page-down functionality

for free).

A quick search of google produced this page:


Re: [luau] Limbo 2 Gone from Mirrors

2002-08-20 Thread Ray Strode
And if their patches are not incorporated by Marcelo, the 18-year 
Brazilian wonder 

kid who is nowin charge of the stable kernel, then there may be some 
unknown consequences.

That's a good point.  RedHat betas come with libacl and libattr. Red Hat 
beta samba comes with
acl support too.  AFAIK, canonical kernel sources don't come with the 
acl patch yet, so there is

a good example of a patch that should be applied if you go custom.


Re: [luau] RH 7.2 vs. 7.3 questions

2002-08-19 Thread Ray Strode

1) Is it worth going out and buying the boxed RH7.3 set, or is it cheaper
to just burn a copy of RH7.3 and buy the yearly subscription? Is there any
difference? The demo software doesn't really interest me that much, and I
the included docs the last time didn't seem that different from the
previous version.

Should I buy 7.3 pro? or just install 7.3 from CD's and buy the annual

If you have a fast internet connection, maybe the service would be better.
You'll have money going straight to red hat that way too.

2) I'm building the machine mostly to be a server not a desktop setup.
Basically a LAMP setup (although I need to make it FP extensions
compatible for some work I do for clients). I need it to handle multiple
domains and email although traffic is very light. I'd also use it as a
SAMBA enabled storage area to hold files from winblows machines on a small
network at home.

Should be fine for that.  Not sure about the Front Page extensions, though.
(Never looked into that).

I was thinking of installing the basic system without the webserver,
mySQL, PHP and mail programs and hand install those items myself...Kinda
interested in trying qmail and using squirel mail to provide web IMAP
access to my email (when I can't use my laptop or regular workstation).

Well, I used to do things manually, but the already setup packages work fine
so I dont' hassle with it anymore.  I used to run qmail and courier-imapd
and it worked okay.  Now i'm just using the stock sendmail and uw-imapd that
comes with redhat.  It works good, too.

As gravy, it'd be nice to slowly start playing with X and remote X
connecting to server...

I have four machines at home.  One that's a server, one that has linux
and remotes from the server, and two that run windows/linux dual boot. When
on a windows box i can access the server using XFree86 compiled with 

I thought I'd seen some past posts by list users who have similar setups 

or who do this for business clients. (Was that you Hoala?)

Yeah, Hoala is i the qmail and samba expert of the group.


Re: [luau] has anyone got this printer (canon S300) to work with linux?

2002-08-17 Thread Ray Strode

ryuhei yokokawa wrote:

my comp specs are: P3 866, 256 ram, 2 usb hubs etc. (a typical desktop
machine year and a half old)
my annoying printer spec is: canon pixus bj S300
I am having a fight with my printer to get it to do something.  I
downloaded a filter (don't really know how it works) and I set it up as
I am told to and did whatever was said in the instructionsbut the
damn thing won't print for me too bad I left my lexmark z52 in Hawaii!
that worked so great!
If anyone has any idea of anything to make this work please mail luau
or me thank you!

Okay I just checked out

So, basically you need to install CUPS and Gimp-Print.

What distribution are you running?  You can probably get cups from your
your distribution, but you'll probably have to get gimp-print from the
gimp-print website.


Re: [luau] use dd for disk clone?

2002-08-15 Thread Ray Strode

dd seems to be file oriented, but I guess you   
can just treat two mounted disks as files? 

It's not a good idea to do it on mounted disks (at lease read-write mounted
disks), but yes, you can just use the device names as if they were files.

What would that look like, use /dev/hda and /dev/hdb as 

stdin and stdout, something like that? 

Well, if you are trying to replicate one disk onto another, then that 
would work.
(Assuming the drives are identical. I'm not sure if it would work or not 
if, the

drives were different sizes/had different geometry).

so the command would be

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb


cp /dev/hda /dev/hdb

If you want to make an image then you would do something like

dd if=/dev/hda of=mydrive.img


cp /dev/hda mydriveimage.img

If you just want to do one partition (say hda1), you would do:

dd if=/dev/hda1 of=mypartition.img

If you do your partitions separately, then it should be easier to
restore the data on a different size drive.

For instance,
dd if=mypartition.img of=/dev/hdb1


cp mypartition.img /dev/hdb1

One advantage of doing it by partition, is you should be able to 
actually mount

the image file as if it were a partition using the loopback filesystem.

mount myparition.img /mnt/mypartition -oloop

If you use / it would cause a problem 
because you'd be including your destination in your source, 

I'm not sure i follow you here.  If you want to do a raw copy, then / 
isn't even

related, because / is a filesystem concept and raw copies don't know about
filesystems, they just know about bits.

Isn't there also an issue regarding open files, etc.? When I  
clone a disk in irix, the manual says to do it in single user 
mode, I presume because you want all the files in a consistent 

Yes.  Like i said, better to do it mounted as readonly, or not mounted 
at all.  Single

user mode would be a good way to ensure that.

Anyone see a way of using dd to make a disk image file instead  
of cloning a disk?  

See above.

Would tar do? Tarball too big? Would tar be able to make an 
exact copy? Would it leave out .files? 

Yes, tar would work I think, but would be a lot slower, because it would 
work at
the filesystem level instead of the bit level.   There are other issues 
to think about
two, like if you had more than one drive mounted, then tar would include 

contents of all mounted drives in the archive.


Re: [luau] Procmail - was -video card follow up

2002-08-14 Thread Ray Strode

I just have a couple comments that you might like to know...



The trailing : isn't required if you aren't  specifying a local lock file
(or so the man page says...).

* ^List-Id:.*bugtraq*


* ^(To|Cc):.*luau*

I notice you do ^(To|Cc) a lot.  You may find this quote from the
man page useful:

> If  the  regular expression contains `^TO' it will be sub-
> stituted by `(^((Original-)?(Resent-)?(To|Cc|Bcc)|(X-
> Envelope|Apparently(-Resent)?)-To):(.*[^a-zA-Z])?)', which
> should catch all destination specifications containing a
> specific word.




Re: [luau] Oracle 9i on Linux

2002-08-14 Thread Ray Strode
Depends on what they're doing.  For students who will be running 
simple queries on 

small databases, probably.  As Warren points out, this isn't a 
production server.  

Make sure to keep the databases down to a reasonable size and you 
should be fine.  

Remember, people have run SQL servers on much less powerful systems 
than a PII-400. 

You know what? My lack of reading skills made me think this was a server 
for a thin client

lab.  My bad.


Re: [luau] To Ray-

2002-08-14 Thread Ray Strode

Hi Wayne,

I have been told quite a few times that you are our local vi expert.  

I wouldn't call myself an expert.  I do know how to use vim, somewhat,

Is there any way I can see MULE at work?

MULE is an Emacs thing, I believe (not vi).  What do you need it for?
Inputting Japanese characters or something along those lines?

I don't know too much about emacs, to be honest.  I used XEmacs
when I first got into linux for small programming projects, but then
I discovered vim and have been using it ever since.


Re: [luau] LDAP w/Outlook

2002-08-14 Thread Ray Strode

Anyone have any experience setting up an LDAP server on RH and getting 
Outlook to use it as an address book/contacts list - I could really use 
some help, even some one to collaborate with.  TIA

I've setup a LDAP server on RedHat before, but I've never used the ldap 
server for anything but
authentication.  It's probably not too difficult though.  Chances are 
the default schemas will
already have what you need, so then it should just be a matter of adding 
entries with ldapadd.

Is there any bumps you are running into, or you jsut don't know where to 


Re: [luau] video card follow up

2002-08-14 Thread Ray Strode

A reminder:  I would love to see your procmail recipes.  I am configuring my 
imap server to be my primary repository, and I want fetchmail to get it and 
procmail to sort it.  The syntax perplexed me at first examination of the 
procmail man pages, so I would like to take you up on your offer to post your 

Here are mine (Nothing fancy).  The last entry is for spam assassan.  I 
don't know if you will be setting

that pu or not:


* ^X-Mailing-List:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ^List-Post: 

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


* ^X-Loop:

* ^X-Loop:

* ^X-Loop:

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ^X-Loop:

* ^X-Loop:

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* ^X-Cron-Env: .*



* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


* ^Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* ^From: .* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

Re: [luau] Oracle 9i on Linux

2002-08-14 Thread Ray Strode

Mililani High School needs a server to run Oracle 9i server for roughly
20 simultaneous users.  They had purchased a new Dell server for this
purpose for about $3,300.  Unfortunately they were somehow horribly
ripped off by this purchase, getting only a 1GHz P3 with 512MB RAM.  I
am advising them to return this particular Dell ripoff and use one of
our donated P2 400MHz Dells from the Air Force.

Do you think a P2 400MHz is going to be good enough for 20 simultaneous 
clients? I doubt it.


Re: FW: [luau] Oracle Pro C on Linux & gcc

2002-08-13 Thread Ray Strode

I think I missed part of this thread, but i'll see if I can help.

install came with gcc 2.96
So I copied the gcc 2.95.3 files from another RH computer and put them
under /usr/local/ on my computer. I also put the
/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3 path in PATH. However
now I get an error
ld: cannot open crtbeginS.o: No such file or directory

It is not necessary to put /usr/local/lib/* in the PATH.  The gcc in
/usr/local/bin will find the correct gcc-lib directory (if it was
installed correctly).

Why does the locate command not find any gcc files that I have

It's possible your slocate database isn't up to date. run "updatedb".

crtbeginS.o does exist in the
/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3 directory so why the
hell does it not find it??

Probably because the gcc you are using is /usr/bin/gcc.  Which looks in
/usr/lib/gcc-lib for the support files.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# which gcc

Try typing:

export GCC_EXEC_PREFIX=/usr/loca/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3

before running gcc.

No it was from /home//usr/local directory

Would that make a difference?

It might.

This gcc command is being called during compilation of a library. I 
don't think I can modify the source code for it?

You can probably change the makefile, but I dont' think you'll need to, 

is set to the right directory.

Just out of curiosity, what's wrong with using gcc 2.96?

I remember the thread's subject, but I think i missed a few messages, so 
i'm not up to date.


Re: [luau] Font Suggestions

2002-08-13 Thread Ray Strode
I think you might find ttmkfdir useful.  It's like mkfontdir for 
truetype fonts.  I have used an older version, and I don't know how 
well it's being maintained.  It's now available at .

I believe ttmkfdir comes with freetype2, now.


Re: [luau] Access2000 Linux import

2002-08-12 Thread Ray Strode
> 1) I there a way to create a SQL database in linux and import the Access2000 
> Database? 
Yes, there are many ways.  You could transfer it through ODBC, or export
it to some text format.  I don't if there are any utilities to fully
automate it (Maybe gnome-db?), but it should be a pretty small job to

> 2) IF it is posible, is there a way to build a Web base front end for the 
> Database, 
Yup.  PHP/MySQL is a pretty common combination for doing such things. and respectively.

> 3) Are there any local consultants that are intrested in working on
> this project?
Don't know about this one.


Re: [luau] Linksys and Red Hat (Not)

2002-08-12 Thread Ray Strode

I do not appreciate overbroad comments along the lines of "Because card
X doesn't work in distro Y, distro Y is negligent to desktop Linux." 
Red Hat is negligent toward desktop Linux for other reasons. =)

Easy now You misread what he said.  He said something along the 
lines of.:

Well, the new beta of RedHat obviously has a more improved setup for 
desktop users
than 7.3 did, but I still want to support Mandrake, instead, because 
they are smaller and could

use more help.

Having a bad day?

Re: [luau] Oracle Pro C on Linux

2002-08-09 Thread Ray Strode

I have installed Oracle Pro C/C++ 8.1.7 on RH 7.3. However I cannot
compile even sample programs that come with the download.

I've never used or even heard of that particular compiler, but it's 
conceivable to me that it
isn't compatible with gcc's header files.  If the full install of the 
compiler is local to
$ORACLE_HOME, I would change sys_include to only include that directory 
and not
any of the gcc ones.  Another option might be to remove gcc from your 
system completely.

Again, I'm only guessing.  I would have to read up on the compiler more, 
before I could
give a qualified answer.  If you post relevant links, I will see what I 
can find out.


Re: [luau] majordomo

2002-08-06 Thread Ray Strode

Cannot open /path/to/list: Group writable directory, could anybody point 
me in the right direction, I have been trying to figure this out for 

chmod g-w /path/to/list


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