Re: Previewers no longer work

2007-01-28 Thread A L Meyers
Thanks for the advice but I am using Fedora Core 5 and the
packages for it.  Updating automated.  lyx is version 1.4.3.

Kind regards,


Previewers no longer work

2007-01-28 Thread A L Meyers
Good morning,

Am not a technical person.

Have used lyx without problems for years.

Suddently the document previewers (all of them, e.g. dvi, pdf) do
not work any more.  They start up and quit.  Printing still works.

Suggestions welcome.

Thanks and regards,


Re: lyx printer setup for cups 2nd post

2004-03-21 Thread A . L . Meyers
A. L. Meyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!  lyx is set up on GNU/Linux.  Currently cannot print and consistenly
> get an error message when trying to print:  unable to print.  Check that
> your parametres are correct.  The system uses the cups printing system.
> No print job gets to the queue.
> Here is the error output of the corresponding console after starting lyx
> with -dbg 3:
> lyx header finished
> preamble finished, now the body.
> Finished making LaTeX file.
> Row count was 123.
> This is dvips(k) 5.94a Copyright 2003 Radical Eye Software (
> dvips: ! Couldn't find header file
> ==
> Suggestions much appreciated.

Meanwhile have determined that cups has nothing to do with the problem.
Only the last message is relevant, as no ps file is produced.  Have
tried copying the file from another installation into the path
but this does not help.


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lyx printer setup for cups

2004-03-19 Thread A . L . Meyers
Hi!  lyx is set up on GNU/Linux.  Currently cannot print and consistenly
get an error message when trying to print:  unable to print.  Check that
your parametres are correct.  The system uses the cups printing system.
No print job gets to the queue.

Here is the error output of the corresponding console after starting lyx
with -dbg 3:

lyx header finished
preamble finished, now the body.
Finished making LaTeX file.
Row count was 123.
This is dvips(k) 5.94a Copyright 2003 Radical Eye Software (
dvips: ! Couldn't find header file

Suggestions much appreciated.


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To Big Brother Echelon from "spook":
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Re: Lyx Win32 setup notes - some anotations

2004-03-15 Thread A . L . Meyers
To you as well, Uwe, many thanks for the assistance.

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To Big Brother Echelon from "spook":
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Re: Lyx Win32 setup notes

2004-03-15 Thread A . L . Meyers
Thank you very much for this help, Rob.  Greatly appreciated.

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Re: Future of Win32 native port?

2004-03-03 Thread A . L . Meyers
Hi!  Planning to get our department to replace M$ Word with LyX to write
audit reports, was most pleased to see that there is a native WinDoze
version, downloaded it, installed it without a glitch and ...

DVI preview does not work.  LyX looks for some files or libraries it
cannot find.  Would much appreciate someone pointing me to docs or
giving sound advice to enable me to demonstrate LyX superiority even in
a WinDoze environment.  Frustration against M$ is growing daily due to
colleagues spending more time formatting than actually writing the audit


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To Big Brother Echelon from "spook":
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Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread A . L . Meyers
Hi!  Please excuse me for asking a dumb question.  Perhaps I have
missed something.  Would someone please post the complete URL leading
to the "incoming" directory?


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Re: Classes not found e. g. (2nd posting)

2004-02-19 Thread A . L . Meyers
Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A. L. Meyers wrote:
> > BTW if you don't mind a stupid question, where can one find
> > further classes to populate /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ ?  Lyx
> > configure stills shows some classes as not found.
> a good idea is to install the recent TeXLive
> then you have mostly all on CTAN available classes.

Thanks again, Herbert.  Please correct me if the following is wrong.
If one installs the entire TeXLive, then the current TeX packages are
overwritten?  Do you suggest this or rather just to copy the classes
to the current installation's correct directory, run texhash etc.?


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Re: Classes not found e. g. (2nd posting)

2004-02-19 Thread A . L . Meyers
Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A. L. Meyers wrote:
> > Here is the (verbose) output of
> > running configure:
> >
> [ ... ]
> > +checking for document class g-brief-de [g-brief]... no
> > +checking for document class g-brief-en [g-brief]... no
> there are only _two_ possibilities:
> - you forget to run texhash or mktexlsr
> - you saved the class files in a directory where TeX doesn't
> Herbert

Thanks for the help.  The missing classes were not in
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ so I copied them from another
installation, ran mktexlsr, then configure (lyx, of course), fired
up lyx, ran reconfigure from the menu and restarted lyx.  Whew!  So
happy to be able to use the old docs again.

BTW if you don't mind a stupid question, where can one find further
classes to populate /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/ ?  Lyx configure
stills shows some classes as not found.


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Classes not found e. g. (2nd posting)

2004-02-16 Thread A . L . Meyers
Hi!  Sorry to come back on this but, alas, cannot get tex and lyx to
register classes in which I have many documents, e. g., for
which there is a template.

All the classes I am looking for are found in

As Herbert suggested in the previous thread, here is the output of

Here is the (verbose) output of
running configure:

checking for a LaTeX2e program... (latex latex2e)
+checking for "latex"... yes
checking for the pdflatex program... (pdflatex)
+checking for "pdflatex"... yes
checking for a LaTeX -> LyX converter... (reLyX)
+checking for "reLyX"... yes
checking for a Noweb -> LyX converter... (noweb2lyx)
+checking for "noweb2lyx"... yes
checking for a Noweb -> LaTeX converter... (noweave)
+checking for "noweave"... no
checking for a HTML -> Latex converter... (html2latex)
+checking for "html2latex"... no
checking for a MSWord -> Latex converter... (wvCleanLatex word2x)
+checking for "wvCleanLatex"... no
+checking for "word2x"... no
checking for Image converter... (convert)
+checking for "convert"... yes
checking for a Postscript interpreter... (gs)
+checking for "gs"... yes
checking for a Postscript previewer... (gv ghostview)
+checking for "gv"... yes
checking for a PDF preview... (acroread gv ghostview xpdf)
+checking for "acroread"... no
+checking for "gv"... yes
checking for a DVI previewer... (xdvi windvi yap)
+checking for "xdvi"... yes
checking for a HTML previewer... (mozilla file://$$p$$i netscape)
+checking for "mozilla"... yes
checking for a PS to PDF converter... (ps2pdf)
+checking for "ps2pdf"... yes
checking for a DVI to PS converter... (dvips)
+checking for "dvips"... yes
checking for a DVI to PDF converter... (dvipdfm)
+checking for "dvipdfm"... yes
checking for a *roff formatter... ('groff -t -Tlatin1 15805FName' nroff)
+checking for "groff"... yes
checking for ChkTeX... (chktex -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -n22 -n25 -n30 -n38)
+checking for "chktex"... no
checking for a spell-checker... (ispell)
+checking for "ispell"... yes
checking for Octave... (octave)
+checking for "octave"... no
checking for Maple... (maple)
+checking for "maple"... no
checking for a fax program... (kdeprintfax ksendfax)
+checking for "kdeprintfax"... yes
checking for SGML-tools 1.x (LinuxDoc)... (sgml2lyx)
+checking for "sgml2lyx"... yes
checking for SGML-tools 2.x (DocBook) or db2x scripts... (sgmltools db2dvi)
+checking for "sgmltools"... no
+checking for "db2dvi"... yes
checking for a spool command... (lp lpr)
+checking for "lp"... yes
checking for a LaTeX -> HTML converter... (tth latex2html hevea)
+checking for "tth"... no
+checking for "latex2html"... no
+checking for "hevea"... no
checking LaTeX configuration... auto
+Inspecting your LaTeX configuration.
+checking for LaTeX version... 2001/06/01
+checking for default encoding (this may take a long time)
+  checking for ec fonts... yes
+  checking for ec support in LaTeX format... yes
+checking for document class IEEEtran [IEEEtran]... no
+checking for document class aa [aa]... no
+checking for document class aapaper [aa]... no
+checking for document class aastex [aastex]... no
+checking for document class amsart-plain [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsart-seq [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsart [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsbook [amsbook]... yes
+checking for document class apa [apa,apacite.sty]... no
+checking for document class article [article]... yes
+checking for document class book [book]... yes
+checking for document class broadway [broadway]... no
+checking for document class chess [article,lyxskak.sty]... no
+checking for document class cl2emult [cl2emult]... no
+checking for document class cv [cv]... no
+checking for document class dinbrief [dinbrief]... yes
+checking for docbook  class docbook-book...  yes
+checking for docbook  class docbook-chapter...  yes
+checking for docbook  class docbook-section...  yes
+checking for docbook  class docbook...  yes
+checking for document class dtk [dtk]... no
+checking for document class egs [egs]... no
+checking for document class elsart [elsart,amssymb.sty]... no
+checking for document class entcs [entcs]... no
+checking for document class extarticle [extarticle]... yes
+checking for document class extbook [extbook]... yes
+checking for document class extletter [extletter]... yes
+checking for document class extreport [extreport]... yes
+checking for document class foils [foils]... no
+checking for document class g-brief-de [g-brief]... no
+checking for document class g-brief-en [g-brief]... no
+checking for document class heb-article [article]... yes
+checking for document class heb-letter [letter]... yes
+checking for document class hollywood [hollywood]... no
+checking for document class ijmpd [ws-ijmpd]... no
+checking for document class jgrga [aguplus,jgrga.sty]... no
+checking for document class kluwer [kluwer]... no
+checking for document class latex8 [article,latex8.sty,times.sty]... no
+checking for document clas

Re: Unknown text class errors

2004-01-18 Thread A . L . Meyers
Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A. L. Meyers wrote:
>> Hello.  Was using the GNU/Debian/Linux package of Lyx for a long time
>> without any problems.  Recently, when opening old Lyx documents or
>> trying to make a new one using a template, I consistently get error
>> messages like the subject line above, "unknown text class".
>> As I use Lyx as a standard "production" app, this is annoying.  Any
>> pointers and/or advice much appreciated.
> happens sometimes, when open an old doc.  Often an old document class
> is not available after an update of teTeX.
> Could you show such a document or at least the beginning
> of the LyX doc?
> Herbert

Maybe, Herbert, but I think not in this case.  Reason:

1. When doing Layout, Document and clicking the class button, I see only
   article, book, letter, linuxdoc and report.

2. View, Tex Information, LaTex classes, on the contrary, shows many
   other classes including g-brief, about 50 in all.

Somehow lyx is not "seeing" the additional classes.

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To Big Brother Echelon from "spook":
NORAD terrorist Khatami cracking Serbian Sharon ihwan strategic BATF FSF 

Re: Unknown text class errors

2004-01-18 Thread A . L . Meyers
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A. L. Meyers wrote:
>> Hello.  Was using the GNU/Debian/Linux package of Lyx for a long
>> time
>> without any problems.  Recently, when opening old Lyx documents or
>> trying to make a new one using a template, I consistently get error
>> messages like the subject line above, "unknown text class".
>> As I use Lyx as a standard "production" app, this is annoying.  Any
>> pointers and/or advice much appreciated.
> I suspect that 'Edit->Reconfigure' will help...

Unfortunately not, Angus.  Have tried it several times, alas in vain.

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To Big Brother Echelon from "spook":
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Unknown text class errors

2004-01-17 Thread A . L . Meyers
Hello.  Was using the GNU/Debian/Linux package of Lyx for a long time
without any problems.  Recently, when opening old Lyx documents or
trying to make a new one using a template, I consistently get error
messages like the subject line above, "unknown text class".

As I use Lyx as a standard "production" app, this is annoying.  Any
pointers and/or advice much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

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To Big Brother Echelon from "spook":
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Re: viewing DVI with kdvi

2001-07-29 Thread A. L. Meyers

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Marko Degenkolb wrote:

> Hi,
> after installing 1.1.6fix3 I can't view my dvi with kdvi anymore.
> On the console kdvi complains about an unknown option -paper.
> However, with 1.1.6fix1 and fix2 this worked perfectly. Does anybody
> know how to get lyx and kdvi working together again?
> Thanks,
> Marko

Hello, Marko!

Well guess what, after clean compile completion of .6fix3 on
FreeBSD, no only did xdvi not work but neither did printing. Am
following this up here.



Re: Install on RH 7.1

2001-07-28 Thread A. L. Meyers

On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Klaus Vink Slott wrote:

> Just saw thread about installing lyx on a RH7.1 system. There was a lot
> of messages about RH politics, compare other distributions ect. But I
> saw no messages whith actual help.
> Is it possible to get Lyx working on a RH 7.1 using rpm packages?
> Regards
> Klaus V. Slott


Not only RH is a problem for installing LyX

"Installed" it on FreeBSD 4.3 without any error messages but LyX does
not work correctly, all sub-classes are missing.

Cannot install on Slackware 7.1 either. ./configure complains about
not finding a file called "forms.h" but it's there!  in /lib with
symlinks from /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib.

Hm, think I will go back to LyX 1.1.4. What a hassle!



problems with LyX

2001-07-26 Thread A. L. Meyers

Dear fellow LyXers,

LyX is my favourite programme and a "mission critical app".

Have run into problems aftering installing LyX 1.1.6 patch 2 from source
under FreeBSD 4.3 using the ports tree. Everything compiled and
installed without complications.

The problems:

1. no sub-classes of docs, e. g. g-brief-de as sub-class of letter

2. xdvi and other viewers are all installed and LyX config found them
but they do not find the file to open, "file not found"

3. printing does not work although lpd, lpr are installed and function
with other apps

Have never had such problems before and don't know whether they are LyX-
and/or OS-related. Have checked lyxrc and do not see anything wrong in

Please help me get my (and your) favourite app fully functional under



Problems with LyX 1.6 patch 2 under FreeBSD

2001-07-26 Thread A. L. Meyers

Dear fellow LyXers,

LyX is my favourite programme so I was quite disappointed in not having
it work "right out of the box" on FreeBSD, installed from the "ports"
tree. Everything compiled and was installed without any error messages.
So I cannot figure out if the problems are LyX and/or LyX specifically
with FreeBSD.


1. only the basic English documents classes exist, "letter, article"
etc. no non-English classes are available, although the non-English
templates exist. (sob :-(  cannot load all of my docs properly, as under
classes like "din-brief".)

2. xdvi cannot find the files to preview

3. printing does not work, although lpr (printer lp) are installed,
configured and working

Would very much appreciate a helping hand from someone who has been thru
this already. Have also posted an enquiry to the responsible for the
port at FBSD.



Re: Specifying explicit point sizes

2001-02-12 Thread A . L . Meyers


On Monday 12 February 2001 22:24, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> > On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Jim Osborn wrote:
> > > When she wants eighteen-point type, dammit, she wants eighteen
> > > points.  She says anyone who speced a type size of "huger"
> > > would have been laughed out of a job.
> >
> > Well put :). I guess that the reason LaTeX (and LyX) doesn't use
> > specific numeric sizes is that, for example "huger", makes not only the
> > usual font larger, but the headers too. So if you use "huger" the
> > standard font size might be maybe 18 points, but section headers might
> > be 24 points. So which point size should LaTeX use? This is what I think
> > LaTeX makers were thinking--but correct me if I'm wrong.
> as Lars said, there are only three standard font sizes: 10, 11, 12 pt.
> all other, like small, huge a.s.o. depend in their sizes to the
> standrard
> font size. all other "standard font sizes", like the one from the
> ext-package are special styles.
> > The actual size if "huger" etc. might also depend on document class.
> a document class has not a specific font size by default. choosing
> 10, 11 or 12pt defines all other sizes and the baselineskip, too:
> Herbert

Dear fellow LyXers,

Part of the beauty and new paradigm (WYSIWYM) of LyX is precisely that it
does not bother the user with exact type sizes etc. Just went through
reformatting a cv using LyX. In 15 minutes I had a beautifully formatted cv
using the class "article" without setting a single font size.

However, I understand that someone might want to set a specific font size.

Best regards,

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Re: \frenchspacing

2001-02-07 Thread A . L . Meyers


On Wednesday 07 February 2001 12:12, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "A" == A L Meyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> A> Yes, you can be sure. German orthography does not require two
> A> spaces after a .. before beginning a new sentence, only one.
> So, why isn't this enforced by the german babel option?
> JMarc

Cher Jean-Marc,

Don't ask me. Ask the publishers of Duden and the programmers of babel.


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Re: \frenchspacing

2001-02-07 Thread A . L . Meyers


On Wednesday 07 February 2001 11:52, Beyer, Marcus wrote:
> JMarc> Are you sure that german typography rules demand that
> JMarc> \frenchspacing be in effect?
> Almost sure, yes.
> Can someone who has more knowledge than me help here?
> On the page
> it says that german.sty turns on \frenchspacing since
> german.sty version 2.4a from April 1992.
> Now I tried also MiKTeX+WinLyX.
> Again \frenchspacing is inactive for german and ngerman.
> Marcus
Dear fellow LyXers,

Yes, you can be sure. German orthography does not require two spaces after a
.. before beginning a new sentence, only one.


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Re: Fiction template?

2001-02-05 Thread A . L . Meyers

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 05 February 2001 20:42, Matthew Graybosch wrote:
> I find that LyX is easier to use than StarOffice or the other word
> processors, but wonder if there is a template available for writing
> short fiction or novels? If anybody has one, could they please gzip
> it and send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ? Thanks.

Dear Matthew,

There is a very flexible "book" template standard in the LyX 
collection. You can choose numbering of the various levels by selecting 
the appropriate item with or without asterisk.

Best regards,

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Re: Any Linux -- or BSD?

2001-02-05 Thread A . L . Meyers

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 05 February 2001 10:43, GT wrote:
> I'm going to install Linux (or FreeBSD) mainly for using Tetex and
> LyX. I realize the packages are the same.  Will things work equally
> well in, say, Debian, Mandrake or FreeBSD?
> Best regards
> Gustaf Tham
> Swedenreply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Gustaf,

The answer is yes, but use the stable versions of LyX supplied with the 
distributions or in the stable trees online. Like most things in life, 
each OS and distrib has advantages and disadvantages. We recently 
changed Linux distrib and have evaluated FreeBSD. These issues relate 
more to optimizing to your requirements, use of the hard- and software, 
supported hardware etc. Be objective and rational.

Best regards,

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Re: LyX 1.1.5x and keyboard control

2001-02-02 Thread A . L . Meyers

On Saturday 03 February 2001 03:32, Arnim Littek wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Feb 2001 23:06:37 +0100, "Florian Cramer" 
> > If so, is there any way the user community community help in this
> > affair? I would be willing to offer money on the "Free Software
> > Bazaar" for making LyX 100% (or at least 99.5%) controllable
> > through the keyboard. But such an offer would only make sense if
> > others join and increase the sum offered.
> Ditto here.
> Arnim.

Dear fellow LyXers,

LyX has saved me so much time that I am willing to contribute EURO 100 
specifically for this project and restricted to it. However, what 
assurances have we that the funds in fact arrive where they should and 
are used for the intended purposes? Now we are not just talking about 
web security, but about financial controls.

Best regards,

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Re: Deutsche LyX-Userliste

2001-01-29 Thread A. L. Meyers

Lieber Horst,

es handelt sich wohl kaum um elitäres Verhalten, sondern eher um knappe 
Mittel, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Übersetzung der Handbücher sehr viel 
Zeit und Können bräuchte. Aufgrund der politischen Entwicklung der 
letzten zwei Jahrhunderte ist das Englische -- sehr reicher Wortschatz, 
sonst als "Hochsprache" nicht besonders überzeugend -- (leider) 
international dominierend geworden. Diese Tatsache werden weder Du noch 
ich demnächst umstossen.

Die Bewegung des offenen Quellcodes ("open source") wird aber ganz 
wesentlich in Europa (auch Deutschland) getragen. Deshalb ist Dein 
Anliegen auch verständlich. Ich würde mich ruhig weiter bei "lyx-users" 
auf Deutsch melden. Wenn dereinst eine deutschsprachige Liste, dann 
bitte (aus Rücksicht auf die beiden deutschsprachigen Länder mit einem 
"Minus" bzw. einem "Plus" auf der Fahne), eben "deutschsprachig" und 
nicht "deutsch".

Freundlichen Grüsse

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>Received: (qmail 4770 invoked from network); 29 Jan 2001 22:43:13 
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>From: "Horst Jurkat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Subject: Re: Deutsche LyX-Userliste
>Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 23:41:44 +0100
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>> aufgrund der rückmeldungen ergibt sich kein zwingender bedarf für
>> eine deutsche userliste, womit ich diese idee zu den akten lege.
>> es gab 15 rückmeldungen, von denen der überwiegende teil eine
>> deutsche liste begrüßen würde, aber keinerlei probleme mit der
>> jetzt bestehenden englischen liste sieht. und wo keine probleme
>> sind, muss auch nicht unbedingt was geändert werden
>Aber wo keine Probleme gesehen werden, können trotzdem welche sein!!
>Meine LyX-"Anfänger"-Meinung dazu, wenns erlaubt ist:
>Lyx hat sicher nicht nur mich (als Juristen), sondern auch andere
>interessierte Kreise interessiert, wie ich weiß. Leider sind die
>"Handbücher", "Tutorien" etc. alles andere als anwenderfreundlich, so 
>man sich auf "user"-listen gefreut hat: Ergebnis, wie sich jetzt 
>leider auch nur eine elitäre Klasse, die beliebt, unter sich zu 
>(Mathematiker und andere Englisch-Freaks, die nun offensichtlich 
>verstehen können, dass es auch andere ernsthafte 
>geben könnte, die auch ohne Englisch auskommen bzw. auskommen müssen).
>Die Rückfrageaktion erschien mir darüber hinaus extrem kurz: war das
>Ergebnis ("nur" 15 Rückmeldungen) gewünscht?
>Ich versuche es mal: "last not least" ... Wenn man schon die 
>Iteressierten nicht wünscht: gibt es ein Forum für diese 
>Vielen Dank für die Antwort im voraus
>Horst Jurkat
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Re: installation help

2001-01-29 Thread A. L. Meyers

Dear David,

Had the same problems installing Lyx 1.1.6 to Debian 2.2.

Here is the hack that led to "successful" (but not debianized) install:

download SuSe 6.4 version of xpm

as root use mc to see the .tar.gz xpm.rpm file

use mc to COPY the libraries into their destination directories, which 
you see with mc.

Now make install will work with LyX 1.1.6.

BUT it's an ugly hack in as far as the .deb version of 1.1.4 installs 
LyX to other directories.

LyX 1.1.6 did not solve my problem which I already posted.

Best regards,

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>Ok folks, I give up. I can't build 1.1.6. I know, I know, it's not 
>science. Take your best shot and then maybe help me out?
>./configure in the lyx-1.1.6 directory gets me "cannot find libforms 
>libxforms - cannot find forms.h"
>I got the latest xforms-088-15 and xpm-3.4k
>I'm using RH-7 on a Compaq Presario 1270
>Any suggestions
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Problems with language change

2001-01-28 Thread A. L. Meyers

Dear fellow LyX-users,

Tried to send this earlier today but apparently something went wrong 
because I never received it myself.

Working in different languages, I wanted to use the templates:
g-brief-de.lyx   or
as bases for an new g-brief-fr.lyx,
same format in French.
View dvi of the original templates produced no error messages.
All I did was:
Layout - Document - Language - french
Now Update dvi produces 8 or 9 errors, which I do not know how to get 
rid of.

Best regards,

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8bit iso8859-1 ispell under LyX

2001-01-28 Thread A. L. Meyers

Dear fellow LyXers,

A simple, stupid question:

how do I configure LyX so it will load ispell in 8bit iso8859-1 mode to 
spellcheck my French and German texts correctly?

Now I am getting things like:

It you can tell me where to find clear instructions, fine.

Thanks and best regards,

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template conversion into French

2001-01-28 Thread A. L. Meyers

Dear fellow LyXers,

Being in a kind of polyglot country and an avid LyX user, I would like to use the
templates "letter(g-brief,german)" and/or "letter(g-brief) as the basis for letters
in French. Alas, up to now I run into the following problems:
1. I load the template and save it under a private filename.
2. Using "File - View dvi" shows no errors.
3. I change the language using Layout - Document - Language, selecting either
   french or francais.
4. Apply, OK. No other changes, nada.
5. Doing File - Update dvi shows me 8 errors, mostly undefined commands.
6. You can reproduce this.

What am I doing wrong and how can I get it right?

Thanks and best regards,

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