Van itt magyar felh. - Are there a hungarian?

2005-10-09 Thread Alex
Dear All!
Sorry for using other than english. I search for hungarian users of LyX.
If you know some please forward this e-mail to them.

Van itt magyar LyX felhasználó?
Készül a magyar LyX honosítás és tesztelőket keresek.

Kérem írjanak magánba.

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Alex
Dear All,

Ingar>> As a translator I have to say that the number of toolkits
Ingar>> increase the amount of work for the translators as well.
Ingar>> Different toolsets have different ways to specify shortcuts and
Ingar>> each have to be translated manually.

JML> Note we could make an effort to change this: use the &shortcut
JML> notation everywhere and avoid gratuitous differences between
JML> frontends.

Is it possible to create a translation code internally, to handle the
differences in GUIs?

I have (almost) finshed the translation of Qt strings. It would be
useful, If I could reuse all of them, without doublecating thoose strings.

Now, I have to copy/paste, change shortcut, verify, etc.

We could make it simplier, by making a string convertion for every GUI.


Re[4]: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Alex
Dear Angus & List,

>> Ingar>> As a translator I have to say that the number of toolkits
>> Ingar>> increase the amount of work for the translators as well.

>> JML> Note we could make an effort to change this: use the &shortcut

>> Is it possible to create a translation code internally, to handle the
>> differences in GUIs?

>> We could make it simplier, by making a string convertion for every GUI.

AL> It doesn't actually make anybody's life easier because the different
AL> frontends do actually have subtly different dialogs and messages.

Why? The GUI indepence means same content, different look. Isn't it?

I thougth that the main reason for creating different frontends is achieve
independence from OS native graphics support. You can compile it under
different GUIs for example: GTK, Qt and XForms, whenever they are already
exits for different OSes, they can solve most of the porting effort.
So the developer can focus on important issues.

Maybe, I am totally wrong, am I???

AL> If you want to support only Qt, then do so. I'm firmly of the opinion that
AL> we should ditch XForms and force the Gtk frontend to be "self sufficient".

I have to add support for all of the frontends, of course! This is not a
question. I am friend of LyX, not its enemy! In case I would like to help to
distribute LyX, I have to do it with whole LyX, not with half.


Local LaTeX conference

2005-11-27 Thread Alex
Dear All,

Here in Hungary at the weekend (3rd of Dec) there will be a TeX conference.
I go and visit it.

I planned that can I create some slide to tell them about LyX.

What do you prefer to show? What to highlight?

This is the home page of the conference: (available only in hungarian language)

Any comments?

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

URGENT:Prezentation with Prosper

2005-11-28 Thread alex
Dear List,

I have installed prosper and I cannot compile the example files on the
wiki (!

When I open "layout_Dekel-sample.lyx" on console window I can see a
step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
I try to view it with 'View -> DVI', but as it is written doesn't show anyithing
(ops it shows something on the far right, if I zoom it out, I could see 

When I try to "View -> PDF(pdflatex)", I does show me that there are 20
errors during running latex.

The first 5 complain about "Undefined control sequence" for "\maketitle".
At each caption there are other 5 like "Undefined control sequence" for
"\lyxnewslide{Caption n:o 2}".
Finally, at the end the same for "\end{document}".

I use lyx 1.3.3 (I tryed it with 1.3.5, it was the same) on Win98se.
I have MikTeX 2.4.1398 installed.

What is goes wrong? How to solve it?

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: URGENT:Prezentation with Prosper [Win98]

2005-11-29 Thread Alex
Hello Robert,

RO> If I may make a suggestion here.
Yes, of course.

RO> Try powerdot rather than prosper.   I think you will
RO> find it an improvement and may not have as many
RO> problems.
I faced to the same problem trying powerdot. :(

I installed everything (LyX 1.3.6) on an XP machine and I played a little
bit. I found that the View -> PDF does not work! It produces the errors as
described below. In the other hand, if I export it to PDF, it works!
Wow! What is the problem? Somebody shall check it, sometime...

It is same for prosper and powerdot.

So, I returned back to my 1.3.3 (at home) and I tryed to export as PDF.
Unfortunately, I have Win98 and I was out of environment space during
running ps2pdf! It was hard to figured it out. So, I have to export it
to PS first, then copy to "C:\lyx\gs\gs8.51\lib\" and then do
"command /e:1024" to increse enviroment space afterward comes the ps2pdf in
that shell. Thus, I have the presentation in pdf.

I tryed to increase environment space at boot, without any success! :(

>> step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
>> step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
>> step: Counter does not exist: lyxnewslide
I don't know why this appears, but it does not bother me anymore.

View -> PDF will not work for some reason, maybe somebody got it working?

>> I use lyx 1.3.3 (I tryed it with 1.3.5, it was the
>> same) on Win98se.
>> I have MikTeX 2.4.1398 installed.
+ ghostscript 8.51

Best regards,

>> Dear List,
>> I have installed prosper and I cannot compile the
>> example files on the
>> wiki (!
>> When I open "layout_Dekel-sample.lyx" on console
>> window I can see a
>> message:

>> I try to view it with 'View -> DVI', but as it is
>> written doesn't show anyithing
>> (ops it shows something on the far right, if I zoom
>> it out, I could see something...).

>> When I try to "View -> PDF(pdflatex)", I does show
>> me that there are 20
>> errors during running latex.
>> The first 5 complain about "Undefined control
>> sequence" for "\maketitle".
>> At each caption there are other 5 like "Undefined
>> control sequence" for
>> "\lyxnewslide{Caption n:o 2}".
>> Finally, at the end the same for "\end{document}".

Re: [LyX] translation of new Windows installer

2005-11-30 Thread Alex
Dear Uwe,

> for Windows is now just one step. Further details are here:
I would mention on the web page what version of windows it is running.
I am using Win98se, as far I know it does not run on win98, yet.
I would like it marked, on the wiki. For avoid confusion...

> Currently the installer is only partly translated to 7 languages. 
> Perhaps you have the time and will to translate some strings of it to 
> improve the installer.
> You find the installer strings in this package:

So, I do it, but I have some problems since I have Win98 I could not

Can I have the screenshots of the individual install pages?
I am trying to guess the context of each string, but there is some
confusion I could not solve.

> thanks and sorry for bothering you
> best regards
> Uwe Stöhr
No problem.
Does every translators subscribed to the list?
We may perfer them to subscribe to it.

Best regards,

BUG: URGENT:Prezentation with Prosper [Win98]

2005-12-01 Thread alex
Hello Herbert,

HV> powerdot is derived from prosper, it uses heavily PSTricks code,
>so dvi->>ps->pdf is the correct sequence.

Ok. It is works, with its fuss (win98...).

But, I cannot set the default language to "Magyar", when I do it, it complains
that "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is an undefined control structure
Afterward the same for "\begin{document}" !

I don't understand!

Are there a workaround for it? I want to use babel, but it doesn't allow me
to do!

Best regards,

Re[2]: [LyX] translation of new Windows installer

2005-12-04 Thread alex
Dear Uwe,

I have some correcting the introduction. Once I found that I cannot render
the document anymore.

I attach two files, the one with "work" suffix is my working copy. I dont know 
is the problem.

The other with the "new" suffix will work if delete the last line in the
LyX editor!

Can somebody help me?

Best regards,
 alexmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[3]: [LyX] translation of ... [again]

2005-12-04 Thread Alex
Dear list,

I doing some correcting in the introduction. Once, I found that I cannot render
the document anymore.

The rendering will work if you delete the last line in the
LyX editor!

alh> Can somebody help me?
I tryed it with my old 1.3.3 under windows and on 1.3.7 compiled from cvs
on Linux.

Both failed.

Now, I am figured out that the problem could come from the hungarian
support inside he latex. If I change the language of the doc for eg.
english it will compile. :(

Some help needed ...

Best regards,

Description: Binary data

Re[2]: [LyX] translation of ... [again]

2005-12-07 Thread Alex
Dear Jean-Marc,

Alex>> Dear list, I doing some correcting in the introduction. Once, I
Alex>> found that I cannot render the document anymore.
> What error do you get?

I get the following 5 error in boxes, afterward comes the latex.log file.

I think that maybe I have some latex incompatibility problem.

Illegal parameter number in definition of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You meant to type ## instead of #, right?
Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things
are all screwed up? I'm going to assume that you meant ##.

Missing number, treated as zero.

A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

Illegal parameter number in definition of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You meant to type ## instead of #, right?
Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things
are all screwed up? I'm going to assume that you meant ##.

Missing number, treated as zero.

A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

Missing number, treated as zero.

A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

Here is the Latex.log:

This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.1 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 
2000.11.28)  7 DEC 2005 20:37
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for hungarian, ukenglish, dumylang, nohy
phenation, loaded.

Document Class: book 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
File: bk10.clo 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX file (size option)
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\fontenc.sty
Package: fontenc 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX package
File: t1enc.def 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 38.
)) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\inputenc.sty
Package: inputenc 2001/07/10 v0.99a Input encoding file 
File: latin2.def 2001/07/10 v0.99a Input encoding file 
)) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\ltxmisc\url.sty
Package: url 1999/03/28  ver 1.5x  Verb mode for urls, etc.
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\tools\indentfirst.sty
Package: indentfirst 1995/11/23 v1.03 Indent first paragraph (DPC)
) (C:\texmf\tex\generic\Babel\babel.sty
Package: babel 2003/09/15 v3.7j The Babel package
Language: magyar 2003/09/18 v1.4d Magyar support from the babel system
File: babel.def 2003/09/15 v3.7j Babel common definitions
Package babel Info: Making ` an active character on input line 576.
No file hu_Intro_new.aux.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 50.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <12> on input line 63.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <8> on input line 63.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <6> on input line 63.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <9> on input line 63.
LaTeX Font Info:External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)  <5> on input line 63.
LaTeX Font Info:Try loading font information for T1+cmtt on input line 63.
File: t1cmtt.fd 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
) [1

No file hu_Intro_new.toc.

1. fejezet.


Re: Indent on every 1st paragraph after different environment

2005-12-07 Thread Alex
Hello Adinda,

You must add the following line into the preamble of the document.
in 1.3.x-s Layout->Document menu choose preamble and type:


That's all.


AP> Hi list,...

AP> I used book class and would like to have an ident (TAB) on every first 
AP> paragraph after changing environment (chapter, section, enumerate, itemize
AP> etc.) I couldn't found how to do it in
AP> Can 
AP> anyone help?

Presenting LyX in a local TV

2006-04-25 Thread Alex
Dear List,

> I am invited to show lyx in my country in one of a local TV
> (called fixtv . They have a regular
> programme for linux. The programme will last for 30 minits.

> I am going to create a slideshow for the performance.

> I think you should ask that on lyx-users. There are several people who
> did that, although not on TV :)
> JMarc

Can somebody propose what to show them?
I know several functions, but it is very hard for me to choose.
(I will present 1.4.1-qt)

I would like to sketch the whole lyx to the viewers, but I know I have
to tell them also how lyx do the thinks above LaTeX.

Any comments, ideas, would be appreciated.



Re: Presenting LyX in a local TV

2006-04-27 Thread Alex
Dear Helge,

Of course, that I will create the presentation with LyX, I plan to show
the source also.

Thanks you for the answer, I asked it, because I would like to show the
opinion of the community, not only my privet opinion.

I think the live demo will not be possible, because I don't have a
preconfigured laptop to take with me. :(


> Some ideas:
> Tell about LyX strengths:
> * Excellent typesetting thanks to latex. Good results without having
>  to tweak stuff.  Printed books have been written in lyx.
> * The best formula editor there is, but don't make it look like
>   lyx is mostly for math people.
> * Good cross-referencing, even between different files. And LyX
>   never ever get errors in the table of contents, like some
>   lesser word processors do. . .
> * LyX is also snappy to work with, and doesn't crash.
>   It is so snappy because it doesn't try to make the screen look
>   exactly like final output.  That is on purpose.  In particular, the
>   line breaking in not like the final output (print/pdf) and that
>   means the final output gets to use line breaking & hyphenation
>   too advanced to do in real-time while editing.  Users can do the
>   occational view->pdf which is _exact_ stuff.
> * While LyX works for the beginner, it doesn't lock out the expert either.
>   Experts can use latex commands to do just about any typographic
>   speciality or trick there is.
> A demo is always nice if you can arrange it.  Rehearse it well.
> Don't cram too much into a small slot of time though, if you want
> to show something very fancy, show printed output that
> you prepared in advance.
> For extra bonus, write your slideshow in lyx (perhaps the beamer class).
> You can then tell the audience that, at the end of the presentation. Or
> perhaps you'll use the presentation file in the live demo.
> Helge Hafting

powerdot redefining

2006-04-27 Thread Alex
Dear list,

I have one semi solved problem.

I can handle it if I define a new style with changing the powerdot
style, but I would like to be able to it in the latex preamble section
in the lyx file.

Is it possible?


So here is what is currently there:
\ProvidesPackage{powerdot-fyma}[2005/12/06 v1.2 fyma style (SA,HA)]

I want it like this:
\ProvidesPackage{powerdot-matex}[2005/09/19 v1.1 matex style (SA,HA)]

Bug: Language change in 1.4.1

2006-04-29 Thread Alex
Dear All,

I have found something what makes my life hard.

I got powerdot into working state, but it is little bit buggy, because I
can compile the presentation only with the language set to english. I
would need magyar (hungarian)  but this an another story

My problem:
 - I make a section heading
 - I insert short title
 - I change the language of both, by selecting it.

Unfortunately, the text in the short tag, still keeps its language.
So, I have to change it to english all the time.

I don't have this with the footnote, for example.


Minimum HW requirement

2006-07-04 Thread Alex
Dear all,

One student who makes her diplom about "Comparing LyX to another Word
processors", asked me about the minimum HW required fo LyX.

I run (I tried it on [EMAIL PROTECTED] without success) LyX on slow
computer, but it was hard to get use it (1.3.3 with linux).

As far, I can remember LyX can run where an X server and KDE can run.
Is the Ok?
Is that means that a 200-300MHz P1 or P2 with 16-32MB ram will be enough
to run LyX?
On this machine the LaTeX will also run I am sure.

Can some of them confirm it?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Minimum HW requirement

2006-07-05 Thread Alex
Dear all,

Thank you for the answers to everybody.
I don't want to start an avalanche. :)

Thanks for the HW examples, and also for the suggestions.

I think that everyone can study further how to use LyX. (Including me)
As I read and translate the tutorial, I find it more friendly to write
longer works with it. I had completed my last thesis in Word, but
I had some challanges with it. Now, I would start it with LyX.


Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2006 15:56 schrieb Steve Litt:
>> On Wednesday 05 July 2006 03:15 am, Micha Feigin wrote:
>>> You would need a smartly compile linux, keep X small in terms of
>>> modules and run a light window manager (like mentioned,
>>> fluxbox/windowmaker will work, probably fvwm also, for the
>>> extremist there is also ratpoison and  a few others). A pentium
>>> should work also. I already ran it on a pentium II laptop that
>>> could hardly support win98.
>> Don't forget IceWM. It's not only light, but it's good. I use it on
>> my Athlon 2600XP with 1.5GB Ram, even though I could run the
>> bloatiest KDE on it.
> Luckily, KDE is anything but bloat. KDE provides a lot of functionality 
> and that's why a lot of services are started when you run KDE. But none 
> of those services is a memory hog nor do they use a lot of CPU power. 
> It is not in the least surprising that a window manager is way more 
> lean than KDE because KDE is not a window manager but a full-blown 
> desktop which includes a window manager as one of many components.
> Now for something on topic: I wrote my diploma thesis in 1998 with LyX 
> 0.10 or 0.12 on a Pentium 90 with 48 MB (IIRC). I'm not sure how 
> relevant this information is because we are now at LyX 1.4.
> Regards,
> Ingo

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Footnote to normal text

2006-07-07 Thread Alex

I am translating the tutorial and I found this in Section 3.5:

"In additon, you can change regular text to a footnote, by selecting it
and hitting the Insert footnote button; change a footnote to regular
text by clicking the Insert footnote button when the cursor is in the

Well, I am unable to hit the Insert footnote button, while the cursor is
in the footnote!

Are there somebody who can do it?

Is this a bug or a feature?
Will it change?

I am using the released 1.4.1 compiled for my linux.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Footnote to normal text

2006-07-08 Thread Alex
Thanks for the answer.

Any comments from the developers?

>> "In additon, you can change regular text to a footnote, by selecting it
>> and hitting the Insert footnote button; change a footnote to regular
>> text by clicking the Insert footnote button when the cursor is in the
>> footnote."
> I think this was possible in earlier versions of LyX. However, this ability 
> has been removed.
First, I tryed it with the Qt version, now, I have checked with the
xforms also. It is definitely not working.

>> Is this a bug or a feature?
> It's a removed feature (and a documentation bug). AFAIR it has been removed, 
> because it was badly implemented.
>> Will it change?
> Who knows? I think it would be a worthwile anhancement (also for comments, 
> charstyles etc.), but first someone needs to find time and interest to sit 
> down and implement it.
I hope it will come back, for me it is a good function.

> However, I think you should file an enhancement report on bugzilla.
I do it.


Historical question

2006-09-13 Thread Alex

I would like to know when was the development of LyX started?

I could find 0.8.0 dated to 21st of dec, 1995.

But when was it first announced or released to the public?


Re: Historical question

2006-09-13 Thread Alex
Dear Wolfgang,

Thanks. I can understand most of the text. I started to study german ;)

I will contact him. It is very strange for me, that I could not find
info how old is this wonderful tool!

I prefer to put it onto the website, when it is known.


Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 13. September 2006 21:37 schrieb Alex:
>> Hi!
>> I would like to know when was the development of LyX started?
>> I could find 0.8.0 dated to 21st of dec, 1995.
>> But when was it first announced or released to the public?
>> Alex
> you might like to contact Matthias Ettrich who is currently at Trolltech in 
> Oslo (N). He should know, since he started Lyx as a seminar work. In case you 
> need translation of the following, let me know
> Wolfgang
> aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
> Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche
> Matthias Ettrich auf dem LinuxTag 2005
> vergrößern
> Matthias Ettrich auf dem LinuxTag 2005
> Matthias Ettrich (* 14. Juni 1972 in Bietigheim, Deutschland) ist ein 
> deutscher Informatiker und der Initiator des KDE-Projekts, indem er 1996 eine 
> "konsistente, nette und freie Desktop-Umgebung" [sic] [1] für Unix im Usenet 
> in Angriff nahm, die auf dem Qt-GUI-Toolkit basiert.
> Seit 1995 ist der deutsche Programmierer ebenso Autor des grafischen 
> TeX-Frontends LyX, das er als Student zur Abfassung seiner Seminararbeiten 
> als Semesterarbeit entwickelte. Da LyX hauptsächlich für Linux gedacht war, 
> versuchte er, die Linux Desktop Umgebung für Anwender zu vereinfachen. Die 
> Einsicht, dass dies nur über Vereinheitlichung möglich sei, führte 
> schließlich zur Gründung des KDE-Projektes.
> Er studierte am Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik an der 
> Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen und arbeitet zur Zeit bei Trolltech in 
> Oslo an der Weiterentwicklung von Qt, der Toolkit-Basis von KDE.

Footnotes in tables

2006-09-20 Thread Alex
Dear all,

I found a reasonable easy way to insert footnotes into tables, they will
appear normally at the bottom of the page with the other footnotes.

I attached an example file for those who would like to copy & paste.

I have added this tip to the wiki at (it is the second method):

Maybe this example file would be included into the distribution?

#LyX 1.4.3svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Section
Footnote in tables:

\begin_layout Standard
I found a solution
\begin_inset Foot
status open

\begin_layout Standard
This is usual footnote.



\begin_layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard
1st text
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard





\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard
2nd text
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard





\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard
3rd text
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard





\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Standard
4th text
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard







\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard



First text.
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard



Second text.
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard



Third text.
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard



Fourth text.
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard




\begin_layout Standard
Other footnotes
\begin_inset Foot
status open

\begin_layout Standard
Numbering of the footnotes will be correct


 can appear too.


Re: Footnotes in tables

2006-09-20 Thread Alex
Dear Georg,

>> Maybe this example file would be included into the distribution?
> It would be better IMHO to fix this bug: 

Maybe it would, but as far I see this is not a LyX bug, but instead a
LaTeX one.

This can be a workaround useable behind the user interface. When a user
makes a footnote in a table lyx, uses this behavidour behind the scenes.


Re: 1.4.3 windows binaries don't work?

2006-09-23 Thread Alex
Dear all,

I had similar problem, when I compiled it from source
(linux, SuSe x64 10.0, GCC 4.0.2 20050901).

I had to rename the configuration directory for successful lyx start.
The configuration directory contained valid config for the 1.4.3svn!


Mukhtar Ullah wrote:
> Same problem here. I was afraid to ask thinking I must be doing somethin 
> wrong.

Happy LyXing to Everybody in 2007...

2006-12-31 Thread Alex
Dear LyXers,

I am very happy that I see how LyX and its community is growing.
This is quite friendly and helpful community.
Thanks for your support in 2006.

I wish HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the Developers, Contributers and
to everybody who uses this great program.


Re: Lyx cookbook template

2007-01-08 Thread Alex
Dear Stephan,

Here it comes...


stefan wrote:
> hi,
> i am looking for a template / style to make a own cookbook. A real
> cookbook!!! as it is common to name a certain type of linux/latex manual
> cookbook too, i did not come up with any success with searching the web.
> Could someone help me please? is there a template out there.
> stefan

Description: application/lyx
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{recipebook}
# Recipe textclass definition file.
# Based upon the CTAN:recipe.cls file, but it is not needed anymore
#   Author of recipe.cls: Maurizio Loreti, aka MLO or (HAM) I3NOO
#   EMail of recipe.cls author:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Layout created by Sandor Szoke 2004.04.05
# Updated at 2006.12.10.
# Contact: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
# The original instructions:
# The \part, \chapter, \section and \subsection commands
# work as usual; \subsubsection commands are used for
# ``recipes'' as units, and are not numbered but (by
# default) entered in the .toc file.
# The recipe (a.k.a. subsubsection header) is typeset in
# a style defined with the command \rechead; the default
# is Large, horizontally centered, bold sans-serif: and
# the user can change that setting with a suitable
# \renewcommand{\rechead} .
# If e.g. \section and \subsection commands are not used
# in the text, the large indentation of the \subsubsection
# items in the Table of Contents may be ugly; in that case,
# you should redefine appropriately [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
# The book.cls definition is:
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dottedtocline{3}{7.0em}{4.1em}} ;
# the second parameter (7.0em) is the initial skip, and
# the third (4.1em) is the length for the subsubsection
# number field (if the subsubsections are to be numbered).
# As an example, a redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] may look
# like:
# \makeatletter
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dottedtocline{3}{3em}{4.1em}}
# \makeatother
# A specific command \recipe{...} is defined as an alias
# for a \subsubsection{...} followed by two rules across
# the whole page and by a vertical space.
# Another command, \ingred{...}, is defined to typeset a
# list of ingredients (the \ldots) with the italic font,
# inside a ``quote'' environment and  after an ``ingredient
# header'' \inghead---empty by default, and that can be
# redefined by the user with, e.g., a
# \renewcommand{\inghead}{\textbf{Ingredients (4 persons)}:\ }
# (note the trailing space).

Format 2

# Global parameters.
SecNumDepth 2
Sides   1
PageStyle   Headings

# There is no abstract environment in book.cls
NoStyle Abstract

Style Bibliography
LabelString   "Bibliography"
  Series  Bold


\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % subsubsections not numbered
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}% subsubsections in the .toc file


{1.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] .2ex}%

\hrule height0.75pt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\hrule height0.25pt width\hsize%

{{\list{}{\rightmargin 1em\leftmargin 1em}%
\hrule height0.25pt width\hsize}

Style Recipe
  LatexType Command
  LabelString   "Recipe:"
  LatexName recipe
  Align Center
Family  Sans

# Subsubsection style definition
Style Subsubsection
  LatexType Command
  LatexName subsubsection
  ParSkip   0.4
  BottomSep 0.5
  Align Block
  AlignPossible Block

# Rechead style definition
Style Ingredients
  LatexType Command
  LatexName ingred
  LabelString   "Ingredients:"
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left,Block
  # standard font definition
Series  Bold
   \renewcommand{\inghead}{\large\textbf{Ingredients}:\ }
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dottedtocline{3}{3em}{0em}}
   \setlength\parskip{2ex plus 0.5ex}

# Rechead style definition
Style Ingredients_for_4
  LatexType Command
  LatexName ingred
  LabelString   "Ingredients for 4:"
  Align Left

Exists .layout for ledmac.sty

2007-03-18 Thread Alex
Hash: SHA1

Dear All,

Are there somebody who have used ledmac.sty with LyX?
Are there a layout file ready to use?

I would like to use it with 1.5.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Comparing .lyx files to see updates + feature request

2007-10-04 Thread Alex
Dear All,

I would like to ask you about document comparison.
How can I compare two .lyx document to see the changes between them?
It would be quite nice for updating translations.(since thange tracking
is disabled for this.)

A few month ago I've set-up a local svn on my linux box to store both
the english version and the localised version of the lyx docs.

Thus, I can translate only one file free from any changes. When I
finish, I can compare my old english file to the actual one to see what
was changed and correct it in the localised one.

I do it in the following way:
 1. export both "english".lyx file to txt by ps2txt (since it almost
handles one line per paragraph)
 2. compare them with krusaider's diff command (File->compare by content)
 3. modification of "hungarian".lyx

Earlier, I compared the files without converting to txt, so I had to
fight with the .lyx file format.

 - The diff will see much more changes than there are. Other diffs are
 - Unfortunately, the one line per pharagraph is not always the case, so
 some tweaks would be nice

One new feature, that I think would be nice:
 - compare two lyx file and show one with all the changes and let the
user to choose what to keep.

Can you offer an other or better solution?


Re: fun poll: your linux distro

2007-12-29 Thread Alex

I have just installed Debian Etch (up to date) and LyX v1.5.3.
with Qt 4.3.3 libraries from source.


Re: getting LyX to see spellchecker

2011-12-08 Thread Alex

> Hallo!
> I had the same problem after upgrade to LyX 2.0.0 Beta3. I have installed
> additional packets libaspell-dev and hunspell-dev, rebuilded LyX and installed
> again. Now it is working for me fine!
> Paul

Howdy Folks,

I installed thru muon, kubuntu 11.4. I had hunspell-en installed at the time but
cannot select it.I now have libhunspell-dev installed also. Do I have to
reinstall lyx in
order to see hunspell in the list of spell checkers?

Thanks for your help,


Opening LyX files under Windows

2008-10-12 Thread Alex
Is there a way to make LyX not open a whole new copy of itself whenever I
double-click on a .lyx file in Windows explorer? 
(I use XP and LyX 1.5.6 or 1.6.0)
I believe that if Lyx is already open on the computer, a new file should open a
new document tab, but not yet another instance of LyX. This can be an incredible
waste of resources on my computer, especially when LyX is already very slow!
(though I have a dual-core Intel processor at 3.2 GHz with 3.2 Gb or RAM).


Lyx is slow while typing documents (Windows)

2008-10-13 Thread Alex
<2nd attempt at posting this ...>


I have installed Lyx maybe 3-4 months ago, but I have been really using it 
seriously in the past month. I am trying to write my thesis.
The problem is that the program becomes really, really sllooowww after a 
while. What I mean is that it gets to the point where, while typing, it takes 
2-3 seconds for *each* character/letter to appear on the screen. I can type a 
whole sentence and then wait 2-3 minutes, but the moment I switch to a 
different Window, LyX stops recording what I had just typed, so I have to do 
it again. As you can imagine, it's hard to be writing a longer document in 
this style.
I've seen some earlier emails on this forum with similar problems (e.g. 2 
years ago there was a problem on Macs), but no real fixes.

A little bit about my setup: I am using Windows XP, and I tried LyX versions 
1.5.6 and 1.6.0 up to RC3 as they came out. Whenever I installed a new 
version, things were fine for a few days, but in at most a week I'm back not 
able to really use Lyx for writing. I even tried switching to a new computer, 
I tried not leaving LyX open for days with the documents I'm editing, I tried 
rebooting and reopening my documents, reinstalling LyX - eventually everything 
fails, and it stays slow even when I had just opened the document.

I can send you the file I'm currently working on, if anyone wants to reproduce 
the problem. I was smart enough to split my thesis into chapters in separate 
files, so right now I have something like 10 pages of text and about 10 
figures (imported from .eps files). The typing speed was ok at the beginning 
but eventually I had to type my stuff in MS Word and then copy into LyX. Now 
I'm just trying to edit a few minor details in LyX and it's being 
impossible... I admit, I have had many programs open at the same time (like MS 
Office, Matlab, Remote Desktop, Acrobat) when I first noticed the slowness, 
but now even after a fresh restart, LyX is too slow for me to type anything...
I noticed that if I start a new LyX document, I can type again fast for the 
first few lines of text, but what's the maximum size document that LyX can 
handle without getting bogged down? (My file is currently only about 50 kB, 
and included images as little as 100 kB when things got really slow. I 
eventually have added more figures, a couple of which are > than 1Mb, but 
these are kept in separate files after all. Even documents that come with Lyx, 
like the User's Guide, are extremely slow to open and/or edit in all versions 
of LyX 1.5.6 and above.

I can live with smaller bugs in LyX, but this one above is currently 
preventing me from using all the other capabilities of this program.


Re: Lyx is slow while typing documents (Windows)

2008-10-13 Thread Alex
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The only explanation I have is that you have the View Source window open 
while typing, if so, this 
> is bug

Thank you all for the quick and helpful replies. I was not using LyX over 
remote desktop, except to test whether I experience the slowness on other 
closeby computers as well (all other programs run normally in the remote 

Many thanks to Uwe, however for pointing out the recent bug report: it turns 
out my problem was very much related. I did not report this as a bug, as I was 
trying to understand whether my computer configuration is causing the 
problems, or if the way LyX documents get refreshed and interact with each 
other slows down things (and this is remembered next time I open LyX)...
LyX, however didn't take more than 15-50,000K of memory.

It proves Uwe had a good intuition - I was having "View Source" open, as well 
as both boxes checked (entire source file and automatic refresh). It is 
sufficient to uncheck auto-refresh to get rid of the slowness. Thank you - I 
lost quite a few days trying to deal with the slow program!

> When you write sensible documents like a Ph.D. thesis, it is strongly 
recommend not to use test 
> releases like LyX 1.6.0xxx. 

I will also look into using 1.5.6 to complete my work (now that will also be 
fast if I uncheck the same box). I assume that in order to convert any 
1.6.0 .lyx files to make them readable by 1.5.6, I have to export them as 
plain Latex and then import them again in the older version.

Have a great week!

Re: Lyx is slow while typing documents (Windows)

2008-10-13 Thread Alex
Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm not saying any of my suspicions are right -- I'm just saying these are 
> easy checks to make, and should be made on ANY computer to assure continued 
> efficient running.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Recession Relief Package
> http://www.recession-relief.US

Thanks, Steve, I hope the messages you get from your stockbroker are just as
full of subtle humor :) I've already been helped though - all I needed to do is
to rewrite Windows to work seamlessly with LyX.


Re: LyX 1.6.0 is released

2008-11-10 Thread Alex
José Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You can download LyX 1.6.0 from
> The source can be found at and binary 
> packages for the different systems can be found at 
> Known issues with LyX 1.6 compared to the previous stable release
> (LyX 1.5.6) can be found at
The download page still had the link for 1.5.6 and the 1.6.0 release notes
aren't yet up at the link below, but I was able to download the latest 
version from:

Good job to the whole devel team!

Windows XP doesn't shut down with LyX open

2008-11-10 Thread Alex
Anyone else experienced this?
If I have either LyX 1.5.6 or 1.6.0 and I give Windows the command to shut down
the computer (i.e. from the Task manager), windows will close maybe a program or
two but then abort the shutdown sequence and remain running.

If, however, I first close LyX manually, then my computers will actually turn
off normally.


Change names of TOC? Bibliography?

2008-11-17 Thread Alex
Does anyone know how to change the name of this section? In Lyx
report(koma-script) it prints out by default as "Contents". Can I make it 
read "Table of Contents" ?

Also, can I change the default name of the Bibliography as well?
I tried adding the following to the preamble, but it doesn't seem to have 
an effect:
\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References}

I am using the 'bibtotoc' option in the arguments to the document class.
What's the difference between this and using the following ERT TEX code?

With the hyperref package, the bibliography is hyperlinked to the TOC entry, 
but if I use the "bookmarks" menu on the left in Acrobat, clicking on
"Bibliography" takes me to the title page of my document instead!


Change names of TOC? Bibliography?

2008-11-17 Thread Alex
Does anyone know how to change the name of this section? In Lyx
report(koma-script) it prints out by default as "Contents". Can I make it 
read "Table of Contents" ?

Also, to change the default name of the Bibliography I tried adding the 
following to the preamble, but it doesn't seem to have an effect:
\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References}
If I add this as ERT code right before the Bibliography in my LyX document, 
the name is now changed in the PDF output. How come?

Also, I noticed how when compiling my LyX document oftentimes only one Latex 
run is completed instead of two! In these cases, although I have the 'intoc' 
option for my document, the Nomenclature does not appear in the TOC, although 
I can see the entry when opening the .toc file manually.
Another funny thing, the same times when the Nomenclature doesn't appear in 
the contents, the compiled PDF file also doesn't open automatically as it 
should after being created. Instead, I have to look for it in the temp 
directory and open it manually !!!

I am using the 'bibtotoc' option in the arguments to the document class.
(The bibliography appears in the Contents, even when the nomenclature doesn't!)
What's the difference between this and using the following ERT TEX code?

With the hyperref package, the bibliography is hyperlinked to the TOC entry, 
but if I use the "bookmarks" menu on the left in Acrobat, clicking on
"Bibliography" takes me to the title page of my document instead!


Re: LyX 1.6.0. breaks down all the time

2008-11-17 Thread Alex
Olivier Ripoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Benno Bühler wrote:
> > How can I access the log-file of the crashes? There pops up a window of LyX,
> > saying that I found a bug. But I cannot fully read or copy/paste the text.
> IIRC, Windows XP saves them somewhere in your "Local Settings\Temp 
> directory". Or somewhere around.

To copy/paste the log of the crash from the window saying you found a bug
(though I don't know how helpful that text is), you need to right-click in that
window and you can then "Copy to Clipboard".
Go to a text editor and paste the contents!


Koma-script not fully compatible with hyperref package

2008-11-18 Thread Alex
This message is more FYI:

the "intoc" and "bibtotoc" options of the report(koma-scrpt) package, as well as
the "addchap", "addpart" and their *-red counterparts to not create the correct
hyperlinks in the PDF document. For the part/chapter, it will link on the page
_before_ the start of your actual section, and the toc options will link below
your chapter name!
This is due to a bug in the packages (hyperref requires the \phantomsection fix,
which koma-scrpt does not currently implement).

Instead of using the above commands, you should use the following Latex code if
you're using hyperref. This example creates a bibliography chapter with the name
"List of References". If you want it to not appear in the TOC, omit the line
with a *.

*   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname}

Only after this use chapter* or part* instead of the addchap or the addpart
koma-script commands, or if you want to begin the bibliography as in my case,
you would continue with:

\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References}

Have fun LyX-ing!

P.S. Should I also report this bug somewhere on CTAN where the packages reside?
I can't figure out for the love of God where I can sign up for a user account on
the Koma Script website, though my German is good enough. It only lets
_existing_ users log in or renew passwords though!

Error message in LyX 1.5.7

2008-11-18 Thread Alex
I am using 1.5.7 as I think it is the most stable version currently. I
unistalled all other versions of the software and did a clean install. 
I used the new "AltInstaller"

However, whenever I try to convert to .dvi or .ps, the following 
message comes up:

LyX: Cannot Convert File
An error occurred whilst running python -tt 
"C:/Program Files/LyX 1.5.7/Resources/s"

... not really OK, but do I have a choice?
Is there anything I can do to fix this, maybe my configuration needs to 
change as LyX doesn't find a file it needs?


P.S. I assume no one will be fixing any 1.5.7 bugs now that 1.6.0 is 
out? However this new AltInstaller might be causing some of the 

Re: Steps towards a portable LyX installation on Windows

2008-11-19 Thread Alex
> 2. start lyxlauncher.exe
> Since there is no tex installed, obviously LyX will not have full
> functionality, but the GUI should work. However, two things give
> errors:
> 1. configure fails because it cannot find python
> 2. LyX fails to convert an EPS to a bitmap, so there is no preview

I am seeing the same python error even with a fresh installation of 1.5.7 in its
original directory... Maybe my paths are screwed up, but I'm not sure how to fix
it, and I wish LyX would do its own configuration checking ahead of time instead
of spitting out errors in the middle of doing something. 
I know this is a work in progress, but it would be more user-friendly if a
dialog or something would pop up prompting the user to help locate python or
whatever missing component LyX needs, and then update the paths accordingly for
the future.

Best wishes,

Re: Koma-script not fully compatible with hyperref package

2008-11-24 Thread Alex
Pavel Sanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > P.S. Should I also report this bug somewhere on CTAN where the 
packages reside?
> > I can't figure out for the love of God where I can sign up for a user 
account on the Koma Script website, though my German is good enough. It
> > only lets _existing_ users log in or renew passwords though!
> >
> at least put it into our bugzilla.
> pavel

Well, I finally heard back from the guy who maintains the Koma-script 
I was amazed of the level of detail he offered in his answer, but 
basically the issues are within the hyperref package and how 
koma-script is able to work with hyperref.
So, I didn't want to bother the LyX developers with this... 
Latex 2e needs fixes! :)


Call for reviewers of LyX's web site translation to Hungarian - A LyX weboldalanak magyar forditasanak ellenorzese

2009-02-01 Thread Alex
Dear List - Kedves Listatagok,

I have started to translate the main LyX website into Hungarian.
It is not yet complete, but most of the text is ready.
I need some people to check the text against errors and typos.
In case you know Hungarian and English well enough and you are going to
help me, please write me a message.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Elkezdtem lefordítani a LyX fő weboldalát magyarra.
Még nincs teljesen kész, de a szöveg legnagyobb része már elkészült.
Szükségem lenne valakikre, akik ellenőrzik a szöveget, hibák és elírások
végett. Amennyiben tud, mind magyarul és angolul annyira, hogy segíteni
tudjon és meg is teszi. Kérem írjon nekem egy e-mailt.

Köszönöm a segítségét.


LyX efficient language/spell-check toggle

2015-08-18 Thread alex

Hello everyone.

I have been using LyX as my LaTeX editor of choice for quite some time 
now, and I have found it to be quite helpful. I have also managed to set 
up spell checking for both the languages that I am interested in, 
English and Greek. However, the way that I currently toggle between 
those languages is quite inconvenient. That is, I use Alt + Shift to 
toggle between languages (as I usually do), which achieves the 
transition from one language to another. However, that's not enough to 
get LyX to toggle to the latter language. LyX keeps spell-checking using 
the former language. I have to use a second keyboard shortcut to get LyX 
to switch languages, as far as spell-checking goes. For example, I have 
to use 2 keyboard shortcuts in order to go from writing English 
characters with English spell-checking to writing Greek characters with 
Greek spell-checking, and vice versa. Obviously, those are one too many 

So, my question is: can LyX be configured so that toggling between 
languages is made by one keyboard shortcut, or maybe so that LyX senses 
the keyboard layout (GR or US) in use and spell-checks appropriately?

This is an issue that has been bothering me for quite some time, and any 
help would be very much appreciated.

I believe it's irrelevant, but right now I am working on a Linux Mint 
system. However, I have faced the same issue in windows.

I have already posted the same question on the latex forums, on the LyX 
section, but after that realized that LyX has a mailing list, so I 
figured I would try my luck here as well.


Re: LyX efficient language/spell-check toggle

2015-08-18 Thread alex

Thanks, Richard.

That seems like a step in the right direction.
In the LyX functions user guide I indeed read about command sequences.
One interesting point is that you can toggle between languages using the
language lfun,
with no arguments.
However, I still cannot find a way for a single shortcut to do exactly
what I want.
That is because LyX does not capture shortcuts used for system keyboard
layout toggle.
So, it's not possible to set a shortcut of Alt + Shift -> language toggle.
I would not mind having to use another shortcut, as long as it's only 1,
to have the appropriate results.
For example, something like that would require an lfun sequence like:
 ; .
I still cannot achieve the layout toggle.
I checked out keyboard mappings a bit, but to no avail.

Another thing that caught my eye is that you can control LyX from other
programs using lfuns.
So, I though as a last resort solution to write a bash script that
senses the layout toggle and sends
the appropriate lfun to LyX. However, in the lfuns manual, I only found
a small reference to that feature
at the beginning. Is there any detailed documentation about this?


On 08/18/2015 11:21 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 08/18/2015 12:39 PM, alex wrote:

Hello everyone.

I have been using LyX as my LaTeX editor of choice for quite some
time now, and I have found it to be quite helpful. I have also
managed to set up spell checking for both the languages that I am
interested in, English and Greek. However, the way that I currently
toggle between those languages is quite inconvenient. That is, I use
Alt + Shift to toggle between languages (as I usually do), which
achieves the transition from one language to another. However, that's
not enough to get LyX to toggle to the latter language. LyX keeps
spell-checking using the former language. I have to use a second
keyboard shortcut to get LyX to switch languages, as far as
spell-checking goes. For example, I have to use 2 keyboard shortcuts
in order to go from writing English characters with English
spell-checking to writing Greek characters with Greek spell-checking,
and vice versa. Obviously, those are one too many shortcuts.

So, my question is: can LyX be configured so that toggling between
languages is made by one keyboard shortcut, or maybe so that LyX
senses the keyboard layout (GR or US) in use and spell-checks

A single shortcut can do more than one thing, if you use the
command-sequence LFUN. E.g., Ctrl-Alt-A is bound to:
command-sequence buffer-begin ; buffer-end-select
which has the effect of selecting the whole buffer.

See the documentation for command-sequence under Help> LyX Functions.


Re: LyX efficient language/spell-check toggle

2015-08-19 Thread alex
I have managed to write a serviceable script that uses LyX server and 
LFUNs and toggles between languages only with the shortcut Alt + Shift. 
I am quite pleased with the result, but I have come up with a slight 
improvement, that can be achieved by tracking the current language used 
to spell check in LyX. However, all the LFUNs seem to be 
"one-directional", that is they transfer information from the external 
application to LyX. Is there a way (for example, a get-language LFUN 
that I am missing) to echo the current LyX language in the terminal, so 
that I can use it in a script?


Re: UTF-8, Lyx, and Bibtex--> SOLVED?

2009-10-11 Thread Alex
Recently, I had the same problem. BibTeX generated wrong characters or
errors, due to bad encoding. It was complaining that it can not
understand \h{o} as a control sequence! Why? I thought it is a general
way to get accented letters.

I have switched in the .bib file from LateX encoding to UTF8 and then to
my local ISO8859-2 encoding. The last switch solved the problem. LyX
file has UTF8 encoding.

I have just read the other e-mails. When I finish with the current,
writing I will also try biber.


Stefano Franchi írta:
> Problem solved,  but I am even more confused than before.
> I did install biber and tried it out (after a rather unpleasant time spent 
> fighting with perl dependencies..). The problem remained.
> As Richard guessed, there was a problem with the encoding of the LyX file. 
> Switching to Unicode UTF* in the Document>>Settings>>Language pane solved all 
> the problems. After the switch to UTF8, the references were formatted 
> correctly, both by standard bibtex and by biber.
> I am happy but confused. UTF8 (for bib files) should not be supported by 
> bibtex and Lyx (since it just calls bibtex). Yet it works. I am wondering if 
> there is some magic going on behind the scenes. 
> Cheers,
> S. 
> On Friday 09 October 2009 07:35:32 am rgheck wrote:
>> On 10/09/2009 01:02 AM, Stefano Franchi wrote:
>>> Thanks Richard,
>>> I think I understand better now. I suppose I'll have to try out biber
>>> (I have switched to BibLatex already) already and check the encoding of
>>> the LyX file.
>> Let me know how biber goes. If it works well, we'll add it to the list
>> of BibTeX options. In 2.0/1.7, or whatever it is going to be, you can
>> select which bib-file processor you want to use. At the moment, it's
>> bibtex and bibtex8, with a "custom" option as well.
>> rh
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stefano
>>> On Thursday 08 October 2009 05:09:42 pm you wrote:
>>>> On 10/08/2009 05:55 PM, Stefano Franchi wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> is there any special trick to using a .bib file encoded as UTF-8 with
>>>>> LyX/Latex? If there is, I would certainly appreciate knowing about
>>>>> it...
>>>>> Here is my problem/use-case:
>>>>> I use Jabref as my bib files editor. After inserting a reference which
>>>>> contained the character Ž (Latin capital Z with caron), Jabref
>>>>> suggested I switched the encoding to UTF-8 because the current one
>>>>> (8859-1, I suppose), did not contain the requested character. I
>>>>> accepted the kind offer. Alas, now all the references containing
>>>>> diacritic marks are screwed up in the Latex output. for instance 
>>>>> Schöpfungs- has become Schöpfungs- and so on.
>>>>> Help or pointers to approriate documentation greatly appreciated. I am
>>>>> sure the day will come when I will master these  encoding issues.
>>>>> Unfortunately I do not seem to be there yet.
>>>> It sounds like there may be a couple issues here.
>>>> First, unless I'm mistaken, standard BibTeX simply does not support
>>>> UTF-8, or any other sort of mutli-byte encoding. Perhaps this has
>>>> changed, but Philip Lehman wrote just a year and a bit ago: "In contrast
>>>> to what a lot of users think, it is not and has never been possible to
>>>> use UTF-8 in bib files. Neither traditional Bibtex nor Bibtex8 support
>>>> multibyte encodings such as UTF-8. If it seems to work with some files,
>>>> it only does so by chance." And because BibLaTeX also relies upon BibTeX
>>>> for some of its work, this won't change even there.
>>>> There's also this project, though:
>>>> Basically, it replaces BibTeX
>>>> with a program written in Perl. I haven't tried it, but it should be
>>>> possible to use it with LyX if you're also using BibLaTeX. It may even
>>>> work without it. I don't know.
>>>> The weirdness with Schöpfungsis probably due to a conflict between the
>>>> encoding of your document and the encoding of the .bib file. E.g, the
>>>> document isn't in UTF-8.
>>>> Richard

Feature list

2009-10-11 Thread Alex

Are there a page, where all of the LyX features are listed?
(e.g. with reference where it is described, if it is done so.)
I know that the new features are mentioned on the wiki at the following


Desktop icon

2001-01-29 Thread alex

Hi LyX people!

Just a little question: I'd like to have a LyX icon on my desktop to
quickly launch the program! Doesn't the LyX team have released anyone?

The INSTALL readme file in the source package of lyx-1.1.6 tells about
an icon (lyx.xpm) that can be used to display lyx-documents in
filemanagers (as is) but I have not found it in the images/ directory!

I think it would be a good idea to create a desktop icon for the
launcher of the executable! Perhaps I should try to create it by myself
and then submit it to the LyX team!

Thank you in advance for the answer! Goodbye!


binary distribution for IRIX

2001-02-12 Thread alex

What about a binary distribution for SGI-IRIX 6.x with static library
objects for user installation? Is it a work in progress or has anyone
forgotten about IRIX users? ;)

Thank you. Best regards

Re: Preface/Bibliography missing from TOC

1999-10-13 Thread Alex

Bruce Momjian wrote:

> Can someone suggest why an un-numbered Chapter called "Preface", and
> Bibliography section do not appear in the table of contents(TOC)?
> don't appear in the TOC popup box, nor do they appear in the printed
> pages.  There appear as pages in the printout, just not in the TOC.

Tables of contents entries are generated only by the sectioning
commands. In
order to add a new entry you should type in Tex mode the following
where sec_unit is chapter, section... as you want the appearance in the
and entry is Preface, Bibliography, Goofy or anything else!
Put the command just after the right heading in your document (but check
page number in the toc... in the past were reported some problems of a
page number... so you should adjust the position of the command}.
Hope this help.


> Any ideas?  I am starting a book using LyX 1.04.  The book is on
> PostgreSQL,

Re: Preface/Bibliography missing from TOC

1999-10-13 Thread Alex

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Lars> Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | Can someone
> Lars> suggest why an un-numbered Chapter called "Preface", and my |
> Lars> Bibliography section do not appear in the table of
> Lars> contents(TOC)? They | don't appear in the TOC popup box, nor do
> Lars> they appear in the printed TOC | pages. There appear as pages in
> Lars> the printout, just not in the TOC.
> Lars> This is a LaTeX feature. If you want these headings in the TOC
> Lars> anyway you have to add them manually, that is done by adding a
> Lars> line of tex magic right before or right after the hading in
> Lars> question:
> Lars> [and now to I remember the magic?]
> Lars> No...I don't remember the magic, and my LaTeX book is several
> Lars> meters away...
> Lars> I am sure somebody else will provide the needed magic.
> The best solution (for the preface anyway) is to add
>   \frontmatter
> at the beginning of the document
>   \mainmatter
> when serious things begin, and
>   \backmatter
> before bibliography and such stuff. This will not give you correct
>   result for bibliography, so you will have to find out what the magic
>   is, after all...

I think I can help with the magic... but my server today doesn't working
properly... I hope this msg will go to his destination.
Tables of contents entries are generated only by the sectioning
commands. In order to add a new entry you should type in Tex mode the
where sec_unit is chapter, section... as you want the appearance in the
and entry is Preface, Bibliography, Goofy or anything else!
Put the command just after the right heading in your document (but check
page number in the toc... in the past were reported some problems of a
page number... so you should adjust the position of the command}.
Hope this help.


Re: Bibliography

1999-10-18 Thread Alex

Jacques Germishuizen wrote:

> In my document the last part is the 'Bibliography' and this is also the
> chapter heading.  However I would like it to be 'References'.  How can I
> change this?

I suggest to put in the Latex preamble the following command:


but I guess there is a better way to do that. Any other suggest?


Re: Extra blank page to achieve odd pagenumber

1999-10-22 Thread Alex

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Alex" == Alex  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Alex> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >> >>>>> "Christian" == Christian Ridderström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> writes:
> >>
> Christian> Hi LyX-users 1. How can I make LyX/TeX insert an extra
> Christian> blank page, so that chapters always begin on an odd
> Christian> pagenumber?
> >>
> Christian> 2. Using the 'Paragraph properties', should perhaps allow
> Christian> one to do this feature in future versions of lyX.
> >>  Did you try to set your report to 'two sides' in Layout->Document?
> >>
> Alex> You can try with the /cleardoublepage command in TeX mode.
> Why? 'two sides' setting takes care of that very well. Otherwise, it
> is a bug.



Re: Extra blank page to achieve odd pagenumber

1999-10-22 Thread Alex

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > "Christian" == Christian Ridderström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Christian> Hi LyX-users 1. How can I make LyX/TeX insert an extra
> Christian> blank page, so that chapters always begin on an odd
> Christian> pagenumber?
> Christian> 2. Using the 'Paragraph properties', should perhaps allow
> Christian> one to do this feature in future versions of lyX.
> Did you try to set your report to 'two sides' in Layout->Document?

You can try with the /cleardoublepage command in TeX mode.


Re: LyX 1.0.4 crashes w/ RH-Linux 6.1

1999-11-03 Thread Alex

"Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 08:45:29AM +0100, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > On my Intel-RH-Linux 6.1 system (, LyX 1.0.4 crashes
> There's your problem. Use xforms-0.88 (xforms-0.89 is buggy).

I would report the same problem... I'm running Lyx.1.0.4 on Red Hat 6.0 and every
time I insert an EPS figure, LyX crashes... but I'm using xforms-0.88!!!
Should I upgrade to LyX 1.1.1 to avoid the problem?

Thank you


2005-11-07 Thread Alex Streit
Hi all,

I am using LyX 1.3.6 (Mac), although I've noticed the same behaviour on
Linux and Windows builds.

One thing that keeps getting me is that I find the selection behaviour
un-intuitive. Because it is very much a character - to - character
selection, which makes it hard to select and rearrange whole paragraphs or
whole sections or even just a whole line.

For example, say I had a list and I wanted to move the first item to the

I either have to:
- place the caret at the first position of the first line, select all the
characters in that line, cut them, move to the bottom, manually add a new
line, then paste the selection. The disadvantage is that the bullet point is
not included in the selection, so if I paste it elsewhere I have to make
sure I prepare a bullet point first.
- alternatively i place the caret at the first position of the first line
and then move back one character (which places the caret at the end of the
line preceeding it) and then select the characters. This will now include
the bullet point in the selection (which is what I would expect), but the
last end-of-line (well, end of paragraph) is not included, so I still have
to insert that, or select up to the start of the next line or something.

I don't know about others that use lyx, but I think that if lyx behaved a
little more like traditional word processors when it came to selections at
the start and end of lines I would be much happier.

I have to say, though, that I love lyx and this is only a suggestion.


Lyx - MLA format

2005-11-16 Thread Alex Radu


I recently had to do an English assignment and my professor asked for 
the MLA format. Despite my search efforts, I could not find an MLA 
document layout in Lyx and had to use OOo 2.0 to do the assignment.

I currently use Windows with Miktex and Lyx. I would really appreciate 
if someone could walk me through the process of getting Lyx to use the 
MLA format.

Thanks in advance,

How to create a new page in Lyx?

2005-11-16 Thread Alex Radu


For my MLA styled paper, I need to have the "Works Cited" on a separate 
page. How can I make a separate page in lyx without starting a whole new 

Thansk in advance,

Normal behaviour for . , '

2006-04-26 Thread Hanke, Alex
I am using lyx 1.4.1 on a XP operating system. I have read douments on
customization and information on keyboard mapping etc. but can't resolve
this problem. 
After indicating in preferences to use american keyboards one and two for
primary and secondary boards and then creating a lyxrc file in ~\Resources
directory where I indicate same choice of keyboard plus use of paude key to
toggle between them I get the following behavior:
All my basic punctuation keystrokes must be repeated otherwise they become
an accent and the pause key does nothing and is described as an unknown
function. What is going on?

Alex Hanke
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
St. Andrews Biological Station
531 Brandy Cove Road
St. Andrews, NB
E5B 2L9

Find and replace in ERT

2006-04-27 Thread Hanke, Alex
Is it normal for replace to be greyed out in the "Find and replace" dialog
box when working inside an ERT environment? This does not happen outside the
ERT environment.

Alex Hanke
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
St. Andrews Biological Station
531 Brandy Cove Road
St. Andrews, NB
E5B 2L9

Unwanted text above figures

2006-05-03 Thread Hanke, Alex
Can anyone explain why an eps figure inserted into my article using the
following code:
\includegraphics[bb=162 252 450 540]{/Alex/Decision
\caption{White Head Island}

Has "Support/Figures/ExcurModelb.eps Support/Figures/ExcurModelb.eps"
inserted above the figure?

I am using 1.4.1 on an XP system.


Alex Hanke
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
St. Andrews Biological Station
531 Brandy Cove Road
St. Andrews, NB
E5B 2L9

highlight / underline mispelt words

2006-06-20 Thread Alex Streit

Hi fellow lyxers.

It would be nice to have a less intrusive spell check where any mispelt
words are highlighted. (in word processors this is typically a curly red

The reason for requesting this is because I find the current (1.4.1)
spellcheck very intrusive and I sometimes want to check my spelling as I go
without overly interrupting my thought process.

What I was thinking was a quick key combination that did a "rough
spellcheck", which runs through the document and applies a special highlight
to words that are mispelt (removing that same highlight anywhere else). And,
most important, returns the cursor to where it was.

I suppose there is no reason why that particular highlight style couldn't be
visible in the TeX output.

Anyway, thought I would suggest it.

BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-10-22 Thread Alex Casti

Hello.  I'm running the Linux version 1.4.3 on Fedora
5 (64 bit).  I'm having trouble with the usual tried
and true method of inserting references with BibTex. 
My addition of citations seems to work fine when I
look at the lyx file itself, but the output to DVI or
PDF just gives [?] for the citations, and the
References section is blank.

Here's what I did...

At the end of my document I did this:

Insert --> List/TOC --> BibTex bibliography

I added a .bib file to the Database (specifying the
full path), I chose the "plain" style, and clicked the
"Add bibliography to TOC" box.

For the Bibliography document setting I'm using the
"Natbib" citation style.

Here are some of the error messages that appear when I
try to look at the DVI output.  It seems to complain
that it can't "find" or "open" database files, yet I
can still add citations within the lyx environment as
if everything is fine.  That is, it seems that lyx
itself recognizes the .bib file just fine.  What's
going on?

ERROR MESSAGES (some of them)
I couldn't open database file
---line 20 of file my_lyx_file.aux
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

NOTE:  The "bibdata" path looks funny to me.  What's
with the leading zero?  Is this the source of the

Thanks for any help.

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Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-10-22 Thread Alex Casti
--- Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For the Bibliography document setting I'm using
> the
> > "Natbib" citation style.
> plain style may not work with natbib citation style.
> Choose plainnat
> and try again.

Thanks Bo.  I managed to do my own fix before trying
out your suggestion, so I don't know if what you
suggest would've done the trick.  But, after a
reinstallation I did try using the "plain" style with
natbib and it worked fine (this was after I fixed the
problem; see below).  For the interested, I was also
having this exact same bibtex woes using the "apalike"

My fix was of the hammering eggshells variety.  Since
I'm running 64-bit Fedora 5, I decided to wipe out
every lyx related package and reinstall using the
32-bit versions.  Specifically, the packages I removed
and installed are:

REMOVED (64-bit fedora core 5 versions)

INSTALLED (32-bit fedora core 5 versions)

After the smoke cleared, my bibtex problem
disappeared.  Voila.  It's conceivable, I guess, that
wiping out the 64-bit versions and reinstalling them
might've had the same effect.  I just don't know. 
Maybe it's a glitch in one of the packages of the
Fedora repositories.

Also, Richard Heck suggested the following (which did
not cure the bibtex problem, unfortunately).  I
mention it here for future browsers:

> LyX copies your .bib files into its temporary
> directory when it compiles
> the LaTeX, and in doing so it re-writes the names of
> the files. So this
> is normal. The problem appears to be that LyX isn't
> finding the .bib
> file and so isn't copying it into the temporary
> directory and so you're
> getting this error message. Check the path
> information and, if
> necessary, check the permissions on the .bib file
> and, for that matter,
> the temporary directory LyX is creating.
> Richard

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Preserving math format with copy/paste between lyx windows

2006-10-26 Thread Alex Casti

Hello -- I'm running lyx 1.4.3 on Windoze.  It's a
simple matter to copy & paste between two Lyx windows,
but when I copy a section of text that includes math
mode formulas then the mathematics appears as regular
text (using the paste external selection option, or

Am I doing something wrong or is it simply not
possible to copy/paste between Lyx windows and
preserve math-mode portions?


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beamer installation in Lyx

2007-06-10 Thread Alex Salvador
I have troubles installing the beamer package.
Using Suse 10.1 - with Lyx 1.3.6 - latex-beamer-3.07.tar.gz
Copied the beamer files to usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer
Copied pgf and xcolor directories to usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/
reconfigure Lyx
No 'beamer' in the 'Document class' drop down menu Document/parameters
Upgraded to Lyx 1.4.2
Didn't work
Through archives found out I neede a beamer.layout file 
Therefore downloaded lyx 1.5 and extracted from it only the beamer.layout file
which I copied to usr/share/lyx/layouts
reconfigure Lyx
A 'beamer' document class exists in the document/parameters menu :-))
But when I open the example provided "conference-ornate-20min.en.lyx" I get
"Using the default document class, because the class beamer could not be loaded"

Am I missing a file ?
What can I do ?

Re: beamer installation in Lyx

2007-06-10 Thread Alex Salvador
Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The beamer layout file of LyX 1.5 doesn't work with previous versions, 
> because 
> it supports some features that 1.4 doesn't have.
> LyX 1.4.4 also ships a beamer.layout file, but that might not work with 1.3.6.
> However, the beamer package itself contains a LyX layout file that works with 
> 1.3. I've attached it.
> Jürgen
> P.S.: LyX 1.3.6 is pretty outdated.

I copied the beamer.layout you provided and replaced the one in
texhash + reconfigure
Still the same message when I open the example provided
I get "Using the default document class, because the class beamer could not be

Any idea ?

I had already upgraded to Lyx 1.4.2 as it is the latest version with a "suse
specific" rpm. Is it possible to upgrade to Lyx 1.4 or even 1.5 with my suse
10.1 distribution ? Would that solve the problem ?

Re: beamer installation in Lyx

2007-06-11 Thread Alex Salvador
Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Alex Salvador wrote:
> > I get "Using the default document class, because the class beamer could not
> > be loaded"
> >
> > Any idea ?
> Please post the output of
> 1. "kpsewhich beamer.cls"


> 2. the console while running reconfigure in LyX. 

checking for a Latex2e program...
+checking for "pplatex"...   no
+checking for "latex"...   yes
checking for a Tgif viewer and editor...
+checking for "tgif"...   no
checking for a FIG viewer and editor...
+checking for "xfig"...   no
checking for a Grace viewer and editor...
+checking for "xmgrace"...   no
checking for a FEN viewer and editor...
+checking for "xboard"...   no
checking for a raster image viewer...
+checking for "xv"...   yes
checking for a raster image editor...
+checking for "gimp"...   yes
checking for a text editor...
+checking for "xemacs"...   no
+checking for "gvim"...   no
+checking for "kedit"...   no
+checking for "kwrite"...   yes
checking for a Postscript previewer...
+checking for "gv"...   no
+checking for "ghostview"...   no
+checking for "kghostview"...   no
checking for a PDF previewer...
+checking for "acrobat"...   no
+checking for "acroread"...   yes
checking for a DVI previewer...
+checking for "xdvi"...   yes
checking for a HTML previewer...
+checking for "mozilla"...   no
+checking for "netscape"...   no
checking for the pdflatex program...
+checking for "pdflatex"...   yes
checking for a LaTeX -> LyX converter...
+checking for "tex2lyx"...   yes
checking for a Noweb -> LyX converter...
+checking for "noweb2lyx"...   no
checking for a Noweb -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "noweave"...   no
checking for a HTML -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "html2latex"...   no
checking for a MSWord -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "wvCleanLatex"...   yes
checking for a LaTeX -> MS Word converter...
+checking for "htlatex"...   no
checking for an -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "w2l"...   no
checking for an LaTeX -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "oolatex"...   no
+checking for ""...   no
checking for a PS to PDF converter...
+checking for "ps2pdf13"...   yes
checking for a DVI to PS converter...
+checking for "dvips"...   yes
checking for a DVI to PDF converter...
+checking for "dvipdfmx"...   no
+checking for "dvipdfm"...   yes
checking for dvipng...
+checking for "dvipng"...   yes
checking for a fax program...
+checking for "kdeprintfax"...   yes
checking for a FIG -> EPS/PPM converter...
+checking for "fig2dev"...   yes
checking for a TIFF -> PS converter...
+checking for "tiff2ps"...   no
checking for a TGIF -> EPS/PPM converter...
+checking for "tgif"...   no
checking for a EPS -> PDF converter...
+checking for "epstopdf"...   yes
checking for a Grace -> Image converter...
+checking for "gracebat"...   no
checking for a LaTeX -> HTML converter...
+checking for "htlatex"...   no
+checking for "tth"...   no
+checking for "latex2html"...   yes
checking for SGML-tools 1.x (LinuxDoc)...
+checking for "sgml2lyx"...   yes
checking for SGML-tools 2.x (DocBook) or db2x scripts...
+checking for "sgmltools"...   yes
Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names...  yes
checking for a *roff formatter...
+checking for "groff"...   yes
checking for ChkTeX...
+checking for "chktex"...   no
checking for a spellchecker...
+checking for "ispell"...   yes
checking for a spool command...
+checking for "lp"...   yes
checking LaTeX configuration... auto
+Inspecting your LaTeX configuration.
+checking for LaTeX version... 2003/12/01
+checking for available hyphenation patterns... american, french, german, ngerm
+checking for default encoding (this may take a long time)
+  checking for ec fonts... yes
+  checking for ec support in LaTeX format... yes
+checking for document class IEEEtran [IEEEtran]... no
+checking for document class aapaper [aa]... no
+checking for document class aastex [aastex]... no
+checking for document class aa [aa]... no
+checking for docbook  class agu-dtd...  yes
+checking for document class agums [aguplus,agums.sty]... no
+checking for document class amsart-plain [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsart-seq [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsart [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsbook [amsbook]... yes
+checking for document class ap

Re: beamer installation in Lyx

2007-06-11 Thread Alex Salvador
Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> And this as well. Are you sure you don't have a newer beamer.layout installed 
> somewhere (your ~/.lyx/layouts directory for instance)?

I re-checked and there is only one copy in /usr/share/lyx/layouts/ and it is the
version you provided
However, when I search through 'kpsewhich beamer.layout', nothing comes out...
is this normal ?
> What does "lyx -dbg tclass" say?

Says a lot... does'nt fit all. Here is the beginning until the end of the beamer
 part : 
> lyx -dbg tclass
Setting debug level to tclass
Debugging `tclass' (Textclass files reading)
Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the
authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication
LyXSetStyle: parsing configuration...
Reading textclasses from `/home/alxsal/.lyx/textclass.lst'
Starting parsing of textclass.lst
line by line
Fname: IEEEtran
Clname: IEEEtran
Desc: article (IEEEtran)
Avail: 0
Reading textclass /usr/share/lyx/layouts/IEEEtran.layout
Reading style Standard
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Itemize
Reading style Enumerate
Reading style Description
Reading style List
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style TheoremTemplate
Reading style Proof
Reading style Theorem
Reading style Lemma
Reading style Corollary
Reading style Proposition
Reading style Conjecture
Reading style Criterion
Reading style Fact
Reading style Axiom
Reading style Definition
Reading style Example
Reading style Condition
Reading style Problem
Reading style Exercise
Reading style Remark
Reading style Claim
Reading style Note
Reading style Notation
Reading style Case
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Part
Reading style Chapter
Reading style Section
Reading style Subsection
Reading style Subsubsection
Reading style Paragraph
Reading style Subparagraph
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Part
Reading style Section
Reading style Subsection
Reading style Subsubsection
Reading style Paragraph
Reading style Subparagraph
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Part*
Reading style Chapter*
Reading style Section*
Reading style Subsection*
Reading style Subsubsection*
Reading style Paragraph*
Reading style Subparagraph*
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Section
Reading style Subsection
Reading style Subsubsection
Reading style Section*
Reading style Subsection*
Reading style Subsubsection*
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Title
Reading style Author
Reading style Date
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Abstract
Reading style Bibliography
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Abstract
Reading style Keywords
Reading style Bibliography
Reading style Appendix
Reading style Appendices
Reading style Biography
Reading style BiographyNoPhoto
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Quotation
Reading style Quote
Reading style Verse
Reading style Caption
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Caption
Reading style Footernote
Reading style MarkBoth
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style Part
Reading style Section
Reading style Subsection
Reading style Subsubsection
Reading style Paragraph
Reading style Subparagraph
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Reading style LyX-Code
Reading style Address
Reading style Right Address
Finished reading input file /usr/share/lyx/layouts/
Finished reading textclass /usr/share/lyx/layouts/IEEEtran.layout
Minimum TocLevel is 0, maximum is 5
line by line
Fname: aapaper
Clname: aa
Desc: article (A&A V4)
Avail: 0
Reading textclass /usr/share/lyx/layouts/aapaper.layout
Reading style Standard
Reading style Itemize
Reading style Enumerate
Reading style Description
Reading style List
Reading style Caption
Reading style LaTeX
Reading style Section
Reading style Subsection
Reading style Subsubsection
Reading style Title
Reading style Subtitle
Reading style Author
Reading style Address
Reading style Email
Reading style Offprint
Reading style Thesaurus
Reading style Date
Reading style Abstract
Reading style Acknowledgement
Reading style Bibliography
Reading input file /usr

Re: beamer installation in Lyx

2007-06-11 Thread Alex Salvador
Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I see.
> What about the attached layout?
> Jürgen
> > 
> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[beamer,pgf.sty,xcolor.sty]{Beamer Presentation Class}
> # Author : Till Tantau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # $Header: /cvsroot/latex-beamer/latex-beamer/lyx/layouts/beamer.layout,v 1.16
> 20:53:07 tantau Exp $
> # Includes

Youppi, it works ! End of the story in 3 parts :
1) The file you provided works great, but when I first copied it, there was a
'new line character' here: 
> 20:53:07 tantau Exp $
which was a problem for Lyx --> I deleted it

2) Lyx then accepted to open a doc under the beamer class, but when I tried to
view it in pdf, it said that many things "did not correspond to their
definition" and other various errors

3)I therefore upgraded to Lyx 1.4.4-1 thanks to the link you provided earlier

... and everything went ok from then !

Many thanks for your help !
I'm really glad to be able to use beamer now !

Re: Collaboration using LyX in a MS Office workplace

2008-06-02 Thread Alex Fu


David Hewitt wrote:

Check AREnable <>, a very
good command line tool to enable comments on PDF's. That's what I

Worked for me. Thanks.

The only trouble is that the rights are enabled only until the file is
saved after editing. Then it reverts to uneditable. Any ideas of what
to do without re-enabling rights each time someone wants to make

If they're tied to MS Office I would guess they're using the Windows version 
in a Windows OS.  In that case, you might try making them use PDF-XChange 
(it's what I use with vanilla pdflatex-generated documents).

The free version allows you to annotate PDF files (locking is *optional*, 
by default disabled).  However, after saving a PDF file with unlocked comments 
from PDF-XChange Viewer, Adobe Reader 8 Windows displays them as locked (and 
also reports it doesn't have permissions for assembly, signing, and creation 
of templates... strangely).  But if you stick to that viewer to make changes, 
commenting should work smoothly.


Re: elyxer trouble

2011-05-25 Thread Alex Fernandez

The site was down, it should be working now.

You can use the option --css.



Re: elyxer trouble

2011-05-25 Thread Alex Fernandez
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Neal Becker  wrote:
> One more problem.  Running elyxer from lyx (2.0) gui, the displayed math is
> missing.  But, run elyxer from command line (using --html), works much better.
> What's going on?

What browser are you using? Some old versions of IE may show HTML
better than XHTML. Anyway you can add the --html option within LyX,
adding it to the Converters section in the Preferences:


Re: elyxer trouble

2011-05-25 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi again,

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 12:58 AM, Neal Becker  wrote:
>> What browser are you using? Some old versions of IE may show HTML
>> better than XHTML. Anyway you can add the --html option within LyX,
>> adding it to the Converters section in the Preferences:
> This is wierd.  If run from lyx export html, I see:
> Line 3: * Warning: unsupported new format version 413
> Line 150: * Formula beginning \begin_inset Formula  is unknown
> Line 150: * Unparsed formula line \begin_inset Formula
> Line 151: * Unparsed formula line \[
> Line 152: * Unparsed formula line F_{n}=\sum r_{i}x_{i}^{*}e^{2\pi 
> i\Delta_{f}n}
> Line 153: * Unparsed formula line \]
> But if run from command line:
> ../non-periodic.lyx ./non-periodic.html
> Line 55: Title: ... (no error/warning)

It would appear that something is different between both situations.
Maybe you are running two different versions of eLyXer, or perhaps you
are exporting the document to another LyX format. The first error
appears when parsing formulas in LyX 2.0 -- it has already been
corrected in git and will be there for the next version.

As this problem is a bit specific of eLyXer, I suggest that we stop
CC'ing lyx-users, if you want.


Re: export to HTML, math equation quality

2011-05-28 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi jong,

The problems with display equations has already been reported and will be
solved for the next version of elyxer. I will send a message to the list
when it's ready, as usual.



El 28/05/2011 23:55, "jong"  escribió:
> Liviu Andronic> writes:
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Jong Kook Shin>
> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I want to have high resolution images (300ppi?) of math equations when
>> > export my lyx files into html, which will ultimately be converted to
>> > file.
>> > Currently, it seems that the math equations and other figures are
>> > to 72ppi. For screen display, it works perfect but I need this
>> > for printing. Googling or search the mailing archive did not find a
>> > satisfactory solution to address this issue.
>> >
>> What about elyxer, have you tried that?
>> Liviu
>> > Just FYI, I tried exporting with many other formats - e.g. often
>> > open office or rtf, etc. But they did not produce satisfactory results.
>> >
>> > I would be much obliged if somebody can provide a hint to this issue.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Jong
>> >
> @Liviu/// Thanks for the suggestion. But I gave up elyxer because I
> install in in my laptop (Windows 7 machine). Although I consider myself
one of
> the skilled users of windows computers, I was completely lost when I tried
> install elyxer and python stuff.
> Then, my laptop became almost unusable after the bloody Windows 7 SP1
> For some reason, it started to ground my HDD constantly as if it caught a
> of virus or something. (Before this update I had very good impression
> Windows 7 and my laptop).
> So I switched to Ubuntu 11.04 with Lyx2.0
> It came with two html export option (html and Lyxhtml) - It seems that one
> these two utilize elyxer but not sure which one is which.
> The first export option (html) was not successful in producing the display
> equations (all of them showed in '*')
> The second export option (Lyxhtml) really worked!! It produced all details
> math expressions(integral, tilde, hat, etc) flawlessly. And they are all
> graphics therefore can be scalable! The only problem left for me is to
find a
> way to convert xhtml to rtf or word or openoffice so that I can satisfy
> who want the bloody '.doc' files.
> -Jong

Re: elyxer options for export to word?

2011-05-31 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Neal,

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Neal Becker  wrote:
> It seems if I use elyxer for the purpose of export to 'word', only --html 
> seems
> to produce something word (2007) will recognize.
> With defaults, word seems to show the xhtml structure instead of a formatted
> document.

Yes, this is a known "feature" of Word 2007: it will only import HTML documents.

> I also tried lyxHTML export to xhtml.  This produced a file.xhtml, which
> word(2007) refused to open.

XHTML is not good enough for Word, it seems :(


eLyXer 1.2.2 released

2011-06-11 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi all,

Version 1.2.2 of eLyXer, the LyX to HTML converter, has just been
released. It contains a lot of small improvements and bug fixes
suggested by users from all around the world. This is the first
version to properly support LyX 2.0: eLyXer no longer complains about
unsupported format.

Be sure to read the change log:
for details.

Download from mirrors:

If the new version has not reached the mirrors yet:

One last note: there was not much enthusiasm about making eLyXer into
a generic LaTeX -> HTML converter. So apparently people are happy with
the existing converters, and I will devote whatever small time I can
to improving eLyXer as a LyX -> HTML converter.


Alex Fernández.

Re: html5 presentation support?

2011-06-28 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Rainer,

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:
> I just saw some html5 presentations (e.g. ) and
> they seem to a be a great alternative to pdf presentations with beamer et
> al. Is there anybody looking into the possibility of creating those via e.g.
> eLyXer?

It sounds interesting, but I am not looking into it at the moment.
However (and here comes the inevitable contribution request), I accept
patches :)  If you try it you will find eLyXer very flexible in terms
of twisting its output.

> I think it would be absolutely great if this could be included in LyX. For
> an example of export exporter for emacs org-mode,
> see

I agree.



Re: html5 presentation support?

2011-07-08 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Rainer,

Sorry for the delay.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:
>> It sounds interesting, but I am not looking into it at the moment.
>> However (and here comes the inevitable contribution request), I accept
>> patches :)  If you try it you will find eLyXer very flexible in terms
>> of twisting its output.
> Unfortunately I don't have time at hand and do not know the inner workings
> of html5 - I ust saw the org-mode exporter and thought - would be nice for
> LyX.

Cool indeed.

>> > I think it would be absolutely great if this could be included in LyX.
>> > For
>> > an example of export exporter for emacs org-mode,
>> > see
>> I agree.
> Let's hope that somebody finds some time for this. Do you have a bug / issue
> tracker for eLyXer to put the feature request in?

I have Savannah's at:
However it is more practical to keep it in the wish list:
I have just added it.


eLyXer 1.2.3 released

2011-08-30 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi all,

Version 1.2.3 of eLyXer, the LyX to HTML converter, has just been
released. It contains a number of bug fixes and improvements. The main
improvements are:
* --mathjax remote now runs MathJax off the MathJax CDN:
* Added most commands in Günter Milde's excellent list:
* Several bug fixes.

Be sure to read the change log:
for full details.

Download from mirrors:

If the new version has not reached the mirrors yet:


Alex Fernández.

Re: [Pub-forum] ebook follies

2011-09-10 Thread Alex Fernandez
On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Steve Litt  wrote:
> Progress on the LyX->eBook front!
> I open it in Okular and it's justified correctly, but there are obvious
> mistakes, including bullet lists that have lots of blank bullets
> tacked on the end. I installed Mozilla's epubreader plugin, and the
> .epub then looks great in Mozilla Firefox, except the table of
> contents starts with an extraneous copy of chapter 2, which is true of
> several of the readers.
> Anyway, the bottom line is, this was a proof of concept, and I took a
> LyX authored book and within a few minutes made it into an ePub.

Good to know! If you want we can work through the issues one by one.

While I am not ready to devote time to an --epub switch in eLyXer
(which produces EPUB-clean HTML), as present in the feature wish-list,
I would not mind adding features to eLyXer which allow it to better
process all HTML files.

For example, the author is probably taken from a META tag which eLyXer
is not producing right now. It would be easy to add.


Re: [Pub-forum] ebook follies

2011-09-12 Thread Alex Fernandez

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:
> Last time I looked, elyxer did pretty much the same sort of thing, but had
> footnotes styled with things like "float: right;", rather than with the
> appearing and disappearing act they do in LyX. But the real issue, as we
> discussed before, is somehow to defer them to the end.

Actually, with eLyXer you can choose several styles for your footnotes:
  - hover, where the footnote appears when you place the pointer over them;
  - margin, where they appear on the right;
  - and end, where they are deferred to the end.
They can be combined so footnotes appear at several places.

Allow me to refer you to the relevant section of the user guide:


Re: HTML export: some small problems...

2011-09-15 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Murat,

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Murat Yildizoglu  wrote:
> I am trying the HTML export possibilities of LyX. I have the last
> version of Elyxer installed on my Mac (OSX 10.6 French) and I use Lyx
> 2.0.1.
> I am preparing a page where I would like to set the text colour and
> use an horizontal rule in some places.
> I used the Document Properties/Coulours tab to fix the implicit colour
> of text in my document, but when the file is exported to HTML by
> Elyxer, the texte is black (the same is also true for LyxHTML export).

Colors work but only when inserted in the page. I have never set
default colors...

> I have inserted an horizontal rule in the page, but I get in the HTML
> the Lyx code instead of the rule:
> "\begin_inset CommandInset lineLatexCommand ruleoffset "0.5ex"width
> "100col%"height "1pt"\end_inset "

To the best of my knowledge horizontal rules work, but apparently not always.

> Am I doing something stupid, or am I demanding too much from Elyxer?

Nothing that cannot be fixed easily :)  Could you provide me privately
with a small sample document which shows both issues?

> I Have used Latex2HTML under Linux some years ago and this kind of
> cosmetics was a piece of cake for it... I have never used it under OSX
> and I like the HTML generated by Elyxer otherwise.


> I know that I can correct these problems by hand or by CSS editing,
> but would like to know if I can handle them directly in Lyx, instead
> of having to da another step of conversion (especially because I am
> using Lyx to quickly setup a web page from existing material in Latex
> and Lyx. Yes, I am very late on this task, and trying to catch the gap
> :-)  ).

Sure, that way everyone benefits.


Re: Again eLyXer, but bibtex this time

2011-09-15 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi again,

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Murat Yildizoglu  wrote:
> I am meeting another problem with elyxer conversion. If I do not put
> the .bib files in the same folder as the .lyx file, elyxer does not
> seem able to find them, and the bibliography is empty. If I put them
> in the same folder, I get the bibliography.

You can also use relative paths, and they are supposed to work! Where
are you placing the .bib files?

> Also, I have not been able to find a way to generate a standard agsm
> (harvard) style bibliography reference. I only get a number between
> brackets [1] as reference, even if I choose author-name in the options
> of natbib in the document properties box.
> Only author-name2 gives me a real author-name type of reference (but
> brackets, and also with the key typed in the beginning of the full
> reference in the typest bibliography).

Let me explain you a little bit how BibTeX support works in eLyXer: it
keeps its own templates to transform the variables into references and
formats. These templates can be located in src/conf/base.conf. For
example the one you are using (I assume it is authordate2) looks like

cite:$surname, $year
default:$authors. $year. $title. $publisher.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}
@article:$authors. $year. $title. $journal,
$volume($number), $pages.{ URL $url.}{
@book:$authors. $year. $title. $publisher.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}

As you see, the first line defines the style, authordate2; the second
line the citing style, in this case author surname and year. I am
afraid the cites always show the brackets right now. After that you
can see how eLyXer will display the default document type, then an
article and a book.

> These are very commonly necessary functions, so I assume that I am
> doing something strange. How can I correct these problems?

It is just that these templates are user-contributed; apparently you
are the first to request the agsm format. If you want you can edit
your file and insert a new style: just go after the
vancouver style and insert this:


cite:$surname, $year
default:$authors. $title; {$publisher, }$year.{ $howpublished.}{ URL:
$url.}{ $note.}
@article:$authors. $title. $journal,
$year{;{$volume}{($number)}{:$pages}}.{ URL: $url.}{ $note.}
@book:$authors. $title. {$publisher, }$year.{ URL: $url.}{ $note.}

Note that each document type (@article) has variables ($title) which
are taken from the .bib file, and some HTML code ($journal) to
format the text.

Now you can play with it until you like the result, and then send it
my way. Alternatively, you can send me another sample privately and I
will work on it.



Re: Again eLyXer, but bibtex this time

2011-09-16 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Günter,

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Guenter Milde  wrote:
> In all modern LaTeX distributions, bibtex databases are searched along
> the bibpath with the kpathsea library. There is the command line utility
> kpsewhich for use by other programs.

Aha, I always supposed that the .bib file had to be stored along with
the .lyx file.

> E.g. bibtex file ``foo.bib`` can be found with the command::
>   kpsewhich -format bib foo.bib
> (if the filename extension is ``.bib``, the -format specifier can be omitted).

Good idea, it should not take too much effort to write a wrapper.
There is already one for ImageMagick's convert.

> May be there is even a Python wrapper. Looking at the Python-based bibtex
> engines could give more info. There are (at least):
>         * CrossTeX_, a backwards-compatible, improved bibtex
>           re-implementation in Python (including HTML export).
>           (development stalled since 2 years)
>         * Pybtex_,a drop-in replacement for BibTeX written in Python.
>           * BibTeX styles & (experimental) pythonic style API.
>           * Database in BibTeX, BibTeXML and YAML formats.
>           * full Unicode support.
>           * Write to TeX, HTML and plain text.
> .. _CrossTeX:
> .. _Pybtex:
> BTW: How about using Pybtex for the citation-formatting?

Perhaps a bit too involved at this stage, it would have been nice to
integrate instead of writing my own stuff (but it sure was fun!).


Re: LyX and Kindle books

2011-12-02 Thread Alex Fernandez

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Steve Litt  wrote:
>> The internal HTML output should be usable for eBook creation as
>> well.
>> Any work on "eBook" modules and backands should be compatible with
>> both HTML writers.
> OK. I'll make sure any work I do is compatible with both, although I
> could swear LyX's internal HTML exporter is simply eLyXer, as it
> outputs eLyXer messages.

eLyXer can be used from within LyX, and indeed it was one of the main
use cases considered. In the meantime LyX developed its own limited
XHTML export.

>> IMO, LyX (as open source software) should concentrate on supporting
>> the open ePub format.
> ePub shouldn't be neglected, but it shouldn't be concentrated either.
> A well employed list is a happy and productive list, and Kindle/iPad
> provides a revenue stream for authors (most of whom do quite a bit of
> open contributions). For example, many of the LyX derived print books
> we discussed in this afternoon's thread are proprietary -- you can't
> download them and must pay for them.
>> Generating of kindle (or other proprietary)
>> eBook formats would then pick up the relevant information from the
>> ePub document.
> That sounds good on the surface, but my experience with ePub and
> Kindle tells me it's a detour where you'd get complex with the ePub,
> only to unwind the ePub back into simple HTML to be used by kindlegen.

Just let me know what you need from eLyXer which it doesn't currently
output! TOC and Index are already output given the appropriate

> What would be excellent is for some loosely formed group of people
> list all the data needed to generate a Kindle, necessary to generate
> an iPad book, a Nook book, and an open ePub. If we can get that list
> complete, then we have a list of what needs to go in the LyX file or
> possibly a companion file. Once we have those specifications, writing
> the actual converters would be a secretarial task. As a matter of
> fact, if the additional data was put in a companion file, then eLyXer
> and the internal converter wouldn't have to change all that much, and
> the whole thing might be more modular.

Yes, that would be fine. Outputting text or binary documents with
formats and indexes is not too hard.

>> Splitting a document into several HTML files is non-trivial, as we
>> need to consider the cross-links. Maybe we can support a set of
>> cross-linked HTML from Master/Child documents?
> Alex -- how does eLyXer work with Master/Child documents?

Master/Child documents are too rigid (but eLyXer works fine). eLyXer
has the option --splitpart which can divide a document into chapters,
sections or subsections. I think it is much more interesting for this


Re: LyX and Kindle books

2011-12-03 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Rob,

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Rob Oakes  wrote:
> I am working on an ePub compatible module right now (document class at any 
> rate). It's for a talk I'm giving at a publishing conference next week. I 
> will try and post something about it next week.
> Does anyone know of a visual CSS editor that is open source? I'm trying to 
> find something that can spit out just CSS code.

I don't know of anything similar, I usually hand-tune the CSS. Do you
need anything from eLyXer at the moment? I suggest that you start with
the CSS classes in eLyXer, which are the result of careful tuning:
There is also a separate file math.css which contains just the styles
for the equations:


Re: Pass LyX comments through eLyXer?

2011-12-06 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi, Steve and Guenter,

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Guenter Milde  wrote:
> On 2011-12-06, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> I found that my LyX comments don't get through to the finished HTML
>> file, and eLyXer's Options class appears to have no option for passing
>> through LyX comments.
>> How difficult would it be to add code so there's an option to convert
>> LyX comments to ? Comments would be an excellent
>> way to pass through eBook-only data, without it showing up in a book
>> printed from the same LyX file.
> IMO, LyX notes are just for LyX - they are also stripped from the LaTeX.
> OTOH, Comments (Insert>Note>Comment) are put as comments in the LaTeX and
> should be put in the HTML, too.
> In the *.lyx file, comments look like:
> \begin_inset Note Comment
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> a comment
> \end_layout
> \end_inset

Sounds reasonable. Steve, are you willing to try out a test version? I
can send it to you privately.


Re: Pass LyX comments through eLyXer?

2011-12-06 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Steve,

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Steve Litt  wrote:
> Abso-Lutely, but I just had another thought. After seeing how LyXHTML
> handled comments, I'm beginning to wonder if the metadata not already
> provided in LyX (Title, Author and Date) should simply be put in a
> tiny XML file.
> Doing it separately kinda sorta makes sense when you think about it.
> In my opinion, the LyX file should always be about how it looks in
> PDF, with another file(s) providing looks/metadata in a flowing text
> eBook. Actually, it might end up with three files, one for Kindle, one
> for iPad, and one for Nook, and one for Open ePad (yeah, I have
> trouble counting :-).
> If you already have something that passes through comments, I'll be
> glad to test it today or in the next few days. Such a thing is
> probably a good thing in general. However, if you're doing it just for
> this specific thing, I'm thinking maybe hold off until all of us give
> it more thought.

OK, I will wait to hear from you.

> I'm most of the way through a post processor for eLyXer-derived HTML
> files that turns them into everything needed to make a Kindle. My
> script is ugly, probably crashy in other circumstances, limited in
> what situations it can handle, featureless, and pre-pre-alpha, but
> when I get it working it can at least serve as a platform for
> discussions on how to do it right the next time.

Ideally, that post-processor should be integrated within eLyXer to
generate EPUB or Kindle documents. I would be glad to add new options:
  $ --epub input.lyx output.html
or, for Kindle:
  $ --kindle input.lyx output.azw
(if that is indeed the extension for Amazon Kindle). The problem I
found when I looked into supporting EPUB was the definition of the
format itself: the supposedly open validator rejected a lot of the
constructs which eLyXer uses in its output, but they worked fine in
e.g. Calibre to generate a full EPUB document.
Perhaps newer versions of the specification have improved in that respect.

> Thanks for eLyXer. When you're making a Kindle book, it's the coolest
> thing since sliced cheese.

Thanks :)  I have copied the eLyXer-users list, if you want to discuss
eLyXer-specific stuff we can continue the discussion over there.


Re: eLyXer for Document Parsing

2012-02-05 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi all,

I am currently travelling so excuse my android top-posting. Actually
building a reusable in-memory representation for Python scripting of LyX
documents was a requisite for eLyXer. You should not have trouble with
large documents as my puny netbook eats 1000 page documents for lunch. Look
at the Container class, and best of luck! Please ask in private any further

El 04/02/2012 18:03, "Rob Oakes"  escribió:

> Dear eLyXer Users and Developers,
> I'm still at work on the import/export module for Microsoft Word
> documents. I'm making pretty good progress. I've got a rough prototype that
> works pretty well and I'm now starting to refine it.
> My approach up to now has been to use regular expressions to match
> portions of the document and then use a library to translate those to the
> corresponding Word XML structures. It's working pretty well with my simple
> test documents.
> Before going too far with this approach, though, I wanted to post (another
> general query).
> In the eLyXer library, there is already a robust set of tools used for
> converting LyX documents to HTML. Does anyone know if the library is
> written in such as way that getting a generic in-memory representation of
> the document would be possible? It would be awesome to re-use as much
> existing code for the Word document export as possible. That would allow me
> to support a broader number of features, and gives me a framework for
> working with maths.
> Any thoughts Alex (and others)? I've downloaded the sources and have begun
> to work through them, but before spending hours to days trying to wrap my
> head around them, I thought I would ask.
> Cheers,
> Rob

Re: eLyXer for Document Parsing

2012-02-09 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Steve,

On 2/5/12, Rob Oakes  wrote:
> Extremely good point, I'm also more comfortable with the HTML export
> available in LyX. I initially was interested in eLyXer because I thought I
> might be able to use it to help with an import filter as well. I'm not sure
> that it can, though. As you note in your email, it doesn't create a document
> model.

I am not sure what you mean by "document model". For the record,
eLyXer creates an in-memory representation of the complete LyX
document since version 0.36 (released back in 2009):
When using the --lowmem option, this in-memory representation is
created and flushed for each document block independently. Otherwise
you load the entire document in memory.


Re: eLyXer for Document Parsing

2012-02-09 Thread Alex Fernandez
On 2/9/12, Steve Litt  wrote:
>> I am not sure what you mean by "document model". For the record,
>> eLyXer creates an in-memory representation of the complete LyX
>> document since version 0.36 (released back in 2009):

> I'm pretty sure he meant "Document Object Model", or DOM, the object
> hierarchy used to express HTML web pages.

Ah, OK. Always hated DOM. eLyXer's in-memory representation is for the
LyX document, not of the resulting HTML document. Much tighter this
way, IMHO.


Re: eLyXer for Document Parsing

2012-02-09 Thread Alex Fernandez
On 2/9/12, Rob Oakes  wrote:
> On 2/9/2012 11:42 AM, Alex Fernandez wrote:
>> Ah, OK. Always hated DOM. eLyXer's in-memory representation is for the
>> LyX document, not of the resulting HTML document. Much tighter this
>> way, IMHO.
> Is there an example of how I might be able to access the in-memory
> representation for the LyX document? If possible, I'd like to be able to
> get some sort of iterable object that could be used to translate the
> structure into the XML structure used by Microsoft Word.

I don't know of any examples outside eLyXer. The source code should be
quite readable. I would point you to main.convert.eLyXerConverter and
proc.process.Processor as starting points; there are actually a few
ways to do what you want (iterate over Containers). If you want I can
give you further explanations offlist.


Re: word2lyx (Word to LyX Translator): Status Update

2012-03-09 Thread Alex Fernandez

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Rob Oakes  wrote:
> I'm sympathetic to this point. I understand that having a way to go from one 
> to the other is important. I've deliberately avoided creating an export to 
> Word option, though, because it would essentially require that I recode large 
> portions of LyX in Python. I'm resistant to doing that because it's a a lot 
> of extra code to maintain. There are already two implementations of LyX 
> document parsing libraries: eLyXer and that found in LyX itself. Adding a 
> third and trying to keep it in some sort of synchronization would be a huge 
> pain. I'm looking into using eLyXer for Word conversion from LyX, but that is 
> lesser priority than making Word import work correctly. (At least at the 
> moment.) If there is someone (maybe Alex or another eLyXer dev) who would be 
> interest in collaborating and handling the export part, I'd be happy to 
> coordinate with them so that we're able to round-trip.

That would be great. Unfortunately eLyXer is pretty much a solo
project at the moment, and I don't have the time (or even the
inclination) to do the job. But it might be a great project to have
someone else started on the eLyXer codebase, and I would provide all
the assistance needed to learn their way around. Interested parties
are encouraged to contact me if you
feel that you might want to tackle this project, always with Rob's coordination.


Re: HTML Pagination Issues (elyxer)

2012-04-26 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Ray,

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Raymond Lillard wrote:

> I'm not clear on these things, but it looks like
> Elyxer is not maintained by the Lyx project.  Should
> I take silly little problem elsewhere?

Sure, you can email me directly. I have received other requests to remove
parsing errors from the output; I should probably do that for the next

OK, I made an incorrect assumption when I wrote the above.
> I didn't realize the HTML was being created directly from
> lyx code.  I was thinking it was going through some common
> intermediate format.  Since not, the problem is between me
> and elyxer and probably insoluble since neither HTML or
> Lyx code have a any concept of a letter sized page.

Yes, your intentions (output numbered by actual paper pages) is quite alien
to eLyXer and even to the HTML format itself. Apart from cutting pages at a
fixed number of words, or doing some troff-like abomination (the kind you
see on RFCs:, I don't see how
that would even work. The natural way to do what you want would be to cut
the output by sections; and frankly I don't understand why that solution
doesn't cut it for you (pun intended).

Another request I have received, and which I need myself, is to output
section names as page names, the kind of dash-separated-titles that you see
on blog posts. I should take out some time to work on eLyXer!


Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-06 Thread Alex Fernandez
Hi Gour,

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Gour  wrote:

> Moreover, we're curios if LyXHTML can be configured to produce chunked
> XHTML output with navigation links?

You can try eLyXer, which does output paged content with navigation links.
You can download it from the front page:



Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-06 Thread Alex Fernandez
On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Gour  wrote:

> On Sun, 6 May 2012 15:49:41 +0200
> Alex Fernandez  wrote:
> > You can try eLyXer, which does output paged content with navigation
> > links.
> Thank you. It works OK. I knew about it, but considered that it is
> (maybe) obsolete considering that LyX now ships with its own LyXHTML
> converter.

If it works for you, then it is not obsolete! :)


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