Problems with LyX 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

2008-01-14 Thread George De Bruin
I'm seeing a couple of issues with LyX 1.5.1 on XUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) that I
don't have a solution for...  The package is from the Ubuntu repositories.
The two issues are:

(1) It appears to be really slow when trying to scroll text on the screen.
It's not horrible, but its not as fast as the 1.4.x series.

(2) For some reason, I can go into a dialog once and only once per session.
For example, the preferences dialog, or the document settings dialog.
Basically, I can go in once, make changes, hit apply, make more changes, hit
apply, etc.  But, as soon as I either hit save or close, I can't go back
into the dialog.  Once I restart LyX I can repeat the process.

The strange thing about #2 is that I would have thought it was a qt resource
issue that would affect other parts of the system, but it doesn't appear
to.  I can open the Outline, Output, command line windows with issue.
Detach, re-attach them, close, re-open, etc.

I'm baffled, especially by #2.  I tried starting LyX from a terminal, hoping
to get some error output that might point me in the right direction.  There
wasn't any.

I tried grabbing the .deb for 1.5.2 from the site, but couldn't get
it to install.  GDebi told me that it wasn't a valid package.

Any hints or clues?

// George

Faster moments spent spread tales of change within the sound...

Re: Problems with LyX 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

2008-01-14 Thread George De Bruin

rgheck wrote:

George De Bruin wrote:
I'm seeing a couple of issues with LyX 1.5.1 on XUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) 
that I don't have a solution for...  The package is from the Ubuntu 
repositories. The two issues are:

(1) It appears to be really slow when trying to scroll text on the 

It's not horrible, but its not as fast as the 1.4.x series.

Try 1.5.3. Some work has been done on scrolling, and a LOT more is to 
come in 1.6.
I would, but I don't see a .deb out there for it.  (Either in the Ubuntu 
repos, or on  And I really don't want to compile from the 
source... I've tried to install the 1.5.2 .deb, but keep getting the 

   Failed to open the software package
   The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the 
file. Check the permissions of the file.

I tried uninstalling the 1.5.1 package first, then installing the 1.52, 
but get the same message.  I've double checked the permissions, and they 
are okay.  and, I've downloaded it 3 times, each time the file sizes are 
identical, and the md5sum's are the same.

I just tried two more things: uninstalling 1.5.1 first.  Still no luck.  
Then I tried disabling AppArmor, still no luck. I've gone back to 1.5.1 
for the moment (it actually works...just oddly).
(2) For some reason, I can go into a dialog once and only once per 
session. For example, the preferences dialog, or the document 
settings dialog. Basically, I can go in once, make changes, hit 
apply, make more changes, hit apply, etc.  But, as soon as I either 
hit save or close, I can't go back into the dialog.  Once I restart 
LyX I can repeat the process.


Don't know about this one. CC'ing lyx-devel.
Yeah, this is the one that's *really* strange and baffling to me.  I 
should clarify: I don't have to open a document, and I don't have to 
make any changes in the dialog for this to happen.  I also tried 
executing the dialog from the command buffer: dialog-show document / 
preferences.  Neither of those work either.

And, just so the dev guys see this: I've tried running LyX from a 
terminal: there are no error messages.

// George

Re: Problems with LyX 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

2008-01-14 Thread George De Bruin

rgheck wrote:
Hmm. That's very strange. The Ubuntu people should really get with it. 
It's one thing being slow to update major versions---Debian etch is 
still at 1.4.3---but it's criminal not to keep up with minor version 

And I really don't want to compile from the source...
I don't know why it hasn't been updated yet...I'm a bit surprised 
looking at the release dates.

But compiling from source isn't difficult with LyX. You don't need 
that much, and we'll help. ;-)
Not a difficulty issue -- I know how to grab a source tarball, compile 
and install...  Just don't want to have a non-packaged installation.  
I've just gotten to the point where I have too many other things to 
maintain that I don't need to go beyond the multiverse repositories. ;-)

// George

Re: Problems with LyX 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

2008-01-15 Thread George De Bruin

Ignacio García wrote:

What deb package are you trying?
I have downloaded and installed on Ubuntu 7.10 the dapper version
with no problems. I'm using it from october.


I tried the package you mentioned, and it installed.  The package I had 
tried was the i386 package. Odd this one installs, but the other 
doesn't.  The scrolling is a lot better with this version.

More odd: I still have the same dialog problem.  This time I got the 
following message on the terminal: "PreferencesPolicy: No transition for 
input SMI_RESTORE from state INITIAL"

But, I only got it one time.  However, in looking up the message, I see 
that it has occurred before, about a year ago:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg110524.html

I also tried re-installing the qt4 libraries to see if there was 
something wrong with the installation - but nothing has changed.

// George

Re: Problems with LyX 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

2008-01-15 Thread George De Bruin

rgheck wrote:

Probably unrelated.

Can you create a new user and see if LyX works right for her?


Interesting - now have it down to the root problem: window manager.  I 
normally use pekwm as my window manager.  However, when I set up the new 
user, it went to the system default: Xfce.  I then went back to my 
normal user, and switched back to Xfce, and it worked.

Sorry I didn't mention this earlier.  I honestly didn't think it was the 
cause of the issue...  Never had it get in the way of LyX before...

// George

Re: Incoming 1.5.3 binaries for debian/ubuntu distributions

2008-01-17 Thread George De Bruin

Christopher Menzel wrote:

On Jan 17, 2008, at 5:41 AM, Sam Lewis wrote:

ftp Available LyX 1.5.3 checkinstall packages for *etch* and *dapper* on


Are we to assume negation as failure here or are there already 
packages available for feisty and gutsy somewhere?

So far, the only Ubuntu native package of 1.5.3 I've seen has been in 
the Hardy repositories - which has dependencies that Gutsy doesn't 
satisfy.  (I haven't looked at yet)

// George

Re: Incoming 1.5.3 binaries for debian/ubuntu distributions

2008-01-19 Thread George De Bruin

So, I guess this situation leaves me in kind of a foobar snafu:

(1) The current distribution official release in Ubuntu Gutsy is 1.5.1
(2) 1.5.3 is only available in Ubuntu Hardy, and has dependencies not 
satisfied by Gutsy

So, given this scenario, and the fact that the performance of 1.5.1 is 
unacceptable (it doesn't scroll well, and it can't keep up with my 
typing), I guess I am out of luck.

Maybe this is for the better...  While I've enjoyed using LyX over the 
past eight years, it has become increasingly noticeable that it is a 
less than optimal solution for me.  Why?

(1) When I started most distro's still installed some form of TeX by 
default.  They don't now.  So, when I install LyX, I also need a TeX 
installation (not necessarily a bad thing, given the typsetting 
capabilities of TeX/LaTeX).

(2) When I started with LyX, the primary toolkit in use was still 
xforms.  The idea was to eventually have both a qt and gtk+ versions.  
However, as things have progressed, it seems that gtk+ has fallen off 
the map (understandably, no one wants to work on it).  Unfortunately, as 
I've refined my configurations, all of the applications I really need 
are gtk+ based, so maintaining an installation of qt for a sinlge 
applications seems a bit more than silly.

(3) Duplication of applications: I still have to be able to work with MS 
Word / Excel documents, and I can't afford to do a lot of back-and-forth 
conversion and lose the styles in the Word documents.  So, this has 
meant maintaining either AbiWord & Gnumeric, or on my system.

So, the point is, this current packaging issue has just tipped the 
scales past the point of being reasonable.  It's just gotten to the 
point where maintaining LyX on my system has become (a) costly in terms 
of disk space and resources used, (b) now is costing me time, (c) and is 
actually interfering in my work.

So, it's time to set LyX aside.  It's been fun using LyX for these past 
eight years, but now it's time to move on.


// George

Re: spellchecker feature suggestion

2001-02-14 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 17:28, you wrote:
> robin wrote:
> > Christopher Jones wrote:
> > > When I spell a word wrong, I tend to spell it consistently wrong. A
> > > 'correct all' feature in the spellchecker would be nice.
> >
> > But dangerous ;-)
> why?

Well, think about correcting something like the word 'to' when you meant
'too' and accidentally selecting 'correct all'.  Could be rather annoying
having to go through your document and find all of the 'too''s and try to fix
the ones that were wrong.

Personally, I still like the idea, but can see where it could be dangerous.
I just think that it would have to be carefully implemented.  Possibly have
an extra prompt before doing the correction on the whole document...

// George

Newbie Questions

2001-02-15 Thread George De Bruin


I am fairly new to LyX, and am having a bit of a problem figuring out how to 
do something(s).

What I am trying to format is a 'book' of 'poetry'.  Currently I am using the 
book (koma script) document class.  I've marked the title of each poem using 
the \layout Chapter* formatting, as that places each piece on a new page and 
doesn't number them. (I also changed the format to one sidedi nstead of two 
sided to avoid getting a bunch of extra blank pages).

Okay, so far, so good...  Only exception is: using Chapter* no entries are 
created in the TOC.  Even though these entries aren't numbered, I do want 
them in the table of contents.  So, that is the question: how do I get the 
Chapter* formatting to create entries in the table of contents?

Thanks for any help!

// George

Re: spellchecker feature suggestion

2001-02-15 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 17:14, Christopher Jones wrote:

> Annother feature would be the option to remove words you added to your
> dictionary. Because I am sloppy at 3.00 in the morning, I sometimes hit
> "add to dictionary" on a word that shouldn't be added. That word then keeps
> coming up in the list of suggestions, and it gets missed on subsequent
> spellchecks.

Yes, I second this suggestion.  It is definitely desirable that we be able to 
maintain our word lists easily to handle situations like this.

> Then again, if I weren't so lazy I would just go to my personal dictionary
> and take it out. Or I could just be more carefull. So maybe this is a
> confession and not a feature suggestoin ;-)

  We all have things like this at times don't we -- especially when 
they've just happened to us.  Of course, that doesn't mean that suggesting 
such a feature is out of line as it could your life, and others lives easier.

// George

Re: Newbie Questions

2001-02-16 Thread George De Bruin

On Thursday 15 February 2001 18:54, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> Use Chapter instead of Chapter*.
> Then open the document dialog, and set the "section number depth" to -1.

This is really, really close.  I see now that the TOC menu and Edit->Table of 
Contents do show the entries.  However, when I generate a DVI there isn't a 
table of contents.  

I  wonder if I need to include Herbert's suggestion of adding


With this formatting to make it work?

Hmm, doesn't look like it.  I just tried it and it had no effect.

// George

Re: Newbie Questions

2001-02-17 Thread George De Bruin

On Friday 16 February 2001 18:49, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> Did you put a TOC in the document using the
> insert->list&toc->table_of_contents menu ?
> Maybe you did something else wrong.
> See the attached example file.

  That was exactly it.  Just inserted it and it works 
perfectly.  I thought I had looked at the insert menu for that, but just 
must've missed it.  (Yes, I really do need to read the docs...that's next on 
the list...:)

Thanks Dekel!

// George

Re: Yet another lyx guide

2001-02-19 Thread George De Bruin

On Sunday 18 February 2001 09:40, robin wrote:

> It's aimed at university students and staff, so doesn't have anything
> about letter class etc. - it's just something to get people started in
> the right direction and give a brief taste of some of the things that
> can be done with lyx.  Feedback welcome!

Hi Robin,

Just took a quick look at your LyX guide, and it's very nice.  I do actually 
have a suggestion: Possibly add a quick ref to the templates available and 
how they correspond for different types of documents -- especially research 
papers.  I'm certain that would grab a students attention ("What?  All my 
papers are pre-formatted -- I just do the typing? Cool!").

Also, on another topic well suited / related to student interests (but, 
admittedly on my list as well...) would be setting up BibTeX and a 
Bibliography database.  That would be extra useful, and I could see students 
saying "what, I don't have to format all those references by hand" :)

// George

Re: LyX deletes text

2001-03-02 Thread George De Bruin

> | > It should certainly be off -- your documents are not supposed to be
> | > executable, are they?
> #!/usr/bin/lyx
> #LyX 1.1. create...
> \lyxformat ...
> would perhaps work
> (It did work!)

Yup, it did work  I just had to try it. 

(Related but not the same...)

For the fun of it, I also tried adding a KDE association for *.lyx files...  
That works too.  However, for each file I start using Konqueror it starts a 
new instance of LyX.  Is there a way to get it to pass the file(s) to a 
single instance of LyX?

// George

Re: LyX deletes text

2001-03-02 Thread George De Bruin

On Friday 02 March 2001 11:33, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > add: "#!
> Problem with this approach is of course that one needs to know the full
> path to the LyX binary...

Which can be found by typing 'which lyx' on the command line...:)

// George

Re: Missing \begin{document}

2001-03-13 Thread George De Bruin

> > I downloaded and installed lyx-1.1.6fix1 and when I try to process
> > (convert to LaTeX od print) the file I get the error message:
> >
> > \missing{begin{document}
> >
> > The problem is that the program sometime before `beginning' the
> > document, calls the file english.cfg.
> > How can tjis be fixed?
> This might be the result of an unclosed { in the preamble.

While this may be true, might I suggest then that there is something going 
wrong between LyX 1.1.5 and 1.1.6?  I have a number of files that I was 
working on in 1.1.5 that never exhibited this problem, but the moment I 
opened them in 1.1.6 they started exhibiting this exact same problem.

If my memory serves me correctly, this is not the only time I have heard this 
mentioned on the list. 

// George

Re: Missing \begin{document}

2001-03-14 Thread George De Bruin

> > > > I downloaded and installed lyx-1.1.6fix1 and when I try to process
> > > > (convert to LaTeX od print) the file I get the error message:
> > > >
> > > > \missing{begin{document}
> > > >
> > > > The problem is that the program sometime before `beginning' the
> > > > document, calls the file english.cfg.
> > > > How can tjis be fixed?
> > >
> > > This might be the result of an unclosed { in the preamble.
> >
> > While this may be true, might I suggest then that there is something
> > going wrong between LyX 1.1.5 and 1.1.6?  I have a number of files that I
> > was working on in 1.1.5 that never exhibited this problem, but the moment
> > I opened them in 1.1.6 they started exhibiting this exact same problem.
> Do you have an example document ?
> One difference between 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 is that the latter always use babel,
> but I don't know if that is the cause of the problem.

Hi Dekel,

I did some checking, and I found some validity in Nick Burgan's message: the 
documents that are still stored in my ~/gdb/My Documents directory still show 
this problem. (A short example attached at the end of this message.)  This 
same document, when placed in ~/gdb does not show this problem.  However, I 
know that in the past other documents in my ~/gdb directory have shown this 
problem as well.  However, since that time, I have done as others suggested 
and opened the LyX files in emacs to check for any mangled contents.  And, I 
think I even this did not resolve the problem.

If my memory serves me, I went ahead and re-imported the files into a new 
file to correct the problem. (Then I went ahead and removed the old file, and 
renamed the new file to the old name.)  During the import process, I do 
recall seeing babel files in my home directory, but believe that I removed 
them as I did the rest of the cleanup.

Re: Missing \begin{document}
From: Nick Burgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:45:44 +1030


When I first installed 1.1.6fix1 I was having the same problem. After messing 
around for ages what seemed to be causing the problem was that I had a space 
in the name of the directory in which the file was located. If you remove any 
spaces or other strange characters (dashes "-" etc ) from the everywhere in 
the directory tree of the file the problem goes away. Or if you move the file 
to another appropriately named directory and open it from there, there is no 

I hope this is of some help


#This file was created by  Wed Sep 13 22:57:17 2000
#LyX 0.12 (C) 1995-1998 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Staff Recommendation By: George
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\SpecialChar \ldots{}
\emph on 
\emph toggle 
 performances by a really 
\emph on 
\emph toggle 
 modern music ensemble\SpecialChar \ldots{}

\begin_inset Quotes erd

 is how Frank Zappa introduces this performance of compositions culled from
 his 30+ year career as a composer, musician and band leader.
 These are some of his most engaging, evocative and provocative pieces superbly
 performed in a form accessible to both new and experienced listeners.
 See why many consider Frank Zappa to be one of the most influential composers
 of the century.

Re: Re(2): Bibliography gone?

2001-03-21 Thread George De Bruin

On Monday 19 March 2001 h:m:s, you wrote:

> >Where can I find Pybliographic?  I searched around on several of the
> >Linux oriented sites (Freshmeat,, etc) but was unable to find
> >it...
> >Is this a commercial product?
> >
> >Thanks for any assistance!
> >
> found with "pybliographic rpm" by Google

Hi Niels,

After another quick search over on FreshMeat, I found it.  (Don't remember 
what I changed this time, but it came up...:)  In fact, I actually got to the 
home page for Pybliographer.

And, I found version 1.0.7-1 as an rpm (I think there was a tgz and deb 
package as well...)

Thanks again!

// George

Re: libforms (see also Help! from Wahyu Nugroho)

2001-03-22 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 21 March 2001 h:m:s, you wrote:

> the problem of  Wahyu Nugroho is even worse with Mandrake. After eventually
> finding a LyX rpm for Mandrake, the installation needed xforms, but
> Mandrake provides no xforms. Therefore I installed one from SuSE. After
> installing LyX, starting LyX complained about not finding libforms.0.89
> although it was on the system. So I tried Murilo Juchem's hint (Re: need
> quick help). But that didn't help either, because libforms.0.89 was not in
> /X11/... but in .../X11R6/... . Eventually I got LyX started. This all
> shows, that LyX itself should find libforms.0.8x.

Ummm, sorry for being a bit behind on this one, but what version of Mandrake 
is being referred to here?  If it is Mandrake 7.2 I managed to get it 
working...without the major procedure listed above.  Here's a message that I 
posted in a newsgroup about getting it working...  The message is a bit long 
winded, but explains the whole process I went through and how I tracked down 
the problem...  If anyone has anything to add, or anything that I did wrong 
in getting it working, please let me know...


I think I solved this issue the other night...  At least something that 
worked for me

I needed to install the new version of LyX (1.1.6Fix1), which Mandrake has 
in the cooker.  But, when I went to install it, it said that it needed the 
newer libstdc++, so I downloaded and installed it.  However, that started 
breaking every application left and right.

Finally, I was going to uninstall it, so I went out to a console and wanted 
to run man on rpm...  Well, an error popped up stating that it couldn't 
call  So, I looked in /usr/lib and found the 
following (note - I chopped off the beginning of the lines to make them 
format nicely): 

24 Mar  4 01:28 ->*
30 Mar  4 01:28 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.a.3 -> libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.a
31 Mar  4 01:28 ->*

Well, seeing as there was an entry for, and the 
entry for I surmised that a similar link was 
needed for  So, I created the following link:

31 Mar  4 01:51 ->*

Now, I probably really should have pointed this to 
instead of directly to the target, however 
it did solve the problem.  All of my applications are still working, and I 
have my updated LyX installation (that was sorely needed...), and I haven't 
seen any problems since creating this link.

Now, in case you're wondering: this happened last Saturday, so my system 
has been up and running for a week with this link installed.  Now maybe I 
can get a little more ambitious and update a few other apps from the Cooker 
code...(assuming I don't run into any other major dependency problems).


Now: this has actually been 3 or 4 weeks ago that I went through the original 
situation.  I haven't had any problems since then, so I think I am fairly 
safe to say that things are working just fine...  It sounds like you just 
need to use the copy of LyX that Mandrake has in the Cooker, assuming that 
the distro is 7.2.

// George

Re: Figure list entries

2001-03-22 Thread George De Bruin

On Thursday 22 March 2001 h:m:s, Herbert Voss wrote:

> have a look at

Is this the right URL, Herb?  I tried to pull it up but get a 'Not Found' 
error message  Ahh, I found it:

(The extra ~ was throwing things off...)

// George

Re: Where to download teTeX - 1.07

2001-03-31 Thread George De Bruin

On Saturday 31 March 2001 h:m:s, Stephen Liu wrote:

> Mandrake 7.2
> it required the installation of the file teTex-1.07.   Kindly advise from
> where I can download it.

Hi Stephen, 

It's definitely on the CD's - just need to look more closely  I'm running 
Mandrake 7.2 here - did a full install and got tetex and lyx...

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Where to download teTeX - 1.07

2001-04-01 Thread George De Bruin

On Sunday 01 April 2001 05:40, Stephen Liu wrote:

> Thanks for your advice.  I found it on the CD finally.   But I still could
> not start LyX after installation.  I did following steps;

Hi Stephen,

Have you gone into DrakConf and started the Package Manager (rpmdrake)?  Try 
looking in the Office folder in there and see if LyX is installed?  Check 
under both the "Installing" and "Uninstalling" options.  If it shows up under 
"Uninstalling", look for /usr/bin/lyx.

Hope this helps!

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Master Documents?

2001-05-02 Thread George De Bruin

I'm using LyX version 1.1.6Fix1.

I have a master document that includes three files (I've tried both Article 
and Book class to see if it made a difference: it didn't).  The includes are 
preceeded by a title, author and TOC.  All of the include files are Article 
class LyX files.

In the master document, I execute View->PDF.  The PDF file is compiled and 
displayed.  Everything is fine, the table of contents is generated, etc.

Then I go ahead and load the 2nd include file, edit it, and save the file.  
Do the same with the 3rd include file.

Go back to the master and execute View->PDF again.  The resulting PDF file is 
not updated.  The changes made to the 2nd and 3rd documents aren't included.

This was where I experimented with changing between article and book class on 
the master document to see if it made a difference: it didn't.  The updated 
files weren't compiled into the PDF file.

I should also note here, that all of the files are in the same directory.  
And the directory doesn't have an spaces in the path: ~/gdb/LinuxDesktop

At this point I decided that may I needed to force an update to the PDF file. 
 So, I went ahead and executed View->Update->PDF, then tried View->PDF.  Same 
result, the PDF file wasn't updated with the include file.

Now, on a whim, I switched the includes to inputs, then saved the master and 
did a View->PDF again.  This time the output PDF file *was* updated.  So, I 
switched the inputs back to includes and again executed View->PDF, and again 
the output PDF file was actually updated (and is different from the input 
version because of the page breaks...).

What is going on here?

(I have to mention an irony here...  The third document in this set is an 
article about LyX!)

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Master Documents?

2001-05-03 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 02 May 2001 11:52, Herbert Voss wrote:

> > Go back to the master and execute View->PDF again.  The resulting PDF
> > file is not updated.  The changes made to the 2nd and 3rd documents
> > aren't included.
> also 1.1.6fix1 with 8 include-files, editing the second, saving,
> switching to master and ctrl-shift-D gives correct dvi.

Hi Herb,

Hmmm, it's still not working here.  More details in my message to Dekel.

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Master Documents?

2001-05-03 Thread George De Bruin

On Thursday 03 May 2001 03:54, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> You have found a bug in LyX.

 I'm a little more convinced of this now.  However:

> It happens since your first (and perhaps second) included files are short
> (less than a page). I'll fix this bug soon, but for the meantime, you can
> add \wlog{} in tex mode after the 1st and 2nd include insets.

This didn't fix the problem.

I'm now up to 9 include files.  So, I added the \wlog{} before and after each 
of the includes.  The first time I did a View->PDF, it worked.  However, then 
editing the last file and Viewing again, didn't work.

So, I tried just changing the last file to an input, and it worked.  Then 
changed it back to an include, changed the last file, did a View->PDF and it 
worked.  (Note the main point is that I only had to change the one file to an 
input, whereas before I thought I had to change them all.)

I then repeated this process, making changes to just the 2nd include file, 
and toggling the last include in the master to an input.  Same result: as 
long as I switched between input and include, the changes would appear.  But 
if I didn't change between input and include, the changes wouldn't appear.

Hmmm.  I would be almost willing to speculate that it has something to do 
with the master document.  But what, exactly, I don't have a clue.

I can add the following: I haven't made any modifications to the preamble (in 
any of the documents).  All documents are article class.  I have made a few 
changes to page geometry (ie, mainly the setting the margins to 1 inch), 
double spaced, fonts set to pslatex, double sided pages, fancy headers turned 
on.  These are global settings in my document template.

Quick description of the files:

Master document is short: Title, Author, Table of Contents and include files.
The 1st-3rd include files are longer: 6pgs, 3pgs, 2pgs.  Start with section 
The 4th-9th include files are short <1 page, start with section header.

If you'd like, I can tar up the files and send them to you.  Shouldn't be all 
that large. (The whole contents of the directory is about 76K right now - but 
it will get a bit larger as I add to it...:), and that includes backup 
George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Importing text tips

2001-05-23 Thread George De Bruin

On Tuesday 22 May 2001 16:53, Kathryn Andersen wrote:

> Just thought I'd share a few things I've found out in the course of my
> intensive LyX investigations...

Hi Kathryn,

Just wanted to thank you for this information.  I have a lot of documents 
that I need to convert from another word processing package to LyX, and this 
may just be the ticket to get those files converted without losing all of the 
more important formatting (even though it is simple formatting, in the 
documents I have converted, it has taken hours to put it back in place).

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-05-23 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 23 May 2001 04:54, Robin Turner wrote:

> front-end for 'nix hackers, little features like sortable lists will make a
> lot of difference.  I'm not advocating feature-bloat (if I want that, I can
> download Star Office!) just a few bits and bobs to make life easier.

Of course, this is also something that could be implemented with the 
integration of a good scripting language in LyX. :) That way, it could also 
be customized / tailored to the user's specific needs.

Okay, just had to get a word in for my favorite LyX wishlist item. :))

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-05-23 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 23 May 2001 06:56, Baruch Even wrote:

> Hopefully in the future we will have an embedded scripting language in LyX
> and features like this one will be implementable with it. This will
> satisfy the feature-bloat proponents and the feature-bloat opponents, you
> will be able to use such features if you want and you will be able to
> disable the scripting language altogether if you dont want any of this.

Even better: you will be able to chose which extension packages you want to 
use with LyX, if any!  I can see a great deal of power in this...  For 
example having a scipt that lets me query a database, build and sort a table 
and insert the results in LyX in a single step.  Certainly this could be done 
with the many tools available under Unix, however it's certainly going to be 
more complicated than desirable in some situations (such as building 
invoices, bills, etc.)

Of course there are many more examples where a scripting language would be 
useful, but I won't get into them. :)

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-05-26 Thread George De Bruin

On Wednesday 23 May 2001 11:17, Baruch Even wrote:

> To follow up on these comments and enthusiasm (and a developers
> discussion), what is the language of choice for such an embedded
> scripting language is from your perspective?
> Several options that were raised (and I rememeber) include Icon,
> Lisp, Scheme and Python.

Personally, I liked the concept of implementing this to support multiple 
languages so you could chose your own.  (Not only do people have personal 
preferences, but they may also have existing code bases that they want or 
need to integrate new code with.)

However, if we have to chose just one, my vote would go to Python.

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-05-26 Thread George De Bruin

On Thursday 24 May 2001 07:01, Joao B. Oliveira wrote:

> Before choosing a language that will affect our (happy) LyX lives,
> what requirements are really being made on this language? I

The requirements are going to vary on a user by user basis.  For example, I 
see the examples you listed as being important (although, macro expansion is 
not quite as much a requirement for me as the others).

For me personally, the first thing that I can think of right off is the 
ability to manipulate the buffer that contains a document.  And, I would like 
to be able to manipulate it both as displayed (ie, not reading the internal 
code / structure of the document), and as stored internally (ie, with the 
document structure).  The reason for this is some scripts I would like to 
have look at the displayed text (for items like a word count script, or other 
text manipulation like swapping characters, words, lines...)

The reason for looking at the internal structure would be for things like 
looking at the cvs fields which are stored as comments, or possibly hiding my 
own information in comments that I can manipulate from a script.

So, basically, the way I see it is that we should really look more at what 
needs to be exported and provide that.  Each language should have a way to 
import the commands and structures that we export.

There is another reason that I don't want to limit the language choice: 
integration with pre-existing code bases.  For example, I may already have a 
set of scripts in perl or python that use php and mysql to dynamically 
generate web content.  If want to use LyX to author some of the information 
that I am going to put into my online database, I would like to write an 
interface script that reuses my existing perl or python code as much as 
possible. (Perl and python are only examples here, you can plug in language 
'x' for them.)

> Other question: what about enlarging (if necessary) the language
> already used in the minibuffer? It would be nice to have the same
> language being used twice.

Well, personally, I haven't found the language in the mini-buffer to be all 
that useful at this point.  I haven't found a case where I could really use 
it. However, I think what we are looking at is exporting those commands and 
functions to whatever language, as well as structures so you can 
examine/query LyX's current state, etc.

I guess the major point is to allow both: tailoring and customizing of the 
interactive editing environment, as well as providing an interface to the 
rest of the world.

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-05-26 Thread George De Bruin

On Saturday 26 May 2001 11:11, Baruch Even wrote:

> The need is for an "Official language" not necessarily a single one, but
> one that is expected to be available in most installations, possibly it
> will be available out of the box from packages. This is to make it
> possible to have a library of scripts, and to allow removing things
> currently implemented in LyX into the official scripting language.

And there couldn't be a standard 'library' of scripts in two or three (or 
more) languages?  Then you would just download the one that you want on your 
system.  I guess I just look at this and think anytime you select one 
"official" anything you open up the potential for mis-understanding or 
mis-interpretation.  Most people see things that are "official" as being an 
endorsement for, or a bias towards the "official" item.

> The implementation as I expect it to be, will not force you to use one
> language over the other, only if you want the official scripts you'll
> need the official language. There is a need however to make the

Okay, for arguments sake (from personal experience) here's the reaction this 
will get:

Why is that?  I don't have the "official" language on my system, and you are 
telling me that I have to install that language?  Mess around with my stable 
system configuration to add scripting support and get full functionality for 
an application?  Forget it.

Another reaction:

That language isn't supported at my site.  Guess I can't use it at all.
Guess I don't get the full functionality of LyX.

> scripting language easy enough for as many as users as possible so that
> most of the users will not need to have multiple languages in LyX.

Agreed, it needs to be as easy as possible for the "user/administrator*.  
Therefore, we should support the languages the users and administrators are 
comfortable with.  The user/administrator can then download the scripts in 
the language they are comfortable with / want to administer.

Now, I see from a development point where it will be necessary to focus on 
one or two languages for the initial implementation / testing.  But, as soon 
as that is done I think the support should be expanded to at least six or 
more languages to avoid any perception of bias.

This is the same as the concept of GUI independence. 

Just my opinion...with a little experience thrown in

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Languages (was Re: sorting tables?)

2001-06-02 Thread George De Bruin

On Friday 01 June 2001 05:16, Reuben Thomas wrote:

> There's also Lua (, which is much smaller than python, rather

I just tried to go to this site, but couldn't connect to it...:(

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-06-04 Thread George De Bruin

Okay, I sat back for a bit on this.  I didn't want to flood you while you 
were studying Baruch...

On Sunday 27 May 2001 01:21, Baruch Even wrote:
> I understand what you say, but you need to understand the side of the
> developers too. 

Baruch, I assure you, I understand the developer's side better than you might 
know: I have been there.

> If we do not decide that a single language is the
> official language than any feature that is moved to the scripting
> languages needs to be maintained in several languages, that's too much
> work for us to do. 

This is precisely where your logic fails, Baruch.  You are assuming limited 
resources of the team.  Why not require someone to specifically maintain each 
language supported by LyX?  Make it a pre-requisite for including a language 
in LyX's scripting support.  That way, the team isn't burdened with 
supporting each of the scripting languages.

> Obviously, it is possible that some X language hacker will step up and
> maintain a second language. We have that with GUII, but we still have
> the XForms GUI as the officially sanctioned GUI. And maintaining several

I think the GUI and the scripting languages are _very_ different situations 
from what I understand of things.  LyX was very much written around it's GUI 
initially, which has made it extremely difficult for implementing different 
GUI interfaces.  Enough so that there was some talk that LyX was going to be 
restructured to be GUI independent...  A project that seems to have been 
stalled.  And, it is *highly* desirable.  Just watch the KLyX mailing list... 
 While not a high volume, it still is getting regular posts.  This indicates 
that there is still interest in have GUI's for each environment.  I think 
this interest could easily be turned to support.

I believe this also holds true of scripting language support.

> This message gets too long and I have a Real Analysis test to learn for.

I held off on responding to this for a while...  But, I hope with your 
studies completed (at least temporarily) that you had the time to re-read 
that message.  If you haven't I would ask you to (assuming that your studies 
are done for a time), the points and problems I point out there are extremely 
significant in this situation.

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: sorting tables?

2001-06-04 Thread George De Bruin

On Monday 28 May 2001 03:34, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> George De Bruin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Now, I see from a development point where it will be necessary to focus
> | on one or two languages for the initial implementation / testing.  But,
> | as soon as that is done I think the support should be expanded to at
> | least six or more languages to avoid any perception of bias.
> Perfect way to split development effort and get nothing done...

Lars, I don't see it this way.  Part of the reason is that I don't stay 
within the box of looking at the development, or the development team as 
being static.  If the resources of the team were limited to the current 
group, I would say you were correct.

However, as I mentioned in my message to Baruch (which I've just posted), why 
not make it a prerequisite that for each language implemented there be 
someone (preferably outside the core development team) to implement and 
maintain each language.

> Even:
> | This is the same as the concept of GUI independence.
> I do not quite agree, as said the scripting language would be used to
> implement _core_ functionality in LyX. 

Okay, I understand your point here.  However, think of this from the users 
side: what do they see when they start LyX: the GUI.  To the average user, 
the GUI is the program.

> IMO there should be _one_
> official scripting language that would need to have to be able to run
> lyx. The scripting language would preferably we distributed with LyX.
> _If_ someone would then like to use a different language with LyX that
> could easily be done by having a module for the official scripting
> language.

We get to disagree on this one. :)  If we go with one language, then we run 
into the current perception that is true with the GUI.  As it stands now 
(especially when you look at the website) LyX looks as if it is biased 
towards using XForms, and that very little work is being done on the GUI 
independence.  Add to that the responses on the KLyX mailing list to 
inquiries about it's functions (ie, use LyX instead) and you compound this 
impression.  You and I may know that isn't the case, but what else is a user 
going to think?

>  btw If we are not going to use the scripting language for _core_
> functions, then we can just do with the lyx server as it is now.

I'd say as a starting point it would be a good idea to allow the LyX server 
commands to be exported to a library that can be used in scripting languages. 
But eventually, it needs to include some way of querying and setting internal 
states in LyX.

(Just my opinion...:)

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Languages (was Re: sorting tables?)

2001-06-04 Thread George De Bruin

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 23:46, Allan Rae wrote:

> FWIW, a number of Python folk are interested in LyX -- both for personal
> use (with python.cls etc.) and as a possible unofficial documenting tool.
> Their official documenting tools are a couple of scripts and any text
> editor and they aren't about to change that in a hurry.  I know a couple
> of people in particular who are Python gurus (one's a Python Team member)
> who would love to get their hands dirty in LyX (with Python of course).

This would appear to support the idea I was putting forth: for each language, 
we should have someone (or multiple people) interested in doing the support 
of that langauge within LyX.  That way we (a) gain their expertise, and (b) 
we don't dilute the development efforts of the LyX Team.

> Anyway, past discussions have usually ended up with Python as best because
> it's readable/writable even for newbies.  Scheme/Lisp usually dropped as a
> bad idea because no-one cares to type all the ()'s and Perl as a possible
> second language.

Would it be such a big deal if someone actually wanted to do it (ie, support 
Scheme/Lisp)?  Assuming that we make the space for them to work available, 
then we could share in knowledge, and gain from having more languages 

And, this would probably work well for those interested in having Lua support 
as well

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Enumerated Lists / Comments

2001-06-06 Thread George De Bruin


I have LyX 1.1.6Fix2 installed on my Linux Mandrake 7.2 system (thanks 
toGerman Poo C. for his RPM), and noticed a behavior that is slightly odd, 
IMO.  A similar behavior has been mentioned recently, but this one surprised 
me a little bit...

I was working in an enumerated list, and needed to insert a place mark where 
I stopped editing.  So, below the item that I had just finished, I inserted a 
comment paragraph.  I noticed that the numbering in my enumerated list was 
reset by this addition.  

I am slightly surprised by this...  I didn't think that a comment would reset 
the numbering for the list.  Is this a glitch?  Should it be this way?

It's not really going to affect me in the long run -- the comment will be 
removed when I am done editing.  However, it does make things a little odd if 
I needed to produce a copy while I was in the middle of editing because the 
re-numbering does show up in the output. (Even though the comment does not 
show up.)

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

Re: Enumerated Lists / Comments

2001-06-07 Thread George De Bruin

On Thursday 07 June 2001 10:28, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> You just need to nest the comment into the enumerate by either pressing the
> "Change Env. depth" icon in the toolbar, or by pressing M-p 


Thanks Dekel and Jean-Marc...  That fixed it.  I should have thought of 

George J. De Bruin
Check Out 0l0rin's New Age compositions at
0l0rin's latest recording "Collection" is available now!

LyX<->Palm Document Exchange....

2001-09-08 Thread George De Bruin

I just purchased a Handspring Visor Deluxe & Stowaway keyboard with the 
intention of using the system for writing.

I know the document / database format for the Palm is substantially different 
from those used on any other system, however I recall seeing tools that can 
transfer several different document formats into documents that can be read / 
edited on the Palm.

So, my plan(s) are to do something like this:

- Get a word processor for the Palm (so far, WordSmith looks like the best 
- Get a major RAM upgrade (I going to put 128meg on the Palm - should be more 
than adequate for anything that I need).

Now, given these intentions, the question arises: how am I going to exchange 
documents with LyX?

I know there are tools for generating JDoc files that run under Linux, and 
that will allow me to get the documents into the word processor on the Palm.  
However, getting these tools is only half the battle.  The following 
question(s) remain:

- Has any one found a good way to transfer LyX documents into a format that 
can be compiled into JDoc?
- Has anyone looked at a good way to difference / merge the documents after 
they are transferred back from the Palm machine?
- Has anyone looked at a way to integrate the tools for exchanging the 
documents into LyX? (I assume a set of shell, perl, or Python scripts could 
be used to automate the whole process.)

I would appreciate any feedback anyone may have on this.


// George

Re: LyX<->Palm Document Exchange....

2001-09-10 Thread George De Bruin

On Sunday 09 September 2001 13:10, Nicholas Piper wrote:

> I got QuickWord free with my HandEra. It isn't as comprehensive as
> WordSmith, but my LyX/Palm system only calls for a very basic editor.

I wanted something more comprehensive as I am going to be doing a lot more 
work with the machine on the road.  Basically, I am treating this as a laptop 
instead of getting a laptop.  I know, may be a bit strange to do something 
like that, but the power and functionality for what I need is there, and the 
expense is significantly less.  So, it seem(s) appropriate to me.

> I use the normal "doc" format. I convert with txt2pdbdoc, but you can
> use anything. There are loads of answers to txt <-> doc.

Yeah, I thought WordSmith was using JDoc, but as it turns out, it is using 
the normal doc format.

> I use CVS. I keep a CVS respository, and checkout once for LyX to
> edit, and once for the palm. I use txt2pdbdoc to convert the .lyx file
> from one checkout, and then the same program to convert it back to
> text (.lyx) and copy it over the existing version when I'm done
> editing on the palm. CVS will merge things by itself.

Yeah, I was thinking about doing something with CVS, but hadn't thought it 
all the way through yet.  Glad to see that I am on the right track there.

> I'm going to write some helper apps when I need them, for now I just
> have Makefile rules to help a little with the conversions.

Makefile's would be a good way to handle the conversion for now.  But, I 
think having a set of tools, or better a "wrapper" application for this might 
be more useful.  Should be something that even I could work on once I have 
the right tools in place.

> Note that this system gives a rather messy "internal" file on the
> palm, with all the LyX commands and stuff in. It's not so bad though,
> it means you can use all the LyX features if you hunt around in the
> file for a place you used it before and copy the syntax :-)

That is the problem that I was trying to get around.  When I am writing, I 
don't really want to have all of the codes being displayed, that's the reason 
that I use LyX for writing, instead of using a TeX or LaTeX front end with 
emacs or vi.

> I don't use it to change major parts of the file, only to add things
> or make adjustments to the content; leaving the formatting pretty much
> alone until I get back home.

This is the other part for me.  I work on _lots_ of documents, and make heavy 
edits to them on a very frequent basis...  That can mean chaning the 
structure, or formatting, etc.  Or, even more so, I end up creating  a lot of 
documents.  So, the more transparent the markup is, the better for me.  

I was thinking that I can keep pretty easily to a standard template, just 
enough to mark headings and outlines, that's the major stuff that I need.  I 
don't need to do diagrams, floats or tables (well, maybe an occasional 

As I look more at things here, it seems that WordSmith uses RTF for it's 
conversion layer.  That means that with the right interface from LyX to RTF 
it should be possible to have a template that preserves the structural 
formatting.  That would make it much easier to convert back and forth between 
LyX and WordSmith.  

There are quite a few tools that do things like SGML<->RTF conversion, and 
other formats.  Will just have to investigate them some more.

But, I really, really, like the idea of using CVS to manage the files.  The 
major trick then remains to move from CVS->WordSmith and back.

Question: what software are you using to sync your HandEra under Linux?  I've 
been trying to use KPilot, but it's been a pain (doable, but a real pain).  

Thanks for the input!

// George

Re: Blatantly wishful feature request

2001-10-18 Thread George De Bruin

On Tuesday 16 October 2001 02:59, Robin Turner wrote:

> I liked the outline mode when I used to use KLyX - not an
> essential feature but a nice one.  Should be possible to
> incorporate and mordify the KLyX code, I would have thought.
> Maybe something to think about after the stable 1.2 comes out.

Okay, maybe I've missed something here not having used KLyX for very long 
(there were too many problems getting good output with it by the time I tried 
it...), however what was so special about it's outlining?  That is, how does 
it differ from the nesting feature of LyX?

I've been working on outlines using LyX by using the Section / Subsection / 
Subsubsection items along with enumerated and itemized lists.  Using these 
with the nesting features appears to do most of what I need.

However, the one ability I wouldn't mind having is 'folding' at specified 
nesting levels (ie, only seeing 2 or 3 levels of my outline, instead of 
seeing them all...)

// George

Okay, now this is an addiction....

2001-10-19 Thread George De Bruin


If some of you hadn't noticed: I've had a fairly lengthy absence from the 
mailing list.  In fact, with only a short reprise at the beginning of 
September, I hadn't been on the list since last June.  (I won't go into 
details, but some very chaotic problems / changes / etc. occured in my life 
that precluded my participation here...)

So, I wonder if the following tidbit sets any kind of a record:

I saved all of the mail from the list since last June.  I have spent the last 
two weeks reading all of it - approximately 3,000 email messages.

I think this counts as an addiction. :)  If not, maybe after I finish reading 
the other lists it will count as an addiction...:)

// George

Re: mlbibtex

2001-10-27 Thread George De Bruin

On Saturday 27 October 2001 17:15, Matej Cepl wrote:

> Has anybody seen this animal in action? What is experience with it?

Hadn't even heard of it  However a quick Google search turned up a short 
article (but no actual implementation):

// George

Re: Open Source IT Newsletter

2001-10-31 Thread George De Bruin

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 13:29, Paul Borgermans wrote:
> Is this the same?

Yup, that's it

// George

OT: Which Distro?

2001-11-03 Thread George De Bruin

Let me state up front: (a) I'm trying to start a war here, (b) please send 
all responses off-list.  I don't want to flood the list with messages on an 
off-topic subject.

That being said: I have been considering going to a different Linux 
distribution, and would like some input from the LyX list participants.

Currently I am running Mandrake 8.0, with a number of patches and updates 
installed.  I have not gone to 8.1 for reasons that there is an issue with 
devfs, which at this point, Mandrake only has a work-around for, and not a 
fix.  Given that devfs was one of the primary reasons to consider upgrading, 
I decided to hold off.  That has given me the opportunity to consider looking 
at a different distribution.

So far, there are two distributions I have considered: SuSE and Debian.  I 
have used SuSE in the past, and remember to be a very well thought out 
distribution.  I have never used Debian, but am constantly hearing good 
things about it, so I have become curious.

The only distributions I have ruled out (at least for now) are RedHat and 
Caldera.  I have RedHat at work, and don't like working with it.  Not to 
mention the issues with their choice of compiler versions to ship with the 
distro.  As for Caldera - well, do I need to say anything else? :)

So, this is how it stands:

- Madrake 8.1 (Wait for a devfs fix)
- SuSE 7.x 
- Debian

Are there any other distributions I should consider?  Why should I consider 
them in comparison to the three listed above?

More to the point, is there a distribution that stands out as being head and 
shoulders above the rest where LyX and it's associated tools are concerned?  
That is: better distribution of tex, sgml / uml / xml tools, better set of 
external tools (viewers, etc.)?

Do you compile LyX on your distro of choice?  Did you need to update any 
libraries, or pass in special parameters to get it to compile?  Any other 
conisderations in this area?

What are the developers using?  Is there any one distribution that they favor 

Please understand, LyX is a mission critical tool for me.  It only makes 
sense that any consideration I make towards changing distributions would be 
on the basis of there being a better environment for this tool.

Thanks for your time!

// George

Re: OT: Which Distro?

2001-11-04 Thread George De Bruin

On Saturday 03 November 2001 16:50, George De Bruin wrote:
> Let me state up front: (a) I'm trying to start a war here, (b) please send

And if I was proofing my own messages better, I would have made certain that 
said "...not trying to start a war..." :)

// George

Re: newbie font problem

2001-11-08 Thread George De Bruin

Hi will,

Seems like I recall having a similar problem back when I started using LyX.

Have you tried running texhash?

// George

OT: Where to ask?

2001-10-31 Thread George De Bruin


I'm in the process of trying to get the cvs to compile and install on my 
system.  So, the question is: where should I ask questions relating to making 
/ updating cvs versions?

Realize that I am a relative newbie at getting a cvs version and compiling / 
installing it.  (Oddly enough, I am pretty certain I know the answer to the 
first issue that I have run into... However, I am sure there are likely to be 
others that I won't know the answer to...)

// George

Open Source IT Newsletter

2001-10-29 Thread George De Bruin

The coming up section from the Open Source IT Newsletter:


 * .comment with Dennis Powell
 * Linux From Scratch
 * Word to the Wise: LyX: The Document Processor


I can't wait to read Brian's review!

// George

Re: Open Source IT Newsletter

2001-10-29 Thread George De Bruin

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 06:57, you wrote:

> Thanks George ...
> but ahh .,.. what's their url?

Hi Fred,

Whoops - I should have been a bit more clear.  The article isn't published 
yet...  That's a teaser for it.  When it's actually online I'll post the URL.

// George

> regards
> Fred
> George De Bruin wrote:
> > The coming up section from the Open Source IT Newsletter:
> >
> >
> >  * .comment with Dennis Powell
> >  * Linux From Scratch
> >  * Word to the Wise: LyX: The Document Processor
> >
> > -
> >
> > I can't wait to read Brian's review!
> >
> > // George

LyX/KLyX Assistance

1999-07-07 Thread George De Bruin

I have run into a problem that I am not certain where to turn for help to...
Although so far, I can say that I have not been able to find the information
that I need to solve the problem.  Being only recently acquainted with

The problems appear to be multi-fold:

- In KLyX the Preview / Print and Fax items on the File menu cannot be
- In KLyX if I try to export a file as DVI, I recieve a message about there not
being a log file.
- However, I can export to a LaTeX file, then create a DVI from a shell prompt.

- Separate (but semi-related issue) once I have created a DVI, I can view it
with XDVI, but cannot view it with KDVI.

It seems kind of obvious here that something isn't set up properly in KLyX, but
I am not certain what it is.  I do know that KLyX is installed in the
/opt/kde/bin directory, and teTeX is installed in /op/teTex.

Can someone tell me what I might be missing here?  (I have the feeling that it
should be something extremely simple.)  If not, could someone possibly direct
me to someplace that I could get detailed information on how to go about
tracking down the problem, and what to do to resolve it.  (I looked at the KLyX
Configuration documentation, but was confused by it at best...again, I guess I
am just a little too knew with this...)

Thanks in advance for any assistance