Re: We need documentation on using layouts in documents

2008-06-09 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 8 Jun 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

In the 7 years I've used LyX, every book had its own layout, and every 
single time, I spent hours tweaking around trying to get my layout 
visible to the document so that I could use my specialized document 

Hi Steve,

Just to be clear on the basic issues here so that we don't misuse the 
terminology. I also hope this will enlighten other readers on this list.

When you refer to the layout of the book, you mean the layout of printed 
copy. At the end of the day, when LaTeX is building the document, this is 
controlled by choosing the LaTeX document class (*.cls), using different 
LaTeX style files (*.sty) and generally tweaking the document's preamble.

When I want to the control the appearance of the printed copy, I usually 
proceed as follows:

* Select an already existing LyX document layout (*.layout)
* Modify the document settings through dialogs
* Tweak the document's LaTeX preamble by including LaTeX style files
  (*.sty) and adding some LaTeX statements.
* Insert some LaTeX code directly into the LyX document through ERT
  (Evil Red Text)

However, if I've understood you correctly, you do it slightly differently.
Instead of modifying the document to produce the desired appearance, you 
create a new LyX layout file (*.layout) which contains as much as possible 
of the LaTeX code. In other words, you make the .layout file select the 
correct LaTeX document class through the statement

# \DeclareLaTeXClass...
and you use the .layout-file to insert LaTeX code into the document's 
preamble. And of course to include LaTeX style files (*.sty).

Is this the core of it?

Your approach certainly makes sense if you intend to produce several 
documents with the same printed layout, but I'm less convinced if it is 
for a single book?  What is it that you gain by creating a specific 
LyX layout in this case?

After I've now hopefully gotten the background right, here's how you 
describe what you do.

What I typically do is:

1) Make the layout file
2) ln -s /bookdir/mybook.layout /home/slitt/.lyx/layouts/mybook.layout
3) Doublecheck the line that says #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{mybook}, make
sure it matches the filenames.
4) lyx
5) tools-reconfigure
6) exit lyx
7) lyx mybook.lyx

It never shows document class mybook, until I turkey around for hours to 
get it to work.

I don't understand this... are you saying you often have problem making 
LyX find your .layout file?

We need documentation on exactly what to do, and how to troubleshoot 
layouts/document classes.

I agree, but you're probably the expert on creating customized LyX layouts 
;-)  So what do you suggest?  What kind of documentation is needed?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: We need documentation on using layouts in documents

2008-06-09 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 8 Jun 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

In the 7 years I've used LyX, every book had its own layout, and every 
single time, I spent hours tweaking around trying to get my layout 
visible to the document so that I could use my specialized document 

Hi Steve,

Just to be clear on the basic issues here so that we don't misuse the 
terminology. I also hope this will enlighten other readers on this list.

When you refer to the layout of the book, you mean the layout of printed 
copy. At the end of the day, when LaTeX is building the document, this is 
controlled by choosing the LaTeX document class (*.cls), using different 
LaTeX style files (*.sty) and generally tweaking the document's preamble.

When I want to the control the appearance of the printed copy, I usually 
proceed as follows:

* Select an already existing LyX document layout (*.layout)
* Modify the document settings through dialogs
* Tweak the document's LaTeX preamble by including LaTeX style files
  (*.sty) and adding some LaTeX statements.
* Insert some LaTeX code directly into the LyX document through ERT
  (Evil Red Text)

However, if I've understood you correctly, you do it slightly differently.
Instead of modifying the document to produce the desired appearance, you 
create a new LyX layout file (*.layout) which contains as much as possible 
of the LaTeX code. In other words, you make the .layout file select the 
correct LaTeX document class through the statement

# \DeclareLaTeXClass...
and you use the .layout-file to insert LaTeX code into the document's 
preamble. And of course to include LaTeX style files (*.sty).

Is this the core of it?

Your approach certainly makes sense if you intend to produce several 
documents with the same printed layout, but I'm less convinced if it is 
for a single book?  What is it that you gain by creating a specific 
LyX layout in this case?

After I've now hopefully gotten the background right, here's how you 
describe what you do.

What I typically do is:

1) Make the layout file
2) ln -s /bookdir/mybook.layout /home/slitt/.lyx/layouts/mybook.layout
3) Doublecheck the line that says #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{mybook}, make
sure it matches the filenames.
4) lyx
5) tools-reconfigure
6) exit lyx
7) lyx mybook.lyx

It never shows document class mybook, until I turkey around for hours to 
get it to work.

I don't understand this... are you saying you often have problem making 
LyX find your .layout file?

We need documentation on exactly what to do, and how to troubleshoot 
layouts/document classes.

I agree, but you're probably the expert on creating customized LyX layouts 
;-)  So what do you suggest?  What kind of documentation is needed?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: We need documentation on using layouts in documents

2008-06-09 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 8 Jun 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

In the 7 years I've used LyX, every book had its own layout, and every 
single time, I spent hours tweaking around trying to get my layout 
visible to the document so that I could use my specialized document 

Hi Steve,

Just to be clear on the basic issues here so that we don't misuse the 
terminology. I also hope this will enlighten other readers on this list.

When you refer to the layout of the book, you mean the layout of printed 
copy. At the end of the day, when LaTeX is building the document, this is 
controlled by choosing the LaTeX document class (*.cls), using different 
LaTeX style files (*.sty) and generally tweaking the document's preamble.

When I want to the control the appearance of the printed copy, I usually 
proceed as follows:

* Select an already existing LyX document layout (*.layout)
* Modify the document settings through dialogs
* Tweak the document's LaTeX preamble by including LaTeX style files
  (*.sty) and adding some LaTeX statements.
* Insert some LaTeX code directly into the LyX document through ERT
  (Evil Red Text)

However, if I've understood you correctly, you do it slightly differently.
Instead of modifying the document to produce the desired appearance, you 
create a new LyX layout file (*.layout) which contains as much as possible 
of the LaTeX code. In other words, you make the .layout file select the 
correct LaTeX document class through the statement

# \DeclareLaTeXClass...
and you use the .layout-file to insert LaTeX code into the document's 
preamble. And of course to include LaTeX style files (*.sty).

Is this the core of it?

Your approach certainly makes sense if you intend to produce several 
documents with the same printed layout, but I'm less convinced if it is 
for a single book?  What is it that you gain by creating a specific 
LyX layout in this case?

After I've now hopefully gotten the background right, here's how you 
describe what you do.

What I typically do is:

1) Make the layout file
2) ln -s /bookdir/mybook.layout /home/slitt/.lyx/layouts/mybook.layout
3) Doublecheck the line that says #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{mybook}, make
sure it matches the filenames.
4) lyx
5) tools->reconfigure
6) exit lyx
7) lyx mybook.lyx

It never shows document class mybook, until I turkey around for hours to 
get it to work.

I don't understand this... are you saying you often have problem making 
LyX find your .layout file?

We need documentation on exactly what to do, and how to troubleshoot 
layouts/document classes.

I agree, but you're probably the expert on creating customized LyX layouts 
;-)  So what do you suggest?  What kind of documentation is needed?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx-users mail server error

2008-05-30 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 29 May 2008, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

I am trying to attach a example lyx file to ask a question.  But my 
messages keep getting rejected with the error below.  The example file 
is only 98K. Thanks.

Please consider making a way smaller example.

I agree. Please make the example much smaller. In fact, make it so small 
that it only contains precisely what you need to illustrate your problem.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx-users mail server error

2008-05-30 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 29 May 2008, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

I am trying to attach a example lyx file to ask a question.  But my 
messages keep getting rejected with the error below.  The example file 
is only 98K. Thanks.

Please consider making a way smaller example.

I agree. Please make the example much smaller. In fact, make it so small 
that it only contains precisely what you need to illustrate your problem.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx-users mail server error

2008-05-30 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 29 May 2008, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

I am trying to attach a example lyx file to ask a question.  But my 
messages keep getting rejected with the error below.  The example file 
is only 98K. Thanks.

Please consider making a way smaller example.

I agree. Please make the example much smaller. In fact, make it so small 
that it only contains precisely what you need to illustrate your problem.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Using a network printer

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008, Helge Hafting wrote:

Some people have lpr instead of lp, consider replacing lp then. 
Cups (in debian: the package cupsys-client) provides a lp binary that 
lyx can use. This will print to whatever printer cups considers default.

In case it helps someone else, it turns out that in my Ubuntu 
installation, directing printing to 'lpr' or 'lp' helped, as that routed 
the output to the default printing.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

LyX 1.5.5 under Ubuntu does not find LaTeX packages

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom


I've downloaded LyX 1.5.5 and built it in a local directory. Then I run


and try to do a reconfigure. The result is a message about:

The system reconfiguration has failed.
Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
Please reconfigure again if needed.

This means LyX is unable to find the class files and style files it was 
looking for. My question is how I should set the proper paths to the latex 
installation when I'm using Ubuntu. (I'm not able to getit to work using 
TEXINPUTS, but I'm very rusty at this).

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Packages required under Linux

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

Some recent threads raised this question. It's indeed one thing that did 
puzzle me under Linux (Ubuntu), especially when compared to a Windows 

Thanks, this helped me - now Lyx no longer complains after a recompile, 
and many of the classes are available. I've written some notes on this 

own list of useful packages. I could post it here if someone asks, or 
maybe it could go to the Wiki page Peleg Michaeli has started.

Please add it to the wiki page, I'd certainly appreciate it!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Using a network printer

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008, Helge Hafting wrote:

Some people have lpr instead of lp, consider replacing lp then. 
Cups (in debian: the package cupsys-client) provides a lp binary that 
lyx can use. This will print to whatever printer cups considers default.

In case it helps someone else, it turns out that in my Ubuntu 
installation, directing printing to 'lpr' or 'lp' helped, as that routed 
the output to the default printing.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

LyX 1.5.5 under Ubuntu does not find LaTeX packages

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom


I've downloaded LyX 1.5.5 and built it in a local directory. Then I run


and try to do a reconfigure. The result is a message about:

The system reconfiguration has failed.
Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
Please reconfigure again if needed.

This means LyX is unable to find the class files and style files it was 
looking for. My question is how I should set the proper paths to the latex 
installation when I'm using Ubuntu. (I'm not able to getit to work using 
TEXINPUTS, but I'm very rusty at this).

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Packages required under Linux

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

Some recent threads raised this question. It's indeed one thing that did 
puzzle me under Linux (Ubuntu), especially when compared to a Windows 

Thanks, this helped me - now Lyx no longer complains after a recompile, 
and many of the classes are available. I've written some notes on this 

own list of useful packages. I could post it here if someone asks, or 
maybe it could go to the Wiki page Peleg Michaeli has started.

Please add it to the wiki page, I'd certainly appreciate it!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Using a network printer

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008, Helge Hafting wrote:

Some people have "lpr" instead of "lp", consider replacing "lp" then. 
Cups (in debian: the package cupsys-client) provides a "lp" binary that 
lyx can use. This will print to whatever printer cups considers default.

In case it helps someone else, it turns out that in my Ubuntu 
installation, directing printing to 'lpr' or 'lp' helped, as that routed 
the output to the default printing.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

LyX 1.5.5 under Ubuntu does not find LaTeX packages

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom


I've downloaded LyX 1.5.5 and built it in a local directory. Then I run


and try to do a reconfigure. The result is a message about:

The system reconfiguration has failed.
Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
Please reconfigure again if needed.

This means LyX is unable to find the class files and style files it was 
looking for. My question is how I should set the proper paths to the latex 
installation when I'm using Ubuntu. (I'm not able to getit to work using 
TEXINPUTS, but I'm very rusty at this).

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Packages required under Linux

2008-05-15 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

Some recent threads raised this question. It's indeed one thing that did 
puzzle me under Linux (Ubuntu), especially when compared to a Windows 

Thanks, this helped me - now Lyx no longer complains after a recompile, 
and many of the classes are available. I've written some notes on this 

own list of useful packages. I could post it here if someone asks, or 
maybe it could go to the Wiki page Peleg Michaeli has started.

Please add it to the wiki page, I'd certainly appreciate it!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx test site not found

2008-04-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Siegfried MEUNIER-GUTTIN-CLUZEL schrieb:

 I receive a lot of messages with [LyX] recent notify posts as
 subject, but when I try to go to the site ( e.g. ), I have an error : The
 requested URL /test/Web.AboutLyX was not found on this server.

You find the websites here:

I don't know why there is the /test/ in the notify posts.


Thanks for letting us know, I've fixed this now (I hope)


regards Uwe

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx test site not found

2008-04-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Siegfried MEUNIER-GUTTIN-CLUZEL schrieb:

 I receive a lot of messages with [LyX] recent notify posts as
 subject, but when I try to go to the site ( e.g. ), I have an error : The
 requested URL /test/Web.AboutLyX was not found on this server.

You find the websites here:

I don't know why there is the /test/ in the notify posts.


Thanks for letting us know, I've fixed this now (I hope)


regards Uwe

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx test site not found

2008-04-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Siegfried MEUNIER-GUTTIN-CLUZEL schrieb:

 I receive a lot of messages with "[LyX] recent notify posts" as
 subject, but when I try to go to the site ( e.g. ), I have an error : "The
 requested URL /test/Web.AboutLyX was not found on this server."

You find the websites here:

I don't know why there is the "/test/" in the notify posts.


Thanks for letting us know, I've fixed this now (I hope)


regards Uwe

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: romanizing references

2008-04-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Ernesto Posse schrieb:

 Hi. Is there a way to make references into roman numerals?

Oh, I'm so disappointed... I read it as _romanticizing_ references..

- To view or interpret romantically; make romantic.
- To think in a romantic way.



Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: romanizing references

2008-04-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Ernesto Posse schrieb:

 Hi. Is there a way to make references into roman numerals?

Oh, I'm so disappointed... I read it as _romanticizing_ references..

- To view or interpret romantically; make romantic.
- To think in a romantic way.



Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: romanizing references

2008-04-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Ernesto Posse schrieb:

 Hi. Is there a way to make references into roman numerals?

Oh, I'm so disappointed... I read it as _romanticizing_ references..

- To view or interpret romantically; make romantic.
- To think in a romantic way.



Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

The wiki now blocks 'href' as a word

2008-04-12 Thread christian . ridderstrom


To prevent spam, I configured the wiki to block 'href' through the regular 


which should match 'href' as a separate word. I hope this will stop stupid 
spam bots that try to instert HTML links. Words that _contain_ 'href' 
should still be allowed.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

The wiki now blocks 'href' as a word

2008-04-12 Thread christian . ridderstrom


To prevent spam, I configured the wiki to block 'href' through the regular 


which should match 'href' as a separate word. I hope this will stop stupid 
spam bots that try to instert HTML links. Words that _contain_ 'href' 
should still be allowed.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

The wiki now blocks 'href' as a word

2008-04-12 Thread christian . ridderstrom


To prevent spam, I configured the wiki to block 'href' through the regular 


which should match 'href' as a separate word. I hope this will stop stupid 
spam bots that try to instert HTML links. Words that _contain_ 'href' 
should still be allowed.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: multiplatform vector drawing program to use

2008-04-08 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Alan G Isaac wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard apparently wrote:
  I strongly recommend PSTricks.

 Don't forget about tikz, which is more than enough
 for most users but it more portable.  (E.g., it can
 be used with pdftex.)

I created a wiki page

where you can list the software. For now I've basically only added a link 
to this thread.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: multiplatform vector drawing program to use

2008-04-08 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Alan G Isaac wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard apparently wrote:
  I strongly recommend PSTricks.

 Don't forget about tikz, which is more than enough
 for most users but it more portable.  (E.g., it can
 be used with pdftex.)

I created a wiki page

where you can list the software. For now I've basically only added a link 
to this thread.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: multiplatform vector drawing program to use

2008-04-08 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Alan G Isaac wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard apparently wrote:
>  I strongly recommend PSTricks.

 Don't forget about tikz, which is more than enough
 for most users but it more portable.  (E.g., it can
 be used with pdftex.)

I created a wiki page

where you can list the software. For now I've basically only added a link 
to this thread.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 temporarily down (renamed..)

2008-04-06 Thread christian . ridderstrom


I've renamed all wiki pages from e.g.

Main.HomePage   - Web.HomePage

this means that the URI


no longer works, as it is automatically mapped to

You can however access the lyx web pages through

Jean-Marc, could you modify


so that the line

  AliasMatch ^/test/([?A-Z].*) /home/lyx/www/www-user/test/index.php/Main/$1

instead reads

  AliasMatch ^/test/([?A-Z].*) /home/lyx/www/www-user/test/index.php/Web/$1


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 temporarily down (renamed..)

2008-04-06 Thread christian . ridderstrom


I've renamed all wiki pages from e.g.

Main.HomePage   - Web.HomePage

this means that the URI


no longer works, as it is automatically mapped to

You can however access the lyx web pages through

Jean-Marc, could you modify


so that the line

  AliasMatch ^/test/([?A-Z].*) /home/lyx/www/www-user/test/index.php/Main/$1

instead reads

  AliasMatch ^/test/([?A-Z].*) /home/lyx/www/www-user/test/index.php/Web/$1


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 temporarily down (renamed..)

2008-04-06 Thread christian . ridderstrom


I've renamed all wiki pages from e.g.

Main.HomePage   -> Web.HomePage

this means that the URI


no longer works, as it is automatically mapped to

You can however access the lyx web pages through

Jean-Marc, could you modify


so that the line

  AliasMatch ^/test/([?A-Z].*) /home/lyx/www/www-user/test/index.php/Main/$1

instead reads

  AliasMatch ^/test/([?A-Z].*) /home/lyx/www/www-user/test/index.php/Web/$1


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 to the URI. We do not need to restrict ourselve to one skin only.

We really should not have multiple designs for our web site. One 
official skin is enough.

I don't see why not, especially as the current site has two slightly 
different skins. You could of course argue that these are the same from a 
point of view of appearance, they just offer different functionality and 

 However, in practie we'll probably only fully support one skin. As for
 what design to use for the official web site, I can't say I've seen a
 consensus (yet) of what design to use. I'm a design illiterate, so
 I'm just waiting for consensus to arrive, and saying that what we have
 is good enough.

As I understand it, the consensus is that the current design is much 
better than before and that we will continue to improve it if we receive 
more feedback / suggestions. Is that right Rex / Andrei?

The current design is a _huge_ improvement, and I really like the work 
you (Joost) have done. However, this is all voluntary work and we may 
develop what we like, so I think it's up to Rex/Andrei to decide if they'd 
like to try to make a different design.

I don't see the need for hurrying either, I'd like to take the current 
test site and turn into the live one shortly. Once that's done, it'll be 
perfectly safe to try an alternative design on the previous test site.

-- appearance of wiki v.s. web site

Yes, they are different. But I think the design should still be somewhat 

In terms of colours and general appearance for sure, but in terms of page 
layout I think they probably _have_ to be different. The web pages have 
the following elements:

* Logotype
* top area (with just the page name and a login link)
* sidebar
* main area

The current wiki OTOH in addition has:
* Search field
* A more complicated sidebar
* Drop down list to go to a page
* A 'wiki trail' at the top (it should go into some separate area on the
* A list of categories the page belongs to (should also go to a separate
* A footer with various links in it

Other wiki skins use things that we may want as well:
* three column layout
* a little area that indicates _where_ in the wiki you currently are
  I like this, see e.g.
* 'tab'-thingys for edit/view/print/etc, see e.g.

The list goes on, and there's plenty to look at here:

However, I agree that we should not start changing the wiki before the web 
pages have gone live, _and_ have been stable for a while.  (I simply don't 
have time for it).

Best regards

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, G. Milde wrote:

 Rather that there are bosses believing that if you have fun at work you
 are not seriously working. I.e. once they see the platypus on your

 However, if you're actually using LyX to prepare documents there is no 
platypus visible. It's not on the splash screen, not on the frame, ... 
only on the Web site. IMNSHO, this is a non-issue.

I doubt the desktop icon is a problem, but the appearance of the web site 
might be (depending if your boss would manage to find the site on his 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates, 3d pages graphic, logo ideas

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

The 'pages' are nice. However, I don't like the logo. Too far away from 
the current one...

The 'pages' do look nice, but how are they to be used? In a splash screen?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 to the URI. We do not need to restrict ourselve to one skin only.

We really should not have multiple designs for our web site. One 
official skin is enough.

I don't see why not, especially as the current site has two slightly 
different skins. You could of course argue that these are the same from a 
point of view of appearance, they just offer different functionality and 

 However, in practie we'll probably only fully support one skin. As for
 what design to use for the official web site, I can't say I've seen a
 consensus (yet) of what design to use. I'm a design illiterate, so
 I'm just waiting for consensus to arrive, and saying that what we have
 is good enough.

As I understand it, the consensus is that the current design is much 
better than before and that we will continue to improve it if we receive 
more feedback / suggestions. Is that right Rex / Andrei?

The current design is a _huge_ improvement, and I really like the work 
you (Joost) have done. However, this is all voluntary work and we may 
develop what we like, so I think it's up to Rex/Andrei to decide if they'd 
like to try to make a different design.

I don't see the need for hurrying either, I'd like to take the current 
test site and turn into the live one shortly. Once that's done, it'll be 
perfectly safe to try an alternative design on the previous test site.

-- appearance of wiki v.s. web site

Yes, they are different. But I think the design should still be somewhat 

In terms of colours and general appearance for sure, but in terms of page 
layout I think they probably _have_ to be different. The web pages have 
the following elements:

* Logotype
* top area (with just the page name and a login link)
* sidebar
* main area

The current wiki OTOH in addition has:
* Search field
* A more complicated sidebar
* Drop down list to go to a page
* A 'wiki trail' at the top (it should go into some separate area on the
* A list of categories the page belongs to (should also go to a separate
* A footer with various links in it

Other wiki skins use things that we may want as well:
* three column layout
* a little area that indicates _where_ in the wiki you currently are
  I like this, see e.g.
* 'tab'-thingys for edit/view/print/etc, see e.g.

The list goes on, and there's plenty to look at here:

However, I agree that we should not start changing the wiki before the web 
pages have gone live, _and_ have been stable for a while.  (I simply don't 
have time for it).

Best regards

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, G. Milde wrote:

 Rather that there are bosses believing that if you have fun at work you
 are not seriously working. I.e. once they see the platypus on your

 However, if you're actually using LyX to prepare documents there is no 
platypus visible. It's not on the splash screen, not on the frame, ... 
only on the Web site. IMNSHO, this is a non-issue.

I doubt the desktop icon is a problem, but the appearance of the web site 
might be (depending if your boss would manage to find the site on his 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates, 3d pages graphic, logo ideas

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

The 'pages' are nice. However, I don't like the logo. Too far away from 
the current one...

The 'pages' do look nice, but how are they to be used? In a splash screen?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 to the URI. We do not need to restrict ourselve to one skin only.

We really should not have multiple designs for our web site. One 
official skin is enough.

I don't see why not, especially as the current site has two slightly 
different skins. You could of course argue that these are the same from a 
point of view of appearance, they just offer different functionality and 

 However, in practie we'll probably only fully support one skin. As for
 what design to use for the official web site, I can't say I've seen a
 consensus (yet) of what design to use. I'm a "design illiterate", so
 I'm just waiting for consensus to arrive, and saying that what we have
 is "good enough".

As I understand it, the consensus is that the current design is much 
better than before and that we will continue to improve it if we receive 
more feedback / suggestions. Is that right Rex / Andrei?

The current design is a _huge_ improvement, and I really like the work 
you (Joost) have done. However, this is all voluntary work and we may 
develop what we like, so I think it's up to Rex/Andrei to decide if they'd 
like to try to make a different design.

I don't see the need for hurrying either, I'd like to take the current 
test site and turn into the live one shortly. Once that's done, it'll be 
perfectly safe to try an alternative design on the previous test site.

-- appearance of wiki v.s. web site

Yes, they are different. But I think the design should still be somewhat 

In terms of colours and general appearance for sure, but in terms of page 
layout I think they probably _have_ to be different. The web pages have 
the following elements:

* Logotype
* top area (with just the page name and a login link)
* sidebar
* main area

The current wiki OTOH in addition has:
* Search field
* A more complicated sidebar
* Drop down list to go to a page
* A 'wiki trail' at the top (it should go into some separate area on the
* A list of categories the page belongs to (should also go to a separate
* A footer with various links in it

Other wiki skins use things that we may want as well:
* three column layout
* a little area that indicates _where_ in the wiki you currently are
  I like this, see e.g.
* 'tab'-thingys for edit/view/print/etc, see e.g.

The list goes on, and there's plenty to look at here:

However, I agree that we should not start changing the wiki before the web 
pages have gone live, _and_ have been stable for a while.  (I simply don't 
have time for it).

Best regards

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, G. Milde wrote:

 Rather that there are bosses believing that if you have fun at work you
 are not seriously working. I.e. once they see the platypus on your

 However, if you're actually using LyX to prepare documents there is no 
platypus visible. It's not on the splash screen, not on the frame, ... 
only on the Web site. IMNSHO, this is a non-issue.

I doubt the desktop icon is a problem, but the appearance of the web site 
might be (depending if your boss would manage to find the site on his 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates, 3d pages graphic, logo ideas

2008-04-01 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

The 'pages' are nice. However, I don't like the logo. Too far away from 
the current one...

The 'pages' do look nice, but how are they to be used? In a splash screen?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, G. Milde wrote:

About the logo, her reaction to the current logo were along the 
following lines (I have to translate):

* toys, playground, childish

For me, this are co-notations of

 * funny


* home made

The problem I see with these associations is getting an acceptance at for 
work these applications. If the boss thinks it's not serious, he might 
object to the application being used for company documents...

Maybe we need a separate logotype for bosses... :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:

 Thanks for your input, everyone. On second thought, it might be best
 to just stick with the template we have now, since Joost and Christian
 have put a lot of work into getting it to work right. I think the
 current template looks really good.

Speaking for myself, I'll certainly be happy to install Andrei's 
suggestions as 'skins' on the site!

About skins, I'd love a new skin for (hint, hint), but please 
note that it should _not_ be the same as for (See discussion 
on the devel list).

Best regards,

PS. Seriously, I would like to try and install Andrei's work. Andrei, you 
can contact me off-list so we can work out details.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Removal from mailing list

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom from this mailing list. Your email exchanges about
Lyx, while informative, are clogging up our inboxes.

Greetings Nicholas,

The information contained in this email and any attachment is
confidential. It is intended only for the named addressee(s). If
you are not the named addressee(s) please notify the sender
immediately and do not disclose, copy or distribute the contents to
any other person other than the intended addressee(s)

As noted by Andre', I assume I must also notify you that I'm not a named 
addressee! (It was fun spelling addressee... I don't I've done that 
before). However, as I see no legal restriction in answering your 
question, oh... wait... if I answer I would be disclosing contents..

However, you can easily find the solution by googling...  my first hits 
were relevant. In addition, I believe the answer you seek is available 
with each e-mail you recieve... oops, that mean _this_ email contains the 
answer. My apologies for not abiding your notice of confidentiality!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 PS. Seriously, I would like to try and install Andrei's work. Andrei,
 you can contact me off-list so we can work out details.

These are just a few example of open-source templates, it's not new 

I know. I mean that if Andrei wants to create a template, I'll install it 
for testing on either the web site or the wiki site. I believe that if he 
invests time in creating a design, I think we owe him to give it a proper 
test, i.e.  in context. Then people can give their opinion, and ideally 
we'll merge the best features of the designs. (In a theoretical world with 
the needed resources etc etc).

For the new official website it's we'll continue improving the current 

Please note that users can choose their own skin by simply appending


to the URI. We do not need to restrict ourselve to one skin only.

However, in practie we'll probably only fully support one skin. As for 
what design to use for the official web site, I can't say I've seen a 
consensus (yet) of what design to use. I'm a design illiterate, so I'm 
just waiting for consensus to arrive, and saying that what we have is 
good enough.

Naturally I think the current design is _much_ better than before! 
However, if Andrei wants to make a design I'll install it so that we can 
compare them.

For the wiki I think it's the best option to either improve the standard 
Pmwiki skin or to use another Pmwiki skin and customize it. It should be 
a simple and flexible design because of the various types of content in 
the wiki.

I liked the nautica thing as a candidate for the wiki, the standard pmwiki 
skin is _ugly_ (and what we have today). I think simulating 'tabs' might 
be a good metaphor for the aspects with which a page can appear, e.g. 
'view', 'edit', 'history'.

However, it is probably easier to finish the official site first and 
then start working on the wiki. Then the wiki design can be adjusted to 
the final design of the official site.

Perhaps... I think they are _very_ different beasts, and that they 
therefore will benefit from designs/layouts that are different.  Just as a 
simple example, a search field is very important for a wiki, but less so 
for the official web site. The wiki needs much for methods or 
functions compared to a regular web site.

As with the web site, we can of course install different skins. Having a 
'standard' skin and an 'advanced' skin could be a good idea.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, G. Milde wrote:

About the logo, her reaction to the current logo were along the 
following lines (I have to translate):

* toys, playground, childish

For me, this are co-notations of

 * funny


* home made

The problem I see with these associations is getting an acceptance at for 
work these applications. If the boss thinks it's not serious, he might 
object to the application being used for company documents...

Maybe we need a separate logotype for bosses... :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:

 Thanks for your input, everyone. On second thought, it might be best
 to just stick with the template we have now, since Joost and Christian
 have put a lot of work into getting it to work right. I think the
 current template looks really good.

Speaking for myself, I'll certainly be happy to install Andrei's 
suggestions as 'skins' on the site!

About skins, I'd love a new skin for (hint, hint), but please 
note that it should _not_ be the same as for (See discussion 
on the devel list).

Best regards,

PS. Seriously, I would like to try and install Andrei's work. Andrei, you 
can contact me off-list so we can work out details.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Removal from mailing list

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom from this mailing list. Your email exchanges about
Lyx, while informative, are clogging up our inboxes.

Greetings Nicholas,

The information contained in this email and any attachment is
confidential. It is intended only for the named addressee(s). If
you are not the named addressee(s) please notify the sender
immediately and do not disclose, copy or distribute the contents to
any other person other than the intended addressee(s)

As noted by Andre', I assume I must also notify you that I'm not a named 
addressee! (It was fun spelling addressee... I don't I've done that 
before). However, as I see no legal restriction in answering your 
question, oh... wait... if I answer I would be disclosing contents..

However, you can easily find the solution by googling...  my first hits 
were relevant. In addition, I believe the answer you seek is available 
with each e-mail you recieve... oops, that mean _this_ email contains the 
answer. My apologies for not abiding your notice of confidentiality!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 PS. Seriously, I would like to try and install Andrei's work. Andrei,
 you can contact me off-list so we can work out details.

These are just a few example of open-source templates, it's not new 

I know. I mean that if Andrei wants to create a template, I'll install it 
for testing on either the web site or the wiki site. I believe that if he 
invests time in creating a design, I think we owe him to give it a proper 
test, i.e.  in context. Then people can give their opinion, and ideally 
we'll merge the best features of the designs. (In a theoretical world with 
the needed resources etc etc).

For the new official website it's we'll continue improving the current 

Please note that users can choose their own skin by simply appending


to the URI. We do not need to restrict ourselve to one skin only.

However, in practie we'll probably only fully support one skin. As for 
what design to use for the official web site, I can't say I've seen a 
consensus (yet) of what design to use. I'm a design illiterate, so I'm 
just waiting for consensus to arrive, and saying that what we have is 
good enough.

Naturally I think the current design is _much_ better than before! 
However, if Andrei wants to make a design I'll install it so that we can 
compare them.

For the wiki I think it's the best option to either improve the standard 
Pmwiki skin or to use another Pmwiki skin and customize it. It should be 
a simple and flexible design because of the various types of content in 
the wiki.

I liked the nautica thing as a candidate for the wiki, the standard pmwiki 
skin is _ugly_ (and what we have today). I think simulating 'tabs' might 
be a good metaphor for the aspects with which a page can appear, e.g. 
'view', 'edit', 'history'.

However, it is probably easier to finish the official site first and 
then start working on the wiki. Then the wiki design can be adjusted to 
the final design of the official site.

Perhaps... I think they are _very_ different beasts, and that they 
therefore will benefit from designs/layouts that are different.  Just as a 
simple example, a search field is very important for a wiki, but less so 
for the official web site. The wiki needs much for methods or 
functions compared to a regular web site.

As with the web site, we can of course install different skins. Having a 
'standard' skin and an 'advanced' skin could be a good idea.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, G. Milde wrote:

About the logo, her reaction to the current logo were along the 
following lines (I have to translate):

* toys, playground, childish

For me, this are co-notations of

 * funny

* home made

The problem I see with these associations is getting an acceptance at for 
work these applications. If the boss thinks it's not serious, he might 
object to the application being used for company documents...

Maybe we need a separate logotype for bosses... :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:

 Thanks for your input, everyone. On second thought, it might be best
 to just stick with the template we have now, since Joost and Christian
 have put a lot of work into getting it to work right. I think the
 current template looks really good.

Speaking for myself, I'll certainly be happy to install Andrei's 
suggestions as 'skins' on the site!

About skins, I'd love a new skin for (hint, hint), but please 
note that it should _not_ be the same as for (See discussion 
on the devel list).

Best regards,

PS. Seriously, I would like to try and install Andrei's work. Andrei, you 
can contact me off-list so we can work out details.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Removal from mailing list

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom from this mailing list. Your email exchanges about
Lyx, while informative, are clogging up our inboxes.

Greetings Nicholas,

The information contained in this email and any attachment is
confidential. It is intended only for the named addressee(s). If
you are not the named addressee(s) please notify the sender
immediately and do not disclose, copy or distribute the contents to
any other person other than the intended addressee(s)

As noted by Andre', I assume I must also notify you that I'm not a named 
addressee! (It was fun spelling addressee... I don't I've done that 
before). However, as I see no legal restriction in answering your 
question, oh... wait... if I answer I would be disclosing contents..

However, you can easily find the solution by googling...  my first hits 
were relevant. In addition, I believe the answer you seek is available 
with each e-mail you recieve... oops, that mean _this_ email contains the 
answer. My apologies for not abiding your notice of confidentiality!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 PS. Seriously, I would like to try and install Andrei's work. Andrei,
 you can contact me off-list so we can work out details.

These are just a few example of open-source templates, it's not new 

I know. I mean that if Andrei wants to create a template, I'll install it 
for testing on either the web site or the wiki site. I believe that if he 
invests time in creating a design, I think we owe him to give it a proper 
test, i.e.  in context. Then people can give their opinion, and ideally 
we'll merge the best features of the designs. (In a theoretical world with 
the needed resources etc etc).

For the new official website it's we'll continue improving the current 

Please note that users can choose their own skin by simply appending


to the URI. We do not need to restrict ourselve to one skin only.

However, in practie we'll probably only fully support one skin. As for 
what design to use for the official web site, I can't say I've seen a 
consensus (yet) of what design to use. I'm a "design illiterate", so I'm 
just waiting for consensus to arrive, and saying that what we have is 
"good enough".

Naturally I think the current design is _much_ better than before! 
However, if Andrei wants to make a design I'll install it so that we can 
compare them.

For the wiki I think it's the best option to either improve the standard 
Pmwiki skin or to use another Pmwiki skin and customize it. It should be 
a simple and flexible design because of the various types of content in 
the wiki.

I liked the nautica thing as a candidate for the wiki, the standard pmwiki 
skin is _ugly_ (and what we have today). I think simulating 'tabs' might 
be a good metaphor for the aspects with which a page can appear, e.g. 
'view', 'edit', 'history'.

However, it is probably easier to finish the official site first and 
then start working on the wiki. Then the wiki design can be adjusted to 
the final design of the official site.

Perhaps... I think they are _very_ different beasts, and that they 
therefore will benefit from designs/layouts that are different.  Just as a 
simple example, a search field is very important for a wiki, but less so 
for the official web site. The wiki needs much for "methods" or 
"functions" compared to a regular web site.

As with the web site, we can of course install different skins. Having a 
'standard' skin and an 'advanced' skin could be a good idea.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Introduction text of the wiki (Was: Website re-design ideas)

2008-03-29 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 the very first page that is shown when you go to 

I think it should be a kind of portal page that point people to the 
right group of wiki pages, preferably with a picture/icon for each group 
to make it easier to navigate and to understand the content.

I hope I solved, at least for now, by changing the destination of the 
default page. Now it no longer points to LyX.Welcome, but to LyX.LyX, 
which is more like the portal page you described.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-29 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Mael Hilléreau wrote:

I agree, I like all of them!

What about a real platypus?


It could work, but maybe the logotype should be there as well, making the 
connection stronger.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Introduction text of the wiki (Was: Website re-design ideas)

2008-03-29 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 the very first page that is shown when you go to 

I think it should be a kind of portal page that point people to the 
right group of wiki pages, preferably with a picture/icon for each group 
to make it easier to navigate and to understand the content.

I hope I solved, at least for now, by changing the destination of the 
default page. Now it no longer points to LyX.Welcome, but to LyX.LyX, 
which is more like the portal page you described.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-29 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Mael Hilléreau wrote:

I agree, I like all of them!

What about a real platypus?


It could work, but maybe the logotype should be there as well, making the 
connection stronger.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Introduction text of the wiki (Was: Website re-design ideas)

2008-03-29 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 the very first page that is shown when you go to 

I think it should be a kind of "portal page" that point people to the 
right group of wiki pages, preferably with a picture/icon for each group 
to make it easier to navigate and to understand the content.

I hope I solved, at least for now, by changing the "destination" of the 
default page. Now it no longer points to "LyX.Welcome", but to "LyX.LyX", 
which is more like the portal page you described.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-29 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Mael Hilléreau wrote:

I agree, I like all of them!

What about a real platypus?


It could work, but maybe the logotype should be there as well, making the 
connection stronger.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Primary colours of LyX? Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, AK wrote:

 A graphical profile spans logo, colours, business cards, stationeries, and
 a range of supplies for commercial purposes.

Mostly, for the project like LyX, I believe that graphical profile 
should be just a palette of colors and the logo.


The only additional thing we could do is a custom 'mathy' font face, 
incorporating some characters used in math formulas, ...

I don't think that's necessary...


In case of a company like IBM... snip

You certainly seems to know this stuff! :-)

For LyX, I would say, it's more important to have a logo and template 
that look nice and pleasing to the eye.

Ok, agreed.

There will probably be many other sites that use similar color scheme, 
unless we do bright yellow on orange design, which is bad for other 
reasons. So, a casual user or someone entirely new won't think 'of 
course that's LyX color profile', but instead will think 'this design is 
nice' or 'this design isn't very nice' where the first reaction is 

Sounds good.

People will remember the Platypus, though, but we already have that. So, 
to sum up, we should have a color scheme that will be shared between 
site template and splash screen, and probably use a standard font face 
like Verdana or something similar for now, and have the Platypus as the 
main recognizable identifier of all things LyX. -andrei

Great, sounds like a plan :-)

I wrote down your thoughts here:

Whatever we agree on, we need to document it somewhere. Hmm... maybe I 
should have used the wiki instead.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Banner, Splash Screen, Logo, Mascot, Name, oh my!

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Rich Shepard wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

   Guys, don't you believe your investing way too much time in this 
   line of

   problems? :)

  It's for the first time in ten years or so. So that's a relatively 

  portion of the developers time.

   It's also spring cleaning time, so why not clean the image, web site,
 wiki, etc.?

As long as you keep your good will and energy, every thing's possible :-)

Well, I'm doing this because it's fun! :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Does the logo look like a platypus? (Was: Primary colours of LyX? )Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, John wrote:

People will remember the Platypus, though, but we already have that.

But in all the time that the logo has been there it never occurred to me 
that it was a platypus, despite being familiar with the O'Reilly like 
platypus associated with the original example document.

Same here... and I even saw it recently in an old book from Stroustrup 
that I was reading!

While I would much prefer that the developers worry about improving and 
debugging an already superb product rather than fuss over the logo, if 
you must tinker with the logo, please make it resemble a platypus!

Probably just changing the beak shape, and toning down those awful cartoon
colours would be enough.

Hear, hear!

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Primary colours of LyX? Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, AK wrote:

 A graphical profile spans logo, colours, business cards, stationeries, and
 a range of supplies for commercial purposes.

Mostly, for the project like LyX, I believe that graphical profile 
should be just a palette of colors and the logo.


The only additional thing we could do is a custom 'mathy' font face, 
incorporating some characters used in math formulas, ...

I don't think that's necessary...


In case of a company like IBM... snip

You certainly seems to know this stuff! :-)

For LyX, I would say, it's more important to have a logo and template 
that look nice and pleasing to the eye.

Ok, agreed.

There will probably be many other sites that use similar color scheme, 
unless we do bright yellow on orange design, which is bad for other 
reasons. So, a casual user or someone entirely new won't think 'of 
course that's LyX color profile', but instead will think 'this design is 
nice' or 'this design isn't very nice' where the first reaction is 

Sounds good.

People will remember the Platypus, though, but we already have that. So, 
to sum up, we should have a color scheme that will be shared between 
site template and splash screen, and probably use a standard font face 
like Verdana or something similar for now, and have the Platypus as the 
main recognizable identifier of all things LyX. -andrei

Great, sounds like a plan :-)

I wrote down your thoughts here:

Whatever we agree on, we need to document it somewhere. Hmm... maybe I 
should have used the wiki instead.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Banner, Splash Screen, Logo, Mascot, Name, oh my!

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Rich Shepard wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

   Guys, don't you believe your investing way too much time in this 
   line of

   problems? :)

  It's for the first time in ten years or so. So that's a relatively 

  portion of the developers time.

   It's also spring cleaning time, so why not clean the image, web site,
 wiki, etc.?

As long as you keep your good will and energy, every thing's possible :-)

Well, I'm doing this because it's fun! :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Does the logo look like a platypus? (Was: Primary colours of LyX? )Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, John wrote:

People will remember the Platypus, though, but we already have that.

But in all the time that the logo has been there it never occurred to me 
that it was a platypus, despite being familiar with the O'Reilly like 
platypus associated with the original example document.

Same here... and I even saw it recently in an old book from Stroustrup 
that I was reading!

While I would much prefer that the developers worry about improving and 
debugging an already superb product rather than fuss over the logo, if 
you must tinker with the logo, please make it resemble a platypus!

Probably just changing the beak shape, and toning down those awful cartoon
colours would be enough.

Hear, hear!

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Primary colours of LyX? Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, AK wrote:

 A graphical profile spans logo, colours, business cards, stationeries, and
 a range of supplies for commercial purposes.

Mostly, for the project like LyX, I believe that graphical profile 
should be just a palette of colors and the logo.


The only additional thing we could do is a custom 'mathy' font face, 
incorporating some characters used in math formulas, ...

I don't think that's necessary...

In case of a company like IBM... 

You certainly seems to know this stuff! :-)

For LyX, I would say, it's more important to have a logo and template 
that look nice and pleasing to the eye.

Ok, agreed.

There will probably be many other sites that use similar color scheme, 
unless we do bright yellow on orange design, which is bad for other 
reasons. So, a casual user or someone entirely new won't think 'of 
course that's LyX color profile', but instead will think 'this design is 
nice' or 'this design isn't very nice' where the first reaction is 

Sounds good.

People will remember the Platypus, though, but we already have that. So, 
to sum up, we should have a color scheme that will be shared between 
site template and splash screen, and probably use a standard font face 
like Verdana or something similar for now, and have the Platypus as the 
main recognizable identifier of all things LyX. -andrei

Great, sounds like a plan :-)

I wrote down your thoughts here:

Whatever we agree on, we need to document it somewhere. Hmm... maybe I 
should have used the wiki instead.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Banner, Splash Screen, Logo, Mascot, Name, oh my!

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Rich Shepard wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> >  Guys, don't you believe your "investing" way too much time in this 
> >  line of

> >  "problems"? :)

>  It's for the first time in ten years or so. So that's a relatively 
>  minor

>  portion of the developers time.

   It's also spring cleaning time, so why not clean the image, web site,
 wiki, etc.?

As long as you keep your good will and energy, every thing's possible :-)

Well, I'm doing this because it's fun! :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Does the logo look like a platypus? (Was: Primary colours of LyX? )Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-28 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, John wrote:

People will remember the Platypus, though, but we already have that.

But in all the time that the logo has been there it never occurred to me 
that it was a platypus, despite being familiar with the O'Reilly like 
platypus associated with the original example document.

Same here... and I even saw it recently in an old book from Stroustrup 
that I was reading!

While I would much prefer that the developers worry about improving and 
debugging an already superb product rather than fuss over the logo, if 
you must tinker with the logo, please make it resemble a platypus!

Probably just changing the beak shape, and toning down those awful cartoon
colours would be enough.

Hear, hear!

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Name of the Mascot (Was: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo))

2008-03-27 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

  We should call our mascot Lydia.

 I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning.

We need more female users, as the developers are only male, we should at 
least have a femal mascot ;-). I simply like the name that was first 
proposed in bug 135.

Sounds slightly sexist, we should hope for more female users and 
developers instead :-) Anyway, Lydia isn't bad, but inspires me to suggest 
Lyxia ... However, that bug seems resolved to 'The LyX' ?

I put together some notes (and a photo of a real platypus!) here

The page could useful if we start a discussion/vote on a new name.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Name of the Mascot (Was: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo))

2008-03-27 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

  We should call our mascot Lydia.

 I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning.

We need more female users, as the developers are only male, we should at 
least have a femal mascot ;-). I simply like the name that was first 
proposed in bug 135.

Sounds slightly sexist, we should hope for more female users and 
developers instead :-) Anyway, Lydia isn't bad, but inspires me to suggest 
Lyxia ... However, that bug seems resolved to 'The LyX' ?

I put together some notes (and a photo of a real platypus!) here

The page could useful if we start a discussion/vote on a new name.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Name of the Mascot (Was: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo))

2008-03-27 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

>  We should call our mascot "Lydia".

 I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning.

We need more female users, as the developers are only male, we should at 
least have a femal mascot ;-). I simply like the name that was first 
proposed in bug 135.

Sounds slightly sexist, we should hope for more female users and 
developers instead :-) Anyway, Lydia isn't bad, but inspires me to suggest 
Lyxia ... However, that bug seems "resolved" to 'The LyX' ?

I put together some notes (and a photo of a real platypus!) here

The page could useful if we start a discussion/vote on a new name.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, José Matos wrote:

On Tuesday 25 March 2008 00:48:50 M-L wrote:

I agree. The bird is good, instantly recognisable and synonymous with LyX.
It is the LyX brand in that it is unique.

That is not a bird. That is a platypus and is a mammal although it lays 

Ah, and I guess it's no coincidence that there's a platypus in the users' 
guide?  Is there a story behind this particular animal, e.g. something 
like that it's a hybrid animal, like LyX?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 (...) I think that if you did some more tweaking on that splash screen
 it'd get quite good. I hope you'll do so!

What about this one?

The copyright notice is less obvious now, I think that's good.

The version number is gone now, do we need it? (A drawback with having it 
there is that we'd have to remember to change it in every release). 
Without the version text, there's no clash with the similar fonts of 

There is something about it that doesn't feel as good as the first... I 
can't exactly say why.

Bad in splash2 compared to 1:

* The first had a cleaner background which was nice, and somehow feels
  more generous

  The first was also nice without any borders or frames.

* There seems to be more vertical space beteween the 'T' and the 'P' in
  the first splash, which looked better.

I tried some modifications:
* A mixture
* Text vertically aligned on the right
* Small copyright text
* Small version text
* I tried to make the stack of paper a
  little more clear at the bottom
  (the stuff at the top is an accident:-)

I uploaded the images to this wiki page:

Some ideas/inspiration:

  - various splash screens in Photoshop...

** I like it when they go ''outside'' the borders, that's cool.
   I'm less fond of all huge amount of text...

** What they do in their laters splash scrrens is to illustrate what the
   software can do. Maybe some formulas?

About the platypus, I like the idea of using something based on it, but in 
the logo I think the beak is too narrow compared to the original- looks 
too much like a bird. Anyway, that's more related to the logotype.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I've uploaded some more designs to compare (including the current splash
 screen) at


 They are all outstanding! Very well thought out and crafted. Any of 
them will do everyone proud.

I agree, I like all of them!

It's neat how the platypus is sort of sitting on the blue bar on #4. 
Number #1 is neat since the stack of papers to me is related to LyX being 
a document processor. And #3 is clean and elegant. And #2 is growing on 
me, so I'll refrain from voting, they're all good.

If there's no clear favourite, we can just switch between splash screens 
for the next few releases like Adobe Photoshop did.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

current banner because it includes the version number.

Is there a difference between 'banner' and 'splash screen'?  (I'm 
wondering if the wiki page shold be renamed)

We should call our mascot Lydia.

I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning. And also why it's 
a platypus to begin with!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, José Matos wrote:

On Tuesday 25 March 2008 00:48:50 M-L wrote:

I agree. The bird is good, instantly recognisable and synonymous with LyX.
It is the LyX brand in that it is unique.

That is not a bird. That is a platypus and is a mammal although it lays 

Ah, and I guess it's no coincidence that there's a platypus in the users' 
guide?  Is there a story behind this particular animal, e.g. something 
like that it's a hybrid animal, like LyX?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 (...) I think that if you did some more tweaking on that splash screen
 it'd get quite good. I hope you'll do so!

What about this one?

The copyright notice is less obvious now, I think that's good.

The version number is gone now, do we need it? (A drawback with having it 
there is that we'd have to remember to change it in every release). 
Without the version text, there's no clash with the similar fonts of 

There is something about it that doesn't feel as good as the first... I 
can't exactly say why.

Bad in splash2 compared to 1:

* The first had a cleaner background which was nice, and somehow feels
  more generous

  The first was also nice without any borders or frames.

* There seems to be more vertical space beteween the 'T' and the 'P' in
  the first splash, which looked better.

I tried some modifications:
* A mixture
* Text vertically aligned on the right
* Small copyright text
* Small version text
* I tried to make the stack of paper a
  little more clear at the bottom
  (the stuff at the top is an accident:-)

I uploaded the images to this wiki page:

Some ideas/inspiration:

  - various splash screens in Photoshop...

** I like it when they go ''outside'' the borders, that's cool.
   I'm less fond of all huge amount of text...

** What they do in their laters splash scrrens is to illustrate what the
   software can do. Maybe some formulas?

About the platypus, I like the idea of using something based on it, but in 
the logo I think the beak is too narrow compared to the original- looks 
too much like a bird. Anyway, that's more related to the logotype.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I've uploaded some more designs to compare (including the current splash
 screen) at


 They are all outstanding! Very well thought out and crafted. Any of 
them will do everyone proud.

I agree, I like all of them!

It's neat how the platypus is sort of sitting on the blue bar on #4. 
Number #1 is neat since the stack of papers to me is related to LyX being 
a document processor. And #3 is clean and elegant. And #2 is growing on 
me, so I'll refrain from voting, they're all good.

If there's no clear favourite, we can just switch between splash screens 
for the next few releases like Adobe Photoshop did.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

current banner because it includes the version number.

Is there a difference between 'banner' and 'splash screen'?  (I'm 
wondering if the wiki page shold be renamed)

We should call our mascot Lydia.

I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning. And also why it's 
a platypus to begin with!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, José Matos wrote:

On Tuesday 25 March 2008 00:48:50 M-L wrote:

I agree. The bird is good, instantly recognisable and synonymous with LyX.
It is the LyX brand in that it is unique.

That is not a bird. That is a platypus and is a mammal although it lays 

Ah, and I guess it's no coincidence that there's a platypus in the users' 
guide?  Is there a story behind this particular animal, e.g. something 
like that it's a "hybrid animal", like LyX?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 (...) I think that if you did some more tweaking on that splash screen
 it'd get quite good. I hope you'll do so!

What about this one?

The copyright notice is less obvious now, I think that's good.

The version number is gone now, do we need it? (A drawback with having it 
there is that we'd have to remember to change it in every release). 
Without the version text, there's no clash with the similar fonts of 

There is something about it that doesn't feel as good as the first... I 
can't exactly say why.

Bad in splash2 compared to 1:

* The first had a cleaner background which was nice, and somehow feels
  more "generous"

  The first was also nice without any borders or frames.

* There seems to be more vertical space beteween the 'T' and the 'P' in
  the first splash, which looked better.

I tried some modifications:
* A mixture
* Text vertically aligned on the right
* Small copyright text
* Small version text
* I tried to make the stack of paper a
  little more clear at the bottom
  (the stuff at the top is an accident:-)

I uploaded the images to this wiki page:

Some ideas/inspiration:

  - various splash screens in Photoshop...

** I like it when they go ''outside'' the borders, that's cool.
   I'm less fond of all huge amount of text...

** What they do in their laters splash scrrens is to illustrate what the
   software can do. Maybe some formulas?

About the platypus, I like the idea of using something based on it, but in 
the logo I think the beak is too narrow compared to the original- looks 
too much like a bird. Anyway, that's more related to the logotype.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I've uploaded some more designs to compare (including the current splash
 screen) at


 They are all outstanding! Very well thought out and crafted. Any of 
them will do everyone proud.

I agree, I like all of them!

It's neat how the platypus is sort of sitting on the blue bar on #4. 
Number #1 is neat since the stack of papers to me is related to LyX being 
a document processor. And #3 is clean and elegant. And #2 is growing on 
me, so I'll refrain from voting, they're all good.

If there's no clear favourite, we can just switch between splash screens 
for the next few releases like Adobe Photoshop did.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo)

2008-03-26 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

current banner because it includes the version number.

Is there a difference between 'banner' and 'splash screen'?  (I'm 
wondering if the wiki page shold be renamed)

We should call our mascot "Lydia".

I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning. And also why it's 
a platypus to begin with!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Request for screenshots

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

It's more a marketing thing, you don't want your software to look too 
unusual at first sight. Just like with websites, people tend to 
quickly uninstall things they don't understand.

I think the background color is something that makes LyX unique in a 
positive way.


I disagree. You can achieve recognition with the logo, but the background
color just makes things less readable.

If I understand you correctly, you think it's easier to read with a 
completely white background?  I prefer less intensity, to me a normal 
paper has less intensity than a computer screen on full white. Guess 
people's opinions vary :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Primary colours of LyX? Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 Do LyX have some sort of primary colours?  Or some kind of colour
 theme?  My company spent money on letting a designer come up with a colour
 set, where we should try and use a certain combo of colours... Do we have
 something like that?

In my opinion a color set should be a part of the new design.

Ok, but less easy... now I remember what it was called, she referred to 
it as the 'graphial profile'. It involved more than just colours, also 
what fonts we should use etc. Anyway, the designer we used apparantly 
spent quite a bit of time thinking this through somehow.. I just 
wonder if we'll be able to come up with something useful. But maybe 
this is were Andrei's expertise comes into play?

According to my gf it's non trival, and apparantly related to 
branding... and we should start with what LyX represents, and what its 
core values are how are we different from the competition... sigh, 
can't we just do development? ;-)

Actually, it's probably a good idea to see what kind of graphial 
profiles OO, MS Word, Abi Word and LaTeX have?


PS. I tried finding some kind of explanation of what a graphical profile 
is... this sounds like the thing I meant. From

Logo  graphical profile

Any company needs a logo and preferably a graphical profile to make 
themselves known to their customers.

Think of the big companies, think of IBM: stripy and blue, McDonalds: M 
and yellow. They are graphical profiles that helps give them an image that 
sticks in customers minds. Not only do they help the business stand out, 
but it also creates a reputation. IBM's logo gives a very traditional 
feel, serene and solid. It represents something you can rely on in the 
marketplace. While the McDonalds logo is dynamic and fun, inviting you to 
a feel-good experience.

A graphical profile spans logo, colours, business cards, stationeries, and 
a range of supplies for commercial purposes.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I'd like to have the bird in one way or the other. Smoothing edges,
 adding something in the background or similar I can live with...

A good logo should be recognized immediately. The bird is the only one 
here that is somewhat unique. I don't know how it represents the LyX 
brand and it may be more a mascot than a logo, but in my opinion we 
should not change the logo unless we get one that is really 
professionally designed.

I agree. My girlfriend had a suggestion, could we get some design student 
to do a project related to this? According to her, such students might be 
looking for projects as part of their studies. Does anyone have 
connections to design schools or design students?

About the logo, her reaction to the current logo were along the following 
lines (I have to translate):

* toys, playground, childish
* unstructured
* many different elements and colours = unclear
* home made

She suggests we should think about what kind of words the logo should 
inspire, and also think about who the customers are. I guess this would 
be words and concepts such as:

* Strutured/semantic document creation

* Academic/scientific users

She also asked me about what's unique with LyX, and suggests this should 
be somehow represented in the logotype.

In the meanwhile it may however be a good idea to stick to a single logo 
instead of the current logo and banner. If the bird is combined with the 
word LyX I would prefer the typeface to be more simple instead of the 
rotated/colorful letters of the banner. Just as an example, I attached a 
splash screen design with the logo that I think looks more professional.

I think it's certainly an improvement. According to my gf, it's a drawback 
that it's not clear what part is the logotype, and what part isn't. Also 
the font appearance of 'The Document Processor' and 'version 1.6' should 
either be the same, or clearly not the same. Here they are for instance 
almost the same size, but not exactly the same size which is bad. The text 
Copyright ..., placed in the lower left corner, becomes too important in 
comparsion to other parts. If placed in e.g. the lower right corner, we'd 
not get the same effect. She speculates that you placed the text there 
because of the gradient, as a way to complete the square.

She gives the old splash screen a grade of 1 (out of 5), and yours get a 
grade of 3. So it's certainly an improvement!

Anyway, writing down her comments I've certainly learnt a lot. Most 
importantly that there can actually be some thinking involved in creating 
stuff like this!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:

A good logo should be recognized immediately. The bird is the only one here
that is somewhat unique. I don't know how it represents the LyX brand and
it may be more a mascot than a logo, but in my opinion we should not change
the logo unless we get one that is really professionally designed.

I don't even see a reason to use a completely new logo even if it were
professional designed...


I think we should only replace it if we can come up with a logotype that 
really is good. Btw, one possibly good thing with the current logotype 
might be that it associates to creativity, through it's childish 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:

might be that it associates to creativity, through it's childish 

after all i'm just a child playing with toys.

Just like the rest of us:-)

Guess it really comes down to the kind of users we _want_ :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Password now required to approve URIs on the wiki

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom


Because of recent spam, I decided to see if it helps that we now require a 
password in order to approve a URI. What this mean is that if you edit a 
wiki page in order to add a link to an external web page, it does not 
automatically become a link. First you have click on the text approve 
link. When you do this, you are asked for a password. This is the same 
password as for uploading files. If you need it, just ask on one of the 
mailing lists.

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Request for screenshots

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi Christian,

I had been talking about the website. I believe the application itself has
perfect color as it exists right now.


I'll leave this particular discussion, it's just to confusing!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 I agree. My girlfriend had a suggestion, could we get some design student
 to do a project related to this?

Sounds like a great idea.

Any ideas on how we find such a person?

 She gives the old splash screen a grade of 1 (out of 5), and yours get a
 grade of 3. So it's certainly an improvement!

I agree with these grades. This is just a quick example I made in a few 
minutes, not a final proposal for a new design or anything like that.

Based on what you wrote in another post, you seem to know way more about 
this stuff than I do, and I think that if you did some more tweaking on 
that splash screen it'd get quite good. I hope you'll do so!

Oh, a minor point. It wasn't that easy to see what the thing in the 
background is. Is it supposed to be a stack of papers?

And perhaps the 'Y' in LyX could be a little bit higher up?

What software did you use to create the image?

 Anyway, writing down her comments I've certainly learnt a lot. Most
 importantly that there can actually be some thinking involved in creating
 stuff like this!

Yes. Personally I think a nice website and logo are quite important. Of 
course many developers and current users just care about the quality of 
the software, but effective marketing can attract new users and 
developers and generate more activity and interest. Products like 
Mozilla Firefox have become very popular because of good advertising 
combined with good software.

I agree.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Request for screenshots

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

It's more a marketing thing, you don't want your software to look too 
unusual at first sight. Just like with websites, people tend to 
quickly uninstall things they don't understand.

I think the background color is something that makes LyX unique in a 
positive way.


I disagree. You can achieve recognition with the logo, but the background
color just makes things less readable.

If I understand you correctly, you think it's easier to read with a 
completely white background?  I prefer less intensity, to me a normal 
paper has less intensity than a computer screen on full white. Guess 
people's opinions vary :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Primary colours of LyX? Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 Do LyX have some sort of primary colours?  Or some kind of colour
 theme?  My company spent money on letting a designer come up with a colour
 set, where we should try and use a certain combo of colours... Do we have
 something like that?

In my opinion a color set should be a part of the new design.

Ok, but less easy... now I remember what it was called, she referred to 
it as the 'graphial profile'. It involved more than just colours, also 
what fonts we should use etc. Anyway, the designer we used apparantly 
spent quite a bit of time thinking this through somehow.. I just 
wonder if we'll be able to come up with something useful. But maybe 
this is were Andrei's expertise comes into play?

According to my gf it's non trival, and apparantly related to 
branding... and we should start with what LyX represents, and what its 
core values are how are we different from the competition... sigh, 
can't we just do development? ;-)

Actually, it's probably a good idea to see what kind of graphial 
profiles OO, MS Word, Abi Word and LaTeX have?


PS. I tried finding some kind of explanation of what a graphical profile 
is... this sounds like the thing I meant. From

Logo  graphical profile

Any company needs a logo and preferably a graphical profile to make 
themselves known to their customers.

Think of the big companies, think of IBM: stripy and blue, McDonalds: M 
and yellow. They are graphical profiles that helps give them an image that 
sticks in customers minds. Not only do they help the business stand out, 
but it also creates a reputation. IBM's logo gives a very traditional 
feel, serene and solid. It represents something you can rely on in the 
marketplace. While the McDonalds logo is dynamic and fun, inviting you to 
a feel-good experience.

A graphical profile spans logo, colours, business cards, stationeries, and 
a range of supplies for commercial purposes.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I'd like to have the bird in one way or the other. Smoothing edges,
 adding something in the background or similar I can live with...

A good logo should be recognized immediately. The bird is the only one 
here that is somewhat unique. I don't know how it represents the LyX 
brand and it may be more a mascot than a logo, but in my opinion we 
should not change the logo unless we get one that is really 
professionally designed.

I agree. My girlfriend had a suggestion, could we get some design student 
to do a project related to this? According to her, such students might be 
looking for projects as part of their studies. Does anyone have 
connections to design schools or design students?

About the logo, her reaction to the current logo were along the following 
lines (I have to translate):

* toys, playground, childish
* unstructured
* many different elements and colours = unclear
* home made

She suggests we should think about what kind of words the logo should 
inspire, and also think about who the customers are. I guess this would 
be words and concepts such as:

* Strutured/semantic document creation

* Academic/scientific users

She also asked me about what's unique with LyX, and suggests this should 
be somehow represented in the logotype.

In the meanwhile it may however be a good idea to stick to a single logo 
instead of the current logo and banner. If the bird is combined with the 
word LyX I would prefer the typeface to be more simple instead of the 
rotated/colorful letters of the banner. Just as an example, I attached a 
splash screen design with the logo that I think looks more professional.

I think it's certainly an improvement. According to my gf, it's a drawback 
that it's not clear what part is the logotype, and what part isn't. Also 
the font appearance of 'The Document Processor' and 'version 1.6' should 
either be the same, or clearly not the same. Here they are for instance 
almost the same size, but not exactly the same size which is bad. The text 
Copyright ..., placed in the lower left corner, becomes too important in 
comparsion to other parts. If placed in e.g. the lower right corner, we'd 
not get the same effect. She speculates that you placed the text there 
because of the gradient, as a way to complete the square.

She gives the old splash screen a grade of 1 (out of 5), and yours get a 
grade of 3. So it's certainly an improvement!

Anyway, writing down her comments I've certainly learnt a lot. Most 
importantly that there can actually be some thinking involved in creating 
stuff like this!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:

A good logo should be recognized immediately. The bird is the only one here
that is somewhat unique. I don't know how it represents the LyX brand and
it may be more a mascot than a logo, but in my opinion we should not change
the logo unless we get one that is really professionally designed.

I don't even see a reason to use a completely new logo even if it were
professional designed...


I think we should only replace it if we can come up with a logotype that 
really is good. Btw, one possibly good thing with the current logotype 
might be that it associates to creativity, through it's childish 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:

might be that it associates to creativity, through it's childish 

after all i'm just a child playing with toys.

Just like the rest of us:-)

Guess it really comes down to the kind of users we _want_ :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Password now required to approve URIs on the wiki

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom


Because of recent spam, I decided to see if it helps that we now require a 
password in order to approve a URI. What this mean is that if you edit a 
wiki page in order to add a link to an external web page, it does not 
automatically become a link. First you have click on the text approve 
link. When you do this, you are asked for a password. This is the same 
password as for uploading files. If you need it, just ask on one of the 
mailing lists.

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Request for screenshots

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi Christian,

I had been talking about the website. I believe the application itself has
perfect color as it exists right now.


I'll leave this particular discussion, it's just to confusing!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 I agree. My girlfriend had a suggestion, could we get some design student
 to do a project related to this?

Sounds like a great idea.

Any ideas on how we find such a person?

 She gives the old splash screen a grade of 1 (out of 5), and yours get a
 grade of 3. So it's certainly an improvement!

I agree with these grades. This is just a quick example I made in a few 
minutes, not a final proposal for a new design or anything like that.

Based on what you wrote in another post, you seem to know way more about 
this stuff than I do, and I think that if you did some more tweaking on 
that splash screen it'd get quite good. I hope you'll do so!

Oh, a minor point. It wasn't that easy to see what the thing in the 
background is. Is it supposed to be a stack of papers?

And perhaps the 'Y' in LyX could be a little bit higher up?

What software did you use to create the image?

 Anyway, writing down her comments I've certainly learnt a lot. Most
 importantly that there can actually be some thinking involved in creating
 stuff like this!

Yes. Personally I think a nice website and logo are quite important. Of 
course many developers and current users just care about the quality of 
the software, but effective marketing can attract new users and 
developers and generate more activity and interest. Products like 
Mozilla Firefox have become very popular because of good advertising 
combined with good software.

I agree.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Request for screenshots

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

It's more a marketing thing, you don't want your software to look too 
unusual at first sight. Just like with websites, people tend to 
quickly uninstall things they don't understand.

I think the background color is something that makes LyX unique in a 
positive way.


I disagree. You can achieve recognition with the logo, but the background
color just makes things less readable.

If I understand you correctly, you think it's easier to read with a 
completely white background?  I prefer less intensity, to me a normal 
paper has less intensity than a computer screen on "full" white. Guess 
people's opinions vary :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Primary colours of LyX? Was: Website re-design ideas

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:


 Do "LyX" have some sort of "primary" colours?  Or some kind of colour
 theme?  My company spent money on letting a designer come up with a colour
 set, where we should try and use a certain combo of colours... Do we have
 something like that?

In my opinion a color set should be a part of the new design.

Ok, but less easy... now I remember what it was called, she referred to 
it as the 'graphial profile'. It involved more than just colours, also 
what fonts we should use etc. Anyway, the designer we used apparantly 
spent quite a bit of time thinking this through somehow.. I just 
wonder if we'll be able to come up with something useful. But maybe 
this is were Andrei's expertise comes into play?

According to my gf it's non trival, and apparantly related to 
"branding"... and we should start with what LyX represents, and what its 
core values are how are we different from the competition... sigh, 
can't we just do development? ;-)

Actually, it's probably a good idea to see what kind of graphial 
profiles OO, MS Word, Abi Word and LaTeX have?


PS. I tried finding some kind of explanation of what a graphical profile 
is... this sounds like the thing I meant. From

Logo & graphical profile

Any company needs a logo and preferably a graphical profile to make 
themselves known to their customers.

Think of the big companies, think of IBM: stripy and blue, McDonalds: M 
and yellow. They are graphical profiles that helps give them an image that 
sticks in customers minds. Not only do they help the business stand out, 
but it also creates a reputation. IBM's logo gives a very traditional 
feel, serene and solid. It represents something you can rely on in the 
marketplace. While the McDonalds logo is dynamic and fun, inviting you to 
a feel-good experience.

A graphical profile spans logo, colours, business cards, stationeries, and 
a range of supplies for commercial purposes.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX logo

2008-03-25 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I'd like to have "the bird" in one way or the other. Smoothing edges,
 adding something in the background or similar I can live with...

A good logo should be recognized immediately. The bird is the only one 
here that is somewhat unique. I don't know how it represents the "LyX 
brand" and it may be more a mascot than a logo, but in my opinion we 
should not change the logo unless we get one that is really 
professionally designed.

I agree. My girlfriend had a suggestion, could we get some design student 
to do a project related to this? According to her, such students might be 
looking for projects as part of their studies. Does anyone have 
connections to design schools or design students?

About the logo, her reaction to the current logo were along the following 
lines (I have to translate):

* toys, playground, childish
* unstructured
* many different elements and colours => unclear
* home made

She suggests we should think about what kind of words the logo should 
inspire, and also think about who the "customers" are. I guess this would 
be words and concepts such as:

* Strutured/semantic document creation

* Academic/scientific users

She also asked me about what's unique with LyX, and suggests this should 
be somehow represented in the logotype.

In the meanwhile it may however be a good idea to stick to a single logo 
instead of the current logo and banner. If the bird is combined with the 
word LyX I would prefer the typeface to be more simple instead of the 
rotated/colorful letters of the banner. Just as an example, I attached a 
splash screen design with the logo that I think looks more professional.

I think it's certainly an improvement. According to my gf, it's a drawback 
that it's not clear what part is the logotype, and what part isn't. Also 
the font appearance of 'The Document Processor' and 'version 1.6' should 
either be the same, or clearly not the same. Here they are for instance 
almost the same size, but not exactly the same size which is bad. The text 
"Copyright ...", placed in the lower left corner, becomes too important in 
comparsion to other parts. If placed in e.g. the lower right corner, we'd 
not get the same effect. She speculates that you placed the text there 
because of the gradient, as a way to "complete the square".

She gives the old splash screen a grade of 1 (out of 5), and yours get a 
grade of 3. So it's certainly an improvement!

Anyway, writing down her comments I've certainly learnt a lot. Most 
importantly that there can actually be some thinking involved in creating 
stuff like this!


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

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