Re: 1.1999

2011-08-31 Thread george legge
Why would you not want it to read 1.200 ?


On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Charles Reichert  wrote:
> Hello All.
> If I have a number: 1.19... How can I get the bar (I forget the name)
> over the 9 so it just reads 1.199
> Thanks
> Charles

Change margins to handle recto and verso pages in Memoir

2011-05-10 Thread george legge
I posted this message two days ago; but it has not appeared on the list,
though it is in the archive (with no responses);

So here it is again:

Hi to the most helpful users-list I know,

I am using memoir to print a book, with a wide margin for graphics.

As I don't need this wide empty margin when printing pagenotes,

I need to change margins for the page notes at the end of each chapter.

I can do this with the preamble code:






 Then in ERT in the text:





 Since some page notes run for two pages, I need to cope with recto and
verso pages, whereas the above values need to be set up for one or the

I have tried innermargin & outermargin or spinemargin & edgemargin with no

Do I need to use Boolean programing (ifrecto or ifverso) to handle this
switching of margins, or does memoir have a simpler way?

I would greatly appreciate advice on this one.
Cheers, George Legge

Change margins to handle recto and verso pages in Memoir

2011-05-08 Thread george legge
Hi to the most helpful users-list I know,

I am using memoir to print a book, with a wide margin for graphics.

As I don't need this wide empty margin when printing pagenotes,

I need to change margins for the page notes at the end of each chapter.

I can do this with the preamble code:






 Then in ERT in the text:





 Since some page notes run for two pages, I need to cope with recto and
verso pages, whereas the above values need to be set up for one or the

I have tried innermargin & outermargin or spinemargin & edgemargin with no

Do I need to use Boolean programing (ifrecto or ifverso) to handle this
switching of margins, or does memoir have a simpler way?

I would greatly appreciate advice on this one.

Cheers, George Legge

Re: dontprintsection heading

2011-04-10 Thread george legge
Thank you RIchard for your reply. I took your advice and found the memoir
\section{<*toc-title*>][<*head-title>*]{<*title*>} allows me to set all
three titles independently,
So, I just left the last one blank and separately inserted a margin note
with the <*title>.*
Cheers, George

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 9:34 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:

> On 04/08/2011 03:45 AM, george legge wrote:
>> Dear LyX Listers,
>> Is there a simple way to prevent a section heading from printing out in
>> the text?
>> I am using memoir and companion.
>> I wish to place my section headings in the margin and also have them
>> appear in the TOC and in the appropriate headers.
> (i) Dig into the internals of whatever document class you are using, and
> redefine the command that prints the section heading.

dontprintsection heading

2011-04-08 Thread george legge
Dear LyX Listers,
Is there a simple way to prevent a section heading from printing out in the
I am using memoir and companion.

I wish to place my section headings in the margin and also have them appear
in the TOC and in the appropriate headers.
LyX was not happy when I inserted one as a margin note and called it a
section. I have since read that this is not allowed.

So, I inserted it as normal in the text, called it a section and then
inserted the same words as a margin note.
That is fine: it appears in the TOC, in the appropriate headers, in the
margin and in the text (as a section heading).
Now all I need to do is stop it printing out in the text. I tried ERT but
don't know enough.
I wish it to be recognized as a section heading but just not print out in
the text.

Can anyone help please?

George Legge

Re: LyX Promotion

2011-03-23 Thread george legge
Steve, I like your list of good things about LyX;
but you have omitted what to me is the most significant:

Try using Word to compile a  long book with many illustrations, often with 3
graphics to a page.
Word has a shocking reputation for using a master document with many child
particularly one with many graphics. There are many warnings that Word will
crash and corrupt files.

So be it - I used OpenOffice. Result: as the book got longer, the OpenOffice
master crashed frequently.
Every time a child document was added or modified, the master document took
up to half an hour to update and was likely to crash in the process.
At least OpenOffice never corrupted the files; but it became impractical to
complete assembly of the book.

I carried the same files over to LyX, converting each child document.
Result: LyX has not crashed once and it assembles or updates the master
document into a pdf, with all the graphics inserted in less than 30 seconds.

I may have to negotiate with LyX on where I wish to place an image or what
ERT is needed.
But the worse that might happen is I get an error message.
All through the operations, LyX remains rock steady.

For long complex documents, LyX is the practical solution.

Cheers, George Legge

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

> If I were going to enumerate the good things about
> LyX, it would be something like this:
> * It typesets better and more consistently than its non-TeX based
> competitors.
> * It deletes unintentional double spaces and double newlines.
> * It always calculates references, TOC and indices correctly, unlike
> others.
> * The black on tan is readable and soothing to the eyes for long workdays.
> * Its simple native format invites programmatic document creation and
> editing.
> * It's free software, which protects your documents from vendor lock-in.
> * It's an incredibly fast authoring environment.

Re: How to obtain a chapter-independent table reference?

2011-02-16 Thread george legge
Thank you Stefano.
That should answer all - a great help.

Cheers, George

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:07 AM, stefano franchi

> Hi George,
> I solved the problem,  with a bit of Latex code.
> The excellent Latex faq on the issue:
> lists several solutions. The simplest one works for me. Put the
> following in the preamble:
> \usepackage{chngcntr}
> \counterwithout{table}{chapter}
> (change {table} to {figure} if needed).
> Cheers,
> Stefano

Re: How to obtain a chapter-independent table reference?

2011-02-15 Thread george legge
Stefano does not appear to have had his question answered. I have a similar
problem, in that I have a few ancestral trees scattered through a book
(Memoir) with many figures. I do not want these trees to be listed with the
figures; so I denoted them as tables. (Ideally, I would change "Table" to
"Tree"). The main problem is that I want to have a List of Tables (or better
Trees) just giving their page numbers but not numbering them by chapter.
It seems my problems are similar to those of Stefano. What is the easiest
way to handle these problems?

Grateful for any help, thank you George Legge

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 9:17 AM, stefano franchi

> Dear all,
> I have a document typeset with memoir that contains only one  table.
> It occurs within chapter 3. Labeling and cross-referencing the table
> produces a ¨Table 3.1¨ label, which looks strange because it is the
> only table in the whole document. Is there a way to force a simpler
> ¨Table 1¨ label?   I could not find answers in the usual places.
> Thanks,
> Stefano

Re: LyX Memoir endnotes have form of footnotes

2010-12-09 Thread george legge
Hi Daron and Stefano,

Your shortened code for the pagenotes, Daron, works OK but I still need
\wide and \endwide to utilize the full width of text + notemargin.

Stefano, I tested your comments on "only a single paragraph allowed within a
True, "return" or "shift return" are not accepted within a pagenote;
however "cntrl return" [a ragged linebreak] works fine.
This should suffice for most cases where one needs a second reference in a
pagenote, though it may not satisfy those who want paragraphs of text.

Incidentally, "cntrl shift return" [a justified linebreak] is not accepted.

Cheers, George

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 12:45 AM, stefano franchi

> George, Daron,
> please note that memoir's \pagenote and \foottopagenote use in Lyx
> currently suffers from two   problems:
> 1. a 2-paragraphs (or more) pagenote produced with Lyx 's footnote command
> and \foottopagenote will fail and produce a Latex error. One paragraph notes
> are okay.

Re: LyX Memoir endnotes have form of footnotes

2010-12-08 Thread george legge
Thank you Stefano for that useful information.
Cheers, George

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 12:45 AM, stefano franchi

> George, Daron,
> please note that memoir's \pagenote and \foottopagenote use in Lyx
> currently suffers from two   problems:
> 1. a 2-paragraphs (or more) pagenote produced with Lyx 's footnote command
> and \foottopagenote will fail and produce a Latex error. One paragraph notes
> are okay.
> 2. similarly, a pagenote produced with Lyx's footnote command and
> \foottopagenote cannot contain \index commands unless they are "protected"
> (you need to insert a \protect command as ERT **immediately before** the
> \index command).

Re: LyX Memoir endnotes have form of footnotes

2010-12-07 Thread george legge
Thank you Darren. The first version works perfectly to give what I expect to
see for endnotes.
The only addition I made was to add "\wide" before and "\endwide" after
That allowed the endnotes to use the full width of text+notemargin.

Incidentally, why the asterisk?
With or without the asterisk, the notes get printed with their numbers. (and
they won't appear in a T.O.C.).

Thanks again -- you have been a great help.

Cheers, George

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Daron Wilson  wrote:

> George,
> The LyX endnote module uses the LaTeX endnote package, and so it would
> require some LaTeX hacking to change things much I think.  Memoir has its
> own commands to put notes at the end(it calls them pagenotes so as not to
> conflict with the endnotes package).  The memoir commands are not the same,
> but the class does provide all the same functionality, and a little more I
> believe.  I've been using memoir for  a short while, and so I have a little
> familiarity there, and I tried to hack something up from things I found
> before in the memoir manual.
> Caveats:
> *I'm new to the whole LaTeX thing, so it's probably pretty ugly, and the
> long way around, but it is working fine for me here (LyX 2.0 beta).
> *this will only work with the memoir class because it is built on
> class-specific commands.
> I wasn't sure exactly what result you wanted, but basically, what I've done
> is made memoir convert footnotes to endnotes, and hang the paragraphs off of
> the note numbers (I assume that is what you meant by "indented for all
> lines").  There are two possible options (available by
> commenting/uncommenting a few appropriate lines): either to hang the
> paragraphs of of a superscript without a space, or to hang the paragraphs
> off of normal text size numbers with a period and a space.
> You should be able to copy the code below straight into the preamble
> section of your document settings, and then the only thing you have to do is
> put the following into ERT in LyX at the end of each chapter:
> \clearpage
> \printpagenotes*
> The memoir package manual has a lot more detail on endnotes in section
> 17.4, and some helpful background in chapter 12.
> Regards,
> Daron
> =
> %% Depends on memoir
> %   tell memoir to use endnotes
> \makepagenote
> %   use Lyx footnote apparatus, but have memoir convert to endnotes
> \foottopagenote
> %   setup memoir for notes at the end of chapters
> \renewcommand*{\notedivision}{\section*{\notesname}}
> \renewcommand*{\pagenotesubhead}[3]{}
> %   prepare a new length for the width of the note numbers;  to be used
> later
> \newlength{\notenumberlength}
> %   tell memoir to hang the paragraphs from the width of the note
> numbers
> \renewcommand{\prenoteinnotes}{\par\noindent\hangindent\notenumberlength}
> %   add some space between notes
> \renewcommand{\postnoteinnotes}{\par\smallskip}
> %:> use for hanging notes from normal text size numbers
> %   tell LaTeX to reserve note number space wide enough for the number
> 99. and a space, in normal font
> \settowidth{\notenumberlength}{\normalfont 99.\space}
> %   tell memoir to typeset the note numbers as flushright in their own
> box
> \renewcommand*{\notenuminnotes}[1]{\makebox[\notenumberlength][r]{#1.\space}}
> %:> use for hanging the notes from superscript numbers.
> %   tell LaTeX to reserve enough space for 99 notes, superscript size
> %\settowidth{\notenumberlength}{\textsuperscript{99}}
> %   tell memoir to typeset the note numbers as flushright
> (rightjustified).
> %\renewcommand*{\notenuminnotes}[1]{\makebox[\notenumberlength][r]{\textsuperscript{#1}}}
> =
> On 7 Dec 2010, at 07:43, george legge wrote:
> > I am using Book-memoir and all the endnotes appear in the form of
> footnotes;
> > that is, each starts with a superscript number which is indented and
> followed immediately by the endnote text.
> > If there are subsequent lines for that footnote, they are not indented.
> >
> > This happens whether I employ "insert footnote" and the module "foot to
> end" or I employ the more recent Insert>Custom:Insets>Custom Endnote.
> > I am listing endnotes at the end of each chapter. They look very odd and
> difficult to read in the form of footnotes.
> >
> > What is the simplest way to get the endnotes listed in the common way,
> namely:
> > a normal Arabic number followed by the indented text (indented for all
> lines)?
> >
> > Cheers, George

LyX Memoir endnotes have form of footnotes

2010-12-06 Thread george legge
I am using Book-memoir and all the endnotes appear in the form of footnotes;

that is, each starts with a superscript number which is indented and
followed immediately by the endnote text.
If there are subsequent lines for that footnote, they are not indented.

This happens whether I employ "insert footnote" and the module "foot to end"
or I employ the more recent Insert>Custom:Insets>Custom Endnote.
I am listing endnotes at the end of each chapter. They look very odd and
difficult to read in the form of footnotes.

What is the simplest way to get the endnotes listed in the common way,
a normal Arabic number followed by the indented text (indented for all

Cheers, George

Re: figure*

2010-11-04 Thread george legge
Thank you for replying Paul.
Figures to be labeled in both the List of Figures and in the caption beneath
the figures:
My smiling face


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:

> On 11/4/2010 3:30 AM, george legge wrote:
>> A simple question, I believe: How do I get captions printed without
>> Figure numbers?
>> Both with the figures and in the list of figures, I wish to have only
>> the captions printed.
>> I am using Book (Memoir).
>> The help file on Additional LyX Features (or Extended) mentions the
>> float environment figure*.
>> But nothing further is said, except to refer the reader to the User's
>> Guide.
>> I have the User's Guide and the Embedded Objects manuals for LyX 1.6.x
>> and neither makes any mention of figure* or the answer to my problem.
>> Also I see no sign of figure* in the toolbar under Insert.
>> I shall be very grateful for assistance.
>> Regards, George Legge
> How do you want figures labeled?  Possibilities include (but are not
> limited to):
> Figure. My Smiling Face
> Figure: My Smiling Face
> Figure  My Smiling Face
> My Smiling Face
> /Paul


2010-11-04 Thread george legge
A simple question, I believe: How do I get captions printed without Figure
Both with the figures and in the list of figures, I wish to have only the
captions printed.

I am using Book (Memoir).
The help file on Additional LyX Features (or Extended) mentions the float
environment figure*.
But nothing further is said, except to refer the reader to the User's Guide.

I have the User's Guide and the Embedded Objects manuals for LyX 1.6.x
and neither makes any mention of figure* or the answer to my problem.

Also I see no sign of figure* in the toolbar under Insert.

I shall be very grateful for assistance.

Regards, George Legge

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-06-14 Thread george legge
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:11 AM, Helge Hafting wrote:

> A figure, (including the caption) can be shifted left or right if you want
> to. Here is one way:
> 1.Insert the figure float.
> 2.The first thing inside this float should be horizontal space.
>  Use a negative length to move into the left margin, or use a
>  positive length to move into the right margin.
>  (Insert->Formatting->Horizontal Space). Set the type
>  to "custom". That lets you type in a custom length.
> 3. After the horizontal space, insert a minipage. (Insert->Box)
>   In the settings, make sure it is a minipage, set the width to
>   100% of line length, and use "no frame". (Frames makes it easier
>   to see what happens, but they have width of their own, so they
>   interfere with precise positioning.)
> 4. Put all your figure content inside this minipage. Both the
>   image and the caption. (The caption can be moved inside
>   the minipage by copy-paste.)
Thank you Helge,

The "sidecap" package with the "wide" option appears to have answered most
of my needs;
but I shall bear in mind your suggestions for moving figures precisely.

George Legge

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-31 Thread george legge
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Julien Rioux

> On 28/05/2010 7:04 PM, george legge wrote:
>> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Julien Rioux> >wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not completely clear on what you want to accomplish, but you might
>> want
>> to have a look at the sidecap package [1]. I wrote a minimalistic module
>> to
>> use the package in LyX [2]. Maybe that would help. Otherwise, sorry for
>> the
>> noise.
>> Thank you Julien for the prompt reply.
>> I have read your documentation.
>> Your package does allow figures to move into the margin and captions to be
>> placed on either side.
>> But it does not appear to tackle the major problem, which is:
>> How to get figures (of all widths) to justify to a boundary several cm
>> outside the text edge.
>> George
> Hi George,
> First, I did not write the sidecap package; I only wrote a LyX module to
> better integrate the functionality of the LaTeX package within LyX.
> Second, there is a sidecap package option, "wide", which let the figure
> extend into the margin. Unfortunately, there is hardly any documentation
> about the sidecap package. I do not know how to customize this very well.
> But the attached LyX file use this option and the "innercaption" option to
> achieve something close to what you want, I think.
> Make sure you have sidecap.module somewhere where LyX can find it.
> Best of luck,
> Julien

Thank you Julien. Yes, I found the sidecap package a short while ago and
then found "wide".
"wide" certainly works on text and I am right now trying it on a figure.
It looks as though it should solve most of my problems; but I agree the
documentation is very sparse.
It is time I knocked off for the night. I shall let you know how successful
I am.

Cheers, George

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-30 Thread george legge
Sorry Uwe, I forgot to add that the geometry package allows me to set up
exactly what I need in the way of margins.
It can set:
paperwidth = inner + width + outer   [I am calling them inner and outer
rather than left and right, because it is double sided]
where inner and outer are true margins, not used for printing.
and  width = textwidth + (marginparsep + marginparwidth)

It is the outer edge of this (marginparsep + marginparwidth) region which I
attempted to justify my figures to.
My requirement was that the outer edge of a figure line up with the outer
edge of the marginpara,
and the figure could extend back as far as needed into the text area, with
any space left available for caption.
I was having difficulty with this and I noticed that memoir by itself could
perform many (though not all) of geometry actions.
Then I was overjoyed to get your suggestion of using "overhang" but
subsequently "underjoyed" to find I could not free it from wrap.
If I cannot free "overhang" from wrap, I shall go back to wrestling with
Thank you again for your help.

Cheers, George

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-30 Thread george legge
> This is against usual typesetting rules and therefore not supported by
> LaTeX. I showed you 2 tricks to overcome this and I don't see other ways.
> But you should have a very, very important reason to print something in the
> page margin. Because in case that you print your document by a printing
> press you will get big problems.
> regards Uwe

I still have a real margin of about 1.5cm outside the images. But there is a
much larger margin outside the text.
It is quite common to use what is treated as a margin by the text, but is
available for placement of figures.
Possibly a layout program does it by setting up two columns and restricting
the text to just the inner column.
I don't think that is easy to do with LaTeX.
However your suggestion of using "overhang" was wonderful.I don't know how
"overhang" is achieved.
I just need the macro that produces "overhang" without the macro that
produces "wrap".
That sounds simple, but maybe it isn't.
Thank you for trying to help.

Cheers, George

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-30 Thread george legge
>   Is there an easy way to insert an "overhang" command into a Figure Float?
> You only need to specify a width for your image that is wider than the page
> or column width. Use for example a width of 110 column%. Attached is an
> example where I have done this for a box.
> regards Uwe

Thank you Uwe, but that merely enlarges the image and extends it into the
It does not MOVE the image.  An overhang moves the image across into the
margin which is what I need.
Think of it this way:
 I wish to have an image (of any desired size) placed in the top
outer corner of the page.
Images will vary in width; but their outer edge will always hang outside the
text edge by the same distance.
It seems to me that this is exactly what "overhang" achieves.
If only I can get it to work with a regular image float, not just with a
wrap float.

Cheers, George

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-29 Thread george legge
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Uwe Stöhr  wrote:

> Am 29.05.2010 01:04, schrieb george legge:
>  But it does not appear to tackle the major problem, which is:
>> How to get figures (of all widths) to justify to a boundary several cm
>> outside the text edge.
> Use a wrapped float. Its option "Overhang" is exactly what you need.
> Attached is a LyX example file.
> For more infos about wrapped floats have a look at sec. 3.2.2 "Wrap Floats"
> of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX#s Help menu.
> regards Uwe

Thank you Uwe. "Overhang" is exactly what I need.
However, I do not want wrapping, and "overhang" seems to be offered only by
Wrap Float.
I don't think a plain Figure Float recognizes "overhang".
Is there an easy way to insert an "overhang" command into a Figure Float?

Alternatively can I turn off wrapping in a Wrap Float?

I still wish to insert a caption into the space created by the overhang.
I could force the overhang just by letting the caption push the figure
across, thereby creating an overhang,
though I need to do that with the caption always on the inner side.
However getting exactly the same overhang every time would be messy that

Basically, I wish to get all my figures to float to the tops of pages, flush
to the outside and overhang text by a set distance,
thus visually defining a marginal column. Your "overhang" almost does it.

Cheers, George

Re: Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-28 Thread george legge
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Julien Rioux wrote:
I am not completely clear on what you want to accomplish, but you might want
to have a look at the sidecap package [1]. I wrote a minimalistic module to
use the package in LyX [2]. Maybe that would help. Otherwise, sorry for the

Thank you Julien for the prompt reply.
I have read your documentation.
Your package does allow figures to move into the margin and captions to be
placed on either side.
But it does not appear to tackle the major problem, which is:
How to get figures (of all widths) to justify to a boundary several cm
outside the text edge.


Justifying figures to outer margin

2010-05-28 Thread george legge
In LyX memoir class, 2-sided, single column, how can I place figures so that
their outer edges line up with the outer edge of a wide (outer margin)? With
figures 1.2cm from the edge of the page, they then visually define the wide
outer margin. I want the captions (without caption numbers printed) placed
on the inside of the figures or, for wide figures, in the wide margin under
the figure.

I tried inserting the figure in a float, which then floats to the top of a
page, as desired. However the figure caption appears always on the left and
is justified to the left margin of the text, irrespective of whether the
page is recto or verso. The figure just gets pushed right in response to the
length of the caption. I need the caption on the “inside”, whether that is
left or right. If the caption is below the figure, the figure can be left or
right justified, but only to the text – not to the outer margin. How do I
get justification of the figure to the outer margin – not to the text?

Whether I set this up in LyX, in the LaTeX preamble or in TeX code, I feel
that it should be straightforward and probably a common layout; but I cannot
find the right documentation.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers, George (Legge)

Re: 64bit Lyx 1.6.4 cannot view postscript

2010-04-09 Thread george legge
Progress report on Lyx with 64bit Suse 11:
There have been no further comments on this problem of not being able to
view a postscript file, because Lyx "could not find header file".
This inability to find the file is despite the file being present and able
to be read with cat.
I thought the problem might be that the file was not in a local directory;
so I copied it across, with no effect.
I applied, saved, reconfigured and texhashed to no effect.
Finally I inserted the correct paths in Path prefix and success: I can now
view in postscript as well as the previously available dvi and pdf and can
print from all.
Thank for suggestions. I shall press on with my trial of Memoir.

Cheers, GeorgeL

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:35 AM, rgheck  wrote:

> On 03/31/2010 04:18 PM, george legge wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:19 AM, rgheck  wrote:
> I don't know myself. Let me try to bring Uwe in here. He knows more about
> this kind of thing. Or JMarc?
> rh

Re: 64bit Lyx 1.6.4 cannot view postscript

2010-04-02 Thread george legge
On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 4:25 AM, Kornel Benko  wrote:

> Am Mittwoch 31 März 2010 schrieb rgheck:
> > > This is dvips(k) 5.98 Copyright 2009 Radical Eye Software (
> > >
> > > dvips: ! Couldn't find header file
> > > Note that an absolute path or a relative path with .. are denied in -R2
> > > mode.
> >
> is part of texlive-base-bin package here (ubuntu).
> (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/dvips/base/

Thank you for the comment Kornel.
In SUSE, I have in the same path, except that your texmf-texlive is
replaced by texmf.
I have no directory texmf-texlive, though texlive has set up many other
directories and files.
I don't know whether this is significant or just a Ubunto naming feature.


Re: 64bit Lyx 1.6.4 cannot view postscript

2010-03-31 Thread george legge
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:19 AM, rgheck  wrote:

> The first step towards debugging this is to see if dvips will run from
> outside LyX. So (i) export your LyX file to LaTeX; (ii) run the following,
> from within the directory where that file now is:
>latex newfile1.tex
>dvips -t a4 -o newfile1.dvi
> Do you get the same error?

Thank you for that quick response to my problem.
Yes, I started  a new file (newfile5) in LyX and followed your instructions.
I got essentially the same error, running outside LyX:

This is dvips(k) 5.98 Copyright 2009 Radical Eye Software (
dvips: ! Couldn't find header file
Note that an absolute path or a relative path with .. are denied in -R2

What is the next step in debugging?

Regards, GeorgeL

64bit Lyx 1.6.4 cannot view postscript

2010-03-30 Thread george legge
Hello to you all  --  This is my first message to the list.

I have the 64bit version of Lyx 1.6.4 running on 64bit SUSE 11.1 together
with Texlive.

Lyx would not convert to pdf until I installed kdegraphics3-pdf and

Without those packages, it seems the 64bit installation does not have a
version of kpdf (information off the web).

 Fine, I can now view as pdf and print that. I can also view as dvi; but
that's as far as it goes.

I cannot view as postscript. I get a window with an error message:

An error occurred whilst running dvips -t a4 -o ''

 In the terminal window, I get the same error message followed by:

This is dvips(k) 5.98 Copyright 2009 Radical Eye Software (

dvips: ! Couldn't find header file

Note that an absolute path or a relative path with .. are denied in -R2

Error: Cannot convert file.

 I searched for and found it (and also in

/usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/ and also in /usr/lib/texmf/divips/base/

These files belong to root and I wondered if permissions were a problem, but
I get the same response if I run Lyx as root.

 I don't know whether there is something missing in the 64bit version of Lyx
1.6.4 or what.

I am not familiar with Lyx.

Can anyone help please?

George L