Re: Time::Local problem

2004-08-30 Thread Rick Measham
On 30 Aug 2004, at 8:15 PM, David Ledger wrote:
Can anyone explain the following? (the difference in commands is the 
year spec.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: perl -e 'use Time::Local;print ( (localtime(timelocal(0, 0, 
0, 1, 1, 55)))[6], \n);'
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: perl -e 'use Time::Local;print ( (localtime(timelocal(0, 0, 
0, 1, 1, 54)))[6], \n);'
Cannot handle date (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2054) at -e line 1

All years I've tried  55 are Ok; all years I've tried  54 fail.
As Sherm has pointed out, it's due to the two-digit year wrap around. 
(Remember the so-called Millennium bug? That's what you're perpetuating 
in the above code)

Your best bet for anything to do with dates and times is to use the 
DateTime modules. They work on all platforms and comprehensively handle 
any date and time you can throw at it (right up to $MAXINT-12-31). They 
handle localization and know all current and historic DST rules back to 

Rick Measham
(disclaimer: I have developed some of the DateTime modules)
Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: Time::Local problem

2004-08-30 Thread Rick Measham
On 31 Aug 2004, at 12:09 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
Great - so now our ancestors have to deal with the Y4G bug? ;-)
LOL .. no .. unless you continue to abbreviate. The dates will range 
from 1-01-01 to 1-12-31 and 2004 will mean 2004 not 12004.

(They're your decedents by the way, your ancestors have stopped 

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: Mac::Glue finder physical size

2004-08-30 Thread Rick Measham
On 31 Aug 2004, at 12:12 PM, Paul McCann wrote:
You need to add a -get after the prop(). Strangely enough I saw this 
googling on Mac::Glue physical_size, and the only thing whacked
(modulo close relatives) was your post of 18th March, containing the
vital get. So you want...
LOL .. thanks Paul!
Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277


2004-06-14 Thread Rick Measham
This post belongs on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list 
rather than the Mac OS-X Perl list. I've cross posted it there and 
would suggest that you subscribe to that list for all your PDF::API2 
help. It's an active and helpful list.

You need to be calling the methods on objects and not on their class. 
Once you open the PDF, you need to add the page to it rather than just 
adding a page to ... a class.

The following code (from my head so it could be wrong) demonstrates how 
you'd do it:

my $pdf = PDF::API2-open( $path_to_pdf ); # Open a PDF
my $page = $pdf-page( $pdf-pages );  # Add a page at the end
$page-do_something()  # Do stuff to the page
If there's any PDF::API2ers reading this, feel free to correct my code.

On 15 Jun 2004, at 7:08 AM, Nelius Bresnan wrote:
I'm a Perl novice using the PDF::API package to add stuff to the end 
of a
PDF file. I've RTFMed, I've googled this and I even tried emailing the
author but I'm totally stuck.

I want to use the method PDF::API2::PDF::Page-add($str). At first I 
PDF::API2-page($index). This inserts-and-returns a new page at $index 
it works fine. However an attempt to use $page-add($str) gets the 
Can't locate object method add via package PDF::API2::Page

So it seems that the scalar returned by PDF::API2-page is not the 
same kind
of object that PDF::API2::PDF::Page-add is supposed to be called on. 
surprised me - I expected both 'page' objects to be the same type. But 
checked and there is a file /Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/ and 
also a
file /Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/pdf/ so it would appear there 
in fact two different kind of page objects. And AFAICT I need the 
other one.

So I tried to create a scalar of type PDF::API2::PDF::Page using its
constructor. But to create that I need an object of type
PDF::API2::PDF::Pages to base it on. The constructor for Pages is
PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new($pdfs,$parent). But the explanation
( of 
parameters needed for $pdfs and $parent aren't explicit enough for a 
novice like myself. It says that $parent should point at the file 
context if
we're trying to create a root node. And I think thats what I need to 
do to
add pages onto the end of the PDF file.

I know enough Perl to know that contexts are very important in Perl. 
So I
looked it up in three different manuals but none of them make any 
to a file context. So I'm assuming that context isn't being using in 
canonical sense here and that the author simply means a file pointer 
of some

So I've supplied the $pdf scalar that was returned from
PDF::API2-open('aPDFfile.pdf'). The pod says that $pdfs is the file 
(or objects) in which to create the new Pages object. I'm not sure
precisely what it means by that but I think its that this is the file 
it'll output to. I want it to output to the same file so I've provided 
same $pdf value again. So my attempted construction of a 'pages' object
looks like this:
my $pages = PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new($pdf, $pdf);

when I run it it craps out giving the message:
Can't locate object method new_obj via package PDF::API2 at
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/PDF/API2/PDF/ line 68.
I had a look at the line in question and its pretty hairy stuff. I 
think its
doing something about creating a file outputstream or something like 
It's expecting that there will be a pointer to an object in $_ and I 
its the wrong kind of object and consequently it can't find the 
method. But
I'm (way) out of my depth. I think my problem is that my providing the 
parameters to PDF::API2::PDF::Pages-new. But I just can't understand 
what I
should be giving it. The POD comments are too vague for me. I don't 
get what
I should be providing to it.

thank you.
Nelius Bresnan.

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: CPAN Question

2004-05-27 Thread Rick Measham
G'day Timothy,
You're missing the perl headers. These are installed when you install 
the developers tools (which came with your OS or are available freely 
from Apple's website)

I can't remember which package in particular you need, if you can't 
work it out and don't want to just install everything off the disk, I'm 
sure someone else will chip in shortly with exactly which package it 

Rick Measham
On 28 May 2004, at 11:55 AM, Timothy Bailey wrote:
I've been playing around with CPAN, to get some modules installed. 
Unfortunately, something seems to be not working.  Perhaps it was 
because I tried to install LWP before its dependencies.  Or it could 
be that the CPAN update failed.  But anyway, the make section is 
failing.  Any ideas how I can fix it?

Here is an excerpt:
Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source code.
It is recommended that you install perl in a standard location before
building extensions. Some precompiled versions of perl do not contain
these header files, so you cannot build extensions. In such a case,
please build and install your perl from a fresh perl distribution. It
usually solves this kind of problem.
(You get this message, because MakeMaker could not find 
That particular file does not seem to exist.  So maybe there's some 
setting I need to change.

And make returns status 512 often.  Whatever that means. ;)
   Tim Bailey   |\/  Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised 
for the
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|\/  good of its victims may be the most 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | It may be better to live under robber 
barons than under omnipotent moral 
--'--,--@   The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes 
   his cupidity may at some point be 
  but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without 
 for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
 -- C.S. Lewis

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: seperate file

2004-04-29 Thread Rick Measham
On 30 Apr 2004, at 12:20 AM, zunsheng Jiao wrote:
Hi all,
I'm new on perl.
I need to separate a huge file to small files.  It has three columns. 
If first column is a number , use this number as a file name (i. e., 
260.dat and 300.dat for following sample), and then writing column 2 
and columns 3 to this file. Following is a sample such file:

   300 05100
Please help.
If your data is tab delimited the following will work. If not the split 
line needs to be changed depending on how your data is arranged.

# Go through each line of the data
foreach $line(DATA) {
# Split the line at whitespace
my ($file, $col1, $col2) = split(/\s+/,$line);
	# If there's something in the $file column, it's a new file
	if ($file) {
		# close the current file (but don't die if there is none)
		eval{ close(FILE) };
		# open the new file or die if we can't
		open(FILE, /Users/rickm/Desktop/test/$file.dat) or die(I can't 
open $file.dat: $!);
	# Write the data to the file
	print FILE $col1 . \t . $col2 . \n;
# close the latest file:
eval{ close(FILE) };

260 0   5000
300 05100

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Mac::Glue and OmniGraffle

2004-03-31 Thread Rick Measham
1. Product plug (sorry Merlyn) - OmniGraffle is by far the best 
development-planning tool I've ever seen. Love it.

2. I'm trying to perl + Mac::Glue it, but after reading through the 
OmniGraffle.pod and Mac::Glue I'm still lost.

The following applescript works:

tell front document of application OmniGraffl
	tell page 1
		make new shape at beginning of graphics with properties 
{text:{alignment:left, text:field}, origin:{20, ypos}, size:{150, 20}, 
magnets:{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}}
	end tell
end tell

However, I can't work out the Mac::Glue for the same. I've tried many 
variation on the following but I'm still lost. I've also looked through 
the archives for an example of a $obj-make but all the examples appear 
to be aimed at retrieving data rather than creating 'things'.

use Mac::Glue;
my $OmniGraffle = new Mac::Glue 'OmniGraffle';
my $chart = $OmniGraffle-obj(document = 1, page = 1);
	new = 'shape', # $chart-obj('shape'))
	at = Mac::Glue::location(before = $chart-obj('graphics')),
	with_properties = {
		origin = [20,20],
		size   = [150, 20],
		text   = {
			text= 'Square'
	ERRORS = \error_handler, # error handler from the perl website 

unfortunately, the error message isn't that helpful .. OSA's fault I 
figure: they never make any sense!

OmniGraffle-make(DOBJ, Mac::AEObjDesc=HASH(0xaf398c), new, shape, 
with_properties, HASH(0xaf3878), at, AEDesc=SCALAR(0xaf39bc)) event 
dsLineFErr (10)
line  trap error

Re: Getting the size of a folder with Mac::Glue

2004-03-18 Thread Rick Measham
On 18 Mar 2004, at 6:06 AM, Chris Nandor wrote:
This works:

  my $obj = $finder-obj(folder = '/Users/pudge/Movies');
  my $size = $finder-data_size($obj);
Chris, what is the data_size?

The correct size of the folder is (from Finder info) 8.6MB on disk 
(4,001,454 bytes)

rickm% perl -e 'use Mac::Glue; $finder=new Mac::Glue Finder; print 
$finder-data_size( $finder-obj( folder = $ARGV[0] ) )' 


rickm% perl -e 'use Mac::Glue; $finder=new Mac::Glue Finder; 
$obj=$finder-obj( folder = $ARGV[0] ); print 
$obj-prop(physical_size)-get' /path/to/folder


Which is 8.667MB, the size I'm looking for.

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Urgent: Turning a script into a droplet

2004-03-15 Thread Rick Measham
Need some quick help ... how do I turn a perl script into a droplet 
(and when I do, do the dropped files appear in @ARGV still?)

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: Urgent: Turning a script into a droplet

2004-03-15 Thread Rick Measham
On 16 Mar 2004, at 4:34 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On 16 Mar 2004, at 4:16 PM, Andrew M. Langmead wrote:
One suggestion would be DropScript 
It can turn any script or program into a droplet. (by dropping the 
script or program onto it. It itself is a droplet)
Thanks for the suggestion .. looks good.

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Getting the size of a folder with Mac::Glue

2004-03-15 Thread Rick Measham
I'm trying to get the size of a folder and figure Mac::Glue would be 
the way to go. However I'm getting back a 0:

use Mac::Glue;
my $finder = new Mac::Glue 'Finder';
die(No such file: $monthdir/$folder/) unless -e $monthdir/$folder/;
my $size = $finder-data_size($monthdir/$folder/);
print $size;
# 0
print $MacError
Now surely if the file doesn't work (like if I'm supposed to put some 
object there) I should be getting some sort of error?

(If there's a better way to get the size of a folder, please let me 


Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: ANNOUNCE: Affrus 1.0 - a Perl Debugger

2004-03-11 Thread Rick Measham
Mark, thanks for this announcement. There is no other place on the net 
that would have let me know about this tool. I'll go and check it out 

Randal said:
I will stand by my statement that the posting is wrong until one or
both of those entities have declared contrary ground rules, and
continue to object to such postings until being told otherwise by
someone with authority.
Randal: They have already declared such a post to be allowable. Where 
did they do that? When Ask set up spam filters on the machine in the 
TPF owned domain:

On 12 Mar 2004, at 4:40 AM, Mark Alldritt wrote:
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.9 required=8.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=ham
So, if they didn't want this, surely it would have scored at least in 
the positives! Get over it Randall, this is the best place to post it.

Rick Measham

Senior Developer
PrintSupply - Print Procurement  Supply Management
18 Greenaway Street VIC 3105
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fx: (03) 9850 3277

Re: Mac::Carbon install problem (Processes.t)

2004-02-16 Thread Rick Measham
There are others who will certainly know better than I do, however let 
me ask, are you running CPAN with:
   sudo /full/path/to/perl -MCPAN -e shell
If you don't use sudo (or su to root if you have it enabled) then there 
will be problems with installs, and if you have your own perl installed 
you'll need the full path to it.

That's just my thoughts, given the 'super-user' related errors.

On 17 Feb 2004, at 1:54 PM, Salvatore Denaro wrote:
The only thing in the system log that looks like there may be a 
problem is:

aped[185]: Attach denied: super-user process, for 
aped[185]: Attach denied: super-user process, for perl[5050]
aped[185]: Attach denied: super-user process, for perl[5058]

Anyone know what's wrong?


Re: [OT] XML in SQL (was: MySQL for Web Apps)

2004-02-05 Thread Rick Measham
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Rick Measham wrote:

I'd love to see an XML parser embedded into SQL so that I can have:
CREATE TABLE aTable (id serial, data XML);

On 5 Feb 2004, at 05:21 pm, Chris Devers replied:
Does this help?

Is this along the lines of what you were hoping for?
Thanks Christ, but not really at all. What I want is the ability to use 
XML as a data type so that I can have a field full of XML that is 
searchable. The output would be the'zactly the same as current output. 
The input would be XML as a string:

 INSERT INTO data (id, user, data) VALUES (1, 
 INSERT INTO data (id, user, data) VALUES (2, 

# And then I could retrieve it:

 SELECT * FROM data WHERE data:user:name='Rick'

id |  user  |  data
 1 | rick   | usernameRick/namesurnameMeasham/surname/user
 2 | rick02 | usernameRick/namesurnameSmith/surname/user
(2 rows returned)
Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: [OT] XML in SQL (was: MySQL for Web Apps)

2004-02-05 Thread Rick Measham
On 6 Feb 2004, at 01:47 pm, Rick Measham wrote:
Thanks Christ,
erm .. sorry .. chris ..

Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: [OT] XML in SQL (was: MySQL for Web Apps)

2004-02-05 Thread Rick Measham
On 6 Feb 2004, at 02:37 pm, Chris Devers wrote:
Anyway, it was pointed out to me in a different offlist response that I
was probably answering the wrong question. Oh well -- it still seems 
a useful (and under-publicized?) capability of the standard MySQL 
so maybe bringing it up will still be of use to someone...
Very true .. I'm a PostGreSQLer rather than a MySQLer, and looking 
through the mailing lists there it looks like theres been talk of 
accessing the XML as data rather than as text ... h.. Feb 2003 .. I 
might poke some people!

Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: [OT] MySQL for Web Apps

2004-02-03 Thread Rick Measham
On 4 Feb 2004, at 03:16 pm, Bill Stephenson wrote:
As computers keep getting faster, and memory and storage cheaper,  
isn't it beneficial to program in the most simple, human readable,  
least learning required, method?
Never. You're not going to ever read each 2500 user's 2000 x 40kb  
records thus it's better to store it in a way that the computer can  
access it.

In short, I'm lazy. I'd rather code this all in perl. Do I really need  
to learn about and use MySQL or will computers get fast enough that it  
won't matter anyway.
Once again, no. Especially with where you're starting. 3 users and you  
might be OK. Have a think about this:
You have a file:

The first thing you're going to do with XML::Parser is turn the XML  
into a perl data structure:
@data = (
 {  id = 1,
   name = 'Bob'
   id = 2,
   name = 'Nancy'
Then you'll look through each element of the list looking for name eq  
'Bob'. All you'll do all that in perl. Multiply the files by 2500 users  
then multiply by 40k of information. Perl wouldn't even be able to  
start to store it all.

On the other hand if you store the data directly in a database which  
has been optimised for quick searching and already has all the methods  
you'll ever require to store and retrieve data, you'll be running it as  
a compiled program. It will run a LOT faster and it will do it's job a  
LOT better.

It will also handle data-locking so you and I can't both be writing to  
a file at the same time.

In short there's no question about which is the better option.  
Databases are quicker and safer.


Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: [OT] MySQL for Web Apps

2004-02-03 Thread Rick Measham
On 4 Feb 2004, at 03:39 pm, kynan wrote:
The idea of having XML in the DB is sound though, if you do it 
So long as you're not planning on searching on it or indexing it or ...

I once used XML to store information about a webpage as a PostGreSQL 
field ... but later down the track I wanted to search on some of that 
data and had to retrieve all records that contained 'bob' and then 
parse the XML and check that 'bob' was in the byline rather than just 
having his name in the content.


I'd love to see an XML parser embedded into SQL so that I can have:
CREATE TABLE aTable (id serial, data XML);
Then I can:
SELECT id FROM aTable WHERE data:story:byline = 'Bob';
Which would return the id of any record whose data field looked 
something like:
id=2bylineBob/bylinecontentContent of another 

But wouldn't return the id where the data looked like:
XMLstory id=1bylineNora/bylinecontentBob is a 
dude/content/storystory id=2bylineBill/bylinecontentContent 
of another story/content/story/XML

even though 'bob' is in the text.

Basically the SQL engine would recognise that 'data' is an XML field 
and could search it according to requirements.


Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: permission denied during open

2004-02-01 Thread Rick Measham
On 2 Feb 2004, at 12:59 am, timothy driscoll wrote:
this fails with an error 'Permission denied' when the target dir 
'temp' looks
like this:

drwxrwxr-x  3 nobodynobody   102  1 Feb 08:44 temp

but it works if I make the dir writeable by everyone:

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobodynobody   102  1 Feb 08:44 temp

I thought perl ran as nobody, so giving r/w access to 'nobody' should 
but obviously it doesn't - so what did I do wrong?
G'day Tim,

perl itself will run as whoever calls it. In the case of CGI it will be 
run by Apache or whichever http server you're running.

By default apache used to run as 'nobody.nobody', then on some installs 
it runs as 'apache.apache'. However, on MacOS-X it runs as 'www.www'. 
Check the httpd.conf file to see (It's the 'user' and 'group' 

Assuming you're on OS-X, set your file's to www.www and you 
should be fine with a 744.


Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: permission denied during open

2004-02-01 Thread Rick Measham
OK, I'm a git. I didn't scroll down so I didn't realise this had 
already been answered half a dozen times. Sorry!

On 2 Feb 2004, at 10:32 am, Rick Measham wrote:

On 2 Feb 2004, at 12:59 am, timothy driscoll wrote:
this fails with an error 'Permission denied' when the target dir 
'temp' looks
like this:

drwxrwxr-x  3 nobodynobody   102  1 Feb 08:44 temp

but it works if I make the dir writeable by everyone:

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobodynobody   102  1 Feb 08:44 temp

I thought perl ran as nobody, so giving r/w access to 'nobody' should 
but obviously it doesn't - so what did I do wrong?
G'day Tim,

perl itself will run as whoever calls it. In the case of CGI it will 
be run by Apache or whichever http server you're running.

By default apache used to run as 'nobody.nobody', then on some 
installs it runs as 'apache.apache'. However, on MacOS-X it runs as 
'www.www'. Check the httpd.conf file to see (It's the 'user' and 
'group' directives).

Assuming you're on OS-X, set your file's to www.www and 
you should be fine with a 744.


Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277
Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: tricky parsing question

2004-01-22 Thread Rick Measham
On 23 Jan 2004, at 01:21 pm, wren argetlahm wrote:

I'm working on a linguistic module and I'm trying to
find a good way to split a string up into segments.
I can't assume single charecter strings and want to
assume maximal segments. As an example, the word
church would be rendered as the list ('ch', 'u',
'r', 'ch') and wouldn't break the ch up smaller even
though both c and h are valid segments in English.
I have all the valid segments for a given language
stored as keys in a hash, now I just need an algorithm
to chop up a string into a list. Any ideas?
Wren, when you say 'segments' it appears you mean phonemes or phonetics.

CPAN has several modules that may help you:

Lingua::Phoneme uses the Moby Pronounciation Dictionery to find the 

Text::Metaphone also deals with phonemes and will return 'Church' as 
'XRX' meaning 'ch', 'r', 'ch'. Unfortunately it returns the 'ch' in 
'Character' as an 'X' also.

And that, of course, is the most difficult part. English is such a 
hodge-podge of hacks from other languages the understanding it via 
algorithms is very very hard.


Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Getting a 'Save As' dialog box

2004-01-11 Thread Rick Measham
Hello People,

I need some help with a perl on OS-X problem. I need to pop up a 'Save 
As' dialog. Basically the same as the one AppleScript gives you when 
	choose file name with prompt Select a location to save this file 
default name Name

but I need to do this from perl. At first I thought it might be simple:
	$file = `osascript -e 'choose file name with prompt test1 default 
name test2'`;
but that gives me: 0:57: execution error: No user interaction allowed. 

So next I used CPAN module Mac::AppleScript and I don't get any reply 
at all:
	RunAppleScript(qq(choose file name with prompt test1 default name 

But I figure that somewhere in all this there must be a way to pop up 
such a dialog directly from perl.


Thanks and Cheers!

Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277

Re: Getting a 'Save As' dialog box

2004-01-11 Thread Rick Measham
Thanks John,

Works a treat!

On 12 Jan 2004, at 03:47 pm, John Delacour wrote:

At 2:51 pm +1100 12/1/04, Rick Measham wrote:

 I used CPAN module Mac::AppleScript and I don't get any reply at all:
Further to my last posting, I discover that some applications will not 
behave properly if the tell target is themselves.  Eudora and BBEdit 
6.5 are two examples of apps that hang, but you can run this from the 
Terminal or you can run it from the Terminal with Terminal as the 
target.  It will also work fine with tell self in certain other apps.

use Mac::AppleScript qw(RunAppleScript);
my $asresult  = RunAppleScript EOS;
tell app Eudora
  choose file name with prompt test1 default name test2
  posix path of result
print \n$asresult\n
Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer
Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277