Re: [OT] Japanese

2003-06-16 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot
Japanese and Mac OS Xawesome.  Yes; I am biased.

Can you tell us how you got the garbled text?  It looks like if you 
switch the encoding, as suggested, that you might get things into 
something resembling Japanese.

As for Mac OS X supporting Japanese.  I presume you have checked the 
system preferences.  You can set it so it opens applications with 
Japanese localization, if available.  While this might be useful to you 
at this moment, you can also add Japanese IME (input) to any 
application within the system preferences.

I use Mail from Apple without any issues.  Occasionally someone's email 
is garbled (mojibake being the 'technical' term for this as it relates 
to Japanese) when some sets the text as single-byte...but this 
typically happens with MS clients such as Outlook (I use Japanese 
regional settings at work...and Outlook just botches things too much 
for my likes).  Japanese characters are two-bytes each  so parsing 
per one-byte just corrupts everything and makes 2x the characters out 
of the message.  Anyway.

Using Perl's pack() and unpack() are good ways to keep things nicely 
packed into a format that supports two-bytes.  Hopefully 5.8.0 
will/does support Unicode fully.  This is what I have done with Perl 
web-apps in the past. really depends on how you qualify My next question is where 
there's a good online FAQ site for doing
japanese on OSX or finding OSX programs that accept Japenese 


Re: [OT] Japanese

2003-06-16 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot
But I can tell Text Edit what encoding to assume and then save as UTF-8
or UTF-16, so there's a work-around.
Unfortunately, that's not going to help the OP, near as I can tell. Do
you recognize his deg.TMGDBdeg.$D9$BBdeg.$D9deg.$E9deg.$D9-$DA$F5?
Editors I use a lot.

Jedit, Java editor.
	It is extremely good at setting default encodings, changing file 
encoding (batch mode, too) on the fly, et cetera.

Mi, great text editor from Japanese author
VIM...well, not great at Japanese.  But an lovely editor.  Just had to 
add it here.  Works great in X11 on OS X, too! ;)

Re: wxPerl

2003-06-10 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot
You need to be careful you have read following the wxPerl INSTALL.txt directions 
carefully.  Near the bottom of the file there is a bit about needing to create a new 
Perl EXE.  It is simple enough to do.

Of course, you also need to install wxWindows inself.

And no, it does not require X11.  BTW, there is a wxperl ML...

On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 12:58PM, Chris Devers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Drew Taylor wrote:

 Has anyone used wxPerl on OS X? I've got it installed, and have run a
 couple samples (the article  tutorial #1 on perlmonks). But
 when I run these samples (drew% ./ via Terminal), I only get the
 window. No menubar, etc. Any ideas?

It doesn't need to run from within X11, does it? I don't know if the
current version of wxPerl does Aqua graphics, or if it just relies on X
for that, but if it's the latter you may need to fire up X and make sure
that your $DISPLAY variable is set properly, etc.


hype, n.
Any document headed For immediate release.

-- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995


Ward W. Vuillemot

Re: A Wheeler by anyother name...

2003-03-15 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot
1.  I appreciate all the spam on this...makes me feel like I am in 
2.  Whatever happened to giving ppl the benefit of the doubt?  That is 
to say, would it have been sufficient for the people in question who 
questioned the usage or play-on-words to have written a short email 
directly to the person in question to express their opinion...I am not 
certain of the original poster's position but they seemed to mean it in 
terms of kindness/humor without any sense of insult intended.  If 
anything since these ML can be quite intimate; we same the ppl over and 
over there can to develop a sense of familiarity with each other and 
others within our perceived sphere of community -- namely Mac, Perl, 
and OSS.
3.  I concur that there are many levels of gray in this -- and we need 
to take care to not overly offend other persons' sensibilities...but 
does the community response equal the intent of the original poster?
4.  This has all been highly entertaining.  Amazing how email promotes 
such passive-aggressive behaviors.  GRRR.  haha. ;)

Let us now play nicely with each other.

BOT: Installers

2002-11-19 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

What is the best method you use to install modules not hosted on CPAN 
but need to be available to a group of people who are not too familiar 
with Perl per se.

I have some distributions that I want to be able for the user to 
basically type '' or 2x-click on it and it use CPAN to 
install all the requisite modules.  Some of these modules will be from 
the CPAN respos, otherwise will be included at tar.gz files.

I looked at CPAN::DistroBuilder...and it seems like a good idea.

However, I have not figured out to force CPAN to look at file URLs.

Ideally, I would like to keep a local copy of the CPAN modules and just 
use this for the people.  We are behind a firewall, and i want to avoid 
anything like configuring CPAN for themI just wanna dumb it down to 
the point that they gotta think zippo (or as near as possible) for 
installation.  Yes, I have read the docs and googled.  But I can only 
find allusions to what I want to do, no concrete examples

Thanks in advance,

Re: What up with the mac

2002-10-10 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot
What is the script?  If you truly think you have an optimization 
problem on the Mac, then send us the script -- assuming it is of 
reasonable size.

Are you doing something in Perl that is really a Windows-specific 
task...are you running Perl within Mac OS X or through Fink you have the same versions of Perl...are you running Perl 
on OS X or OS the computers have the same amount of RAM, similar 
HDs, running one locally vs off a networked HD???  Also, 1.5 GHz 
Apple?!?  Do you mean dual-1.25 GHz Apple?  it is difficult to even 
comment with so little information to go by.

On 2002.10.9, at 12:31 午後, Brigham Mecham wrote:


 Perhaps someone can fill me in on this one.  I am comparing the run 
 time of a perl program I wrote.  Using my Mac G4 which has a 1.5 ghz 
 processor and a 1.3 ghz PC computer (processor chip type I don't know 
 but could find out) I am seeing that the Mac takes 14 seconds to 
 complete what the PC does in 6!  What's up with that?

Tk, Perl, and 10.2

2002-10-06 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

Anyone else running Tk, Perl 5.8.0 on Mac 10.2?

Anyone notice lag in window draw?  I have a G4 800 Mhz, but draw of 
even simple dialogs takes 1-2 secondsI am wondering if it is my 
configuration, or something else.  Am I correct when I say that Tk is 
_only_ available by running XDarwin (i.e. Fink installation) to get Tk 
running?  Is this just XDarwin overhead?


Re: Perl/Tk on OS X -- and another GD plea(se) :)

2002-09-27 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot
That worked just as well!  Thanks!!!

On 2002.9.27, at 09:57 午前, Bill Stephenson wrote:

 I think you can install the modules with fink too. Have you tried
 that? I used fink to install only gd.c. (and required libs) I hadn't
 realized it could install as well. After I got mine working 
 (perl 5.6
 OS X 10.15) I read somewhere you could use fink for both installs...



 Bill Stephenson

Re: Perl/Tk on OS X -- and another GD plea(se) :)

2002-09-26 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

I finally got to Tk to load with 10.2 and Perl 5.8.0 by making sure the 
regex does not have the trailing \s+ in file  for the 

To verify, I simply ran the POS sample found on and it works 
without any glitches.

Now, if I can just get GD to installnone of the tricks online are 
working for me.  Anyone have an idea.


Re: OS Poll

2002-09-21 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

The simple point of _all_ things is this:

Nothing, REPEAT, nothing is for free.

IF 10.2 is worth to you at whatever cost you get -- be it $80 or $130 
-- then you will pay it.  And if _NOT_ then it is not.

IF you have it INSTALLED then whatever you paid when you INSTALLED IT 
is at a level you thought worth it at the time that you PAID for it.

Even still, IF you installed it and it was NOT worth it then you 
reverted to whatever OS was/is WORTH it.

REGARDLESS, you should be using the OS and the OS VERSION that makes 
sense to YOU and YOUR SENSE of value.

IF you do not LIKE APPLES PRICING, then do NOT pay it.

Life ain't perfect -- nor is Apple.  They have, do and will continue to 
do things I think are wrong -- ie, piss me off.  Hello, I have G3 that 
had sound in 10.0 and no sound in 10.0.4 -- but I have yet to get it to 
work hencedo I like it?  NO!!  But in the whole scheme of 
things...there is a lot better things to do -- like drink a beer or 
some other beverage.  Anyway.  The alternatives are even LESS 
appetizing to me.  Aka M$ or Redhat/Mandrake == Linux.

Apple is a company.  They make a product.  It ain't free.

Capitalism, like democracy, is not a happenstance of environment.  It 
is a consequence of action -- even inaction.  You VOTE when you buy.  
You VOTE when you do NOT buy.

My VOTE is for.  For some it is not.

Fine.  Cool.

And ALL of this has WHAT to do with Perl on Mac?

Please do not take any of the above personally.  Just me, a beer, and 
way too many emails on this topic for the evening.

Many cheers,

Re: Opening file with application

2002-09-08 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

Not that I have an answer...but I have a similar problem.  I can launch 
MS Excel and have it open a OTF generated file from Win32.  But Mac OS X 
does not do itmaybe I should read the docs, but...if I backtick an 
`open /dir/to/msexcel` Excel opens, but the redirect, or `open 
/dir/to/msexcel  $file`` does not work.  That is to say, MS Excel 
(Classic) still opens from within Perl on Mac OS X, but I cannot get it 
to open the file itself...which is a pain in the butt. I figured if I 
got Mac OS X version MS Office things might get rectified, but I have 
yet to get an upgrade.

I put my vote in for any ideas on a non-OS specific solution to opening 
an application and having said application open a file to boot.  ;)


On 2002.09.08, at 11:06, John Delacour wrote:

 At 8:48 am -0700 8/9/02, Enrique Terrazas wrote:

 How about using SetFile (installed by the developer tools) to set the
 creator and file type to excel, and then using the open command?

 Well a) I don't want to change the file creator and b) only a small 
 minority of users will have Setfile installed.


GOT: Re: Reading a file in- different in MacOS X?

2002-08-10 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

On 2002.08.10, at 08:54, David Wheeler wrote:

 On Saturday, August 10, 2002, at 12:43  AM, Shannon Murdoch wrote:

   push (array,$_);

 This doesn't answer your question, but just as a space saver (perhaps 
 even optimization, I'm not sure), you might want to try this syntax:

 my array = FILE;

Q:  What happens if FILE is a LARGE file?  array = FILE may then 
cause problems...the first way ensures that the file is read in 

Anyone have comments?

Problems install Text::Iconv

2002-05-01 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

I am trying to get, ultimately, XML::SAX and some of its own supporting
modules (e.g. XML::SAX::ParserFactory which needs XML::SAX::Writer which
needs Text::Iconv).  How how the merry nymphs dance and prance on m'
forehead.  Argh!

Has anyone encountered this?  Here is the output from an install.


P.S.  Thanks to all for the previous help with apache (even though it was
not related to the mailing list (i.e. WOT)) as a LOT of people provided some
much need help.  Thanks!

Writing Makefile for Text::Iconv
cp blib/lib/Text/
AutoSplitting blib/lib/Text/ (blib/lib/auto/Text/Iconv)
/usr/bin/perl -I/System/Library/Perl/darwin -I/System/Library/Perl
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap Iconv.xs  Iconv.xsc
 mv Iconv.xsc Iconv.c
cc -c  -pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
-I/usr/local/include -O3   -DVERSION=\1.2\ -DXS_VERSION=\1.2\
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE  Iconv.c
Iconv.xs:15: header file 'iconv.h' not found
Iconv.xs:21: undefined type, found `iconv_t'
Iconv.xs:139: undefined type, found `iconv_t'
cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in basic
make: *** [Iconv.o] Error 1
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible

Mod_perl perlhandler

2002-04-27 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

With the special apache and apreqlib, has anyone had problems with
PerlHandler.  In particular, my httpd.conf includes

Location /floeApp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler floeApp
  PerlSendHeader On

But, apachectl configtest tells me
Invalid command 'SetHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

Running httpd -l, returns
Compiled-in modules:

http_core.c, I thought handled this.  No?

Ward W. Vuillemot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

APACHE, LIBAPREQ -- some errors

2002-04-26 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

RE: instructions at

I have had the following errors after installing the special Apache.

dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd Undefined symbols:
/usr/sbin/apachectl restart: httpd could not be started

In a unrelated error, can anyone verify that the following error is an
indication that another server is already running?

[crit] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to port 80

I presume that mac os x is launching apache at startup.  Is it possible that
I have 2 versions of apache installed?  I presumed that installation of
apache by myself would overwrite anything that came pre-installed on the
computer, no?

BTW, thanks for all who have been responding to my emails!  It is great to
have such wonderful support.  Hopefully  I will someday be able to return
the favor.


Help with Apache installation

2002-04-26 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

I thought I would go back to installing everything.
Last time, when I installed Apache, I had had problems with the following

SSL_BASE=/usr/local/src/openssl-0.9.6c/ \
./configure \
--with-layout=Apache \
--enable-module=ssl \
--enable-module=rewrite \
--enable-module=so \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
--disable-shared=perl \

Telling me that SSL_BASE is not understood.

So I set it using
% Setenv SSL_BASE /usr/local/src/openssl-0.9.6c/
% ./configure \
--with-layout=Apache \
--enable-module=ssl \
--enable-module=rewrite \
--enable-module=so \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
--disable-shared=perl \
% make
% make test
% make install

I have maked openssl, mod_ssl, and mod_perl.
When I try to configure Apache, I am still getting the 'SSL_BASE is not
understood' error.

I am using Apple's default shell.

Any help is appreciated!


Ward W. Vuillemot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Clean install

2002-04-26 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot


I want to do a complete reinstall of Apache, mod_perl, mod_ssl, openSSL and

What files do I need to delete to get rid of all the associated files?

It would seem that I might have problems with different versions of
libapreq, and I figure the easiest solution at this point is the M$
solution.  REINSTALL.  :|


Ward W. Vuillemot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Controlling Apache

2002-04-25 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

I basically followed the directions at
Along with pointers from

So I know have mod_ssl, mod_perl, Perl 5.6.1 and Apache loaded on my

I then loaded the libapreq that is suggested for this type of configuration.

I can Apache to launch with the default httpd.conf.

However, when I add the following line to the end of the file
I get errors.   Below are the mods to httpd.conf and associated files.

I have been using System Preferences to restart Apache.  However, after
doing a restart I cannot STOP Apache from this location!!

Q: What is the best way to control Apache?

Also, even though Apache is running when I try to connect at I get

Any help is appreciated!

Include /Library/WebServer/FLOE/httpd.conf



# send perl warnings to log
PerlWarn On
# force reloading of modules on restart
# when production level turn off
PerlFreshRestart On
# Perl module primitive mother load on start/restart
PerlRequire /Library/WebServer/FLOE/
# FLOE application (mod_perl)
# see to determine if XML version
Location /floeApp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler floeApp
  PerlSendHeader On




use Apache::Cookie;
use Apache::Request ();
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::DBI ();

use CGI ();
use CGI::Carp;

# location of FLOE modules
# same directory as one used in floe.cgi
# use lib 'C:/apache/Apache/cgi-lib';
# XML version
use lib '/Library/WebServer/FLOE/';

# modules specific to Boeing FLOE
# DB module (wrapper to DBI)
#use floeApp ();

#use FLOE ();
#non-OO methods
#use FLOE::Func ();
#builds DB navigational aids
#use FLOE::Navigation ();
#manages server-side session state
#use FLOE::Session ();
# use perlfect::template module
#use FLOE::Template ();
# validates information found in DB table
#use FLOE::Validate ();

# INI (configuration) Reader (Apache format)
use Config::General::Extended ();


Re: Controlling Apache

2002-04-25 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

On 02.4.25 8:33 PM, Sherm Pendley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 10:52 PM, Ward W. Vuillemot wrote:
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LC_ALL = (unset),
 LANG = ja_JP
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
 I use Japanese as default for the OS.  I configured by .cshrc to change
 when I use the terminal. . .but I am not sure how to set this otherwise.
 When I installed perl, I had typed in
   setenv LC_ALL C
   setenv LANG en_US
 I'm not certain - I speak only English, and so I've never had to deal
 with locale issues.
 Having said that, it appears to me that Perl is confused because it was
 compiled in the English/US locale, but is running (as part of mod_perl)
 in the Japanese locale.
 If I'm correct, the solution would be to either a) Compile Perl in the
 Japanese locale, or b) modify the Apache startup script
 (/System/Library/StartupItems/Apache/Apache) to run Apache in the
 English/US locale.
 Not only would the latter be simpler, it would also allow you to use
 your English version of Perl with your current terminal environment.
 Hope this helps!
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. There might be a law
 against it by that time.

Might you know how I might do that?  I cannot seem to find anything online
or in the docs (not sure exactly what to search under) to configure Apache
in such a manner.

I did try apachectl.  I got the following error:
 pid file /private/var/run/ overwritte
n -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?

When I tried to see the full status, I got this
[localhost:var/log/httpd] root# apachectl fullstatus
/usr/sbin/apachectl: command not found: lynx [142]

So, I went back to the my httpd.conf file.
I forgot that mod_perl and mod_ssl are statically linked, so I did not need
the AddModule command. . .

However, it now tells me that PerlWarn, PerlRestart, and PerlRequest are not
allowed?!?  These commands are issued from another file that I call as an
Include directive in the main httpd.conf file.

Anyone have an idea why?

Ward W. Vuillemot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CPAN shell error with DELETE key

2002-04-23 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

Has anyone seen the following error:

Use of uninitialized value in length at
/Library/Perl/Term/ReadLine/ line 1606.

I tried install readline, quit CPAN shell and restarted.  Problem still
exists. . . .does not seem to be anything than an annoyance.


P.S.  Any status update with default Perl and Apache::Cookie (libareq)?  I
tried the suggestion from Joe S. without any success.  Anywhere I have a
use Apache::Cookie the module will not load.  E.g., I have a
file I use to load common modules in memory at the startup of Apache. .
..commenting out the use Apache::Cookie gets it to start.  Of course, my
mod_perl apps require the mod, so without it quite a moot accomplishment.
As it were.

Ward W. Vuillemot [EMAIL PROTECTED]