VS: Re: Nokia hands startup animation

2009-10-13 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

As a matter of fact the hildon-welcome is fully configurable.
You don't need to remove/replace the Nokia hands animation file to add your own 
animation or sound to the startup. Hildon-welcome supports unlimited number of 
"logo animations" (either video or image+sound) in sequence. It reads all 
configuration files in the hildon-welcome.d folder and interprets them in 
alphabetical order.

Best regards
Karoliina Salminen
Lähetetty Nokia N900 -matkatietokoneesta

- Alkuperäinen viesti -
> Ryan wrote:
> >
> > Anybody managed to dig up the hands startup animation? I'd like to
> > start trying to update my boot screen packages for Fremantle.
> /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media $ ls -lh
> -rw-r--r--1 root root 1.4M Feb 26  2009 Hands-v32-h264.avi
> I believe that's it (a handy file to move when trying to recover from a full
> rootfs during package installation).
> HTH,
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Flegg -- mailto:and...@bleb.org  |  http://www.bleb.org/
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
> maemo-developers@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 15:09, Kate Alhola wrote:
>> Same thing to Qt, it is not limitation of Qt. App menus looks
>> exactly same rendered with Qt than rendered with GTK.
>> It just uses exactly same style for elements.
>And this is one of the things which is being asked for! Can you post a
>simple example (and screenshot) of a Qt program which looks like a
>"normal" Maemo 5 app?

Off the record: I was just visiting Kate's and Antonio's office and saw 
application menu demo. Looks nice
and works both in landscape and portrait, is themed with the same graphics and 
looks just 
like a Maemo 5 Hildon Gtk app. It is coming together nicely.

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>-Original Message-
>From: maemo-developers-boun...@maemo.org 
>[mailto:maemo-developers-boun...@maemo.org] On Behalf Of ext 
>Alejandro Garcia Castro
>Sent: 07 September, 2009 13:19
>To: Andrea Grandi
>Cc: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?
>On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 07:48:15PM +0200, Andrea Grandi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2009/9/4  :
>> > If some of these composite widgets are so big problem, we can 
>> > collect these examples as widget library.
>> composed widget are not a problem for ObjectOriented-people :D
>I guess in that case you should ask Orbit team about those 50 
>mobile user experience widgets they are implementing over Qt ;):
>"# A new "Orbit" extension library for Qt, which contains more 
>than 50 widgets tailored for mobile user experience, and which 
>will provide a replacement for the existing "Avkon" widget set. "

Please also note this mentioned avkon and other things they are saying they 
be doing there have very little if nothing to do with Maemo. It is a completely
different environment solving a different set of problems. The widget set
in S60 is quite different from the Maemo 5. You can easily see that if you
compare a S60 phone with N900. Maemo has been and is going to different 
so I think you can't use that in any valid comparison. 

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-06 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>> On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
>> Startup wizard with Clutter because there
>> was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
>> functionality and what is already there because there was
>> nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
>> (start by building a custom ClutterActor)
>> and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get e.g. 
>> a kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
>> was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just 
>> putting some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
>> adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, 
>> it was actually quite efficient to do it.
>Sure but the question here is not to make super customized widgets but
>rather to use widgets the way they should be used in an interface,
>following the established guidelines to provide the user with a nice
>If you have custom widgets in every program on a system, users will find
>it harder to use. They will not know what to expect when they tap on a
>widget they never saw before... that's the point of having guidelines.

Please read my sentences above. I meant about replicating the functionality of 
the widget
done with other technology with another and ending up with exactly the same 
user experience. 
It is possible and the guidelines can be followed to create the new widgets. 
There is nothing that prevents that, it is just some additional work required 
for the developer
as there are hildon widgets lacking from the selection of widgets on the Qt 

If you compare the kinetic scroll list on the startup wizard to the kinetic 
scroll list elsewhere,
you may find that it functions the same way, despite that is Clutter and 
elsewhere it is Gtk. 
Similarly I am sure it can be done also with the Qt in the same way, so that as 
end user you can't see the difference
(except that on different toolkits there may be slight performance differences, 
e.g. pure clutter
can be obviously faster than Gtk and similarly the performance may differ on 
the Qt version to direction or another
depending on the case). 

It just requires accurate tuning for all the parameters to get the scroll 
behavior exactly the same and
then basically the end result is the same. It is possible, and not even hard, 
it just needs some work and fine tuning. 
The Qt port is implemented with the community and the community 
and community can propose patches to Antonio/Kate instead so that the 
implemented widgets can be joined to the their port rather than
everybody implementing their own versions without contributing them to the port 
ending up with different results on each
program. Of course nobody prohibits people to do that either, this is free 
software and you have the freedom of choice always to
do one way or the another. 

What comes to the kinetic scroll list, it has certain little details that are 
important, otherwise it will feel different (and not right):
- edge bounce
- easing on edge bounce (the movement decelerates before it stops instead of 
stopping mechanically)
- friction
- inertia
- scrolling speed (comes from the physics of the friction, inertia, and the 
initial speed given by the finger)
- finger following
- item selection sensitivity from touch
- item deselection sensitivity from following movement
- stoppable movement (despite of high inertia, stopped finger stops the 
movement immediately)

To get these right, it really requires trying out on the device how it feels. 
When doing the startup wizard we found that
some sensitivities (e.g. selection sensitivity) need to be a bit different when 
operated on mouse than when operated on finger on the device. 

Once the list is perfected, all the other widgets are easily composited from 
these lists and other widgets. 
So it is a good idea to start from making a list on Qt to function exactly like 
it functions on the Hildon. 

Best Regards,

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-06 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 08:01
>> > However, if you want to have the exact same user experience as the
>> > preinstalled Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube videos and
>> > the SDK), then you have much easier time and faster development with the
>> > gtk-based hildon widgets in Maemo 5.
>> This doesn't give much of a transition plan for developers, or the
>> chance to fix things in the Qt API whilst it's in "community support"
>> mode.
>Before people start jumping into long term conclusions, I'd rather encourage 
>people to start documenting to wiki.maemo.org, what is known about QT in Maemo 
>5 and build a better understanding collectively there.
>I don't know about QT any more than what is publicly informed. Which is very 
>Lets move from the guesswork here to documenting what is really known to wiki.

>Big thanks to Kate for the clarifying post. I'm sorry I misunderstood the 
>purpose of QT mobility. Seems it's not about widgets, but about platform 
>components like Contacts and Services.
>I would caution against too easily dismissing Hildon Pickers as trivial 
>"composites" that app developers can implement.
>At least in Hildon widgets, Claudio, Berto and others have spent huge amount 
>of time to get the pickers work "just right". You can see it yourself in the 
>hildon git changelog.
>The "combobox" in Linux desktops is pretty much a subset of the hildon pickers 
>(in terms of funtionality, not directly in terms of actual UI elements). So if 
>pickers would be trivial, then why would there be a need to provide a combobox 
>in the standard toolkit?

These things are easier in some toolkits and harder in some others. To my 
knowledge, Gtk was not really designed for handheld touch user interface
with kinetic scroll etc. on mind in the first place - it is a rather a desktop 
toolkit with the rather traditional mindset - 
and some of hard core hacking obviously was required to make it function like 
it functions on the Maemo 5. That is a great achievement and I have
watched that with awe and lots of respect to the developers who have made it. I 
can now enjoy it every day with my N900, lists etc.
work as they should and they make this UI very desirable.

On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
Startup wizard with Clutter because there
was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
functionality and what is already there because there was
nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
(start by building a custom ClutterActor) 
and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get e.g. a 
kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just putting 
some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, it 
was actually quite efficient to do it. 

I believe Qt can be in the same position pretty much,
if the widget is started from scratch rather basing it on some existing widget 
which has similar limitations than the equivalent
in the Gtk. Qt is more like Gtk + Clutter combined rather than being equivalent 
of the Gtk alone. 

Kate said there is some kinetic scroll list already there in the Qt, but I 
don't know how its parameters match to the 
Hildon/Gtk version we have on the Maemo 5, but I think that with some work it 
can be done to function 100% equally, as it works
equally on startup wizard despite it is a completely separate implementation 
with a completely different kind of technology behind it.
And despite of that, it still just works, perfectly. 

IMHO good news about composite widgets is that they are very easy to create in 
Qt. Many things which are very cryptic in Gtk and glib (no flame intended, I 
that hard core glib people will disagree, but I don't happen to be very 
enlightened to the gobject despite having made few custom ClutterActors myself 
in C/glib) are so simple on Qt, 
just few lines of very understandable and easy C++ code. I am sure Kate can 
show examples. Another good news is that the QGraphicsView appears to have 
almost everything that is in Clutter, and modern 
mobile user interface widgets can be built with it rather than basing them on 
the traditional widgets. And what is more, 
Qt allows extensive embedding of the traditional widgets to the graphics view 
which may make the task even easier.

This sounds so interesting that I may need to look into it someday. 

>I managed to finally get a QT app running (qt-maemo-example from fremantle 
>extras-devel). Based on that experience, I updated the QT wiki page at:
>I hope you guys will make additions and corrections to there, so we have more 
>information easily available.

I believe you (or anybody else) are very welcome to pixel perfect and fine tune 
the list performances of 

RE: Maemo development on Mac OS X

2007-12-19 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

I would like to add that I have been trying to get some open source
software which is based on gtk+ or glib
running on Leopard (like Gimp2), and the situation currently is:
1. Fink does not install because it detects that I am using Leopard and
says that it requires Tiger
2. Macports work to some extent except for installation of gettext which
seems to try to execute
emacs on automake and emacs install from Macports does not seem to work
(it is a very weird
dependency by the way that automake of gettext executes emacs, have not
noticed such thing on Linux side).

You could develop plugins for Hildon Desktop and some Hildon
applications too without scratchox
(and do the final compilation on Scratchbox only) if you had the Hildon
stuff compiled on your native
system (I have done that on Linux and I was going to do it for Mac, but
haven't succeed so far). 
If you could get the dependencies to work first, you could compile
maemo-gtk+, maemo-glib, hildon-desktop
etc. and run these natively on the system. Might be doable on the old
Tiger, but on Leopard, because
Macports seems to be broken with Leopard, it does not work at least for

Easiest way maybe is to install Ubuntu Linux on Parallels and run
scratchbox there. Alternatively you can
arrange a dual-boot configuration and run Ubuntu Linux and Leopard on
side by side.

Best Wishes

>> I just got a MacBook Pro and I was wondering if there is a way to 
>> install a Maemo development on it. I know I can run a Linux 
>box inside 
>> Parallels/VMWare, but I was wondering if there is a native 
>way to do it.
>> Suggestions?
>Scratchbox is only for Linux, so there's not really any way to 
>do Maemo development other than Parallels/VMWare.
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: About the upcoming maemo user karma

2007-11-29 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>> Comments welcome, as always :-)
>Having same e-mail account everywhere is not very nice. Please 
>consider allowing more of them. At least mailing list vs rest 
>(maemo profile, garage). Mailing list has relatively high 
>volume so people may want to handle it differently. Currently 
>I changed it to be the same (mainly to test it and see how 
>much points it will give me) but I don't plan to keep it that 
>way. Also more addresses would be useful to allow future 
>changes. I suppose if one changes e-mail for sending messages 
>to the list, his karma for list will start from scratch, right?

That thing by the way applies to me too: I have my gmail address in
garage account, but write often to maemo-developers from my Nokia
and also from home sometimes from my gmail address. And then, I am
thumbs down on planet.maemo always when I post something which is not
directly related to the current products (being 770, N800, N810) 
(which I presume reduces the karma?) or is too deeply related to e.g.
So with this setup, I don't care about karma, it will be terrible

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: GAUDEC 2007 Presentations?

2007-08-13 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

My Guadec 07 presentation was: Hildon Desktop running on Linux-PC:

Well, I can speak only about myself, but my lightning talk can't be
really made available as slides
as it was just a demo. You can find the instructions to replicate it
from here, a Hildon Desktop running
on your laptop is always a lot cooler than some slides:

Follow all the steps plus create .desktop -entry for gdm for Hildon
Desktop (copy paste from
some old file), remove all localization things as you don't need them
really for try it out
and name it just as "Hildon Desktop". Make it start the
hildon-session.sh script you have
created and please remove the export display=:2 assignment because you
want to run it on your X for real
(and not on Xephyr). 

I have been working now with Hildon Desktop without scratchbox
completely. Depending on compiler
you may find minor compilation issues because of the -Werror compilation
flag is used and the newer compilers
are more strict than the older ones, in those cases, a quick fix is
simply to remove the -Werror -flag.

You may want to recompile also X and include the composite patch on it
(which not mentioned on the instructions) and the result may look less
broken on your PC (it is still not perfect as the bitmap graphics for
example don't scale and there are visual issues which require fixing
before it looks right on the large PC screen). 

Best Regards,

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Neil MacLeod
>Sent: 10 August, 2007 01:05
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: GAUDEC 2007 Presentations?
>I've seen several blog postings recently (such as this one by 
>Carlos[1]) which reference GUADEC presentations (eg. Tko's 
>"Maemo and gtk+: Past, present and future"[2]) and I'd like to 
>view the presentations/slides that were given (if they are available).
>A whole bunch of Maemo and Nokia related presentations were 
>given at this years GUADEC, is it possible for them to be 
>hosted centrally on maemo.org for us all to view? Sadly we're 
>all not able to attend GUADEC and miss out on these 
>presentations which are no doubt interesting and informative.
>1. http://www.notacloud.com/blog/?p=37
>2. http://guadec.org/node/584
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: how to make install package for applications written in python

2007-04-24 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Xi Chen
Sent: 24 April, 2007 13:11
To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
Subject: how to make install package for applications written in



Could tell me how to make debian package for python
applications? I developed my application using python and not in
scratchbox environment... directly edit file and test it in real device.
Following the tutorial from maemo.org, I found command "dh_make" isn't
there in device... 


Are you editing the file directly on the device then?

I think you can create the package on your Linux machine as it does not
include executable binary files, to my understanding it does not require
scratchbox, so I think you can run the dh_make on your PC without


>From current sources, you could take some configuration package (which
does not include executable binary files) as an example and

do the same thing in your package.


Best Wishes,





Thanks in adv.




maemo-developers mailing list

RE: N800 experimental host mode patches available

2007-04-19 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>Tony Lindgren
>I've posted some experimental N800 host mode patches to [1] 
>for people to play with.

Cool stuff! Our EFIS and engine monitor projects are depending on this
this is extremely good news in that light!

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen
maemo-developers mailing list

Hildon Desktop for desktop Linux? Anybody tried yet?

2007-04-13 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Has anybody tried to compile Hildon Desktop for their Linux (e.g.
Ubuntu?) yet?
Lucas and I have blogged about it sometime ago. Any
experiences/comments/questions/whatever to share?

The instructions written by Lucas can be found through my lauchpad
specification that I started
when Lucas got some progress on his port:

I think the Hildon Desktop would be pretty good for use as user
interface for UMPCs,
tablet PCs etc. running some Linux distro (if operated using the touch
screen). Added benefit would
be that the applets/plugins made for Nokia devices would also run on the
PC and also the applets
made for the PC would run on the Nokia device (python applets would run
out of the box without recompilation even).

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: UAE Amiga emulator running on Nokia 770

2007-04-05 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>Hi Group,
>I just cross-compiled the UAE Amiga emulator to the Nokia 770.  

That is cool! Does it also work on N800?

>Getting about 10fps in Arkanoid. It's much prettier than the 
>Atari ST version.

I love some Amiga games, for example one of my all time 
favourites was Faery Tale. I tried it on PC on UAE though and didn't get
the game saving work, so it was a bit useless since the world is huge.

Other favourites from Amiga were: Elite, Dungeon Master and 
Chaos Strikes Back. Actually I played through the Dungeon Master several
times and was pretty much expert on it. Also Turricans were so nice...
And The Great Giana Sisters...

>The config menu kinda almost works. Keyboard works. Mouse 
>works, but absolute positioning with touchscreen not so much. 
>Sound still not working.

Ok. Sounds promising!

Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Configure a GCC

2007-04-02 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>> Anyone know how to configure a GCC on the scratchbox?
>> Thanks,
>> Magda,

You are not supposed to configure the gcc on scratchbox, the environment
is already fully set up if you just follow the instructions on the
Maemo.org site.
Just start using it & have fun. 

Please note that gcc is a command line tool and you are not going to
see any IDE (integrated development environment etc.) appearing. You
just can type e.g.
gcc hello.c -o hello

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Developping C application on maemo without scratchbox

2007-03-21 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>I'm trying to run a simple program on my device nokia N800, 
>without scratchbox and it doesn't work!!

First of all what are you trying to do?
Are you trying to set up compilation environment on the device in order
to be able to compile
programs without scratchbox? This is very complicated thing to do. The
reason is simply that
the development libraries, gcc etc. takes a lots of space and you may be
in trouble in trying to fit that
on the internal flash. This would be pretty cool thing to have if there
was plenty of resources on
the device to allow that, but with the restrictions the device sets, it
is going to be hard and
I am not sure if you was going to attempt this.

Or maybe you trying to do something else like execute your hello.c on
your device. If the case
is the latter, it sounds like you don't have your compilation
environment, in other words, Scratchbox, correctly setted up on your PC
and you are trying something else which will not work.

> It tells me 
>Permission Denied when I use ./, after doing chmod +x, and I 
>can't use gcc to run it !!

I guess you know gcc is not used to run c-programs but to compile them
to machine language.
The C is compiled language and is not an interpreted language where you
could run
something with gcc. I hope you are not meaning chmod +x hello.c and then
./hello.c which will of course never work.

> I already install a gcc package 
>gcc3.4.4, but I don't have the possibility to use it!

Where did you install it? On the device or on your computer?

>Please could someone help me!!
>Thank you very much for reply!!

If you want to do a simple C application for N800, you have to:
1. install scratchbox according to the instructions on the Meamo site
2. install rootstraps according to the instructions on the Maemo site
3. _Inside_ the scratchbox on arm-target, compile your program, for
gcc hello.c -o hello
4. Copy your compiled executable to the device by e.g. copying to the
memory card.
5. Go to x-terminal and cd e.g. /media/mmc2/ (depending on which memory
card you did put your
file, is it in the internal slot or on the external slot)
6. Then you can execute your hello by typing ./hello

And surely it works and it doesn't say "Permission Denied". It can say
this if you haven't
compiled your binary properly, e.g. if you have compiled in on the PC
without the cross compilation
environment, namely Scratchbox. 

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: USB on N800

2007-03-05 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Hi everyone, I've read a number of emails and forum posts that
talk about using the usb to connect peripherals.  I used the flasher to
enable R&D mode and USB host mode and there are no errors.  But when I
reboot and connect a keyboard through my power booster I made, it still
thinks it is just connected to a computer.  Does the USB only work on
the 770 or do I need to do something to the kernel to get it working or
do I need to do anything else to get it working.   

We have been too busy lately that we haven't had yet time to test our
EFIS-project with the N800 & the external hardware. I'll report our
once I get that far that to connect the microcontroller to the USB of
the N800. I have just assumed that it would work,
and so far haven't verified it. With 770 it has been verified that it
works and on last summer, we managed to even get real readings
from the Rotax 912 of our airplane to the Engine monitor running on
Nokia 770.
Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Problem with scratchbox, stopped working today

2007-02-16 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>> thus bumping into the problem after the accidental reboot was just a 
>> coincidence. I am running it on up-to-date Ubuntu Feisty 
>> (dist-upgraded last time today). I have no other problems 
>with the OS except for Scratchbox no longer runs.
>> [...]
>> Has anybody found a cure for this yet? It is very annoying and time 
>> consuming if I need to downgrade back to Ubuntu Edgy as I have been 
>> happily using Feisty for the last autumn without much 
>problems and now 
>> this happens with just the most important tool I have on my 
>hard drive...
>Your kernel needs VDSO compat enabled.

Thanks for the tip, this solved my problem.

I rebooted the machine with the older kernel version and it worked.
Today it seems that there was a new kernel package in the Feisty
so I am hoping that they have fixed it already this fast. If they
I'll file a bug to launchpad.

Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: radio?!

2007-02-08 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>Oh right the headphones becomes the antenna ! I had never used 
>radio over phones kinds so far :-) 

That is not limited to the bundled headset btw. - I am currently
listening the FM radio with
my Sennheiser HD-600 headphones and it works just fine :)

Best Wishes,

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] How to learn DSP development for N800?

2007-02-05 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Well, do you want direct access to DSP or do you want to use just
I am not the best person to answer either one, but using gstreamer
should be somewhat simpler.
For example recording video with gstreamer is one command line call as
Mohammad pointed out on his blog
(he had made the curling video with N800 by commanding gstreamer from
command line ).


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Hanno Zulla
>Sent: 05 February, 2007 16:56
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: [maemo-developers] How to learn DSP development for N800?
>I'd like to learn about how to write an app / a library that 
>can use the DSP for some basic multimedia stuff.
>I'm looking for a simple example source for the N800 that does 
>DSP stuff to learn from it.
>Any project you can recommend?
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Creating themes for Maemo

2007-01-31 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>1) Install the hildon-theme-tools
>2) Install the hildon-theme-layout-3 (that's the bora layout)
>3) Copy the hlidon-theme-plankton-3 to your own dir, replace 
>some names 
>   in configure.ac (they're documented in the file)
>4) Replace the template.png with your own. 

Well, I tried to modify the plankton theme.
I tried to compile the package, but the new plankton theme depends on
I didn't find it from the repositories.

I have both bora and sardine repositories in my scratchbox's
Where can I find hildon-theme-layout-4?

Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Advise on embedding images on docbook document?

2007-01-31 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>  The slide management window
>It worked on both HTML and PDF generation, but I used a different
toolchain: xsltproc for HTML and fop for PDF generation.
>BTW the last time I did it was several months ago and I don't remember
all the details, I only remember spending *a lot* of time figuring >out
how to do this task. 

Thanks. This one worked.
I also tried Vlad's tags but they didn't work any better. The image was
missing. But with the graphic-tag, the images
embed providing that they are pixmaps (doesn't seem to work with eps). I
don't know why the mediaobject didn't work out.
I can live with the graphic tag right now. This has taken me time from
the last week when I started fighting with this. I will export from
Umbrello as png since the graphic tag didn't seem to work with eps. 
I haven't tried Apache Fob yet because there seem to be no packages for
it to Ubuntu [Feisty] and I have been too lazy to obtain the
source/binary/whatever in the traditional way without the convenience of
Best Wishes,

Hope it helps.


2007/1/31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <


I am in process of writing the specification of UI
framework (meaning 
Hildon Desktop & Control panel) and we have chosen
docbook xml format. I
am quite new to docbook and don't know really all the
tricks with it, so
maybe somebody of you would know better:
Here is my question: I have tried to embed images on the
document (for 
example screenshot, diagrams etc. with different
formats), but for some
reason it haven't worked for me, the image caption gets
on its place
etc. but there is no picture in the pdf, so would you
have some idea 
what migth I been doing wrong?

I have tried to embed a screenshot of hildon desktop
like this:

 Hildon Desktop: Task Navigator,
Status bar,

   Screenshot of Hildon Desktop

Then I tried to embed another image like this: 
Example MSC
Example message

Neither of these images are visible in the generated
Obviously there might be something wrong in the command
line used to
generate the pdf, currently it has been like this:
docbook2pdf hildon-desktop-spec.xml -o pdf

I am getting some latex warnings though, but not sure
what they mean, as 
I am not a latex guru.
Any ideas? Thanks.

Best Regards,

maemo-developers mailing list

Alessandro Pasotti 
w3:   www.itopen.it 

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Advise on embedding images on docbook document?

2007-01-31 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

I am in process of writing the specification of UI framework (meaning
Hildon Desktop & Control panel) and we have chosen docbook xml format. I
am quite new to docbook and don't know really all the tricks with it, so
maybe somebody of you would know better: 
Here is my question: I have tried to embed images on the document (for
example screenshot, diagrams etc. with different formats), but for some
reason it haven't worked for me, the image caption gets on its place
etc. but there is no picture in the pdf, so would you have some idea
what migth I been doing wrong?

I have tried to embed a screenshot of hildon desktop like this:

 Hildon Desktop: Task Navigator, Status bar,
   Screenshot of Hildon Desktop

Then I tried to embed another image like this:
Example MSC

Example message

Neither of these images are visible in the generated pdf.
Obviously there might be something wrong in the command line used to
generate the pdf, currently it has been like this:
docbook2pdf hildon-desktop-spec.xml -o pdf

I am getting some latex warnings though, but not sure what they mean, as
I am not a latex guru.
Any ideas? Thanks.

Best Regards,

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] RE: brightness Re: [maemo-users] Re: Storage/Sleep Issues..

2007-01-25 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>> > Nothinig prevents you from creating a sysfs entry wich returns
>> > 
>> > tahvo_get_backlight_level()
>> > 
>> > or even a proc one, if you really are into that sort of thing.
>> There is such entry - 
>> /sys/devices/platform/omapfb/panel/backlight_level

One related thing would interest me:
- would it be possible to crank the level up further than the 127 the 
number in /sys/devices/platform/omapfb/panel/backlight_level states when
display plugin has the maximum setting?
As I am part of the engine monitor and EFIS project, I would be
if there would be some way to increase the daylight readability in
environment with direct sunlight hitting the screen on airplane panel
a clear canopy above the clouds where there is nothing blocking the
sunlight coming
with full power directly to the display where you are supposed to see
some gauges.
The N800 display already is somewhat better than the N770 for that, but
more would
be of course always better than less taking in addition that panel
mounted airplane 
EFIS displays commercially available use ultra high brightness displays.

In this environment the battery consumption is non-issue because
the device is plugged all the time to charger. Ok, it might be also so
the 127 is the maximum the physical display panel can output and no more
can be
achieved, but I was just wondering if it wasn't. This may be fruitless
speculation, but
I would be glad if anybody of the hw gurus could enlighten me some? Thx.

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] OS 2007 / 770 hacker edition

2007-01-25 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Wahlau -
>Sent: 25 January, 2007 11:44
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] OS 2007 / 770 hacker edition
>first of all thanks for the engineering version - at least 
>some of us here will not find ourselves abandoned. :)
>my first concern is - performance... would the OS2007 for 770 
>work sacrificing speed and stability?

Not exactly sure yet, but at least in maemo-af-desktop (aka Hildon
Desktop) the changes aren't
towards more demanding for the HW, in fact, there have been lots of

> or it can work with 
>OS2007 software at the OS2006 speed? Since N800 has better 
>hardware spec, it might be possible that OS2007 will work on 
>770 ultimately, but not as smooth as how OS2006 does on 770.

I could suspect that the most demanding softwares are those which
are closed and not part of the hacker edition anyhow. 
Quite a bit of our development work was done
with the old HW and Sardine anyway (e.g. jobi has used Sardine). 
Of course things will run a bit faster 
on the N800 HW because it is simply faster and there is more RAM
but at least Hildon Desktop changes aren't the nature that it would make
the OS2006 faster than the new "hacker edition". I can tell more about
it later (maybe on my blog) once I upgrade my 770 with the
"hacker-edition". I am currently
runing the plain OS2006 on my 770 since I use most of the time the
new N800 since it just looks & feels so much cooler than the 770 (IMHO)
- (combination
of the new industrial design and new theme and such little neat

Best Regards,

>On 25/01/07, Frantisek Dufka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Carlos and Markku
>> this is pretty cool :-)
>> >
>> > Have a look at Markku's notes 
>> > (http://maemo.org/maemowiki/Os2007On770)
>> > if you are interested in the gory details. He'll be updating these 
>> > notes as he continues to work on this.
>> Quite interesting reading. Found some of those bits about initfs and 
>> kernel too.
>> >
>> > An image will be available soon for download and flashing, to 770 
>> > users only.
>> I guess including some sources - kernel at least (I am 
>interested and 
>> maybe could even help) or all modified packages.
>> >
>> > After that, Maemo developers with a 770 and a bit of time on their 
>> > hands are encouraged to check it out.
>> I will and definitely try to help if possible. Few questions/ideas:
>> Did you try to leave old kernel from 2.2006 and backport changes 
>> needed (if any) from rx-34 kernel? Seems easier than using rx-34 
>> kernel directly (arch/arm/omap1/ is outdated). What newer 
>kernel gives us?
>> Same for initfs, what does break, dsme,bme? Thanks for the toolchain 
>> name, I had to build static version of evkey for bootmenu since I 
>> couldn't find correct uclibc toolchain. there is 'We used 
>> from apt-repository as a base' where is this, something internal?
>> > We will work on this still for some time though it is hard to say 
>> > how long. It will also depend on how this is received. It might be 
>> > that we can get more of the DSP and Multimedia to work, or 
>maybe not.
>> Could leaving old kernel, dspgateway, dsp_dld and all n770 
>codecs help 
>> with this? Updated gstreamer could be nice, though. Maybe some fixes 
>> in newer gst dsp plugins to make it work with older DSP 
>stuff can make 
>> this possible?
>> >
>> > We can't justify doing much work on this hybrid, our development 
>> > focus is really on the N800. However, if we manage to make further 
>> > progress we will release updated images. We'll look at any patches 
>> > that people in the Maemo community might turn up and consider 
>> > applying them and releasing new images. We can't promise 
>we will do 
>> > a good job there but let's see what we can manage.
>> Well I think community can (in theory) keep working on this 
>and continue
>>   as long as is needed. What is not clear is how far we can 
>go without 
>> those few but important closed bits (initfs - dsme/bme, config 
>> partition format, cal-tool etc., dsp stuff) and implications 
>they have on the rest.
>> >
>> > This is again, something new for us, and we hope to learn 
>> > in the process.
>> Yes, at least it can be another push to opensource something needed 
>> for this or reveal how far we can go without it. I am pleasantly 
>> surprised by the progress so far.
>> Best regards,
>> Frantisek
>> ___
>> maemo-developers mailing list
>> maemo-developers@maemo.org
>> https://maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
>= : : : ---
>normal reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>urgent reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>--- : : : ==

RE: [maemo-developers] Building 'maemo 3.0' againststockbase libraries

2007-01-09 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>> branches and though it is not very mature yet. The Hildon Desktop is 
>> the package formerly named as maemo-af-desktop, we decided to rename 
>> it for consistency one day.
>> But that is intended to become the version which is gong to work in 
>> addition to Nokia devices also on desktop Linux such as 
>> Ubuntu/Debian/yourdistrogoeshere etc.
>> If you want to help, you might want to look to stage's branches, 
>> branch titled "new_hildon_desktop". If you want send patches for it, 
>> feel free to send them to us.
>Thanks, I'll look into those.

Here is the branch:



>Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Building 'maemo 3.0' against stockbase libraries

2007-01-09 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>I'm interested in getting 'maemo' to build against stock base 
>libraries when possible and use it on various non-nokia 
>devices (including my x86 workstation, maemo-mapper at 
>1600x1200... drool...).

We have been already working with that. I had a quick&dirty demo
along with me in Ubuntu Developer Summit Mointain View which was hacked
by Johan in insanely short time and was not any near production quality
So it wasn't ready for anything but just showing that Hildon Desktop
runs on Desktop
with some hacking and it can be done. However, this thing is going to be
based on the new
Hildon Desktop our guys are working on (Johan, Lucas, Moises), it is not
trunk version but in branches and though it is not very mature yet. The
Hildon Desktop is the package formerly named as maemo-af-desktop, we
decided to rename it for consistency one day.
But that is intended to become the version which is gong to work in 
addition to Nokia devices also on desktop Linux such as 
Ubuntu/Debian/yourdistrogoeshere etc.

If you want to help, you might want to look to stage's branches, branch
titled "new_hildon_desktop". If you want send patches for it, feel free
to send them
to us.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] maemo developer environment - OS X PPC / BSD?

2006-10-19 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen


  I'd like to hear from others who have a working development set-up. 

  I have an i486 box running Desktop BSD, an iBook G4 (10.4.8), 
  and an i586 with XP. I'd prefer to install the development system on an 
  external firewire drive.   
you could do it with that way, but might be easier in short term to just install 
e.g. Ubuntu along with the XP if you have some
reasons to keep using it.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Maemo and Ubuntu Edgy: Is it safe?

2006-10-18 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

I have been using Ubuntu Edgy quite some time and I have been also using
Maemo version of the scratchbox and rootstraps (I don't use our internal
version anylonger). 
I have had no problems with that. However, with the flasher program
there is some 
library/kernel module version problem, it doesn't
recognize the device connected to the USB (USB works perfectly in
Dapper, the flasher program would just need a recompile). Might work if
you use older (Dapper) kernel but I am 
not sure, with current absense of Edgy-flasher (as far as I know, not
currently publicly available), 
might be safer to currently have some computer  still running dapper for
this flashing purpose 
and use the Edgy machine for everything else. For me Edgy works
perfectly except for one thing (which is
quite severe for me):
I had got the Dell Latitude D600 working with my 23" Apple Cinema
Display (connected with DVI) with using the
fglrx driver on Dapper but now the fglrx driver works (with same
settings) as badly as the 
ati or radeon drivers (which result a blank screen, the Cinema Display
don't wake up, it don't even
try and it is hard to debug because it wakes up only in perfectly
suitable 1920x1200 mode 
and text mode is totally blank, I think it might have something to do
with power management but
tweaking settings have been so far no go).

So it works very well, if you don't attempt to use the
(dapper-dependent) flasher and if you don't have a 
Dell && 23" Apple display. I have had no other problems than that (the
problems always tend to be concentrated to xorg.conf).

Best Wishes,

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Murray Cumming
>Sent: 18 October, 2006 10:39
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: [maemo-developers] Maemo and Ubuntu Edgy: Is it safe?
>Has anyone upgraded to Ubuntu Edgy yet? Is the 
>maemo/scratchbox environment working OK with it?
>Murray Cumming
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Future features for Maemo Desktop (TaskNavigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-21 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Thanks for so far your replies, I have got a large number of feature
proposals already.

I am still accepting feature ideas to my roadmap, so please keep on
posting them on the list. What would you wish from your dream-device in
terms of UI framework (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar, Control panel)?
Is there something you would like to have done better or something that
you'd like to have to be done in a completely different way? Don't limit
your imagination to how e.g. Task Navigator works now, but think how it
would ideally work, without the limits? What would be ultra-cool there?
Please think it also out of context of the current hardware, you can
suggest also ideas that would be nice on the platform despite they
aren't really realistic with the current 770 hardware. Any cool ideas
are warmly welcome.


Best Wishes,
Karoliina Salminen

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] RE: [maemo-users] Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-18 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Thanks for your feature proposals for Maemo Desktop so far.
I'll be collecting them next week, so please keep posting them over the

I am glad to note that some of the proposed features are by the way
already being implemented to Sardine. But more on that later. 

Anything about the basic usability of Task Navigator & Status bar combo
for example. Would you like to see some other kind of arrangement or is
this current one good? Also how about the application switcher, would
you like it to be something different or are you happy with the current
one, if you would like it to be different, please describe how?

Please keep posting your ideas, your opinion does matter!

Best Wishes,

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] AppView deprecated??

2006-08-07 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>In Maemo 2.0 the HildonApp API says it is deprecated and 
>HildonProgram must be used instead.


> I have a couple of 
>questions about that:
>a) most of the maemo source code example given in the tutorial 
>(and available from the SVN repo) still uses HildonApp and 
>HildonAppViews. Is this on purpose or is it because it still 
>has to be updated?

The tutorial is just lagging behind some.

>b) the documentation says to use HildonProgram instead of 
>HildonApp but I haven't seen how to 'add' an HildonAppView to 
>a HildonProgram. Only HildonWindow objects can be added to a 
>HildonProgam as far as i can see. 
>Does it mean that the HildonAppView class is also deprecated?

You should use HildonWindow instead.

The HildonAppView was architecturally a bit odd and we weren't able
to do some things in the UI with the old API and thus we decided
to change the API. Now the valid API is HildonProgram and HildonWindow.

Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition install withoutWindows?

2006-07-04 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
Title: RE: [maemo-developers] Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition install withoutWindows?


The Linux flasher should be available. I checked the download page and noticed that it was not available
from there which is a surprise. I think it is an error on web page or something. Maemo guys could comment and propably
fix the problem.

You can download the Linux flasher 2.0 from a separate page:

Best Wishes,

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of ext Hannes Wolf
Sent: Tue 7/4/2006 2:54 PM
To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
Subject: [maemo-developers] Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition install withoutWindows?

Is it possible to install Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition install 
without a Windows PC? If yes, how? If no, why not?

TIA. Hannes Wolf (CyBear).
maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Building maemo_af_desktop

2006-04-05 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Actually you should build the maemo-af-desktop with dpkg-buildpackage:

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

It has been explained in my blog from last year or so:

If you install the built debian package, the menu structure should work.
Can you explain in more detail what did you do in order for making empty

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Aaron Levinson
>Subject: [maemo-developers] Building maemo_af_desktop
>I recently needed to rebuild maemo_af_desktop (version 1.72 
>used with maemo 1.1).  Invoking the configure script without 
>any arguments will result in a "functional" binary.  
>working binary:  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc .
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Why my app does not work

2006-03-03 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>I figured out why my app does not work on the "production" 
>version of the Nokia 770 - the development system has sqlite 
>2.8.13-2 installed, but the production system does not.  There 
>is a port of sqlite available, but it is version 3 of sqlite, 
>so my app will not be able to use those libraries.  I have 
>found the package for sqlite 2.8.13-2 in the maemo repository 
>and downloaded it to the Nokia, but cannot install it from 
>xterm because that requires superuser privileges which I do 
>not have as a regular user on the Nokia.  Can anyone tell me 
>how to build my application package so that it includes the 
>necessary sqlite libraries in the expected locations as part 
>of the installation package? I have no idea how to do it, the 
>documentation of package building is arcane...

You should follow the gainroot instructions found from the maemo wiki.

1. Put device to R&D mode with Linux-flasher
1. install xterm
2. sudo gainroot

Please read the instructions in the wiki and follow each step. Should

I have some related instructions in my blog too, but thanks to our nice
our home network has been already down for a week now because they have
up with their configuration...

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Best IDE for maemo development?

2006-02-21 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

On Linux-PC:
I am using usually just shell (gnome terminal) with multiple tabs,
do all compiling stuff there (scratchbox tab), and usually KDE's Kate
editor on another virtual screen.
Works pretty fast to me and I haven't really needed IDE so far. I have
been a fan of Ultraedit (for Windows)
longer time ago (when I was making software for network elements) and
Kate editor has been quite ok replacement for it, not as nice as
Ultraedit (Kate lacks hundreds of features
that are present in Ultraedit but still has the most essential set of
but nearly and the user interface is quite similar that I have used to
it integrates well to Gnome, KDE or Xfce desktops. If I need to edit
something quickly (like changelog), then I just
launch nano.

And of course it is handy to have devhelp around to check API reference.
And finally but not least, of course, web browser, to google code
And of course also a tab that has python open, I use it as calculator
(when I don't have
my HP48GX close at hand or it has batteries run out).
Ok, nearly forgot, at home, our new kitten that walks on the keyboard
and contributes
noise to the code occasionally plus makes scratches to 770 screens
(already did one little scratch
unfortunately, fortunately it was not the 770 that is my own (my
precisious, my treasure :), 
but one of those owned by Nokia :) )... At home I occasionally actually
use Emacs, because
Kate (the person, not the editor) prefers to use it and if I come to
hack with the same machine,
then I am too lazy to launch my own preferred editor and just do the
changes with Emacs.
Anyway, I prefer to use terminal for doing compiling.

Best regards,

>A little survey about your development preferences:
>For the people that develops often on maemo, what IDE/set of 
>tools have you found to be essential to this task?
>Anjuta? Emacs? Kdevelop? Eclipse? devhelp? ...
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Home Applet API changes coming - .desktop files required for applets in the next software edition (2006)

2006-01-26 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

In the future Home applets needs to provide their own .desktop files.

Here is an example (Myapplet.desktop):
[Desktop Entry]
Type=Home Applet
You should place the .desktop files here:

>From the parameters: X and Y are optional, the others are required

Then there is an additional file called applet_manager.conf.
Its place will be:

Here is an example of its contents (applet_manager.conf):

All the four fields are required.

Please take that into consideration if you are developing applets for
Home (which is part of maemo-af-desktop

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] RFC: Redesigning the HildonApp+Views

2006-01-19 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

>> A design document is available here:
>> https://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/doc/hildon-window/
>Umm... it seems thi directory requires authentication!?

Yes, but the username is always guest and password guest when you want
just checkout or read the contents. Committing things is another issue,
only package maintainers can do commits (in my area: me and Johan) but
we are
accepting patches from OSS community (also) if someone provides suitable
Also suggestions and ideas are all along very welcome.

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux flasher tool...

2005-11-22 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

0. Use some Linux distribution that is not too ancient, the latest ones work 
flawlessly at least.
1. run the flasher as root
2. do not press home key, the Linux-flasher gets out of the endless loop 
you turn on the power in the device.
3. start the device with the power button alone
4. the flashing starts

If this doesn't help, you may have a usb problem in either in your Linux 
or a hardware problem in your computer. This should work with all Linux 
I have been using Ubuntu Breezy, prior to that, Ubuntu Hoary and Ubuntu Warty 
have worked
flawlessly too. Also I have tested with Suse Linux 9.3 Professional and it 
works there too.
Some use Fedora Core (4?) and have reported it working also Debian unstable 
should work, 
so I am guessing that you are having something else wrong. 
I have tried this on Dell and IBM laptops and never had any problems.
My general recommendation is Ubuntu, either Breezy (stable) or dapper 
(unstable) if you feel
adventurous, I have used Redhat, Redhat Enterprise Linux, Mandrake (nowadays 
Mandriva), Yellow Dog, 
Suse Linux (professional), Agnula/Demudi distributions, and Ubuntu, and Ubuntu 
is clearly my 
favourite. Rock solid, everything works, the Gnome mounts usb sticks and 
everything automatically
to Places and everything is very convenient and nothing usually is broken 
unless you install packages
from the unstable repository. And last but not least, it has apt and Synaptic, 
my favourites!

Best Regards,

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Marco Wierer
>Sent: 22 November, 2005 00:39
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: RE: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux 
>flasher tool...
>pressing the home key prevents booting my device but the 
>flasher tool waits in an endless loop and doesn't find the 770 device.
>Are there any special requirements regarding the linux host 
>-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von 
>Roberto Resoli
>Gesendet: Montag, 21. November 2005 15:32
>An: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Betreff: Re: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux 
>flasher tool...
>2005/11/21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Hello,
>> Here is a short step by step howto:
>> - Switch off the 770 device.
>> - Plug in the usb cable.
>> - Execute flasher.
>> $ flasher --enable-rd-mode
>> - Flasher starts waiting in the loop until you switch the 
>device back 
>> on.
>> - Switch on the 770 device.
>> - And you are done
>To my knowledge (please correct me if this is not true in all
>conditions) there is no need to start the update BEFORE 
>turning on the device.
>0) plug usb cable in
>1) Press & hold the home key; turn on 770
>2) 770 will not boot and wait indefinitely
>3) start the flashing program
>Tested with linux flasher. Windows flasher never worked for me.
>Roberto Resoli
>> Best Regards,
>> Karoliina Salminen
>> http://www.karoliinasalminen.com/blog
>> >-Original Message-
>> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Marco 
>> >Wierer
>> >Sent: 17 November, 2005 23:28
>> >To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>> >Subject: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux 
>flasher tool...
>> >
>> >Hello,
>> >
>> >I'm trying to activate the r&d mode on my device using the Linux 
>> >flasher tool but the tool just waits in an endless loop waiting for 
>> >the device (Suitable USB device not found, waiting). I already read 
>> >all threads regarding this topic but I don't have a clue what I'm 
>> >doing wrong: I turn off the device, start the flasher tool, attach 
>> >the device and power on the device but without success. I also 
>> >removed the MMC - same result. The device is simply booting and 
>> >telling me that it's attached to USB.
>> >The 770 is directly connected to the USB interface on my 
>computer (no 
>> >hub) and I have firmware version 1.2005.42-9 installed on 
>the device. 
>> >I'm using SuSE 9.3 - any thoughts?
>> >
>> >Thnx,
>> >Marco
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >___
>> >maemo-developers mailing list
>> >maemo-developers@maemo.org
>> >https://maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
>> >
>> ___
>> maemo-developers mailing list
>> maemo-developers@maemo.org
>> https://maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
>maemo-developers mailing list
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux flasher tool...

2005-11-22 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
 >The 'home key' technique is the one (the only one) the win32 
>flashing wizard guides you through (and IIRC also described on 
>the 770 homepage); as such not having a waiting mode is almost 
>certainly a feature, not a bug.
>Personally I might share your 'use Linux and be happy' 
>sentiment, but considering that the win32 flasher is the tool 
>(only tool?) made available to the normal users by Nokia for 
>software updates,

Hmm. Did I misunderstand you somehow, but to my understanding,
any user can use the Linux or MacOS X flasher, it is available for
also to the emerging number of desktop-Linux non-hacker end users out

Well, the Linux flasher does not have simple GUI interface but it
wouldn't be too big task for someone to 
implement a end-user-friendly GUI for it, e.g. with GTK+.

Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux flasher tool...

2005-11-22 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>Roberto Resoli wrote:
>> 2005/11/21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> To my knowledge (please correct me if this is not true in all
>> conditions) there is no need to start the update BEFORE 
>turning on the 
>> device.
>I found that with the R&D mode enabled the 'hold the home key' 
>technique does not work; the device does a normal boot 
>regardless -- starting the flasher before connecting the 
>device to the usb is the only way in which I could get it into 
>update mode (incidentaly, this means that the windows flasher 
>is useless when you have R&D enabled, because it does not seem 
>to have a waiting mode).

I do it always so that I put the flasher to waiting and then
turn on the device. Works always. I don't know about the
I have never tried it. And by the way the first time I heard about the
home key thing.

Perhaps if you are confident that there is a such
issue with the Windows-flasher (that it does not have the wait mode), 
you may file a bug against it. Or just use Linux and be happy, e.g. I
do software development in anywhere else anyway :).

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux flasher tool...

2005-11-21 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Here is a short step by step howto:
- Switch off the 770 device.
- Plug in the usb cable.
- Execute flasher.
$ flasher --enable-rd-mode
- Flasher starts waiting in the loop until you switch the device back
- Switch on the 770 device.
- And you are done.

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Marco Wierer
>Sent: 17 November, 2005 23:28
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: [maemo-developers] Still problems with Linux flasher tool...
>I'm trying to activate the r&d mode on my device using the 
>Linux flasher tool but the tool just waits in an endless loop 
>waiting for the device (Suitable USB device not found, 
>waiting). I already read all threads regarding this topic but 
>I don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong: I turn off the 
>device, start the flasher tool, attach the device and power on 
>the device but without success. I also removed the MMC - same 
>result. The device is simply booting and telling me that it's 
>attached to USB.
>The 770 is directly connected to the USB interface on my 
>computer (no hub) and I have firmware version 1.2005.42-9 
>installed on the device. I'm using SuSE 9.3 - any thoughts?
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] art.maemo.org coming soon...?

2005-10-28 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
Oops, I was in wrong day, Ferenc had answered this already... Sorry ;D

>-Original Message-
>From: Salminen Karoliina.T (Nokia-M/Helsinki) 
>Sent: 28 October, 2005 17:33
>To: maemo-developers
>Subject: RE: [maemo-developers] art.maemo.org coming soon...?
>Best Wishes,
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] art.maemo.org coming soon...?

2005-10-28 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

I think Ferenc said it was depending on some license issue in the
art-engine, and the schedule
depends on the authors of the art-engine I guess (if I undestood it

I have some backgrounds waiting though, so when it becomes available,
they will get there :).
In the mean time, they may appear to my blog...

As a off-topic comment btw, I just updated my flashing/dev-stuff
instructions to my blog. 

Best Wishes,

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Florian Boor
>Sent: 26 October, 2005 20:46
>To: maemo-developers
>Subject: [maemo-developers] art.maemo.org coming soon...?
>one more time :-)
>Do we have a more precise definition of "soon"?
>I'm just curious, we discussed that service for artworks 
>for/around maemo via IRC while starting to exchange background images.
>That would be really nice to have soon -  i can imagine both 
>developers and users will like it.
>The dream of yesterday  Florian Boor
>is the hope of todayTel: 0271-771091-14
>and the reality of tomorrow.Fax: 0271-771091-19
>[Robert Hutchings Goddard, 1904][EMAIL PROTECTED]
>6C 44 30 4C 43 20 6B 61  16 07 0F AA E6 97 70 A8
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] flasher (Linux) doesn't find device

2005-10-27 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Yes, always start flashing by first turning off the device.
Then you connect the usb cable, start flasher with parameters like
(whatever you prefer), my usual parameters are:
./flasher -F  -f --enable-rd-mode --enable-usb-host-mode
and only after that you switch the device on with the power button. 

I have also found a good way (actually it was not invented by me though)
with this by having the battery cover open, 
so if I do a mistake, I can take the battery out if a reset is needed
If the battery cover is open and you hit/knock the device gently
from the front side with something soft (e.g. with your hand), the
battery drops 
(to your hand, if you have it waiting on the bottom of the device).

After the flashing is 100%, switch off the device by knocking the
battery out. Then
put the battery back and start the device.

If you flash the developer rootimage, be sure that you have the product
rootimage nearby, so you
can put it back afterwards.

If you want to set the device only to rd-mode, you don't need to flash,
you can just type (you need to
do the same thing though as described above):
./flasher --enable-rd-mode

Best Regards,

>> I cannot get the flasher find the device. All it says is:
>>   Suitable USB device not found, waiting
>Found the problem. The device has to be switched off when 
>being plugged in but then has to be _switched on_. 

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] console?

2005-10-24 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
>Offhand, it looks like the developer devices shipping this 
>week are not configured specially for developers in any way.  
>Can anybody confirm that?

The developer devices have the (unfortunately quite restricted) product
image like the other devices.
Someone else who is responsible on that, can perhaps explain (since I
don't know the answer to the
question why). 

However, like there was the discussion lately how to obtain root access,
people unfortunately 
need to hack the device a bit to make the environment friendly and
useful for development.

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] A few questions about the developmentplatforms internals

2005-09-29 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

Thanks for the patches for maemo-af-desktop and hildon-control-panel
(plus libosso). 
We will consider these after we do the d-bus upgrade.
It requires further branching to start it, so I can't apply this right
away, but
I try to return to these as soon as I have branched the maemo-af-desktop
and hildon-control-panel.

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Philip Van Hoof
>Sent: 28 September, 2005 14:14
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] A few questions about the 
>developmentplatforms internals
>This patch upgrades the D-BUS version of maemo-af-desktop
>Philip Van Hoof, software developer at x-tend
>home: me at pvanhoof dot be
>gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org
>work: vanhoof at x-tend dot be
>http://www.pvanhoof.be - http://www.x-tend.be
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Gtk vs. Qt

2005-07-26 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

> Kate, your initial work looks very promising, but I'm curious 
> why you're 
> doing a port of Qt itself instead of Qt/e, which is 
> significantly smaller 
> (less features of course)?

Maemo (and therefore the Nokia 770 device) uses X11 and there is no place for 
which does not use X. Qt/e emulation to get some software running on the maemo 
and the current
maemo compliant device is a great idea if it will work, if you ask me. However, 
the X11 with Qt/e / qtopia would be really bad idea (IMHO).

I have compiled both Qt3/X11 and Qt4/X11 for maemo. I haven't tried to put the 
Qt4 to the
device yet since it is quite huge with the default options.

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] If there is any possible to port Maemo to MotoE680(i)

2005-06-14 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

I am quite sure that it could be doable assuming you can reflash the device
or gain root access by other means and put stuff in there. Not very quick
task though but doable I think.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ext Liki Du
> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:18 PM
> To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
> Subject: [maemo-developers] If there is any possible to port Maemo to
> MotoE680(i)
> Hi all,
> I have a Motorola E680 mobile also based on linux, to say it's
> MontaVista edition. And its Graphic Framework is based on a QT embed
> stuff names EZX, quite similiar to Qtopia, and I know Maemo is based
> on GTK+, so if it is possible to port Maemo to Moto E680?
> -- 
> Liki, A V0idsouL
> Cogito ego, sum.
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
> maemo-developers@maemo.org
> https://maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] All the good projects are done! was: pluckerviewer for 770

2005-06-14 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

> So I've made 3 attempts to get started on "original" project 
> ideas, and find 
> lots of folks either already working on them, or already completed!
> So, in addition to a wiki page that could list projects "done and in 
> progress"

That would be a good idea (IMHO). 

> How about a list of projects or ideas looking for developers?

It would be a good idea too.

> Hey, does the 770 support OpenGL?

Not yet if you or somebody else does not hack it. The problem
is in the 770 is the floating point speed of OMAP ARM (or lack of it) and no 
3D hardware acceleration. However, the processor is fast enough to do some
3D on software, I used to play 3D games on PCs slower than N770. 
If someone could hack a integer-software-OpenGL, it would be pretty 
cool for running OpenGL apps and games.

About projects that are not announced: I am doing a VFR flight planner software
for N770. I am doing it mainly because I need one by myself. Several other
private pilots have also been interested in it, so I think there is some demand 
that too. However, there is nothing to report, I have just about started, it 
some XML parsing, has a simple GUI and renders some text (that is parsed from 
xml) with pango. Nothing useful yet, it doesn't even do what it is supposed to 
do later.
Better not to tell too much before I have something to show to not end up with
vaporware that never gets finished. That is hobby project and not a work 
project and because of that
it advances very slowly as I am doing it on my spare time. It is going to 
information about airfields (controlled and uncontrolled) and is going to have 
features to do some VFR flight planning from airfield to another and perhaps 
some real time information in-flight that is useful. 

If somebody could hack integer-based OpenGL, we could use it for compiling
OpenGC (open source glass cockpit) that would enable N770 to be used as a
display unit for some EFIS functionality on experiemental aircrafts (assuming
that there is a separate gyro box that is connected to N770 with some 
way, e.g. bluetooth, wlan or USB). That is an another hobby project, and not a 
project. Flight simulator folks might also want to use OpenGC for flight 
use. It would be less expensive to mount a N770 to a home cockpit panel than 
buy a yet another
computer for that purpose.

Best Regards,

maemo-developers mailing list