Re: Signal processing on N800

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 2:52 AM, Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there was this tuner that used the microphone and a fft lib I think ...
  But I think it hasn't been ported to OS2008 (chinook)

It has apparently:
Source and binaries are linked on the right sidebar. You might find
some routines of interest in there. Although I am not sure how
mathematically robust they are considering the requirements for a
guitar tuner.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch image to increase feeling of responsiveness (a la iPhone)

2008-03-11 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Kalle Vahlman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Heh, well if you don't care about marketing your
  product/program/platform to its users, you definitely shouldn't follow

Please don't put words in my mouth.
How exactly does putting an engineering-centric view first equate to
not caring about marketing? It clearly does not.
I would just rather application developers give the users a better
experience my actual performance gains rather than blatant
psychological manipulation.

  _Actual_ performance. _Perceived_ performance will be improved, which
  is what matters to anyone not thinking how the poor CPU is doing hard
  work. What cannot be seen by users, does not exist to the users.

Actually ... I took a good look at the startup times of all the apps
that I have installed on my tablet (which is a good chunk of what is
available since I like checking out what is out there). The vast
majority of them show a loading banner immediately and a barebones UI
is less than 3 seconds. The only two that took an easily measurable
time to start without showing *anything* (including a banner) was
Erminig and Gnumeric and they both started up in about 6 seconds.

So it appears that some people's perception of startup slowness
problems do not match reality. This is with the N810 running OS2008.
The N800 running OS2008 will be similar. Running OS2007 on either the
770 or N800 is the only problem area ... and there already is a
solution for the N800. So this discussion should probably be narrowed
down to how can you make the 770 look like it is starting up faster.
Something I can see Nokia having zero interest in.

  I suppose many of the open source projects around do just that. They
  construct beautifully engineered but unimaginably crappy UI's.

You are displaying a pile of hyperbole here and slipping into the
tired falsehood that well engineered things look ugly. Don't forget
that UI design is as much an engineering principle as it is an
aesthetic one. While I agree that Apple does a great job at UI
innovation, the rest of the world in not a UI cestpit. There are
examples of crummy UI, sure. But maemo is not one of them. It could be
better but it is pretty good by any absolute standard.

  If it was so easy to cut startup time to 3s, people probably would
  have done it already. Since it hasn't happened, setting up smoke and
  mirrors to entertain the user while loading would make *users* happier
  (note: not the people who watch the CPU meter or even know what the
  heck CPU is).

Well, I have news for you ... that 3s standard for showing a basic UI
has already been met (with the N800 and N810 running OS2008 at least).
So all your smoke and mirrors will likely impact the user perception
negatively since you'd be hard pressed to get a full screen fake UI
image up in significantly less time than that.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch image to increase feeling of responsiveness (a la iPhone)

2008-03-08 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Andrew Flegg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, I'd imagine this in addition to the bubble, to add an illusion of
  starting the app quicker.

  It'd have to be implemented at the dbus/Hildon Desktop/Task Navigator
  level - rather than each app - as the app in question is in the
  process of loading. If it could show itself, presumably it would!

  At the moment, much of the reaction[1] has been on the negative side
  of ambivalent - but I'm hoping to put together a mockup tomorrow
  demonstrating it in action (entirely faked). That should give us all
  an idea of how well it might work.

It is an interesting idea but I can see how some might be ambivalent
to Apple's implementation. Spending more resources (storage space for
bogus images, non-zero CPU time and battery life) and *actually*
slowing application launch just to give the *perception* of speed may
not be the correct direction to head.

There has to be a way to implement this at the toolkit rendering level
to show the actual barebones window that will be filled with widgets
and connected to the backing functions before the entire app is loaded
completely. That way some actual work is performed that isn't wasted
while all the non-visual background stuff is sorted out. A good
example is how the Canola folks are handling things. They bring up a
themed environment to give progress updates in.

So this could conceivably be handled just by writing apps with this
early-display concept in mind. It is along the same lines as the
work going on in some Linux distros to get X windows up and display
gdm early and let people log on while all the other services are
coming up in the background.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Help regarding installation on N800

2008-01-29 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Jan 28, 2008 8:40 PM, nisha jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have made a simple GUI using Hildon and created debian package which i am
 not sure correct or wrong.

 I have trasferred it to N800 handheld and tried installing through
 application manager but I am getting problem

 as it is not installing.. It throws following error

 -- Unable to install.
 Incompatible application package...

 Let me know how i can resolve this? I have no clue what is going wrong...

Have you read this web page yet?
There might be some tips in there to get you going.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Contribution code, ...

2008-01-15 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Jan 15, 2008 8:33 AM, Quim Gil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - We will talk to US and Canada later today due to different timezones.

 US has the interface to handle the maemo codes almost completed. It was
 apparently ready but there was an issue during the testing yesterday.
 The fix should be simple but I still haven't got a date due to the
 different timezones. Contributors having selected the US shop will
 receive an update and instruction as soon as the service is available.

 Canada should be ready to handle the maemo program requests by the end
 of this week.

Since Canada was not on the initial list of countries to get the N810
from, is there something that needs to be done by the code recipient
to switch the code over from the US to Canada or should the US code
work once the Canadian site is updated?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Will be fixed?

2007-12-23 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Dec 23, 2007 9:39 AM, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Added my comment and vote.  Just ridiculous actually at this point ...

Pretty irritating indeed.
Added my vote to

I have been trying everything I can think of to manually download all
the packages needed for canola2 and cobble them together using apt-get
and dpkg directly but akamai has a good chunk of them replaced with
caches of that error page :[

Is there not a mirror of somewhere? Is it rsync-able?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Kismet on N800 stops running after 1-2 minutes

2007-12-14 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Dec 13, 2007 8:24 PM, Jaeyeon Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any other suggestions? Basically, Kismet runs fine for a couple of
 minutes and the packet counter stops increasing (the application is
 still running and the elapsed time is updated but basically sniffing
 stops working).

As I understand it, this is more of an issue with the power-saving
features of the tablet. In monitor mode, the OS doesn't think that the
wireless chip is being used so it puts it to sleep. I believe that
keeping it plugged into the charger while you scan works. Not an ideal
work-around but might be enough for what you want to do.

maemo-developers mailing list

The encumberance of Ogg (was Re: How to add ogg to the supported codecs/containers list?)

2007-12-10 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Dec 8, 2007 12:34 PM, Tuomas Kulve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Replying again to myself.

 It seems that if I remove the *.ogg from the mime file, the metalayer
 crawler does get the proper mime type for the ogg audios
 (audio/x-vorbis+ogg) and videos (video/x-theora+ogg) and the MP seems to
 be able to play the files from the Library. Still no artist/etc info..

 But now the FM says Unable to recognise file type of: filename.ogg
 even though the details button shows the correct mime type for the file
 and the MP's desktop file has the exact same mimetype. Does the FM only
 know to how start apps by the extension?

 Metalayer crawler adds Theora as the codec for the video file. I
 wonder where that comes from? For the vorbis audio the codec field is
 empty. The word Theora does not exist in the mime file.

Great work! I tried out the latest ogg support package and it is
really coming along. I am glad someone from the community is picking
up on fixing this bug that has been existing since people found out
that the 770 wasn't going to support ogg.

Starting a new topic thread since I don't want to hijack the parent one:
I really don't understand Nokia's hesitation wrt supporting ogg
officially. In fact, they seem to be actively surpressing it as an
emerging standard. (ref: ). I would love to
hear the reasoning behind calling ogg proprietary and why Nokia
Maemo devs won't touch ogg with a 10 foot pole while seeming to remain
(morally) supportive here. Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree but
there is obviously a force here that is working in the background;  no
conspiracy ... just a completely different way of thinking about it
than the free software community that maybe can be reconciled one way
or another.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: OS2008 N800 and root password

2007-11-28 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Nov 27, 2007 1:12 PM, Kalle Vahlman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2007/11/27, Aleksandr Koltsoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  william maddler wrote:
   Am I wrong? Or root password on OS2008 for N800 is not rootme anymore?
   Thank you.
  It is. However if you refer to logging in over ssh, the device needs to
  be in RD mode to allow you in as root.

 Unless you have your ssh keys set up to allow passwordless login, it seems.

Is becomeroot available somewhere for OS2008? I found that to be a
nice neat way of doing the config hackery needed to enable root
without RD mode.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: RX-34_2008SE_1.2007.44-4_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin md5sum

2007-11-27 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Nov 27, 2007 6:10 PM, Tristan Wibberley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've downloaded the RX-34_2008SE_1.2007.44-4_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin and
 the MD5SUM in the same directory and the MD5SUM says
 900353c77fc7357a8a6a40b0b9483c2c yet the file itself is

 What is the correct md5sum?

For the one I downloaded and installed:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Download]$ md5sum

and this matches the MD5SUMS file on the Nokia site.

So it is possible that your download got corrupted somehow.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: about How to Install rtcomm on N800

2007-11-06 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Nov 6, 2007 2:06 AM, 振宇吴 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have download a soucre of rtcomm on , but
 I still can't install osso-rtcomm-beta.And I have  also tried use command
 apt-get at a  ssh client ,still didn't work.Maybe the service is stopped.

 How can I solve this problem???

I know that Openhand's Dates/Contact and rtcomm do not live
harmoniously together. You have to choose one or the other because of
base library version conflicts. I am hoping that this is sorted out
for Chinook since I really like the Openhand apps and would love to
have them installed too.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 SIP Client Testing

2007-11-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Nov 5, 2007 4:25 PM, Acadia Secure Networks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 has anyone tested the Nokia provided (beta) N800 SIP client with any of
 the VOIP service providers?

 I am particularly interested to know if it works with the Speakeasy VOIP
 service. Here is the url to the www site for Speakeasy for those who are

If you are referring to the rtcomm beta, I have not used it with
Speakeasy but I have tested it with the Gizmo Project SIP server and
it works fine. The only quirk is that, since Gizmo uses XMPP for chat
and SIP for VoIP, you have to set up two different config options
under the same contact and know which to use with which action.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: how to tell if files have changed?

2007-09-20 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 9/20/07, Jesse Guardiani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does maemo have anything like FAM or Gamin that tells us if watched
 files or dirs have changed?

 I'm trying to improve Kagu's media scanning capabilities and it seems
 that the best thing to do would be to get a notification of some sort
 when a new file arrives, scan it, and act appropriately.

Don't both of those tools just tell you which files changed between
subsequent scheduled scans? You still have to waste a buch of disk and
cpu time on scanning and generating checksums on each file.

I think that what you are looking for comes with inotify ... but I am
not sure how you hook into that or if it is even available on the

Could you not just look at the mtime of your monitored music
directories on start up and compare it to what it was last time? That
should tell you if files were added/removed/changed ... unfortunately
you still have to scan to see which ones.

BTW ... Kagu is very nice. I have started using it as my default music
player. Thanks.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: Internet Communications Software Update for N800

2007-07-16 Thread Michael Wiktowy
This is great news! I look forward to trying it out on my N800 (and
filling bugzilla reports :]).

Not only is this how I wished the SIP integration would be since the
beginning of the 770 but it is also very nice to see some more Nokia
internal development exposed to the outside world.

Best regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 hardware revision?

2007-04-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 4/5/07, mitcheloc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I purchased the N800 earlier this year and ended up returning it
shortly afterwards for many reasons. The biggest of those being what I
considered to be sluggish performance and poor camera quality. With
some changes I'd be interested in purchasing it again

The camera is pretty poor but it typical for what you get in a gadget
where the camera is not the primary feature. I don't find it all that
sluggish though.

Are there any plans for revision of the N800 hardware platform?

It seems that Nokia has had a decent amount of success with these
Internet Tablets. I can see them evolving the hardware at the same
pace. They have already mentioned plans for a WiMax version when that
becomes more wide-spread.

If not I think I'll wait for the G43 from Digital-Cube (

It is pretty plump
and twice the price. Interesting specs though. I wonder what Linux
they would be installing. I personally think that using a desktop UI
that is built for a mouse on these things is a mistake.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 and USB host mode

2007-03-06 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 3/6/07, Larry Battraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There was never a removal of the functionality since this is a new
chipset and support for it was not available for it (AFAIK) in the
kernel until recently.  I tried it out and it's pretty rough in (the
current kernel version) 2.6.18; it would crash very quickly after
booting up and I couldn't get it to actually do anything as far as
host-mode is concerned.  So no conspiracy, just no working code :-)  I
expect as support firms up we'll see it made available on the n800,
particularly if people are interested enough to help out.  A
roadmap/wishlist for changes to the platform is being created so this
would definitely be a candidate for the list.

That makes complete sense, thanks for the info. I did notice another
related thread after I posted this giving me some hope.

The absence of facts invites speculation. I wasn't speculating that
there was a great Nokia conspiracy to deny us USB-hosting. I was
speculating that one of the reasons could have been legitimate
aversion to liability.

One thing that should go on this wishlist is a link from every item to
a separate page where there are reasons why a particular wishlist item
isn't implemented yet and specific requests for community help. I
think there is a lot of FOSS people not knowing what Nokia is already
doing in-house and not knowing what to sink their teeth into that will
end up being made redundant before they are done. A little note for
each item saying something like Nokia internal is not working on this
currently or  this work is being done upstream at this URL or this
work is waiting on x project to get their act in gear and support
function y.

I saw this new roadmap at one point but lost the link to it (the old
Maemo roadmap link is horribly outdated). Can someone point the way to

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 and USB host mode

2007-03-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 3/5/07, Larry Battraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I understand
that better support may be forthcoming, but that would be part of a
new kernel or a back-port of the fixes.

The Nokia folks seem to be strangely silent on the whole USB host
thing. Maybe they are not wanting to implicate themselves in a power
injection hack that could damage your tablet. That would explain why
they took out the vital bits from the kernel.

I didn't see USB host support on the roadmap so I don't hold out much
hope for the fixing of what I would consider a major regression of the
N800 functionality vs. the 770. Nokia has surprised us with bigger
easter eggs though.

I would appreciate some clarification from Nokia whether this
functionality will return or if it was removed intentionally.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Opera, MiniMo, Epiphany?

2007-02-26 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 2/26/07, Iñigo Illán Aranburu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I wasn't talking about Web 2.0 only. There are some more things
that are annoying with Opera. For example:

+ If my girlfriend goes to gmail with my N800 and the browser has some
username/password saved for you, it's imposible for her to autenticate
with her account.

Log out of your GMail session using the sign out option at the top.
This is a feature on desktop systems too. I use two gmail accounts
on the 770 and N800 just fine.

+ Sometimes Opera gets stalled for some extrange reason: You click on
some link and nothing happens until you persist (and I know the system
is catching the click because of the sound)

I have noticed this far less in the N800 and I think it is an out of
memory issue. Try increasing the size of your Flash memory cache file.

+ On ebay if I save a password for the overall server it persist on
trying to save my allready saved password.

Don't know what could be going on here ... maybe ebay builds a session
ID into its URL making it look significantly different each time.

+ I don't know if its totally feasible but I would also like Opera to
maintain on screen the part of the html I was reading if I go from
fullscreen to windowed mode and viceversa.

That is a handy feature ... I thought it already did that though.

+ The look-what-you-are-typing-on-a-password-entry-for-a-moment idea is
good, but Opera doesn't seem to support it.

Not sure what you are referring to here. I can see the point behind
not echoing any of your password on the screen for security purposes.

+ I would like to see a totally gtk integrated browser. At least on
OS2006 the fullscreen keyboard doesn't work for writting an email on
gmail. Some other times, the keyboard gets lazy and offers me to enter a
capitalize letter in a middle of a phrase (It didn't happened to me
outside Opera).

I have also been seeing this random capitalization problem. I don't
know if someone has submitted a bug report yet.

Also I think it should consume less memory than a
browser with his own toolkit, and in no related topic I would like to
see it on my desktop.

These are little things but makes me feel frustrated with it sometimes.
Also, is good to know there are some improvements coming on flash and

Unfortunately, the source code is out of the communities control (and
it would seem Nokia's control as they just license the code for a
third party). So improvements might have to wait until the N9xx series
as precedent would dictate that Nokia won't pay for the license to
include a new version in previous tablet models ... which is their
call to make.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 Camera Motion Detector w/HTTP server

2007-02-23 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 2/22/07, Jeremiah Summers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2/22/07, Acadia Secure Networks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-02-22 at 11:25 -0700, Jeremiah Summers wrote:
 To configure via the web, load Opera and hit the N800
 on port 8080
 why is opera necessary? Would it also be possible to connect
 to the N800 on port 8080 from another computer using, say


 Because Opera is on the N800 by default not FireFox! (sorry I normally
 just listen but this was to obvious)

 Um, he's asking if he can connect to the server from another computer
 (e.g. he wants to know if the server on the N800 is just listening on
 localhost or not) It has nothing to do with the browser used.
 But that was obvious to me. ;-)
Yes that is what I was saying but obviously opera is used because if you are
configuring it on the n800 that's your only choice right? That would be why
opera is necessary at least on the N800 and that is why it was stated.
There's no other reason why Opera would be mentioned when above he mentioned
both Firefox and Opera. Maybe the question should then be restated to can
you access the configuration from something outside the local loopback
instead of focusing on using opera or not. If that's the case Opera
wouldn't, nor shouldn't matter. So I answered the question about Opera, why
it was mentioned. In a joking way that would be the reason, would it not?

To answer the question ... it is configurable but these things usually
bind to localhost only by default just to be secure by default:

... and you can probably get away with using minimo on the NokIT too.
I am not sure if the control interface is simple enough to use one of
the text-based browsers but it might be.

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] RFC 2833 (OOB DTMF tones) functionality (Nokia Devs please comment)

2007-02-11 Thread Michael Wiktowy

Quoting claw on the Gizmo forums thread:
We are limited by the platform in this respect. The Nokia 770/N800
operating system is currently not capable of sending RFC 2833 signals.
Nokia is aware of this shortcoming, but has not yet released an
operating system version that can do this.
(Sorry, but all we can do is ask Nokia to add this ability)

This strikes me as kind of odd. The Maemo IM stack seems to allow for
mixed video/audio/text, why is it that the Gizmo devs seem to think
that the ITOS is incapable of this extra audio stream?

I tried to bypass this missing functionality by generating some DTMF
tones mp3s and playing them In-Band with the media player while Gizmo
was placing a call. Unfortunately, Gizmo blocked the media player from
playing the tones (while it did not block the little error tone that
accompanied the error message telling me that I couldn't play my
files). Even if it did work, I suspect that the iLBC codec would
distort the DTMF signal horribly (thus the need for RFC 2833).

Is it truly the situation that there is some missing link in the IM
infrastructure on the ITOS that won't allow OOB DTMF?

Is Gizmo or Media Player misusing the audio device such that they are
blocking each other?

I really think that this is important functionality for users as it
pretty much blocks anyone from retrieving voicemail or using automated

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] How to learn DSP development for N800?

2007-02-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy


I am not the best person to answer either one, but using gstreamer
should be somewhat simpler.
For example recording video with gstreamer is one command line call as
Mohammad pointed out on his blog
(he had made the curling video with N800 by commanding gstreamer from
command line ).

Where is this blog? I am interested in recording video and dd'ing from
/dev/video0 just makes the N800 angry.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] How to learn DSP development for N800?

2007-02-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 2/5/07, Michael Wiktowy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Where is this blog?

Nevermind ... found it here:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] [maemo-announce] New Application Catalog

2007-02-02 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 2/2/07, Ferenc Szekely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We proudly announce that the new Application Catalog is officially
available at We kindly ask the developers to
start using the new catalog for registering applications, instead of the
wiki pages.

This is a major step in the facelift project [1]. There are
probably problems and questions related to this new service. We would
appreciate if all these are reported in our issue tracker [2].

We hope the community will like and enjoy the new catalog!

On behalf of the team,

Looks nice.

When using the search term * to get all the packages available (the
only way I could think of doing so), it dumps out an error message in
the middle of the list (after xterm advanced) of the form:

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: main in
on line 780
Call Stack
#   TimeMemory  FunctionLocation
1   0.0001  24096   {main}( )   ../11-88-18-0.php:0
2   1.0191  9340992 midcom_application-content( )   
3   1.0220  9341552 midcom_application-_output( )   
4   1.0247  9391920 org_openpsa_products_interface-show_content(
)   ../application.php:1335
5   1.0247  9391920 org_openpsa_products_viewer-show( ) 
6   1.0248  9391896 
)   ../request.php:854
7   1.3325  9638184 midcom_show_style( )../search.php:571
8   1.3325  9638184 midcom_helper__styleloader-show( )  
9   1.3327  9641120 eval( ) ../_styleloader.php:324
10  1.3328  9641120 
)   ../_styleloader.php(324) : eval()'d code:4
11  1.3344  9642560 midcom_helper_datamanager2_type_images-convert_to_html(
)   ../datamanager.php:294

Should I add this to bugzilla?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] New list spin-off?

2007-01-31 Thread Michael Wiktowy


This list is growing and sometimes (like this month) is difficult to follow.

What about finding a specific development area that could be discussed in a
separate list, leveraging the weight of this one? Contributors interested in
that area could collaborate better. A list specialized in a specific topic
would be also easier to join and follow for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] developer
working on that topic.

Please have your say.

I have seen this sort of thing happen in countless mailing lists.
People get overwhelmed by the volume of mails that don't interest them
and proposing splitting up the lists. However, more often than not, it
ends up creating a lot of confusion and cross-posting that actually
ends up increasing the overall traffic and making people less happy.

If you want to do this, make very very sure that you are splitting off
a subject segment that has a very clear line between it and what was
existing. If there is fuzziness then people with questions are just
going to migrate where they get answers; no matter how inappropriate
the list. Also, you will get into situations where users get
ping-ponged between lists where each list is telling them to go to the

The best thing to do would be to just set up some personal email
filters that highlight the topics that you are interested in or the
people that you respect the most and not worry about reading every
email. It would be good if somebody at Nokia was assigned as the lucky
catch-all person to make sure nothing important gets ignored by the
other devs. There was a list of current issues being released weekly
(I forgot specifically who was doing that) that I thought was great
but I haven't seen it recently. I could understand how that would be a
lot of work and not be very conducive to making friends though ;]

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] New list spin-off?

2007-01-31 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 1/31/07, Levi Bard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd wait and see, things may settle down a bit. But frankly, I don't
 really care. If lists get splitted I will subscribe to all of them (a
 bit of additional work) and use threaded mail client to solve the
 traffic problem like I do now.

This is my opinion as well.

Perhaps. It all depends how popular the IT finally gets.

It is my impression that while the quantity of the emails have been
higher, so has the quality. Both maemo-users and maemo-developers has
been relatively troll/flame free.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Python 2.5 in 770

2007-01-19 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 1/19/07, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anybody tried maemo-python 2.5 in 770? I've tried to get the
packages but Application Manager fails with them!!

Thanks in advance,

I had a few issues with getting python2.4 in and getting it out
cleanly to install python2.5. What I had to do was do an 'apt-get
remove python2.*' from the xterm command line to clear out all the
python stuff and then python2.5 installed fine from the Application

Of course now all the python apps depend on python2.4 and not just
python in general so I can't install any of them until the packages
get updated. So I can't really tell you if it is working OK or not. Do
you know of any app that uses 2.5 yet?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Questions aftering flashing n800...where is opera?

2007-01-19 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 1/19/07, Mike Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There seem to be numerous applications for maemo and I can't figure out 
how/where to easily load them. I'm not too familiar with maemo 
repositories/syntax or debian commands (used mostly rpm from redhat).

All that is present after flashing is xterm, gnu helloworld and some other app 
which escapes me at the moment.

1. Shouldn't Application Manager allow me to download original applications 
that came with device? (opera, etc.). How do I go about at least adding Opera 
and GoogleTalk application. Do I need to build these in sdk and deploy to 
device or can I do direct download? What are targets I need to specify or url 
of docs for this?

Opera and GoogleTalk are included in the firmware that you flash. They
do not have to be installed separately and the Application Manager
gives no option to remove them. To see more applications to install,
you need to add more Application Catalogues. Search through
for some examples.

Some places to start:

2. If there are no applications (to speak of) after flashing...why is there 
Messenger icon on desktop with many menuitems and no apps hooked up to this part of core ui hildon framework?

Some apps are included in the core firmware that you flash.

3. Is the ApplicationManager just gui around apt-get?

Pretty much. It simplifies things and hides all the useful (but scary)
error output.

4. Why is there no mention of root password for n800. I couldn't use apt-get due to not 
being root and got warning message about same. Is the intent that developers only be 
root on sdk machine where they build apps for deploy to device? And that on 
device you should just use Application Manager?

I think Nokia dev docs are missing section after flashing on root/user 
accounts and passwords. I found in older maemo2 docs the concept of these 2 user accounts.

The root account is not accessed in the traditional way. Installing
the becomeroot package and then typing 'sudo gainroot' in the xterm
will get you there though.

There is a way by using the flasher to enable RD mode and then
manually enabling the root account but the gainroot package is way
easier ... provided it works on the n800.

5. Upon visiting Maemo garage repository and wanting to download some 
apps...they all seem to have different install instructions and in some case no 
instructions...downloading binary directly to browser.

Is the scheme as follows? If they state is available as DEB package then just 
use ApplicationManager to install from file after downloading to 
deviceotherwise if they give repository fields then fill in using 

Downloading and Opening the deb file usually works provided there are
no uninstalled debs that it depends on. Installing from an Application
Catalogue will resolve all those dependencies for you. If I understand
correctly, there is another format that is a hybrid of the two. The
.install format will set up the proper Catalogue for you and install
the app and its dependencies. If the .install is available for bora,
use that one. Some catalogues to try are here:

Enjoy your new gadget.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Questions aftering flashing n800...where is opera?

2007-01-19 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 1/19/07, Mike Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some places to start:

So in general I can install mistral and have compatiblity with bora?

The word seems to be that some mistral/scirroco apps can run without
modification/recompiling on the n800/bora. Some that make assumptions
about the underlying hardware don't however.

 2. If there are no applications (to speak of) after flashing...why is
 there Messenger icon on desktop with many menuitems and no apps
 hooked up to this part of core ui hildon framework?

 Some apps are included in the core firmware that you flash.

Nothing is included with developer firmware that provides apps for this
menu though. I didn't flash end-user  image but developer image.

Are you installing a development platform on a desktop? Sorry, I
misunderstood ... I thought that you were flashing your device. I
think the developer image only includes the open source stuff and not
the proprietary bits.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] n800 camera specs

2007-01-16 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 1/16/07, Zeeshan Ali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On 1/16/07, Peter Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Camera is vga. So that means 640 x 480.

   That is correct! However don't expect a good framerate when using
VGA resolution since the camera is meant for videocalls. Use CIF
(352x288) or QCIF (176,144) if you want an acceptable (~15) fps.

Has anyone done any testing to see what the max [EMAIL PROTECTED] is? Is the
bottleneck with the internal memory bandwidth or CPU speed.

Also, is it accessible as a v4l2 device so that other apps can be
easily written to use it?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] n800 camera specs

2007-01-16 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 1/16/07, Matt Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I take nokia is going to refund the €300/$300 price difference for
 people that bought an
 n800 already but are going to be in the dev program?

Wow, that's a wonderfully well developed sense of entitlement you've
got there.

Getting beyond the easily misinterpreted intentions of mailing list
participants, he does have a very good idea. If Nokia just sends 500
worthy developers mail-in rebates for store-bought n800's then there
is no issue of waiting anymore. It is probably the easiest thing to
handle logistically on Nokia's side also.

On another note, one beneficial thing that this delay has generated is
a lot of developer activity on the 770 as devs fight to get noticed
via project updates :]

So as a simple user I say, Nokia, delay all you want ;]

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] upgrading base packages from third party repositories

2006-12-06 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 12/6/06, Martin Grimme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But don't rate the renamed Ogg files in Canola (via the stars) because
Canola thinks this is an mp3 and will destroy the Ogg by writing ID3

You have tried this? I always thought that this rating info (similar
to that found in Rhythmbox and Winamp) was stored in an external DB.
If it is stored in the ID3 tags, is it a standard thing that will work
across players?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] upgrading base packages from third party repositories

2006-12-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 12/5/06, Ralph Giles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can't you just provide a gstreamer-plugins-ogg package? Certainly you
should send a patch to the plugins-base package maintainer, but the
meantime that's the clean way to provide additional codecs.

N770-Freak was nice enough to bundle his work up in a deb but he
didn't have the time to set up a project in Maemo Garage. The deb is
in an attachment here:

It does not work flawlessly for me but it works well enough to be
useful and the CPU usage is quite low.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Re: [maemo-announce] New Nokia 770 software image available

2006-11-03 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 11/3/06, Frantisek Dufka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Daniel Stone wrote:

 you can't do the
 bootloader, kernel, and initfs from userspace.

Well, you can, but it really isn't a good idea. It has no chance to be
completely safe, something may go wrong pretty easily (like random
device reboot). There is no safe order in which you can make the upgrade
of those specific parts (bootloader,kernel,initfs,rootfs) and still have
device bootable if the process is interrupted.

That is also something that could be said for the flashing through the
USB method too. If that is interrupted then you are likely equally
unable to boot your 770. However, you can always try again ... just
like you could always fall back to the USB method if the updating
internally fails.

What might really complicate this a great deal is if the N770 kernel
uses those run in place features I recall reading about that was
introduced for embedded systems that causes the kernel to just run
apps directly from flash memory rather than copying them to RAM and
then running from there. Writing directly to a program space that you
are currently running is the road to nastiness.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Re: [maemo-announce] New Nokia 770 software image available

2006-11-02 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 11/2/06, Álvaro J. Iradier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it posible to upgrade without flashing? Something like apt-get
dist-upgrading packages, flashing new kernel and initfs?


I recall the Nokia devs stating in the past that they did not intend
to support this route to upgrading. It is too bad but I would imagine
that the problems involved are two-fold:
1) This route to upgrading is a lot more complicated to do right while
avoiding the cruft buildup that is tolerable on a desktop system yet
not so easily accommodated on a limited resource embedded system and
2) This route to upgrading typically necessitates having an equally
large space to store the packages on top of the existing place where
the old ones are installed. It seems wasteful to keep around a bunch
of empty storage space for upgrading purposes that could be used for
user data/apps. Once again,  it is tolerable on a desktop system yet
not so easily accommodated on a limited resource embedded system.

Neither of these things are technically insurmountable but it is a
question of whether you want them to spend time and effort trying to
get this to work and answering the inevitable questions from
situations where it doesn't work or taking the simple brute-force way
to upgrading and spending more effort on the actual content of the

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Unresolved issues (Week 43)

2006-10-30 Thread Michael Wiktowy

On 10/30/06, Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

microphone recording quality
3rd mention

GStreamer 0.8 recording sampling rate is limited to 8kHz? Can it
be increased?

This was answered on the Week 41 list.

I'll cut-and-paste the response here too:
quoteStefan Kost [EMAIL PROTECTED] to Tommi, maemo-develope. 1:27 pm
Due to some constraints on the DSP side, this can't be changed right
now. So for the dsppcmsrc and also the alsasrc on the device the
sampling rate for recording s is limited to 8 kHz. This is not a limit
of GStreamer 0.8 or 0.10.

As I was one of the interested parties in that conversation, thanks
for the reply, Stefan .
I hope this means that it can be fixed with a firmware update rather
than a hardware update. If this is the case, I also hope that it will
be increased in future N770 OS releases.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.0 device reboot

2006-10-24 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/24/06, Martin Grimme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,Am Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:20:36 -0400schrieb Michael Wiktowy [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Applications running:
...  maemo-bt-plugin...I notice that you're running the maemo-bt-plugin. I'm not sure
whether this is really the cause of the crash, but I have experiencedthese strange reboots some time ago as well. They went away afterI removed the maemo-bt-plugin. It happened with both, the OS 2005and OS 2006 versions, and always went away after removing the bt-plugin.
It would be interesting to hear if other people who experience thesereboots also have the maemo-bt-plugin running, or maybe other 3rd partyplugins.I loaded it temporarily just recently to help troubleshoot a GPS parsing problem with mapper. I have never experienced spontaneous idle reboots in the past so that might be the culprit. I have no use for it now so I might as well remove it.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.0 device reboot

2006-10-23 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/18/06, Amit Kucheria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 13:00 +0300, ext Marius Gedminas wrote: On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 11:50:03AM +0200, Malix wrote:  Hi, after upgrade to maemo 2.0 I have a problem. Some times my 770  reboot. This happen some times when I'm using the browser and every
  time I try to use Gizmo. For now I never had problem with other  programs. You think this is a software problem or hardware? My 770 reboots once every two--three days.I think it's a software
 problem.I could be wrong.As mentioned in the following link, please file bugs against the errantapplications.""
I remember in your case it was FBReader - report it to them.I just had the mysterious idle spontanous reboot for the first time (that I've noticed).I looked at the various files in the ReportingRebootIssues above and the following is what my condition is:
Output of /proc/bootreason: 32wd_toOutput of /var/lib/dsme/stats/lifeguard_resets:/usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop : 18 */usr/sbin/dsp_dld -p --disable-restart -c /lib/dsp/dsp_dld_avs.conf : 1 /usr/bin/osso-connectivity-ui-conndlgs : 1 
Applications running:on top of the default stuff that starts up
xtermparkwifimaemo-bt-pluginsshdState of device:On, idle for a few minutes after using xterm, cover was on. It was sitting on my desk and heard the Nokia-hands chime. No wireless AP connectivity in my area although there are some in the area that I have no access to.
RD mode and lifeguard restart is disabled still after fixing my stuck rebooting issue (as is indicated by the 18 restarts of maemo_af_desktop :]).Is there an official maemo bugzilla bug that I can feed this info into?
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] weather and white screen of death

2006-10-23 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/23/06, Andrew Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have the weather applet installed on my device and I am now getting thewhite screen of death on bootup. I cannot remove it and apparently USB isalso broken as a result of this so I cannot ssh in and remove the package.
Must I reflash or is there some way to get the applet off of there withoutresorting to this?I ran into the exact same problem a few days ago. I added my comments in the Reboot Cycle thread 
on this list and also added some comments on what I did to unravel this problem without reflashing on the ApplicationCatalogue2006WIP wiki.The short of it is gweather doesn't *always* crash the desktop.What I did to make it not crash the desktop is:
- boot to white screen of death- plug the charger into the 770- using the power button and the menu option, Switch off! - this actually puts it into a suspended state while the charger is in
- press the power button to turn on the 770- at this point the desktop did not fully crash for me (the Contacts button was missing) and I was able to deactivate the gweather applet and use the application manager to remove the package.
Hope this works for you too./Mike 
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Reboot Cycle

2006-10-20 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/20/06, George Farris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The question really is, why is this, in it's current state, installablewith the Application Manager?It should be removed from therepositories.The problem is that the Maemo Garage repository is not separated into stable and unstable repos, AFAIK. So all Garage-hosted apps are treated equally when they are in reality in vastly different stages of development. That kind of unstable/testing/stable separation helps users choose their level of risk.
Packaging up an app in development is kind of a Catch-22 situation. If you don't package it, you limit your user-base to fewer, more technically-savvy people and it may not get the testing/exposure you might want. If you package it, it will get a lot more testing and exposure but if it does bad things, that exposure won't be positive and may drive away users with false expectations of stability.
Putting packages (along with their equally stable dependencies) into repos labeled by stability seems to be the standard way of managing those expectations./Mike
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Tapioca, Cohoba, Telepathy ... oh my!

2006-10-20 Thread Michael Wiktowy
Greetings list,I eagerly anticipate a nice GUI-fied (i.e. not sophia-sip) generic SIP client for use on the 770. I had my hopes up when Tapioca was released for the 770 but was confused that it didn't include SIP support ... even in the Gnome version. Now Tapioca seems somewhat ... adrift.
I read in one of the latest linux magazines an article on Telepathy that praises the Nokia for adopting it for the N770 and contributing to the project and mentions several other clients but doesn't mention Tapioca ... nor does the Telepathy website. One that they do mention is Cohoba and looking at the website, it looks a whole lot like it was based on Tapioca.
I hate to see all this splintered development essentially doing the same work.
So I figured that I would ask on this list since it is likely to contain the people in the know ... is Tapioca abandoned? Is work on-going in Cohoba? Are we going to see Cohoba for the 770? Sometime soon?Thanks,
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Tapioca, Cohoba, Telepathy ... oh my!

2006-10-20 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/20/06, Michael Wiktowy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I eagerly anticipate a nice GUI-fied (i.e. not sophia-sip) generic SIP client for use on the 770. Oops ... that should have read (i.e. not sofsip-cli) ... while it looks like a great project, opening xterm and doing SIP through a command-line doesn't meet my needs. I would imagine that any N770 SIP client *would* be built on  sofia-sip
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Reboot Cycle

2006-10-19 Thread Michael Wiktowy
Hello list,I got finally bit by the endless reboot cycle bug.I have set the no-lifeguard-reset flag in RD mode and now it doesn't reboot.I could also stop it from rebooting with a well timed press and hold of the power button right after the Nokia hands and chime come up.
However, all I get is the white screen of death after it boots.The things that I installed since the last reboot were:- mweather desktop applet- upgraded maemo-mapper to 1.2
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Reboot Cycle

2006-10-19 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/19/06, Michael Wiktowy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello list,I got finally bit by the endless reboot cycle bug.I have set the no-lifeguard-reset flag in RD mode and now it doesn't reboot.I could also stop it from rebooting with a well timed press and hold of the power button right after the Nokia hands and chime come up.
However, all I get is the white screen of death after it boots.The things that I installed since the last reboot were:- mweather desktop applet- upgraded maemo-mapper to 1.2

oops .. send permaturely ... to continue ...and before that I installed the bt-plugin applet to get some data dumps from my bt GPS and had to reboot to get that working right.After updating the maemo-mapper, I started it and it started fine but I didn't have my GPS around to try it. I let my 770 charge overnight. Tried starting maemo-mapper after I had my GPS on and it would look like it was starting but would never come up. So I manually rebooted and now I am stuck.
I suspect that it is either a wonky mweather applet crashing the desktop or some wierd interaction with the new maemo-mapper and the bt-plugin.Is my only option to reflash the firmware if the desktop crashes like this?
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Reboot Cycle

2006-10-19 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/19/06, Marius Gedminas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It is a known mweather home applet bug: it crashes the desktop app on
startup, usually.Disable the applet, and you won't get reboot loops.If you have an ssh server on the device, I think you could ssh into itand sudo apt-get remove mweather.Or just keep rebooting until you get
lucky and mweather doesn't crash for you -- it doesn't *always* crash.
I suppose I should have looked up that applet on the
ApplicationCatalogue2006 wiki as there is a big fat warning that this
applet is unstable and a WIP. I just installed it from the Application
Manager having no idea it was still a WIP.

In any case, I successfully got my 770 desktop not to crash with the following steps:
- powerup until you get the white screen of death
- plug the charger in
- power off the 770 (which actually just suspends it when the charger
is in) by pressing the power button and choosing Switch off!
- power on after you see the lone charging symbol in the middle of the screen by pressing the power button

When the desktop screen finally did come up, it was missing the middle
Contact button along the left hand side of the screen and the applet
had a Failed message in it.

I also found that I didn't need the lifeguard disable hack to stop the
rebooting cycle. If I pressed and held the power key as soon as I saw
the Nokia hands, I could stop it in the white screen of death state.
Then a second press of the power button would switch the 770 off.

So I am back to normal without having to reflash my firmware. Thanks
for confirming that this app was causing me trouble. Just figured that
I would relate some details of my unpleasant experience in hopes that
it might help others get out of their future reboot cycles.

Nokia should consider some sort of Safe mode when lifeguard resets
the 770 a few times in sequence as the endless rebooting is not a fun
experience. I know X will only retry its start 3 times before dropping
to the command line. I think gdm may dump you to a extremely simple
session manager if it can't start the Gnome desktop too. You can start
Firefox up in a safe mode that will not load any extensions. This is
likely the best model to follow. 

However, an even better model would be to not allow crashing applets to take down your entire desktop.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] microphone recording quality

2006-10-12 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/5/06, Andrew Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, I notice that apps recording from the microphone input--MaemoRecorder in my case--are limited to a sampling rate of 8,000 Hz (Ilooked in ~/.gstreamer-0.8/registry.arm.xml (or whatever) to determinethis). This is okay if there is little to no background noise (I am
recording class lectures), but if there are papers shuffling or excesstalking the main voice can get very hard to follow. Is it possible toincrease the sample rate, say, to 22,050 Hz, where the GNOME Sound
Recorder is set for voice quality? This works quite well butunfortunately requires my Thinkpad to be fired up :(. What's more, myThinkpad doesn't have the battery life of the Nokia, especially with
WLAN on. I have a 1 GB memory card so space is not really a concern(typical .wav files from one session with g-s-r on my laptop are ~230MB).Regards,Andrew BarrI would like to second this request. I am not sure if the 770 has enough poop to handle that much more data but if it does then I would love to have the option to handle CD quality wavs.
One issue might be if the mic on the 770 has some hardware prefiltering on it. I get the sense that it does based on the samples that I have taken so far and that might limit the frequency content entering the 770 in the first place. So no amount of sample rate increase will capture something that doesn't exist.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] microphone recording quality

2006-10-12 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 10/12/06, Andrew J. Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thursday 12 October 2006 16:07, Michael Wiktowy wrote: I would like to second this request. I am not sure if the 770 has enough poop to handle that much more data but if it does then I would love to have
 the option to handle CD quality wavs.I should point out that for my own purpose it doesn't need to be *much* higherquality, as I said some of the time the recording is just fine,
Fair enough. 22.050 kHz is half of one channel of CD quality. provided you
didn't use iLBC compression (which is non-free anyway, IIRC).I think iLBC is turned specifically for voice recording and is a very common codec used in VoIP because of this. The codec is free as in beer but not free as in speech.
See am always baffled by the lack of support of ogg speex and vorbis in the 770 apps though.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Launching browser at startup

2006-09-18 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 9/18/06, Kalle Vahlman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
2006/9/18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:We are developing a Flash application to run on Nokia 770 devices and we
 would like this application to be launched automatically when the device is switched on. How can we launch opera browser (in fullscreen mode) at startup? We've tried editing .profile and .ashrc but it does not work. Any
 help would be appreciate. Thank you in advance. TomàsThe usual (linux/debian) way of startup scripts are in /etc/init.d andthen a link to /etc/rc2.d (with name like S99xx).
Actually, that would be the place to put system-wide daemon/services startup scripts that have no UI. There should be a script in there that runs the desktop manager and within the desktop manager there should be mechanisms in place to start things up in a particular users session so that all the proper environment variables and user contexts are set. The rc startup scripts are a very wrong place to put a command to start up the browsers in a user's desktop.
.ashrc is also not entirely proper either as that is the script that is fired when an ash shell is started up to get a virtual terminal, AFAIK. Not something that happens automatically at Maemo desktop startup.
As you'll want it to run as user not root, you might want to add it
to /etc/osso-af-init/ and edit real-af-base-apps to run the script soyou'll get the environment setup for free. You can look at the otherscripts there for examples.That seems to be the place but that script system sure is package manager unfriendly.
Other distros typically have a script that will call any script placed in an /etc/something.d/ directory. That way a .deb (or rpm or whatever) can add or remove their hooks into the main startup sequence without having to parse (and possibly corrupt) the main start script.
Are there other mechanisms around like this or maybe some gconf-2 variables that can be poked that act on the session level rather than system level?/Mike
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Re: Repositories

2006-09-05 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 9/5/06, Carlos Guerreiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Most of these differences are not really justified anymore. Theexceptions (themes,bitmaps,...) need to be handled in a controlledmanner. We are working towards getting rid of the unnecessarydivergence.
Well ... I am one of those users caught a bit by doing an apt-get upgrade (more specifically I took the Red Pill and upgraded some core packages) and expecting it to do the right thing. I didn't get the constant rebooting but I am experiencing random application crashes now.
The right thing that I was expecting was:- Upgrade core packages with newer more stable more up to date packages with possible security fixes and functionality fixes but no great leaps in versions
- any unstable, in-development packages for the next version of the OS would be in a separate repository component that would need to be specificially enabled- once a new stable branch was developed, I could use apt-get upgrade to upgrade my 770 to it after changing the repository info over
I understand now that the repositories are not arranged that way for the 770 ... I just wish they were.I also have to figure out which packages to downgrade in order for my 770 to become stable again. Maybe a reflash is the simplest way.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] RE: Nokia 770 sources...

2006-08-31 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 8/31/06, Riku Voipio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
More likely manufacturers feel that there is valuable IP in their blobsand would prefer not to give it around to everyone for free, especiallyin a highly competitive market like wlan chipsets are.
I suspect that that is the case with the video driver binary blob people. With wlan chipsets working to output a standard signal, it is likely less the case. My impression is that wlan chipsets are nearly commodities at this point. However, I don't work in the field so don't know for sure.
However, getting a straight answer as to the real reason out of a company's legal department after it has been filtered through their marketing and communications department is  uummm ... challenging. :]Sometimes even people internal to the company can't get anything sensible.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Kismet now usable

2006-08-31 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 8/30/06, Andrew Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't know how many of you frequent the Internet Tablet Talk forums (Idon't--I was looking for Maemo Mapper info) but someone posted there[1]that the Kismet web site says that they now have code to validate frames
reported by the WLAN driver--so theoretically goodbye to the ghostnetwork issue.I can confirm that it works quite well. No more zillions of bogus APs.There still remains some problems with scanning stopping after a while and lots of detected APs detected while wardriving but it is a quantum-leap in usefulness above previous versions. Also, signal powers don't seem to be read either.
It works really well right not for a quick site scan to identify conflicting APs.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] RE: Nokia 770 sources...

2006-08-30 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 8/30/06, Koen Kooi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1Kalle Vahlman schreef: Hmm, I've always been under the impression that any kind of combination of binary-only and GPL code would be in violation... IANAL
 of course.Slightly a different issue, but a nice read anyway: source kernel modules are unethical
regards,KoenUnfortunately, I don't think the waters are all that clear in this situation.IANAL but it is my understanding that most countries have RFI laws that do not allow RF chip manufacturers to allow their users to modify their chips to switch to licensed bands or use an amount of power that brings it into a licenseable realm. It is not just the case of the law saying that a user can't operate in certain realms ... the user can't even be allowed to *possibly* operate in certain realms. So if an embedded chip is flexible enough, the manufacturers nerf it with a binary blob.
So you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Open up everything to comply with the GPL and violate RF Spectrum laws in some countries. Wrap a binary blob to satisfy RF regulators and you run a fowl of the GPL.
Both these demands are put in place for good reasons. However, they are mutually incompatible. The courts will have to sort out which takes precedence but it would be my guess that the RFI law would as violating it could threaten lives (broadcasting in aircraft radio navigation bands, scrambling police frequencies, etc.) where as violating the GPL would be rarely life-threatening.
The way that some manufacturers get around the problem is to nerf things at the hardware level. If the chip can't do it at that level, no amount of software/firmware hacking will get around that and they are free to open up all the specs to the hardware.
I think where the conflict really occurs is when the manufacturer software-nerfs the chip too much and cuts out some vital access that programmers/users want. Then they refuse to put in the legal/development time and resources to change their firmware to relax things a bit because they would then have to seek approval from the regulatory body yet again.
Nasty vicious circle :[ 
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Thunar

2006-08-28 Thread Michael Wiktowy
Greetings,Has anyone ever looked at porting Thunar over to the 770?If a direct port is unweildy, the layout of the panels look like a cleaner way of organizing the file manager on the 770.The current one is pretty good but it typically requires a whole lot of repeated scrolling and digging to find anything. It would be nice to be able to set file system bookmarks and use those rather than a fake expanding tree with the weird MyDocs/.documents abstraction that goes on currently.
Also an advanced checkbox that turned the Filesystem bookmark on and off might preserve that ignorance-is-bliss feeling for those that like that sort of thing. a thought as it looked like a nice fit with the 770 OS and libs./Mike
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: sftp client?

2006-06-15 Thread Michael Wiktowy

Installing openssh should give you a command line sftp client and also
allow you to sftp to the 770. At least it did for me with the new beta
OS and the Openssh available for that.

On 6/14/06, George Farris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any ported an sftp client over to the 770 gui client would be best but
command line or curses would work.  This would be extremely handy..

maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Application Catalog rewrite [was: Abuse on the ApplicationCatalog page]

2006-04-11 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 4/11/06, Jussi Kukkonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I made a mockup of All Maemo Applications at . Please commentand/or modify the page.
If there is going to be a more detailed page for each app, I would replace the Homepage and Download links with a Details link pointing to the more detailed application-specific page and a Status indicator to let people know if the app is a WIP, Alpha, Beta, Stable release.
That way, once an app is added to the index page, the information on there does not need to be updated each time the detail page is updated. Makes it easier to maintain.Two main groups of indicies should be Maemo Applications (apps that run in the 770 itself) and Maemo Support Applications (apps that run on a computer that connects to the 770 which has the primary purpose of supporting the 770 in some way ... be it converting media, browser plugins, sync tools)
Then each of those groups could be subdivided into functional groups (Network, PIM, etc.) like they are now.That is my opinion anyways./Mike
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] neat device

2006-03-30 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 3/30/06, Michele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,So again, just my 2c:the VKB has a HWR that really sucks. I tried many times to use it, butever switched back to the on-screen keyboard, because recognition simpledoesn't work well, and the capability to be trained is too little.
I found that too and narrowed the problem down to a few elements:1) If you counter-intuitively give less time for character recognition (it is adjustable) it does a better job since it is trying to  interpret whatever you write it its recognition period as on character. So reducing that time period give a better probability of that being true :]
2) There are some flaws in the build in character stroke tables. It would be nice if some of the built in tables could be edited. For instance, it seems the 99% of my troubles now (after doing 1) above) are centered around writing i. It nearly always gets interpreted as a comma or a lower case L. There is no way, looking at the built in strokes for the comma, that it should be misinterpretting that unless the HWR completely ignores the starting position (relative to the guidelines drawn on the screen) of the stroke. The two part characters are always tricky to deal with though.
Just some thoughts that might make it much more useful./Mike
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