Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-20 Thread Luca Berra

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 04:47:07AM -0500, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
| ands, or buts, about it. If the Mageia community chooses to opeate as a 
| criminal organization, I will have nothing to do with it.

| I don't agree on most of the above, and i believe the last sentence to be
| offensive, but i will not retaliate lest it becomes a flame war.

I do not see how that statement is offensive. It is a simple statement of fact. 

I am not really sure about US laws, but in some country, like mine there
are two very distinct law body criminal law, and civil law.
So here the term criminal organizations leads to think of things
like mafia, large scale drug dealers, murderers etc. And i loathe to be
included in the same group.
The variety of laws that exist is not the issue, the fact that they do exist 
is, and this is why I think PLF is a good place for questionable software. 

It really is. As Romain pointed out the sum of every law in the world
might result in an empty environment.
(silly real world example)
In some countries it is illegal for women to wear a bourka in public
In some countries it is illegal for women _not_ to wear a bourka in
Now how would you please both? besides my personal belief being women
should be allowed to wear anything they chose and not be judged for that
(and please if what i said is criminal, then call me that)

main Mageia distribution. I have no problem with such software being 
distributed where it is legal. I simply want to make it easy for end users and 
miror hosts to exclude this software where it is illegal. I will not enter 

This is the object, but it cannot be achieved 100%.
1) What about if a particulary restrictive country mandates that all
communication software shall contain a mean for the government to
eavesdrop such communication? shall we move ssl to plf?
2) Not infringing on any patent would require enormous effort, just to
list every possible patent, not to speak of analyzing every software to
ensure it does not do anything covered by a patent.

into the argument that it is not illegal untill the patent holder comes after 
you. To my way of thinking, that feels very similar to saying that stealing is 
not a crime untill you get caught.

First, single patents are not laws
Second, iirc your law requires patent holders to prove the validity of
their patent in trial. this is the exact opposite of catching a thief.
It is the patent holder that has to prove the property was his before
claiming damage.


P.S. I do not like the word 'tainted' for this kind of repository
because it just encourages parallels with theft like Ernest is making


Luca Berra --

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-16 Thread Romain d'Alverny
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:47, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
 If the Mageia community chooses to ignore the laws of some countries for any
 reason (even if the community can not be prosecuted), I want nothing to do
 with it.

So you do already. The common subset of laws of all countries in the
world is like... almost empty. The global tendency in the past decades
is to grow this common subset but it's far from being achieved (and
may as well reverse, history showed us).

As a matter of fact, Mageia as an organisation fostering free software
and innovation through collaboration is likely to ignore/refute/fight,
by whatever mean and at whatever relevant scale, laws that would
censor/prohibit, as such:
 - reverse-engineering
 - cryptography tools
 - freedom of speech
 - user privacy
 - to name just 4 of them.

See? There are significant countries in this case.

Obey the law is not rule #0 in life (even more if unbalanced). If it
were, we would mostly all be slaves, instead of free citizens.

 A strongly stated position, honestly presented should never cause offense to
 any one.

You cannot please everyone. Law of life.

 If I havce offended you, I appologize as that was not my intent, but I
 will not appologize for my beliefs.

And you should not. :-) As long as things are said with respect.

 The variety of laws that exist is not the issue, the fact that they do exist
 is, and this is why I think PLF is a good place for questionable software.
 If we choose to provide such software ourselves, then it should be in a
 tainted listing or repo.

Yes. But this is still an imperfect solution as the frontier between
what should be in tainted and core will vary according to the
territory you are in. So we have to decide on a _reasonable_ frontier,
that will not match strictly everyone anyway.

 I have no problem with such software being distributed where it is legal.
 I simply want to make it easy for end users and
 miror hosts to exclude this software where it is illegal.

We can't do it totally for three reasons:
 * law is not universally the same;
 * law changes, wherever it is. What is legal today may be illegal
tomorrow. What was illegal today may be legal tomorrow.
 * patents may be invalid or have expired (although properly registered).

So again, that does not help us but realize that we cannot have a
stable layout policy for what comes under core, non-free and
tainted. This is a matter of finding a reasonable balance, regarding
a given set of laws (likely, European/US laws).

Because, otherwise:
 * as soon as someone claims having a patent anywhere on some methods
implemented in some software of core, it should move to tainted
(with all consequences).
 * as soon as a patent expire (or its invalidity is revealed through a
court decision), all related tainted packages may move into core
or non-free.

So indeed, we've got to build this tainted repository and fill it
with what we think it should reasonably be with; that means having a
policy (list of questions to ask to qualify the package/software to
enter tainted or not). I proposed one earlier, that was extreme
(that was the goal). We should have a similar one, amended.

 I will not enter
 into the argument that it is not illegal untill the patent holder comes after
 you. To my way of thinking, that feels very similar to saying that stealing is
 not a crime untill you get caught.

Do not map physical/concrete world metaphors to immaterial world. It
is not the same. Not the same rules apply. And thinking/law is lagging
a lot in this regard, as for any new/young stuff.



Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-16 Thread andre999

Romain d'Alverny a écrit :

Le 13 déc. 2010 à 13:50, Philippe  a écrit :

The creator of a software can be prosecuted on the basis of patents even
if they were registered later 

Of course, nothing new here.

That does not, however, prove that the motive of the prosecution (hence the 
prosecution itself) is valid.

Because of unprecise/unvalid registration, prior art, fuzzy/broken status of 
software patents in the EU, or other reason that would have to be demonstrated 
during a trial.

So whatever you do, as soon as you publish/release some hot technology, you 
have to be aware of the environment; it is a matter of risk management, and of 
provisioning the means for such a trial (legal counselling, money, communication, 
disclosure), should it happen (that is, should it be reasonably worth it for someone to 



An additional problem with patents, which are supposed to protect 
techniques or methods developped by the patenter, it that they are 
issued after searches for conflicting patents, but not after verifying 
the existance of prior art, or even that the technique/method actually 

(At least that is how it works in the U.S./Canada.)
Patents are not supposed to cover logic as such.
Which becomes problematic with software, which is basically logic 
fashioned into algorithms, to accomplish some task.

Which is why countries such as Canada don't issue patents for software.
And why most software patents will not be enforceable, even where they 
do exist.

Note also that even an enforceable software patent only gives the patent 
holder a civil right to demand compensation for the use of the methods 
of the patent.  A patent holder is not required to demand such 
compensation, and in many cases, it will not be in their interest to do so.
Such as free/open source software where there is no opportunity to 
collect royalties, and where engaging pursuits against such usage will 
likely lead to the development of alternate solutions, which lessen the 
chance of collecting royalties from other users.

my 2 cents :)


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-14 Thread andre999

Hoyt Duff a écrit :

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Ernest N. Wilcox  wrote:

  People who break laws are criminals - no ifs,
ands, or buts, about it.

Although I disagree with your conclusions (which I will explain further 
down), your post does bring up an important point.
Mageia would better avoid alienating potential users who might 
mistakenly associate Mageia with illegitimate activity.

Which makes including a set of Mageia repositories specifically for 
constrained (or tainted) software problematic.
Although having such repositories for Mageia on a site like PLF 
shouldn't cause problems, as there would be a clear distance between 
them and Mageia.

People who break _criminal_ laws like murder and assault are criminals.
People who break _civil_ laws like traffic or zoning are not usually
considered criminals by the general public.
So, not all laws are alike and not all people who break laws can be
reasonably labeled as criminals.

And in the case of alleged patent vioations, users may be violating the 
patent holder's civil right to demand compensation for the use of their 
patent.  Where it can become illegal, and only in the civil law sense, 
is if the alleged violator refuses to pay the compensation demanded, and 
subsequently a court decides that the patent applies and the 
compensation demanded is reasonable under the circumstances.

(At least, that is how it works in the U.S.)
So we are talking about something that is less illegal than jaywalking.
(Luckily here in Canada, as in many countries, software patents don't 

Note also that for free/open source software, where no possibility of 
collecting royalties exists, there is generally little interest for a 
patent holder to restrict Linux users and thus encourage the development 
of alternate solutions, which could then be adopted by those currently 
(or potentially in the future) paying royalties to the patent holder.

When there is dispute in the larger world community as to whether or
not some behavior rises to a criminal nature, one cannot assign it
some moral value and enforce it world-wide with any significance.


If the Mageia community chooses to opeate as a
criminal organization, I will have nothing to do with it.

Rest assured, no-one is proposing that.
You may not be aware, but (as I have recently learned) both Debian and 
Ubuntu openly distribute packages constrained by software patents, and 
have many mirror sites in the U.S. - without any apparent problems.


In other words, if the taint is available to you, and you believe to
touch the taint is bad, don't do it. But don't force others to follow
your rules.

Very true.  As Richard Stallman says, free software is about freedom.
Let's keep it that way.

The PLF approach has been a good one because it allows the specific
option of touching the taint or not while accepting the official
distro defaults.

I think so too.
PLF packages also enable many options which are somewhat incompatible 
with the free/open source philosophy, but not necessarily legally 
constrained.  So there is a role available for PLF that would probably 
not be as well served by a set of constrained repos on Mageia.

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-13 Thread andre999

Daniel Kreuter a écrit :

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:

As I see it, we already have a usable mirror lay-out (posted earlier
in this
thread). The only real discussion that should remain is whether to
include the
tainted branch in the official Mageia tree, or to offer it in an
repository such as PLF (my earlier suggestion).

Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.
Registered Linux User 247790
ICQ 41060744

Good point. I would suggest that (with permission like you mentioned) we
include only such patented software in the main repos like drivers. And
everything else like mp3 in the tainted.

Especially network-drivers should be included, nothing is worse than
looking for the drivers if you have no network (as I always have to do
in Debian).

Generally drivers have permission to distribute, but not to modify or 
reverse engineer, and source code is rarely available.
Mandriva does include network drivers.  But a lot of other commonly used 
drivers aren't on the free ISOs.  I think they should be in all the 
ISOs.  Whatever their licence, with the core packages.

So that is one area where Mageia can improve on Mandriva.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Please note that both Ubuntu and Debian carry patented-constrained 
software.   (Debian officially in their non-free repositories.)

Both have many mirrors in the U.S.

To say that carrying software that may present patent infringement is 
illegal is grossly simplefying the issue.
Only if a court decides that a patent is legitimate, and that a 
particular software really infringes on that patent, without permission 
(direct or indirect or implicitly) of the patent holder, does that 
software contravene the civil rights of the patent holder.  Most 
patents, even if pursued, never reach that stage.

Note that the patent holder is always free to not pursue apparent patent 
violators, thus giving implicit permission.  In case of open source 
projects, they could decide that it is more in their interests to not 
pursue those who would not be in a position to pay royalties, so as to 
not discourage the use of their technology, and thus encourage the 
development of viable alternatives.
Which could lead to those currently (or potentially in the future) 
paying royalties deciding to switch to these patent (and royalty) free 

Copyright infringement is generally much easier to determine, making it 
both easier to avoid, as well as easier to prove.
So a policy of insisting on permission to redistribute for copyrightable 
material seems appropriate.

Such an approach for potentially patent-infringing material is virtually 

(Just think of the bogus Linux kernel case a few years back.)
(Or Microsoft's patent on certain essential elements of a spreadsheet.)

So in my mind we should wait until until approached by the patent holder 
about a particular package before considering designating the package as 

Initially, I don't see us needing a set of repositories for contrained 
(or tainted) packages.

But I do see PLF as a reasonable place for packages we choose not to carry.
They have a open invitation to host constrained packages for any 
distribution, as long as packagers volonteer.)
Mageia doesn't necessarily have to be (but could be) involved.  I'm sure 
there will be volonteers, whatever we decide.

my 2 cents :)

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-13 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
  People who break laws are criminals - no ifs,
 ands, or buts, about it.

People who break _criminal_ laws like murder and assault are criminals.
People who break _civil_ laws like traffic or zoning are not usually
considered criminals by the general public.
So, not all laws are alike and not all people who break laws can be
reasonably labeled as criminals.

When there is dispute in the larger world community as to whether or
not some behavior rises to a criminal nature, one cannot assign it
some moral value and enforce it world-wide with any significance.

 If the Mageia community chooses to opeate as a
 criminal organization, I will have nothing to do with it.

Based on the  popular (in the US, at least) maxim of Ignorance of the
law is no excuse, you as end user are responsible for knowing the
license of the software and acting accordingly. Just because illegal
software is available does not mean you are compelled to use it. If
you install software which is permitted in one country but not in
yours, you would be the criminal. Legally and morally, you cannot
pass on the responsibility of obeying any law to someone else. You
alone have the responsibility for obeying your laws.

In other words, if the taint is available to you, and you believe to
touch the taint is bad, don't do it. But don't force others to follow
your rules.

The PLF approach has been a good one because it allows the specific
option of touching the taint or not while accepting the official
distro defaults.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-13 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/13 Hoyt Duff

 In other words, if the taint is available to you, and you believe to
 touch the taint is bad, don't do it. But don't force others to follow
 your rules.

Yes, this applies to users and mirror maintainers in these
environment. This discussion is about exactyl this decision and how
Mageia can make it possible or impossible, hard or easy, for the
mirror maintainers and the users in question.

I don't think this discussion is about how good or bad legal
restraints on software are, or about how some countries enforce or not
enforce the laws they have.

 The PLF approach has been a good one because it allows the specific option of 
 touching the taint or not while accepting the official distro defaults.

Exactly. It offers an easy way for the mirror maintainers and the
users to decide, whatever related circumstances you are living in and
whatever your position is on this issue. Why not use it?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-12 Thread Michael scherer
On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 12:36:05AM -0500, andre999 wrote:
 Michael scherer a écrit :
 On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 08:16:33AM -0500, andre999 wrote:
 Not to mention that a ratio of 2 mirrors in the USA out of a total
 of 25 seems rather odd, for something that admins do not care.
 2 of 25 PLF mirrors in the U.S.
 Technically, 1, since the other is down ( and should be removed from
 the list ).
 So a ratio of 4%.
 Unless you are going to analyse what is down for the other distros,
 you should say 2 ± 1, that is 4 to 12%

Ok, when I say down, I should say the domain no longer exist. It is just
not registered. Not down and it will be up later, but down someone didn't
bother to pay the domain. Obviously, I should not assume that people 
check facts before telling me my numbers are wrong.

And since other distributions have various systems to detect this ( mandriva 
have one, 
fedora have one, opensuse too ), there is no need to touch to the number.
PLF do not have any checking tasks, so the mirror was not seen as wrong.

There is 1 working mirror and the svn changelog show that this number is quite
stable enough.

And I would have removed the incorrect one, if I didn't consider this as 
a abuse of my root privilege on

 Or 9%.  Depending on how you want to fudge the figures.

There is no estimate or fudging involved, we have exact number 
of mirrors, I gave the url for each distributions.

 But maybe it is because they (in policy at least) exclude non-free
 software ?

So does debian. 

 And just how rigorously do they apply a no patent-constrained
 software policy ?

A quick research could have answered to this question :

They used to remove mp3 support from source code :

But that was 5 years ago. Nowadays, I do not think they still do it
as icecast for example is not modified ( despites supporting mp3 format
but maybe because there is no trace of codecs, it is ok ).

 Haven't I heard somewhere that Fedora (and RedHat) are based in the
 U.S. ?  So wouldn't it be natural to expect that it would have a
 higher proportion of sites there ?

Debian too is based in the US ( managed since 1996 by SPI, based in NYC ). 
So does Novell ( created in Utah, headquarters in Massachusetts ). 
 And I didn't count other country such as Japan, where patents on software
 are permitted ( ), and where the count of PLF
 mirrors vs Fedora mirrors is 0 to 8.
 0 ± 1 gives 0 to 12%.  Same ballpark.
 Also, recruiting Fedora mirrors could be driven by the commercial
 interests of RedHat.

could is a supposition, and I think you should give facts, not suppositions.

For the mirror, there is 2 private RD labs ( KDDI, RIKEN ), 2 university 
( Yamagata, JAIST ), and the rest are network related (,,, see for the meaning of 
the various second level domain ). 

So I doubt that commercial interest of the main sponsor have something to do, 
since the profile is quite similar to the usual one of most mirrors ( ie, 
people with lots of bandwidth, servers, and interest into helping free software 

 More ever, the fact that this is hosted by some private and rather anonymous
 company is also a important point. Ie, no .edu or big telco ever contacted
 PLF to host a mirror, while in France and another country, PLF have both.
 Considering that PLF is based on Mandriva, and Mandriva is based in
 France, wouldn't it be natural to expect PLF to be better
 represented there ?

I think you missed the point. Let me explain :

There is no USA university, nor USA telecom company that contacted PLF.

On the other hand, in other part of the world, PLF is mainly hosted by telecom 
company ( like Zoomnet and Bentel, for example ) and by universities ( Porto, 
Bahcesehir among others ). 

 Also, there are only about 400 packages for i586 in PLF mirrors.
 Since most are duplicated, I wonder how many distinct packages there are ?
 Somehow doubt that an unlicenced copy of quotes from the Simpsons
 (one of the 2 plf packages that I didn't find also in Mandriva main)
 is going to be a big attraction.
 You should look a little bit more closely. For example, libdvdcss2 is plf 
 So does various emulator, lame ( and related like darkice ), gstreamer-bad,
 etc. There is amule, and similar software. More than 2.
 Of the twenty or so PLF packages that I found looking through
 available packages with Mandriva and PLF repositories enabled, only
 2 did not also have the same version in Mandriva.  (All Mandriva
 main, in this sample.)  That is about 10% not in Mandriva.
 So for arguments sake let's say 20% are not in Mandriva.  That makes
 only about 80 packages only in PLF.
 Impressive, isn't it ?

You said on
that you have decades of programming experience. So I assume 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-12 Thread andre999

Michael scherer a écrit :

On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 12:36:05AM -0500, andre999 wrote:

Michael scherer a écrit :

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 08:16:33AM -0500, andre999 wrote:

Not to mention that a ratio of 2 mirrors in the USA out of a total
of 25 seems rather odd, for something that admins do not care.

2 of 25 PLF mirrors in the U.S.

Technically, 1, since the other is down ( and should be removed from
the list ).
So a ratio of 4%.

Unless you are going to analyse what is down for the other distros,
you should say 2 ± 1, that is 4 to 12%

Ok, when I say down, I should say the domain no longer exist. It is just
not registered. Not down and it will be up later, but down someone didn't
bother to pay the domain. Obviously, I should not assume that people
check facts before telling me my numbers are wrong.

Right, we should have both said discontinued.  Did you understand my 
point about verifying others distro's mirrors ?

My point about comparing the numbers still stands.  Unless you've seen 
anyone with 2,5 mirrors, for example.  And my comparisons of numbers 
don't take into account other factors, which would obviously have at 
least some effect.

What I'm saying, essentially, is that your numbers in no way support 
your hypothesis that carrying patented software significantly reduces 
the availability of mirrors.  In some cases, your numbers even suggest 
the contrary.  (If you don't consider other factors.)

And since other distributions have various systems to detect this ( mandriva 
have one,
fedora have one, opensuse too ), there is no need to touch to the number.
PLF do not have any checking tasks, so the mirror was not seen as wrong.


And I would have removed the incorrect one, if I didn't consider this as
a abuse of my root privilege on

BTW, you could have added a comment to the page.  I'm sure it would have 
been appreciated.

Or 9%.  Depending on how you want to fudge the figures.

There is no estimate or fudging involved, we have exact number
of mirrors, I gave the url for each distributions.

It's your methods of comparison that I'm questioning, not the raw 
figures.  Have you ever seen statistics that say something like on the 
average, each family has 2,2 children ?

And have you ever seen a real 0,2 child ?
Or realize that some families will have 1 or 4 or more children, and not 
just 2 or 3 ?

Hopefully you understand this point.

But maybe it is because they (in policy at least) exclude non-free
software ?

So does debian.

Current Debian documentation says that they have repositories called 
main, contrib, and non-free.  (Verified on a current Debian mirror.)

Just what do they put in non-free ?
Their documentation says software without a recognized open source 
licence or subject to patent claims.

And just how rigorously do they apply a no patent-constrained
software policy ?

A quick research could have answered to this question :

They used to remove mp3 support from source code :

But that was 5 years ago. Nowadays, I do not think they still do it
as icecast for example is not modified ( despites supporting mp3 format
but maybe because there is no trace of codecs, it is ok ).

So apparently not that rigorously, after all.

Haven't I heard somewhere that Fedora (and RedHat) are based in the
U.S. ?  So wouldn't it be natural to expect that it would have a
higher proportion of sites there ?

Debian too is based in the US ( managed since 1996 by SPI, based in NYC ).

Interesting.  A distro which accepts patent-constrained software (in 
their non-free repositories) is now based in the USA.

And you said that 13% of their mirrors were in the USA ?


And I didn't count other country such as Japan, where patents on software
are permitted ( ), and where the count of PLF
mirrors vs Fedora mirrors is 0 to 8.

0 ± 1 gives 0 to 12%.  Same ballpark.
Also, recruiting Fedora mirrors could be driven by the commercial
interests of RedHat.

could is a supposition, and I think you should give facts, not suppositions.

Just as your side of the argument is a supposition.  Which is exactly my 
point.  Your facts don't give convincing support of your supposition.
As far as this supposition goes, if Fedora and/or RedHat (a well-known 
entity in free software) were to approach potential mirrors in Japan, 
but PLF (almost unknown) did not, just who do you think is more likely 
to attract mirror hosts ?

BTW, you might also have mentioned that there are only 2 Mandriva 
mirrors in Japan.  (The first 2 you mention below.)

For the mirror, there is 2 private RD labs ( KDDI, RIKEN ), 2 university
( Yamagata, JAIST ), and the rest are network related (,,, see for the meaning of
the various second level domain ).

So I doubt that commercial interest of the main 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-11 Thread Michael scherer
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 03:15:40PM -0500, andre999 wrote:
 And how does that translate for free software ?
 In the U.S., software patent holders have avoided attacking targets
 without a lot of financial resources.

Well, what if we end having enough ressources in the futur ? 

 The only Linux-associated target I recall is Novell.

And TomTom (
And a patent deal was done with Amazon (
And I am sure that with more than 3 minutes research, I can find plenty of 

 Mpeg patents are pursued, but the several PLF mirrors in the U.S.,
 with openly indicated patented packages, are ignored.

Many PLF mirrors ?
I see only 2 of them, and one of them is out ( non existant domain, )
So basically many PLF mirrors = 1 ?

Not to mention that a ratio of 2 mirrors in the USA out of a total
of 25 seems rather odd, for something that admins do not care.

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-11 Thread Michael scherer
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 02:26:32PM -0500, andre999 wrote:
 Romain d'Alverny a écrit :
   - for packaging/shipping the distribution
 Evidently easier to package.  (One less consideration.)
 As well, the problem doesn't exist in France, so Mageia itself won't
 be a target.

This is a over simplification.
PLF is not only for patented softwares, but also for softwares that
have others issues ( DMCA, copyright claim, etc ).
So from a packaging point of view, we would still
have a separate repository, so the consideration would 
likely still exist.

   - for using it.
 It doesn't seem that any individual user has been pursued for using
 unauthorised patent-affected software.
 So using patent-affected software is a non-issue for users.
 (Unless they choose to avoid such software, of course.)

We should not only take care of individual users, companies can also use
a linux distribution. See how debian is used in many embedded product, or Fedora
for that matter.
So no, this is not a non-issue for users, because there is more than
individual users in the users group.

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-11 Thread andre999

Michael scherer a écrit :

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 02:26:32PM -0500, andre999 wrote:

Romain d'Alverny a écrit :

  - for packaging/shipping the distribution

Evidently easier to package.  (One less consideration.)
As well, the problem doesn't exist in France, so Mageia itself won't
be a target.

This is a over simplification.
PLF is not only for patented softwares, but also for softwares that
have others issues ( DMCA, copyright claim, etc ).
So from a packaging point of view, we would still
have a separate repository, so the consideration would
likely still exist.

As for copyrighted material, I think we should only distribute material 
that has a licence permitting redistribution, or for which we have 
special permission to redistribute.

As for other legally constrained packages, PLF is a reasonable solution.

But I don't see the utility of being worried about patent-constrained 
software at this point, since it hasn't, to the best of my knowledge, 
impacted mirrors or end-users.

BTW, industry publications here in Canada have a lot of articles about 
legal issues affecting software, and often discuss the situation in the 
U.S.  On which I base much of my opinions.

  - for using it.

It doesn't seem that any individual user has been pursued for using
unauthorised patent-affected software.
So using patent-affected software is a non-issue for users.
(Unless they choose to avoid such software, of course.)

We should not only take care of individual users, companies can also use
a linux distribution. See how debian is used in many embedded product, or Fedora
for that matter.
So no, this is not a non-issue for users, because there is more than
individual users in the users group.

Good.  Remove individual, and my statement still stands.

Note that there is a difference between
- using or distributing software which may use patented technology, and 
- developing or selling such software for a profit.

The former is little affected by patent claims in the U.S., but the 
latter has resulted in some spectacular cases.
Like the recent case where a Texas court awarded a smalll canadian 
company over 200 million dollars for patent infringement claimed in 
Microsoft word, which Microsoft is appealing.

Note that Ms-word is not exactly free.
(It is a U.S. patent : Canada doesn't issue software patents.)

Also note that end users, be they individuals or companies, have a 
choice of what software they install and use.

In addition to what they integrate into their products to sell.
So they will have the opportunity to react appropriately should problems 

As will Mageia.

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-11 Thread Michael scherer
On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 08:16:33AM -0500, andre999 wrote:
 Not to mention that a ratio of 2 mirrors in the USA out of a total
 of 25 seems rather odd, for something that admins do not care.
 2 of 25 PLF mirrors in the U.S.

Technically, 1, since the other is down ( and should be removed from
the list ).
So a ratio of 4%.

 16 of 133 Mandriva mirrors in the U.S.

A ratio of 12%.

Same as debian, based 49 mirrors in the US out of 358.
( ie 13% ), based on

Ubuntu has 12 out of 62 for isos, ie 16%.

And for packages, that 51 out of 367, ie 13%

Opensuse has 22 out of  155, aka 14%.
( ).

Fedora has 59 us mirrors out of 259, ie 22%.
( ).

So basically, between Fedora, with a strict policy, and PLF, the 
difference is 18%. 

And I didn't count other country such as Japan, where patents on software
are permitted ( ), and where the count of PLF
mirrors vs Fedora mirrors is 0 to 8.

More ever, the fact that this is hosted by some private and rather anonymous 
company is also a important point. Ie, no .edu or big telco ever contacted 
PLF to host a mirror, while in France and another country, PLF have both.

 Also, there are only about 400 packages for i586 in PLF mirrors.
 Since most are duplicated, I wonder how many distinct packages there are ?
 Somehow doubt that an unlicenced copy of quotes from the Simpsons
 (one of the 2 plf packages that I didn't find also in Mandriva main)
 is going to be a big attraction.

You should look a little bit more closely. For example, libdvdcss2 is plf only.
So does various emulator, lame ( and related like darkice ), gstreamer-bad,
etc. There is amule, and similar software. More than 2.

I am sure that using a small shell script, the exact number could be found, if 
someone want to invest the time.

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-11 Thread andre999

Luca Berra a écrit :

On Sun, Dec 05, 2010 at 09:46:21PM +0100, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

Thinking of PLF, MLF comes to mind but that abbreviation has another
well-known meaning. :) pisc (patented in some countries) is another

what i particulary like about the plf name is the liberation word,
which has a clear positive meaning.
every other suggestions in this thread has a negative connotation
'tainted', 'swamp', etc.

Wording should not convey the meaning that it is illegal, thus _wrong_
to use this kind of software.

Wording should convey the meaning that using this kind of software is a
way to express personal freedom without really committing any _wrong_.

I would really hate if a free software distribution fell in the trap of
supporting the idea that software patents are _right_.


I agree.
Although (as explained in another post), I think that we should avoid 
considering separating any particular patent-constrained package until 
we are approached by the patent holder.
Simply because since we are non-profit, all attempting to collect 
royalties from us will do is cause us to not use their patent technology 
- and push us to use some alternative - which could tend to lead to 
others using the same alternative - and thus lead to less usage by those 
who do pay royalties.

For packages we do classify as constrained, we should probably use PLF.
It is part of their policy to host packages for any distro, as long as 
contributors are willing to package them.

And as you say, their name doesn't have negative connotations.

(If we do end up with a constrained set of repos on Mageia, what about 
the name Liberation ? )

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-11 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/11 Michael scherer

 You should look a little bit more closely. For example, libdvdcss2 is plf 
 So does various emulator, lame ( and related like darkice ), gstreamer-bad,
 etc. There is amule, and similar software. More than 2.

 I am sure that using a small shell script, the exact number could be found, if
 someone want to invest the time.

And there are packages which are in the normal repos as well but PLF
offers them with a wider functionality. As already mentioned Mplayer
and VLC.

Anyway, whatever you decide, it will be a non-ideal decision because
the circumstances are very different in many countries,

As this is the case it all comes down to
 - either have everything together and let the mirror maintainers and
users sort it out (if needed)
 - or have one (1) separate repo with everything not clearly without
dubious contents, making it easy for the mirrors to exclude and for
the users to set or not to set.

I am not sure I understand what was the problem with the Mandriva
solution. This model is/was easy for users and mirrors likewise
(according to my experiences with users and mirrors over the last
years). Certainly I can't tell for the developper side.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-11 Thread andre999

Michael scherer a écrit :

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 08:16:33AM -0500, andre999 wrote:

Not to mention that a ratio of 2 mirrors in the USA out of a total
of 25 seems rather odd, for something that admins do not care.

2 of 25 PLF mirrors in the U.S.

Technically, 1, since the other is down ( and should be removed from
the list ).
So a ratio of 4%.

Unless you are going to analyse what is down for the other distros, you 
should say 2 ± 1, that is 4 to 12%

16 of 133 Mandriva mirrors in the U.S.

A ratio of 12%.

Again, 16 ± 1, or 11 to 13%
Or essentially the same.

Same as debian, based 49 mirrors in the US out of 358.
( ie 13% ), based on


Ubuntu has 12 out of 62 for isos, ie 16%.

So a distro that includes patent-constrained software has a greater 
proportion in the patent-menaced U.S. ?


And for packages, that 51 out of 367, ie 13%

Same ballpark as PLF.

Opensuse has 22 out of  155, aka 14%.
( ).


Fedora has 59 us mirrors out of 259, ie 22%.
( ).

So basically, between Fedora, with a strict policy, and PLF, the
difference is 18%.

Or 9%.  Depending on how you want to fudge the figures.
But maybe it is because they (in policy at least) exclude non-free 
software ?
And just how rigorously do they apply a no patent-constrained software 
policy ?

Haven't I heard somewhere that Fedora (and RedHat) are based in the U.S. 
?  So wouldn't it be natural to expect that it would have a higher 
proportion of sites there ?

And I didn't count other country such as Japan, where patents on software
are permitted ( ), and where the count of PLF
mirrors vs Fedora mirrors is 0 to 8.

0 ± 1 gives 0 to 12%.  Same ballpark.
Also, recruiting Fedora mirrors could be driven by the commercial 
interests of RedHat.

More ever, the fact that this is hosted by some private and rather anonymous
company is also a important point. Ie, no .edu or big telco ever contacted
PLF to host a mirror, while in France and another country, PLF have both.

Considering that PLF is based on Mandriva, and Mandriva is based in 
France, wouldn't it be natural to expect PLF to be better represented 
there ?

Also, there are only about 400 packages for i586 in PLF mirrors.
Since most are duplicated, I wonder how many distinct packages there are ?
Somehow doubt that an unlicenced copy of quotes from the Simpsons
(one of the 2 plf packages that I didn't find also in Mandriva main)
is going to be a big attraction.

You should look a little bit more closely. For example, libdvdcss2 is plf only.
So does various emulator, lame ( and related like darkice ), gstreamer-bad,
etc. There is amule, and similar software. More than 2.

Of the twenty or so PLF packages that I found looking through available 
packages with Mandriva and PLF repositories enabled, only 2 did not also 
have the same version in Mandriva.  (All Mandriva main, in this sample.) 
 That is about 10% not in Mandriva.
So for arguments sake let's say 20% are not in Mandriva.  That makes 
only about 80 packages only in PLF.

Impressive, isn't it ?

BTW, gstreamer*plugins-bad is in Mandriva contrib.

I'm not trying to say that PLF does not serve a useful role, 
particularly for applications which would be better to avoid putting in 
a distro, for legal or other contraints.

Offhand, libdvdcss* seems to be a good example.

Just that I don't think that patent considerations should be - except in 
rare circonstances - a serious enough contraint to consider excluding a 
package from regular repositories.

I am sure that using a small shell script, the exact number could be found, if
someone want to invest the time.

Actually I was only talking numbers to indicate that the numbers don't 
prove your point, even if we were to accept that they were a valid means 
of determining the effect of the patent issue on potential mirror sites.

There are too many other factors for these numbers to be meaningful.
For example, large multi-mirror sites may not be very interested in 
mirroring small sites, with a relatively small demand.
And sites at universities could be driven by the interests of a few 
students, who could reasonably be less aware of smaller, more obscure sites.
(Mandriva was dropped from a local canadian university site last year, 
probably because the supporting students moved on.)

And don't forget, we don't need many sites worldwide to serve the small 
number of applications on PLF.

Another 2 cents :)

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread andre999

Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. a écrit :

Perhaps we should follow the approach other distributions seem to use.

Official Mageia repos:

Core: The core Mageia distribution (IMHO, should contain only a very minimal
instalation (No GUI or Productivity software).

Desktop: GUI and Productivity software.

Server: The various server software that would not normally be used on a
Desktop system.

Community: Community suppoted GPL software

Non-Official Mageis repos (optional):

Non-GPL: Software that is not GPL Licensed
Assume that this means software without ANY free licence.  (Such as bsd, 
mpl, etc.)
If drivers are included in these repos, and they are optional, many 
systems will not function properly with the required repos.
Only Fedora (of the distros mentioned below) has a policy to exclude 
non-free software.  The others have a separate set of repos for non-free.

Extra: Software that can not be included in the above categories

Is this for software that is legally constrained in some countries ?

Where would development software (CLI and GUI) go ?

This approach would be advantageous if mirrors were to carry only some 
of the repo groups suggested.
If official mirrors must carry all the official repos, it's not clear 
the advantage of separating core/desktop/server repos, unless they are 
to have different levels of support.

For non-official mirrors, a server-only mirror would be a lot smaller.

Using your definitions :
Mandriva main = Core + Desktop + Server + many development packages
Mandriva contrib = community
Mandriva non-free = most Non-GPL (some of which is in main)
Some legally contrained packages are excluded.  Supposedly in PLF.

Debian uses the same names main, contrib, non-free, with explicit policy 
close to Mandriva practices.
In the same policy page, they say that patent-contrained software goes 
into non-free, then further down they say that it can be excluded.

OpenSuse has supported oss (free) and non-oss (non-free); as well as 
unsupported contrib.

Corresponding to the repos of Mandriva.

Ubuntu has 4 repo groups, essentially free and non-free, each divided 
into supported and unsupported.

They seem to permit contrained packages.

Fedora package acceptance policy is explicitly dictated by RedHat.
Includes only free packages (thus excluding redistributable drivers), 
plus excludes legally constrained packages.
Fedora is the only distro reviewed here which does not accept non-free 
However, given that RedHat sells their versions of Linux (with support), 
one could question the motivation of the Fedora policy.

Since I am not knowlegable about running an FTP mirror, I do not know whether
it is best to put these listings under a single tree, or to split them into
two trees, but if we split them, perhaps we could approach PLF to host the
Non-officvial repos?

Note that FTP would only be used for end-users downloading FROM mirrors.
Mageia will require official mirrors to synchronize at regular intervals 
using rsync + certain options.

For mirrors which want to include everything, it is obviously simpler to 
have a single tree, requiring a single simple rsync line.

However a second simple rsync line isn't that complicated.

For mirrors which wish to exclude the optional parts, the choice is 
between one simple rsync line (if 2 trees), or a more complex line 
adding an option to exclude each unwanted part of the of the source tree.
(With the complication that an error in specifying this option could 
cause problems with the mirroring.

Using PLF for mirroring constrained packages sounds like a very good 
idea. Their site says that they are open to hosting such packages for 
all distros, as long as there are volonteers to support the packages.
And since Mageia is (at least initially) compatible with Mandriva, their 
page easyurpmi could be easily modified to set up mirror sources for 
Mageia users.  (Call our version easymageia ?)

Using PLF for contrained packages offers a plus for mirror sites willing 
to host such packages.
They need only mirror one PLF tree for all distros - be it Mandriva, 
Unity, or Mageia.

Interestingly, in a search for all packages containing codec or mp 
(for mpeg) in the name, I found only 2 packages in PLF that weren't 
already in Mandriva : one being quotations from the Simpsons, which the 
package said was there for copyright reasons.
All the other PLF packages I found in the above searches were in 
Mandriva main.
Many if not all of which were in PLF for patent reasons, according to 
the package description.
Which brings up a difference of PLF packages : the PLF description 
usually ends with a line specifying why they are there.  (At least 
packages destined for Mandriva users.)
So if a user wants to avoid patent constrained packages, they are 
identified as such in PLF - but not in Mandriva.

This is only a suggestion (and we may have already moved past this point), but
perhaps this 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread Anssi Hannula
Just some smallish notes regarding other distros..

On 10.12.2010 12:22, andre999 wrote:
 Debian uses the same names main, contrib, non-free, with explicit policy
 close to Mandriva practices.
 In the same policy page, they say that patent-contrained software goes
 into non-free, then further down they say that it can be excluded.

Interesting.. this doesn't seem to correspond to reality (they have e.g.
ffmpeg with patent-constrained codecs enabled).

 Fedora package acceptance policy is explicitly dictated by RedHat.
 Includes only free packages (thus excluding redistributable drivers),
 plus excludes legally constrained packages.
 Fedora is the only distro reviewed here which does not accept non-free

They allow non-free firmware:

 However, given that RedHat sells their versions of Linux (with support),
 one could question the motivation of the Fedora policy.

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread Romain d'Alverny
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 17:04, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 2010/12/10 Romain d'Alverny
 Let's try this: what if we consider, at first, that software patents
 were a non-issue? (that is, we just consider they are all invalid as

 From a mirror maintainer's view:
 If I am in a country like France (not acknowledging SP) I can ignore
 safely the issue
 If I am in a country which does acknowledge SP I will have to decide
 for myself if I want to take that risk. THis may be an easy decision
 in some countries but in others (like the USA) it may be a hard
 decision, also depending on who I am (a private person or a large

 From the users's view:
 Living in a country without SP (or not caring about the issue) it is
 the easiest way. I can use automagical setup of media and need not
 worry about an extra repo to set before I can watch my DVDs :)
 Again in a country like USA I have to decide for myself - this would
 be a nightmare if the whatever-dubious software is included in the
 normal repos. I would have to find out by myself which is ok to use
 and which is not.

Ok, but you still take into account SP in your answer. :-p (we would
have come to that, but the idea was to think about it from a naïve,
software-patent-free perspective).

So... let's take the European Union case, namely, no SP (see next §).
We just don't have to split the media. Easier for everyone in this

Well, thing is, even though there is a European policy about that...
it's been unbalanced and challenged for years. In the end, it's just a
mess and law is lagging behind; if not just broken. So it's going to
be, anyway, a battle of positions before something clear and
definitive comes out.

Still. What if? Where is it an issue to distribute/mirror then? Only where:
 - SP do exist by law;
 - and specific SP are registered on pieces of software distributed/mirrored;
 - and these SP are not invalidated (de facto or obviously) by some prior art;
 - and those SP are likely to be enforced (that is, practically, there
is a minimum incentive for a patent holder to raise his hand; or, that
it is worth it to enforce it).

Coming back to my previous post, maybe we should just try something
simple and go from that.

Shall we take a stance despite SP (for they are just not relevant),
worldwide or more reasonably have a simple, risk-management based
attitude to alter our media/mirror policy only if something happens?

That would relate somehow to Debian policy in this regard, as misc
mentionned in the Why validate software patents ? thread on
mageia-dev, Dec. 8th, ~12:58. And that sounds a decent attitude; see or .

So why not take it the same way, not have a distinct media and see
what happens on notices?

Yes, this would raise mirroring issues (that would occur anyway), that
we can minify with a policy to manage that globaly; that when an issue
is raised:
 - try to fix it for the whole project, not just for some area, so the
weight of the whole community (not only Mageia for that matter) is
behind the case, and not only a local chapter;
 - remove only software that gets a full score through this list (to
be updated):
   * has an identifiable patent registered on it (exact code/method,
exact patent description);
   * has been notified about by the holder (or representative);
   * whose holder is identifiable;
   * whose holder does not provide a free use license;
   * which patent:
 - has not expired;
 - is not already invalidated;
 - has no obvious prior art;
 - is being actively enforced;
   * other?
 - such software or components would be made separately available only
(so we still manage that it depends on the territory).

So we start with an empty tainted/whatever media. And again, see
what happens. That's an option.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/10 Romain d'Alverny

 Ok, but you still take into account SP in your answer. :-p (we would
 have come to that, but the idea was to think about it from a naïve,
 software-patent-free perspective).

If there were no software patents anywhere what would be the issue of
this discussion?
IMHO it makes no sense to discuss something which does not exist

If Mageia were a project fro French users only we would no have this
discussion. But as it is a worldwide project the probelm exists and
pretending it does not makes no sense, not even from a theoretical
POV. because the theoretical POV is No SP, no discussion.

Ok, anyway.

I see the strategy in your proposition but:

1. We know from the start that there ARE packages with software which
is patented in some countries. So, the let's start empty and see what
comes up is already done with.

2. In some countries mirror maintainers can not wait until somebody
raises his hand, there are lawyers who write nice cease and desist
letters, attached is a bill you have to pay. In Germany this is called
Kostenpflichtige Abmahnung  and has grown to a habit of some
Meaning: you can't wait and see what happens, you have to make sure
that it does not happen from the start.

I mean, opinions about software patents set aside for a minute,
software patents are protected by official law in those countries. You
can not break the law on the basis of let's see what happens.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread Romain d'Alverny
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 19:14, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 2010/12/10 Romain d'Alverny

 Ok, but you still take into account SP in your answer. :-p (we would
 have come to that, but the idea was to think about it from a naïve,
 software-patent-free perspective).

 If there were no software patents anywhere what would be the issue of
 this discussion?
 IMHO it makes no sense to discuss something which does not exist

It does. Because it helps looking at a problem from a totally
different perspective, build from that, and see the
missing/conflicting pieces when you look back at the full problem (or
as you used to look at it before). Which conflicting/missing pieces
may not be the ones one thought they were.

 I see the strategy in your proposition but:

 1. We know from the start that there ARE packages with software which
 is patented in some countries. So, the let's start empty and see what
 comes up is already done with.

Are there issues with it? (looking at my previous check-list, maybe to
improve). If so, yes, let's fill this up. If not, let's leave it alone
in the core.

I mean, what difference does it make with PLF repositories that are
already mirrored? what differences does it make with Debian stuff that
is already mirrored? do they get cease  desist? do we hear about

 2. In some countries mirror maintainers can not wait until somebody
 raises his hand, there are lawyers who write nice cease and desist
 letters, attached is a bill you have to pay. In Germany this is called
 Kostenpflichtige Abmahnung  and has grown to a habit of some

Then in these cases, two options:
 - just do not mirror; and people use mirrors on the borders;
 - Mageia (or some related entity) provides legal services about this
(taking responsibility for the hosting or other).

Why just do not mirror? Because, taking the strict statu-quo point
of view regarding the software patent thing, that is just follow the
most restrictive set of rules, we won't be able to cope with just
medias to separate patented software from non-patented sw. It will be
a matter of tags, because the situation is different from territory to
territory. And there are more than two for that matter.

 Meaning: you can't wait and see what happens, you have to make sure
 that it does not happen from the start.

We can't be sure at all of anything. That's why that's to take a
risk-management attitude, provided what we want to achieve, what
stance we want to take.

 I mean, opinions about software patents set aside for a minute,
 software patents are protected by official law in those countries. You
 can not break the law on the basis of let's see what happens.

Many do. Not only for software, but for everything. For many reasons,
among which can be: the law is broken, the law is becoming obsolete,
people do not enforce it, the law should be changed, etc.

Well, actually, there are two options: break the law/try it as it is.
Or follow it strictly to demonstrate its absurdity. What I propose
here is a middle-ground some other projects already take.

With the reasonable attitude to manage cases that _are precisely
identified_ (so we avoid reports such as this piece of software is
likely to be patented; point needed is: is it? or not? how, why, by
who, is it valid, is it free, is it enforced, are we noticeable/a
target, does it matter given our size?

As said before, regarding law on software patents, the situation today
is, that's a battlefield anyway. Although the situation in EU should
be clear (no SP), it's not (as many other things at the moment too,

That's a proposal. It has shortcomings too of course; what I find
interesting in this is that:
 - it makes Mageia put a few steps into the software patents debate
(instead of only trying to cope with an inconsistent, unpracticable
set of rules that we mostly even don't find legitimate at the very
 - it may reveal to be less of a burden than we currently think; it
may be worse; either case, we can adapt from a situation we will have

Now, that's nothing more than a proposal. :-p


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread nicolas vigier
On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

 2010/12/10 Romain d'Alverny
  Ok, but you still take into account SP in your answer. :-p (we would
  have come to that, but the idea was to think about it from a naïve,
  software-patent-free perspective).
 If there were no software patents anywhere what would be the issue of
 this discussion?
 IMHO it makes no sense to discuss something which does not exist
 If Mageia were a project fro French users only we would no have this
 discussion. But as it is a worldwide project the probelm exists and
 pretending it does not makes no sense, not even from a theoretical
 POV. because the theoretical POV is No SP, no discussion.
 Ok, anyway.
 I see the strategy in your proposition but:
 1. We know from the start that there ARE packages with software which
 is patented in some countries. So, the let's start empty and see what
 comes up is already done with.

Being patented does not mean that patent is valid and enforceable.

 2. In some countries mirror maintainers can not wait until somebody
 raises his hand, there are lawyers who write nice cease and desist
 letters, attached is a bill you have to pay. In Germany this is called
 Kostenpflichtige Abmahnung  and has grown to a habit of some
 Meaning: you can't wait and see what happens, you have to make sure
 that it does not happen from the start.
 I mean, opinions about software patents set aside for a minute,
 software patents are protected by official law in those countries. You
 can not break the law on the basis of let's see what happens.

The problem is that we don't know for sure if we violate the law. We
should not be too paranoid about this. Microsoft claims that the Linux
kernel violates 235 of their patents :
Should we trust them and remove the kernel from the core repository ?

I'm wondering how much mirror admins are concerned about patent issues.
If we split the packages between core and tainted repositories, how
many will filter it ? If only a few will do it, maybe it's not really
worth it and we can still have enough mirrors. It seems that Debian has
mirrors in many countries, while hosting patented software in its main

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread andre999

Romain d'Alverny a écrit :

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 16:35, Wolfgang  wrote:

Isn't this what this whole discussion is about? There ARE legal issues
with some software users regard as must have. Now, how do you avoid
these issues?

To summarize, strategies:
  1. ignore the issues and see what happens;
  2. ignore the less significant ones;
  3. get to know each of these and manage case by case
  4. other?

and factor whenever possible and see what happens, update, repeat.

1. and 2. are more radical, but are some sort of trial-and-error, risk
management strategies. Ok... looking at it this way won't lead us
further I guess.

Let's try this: what if we consider, at first, that software patents
were a non-issue? (that is, we just consider they are all invalid as

How would this change/simplify the problem?

Good approach.

  - for packaging/shipping the distribution

Evidently easier to package.  (One less consideration.)
As well, the problem doesn't exist in France, so Mageia itself won't be 
a target.
As I understand, basically only the editors of software have been 
pursued in patent-affected countries like the U.S.

(And basically only those with lots of money.)

  - for mirroring it

Easier if mirrors don't have to consider OPTIONAL repositories.
(But the NUMBER of repositories doesn't matter.)

Theoretically it would affect mirrors in countries with patents.
Except that in the U.S., one of the most patent-affected countries, 
there is no shortage of mirrors, many of which carry patented software 
that is being actively pursued against other parties - but the mirrors 
themselves are left untouched.

Note that having identifiable patent-affected repositories would 
presumably increase the probability of patent pursuits against a mirror.
But the PLF, with openly identified patent-affected packages, has 
several mirrors in the U.S., none of which has been pursued, to my 

As well, there are countries free of software patents on every 
continent, in the event that problems arise.

So hosting patent-affected software seems to be a non-issue for mirrors.

  - for using it.

It doesn't seem that any individual user has been pursued for using 
unauthorised patent-affected software.

So using patent-affected software is a non-issue for users.
(Unless they choose to avoid such software, of course.)

(please don't go but there _are_ software patents for now)

(But such arguments are so much fun ;) )


- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout

2010-12-10 Thread andre999

nicolas vigier a écrit :

On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

2010/12/10 Romain d'

Ok, but you still take into account SP in your answer. :-p (we would
have come to that, but the idea was to think about it from a naïve,
software-patent-free perspective).

If there were no software patents anywhere what would be the issue of
this discussion?
IMHO it makes no sense to discuss something which does not exist

If Mageia were a project fro French users only we would no have this
discussion. But as it is a worldwide project the probelm exists and
pretending it does not makes no sense, not even from a theoretical
POV. because the theoretical POV is No SP, no discussion.

Ok, anyway.

I see the strategy in your proposition but:

1. We know from the start that there ARE packages with software which
is patented in some countries. So, the let's start empty and see what
comes up is already done with.

Being patented does not mean that patent is valid and enforceable.

We should remember that patents are a civil right accorded by rules 
differing from country to country.  Many countries don't offer patents 
on software.
Patent holders have to use the courts to enforce these rights, who often 
deny or limit patent holder's claims.
So in addition to any theoretical rights of software patent holders, 
there is the consideration is it worth the money and effort for the 
potential gain in royalties ?
In that, free software (in both senses) has a considerable advantage 
compared to other parties who could be considered in infringement of 
software patents.

2. In some countries mirror maintainers can not wait until somebody
raises his hand, there are lawyers who write nice cease and desist
letters, attached is a bill you have to pay. In Germany this is called
Kostenpflichtige Abmahnung  and has grown to a habit of some
Meaning: you can't wait and see what happens, you have to make sure
that it does not happen from the start.

cease and desist letters are just warnings.  Any attached bill would 
only have effect if validatated by a court.

As I understand, lawyers have the same habit in the U.S.
Wouldn't the amounts accorded be based on the supposed benefit that the 
supposed violator has received ?  (At least that is part of the equation 
in the U.S.)

And how does that translate for free software ?
In the U.S., software patent holders have avoided attacking targets 
without a lot of financial resources.

The only Linux-associated target I recall is Novell.
Mpeg patents are pursued, but the several PLF mirrors in the U.S., with 
openly indicated patented packages, are ignored.

I mean, opinions about software patents set aside for a minute,
software patents are protected by official law in those countries. You
can not break the law on the basis of let's see what happens.

Again, this is not breaking the law, but potentially infringing on a 
civil right.  Which must be validated by the courts.

The problem is that we don't know for sure if we violate the law. We
should not be too paranoid about this. Microsoft claims that the Linux
kernel violates 235 of their patents :
Should we trust them and remove the kernel from the core repository ?

Yes indeed.  Off to tainted we go :) :) :)

I'm wondering how much mirror admins are concerned about patent issues.

In the U.S., not much, and with reason.  Not even the PLF mirror sites 
there are pursued.
Which is convenient for us in Canada : often the closest mirror is 
across the border.

If we split the packages between core and tainted repositories, how
many will filter it ?

We all know that packagers don't have enough work.  Don't we ? ;)

If only a few will do it, maybe it's not really
worth it and we can still have enough mirrors. It seems that Debian has
mirrors in many countries, while hosting patented software in its main

Including the U.S.
Interesting that Debian discussions about patent issues seem to focus on 
what will be accepted in U.S. mirrors.  Who have yet to be impacted on 
patent issues.
It seems that the few spectactular cases against rich players in the 
U.S. has distorted the perception of the legal reality there.

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/8 andre999

 By presenting a special set of repositories for patent-affected software, we
 could be seen as justifying these patent sharks.
 In their minds, why else would be accommodate them ?

Patented software is a reality in some countries. You can't discuss it
away with logical reason or morale arguments.

 Ok, I think, how many other distros have such repositories.  According to
 comments on the list : none.

Oh, really? Some (like Mandriva) do not have such a repository because
they do not distribute such software at all, PLF does that for
Mandriva. What about Ubuntu? What about Fedora?

 And what happens if there is a patent pursuit against Mageia or it's mirrors
 Even if we have a separate repository, the package in question might end up
 being withdrawn.  But it seems doubtful that one would want to withdraw all
 potentially threatened packages.
 (That would be a big victory for patent sharks.)

A patent pursuit will not be aimed against Mageia because Mageia is a
french organisation where there are no software patents. But lawsuits
could be aimed at those mirror maintainers who are runnning their
mirrors in such countries which allow software patents. There are
mirrors which are maintained by single private persons (example: me)
where the maintainer can not take such a risk.
That there haven't been any pusuits yet does not mean they are not
possible. As a private person you don't play around with such things
(aka breaking existing laws).

 No report of anyone wanting to have an official mirror, that wanted such

2 reasons:
It is obvious that Mageia has to find a way to supply this sort of software.
It is obvious that in countries with software patents such software
can not be distributed on the mirrors.

The logical consequence of having tainted software within the usual
repos would be that there could not be Mageia mirrors in those
countries at all.

I agree, this could be a possible solution because geographical
distances do not mean anything in the internet. To draw a real
picture: who would care if there was no Mageia mirror in the USA while
there are mirrors all around outside USA (Canada, Mexico, etc.)? This
way we would also make a statement against the patent laws of such

We do not validate anything by acknowledging the facts.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/8 Ahmad Samir

 For Fedora, being the most legally-challenged distro around, they
 don't include any patented software in their official repos at all,
 not even mp3 playback is possible in a default install. They even
 don't include any non-free stuff, so no nVidia and ATI proprietary
 drivers. Fedora users use some 3rd party repos, e.g. RPM Fusion

Thx, so it's the same as with Mandriva wrt patented software.
What I wanted to say: distributing no patented software at all is not
the same as having no extra repository for patented software, so are
Mandriva and Fedora seen as justifying patent sharks as andre999
descibed it?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Daniel Kreuter
On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Wolfgang Bornath molc...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Oh, really? Some (like Mandriva) do not have such a repository because
 they do not distribute such software at all, PLF does that for
 Mandriva. What about Ubuntu? What about Fedora?

In Ubuntu you have some patented software in the repos. For example if you
try to install Ubuntu 10.10 you get asked if you want to install some 3rd
party codecs such as the codec for MP3 during the install process!!!
3rd party drivers like the ones from AMD or NVIDIA are included as well as
some firmware drivers (i never got any problems using my hardware, Debian is
more restricted at this point).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Oliver Burger
Ahmad Samir schrieb am 2010-12-08
 On 8 December 2010 10:51, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 For Fedora, being the most legally-challenged distro around, they
 don't include any patented software in their official repos at all,
 not even mp3 playback is possible in a default install. They even
 don't include any non-free stuff, so no nVidia and ATI proprietary
 drivers. Fedora users use some 3rd party repos, e.g. RPM Fusion
OpenSuSE does include some non-free software (like drivers) in their official 
repos but for those patent-related packages they have packman which is quite 
similar to Mandriva's plf.
In the OpenSuSE-BuildService you can build Mandriva packages but only if they 
have no dependencies outside main, because not even contrib is there...

And didn't Debian have non-US repositories?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Daniel Kreuter
On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Wolfgang Bornath molc...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Yes, I know. The question was: do they have those patented software
 within the same repo as all the other software or do they have an
 extra repo for that.



   *Main* - Officially supported software.

   *Restricted* - Supported software that is not available under a
   completely free license.

   *Universe* - Community maintained software, i.e. not officially supported

   *Multiverse* - Software that is not free.

This should answer this question. This is the default layout of Ubuntu.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Michael Scherer
Le mercredi 08 décembre 2010 à 09:51 +0100, Wolfgang Bornath a écrit :
 2010/12/8 andre999
  By presenting a special set of repositories for patent-affected software, we
  could be seen as justifying these patent sharks.
  In their minds, why else would be accommodate them ?
 Patented software is a reality in some countries. You can't discuss it
 away with logical reason or morale arguments.
  Ok, I think, how many other distros have such repositories.  According to
  comments on the list : none.
 Oh, really? Some (like Mandriva) do not have such a repository because
 they do not distribute such software at all, PLF does that for
 Mandriva. What about Ubuntu? What about Fedora?

Fedora has rpmfusion ( ) and livna
( ) for libdvdcss. There is stringent
requirements :

Ubuntu has a multiverse repository, and there is also various ppa, and
medibuntu ( ). Medibuntu is a fork of the PLF
project ( even if they never credited us for the content of their start
page ... ). Ubuntu is not as rigorous than Fedora or Debian.

Debian either do not care of the patent problem, or use some individual
repository ( the one of Marillat for example ). AFAIK, the main problem
they had with mplayer were around the licensing and the technical issue
more than patents. The ftp-masters group check packages, there is a FAQ
of the various issues : ,
but I never noticed any specific discussions around patents. Even the
latest discussion about lame on debian legal was around the license

Gentoo do not care at all, as does most source based distribution ( or
the BSD, for the ports ). There is no use flag to filter for patents or
anything, according to

Mandriva has PLF ( ), even if the patent issue is
lightly treated ( given the lack of written policy on this regard ).

Opensuse do not ship mp3 or various restricted codecs, according to . AFAIK, this is
handled by .

Arch seems to offers the software too.

  And what happens if there is a patent pursuit against Mageia or it's mirrors
  Even if we have a separate repository, the package in question might end up
  being withdrawn.  But it seems doubtful that one would want to withdraw all
  potentially threatened packages.
  (That would be a big victory for patent sharks.)
 A patent pursuit will not be aimed against Mageia because Mageia is a
 french organisation where there are no software patents. But lawsuits
 could be aimed at those mirror maintainers who are runnning their
 mirrors in such countries which allow software patents. 

There is also the case of private society who could provides services
around the distribution.

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Ahmad Samir
On 8 December 2010 11:39, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 2010/12/8 Ahmad Samir

 For Fedora, being the most legally-challenged distro around, they
 don't include any patented software in their official repos at all,
 not even mp3 playback is possible in a default install. They even
 don't include any non-free stuff, so no nVidia and ATI proprietary
 drivers. Fedora users use some 3rd party repos, e.g. RPM Fusion

 Thx, so it's the same as with Mandriva wrt patented software.
 What I wanted to say: distributing no patented software at all is not
 the same as having no extra repository for patented software, so are
 Mandriva and Fedora seen as justifying patent sharks as andre999
 descibed it?


Reality has proven that some users do use patented software, coming
from a semi-official repo or a 3rd party one doesn't seem to matter;
i.e. some Mandriva users use PLF (and/or others), some Fedora they use
RPM Fusion (and/or others), some OpenSuse users use PackMan; and
Debian has a non-US repo... etc

The whole point is, it's a CYA (cover your a**) situation; just
because a law suit isn't filed doesn't mean it won't/can't be filed.

Ahmad Samir

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Anssi Hannula
Wolfgang Bornath kirjoitti:
 2010/12/8 andre999
 Ok, I think, how many other distros have such repositories.  According
 comments on the list : none.

 Oh, really? Some (like Mandriva) do not have such a repository because
 they do not distribute such software at all,

In theory only. In practice, Mandriva ships many kind of patented MPEG-4
encoders/decoders, MP3 decoders, VC-1 decoders, etc. Some discussion about
this should probably be raised there as well.. If I simply had the time :/

 PLF does that for
 Mandriva. What about Ubuntu?

They ship such stuff (like ffmpeg with all decoders/encoders) in their
main repository, like Debian does. Also, their universe repository
(similar to Mandriva's contrib) does not contain such limitations
either, containing stuff like x264 and mp3lame.

 What about Fedora?

Fedora does not have such software.

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Anssi Hannula
Wolfgang Bornath kirjoitti:
 2010/12/8 Daniel Kreuter

 On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Wolfgang Bornath

 Oh, really? Some (like Mandriva) do not have such a repository because
 they do not distribute such software at all, PLF does that for
 Mandriva. What about Ubuntu? What about Fedora?

 In Ubuntu you have some patented software in the repos.

 Yes, I know. The question was: do they have those patented software
 within the same repo as all the other software or do they have an
 extra repo for that.

 In reply to andre999 I wanted to point out that there are other
 distributions who make a difference between patented software and
 everything else. Some do not distribute them at all (Mandriva,
 Fedora), some have them in an extra repository (Ubuntu).

Ubuntu doesn't have an extra repository for them. They are in universe,
which contains all the non-core packages (like mdv contrib).

(Some patent-covered stuff, like ffmpeg, are in ubuntu main)

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Anssi Hannula
Ahmad Samir kirjoitti:
 Debian has a non-US repo... etc

There hasn't been a non-US repo in Debian releases in years. It existed
due to cryptographic regulations in the US, IIRC.

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Nex6

On 12/8/2010 5:47 AM, Anssi Hannula wrote:

Wolfgang Bornath kirjoitti:


Ok, I think, how many other distros have such repositories. Â According
comments on the list : none.

Oh, really? Some (like Mandriva) do not have such a repository because
they do not distribute such software at all,

In theory only. In practice, Mandriva ships many kind of patented MPEG-4
encoders/decoders, MP3 decoders, VC-1 decoders, etc. Some discussion about
this should probably be raised there as well.. If I simply had the time :/

PLF does that for
Mandriva. What about Ubuntu?

They ship such stuff (like ffmpeg with all decoders/encoders) in their
main repository, like Debian does. Also, their universe repository
(similar to Mandriva's contrib) does not contain such limitations
either, containing stuff like x264 and mp3lame.

What about Fedora?

Fedora does not have such software.

I personally would follow the fedora model.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread herman
On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 09:35 -0700, Nex6 wrote:
  Fedora does not have such software.
 I personally would follow the fedora model.

Fedora is same as Mandriva and Suse.  See Livna and Packman

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Oliver Burger
herman schrieb am 2010-12-08
 On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 09:35 -0700, Nex6 wrote:
  I personally would follow the fedora model.
 Fedora is same as Mandriva and Suse.  See Livna and Packman
We are no company that has to be concerned with selling its product in some 
strange country with some strange laws.
So why should one community have another community to build the packages that 
may not be sold in the before named strange country?
Let's devide the repos in those packages, that can be distibuted everywhere 
and those that can't and let the mirror maintainers chose if or if not they 
are willing to mirror the second one.

And if you are suggesting not to provide all those packages (which are mostly 
multimedia I think), I'm not with you. I do want a distribution, that can play 
my music and videos and so on without having to build the software for 


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread herman
On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 10:28 -0700, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 So, we either abandon the mirrorlist approach
 or we have 2 mirrorlists (one with and one without tainted software)
 and let the user decide which one he sets up on his system.
+1 for two mirror lists.
This is probably the simplest solution.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/8 herman
 On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 10:28 -0700, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 So, we either abandon the mirrorlist approach
 or we have 2 mirrorlists (one with and one without tainted software)
 and let the user decide which one he sets up on his system.
 +1 for two mirror lists.
 This is probably the simplest solution.

That's the point where we were already some weeks ago. :)


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout : Why validate software patents ?

2010-12-08 Thread Dale Huckeby

On Wed, 8 Dec 2010, Ahmad Samir wrote:

On 8 December 2010 11:39, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

2010/12/8 Ahmad Samir

For Fedora, being the most legally-challenged distro around, they
don't include any patented software in their official repos at all,
not even mp3 playback is possible in a default install. They even
don't include any non-free stuff, so no nVidia and ATI proprietary
drivers. Fedora users use some 3rd party repos, e.g. RPM Fusion

Thx, so it's the same as with Mandriva wrt patented software.
What I wanted to say: distributing no patented software at all is not
the same as having no extra repository for patented software, so are
Mandriva and Fedora seen as justifying patent sharks as andre999
descibed it?


Reality has proven that some users do use patented software, coming
from a semi-official repo or a 3rd party one doesn't seem to matter;
i.e. some Mandriva users use PLF (and/or others), some Fedora they use
RPM Fusion (and/or others), some OpenSuse users use PackMan; and
Debian has a non-US repo... etc

The whole point is, it's a CYA (cover your a**) situation; just
because a law suit isn't filed doesn't mean it won't/can't be filed.

Perhaps we should call it cya, then. :)

Dale Huckeby

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-07 Thread Mika Laitio
   'Grayzone' ?
  Mr. Dorian Gray's zone? Or a foggy grey zone?
  Hmm, foggy sounds nice :)
  Or Foggy Bottom :)
 Better than tainted :D

I like from tainted as that term is already somehow known, 

Another alternative that came to my mind would be challenge as patents 
could be challenged...

Or maybe soap or slippery to explain the uncertainty of 
possible patents included packages.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-07 Thread Marek Laane
2010/12/8 Mika Laitio

'Grayzone' ?
   Mr. Dorian Gray's zone? Or a foggy grey zone?
   Hmm, foggy sounds nice :)
   Or Foggy Bottom :)
  Better than tainted :D

 I like from tainted as that term is already somehow known,

 Another alternative that came to my mind would be challenge as patents
 could be challenged...

 Or maybe soap or slippery to explain the uncertainty of
 possible patents included packages.


If we have cauldron associated with sorcerers and like why not swamp as
somehow treacherous feature of landscape where you can never be quite sure?

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Ahmad Samir
On 6 December 2010 09:29, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
 With regard to the naming of the repository dediocated to software tainted
 with a patent, etc., How about non-GPL? I think that such a name should be
 well understood by users of nearly any language, particularly if they are
 familiar with the GPL.

 Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.
 Registered Linux User 247790
 ICQ 41060744

Read the afro-mentioned thread again; most of those stuff are released
under a GPL/GPL-like license (faad and faac packages for example, for
playing back and encoding using the AAC audio codec, respectively),
they're free open source software, but they infringe some patents.

Ahmad Samir

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Daniel Kreuter
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Ahmad Samir ahmadsamir3...@gmail.comwrote:

 Because Ubuntu already has a repo called universal? that's a similar
 reason to why it wasn't called restricted, because restricted is
 used by distros that offer a commercial repo as in pay to use some
 more stuff.

 Ahmad Samir

Do they have a patent on the name?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Anssi Hannula
On 06.12.2010 14:10, Daniel Kreuter wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Ahmad Samir wrote:
 Because Ubuntu already has a repo called universal? that's a similar
 reason to why it wasn't called restricted, because restricted is
 used by distros that offer a commercial repo as in pay to use some
 more stuff.
 Ahmad Samir
 Do they have a patent on the name?

No, but it will cause confusion among users if we use the same name for
a different thing than they do.

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Michael Scherer
Le lundi 06 décembre 2010 à 13:10 +0100, Daniel Kreuter a écrit :
 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Ahmad Samir ahmadsamir3...@gmail.comwrote:
  Because Ubuntu already has a repo called universal? that's a similar
  reason to why it wasn't called restricted, because restricted is
  used by distros that offer a commercial repo as in pay to use some
  more stuff.
  Ahmad Samir
 Do they have a patent on the name?

Patents apply to technical invention. What could be used is trademark.

And that's not the question, this is a basic usability issue, if a
rather important portion of the users associate a word with something,
this sound sane to no reuse the same word to hold a different meaning in
a very similar context, or it will cause confusion.  

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Michael Scherer wrote:

 And that's not the question, this is a basic usability issue, if a
 rather important portion of the users associate a word with something,
 this sound sane to no reuse the same word to hold a different meaning in
 a very similar context, or it will cause confusion.

Again, a good argument for a name with no conflicts and no negative
meanings: paris.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op maandag 06 december 2010 16:30:00 schreef Hoyt Duff:
 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Michael Scherer wrote:
  And that's not the question, this is a basic usability issue, if a
  rather important portion of the users associate a word with something,
  this sound sane to no reuse the same word to hold a different meaning in
  a very similar context, or it will cause confusion.
 Again, a good argument for a name with no conflicts and no negative
 meanings: paris.

no negative meaning???

Paris Hilton anyone???

afaik any word has negative meaning...

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Frank Griffin
Maarten Vanraes wrote:
 Op maandag 06 december 2010 16:30:00 schreef Hoyt Duff:
 Again, a good argument for a name with no conflicts and no negative
 meanings: paris.
 no negative meaning???

 Paris Hilton anyone???
Hoyt is obviously not a subscriber to The Reg :-)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

 no negative meaning???

 Paris Hilton anyone???

 afaik any word has negative meaning...

Snooki makes her look like a nun.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op maandag 06 december 2010 22:57:23 schreef Hoyt Duff:
 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  no negative meaning???
  Paris Hilton anyone???
  afaik any word has negative meaning...
 Snooki makes her look like a nun.

seriously? with PH flashing not wearing underwear, flashing her privates 
publicly, doing porn?

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Nex6

On 12/6/2010 2:13 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

Op maandag 06 december 2010 22:57:23 schreef Hoyt Duff:

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Maarten Vanraes  wrote:

no negative meaning???

Paris Hilton anyone???

afaik any word has negative meaning...

Snooki makes her look like a nun.

seriously? with PH flashing not wearing underwear, flashing her privates
publicly, doing porn?

I personally would not be against using a naming convention from Debian, 
ubuntu or fedora.

in that, people coming from those distros would 'know' what things mean.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op dinsdag 07 december 2010 00:06:06 schreef Anssi Hannula:
 On 07.12.2010 00:30, Nex6 wrote:
  On 12/6/2010 2:13 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  Op maandag 06 december 2010 22:57:23 schreef Hoyt Duff:
  On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Maarten Vanraes  wrote:
  no negative meaning???
  Paris Hilton anyone???
  afaik any word has negative meaning...
  Snooki makes her look like a nun.
  seriously? with PH flashing not wearing underwear, flashing her privates
  publicly, doing porn?
  I personally would not be against using a naming convention from Debian,
  ubuntu or fedora.
  in that, people coming from those distros would 'know' what things mean.
 They do not have any repository of this kind.

I find it strange that the most heavy threads here are naming issues...

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-06 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Michael Scherer wrote:
 Le mardi 07 décembre 2010 à 00:10 +0100, Maarten Vanraes a écrit :

 I find it strange that the most heavy threads here are naming issues... ?

 Michael Scherer

 ... a metaphor indicating that you need not argue about every little
feature just because you know enough to do so.

... a metaphor indicating that you argue about every little feature
just because you don't  know enough not to do so.



Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Daniel Kreuter
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 9:32 PM, andre999 wrote:

 Dale Huckeby a écrit :

 On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:

  John a écrit :

 On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
 Maarten Vanraes wrote:

  Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad Samir:

 The kernel uses the word tainted when it detects the nvidia
 proprietary module for example, (which admittedly gave me a bit of
 shock the first time I saw it :)).

 Heh, i had the same reaction.

  From all the proposed names, I think tainted is the best one, as the

 packages in there are in a grey zone, i.e. not totally illegal
 everywhere, but illegal only in some places in the world. And in
 reality the existence of a patent doesn't necessarily mean it's
 enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd know for sure is if
 someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€ worth :)

 Generally only potentially illegal in some countries.
 Tainted means contaminated, polluted. A lot stronger than
 potentially illegal. (Really only actionable in a civil sense, not
 criminally illegal, as well.)
 A package could end up there due to an apparently credible rumour,
 later discredited. (Anyone remember SCO ?)

 I agree. Problematic comes closer to potentially illegal, so I looked
 up some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
 iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain,
 unsettled, in addition to problematic itself. Personally
 I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think several
 of these would do. WDYT?

 Dale Huckeby

  A much better set of choices.
 (Thanks for looking these up.  Good idea.)

 Let's remember that the question for these packages is not the quality of
 their functioning - but rather the advisability to use them, for other
 reasons, in some countries.
 So I think that it is better to avoid words that could question the QUALITY
 of the packages.

 Words in the list like
  ambiguous, debatable, problematic, and speculative
 avoid questioning the quality ... but could be too long or too formal.
 Or just not catchy enough ;)
 (Iffy might be ok - certainly catchy enough.)

 Additional words I found in Roget's thesaurus, along the same lines :

 Associated more with debatable :
 arguable, contestable, controvertible, disputable, questionable,

 Associated more with controversial :
 confutable, deniable, mistakable, moot

 Of these additional words, I think that contestable, disputable, and
 controversial are probably closest to the SENSE of the repositories.
 But maybe too formal ?

 Many of these words could be good choices.
 And maybe someone will come up with some more ?

 my 2 cents :)

 - André

What about: main, free, non-free?
In main is everything what belongs to the core, free contains only packages
which are under a free license and in non-free are those which aren't clear
if free or not (what you mentioned earlier in this discussion).

All three names are as clear as possible what's meant.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op zaterdag 04 december 2010 21:32:51 schreef andre999:
 Dale Huckeby a écrit :
  On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:
  John a écrit :
  On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
  Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad Samir:
  The kernel uses the word tainted when it detects the nvidia
  proprietary module for example, (which admittedly gave me a bit of
  shock the first time I saw it :)).
  Heh, i had the same reaction.
  From all the proposed names, I think tainted is the best one, as
  packages in there are in a grey zone, i.e. not totally illegal
  everywhere, but illegal only in some places in the world. And in
  reality the existence of a patent doesn't necessarily mean it's
  enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd know for sure is if
  someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€ worth :)
  Generally only potentially illegal in some countries.
  Tainted means contaminated, polluted. A lot stronger than
  potentially illegal. (Really only actionable in a civil sense, not
  criminally illegal, as well.)
  A package could end up there due to an apparently credible rumour,
  later discredited. (Anyone remember SCO ?)
  I agree. Problematic comes closer to potentially illegal, so I looked
  up some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
  iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain,
  unsettled, in addition to problematic itself. Personally
  I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think several
  of these would do. WDYT?
  Dale Huckeby
 A much better set of choices.
 (Thanks for looking these up.  Good idea.)
 Let's remember that the question for these packages is not the quality
 of their functioning - but rather the advisability to use them, for
 other reasons, in some countries.
 So I think that it is better to avoid words that could question the
 QUALITY of the packages.
 Words in the list like
   ambiguous, debatable, problematic, and speculative
 avoid questioning the quality ... but could be too long or too formal.
 Or just not catchy enough ;)
 (Iffy might be ok - certainly catchy enough.)
 Additional words I found in Roget's thesaurus, along the same lines :
 Associated more with debatable :
 arguable, contestable, controvertible, disputable, questionable,
 Associated more with controversial :
 confutable, deniable, mistakable, moot
 Of these additional words, I think that contestable, disputable, and
 controversial are probably closest to the SENSE of the repositories.
 But maybe too formal ?
 Many of these words could be good choices.
 And maybe someone will come up with some more ?
 my 2 cents :)
 - André

i like speculative

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op zaterdag 04 december 2010 20:58:12 schreef Erin Wilkins:
 On December 4, 2010 10:06:37 Anssi Hannula wrote:
  On 03.12.2010 11:45, Ahmad Samir wrote:
   On 2 December 2010 18:43, Michael Scherer wrote:
   Le jeudi 02 décembre 2010 à 16:26 +0100, Wolfgang Bornath a écrit :
   2010/12/2 Anssi Hannula
   For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative),
   but I can't think of anything better either, so... :)
   I agree, as restricted may be misleading former Mandriva users, why
   not special or extra?
   I know there is the name extra for some other branch but it may be
   easier to find another name for that one.
   That would be misleading to the content of the directory.
   What about limited ?
   restrained ?
   ( restrain, to deprive of liberty , seems like the perfect match )
   Michael Scherer
   limited and restrained don't sound right as they don't fully convey
   the purpose/filtering-rule for packages in that repo
  Wolfgang's foggy sounds nice, but I think I prefer tainted anyway.
 Since the packages in that repository are there because they're
 (potentially) encumbered by patents, why not call it for what it is,

too difficult

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Anssi Hannula
On 05.12.2010 19:36, Daniel Kreuter wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 9:32 PM, andre999 wrote:
 Dale Huckeby a écrit :
 On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:
 John a écrit :
 On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
 Maarten Vanraes wrote:
 Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad
 The kernel uses the word tainted when it
 detects the nvidia
 proprietary module for example, (which
 admittedly gave me a bit of
 shock the first time I saw it :)).
 Heh, i had the same reaction.
 From all the proposed names, I think tainted
 is the best one, as the
 packages in there are in a grey zone, i.e. not
 totally illegal
 everywhere, but illegal only in some places in
 the world. And in
 reality the existence of a patent doesn't
 necessarily mean it's
 enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd
 know for sure is if
 someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€
 worth :)
 Generally only potentially illegal in some countries.
 Tainted means contaminated, polluted. A lot stronger than
 potentially illegal. (Really only actionable in a civil
 sense, not
 criminally illegal, as well.)
 A package could end up there due to an apparently credible
 later discredited. (Anyone remember SCO ?)
 I agree. Problematic comes closer to potentially illegal, so I
 up some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
 iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain,
 unsettled, in addition to problematic itself. Personally
 I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think
 of these would do. WDYT?
 Dale Huckeby
 A much better set of choices.
 (Thanks for looking these up.  Good idea.)
 Let's remember that the question for these packages is not the
 quality of their functioning - but rather the advisability to use
 them, for other reasons, in some countries.
 So I think that it is better to avoid words that could question the
 QUALITY of the packages.
 Words in the list like
  ambiguous, debatable, problematic, and speculative
 avoid questioning the quality ... but could be too long or too formal.
 Or just not catchy enough ;)
 (Iffy might be ok - certainly catchy enough.)
 Additional words I found in Roget's thesaurus, along the same lines :
 Associated more with debatable :
 arguable, contestable, controvertible, disputable, questionable,
 Associated more with controversial :
 confutable, deniable, mistakable, moot
 Of these additional words, I think that contestable, disputable,
 and controversial are probably closest to the SENSE of the
 But maybe too formal ?
 Many of these words could be good choices.
 And maybe someone will come up with some more ?
 my 2 cents :)
 - André
 What about: main, free, non-free?
 In main is everything what belongs to the core, free contains only
 packages which are under a free license and in non-free are those which
 aren't clear if free or not (what you mentioned earlier in this discussion).
 All three names are as clear as possible what's meant.

The license of the packages is not in question (they are free), the
patent (etc) situation is.

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Daniel Kreuter
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Anssi Hannula wrote:

 On 05.12.2010 19:36, Daniel Kreuter wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 9:32 PM, andre999 wrote:
  Dale Huckeby a écrit :
  On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:
  John a écrit :
  On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
  Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad
  The kernel uses the word tainted when it
  detects the nvidia
  proprietary module for example, (which
  admittedly gave me a bit of
  shock the first time I saw it :)).
  Heh, i had the same reaction.
  From all the proposed names, I think tainted
  is the best one, as the
  packages in there are in a grey zone, i.e. not
  totally illegal
  everywhere, but illegal only in some places in
  the world. And in
  reality the existence of a patent doesn't
  necessarily mean it's
  enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd
  know for sure is if
  someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€
  worth :)
  Generally only potentially illegal in some countries.
  Tainted means contaminated, polluted. A lot stronger than
  potentially illegal. (Really only actionable in a civil
  sense, not
  criminally illegal, as well.)
  A package could end up there due to an apparently credible
  later discredited. (Anyone remember SCO ?)
  I agree. Problematic comes closer to potentially illegal, so I
  up some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
  iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain,
  unsettled, in addition to problematic itself. Personally
  I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think
  of these would do. WDYT?
  Dale Huckeby
  A much better set of choices.
  (Thanks for looking these up.  Good idea.)
  Let's remember that the question for these packages is not the
  quality of their functioning - but rather the advisability to use
  them, for other reasons, in some countries.
  So I think that it is better to avoid words that could question the
  QUALITY of the packages.
  Words in the list like
   ambiguous, debatable, problematic, and speculative
  avoid questioning the quality ... but could be too long or too
  Or just not catchy enough ;)
  (Iffy might be ok - certainly catchy enough.)
  Additional words I found in Roget's thesaurus, along the same lines :
  Associated more with debatable :
  arguable, contestable, controvertible, disputable, questionable,
  Associated more with controversial :
  confutable, deniable, mistakable, moot
  Of these additional words, I think that contestable, disputable,
  and controversial are probably closest to the SENSE of the
  But maybe too formal ?
  Many of these words could be good choices.
  And maybe someone will come up with some more ?
  my 2 cents :)
  - André
  What about: main, free, non-free?
  In main is everything what belongs to the core, free contains only
  packages which are under a free license and in non-free are those which
  aren't clear if free or not (what you mentioned earlier in this
  All three names are as clear as possible what's meant.

 The license of the packages is not in question (they are free), the
 patent (etc) situation is.

 Anssi Hannula

That's what i ment.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

 Since the packages in that repository are there because they're
 (potentially) encumbered by patents, why not call it for what it is,


 too difficult

I suppose that's why nobody liked supernumerary. 8)

How about segregated? Oh, wait ...

The problem is that in all languages, words that mean not part of the
group, not one of us or not like us all have negative
connotations for cultural reasons.

Perhaps we need an unrelated word that has meaning to Mageia, but
infers uniqueness without being pejorative.

I suggest calling it the paris repository, a place for unique and
useful applications that cannot be placed in any other repository for
whatever reason. Then perhaps any local repository of one-off packages
could always be labeled paris-local by default.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Anssi Hannula
On 05.12.2010 21:47, Daniel Kreuter wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Anssi Hannula wrote:
 On 05.12.2010 19:36, Daniel Kreuter wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 9:32 PM, andre999 wrote:
  Dale Huckeby a écrit :
  On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:
  John a écrit :
  On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
  Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad
  The kernel uses the word tainted when it
  detects the nvidia
  proprietary module for example, (which
  admittedly gave me a bit of
  shock the first time I saw it :)).
  Heh, i had the same reaction.
  From all the proposed names, I think
  is the best one, as the
  packages in there are in a grey zone,
 i.e. not
  totally illegal
  everywhere, but illegal only in some places in
  the world. And in
  reality the existence of a patent doesn't
  necessarily mean it's
  enforceable in a court of law (the only
 way we'd
  know for sure is if
  someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€
  worth :)
  Generally only potentially illegal in some countries.
  Tainted means contaminated, polluted. A lot stronger
  potentially illegal. (Really only actionable in a civil
  sense, not
  criminally illegal, as well.)
  A package could end up there due to an apparently credible
  later discredited. (Anyone remember SCO ?)
  I agree. Problematic comes closer to potentially
 illegal, so I
  up some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
  iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain,
  unsettled, in addition to problematic itself. Personally
  I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think
  of these would do. WDYT?
  Dale Huckeby
  A much better set of choices.
  (Thanks for looking these up.  Good idea.)
  Let's remember that the question for these packages is not the
  quality of their functioning - but rather the advisability to use
  them, for other reasons, in some countries.
  So I think that it is better to avoid words that could
 question the
  QUALITY of the packages.
  Words in the list like
   ambiguous, debatable, problematic, and speculative
  avoid questioning the quality ... but could be too long or too
  Or just not catchy enough ;)
  (Iffy might be ok - certainly catchy enough.)
  Additional words I found in Roget's thesaurus, along the same
 lines :
  Associated more with debatable :
  arguable, contestable, controvertible, disputable, questionable,
  Associated more with controversial :
  confutable, deniable, mistakable, moot
  Of these additional words, I think that contestable,
  and controversial are probably closest to the SENSE of the
  But maybe too formal ?
  Many of these words could be good choices.
  And maybe someone will come up with some more ?
  my 2 cents :)
  - André
  What about: main, free, non-free?
  In main is everything what belongs to the core, free contains only
  packages which are under a free license and in non-free are those
  aren't clear if free or not (what you mentioned earlier in this
  All three names are as clear as possible what's meant.
 The license of the packages is not in question (they are free), the
 patent (etc) situation is.
 Anssi Hannula
 That's what i ment.

I don't understand. So, where would you put e.g. patent-encumbered
packages of free software, then? If to free, that runs counter to the
desire to having them 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
Giving names we have to keep the structure in mind which was
developped during this thread.

Now we are talking about a name for that repo which never existed in
Mandriva, so Mandriva never had to worry about the correct naming. How
about abbreviations?

Thinking of PLF, MLF comes to mind but that abbreviation has another
well-known meaning. :) pisc (patented in some countries) is another
no-go because of various resons in different languages.

But here's one which could work: tbp (tainted by patents).


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Erin Wilkins
On December 5, 2010 10:59:45 Maarten Vanraes wrote:
 Op zaterdag 04 december 2010 20:58:12 schreef Erin Wilkins:
  Since the packages in that repository are there because they're
  (potentially) encumbered by patents, why not call it for what it is,
 too difficult

To understand? If that's the case, I think you're going to be stuck with 
tainted. And while I don't have an issue with it, this whole discussion 
started because some people find it too negative.

The purpose of the repository name is to convey what sort of packages are 
contained in it. While many of the names that have been mentioned (foggy, 
speculative, etc) are relatively easy to remember, they don't have any 
existing meanings with regard to software. If I, or pretty much any other 
user, were not following this thread, I would not understand what sort of 
packages would be in a repository with those names. And like any other name 
that I wouldn't understand, I'd have to look up the documentation.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather go with a name that conveys an existing 
meaning, but some people will need to look at the documentation to understand.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op zondag 05 december 2010 21:50:00 schreef Erin Wilkins:
 On December 5, 2010 10:59:45 Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  Op zaterdag 04 december 2010 20:58:12 schreef Erin Wilkins:
   Since the packages in that repository are there because they're
   (potentially) encumbered by patents, why not call it for what it is,
  too difficult
 To understand? If that's the case, I think you're going to be stuck with
 tainted. And while I don't have an issue with it, this whole discussion
 started because some people find it too negative.
 The purpose of the repository name is to convey what sort of packages are
 contained in it. While many of the names that have been mentioned (foggy,
 speculative, etc) are relatively easy to remember, they don't have any
 existing meanings with regard to software. If I, or pretty much any other
 user, were not following this thread, I would not understand what sort of
 packages would be in a repository with those names. And like any other name
 that I wouldn't understand, I'd have to look up the documentation.
 I don't know about you, but I'd rather go with a name that conveys an
 existing meaning, but some people will need to look at the documentation
 to understand.

I understand your point. however, Mageia is international and i think a high 
group of international no-native-english-speakers will have a hard time finding 
out what this is about...

the english language is pretty rich; and i suspect there are quite a few words 
that could convey the correct meaning without the word being too difficult.

otoh, there is also the fact that free or core don't really convey the 
correct meaning at all either and could be quite dubious.

patented would be more correct, but i don't wanna call it that, because then 
mageia would be sued by patent-lawyers all over the world. don't get me wrong, 
it wouldn't be illegal, but it would just be too timeconsuming...

imho, we should have a simple not too difficult word that somehow shows a bit 
about the nature of the contents in it, while still being vague enough.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Sam Bailey
On Sun, 5 Dec 2010 17:39:08 -0600 (CST), Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sun, 5 Dec 2010, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
 the english language is pretty rich; and i suspect there are quite a few 
 that could convey the correct meaning without the word being too difficult.

 otoh, there is also the fact that free or core don't really convey the
 correct meaning at all either and could be quite dubious.

 patented would be more correct, but i don't wanna call it that, because then
 mageia would be sued by patent-lawyers all over the world. don't get me 
 it wouldn't be illegal, but it would just be too timeconsuming...

 imho, we should have a simple not too difficult word that somehow shows a bit
 about the nature of the contents in it, while still being vague enough.
 Okay, short words: iffy, chancy, dicey, knotty, clouded, foggy, hazy,
 unclear, contro (for controversial),
 prob (for problematic), equiv (for equivocal), irreg (for irregular).
 I like iffy best. It's short, it's
 informal, its meaning is clear, yet it's not too narrow.
 Dale Huckeby

Considering the other repo names to be used, we could always call this
one other.

Sam Bailey

Cyprix Enterprises
Mb: 0425 796 308

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

 Perhaps we need an unrelated word that has meaning to Mageia, but
 infers uniqueness without being pejorative.

 I suggest calling it the paris repository, a place for unique and
 useful applications that cannot be placed in any other repository for
 whatever reason. Then perhaps any local repository of one-off packages
 could always be labeled paris-local by default.

 after Paris Hilton? a place for unique and useful applications that cannot be
 placed in any other repository for whatever reason

 sounds like a good comparison...

I was associating the richness and diversity of the  City of Lights,
but I like the way you think.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread andre999

Dale Huckeby a écrit :

On Sun, 5 Dec 2010, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

the english language is pretty rich; and i suspect there are quite a
few words
that could convey the correct meaning without the word being too

otoh, there is also the fact that free or core don't really convey
correct meaning at all either and could be quite dubious.

patented would be more correct, but i don't wanna call it that,
because then
mageia would be sued by patent-lawyers all over the world. don't get
me wrong,
it wouldn't be illegal, but it would just be too timeconsuming...

imho, we should have a simple not too difficult word that somehow
shows a bit
about the nature of the contents in it, while still being vague enough.

Okay, short words: iffy, chancy, dicey, knotty, clouded, foggy, hazy,
unclear, contro (for controversial),
prob (for problematic), equiv (for equivocal), irreg (for irregular). I
like iffy best. It's short, it's
informal, its meaning is clear, yet it's not too narrow.

Dale Huckeby

great idea, abreviations !
contro, irreg, and equiv are abreviations for words that don't question 
the quality.

I like contro and irreg best.
We can always give the full word in our documentation which explains the 
purpose of each repository.

That would work.

(BTW, when I think about it, iffy could be considered to refer to 
quality - but it's still way better than tainted.)

Of course, there should be lots of other abreviations to choose from, if 
collectively we don't like one of these.

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-05 Thread David W. Hodgins

On Mon, 06 Dec 2010 00:02:21 -0500, andre999 wrote:

Maarten Vanraes a écrit :

i like speculative

That's not bad

I would prefer a very clear term, even if long, such as

Regards, Dave Hodgins

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-04 Thread andre999

Wolfgang Bornath a écrit :


'Grayzone' ?

Mr. Dorian Gray's zone? Or a foggy grey zone?

Hmm, foggy sounds nice :)
Or Foggy Bottom :)

Better than tainted :D

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-04 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 4:33 AM, andre999 wrote:

 Better than tainted :D

 Tainted makes me chuckle -- crude anatomical reference.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-04 Thread Dale Huckeby

On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:

John a écrit :

On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
Maarten Vanraes wrote:

Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad Samir:

The kernel uses the word tainted when it detects the nvidia
proprietary module for example, (which admittedly gave me a bit of
shock the first time I saw it :)).

Heh, i had the same reaction.

 From all the proposed names, I think tainted is the best one, as the

packages in there are in a grey zone, i.e. not totally illegal
everywhere, but illegal only in some places in the world. And in
reality the existence of a patent doesn't necessarily mean it's
enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd know for sure is if
someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€ worth :)

Generally only potentially illegal in some countries.
Tainted means contaminated, polluted.  A lot stronger than potentially 
illegal.  (Really only actionable in a civil sense, not criminally illegal, 
as well.)
A package could end up there due to an apparently credible rumour, later 
discredited.  (Anyone remember SCO ?)

I agree.  Problematic comes closer to potentially illegal, so I looked up 
some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain, unsettled, in 
addition to problematic itself.  Personally
I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think several of these 
would do.  WDYT?

Dale Huckeby

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-04 Thread Anssi Hannula
On 03.12.2010 11:45, Ahmad Samir wrote:
 On 2 December 2010 18:43, Michael Scherer wrote:
 Le jeudi 02 décembre 2010 à 16:26 +0100, Wolfgang Bornath a écrit :
 2010/12/2 Anssi Hannula

 For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative), but
 I can't think of anything better either, so... :)

 I agree, as restricted may be misleading former Mandriva users, why
 not special or extra?

 I know there is the name extra for some other branch but it may be
 easier to find another name for that one.

 That would be misleading to the content of the directory.

 What about limited ?
 restrained ?
 ( restrain, to deprive of liberty , seems like the perfect match )

 Michael Scherer

 limited and restrained don't sound right as they don't fully convey
 the purpose/filtering-rule for packages in that repo


Wolfgang's foggy sounds nice, but I think I prefer tainted anyway.

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-03 Thread herman
On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 03:28 -0700, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
 how about gray or grey ?

No, the Speling Nazi's will drive us nuts...

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-03 Thread John
On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
Maarten Vanraes wrote:

 Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad Samir:
  The kernel uses the word tainted when it detects the nvidia
  proprietary module for example, (which admittedly gave me a bit of
  shock the first time I saw it :)).
 Heh, i had the same reaction.
  From all the proposed names, I think tainted is the best one, as the
  packages in there are in a grey zone, i.e. not totally illegal
  everywhere, but illegal only in some places in the world. And in
  reality the existence of a patent doesn't necessarily mean it's
  enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd know for sure is if
  someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€ worth :)
 how about gray or grey ?

'Grayzone' ?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-03 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 18:58:15 schreef herman:
 On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 03:28 -0700, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  how about gray or grey ?
 No, the Speling Nazi's will drive us nuts...

For this, it is no problem, because they are both correct! :-P

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-02 Thread Anssi Hannula
On 01.12.2010 22:29, Anssi Hannula wrote:
 On 30.11.2010 12:37, Thomas Backlund wrote:
 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

 and for refernece: The suggested layout for is:

 * core
 * nonfree
 * tainted

For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative), but
I can't think of anything better either, so... :)

 * debug_core
 * debug_nonfree
 * debug_tainted

 Every media contains the same layout:

 * backports
 * backports_testing
 * release
 * updates
 * updates_testing
 I wonder which 32bit ones we should add on 64bit, and which ones of
 those should be enabled and which ones disabled.
 On MDV, main+main_updates were added and enabled.
 But for example wine backports are commonly wanted by 64bit users, and
 those are in main/backports (core/backports for us).
 Or is there an alternative approach that I can't think of?

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
2010/12/2 Anssi Hannula

 For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative), but
 I can't think of anything better either, so... :)

I agree, as restricted may be misleading former Mandriva users, why
not special or extra?

I know there is the name extra for some other branch but it may be
easier to find another name for that one.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-02 Thread Michael Scherer
Le jeudi 02 décembre 2010 à 16:26 +0100, Wolfgang Bornath a écrit :
 2010/12/2 Anssi Hannula
  For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative), but
  I can't think of anything better either, so... :)
 I agree, as restricted may be misleading former Mandriva users, why
 not special or extra?
 I know there is the name extra for some other branch but it may be
 easier to find another name for that one.

That would be misleading to the content of the directory. 

What about limited ?
restrained ?
( restrain, to deprive of liberty , seems like the perfect match )

Michael Scherer

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-02 Thread Hoyt Duff
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
 2010/12/2 Anssi Hannula

 For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative), but
 I can't think of anything better either, so... :)

 I agree, as restricted may be misleading former Mandriva users, why
 not special or extra?

 I know there is the name extra for some other branch but it may be
 easier to find another name for that one.



a thing that exceeds the required, an extra


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-02 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op donderdag 02 december 2010 08:20:15 schreef andre999:
 Maarten Vanraes a écrit :
  Op woensdag 01 december 2010 21:54:48 schreef andre999:
  allthough interesting, this thread is about mirror layout; and is not
  about removing the distinction between supported packages and not. (this
  wasn't all that clear to me at first.)
 I'll discuss further down why I think that this is a critical part of
 the question.
  i do understand that you think other methods of having the distinction
  might not work; i have reservations myself that way. (i do feel the
  disctinction is important.)
 Glad to see that you understand my concerns.
  i also see that mirror layout should be as easy as possible for mirror
 Agreed.  However keeping an extra set of repositories for core packages
 would just add a few extra directories (without changing the number/size
 of their total content), thus have little impact on mirror administration.

One would think so; however, a few people who replied where mirror 
administrators; and it seems, IIUC that they said it does have impact.

I'm just gonna trust their judgement on this, since they know more about this 
than myself.

[... snipping tainted stuff...] 
 In any case, rsync is a pretty straight-forward application.
  however, looking at the big picture, i think that logically it's sounds
  to have one purpose to one thing; and thus for the mirror layout; only
  the mirror admins should be looked at; the viewpoint of a user _should_
  not really matter.
 I agree that the user viewpoint is not of major importance : I see that
 as just a positive side effect.
 I am trying to look at the big picture.  And perhaps I haven't been very
 effective at expressing my concerns.
 In my mind, we should always consider important side effects of major
 changes.  And removing separate core/extra (or main/contrib
 repositories does have an important side effect.
 Realigning core so it is really core should very much help packagers,
 as well as maintaining an important distinction.
 Note that if, down the road, we find another effective method for
 distinquishing core / non-core, it is relatively simple to transfer
 packages in extra to core.
 But if we eliminate the parallel set of repositories, and find later
 that we have a problem giving priority to core packages, moving in the
 other direction would be a much more difficult process.

IIRC someone with experience said in this thread that we could always go to 
that sort of scenario if like this it wouldn't work well. Again, i'm gonna 
trust their judgement on this.

 The suggestion that we only transfer to Mageia packages that we see as
 important to keep, sounds like a very good approach.
 This would also facilitate maintaining the core / non-core distinction.

I suppose, however, I think that developers are their own users; they write 
for theirselves; hence people will pull what they think is important for them.

but at the very least, since it's something they will use, it'll at least be 
tested some. (even if QA doesn't test it)

 I'm not trying to say that defining core / non-core in detail is a
 trivial process.  But it is in the interest of Mageia to define it.
 I realise, at least at first, that things will be more difficult for
 packagers.  But firmly believe that this will be largely alleviated by a
 careful triage of existing main and contrib packages.
 Thus I am more than willing to put in a lot of effort, since it will
 have an important impact on the future of Mageia.
 I also realise that many of those proposing eliminating a set of repos
 have a lot of valuable experience.  And I'm sure that if/when we can
 agree on this concern, that we will be able to work very well together.
 And I look forward to becoming a Mageia packager.
 another 2 cents :)
 - André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-02 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op donderdag 02 december 2010 18:23:35 schreef Leandro Dorileo:
 On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
  2010/12/2 Anssi Hannula
  For the record, I'm not a big fan of tainted name (too negative), but
  I can't think of anything better either, so... :)
  I agree, as restricted may be misleading former Mandriva users, why
  not special or extra?
  I know there is the name extra for some other branch but it may be
  easier to find another name for that one.
 What about leftover? or maybe optional?

/me likes leftovers

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-01 Thread Anssi Hannula
On 30.11.2010 12:37, Thomas Backlund wrote:
 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?


 and for refernece: The suggested layout for is:
 * core
 * nonfree
 * tainted
 * debug_core
 * debug_nonfree
 * debug_tainted
 Every media contains the same layout:
 * backports
 * backports_testing
 * release
 * updates
 * updates_testing

I wonder which 32bit ones we should add on 64bit, and which ones of
those should be enabled and which ones disabled.

On MDV, main+main_updates were added and enabled.

But for example wine backports are commonly wanted by 64bit users, and
those are in main/backports (core/backports for us).

Or is there an alternative approach that I can't think of?

Anssi Hannula

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-01 Thread andre999

Ahmad Samir a écrit :

On 30 November 2010 07:29,  wrote:

Michael Scherer a écrit :

Le lundi 29 novembre 2010 à 20:54 -0500, andre999 a écrit :

Yann Ciret a écrit :

I dislike the main/contrib separation in some case.
The first example is with Mozilla Thunderbird packages. Some extension
packages are in contrib. So each time thunderbird received security
update, the update cannot be installed because of non automatically
rebuild of his contrib package. And each time I see a bug report of user
asking a manual rebuilt. With only one core media, this situation will
disapear (I hope).

Unlikely.  This problem is not at all related to separate repositories.

It is. It is exactly related to the fact that thunderbird is supported,
and that extension are not despites depending on it.

In this case it is evident that you don't understand how extensions work
with mozilla products.
Thunderbird will function correctly with no  extensions installed.
So why should any extension block the update of Thunderbird ?

So the user can simply uninstall that extension and update to new
thunderbird? the user can do this only if he doesn't need that
extension, only if it doesn't offer features he wants to use. That's
an invalid argument, if he doesn't need that extension why does he
have it on his system??

You're missing some points here :
1) There is no need to remove an extension.  It will continue to work, 
as long as there hasn't been some error in packaging.  In other words, 
on a generic Mozilla installation, it would continue to work.  The only 
exceptions in the past are when Mozilla changed the version of XML used 
to code extensions.  (Which has happened twice since the beginning of 
Mozilla, if I recall correctly.)  But that would not happen on an update.

2) If by chance the extension does not work properly, it can always be 
updated directly by the update function inside Thunderbird.  Unless the 
distro packaging has somehow disabled this function.  Which would be an 
error in packaging.

3) There is no reason to package Mozilla extensions in the distro, 
except for base localisation modules, which are already in main.

4) If an optional module of any application stops working, that can only 
affect the application in question.  And should not stop the application 
from working.  That does not in itself justify such an extension being 
considered (logically) core.

The rationale is/was that mozilla code breaks/broke ABI, so it was
agreed that extensions are rebuilt for both firefox and thunderbird
respective new versions.

See above.

We will look into that with upstream, so that if a rebuild isn't
needed, then all the better for us (packagers). But until that
happens, they will be rebuilt. A 1-2 day delay isn't too much for
Good.  Check with upstream.  It can be done quickly, and will help clean 
the system.
By the way, if you install Thunderbird, you can confirm the critical 
elements yourself.  (Installation/update of Extensions and other 
optional modules fully managable from inside Thunderbird.  As well, by 
default there are automatic alerts when updates become available.)

The more pressing issue is, what does this have to do with the topic
at hand Mirrors layout, round two ?? this discussion is deviating
too much, to the extent it's becoming bloated...

Removing the distinction between core and non-core packages removes an 
important control, useful to give greater assurance that (logically) 
core packages are not broken, thus breaking users' systems.
In my mind, alternative controls are likely to be more complex to 
maintain, and probably less reliable.
It is interesting that the names core and extra were chosen to 
replace main and contrib.
Especially since main was originally meant to be core packages.  But 
not enforced, as some packagers themselves have pointed out.

(One would prefer that I don't mention his name.)

Additionally, modules installed will continue to work as long as the major
version doesn't change.  (Actually slightly more complicated.)
In some cases one won't be able to newly install a module because a config
file inside the module - equivalent to the spec file in rpm packages -
hasn't been updated for compatible versions.  (In fact, the versions were
probably improperly specified.)  But installed modules will continue to
It is possible that the packager did not realise this - or for whatever
reason did not properly set up a spec file - but this issue has nothing at
all to do with separate sets of repositories.

Speaking abstractly without examples in this case is just that,
speaking. Give us an example of such a case (if any) in a spec file
so that it can be fixed.

More precise details added above.

That precisely because we tell security and bugfixes occurs only on
main that contribs got broken, since the security team do not care to
not break contribs packages

The crux of this problem is that core 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-01 Thread Maarten Vanraes
Op woensdag 01 december 2010 21:54:48 schreef andre999:

allthough interesting, this thread is about mirror layout; and is not about 
removing the distinction between supported packages and not. (this wasn't all 
that clear to me at first.)

i do understand that you think other methods of having the distinction might 
not work; i have reservations myself that way. (i do feel the disctinction is 

i also see that mirror layout should be as easy as possible for mirror admins.

however, looking at the big picture, i think that logically it's sounds to 
have one purpose to one thing; and thus for the mirror layout; only the mirror 
admins should be looked at; the viewpoint of a user _should_ not really 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-12-01 Thread andre999

Maarten Vanraes a écrit :

Op woensdag 01 december 2010 21:54:48 schreef andre999:

allthough interesting, this thread is about mirror layout; and is not about
removing the distinction between supported packages and not. (this wasn't all
that clear to me at first.)

I'll discuss further down why I think that this is a critical part of 
the question.

i do understand that you think other methods of having the distinction might
not work; i have reservations myself that way. (i do feel the disctinction is

Glad to see that you understand my concerns.

i also see that mirror layout should be as easy as possible for mirror admins.

Agreed.  However keeping an extra set of repositories for core packages 
would just add a few extra directories (without changing the number/size 
of their total content), thus have little impact on mirror administration.

However tainted repositories, being optional, would be more problematic.
Especially, as others pointed out, for the larger multi-project mirror 
sites, where admins are already distracted by many other demands.

On the other hand, I see the point of adding tainted.
Since it is for packages that are likely to be problematic in *some* 
countries, I imagine that relatively few of these larger mirror admins 
would feel the need to exclude tainted.
(And for the same reason my quibble about choosing a more neutral name, 
such as restricted.  Or maybe even problematic.  For countries where 
these packages would be acceptable.)

In any case, rsync is a pretty straight-forward application.

however, looking at the big picture, i think that logically it's sounds to
have one purpose to one thing; and thus for the mirror layout; only the mirror
admins should be looked at; the viewpoint of a user _should_ not really

I agree that the user viewpoint is not of major importance : I see that 
as just a positive side effect.

I am trying to look at the big picture.  And perhaps I haven't been very 
effective at expressing my concerns.
In my mind, we should always consider important side effects of major 
changes.  And removing separate core/extra (or main/contrib 
repositories does have an important side effect.
Realigning core so it is really core should very much help packagers, 
as well as maintaining an important distinction.

Note that if, down the road, we find another effective method for 
distinquishing core / non-core, it is relatively simple to transfer 
packages in extra to core.
But if we eliminate the parallel set of repositories, and find later 
that we have a problem giving priority to core packages, moving in the 
other direction would be a much more difficult process.

The suggestion that we only transfer to Mageia packages that we see as 
important to keep, sounds like a very good approach.

This would also facilitate maintaining the core / non-core distinction.

I'm not trying to say that defining core / non-core in detail is a 
trivial process.  But it is in the interest of Mageia to define it.

I realise, at least at first, that things will be more difficult for 
packagers.  But firmly believe that this will be largely alleviated by a 
careful triage of existing main and contrib packages.
Thus I am more than willing to put in a lot of effort, since it will 
have an important impact on the future of Mageia.

I also realise that many of those proposing eliminating a set of repos 
have a lot of valuable experience.  And I'm sure that if/when we can 
agree on this concern, that we will be able to work very well together.

And I look forward to becoming a Mageia packager.

another 2 cents :)

- André

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
I think this whole question is not done with an easy answer. It can
also not be ssen in a black/white mode. I see the clear insight of
Michael's suggestion which is a black/white point of view. Not
maintained? Kick it out (well, not out but into the ante-room). But
I also see the reality from the user's POV. As for technical skilled
or experienced users (including server admins) the main question is
that those packages which are available should work and be maintained.
But there is also the vast group of the unwashed masses including
those we want to attract to Mageia. Many of those do look at the sheer
number of packages (like, I'd rather switch to Foo Linux which offers
2 million packages while Mageia only offers 5,000). Yes, I know, it's
rather dumb and those users are the first to complain about some
missing icon. But they are a large part of the users out there.

So we have to find a middle way between the pure and the ugly. How to
find that, I don't know, this is far beyond my knowledge. I only
wanted to comment on the philosophical side of the problem. For me
as a mostly non-technical guy the best solution would be the flag
solution. Forget the main/contrib split and just flag unmaintained
rpms so that the user sees it in the GUI. How to accomplish that on
the CLI with urpmi I don't know. Then people who are security- aware
like server admins can easily avoid unmaintained packages or open a
request in Bugzilla which **may** inspire somebody to pick up the poor
unmaintained package.

One comment on the mirror maintainer part of the story:
I was mentioned by Michael several times as an example of a certain
kind of mirror maintainers. Yes, ressources are tight but not that
tight. As I understood the official mirror as suggested by Olivier
was about to fill up to 700 GB during the next 3 years - given that we
will have 2 releases per year. Most of the official mirrors of
Mandriva do not provide 6 releases, moreso when the life cycle of a
release is less than 2 years.
So, a realistic size woul be more like 450-500 GB at the most which is
easily done with today's hardware. This is not a problem. Time is not
a problem either for such people like me. The only problem I still see
from the mirror maintainer's side is the way to deal with tainted
packages wrt the mirrorlist (as already mentioned).


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Ahmad Samir
On 30 November 2010 07:29, andre999 wrote:
 Michael Scherer a écrit :

 Le lundi 29 novembre 2010 à 20:54 -0500, andre999 a écrit :

 Yann Ciret a écrit :

 I dislike the main/contrib separation in some case.
 The first example is with Mozilla Thunderbird packages. Some extension
 packages are in contrib. So each time thunderbird received security
 update, the update cannot be installed because of non automatically
 rebuild of his contrib package. And each time I see a bug report of user
 asking a manual rebuilt. With only one core media, this situation will
 disapear (I hope).

 Unlikely.  This problem is not at all related to separate repositories.

 It is. It is exactly related to the fact that thunderbird is supported,
 and that extension are not despites depending on it.

 In this case it is evident that you don't understand how extensions work
 with mozilla products.
 Thunderbird will function correctly with no
 extensions installed.  So why should any extension block the update of
 Thunderbird ?

So the user can simply uninstall that extension and update to new
thunderbird? the user can do this only if he doesn't need that
extension, only if it doesn't offer features he wants to use. That's
an invalid argument, if he doesn't need that extension why does he
have it on his system??

The rationale is/was that mozilla code breaks/broke ABI, so it was
agreed that extensions are rebuilt for both firefox and thunderbird
respective new versions.

We will look into that with upstream, so that if a rebuild isn't
needed, then all the better for us (packagers). But until that
happens, they will be rebuilt. A 1-2 day delay isn't too much for

The more pressing issue is, what does this have to do with the topic
at hand Mirrors layout, round two ?? this discussion is deviating
too much, to the extent it's becoming bloated...

 Additionally, modules installed will continue to work as long as the major
 version doesn't change.  (Actually slightly more complicated.)
 In some cases one won't be able to newly install a module because a config
 file inside the module - equivalent to the spec file in rpm packages -
 hasn't been updated for compatible versions.  (In fact, the versions were
 probably improperly specified.)  But installed modules will continue to
 It is possible that the packager did not realise this - or for whatever
 reason did not properly set up a spec file - but this issue has nothing at
 all to do with separate sets of repositories.

Speaking abstractly without examples in this case is just that,
speaking. Give us an example of such a case (if any) in a spec file
so that it can be fixed.

 That precisely because we tell security and bugfixes occurs only on
 main that contribs got broken, since the security team do not care to
 not break contribs packages.

 The crux of this problem is that core (in the general sense) packages are
 dependant on packages that are not recognized as core.
 That again has nothing to do with repositories as such.

I agree with Michael here, doing sec fixes isn't hard (once one gets
used to it), just time consuming, and it should be done for all
packages in the official repos; it's true that GPL gives no
guarantees what so ever, just it's a moral obligation for people
involved in the FOSS world to support users as best they can.

Users do not differentiate between main/contrib, there's a package
they install it, I don't think they look from which repo it comes

 Rather that one package was updated, and an optional installed module
 was not.
 The fact that the module is optional is the key point.
 The installer should be flexible enough to give a warning in this case,
 and ask if you wish to continue the installation.

 So basically, you want a --nodeps ?
 If there is a requires, there is usually a good reason. Engineering is
 not randomly adding line to a file until it work.

 How about better configured spec files ?
 A better definition (in general) of core packages ?
 A focus on ensuring that core packages are maintained ?
 Basically my idea behind a core sandbox.
 But if you have a better idea ...

Again, give us an example of a spec file that needs better
configuration, otherwise you're theorising.

 Just remember, eliminating a supported core breaks the sandbox.
 So removing repositories does have secondary effects.
 And they should be seriously considered and discussed by those proposing to
 remove the repositories.

 As well, in the case of Thunderbird, it is almost certain that the
 installed module was in fact compatible with newer version of
 Thunderbird.  (A security problem may directly impact Thunderbird or the
 module, but highly unlikely both packages.)
 Rpm tags should have been set so that Thunderbird would recognize that
 the module was appropriate in the newer version.

 No. If there is stricter dependency, it is precisely because there is no
 guarantee of any kind of ABI between thunderbird 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund
So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with 
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.

Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.

That brings us to 30 medias in total :)

The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
mail, and at:


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working 
buildsystem / base to build from.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.

Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

As for those that want the core/extra split:
We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.

For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
well the community actually will support their distro.

Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
review the decisions and if decided do the split.

Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

and for refernece: The suggested layout for is:

* core
  - enabled by default
  - mirrors must mirror this media to be listed as a mirror
  - only free/libre stuff as described by FSF / OSI
  - must be selfcontained

* nonfree
  - disabled by default, installer will ask to enable it if
it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - mirrors must mirror this media to be listed as a mirror
  - contains apps/drivers/firmware that are free to redistribute
but we dont have redistributable source for
  - for example: ati/nvidia drivers/firmware, Oracle Java,
Adobe stuff we might get redistribution permission for

* tainted
  - disabled by default
  - mirrors are free to not mirror this media ( ? )
  - stuff we think we can redistribute, but that may have some
patent issues or other legal restrictions
  - what belongs / is allowed here must still be discussed

* debug_core
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for core

* debug_nonfree
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for nonfree

* debug_tainted
  - disabled by default
  - debug rpms for tainted

Every media contains the same layout:

* backports
  - disabled by default

* backports_testing
  - disabled by default

* release
  - disabled by default on nonfree, installer will ask to enable
it if it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - disabled by default on tainted, debug_core, debug_nonfree,

* updates
  - disabled by default on nonfree, installer will ask to enable
it if it detects hw that need driver/fw from here
  - disabled by default on tainted, debug_core, debug_nonfree,

* updates_testing
  - disabled by default


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Jerome Quelin
On 10/11/30 12:37 +0200, Thomas Backlund wrote:
 We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
 start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
 shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
 depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a
 working buildsystem / base to build from.
 Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
 DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
 By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
 and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.
 Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
 from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

sounds sensible to me.

- how will the import be done?
- is it up for the maintainer to request it? or only for non-base system
- or does the maintainer has a magic command to do?
- will submitting a package for rebuild bork the list of maintainer (mdv
  uses the maintainer = 1st to submit scheme)
- do we have an estimated planning with the different steps?


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Balcaen John
Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 07:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :
 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
 founders, here is the idea:
 We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
 debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
 we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial
 We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
 start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
 shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
 depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
 buildsystem / base to build from.
Are you (not specifically you thomas :p)  going to check again the basesystem 
dependencies/requirements, if i remember correctly the basesystem in mandriva 
not anymore a « real » basesystem ?

 Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
 DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
Should not each package imported directly by the maintener here (for the DE),
so he's going to import (hopefully ?) only the real requirements so we'll be 
able to drop « more » unused packages maybe?

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?
Sure (even if i'm not followed for the 2 points before :p )


Balcaen John
IRC: mikala on

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread nicolas vigier
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Thomas Backlund wrote:

 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with founders, 
 here is the idea:

 We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
 debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
 we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.

 Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
 updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.

 That brings us to 30 medias in total :)

 The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
 mail, and at:

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

I agree with this proposal.

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Samuel Verschelde

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 11:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :
 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with 
 founders, here is the idea:
 We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
 debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
 we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.
 Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
 updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.
 That brings us to 30 medias in total :)
 The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
 mail, and at:
 We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
 start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
 shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
 depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working 
 buildsystem / base to build from.
 Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
 DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.
 By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
 and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.
 Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
 from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.
 As for those that want the core/extra split:
 We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
 trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
 to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.
 For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
 layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
 out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
 well the community actually will support their distro.
 Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
 review the decisions and if decided do the split.
 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

OK for me provided support policy matters are not discarded forever but only 
delayed to allow things to start.

It would be great to start QA Team's organization as soon as possible. I don't 
think we need to wait for the BS and the packages to begin thinking about those 



Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Anne nicolas
2010/11/30 Thomas Backlund
 So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with founders,
 here is the idea:

 For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
 layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
 out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
 well the community actually will support their distro.

 Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
 review the decisions and if decided do the split.

 Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

Looks ok for me and the easiest layout we may achieve. Still we will
need to finalize policies about repositories content.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Samuel Verschelde

  In Mandriva, you can find many examples of packages in main which are not 
  supported in reality,
   or even maybe simply don't work. You can find also many packages in 
  contrib which are 
  perfectly supported, in cooker as in stable releases. You gave me examples. 
  However I 
  see very rarely security or bugfix updates for packages in contrib for 
  stable releases 
  (or sometimes they go to backports), whereas there are many security fixes 
  and bugfixes 
  for packages in main thanks to Mandriva's security team. There really is a 
  between supported packages and other, although it's far from perfect.
 The difference is mainly that Mandriva has a team of 2 people full time
 doing the bugfixes and security updates. We do not have them. 
 So that's not because there is contribs that main got more bugfixes and
 updates. That's because people are paid to do the work.
 And so there is no correlation between there is updates in main and
 there is a split. 

Yes there is a correlation : there is a team of people working to provide quick 
support for a set of packages. Without a list of supported packages, they 
couldn't focus their work. However please remember that I agreed that the split 
mirror-side is not the only way to achieve such focus.

Our main disagreement here is you prefer that we have the same level of support 
for any package in the distribution (which probably means very few packages in 
the distribution then) while I'd like many packages in the distribution, a 
subset of which is officially supported. At least, it worked well enough so 
that we could send more than 450 servers with Mandriva in French hospitals and 
use Mandriva at work on workstation. 

Why do I prefer a large package list to a list restricted to platinum-supported 
packages : I can build a system where the critical parts are supported, and if 
I need to add some less supported stuff, I still can. We should compare the 
ratio between packages in main and packages in contrib which are actually 
installed on people's systems. On our servers, that would be around 98% coming 
from main, and less than 2% coming from contrib. On my workstation, it would be 
probably 75% vs 25%. Main provides stability and security (regardless of some 
badly supported packages). Contrib provides choice..

 Seeing that everything is equally supported is a sign of a lack of
 quality ?

It depends on the amount of available packages and available resources. 1 
packages *equally supported* with 30 packages, yep, that would be a sign of a 
lack of quality. If there are only 1000 packages, of course, this is different. 
I still prefer the 1000 supported packages + 9000 use-at-your-own-risk packages.

  Now if there were a list of supported packages, either it would not be 
  officially supported and 
  the user would know he could use it but maybe won't have security and 
  bugfix updates, 
  or it is officially supported. Now take the example above :
  - Someone checks if postgresql is supported because if not he'll use 
  another distribution where it is
  - It is !
  - However the maintainer went away doing his own fork, so he dropped 
  - Someone in QA Team rings a bell : this supported package isn't supported 
  but we promised we would support it for Mageia 2011 for 2 years from now ! 
  We have 
  to do something !
  - The package team leader, or someone else, relays the warning and finds 
  else to maintain the package, at least for Mageia 2011, for security and 
 Please, I would appreciate that you do not arrange facts just to support
 your point, or I will seriously have to reconsider answering in the
 In the first case :
 package is not supported, no one step to maintain, we drop - that's
 second case :
 package is not supported, someone step, we don't drop - that's good
 Why do you make the assumption that someone will step to maintain in 2nd
 case and not in the first one ? 
 Just saying it should be supported because it is on some official list
 is not really something that worked that well at Mandriva for the

The way you make a caricature of my arguments is rude here.

What I'm saying is totally different : 

In the first case :
- no one steps in to maintain it. We drop it.

In the second case :
- no one steps in to maintain it. Because we promised to support it, and 
because there are people who care about that (the QA Team Leader for example), 
we would *try very hard* to find a solution. this is a problem, we identify the 
problem, we try to solve it. Maybe we fail, but at least we try hard, because 
the package is on the supported list. In my example I supposed we find a 
solution, because I suppose that we find it. If I were that kind of person who 
cares, I'm sure I would find someone. Of course, if we flag too much packages 
as supported, then it may become actually impossible to support them all, 

Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Jerome Quelin skrev 30.11.2010 12:48:

On 10/11/30 12:37 +0200, Thomas Backlund wrote:

We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a
working buildsystem / base to build from.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.

Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

sounds sensible to me.

- how will the import be done?

It will be done by reviewing every srpm, drop anything mdv 
owned/trademarked, and then committed to svn. This is to get a clean 
svn to start from.

- is it up for the maintainer to request it? or only for non-base system
- or does the maintainer has a magic command to do?

maintainers will be able to import stuff into svn themselves.
More to follow soon regarding packagers / cleanup work.

We will notify users when we open up the svn so people can start 
reviewing/cleaning packages and commit it to svn

Then a new notification will be sent when we consider BS fully open.

- will submitting a package for rebuild bork the list of maintainer (mdv
   uses the maintainer = 1st to submit scheme)

I guess that will be so atleast for now.
This will be refined for packaging teams/maintainer groups...

- do we have an estimated planning with the different steps?

Not yet, there are still some fixes needed to be done on youri to get it 
fully working.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Balcaen John skrev 30.11.2010 12:50:

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 07:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
buildsystem / base to build from.

Are you (not specifically you thomas :p)  going to check again the basesystem
dependencies/requirements, if i remember correctly the basesystem in mandriva is
not anymore a « real » basesystem ?

technically it's basesystem-minimal that should be just that: minimal.
but it will be reviewed as everythng else.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

Should not each package imported directly by the maintener here (for the DE),
so he's going to import (hopefully ?) only the real requirements so we'll be
able to drop « more » unused packages maybe?


Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

Sure (even if i'm not followed for the 2 points before :p )


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Samuel Verschelde skrev 30.11.2010 13:04:

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 11:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial products.

Now all of theese medias will have their 5 submedias: release, updates,
updates_testing, backports, backports_testing.

That brings us to 30 medias in total :)

The details of the media layout suggestion is also at the end of this
mail, and at:


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
buildsystem / base to build from.

Then we to go on with and start importing X, the different
DE's and every other package needed to build a full distro.

By doing it this way, we get a clean start, every package rebuilt,
and no old/unmaintained stuff in the beginning.

Then as more maintainers join, I guess more packages will be imported
from cooker and other sources. And packages can always be requested.

As for those that want the core/extra split:
We already tried it with main/contrib split. And I know mdv is now
trying to refine what belongs in main or not, but thats for mdv
to work through the problem as it wont be an easy task.

For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
well the community actually will support their distro.

Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
review the decisions and if decided do the split.

Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

OK for me provided support policy matters are not discarded forever but only 
delayed to allow things to start.

It wont be discarded.
We need to list package priority, wich ones must go through QA, and wich 
ones that are subject to maintainer qa  testing

It would be great to start QA Team's organization as soon as possible. I don't 
think we need to wait for the BS and the packages to begin thinking about those 

Yes, its time to start defining policies around all this and team creation.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Anne nicolas skrev 30.11.2010 13:15:

2010/11/30 Thomas

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with founders,
here is the idea:

For us I think the best way for now is to start with this suggested
layout, and see if it works well for us. Remember, as Michael pointed
out, this is a community supported distro, and only time will tell how
well the community actually will support their distro.

Point is, if we later decide this is not working well, we can always
review the decisions and if decided do the split.

Can we reach an agreement that this is the way to start the distro?

Looks ok for me and the easiest layout we may achieve. Still we will
need to finalize policies about repositories content.


A post on that will follow later today/tomorrow.


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Thomas Backlund

Michael Scherer skrev 30.11.2010 14:23:

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 à 07:50 -0300, Balcaen John a écrit :

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 07:37:42, Thomas Backlund a écrit :

So, after reading all different opinions here and discussing with
founders, here is the idea:

We start of with  3 medias: core, nonfree, tainted and 3 debug medias:
debug_core, debug_nonfree, debug_tainted. In order to avoid confusion,
we wont use the name restricted as it was used in MDV commercial


We wont blindly import every package from cooker, instead  we'll
start off the import with basesystem (as in bootable system with
shell access), compiler and rpm tools (and of course their buildtime
depencies). When all of that is imported and rebuilt, we have a working
buildsystem / base to build from.

Are you (not specifically you thomas :p)  going to check again the basesystem
dependencies/requirements, if i remember correctly the basesystem in mandriva is
not anymore a « real » basesystem ?

The explicit goal is to be able to boot, and start bash. Not bash and be
able to do anything useful with it :)
( ok, maybe a script with /dev/tcp to say hello on irc ).

So if basesystem as a rpm is not enough, we will import what is needed
to complete it.

or basesystem-minimal :)


Re: [Mageia-dev] Mirror layout, round two

2010-11-30 Thread Romain d'Alverny
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 13:29, Samuel Verschelde wrote:
 What I'm saying is totally different :

 In the first case :
 - no one steps in to maintain it. We drop it.

 In the second case :
 - no one steps in to maintain it. Because we promised to support it, and 
 because there are people who care about that (the QA Team Leader for 
 example), we would *try very hard* to find a solution. this is a problem, we 
 identify the problem, we try to solve it. Maybe we fail, but at least we try 
 hard, because the package is on the supported list.

Ok, it's a degree of support management:
 - first case, dropping is automatic,
 - second case, we turn the red light on and try to organise around
this to find a best effort solution.

But, in the second case, relying exclusively on the community, for the
support promise to work, you have to show that you have either some
separate incentive, either a large enough community to grow the
chances for this to happen.

 another solution : we do no promises of supporting anything.

 This is a solution. Not mine however.

Not promising of something to happen is not a promise of this thing
not to happen.

Such a promise of support is much more sustainable if you have a
clear, identifiable incentive or reason or experience (for the people
you promise to) to keep it. There are differences between:
 * guaranteed,
 * trying very hard,
 * best effort,
 * good will,
 * nothing pretended

support promises.

 Let me present the idea differently. There are 2 levels of support :

 - top guaranteed support (a subset of packages) : those are packages your can 
 rely on blindly, they'll be updated in a timely manner. Those are the 
 packages the QA Team puts its limited resources on (doesn't mean the QA Team 
 provides support, but they check that good support is provided). The 
 maintainer is responsible for the package, but the QA Team is vigilant about 
 - supported packages (every other package) : those are maintained packages, 
 however the QA Team doesn't have to check them. It's up to the maintainer.
 - unsupported packages are dropped.

 So everything is supported, but there a special level of support for some 
 critical components.

Just saying, but as packages support is to be distributed, we may as
well have commercial companies step around and manage this kind of
 * within/through Mageia through their employees (so, it matches our
policies, that's the idea),
 * because it matches their activity/interest (they build the
software, they consult/sell/build around it).

To help thinking about that (in the future, because now we have
nothing to track/compare) we need to collect and report relevant data
about packages management experience (supported, not supported, number
of updates, maintainers, time to push an update, etc.) against a first
policy. So we can measure what happens and what can be reasonably
changed/expected in the future.


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