Re: [Mailman-Users] Obtaining Membership List

2013-03-12 Thread Steve Lindemann

On 3/11/2013 3:03 PM, William McQueen wrote:

I first need to say I am not a professional tech person. But Mailman version
2.1.15 comes with my site, so I've been running it for my Adult Education

Now, our Pres would like to get the listing of the membership and I don't
know any quick or easy way of obtaining the list of  330 subscribers for

Could someone explain how I can get the subscribers' list.

Would gratefully appreciate it.


Bill McQueen in Toronto

If you have access to the command line there is nothing easier.  Using 
my system as an example (you will need to know where mailman was installed):

$ /usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_members listname

will get an alphabetized list by email address

$ /usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_members -f listname

will get a list including the full name (if it exists) for each 
subscriber.  Given the size of your list you'll probably want to capture 
to a file so:

$ /usr/lib/mailman/bin/list_members listname > ~/list_subscribers.txt

will put the output in a file called list_subscribers.txt in your home 
directory.  Then it's just a matter of using ftp (or whatever mechanism 
you usually use) to get the file to your local computer.

I'm not aware of any easy way to do this from the web interface. 
Perhaps someone else can help with that.

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[Mailman-Users] configuration glitch causing mail delivery fail

2014-01-07 Thread Steve Lindemann
I recently moved my email server (with mailman) onto a new server with a 
different host name.  In previous moves the server name was always (which has an mx record).The server it's on now has 
a different name and does not have an mx record.  I did add the old IP 
address to the public interface so DNS still points to that box as the 
mail server and by the name and I have that in /etc/hosts.

Unfortunately when mailman sends messages they fail to deliver to most 
of the list subscribers and the maillog shows that the helo used is the 
actual name of the server, not the name of the email server.  Naturally 
the receiving server disconnects when the names isn't right.

I could understand this with the move to the new server except every 
where I know to configure this (both postfix and mailman) I have the 
name configured as the URL of the host.  Regular email 
works fine from that box, just mailman is having a problem sending.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?
Steve Lindemann, MSIS   __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network \\//  against HTML/RTF email,
+1.970.242.3331 x116   //\\  vCards & M$ attachments

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Re: [Mailman-Users] configuration glitch causing mail delivery fail (FIXED)

2014-01-08 Thread Steve Lindemann

On 1/7/2014 4:40 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

On 01/07/2014 03:18 PM, Steve Lindemann wrote:

Unfortunately when mailman sends messages they fail to deliver to most
of the list subscribers and the maillog shows that the helo used is the
actual name of the server, not the name of the email server.  Naturally
the receiving server disconnects when the names isn't right.

How is Mailman delivering mail? If it is delivering to a local MTA on
localhost, how it identifies itself in HELO to this MTA is irrelevant as
it is this MTA, not Mailman that is attempting delivery to the recipient MX.

I could understand this with the move to the new server except every
where I know to configure this (both postfix and mailman) I have the
name configured as the URL of the host.  Regular email
works fine from that box, just mailman is having a problem sending.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?

In the normal case, Mailman relays mail through the local MTA (Postfix).
How Mailman identifies itself to this MTA is irrelevant as long as the
MTA accepts the mail from Mailman (does it)?

If the local postfix can deliver mail, but not Mailman's mail, the only
thing I can see that would affect this is the envelope sender which
would be LISTNAME-bounces@HOSTNAME where HOSTNAME is the list's
host_name attribute.

Damn... that was fun.  It took two things to get it working again.  I 
needed to rename the server to something with a mx record, in this case: vrs what it was.  AND I had to turn off ipv6 on the 
interfaces.  Mailman and postfix are on the same box.  Somehow the 
mailman messages where picking up the ipv6 localhost address as the 
source of the original message and it appears that being rejected by 
receiving servers.  Once I renamed the server and ditched ipv6 the 
messages started delivering again.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] configuration glitch causing mail delivery fail (FIXED)

2014-01-09 Thread Steve Lindemann

On 1/8/2014 5:46 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

On 01/08/2014 01:43 PM, Steve Lindemann wrote:

Somehow the
mailman messages where picking up the ipv6 localhost address as the
source of the original message ...

Probably because the /etc/hosts entry for 'localhost' is the ipv6 address.

oh damn... I never even thought to look there.  I really do need to 
remember to keep it simple and go with the basics.  Especially since 
turning ipv6 off in centos turned out to be a lot harder than I ever 
expected it should be.

The ipv6 localhost address was the second line in the hosts file and 
ipv4 was the first.  I thought the first line would have taken 
precedence unless mailman is specifically asking for the ipv6 localhost 

Either way, I've cleaned that up now too.  Thanks!
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Re: [Mailman-Users] really dumb question on getting started; extracting archive

2008-01-29 Thread Steve Lindemann

Holmes, Deb wrote:
> How do you unzip the .tar and .gz files prior to install?   For most
> applications that I'm running on my unix based web server, my process is to
> unzip on my Windows XP box prior to uploading to the web server.  I know
> basically nothing about unix except how to post files and write simple .cgi
> code. I'm wanting to install mailman in conjunction with a WordPress plug-in
> and am pretty much expecting that between WordPress and the WP mailman plug
> in I won't need to know very much about the unix stuff underneath.  But the
> archive format has me stumped before I even get out the gate.  

don't mess with the windoze system... just put the file in the directory 
on your *nix system that you want it unpacked in and:

$ tar -xf .tar

$ gunzip .gz

and for zipped tarballs (which I use a far bit):

$ tar -xzf .tar.gz

the man pages for tar and gunzip will explain all the switches, and 
there are a bunch, but you only need the ones shown to get what you 
want.  I usually add the -v switch (for verbose) as I like to see what's 

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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[Mailman-Users] bounce file questions

2008-02-12 Thread Steve Lindemann
I have two questions... I've looked at the FAQ and can't find the 
answer.  Not to say it isn't there but searching on the string "bounce" 
I didn't see an answer to either question.

1) Is it safe to delete a file hung up in mailman/qfiles/bounces?

I have one
-rw-rw 1 nobody mailman 3751 Jan  2 07:02 
that I think I can delete (contents are spam anyway)

2) Is it safe to delete a file "bounce-events-*.pck" hung up in 

I have one
-rw-rw 1 mailman mailman  5764 Jan 24 00:00 bounce-events-03252.pck
that isn't going away.  I've watched the directory and other 
bounce-events files have appeared and disappeared (eventually).

Just out of curiosity I checked the logs and:

# grep 1199282543.316215 /var/log/mailman/*
error.3:Jan 02 07:02:23 2008 (3252) Ignoring unparseable message: 
error.3:Jan 24 08:08:10 2008 (3281) Ignoring unparseable message: 

I'm assuming (and all that entails) that it is safe to simply delete 
these files, but wanted to check with anyone smarter about mailman than 
I'm likely to ever be first.  Thanks!
Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,
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email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Mailman-Users] how do I delete a pending subsc request for the mailman list

2008-03-26 Thread Steve Lindemann
When I installed mailman a default list called mailman was created (as 
I'm sure everyone here already knows) and I understood it was not used 
for anything but management.  I've pretty much ignored it since the 
initial installation.

Anyway, a member of one of our other lists somehow got herself listed as 
requesting a subscription to the mailman list.  I keep getting this 
message every morning:

> The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list has 1 request(s) waiting for your
> consideration at:
> Please attend to this at your earliest convenience.  This notice of
> pending requests, if any, will be sent out daily.
> Pending subscriptions:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Xxx, Xx) Mon Mar 17 13:36:44 2008

Following the provided link doesn't take me to the usual login page, 
instead I end up on the generic listinfo page 

I can log into the list management interface for the mailman list, but 
when I click on the link to "Tend to pending moderator requests" I end 
up on the same general listinfo page instead.

I found the controlling file(s) in /var/mailman/lists/mailman... 
leastwise the members name and address are in the request.pck file.  Can 
I simply delete request.pck (and/or request.db) to clear this?  Is there 
anything else I need to do to clear the pending subscription?  Thanks!

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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[Mailman-Users] list address in From: line post message to closed list

2008-04-03 Thread Steve Lindemann
I'm sorry, I'm just not sure what the best subject line would be for 
this... 8^(I'm sure this has been going on for ages, but it's only 
just recently been brought to my attention.

The problem - when the list email address is (spoofed) in the From: line 
(as well as being on the To: line) the message posts to the list.  The 
ability to post to the list is supposed to be restricted to only list 
members.  The list address is not in the list of list members.

Is this normal?  I checked the config and there did see anything to 
allow this behavior there.  Is the list email address automatically 
considered to be a member of the list?  I can always block it in 
"privacy options->sender filters", but should that even be necessary?  Help!

I checked what documentation I can find and couldn't find any mention of 
this behaviour.  I didn't have a clue how to look for it in the FAQ so I 
settled for reading the index and didn't see anything resembling this 
there either.
Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,
   url:   //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: +1.970.242.3331 ext 116
   fax: +1.970.245.7854

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Re: [Mailman-Users] list address in From: line post message to closed list

2008-04-03 Thread Steve Lindemann
Dragon wrote:
> Steve Lindemann sent the message below at 12:18 4/3/2008:
>> The problem - when the list email address is (spoofed) in the From: line
>> (as well as being on the To: line) the message posts to the list.  The
>> ability to post to the list is supposed to be restricted to only list
>> members.  The list address is not in the list of list members.
>> Is this normal?  I checked the config and there did see anything to
>> allow this behavior there.  Is the list email address automatically
>> considered to be a member of the list?  I can always block it in
>> "privacy options->sender filters", but should that even be necessary?  Help!
>  End original message. -
> This seemed rather strange to me too so I decided to test it on my 
> server. I have 2.1.10b3 installed from source on a Redhat machine. My 
> list is configured for posts from non-members to be discarded.
> I sent a message to one of my lists using the list address in the 
> From: header. The message was discarded as I expected it would be and 
> I confirmed this by an entry in the vette log.
> So it works on my installation as I expect it would. The question now 
> is, what is the difference between my source install and your 
> installation. Are you using a cPanel or Plesk version, or a version 
> installed from somebody else's package maybe through yum or something similar?
> Are you certain that the message was distributed via the list?
> Is it in the list archive?
> Can you match the message ID to one in the post log?
> If you can see it in the archive and post log then it did get 
> processed through mailman. If not, perhaps it was BCC'ed to your 
> address or there is something else going on with your MTA.
> Dragon

I'm running version 2.1.9, installed from a tarball on a Dell server 
running CentOS 5.  I administer from the command line and thru the web 
interface.  It's a pretty basic install.

I went thru the logs and saw the message hit our email server 
(originally from, it gets passed to 
mailman and I see the  post entry showing it's arrival into mailman then 
then smtp entry showing it's delivery back to the email server.  I 
confirmed the delivery to the 144 recipients (fortunately this is a 
small list) in the mail log.  I am one of the recipients on this list, 
but in my case spamassassin flagged the message and it gets filtered away.

I just widened my search thru the mailman logs and noticed some other 
lists (in the vette log) holding messages for moderation with the list 
email in the From: line.  So it does appear to be something in this 
specific list that's misconfigured.  I'm off to poke around the config 
again but I'd be very interested in any suggestions about what I might 
be looking for!?  My first pass thru the config I was looking for 
something that would allow this to happen and didn't see it.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] list address in From: line post message to closed list

2008-04-03 Thread Steve Lindemann
Dragon wrote:
> Steve Lindemann sent the message below at 14:43 4/3/2008:
>> Dragon wrote:
>>> Steve Lindemann sent the message below at 12:18 4/3/2008:
>>>> The problem - when the list email address is (spoofed) in the From: line
>>>> (as well as being on the To: line) the message posts to the list.  The
>>>> ability to post to the list is supposed to be restricted to only list
>>>> members.  The list address is not in the list of list members.
>>>> Is this normal?  I checked the config and there did see anything to
>>>> allow this behavior there.  Is the list email address automatically
>>>> considered to be a member of the list?  I can always block it in
>>>> "privacy options->sender filters", but should that even be necessary?  
>>>> Help!
>>>  End original message. -
>>> This seemed rather strange to me too so I decided to test it on my 
>>> server. I have 2.1.10b3 installed from source on a Redhat machine. 
>>> My list is configured for posts from non-members to be discarded.
>>> I sent a message to one of my lists using the list address in the 
>>> From: header. The message was discarded as I expected it would be 
>>> and I confirmed this by an entry in the vette log.
>>> So it works on my installation as I expect it would. The question 
>>> now is, what is the difference between my source install and your 
>>> installation. Are you using a cPanel or Plesk version, or a version 
>>> installed from somebody else's package maybe through yum or something 
>>> similar?
>>> Are you certain that the message was distributed via the list?
>>> Is it in the list archive?
>>> Can you match the message ID to one in the post log?
>>> If you can see it in the archive and post log then it did get 
>>> processed through mailman. If not, perhaps it was BCC'ed to your 
>>> address or there is something else going on with your MTA.
>>> Dragon
>> I'm running version 2.1.9, installed from a tarball on a Dell server 
>> running CentOS 5.  I administer from the command line and thru the 
>> web interface.  It's a pretty basic install.
> Now when you say it's from a tarball, is it a binary install or did 
> you compile it (configure, make, make install, etc.)?
> Where did you obtain this version?
> If it isn't from one of the links on the page linked below, it may 
> have been altered in some way by somebody else to conform to some 
> distribution specific criteria.
>> I went thru the logs and saw the message hit our email server 
>> (originally from, it gets passed to 
>> mailman and I see the  post entry showing it's arrival into mailman 
>> then then smtp entry showing it's delivery back to the email 
>> server.  I confirmed the delivery to the 144 recipients (fortunately 
>> this is a small list) in the mail log.  I am one of the recipients 
>> on this list, but in my case spamassassin flagged the message and it 
>> gets filtered away.
>> I just widened my search thru the mailman logs and noticed some 
>> other lists (in the vette log) holding messages for moderation with 
>> the list email in the From: line.  So it does appear to be something 
>> in this specific list that's misconfigured.  I'm off to poke around 
>> the config again but I'd be very interested in any suggestions about 
>> what I might be looking for!?  My first pass thru the config I was 
>> looking for something that would allow this to happen and didn't see it.
> If this is a stock install from the mailman source, I've pretty much 
> exhausted my ideas. The only settings I know that should affect the 
> ability to deliver an e-mail are:
> accept_these_nonmembers
> generic_nonmember_action
> header_filter_rules
> I've looked through all the other options and don't see anything 
> there that would possibly allow something through. The only other 
> thing I can think of is that this mail might have been held and 
> accidentally accepted or it might have been sent with an Approved: 
> header with the list or site password.
> Dragon

acquired the software with:

followed by many wget's of required perl modules and such
and installed the lot.  I recall rounds of configure,make,make test,make 
install for the perl module

Re: [Mailman-Users] list address in From: line post message to closed list

2008-04-03 Thread Steve Lindemann
Steve Lindemann wrote:
> Dragon wrote:
>> Steve Lindemann sent the message below at 14:43 4/3/2008:
>>> Dragon wrote:
>>>> Steve Lindemann sent the message below at 12:18 4/3/2008:
>>>>> The problem - when the list email address is (spoofed) in the From: line
>>>>> (as well as being on the To: line) the message posts to the list.  The
>>>>> ability to post to the list is supposed to be restricted to only list
>>>>> members.  The list address is not in the list of list members.
>>>>> Is this normal?  I checked the config and there did see anything to
>>>>> allow this behavior there.  Is the list email address automatically
>>>>> considered to be a member of the list?  I can always block it in
>>>>> "privacy options->sender filters", but should that even be necessary?  
>>>>> Help!
>>>>  End original message. -
>>>> This seemed rather strange to me too so I decided to test it on my 
>>>> server. I have 2.1.10b3 installed from source on a Redhat machine. 
>>>> My list is configured for posts from non-members to be discarded.
>>>> I sent a message to one of my lists using the list address in the 
>>>> From: header. The message was discarded as I expected it would be 
>>>> and I confirmed this by an entry in the vette log.
>>>> So it works on my installation as I expect it would. The question 
>>>> now is, what is the difference between my source install and your 
>>>> installation. Are you using a cPanel or Plesk version, or a version 
>>>> installed from somebody else's package maybe through yum or something 
>>>> similar?
>>>> Are you certain that the message was distributed via the list?
>>>> Is it in the list archive?
>>>> Can you match the message ID to one in the post log?
>>>> If you can see it in the archive and post log then it did get 
>>>> processed through mailman. If not, perhaps it was BCC'ed to your 
>>>> address or there is something else going on with your MTA.
>>>> Dragon
>>> I'm running version 2.1.9, installed from a tarball on a Dell server 
>>> running CentOS 5.  I administer from the command line and thru the 
>>> web interface.  It's a pretty basic install.
>> Now when you say it's from a tarball, is it a binary install or did 
>> you compile it (configure, make, make install, etc.)?
>> Where did you obtain this version?
>> If it isn't from one of the links on the page linked below, it may 
>> have been altered in some way by somebody else to conform to some 
>> distribution specific criteria.
>>> I went thru the logs and saw the message hit our email server 
>>> (originally from, it gets passed to 
>>> mailman and I see the  post entry showing it's arrival into mailman 
>>> then then smtp entry showing it's delivery back to the email 
>>> server.  I confirmed the delivery to the 144 recipients (fortunately 
>>> this is a small list) in the mail log.  I am one of the recipients 
>>> on this list, but in my case spamassassin flagged the message and it 
>>> gets filtered away.
>>> I just widened my search thru the mailman logs and noticed some 
>>> other lists (in the vette log) holding messages for moderation with 
>>> the list email in the From: line.  So it does appear to be something 
>>> in this specific list that's misconfigured.  I'm off to poke around 
>>> the config again but I'd be very interested in any suggestions about 
>>> what I might be looking for!?  My first pass thru the config I was 
>>> looking for something that would allow this to happen and didn't see it.
>> If this is a stock install from the mailman source, I've pretty much 
>> exhausted my ideas. The only settings I know that should affect the 
>> ability to deliver an e-mail are:
>> accept_these_nonmembers
>> generic_nonmember_action
>> header_filter_rules
>> I've looked through all the other options and don't see anything 
>> there that would possibly allow something through. The only other 
>> thing I can think of is that this mail might have been held and 
>> accidentally accepted or it might have been sent with an Approved: 
>> header with the list or site 

[Mailman-Users] non-subscriber managed to post to a subscriber only list

2009-01-26 Thread Steve Lindemann
Had something strange occur early Saturday morning.  A non-subscriber 
managed to successfully post to two member only lists (and, of course, 
it was spam).

The bogus sender ( is not a member 
of these member only lists and is not in the accept_these_nonmembers 
filter.  Other non-member posts are being caught and sent to moderation. 
 Is there something else that I should be looking at?

I checked the logs and the sender sent to 5 of our hosted lists.  They 
were caught (per the vette log) by 3 of those lists as a non-member, but 
posted successfully to the other 2 lists (per smtp and post logs).

I've checked the docs and faqs and haven't found a reference for 
something like this.  I've checked all the logs and the configs (via the 
web interface) on the two lists that posted allowed the post.  I can't 
find any reason for it and have to wonder if I'm checking everything. 
I've looked thru everything that makes sense and much that doesn't.  If 
I had hair I'd be pulling it out!

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,  //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
+1.970.242.3331 x116

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Re: [Mailman-Users] non-subscriber managed to post to a subscriber only list

2009-01-26 Thread Steve Lindemann

Lindsay Haisley wrote:

Is it possible that the list mod or admin password got out?  I believe
than anyone can post to a moderated list by putting an "Approved:
" header or pseudo-header in a post.

I'm on one of the lists that accepted the message (which is how it came 
to my attention) and I just rechecked the message header and didn't see 
anything resembling that...  would mailman remove it from the header for 
final delivery to the list members?  Regardless, I'll see to getting 
passwords changed, thanks.

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,  //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
+1.970.242.3331 x116

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Re: [Mailman-Users] non-subscriber managed to post to a subscriber only list

2009-01-26 Thread Steve Lindemann

Mark Sapiro wrote:

All the headers of the spam post. In a default installation, if any of
From:, Reply-To: or Sender: headers or the envelope sender as
reflected in the Unix From or Return-Path: header contains a member
address, the post will be deemed from that member.

Find the spam posts in archives/private/LISTNAME.mbox/LISTNAME.mbox.
The headers there should reflect the original except maybe for
Reply-To: if the list mungs that.

If that isn't the answer, then it is possible that, as Lindsay
suggests, the post contained an Approved: header with the list admin
or moderator password.

Rechecked the delivered message header and found the list bounces 
address in the Sender: and Return-Path: headers, but I thought that was 
normal on the delivered message.

Checked the archives and found the note "An HTML attachment was 
scrubbed..." and a link to the html portion of the message.  The rest of 
the message (including the header) appears to be missing from the archive.

I didn't think the -bounces address was considered a member of the 
list...  is it?

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,  //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
+1.970.242.3331 x116

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Re: [Mailman-Users] non-subscriber managed to post to a subscriberonly list

2009-01-26 Thread Steve Lindemann

Mark Sapiro wrote:

Steve Lindemann wrote:

Lindsay Haisley wrote:

Is it possible that the list mod or admin password got out?  I believe
than anyone can post to a moderated list by putting an "Approved:
" header or pseudo-header in a post.

I'm on one of the lists that accepted the message (which is how it came 
to my attention) and I just rechecked the message header and didn't see 
anything resembling that...  would mailman remove it from the header for 
final delivery to the list members?  Regardless, I'll see to getting 
passwords changed, thanks.

Yes, any Approve: or Approved: header will be removed from the post
whether or not the password is valid.

duh... I should have known, that only makes sense.  Sounds like the 
Approve: or Approved header is a likely candidate.  Getting those 
passwords fixed now.  Thanks.

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,  //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
+1.970.242.3331 x116

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Re: [Mailman-Users] non-subscriber managed to post to a subscriberonly list

2009-01-26 Thread Steve Lindemann

Mark Sapiro wrote:

Right. That's why you have to look at the raw archive mbox file (not
the html archive or the periodic .txt or .txt.gz file). That's the
only place that will have the original envelope sender in the "From "
separator and the original Sender:.

Thanks! Got it!  They spoofed a legitimate list member on the 
Return-Path:, which also showed up on the first ("From ") message header 
line.  The From:, Reply-To: reflected the purported spammer and there 
was no Sender: in the raw mbox file.  The good news is that there was no 
Approved: or Approve: but we're changing passwords anyway.

I don't suppose there's anything we can do about this other than change 
that particular user's email address... is there?

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,  //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
+1.970.242.3331 x116

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Re: [Mailman-Users] non-subscriber managed to post to a subscriber only list (SOLVED)

2009-01-26 Thread Steve Lindemann

Lindsay Haisley wrote:

On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 15:26 -0700, Steve Lindemann wrote:
Thanks! Got it!  They spoofed a legitimate list member on the 
Return-Path:, which also showed up on the first ("From ") message header 

Both of these reflect the envelope sender address used in the SMTP
dialog with the mail server.

I don't suppose there's anything we can do about this other than change 
that particular user's email address... is there?

You can restrict the set of headers used to identify subscribers using
the SENDER_HEADERS variable in, as Mark indicated.  By default
(in this is:

SENDER_HEADERS = ('from', None, 'reply-to', 'sender')

You can eliminate the envelope sender address from the mix by setting
this simply to:

SENDER_HEADERS = ('from', 'reply-to')

or drop 'reply-to' if you want to be even more restrictive.

Thanks... I like that solution much more better 8^)

...too many messages going by too quickly.  I skimmed Mark's message but 
since he was answering Grant's question I didn't read it as closely as I 
should have I'm going back now to read thru the thread more slowly.

Thanks to all!
Steve Lindemann __
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+1.970.242.3331 x116

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[Mailman-Users] can I resend new list creation welcome message?

2009-02-24 Thread Steve Lindemann
I've had several occasions where list admins have "lost" the initial 
welcome message they received when I created a new list for them.  Is 
there a way to resend that new list created message?

I've reviewed the docs and searched the archives (and google) and if 
it's there I missed it.  Thanks!

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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+1.970.242.3331 x116

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Re: [Mailman-Users] can I resend new list creation welcome message?

2009-02-25 Thread Steve Lindemann

Mark Sapiro wrote:

Steve Lindemann wrote:

I've had several occasions where list admins have "lost" the initial 
welcome message they received when I created a new list for them.  Is 
there a way to resend that new list created message?

Mailman can't resend the list created email with the password. You can
recreate the mail or even make a script to do it from the newlist.txt
template, but you can't get the password because it's encrypted.

Thank you Mark!  I don't really need the password in the message (nice 
to have, but not needed).  I can always deal with that separately if I 
have to.  Since most of the lists on my server only have one admin the 
other limitation shouldn't be an issue and I can always change which 
email address is listed first for the admin.  This will also be handy 
when the admin role for a list changes hands.

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,  //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
+1.970.242.3331 x116

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[Mailman-Users] old files in the shunt queue directory

2005-10-21 Thread Steve Lindemann
Courtesy of this list I latched onto the Mailman daily status report 
script.  Consequently I'm now aware of something I wasn't before...

I have 85 files in the shunt queue directory, most dated from 2 thru 4 
May and a pair dated 25 Aug.  They are all data files, so I can't simply 
'more' thru them for content.  The few I checked with 'strings' (and the 
old dates) lead me to believe they can all be trashed.

Is it safe to simply delete files from ../mailman/qfiles/shunt?

I have tried to find out for myself about what shunt is and what I can 
do with the directory, but there isn't much info available.  All I could 
find was to run ../bin/unshunt to handle the files.  But I don't want 
them handled, I want them gone.

Steve Lindemann
Network Administrator
Marmot Library Network, Inc.
email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Mailman-Users] easy question on python regular expressions

2006-05-25 Thread Steve Lindemann
On the *Privacy options->Sender filters* admin page there is a non-member 
filter to *accept_these_nonmembers*.  I would like to use a regular 
expression to accept all email from a particular domain.


Apparently I don't understand python regular expressions very well. 
Everything I try simply gets ignored when I submit the page.  Can someone 
out there *show* me what I need to use to accomplish the task.

Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,
   url:   //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: +1.970.242.3331 ext 16
   fax: +1.970.245.7854

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Re: [Mailman-Users] easy question on python regular expressions

2006-05-26 Thread Steve Lindemann
Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Steve Lindemann wrote:
>> I would like to use a regular 
>> expression to accept all email from a particular domain.
>> Can someone 
>> out there *show* me what I need to use to accomplish the task.
Thank you Mark!  Given the examples I could find and all the variations I 
tried I completely missed the trailing $ sign... *sigh*
Steve Lindemann __
Network Administrator  //\\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Marmot Library Network, Inc.   \\//  against HTML/RTF email,
   url:   //\\  vCards & M$ attachments
email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: +1.970.242.3331 ext 16
   fax: +1.970.245.7854

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Re: [Mailman-Users] I'd prefer clients had collapsing features, not top-post; do away with mailing list digests

2015-04-09 Thread Steve Lindemann

On 4/9/2015 1:25 AM, Danil Smirnov wrote:

The solutions is quite simple - use top-posting if you answering to
the very whole message or thread (like this).
It will save your time and would annoy nobody. (Don't forget to put

And your premise is wrong already.  Top posting on an email list is 
highly annoying to anyone that prefers to read context in order instead 
of upside down.  I, and MANY like me, read left to right and TOP TO 
BOTTOM... it's just one example of plain, old fashion, good email 
etiquette.  I realize there are those that don't read that way but they 
aren't posting to an email list using the English language either.

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