Re: MI New user needs help....

1999-11-23 Thread Richard Greenwood

>I would like to know how to combine each of the same layer in each tile
>map to one layer of the same feature to cover the entire regional map.
>The particular regional map has 16 of these smaller tile maps. For
>example, each of the tile maps has a layer called "contour". Rather than
>having sixteen contour layers, each covering 1/16th of the large map, I
>want to combine them into one layer to cover the entire larger map.

There are two ways you can do it:

1. Open the first "contour" layer. Then open another "contour" layer, which
MapInfo will offer to name "contour_2", which is fine. Then use the "Append
rows to table" function in the "Tables" menu to append "contour_2" to
"contour". Do this for each of the 16 tiles and when you are done "contour"
will have all the tiles. You should probably the save it with a different

2. Check out the "seamless table manager" tool. It will allow you to open
all 16 contour layers and then create a new layer that groups them all
together. They will still be 16 seperate tiles, but they will act like a
single layer in MapInfo. It is a very powerful tool. The main limitation
that I've come up against is that you can't query a seamless layer very

Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
(307) 733-0203 fax: 733-4018
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MI Unsubscirbe

1999-11-23 Thread S. Madhukeshwar

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RE: MI: errors in coordinates - update

1999-11-23 Thread Robert Crossley

Thanks for the replies.  The errors occur even though the layer I am 
editing is in the same projection bounds as the first layer open, and thus 
should be the same as the cosmetic layer (which also has the same bounds as 
the first table opened?).  I think I will try jacques' suggestion and 
create a map layer that is used instead of the cosmetic layer to add object 

It may be that there is no problem afterall however.  The difference may be 
in the display of adjoining polygons when they do not share all the same 
nodes.  (It was late - I was not looking for lateral solutions).  The 
problem manifests itself when you look closely at the adjoining line 
between two adjoining polygons, one of which is split with the mapbasic 
program.  There is a 4 cm gap.  However, if you add a node to the adjoining 
polygon (that was not split), the gap disappears.  I have noticed this 
phenomena before.  The question is "If a gap or overlap appears that 
MapInfo cannot see, does that gap or overlap really exist at all??

One problem in eliminating this problem is that overlaying the nodes of the 
unsplit polygon with the split polygon does not give another node in the 
unsplit polygon. (Obviously did not recognise it as overlapping).  I was 
forced to do some creative work arounds to cut the split line back with a 
20cm buffer around the original object, select out all the objects from the 
original layer  that intersect with this line object, update their objects 
with OverlayNodes(obj,PLIneObject), then go about splitting the other 
polygon as per original plan.  Works fine now

Some interesting phenomena on the way...
I have two previously adjoining polygons, of which I split one using the 
program written to split polygons with a line.  When you zoom i close along 
a adjoining boundary, they now appear to be separated by 4 cm.  When I 
 buffer one of the split objects by less than 5 cm while using the 
Australian Map Grid Projection, the resultant polygon is no different than 
the first.  If I make a buffer 5cm around the first polygon, you can see 
that it now overlaps the original adjoining polygon. Maybe it all in the 

Does not solve the issue of inaccuracies with the cosmetic layer, but hey, 
MapInfo could go the ArcView course and not allow you to display layers 
with different projections together at all - that would be a great 

-Original Message-
From:   Steve Wallace [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:40 AM
Subject:Re: MI: errors in coordinates

Did you see Eric's response? The cosmetic layer will have the coordsys and
bounds of the first table opened. Make sure you create the mapper with the
one you want to control the cosmetic layer, then add the rest of your 

Let us know how this works -- it may be that there are other problems Eric
didn't realize.


At 01:52 AM 11/24/1999 +1000, you wrote:
>As it so happens, I am reprogramming some functions in a MapBasic program
>at present and I am encountering problems with the coordinate shifts that
>have been discussed recently.
>In the program, the line is drawn into the cosmetic layer, the polygon in
>the editable layer.  Both objects are extracted to variables for
>processing, where the polygon object is split by the line into two
>polygons.  The process seems to work fine (BTW the extractnodes function 
>a great new feature).
>However, on closer inspection, there is a problem.  When the split polygon
>objects are added back to the original layer, they have shifted about 4cm
>from the original object.  This will mean that they no longer adjoin the
>neighbouring objects.  The split also occurs about 4cm from the original.
>  In light of the recent discussions, it all seems to make sense, but it
>does not help the situation.
>?? Any suggestions??  Its 2 AM here so I am going to bed, but maybe
>  tomorrow I will try overlaying nodes with neighbouring polygons etc. to
>see if that works... Or maybe buffer the polygons by 4cm and erase the
>result with the neighbouring polygons.
>Robert Crossley
>Trinity Software
>10 Trinity Street
>Parramatta Park
>CAIRNS   4870
>Phone: 61-7-40314877
>Fax: 61-7-40314810
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MI - Queries saved in workspaces

1999-11-23 Thread David J Jerrard

Hi all!

I am refining a MapBasic 4.1 application to run on MapInfo 4.1 and above.

I am interested in having my application notify the user of exactly which of
their session queries and selections will be saved in their workspaces.  They
can then be prompted to save those queries which would otherwise disappear.
Obviously for version 4.1 users, the answer is NONE.  Problem solved.

However as I have delved deeper into versions 4.5 and 5.5, I find that it gets a
bit trickier.
A)  If a user filters data from a base table using the SQL select menu, the
resulting "QueryN" query is saved in the workspace
B)  If a user uses the select tool to pick data from a map or browser (base
tables) and then either views the results (New Browser > Selection) or maps the
results (Add Map Layer > Selection) then the resulting "QueryN" table is NOT
saved to the workspace.

I have no problem with this, except that I cannot get my application to DETECT
how each of the "QueryN" queries / selections was created.  TableInfo() doesn't
distinguish between different query "tables" as far as I can see - and I have
looked pretty hard!  As a bit of a desperate measure I thought of trying to
parse the WindowInfo(, WIN_INFO_WORKSPACE) statement to see if that
indicates whether a query will be saved, but NONE of the query windows return a
result using this technique.

Has anybody else encountered this problem and come up with a workable solution?
All contributions gratefully received.


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MI New user needs help....

1999-11-23 Thread John Scott

I am trying to develop a regional map that consists of 'tiles' of other
maps.  These 'tiles' are 10 km square and each has several layers.  The
layers in each of the tile maps have the same name.

I would like to know how to combine each of the same layer in each tile
map to one layer of the same feature to cover the entire regional map.
The particular regional map has 16 of these smaller tile maps. For
example, each of the tile maps has a layer called "contour". Rather than
having sixteen contour layers, each covering 1/16th of the large map, I
want to combine them into one layer to cover the entire larger map.

Each of the tile maps have in excess of ten layers depicting various
geographic features.

I have searched through the manuals and the help file and I am still

John Scott

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MI 24 bit colour solution

1999-11-23 Thread Karl Kliparchuk

Hi all.

Thanks for all the replies to my query about the Registry Editor.  It is
called "regedit.exe" and is located in the \windows directory.  MI v5.5
sets the registry to use 24 bit colour, but I did not know that till
later.  The MI registry entry is in
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MapInfo\MapInfo\Common
and is a string key called UseTrueColor.  It has a value of 1 (on).


Terratech Mapping Services Inc.
Suite 201 - 7112 Russell Avenue
Burnaby, British ColumbiaProviding
CANADA   V5J 4R9 Geographic Solutions...

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MI free image viewer

1999-11-23 Thread Karl Kliparchuk

Does anybody have a FREE image viewer mbx so that you can click on a
point, for example, and have a bmp/jpg/gif file display?


Terratech Mapping Services Inc.
Suite 201 - 7112 Russell Avenue
Burnaby, British ColumbiaProviding
CANADA   V5J 4R9 Geographic Solutions...

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MI Area Measuring Tool?

1999-11-23 Thread Ed Sloat

Is there a utility for MapInfo which allows the user to draw a polygon and
have the area (square feet, square miles, acres, etc..) be interactively
displayed? Have I simply missed this basic function in the program. I am
using MapInfo 5.0 Professional.

Thanks to anyone who can help with this (seemingly simple) request.

Ed Sloat, Director  PUSD Web Site:
Office of Research and Planning Research Web Site:
Peoria Unified School District
6330 West Thunderbird Road
Glendale, Arizona  85306
Phone:  (623)486-6077
Pager: (602)498-9031

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MI Ad: Nov. GIS Newsmagazine is on-line

1999-11-23 Thread glenn

The GeoCommunity has just made available the on-line version of Issue #
11 of our Free monthly GIS NewsMagazine - "SpatialNews"
Get it at

You could win a copy of "Getting to Know ArcView GIS" from ESRI Press.
You'll need to locate the answers to 5 questions by simply reading this
months edition of SpatialNews. Details can be found at

This month we've highlighted the following:
- The latest in Community Crime Mapping
- a source for free Canadian spatial data
- GIS book Highlight
- highlight of several GIS Educational Resources
- comments on ArcView training materials
- Glossary of GIS terms
- Pointers to lots of Free Stuff!
- webmaster tips on distibuting your news
- Geo Classified ads
and more...

Glenn Letham, editor
The GeoCommunity

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Re: MI Re: Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

1999-11-23 Thread David Bruce

Is the underlying cause that you are describing related to the
programming anomaly which causes a non-cosmetic layer, created AFTER
original layers in a workspace are created by translating AutoCAD R13
.dxf files into MapInfo tables, to collapse to the 'limits' of the .dxf

The collapsing of new objects (definitely lines and polygons, and
presumably points) to the nearest edge of the minimum bounding rectangle
which would coincide to the .dxf 'limits' or 'extent' cannot be stopped
without correctly executing the Bounds clause in a CoordSys statement. 
I managed to do this only once; otherwise, I have to return to AutoCAD
and create a dummy rectangle with extents large enough to encompass the
MapInfo bounds I need to work in.  When the .dxf of this rectangle is
converted and added to the workspace, object creation is no longer

Conditions are: MI4.5, Indiana State Plane Coordinates, 1983, units=feet

David Bruce

> Thanks for posting this, Steve. As it so happens, a MapInfo partner
> mentioned the same issue at the Partner Conference!  To some folks, the
> reason why this issue has not been addressed by 'bounding' the cosmetic
> layer may not be completely obvious.
> Currently, when the cosmetic layer is created, it is assigned a coordinate
> system that is basically the same as that of the first layer in the map.
> So, if you have a MapBasic or Workspace command that says:
> Map from , , etc.
> the cosmetic layer will have the same coordinate system as table !.
> This is just a convention established long ago which creates a cosmetic
> layer with a reasonable coordinate system and avoids having to prompt the
> user for information that they might not know or care about. They might not
> even use the cosmetic layer.
> However, the coordinate system is unbounded because we have no idea if
> people will want to add objects to this layer outside those bounds.  I
> guess having ones data truncated to the bounds seems worse than the
> opposite behavior described by Steve.
> One way we might improve this would be to add an optional cosmetic layer
> coordinate system clause to the "Map" command. Whatever it specified would
> be accepted outside of error conditions such as Non-earth and earth systems
> mixing.  This would free developers up from the caring about the first
> table.
> The second part of my idea would be to add a user preference specifying
> some form of these same options for new Map Windows created.  Perhaps
> something as simple as a choice of bounding or unbounding the cosmetic
> layer or possibly explicit preferences as to the coordinate system. whether
> it is derived from the first table or not, etc.  With some extra work, a
> Set Map Layer Cosmetic command could even alter the system after creation
> Your input is appreciated.
> Eric Blasenheim
> MapInfo Corporation
> Steve Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/18/99 07:45:49 PM
> To:   MapInfo-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:(bcc: Eric Blasenheim/MapInfo Corp)
> Subject:  Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause
> Something that might interest those of you who use the MapInfo "Bounds"
> clause to increase the precision of your maps -- don't use the Cosmetic
> Layer to transfer data around. I had been wondering why some of my
> points/lines would move around from time to time. The distances were very
> small, to the point where some might argue, "Why does it matter?" But the
> problem is, the Object Processing notices these small differences, leaving
> you will all kinds of unwanted spikes and slivers when you split or erase
> objects.
> The problem is that I, like many of you, use the Cosmetic Layer when
> editing maps. In fact, when I first noticed the problem was going through
> the prescribed method taught by MapInfo for fixing self-intersecting
> polygon errors flagged by MapCheck. When I copied a string of nodes from my
> bounded map to the cosmetic layer, then transformed to a region and went
> back to process this against my original, the region in the cosmetic layer
> was slightly offset from the original.
> This is because the Cosmetic Layer is unbounded -- you lose any increased
> precision from your bounded objects when you paste them info the cosmetic
> layer.
> WORK-AROUND: If you work with bounded data, create a blank layer with the
> same bounds clause and use it like you would your cosmetic layer when you
> need to put/process objects in a temporary layer.
> This certainly explains why I have so many unwanted artifacts in my maps...
> Steve Wallace
> GIS & Market Information Manager
> Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies
> --
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Re: MI display street maps (USA)

1999-11-23 Thread JDKetcham

I have been doing aggressive mapping and modeling with the DataMetrix 
StreetMetrix product for close to six months now and have been very pleased 
with the product.  I like the set because it comes with a comprehensive 
demographics coverage and has a nationwide major streets classification, 
which is necessary to most of my projects.  The StreetMetrixPlus product 
comes packaged with traffic counts as well and their Autoloader is far better 
than the others I have worked with.  You can check them out at... or

Happy hunting.

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MI 24 bit colour

1999-11-23 Thread Karl Kliparchuk

Hi all.

I am trying to change the Registry of my computer so that MI uses 24 bit
colour.  I know that this topic has been discussed before, but I do not
know how to find the Registry Editor.  Windows Help is not very
helpful.  Can somebody please let me know how to access the registry
with the registry editor?  Thanks.


Terratech Mapping Services Inc.
Suite 201 - 7112 Russell Avenue
Burnaby, British ColumbiaProviding
CANADA   V5J 4R9 Geographic Solutions...

Tel: (604) 437-MAPS (6277)   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: (604) 433-5715
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Re: MI Re: Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

1999-11-23 Thread Mats Elfström

> However, the coordinate system (of the cosmetic layer - my comment) is unbounded 
>because we have no idea if
> people will want to add objects to this layer outside those bounds.  I
> guess having ones data truncated to the bounds seems worse than the
> opposite behavior described by Steve.

Hi All!
I most definitely disagree!

I think it makes perfect sense to use the same coordinate system and the
_same bounds_ (thus the same resolution) as the first map layer for the
cosmetic layer.
It should not be optional.

This is because I think it is unlikely that the average user would want
to add objects outside the visibly mapped area.
On the other hand, that user will more likely use the cosmetic layer as
a transfer place for map editing. 

And if the cosmetic layer should allow for drawing outside the bounds of
the current 'first layer', those objects could not be stored there
without increasing the bounds anyway.

I'd like to make another suggestion - perhaps it would be possible to
change the drawing cursor when you leave the bounds of the editable
Make it flip to a stop sign, or a red X on the black +.

Then the user would get a visible signal that something is amiss.

Regards, Mats.E
:Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#9517386   :
:Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
:Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935   :
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RE: MI Re: Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

1999-11-23 Thread Thomas Gülden

Dear Eric,

I would include all the options you mentioned into the product (as long they
fit together) to keep the options as flexible as possible. Also there should
be corresponding MapBasic statements if they aren't already there.

Kind regards

Thomas Gülden

Email (privat):  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Email (dienstl.):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 4:15 AM
To: Steve Wallace
Cc: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI Re: Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

Thanks for posting this, Steve. As it so happens, a MapInfo partner
mentioned the same issue at the Partner Conference!  To some folks, the
reason why this issue has not been addressed by 'bounding' the cosmetic
layer may not be completely obvious.

Currently, when the cosmetic layer is created, it is assigned a coordinate
system that is basically the same as that of the first layer in the map.
So, if you have a MapBasic or Workspace command that says:

Map from , , etc.

the cosmetic layer will have the same coordinate system as table !.
This is just a convention established long ago which creates a cosmetic
layer with a reasonable coordinate system and avoids having to prompt the
user for information that they might not know or care about. They might not
even use the cosmetic layer.

However, the coordinate system is unbounded because we have no idea if
people will want to add objects to this layer outside those bounds.  I
guess having ones data truncated to the bounds seems worse than the
opposite behavior described by Steve.

One way we might improve this would be to add an optional cosmetic layer
coordinate system clause to the "Map" command. Whatever it specified would
be accepted outside of error conditions such as Non-earth and earth systems
mixing.  This would free developers up from the caring about the first
The second part of my idea would be to add a user preference specifying
some form of these same options for new Map Windows created.  Perhaps
something as simple as a choice of bounding or unbounding the cosmetic
layer or possibly explicit preferences as to the coordinate system. whether
it is derived from the first table or not, etc.  With some extra work, a
Set Map Layer Cosmetic command could even alter the system after creation

Your input is appreciated.

Eric Blasenheim
MapInfo Corporation

Steve Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/18/99 07:45:49 PM

cc:(bcc: Eric Blasenheim/MapInfo Corp)
Subject:  Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

Something that might interest those of you who use the MapInfo "Bounds"
clause to increase the precision of your maps -- don't use the Cosmetic
Layer to transfer data around. I had been wondering why some of my
points/lines would move around from time to time. The distances were very
small, to the point where some might argue, "Why does it matter?" But the
problem is, the Object Processing notices these small differences, leaving
you will all kinds of unwanted spikes and slivers when you split or erase

The problem is that I, like many of you, use the Cosmetic Layer when
editing maps. In fact, when I first noticed the problem was going through
the prescribed method taught by MapInfo for fixing self-intersecting
polygon errors flagged by MapCheck. When I copied a string of nodes from my
bounded map to the cosmetic layer, then transformed to a region and went
back to process this against my original, the region in the cosmetic layer
was slightly offset from the original.

This is because the Cosmetic Layer is unbounded -- you lose any increased
precision from your bounded objects when you paste them info the cosmetic

WORK-AROUND: If you work with bounded data, create a blank layer with the
same bounds clause and use it like you would your cosmetic layer when you
need to put/process objects in a temporary layer.

This certainly explains why I have so many unwanted artifacts in my maps...

Steve Wallace
GIS & Market Information Manager
Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies

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FW: MI mobile phones warning

1999-11-23 Thread Bruce Blais

I am not sure #90 works for most modern mobile telephone systems. In some 
PABX systems, ones where you have to dial 9 for an outside line, this 
action transfers the caller to the system. From here, they can make an 
outbound call, long distance or international if the owner allows them, 
using the system. Do not dial anything for someone claiming to be from the 
telephone company. The TELCO has ways to test without the customer's 
involvement, and any such a call should be reported to the fraud 
investigation department.

Best regards,

Bruce B. Blais
Principal Consultant
PCN Professionals, Inc.
Wireless Telecom Specialists
Richardson (Dallas), Texas USA

-Original Message-
Sent:   Tuesday, November 23, 1999 08:01
To: Bethan Thomas; Jon Slater; Lorraine Hansford; Louise; mark lidstone 
attachments; Mike Jefferies; Mike Tolfrey; Oli Cooke; Paul Leeming 
attachments; Rob Mills; Ruth Baker; Simon Hall; Sullivan Anthony MSM CLRD 
GB; mapinfo mailing list
Subject:MI mobile phones warning

 This may be UK only - I don't know
>   Please be aware of the following:-
>   If you get a phone call on your mobile from a cellnet, one 2 one or 
>vodafone engineer, telling you that they are doing a check on
your phone and that you have to press #90 or 09#.
>   There is a fraud company on the go who have devised a device
that once you have pressed #90 or 09#, they can access your SIM CARD and 
make calls from it at your expense.  Tell as many people as you know that 
 have mobile phones to put this to an end.

This may be UK only - I don't know
Please be aware of the 
following:->>   If you get a 
phone call on your mobile from a cellnet, one 2 one or >vodafone 
engineer, telling you that they are doing a check onyour phone and that you 
have to press #90 or 09#.>>   
There is a fraud company on the go who have devised a devicethat once you 
have pressed #90 or 09#, they can access your SIM CARD and make calls from 
it at your expense.  Tell as many people as you know that  have 
mobile phones to put this to an end.

MI Mobile phones warning=urban legend

1999-11-23 Thread Stephen Baig

Did a Deja search for "Mobile Phones Warning"  and turned up the following.

  > Just caught this little snippet -
  > > > Subject: Mobile.Phone Fraud
  > > >
  Sorry Ray, load of spherical objects. Discussed
extensively in and almost getting enough whiskers to
become an urban legend in its own lifetime.
  Seems the latest incarnation came via Oz, though I seem
to remember seeing something similar a few years back
  from the US. These from Deja. Also try and search for .
  In article
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 13 Jul 
  1999 15:55:02 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]é said...
  > Supposedly, someone will call you on your GSM and ask
you to press
  > 09# or 90# claiming it's to test your telephone.
  > If you do this your GSM is supposed to transmit your
unique card
  > number to the other party wich will then be able to use
it at your
  > expence to make a copy of your card.
  > It has, I think, all the major symptoms of a UL, it
starts by claiming
  > that it's from an well known governmental office, and
ends by telling
  > you to thansmit this information to as many as you
possibly can.
  This has been in the UK for a while, taken seriously by
all sorts of people, finally firmly denied by the cellular
  networks (only finally, some were involved for a while in
spreading it).
  It's a morph of an AT&T story about pabx's being
vulnerable to a 90 scam, which had some truth behind it but then
  changed to residential phones then to cellular. The first
thing I can find about it is:
  A Telstra press release:
  Telstra debunks nine zero # myth
  18 November, 1998
  Telstra today declared that a widespread rumour that an
unathorised caller could access a customer's mobile
  telephone service by asking the owner to dial 9 0 #
(hash) was a myth.
  National General Manager, Mobile Networks, Mr Kevin
Phillips said, "Dialling 90# absolutely will NOT allow a third
  party to access your mobile phone to make calls on your
account or otherwise to interfere with your mobile
  "This is the case for any Telstra service, however it is
also true for any mobile service on any network in Australia."
  Mr Phillips said the urban myth appeared to have been
propagated world-wide through email and internet sources
  and is likely to have started from a scam effecting
PABX's (fixed network Private Automatic Exchanges) in the USA
  some years ago.
  "It has no relevance to Australia or to mobile services,"
Mr Phillips said. 
  Media enquiries:
  Anton Jones
  Public Affairs Manager - NTG&M
  (07) 3832 5018
  0419 313 629
  --end quote--
  --next quote--
  In article <7ik5ia$32m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Wombat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > I work for what (to spare any blushes) I will describe
as a medium sized law
  > enforcement agency somewhere in the UK.  Recently a
communication was put
  > out on our General Orders, by the Head of
Communications, that all owners of
  > mobile phones should be wary of calls from people
claiming to be working for
  > their telephone company (I think Vodaphone in
particular was mentioned), and
  > asking them to dial #09.
  False.  False, even for the sequence of buttons that the
UL is
  actually about: 90#, not #09.
  This story was vectored by the BBC TV programme
_Watchdog_ in a
  spur-of-the-moment broadcast of something a phone-in
viewer warned th

MI display street maps (USA)

1999-11-23 Thread Joshua Ostroff

Have you recently evaluated street files for display purposes in MI (e.g.
MapInfo Streetworks, Wessex Streets 6.0, US Digital Atlas 1999?)  I'd like
to know what you chose and why.  Thanks,

Josh Ostroff

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Polyconic Projection Problems using MI5.5 and MB5.5

1999-11-23 Thread Michael Chung

Hi there,

I appear to have a problem utilizing the Polyconic projection within MapInfo
I need to get the the extents of a map window (which I am able to do) but
hit a problem when I use the Polyconic Projection.
When I attempt to use the MapperInfo() function to determine the MinX and
MinY of a map window - the function returns the origin of longitude value.
The MinY and MaxY values are unaffected.  Please help!!!

To produce the problem please:

1) Open Map Window in MapInfo.
2) Change the map's coordinate system to a Brazilian polyconic projection.
Set xy and distance units to meters.
3) Open a Map Basic Window.
4) Paste the following code into the MapBasic window or into an MapBasic

Dim wid as integer
dim maxx as float
dim maxy as float
dim minx as float
dim miny as float

wid = frontWindow()
Set Coordsys Window wid

minx = MapperInfo(wid,5)
miny = MapperInfo(wid,6)
maxx = MapperInfo(wid,7)
maxy = MapperInfo(wid,8)

print "minx: "+Format$(minx,"0.00")
print "miny: "+Format$(miny,"0.00")
print "maxx: "+Format$(maxx,"0.00")
print "maxy; "+Format$(maxy,"0.00")

5) Pay particular attention to the minx and maxx values.
6) Use your cursor to manually see what the minx and maxx coordinates are in
the map window.
7) Compare the X values from print statements with the X values determined
using the cursor over the map window

We need to know the extents of a map window because the product that we
produce allows clients to produce proper scaled
maps (using a layout window).  We cannot support the Polyconic projection
without these values being correct.  A map will be produced of course but
not to the proper scale.
Our Scalebar and annotation around the map border will be incorrect also.

Try again, using say a UTM Projection and compare..


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MI subscribe

1999-11-23 Thread Regina Due
Title: MI subscribe

MI: errors in coordinates

1999-11-23 Thread Robert Crossley

As it so happens, I am reprogramming some functions in a MapBasic program 
at present and I am encountering problems with the coordinate shifts that 
have been discussed recently.

In the program, the line is drawn into the cosmetic layer, the polygon in 
the editable layer.  Both objects are extracted to variables for 
processing, where the polygon object is split by the line into two 
polygons.  The process seems to work fine (BTW the extractnodes function is 
a great new feature).

However, on closer inspection, there is a problem.  When the split polygon 
objects are added back to the original layer, they have shifted about 4cm 
from the original object.  This will mean that they no longer adjoin the 
neighbouring objects.  The split also occurs about 4cm from the original. 
 In light of the recent discussions, it all seems to make sense, but it 
does not help the situation.

?? Any suggestions??  Its 2 AM here so I am going to bed, but maybe 
 tomorrow I will try overlaying nodes with neighbouring polygons etc. to 
see if that works... Or maybe buffer the polygons by 4cm and erase the 
result with the neighbouring polygons.

Robert Crossley
Trinity Software
10 Trinity Street
Parramatta Park
CAIRNS   4870

Phone: 61-7-40314877
Fax: 61-7-40314810

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MI Drag and Drop problem

1999-11-23 Thread Leduc, Yannick


I need some explanation. I  "Drag and Drop" a mapper into an Excel
sheet. Everything works fine except that I have polygons with incomplet
filling. The problem occurs with large mapper window. When width exceed 10
inches, filling is missing. It's frustrating to bring the mapper into Excel
and find out that the lake is half blue, half transparent. Could it be a
lack of memory? Is there a maximum dimension for a mapper window to be
successfully drag and drop? In the end, I want to bring 11"x17" MapInfo maps
into Excel.

Yannick Leduc
Ministère des Transports
Direction de la Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec
Service des inventaires et du Plan

tél.: (819) 371-6606  #331
fax: (819) 371-6136

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MI limit to number of tables open ?

1999-11-23 Thread Elliot Tinton EG CEFAS

Hello All,

Can anyone tell me if there is a limit to the number of tables that can be open at 
once in MapInfo ?  I keep getting an error message saying ' out of disk space while 
editing table' but I'm sure it used to work with this many tables open and I have 
plenty of free space on my PC.   Any ideas ?



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Legend problems - close MI

1999-11-23 Thread bagge

Dear All

Don't do this!!!

Any information's or help on the following problem?

1. Crate a thematic Map

2. Close the corresponding Legend

3. Create a new Legend


you choose the Thematic Map (no other map),

change the orientation to Landscape (instead of Portrait as in the
Thematic Map default)

and MI will CLOSE without any information at all

I'll crate a Legend below a Map in a layout!

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen
The National Museum of Denmark, DKC
Ny Vestergade 11, Baghuset, 2. sal.
1471 København K
Tlf.: (+45) 33473088
Fax: (+45) 33473007

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MI mobile phones warning

1999-11-23 Thread Andy

This may be UK only - I don't know
Please be aware of the 
following:->>   If you get a 
phone call on your mobile from a cellnet, one 2 one or >vodafone 
engineer, telling you that they are doing a check onyour phone and that you 
have to press #90 or 09#.>>   
There is a fraud company on the go who have devised a devicethat once you 
have pressed #90 or 09#, they can access your SIM CARD and make calls from 
it at your expense.  Tell as many people as you know that  have 
mobile phones to put this to an end.

MI coordsys clause

1999-11-23 Thread W . Laan

I am trying to rotate and move maps (nonearth, meters) and would like to 
try  this with the coordsys clause with an affine transformation.
I am having some difficulties determining de affine parameters. 
can someone help me? 

I have tried this little program and it doesn't work

'move a map 500 meters east and north

include "mapbasic.def"
declare sub main
sub main
Commit Table tomove As "c:\temp\"
CoordSys Nonearth
Units  "m"
Affine Units "m",1,0,500,1,0,500
Bounds (0, 0) (275000,625000)
end sub

Walter Laan

Archeologisch Diensten Centrum
Energieweg 14
3751 LT Bunschoten
telnr: 033-2998181
faxnr: 033-2998180
Let op nieuw email adres!

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MI Re: Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

1999-11-23 Thread Eric_Blasenheim

Thanks for posting this, Steve. As it so happens, a MapInfo partner
mentioned the same issue at the Partner Conference!  To some folks, the
reason why this issue has not been addressed by 'bounding' the cosmetic
layer may not be completely obvious.

Currently, when the cosmetic layer is created, it is assigned a coordinate
system that is basically the same as that of the first layer in the map.
So, if you have a MapBasic or Workspace command that says:

Map from , , etc.

the cosmetic layer will have the same coordinate system as table !.
This is just a convention established long ago which creates a cosmetic
layer with a reasonable coordinate system and avoids having to prompt the
user for information that they might not know or care about. They might not
even use the cosmetic layer.

However, the coordinate system is unbounded because we have no idea if
people will want to add objects to this layer outside those bounds.  I
guess having ones data truncated to the bounds seems worse than the
opposite behavior described by Steve.

One way we might improve this would be to add an optional cosmetic layer
coordinate system clause to the "Map" command. Whatever it specified would
be accepted outside of error conditions such as Non-earth and earth systems
mixing.  This would free developers up from the caring about the first
The second part of my idea would be to add a user preference specifying
some form of these same options for new Map Windows created.  Perhaps
something as simple as a choice of bounding or unbounding the cosmetic
layer or possibly explicit preferences as to the coordinate system. whether
it is derived from the first table or not, etc.  With some extra work, a
Set Map Layer Cosmetic command could even alter the system after creation

Your input is appreciated.

Eric Blasenheim
MapInfo Corporation

Steve Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/18/99 07:45:49 PM

cc:(bcc: Eric Blasenheim/MapInfo Corp)
Subject:  Problem discovered w/Bounds Clause

Something that might interest those of you who use the MapInfo "Bounds"
clause to increase the precision of your maps -- don't use the Cosmetic
Layer to transfer data around. I had been wondering why some of my
points/lines would move around from time to time. The distances were very
small, to the point where some might argue, "Why does it matter?" But the
problem is, the Object Processing notices these small differences, leaving
you will all kinds of unwanted spikes and slivers when you split or erase

The problem is that I, like many of you, use the Cosmetic Layer when
editing maps. In fact, when I first noticed the problem was going through
the prescribed method taught by MapInfo for fixing self-intersecting
polygon errors flagged by MapCheck. When I copied a string of nodes from my
bounded map to the cosmetic layer, then transformed to a region and went
back to process this against my original, the region in the cosmetic layer
was slightly offset from the original.

This is because the Cosmetic Layer is unbounded -- you lose any increased
precision from your bounded objects when you paste them info the cosmetic

WORK-AROUND: If you work with bounded data, create a blank layer with the
same bounds clause and use it like you would your cosmetic layer when you
need to put/process objects in a temporary layer.

This certainly explains why I have so many unwanted artifacts in my maps...

Steve Wallace
GIS & Market Information Manager
Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies

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MI Perimeter percentage

1999-11-23 Thread Dick Hoskins

I would like to determine the nearest neighbors to say, the 
zipcodes in my State (WA) and then 
calculate the length of the perimeter shared by each nearest 
neighbor. Can someone get me started with an approach in MapBasic or MI 5.5 pro? 


MI Clip region problem

1999-11-23 Thread Tim Morrissey

Dear List,

I have been producing maps of Europe using Azimuthal equal area (north pole)
projection in MI 5.5
I want to be able to set a clip region that encompases everything in the
mapper but whenever I try (using a polygon in the cosmetic layer) the
resulting region misses out most of Greenland and sometime the top of
Scandinavia as well.
I have been assuming this is because of the projection but haven't been able
to find a way round it.
Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

Tim Morrissey
Research Assistant
BirdLife International
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road
Cambridge, CB3 0NA
   Tel: +44 (0) 1223 277318
   Fax: +44 (0) 1223 277200

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Re: MI Populating an object's column with the Easting and Northing values of the object

1999-11-23 Thread Patrick van der Deijl

This is a known bug. This is the right procedure:

Just update one column with x-coordinates

select 'Map-Options-projection' and choose a different projection (doesn't
matter which one)

press 'OK'

choose 'projection' again and choose the British system

press 'OK'

again update column with x-coordinates

you'll see that the column has the right coordinates in it

also update the y-coordinate column and you're done

Patrick van der Deijl
Adnitt Nick wrote:
Learned Friends,
A simple request, I just want to update two columns with the X and Y
coordinates of the object so that when I export the table I get one
delimited ASCII file with the attributes AND the coordinates of the
I have used the CentroidX(obj) and CentroidY(obj) functions but they
the Longitude and Latitude of the object and NOT the British National
coordinates in metres that the original MapInfo table is in.
Any ideas.?
Nick Adnitt - Business Analyst
Southampton City Council
Phone: 023 8083 3092
Fax: 023 8083 3338
Mobile: 07899 060732
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MI5.5, SpatialWare2.2 ODBC Error

1999-11-23 Thread Tim Ch

Dear All
I was wondering if someone could unscramble this error.

ODBC Error: ODBC RC=-1, ODBC SQLState=37000,
DBMS RC=0, DBMS Msg=[SpatialWare ODBC (2.2-32)]
Failure in Parsing - Spatial-SQL Statement ORA-01786:
FOR UPDATE of this query is not allowed -

We are using SpatialWare 2.2 (Oracle 7.3.2.Etc) and our recently upgraded 
MI5.5 - this error doesn't occur with 5. Even more annoyingly it downloads 
the table but interrupts with the rest of the code by halting my MB app 
right there.
The error message above was generated using the manual opening "of the DBMS 
To open in my app I use something like the following:-

dim conNum as integer
If ConNum = 0 then
ConNum = server_connect ("qelib","DSN=ODBCCONNECT")
End If
server conNum link table
"select * from MYTABLE"

Some of the other tables work quite happily but this table is "non-mappable" 
but contains important FKey information.
If anyone knows of this problem or can answer my query I'd be most 

Tim Chinchen (GIS Systems Developer)
I.T. Services Bournemouth Borough Council
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Re: MI legend manager trouble

1999-11-23 Thread Andy

I have MI 5.5 and cartographic legends are fine. Is there any error that
springs up when your client
tries to produce them?


- Original Message -
From: jchgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MapInfo Help <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:24 PM
Subject: MI legend manager trouble

> Dear listers:
> A client called with a problem: Legend Manager that comes with MI 5.5
> totally refuses to create or deal with anything exept thematic legends.
> Cartographic legends are totally not supported, as far as I can see.
> What's up? It used to be able to handle them fine (client sais).
> --
> Sonya Nikolsky
> Production Manager
> JCH GeoInfo
> 3600 University Dr
> Durham NC 27707
> (919)493-9339 Phone
> --
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MI Populating an object's column with the Easting and Northing values of the object

1999-11-23 Thread Adnitt Nick

Learned Friends,

A simple request, I just want to update two columns with the X and Y
coordinates of the object so that when I export the table I get one comma
delimited ASCII file with the attributes AND the coordinates of the object.

I have used the CentroidX(obj) and CentroidY(obj) functions but they return
the Longitude and Latitude of the object and NOT the British National grid
coordinates in metres that the original MapInfo table is in.

Any ideas.?


Nick Adnitt - Business Analyst
Southampton City Council
Phone: 023 8083 3092
Fax: 023 8083 3338
Mobile: 07899 060732

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