[Marxism] What's new at Links: Thailand, B olivia, N-power, Greens, Philippines, Chicka Dix on, Canada, COSATU on Terre’Blanche, Québec, Oscar Romero, climate

2010-04-12 Thread glparramatta
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What's new at Links: Thailand, Bolivia, N-power, Greens, Philippines, 
Chicka Dixon, Canada, COSATU on Terre’Blanche, Québec, Oscar Romero, climate

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Thailand: Asia-Pacific left statement -- `Resolve crisis through
democracy, not crackdown!' http://links.org.au/node/1613

By *Socialist Party of Malaysia* (PSM), *Working People's Association* 
(PRP) of Indonesia, *People’s Democratic Party* (PRD) of Indonesia, 
*Turn Left Thailand*, *Partido Lakas ng Masa* (PLM) of the Philippines*, 
Socialist Alliance* of Australia, *Solidarity* (Australia)
April 10, 2010 -- We are deeply concerned over the current situation in 
Thailand where military-backed Prime Minister Ahbisit Vejjajiva has 
declared a state of emergency and started a bloody crackdown amidst 
escalating protests calling for a fresh election.

* Read more http://links.org.au/node/1613

Bolivia: Bittersweet victory highlights obstacles for process of
change http://links.org.au/node/1611

By *Federico Fuentes*, Caracas
April 10, 2010 Although final figures will not be known until April 24, 
the results of Bolivia's April 4 regional elections have ratified the 
continued advance of the democratic and cultural revolution led by the 
country's first Indigenous president, Evo Morales. However, it also 
highlights some of the shortcomings and obstacles the process of change 

* Read more http://links.org.au/node/1611

(Updated April 11) Thailand: Tyrants shoot the people to cling to
power; Time for immediate fresh elections

*STOP PRESS -- April 10, 2010*

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*

Soldiers armed with live and rubber bullets and CS gas have attacked the 
peaceful pro-democracy Red Shirts at various spots in the centre of 
Bangkok. At least 15 people, Red Shirts and one Japanese Reuters 
reporter, have been shot dead by armed troops using automatic weapons, 
and tanks [were used] against peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators. 
Hundreds more people have been injured. The military-backed government 
of Abhisit Vejjajiva has blood on its hands and should resign 
immediately. Some soldiers have been taken prisoner and weapons seized. 
Red Shirts outside Bangkok have seized many provincial headquarters.

* Read more http://links.org.au/node/1610

Why James Hansen is wrong on nuclear power

By *Renfrey Clarke*
April 8, 2010 -- “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you 
do, sir?” Attributed to economist J.M. Keynes, that retort has always 
been good advice. Now that carrying on with “business as usual” 
greenhouse gas emissions has been revealed as a road to disaster, should 
environmentalists change their minds on nuclear power?

* Read more http://links.org.au/node/1607

The Australian Greens: mainstream party or minor irritant?

The following speech was delivered as the 10th Annual Juanita Nielsen 
Lecture, on March 23, 2010. Sylvia Hale is a Greens member of the NSW 
state parliament, elected to the Legislative Council (upper house) in 
2003. Juanita Nielsen was a campaigner against the big business 
development of Kings Cross, Sydney, who disappeared in 1975, and widely 
suspected of having been kidnapped and murdered by crime figures 
associated with property developers.

* Read more http://links.org.au/node/1612

Philippines: Ric Reyes for Pasig mayor -- a model electoral campaign
for the left http://links.org.au/node/1609

/ /By *Reihana Mohideen*
April 7, 2010 -- Ric Reyes' campaign for mayor of the city Pasig was 
formally launched at a 5000-strong local rally on March 26. The march, 
the biggest to be held in that city for many years, snaked its way on a 
long march through the working-class sections of Pasig. Ric Reyes' 
campaign is a model campaign for the left – an example of how to conduct 
a united, principled and effective electoral intervention.

* Read more http://links.org.au/node/1609

The thoughts of `Chairman' Chicka Dixon; `The Fox has the last laugh

*/I believe every woman of this planet is my sister. I believe every 
man on this planet is my brother. Like all Kooris [Indigenous people] I 

[Marxism] Britain: Push for for ecocide prosecutions for mass ecological destruction

2010-04-12 Thread Stuart Munckton
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 Push to prosecute mass ecosystem destruction as 'ecocide'
April 12, 2010


*LONDON: *A campaign to declare the mass destruction of ecosystems an
international crime against peace - alongside genocide and crimes against
humanity - is being launched in Britain.

The proposal for the United Nations to accept ''ecocide'' as a fifth ''crime
against peace'', which could be tried at the International Criminal Court,
is the brainchild of a lawyer-turned-campaigner, Polly Higgins.

The idea would have a profound effect on industries blamed for widespread
damage to the environment such as fossil fuels, mining, agriculture,
chemicals and forestry.

Supporters of an ecocide law also believe it could be used to prosecute
''climate deniers'' who distort science and facts to discourage voters and
politicians from taking action to tackle global warming and climate change.

''Ecocide is in essence the very antithesis of life,'' Ms Higgins said. ''It
leads to resource depletion, and where there is escalation of resource
depletion, war comes chasing behind. Where such destruction arises out of
the actions of mankind, ecocide can be regarded as a crime against peace.''

Ms Higgins, formerly a barrister in London specialising in employment, has
already had success at the United Nations with a Universal Declaration for
Planetary Rights, modelled on the human rights declaration. ''My starting
point was 'how do we create a duty of care to the planet, a pre-emptive
obligation to not harm the planet?'' she asked.

After a successful introduction at the UN in 2008, the idea has been adopted
by the Bolivian government, which will propose a full members' vote.

Ecocide is already recognised by dictionaries.

*Guardian News  Media*

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original
virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man Under

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Richard Seymour
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On 11/04/2010 23:06, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

  From Rees's How to start a new left wing group: the rules:

 Avoid the words socialist, communist, Marxist, workers and Party when 
 coining your group's name. It is the 21st century.


Just to be clear, that was written by a Newcastle-based member of the
/Counterfire/ group named Alex Snowdon rather than by John Rees
himself.  It appears on /Rees's Pieces/ (/Counterfire/'s cognomenclature
in the UK), I suspect, because the site features almost everything
written on its' members blogs.

To answer your question, it may be that Alex read your blog, and decided
to take that advice.   However, I suspect what is more likely is that he
is making fun of how ridiculous new sects look when they take to
rationalising a series of choices forced on them by circumstances beyond
their control, and then offere these as a series of pat 'rules' that
anyone forming a new leftist group can follow.  Hence, dropping
newspapers only makes sense if you don't have a grassroots network or a
trade union base - otherwise it's actually not possible to build an
active membership without the face-to-face interaction that paper sales
provide.  Having a sense of perspective about how tiny you are is
only comforting if your membership is not much above sixty - usually,
having a sense of perspective entails being realistic about your
capacities, not soothing one's soul about the poverty of said
capacities.  Rediscovering the ABC of your tradition and not slagging
off the party you've just left is only appropriate if you have just left
a party and wish to stake a claim to its tradition (cf Lindsey
German's summation of the principles of said tradition: bending the
stick, seizing the key link in the chain and the polemic), while at
the same time constantly slagging off the party you've just left in
thinly veiled terms for having abandoned said tradition.  Avoiding the
words socialist, workers etc is only appropriate if either a) the
group you intend to set up has nothing to do with revolutionary
socialism, or b) you believe that people who might be put off by mention
of socialism can be deceived into joining a marxist group.  The rest is
just filler, and ruins what is otherwise a very witty satire on the
grandiose delusions of grand-standing personality cults.  He should have
called it Hot Sects! Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the RCP.

Richard Seymour Writer and blogger Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com Twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/leninology Wiki:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer) Book:

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Re: [Marxism] Greetings all

2010-04-12 Thread Mark Lause
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Yes, welcome.

Grab a chair and pour a glass

Then, feel free find a revisionist, throw the contents of the glass at them
and break the chair over their head.


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[Marxism] Chris Hedges - the face of resistance

2010-04-12 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Richard Seymour wrote:
 Avoiding the
 words socialist, workers etc is only appropriate if either a) the
 group you intend to set up has nothing to do with revolutionary
 socialism, or b) you believe that people who might be put off by mention
 of socialism can be deceived into joining a marxist group.  

It all depends. In the late 1800s, socialism was a mass movement 
that millions of workers identified with, even if they never held 
membership. By the 1940s, this had changed fundamentally. Workers 
either viewed themselves as Communist, with all the problems this 
involved. Or they viewed themselves as socialists in the reformist 
tradition. Tiny groups vying for their allegiance called 
themselves socialist (or communist) as well but *never recruited 
large numbers of workers*. So the basic raison d'etre for 
launching a new socialist formation of this sort was never 
fulfilled. The reason Camejo explored the idea of dumping the old 
vocabulary was to force radicals to rethink how they connected to 
the masses. He followed up the North Star Network with activity in 
the Green Party, which for a brief time could have functioned as a 
pole of attraction for Marxists in the U.S., just as Die Linke 
does in Germany or other such groups in Europe. I think such 
formations will play an increasingly important role until the 
workers are ready in massive numbers to join a revolutionary 
organization that looks nothing like the self-declared vanguard 
parties of today. That is not to say that self-declared vanguard 
formations cannot play a useful role today. They do. But they are 
constitutionally incapable of breaking through their own 
self-imposed sectarian glass ceiling.

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[Marxism] History of the Green Party and Movements in the U.S.

2010-04-12 Thread David Thorstad
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I apologize if this article from 2006 has already appeared on the list. DT



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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Richard Seymour
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On 12/04/2010 14:26, Louis Proyect wrote:
 It all depends. In the late 1800s, socialism was a mass movement 
 that millions of workers identified with, even if they never held 
 membership. By the 1940s, this had changed fundamentally. Workers 
 either viewed themselves as Communist, with all the problems this 
 involved. Or they viewed themselves as socialists in the reformist 
 tradition. Tiny groups vying for their allegiance called 
 themselves socialist (or communist) as well but *never recruited 
 large numbers of workers*. So the basic raison d'etre for 
 launching a new socialist formation of this sort was never 
 fulfilled. The reason Camejo explored the idea of dumping the old 
 vocabulary was to force radicals to rethink how they connected to 
 the masses. He followed up the North Star Network with activity in 
 the Green Party, which for a brief time could have functioned as a 
 pole of attraction for Marxists in the U.S., just as Die Linke 
 does in Germany or other such groups in Europe. I think such 
 formations will play an increasingly important role until the 
 workers are ready in massive numbers to join a revolutionary 
 organization that looks nothing like the self-declared vanguard 
 parties of today. That is not to say that self-declared vanguard 
 formations cannot play a useful role today. They do. But they are 
 constitutionally incapable of breaking through their own 
 self-imposed sectarian glass ceiling.


Sure, but there's a difference between the question of how radicals
relate to the masses and how revolutionaries should do so.  I'm in
favour of forming broader groups that could be called any number of
things.  They certainly don't have to say 'socialist', or 'workers', or
'communist', or 'hammer' in their name.  I was in a group that called
itself 'Respect' for Christs' sake.  And I agree with your basic point
that such broad radical left formations will be important in the medium
term, for much the reasons that you lay out.  But within such
formations, there will be revolutionaries of various kinds, perhaps
organised as either a faction or a party.  It is important that they are
open about their politics - if they take their politics seriously, that is.

The sentence in Snowdon's article that we're discussing rejected the use
of the language of socialism in a left-wing group's name on the grounds
that it is the 21st Century.  Well, yes it is.  But the language of
socialism does not inherently limit one's appeal, it isn't itself any
more dated than the language of liberalism or conservatism (a lot less
so) and it isn't what has held socialists back.  The Scottish Socialist
Party, eg, was not destroyed because it called itself socialist, but
because it tore itself apart overt a Murdoch media witch-hunt.

Richard Seymour Writer and blogger Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com Twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/leninology Wiki:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer) Book:

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[Marxism] Kyn and Scottish/Bremen Schools

2010-04-12 Thread Néstor Gorojovsky
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Went to Kyn´s article, and found out a most interesting thing.

If Kyn is quite solid in his denunciation of the schools of Scotland
and Bremen as at best ill-researchers of the sources they quote, it
looks like this is a debate between misquoters. Kyn states that among
his students there is a Federico Morchio, Minister, Argentina.

You can be absolutely certain that this Morchio has never been
Minister at the Federal level in Argentina, ever.

At most, he was chief of cabinet in the Secretary for Industry,
Commerce and Small/medium enterprises during the early, and most
neoliberal, moments of the Kirchner administration (2003). His being a
minister has to do with a third rank position in the Arg Diplomatic
Service, where he seems to be acting on secondary or third-rank issues
related to Foreign Direct Investment. A typical position-eater of the
neoliberal breed, a grey bureaucrat that either has duped Kyn into
believing he has got a ministerial rank, either has been presented by
Kyn as still another neoliberal pupil of his in the former neoliberal
paradise of Argentina.

If Kyn´s remaining examples of students and colleagues are
consistent, I would think it twice before calling this man a market
socialist, BTW. What I believe is that both Kyn and the two schools
belong to the same gender of budget nipping intellectuals. They just
cater to different buyers.


Néstor Gorojovsky
El texto principal de este correo puede no ser de mi autoría

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Richard Seymour wrote:
 Sure, but there's a difference between the question of how radicals
 relate to the masses and how revolutionaries should do so.  I'm in
 favour of forming broader groups that could be called any number of
 things.  They certainly don't have to say 'socialist', or 'workers', or
 'communist', or 'hammer' in their name.  I was in a group that called
 itself 'Respect' for Christs' sake.  

For people new to Marxmail and unfamiliar with British far left 
politics, Richard is a member of the British SWP that recently 
suffered something of a split involving leading members John Rees 
and Lindsey German. While I am not familiar with all the disputed 
issues, I know that the Respect experience was fairly important. 
Both sides seem to support a united front approach to electoral 
formations such as Respect that in my opinion is a formula for 
disaster since it requires the revolutionary members of the 
group to accept the discipline of their own organization. From my 
own experience in the American SWP, this kind of behavior in the 
mass movement alienated just about everybody who was not a member 
or sympathizer of our sect.

Here is my analysis:


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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Richard Seymour
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On 12/04/2010 14:37, Louis Proyect wrote:
It’s quite obvious really – why give yourself a name that 
 sounds very old-fashioned when you are new and looking to the 
 future? And why choose a name that sounds like every little 
 left-wing group there’s ever been?

*shrugs*...  I mean, really, Louis.  Who /isn't/ looking to the future? 
Do you know anyone who explicitly says they're looking to the past?  Or
who claims to want to imitate the failures of the past?  Doesn't every
politician in the world castigate the past relentlessly?  Tired
solutions, thereof.  Failed remedies, thereof.  Outmoded ideas,
thereof.  The future, by contrast, is just as glam as can be.  The
Idiot's Guide to PR surely has a section all of its own about how
marvellous and estimable the future really is.  It's just like someone
saying they oppose the bad and admire the good.  It's platitudinous
public relations twaddle, designed to simulate openness, reflectiveness,
and new thinking.

More to the point, the name doesn't make the difference in this
respect.  What the name does is concisely communicate the nature of
one's politics.  It doesn't prevent one from being stuck in a time-warp,
it doesn't differentiate one from Bob Avakian's gang, it doesn't stop
one from being dogmatic, and it doesn't stop one from circling the drain
just like previous sects.  And, again, the idea that calling oneself a
socialist is inherently more dated than calling oneself conservative or
liberal or social democratic or Christian Democratic (etc etc etc.) is

No offence to my ex-comrades, but for all the emphasis they have placed
on dynamism, verve and various cognate terms, I am even less impressed
by the quality of their current strategic thinking than I was when they
were still comrades to man.

Richard Seymour Writer and blogger Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com Twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/leninology Wiki:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer) Book:

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Richard Seymour wrote:

 *shrugs*...  I mean, really, Louis.  Who /isn't/ looking to the future? 
 Do you know anyone who explicitly says they're looking to the past? 

You can't have it both ways. Groups like the American SWP and the 
British SWP are consumed with the question of revolutionary 
continuity, showing that they are the true successors of Marx, 
Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. Just read Tony Cliff on Trotskyism 
after Trotsky to get a feel for how important pedigree is:


I propose dumping this kind of junk, but my message is directed 
more to the young unaffiliated Marxists who read my blog or 
subscribe to Marxmail rather than members of such groups who would 
regard me as a liquidationist or worse.

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Thomas Bias
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It reminds me of when I went to Sunday School in the Episcopal Church  
and we were taught about the Apostolic Succession. It meant that all  
Anglican bishops could trace the bishops who consecrated them all the  
way back to the 12 Apostles. We were taught that the Lutherans and  
Methodists (for example) had allowed that succession to be broken.  
Sometimes I wonder if this kind of sectarianism is a peculiarity of  
the English-speaking world and that because of the peculiar character  
of the Reformation in Great Britain it became part of our culture  
that has been allowed to infect the socialist movement.

 You can't have it both ways. Groups like the American SWP and the
 British SWP are consumed with the question of revolutionary
 continuity, showing that they are the true successors of Marx,
 Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. Just read Tony Cliff on Trotskyism
 after Trotsky to get a feel for how important pedigree is:


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[Marxism] WOLA versus Honduran democracy

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Richard Seymour wrote:
 Another way in which what you've said is a non-sequitur is that there is
 no such entity as groups like the American SWP and the British SWP. 
 They are apples and oranges as regards their way of organising, their
 internal culture, their relationship with others, etc etc.  You have
 experience of one, and not of the other, and I recommend that you don't
 confuse the two. 

I am not talking about their ideology, obviously. I am talking 
about their understanding of Leninism.

 The party I joined and have been a member of for over a dozen years now
 has /never/ evinced any obessesion with revolutionary continuity as
 long as I have been around, and we do not pretend to be the true
 successors to Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky (and Bukharin and Gramsci
 and Luxembourg and various other interesting thinkers and
 revolutionaries) - at least, if any member of the SWP has ever made such
 a silly claim, I trust they are suitably embarrassed by it.

John Molyneux, The authentic Marxist tradition

The authentic Marxist tradition is not difficult to identify. It 
runs, from Marx and Engels, through the revolutionary left wing of 
the Second International (especially in Russia and Germany), 
reaches its height with the Russian Revolution and the early years 
of the Comintern, and is continued, in the most difficult 
circumstances possible, by the Left Opposition and the Trotskyist 
movement in the 1930s. The history and theory of this tradition 
has been so copiously analysed, defended and, where necessary, 
criticised by members of our own political tendency, [139] that 
only a few general observations are required here.

It is a tradition whose leading representatives, after its 
founders, are clearly Lenin, Luxemburg and Trotsky, but they are 
surrounded by many figures of only slightly lesser stature – 
Mehring, Zetkin, the early Bukharin, James Connolly, John McLean, 
Victor Serge, Alfred Rosmer, and so on, as well as hundreds of 
thousands of working class fighters.

It is a tradition which has sought always to unite theory and 
practice and therefore has never rested content with received 
wisdom or fixed dogma but has sought to apply Marxism to a 
changing world. Its most important contributions include theories 
of the party (Lenin), the mass strike (Luxemburg), permanent 
revolution (Trotsky), imperialism and the world economy 
(Luxemburg, Bukharin, Lenin and Trotsky), the 
counter-revolutionary role of Stalinism (Trotsky), fascism 
(Trotsky) and the restoration of the activist, dialectical element 
in Marxist philosophy (Lenin, Gramsci and Lukacs).

It has been for most of its existence, with the exception of the 
revolutionary years of 1917–23, the tradition of a tiny minority. 
This is unfortunate but unavoidable. The ruling ideas are the 
ideas of the ruling class and the mass of workers reach 
revolutionary consciousness only in revolutionary struggle. The 
permanent co-existence of a mass Marxist movement with capitalism 
is therefore impossible. Its very presence constitutes a threat to 
the capitalist order which, if it is not realised, will be 
removed. It is therefore a tradition whose advances and retreats 
reflect, in the last analysis, the advances and retreats of the 
working class.

It is not a monolithic tradition, but is characterised by vigorous 
debate (think of Luxemburg and Lenin on the party and the national 
question, or Lenin and Trotsky on the nature of the Russian 
Revolution, or the internal debates of the Bolshevik Party before 
and after 1917). Nor is it a tradition free from error (witness 
Trotsky's workers' state analysis of Russia). But it is united by 
the class basis on which it stands, the world working class [140], 
and therefore has been in an important sense cumulative, with each 
Marxist generation building on the achievements of its forebears.

It is also our tradition. The traditions which the Socialist 
Workers Party in Britain and its international affiliates have 
sought to continue and develop over more than thirty years. 
Historical circumstances have not yet confronted us with the 
flames of war, revolution and counter-revolution. These are the 
conditions which put movements and theories to the test, revealing 
their inadequacies but also allowing them to achieve their full 
stature. Consequently, our achievements, theoretical and 
practical, appear small beer compared with those of our 
predecessors. Nonetheless, our major theoretical contributions and 
distinctive political positions – the state capitalist analysis of 
Stalinist states, the theory of deflected permanent revolution in 
the Third World, the analysis of the arms economy boom and the new 
economic crisis, the critique of the trade union bureaucracy – 

Re: [Marxism] Hugo Chavez on the need for a new international

2010-04-12 Thread Adam Richmond
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If you are referring to Chavez' speech in November 2009, that speech as not 
been translated to the best of my knowledge. It is apparently 5 hours long and 
only part of it dealt with the question of the Fifth International. 

From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com
To: Adam Richmond adambrichm...@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, April 12, 2010 8:13:33 AM
Subject: [Marxism] Hugo Chavez on the need for a new international

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I cannot find the text of his actual speech. If anybody has it, 
either in Spanish or English, please send it to me or post a link 

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Richard Seymour
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On 12/04/2010 15:53, Louis Proyect wrote:
 I am not talking about their ideology, obviously. I am talking 
 about their understanding of Leninism.

Well, quite.  But I wasn't talking about ideology either - I was
speaking of culture, organisation and ways of relating to others.  You
infer from your experience of the SWP US things about the SWP UK, but
these inferences - so I was explaining - aren't valid.  If the SWP US
are obsessed with revolutionary continuity, whatever that is, it
doesn't follow that those of us on the other side of the Atlantic who
happen to use the same name, are.  It just doesn't consume us in the
way that you suggested.

 John Molyneux, The authentic Marxist tradition

 The authentic Marxist tradition is not difficult to identify. It 
 runs, from Marx and Engels ...

And yet, strange to relate, this assertion does not entail that the SWP
UK is the sole true bearer of the marxist tradition (note the definite
article), which is the caricature upon which I originally commented. 
What is the purpose of the cited essay?  In a nutshell, it is to
distinguish marxism from Stalinism - a reasonable point, I would have
thought.  Since there are those who castigate marxism as an inherently
totalitarian doctrine, as one that leads to dictatorship and terror
wherever it is applied, Molyneux recalls that there is a better
tradition, of socialism from below, which is closer to the original
intent of the First Internationalists, much of the Second International,
the early Bolsheviks, and the minority of marxists who rejected
Stalinism since its inception.  That the SWP argues that this is closer
to both the letter and spirit of marxism than the scholastic
pseudo-scientific official discourses of the USSR, for example, hardly
amounts to the erection of a sectarian party line.  That it also wishes
to situate itself among that minority tradition is, again, not an
argument for revolutionary purity.  It is not a small matter that
marxism became associated with a grotesque tyranny and its epigones, and
it is not unimportant, petty or sectarian to take issue with that.  The
only basis on which it is possible to do so is to examine the concrete
history of marxist ideas and movements as they developed, from Marx
onward, and to offer an explanation as to what went wrong - which is
what Molyneux was doing.  Possibly, marxists should stop doing this,
dump it all as so much junk, but that does mean abandoning any idea
of rebutting anticommunist anathema and keeping marxist ideas relevant.
Richard Seymour Writer and blogger Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com Twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/leninology Wiki:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer) Book:

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Richard Seymour
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On 12/04/2010 16:58, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Yeah, that's a problem, however. If there is Stalinism in Cuba, 
 something I heard on almost a daily basis from Kevin Murphy, the 
 batty winner of the Isaac Deutscher Prize a couple of years ago, 
 then I am a Stalinist. In fact, he used to call me Koba, the 
 lovely chap.


Well, Kevin Murphy is a scholar who has worked hard to arrive at his
understanding of Stalinism, not least with his /Revolution and
Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory/.  I don't
think him at all batty, regardless of how uncivil he might have been to
you in the past.

Here's the substantive issue.  It's not a minor principle of marxism
that the emancipation of the working class is the act of the working
class.  This happens to be fundamental.  But, according to the SWP
(UK), even Trotsky didn't take that point to its logical conclusion in
his analysis of the USSR.  Now, there is no way that the SWP regards
Trotsky as somehow external to the authentic marxist tradition. 
Similarly, I would argue that you are wrong to describe Cuba as a
socialist society, and that to see it as such is inconsistent with the
basic principle that for there to be a socialist society, the working
class has to be in power.  But it doesn't follow that the state caps
want to have you ex-communicated from the marxist tradition.
Richard Seymour Writer and blogger Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com Twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/leninology Wiki:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer) Book:

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Richard Seymour wrote:
 Well, Kevin Murphy is a scholar who has worked hard to arrive at his
 understanding of Stalinism, not least with his /Revolution and
 Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory/.  I don't
 think him at all batty, regardless of how uncivil he might have been to
 you in the past.

I had a glance at this book about a year ago and it seemed like a 
very nice dissertation. With all the time he used to waste on 
alt.politics.socialism.trotsky, I am surprised he ever got if 
finished. Perhaps if you were on this newsgroup, you might have 
seen the battiness I alluded to, including his claim that Cuban 
helicopters dropped sandbags on rafts trying to reach Miami in 
order to murder all those aboard. His hatred of Cuba was palpable.

 Similarly, I would argue that you are wrong to describe Cuba as a
 socialist society, and that to see it as such is inconsistent with the
 basic principle that for there to be a socialist society, the working
 class has to be in power.  But it doesn't follow that the state caps
 want to have you ex-communicated from the marxist tradition.

Actually, I rather enjoy being excommunicated. After 10 years in 
the American SWP, I would tend to reject any club that would have 
me as a member.

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew

2010-04-12 Thread Vladimiro Giacche'
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 Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 17:46:00 +0100
 From: Richard Seymour leninstombb...@googlemail.com
 To: =?iso-8859-1?q?Vladimiro_Giacch=E9?= md1...@mclink.it
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew   beenreading the 
 Unrepentant Marxist?
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a 

 Similarly, I would argue that you are wrong to describe Cuba 
 as a
 socialist society, and that to see it as such is inconsistent 
 with the
 basic principle that for there to be a socialist society, the 
 class has to be in power.  

I'm afraid it's hard to find any socialist society in the world on this basis. 
In the past, in the present as well as in the future.
Sometimes I'm inclined to think that the purity of our ideals is a proxy of our 
actual impotence...

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew been reading the Unrepentant Marxist?

2010-04-12 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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My real bone of contention with the SWP isn't the substance of its politics,
but rather how they pursue those politics Engaging in valuable work from
below in social movements and in united fronts, but never really broaching
idea of the unity of Marxists, as Marxists, in a Marxist party that would
allow for permanent factions and freedom of discussion and debate and form
the social base for a rejuvenated left.  I remember during my first week of
my first semester at college when I went to an anti-war rally and
was bombarded with Socialist Workers, Revolution! newspapers, even a
Workers' Vanguard or two, the PSL's paper, etc and I had no idea what to
make of all these left-sects even though I knew my politics were vaguely
socialist and I was familiar with the figure of Leon Trotsky (background I
doubt most people have).  What I see (from afar mind you) are a bunch of
groups duplicating each others efforts, a bunch of competiting sects and no
viable revolutionary left.  Why couldn't SPEW, the SPW and the smaller
groupings like the CPGB and Permanent Revolution be in the same party?
 Given freedom of discussion, I have no doubt that a principled line will
win out.  I guess this is the definition of a liquidationist stance, but is
the alternative for groups like the SPW just hovering around the 5, 6
thousand mark until objective conditions allow for an explosion in their

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Richard Seymour 
leninstombb...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Well, Kevin Murphy is a scholar who has worked hard to arrive at his
 understanding of Stalinism, not least with his /Revolution and
 Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory/.  I don't
 think him at all batty, regardless of how uncivil he might have been to
 you in the past.

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Re: [Marxism] Has John Rees's crew

2010-04-12 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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If by the purity of our ideals you mean socialism and if by our actual
impotence you mean the lack of socialism in the world, then yes, it's a
problem we're all well aware of.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Vladimiro Giacche' md1...@mclink.itwrote:

 I'm afraid it's hard to find any socialist society in the world on this
 In the past, in the present as well as in the future.
 Sometimes I'm inclined to think that the purity of our ideals is a proxy of
 our actual impotence...

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Re: [Marxism] Kyn

2010-04-12 Thread Paul Cockshott
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I have now read Kyn's protest.

I have at no time indicated that Kyn was a current supporter of socialism. He 
did however do pioneering work on the computation of sectoral labour values 
using input output tables, this preceeded the work of Shaikh and his students 
at the New School, and it seemed therefore appropriate to give him credit for 
the work that he did in the 1960s. I had already gathered from his current 
position that he is no longer a socialist.

If time allows I may write a response to his criticism of the labour theory of 
value. His points about the computing
power required to perform detailed calculations of labour values have been 
refuted by us many times since the 1990s.
With 1990 technology it was already possible, now with 20 years advance in 
computing power it is even easier.

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Re: [Marxism] The Millibands

2010-04-12 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 4/12/10 2:44 PM, Ernest Leif wrote:
 Just read NYRB article on Afghanistan by David Milliband. Now I know that
 apples sometimes fall far, very far, from the the tree but WTF? His father
 must be rolling over in his grave. Just had to put this out there.

it would be nice to know more about the tree... who is daddy millband?


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Re: [Marxism] The Millibands

2010-04-12 Thread farmela...@juno.com
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Daddy Milliband was Ralph Milliband.


Jim Farmelant

-- Original Message --
From: Les Schaffer schaf...@optonline.net
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Millibands
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 14:56:34 -0400

On 4/12/10 2:44 PM, Ernest Leif wrote:
 Just read NYRB article on Afghanistan by David Milliband. Now I know that
 apples sometimes fall far, very far, from the the tree but WTF? His father
 must be rolling over in his grave. Just had to put this out there.

it would be nice to know more about the tree... who is daddy millband?


Acai Berry ... EXPOSED
Warning! Health Reporter Discovers the Shocking Truth About Acai Berry

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[Marxism] History of the Marxist Internationals (conclusion, the call for a Fifth International)

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Comintern (The Stalinist-Hoxhaist World Party)

2010-04-12 Thread Christian
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On 4/12/2010 6:39 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
 In general, and in particular, I advise staying clear of ideologies.  Marx's
 analysis and it revolutionary impact is highly unideological, highly
 concrete.  Stalinism is a bit more than a personality cult, having a bit
 more responsibility for what happened to the prospects for the international
 socialist revolution than, say, Bakuninism, or Ayn Randism.

I get to thinking sometimes that the present state of affairs in 
capitalist America may be the result of
Randian libertarian thinking among the ruling class and most of the 
working class.

Also, I speculate that the present sorry state of most of the so-called 
Left throughout the world
is due more to crypto-Bakuninism than to Leninism per se.

I think Marx would disagree with your opinion about his work's impact 
being highly unideological.
Marx's work may have practical significance but it never ceases, not for 
a moment, to be ideological.

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Re: [Marxism] The Millibands

2010-04-12 Thread Gary MacLennan
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A good friend of mine was a personal friend of Ralph Milliband and got to
know the boys as they grew up.  It seems that one day they looked at the
father and decided that he had achieved nothing as a militant communist.  So
they came in from the cold and now are an essential part of the Labour Party
machine and the American Imperial imperative.

Some achievement boys!  Well done.

Of course this is a terrible betrayal of all the father stood for, but as I
always point out that aside from the psychological dimensions of such
actions, and there would have been a very sublimated drive to a kind of
patricide, the material benefits of betraying the father have been
considerable.  Quite simply because of the father  the boys had something to
sell and the Establishment was very willing to part with the 30 pieces of



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Re: [Marxism] An interesting development

2010-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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Bhaskar Sunkara wrote:
 Given that this is an era when even the real labor parties of the
 world Labour in the UK, the SPD in Germany--- are at best bourgeois
 workers parties (to use Lenin's parlance) with operative social liberal
 politics, one has to question what the point of building a party of this
 nature would be.  If the social movements were strong enough to allow for a
 social democratic (labor) party to succeed within our SMPD,
 Presidential-election system, the neoliberals wouldn't have control of the
 Democratic Party to begin with.  

If you think that the DP's assault on the Nader campaign was brutal, 
wait until you see what happens when the trade unions enter the 
electoral arena. There will be hell to pay.

 Also as Doug (Henwood) mentions:
 A NC friend in the know says that, sadly, there may not be much here. The
 guy behind the move is Dana Cope, director of the State Employees Assoc. of
 North Carolina, who's been steadily drifting to the right. 

He may be drifting to the right, but forming a labor party takes a lot 
of guts.

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[Marxism] From A Friend

2010-04-12 Thread S. Artesian
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Loren Goldner asked me to post this to the list, which I am happy to do.

After a decent interval following its publication in New Politics No. 47, I 
have posted my article

Global Leveraged Buyout or 'the Longest Boom in Capitalist History'?
A Reply to Robert Fitch

critiquing Fitch's inability to distinguish between a phase of decadence in 
which capital expands while social reproduction contracts, from the actual 
expanded reproduction of society that characterized booms in capitalism's 
ascendant phase.

See the Break Their Haughty Power web site


Fitch's article to which I reply is linked in mine.

Comments/critique appreciated.


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Re: [Marxism] The Millibands

2010-04-12 Thread Ambrose Andrews
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On 13 April 2010 04:56, Les Schaffer schaf...@optonline.net wrote:

 it would be nice to know more about the tree... who is daddy millband?

Among other things, he was co-editor of the annual 'Socilialist
Register' with Leo Panitch.

And author of many good books:


(and two of his offspring now populate the Brown ministry.)


Ambrose Andrews
LPO box 8274 ANU Acton ACT 0200 Australia
CE38 8B79 C0A7 DF4A 4F54  E352 2647 19A1 DB3B F823
556A 6D19 0904 827C 9DB8  3697 32D0 1E11 403F 2BE1

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Re: [Marxism] Comintern (The Stalinist-Hoxhaist World Party)

2010-04-12 Thread Tom Cod
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What you mean crypto-bakunisist?


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Christian cchrist...@bellsouth.net wrote:

 Also, I speculate that the present sorry state of most of the so-called
 Left throughout the world
 is due more to crypto-Bakuninism than to Leninism per se.

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[Marxism] Malatesta

2010-04-12 Thread Tom Cod
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[Marxism] Pablo Solon on the Peoples Climate Summit

2010-04-12 Thread Ian Angus
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Bolivia's UN Ambassador, Pablo Solon, explains what happened in
Copenhagen, and why his country has called the Peoples Climate Summit.


Ian Angus

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