Re: MD: Recording MDs with microphones...

2001-08-01 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Are referring to the CS5360 or the CS5334 ADCs?  I think these chips
~350mW.  I assume that you mix 6-8 channels of analog down to 2, then
digitize. So with 6 analog channels, each with programmable gain (and
possibly eq), and the other circuitry and microcontroller you're well over
1/2 watt--roughly 20 hrs. with 3-4 AA cells-- is this what you have in mind
for a portable MD system?  I guess that's not bad, but I would think that
you would want to use Crystal's CS53L32 for this application, which brings
power consumption down for this system.  You lose the peak detect metering,

Big H!! Do you guys know any average user of MD who are quite familiar
with your correspondence? please, do some practical advices, opinions, or
such, and spare us of your high- techie- know -how exchange of
(impractical) knowledge for the most of us

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Re: MD: Awia AM-F90 Minidisc Mic?

2001-07-08 Thread Ivica Petrovic

I'm using it with the Sony MZR-55. yes, it is VERY sensitive, sometimes it
could be over sensitive, so be careful. At the same time, it is very noisy
mic, so additional care is needed ( the first one, it is a less noisy while
recording mono; the second, try to put some additional material all over,
maybe some headband taken from your old walkman headphones, in order to
reduce noise), it is not nice solution, but it works and it's cost effective
in no way I would recommended it for live recording, only for speech!

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Re: MD: If MDs had come out before CDs

2001-05-29 Thread Ivica Petrovic

the fact is: CDs are sounding awful! I spent most of the time with my audio
gears trying to minimize CDs impressive numbers and its shrieking
character; who the hell is need such a things like 150 dB dynamics, signal
nose ratio of 130 db and so onits dynamic and clarity is
overentusiastic, as well as many CDs so called virtues, and at the same time
it sounded flat! The best sounding environment to listening CDs is in the
cars, or on some cheap boxes incapable of playing loud and clear. CD is so
way of reproducing music to the level when things only getting worse with a
more expensive Hi-Fi.  try to understand what I'd like to say: MDs, with all
of its disadvantages are sounding more relaxed, quieter, calmer

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Re: MD: Minidisc units that mount in the pc?

2001-05-17 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Sadly, a directly computer accessible MD audio drive does not

hmm, what about the Sony Waio Desktop PC with a built in MD audio drive plus
DVD drive? OK, you can't buy it separately, but it does exist...

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MD: new Sony deck?

2001-03-01 Thread Ivica Petrovic

searching through, I've seen on some on-line retailer a new Sony deck, but
without any additional informations, nor even the price?? model is Sony
MD-SJ 3000ES. any further info about it?

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Re: MD: MDLP units

2001-02-19 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Leon wrote:

I think
all the rest have MDLP items in their lineup.

yes, but I was specific: there are no MDLP Home Decks yet by any of them!?
And I'd like to know why? It seems strange that several months after its
promotion, MDLP is only present in the Sony Home Decks...

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MD: MDLP units

2001-02-18 Thread Ivica Petrovic


does anybody have any explanation about a lack of MDLP home MD units by
other big manufacturers ( Yamaha, Pioneer, Technics etc.)? Several months
after introduction, there are no other MDLP home machine; the Sony is all
alone in the field. Is there any new MDLP units by Technics, Yamaha, Denon,
Pioneer on a horizon?

P.S. Maybe it ( LP) doesn't work well??

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Re: MD: More on CD vs. MD Sound Quality

2001-02-16 Thread Ivica Petrovic

las [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The better the quality of the MD playback equipment and hence the DAC, the
closer to the original CD the MD would sound.

"closer to the original", it goes right into my direction; ATRAC has its own
limits ( and the one you should hear) so you cannot improved it 'in general'
by using better DACs and so on. And what we are talking about, a cheap way
to record music or high end ES series MDs of 600-1000 $ range? And they do
the same; it's still 5:1 compression. The same applies to the other mediums
as well, you need a better CD player to hear your CDs better. What's the
point of having 100 $ CD player and 1000 $ MD recorder who provided "closer
to the original CD sound" of 100 $ CD player???

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Re: MD: More on CD vs. MD Sound Quality

2001-02-16 Thread Ivica Petrovic

wow, this story goes endless. Let me tell you my experiences and opinions. I
was doing A/B test some times ago with a friend of mine. We've been doing
recording of the same song, Jazz devil by Barry Adamson. The units were Sony
530 MD, and the rest was nothing special, Akai amp, Sony 330 CD, small
Tannoy's and some cheaper Van Den Hull speaker cables and interconnects. The
connection was analogue. The results weren't so impressive. In fact, MD copy
has the following characteristics: obviously less dynamics, very poor bass
 and Jazz devil has plenty of it), narrow stereo image, and in general
flatten sound picture. We've been doing this again with the other types of
music with the same results. It doesn't put me off of buying MD, but ( maybe
it hurts somebody on this list), MD is not so impressive music format. Yes,
you need a little bit of extra concentration to spot all the differences,
but believe me, it's not so hard anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love MD, and
for a casual listening at home ( especially if you're using PC as a sound
source), in car, while jogging and riding a bike, it's a great format. But,
for a critical listening at home, it is simply not up to the CD standards.
MD simply isn't an ultimate listening experience; its advantages are
countless, but don't be so uncritical, CD is still fairly better format.

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MD: Grundig deck?

2001-02-12 Thread Ivica Petrovic

I've seen on the Dixons web site (, Grundig mini disc deck
which is called Grundig MD-60. It's from their Fine Arts series. I suppose
it's not original by Grundig, and would like to know is it a clone of
Pioneer or Technics ( or even Sony, which seems less likely)? Also, it would
be nice to know something more about the unit?
P.S. It cost 99 English pounds. Cheap?

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Re: MD: MD recorder with microphone input

2001-02-05 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Thanks to both Anna Langley  and David B. Fincher! Yes, the Sharp MD-R3 has
the mic input. It is discussed as a good solution, with a poor CD part. But
you can't get it all. Any info about the price in Europe?

And to Anna, I already have a portable MD recorder, but I need some kind of
standalone unit for the second part of home recording work with microphone.
I'm doing a great deal of field work with a portable, so back at home I'm a
little bit tired of pushing small buttons, watching small display and so on,
if you know what I mean.

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Re: MD: MP3's vs MD.

2001-02-05 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Donald Person wrote

This is another reason I don't understand why all these portable MP3
devices are so popular.

People are misers? wow, a bunch of music for a cost of nothing! and the
quality is equal.

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MD: 640 vs. 940

2001-01-26 Thread Ivica Petrovic


I'd like to know is there any significant differences between the two Sony
MD decks, 640 and 940? Which one is the better buy?

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Re: MD: Battery Charger

2000-12-13 Thread Ivica Petrovic

You all have to think about a separate NiMH charger. It's not so expensive,
and since the MZR 70 is using single AA it would be good to think about some
kind of Power bank charger. The system is so called "Always Plug In", so you
don't have to worry about overcharging, just take away a single one AA with
you ( and putting back the flat one). So, you'll be always ready to
goI've got mine made by GP for 10$ ( without batteries of course).

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Re: MD: When Oh When.....

2000-11-02 Thread Ivica Petrovic

But it's solled everywhere.

What does it means? It runs out of stores or what? Anyway, the former model
was the Sony MZB3, and the latest incarnation is the Sony MZB50. Any info
about price in Europe ( Euro, DM...)?

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Re: MD: Sony MZ-R70 troubles (formerly strange pauses during playback)

2000-10-30 Thread Ivica Petrovic

My friend suggests that I have a defective Minidisc recorder, and
it is somehow overheating, leading to this strange activity despite brand

maybe it has something to do with overheating. The same thing happens with
my MZR 55 sometimes, a newly recharged battery is getting low after a while
( no more than the 10-12 minutes of recording). After a certain pause ( the
20-25 minutes), it goes back into full charge icon, and continue further
recording with no problems at all??! I noticed: its cycle is extremely low
with a high temperature of recording environment ( including MD permanently
in your hands during recording). In my house, under normal conditions, I get
2 hours and 45 minutes of recording time with a full charged battery ( and
it's not bad for the MZR55)

Try this, do the rest with your battery, and try again after a while. If
it's still 'dead', it's definitely your recorder.
P.S.  I'm talking about the chewing-gum style battery, but it sounds like a
common problem.

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Re: MD: Recommend Portable

2000-09-30 Thread Ivica Petrovic

some sort of Fade does have the Sharp 831.


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Re: MD: Ok I got another one, but again, MOVE FAST it won't last very long !

2000-09-23 Thread Ivica Petrovic

 === The original message was multipart MIME===
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Simon, you're not alone! Enough is enough.

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Re: MD: minidisc on CNNfn

2000-08-18 Thread Ivica Petrovic

The other night I watched TV and saw the MD blanks in a music spot by Jason
Nevine feat. Fast Eddie. They're playing a lot with some MD blanks ( maybe
Sony) in it, with a couple of close-ups of the same. The music is awful,

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Re: MD: MD incompatibility?

2000-07-06 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Rick wrote:

1) Do recordings from his machine play in your machine?

I do, it played just fine in my machine ( MZR 55). The other combinations I
wasn't tried, but I'll do. In the meantime, maybe it has something to do
with the AGC recordings on my portable?

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Re: MD: MD incompatibility?

2000-07-03 Thread Ivica Petrovic

yeah, it's quite true. All of my recordings which've been done on my Sony
MZR 55 are quite 'incompatible' on a friend of mine Sony 530. There are a
lot of distorted sounds when I'm playing back my MD's through his home deck,
especially at the highest and the lowest frequencies. His thoughts are going
into 'the AGC problem' ( I've done my recordings usually with a help of the
AGC), but we don't have any time to explore it further.

It played perfectly well on my portable, anyway, and never had any problems
with my own recordings. But I'm a little bit worried about my future
purchase of the home deck, because I'm thinking about the Sony 530 or 940?

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Re: MD: battery case for the MZR55

2000-06-25 Thread Ivica Petrovic

thanks to all for the advice about availability of an external battery case
for the Sony MZR55. A friend of mine did find it in London ( in fact, it is
somewhere in Harrow, Londoners might had a better knowledge of location); it
cost me a 10 UKpounds ( 15 $, I think).

P.S. I'm using 2 AA NiMh rechargeable of 1500 MAh in it, and its performance
are amazing! They're refusing to drain out after several hours of recording
and playback ( AA only, with the gumstick battery out!!) It is well worth to
invest in something like this, because I did find how non-rechargeable
alkaline AA's are going off a lot faster!

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Re: MD: Future of MD

2000-05-11 Thread Ivica Petrovic


there always be a room for "package media", and people who'd like to get
something real like a work of art, favorite music, speeches, etc., etc, in
their handsand you can't beat the MD for such purposes, including
flexibility, editing possibilities, portability, so far. I think there is no
need to worry, I can't imagine the same people who are afraid of simple task
like programming VCR ( vast majority?) to enjoy MP3's 'take the music out-
take the music in' sort of "fun"!


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MD: Portable power pack

2000-05-04 Thread Ivica Petrovic


Is it possible to connect Portable power pack by Radio Shack with the Sony
MZR 55, the European model?  Do they work together or do I need to make some
modifications or changing some connectors? Also, where in the San Francisko
area I could find the Sony BC7HT, international model of recharging unit for
the Sony batteries? Thanks


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MD: better sound?

2000-05-02 Thread Ivica Petrovic

this is an excerpt from British magazine Hi-Fi news  record
rewiev, May issue

"The 1999 Hi-fi show was certainly intriguing...but the van den Hul demo
somewhat threw me and I suspect many others as well. Mr. A J Hul was there
himself, asking people for their views on the difference in sound between
alternative sources played through BW 802s and his own amplifiers. Everyone
in the room agreed the first example seemed preferable, with a fuller, more
focused sound. He carried out the comparison several times moreWe still
thought the first sounded better, before he went on to tell us, with a wry
smile, that we preferred a 16-bit\44.1 kHz CD being played on a Sony SACD
player to the original 24-bit 96 kHz master tape on a Nagra D tape deck!
What's more, he agreed with us."

Comments? And they're talking about "we can't recommended MD format yet"?
Maybe master tapes too?

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MD: compression

2000-05-01 Thread Ivica Petrovic

watch this! it's an excerpt form British magazine Hi-Fi news  record
rewiev, May issuemaybe it will help for developing discussion

"The 1999 Hi-fi show was certainly intriguing...but the van den Hul demo
somewhat threw me and I suspect many others as well. Mr. A J Hul was there
himself, asking people for their views on the difference in sound between
alternative sources played through BW 802s and his own amplifiers. Everyone
in the room agreed the first example seemed preferable, with a fuller, more
focused sound. He carried out the comparison several times moreWe still
thought the first sounded better, before he went on to tell us, with a wry
smile, that we preferred a 16-bit\44.1 kHz CD being played on a Sony SACD
player to the original 24-bit 96 kHz master tape on a Nagra D tape deck!
What's more, he agreed with us."

Comments? And they're talking about "we can't recommended MD format yet"?!
And master tapes too?!

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MD: Aiwa AMF 80 microphone

2000-04-19 Thread Ivica Petrovic


I'd like to know which kind of microphone is the one supplied with the Aiwa
AMF 80? I get it as a gift, and I don't have any specifications about it
 is it Omnidirectional, Unidirectional, what is the sensitivity?).
Thanks for a help.

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MD: Sharp SR 50

2000-04-14 Thread Ivica Petrovic

Is it the new Sharp SR 50 MD portable recorder available in Germany? If so,
I would like to know the price? Thanks.


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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #592

2000-04-09 Thread Ivica Petrovic

But I've used dozens of HiSpace without any problems.  Why do so many
peeps think cheap has to mean rubbish?

Same with me. I'm using them w\o any problems, and they're pretty good in
terms of build quality. I've seen no big differences between them and, say,
the Sony blanks. Some of my friends are even noticed a sonic differences,
namely, they see the HS as the one with a louder output ( at the same volume
on amplifier) than Sony and Maxell, but I can't confirm that because I don't
have the time to made any such experiments. Otherwise, I have no complaints,
cheap, reliable, nice packagethat's enough for me.

P.S. Don't forget to fill your blanks with some music!

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Re: MD: MZR90 Batt Life

2000-04-08 Thread Ivica Petrovic

it's the same as with the mobile phones, is there anyone who believes in
300+ hours standby in it? maybe if you're not  touching it at all. In that
case, specs for MZR 55 are honest, you should take out of it at least 4
hours playback and about 3 hours of recording. Those numbers for the other
models are a little bit overblown, and I suppose it's not the Sony's

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Re: MD: I took apart my R90... here's the ATRAC chip #

2000-03-27 Thread Ivica Petrovic

nobody ask the question why the Sony isn't put any new version of the ATRAC
into their flagship model? It's still the ATRAC 4.0, at the same time many
portable recorders by the other brands are equipped with ATRAC 4.5is it
something wrong with the 4.5 or even R ATRACs? Maybe Sony did know something
we didn't?

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MD: RCA Digi Out to TOS link

2000-03-22 Thread Ivica Petrovic


Is there any solution to my problem, namely I would like to record digitally
from my Marantz CD to my MD portable using the TOS link cable, but
unfortunately the Marantz Digital Out is an old one, RCA cinch type. What
kind of adapter I need to do the job? Further info about the prices and
availability in Europe ( Germany, UK) for such adapter would be appreciated.


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Re:MD: Sharp Portable Recorders versus Sony Portable Recorders

2000-03-17 Thread Ivica Petrovic


there are many misunderstandings about the End Search feature, and it seems
to me that many of the guys on this list is against it, but I've found it
very useful. But, I must admit, it depends for what you are using for your
MD. I'm using MD mostly for doing interviews, and for such a reason it is
very helpful feature, when you're doing some editing, and namely, move the
track 10 to the track 2, where are you ? At the place 2, of course, and you
need to go back to the end of the disc and continue to record your own parts
of the audio article. Even if you don't need to record anything of your own
on the disc, you need to find fast recorded parts and moved them around,
usually to moved them somewhere at the beginning ( and go back to the end,
again). So, keep your minds open for various ways of using MD's and don't be
so selfish, I do understand it is a very annoying if you are using MDs only
at home, taping CDs or MP3s, but for some aspects of recordings and editing,
it is very valuable function. I'd like to hear some other comments about it,
and thinking it is a good feature even for "classical" home recording ( when
you are moving some songs, with a remaining blank space on the disc, you
also need to push the End Search to continue recording and filed up the
disc, don't you?).


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MD: Sony MZR 90 or 99?

2000-03-16 Thread Ivica Petrovic


I've seen March issue of an British T3 magazine, and saw the picture of the
Sony MZR 90, but what is confusing me, it is clearly labeled on the unit
Sony MZR 99 ( ?). Is there any difference between the two, if there is any,
or is it some kind of mistake? The picture is very good and you should check
for yourself


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MD: Q about Sony MZR 70

2000-03-14 Thread Ivica Petrovic


a couple of questions about the new Sony MZR 70 recorder.

1. Does it have separate Line Out and Mic sensitivity switch ( or any way to
adjust Mics sensitivity or recording level by mic)? Something more about
inputs and outputs?

2. Also, I would like to know is it possible to use its remote with the Sony
MZR 55. As far as I can tell, it looks just the same as the Sony's MZR 37
remote, which is completely compatible with the Sony MZR 55 unit?



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Re: MD: Sony ECM-DS70P mic - opinions wanted/questions

2000-03-13 Thread Ivica Petrovic


maybe it's slightly out of the subject, but I don't have any good answer
about battery powered microphones working with the Sony's Plug in Power mic
input? I get one , but it won't work without battery inside and the button
pushed  to On? What's the catch about Plug in Power, in fact, if I still
need a battery in mic? Any further explanation would be appreciated

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MD: Plug'n'power mics

2000-03-03 Thread Ivica Petrovic


what does it Plug in Power Mic input mean on the Sony's portable MDs? I've
already have mono mic Sony ECM-F8 microphone, powered by its own battery,
but am I wrong thinking than I don't need it at all because mic get the
power from the unit itself? Is this feature reserved for stereo mics only?
Any explanation would be helpful



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MD: Sharp MT 50

2000-02-28 Thread Ivica Petrovic

I would like to know is it for sure than the new Sharp MT 50 is using only
one, 1, single AA battery? It's very interesting concept, don't you
thinkI know the previous models like MT 15 used 2 AA batteries and
refused to charge third party batteries, but with a single one I don't see
any obstacles to doing so?

See you in the shopping line! Any info about the price in Europe?

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