Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread xbury . cs is one place to find many "monitoring" command line tools.

The next best place is the NT resource kits (or win98).
To find those as well as mcisendstring commands, microsoft is the best place...
Google is the easiest way to find them there - forget the MS search crap.

Then google,,, etc...One of my colleagues' favorites
cigwin which gives you Unix shell commands on windows. 

Then you can also install perl, php or others to run further possibilities...

Happy search


On 11/07/2003 00:16:36 metacard-admin wrote:
>Recently, "MisterX"  wrote:
>> try
>I tried this and got an error page "File or Page Not Found".
>Do you have any other resources for shell variables MC can access?
>Scott Rossi
>Creative Director
>Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
>metacard mailing list

Visit us at

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The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.


Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread xbury . cs

Not to sound like a specialist but I've read quite a bit on randomness theory.

1st, nothing is truely random. 
Calculating something truely random is of truely infinite complexity.

2nd, celular automata are just like digits in a number (or sequence of #s)
 BUT consider each to be individually picked based on some neighbor number rules
Meaning one affects the other... This means there is a pattern - it's time-based! 

If you want truely random without much fuss do this:
take a serie of long numbers 
pick random digits in them
associate them randomly... 
repeat a random number of times...

This can easily be done picking some random digits in random picks of the milliseconds.

Last but not least...

To make it even more random, you can change the randomseed global before any use
of the random function... 

And even make sure that any pick is not = to the last or within a Standard deviation of last
picked choices... 

How much more random do you want?


On 11/07/2003 00:34:16 metacard-admin wrote:
>If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a
>new kind of science" by stephen wolfram. They are using an automata to
>generate a map that contains extremely (he claimed completely) random
>sequences. This should not be a computationally intensive process and,
>again according to him, gives good randomness (good enough to be the
>random number generation technique used in mathematica where the audience
>is made up of picky people who actually care). He mentioned this as an
>aside during a lecture at xerox parc, so I suspect the full algorithm is
>somewhat more complex. Interesting stuff.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 7/10/2003 3:11 PM
>>Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.
>>OK, here's the deal:
>>A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
>>and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
>>seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
>>comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
>>chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
>>security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
>>time and be done with it.
>>My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
>>predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
>>and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
>>and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
>>uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.
>>So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
>>half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
>>of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
>>software alone.
>>set the numberformat to "0."
>>put the long seconds
>>Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
>>don't know.
>Jonathan Feinstein
>Shrink2Fit Software
>metacard mailing list

Visit us at

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The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.


Re: CD update...

2003-07-10 Thread xbury . cs


I once made a mac version of a CD for PC in HC. It was hell on wheels too.
For the mac version we made a Mac specific session on a multisession cd.
Thus the PC didn't see the mac and viceversa...

on the PC you can also use an autorun.ini file to launch a beatiful installer -
much less messy than having the user open folders on the cd...

The other solution (simpler) is to make 2 separate folders, one for mac and 
one for PC. Beats the purpose of having multi-platform engines though.

One last solution for you to use the cd in a protected manner as you wish:
Put a 300MB semi-random file on your cd and read a part of it with known
data. Users wont copy that file onto their drives and it ensures the cd is there.


On 11/07/2003 03:46:55 metacard-admin wrote:
>>If you simply want to ensure the program is on a CD, a simple test
>>is to try writing a temp file to the same directory as the program .
>>If the result is not empty, then it's locked and thus on CD. If the
>>result is empty, delete the temp file and report that the program
>>will only run from CD.
>>Don't know if this is helpful.
>Actually they must install the program on their hard drive to run it,
>but it does need the CD to run.
>Things are not going well with the CD so far.  I had to give up on
>the query for the CD, and use another (very poor) option.
>Dissatisfied.  And where I had a nice image in the background of the
>folder, the image turned to mud on Windows.  I had chopped up an
>image into icons for the folder backdrop.  Beautiful on Mac, horrible
>on Windows.  At this moment, I should have at least 25 CD's burned.
>Tomorrow I should be packing, and taking care of other things.  I
>expected to have this done two weeks ago... *sigh*
>Shari C

Visit us at

Internet communications are not secure and therefore Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.


RE: Scott's legacy

2003-07-10 Thread Vikram Singh
I remember an unexpected email chat I had with Scott regarding an alphaData 
issue. This man is obsessed with producing a world beating product- that was 
(is!) always his priority. His response was typically within 24 hours, often 
less. For me, discovering every new feature (in an upgrade) was a delight.

And his communication is shorn of bull***. I mean take a look at any software 
company's website and you'll get the idea why guys like me felt comfortable 
with MC.

In his new avatar in Rev I'm sure he'll achieve even greater success.



>= Original Message From Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =
>Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> I nominate him for a lifetime acheivement award for Best Customer Service
>> Ever.
>> Maintaining the engine, the IDE, and marketing them may be simpler tasks 
>> RunRev than matching Scott's level of service.
>As would building a nuclear reactor with nothing but some old toothpicks and
>masking tape...
>(Hopefully Scott gets the idea that his service is very much appreciated.)
>Scott Rossi

metacard mailing list

RE: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread MisterX


C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared>msinfo32
'msinfo32' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

can't be retrieved from a vanilla mswin2000
but im interested if you find it...
it's also an msc so maybe with vbs...

but why go that far?

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2003 23:01
> Subject: Re: Getting the system profile
> > Shari writes:
> > [snip]
> >>
> >>> As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking
> through the
> >>> drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you
> >>> know
> >>> whether a specific CD is mounted.
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>>  Richard Gaskin
> >>
> >> Tried it. But XP kills it.
> >>
> >> Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error
> >> window.  Bad.
> >>
> >> Shari C
> >>
> > ==
> > You need to navigate deeper into the folders in the system Information.
> > CD-ROM drive info, including: drive letter, if media is loaded, status,
> > etc.,is here
> >
> > System Information\Components\Multimedia\CD-ROM
> >
> > miscdas
> >
> ===
> BTW, WIN XP pro uses msinfo32.exe in place of winmsd.exe
> miscdas
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Moving the MC IDE forward

2003-07-10 Thread Geoff Canyon
Taking as a given the fact that the MetaCard development environment is 
much more static than the Revolution development environment, and 
therefore has had more of the bugs ironed out of it:

Out of curiosity, what is it that the MetaCard development environment 
has that the Revolution environment doesn't?

Or, what is it that MetaCard _doesn't_ have that can't be hidden or 
done away with in Revolution?

Or, what is it that is done so differently in MetaCard than it is in 

In short, (putting it bluntly) why would anyone want to spend effort 
maintaining/updating MetaCard's development environment when the 
Revolution environment is also customizable?


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 09:12 PM, Nelson Zink wrote:

But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long
seconds clock are not the same?
Generally no, but strictly? I suppose I do. My long seconds are being
displayed to 20 magnitudes of precision (with proper numberFormat
adjustment). Either an alien technology has taken up residence in my 
or something's screwy. I'm betting on the later.
The results of many operations and functions are internally double 
precision floating point numbers.  They are converted to strings when 
they need to be.  We can do much of our scripting without knowing or 
caring.  The floating point representation is binary.  There are 52 
bits in the precision plus an invisible bit for the left most one (for 
non-zero values).

The current date-time in seconds is about 1,058,000,000.  (1Gs = 32 
years, 1 year = 31 Ms, 1Ms = 11 1/2 days, 1ks = 17 minutes, approx.)  
The floating point number can represent about 16 digits.  That means 
you can't do better than about 100 ns (with the current number scheme).

I think we are seeing 1 microsecond resolution on OS X and 1 ms 
resolution on XP.  All those extra digits are from the binary to 
decimal conversion and are not meaningful, that is, not meaningful in 
time, but are predictable meaning they are worthless to as random bits. 
 (I think 1 microsecond 'long seconds' resolution is a reasonable goal 
for all platforms for the time being.)

You can collect some random bits using the long seconds, I think, but I 
don't think you want to base it on how long it takes to execute some 
code.  You might want to harvest it from operator interactions and if 
you don't have enough of those, from Internet response times.  The 
number of bits you can harvest depends on your estimate of 

If we are really seeing only 1 ms on XP, then you have less bits to 
harvest and it will take you longer to get enough for a seed; save 'em 

Dar Scott

  Dar Scott Consulting Programming Services [EMAIL PROTECTED]
metacard mailing list

Re: 2 upgrades are guaranteed

2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
RCS wrote:

> I don't think this has been discussed enough. As someone
> who just paid $300 for :
> "free access to all MetaCard updates that are released or go to
> beta within that 1 year period. At least 2 upgrades are guaranteed
> to be released within the duration of each subscription."
> i feel like this is being swept under the rug. We need an official
> response so we can decide our course of action.
> What about the bugs that still exist? What if Apple's 'Panther' breaks
> something?

That's a good question.  One of the reasons Scott has such a rabidly loyal
following is that he's quite speedy with the incremental upgrades (e,g.,
2.4.2 to 2.4.3), but generally only enforces a reg key change with a major
version chage (e.g., 2.4.3 to 2.5).

Will RunRev change this long-established practice?

And will the frequency of new releases be faster or slower than before?  For
example, will the MC engine be released as soon as it's ready or held back
for the Rev IDE to be updated for it?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
Richard MacLemale wrote:

> Like I said, it's a calculated gamble.  RunRev is gambling that MetaCard
> users will pay to upgrade MetaCard and then migrate, and they realize that
> they're going to lose some folks (like me) at least temporarily, and maybe
> forever, but they're willing to take that risk.

MetaCard is the one application I upgrade with every version, in order to
take advantage of new features, bug fixes, and to be able to provide
meaningful feedback on the product's direction.  I happily add the other
$200 to have access to Scott's best-in-the-industry support.  All in all,
for what MetaCard delivers for myself and my clients, the subscription price
is a bargain for me.

Does your organization benefit more than $300 worth from your work with MC?
Would they be willing to keep you upgraded?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

2 upgrades are guaranteed

2003-07-10 Thread RCS
I don't think this has been discussed enough. As someone
who just paid $300 for :

"free access to all MetaCard updates that are released or go to 
beta within that 1 year period. At least 2 upgrades are guaranteed 
to be released within the duration of each subscription."

i feel like this is being swept under the rug. We need an official
response so we can decide our course of action.

What about the bugs that still exist? What if Apple's 'Panther' breaks


> This sums up rather well my gut-feeling on this issue
> as well. MC and RR have merged into one.. so should
> we, but not by immediately dishing out more cash. Our
> investment in MC should 'port' to RR without any
> hassle whatsoever. That's what would make us happy. 
> ;-)
> Alain Farmer

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard MacLemale
> Let's be realistic. If RunRev own the engine they can afford to wait until
> you need a new Rev feature or some new feature of Panther breaks your apps.
> Monte

MetaCard 2.5 runs awesome under Panther.  :)   Heh heh heh...

I feel that the odds of me, and some other MC developers, being Rev
customers increase greatly if they cross grade us now without the fee.  It's
not like it's never been done before... Emagic did it.  They said that they
were no longer going to make the Windows version of Logic, and so they
offered a cross-grade to the Mac version for free.  OK, so that may or may
not have brought some extra folks to the Mac platform, and Apple owns
Emagic, but still the point stands.  They were making a switch and they
wanted to bring as many of their users along as possible.  RunRev would
certainly like to have all of the MetaCard developers convert to Revolution,
but we have to basically do the equivalent of buying their small business
edition to make the change.  So unless you need direct e-mail support and a
lot of extra database stuff, it's really not a huge bargain.

I think that there will be plenty of MetaCard users who will not upgrade
right now to Rev... They'll wait around and see what future versions of Rev
bring, and then maybe they'll upgrade and maybe they won't, depending on
what fancy new features Rev adds.  And in the meantime they will continue to
use MetaCard.  Let's face it, if we thought Rev was better we would have
already jumped over.

And we don't KNOW what we're missing.  We don't know how fast RunRev
responds to bugs, or how fast they respond to complaints, or how willing
they are to listen to user input.  People who use Rev give the company high
marks in those areas, but those of us who still use MetaCard have not
experienced that first hand so we don't "know" it.  If we switched to Rev
right now, and had a chance to experience being a Rev user first hand, we
might become enamored with the experience and the community and it might
make us more likely to renew and give them money.  Which is a valid point...
I think that I, and maybe some other folks, would be more likely to update
Rev in the future if I could migrate without getting charged right now, as
opposed to not using the product at all.

Like I said, it's a calculated gamble.  RunRev is gambling that MetaCard
users will pay to upgrade MetaCard and then migrate, and they realize that
they're going to lose some folks (like me) at least temporarily, and maybe
forever, but they're willing to take that risk.  They hope that at some
point in time in the future we'll decide we want to buy in, and they'll take
the money then.  But let's not jump to the conclusion that the next version
of the Mac OS will break MetaCard.  There's a decent chance that MetaCard
2.5 will run on the Mac OS for another 5 years without breaking.  You never
know.  Maybe even longer.  RunRev could have pretty much every single
MetaCard developer if it wanted them right now, by offering a free
cross-grade.  Instead, MetaCard/RunRev is going for another $300 to make it
happen.  They're going to make some money and they're going to lose some
people.  And some people they lose will come back, and some won't.  In the
long run, which way is better for them?  I don't know.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Nelson Zink

> If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a
> new kind of science" by stephen wolfram.

Wolfram's Rule 30 thing is great at producing a string of random digits, but
what we need is a random seed. What we need is the finger that points out
the section of Wolfram's string to use. The digits of Pi are random so we
could do the same thing with a huge file of Pi digits. We still need the

The whole deal with RNGs used for security purposes isn't about having
random digits, it about my picking a certain group of the digits and you not
being able to guess which group I chose. We're talkin' encryption.


> But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long
> seconds clock are not the same?

Generally no, but strictly? I suppose I do. My long seconds are being
displayed to 20 magnitudes of precision (with proper numberFormat
adjustment). Either an alien technology has taken up residence in my machine
or something's screwy. I'm betting on the later.


metacard mailing list

RE: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Shari
Shari, dear reticents... ;)

...long long wonderful reply...
Best of lucks porting your apps across cultures my friends

Gosh I cannot wait to dig into your reply!  I won't be able to do it 
for this CD, but never fear, as when I return in 10 days I will be 
doing a mass CD mailout.  It would make me a very happy girl to do 
these CD's the way I envision.  (These CD's will not produce direct 
income, they are to send to reviewers and magazines and the like. 
'Tis my first promotional CD.)

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

CD update...

2003-07-10 Thread Shari

If you simply want to ensure the program is on a CD, a simple test 
is to try writing a temp file to the same directory as the program . 
If the result is not empty, then it's locked and thus on CD. If the 
result is empty, delete the temp file and report that the program 
will only run from CD.

Don't know if this is helpful.

Actually they must install the program on their hard drive to run it, 
but it does need the CD to run.

Things are not going well with the CD so far.  I had to give up on 
the query for the CD, and use another (very poor) option. 
Dissatisfied.  And where I had a nice image in the background of the 
folder, the image turned to mud on Windows.  I had chopped up an 
image into icons for the folder backdrop.  Beautiful on Mac, horrible 
on Windows.  At this moment, I should have at least 25 CD's burned. 
Tomorrow I should be packing, and taking care of other things.  I 
expected to have this done two weeks ago... *sigh*

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
MisterX wrote:

>> Also, if no CD is loaded, it spits up an error dialog, another no no.
> I dont know where you saw this... I wonder, was it the net movie with
> Sandra Bullock? ;))

No, XP.

If you check for the existence of a file on a removable media drive with no
media loaded, XP throws up a dialog warning you that the drive is not ready.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Yennie
In this particular case, I can't argue that either proposition is at all unreasonable, but there is a simple way of looking at this: just imagine that Rev 2.1 (or 2.5, whatever the next major upgrade becomes) is "Metacard 3.0" when it comes out. Seeing as how the Metacard GUI will still be available, and the engine has always been the same, isn't it??


> What I was saying was this - If Revolution transferred my MetaCard 2.5
> license, right now, to Revolution 2.0.1, for free, I would switch from
> MetaCard development to Revolution development immediately and not look
> back.  Revolution is the future.

Brian Yennie
Chief Technology Officer
QLD Learning, LLC

PH: (904)-997-0212


2003-07-10 Thread Monte Goulding

> What I was saying was this - If Revolution transferred my MetaCard 2.5
> license, right now, to Revolution 2.0.1, for free, I would switch from
> MetaCard development to Revolution development immediately and not look
> back.  Revolution is the future.
So you get a better IDE and a heap of externals and RunRev get? If you
aren't fussed about keeping upgraded they won't even get potential future
upgrades out of the deal. What makes you think that having one more user is
that important to them that they would give away their software? If it were
that important they would give it away to everyone.

Let's be realistic. If RunRev own the engine they can afford to wait until
you need a new Rev feature or some new feature of Panther breaks your apps.


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Shrink2Fit

If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a 
new kind of science" by stephen wolfram. They are using an automata to 
generate a map that contains extremely (he claimed completely) random 
sequences. This should not be a computationally intensive process and, 
again according to him, gives good randomness (good enough to be the 
random number generation technique used in mathematica where the audience 
is made up of picky people who actually care). He mentioned this as an 
aside during a lecture at xerox parc, so I suspect the full algorithm is 
somewhat more complex. Interesting stuff.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 7/10/2003 3:11 PM

>Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.
>OK, here's the deal:
>A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
>and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
>seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
>comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
>chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
>security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
>time and be done with it.
>My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
>predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
>and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
>and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
>uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.
>So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
>half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
>of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
>software alone.
>set the numberformat to "0."
>put the long seconds
>Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
>don't know.

Jonathan Feinstein
Shrink2Fit Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:24 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

A headache, from looking at all those digits
OK, this has less digits.
But this is better.  The first call to long seconds or long 
milliseconds is thrown away on this one.  It takes longer for some 

on mouseUp
  set the cursor to watch
  put "Upper bounds on time resolution:" & LF into field "Report"
  put the seconds into time1
  put the seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long seconds into junk
  put the long seconds into time1
  put the long seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the ticks into time1
  put the ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field "Report"
  put the long ticks into time1
  put the long ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the milliseconds into time1
  put the milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long milliseconds into junk
  put the long milliseconds into time1
  put the long milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
end mouseUp

Now, I'm really really gone for the evening.


metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Alain Farmer
Hello Richard MacLemale and y'all,

> Now, like I said... If I were to be able to trade
> my 2.5 license right now for a Rev 2.0.1 license,
> in an even trade, I would do it and Revolution
> would have one more user. Revolution wouldn't
> make any money off of me right now, but they're
> not going to anyway because I'm not going to
> spend $300.

This sums up rather well my gut-feeling on this issue
as well. MC and RR have merged into one.. so should
we, but not by immediately dishing out more cash. Our
investment in MC should 'port' to RR without any
hassle whatsoever. That's what would make us happy. 

Alain Farmer

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:04 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

What do you folks get?
A headache, from looking at all those digits
OK, this has less digits.

on mouseUp
  set the cursor to watch
  put "Upper bounds on time resolution (maybe 10 to 20 microseconds 
high):" & LF into field "Report"
  put the seconds into time1
  put the seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long seconds into time1
  put the long seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the ticks into time1
  put the ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field "Report"
  put the long ticks into time1
  put the long ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the milliseconds into time1
  put the milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long milliseconds into time1
  put the long milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
end mouseUp

My OS X result:

Upper bounds on time resolution (maybe 10 to 20 microseconds high):
the seconds resolution: 1
the long seconds resolution: 0.15
the ticks resolution: 1
the long ticks resolution: 0.000847
the milliseconds resolution: 1
the long milliseconds resolution: 0.010986
I would guess the XP result will show ms resolution.

Note that the long milliseconds seems to be faster than the long 

You guys pick up the ball; I'm out the door.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:10 PM, Nelson Zink wrote:

My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other 
and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local 
and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG 
uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.
But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long 
seconds clock are not the same?

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "MisterX"  wrote:

> try

I tried this and got an error page "File or Page Not Found".

Do you have any other resources for shell variables MC can access?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Nelson Zink
Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.

OK, here's the deal:
A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
time and be done with it.

My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.

So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
software alone.

set the numberformat to "0."
put the long seconds

Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
don't know.


metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #699 - 14 msgs

2003-07-10 Thread Robert Presender
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 01:37 PM, Michael wrote:

I'm approaching 60, Shari. When I was in school, IBM didn't exist.

You must be older than you think!

IBM has been around since about 1890. Though it was incorporated as
"International Business Machines" in 1911


Wonder where this leaves me?  I'm 84!


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Dar Scott"  wrote:

> On my OS X, I get this:
> the long seconds: 1057873624.51924 delta: 0.09
> the ticks: 63472417471 delta: 0
> the milliseconds: 1057873624527 delta: 0
> the long ticks: 63472417471.80954 delta: 0.000778
> the long milliseconds: 1057873624533.140991 delta: 0.014038
> I forgot how many digits we get with double floating point.  Between 14
> and 15?  This might limit how small of a time we can measure.
> What do you folks get?

A headache, from looking at all those digits



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

checking if there's a CD (windows)

2003-07-10 Thread Shao Sean
i think it was shari who was looking for a way to check if
the CD is present or not on windows..
   get MCISendString("status cdaudio media present")
will return TRUE if there's a CD in the drive, FALSE if no

you can also eject and insert the CD tray
   get MCISendString("set cdaudio door open")
   get MCISendString("set cdaudio door closed")

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 02:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

try this:
put the long ticks into tTicks
wait 1 tick
put(the long ticks - tTicks)
on WINXP pro, the result is in microtick resolution
put the long seconds into tSecs
wait 1 second
put(the long seconds - tSecs)
gives only millisecond resolution
H.  LONG ticks?  Hey, I just noticed there are LONG milliseconds!  

For this handler (needs field "Report"):

on mouseUp
  put the long seconds into time1
  put the long seconds into time2
  put "the long seconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
into field "Report"
  put the ticks into time1
  put the ticks into time2
  put "the ticks: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
  put the milliseconds into time1
  put the milliseconds into time2
  put "the milliseconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
after field "Report"
  put the long ticks into time1
  put the long ticks into time2
  put "the long ticks: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
after field "Report"
  put the long milliseconds into time1
  put the long milliseconds into time2
  put "the long milliseconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & 
LF after field "Report"
end mouseUp

On my OS X, I get this:

the long seconds: 1057873624.51924 delta: 0.09
the ticks: 63472417471 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057873624527 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63472417471.80954 delta: 0.000778
the long milliseconds: 1057873624533.140991 delta: 0.014038
I forgot how many digits we get with double floating point.  Between 14 
and 15?  This might limit how small of a time we can measure.

What do you folks get?

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

RE: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread MisterX

Shari, dear reticents... ;)

> The volumes on Windows only give the drive letters, A, B, C, etc. and
> do not even tell you which drive is being used for the CD.  Also, a
> user prompt is a big no no for this, must be done behind the scenes.

No user prompt required... dont worry...

bonus at the end...
but it'll be quite a full detailed email ...

Lets start...

> Also, if no CD is loaded, it spits up an error dialog, another no no.

I dont know where you saw this... I wonder, was it the net movie with
Sandra Bullock? ;))

Regardless of Windows versions, strictly in xtalk,
list the volumes:

  put the volumes into drivelist

Then repeat for each line driveletter
  put driveletter & "install\win32\" into myfile
  get there is a file myfile then
  if not it then exit gracefuly

  if not parsesecurequantummultidimensionalcrc(url thefile) then
explodePC -- pirates & industrial spys only
exit gracefully
  end if

 I got my file, im happy, Icanrunnow, makemillionsformyuser

> cool on Mac.  But Windows is a bugger for this.  I thought I had it
> solved until I tested it on Windows last night, and discovered that
> my wondrous solution is not cross platform :-(

Windows is arcane technology but remember that unix is where shells
started and that's precompustoric and your new macosx is just not
"openly" showing it... It's dragging a zillion pounds mamooth GUI
on top of this shell... the shell's d fastest "online" thing there is...

also, dont complain about windows, lotus notes and vi are far worse
examples than miswindoze. It's just DOS. At work, I use MC to parse
these dos commands by the thousands weekly with an mc made button!

Getting the volume name is easy... DOS stuff in other words.
DOS has been around for longuer than even HyperTalk...
DOS is just another less-ugly-than-PERL language...

type 'help' in a dos window to find out more...

I tested this on Windows 98se & 2000
and follows is the basic features you must deal with:

get shell("vol" && driveletter)

C:\>vol f:
 Volume in drive X is XOS
 Volume Serial Number is E494-1388

or in a empty diskette cdrom drive:

C:\>vol v: = The device is not ready. -- my empty dvd drive

You must know that any Windows process can be done
behind the scenes and transparently. There wont even be
application switching. It can even be done in a background
process with at or as an NT service with full network/domain
access anywhere (NTResKit may be req.)

To hide the windows command use the hideconsole global.

This will completely hide the command/shell window. Remember
that Win95,98,se or, god-help-ya, winME use command.exe and
winNT (nt4,2k,xp)use cmd.exe. And linux, well... uh... sh?

So be careful about which version of windows is in use...
Just in case.

This you can find with:

get the platform

or better if it's win_something:

get shell("ver")

if you have the reskit, try:

get shell("srvinfo -ns servername") -- ma favorite
 -- includes shares and full drive info and spX and
and nics and cpus andandnandannanaaan

get shell("ipconfig /all") -- = network hw/sw config

and there's many many more... try

Least but not last, make sure your "the directory" global
is pointing to a valid drive before using them (c: is a
great default.) Otherwise you get std cmd errors.

W98 "Invalid drive specification"
W2K "The system cannot find the drive specified."

Nonetheless, with the above, you
are armed to tackle all the eventuallities in windows. No
xcmds required, no user input, no shells in your face,
clean as a mac! On gross terms of course...

Oh yes... one last reminder: the line positions and even the
column positions of the output of these shell commands may
vary depending on different versions of these commands!

srvinfo in the occurence...

check EVERYTHING! MS programmed 'it'!


More thoughts out of context and none of my business...

Try an online registration (name+password exchange through mail...)
That's very effective... clean and pro...

I also sent you previously the link to the full API from
sysexternals just in case you really want that itty bit
of cdrom info that bad. You'll need a Visual C++ license
and lots more patience than with HC, MC and RR together
but it's the win32 way!

Best of lucks porting your apps across cultures my friends



The only thing better than EOC is a Z3 M Coupe with quad neutron PBCs!
Great for caravan passing or people with high beams on...
Go wild at


-- bonus scripts from XOS

on StartUp


-- Shell Functions --

on CheckWinShellPlatform
  if (the platform = "win32") and (word 1 of the systemversion is "windows")
set the shellcommand to ""
set the shellcommand to "cmd.exe"
  end if

  set the directory to "c:"

  -- Get OS info...
  put shell("ver") into os[version]
  put shell("ipconfig") into os[networkinfo]

  -- bonus pseudo scripts

  -- if nt 

RE: Customising the Metacard Environment

2003-07-10 Thread Wilhelm Sanke
 On Tue, 08 Jul 2003,  Monte Goulding wrote:

> > a speaker of
> > Australian or Tamil English (the latter spoken around Madras) will
> > probably never understand a man from Texas.
> Hello Wilhelm
> I'm Australian and have spoken to a number of Texans and understand them
> perfectly well. Contrary to popular opinion, Australians are not a mutant
> race roaming around in the desert and riding kangaroos ;-)
> Anywayz I.. uh.. thing I'll garn mt Wuzza n Buzza dun tha Pub fa Beer
> Cheers
> Monte
Hello Monte,

While writing what you quoted above  I was actually thinking of your
reaction. Of course I was overstating to make my point. Australians -
especially with the added support of a good glass of wine from Barossa
Valley (brought there and cultivated at first by German settlers) - will
surely understand a number of dialects. I know this from my own
experience. The case of the man from Texas is more difficult and may be
worsened additionally by language content, but he has the option to try
California wine (brought there and cultivated at first by German
settlers) and thus advance on the road to international understanding.
So much for chauvinism.
My greatest challenge had been to understand friends in Clapham (South
London) who spoke a beautiful "sociolect"  not even mentioned by Prof.

In the meantime, the world has turned upside down and the case of
customizing/customising Metacard assumes a new relevance.

I was happy to find the following statement (promise?) in the FAQ of
Kevin Miller´s takeover news:

" However, for those existing MetaCard customers that want
to continue to use the MetaCard tools, we will arrange an outside group
of volunteer developers to maintain the existing MetaCard user interface

so that they may do so."

I very much hope that such a group will come into existence *and* will
not only be tolerated, but also supported by the new joint
Metacard/Revolution team.

Cheers to you,

Wilhelm Sanke

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #696 - 14 msgs

2003-07-10 Thread Michael Crawford
I'm approaching 60, Shari. When I was in school, IBM didn't exist.

You must be older than you think!

IBM has been around since about 1890. Though it was incorporated as 
"International Business Machines" in 1911

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas

Shari writes:

As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking through the
drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you 
whether a specific CD is mounted.  

 Richard Gaskin
Tried it. But XP kills it.  

Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error 
window.  Bad.  

Shari C  

You need to navigate deeper into the folders in the system Information. 
CD-ROM drive info, including: drive letter, if media is loaded, status, 
etc.,is here  

System Information\Components\Multimedia\CD-ROM  


BTW, WIN XP pro uses msinfo32.exe in place of winmsd.exe 


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas
Ken Ray writes: 

1057853216369 1057853216.369436 

OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah! 

Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
to the microsecond. 

(Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.) 

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)
You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool! 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
try this: 

put the long ticks into tTicks
wait 1 tick
put(the long ticks - tTicks) 

on WINXP pro, the result is in microtick resolution 


put the long seconds into tSecs
wait 1 second
put(the long seconds - tSecs) 

gives only millisecond resolution 

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/10/03 11:19 AM, "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> At 7:23 AM -0700 7/9/03, Richard MacLemale wrote:
>>>  Existing customers will get a free upgrade to Revolution with
>>>  their next subscription renewal.
>> Which is essentially a paid cross-grade.  It means that the next time I get
>> ready to fork over 300 bucks to MetaCard I give it to Rev instead and then I
>> get Rev.  Which means I'm paying 300 for Rev.
> Not exactly. You pay $300 for your normal upgrade, and get a Revolution
> cross-grade  for free along with it.
> So the outcome is that if you want to switch at the time of your next
> renewal, you can do so for free, but you retain the option of staying with
> MC.

OK, let me be MORE specific.  I currently have a legal license to run
MetaCard 2.5.  That means that I can program in MetaCard 2.5 from now until
eternity without dishing out any more cash.

I ALSO have the option of paying $300 to MetaCard for another year of
upgrades.  Since MetaCard 2.5 does everything I need it to, I probably would
not do this.

What I was saying was this - If Revolution transferred my MetaCard 2.5
license, right now, to Revolution 2.0.1, for free, I would switch from
MetaCard development to Revolution development immediately and not look
back.  Revolution is the future.

Right now, I have three choices:

1.  Continue to run MetaCard 2.5 for the forseeable future, for free.

2.  Purchase Revolution for Teachers for $99, but not do anything

3.  Purchase Revolution for Small Business for $299, and get everything but
the hardcore database stuff.

4.  Renew my MetaCard license for $300 but trade it for a pro license of
Revolution.  Which would get me the hardcore database stuff plus direct
e-mail support (for I assume one year.)

Obviously, for me, 3 doesn't make any sense, because the cross-grade option
of number 4 is better.  And since I would maybe want to make commercial
software, I've decided that 2 is out.

That leaves choice 1 or 4.  I can either continue to develop in MC for free,
or pay $300 and end up with Revolution.  Since Revolution doesn't give me
anything I really need beyond what MC can do right now, I'm not going to
spend 300 bucks to get it.  It's not worth it to me.

Now, like I said... If I were to be able to trade my 2.5 license right now
for a Rev 2.0.1 license, in an even trade, I would do it and Revolution
would have one more user.  Revolution wouldn't make any money off of me
right now, but they're not going to anyway because I'm not going to spend

Don't get me wrong.  I TOTALLY understand why Rev is doing it this way and
if I were them I'd maybe do the same thing.  I do not blame them at all,
because this is business.  I will follow Revolution's progress, and if it
ever gets to the point where it's worth $300 more than MC 2.5 to me, I'll
consider purchasing it.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Cross-platform fonts

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 01:41 PM, Yates, Glen wrote:

I expect to use the multi-platform Revolution fonts that come with
Revolution 3.0.  ;-)
This is not a bad idea, if the fonts (and font rendering) were built 
the engine then there would be no cross-platform font differences.
Wow, that's even more than what I thought.  I was being wimpy and 
thinking of fonts with metrics on each system that made everything come 
out right.

Dar Scott

  Dar Scott Consulting Programming Services [EMAIL PROTECTED]
metacard mailing list

RE: Cross-platform fonts

2003-07-10 Thread Yates, Glen
> I expect to use the multi-platform Revolution fonts that come with 
> Revolution 3.0.  ;-)
> Dar Scott

This is not a bad idea, if the fonts (and font rendering) were built into
the engine then there would be no cross-platform font differences.

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Shari
Can you use a "try/catch" structure to snag the error so that it 
doesn't show up on screen? (I'm not sure if this works with system 
messages, but it is worth testing.)
Tried that, too :-)  Lordy I tried a bunch of stuff!  The error was 
not a Metacard error, and it still produced that danged little window.

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Cross-platform fonts

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 10:57 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I know some slipped thru the cracks, as initially I chose Helvetica
as the default, only to discover it was not very consistent on the
platforms, so I switched to Arial for most text, and occasionally
Verdana.  They seem to be pretty consistent from platform to
This raises a question:

Now that Micro$oft has abandoned EI for the Mac, what will become of 
useful set of cross-platform fonts that used to be pre-installed on 
Mac and Win?
I expect to use the multi-platform Revolution fonts that come with 
Revolution 3.0.  ;-)

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 7/10/03 12:56 PM, Shari wrote:

I've gotten the drives, walked thru them, and done [if there is a file 
"D:/Somefolder/Somefile"] or [if there is a folder "D:/Somefolder/"]

Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error 
window.  Bad.
Can you use a "try/catch" structure to snag the error so that it doesn't 
show up on screen? (I'm not sure if this works with system messages, but 
it is worth testing.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 11:38 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)
You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool!
It might not be XP's fault.  I have used NT and Win2K system calls that 
had nanosecond resolution.  This does not mean the OS or the hardware 
can handle that, but it does hint at greater time resolution (smaller 
than ms).

The same engine is used for all supported Windows platforms, whether 
95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP, whether home, pro or server.  I imagine parts of 
the engine might use the reduced common capability and parts might make 
runtime decisions based on the OS.  Perhaps the long seconds is in the 
first part.

I, personally, wouldn't mind if the Windows engine split into two if 
the 2K and XP Pro got some improvement or features.

BTW, the microseconds in OS X (and, it seems from Ray's comments, Mac 
OS 9.2) are handy for timing operations when using a repeat loop is 
awkward or otherwise inappropriate.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Dan Shafer
 > > I'm approaching 60, Shari. When I was in school, IBM didn't exist. 

>Thats interesting Dan, as IBM has been around since 1924! 

Yeah, bad choice of words. IBM didn't exist in the broad consciousness of the 
community. In 1960, when I was in  high school, computers were even less evident and 
known than when Shari was in school. That was the point I tried to make, badly.


2003-07-10 Thread Yates, Glen
> Shari wrote:
> > I envy those of you who are 35 and under, who at least had 
> computer access as a teenager. I am 40+.  
> >And my primary goal is Gypsy King Software. It isn't a 
> hobby. It is my company. My heart and soul :-) So beware what 
> criteria you use to define a * serious programmer *. 
> I'm approaching 60, Shari. When I was in school, IBM didn't exist.

Thats interesting Dan, as IBM has been around since 1924!
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Ray G. Miller
From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Ken Ray wrote:

> Dar, I think "the long seconds"
> returns milliseconds as well, but in a slightly different format: I
> opened the message box and typed:
>   put the milliseconds && the long seconds
I got 1057862149009 1057862149.009601

running MOS 9.2 with MC 2.5. Looks like microseconds to me, too (unless 
the random generator is running in overdrive ;-) ).


Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
metacard mailing list

Re: Explosive Demo Stack

2003-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Ray G. Miller"  wrote:

> You have WAY too much free time on your hands... ;-)

There's a difference between "free time" and
"heavy-eyelid-at-12:30AM-time"...  Actually, this was just a specialized use
of the ease-in scripts already posted.

> Perhaps you SHOULD take charge of managing the new IDE of MC...

 There's also a difference between making objects run around on a card
and managing a software development project that dozens (hundreds?) of folks
may use.  :-)

I would like to be involved, but I don't believe I'm qualified to do
something like this.  (Besides, if I did, who would write pointless little
animation scripts for you after midnight?...)


(FYI,  is an acronym I started using several years ago in chat circles
that meant "chuckling quietly".  I used this as an antithesis to LOL since
apparently all humor expressed in digital forums must be loud and


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas
Shari writes:

As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking through the
drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you know
whether a specific CD is mounted. 

 Richard Gaskin
Tried it. But XP kills it. 

Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error 
window.  Bad. 

Shari C 

You need to navigate deeper into the folders in the system Information. 
CD-ROM drive info, including: drive letter, if media is loaded, status, 
etc.,is here 

System Information\Components\Multimedia\CD-ROM 


metacard mailing list

Re: Explosive Demo Stack

2003-07-10 Thread Ray G. Miller
From: Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> For better or for worse, it is human nature to destroy things...

> go stack url "";

> Have fun being destructive...


You have WAY too much free time on your hands... ;-)

Perhaps you SHOULD take charge of managing the new IDE of MC...


Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Shari,

Could you look for a volume name and, if not found, prompt the user 
to load
the CD?


Scott Rossi

The volumes on Windows only give the drive letters, A, B, C, etc. and 
do not even tell you which drive is being used for the CD.  Also, a 
user prompt is a big no no for this, must be done behind the scenes. 
Also, if no CD is loaded, it spits up an error dialog, another no no.

No problemo on Mac.  Mac gives the names of the volumes.  So all is 
cool on Mac.  But Windows is a bugger for this.  I thought I had it 
solved until I tested it on Windows last night, and discovered that my 
wondrous solution is not cross platform :-(

If I could get my hands on the system info that the program winmsd.exe 
compiles, the way I can get Apple System Profiler info, I could parse 
what I need.

Shari C
maybe this could help you out:

Click on "Externals Collection"

There you can dl the old x-collection of Tuviah, where the win version 

"CD ROMs - get a list of currently available CD ROM drives" and more, 
of course :-)

Hope that helps.


Klaus Major
metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Shari
As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking through the
drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you know
whether a specific CD is mounted.
 Richard Gaskin
Tried it.  But if there is no media in the drive, it spits out an 
error on XP, instead of just letting me get the info quietly.  I've 
read about this on the list.  That it wouldn't spit out an error on 
other Windows platforms.  But XP kills it.

I've gotten the drives, walked thru them, and done [if there is a 
file "D:/Somefolder/Somefile"] or [if there is a folder 

Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error 
window.  Bad.

Shari C

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Shari
Could you look for a volume name and, if not found, prompt the user to load
the CD?

Scott Rossi

The volumes on Windows only give the drive letters, A, B, C, etc. and 
do not even tell you which drive is being used for the CD.  Also, a 
user prompt is a big no no for this, must be done behind the scenes. 
Also, if no CD is loaded, it spits up an error dialog, another no no.

No problemo on Mac.  Mac gives the names of the volumes.  So all is 
cool on Mac.  But Windows is a bugger for this.  I thought I had it 
solved until I tested it on Windows last night, and discovered that 
my wondrous solution is not cross platform :-(

If I could get my hands on the system info that the program 
winmsd.exe compiles, the way I can get Apple System Profiler info, I 
could parse what I need.

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

RE: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Ken Ray

> 1057853216369 1057853216.369436
> OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah!
> Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
> to the microsecond.
> (Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.)
> What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)

You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

metacard mailing list

Shari's colors

2003-07-10 Thread FlexibleLearning
Shari asked:
One anomaly I've found is that sometimes when I'm setting colors for 
things, all of Metacard suddenly becomes colored, and nothing fixes 
it but a quit/relaunch.  Anybody else experience this?

First port of call is your video driver. Is there a more recent version available?
You might also check your (computer's) memory situation.
Lastly, as an instant thunk, is  typed into the message box.



Hugh Senior
The Flexible Learning Company
Consultant Programming & Software Solutions
Fax/Voice: +44 (0)1483.27 87 27
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
(cc'd: to the "improve" list to serve as a feature request)

Shari wrote:

>> What information are you after?  A lot of system info is available directly
>> in MetaTalk
>> --
>> Richard Gaskin
> Nothing that gives me anything I can work with.
> There are a lot of things I'd like access to, but urgently, the drive
> letter of the CD ROM and whether media is loaded and either the name
> of the media or files on the media.  This is URGENT.  Urgent as in I
> will have to scrap the project today if I don't find a solution, and
> put out something that is not satisfactory to what it needs to
> accomplish.
> There are several other pieces of info I need for projects I am
> working on.  For Mac, I could probably use an XCMD, presumably
> Rinaldi's work in MC.  But this doesn't do much as my programs are
> cross platform.  The objective is NOT to use some 3rd party utility
> that may not be installed on the host computer, but system programs
> that would be.
> Ideally I would like access to the serial number of a disk, such as a
> CD, I know that floppies have built in serial numbers.  But I'm not
> holding out hope for this.  At the very least, I need to query that a
> specific CD is loaded, and access files on that CD.

I see.  Yep, it would be great to have something like "the detailed drives"
to give us that sort of information.

As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking through the
drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you know
whether a specific CD is mounted.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Shari wrote:

> At the very least, I need to query that a
> specific CD is loaded, and access files on that CD.

Could you look for a volume name and, if not found, prompt the user to load
the CD?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
Shari wrote:

> I wonder if I should bombard Kevin with the anomalies I've had to
> find workarounds for... such as random(0) = 1

Under what circumstances would random(0) be expected to provide a useful
result?  Why not save the clock cycles by using 0 directly?

> and that the Mac menubar won't update when you hide/show btns in it,
> unless you click outside the stack and back in... I had to come up
> with a really klutzy workaround for that one.

Does calling "lock menus" before the menu update and "unlock menus"
afterward fix the issue?

> Or that sometimes front/backscripts disappear, presumably something
> in a MC written handler resets them, deleting mine.  So on resume
> stack, I have to reset them

I've been using frontscripts and backscripts extensively since they
premiered in SuperCard in '97.  I've found the MC implementation to be the
smartest yet, and very robust.  Could there be some other factor affecting

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
Shari wrote:

> I know some slipped thru the cracks, as initially I chose Helvetica
> as the default, only to discover it was not very consistent on the
> platforms, so I switched to Arial for most text, and occasionally
> Verdana.  They seem to be pretty consistent from platform to
> platform.

This raises a question:

Now that Micro$oft has abandoned EI for the Mac, what will become of the
useful set of cross-platfoprm fonts that used to be pre-installed on both
Mac and Win?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Scott's legacy

2003-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> I nominate him for a lifetime acheivement award for Best Customer Service
> Ever.


> Maintaining the engine, the IDE, and marketing them may be simpler tasks for
> RunRev than matching Scott's level of service.

As would building a nuclear reactor with nothing but some old toothpicks and
masking tape...

(Hopefully Scott gets the idea that his service is very much appreciated.)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Shari
What information are you after?  A lot of system info is available directly
in MetaTalk
 Richard Gaskin
Nothing that gives me anything I can work with.

There are a lot of things I'd like access to, but urgently, the drive 
letter of the CD ROM and whether media is loaded and either the name 
of the media or files on the media.  This is URGENT.  Urgent as in I 
will have to scrap the project today if I don't find a solution, and 
put out something that is not satisfactory to what it needs to 

There are several other pieces of info I need for projects I am 
working on.  For Mac, I could probably use an XCMD, presumably 
Rinaldi's work in MC.  But this doesn't do much as my programs are 
cross platform.  The objective is NOT to use some 3rd party utility 
that may not be installed on the host computer, but system programs 
that would be.

Ideally I would like access to the serial number of a disk, such as a 
CD, I know that floppies have built in serial numbers.  But I'm not 
holding out hope for this.  At the very least, I need to query that a 
specific CD is loaded, and access files on that CD.

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Scott's legacy

2003-07-10 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 7/10/03 11:45 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:


Regardless of whether you think MC's acquisition by Run Rev bodes good or
bad, I think we can all agree that Scott has done a fantastic job with MC and
his customer service is unsurpassed.

I nominate him for a lifetime acheivement award for Best Customer Service
Seconded, enthusiastically.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Scott's legacy

2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin

> Regardless of whether you think MC's acquisition by Run Rev bodes good or
> bad, I think we can all agree that Scott has done a fantastic job with MC and
> his customer service is unsurpassed.

I nominate him for a lifetime acheivement award for Best Customer Service

Maintaining the engine, the IDE, and marketing them may be simpler tasks for
RunRev than matching Scott's level of service.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 7/9/03 12:36 AM, Alex Shaw wrote:

both IDEs run off the same engine.  Your code will open right up in the
Rev IDE without change.  When you compile your programs, they will use

Just tried loading my mc home stack into rev2 ... didn't work :)
I didn't think I had to specify that you can't swap any of the IDE 
components. ;) But you can save custom Home scripts to a new stack, name 
it something other than "home", and put it into RR's plug-ins folder. 
Then set it to load when Rev launches so you get basically the same 
thing you are used to. That's what I do -- I load the same custom 
library stack into both programs. I make aliases to a single library 
stack and place the aliases in both the MC and RR plug-ins folders so 
that both programs can see the same stack. Updates to the library in one 
program are automatically reflected in the other the next time the app 
launches, or whenever I type "revert" into the message box.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Interface on top of IDE

2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
Monte Goulding wrote:

> It remains to be seen if RR will remove the restriction allowing Rev to be
> used to develop other IDEs.

How is "IDE" defined?

The difference between a "multimedia authoring tool" and a "presentation
authoring tool" is one of degrees

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
Shari wrote:

> On Mac, the following will put the system profile into variable sysProf:
> set the directory to specialFolderPath(Apple)
> put "tell application" && quote & "Apple System Profiler" &
> quote & return & \
> "get the system profile" & return & \
> "end tell" into getInfo
> put "tell application" && quote & "Apple System Profiler" &
> quote & return & \
> "close window" && quote & "Apple System Profiler" & quote &
> return & \
> "end tell" into closeProfiler
> do getInfo as appleScript
> put the result into sysProf
> do closeProfiler as appleScript
> How do I do the same on Windows?

What information are you after?  A lot of system info is available directly
in MetaTalk

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 09:57 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

Dar, I think "the long seconds"
returns milliseconds as well, but in a slightly different format: I
opened the message box and typed:
  put the milliseconds && the long seconds

and got this:

  1057852538054 1057852538.054

Identical, except for where the decimal point was placed...
1057853216369 1057853216.369436

OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah!

Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
to the microsecond.

(Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.)

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Scott's legacy

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
> Regardless of whether you think MC's acquisition by Run Rev bodes good or
> bad, I think we can all agree that Scott has done a fantastic job with MC and his
> customer service is unsurpassed.  I have been the fortunate recipient of a
> number of Scott's "instant" responses (even one at 1:30 AM CST) as, I am sure,
> practically eveyone on this list has at some time or other.  I hope Run Rev
> recognizes the unequaled market value of this service and continues the
> tradition.
> Three cheers for Scott!
> Philip Chumbley
> ___
> metacard mailing list

The same for me :-)
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
metacard mailing list

RE: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Ken Ray
> the ticks is the smallest unit I think...

Actually, ticks are 1/60 of a second, whereas MC/Rev supports
milliseconds (1/1000 of a second). Dar, I think "the long seconds"
returns milliseconds as well, but in a slightly different format: I
opened the message box and typed:

  put the milliseconds && the long seconds

and got this:

  1057852538054 1057852538.054

Identical, except for where the decimal point was placed...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nelson Zink
> > Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2003 04:31
> > Subject: Smaller than milliseconds?
> > 
> > 
> > Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than 
> > milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?
> > 
> > Nelson Zink
> > 
> > ___
> > metacard mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> metacard mailing list
>> ard

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Shari a écrit :
> >  > Besides, no *serious* programmer has only one tool in his or her
> >>  kit because no one tool is a panacea.
> >>
> >
> >Yep, that's the *best* insurance!
> For those of you who know the "traditional" languages, the rest of us
> can only wish.  It took a year to decide whether to migrate to MC or
> take the plunge and learn C.  Learning a "traditional" language would
> easily set me back two years, and I don't know about you guys, but
> the two days a week I'm forced to work at a job I despise, while I'm
> working like hell to build my company, isn't something I want to have
> to do another two years to add a backup to the toolbox.  I'm hoping
> to have the option to go full time with my company in 2004, and blow
> those buggers off.  Being a * serious * programmer has nothing to do
> with it.  I work 7 days a week most weeks.  And am very determined.
> I envy those of you who are 35 and under, who at least had computer
> access as a teenager.  I am 40+.  In school, we had manual
> typewriters, not electronic, not electric, but MANUAL.  Computers
> were something that existed for IBM and the big companies.  Nobody I
> knew had one at home.  I never even saw one until I was in my late
> twenties/early thirties, and then it was a DOS computer at a store.
> Didn't impress me.  Looked like a glorified word processor, so I
> never bothered to dig deeper.  I got a very very late start at this,
> so time to me is a big issue.  That's why I get so tweaky at anything
> that sucks time away.  I don't know a traditional language, I taught
> myself via Hypercard to program.  C is gobbledygook to me.
> And my primary goal is Gypsy King Software.  It isn't a hobby.  It is
> my company.  My heart and soul :-)
> So beware what criteria you use to define a * serious programmer *.
> Shari C
> Gypsy King Software, Inc.
> --
> --Shareware Games for the Mac--
> ___
> metacard mailing list

Hello Shari, List

I never seen before some one i could describe as a generic "serious
programmer" ;-)... I can just say that we have, there in France (but
perhaps is it different in the USA ;-]), diffrent kind of serious people
working in the software development :

Some ones are both Software designers + developpers (Enginers and
Self-learning computer sciences peoples),
Some ones are Software developpers (using only academic methods and
tools - Enginers and Self-learning computer sciences peoples),
Some ones are Security administrators (mostly Enginers peoples),
Some ones are Databases administrators (mostly Enginers peoples),
The most of them are, only, software administrators (even if they are
often thinking to be developpers, mostly Enginers or technikers

Don't worry about the ones that are saying that they are the "serious
ones". Just look at wwhat they are working on...

Building an app from ground is like writting a book. It's an hard work
and not only a technical task. Because some tools are only dedicated to
code academic things (Pascal, C, Java) and some other tools are best
builded to let us "think the design in the same time we are coding the
resulting apps (Xtalks, Omnis Studio, Rexx), there is, naturally, a
(stupid) conflict between the ones saying "a serious app can only be
written in using conservative methods (aka Pascal, C, C++,...) and the
ones that, alike me, are thinking that they have to improve the design
and coding methods and techniques we needs to let our clients get what
they need, where the first kind of "serious developpers" will have to
answer them : "your demand is unrealistic... You will only gets what it
is possible to do inside your budget. If you wants more, give us two or
tree more money...

Because Revolution/Metacard is, it's at least what i believe, the best
designing/developpement RAD tool available today, i think we are in the
right way in going head with them. "We are just walking a little before
the masses" and it's all.

I don't think that XTalks are going to be killed by the majors computers
companies in the next years. Teen years ago, Apple and Oracle tried to
do so, without succes. Why could they try this again with more chances
of succes, today ?

I just think we are lucky guys and girls to be XTalkers designers and
developpers and that the future is open. We just need to gohead in
developping great apps in the AI and internet spheres, including
professional-grade Web apps and ERP's.

It's not always confortable to have to thing, code and write great apps,
great books but, to the end, we are always lots more happy about the
results than the ones that are only coding hard without thinking what
they are working on !

Be happy, friend... We are building a little part of the near future.
Both the Kevin Miller team and Scott Raney needs to have a "well powered
developpers basis" and all what we can d


2003-07-10 Thread Dan Shafer
Shari wrote:
> I envy those of you who are 35 and under, who at least had computer access as a 
> teenager. I am 40+.  

>And my primary goal is Gypsy King Software. It isn't a hobby. It is my company. My 
>heart and soul :-) So beware what criteria you use to define a * serious programmer 

I'm approaching 60, Shari. When I was in school, IBM didn't exist.

I appreciate the irony in your reply. I stand by my original observation. If you're 
creating a company that is your future around software, you really cannot afford NOT 
to have at least a couple of languages in your toolkit. That doesn't mean you have to 
stop everything for a year or two while you master another language/tool, but I think 
it *does* mean you have to start working into your jammed schedule some time to begin 
that process. Take it from someone who's started a half-dozen software companies over 
the years: standardizing on one tool,  unless that tool is something like C++ or Java 
or even Smalltalk with a lot of company and industry momentum, is a recipe for serious 

Scott's legacy

2003-07-10 Thread PEChumbley

Regardless of whether you think MC's acquisition by Run Rev bodes good or 
bad, I think we can all agree that Scott has done a fantastic job with MC and his 
customer service is unsurpassed.  I have been the fortunate recipient of a 
number of Scott's "instant" responses (even one at 1:30 AM CST) as, I am sure, 
practically eveyone on this list has at some time or other.  I hope Run Rev 
recognizes the unequaled market value of this service and continues the 

Three cheers for Scott!

Philip Chumbley
metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Kevin Miller
On 10/7/03 2:51 pm, Shari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe I'll let him catch his breath first :-)

Thanks :-)  But rest assured, we have a great program of updates and
upgrades planned.


Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Runtime Revolution Limited: Software at the Speed of Thought
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Shari
 > Besides, no *serious* programmer has only one tool in his or her
 kit because no one tool is a panacea.

Yep, that's the *best* insurance!
For those of you who know the "traditional" languages, the rest of us 
can only wish.  It took a year to decide whether to migrate to MC or 
take the plunge and learn C.  Learning a "traditional" language would 
easily set me back two years, and I don't know about you guys, but 
the two days a week I'm forced to work at a job I despise, while I'm 
working like hell to build my company, isn't something I want to have 
to do another two years to add a backup to the toolbox.  I'm hoping 
to have the option to go full time with my company in 2004, and blow 
those buggers off.  Being a * serious * programmer has nothing to do 
with it.  I work 7 days a week most weeks.  And am very determined.

I envy those of you who are 35 and under, who at least had computer 
access as a teenager.  I am 40+.  In school, we had manual 
typewriters, not electronic, not electric, but MANUAL.  Computers 
were something that existed for IBM and the big companies.  Nobody I 
knew had one at home.  I never even saw one until I was in my late 
twenties/early thirties, and then it was a DOS computer at a store. 
Didn't impress me.  Looked like a glorified word processor, so I 
never bothered to dig deeper.  I got a very very late start at this, 
so time to me is a big issue.  That's why I get so tweaky at anything 
that sucks time away.  I don't know a traditional language, I taught 
myself via Hypercard to program.  C is gobbledygook to me.

And my primary goal is Gypsy King Software.  It isn't a hobby.  It is 
my company.  My heart and soul :-)

So beware what criteria you use to define a * serious programmer *.

Shari C
Gypsy King Software, Inc.
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Shari
The only thing I can think of that might be different is that Rev 
uses different default fonts and sizes. If you have any fields that 
use text defaults, they may look different (text will be smaller.) 
Other than that, I can't think of anything that would affect your 
I know some slipped thru the cracks, as initially I chose Helvetica 
as the default, only to discover it was not very consistent on the 
platforms, so I switched to Arial for most text, and occasionally 
Verdana.  They seem to be pretty consistent from platform to 
platform.  I do set a default for the stack at the very least.  But I 
didn't initially.  Created a bit of anarchy there for a moment.

The good news is that as soon as I come back from vacation (the 
Shareware Industry Conference just happens to be in my hometown 
:-) I will be back to work on my favorite project, and can put to 
good use all I've learned from porting two into MC from HC and 
writing one from the ground up in MC.

One anomaly I've found is that sometimes when I'm setting colors for 
things, all of Metacard suddenly becomes colored, and nothing fixes 
it but a quit/relaunch.  Anybody else experience this?

I wonder if I should bombard Kevin with the anomalies I've had to 
find workarounds for... such as random(0) = 1, and that the Mac 
menubar won't update when you hide/show btns in it, unless you click 
outside the stack and back in... I had to come up with a really 
klutzy workaround for that one.  Or that sometimes front/backscripts 
disappear, presumably something in a MC written handler resets them, 
deleting mine.  So on resume stack, I have to reset them or that 
Hypercard soundchannels (without a player object) would be nice...

Maybe I'll let him catch his breath first :-)

Shari C

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: File Permissions

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Gregory Lypny a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> Is there any way to set a file's permissions (e.g., locked, read only)
> on Mac OS X from within MC?
> Regards,
> Greg
> ___
> metacard mailing list


Just try to get what you need in using the prompt shell and, than, paste
the issued function in a shell() mt script.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
metacard mailing list

Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread Shari
On Mac, the following will put the system profile into variable sysProf:

set the directory to specialFolderPath(Apple)

  put "tell application" && quote & "Apple System Profiler" & 
quote & return & \

  "get the system profile" & return & \

  "end tell" into getInfo

  put "tell application" && quote & "Apple System Profiler" & 
quote & return & \

  "close window" && quote & "Apple System Profiler" & quote & 
return & \

  "end tell" into closeProfiler

  do getInfo as appleScript

  put the result into sysProf

  do closeProfiler as appleScript

How do I do the same on Windows?  I've found the program that has the 
info, but cannot figure out how to extract the info from it.  The 
program is winmsd.exe  I have three questions, but first the snippet 
of code I have so far:

set the hideConsoleWindows to true

  put shell("winmsd /all") into sysProf

Question 1:  Is winmsd.exe the same on all Windows platforms?

Question 2:  The above launches the program, but sysProf is empty. 
How do I extract the info?

Question 3:  How do I close the window when finished?
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

File Permissions

2003-07-10 Thread Gregory Lypny
Hello everyone,

	Is there any way to set a file's permissions (e.g., locked, read only) 
on Mac OS X from within MC?



metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] Explosive Demo Stack (Scott Rossi)

2003-07-10 Thread Jose L. Rodriguez Illera
Thank  you, Scott. Very good and useful for special effects. I will include
it in my folder of 'tactilmedia great stacks'.

Best wishes,

José L. Rodríguez

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 7:23 AM -0700 7/9/03, Richard MacLemale wrote:
>>  Existing customers will get a free upgrade to Revolution with
>>  their next subscription renewal.
>Which is essentially a paid cross-grade.  It means that the next time I get
>ready to fork over 300 bucks to MetaCard I give it to Rev instead and then I
>get Rev.  Which means I'm paying 300 for Rev.

Not exactly. You pay $300 for your normal upgrade, and get a Revolution
cross-grade  for free along with it.

So the outcome is that if you want to switch at the time of your next
renewal, you can do so for free, but you retain the option of staying with

metacard mailing list

On RR acquiring Metacard

2003-07-10 Thread Dr. John R. Vokey
As with some others, I have the disquieting feeling of being ``hoist by 
my own petard'': on initially moving from hypercard to metacard years 
ago, my principle complaint (voiced on this list) with metacard was 
the, then, incomprehensible interface (why or why could it not be more 
like hypercard?), and the lousy documentation.  RR comes along and 
fixes both, but in the interim I've come to appreciate the deep 
intelligence and elegant simplicity of Dr. Raney's metacard interface 
(and no longer need the documentation), to the point (as with my 
earlier belief about the hypercard way) that I find RR way to be 
bloated, incomprehensible, clumsy, and annoying: it just gets in my 
way!  However, I am confident that it is none of these things, despite 
the wailing and gnashing of teeth I'll no doubt go through as I adapt 
to it.  And I will.  Congratulations to Metacard corp and RR on their 
ultimate union!
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.   |\  _,,,---,,_
Professor  /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread xbury . cs


You should have more faith and trust in OpenSource. 

To begin with, many many dozens of old HyperCard stacks still run on MC... 
Then you have the great many _javascript_, java, PHP or C source codes on the net - many more than any commercial company can output in 20 years...
I haven't found many that didn't work! Compare that to the many "professionaly built programs" that dont!

If you dont believe or contribute to opensource, it it not going to get better. But it will and without you!
MC is gone that way IMOHO... The engine is awesome, the GUI, well, 
I dont have much positive to say about it... But it's far more inviting than RR. 
RR on the other hand is much more complete, and professional looking - it's just a bit overloaded IMOHO.

The problem is that nothing is perfect! I always thought Lotus Notes would be great to use since it's quite 
close to XOS or even metacard (in phylosophy) but now I've tried it, Im puking all over every feature it has
that doesn't work correctly or does incorrectly... 

But in this perfect world, we like you rumbling Shari!

BTW my Control Browser (and there are others!) is far beyond any you have seen in RunRev or MetaCard... 
Simpler, faster, more power and definitely no bloat!

If one or 2 persons would have helped, it would be beyond your wildest dreams with more features and less bugs than any other 
product. You can get an "outdated" preview at 

Yesterday, I did something amazing: I just copied/pasted a "script editor" grouped-object from XOS into the script editor of the control browser, 
and other than the save script script, it worked right off. Less bugs, more standards, more features... 

You choose... You can sort the columns, collapse the window with a double click or even search all the stack items and their controls! 
Im also working on making changes to more than one item, and versioning, custom props, themes, styles, etc... and OpenSource!!!

Soon and thanks to ClipperX text-editor grouped-object you will even have html text editing and the rest... 
Additive is a quality for XOS and most of my software - I keep hearing GREAT, woah!, etc... You be the judge.

I just never get many comments, help or bug reports... Let alone investment requests or incentiveware fees! Not even a beer!
So Im not motivated to help anymore more... Too much leeching. But I do it for my own development and couldn't live without it!

As far as marketing, I can tell you that a running product will sell. A nicely designed program will sell better but not longuer.
New features and GUI design is what sells upgrades... So I hope this works for RR and it's new users...

Xavier Bury
ext 6465

09/07/03 16:06
Please respond to metacard

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        cc:        ^
        Subject:        Re: METACARD ACQUIRED BY RUN REV!!!

>If this is all you worry about, you can rest easy.  I'll continue to
>be a part of the engine development team for the foreseeable future,
>and though my control over the direction of the technology and
>management will be greatly diminished, I have complete confidence in
>the team at Runtime Revolution.  They're just better managers and
>marketers than I ever was ;-)


If you learn any new marketing tricks, let us know!  They say that 
developers often make the worst marketers, which is why it is so 
difficult to succeed in this business.  We'd rather stay glued to the 
keyboard and code, than pound the pavements strutting our stuff.

Kinda reminds me of Apple/Windows.  Apple had the better product, but 
Billy was the marketing genius, and so snatched up the majority of 

If I am understanding this, in the future, if you took the Rev 
engine, but replaced the stacks (Home, Help, Metacard Menubar, etc.) 
with the current MC stacks, it would run?

There were features I liked about Rev when I tried it, like sorting 
the contents of the Control Browser.  There were other features that 
got in the way, though I truthfully don't recall what they were.

I don't have a lot of faith in Open Source carrying a product into 
the future as something you can rely on for years to come.  I'm not 
aware of an open source program that has been around for at least 10 
years, is stable, and of this magnitude.  Since nobody makes money 
from open source, there is nothing to keep it alive but heart, and 
that usually fades with time.

Sometimes new blood in a company is a positive thing.  Sometimes not. 
I still bitch every time I use OSX, as it is so Windows-like.   I 
miss being able to double click the title bar to collapse a window 
(yes I know you can get programs to do this, but before, we didn't 
have to).  I despise having to go thru "Are you sure you want to..." 
dialogs every time I click a button.  I miss being able to color 


2003-07-10 Thread Alex Shaw

both IDEs run off the same engine.  Your code will open right up in the
Rev IDE without change.  When you compile your programs, they will use
Just tried loading my mc home stack into rev2 ... didn't work :)


metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Ken Ray a écrit:

Just went over to the RunRev site and saw this headline:

 "Runtime Aquires MetaCard Technology"

You can read all about it here:

How does everyone feel about this? I can see good and not-so-good things
(depending on how RunRev acts on this)... 

Your thoughts?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

metacard mailing list

Allo Friends,

I just hope that this will do both Kevin and Scott stronger and able to
build great new issues of our prefered XTalk.
Bests, Pierre

metacard mailing list

Re: Customising the Metacard Environment

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
W. Sanke a écrit:

On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 03:27:24 -0400, "Mathewson"

One of the best ways to customise (British 'S' in
'customise') Metacard (and vice versa) is to open its
components using Runtime Revolution to edit.
However (this will not make me popular) I personally find
that Runtime Revolution wipes the floor with Metacard - and
seems even more customisable.
Richmond Mathewson


One would have to go very much into details to compare and assess the
advantages and deficiencies of Metacard and  the Revolution GUI.
It is also a matter of personal taste and what demands you have as to
how "organized" and  how fast an environment should be. Another
difference would be the needs of beginners and power users - and even
power users may prefer quick access to the most needed functions, while
others are comfortable with walking through a maze.
And above all, it may depend on what you learned first: Most people like
what they already know.-
Concerning the language problem:

There are so few regional variations of written English that it is
indeed worth mentioning if you find any. Otherwise the English language
is very much like Chinese - with a common written basis and a great
number of mutually incomprehensible spoken dialects; a speaker of
Australian or Tamil English (the latter spoken around Madras) will
probably never understand a man from Texas. As for the British Isles,
George Bernard Shaw has competently described the situation of spoken
Maybe we should start on the roadmap for international understanding
with a spelling bee?
Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

metacard mailing list

Hi Friends,

What is good for Runtime Revolution is good for the Metacard engine and
what is good in the Metacard engine makes Runtime Revolution more
powerfull. In a more subjective way, the ones who loves Revolution + the
ones who loves Metacard + the ones who loves both makes the professional
grade XTalk's market share bigger. Is't it not the best the developers,
we all are, can expect for our prefered RAD tool ?

Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] libSMTP v1.5.0

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Shao Sean a écrit:

well, i finally got around to getting it finished and
released, so here it is.. libSMTP v1.5.0
- plain text messages
- html messages (with inline/embedded images)
- file attachments
- smtp authentication
have fun
metacard mailing list
Thanks a lot Shoa to do this great stuff available to the list. I will
test it as soon as possible.
Bests, Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list

Re: Saving scripts

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Gregory Lypny a écrit:

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to save scripts while you're working without having 
to close, and then reopen, the current script window in Mac OS X?


metacard mailing list

Hello there,

This feature is yet available in Metacard 2.5. Try "command-l" to see if
it was an available but undocumented feature in the previous issues of MC.

Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Ken Ray a écrit:

Just went over to the RunRev site and saw this headline:

 "Runtime Aquires MetaCard Technology"

You can read all about it here:

How does everyone feel about this? I can see good and not-so-good things
(depending on how RunRev acts on this)... 

Your thoughts?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

metacard mailing list

Allo Friends,

I just hope that this will do both Kevin and Scott stronger and able to 
build great new issues of our prefered XTalk.

Bests, Pierre

metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] libSMTP v1.5.0

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Shao Sean a écrit:

well, i finally got around to getting it finished and
released, so here it is.. libSMTP v1.5.0
- plain text messages
- html messages (with inline/embedded images)
- file attachments
- smtp authentication
have fun
metacard mailing list
Thanks a lot Shoa to do this great stuff available to the list. I will 
test it as soon as possible.

Bests, Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list

Re: Customising the Metacard Environment

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
W. Sanke a écrit:

On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 03:27:24 -0400, "Mathewson"

One of the best ways to customise (British 'S' in
'customise') Metacard (and vice versa) is to open its
components using Runtime Revolution to edit.
However (this will not make me popular) I personally find
that Runtime Revolution wipes the floor with Metacard - and
seems even more customisable.
Richmond Mathewson


One would have to go very much into details to compare and assess the
advantages and deficiencies of Metacard and  the Revolution GUI.
It is also a matter of personal taste and what demands you have as to
how "organized" and  how fast an environment should be. Another
difference would be the needs of beginners and power users - and even
power users may prefer quick access to the most needed functions, while
others are comfortable with walking through a maze.
And above all, it may depend on what you learned first: Most people like
what they already know.-
Concerning the language problem:

There are so few regional variations of written English that it is
indeed worth mentioning if you find any. Otherwise the English language
is very much like Chinese - with a common written basis and a great
number of mutually incomprehensible spoken dialects; a speaker of
Australian or Tamil English (the latter spoken around Madras) will
probably never understand a man from Texas. As for the British Isles,
George Bernard Shaw has competently described the situation of spoken
Maybe we should start on the roadmap for international understanding
with a spelling bee?
Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

metacard mailing list

Hi Friends,

What is good for Runtime Revolution is good for the Metacard engine and 
what is good in the Metacard engine makes Runtime Revolution more 
powerfull. In a more subjective way, the ones who loves Revolution + the 
ones who loves Metacard + the ones who loves both makes the professional 
grade XTalk's market share bigger. Is't it not the best the developers, 
we all are, can expect for our prefered RAD tool ?


Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list

Re: Saving scripts

2003-07-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Gregory Lypny a écrit:

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to save scripts while you're working without having 
to close, and then reopen, the current script window in Mac OS X?


metacard mailing list

Hello there,

This feature is yet available in Metacard 2.5. Try "command-l" to see if
it was an available but undocumented feature in the previous issues of MC.

Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list

RE: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread MisterX

the ticks is the smallest unit I think...

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nelson Zink
> Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2003 04:31
> Subject: Smaller than milliseconds?
> Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than
> milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?
> Nelson Zink
> ___
> metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list