Re: metacard Digest, Vol 12, Issue 7

2004-09-12 Thread Richard MacLemale
Robert Brenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 May be you should post an invitation to vote also on the Rev list
 since not MC users are necesserily members of this list.

Yeah, like me.  :)

As an aside... I use MetaCard 2.5 every day at work and am still annoyed by
the acquisition.  I tried Rev in the past and it crashed on me while I tried
to use it.

A couple of weeks ago when Rev announced DreamCard, I decided to give it
another shot.  I downloaded DreamCard and started playing around with it.  I
locked it up within 5 minutes of using it.  Had to force quit it.  I've used
MetaCard 2.5 since it was released and have never had it crash or lock up

Richard MacLemale
Mac Network Admin -
Songwriter -

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard Digest, Vol 8, Issue 18

2004-05-15 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 5/15/04 12:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's good to know. I'd like to revise my tutorial to mention this. I
 just tried setting permissions for the engine in my own /cgi/ folder to
 555 and it works just as well as 755.
 So the question is: should the directions in the tutorial just tell
 people to use 555, or should it say to try both and see which one works?
 Chomd 555 removes the ability to write to the engine, but that's not
 possible anyway even with 755 (except by the owner.) The only difference
 practically speaking is that maybe some setups require 555.
 Anyone have a suggestion on the best explanation for the tutorial?

Heh heh.  I'm still here, I just pretty much never post.

555 will work just as good as 755 for the mc engine, because as you say,
you'll never have to actually write to the engine.  There's only one
exception I can think of, and that is if you wanted to replace the mc
executable with, say, a newer one.  In that case, you being the owner, you'd
need it to be 755 instead of 555.  That's the only reason I can think of for
going 755.  I just use 755 out of force of habit because in most cases I do
want to be able to modify the files I own.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: PHP versus CGI

2004-02-20 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 2/20/04 12:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks, that's interesting :-)
 I placed the files in the specified folder, according to read-me...
 But I have still a number of questions:
 - where to place the engine?
 - is the MC engine (which went with MC 2.5) good?
 - may I use this server locally? and how?

I could never FIND the rev engine for darwin mc - thanks for posting the
link, Jacqueline!  

The rev engine appears to work the exact same way the darwin mc engine
works.  But the engine is NOT identical... It's slightly smaller than the
darwin mc engine, and looks like it has a later created date.  I'd love to
know what the difference is - probably not much.

As far as where to place it, I opted for the traditional location for
stuff... I put it in /usr/bin.  On OS X, if you want to get to that folder
in the Finder you have to use Go To Folder from the Go menu and type

From that point on, any scripts you write must begin with the header,

And if you plan on writing scripts using a text editor, I recommend BBEdit
Lite, which can save with UNIX line breaks, which is what you need.  Or you
could write your own text editor in MetaCard or Revolution that saves using
UNIX line breaks, I guess.  :)

Once you drag the rev executable to the /usr/bin folder, you need to give it
the ability to run.  In the command line, type

sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/rev

As far as running scripts locally, you can do that.  You can write any
script to do anything you want, and then schedule that script to run any
time you want, for example, or put it in the CGI-Executables folder and do
cgi stuff with it and whatnot.

There's a free program called Cronnix that is a GUI tool for setting cron
jobs.  That's how I schedule my server scripts to run.  The other cool thing
about Cronnix is that you can click on any script you've got scheduled to
run and run it immediately.

Actually, our district has a filemaker pro server available with all of our
students in it, and I use a combination of filemaker pro and darwin mc to
automatically add new students to ldap.  Darwin mc scripting (and thus, rev
scripting) is c-o-o-l for programming servers!

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: PHP versus CGI

2004-02-20 Thread Richard MacLemale

There is ALREADY a file named rev in /usr/bin.  So much for storing the rev
runtime executable in /usr/bin under OS X.  Fortunately, it appears you can
just rename the rev file to something different, like runrev.  It still

There is no default file in /usr/bin named mc, however...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Storing cgi data in stacks

2004-02-18 Thread Richard MacLemale
I use the darwin mc engine extensively on our servers on our network.  I've
probably got thirty or so scripts that help me run the network, process
forms, all kinds of stuff.

Hypothetically speaking, say you had an html web page that sent info to a
metacard cgi script, that in turn added data to a stack.  MetaCard stacks
can be read by more than one process at a time, but they can't be written to
that way, can they? What would happen if you had two cgi scripts both
writing to the same stack at the EXACT (within a thousandth of a second)
same time?  I'm thinking that while one script is writing to it, the other
script would not have write access, but I'm running OS X Server, so maybe
I'm wrong?  And what if they were both writing to the same field in a stack?

And, more importantly, what steps could be taken in a cgi script to make
this approach work, if any?  Like, if a stack was currently being written
to, would darwin mc know that?  Is there some message returned like stack
is in use or something that you could trap for?  And maybe make your own

I'm starting to look at more online calendar stuff and I'm wondering if I
can get away with using metacard stacks instead of learning MySQL.  Stacks
are, well, so much more fun to work with.  I'll learn and use MySQL if I
have to, but it looks like a pain in the ass compared to just making a
stack.  The stuff I'm looking at is for small group use - not something
that's going to be hit a kabillion times from the web.


Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Storing cgi data in stacks

2004-02-18 Thread Richard MacLemale
Brian and Pierre and others,
Thanks for the ideas and input.

So here's two more questions:

1.  Would everyone say that PostgreSQL is better in performance and
robustness than MySQL, and
2.  Is one considerably easier to learn than the other or are they both
similar in that regard?

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Richard MacLemale
I apologize in advance for the length of my post!

I've been following the AI discussion with GREAT interest.  I've always
wanted to write some server based software using metacard that would control
a simulation that teams of 8 people on separate computers on a network would
interact with.  AI is not necessarily mandatory but the more complex the
program, the cooler the simulation would be.

Specifically, this:  Years ago, when I was a 5th grade teacher, we took our
kids to the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, FL (MOSI) and they had
a space ship simulator - the kids dressed up in pseudo astronaut type
outfits, like flight suits, that fit on over their clothes, and then they
went into this room that looked like the bridge on the Enterprise, in the
sense that it had different workstations that did different things.  Kids
paired up and they wore headphones with microphones.  Each station had a set
of directions... One station operated a robotic arm that was outside the
spaceship and you could see it out the window (really it was in a closet
set up to look like the surface of the moon, with a robotic arm.  Instead of
a closet door, there was a door with a window in it, and the door was worked
into the wall so that you didn't know it was a door.)  Each station did
something different, and all stations had controls and monitors.  Over your
headphones, mission control would tell you to do certain tasks, and the
card instructions told you how to do them.  You and your partner had to
accomplish the tasks.  It was AWESOME.  It was also expensive.  At the time,
pretty much all of the stations were Apple IIGS computers.  And mission
control was a separate room, manned by 4 people - they'd be talking to the
teams in their mics and switching between teams and they used several
Macintosh computers to monitor the progress of the teams.  And those 4
people had to be on their toes, obviously, because the kids would do
unpredictable things - mistakes they had not anticipated.

It left a huge, lasting impression on me, because it was educational and it
was extremely fun!  It was learning and playing and acting and just about
the coolest thing I'd ever seen as a teacher.  I thought about how cool it
would be to be able to put something like that together, but obviously it
was too expensive.

Fast forward to now.  For a couple of years I've thought about how cool it
would be to write software that would do something similar to what MOSI had.
On one level, it could be done purely as entertainment - get 6 people on six
computers in one lab, get six people on six computers in another lab, and
they're each on a ship.  Naturally they'd do battle, hiding from each
other behind planets, and whatnot.  Each station would have directions, and
each team would have a Captain.  To be a captain, you'd need to
participate in each position at least once and achieve a minimum score -
the server program would track the response time and decision making of each
person and assign a score for that position.  The person with the highest
score would be the Captain, though you could work out some other system.
The server program would throw in random elements like suddenly appearing
hostile ships and whatnot.  This would be an OUTSTANDING project for some of
our seniors to put together - writing the code, designing the stations,
filming video to be triggered by the server program when a hostile ship
shows up out of nowhere (You know, wearing an alien mask and screaming We
will DESTROY your SHIP into the camera.)  What could be more fun?

OR I could see writing something more like the original MOSI simulator, and
selling a kit with the software installers for Mac or Windows.  That would
make money but would not be as much fun.

Anyway, Alain's post got me thinking of how the server software might
operate...  Great discussion here.  I think everything I stated above could
be done in MetaCard (or Revolution.)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: An informal poll....

2003-08-09 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 8/7/03 5:00 PM, Shari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 Subject: An informal poll
 All of this talk about something working with a licensed Home stack
 versus as standalone make me wonder
 How many, who have purchased licenses, use MC/Rev to build
 standalones, that will be distributed to others?
 That was THE REASON I purchased.  Instead of migrating from Hypercard
 to C/C++, I moved to MC.  I don't create much for my own use.  99% of
 everything I do, is for distribution, to produce income.
 The rest of you?

I use MetaCard in two ways - I use the darwin mc engine to do ALL of my CGI
scripting at work (high school network, 2,300 users, 600 computers,) and I
use MetaCard 2.5 as a swiss army knife to solve all kinds of problems...
mostly rearranging data.  I was looking at maybe doing some more shareware,
but I lost my tech assistant to budget cuts so now I have zero free time.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: OS X Educational Shareware Market? (Curry)

2003-07-17 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/17/03 12:02 PM, Curry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 I understand. For myself, I'm planning to do both Mac and Windows.
 That way, even if I don't have time or money for the best Windows
 marketing, I think the sales will still be higher, and I can promote
 with confidence that almost any home or school could be a customer.
 That means you can also promote in places which wouldn't have
 otherwise been feasible. Also the knowledge that there won't be any
 barriers to word-of-mouth from customers to people they know, etc.

What you say makes a lot of sense.  My main concern was in marketing time,
but it is true that I COULD market in more places if I have a cross platform
version.  Darn!  I do not enjoy working with Windows and was hoping to avoid
it but you make sense!

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #708 - 14 msgs

2003-07-12 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/12/03 12:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: OS X Educational Shareware Market?
 From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Richard MacLemale wrote:
 So I'm wondering if anyone might be willing to share their thoughts
 about the OS X educational software market?
 With OS X adoption riding optimistically at 30%, and with Rev able to
 deliver to OS X, Classic and Windows, what's the interest in OS X in edu?
 Just curious

It's a really good question.  I think that OS X adoption will increase over
the next 5 years... It has to, because new Macs can't boot into OS 9.  And
there's a serious lack of educational software compared to OS 9 or Windows.

In the elementary education market, where I've got 4 titles I plan on
releasing, the Mac still has a decent market share.  I think it's easier to
get noticed in the Mac community.

Being a one man operation and doing the whole entire thing, and also having
a full time day job, I don't have much time to allocate, and have to account
for every hour.  The time invested in making a Windows version of a program
is small in MetaCard or Revolution, but the marketing isn't.  That's what
takes the serious time.  I think my game plan is to be OS X only, and maybe
support Classic too, and see how that goes.  If I'm doing well, I may take
whatever is selling best and create a Windows version.

That's in the educational shareware titles.  I've also got three other
server-based software titles that require either OS X or OS X Server.  One
is a video broadcast program that does all kinds of stuff.  Another is a
calendar scheduling system so that teachers can schedule ibook labs and
computer labs and stuff via a web page.  And the third creates teacher web
page templates.  In the case of those titles, it would be difficult to do a
Windows version and also support it, as Windows is not based on UNIX.  So
it's a small market, schools and colleges that use OS X or OS X Server to
host a web site, but there's more OS X web hosting in education than people
might think.  The biggest advantage of the 3 server based titles I've made
is that you install them and then forget about them.  Everything is done via
web interface.  So the person running the web site runs the installer and
then doesn't have to do anything else.  No UNIX skills required.

Like I said, I think the OS X market in education will grow, and there's not
much stuff there right now, so it's a decent time to get in the water and
see how things go. 

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Why maintain Metacard

2003-07-11 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/11/03 12:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: Why maintain Metacard
 The user license is different for MetaCard...
 In short, (putting it bluntly) why would anyone want to spend effort
 maintaining/updating MetaCard's development environment when the
 Revolution environment is also customizable?

Let me see if I understand this correctly, and if not, someone correct me...

1.  The MetaCard engine was bought by RunRev.
2.  Under RunRev, the same rules about the engine still apply... Meaning you
can get the engine itself for free - it's the whole RAD toolset that you pay
3.  RunRev will continue to improve the engine and the engine will be
improved by the same folks who have always done it, meaning Scott Raney and
whoever else.  
4.  The MetaCard user interface will be maintained by volunteers who will
keep it up to date with the latest Rev/MC engine.
5.  The volunteer-sponsored MetaCard-based GUI under some sort of open
source deal, so it's not going to cost money, but it's going to be updated
and maintained by volunteers.

So, hypothetically speaking, say I've got a friend who is interested in
MetaCard but never wanted to put out a grand to buy it.  The engine has
always been a free thing.  Now the GUI is open sourced, and free.  Does this
mean that MetaCard 2.5 is now free?  And if so, wouldn't that put a bit of a
damper on Revolution?  Making MetaCard an open source free alternative?  I
must be understanding this wrong.

I mean, on one hand, I did several posts debating whether or not Rev should
upgrade MC customers for free - mostly because I am broke, and also cheap by
nature.  But on the other hand, I want Revolution to succeed and grab tons
of users and become huge, because I'm a huge believer in xtalk.  And like I
said, when it evolves a little more and I feel it's worth the money I'll
dump MetaCard and spend the money on a small business license.

But if the improvements in the engine, at that time, are going to also
impact a free, open source version of MetaCard, then... Well then, couldn't
you just use Open Source MetaCard and save the money?  The biggest
difference between Open Source MetaCard and Revolution will be the extra
add-ons that Rev gives and the price tag.  For most users, the extra
add-ons, help, support, and documentation would be worth the money.  But
Open Source MetaCard could end up developing quite a following, too,
couldn't it?  Some open source projects have gone on to become very

Am I reading this situation correctly?

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School


metacard mailing list

Re: Why maintain Metacard

2003-07-11 Thread Richard MacLemale
Scott Raney and others who answer my questions,
Thanks for the clarification.  That makes more sense.  So we should think of
the license as basically being able to write long scripts.  What threw me,
but what I didn't put in the last message, was that with the Darwin MetaCard
engine, there IS no script limit for CGI scripts.  I remember discussing
this on the list like a year ago... I was surprised that you could write any
length CGI script you wanted and the Darwin MC engine would run it, and
wondered if that was a mistake, and Scott (Raney) said no, no mistake,

I wonder if this will continue under Rev?  I also wonder where the Darwin
(OS X) engine for Rev is on their downloads page.  There's no OS X or Darwin
engine of Rev listed for downloading...

I've spent 90% of my time with MetaCard doing CGI work, lately.  MetaTalk is
the coolest language around for CGI scripting, especially under OS X.
Hopefully this will continue in the same manner under Revolution.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

RE: CD update...

2003-07-11 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/11/03 5:14 PM, Shari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 Subject: RE: CD update...
 Yes, would be much better to put them in a form that anybody (who uses a
 REAL operating system) would recognize such as .tar.gz
 You and my fella would get along well.  He is a high level IBM tech
 support dude.  When the field techs can't figure it out, they call
 in.  And when THOSE guys can't figure it out, they call my fella :-)
 And he uses those exact rotten words about my computer
 So he went and bought a Compaq laptop just so that I could compile
 for REAL computers too ...

Boy am I GLAD to see a Mac vs. PC thread.  NOT!

All kidding aside, I think any serious computer user would think that
Apple's OS X is a huge improvement over the old Mac OS.  My best friend is a
UNIX snob who only ran Linux at home, and once in a while Windows when he
had to.  And he always slammed the Mac as a toy.  After OS X came out, he
went out and bought two iMacs for his home.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

OS X Educational Shareware Market?

2003-07-11 Thread Richard MacLemale
I used to program educational shareware, about 5 years ago, and I'm
wondering if it might be time to hop back into the Macintosh educational
shareware market, and I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on that.

I think that, with many schools doing Mac OS X migration, there's a whole
market of educational users looking for elementary level OS X applications
that are NATIVE OS X and don't require Classic.  Speaking for my own county
I know this is true.  There are titles available for OS X at the elementary
level, but nowhere NEAR as many as were available in the OS 7 and OS 8 days.

It's certainly easy to get out on the Internet.  But there's three huge
problems with shareware on the net today:

1.  Piracy, and piracy of registration codes.  (I found my old program Mr.
Fixitup's registration code on 12 different websites, and the program hasn't
been sold in 5 years!)

2.  Competition from free online Flash games and activities.

3.  Consumer apathy about paying for shareware.  Seriously, there's still
plenty of people who are wondering where Napster went because they don't
understand why it was ILLEGAL.

But there's a serious excitement over OS X in schools, and elementary
schools are just now in the process of thinking about making the move.  The
number of elementary schools that run OS X is increasing and it will keep
going up for probably the next 5 years as schools slowly switch over.  So
I'm wondering if anyone might be willing to share their thoughts about the
OS X educational software market?

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/10/03 11:19 AM, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 At 7:23 AM -0700 7/9/03, Richard MacLemale wrote:
  Existing customers will get a free upgrade to Revolution with
  their next subscription renewal.
 Which is essentially a paid cross-grade.  It means that the next time I get
 ready to fork over 300 bucks to MetaCard I give it to Rev instead and then I
 get Rev.  Which means I'm paying 300 for Rev.
 Not exactly. You pay $300 for your normal upgrade, and get a Revolution
 cross-grade  for free along with it.
 So the outcome is that if you want to switch at the time of your next
 renewal, you can do so for free, but you retain the option of staying with

OK, let me be MORE specific.  I currently have a legal license to run
MetaCard 2.5.  That means that I can program in MetaCard 2.5 from now until
eternity without dishing out any more cash.

I ALSO have the option of paying $300 to MetaCard for another year of
upgrades.  Since MetaCard 2.5 does everything I need it to, I probably would
not do this.

What I was saying was this - If Revolution transferred my MetaCard 2.5
license, right now, to Revolution 2.0.1, for free, I would switch from
MetaCard development to Revolution development immediately and not look
back.  Revolution is the future.

Right now, I have three choices:

1.  Continue to run MetaCard 2.5 for the forseeable future, for free.

2.  Purchase Revolution for Teachers for $99, but not do anything

3.  Purchase Revolution for Small Business for $299, and get everything but
the hardcore database stuff.

4.  Renew my MetaCard license for $300 but trade it for a pro license of
Revolution.  Which would get me the hardcore database stuff plus direct
e-mail support (for I assume one year.)

Obviously, for me, 3 doesn't make any sense, because the cross-grade option
of number 4 is better.  And since I would maybe want to make commercial
software, I've decided that 2 is out.

That leaves choice 1 or 4.  I can either continue to develop in MC for free,
or pay $300 and end up with Revolution.  Since Revolution doesn't give me
anything I really need beyond what MC can do right now, I'm not going to
spend 300 bucks to get it.  It's not worth it to me.

Now, like I said... If I were to be able to trade my 2.5 license right now
for a Rev 2.0.1 license, in an even trade, I would do it and Revolution
would have one more user.  Revolution wouldn't make any money off of me
right now, but they're not going to anyway because I'm not going to spend

Don't get me wrong.  I TOTALLY understand why Rev is doing it this way and
if I were them I'd maybe do the same thing.  I do not blame them at all,
because this is business.  I will follow Revolution's progress, and if it
ever gets to the point where it's worth $300 more than MC 2.5 to me, I'll
consider purchasing it.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list


2003-07-10 Thread Richard MacLemale
 Let's be realistic. If RunRev own the engine they can afford to wait until
 you need a new Rev feature or some new feature of Panther breaks your apps.

MetaCard 2.5 runs awesome under Panther.  :)   Heh heh heh...

I feel that the odds of me, and some other MC developers, being Rev
customers increase greatly if they cross grade us now without the fee.  It's
not like it's never been done before... Emagic did it.  They said that they
were no longer going to make the Windows version of Logic, and so they
offered a cross-grade to the Mac version for free.  OK, so that may or may
not have brought some extra folks to the Mac platform, and Apple owns
Emagic, but still the point stands.  They were making a switch and they
wanted to bring as many of their users along as possible.  RunRev would
certainly like to have all of the MetaCard developers convert to Revolution,
but we have to basically do the equivalent of buying their small business
edition to make the change.  So unless you need direct e-mail support and a
lot of extra database stuff, it's really not a huge bargain.

I think that there will be plenty of MetaCard users who will not upgrade
right now to Rev... They'll wait around and see what future versions of Rev
bring, and then maybe they'll upgrade and maybe they won't, depending on
what fancy new features Rev adds.  And in the meantime they will continue to
use MetaCard.  Let's face it, if we thought Rev was better we would have
already jumped over.

And we don't KNOW what we're missing.  We don't know how fast RunRev
responds to bugs, or how fast they respond to complaints, or how willing
they are to listen to user input.  People who use Rev give the company high
marks in those areas, but those of us who still use MetaCard have not
experienced that first hand so we don't know it.  If we switched to Rev
right now, and had a chance to experience being a Rev user first hand, we
might become enamored with the experience and the community and it might
make us more likely to renew and give them money.  Which is a valid point...
I think that I, and maybe some other folks, would be more likely to update
Rev in the future if I could migrate without getting charged right now, as
opposed to not using the product at all.

Like I said, it's a calculated gamble.  RunRev is gambling that MetaCard
users will pay to upgrade MetaCard and then migrate, and they realize that
they're going to lose some folks (like me) at least temporarily, and maybe
forever, but they're willing to take that risk.  They hope that at some
point in time in the future we'll decide we want to buy in, and they'll take
the money then.  But let's not jump to the conclusion that the next version
of the Mac OS will break MetaCard.  There's a decent chance that MetaCard
2.5 will run on the Mac OS for another 5 years without breaking.  You never
know.  Maybe even longer.  RunRev could have pretty much every single
MetaCard developer if it wanted them right now, by offering a free
cross-grade.  Instead, MetaCard/RunRev is going for another $300 to make it
happen.  They're going to make some money and they're going to lose some
people.  And some people they lose will come back, and some won't.  In the
long run, which way is better for them?  I don't know.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list


2003-07-09 Thread Richard MacLemale
I have a lot of respect for the folks at Revolution, but I chose to remain
with MetaCard for a reason.  Revolution's interface is bloated and overly
complicated.  There are some nice features, to be sure, but I chose MetaCard
over Revolution for the same reason that I chose AppleWorks over Microsoft
Word... I've got work that needs to be done.  I need to have a simple but
powerful tool, not one where feature creep has made a nightmare out of the
user interface.  Every time I use Word to do anything I feel like I've been
in a knife fight.  

I can program in MetaCard in my sleep (and often have.)  The idea of
relearning a complicated interface and paying for the privilege does nothing
for me.  If Revolution wants the remaining hardcore MetaCard users, they
have one serious shot at it... They need to offer a FREE cross-grade, right
now.  Everyone who is running MetaCard 2.5 legally should get a free
cross-grade.  Otherwise, what is to prevent us from just running MetaCard
2.5 for the next 4 or 5 years?

I will not pay to switch to Revolution.

I would, however, probably be willing to give it a fair shot if I could
cross-grade right now for free.  If not, well, MetaCard 2.5 runs really
really well and I don't think I'll need much more than it for a while.
Heck, most of the stuff I do uses the Darwin mc engine anyway.

I know this post sounds harsh, but, well, I have a religious attachment to
MetaCard.  I totally intend on using it until it won't run on the Mac any
more, and that could be another 5 to 10 years.  The only thing that could
possibly change my mind would be a free cross-grade.  Otherwise, I don't see
me seriously considering Revolution.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list


2003-07-09 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 7/9/03 4:05 AM, Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 Thank goodness it wasn't acquired by Micro$oft. ;)

Please... Don't even joke.  Their first order of business would be to drop
Mac and Linux support and insert bugs...

 From the FAQ on the press release page at
  What happens to existing MetaCard customers?
  Existing customers will get a free upgrade to Revolution with
  their next subscription renewal.

Which is essentially a paid cross-grade.  It means that the next time I get
ready to fork over 300 bucks to MetaCard I give it to Rev instead and then I
get Rev.  Which means I'm paying 300 for Rev.  Which I can do anyway if I
simply buy a Small Business License.  So there's no real benefit, other than
the fact that, I assume, my pro MC license would cross grade into a pro Rev
license, which gives me access to some databases that I don't need.  Don't
get me wrong, for people who need to do MySQL stuff this is a decent deal.
For me it's not.

However, I teach students at a high school, though most of my day is network
admin, so I probably qualify as a teacher.  Rev's price for teachers is only
$99.  I had to read that twice to make sure I had the correct price.  I
guess I would be willing to spend 99 bucks to give Rev a shot and see if
it's for me.  If I ever wanted to put something out commercially I'd have to
grab the small business license.

I must admit that seeing some of the list's big names come out in favor or
Rev has me thinking that I ought to be more open to this idea.  I posted,
years ago, my opinions on MetaCard and where it should head, and I said it
needed a more sophisticated interface, better marketing, and a lower price.
I admit that Rev has all 3.

I also admit that this will lead to more programmers, which is always a good

Lots to think about...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

UNIX help?

2003-06-25 Thread Richard MacLemale
For those CGI gurus out there using MetaCard, I have a question...

I want to send a mail message from my OS X machine that has sendmail on it.
I put the message in a text file, and from the Terminal it runs perfectly.
The command is:

mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /textmessage.txt

where textmessage.txt is a text file with the message.

When I run that in Terminal, it works PERFECTLY.

When I run it from a mc cgi script, I get an error message and it sends a
blank e-mail.

Has anyone come across (and solved) this problem before?  And if so, how?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Try, try again

2003-06-15 Thread Richard MacLemale
About every 6 months or so, I pose this question in hopes that someone has
run across and solved this problem.  The previous times I've asked it, no
one has responded.  I remain ever hopeful...

You want to make a cool GUI for some UNIX commands using MetaCard for OS X.
It's easy using the shell command.

The tool Carbon Copy Cloner is the perfect example of what I'd like to be
able to do.  It was made in AppleScript Studio, and it is a GUI interface
for some UNIX commands.  It asks the user for the root password, and that
allows the program to execute commands as root.

No one has been able to tell me how to do this in MetaCard and I can't
figure it out.  But no one has told me that it's impossible, either.  So I
remain hopeful.

Say a user logs into OS X as a regular user, not root.  And I want them to
be able to run a series of UNIX commands that will need to be run as root,
assuming they know the root password.  In the Terminal, there's sudo and su.
But neither work using the shell command.

Is there a way around this?  AppleScript Studio can apparently do it.  I'm
wondering how it could be accomplished in MetaCard.  Any help would, as
usual, be extremely appreciated.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #472 - 14 msgs

2003-01-09 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 1/9/03 3:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sadhunathan Nadesan) typed,

 Ok, I get it.  Call me ignorant, but I had no idea what Darwin was.

Sorry.  I'm on so many Mac mailing lists that I forget sometimes that
everyone else isn't the Mac addict that I am.

OS X is not perfect, no OS is.  But OS X is by far my favorite OS to work
on, and at my job I work on many (Win 98, Win 2K, Win XP, Win NT, Mac OS 9,
Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Red Hat Linux.)  The Darwin mc engine has been
automating our network and providing all CGI scripts for 2 years now.  If I
have to write a CGI or shell script that will be shared with other folks, I
try to write it in perl.  But when I need to get a job done on our network,
I use mc.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: darwin mc?

2003-01-08 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 1/8/03 10:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Richard, thanks for the perspective.  What is darwin mc ??

It's the metacard engine for Darwin.  You can slap it into your
CGI-EXECUTABLES folder and then write MetaTalk scripts to do cool CGI stuff.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: cgi mc/large data reads

2003-01-04 Thread Richard MacLemale
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sadhunathan Nadesan) wrote,

 Subject: Re: cgi mc/large data reads

 I mentioned to you this was a good thing because it would be sad if our
 IT staff could not trust MC, we'd never be able to use it for anything.
 The entrance barrier is hard enough due to the lack of documentation,
 plus general programmer arrogance.  We can't buy books on MC, there is no
 manual, etc.  But I want to be able to use it, despite the fact that my
 staff are expert C and Perl programmers and resist anything that takes
 the power of IT out of the hands of the few (them) and into the hands of
 the many (much easier to learn MC than C).  So the fact that it didn't
 work made it instantly rejected.

I can relate, though from a different perspective.

I run a high school network with about 2,200 users.  We've got several
servers and both Macintosh and Windows clients.

OS X Server + Darwin MC = A Kick Butt Network, basically.  I have metacard
scripts automating the whole deal, for the most part, as well as running all
kinds of web services for staff and students.  Some of the mc scripts call
UNIX commands.  All of them work perfectly.

But I had to seriously look at whether I should use MetaCard or Perl to
automate the whole thing.  Both could do the job.  I'm a pretty good
metatalk programmer, but a very slow Perl programmer.  MetaTalk is way
easier for me to maintain and way faster for me to code.  But what happens
when I leave my high school?  The next person who comes in will not know
MetaTalk and will have no serious resources available to learn it.

But the fact is that in my county, school tech specialists are required to
be people with teaching certification, which means they're all ex-classroom
teachers.  And out of 50 tech specialists in our county right now, probably
2 know Perl, and probably only 1 tech knows it well enough to actually do
advanced stuff with it - me.  The point being that it doesn't matter if I
use MetaTalk or Perl to automate stuff, because the next person coming in
won't know either.  So I choose MetaTalk.  :)

It's too bad that more people don't take advantage of darwin mc.  It's easy,
powerful, and free...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Hiding the Dock

2002-11-13 Thread Richard MacLemale
Is it possible to hide the Dock when launching a MetaCard stack?

I don't see a specific command to do this, but you can use the key
combination command-option-D, and that works.  So is there a way to cheat
and issue that key combination without telling the user to do it?

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Testing on multiple platforms

2002-11-12 Thread Richard MacLemale
On 11/12/02 12:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You better add WIN XP to the list. It has a lot of quirks and
 inconsistencies compared to Win 98, ME, and 2000. For example, many system
 file locations (paths) are different, and many registry entries are under
 different (and unexpected) keys.

That's a good point for those who depend on files in certain locations and
who use the registry.  I haven't had to do any of that type of stuff for the
Windows apps I've developed so far.  I don't ever expect a certain file to
be in a certain place, on either platform.  Best to assume it won't be
there.  There are some circumstances where you have to do that kind of
stuff, but I've been lucky enough in that I haven't had to resort to it.
Well, that and 90% of the work I do is on OS X Server Jaguar.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

RE: Testing on multiple platforms

2002-11-11 Thread Richard MacLemale
 Subject: RE: Testing on multiple platforms
 Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 07:56:23 -0800
 It does not matter which OS I have.  My testing will always be on
 that one specifically.  Unless you have 5 or 10 computers, you CANNOT
 test on all OS's.
 A Window's developer would need at least 4 to test on the various
 flavours of Windows.  Minimum.
 Or one copy of Connectix's Virtual PC. :-)
 -Glen Yates

If your Mac is fast enough, you can maybe get away with VPC.
Mine isn't...   :)

I don't think this is a black and white issue, like If you can't test your
stack out on 10 different variations, it's not worth it.  I think that for
a cross platform app, I'd test under OS 9.2.2, OS X, and Windows 98.  The
biggest issue is not the little differences between say Win 95 and Win 98.
The biggest issue for me has always been how stuff looks on the screen
between the GUI's.  Sometimes you have to adjust field sizes and font sizes
to look good on all 3.

There are also some slight differences in scripting, like the Mac supports
the not equal to symbol that Windows doesn't, for example.

I think you can get away with OS 9, OS X, and Win 98 if you want to develop
for Mac and Windows.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: MC Book-other ideas

2002-10-05 Thread Richard MacLemale

Andu writes, 

 These users 
 although very helpful on the mailing list don't seem to be the kind of
 crowd to invest a lot of time and energy in activities which don't present
 some possibility of profit

And Phil writes,
 One possibility (maybe more easily doable, probably less fraught with
 ownership issues, and certainly more current, than a book) would be to create
 a MC documentation site similar to the one for MySQL (see ).

I agree with Andu that we're not going to get a high percentage of MC users
to contribute, but I disagree with the generalization that we won't be
willing to invest a lot of time and energy.  Some of us would.  I would.

The idea of doing a documentation site IS better, except for one detail...
It would have to be hosted by MetaCard itself, or it would not work...
Meaning that smart people would be reluctant to put a lot of time and energy
into updating a db on a site that may vanish in 6 months.  We did this in
the Macintosh Manager world... A bunch of people all contributed to this
guy's troubleshooting db, and the thing disappeared a few months later.
I'll never, never do that again.  I'd only post if it were hosted by
MetaCard.  Another alternative would be if it were hosted like 5 or 6
different places (mirrored) and MetaCard kept a list of the mirrors posted.
That would work (but would require a whole lot more effort.)  A third would
be for MetaCard to fund someone else hosting it.  Then it wouldn't be on
their official site, but we'd have a promise that it wouldn't vanish in
the wind.  My 2 bits per usual...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: MC Book-other ideas

2002-10-04 Thread Richard MacLemale

Think of it as open
 source book writing.
 Tim Bleiler
 University at Buffalo

YES.  Count me in.  I'd love to contribute.  I've posted some mc specific
directions on our school website, but it would be great to have a book
available that we could all work on.  When people are interested in
MetaCard, I can say that the mailing list is a great resource, but having a
book available with extensive knowledge would be awesome.

Distribution will be debated here, no doubt, so here's my 2 cents - The
book, when finished, should be available in PDF format for free
(downloadable from, or you should be able to order a printed
copy of it for a modest cost from... wherever.  The cost of the printed
version should be enough to cover the expenses (and time) of printing and
mailing the thing.

Really, really good idea, Tim.  There isn't enough market for someone to
write a 400 page book by themselves, but if we all chip in, it's certainly

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Funky XP Desktop

2002-10-03 Thread Richard MacLemale

On 10/3/02 12:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Message: 3
 Subject: Re: Funky XP Desktop
 Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 15:42:19 -0500
 Organization: Sons of Thunder Software
 I just checked my registry, and it's there:
 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop
 I can't tell you if it was installed there originally (I've had XP for many
 months now), or whether some other app created it when it went to install
 stuff, but just wanted you to know.
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software

It's there by default.  Or rather, in our XP Pro machines it's there by
default.  Can't speak for XP home edition because we don't have that (nor
will we ever.)  Anything placed in the All Other Users/Desktop will show up
on all desktops.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Bizarro Question of the month...

2002-08-31 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, time for my bizarro question for this month.

HP laser printers have built-in web servers so that you can configure them
via a web browser.  On our network we've got about 30 HP laser printers.  4
times a year our district office asks us for page counts... Which means I
have to go to each printer's web page and grab the page count.  You can
probably see where I'm going with this...

I thought I'd use MetaCard to grab each printer's web page and then parse
through it to grab the page count.  But it won't work, because the web
page is actually generated via JavaScript.

Anyone have any ideas on how I could make this work?  I figured it couldn't
hurt to ask.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Can't hurt to ask...

2002-08-08 Thread Richard MacLemale

This falls under the Yeah, right category, but you never know until you

What would be involved with having a MetaCard stack talk to a digital

(Stop laughing.)

In theory, could a stack communicate via USB with a camera, and control it,
as in tell it to take a picture, then download the picture to the hard

It's not like I need this feature, and I have no idea how it would be done.
I'm just curious.  The truth is that we have an ID badge setup with a
digital camera and a Windows PC, and the included software is the worst
piece of crap I've EVER seen.  Take every mistake every Windows programmer
has ever made and put it into a program, and you've got this one.  I'd love
to do something better.  But I'll understand if it isn't possible.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

preOpenStack question

2002-08-02 Thread Richard MacLemale

Maybe a simple question...

MetaCard stacks by default always open up to card 1.  I want to script a
stack so that it will open to a different card - say, the last card a user
visited.  I put this in the stack script:

on closeStack
   put the short name of this card into field starting card of card 1
   save this stack
end closeStack

And that works well - when you leave the stack it remembers the last card
you were on, in field starting card.

Then I did

on preOpenStack
   go card (field starting card of card 1)
end preOpenStack

But that does not work.  if I change the handler to openStack instead of
preOpenStack, it works fine, BUT the stack initially goes to card 1 and then
jumps to the desired card... Which is ugly and confusing to the user.  I've
played around with locking the screen (didn't work) and setting the visible
to false on preopenstack, then setting it to true after the go card line in
openstack, and that didn't work either - still had the jumping problem.

What is the best, easiest way to open a stack to a card other than card 1?

As usual, thanks in advance...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: preOpenStack question

2002-08-02 Thread Richard MacLemale

ARGH!!!  I just answered my own question.  Sorry about the bandwidth waste.

PreOpenStack in my stack script was not working AT ALL.  It was being
totally ignored.  And I couldn't figure out why.  The reason was that I'd
moved the libURL stack with the resources and MetaCard had written a
preOpenStack message on card 1, which was overriding my stack level
preOpenStack message.

In which case, shouldn't MetaCard honor both preOpenStack scripts?  It
doesn't, but moving the card preOpenStack script to the stack preOpenStack
script solved the problem.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Practical Maximum number of fields on a card

2002-07-30 Thread Richard MacLemale

On 7/30/02 12:01 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Traditional spreadsheets use one list field for display, and create an
 editable text field on the fly when the user clicks a cell.   Suck an
 approch reduces your object count to 2 -- just hide the editable field on
 closeField, and when you need it again calculate its rect and show it over
 the cell the user clicked on.
 Then again, if your current layout is working well, there may be no need to
 change it. 
 Richard Gaskin 

Hmm.  I hadn't thought of that.  That's an interesting approach.  The math
to determine the rect of a field based on the clicklocation on the fly might
be hairy, and I'm not sure that MC would hold up to some users who machine
gun click.  'Course I could be wrong.  It could probably be done.  But like
you said, what I'm doing is working well (and I'm almost done!) so I'll
probably just go with it...

Thanks also to Wilhelm Sanke for his posted benchmarks about MC and multiple
fields.  It does seem that MC can handle 2,000 - 3,000 fields pretty well.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Practical Maximum number of fields on a card

2002-07-28 Thread Richard MacLemale

On 7/28/02 12:07 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 2000?  It's hard to imagine a UI that needs that many editable text regions.
 What are you making?
 The downsides to high object counts are RAM and hit testing. And of course
 depending on what's in those fields it may take a while to redraw.   Can't
 say I've ever put 2000 fields on a card, so I can't say for sure how
 gracefully MC would handle it.  It seems easy enough to test with a repeat
 loop creating new fields in a test stack.  Please let us know how that comes
 Offhand my first hunch would be to think of a solution which would allow a
 lower object count if possible

I'm making a gradebook.

Figure it this way - with a maximum of 50 students in a class, and a maximum
number of 50 assignments per quarter, that's 2,500 possible individual
grades.  My idea is to have those fields grouped and then add scrollbars to
scroll the group.  I've done a prototype and this approach works fine - even
with a grade entered in all 2,500 fields, and with 2,500 fields on each of
50 cards!  Scroll speed is good and it seems stable.  This is under OS X.
Essentially what I'm doing is an imitation spreadsheet with each cell being
a field.

I agree that this is an extreme number of fields for a card, which is why I
wanted to see if there were some magical number of fields per card that
should not be exceeded.

I looked at other approaches to this and I haven't thought of anything
better.  You can simulate a spreadsheet with a locked field with the lines
showing, but I wanted users to be able to easily and instantly click on any
cell and edit the info there.  That feature is mandatory.

Another approach would be to only show 5 or 10 columns of the spreadsheet,
and have the user view the assignments that way, using the page metaphor
(this page has 10 columns, turn the page, the next page has 10 columns,
etc.)  The data could then be stored on separate cards, or in a separate
stack, or in a text file, or even right there in the fields, but then the
user has to page through their gradebook.  I really wanted to stick to the
idea of being able to see and scroll through a whole quarter in one
scrollable field.  Other gradebooks can do it and it is expected.

Like I said, the prototype is working fine under OS X.  I have launched it
under Classic, and it runs fine there, too, but I can't tell how much RAM
it's using until I try it out on an actual OS 9 Mac.

If MetaCard had a spreadsheet object, I'd just use that.  But using a field
to pretend it's a spreadsheet is not the same because you can't interact
with it in the exact same way.  This prototype is working fine, but I wanted
to know if there were theoretical maximums I was ignoring...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Practical Maximum number of fields on a card

2002-07-27 Thread Richard MacLemale

MC Gang,
I already searched the archives...
What is a reasonable maximum number of fields you should put on a single
card in MetaCard?  Could you, for example, have a stack with 50 cards, and
each card have 2,000 fields on it?  What are some (if any) of the
disadvantages of putting 2,000 fields on a card?  If there are problems with
this approach I can work around it, but I'm working on a project which would
really benefit from having 2000 fields, grouped together with scrollbars on
the group.  Any input would be appreciated.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Nuther ?

2002-07-27 Thread Richard MacLemale

Nuther question...

And yes I did search the archives first...

What's the best way to determine the mode of a list of numbers?  MetaCard
does mean (average) and median, but mode in MC is not mathematical mode.  Is
there a comparable command?  I can write a subroutine to find it but I'd
always rather use the cookie cutter if it's available.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Darwin question

2002-07-24 Thread Richard MacLemale

I'm drawing a HUGE blank tonight and I don't know why.

I'm trying to write a darwin mt script that will write info to a field in a
stack.  Only it's not working.  I can read info from a stack, but can't
write to it.  All permissions are fine.  I can write to a text file with no
problem.  To sum it up:
The script has permission to run as root.  (chmod a+s)
The script IS running as root (verified with whoami)
The script can read from field 1 of card 1 of the test stack.
The script cannot write to field 1 of card 1 of the test stack.
The stack itself is set to 775 and owned by root.
The script can write to a text file in the same directory as the stack.

Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?  I do this all the time with plain text
files with no problem, but have never used stacks in this way.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Darwin question

2002-07-24 Thread Richard MacLemale

Never mind.  Answered my own dumb question.  I was using

open stack thisStack
put duh into field 1 of card 1 of stack thisStackcClose stack thisStack
close stack thisStack

instead of

open stack thisStack
put duh into field 1 of card 1 of stack thisStack
save stack thisStack
close stack thisStack

It's the little things that count.

As stated in a previous post, MetaCard can read/write faster to 30 fields in
a single stack than 30 individual text files, so I'm trying to use stacks to
store data.  And so, apparently, when writing to a text file you can do
open/write/close, but when working with a stack, it's open/put/save/close.
I should have known it'd be something easy...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Menu Bar Help under 2.4.3B2X

2002-07-06 Thread Richard MacLemale

I've built an app with 2.4.3B2X and it's ready to go, but the menus are
working funky.  I have just two menus... File and Help.  But when I choose
an item from my Help menu, the menu bar reverts to MC's standard menu bar
while it displays my help, then switches back to my menu bar.  And though I
put Quit in the File menu, it doesn't actually show up there.  Weird.  And
when I build a standalone, the app runs fine, but none of the menus do

I don't think I've done anything wrong, because I've built menu bars
countless times the exact same way.  I even used MC's built-in menu bar
tool, but got the same effect.  So is there a mystery to this process, is
this a beta bug, did I miss something?  Any help appreciated, as usual.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Running CGI's locally on OSX

2002-07-05 Thread Richard MacLemale

On 7/5/02 12:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Premature end of script headers error message in the error_log when trying
 to  call this script:
 on startup
 put Hello into buffer
   put Content-Type: text/html  cr
   put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
   put buffer  
 end startup
 I don't know if this means that the MC Darwin engine is working or not...
 Anyone else have clues? Again, seems simple, but doesn't work.

Couple of things to try.  One, I use #!mc and not #!/mc, but that's probably
not your problem.  However, make sure that the script file you wrote is
saved with UNIX line breaks!  Not Mac line breaks.  If you haven't already,
grab a copy of Bbedit lite, which is free, free, free and awesome.  It can
easily save your script with UNIX line breaks.  I'd guess that's the

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Cgi stuff...

2002-06-29 Thread Richard MacLemale

I figured out my own answer by looking at ads for existing groupware
calendar programs on the Internet.  Each user will have his/her own
calendar, which will actually be a stack.  The stack will have 12 cards
(one for each month) and 31 fields per card (for each day.)

Each user will also have configuration info in their stacks, including
group membership.  Users can choose which group calendars will have
access to their personal calendar.  When a person chooses a group calendar,
it will read each user's stack and compile the group calendar on the fly,
including data only from the users that want their info displayed in that
group calendar.

By doing it this way, the only person who has write access to a stack is
the person who owns it - so that gets around the problem of having multiple
people trying to write to the same file at the same time.

Two years ago I would not have imagined that I'd be programming groupware on
a UNIX-based server.  Ain't MetaCard great?  :)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: set directories with spaces

2002-06-26 Thread Richard MacLemale

On 6/26/02 12:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 From: Simon Lord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 How can we set the directory to a folder with spaces?  In the
 shell I would do the following:
 cd Mac OS X
 Under MetaCard I have to do the following which I would assume
 should work:
 set the directory to /quoteMac OS Xquote
 But that returns can't open directory, am I missing a step?
 Anyone see an error in that script?

As Klaus replied, you can always do:

set the directory to /Mac OS X

But for other UNIX stuff where you are using shell(), you can use
\  which UNIX sees as a space.  So Mac OS X and Mac\ OS\ X are seen as
the same thing by UNIX.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Old hat question...

2002-06-02 Thread Richard MacLemale

I'm sorry to ask these two questions, but...

1.  The border that appears around the current target field... How do you
get RID of that?


2.  What is the address of the online searchable MetaCard archives, so that
I don't have to ask questions like #1 again?

Thanks in advance...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Shell question

2002-05-22 Thread Richard MacLemale

Shell gurus,
Is there any way to do the equivalent of su or sudo when using shell()?
When shell() is called you are whoever you logged into OS X as.  It'd be
nifty if you could provide a way to authenticate as root from within mc, so
that the user would not have to literally log into OS X as root.

I know that you can't log into OS X via the Chooser or ftp or telnet as
root... You have to set up rsh or ssh to do it.  Is the same type of
restriction applicable to shell()?

Of course this is not a show stopper by any means, but if there's a way to
do this I'd be interested in hearing what it is.

PS - By using do thisstring as applescript, where thisstring = do shell
script (whoami), you can issue UNIX commands with MC 2.4.2... That was
what I was doing before 2.4.3 happened.  But handing things off to
AppleScript is a hack, and it requires AppleScript 1.8 or 1.8.1.  What's
nice is that MC 2.4.3 can issue shell commands 2 to 4 times faster than
doing it through AppleScript.  VERY nice to be able to directly make the
calls.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #195 - 10 msgs

2002-05-05 Thread Richard MacLemale

On 5/5/02 12:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Simon Lord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 How much closer are we to having put Shell() work in OSX?

Scott may answer, but my guess would be no closer. MetaCard for OS X is a
Carbon app, and from what I understand there's no way for Carbon apps to be
able to issue UNIX commands.  Cocoa apps can do this, but rewriting MetaCard
in Cocoa from the ground up would not be a lot of fun for MetaCard, and from
what I hear Cocoa isn't totally all there yet.

But what about an external which could issue UNIX commmands and act as a
go-between between Carbon and OS X?

I'm with you... There are a MILLION different things I'd like to do with
MetaCard for OS X, but I can't do them because MC for OS X doesn't allow
shell commands.  I end up using mc (darwin), or AppleScript, and I'd much
rather use MetaCard (OS X version.)  There are a bunch of us who could write
some serious kick-ass apps if MC could do this.

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Multiple Platform Release info

2002-03-24 Thread Richard MacLemale

I'm in the process of releasing software for Windows, Mac OS 9, and Mac OS X
simultaneously.  Aside from some bizarro printing differences betweeen OS 9
and OS X, I think I'm about done.  But I was wondering if anyone has posted
any how to web pages for creating full fledged standalone apps for the
three platforms I mentioned (or any one of them.)  I've done final apps for
all 3 before, but remembering how I handled icons for Windows, for example,
is tough...

It's easy up until just after creating the standalone.  After that, you've
got type and creator issues, icon differences, memory allocation (OS 9), and
on Windows creating an installer for the app (got that one covered,
actually.)  But a nice tutorial on the three platforms would be great, if
someone's already done it.  If not, I'd be willing to collaborate and host a
web page, or just collaborate.

Is it my imagination, or has this list gotten a lot smaller since Revolution
was released?  AND is it just me, or are the questions and issues here more
hardcore in general now?  I'm wondering if all the newbies went to
Revolution, leaving us hardcores here to discuss cgi and xml...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Go Stack

2002-03-19 Thread Richard MacLemale

 But I still can't get a stack to search its own fields. Are field
 searches a GUI thing that is impossible in an mt script?

I think that IS the case.  So you probably have to work around that by using
offset or something else.

One other thing that doesn't apply to your problem right now but you may run
into... when darwin mc runs, it runs as whoever calls it.  So if you call it
from a web browser, it's run as the user www (I think.)  This can cause
serious problems if you want mc to, for example, write to directories that
you DON'T want anyone else to write to.  There is a way to set a metacard
script (.mt file) to run AS root.  It's chmod a+s (when logged
in as root.)  Then anytime the script runs, it runs with root permissions so
it can do pretty much anything.  This is, of course, a security hole, but
it's probably better than making www the owner of a bunch of folders...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

mc cgi question

2002-03-08 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, here's a question.  When darwin mc is running, what is it running AS?
It can write to files with read/write (everyone), but cannot write to files
with read only (everyone.)  If I knew what it was running AS, I could put
that into a group and simplify my life.  When I use the shell command
whoami, it returns root.   But that's what the shell commands are run as,
NOT what the metatalk scripts are run as.  I can get around this by using
shell commands to write files instead of metatalk commands (open file,
etc.), but the question remains.  Anyone have the answer?  :)

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #122 - 8 msgs

2002-03-08 Thread Richard MacLemale

 Subject: mc  cgi question
 From: Richard MacLemale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OK, here's a question.  When darwin mc is running, what is it running AS?
 It can write to files with read/write (everyone), but cannot write to files
 with read only (everyone.)  If I knew what it was running AS, I could put
 that into a group and simplify my life.  When I use the shell command
 whoami, it returns root.   But that's what the shell commands are run as,
 NOT what the metatalk scripts are run as.  I can get around this by using
 shell commands to write files instead of metatalk commands (open file,
 etc.), but the question remains.  Anyone have the answer?  :)

I answered my own question and wanted to share with the group.  I set the
owner of the actual mc file (program) to root.  When mc runs, it is running
as whoever calls it, according to the Process Viewer.  So if you call it
from Terminal it will run as you.  If you call it from a web browser it will
run as www.

ALSO, I found it VERY interesting that under OS X Server (and I assume also
OS X) if mc is tied up handling a request, the OS will launch another
instance of it!  I wrote a script that said basically wait for 10 seconds,
so that I could run it from command line and then watch the process viewer.
It came up as mc, run by root.  While in the process viewer, a user hit a
web page that called mc and another instance of mc popped up, this time
owned by www.  So this is very cool.  I always wondered what would happen if
mc was tied up running a script and someone else requested another script,
and now I know.  VERY cool!

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard for CGI

2002-03-05 Thread Richard MacLemale

 Subject: metacard for CGI
 I am putting together some documentation regarding the use of
 metatalk/rev for CGI scripts and I wanted to ask the list for some
 -how many of you are currently using metatalk/rev for CGI

I am...

 -the context(tasks performed) it is being used as well as the
 environment (production/tests/platform)

I use Darwin mc running on both OS X client and OS X Server to do the
following tasks for teachers  myself...

1.  Darwin mc works with FileMaker Pro and AppleScript to automatically add
new students pulled from our district FMP server into our Macintosh Manager
2/OS X Server network.  New student accounts are created and home
directories are created with proper permissions and ownership.

2.  Darwin mc generates a web page form which can be used to add new users
to the network manually.

3.  Darwin mc lets teachers update their mailing list membership via a
custom generated web page.

4.  Darwin mc lets teachers create their own web pages from a template web

5.  Darwin mc lets teachers look up student demographic and scheduling
information via a password protected web page.

 -the approximate amount of traffic handled by the CGIs

Traffic is pretty small.  We have over 100 staff members, but one copy of
Darwin mc handles everything above with no problem.  Darwin mc can process
the above requests extremely quickly.

 -your location (if this is sensitive in any way, please send it to me
 off the list, I only need this info for statistics)

High school with 1800 students.

 -if any of you are using other script languages for CGI (PHP, ASP, etc.)
 I'd appreciate some feedback as to how does metatalk/rev compare in
 terms of productivity/performance with the other language(s)

I have some students using PHP on our school web site but I'm not using it
myself.  There's no point in learning PHP because I know MetaTalk!  :)

 -the main disadvantage you see in using metatalk/rev for CGI scripting
 *besides some difficulty with debugging*

The biggest disadvantage is that no one has ever heard of it, and so you
have to explain to people what it is and what it does.  And that's not a
huge disadvantage when you are the network admin, but it's probably no fun
when you are at the mercy on an internet provider.

And debugging is a pain in the butt.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard for CGI

2002-03-05 Thread Richard MacLemale

Andu wrote:
 I have an even better one; after having convinced people to go with
 Metacard for various reasons the next question that needs to be answered
 (and a good one too) is what happens if you, the Metacard programmer,
 get hit by a car tomorrow (knock on wood), is there a viable replacement
 in sight?
 And debugging is a pain in the butt.  :)
 Yes, we should get at least a line/word number in an error message but
 since the number of Metacard/CGI users is 4 so far, I don't expect we
 can dare ask for features.

Good points.  MetaTalk is s much easier to learn than Perl, so it's
unfortunate that more folks aren't into it.  I've been in love with Darwin
mc since I ran the first test.  As far as the debugger is concerned,
I usually end up copying my whole script and pasting it into a button script
in MetaCard for OS X, and then hitting the enter key and seeing where I've
made a syntax error.  Crude, but helpful.

Darwin mc is the coolest thing I've used in a long, long time.  Between OS X
Server and Darwin mc, I've got the ability to schedule and automate just
about anything I want on our network.  The more work the computer does, the

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

MetaCard to MetaCard conversation...

2002-02-24 Thread Richard MacLemale

I do a real lot of work with MetaCard Darwin under OS X Server 10.  I
understand the complications with trying to make MetaCard for OS X do shell
commands, and while I hope that one day those problems will be resolved, I
basically do most of my stuff directly with the darwin engine instead, which
works fine, but of course has no GUI.

So I was wondering if anyone has explored the possibility of MetaCard for OS
X talking to MetaCard for Darwin, in any way, shape, or form.  One obvious
hack example would be to use MetaCard for OS X to modify a cron file to
schedule a mt script to run (with darwin mc running the script.)  That's
really hacky, but you get the idea.

Has anyone walked down this path?  I guess the usual methods of AppleScript
and AppleEvents are out, but maybe there's something (besides cron!) that
I'm missing?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #78 - 14 msgs

2002-01-25 Thread Richard MacLemale

I wrote, then Andu wrote,
 on startup
put Hello
put shell(ls -l)
 end startup
 When I run it from the command line (./, I get this:
 I can run other metacard scripts and everything else works perfectly.
 Sooo What am I doing wrong?
 Nothing. It just doesn't work. It works on Linux though so it must be a
 Darwin thing.

OK - Scott Raney said you could do shell commands in darwin mc, and someone
else verified that you could, but the above script doesn't work, s...
What would be an example of a script that WOULD work?


Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: darwin mc

2002-01-24 Thread Richard MacLemale

 From: Scott Raney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: darwin mc
 On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 Richard MacLemale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that MetaCardCarbon does not honor shell (as in put shell(ls *)
 into field 1)... Am I correct in assuming that the darwin mc engine is also
 unable to do shell commands?  I tried and it didn't work but wanted to
 verify it here. 
 Works fine here...

OK, can someone provide a really simple example of a .mt script that
includes a shell command?  I created a text file (with UNIX line breaks)
called with the following script:

on startup
   put Hello
   put shell(ls -l)
end startup

When I run it from the command line (./, I get this:


I can run other metacard scripts and everything else works perfectly.

Sooo What am I doing wrong?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: OS X Standalone Question Rerun

2002-01-15 Thread Richard MacLemale

 Subject: Re: OS X Standalone Question Rerun
 From: Simon Lord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yep. It was answered a few night ago by Mark Talluto

My bad - reading too quickly is my excuse...

I did the fix and it worked.  Hooray!

Thanks for the reply.  Things are rolling right along now.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

OS X Standalone Question Rerun

2002-01-14 Thread Richard MacLemale

Sorry to post the exact same question a second time, but it's driving me
absolutely insane and I'm somehow hoping that the question wasn't answered
because I phrased it poorly.  So here goes...

Under MC 2.4.1 and OS X, create a standalone application using the carbon
engine.  Everything is fine, except that the very first menu in the menubar
of your new application is MetaCard instead of the name of your
application.  This is naturally very, very undesirable because it gives away
the fact that you're running a MetaCard stack.  The whole point of building
standalones is to create programs that function like normal, real
applications and the illusion is shattered by the big old MetaCard menu.

S there must be a way around this.  Surely someone has solved this
problem already?  What's the secret?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

OS X Standalone...

2002-01-10 Thread Richard MacLemale

A couple of questions for making an OS X standalone I'm hoping someone can

1.  The about... trick where you put your about message at the end of your
help menu - does that work different under OS X, or the same?

2.  Under OS X, standalones that you build still have the MetaCard menu like
stacks do running under MetaCard Carbon.  Obviously if I'm building a
standalone application, I don't want it to be named MetaCard in the menu
bar.  How do I change this?

Other than that, everything else seems very straightforward...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: why MetaCard?

2002-01-07 Thread Richard MacLemale

My nickel tossed into the pot...

IF you are the type of person that likes to build things from the ground up
(like me) MetaCard seems less intrusive.  It feels more like a toolbox,
whereas to me Rev feels more like a wall mounted set of fancy tools.  And
I agree with the statement about problems, in that you don't know if you've
found a bug in the MetaCard engine, of it it's in Rev.  However, I think the
Rev folks have done a really, really good job so far and the product is
constantly improving.  In this sense they take after MetaCard.  The very
first Macintosh beta of MetaCard was pretty bad, but it's just evolved and
evolved and evolved and gotten better and better, to the point where I
wouldn't ever want to use anything else.  I expect the same will happen with
Rev over time.  I don't think you can go wrong with either choice - MetaCard
may require you to invent your own widgets, but then the widgets are built
with your vision...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

OS X Printing?

2002-01-04 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, another OSX question...

Under MC 2.4.1/OS X... I created a new stack and pasted in my usual
printing script, which was lifted verbatim from MetaCard 2.3.2 itself
(adapted from the Print Field stack.)  I then discovered that when I tried
to use it I ended up in an infinite loop and nothing printed.

I looked at MetaCard 2.4.1's printing script (the way Print Field is
scripted) and it's not the same as under 2.3.2.  It's similar but it's been

Since I know that the Print Field menu choice under MC 2.4.1/OX X works (I
tried it), I know that I can spend an evening figuring out how to modify its
script so that I can just print a variable... But if someone else has
already done this, would you consider posting it here?  If not, I'll post it
here after I've rewritten it.  I just don't wanna reinvent that darned old
wheel, if I don't have to...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Printing a variable under 2.4.1

2002-01-04 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, never mind...

It wasn't that tough, once I had some more coffee...

To print a variable in MetaCard 2.4.1, you can use the hacked version of the
MC Print Field script.  I've got it posted at:

That's a start... You can further hack it to do whatever you need...

Richard MacLemale
Network Admin, Programmer, Macintosh Manager Guy

metacard mailing list

Much about nothing...

2002-01-04 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, after all THAT, I discovered that you CAN use the old print script with
2.4.1 and it works OK.  I must have had something scripted wrong, because
I'm now opening all of these older stacks I wrote and they can all print
fine under OS X.  Sorry for the waste of everyone's bandwidth.

Richard MacLemale
Network Admin, Programmer, Macintosh Manager Guy

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #47 - 10 msgs

2002-01-02 Thread Richard MacLemale

 Subject: Re: How to get striped OS X background
 On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 Gregory Lypny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everyone and Happy New Year,
 How do I get the OS X striped background for my windows?
 You need to make sure that the backColor and backPixmap for the card,
 stack, and all other stacks in the hierarchy (i.e., a mainstack and/or
 the Home stack) are set to empty.  The same rule applies if you want
 to use the system background color on Win32 systems.

Gregory's question was essentially the same as mine.  But when I set the
backcolor and the backpixmap of a brand new stack to empty, I don't get an
OS X striped background... I get a plain white background.  This is with no
other stacks open, and the look and feel set to OS Native, with MC 2.4.1
under OS X version 10.1.2.

Also I notice that the palettes (Preferences, Tools, basically any window I
bring up) DO have the striped background, but the home stack itself has a
plain white background.

So is this atypical, or am I missing something?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

OS X Question

2002-01-01 Thread Richard MacLemale

When I create a button and set the appearance to tabbed, the background of
the button turns into that cool OS X looking striped background... Which
is the same as the default background look of OS X windows, System
Preferences, etc.  This is a cool look that I really like.

How do I get this look as the background of a stack?  Aside from making a
tabbed button, that is.  I guess I could do it by making a huge tabbed
button, taking a picture and saving it as a graphic which I could then
reuse, but if there's an easier way I'm all for learning it...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Stupid CGI Tricks

2001-12-07 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, I do REALIZE that this is stupid, but since it involves MetaCard and the
mc Darwin engine and it works, I decided to post one of my MetaCard
cgi-driven pages here...

In elementary schools, they do these activities called Mad Libs.  You fill
in a sheet of paper with a bunch of labeled lines, such as:

Noun: __


And then they are inserted into a story.  The results are usually very
silly, and elementary children find them very, very funny.  Adults do not
usually find them funny, unless inappropriate language is used to fill in
the blanks.

Anyway, I did an example of this with Metacard's darwin engine running on a
stock OS 10.1.1 iMac running Apache.  The page is accomplished with two
elements - a web page named madlib.htm, and a text file named

The link is:

While this is obviously a primitive example, it does show what can be done
with the mc Darwin engine.  This is really, really exciting stuff.  Using
these same concepts it should be pretty straightforward to build all kinds
of neat server-based services like calendars, planners, etc.

I will eventually get around to making a step by step web page for doing
this stuff, but I decided to post my silly example in the meantime for folks
to see.  Thanks to all on this list for being so extremely helpful.  There's
no other authoring environment like MetaCard, and there's no other mailing
list like this one!

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Darwin, CGI Question

2001-11-23 Thread Richard MacLemale

Andu wrote,
 The more empirical way: put home, tools and help stacks in the same
 folder with the engine and do ./mc and see if metacard starts in gui.
 Also try .cgi instead of .mt for the cgi file.
 Test with a cgi known to work just in case the server may not have the
 proper settings.

That works.  I wrote a text file named with a simple script which
created a text file and put it in the same directory (in this case
CGI-Executables) as mc and the other stacks.  The first line of the file is
#!mc followed by on startup and then the script.  Then in command line,
I typed ./mc, and wonder of wonders, the script was instantly run
and the text file was created.  Cool!

Making the jump to being able to active the script via CGI, however,
is not working.  Both the file and mc have proper permissions (755).
I've got a test shell script which works fine when called from a browser.
But when I attempt to hit the script, no dice.  Renaming the script
to test.cgi does not help.

One thing - I can run my test shell script (named by typing:

in the command line.  But typing


in the command line will not run the script, yet typing


in the command line does.  Being a UNIX newbie, I don't know what the ./
does, but you can't execute without it.  So perhaps this has something to do
with not being able to execute a script from a browser?

I gotta believe that at least one MetaCard developer has already done all
this.  I can't be the first person to try to run MetaCard Darwin engine on
OS X as a replacement for Perl, can I?  :)

This is SO close and yet so far.  The idea of, on OS X, being able
to run METACARD scripts is so cool I can hardly sleep at night.

Anyone have any further suggestions, or is this the end of the line?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Darwin, CGI Question

2001-11-22 Thread Richard MacLemale

After spending an hour in the list archives this morning and getting bits
and pieces of the info I need, I gave up and decided to just post the

Here's what I think I know:
1.  You can download the darwin metacard engine and it will run under OS X.
2.  This will allow you to write scripts and save them as .mt files which
can be placed in the CGI folder.
3.  An example of such a file is, included with MetaCard.

I downloaded the darwin engine, I double-clicked it and it uncompressed (via
Stuffit).  This created a folder with two files - gunzip and mc.gz.

If you double-click the mc.qz file, it unzips and you have a file named mc.
Putting that file into the CGI directory is NOT enough to make it work.  OS
X doesn't know that it's an application.  I surmise that the directions that
tell OS X about mc being an app are contained in the gunzip file.

Finally, the question - How do you DO this?  What are the step by step
instructions for installing the darwin mc engine?  I've got the darwin.tar
file from the MC web site, and I know where the CGI folder is

Thanks very much in advance,

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Darwin question again...

2001-11-22 Thread Richard MacLemale

Sorry if this ends up being posted twice... For some reason I got bounced
off the list and had to resubscribe.  Was it something I said?  :)

After spending an hour in the list archives this morning and getting bits
and pieces of the info I need, I gave up and decided to just post the

Here's what I think I know:
1.  You can download the darwin metacard engine and it will run under OS X.
2.  This will allow you to write scripts and save them as .mt files which
can be placed in the CGI folder.
3.  An example of such a file is, included with MetaCard.

I downloaded the darwin engine, I double-clicked it and it uncompressed (via
Stuffit).  This created a folder with two files - gunzip and mc.gz.

If you double-click the mc.qz file, it unzips and you have a file named mc.
Putting that file into the CGI directory is NOT enough to make it work.  OS
X doesn't know that it's an application.  I surmise that the directions that
tell OS X about mc being an app are contained in the gunzip file.

Finally, the question - How do you DO this?  What are the step by step
instructions for installing the darwin mc engine?  I've got the darwin.tar
file from the MC web site, and I know where the CGI folder is

Thanks very much in advance,

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Can someone turn the light on?

2001-06-10 Thread Richard MacLemale

Thanks for the speedy replies, folks!  Not sure if anyone's interested, but
here's what I learned...

1.  Setting the screen rect vs. setting the individual height, width, and
loc in the openStack handler brought back the problem (didn't work.)  I had
to continue to set them individually.

2.  Tried setting the rect in the preOpenStack and that didn't work.

3.  What DID work (very well) was setting the visible to false in
preOpenStack, and setting the visible to true in openStack AFTER I set the
height, width, and loc.  Not the perfect solution, but at least it looks

I have always had an aversion to using the visible property unless I
absolutely had to, because it is technically possible using a runtime
solution to end up with one invisible stack open, and it is also possible to
to set up a scenario where the user cannot close that invisible stack.  That
would be... bad.

But my app now opens the way it should and I am a happy camper.  I write the
owner's manual today and the alpha version of this program will be tested
with live users tomorrow.  Thanks again to the list for the fast help.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Can someone turn the light on?

2001-06-09 Thread Richard MacLemale

Dear list,
This is annoying me because I like everything to be neat and tidy.  I don't
like hacks.

Here's the deal.  I'm just finishing up an app which needs to be able to be
run on 640 by 480 Macs (this is education.)  Before the old argument flares
up about what education wants, believe me, there are still schools with old
Macs and in this case they specifically asked for this screen size!

I'm trying to cram everything I can into this limited screen real estate,
and I've got the stack size set to 621 by 427.  I crammed everything in, and
all is cool, until I put my screen into 640 by 480 resolution to test it.
Suddenly MetaCard decides that when I open the stack it's going to resize my
stack and remove about 20 pixels from the bottom of it!  So I set the stack
height and width in the stack on preOpenStack script, and then it opens at
the correct 621 by 421 size... but it opens too high!  The title bar of the
stack is sitting underneath the Mac OS menu bar.  Obviously this won't work,
so I decide to set the location.  I enter this:
on preOpenStack
  set the loc of this stack to 319,256
  set the width of this stack to 621
  set the height of this stack to 427
end preOpenStack

Here's what happens... it opens at the correct size but it ignores the
location I entered.  So I change it to:
on preOpenStack
  set the width of this stack to 621
  set the height of this stack to 427
  set the loc of this stack to 319,256
end preOpenStack

Does this work?  NO!  It THEN opens with the correct position, but ignores
the height I set and changes it to 395!  ARGH.  This is really annoying.

So I change the handler to on openStack and THEN it works fine.  But of
course you see the stack first come in at the wrong size and then jump to
the proper size.  This is visually annoying and makes my app look

OK, I realize I'm not programming in Objective C here, and if this is the
only way to get it done I'll chalk it up to compromise.  But if I'm missing
something here, could someone please turn the light on for me?  I'm not sure
why MetaCard would want to (by default) ignore height and location settings
in a preOpenStack handler.  If it's supposed to be a feature, I'd disagree
and argue that it's a bug... anyone run across this before?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

MetaCard app on a server...

2001-05-03 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, hypothetically speaking...

Suppose you create a standalone app on the Mac.  And the app has a
collection of data stacks that it uses, and they are in the same directory
as the app.  And you set the shared flag to true (via ResEdit) and you put
it on a server.

Now two Mac clients both launch the app.  And they both use it to open the
same data stack on the server.  What would happen?
A.  Both users would get a copy of the data stack loaded into their own RAM,
and when they did a save, the save would be rewritten back to the data stack
on the server, or
B.  The first user to get to the stack would win, and the other user would
get a stack is in use error

Furthermore, suppose you have a global variable named myName (not that I
would do this, but just supposed.)  If two people would run the app at the
same time, would they both get the same global?  Would it be different for

I can test this all out at work, but was sorta hoping someone had already
walked down this path.  I could see some cool local network gaming
possibilities for my school based on the answers to these questions...

Anyone know?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.


2001-04-18 Thread Richard MacLemale

Sorry I'm late to the party...

I just finished a (MetaCard) software project where teachers create stacks,
and the stacks are essentially thematic unit plans correlated to our
curriculum.  Since we have 30 elementary schools, we decided to set up a
server which could host stacks written by teachers from all over the county.

I built an ftp engine into the program with one button uploading and
downloading of stacks.  The server is an iMac running WebStar.  The whole
thing worked great, except for one thing... the stacks were 600 - 700K, and
so transfer times were not super-zippy.  The reason the stacks were so large
was because they had a lot of curriculum listed, as well as other resources.

Enter XML.  Instead of sending a 700K MetaCard stack, the program now sends
a 20K XML file.  What I did was to essentially write each card as an xml
entry into an xml file, then send the file.  On downloading a theme,
MetaCard then makes a copy of an empty template stack, then parses the data
into the stack.  A simple example would be a card named "A1" with a text
field named "activity."  On creating the xml file, the xml code would look
like this (I'm using parenthesis instead of the usual less-than,
greater-than symbols, because that might screw up this post!)

 (activity)Students will write an essay.(/activity)

The downloading script is simple - it just reads each entry and places the
info into the appropriate fields of each card.  Worked perfectly.  Then I
made it a bit more complicated by putting the htmlText of each field in to
keep the formatting, and that worked fine also.

Our district IS folks were VERY happy to see the size of the files we're
sending go from 700K down to 20K!  And the download and upload speed is, of
course, a katrillion times faster.  Everyone is happy.

It gets better.  Since the xml files can be indexed by WebStar, I was able
to build a search engine into my program which lets users look INSIDE of
uploaded themes.  So a teacher can search for "whales" and WebStar will
return any units that have that word in them.  Cool!

XML in this case proved to be very, very useful!

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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Re: HyperCard Price

2001-04-14 Thread Richard MacLemale

Simon wrote:
"The only thing keeping the Mac around nowadays is Shareware - and Mac OS X
is the only killer app to appear on scene in the last 10 years."

Hmm...  I think graphic arts, music, and education (schools) are the ones
keeping Apple going, and OS X is going to bring more developers to the Mac.
But as far as killer apps, how about iMovie?

iMovie is one of the best designed programs ever, IMHO, because it does
something very complicated (video editing), but is extremely easy to use.
Very powerful, AND very easy to use... this is an extremely difficult thing
for a program to accomplish.

OS X will bring many UNIX programs and programmers to the Mac, which is both
good and bad.  Good in that it will bring more cool programs to the
platform, bad in that some of those ports will be terribly ugly.  As stated
before on this list, UNIX folks think that having a great gui interface
means using more than ONE shade of gray.  But anyway...:)

MetaCard should be pitched as a tool that is easy for beginners but will be
able to keep you happy as you grow in ability.  Many of us ex-HyperCard
users would still be using it if we hadn't hit the wall with it's
limitations (and there were many.)

MetaCard is expensive, but there's no real competition for what it does
(card-based design that's cross platform and powerful.)  The problem is that
it is priced out of reach of general hobbyists, and those are the people who
would really benefit from starting on MetaCard.  So the pricing is aimed
squarely at people who can make money with MetaCard (ie programmers), but
who are not already schooled in a different language such as C++.  This is,
to my mind, a small market.  I think MetaCard needs an influx of newbies,
because the target crowd here is just too small.  I'd say that a good way to
do this would be to ditch MetaCard's current price ($995) and charge $499
for it.  Then charge $299 for the subscription price.  I'd wait until the
Mac OS X version is ready, then spend a little on marketing, and sell
MetaCard for $499.  This would grab a ton of HyperCard users, and also some
other newbies, most of which would consider $499 to be expensive but not
unreasonable.  The other piece to the puzzle is a beginner's book.  But
that's another thread...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: HyperCard Price

2001-04-14 Thread Richard MacLemale

I had written:

MetaCard should be pitched as a tool that is easy for beginners but will be
able to keep you happy as you grow in ability.  Many of us ex-HyperCard
users would still be using it if we hadn't hit the wall with it's
limitations (and there were many.)

And Simon wrote:

You lost me, HC limitations or MC's?  What do you use it for?  Don't
say database and QuickTime...that's become the default response.
Valid mind you, but it would be good to know more - that way it helps

I was referring to HyperCard's inability to do a multitude of things, which
causes what many call the "HyperCard Wall"... you say, "Gee, I could make
this cool software if only HyperCard could do this, this, and this..."  And
you go out and get externals to compensate for what HyperCard couldn't do.
I have yet to use an external with MetaCard.  Doesn't mean I never will, but
means I haven't had to yet!

I think that calling iMovie a hack of Final Cut Pro which was bought from
another company sells iMovie short.  It's not like they just took Final Cut
Pro and removed half the menus.  While iMovie uses much of the same code,
its user interface was carefully designed to appeal to novice users, to be
easy to learn, and to be powerful.  Despite the origin of it's code, it's an
example of a great application.  The same argument could be said about OS X,
that Apple just took BSD UNIX and slapped a pretty face (GUI) on it, but no
one yet has done a great GUI for UNIX (at least not the ones I'VE looked at
via Linux... some of that stuff makes Windows look good!)  Apple is the

But I'm arguing over nothing here, so I'll stop.

I sort of suspect that we're both wrong.  I think that lowering MetaCard's
price will NOT result in HyperCard users bolting to MetaCard, whether it's a
permanent price drop or a temporary one.  Those who would switch may have
switched already, as in maybe the handful of top notch HyperCard
programmers...  your way would definitely be less expensive, this is true.
I guess it'd be better to try your way to see what happens...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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Re: Read this?

2001-03-30 Thread Richard MacLemale

As a former HyperCard advocate, I have to say that I agree that making fun
of HyperCard users is lame.  Yes MetaCard blows HyperCard away, but at 10
times the price.  We need to remember that MetaCard is not priced for
beginner programmers and hobbyists.  It's priced for pros.  If HyperCard
could do what MetaCard could do, I never would have left.

We should morn the death of HyperCard also, because it will be one less
xtalk product out there, and I think you all know how hard it is right now
talking clients into an xtalk solution...  In a small way, the death of
HyperCard makes it just a little harder to talk clients into using MetaCard.

This is utter nonsense, of course, because there's no logic involved, but
when has logic ever been a huge factor in technology?  What on earth made
people choose Windows 3.1 over the Mac?  (For that matter, Windows Me over
OS 9, but that's another story...)

So let's all lay off the HyperCard folks.  Many of us here may look down on
HyperCard, but somewhere there may be a person who graduated from MetaCard
to C++ who is laughing at us.  And that's not right either.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

MetaCard SQL revisited

2001-03-12 Thread Richard MacLemale

I've been exploring the archives on this topic, and have found bits and
pieces of the whole puzzle.  I know there are many of us who'd like to be
able to link our MetaCard stacks to other databases which use ODBC.  So what
I'm hoping is to summarize this and either (a) get more pieces to the
puzzle, or (b) have someone jump in and say "Ya got it all wrong, rookie!"

That said, here are my "assumptions"...

1.  ODBC is a protocol, and SQL is a language (the language that ODBC uses.)
2.  Learning SQL commands is only part of the battle of getting MetaCard to
talk to an ODBC database, because you have to be able to send those commands
to whatever database you wish to talk to.
3.  The best way to do this would be via MetaCard's support for ports and
sockets, because since ODBC is such a HUGE standard, then SURELY you should
be able to use it with TCP/IP...
4.  Even though you can use AppleEvents and/or AppleScript, or other
proprietary languages, SQL/ODBC/TCP-IP would seem to be the way to go,
because they are cross-platform and fast.
5.  So the trick is that you need a database on a server on a network
listening on a certain specific port, AND you need MetaCard to be able to
speak SQL to that port and also read results from that port.  And I'm
assuming you can't just send straight SQL commands to the port, because it
couldn't be THAT easy...

So where am I right and where am I wrong?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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scrolling question...

2001-02-27 Thread Richard MacLemale

I've seen this before, but could not find it in the archives...

Suppose I want a stack with one field and two buttons, named "Start" and
"Stop."  When I click "Start", I want the field to auto-scroll and keep
scrolling, until I click the "Stop" button.  Obviously a simple repeat loop
in the Start button won't work.  Anyone done this?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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Re: Scrollbar issue?

2001-01-29 Thread Richard MacLemale

Thanks to Kevin  Scott for posting solutions to the scrollbar field problem
I had.

Kevin's solution works very well.  My problem is that I have some fields
that I purposefully WANT to have no scrollbar on no matter what (it would
take too long to explain why,) and some that I did.  Given enough time, I
could script around these problems.  But time is something I ain't got.

Scott's point about web browsers working Kevin's way is well taken.  Reading
Scott's response made me take a couple of steps back and say, "yeah, he's
right."  Us Mac users want the whole world to look like the Finder, even if
the new way is a better way... which in this case it is.

In the end, I'm going with Scott's solution of setting the
proportionalThumbs to true.  That way, if anyone bitches, I can tell them,
"Hey, it's the default in OS X!  You're ahead of the game."   Heh heh.

As far as not catching things in gamma and beta, I'm as guilty as anyone,
because I didn't use 2.3.2 until the last minute... been using 2.3.  Next
release I'll hop on board quicker.

My thanks once again to both Kevin and Scott for immediately helping,
despite the bitchiness of my first post.  The MetaCard development community
is the best in the world.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Scrollbar issue?

2001-01-28 Thread Richard MacLemale

Forgive me if this has been covered already, but...

I have upgraded to version 2.3.2, and noticed something very strange.  On my
PB G3 500 Mhz, running OS 9.0.4, when you make a field and make it
scrollable, the scroll bar is shaded and a draggable handle appears EVEN
with nothing in the field.

In other words, normally on the Mac, an empty scrollable field has an
"all-white" scrollbar, ie there is no shaded area.  And no draggable handle.
When the text exceeds the height of the field, the scrollbar area turns
gray, with a draggable handle appearing.  Forgive me if I'm using the wrong
terminology.  This is also the way MC has always been...

Now, w/MC 2.3.2, the scrollbar ALWAYS draws a shaded scrollbar with a
draggable handle, which you CAN'T DRAG if the length of the text does not
exceed the height of the field.

This gives the user the distinct impression that the text field is full,
even if it isn't.  And when you go to drag the handle, you can't move it of
course.  This is a really annoying violation of user interface.

Why this unfortunate change?  And how did I miss this discussion... surely
someone else has seen this?  I'm hoping that there is a solution, and I'm
also desperate for one... as quickly as possible!!!

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Scrollbar issue?

2001-01-28 Thread Richard MacLemale

Kevin Miller stated:
 This is just a minor glitch - the only workaround I know of for the moment
 is to turn off the scrollbar if the text fits.

Nah, it's not a minor glitch if I have to spend hours figuring out the best
way to turn off the scrollbar for the HUNDREDS of fields in my project, due
to go beta shortly.  And having a scroll bar magically appear IF the text
does not fit the field is a user interface violation in my book.  Reason -
fixed fields (ie without scroll bars) imply that you can only type a limited
amount of text into an area (at least on the Mac), which of course I do not
want to imply.  And putting a scrollbar complete with draggable handle that
DOES NOTHING if the text does not extend beyond the height of the field is
even worse.  I myself spend some time trying to drag the handle in the
scroll bar and wondering why it wouldn't move.

The fact is that anything that makes my program look unprofessional make ME
look unprofessional.  Attention to detail is very important in software
design.  Especially on the Mac, people get used to living in a predefined
universe of rules, which make it easier to learn new programs.  I know my
customers, and as petty as my complaint sounds, I'm going to have to make
excuses.  And I haven't had to do that before with MetaCard.  With
HyperCard, in the "old" days, yes.  Remember explaining to people why they
couldn't put more than 32K in a field?

Fortunately, I think I can safely step back down to version 2.3.1, which I
know DOES draw scrollable fields properly.  I only hope that the version of
2.3.1 that I still have is the FAT binary version, or I'm in trouble.

What I'm really more pissed about is the fact that somehow I didn't notice
this bug until the last minute.  I should've caught it much, much sooner.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Windows Question...

2001-01-25 Thread Richard MacLemale

On the Mac, you have type and creator settings to tell the Mac which app
created which file.  On Windows, you have those 2 or 3 character DOS
extensions (MetaCard's being ".mc").  My question is this:  If I create an
app for Windows, what do I do about the DOS extension?  How do I know what
has and has not been used?  What do I have permission to use?  Apple has a
database online of creators.  Does Microsoft have a similar database for
Windows and DOS extensions?  Do I have to fart around with modifying the
registry?  Yuck.  Thanks in advance for any replies...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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RE: Installers

2001-01-20 Thread Richard MacLemale

Another recommendation for Install Maker from - I've used this
for about 2 years, and it rocks.  But the price is only $39, not $50!  Even

Install Maker is very easy to use and works very well.  Even if you could
build an installer in MetaCard, hey, why bother, when you can get this one
for only $39 (and it's easy to use and works great)?

Clickteam is kinda like MetaCard... most people have not heard of them, but
those who know their products are religious about them.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.


2001-01-18 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, the official release date for OS X is now March 24...

How about the MetaCard engine for OS X?  Is there any chance that we can get
an idea as to when this blessed event may occur?  I can't wait to start
designing on OS X.

I also recommend that we (MetaCard developers) pool our resources to come up
with some common solutions to making our apps look more "OS X-like."  I'm
thinking specifically of ask file, answer file, answer password, etc.  This
is one of the VERY few areas where I think MetaCard is still weak.  Yeah, I
know, you can create your own versions of ask and answer, but the default is
pretty ugly.  It ain't gonna cut it with folks looking for those nifty
throbbing capsule-looking buttons.  I'm thinking a JPEG file for the
backdrop and maybe an animated GIF to simulate the new buttons?

Anyway, since OS X is so close, I wonder if we might possibly catch a
hint of when MetaCard will have an engine for it?

Hey, can't hurt to ask.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

SuSE Linux

2001-01-07 Thread Richard MacLemale

I've just installed SuSE Linux 7.0 (PPC Edition) on to one of my Macs.  Will
any of the Linux versions of MetaCard run on this?  Which version should I
try?  This is going to be a VERY popular version of Linux for the Mac, from
what I've seen so far...

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Desperately Seeking Help

2001-01-03 Thread Richard MacLemale

Bill Williams wrote:

 This is an
 elementary school and only MM connections are made to the server, file
 sharing only. The only two AS users are "Multiple Users User" and "aefw". I
 have the same set up at two other schools with no problem. Three weeks ago
 I used another computer and copy only the MM folder, Secure-1, and the MM
 server extension 1.2.2. This failed so I put in a new MM extension and that
 also disconnected. During vacation week, last Friday, I updated 1st aid to
 8.6 and the installed 9.0.4 updater. I rechecked all the settings: AutoPush
 disabled, VM off, Sherlock is not indexing. I used the new first aid,
 Norton, Disk Warrior, AS 1st Aid, Defrag, and rebuilt the desktop. Today it
 happened again.

Couple of things...

1.  You state that there are only two AS users - Multiple Users User (used
internally by MM) and aefw.  Do you mean that you only have one login name
for all of your students to share?  If true, this will cause you mondo
grief.  Even at elementary, you can set up individual accounts... I just set
up a MM network for one of our county's elementary schools and made each
student an individual user - yes, even the K and 1st grades!  We also had a
lab of iMacs, and they were numbered (1 - 20, I think), and we made users
for the numbers 1 to 20... that way, the really young ones could log in to
the lab computer by it's own number, and all was unique.

If you have tons of MM users but you only have 2 ASIP users on the MM
server, there's a problem.  MM creates disabled ASIP users for each MM user
you create.  Or at least that's what it's supposed to do.  So if you have
500 MM users but the ASIP server running MM only has 2, I'd reinstall the OS
and MM and start over.  Maybe someone who's done this before can give you
advice on backing up user docs and prefs...

As an aside - we just took a FileMaker Pro database of all students and
exported three fields as tab delimited text... student name, student ID
number, and student homeroom teacher.  Then we imported the file into MM,
with the name being the user name, the ID number being the password, and the
homeroom teacher being the workgroup.  Probably took only about 8 minutes!

2.  The easy fix... move the server to another room and connect it to the
network with another cable.  If the old room's wiring was the problem,
this'd fix it ('less the new wiring's bad too.)  Probably not the case, but
worth trying...

3.  When we had some serious mystery problems at another school, and nothing
I tried worked, I did what I normally do with Macs that misbehave when
conventional fixes won't fix... I wiped the HD (after backing up all data)
and reinstalled the OS.  Then I did the updates.  And then all was well.

My personal opinion is that any time you have to use a utility program other
than Apple's, and other than to defrag, you might as well reinstall the OS.
Norton is infamous for telling you "OK, everything's fixed!" and you say
"YES!" and then you come in the next day to a flashing question mark.

One more comment, while I'm on my cyber-quarter...

You state "I have the same set up at two other schools with no problem."

In the Mac world, we tend to do things like this (myself included), and it
gets us into trouble.  It's the old "if A = B and B = C, then A = C" rule.
Problem is that B never truly equals C.  No two schools are identical... not
even with the exact same equipment and identical software, because the users
are different.  Some obscure software bugs are only triggered by weird
combinations of events... which can occur at one school and not another.

The fact that a certain setup or way of doing things works at one school
does not guarantee that it will work at another.  Usually it will, but it's
not a guarantee.  It's also not a given that if a setup works at one school,
it must be set up correctly.  It might not be, it might just be that the
problem with the setup is not exposed.  In this case, if you really only
have one user, I'd say that's the problem.  And if you have 500 MM users and
2 ASIP users, I'd say that's the problem too.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Mac to Windows

2000-12-30 Thread Richard MacLemale

Just to reiterate and add to what Simon said...

Having a PC to do Windows MC testing, to my mind is a must.  I'm doing most
of my developing on a 500 MHz G3 PowerBook lately, and I have Virtual PC
running Windows 98 on it.  MetaCard for PC running in Virtual PC/Windows 98
on a Mac is slow (dat's a lotta emulation in dere).  It feels like a very
slow Pentium.  On the other hand, I've got a Packard-Bell PC with a Cyrix
266 (no laughing out there), and it runs MC downright zippy.  When you
imagine how cheaply you could get a used 266 MHz PC today, it really makes
sense to get one.  My next project will be to get a second PC and run Linux
on it.

Anyone find it odd that Outlook Express does not recognize Linux as a real


Somewhere in the list archives there's probably a list of Mac to Windows
issues.  I know a few...

1.  Windows does not recognize the Mac's "does not equal" sign
(command/equal.)  HyperCard users love that key, and we've had to change.

2.  MC defaults to the Helvetica font for a good reason - it's got the best
cross-platform compatibility. Even so, fonts size out slightly differently
on each platform, so you have to watch that.

3.  Sometimes Mac-created graphics (GIF or JPEG) look funny on Windows,
depending on how they were created.  Depends how they were saved.

4.  The usable screen size is different.  The mac has a main menu bar,
whereas Windows puts a menu bar in each window, plus the task bar at the
bottom of the screen.  So your menu bar ends up taking up space in your
stack, plus there's the task bar.  There's less usable real estate.

5.  Windows files of course need the "dot 2" extension so that Windows knows
what the file is.  MC for Windows won't recognize metacard stacks from the
Mac immediately unless you put ".mc" on the end.

There may be a few more I'm forgetting.  Aside from these issues, cross
platform stacks work extremely well.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Multi-thread question...

2000-12-30 Thread Richard MacLemale

Thanks for the info, Scott.

Your answer brings up another question...

Would running mchttp on a Linux box be significantly faster than running it
on a Mac?  All other things (processor speed, amount of RAM, etc) being

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Multi-thread question...

2000-12-28 Thread Richard MacLemale

Thanks to MetaCard I've learned some basic TCP/IP, developed my own e-mail
and ftp clients, and incorporated them into some software that I've sold.
Neato!  The next step, obviously, is to create applications like mchttp,
which run on the server.

I remember reading something here about MetaCard 2.3.2 being able to
simulate multithreading using "wait with message"...


Is this the solution for people who don't want to use mchttp because it
handles only one job at a time and thus can't match the speed of web hosting
programs such as WebStar?

Will mchttp be updated to include 2.3.2's new "wait with message" feature?

Using "wait with message", how fast would MC be able to serve up web pages
and graphics?  Compared to WebStar?

If multi-threading is a possibility in future versions of MC, should I be
wasting my time with "wait with message?"

And finally...

What would be a simple example of using "wait with message" to allow MC to
handle multiple socket requests?

Any answers to any of these questions would be appreciated, as usual.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

'Nuther question

2000-12-28 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, another one...

Suppose I had a MetaCard stack acting as a web host, and another MetaCard
stack acting as an ftp server.

Would it be better (speed wise) to have both stacks running as individual
apps, ie build standalone applications and run both at the same time?

Or would it be better to just have them both running from the same copy of

Would this be different if the host computer was running the Mac OS or WinNT
(or Linux?)

Again, thanks in advance for any input.

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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2000-12-27 Thread Richard MacLemale

For the Mac experts, a question...

Suppose I have an application that I made with MetaCard (it's a stand-alone
app), and I've given it it's own type and creator codes.  And one of the
things this program can do is create new "files" (which are, of course,
really stacks.)  I want the "files" that my app creates to have unique

How do I do this?

(I'm not afraid of using ResEdit on my app, if need be.)

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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