[Mimedefang] mimedefang compalins about suspicious char, but none present

2006-06-19 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
I've just got an email that was rejected by MIMEDefang.  It complained 
about suspicious chars.  After examining copy of message in quarantine, 
it doesn't seem to contain anything suspicious.  Only printable ASCII 
and tabs.  Any other explanation for this?

Sorry for not including the offending message (too much data useful for 
identity theft in it).  Hope you understand.

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Which is worse?

2005-11-29 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Dave Williss wrote:

I think to myself... If I go out of my way to block spam, I'm probably 
NOT going
to be inclined to buy anything from a spammer anyway.  So why do they 

Spam is usually blocked by sysadmins.  They are attempting to bypass 
that and reach end users that might be inclined to click on the message. 
 It's like those no soliciting signs on doors (on both private 
properties and bussinesses).  From time to time you get uninvited 
salesman ignoring the sign, trying out his luck.  Anyhow, it doesn't 
cost a thing, so why not try it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] 0-byte attachments

2005-11-28 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Stewart wrote:

So right now my panic subsides, just slightly, but i'd like to know  why 
mimedefang might be passing on messages without their attachments  and 
not warning the users inline, or me via syslog, that there's some  sort 
of problem ... that wouldn't be an approved behaviour i'm sure! :-/

Depending on configured milter log level (can be controlled separately 
in sendmail config, by default same as general log level), you should 
see in sendmail's log files whenever message body was altered by a 
filter (in this case MIMEDefang).  I think log level of 9 should log it 
(either general, or raised for milter only).

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Re: [Mimedefang] New Sober version bringing MD to its knees?

2005-11-25 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

David F. Skoll wrote:

Fernando Gleiser wrote:

It worked flawlessly until the last version of sober hit it a couple of
days ago. Since then that piece of cr*p is hitting it with bursts
where the server gets 60+ mails in less than 10seconds, so MD runs out
of slaves.

You might want to set the ConnectionRateThrottle parameter in Sendmail
(confCONNECTION_RATE_THROTTLE in sendmail.mc) quite low, like to around 3.
That delays connections if more than 3/second come in.

For 40+ mail accounts?  Set it to 1.  Way more than enough.  He probably 
receives at most several emails per minute (if that much).

Also.  Set number of slaves to something hardware can handle.  Worst 
case is, some email will get delayed when he gets hit.  Usually, not 
really a big deal.  Make sure virus scanner runs first (ClamAV is 
usually light weight enough not to kill machine), and that no filtering 
is done if virus is detected (like it is done in default MD 
configuration).  No point in running SpamAssassin on something that is 
going to be rejected anyhow...

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Re: [Mimedefang] Semi-OT: ClamAV Vulnerability

2005-11-21 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Kenneth Porter wrote:

Additionally the Fedora wiki has a page for registered system uid's, and 
defang is defined there.

Hm, search on the Fedora Wiki hasn't found the page.  Could you post the 
link to it?

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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-18 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting Steffen Kaiser [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

If any of $SuspisiousCharsIn* are true, I'm doing (as one of the 
first things in

filter_begin, even before checking for viruses):

action_quarantine_entire_message('descriptive msg');
return action_bounce('descriptive msg');

I did so for some time, too, but had to disable it, because some 
(important) people are subscribed to some CVS-has-changed 
notification lists, which send embedded CRs and NULs. The sender was 
complaining, that I'm the only person who thinks the mails are bad.

Sounds familiar.  People are too often completely ignorant.  They don't care
that simple upgrade of any component of email system (from email client 
server to IMAP/POP3 server) can couse problems again (crashing the 
email clients

or simply causing delivery problems again).  The only thing they care about is
to delegate problem to somebody else.  If your organization decides to swtich
to Cyrus IMAPD (for example) in the future, his emails are going to start
bouncing again.  Luckily, this time, you would be able to tell I can't do
anything about it, it is erorr in client's software that generated those
emails, and it can only be fixed in that software.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Skip checks for localhost

2005-11-18 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Jon Fullmer wrote:

Here's probably a rookie question.  How can I configure Mimedefang to skip
checks for messages originating from localhost?

At a higher level, I have a script that runs on the mail server and
generates e-mail messages to some of my users.  MD keeps rejecting the
message due to suspicious_chars.  I can't seem to figure out what
characters it has a problem with, so I'm at the point where I want it to
just skip checking the message all together and just SEND the message.


Fix the buggy program that generated the messages? ;-)

For real, why don't you try to quarantine the message before rejecting 
it.  Then you'll have a copy of the message on the disk that you can 
look into and see what is wrong.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-17 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting Tomasz Ostrowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

So I'd propose something like:

/* after message_contains_virus() */
if ($SuspiciousCharsInBody) {

If any of $SuspisiousCharsIn* are true, I'm doing (as one of the first 
things in

filter_begin, even before checking for viruses):

 action_quarantine_entire_message('descriptive msg');
 return action_bounce('descriptive msg');

I have this setup for very long time, and so far zero complaints from 
users. Even if there were complaints, this is part of anti-virus and 
anti-spam policy,

so I couldn't do anything about it ;-)

Looking at the log files, more than 99% of bounced stuff are viruses and spam,
and remainder is mainly chain letters and similar stuff that nobody really
cares if it gets bounced.  I've just checked this week's log files.  
Almost all

bounced messages (due to suspisious chars in either body or headers) were from
senders like [EMAIL PROTECTED] (guess what those are).  Only
two were from something that looked like it might have been real email
address.  Checking the quarantine showed those two were viruses.

There was only one email adress in log files that was constantly 
bounced because

of this (in the beggining, when we started using MIMEDefang), but it seems
whoever owned it have fixed his/hers email setup very fast after emails 

to bounce.  So bouncing isn't as bad as it may sound, it helps people to fix
problems ;-)

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RE: [Mimedefang] how to disable notify=success

2005-11-17 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic


One of our bigger customers are rejecting all messages
from ,

Then you need to wax their ears some, and set them straight
a bit. Do not accommodate to their gross brokenness.

It might be that they are simply rejecting return receipts as such.  
However, if

they are rejecting them, they should be making sure no requests for them are
leaving their organization.  See the second part of my previous reply. 
Although, if email originated from outside of their organization (for 

user sends email from his laptop from home using his ISPs mail server and
organization's email address), there is little they can do to prevent it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] how to disable notify=success

2005-11-17 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting Marco Berizzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm using a sendmail/MIMEDefang box as a gateway for my M$ Exchange 
5.5 internal mail server.
One of our bigger customers are rejecting all messages from , so 
MDN and return receipt from my M$ exchange relayed through the 
sendmail/MD box are rejected.

I would like to know if there is a way to disable NOTIFY=SUCCESS with MD.

Return receipts can be reqested on two levels.  On SMTP level and in 
headers. In former case they are handled by MTA, and in later by MUA.

To block any disposition notification, also known as return receipts 
(these are

not bounces):

sub filter_end ($) {
 my ($entity) = @_;

 if ($entity-head-get(Content-Type) =~
 m+multipart/report.*disposition-notification+igs) {
   return action_bounce(Disposition notifications prohibited);

You can also prevent requests for them to hit your users.  IMO, this is good
things, since return receipts are very handy way for spammers to verify 
that an

email address exists.

To disable them on SMTP level, simply tell sendmail you want to disable the
feature.  Add noreceipts to confPRIVACY_FLAGS in sendmail.mc and reubuild
sendmail.cf from it.  For example:

define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `goaway,restrictqrun,noreceipts,noetrn')

To disable them in the headers, you can siply remove offending headers 
from the

message (you'd do this in filter_end function).  The headers you want to
ruthlessly remove are:


For example, add this to the above filter_end function:

 my @hremove = (Disposition-Notification-To,
 foreach my $h (@hremove) {
   if ($entity-head-get($h)) {

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Re: [Mimedefang] how to disable notify=success

2005-11-17 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting Kevin A. McGrail [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I have to concur but I'll give you more ammunition.

This is pretty broken and large ISPs like AOL and Yahoo may block 
mail servers that do not accept bounces.

For example, from: http://postmaster.aol.com/guidelines/standards.html

 AOL may reject connections from senders who are unable to accept at 
least 90% of the bounce-return messages (mailer-daemon failure/error 
messages) destined for their systems.

Which in turn is also broken.  To make a DOS attack (prevent AOL 
subscribers to

send email to particular domain), one would just generate bunch of emails to
non-existing AOL addresses that would have envelope sender set to non-existing
user at particular domain.  Attacker generates fake emails, AOL generates
bounces, bounces fail, AOL blocks domain.  Nice.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-16 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting Jan Pieter Cornet [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Patching sendmail to reject on bare LF terminated lines is likely
asking for a LOT of trouble. Since traditionally sendmail doesn't care
if you used CRLF or just LF, it's likely that lots of (local, unix-
specific) programs submit messages using only LF line endings. Some
programs might even implicitly rely on the fact that sendmail
corrects the line endings.

You are right there.  Sendmail is one of the be liberal what you accept, be
strict what you send projects.  Unfortunately in this case, it is not strict
enough in what it is sending...  Kinda getting of topic for this mailing

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[Mimedefang] initializing database connection

2005-11-15 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

I need to connect to SQLite database from some functions in mimedefang-filter. 
Not sure if I got the docs right.  What I currently have is something like
this.  The semaphores stuff is just to serialize transactions (SQLite pukes
when more than one process is accessing same file).  I'm also using semaphores
in other functions, so only one slave at a time can access database.

use DBI;

sub filter_initialize {
$semid = 0;
if ($semid = semget($semkey, 1, 0600 | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) {
# we are creating the semaphore, set the green light
semop($semid, pack(s!3, 0, 1, 0));
} else {
# assume semaphore was already created and in use
$semid = semget(0x12345678, 1, 0600) || die $!;

# red light
semop($semid, pack(s!3, 0, -1, SEM_UNDO));
if (-f $dbfile) {
$dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile,,);
} else {
$dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile,,);
my $sth_create = $dbh-prepare($sql_create_table);
$dbh-{AutoCommit} = 0;
$sth_insert = $dbh-prepare($sql_insert);
$sth_update = $dbh-prepare($sql_update);
$sth_select = $dbh-prepare($sql_select);
$sth_delete = $dbh-prepare($sql_delete);
# green light
semop($semid, pack(s!3, 0, 1, SEM_UNDO));

And than I'm using $dbh, $sth_insert, $sth_update and so on in other filter_*
functions (again, using semaphores to serialize access to database).  Is this
the right way to do it?

Even if this is the right way of doing it, if I got manual page right, each
slave will have its own connection to the database.  Since I needed to use
semaphores to serialize things anyhow (AFAIK, limitation of SQLite), is it
possible to (somehow) create one connection and share it among all the slaves?

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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-15 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting David F. Skoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


How about --dont-fix-line-endings

Then I have to use getopt_long and portability goes to hell. :-(

Choose a letter for beta options, and do them like '-B fix-line-endings=off'
(replace '-B' with whatever letter is free).  Then you just need some short
portable code to parse key-value pair.  Or you could have a letter for long
options '-o fix-line-endings=off'.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-15 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic

Quoting David F. Skoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

David F. Skoll wrote:
Sigh.  When you send body chunks back to Sendmail, it converts CRLF
to LF, because it's writing it to a queue file, which is stored with
UNIX-convention line endings.  Also, when Sendmail reads the queue
file and sends it to MIMEDefang, it converts LF to CRLF.


- There is no way to see a lone LF from milter.
- There IS a way to see a lone CR.
- There is no way to know if the CRLF you see in your milter was REALLY
 a CRLF on the wire, or just a LF on the wire.
- When you send a body BACK to Sendmail, it makes no difference if you
 terminate lines with LF or CRLF.

What a mess.

In other words, it should be Sendmail that should be patched to reject bare CR
and bare LF.  Patch against Sendmail (as config option)?

I know of at least one popular IMAP server, namely Cyrus IMAPD, that does such
checks and rejects messages that contain bare newlines.  Furthermore, 
it is not
conditional (unless you hack Cyrus code, it is not possible to turn it 
off).  So

this is nothing new, and could be considered common practice at many sites (be
them aware of it or not).

IMO, MIMEDefang should at least set suspicios char flag when it 
encounters bare

CR or LF (well, the later is probably not possible to detect on Unix systems).

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Re: [Mimedefang] How can I get just the domain from $sender

2005-02-23 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Seigafuse, Mike wrote:
We use confidentiality statements as well, but we split in and outbound
on different servers so we don't have this particular issue.  The issue
we haven't solved yet is how to avoid adding it every time replies go
back and forth.  If someone figures that out please share :).
I have a friend who is unfortunate to work in a company that insist on 
this kind of stupidity for all employees (big insurance company).  It 
seems that their mail server is configured not to add disclaimers if 
both of these are true:

Subject header starts with re: (case insensitive)
In-Reply-To header is present
I'm not sure if they also keep some kind of database of message id's to 
check and see if this is reply to a message that already got disclaimer 
or not (don't remember really if hers first reply to my initial email 
gets the disclaimer or not).  Implementing a database like that should 
be simple, if you want to be that fancy.

Something like this should work for you too, if you have enforced 
company policy on allowed mail readers (and your company's mail reader 
of choice inserts in-reply-to header).  If you have a user prepared to 
manually circumvent this in order not to have disclaimer added, you have 
a bigger problems to worry about anyhow.

Glad to help reduce number of useless disclaimers ;-)
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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[Mimedefang] off topic: rfc-ignorant

2005-02-18 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
May make couple of people here smile (at least).
The rfc-ignorant seems to be ignorant themself.  My log files are full 
of these:

lame server resolving ''(in 

They are delegating ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org to localhost (
Wooohooo :-)
(OK, I haven't checked RFCs, but delegating domain to localhost is 
simply plain wrong)

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Problem with virus bounces

2004-12-20 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Ronald Vazquez NLM wrote:
The Problem seems to be that they're all bounces from nonexistant 
accounts/domains where the mailer there returns the WHOLE email as
text inside the message.  It seems that the risk is small that
someone could actually execute the virus as it just appears as
text-garbage in the text-part of the mail and local antivirus
programs detect it...  My manager is not liking this situation
because I'm letting the virus in...
I've seen several commercial AV scanners that have the same problem 
(Trend isn't the only one).  The problem is that those bounces (usually 
generated by qmail or postfix, don't remember which one of those two) 
are not really MIME formatted emails.  They are text/plain, so when 
analyzing them, virus scanners (or anything else)  will not see and 
decode/scan attachment.

A solution could be to try out ClamAV and add it as second virus 
scanner.  It is free and it seems to be good at detecting (at least 
some) viruses that are hidden in broken bounced messages.  Anyhow, 
having mail scanned by two different virus scanners is always a good idea.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] message/partial

2004-12-06 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Carlton Thomas wrote:
We advise our clients to send multi-part messages to overcome the
10 meg limit we impose on a single message. We understand that this
can allow viruses to slip through our defences, but we had to impose
a limit and we had to find some way of allowing messages larger than
that limit to be sent.
Huh.  Yeah, the problem sounds familiar.  Long time ago, users would 
upload 100kb file on FTP server and send email where the file is. 
Today, users would click attach icon and select 1GB file without 
thinking twice.  It's like going to Rona or Home Depot web site, buying 
everything you need to build new house online (from concrete for 
foundations to roof shingles), and selecting FedEx or UPS as shipping 
method.  They'll do the job, but they are far from optimal.  Just as the 
E-mail servers and clients will do the job of transferring 1GB file, but 
they are far from optimal solution for transferring the file of such size.

One possible solution to handle viruses in these types of messages is
to create a mimedefang filter which recognises the first part of a
multipart message and impose a minimum size limit on that part.
This is consistent with the assumption that most messages which
contain viruses tend to be small. Mimedefang currently allows the
admin to make that assumption and to only scan messages below a
certain size.
Would this be a suitable compromise, and is it possible to implement
it using in a mimedefang filter?
If you are willing to live with the risks, yes it is possible.
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Rejecting mail during SMTP transmission?

2004-12-06 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Dan Ferreira wrote:
Hi all,
I was wondering if this has been considered or done before: an SMTP
server configured to receive email data, perform the required checks
on it, and NOT send an OK reply to the DATA command if the email is to
be rejected.
This is exactly what action_bounce() does.
So this behaviour would be somewhat against RFC guidelines, but I'd
like you to consider what I think are major benefits to this kind of
preemptive rejection.
No.  RFC says that you should either accept or reject.  It only says you 
can't partially reject (which is impossible to do on SMTP level anyhow). 
 When you reject, you can reject temporary (telling other side you 
currently have some problems, so it should retry) or permanently 
(telling other side it isn't going to happen).

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: Lycos Screen saver that attacks Spammers, Ah more off topic...

2004-12-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Ian Mitchell wrote:
Honestly though, what can legislation do to prevent spamming? Ohio passed
a nice little bill that provides prison time if you spam someone in Ohio.
Oh hell, I guess this email can be considered Spam since it's off topic,
and there's likely someone who lives in Ohio reading this now... Well, I
guess I'll just have to live with the warrant.
Virginia has anti-spam laws too.  And there have been some long-time 
sentences already:

I don't know about Ohio, but in Virginia the address needs to be forged, 
so you are on the safe side of the law at least in Virginia ;-)

Honestly, I don't see Ohio
having the ability to extradite someone from Bangladesh because they sent
someone an email that the recipient didn't ask for. Can you see the state
department for China now? You wanna what? ummm... No.
Me neither.  But at least extradiction works inside US (between states), 
which is better than nothing.  Also, braking laws remotely isn't 
something to take easilly.  As soon as you leave your contry of origin, 
you must be carefull where you go.  Your government might not be willing 
to extradite you (and many countries have laws that prevent extradiction 
of its own citizens, US included).  But a foreign one couldn't care 
less.  Vacation in that nice tropical paradise?  Maybe not, too risky, 
they have extradiction agreement ;-)

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] message/partial

2004-12-02 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Rolf wrote:
what is the security risk with message/partial?
Sending 7 emails each with a picture attachment doesn't seem to me to be 
an issue per se, so I presume that their mail client might have split it 
up. Any clients known to do this? Workarounds?
If the email is JPEG image, as in your case, there's no harm.  However, 
if the email contains virus, and it is sent as message/partial, it can't 
be detected by virus scanners.  Theoreticall, each mail could contain 
only one byte of the actuall virus code.  There's no way for virus 
scanners to scan such an email.  Most commercial anti-virus tools will 
block message/partial by default also.  None that I know of will attempt 
to reassemble the email.

There are handfull of mail clients that support the feature.  One of 
them is MS Outlook Express.  In preferences you can set that messages 
exceeding certain size should be split up.  In that case, Outlook 
Express will generate message/partial.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] removing mimedefang

2004-11-26 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
dr john halewood wrote:
On Friday 26 Nov 2004 11:59, Andrew Jayes wrote:
I tried to put 
# Disable ClamAV
$Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'} = 0;
Should I have put it somewhere else or wrapped it up in brackets?
It's a global variable so I'd suggest putting it at the very top of your 
mimedefang-filter script. That way it should propogate to all functions 
(failing that, if you're feeling really hackish, you could edit it in 
mimedefang.pl, but there shouldn't be any need for this and it will disappear 
whenever you upgrade mimedefang).
Virus scanning is explicitly called from mimedefang-filter.  If you do 
not ask for it, it will not be performed.  Usual place where it is 
invoked is filter_begin (if you want to scan entire email once, and than 
make accpet/reject decision).  Some people call it from filter and 
filter_multipart instead (if you want to scan each part separately, and 
than only remove infected parts instead of blocking entire email).

So basically, commenting or deleting parts of mimedefang-filter where 
you are checking for viruses should prevent any virus scanning from 
taking place, regardless of values assigned to global variables.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] spamtrap on secondary MX

2004-11-24 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
-ray wrote:
I read an article in SysAdmin that talked about setting up a spamtrap on a
secondary or tertiary MX box.  The box would look like a good MTA, answers
helo and 'mail from', but on 'rcpt to' always returns 451 Try again
later.  The idea being spammers prefer secondary MX's, but will never try
again.  A legit host that happens to connect will of course try again
later (hopefully to primary MX).  The author claims this reduced spam
intake by 10%.
Anyone done anything similar?  Any thoughts?  Seems like a simple way to 
catch a lot of spam...
10% doesn't sound like lot of spam.  Dedicating entire machine just for 
this seems more like waste of resources.  Plus you risk some brainded 
MTA always reattempting connection to secondary MX, and thus never 
delivering otherwise legitimate email.

Refinement of the above idea is gray listing.  You keep database of 
sender/recipient pairs and tempfail them for 5 minutes (or you simply 
accept second retrasmission, whenever it happens).  Than you start 
accepting them.  If remote side hasn't attempted retransmission in five 
days, you remove the entry from database after it is 5 days old (that is 
for how long the remote side will usually keep retrying anyhow).  If 
remote side did (accepted) retransmission, you keep entry in database 
for some period of time (couple of hours, up to one day) after last 
successfull mail exchange between sender and recipient (this will ensure 
that if two persons are exchaning several emails during short period of 
time, only the first email will be delayed).  Of course, you would 
bypass gray-listing for outgoing mail (no point in delaying your local 
site's email).  Unlike previous idea, this can be implemented on all MXs.

I'm not particualry fond of gray-listing either.  The amount of spam it 
blocks isn't worth the delay in legitimate email exchange between two 
individuals.  Your spam problems don't need to be identical to mine, so 
it might work better for you.

There are cuople of filters floating around that implement gray-listing. 
 Theoretically, it should be possible to implement it directly in 
mimedefang-filter, but don't know anybody that did that.  Basically what 
you would do is create filter_recipient function, and place some code 
that creates and maintains database (Berkely DB files, for example). 
You'd keep in there sender/recipient pair, and timestampt with flag 
telling if timestamp is time of initial (tempfailed) transmission or if 
timestamp is time of last accepted email exchange.  Depending on this 
you either accept or tempfail.  From filter_sender you can check for too 
old entries, and purge them (filter_recipient is called once for each 
recipient, so it might be more efficient to purge entries in 
filter_sender or fiter_end that are called once per email).

Gray listing can be implemented using remote side's IP address instead 
of sender/recipient pair, or by using only sender's email address 
(probably not as efficient).  Implementing it using IPs isn't good idea. 
 Remote side might have farm of mail servers operating on shared mail 
queue (I'm not aware of any such existing configuration, but that 
doesn't mean it does not exist somewhere out there), so theoretically 
each retransmission attempt might come from different IP address.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] timeout before data read / smfi_chgheader returned MI_FAILURE

2004-11-23 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Jurgen Botz wrote:
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I saw that discussion, but my
problem seems to be different.  I didn't see the same symptoms of
the defang process being restarted quickly, for example, and there
definitely seems to be a connection to this error:
  Nov 22 09:33:54 kahuna mimedefang[5656]: iAMHXhdD005903: 
smfi_addheader returned MI_FAILURE
You will get that error if sendmail gave up on MIMEDefang (milter 
timeout for example), and MIMEDefang attempted to add the header.

Also, do note that MIMEDefang process doesn't need to restart quickly. 
How quickly it will restart dependes on the MTA configuration of 
connecting (remote) end.  It has nothing to do with you.  If remote MTA 
has retry interval set to something low (1, 5 or 10 minutes), your 
MIMEDefang will restart quickly.  If remote MTA has retry interval set 
to one hour or even longer, than your old MIMEDefang process will 
probably finish long before the other side tries to retransmit, and you 
will not see MIMEDefang processes accumulating (as was discussed in 
previous thread).  However the couse of the problem is probably still 
the same: timeouts set too low so MIMEDefang can't finish processing 
large emails.  Either set longer timeouts (in both MIMEDefang and 
Sendmail), or lower the maximum size of email you accept, or both.

Also, make sure that you are not feeding emails larger than ~100kB to 
SpamAssassin.  SpamAssassin takes forever to process them, and it is 
very unlikely that spam will be that big.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] using action_add_part on msgs to be quarantined

2004-11-23 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Rolf wrote:
Try as I might I cannot add the spamassassin report to the mail msg 
prior to it being quarantined.
# If you find the SA report useful, add it, I guess...
action_add_part($entity, text/plain, -suggest,
SpamAssassinReport.txt, inline,0);
This one-liner should do the trick:
   # Quarantine mail and save report
   # Second line of one-liner ;-)
   return action_bounce(Smile, be happy, don't send spam);
You will find the report in file MSG.0 (unless you had some other 
action_quarantine_* with message included, each goes in its own MSG.n file).

Side-effect: When/if you send quarantine notifications later on, they 
will contain the report.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] timeout before data read / smfi_chgheader returned MI_FAILURE

2004-11-22 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Jurgen Botz wrote:
MIMEDefang suddenly stopped working on one of my servers this
morning.  I get the following errors... anyone have any idea
what might be causing this?
There was discussion about this last week.  You probably set Milter 
timeouts in sendmail.mc (INPUT_MAIL_FILTER line) too low.  You got large 
email, MIMEDefang wasn't able to process it in less than timeout time, 
sendmail rejected mail with tempfail (as you instructed it to do when it 
timeouts in the very same INPUT_MAIL_FILTER line).

Try raising timeouts to at least 15 minutes.  If you are accepting huge 
emails (definition of huge 10MB or larger), half an hour or even an hour 
(if you don't have any limits on the size of emails you accept) might be 
good idea too.  More than one hour doesn't make any sense (remote side 
will usually timeout after one hour of waiting for response from your 

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] re: Virus getting by MD

2004-11-19 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Alan Lehman wrote:
I'm also having problems with Exploit-MIME.gen.b getting through. I just 
upgraded to MD 2.48 with clamav-0.80 and uvscan 4.32 but the problem 
Have you upgraded MIME-Tools?  Do you still have old version of 
MIME-Tools hanging around (make sure  MD is not using it)?

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] MD 2.48 , SA 3.0001 CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS

2004-11-16 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
alan premselaar wrote:
  I've only got the sa-mimedefang.cf file in /etc/mail/spamassassin and
i double-checked the debug information from spamassassin -D to confirm
that it was using the same config file.
Starting with MD 2.46 (or 2.47?) location of sa-mimedefang.cf was moved 
from /etc/mail/spamassassin to /etc/mail.  Try moving the file, or 
making symbolic link, and see if that is going to make any difference.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Sendmail MIMEDEFANG and SA

2004-11-15 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Hi all,
I'm having trouble making SPAMASSASSIN work with MIMEDEFANG.
Installed everything correctly.
Configured sa-mimedefang.cf.
But :
I don't have any logs in maillog.
SA and MIMEDEFANG don't seem to work.
Do I have to specify something in sendmail for it to work with MIMEDEFANG ?.
Yes.  You need to add INPUT_MAIL_FILTER to your sendmail.mc and rebuild 
sendmail.cf from it.  See INSTALL/README files that came with MIMEDefang 
for example how that line should look like.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Custom Configuration

2004-11-12 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Yang Xiao wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using amavisd-new and Maia as the web interface so that users can
easily manage their w/b lists and spam/virus/attachment settings.
However, I would still like to use MIMEDefang for
1. Envelope/header checking in filter_recipient() : reject anyone
claims to be sending from the internal domain.
2. LDAP lookup on RCPT TO: verify valid mailbox before accepting data.
but not anything else, because I want amavisd-new to handle spam and
virus checking, is this possible? and how should I go about it?
Simply.  Install both Amavisd-new and MIMEDefang, and define both in 
sendmail.mc.  Sendmail will call them in order you put them in .mc file. 
 Second filter will see changes made by the first filter.  In your 
case, it seems it would be best to call MIMEDefang first, and 
amavisd-new second (no point doing expensive aniti-virus/spam if mail is 
going to be rejected earlier because of invalid envelop, plus you save 
some bandwith since message body is not transffered).

In MIMEDefang, you would use filter_sender (to check sender's address), 
filter_recipient (to check if recipient is valid, do not drop entire 
email here, simply reject recipients that are invalid here, mail can 
have more than one, and some might be valid), and filter_end (to check 
headers).  You'd probably need to install some LDAP perl modules.  If 
you are going to have persistent connection to LDAP server, make sure it 
is made from filter_init.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] tmpfs on Linux

2004-11-12 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Greg Miller wrote:
Currently not using bayesian or whitelist. This is a dedicated sendmail
You can use bayesian and/or whitelist on dedicated sendmail box (no 
local users).  There are two solutions.  More complicated is to keep 
them in SQL database.  That way you can have them on per-user basis. 
Simpler is to have them global for all users.

For later (simpler) global solution, just add these lines to 

# Enable AWL
use_auto_whitelist   1
auto_whitelist_path  /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl
auto_whitelist_file_mode 0640
# Enable Bayes
use_bayes_rules  1
bayes_path   /var/spool/MIMEDefang/bayes
bayes_file_mode  0640
bayes_auto_learn 1
You'll probably need DB_File Perl module installed.
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] tmpfs on Linux

2004-11-12 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Jeff Rife wrote:
On 12 Nov 2004 at 9:03, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

For later (simpler) global solution, just add these lines to 

auto_whitelist_path  /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl
bayes_path   /var/spool/MIMEDefang/bayes

These are really *bad* paths if you put /var/spool/MIMEDefang on any 
sort of ramdisk (like many of us do).
In my defense, those were example paths (mine don't look like that 
either).  I've put them as examples since MIMEDefang directory is owned 
by defang user, so it is one possiblity (if, as you said, one doesn't 
use ramdisk for that directory).  If somebody does use ramdisk, he'll 
probably have enough of common sense to change them to some more 
permanent location.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Additional rules, Overseas IP, no reverse Lookup

2004-11-12 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Tory Blue wrote:
Hey all,
I'm wondering if there are exmples or clean methods to achieve the
following, it would be nice to have MimeDefang have the option to add the
following headers to allow clients to block based on more information vs
just spam score, they may be able to block more, I do, with the following
X-Header-Overseas: Mail.from.Overseas.source.
X-Header-NoReverseIP: IP.name.lookup.failed[]
You can add/change/delete whatever headers you want in filter_begin 
and/or filter_end.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] MIME Virus Issue?

2004-11-11 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Quoting Chris Masters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 06:21:16

 Hi All,
 We've just had an incident where 2 or more viruses
 have got through our scanners. The virus was
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was packaged with the following
 Content-Type header:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary= 
 We're using mimedefang-2.43 and *old*

There was a bug in old versions of MIME-tools.  If boundary was empty string (as
in your case), mail was not parsed correctly.  It was fixed in version 5.415. 
It might be good idea to upgrade MIMEDefang to current 2.48, since there were
couple of small bugs fixed there too (although not as important as the bug in

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7

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Re: Timeout settings (was Re: [Mimedefang] tmpfs on Linux)

2004-11-11 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Quoting David F. Skoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 17:06:13

 On Thu, 11 Nov 2004, Greg Miller wrote:
  During my investigations I noticed that many of my sendmail processes
  hang around for quite some time, presumably because the host on the
  other end is slow. I stumbled across a recommendation that the sendmail
  default timeouts be tuned as follows: Anyone else doing this?
 Some of those numbers are way too short.  In particular, a confTO_DATAFINAL
 of 5 minutes is definitely too low.  RFC 2821 says that one SHOULD be
 at least 10 minutes, and I would be conservative and make it 30 minutes.

I'd leave that one at Sendmail's default one hour.  Setting it too low may
result in bandwith waste and multiple copies of email delivered.  I've saw
ClamAV + MIMEDefang taking some 10-15 minutes to complete when scanning emails
with huge compressed attachments (on reasonably fast machine).  If receiving
side has some more milters, or is simply overloaded because it got several large
emails to process at the same time, it could easilly take even longer.

If somebody is going to DOS you, even timeout set to as short as one minute
would be more than enough to allow for DOS attack.  And you would need to be the
one connecting to attacker's server (that's what this timeout controls).  So
really there's no point in lowering this.  If you already transferred the email,
give the other side as much time as it needs to do whatever it needs to do
before accepting that email.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7

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Re: Off-topic: Silly error messages (was RE: [Mimedefang] MIMEtype message/partial)

2004-11-10 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Dave Williss wrote:
My favorite was on an old Data General workstation...
   Kernel Panic
   Would you like to take a system dump?
These days it would probably be:
   Kernel Panic
   Would you like to supersize it?
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] milter to multiplex via TCP

2004-11-09 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004, Marco Supino wrote:
How can i tell the mimedefang milter to access the multiplexor via TCP ?
You can't.  The multiplexor only uses UNIX-domain sockets and must be
on the same machine as the milter.
But he should still be able to run sendmail on one machine, and 
mimedefang milter and multiplexor on another machine?

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] From header information

2004-11-05 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Lavoie,Alain [CMC] wrote:
Is it possible to access the From header like I can
acces the Subject 
header with the variable $Subject in mimedefang-filter?
$entity-head-get(From) will return whatever is in From header in 
filter, filter_multipart and filter_end.  You can't use it in 
filter_begin (it is not defined there).  Of course, you can use 
$entity-head-get() function to get value of any header.  Note that you 
will need at least MIMEDefang 2.48 to use this (it was broken in 
previous versions).

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] New to Mimedefang

2004-11-04 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Lisa Casey wrote:
I got Mimedefang working now. Question: what are these directories for in
/var/spool/MIMEDefang and do I need all these? Seems like a new directory is
created with each e-mail. At this rate, might this eventually cause disk
space problems? Can I delete these?
drwxr-x---2 defang   defang   4096 Nov  3 16:36
mdefang-something (actually, something is sendmail queue ID) are 
temporary spool directories.  Check how MIMEDefang is being called.  It 
might be that it is called with -d option instructing it not to delete 
temporary spool files (which is usefull for debugging only, but you 
usually don't want it on production system, since it will quickly fill 
up file system).  Another possiblity is if you killed MIMEDefang while 
it was still processing an email, directory might be left over.

During normal MIMEDefang operation, you should see those directories 
created and than removed by MIMEDefang as it process email.  If you 
MIMEDefang was not started with -d, and you still see those directories 
left over, something is not working right.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Frustration...

2004-11-04 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Lisa Casey wrote:
and Spamassassin adds a  SpamAssassinReport.txt as an attachment to each
spam mail. But I've been reading websites for two days now and can't figure
out how to do anything else with this. Basically I don't want spam coming
into my users mailboxes, they don't want it. I understand there will be some
amount of false positives, but I just want to drop (or bounce or whatever)
the spam before it reaches the mailboxes.
Actually, SpamAssassinReport.txt is added by MIMEDefang.
If you want to drop spam, instead of flagging email as being spam, than 
you'll need to change your filter_end to look something like this:

   if ($Features{SpamAssassin}) {
  if (-s ./INPUTMSG  100*1024) {
 my($hits, $req, $names, $report) = spam_assassin_check();
 if ($hits = $req) {
return action_bounce(Suspected spam - blocked);
I'ld also like to drop, bounce, whatever mail that has certain words in the
subject, such as rolex, penis, viagra, etc.
Insert this in filter_begin:
   $badwords = (rolex|penis|viagra|etc);
   if ($Subject =~ m/$badwords/i) {
   return action_bounce(F-words detected - blocked);
Also, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feed it spam. I have Sendmail/Qpopper
and most of my users pick up their mail using Outlook Express. I understand
I can't just forward spam to a spam mailbox and run sa-learn on that as the
forwarding will not get the original headers.
Not sure if I understood what you wanted here.
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
James Ebright wrote:
I am not sure you understand how an SMTP conversaation takes place... it is 
my understanding that the client cannot ignore a 5xx response and continue 
blasting data... since the server will not talk to a client after sending a 
5xx response and closes the connection. Thus after recieving a 5xx return 
code a client would have to start over, generating another 5xx... etc.
Client can ignore 5xx response from Sendmail.  For example, if you have REJECT in access file, and client ignores 5xx, conversation 
would look something like:

220 foobar.com ESMTP Unauthorized access prohibited
ehlo barfoo.com
250-foobar.com Hello barfoo.com [], pleased to meet you
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
Subject: buy something
550 5.7.1 Access denied
and so on, until spammer disconnects...  Try it out.  Sendmail will 
close network socket only when other side disconnects, sends QUIT, or in 
case of timeout.

This is because we have only error built-in mailer in Sendmail.  If we 
had disconnect built-in mailer, things would probably be a bit different.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: Forcing Sendmail to close connection (was Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?)

2004-11-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

This is because we have only error built-in mailer in Sendmail.  If we
had disconnect built-in mailer, things would probably be a bit different.

From reading the Sendmail source code, it looks like Sendmail 8.13.1
treats a 421 reply code from a milter magically, and shuts down the
connection.  See line 3376 of sendmail/milter.c and line 848 of
sendmail/srvsmtp.c.  I do not believe this feature exists in Sendmail
It looks like some rule sets can also force the connection to be terminated
by returning 421.
Not treating it magically.  It treats it logically. ;-)
421 is used when server side of connection must close its end.  For 
example, if you send SIGTERM to Sendmail (or any other MTA), it *must* 
attempt to asynchroniously send 421 to all connected clients before it 
exits, in the hope that client will pick it up when it tries to issue 
next command.  Basically, it is a way to say client Something is 
killing me, I wan't be able to finish this transaction, try again 
later.  Basically, after sending 421, there's no point in keeping the 
connection open anymore.

I've attempted to put this into access file on 8.12.x, and also to send 
it from MIMEDefang, and Sendmail doesn't close the connection.  So I 
guess it is something new in 8.13.x.

Also 4xx codes are temp failures, instructing client to try again 
later...  So there are some drawbacks in case of false positives.  For 
starters.  Legitimate senders will not be notified right away that teir 
mail hasn't made it (usually delay of around 5 days).  If filter becomes 
trigger happy, bunch of sites will constantly retry to deliver bunch of 
emails to you (which is good and bad, you can quicly fix the filter 
before anything is permanently rejected)...  I guess this works nicely 
with logic behind Can-It?

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] New to Mimedefang

2004-11-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Lisa Casey wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: David F. Skoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] New to Mimedefang

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Lisa Casey wrote:

su -c 'cp examples/init-script /etc/init.d/mimedefang'

in examples, there was not a file called init-script. There is an
init-script.in which is what I copied over.
Well, that's your problem -- that won't work.  When you ran ./configure,
it should have created init-script from init-script.in.  Did you run

Yes, but I reran ./configure (and read the instructions that came with MD)
and now MIMEDefang starts up when I start Sendmail.
Here's another problem (?) though: I added this to my sendmail.mc:
`S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:5m;R:5m')
and regenerated sendmail.cf from sendmail.mc. But when I look at
sendmail.cf, I don't see anything referring to MIMEDefang, or MAIL_FILTER at
all. I'm wondering if this got into my sendmail.cf at all.  How do I tell if
MIMEDefang is working?
Grep for 'mimedefang' (all lowercase).  You should see a line starting 
with 'O' and a line starting with 'X'.

You can tell that MIMEDefang is working if your machine start to feel 
slow ;-)

Lines like the one bellow in Sendmail log files is good indication that 
it is running:

   Milter add: header: X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.xx on
Good idea when you are still building mimedefang-filter file is to have 
it log everything it does.  My personal preference is using md_syslog() 
for this (not md_graphdefang_log()).

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] slaves

2004-11-02 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Brenden Conte wrote:
15 minutes seems extremely long... I'm curious, could you explain the
rational for that time length?  I admit, its longer than I've ever
considered reasonable.
It depends on how large messages you are accepting.  If you set limit to 
say 1 or 10MB, than 15 minutes is way too much.  If you set it to 100MB, 
and you happen to get 90MB ZIP archive, it might take long time for 
AV to scan it, plus MIMEDefang will also spend considerable time (and 
memory) to digest it.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] slaves

2004-11-02 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Button, Shawn wrote:
For some reason mail is still being rejected when the filter times
out...is there a way to allow the mail through instead of rejecting it
if the filter times out? We removed the F=T flag in the mc but this
didn't seem to help. It would at least buy us some time to hunt this
down more.
Hm, removing F=T from mc file, rebuilding cf and restarting sendmail 
should have helped.  The only case where it wouldn't help is if client 
MUA (or connecting MTA) is too impatient and timeouts connection on its 
end too soon (default in Sendmail is to wait for response 1 hour after 
it sends lone dot to remote server).  If it is limited to only mails 
from some sites, it might indicate somebody played with these timeouts 
in his configuration file.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] slaves

2004-11-02 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
If you hit MX_BUSY, then the mail will be tempfailed regardless of the
F=T setting, because that's a policy decision made by mimedefang rather
than by sendmail.
I'll just add to this that it is rather trivial to check which part was 

If mail is tempfailed by MIMEDefang, than sendmail will log only single 
line that it is tempfailing message:

   Milter: data, reject=retrun code)
If mail is tempfailed by sendmail because MIMEDefang took too long, 
you'll see these three lines in sendmail logs:

   Milter (mimedefang): timeout before data read
   Milter (mimedefang): to error state
   data, reject=451 4.7.1 Please try again later
If MIMEDefang took too long, and sendmail is accepting the mail (since 
F=T was ommited), you'll see first two lines, and than a line saying 
that mail was accepted.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] slaves

2004-11-02 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Button, Shawn wrote:
This is a typical section of the log file that starts with the
Nov  2 10:42:03 oslo mimedefang-multiplexor[15811]: Killing busy slave 1
(pid 17209): Busy timeout
Nov  2 10:42:03 oslo mimedefang[17903]: Error from multiplexor: ERR
Filter timed out - check filter rules or system load
Nov  2 10:42:03 oslo sendmail[17902]: iA2HfX9j017902:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:30, pri=32632, stat=Please try again
Looking at this, it seems it's MX_BUSY being set too low, just as David 
pointed out earlier.  mimdefang-multiplexor killed the slave, and 
instructed Sendmail to tempfail the message.  Sendmail should have 
logged another line just after it got 'MAIL FROM', (grep for 
iA2HfX9j017902 in logs).  It will give you an idea for how long 
MIMEDefang was processing the email, before it gave up.  If what David 
pointed out to you is correct, the time difference will match your 
current MX_BUSY seting (give or take couple of seconds).  Try boosting 
MX_BUSY to 600 (10 minutes) or even 900 (15 minutes).

BTW, don't let huge mails go through SpamAssassin.  Anything larger than 
say 100k isn't likely to be spam, and it will take *really* long time 
and huge amount of memory for SpamAssassin to digest large emails.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] SURBL lookups no longer happening after upgrade to 2.48

2004-11-02 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Martin Blapp wrote:
Works still here with SpamAssassin 3.01 and Mimedefang 2.48 ...
Nov  2 16:02:12 mx1 sm-mta[13819]: iA2F1oSl013819: Milter add: header:
X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=49.893 required=5 scantime=13.5556 seconds
Not directly related to discussion.
I guess that header was added by MIMEDefang?  How do you fetch original 
SpamAssassin headers into MIMEDefang?  I'd rather have SpamAssassin 
style headers appended (X-Spam-Status, X-Spam-Report, and so on) than 
X-Spam-Score from example mimedefang-filter.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] auto white lists and lock files

2004-11-01 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
I'm starting to see more and more lines in my log files about failures 
to create lock file for auto white list database that MIMEDefang uses.

Basically, they look something like this:
Nov  1 10:49:57 foobar mimedefang-multiplexor[27632]: Slave 0 stderr: 
unlock: 27632 failed to create lock tmpfile 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-autowhitelist.lock.foobar.27632 at 
/path/to/SpamAssassin/Locker/UnixNFSSafe.pm line 144.

Nov  1 10:52:24 foobar mimedefang-multiplexor[27632]: Slave 2 stderr: 
lock: 27632 unlink of temp lock 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-autowhitelist.lock.foobar.27632 failed: 
No such file or directory

As soon as I'm starting to see them, MIMEDefang more or less gets stuck, 
and Sendmail starts rejecting mails with 451 please try again later.

The non-standard stuff I have in config files is:
In sa-mimedefang.ca:
And in mimedefang-filter enabled standard initialization stuff for auto 
white lists as distributed in stock mimedefang-filter.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Adding virus scanning after MIMEDefang installation

2004-10-29 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Mark Osbourne wrote:
From what I can tell, it looks like I probably need to update
/usr/bin/mimedefang.pl and change $Features{'Virus:CLAMD'} so that it is
set to 1 and make sure that the clamd processes is running as the defang
user and writing it's socket in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock.
I'm not sure if you are going to need to reinstall MIMEDefang.
However, documentation for MIMEDefang is proposing some not needed 
changes for it to interoperate with ClamAV.  I don't know why.

All clamd needs is read access to the file that it is supposed to scan. 
 That can be done by adding user clamav (that clamd is running under) 
to group defang (/var/spool/MIMEDefang is owned and readable by group 
defang, if not than make it that way).

Also you don't need to change ClamAV socket.  Actually, you can't 
because /var/spool/MIMEDefang will not be writtable for clamd.  You can 
leave it at its default value (/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock) and use 
$ClamdSock variable in mimedefang-filter to point MIMEDefang to the 
right place.

That way you will achieve:
- two daemon processes (MIMEDefang and ClamAV) will be separated, which 
is nice from security point of view

- you run ClamAV in more or less default mode, which makes it easier to 

- makes it possible to use clamd from other appliactions 
(/var/spool/MIMEDefang is not world accessible, /var/run/clamav is world 

IMHO, this is better and much cleaner configuration than the one 
proposed by MIMEDefang documentation.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] Killing slaves after max number of requests is processed

2004-10-29 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
While I was running MIMEDefang 2.46, I've noticed in logs that if max 
requests per slave is set to 500, that slaves do not exit normally, and 
must be killed with SIGTERM ten seconds later.  This was happening every 
time slave gets to 500 requests and is instructed to exit.

After I decreased it to 100 (and upgraded to 2.47), all seems to work 
normal.  Mimedefang-multiplexor doesn't need to send SIGTERM to the 
slave anymore.  I don't see anything in changelog mentioning this, so I 
guess what helped was lowering max requests to 100.  10 seconds for the 
slave to exit seems reasonable, so I haven't attempted to experiment 
with that.

Anybody else seeing this?
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Easy way to scan for List-Id's

2004-10-29 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Ben Kamen wrote:
Since I'm on a couple of lists and wish they'd put [list] in the subject 
line (and don't) is there an easy way to do this via MimeDefang? (this 
way, every place I look at my mail doesn't have to have duplicate mail 
filter setups.. it would just be done on the server..)

Most of the lists use the header List-Id:
Funny thing is, I'd wish none of the lists put [list] in Subject.  I'm 
sorting lists in separate IMAP folders on the server, so it is kind of 
reduntant and just wastes the space on the Subject line  ;-)

Anyhow, if you are using IMAP, it might be easier to just use procmail 
or sieve (depending on IMAP server you use) to sort mailing lists into 
separate folders.  That way, from wherever you look your mail, you get 
same view of it, and you manage filtering at single spot (the mail 
server itself).

If you still want to add tags to Subject, you can do it in MIMEDefang. 
You can change Subject line in filter_end.  Use 
$entity-head-get(List-Id) to check for headers, and if found rewrite 
Subject line to contain appropriate tag.  You might want to remove tag 
from emails that you send out in other not to pollute mailing lists that 
I'm subscribe to ;-).  And you'll need to handle 'Re: ' and similar 
prefixes, and make sure you don't add tag if it is already there.

BTW, wanted to send to you directly instead of mailing list (original 
reply didn't had MIMEDefang part), but you completely blocked off my ISP 
(GT).  Actually, after that guy from US who blocked entire .ca domain 
because of spam, you are the first one who bounced my mail back, eh ;-)

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] MIMEDefang + SpamAssassin AWL

2004-10-28 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
I just wanted to check if what I did was correct.  To get AWL working, I 
first attempted to only uncomment couple of lines in mimedefang-filter 
as instructed in comments:

  # If you want to use auto-whitelisting:
  if (defined($SASpamTester)) {
use Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList;
my $awl = Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList-new();
$SASpamTester-set_persistent_address_list_factory($awl) if 

Hower, it didn't work, so I added these to sa-mimedefang.cf
auto_whitelist_file_mode   0640
After that, things started to work (or at least it looks like that). 
Question is, is this correct way to do it?

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang 2.46-BETA-2 is available

2004-10-28 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
MIMEDefang 2.46-BETA-2 is available at http://www.mimedefang.org/node.php?id=1
This release addresses the problems identified by Aleksandar Milivojevic.
It greatly improves the sanity of the message-rebuilding algorithm.  Also,
I've changed it so the append_boilerplate functions refuse to monkey with
S/MIME signed or encrypted parts.
I've just compiled and tested it.  Seems to work nicely.  The only 
(rather minor thing) is that if there's no content-type header in the 
message, $entity-head-get() will return multipart/mixed (plus 
internally generated boundary), while $sa_stat-get() (where $sa_stat is 
of type Mail::SpamAssasin::PerMsgStatus from my workaround) will 
correctly return undef.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang 2.46-BETA-2 is available

2004-10-28 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
Rats... you shouldn't be seeing those.  Are your slaves printing anything
else to STDERR?
Only MD-MX-STATUS messages, as the one I reported.  Sometimes they are 
broken over several lines, sometimes they look like interpolated from 
several slaves.

Another thing I noticed is that (sometimes, not every time) if I run 
md-mx-ctrl busyslaves, I'm getting this message logged (from multiplexor):

reply_to_mimedefang: EventTcp_WriteBuf failed: Interrupted system call
And no output from md-mx-ctrl.  If I get output from md-mx-ctrl, there's 
no error logged.

I'd say probability of getting response from slaves vs getting that 
error message logged is somewhere around fifty-fifty.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Detecting content-type of message in filter_end

2004-10-27 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
I wanted to extend my mimedefang-filter to block disposition 
notifications (return receipts).

In short, what I attempted to do in filter_end was the following:
if (lc($entity-head-get(content-type)) =~
m+multipart/report.*disposition-notification+) {
return action_bounce(Disposition notifications not allowed);
I've found workaround that can be used after SpamAssassin check 
(spam_assassin_check()) is done:

$sa_status = spam_assassin_status();
$ct = $sa_status-get(content-type);
$dn = $sa_status-get(disposition-notification-to);
... and so on ...
will fetch correct header info (for all headers).
Using SpamAssassin just to fetch header values would be an overkill, but 
if SpamAssassin is used anyhow, above will work.

Hopefully, the bug in MIMEDefang will be completely resolved soon, so 
that $entity can be used for this...

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] MIME::Tools 5.415 is available

2004-10-27 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
MIME-tools 5.415 is available at http://www.mimedefang.org/node.php?id=1
Please note that thet patch I posted earlier does **NOT** completely
fix the problem with boundary=.  Version 5.415 does contain a complete
fix, and I recommend that everyone upgrade.
Anybody attempted upgrade on RedHat 7.3 (perl-5.6.1-34.99.6, 
gcc-2.96-110)?  New MIME-tools requires MIME::Base64 = 3.03.  However 
when I try to compile MIME::Base64 3.03, it fails when running tests:

all skipped: Perl::API needed for this test
t/warnFAILED test 1
Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/warn.t   11 100.00%  1
1 test skipped.
Failed 1/5 test scripts, 80.00% okay. 1/339 subtests failed, 99.71% okay.
The old (patched) version of MIME-tools worked fine with MIME::Base64 
2.xx (that comes standard with RedHat 7.3).

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Detecting content-type of message in filter_end

2004-10-26 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
There's a bug in MIMEDefang; the rebuilt entry that gets passed to filter_end
is always of type multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative or multipart/digest.
The next release will fix this.
BTW, while we are at it.  Is there a reason why $entity is not passed as 
an argument to filter_begin?  It could be usefull if it was possible to 
do some checks on the message before it is modified by MIMEDefang.  It 
would be more efficient if I don't need to wait until filter_end to do 
some simple checks.

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Detecting content-type of message in filter_end

2004-10-26 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
There's a bug in MIMEDefang; the rebuilt entry that gets passed to filter_end
is always of type multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative or multipart/digest.
The next release will fix this.
I see there's MIMEDefang 2.45 on the web site (I was still using 2.44). 
 I guess the release that fixes this bug will be 2.46?

Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] Detecting content-type of message in filter_end

2004-10-25 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
I wanted to extend my mimedefang-filter to block disposition 
notifications (return receipts).

In short, what I attempted to do in filter_end was the following:
if (lc($entity-head-get(content-type)) =~
m+multipart/report.*disposition-notification+) {
return action_bounce(Disposition notifications not allowed);
But, for some reason it hasn't worked.  To find out what's going on, 
I've added call to md_syslog:

 Content type is 
 . lc($entity-head-get(content-type)));
What I get logged in the syslog is:
Oct 25 14:13:49 somehost mimedefang.pl[14322]: Content type is 
multipart/mixed; boundary=mdn020605010008050205010504

None of the parts of the test message were of the type 
multipart/mixed.  Test message was actual return receipt generated by 
Mozilla Thunderbird.

It containted these top-level headers:
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification;
As you can see, boundary is the same as logged by md_syslog, however 
content-type itself was wrongly reported.

There's nothing in mimedefang-filter that would change top-level 
content-type of the message, and when I examine the message after it was 
delivered to my mailbox, it contains correct headers.

Is this known issue with MIMEDefang?  Documentation says that $entity 
argument of filter_end will contain original message (unless modified by 
previous filter* funcitions).

MIMEDefang version 2.44, MIME-tools version 5.411a-RP-Patched-02.
Aleksandar Milivojevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list