[MMouse]: CRIPES! Atombombpocketknife

2000-07-11 Thread MapleDaisy

Desperately searching for any Atombombpocketknife mp3's.  Please lemme know 
if you have any!

[MMouse]: OT: Bright Eyes Interview

2000-07-11 Thread George ?

Does anyone else find it funny that critics have been so relentlessly 
slagging the little interview thing on the new Bright Eyes album? I mean, 
I'm dumb-founded that people are taking it seriously. Personally, I thought 
it was really funny, and can't imagine hopw anyone could miss the fact that 
it's just a joke. The review of Fevers & Mirrors in the today's Pitchfork 
goes on and on about it (an ends up giving the album a 5.4 out of 10) and it 
just ends up making the reviewer look really dumb.

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Re: [MMouse]: CRIPES! Atombombpocketknife

2000-07-11 Thread Fvckclevo

i dont know of any mp3sbut man they rule live!!  i went to the house show for just 
something to do...and man it rocked...very impressed


Re: [MMouse]: OT: Bright Eyes Interview

2000-07-11 Thread steven hahnel

regardless of how serious that interview should or shouldnt be taken, its 
annoying as hell.

that album is a serious step down for him. 

ok...how many people are going to tell me i just dont get it?

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, George ? wrote:

> Does anyone else find it funny that critics have been so relentlessly 
> slagging the little interview thing on the new Bright Eyes album? I mean, 
> I'm dumb-founded that people are taking it seriously. Personally, I thought 
> it was really funny, and can't imagine hopw anyone could miss the fact that 
> it's just a joke. The review of Fevers & Mirrors in the today's Pitchfork 
> goes on and on about it (an ends up giving the album a 5.4 out of 10) and it 
> just ends up making the reviewer look really dumb.
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: Frank Black: Oddball

2000-07-11 Thread DinoJr44

Hey, I'm assuming many of you listen to Frank Black...I've heard a little 
talk about him.  Well, he just released an internet-only album at emusic.com. 
 You should check it out.  I listened to a few song samples but you can buy 
it for $8.99.  I think it includes 14 songs which are composed of b-sides and 
other rarities, many of which are remastered.  I haven't bought it yet but I 
will once I get my mom's dern credit card numberBy the way, I just went 
cd shopping and bought the following:

Death Cab for Cutie - Something About Airplanes
Bright Eyes - Fevers & Mirrors
Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I
Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

I know most of these cds are pretty old and I'm not cool enough for not 
already having them, but I love all of them.  Neutral Milk Hotel took me the 
longest to get used to, but i like it now.  I'll probably end up going out 
again to get the rest of the cds from each of these bands like I always do.  
And sorry if you read this again on the Pavement / Modest Mouse list.


[MMouse]: word to star and sdre

2000-07-11 Thread Taylor Antrim

word, star. i'm diggin richard buckner 
addictively these days, and i've always had a thing for silkworm, though usually 
they just nail it on a few songs per album (except libertine, which is perfect), 
in my opinion.
i've been napstering the sdre album, to see if i 
want to buy.  and it just makes me hanker for diary.  i listened to 
that shit this weekend and i think its a crime they don't play off it anymore 
live.  definitely their best album.  this new album DOES sound like 
Rush, though i know they ain't got no geddy lee.  it's just got this 
crisply-recorded, studio-geek feel to it.  can not dig it.
anyone out there hear anything about the new 
bedhead project, called, like the new year or something?  apparently they 
were going to play some shows in NYC before recording an album...

[MMouse]: Austin

2000-07-11 Thread Toni Rickman

What did I say?  I'm glad someone agrees with me.  360 people move here per 
day (which kinda sucks), and it's the 2nd fastest growing city in the nation 
(aside from Las Vegas).  The only thing that sucks is it doesn't rain as 
much as it should.

Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Austin, Texas [NO MODEST MOUSE CONTENT]
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 01:12:29 EDTMIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I used to live there, it's the best place on Earth.

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[MMouse]: bright eyes c.d. interview thing

2000-07-11 Thread Andrew Hager

okay see i "get" the interview and i still hate it...i think fevers and mirrors is an 
amazing album...its breathtaking..but that damned
interview does not belong...maybe it would have fit in better on letting off the 
happiness considering that thats more of a collection of
songs..not a really conceptual peice of work like f&mor even on every day and 
every night it would have been better fitting. i still would
not have liked it but it wouldnt have effected the overall quality of the c.d. like it 
did on fevers and mirrors.

[MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread Andrew Hager

yeah im a tard mullet..but i just saw magnolia last night (seriously it didnt come to 
any theaters in this area until now..at the cheapo $1.50
theater) and yeah i love it blah blah blah..i remember a while ago a lot of talk about 
it on here...like all the odd references to the whole
frogs raining down exodus 8:2 passege in the bible...id like to hear comments and 
maybe some things i would have missed (i didnt pay too much
attention to possible clues like the clocks pointing to 8 and 2 and all, i was just 
soaking the movie in you know) but anyway yeah it was
great..so much more sinscere than all the other high quality movies of the past year 
or two...like, fight club, american beauty...all
those...altho they were all good movies..they still had this sleazy hollywood-ness to 
them underneath...that came out in the way that these
movies were, like most hollywood movies..very geared towards white males...has anyone 
else noticed this? like..its hard to explain..but these
movies are very good..but still made with the intention of appealing to the male 
brain. but anyway, i saw none of this going on in magnolia..it
was just great.

Re: [MMouse]: bright eyes c.d. interview thing

2000-07-11 Thread George ?

well my point is, whether or not it affects the album, I just don't see how 
critics could think it was meant to be a serious interview. I guess it 
doesn't bother me as much cause I usually just skip the song that preceeds 
it anyways.

>From: Andrew Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: bright eyes c.d. interview thing
>Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 11:50:06 -0400
>okay see i "get" the interview and i still hate it...i think fevers and 
>mirrors is an amazing album...its breathtaking..but that damned
>interview does not belong...maybe it would have fit in better on letting 
>off the happiness considering that thats more of a collection of
>songs..not a really conceptual peice of work like f&mor even on every 
>day and every night it would have been better fitting. i still would
>not have liked it but it wouldnt have effected the overall quality of the 
>c.d. like it did on fevers and mirrors.

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Re: [MMouse]: bright eyes c.d. interview thing

2000-07-11 Thread Clownsfrightenme

i really dont think it effects f&m at all. i have the lp so just cant skip 
thru it as easy and i just take it as another song almost. it doesnt bother 



Re: [MMouse]: pants/Re: additions

2000-07-11 Thread MrHevyfoot

<< Goddamn, i fucking love the blues explosion... >>

but they're not as good as the oblivians were.


or tom waits. or whats most criminal of all, the white stripes. "de stijl" 
would be the record of the year were it not for modest mouse and dillinger 

Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread norske ho

> yeah im a tard mullet..but i just saw magnolia last night (seriously it
didnt come to any theaters in this area until now..at the cheapo $1.50
> theater) and yeah i love it blah blah blah..i remember a while ago a lot
of talk about it on here...like all the odd references to the whole
> frogs raining down exodus 8:2 passege in the bible...id like to hear
comments and maybe some things i would have missed (i didnt pay too much
> attention to possible clues like the clocks pointing to 8 and 2 and all,
i was just soaking the movie in you know) but anyway yeah it was
> great..so much more sinscere than all the other high quality movies of
the past year or two...like, fight club, american beauty...all
> those...altho they were all good movies..they still had this sleazy
hollywood-ness to them underneath...that came out in the way that these
> movies were, like most hollywood movies..very geared towards white
males...has anyone else noticed this? like..its hard to explain..but these
> movies are very good..but still made with the intention of appealing to
the male brain. but anyway, i saw none of this going on in magnolia..it
> was just great.

i think paul thomas anderson, as a screenplay writer and a director, is
brilliant.  i think i like him most of all because he's not one of those
"i'm gonna hit you all with something REALLY fresh that only i am cool
enough to write!"  i HATE quentin terrentino for that reason.  i like "pulp
ficton" and "resevoir(sp i know) dogs" but he in general makes me sick.  i
don't believe paul thomas anderson is trying to do that...cos there's a
certain kindness in all his movies and he has the ability to make dorky
people seem nice and cool.  actually speaking of which, i didn't think
"fight club" was high quality at all ;)  the only thing i did find
entertaining about that movie was when the screen portrayed his apartment
as a catalog.  that was great.  i just thought "magnolia" was a really
great movie...that and "american beauty" are probably my two favorites from
- amy

Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread Blake

if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.  its
called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a rip
off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.


- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 8:59 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: magnolia

> yeah im a tard mullet..but i just saw magnolia last night (seriously it
didnt come to any theaters in this area until now..at the cheapo $1.50
> theater) and yeah i love it blah blah blah..i remember a while ago a lot
of talk about it on here...like all the odd references to the whole
> frogs raining down exodus 8:2 passege in the bible...id like to hear
comments and maybe some things i would have missed (i didnt pay too much
> attention to possible clues like the clocks pointing to 8 and 2 and all, i
was just soaking the movie in you know) but anyway yeah it was
> great..so much more sinscere than all the other high quality movies of the
past year or two...like, fight club, american beauty...all
> those...altho they were all good movies..they still had this sleazy
hollywood-ness to them underneath...that came out in the way that these
> movies were, like most hollywood movies..very geared towards white
males...has anyone else noticed this? like..its hard to explain..but these
> movies are very good..but still made with the intention of appealing to
the male brain. but anyway, i saw none of this going on in magnolia..it
> was just great.
> love
> andrew

[MMouse]: RE: God Ween Satan

2000-07-11 Thread One Hundred Watt Warlock

> I've gone all weekend with this uneasy feeling because some
> caloused person casually said on this
> mail list last week, 'saw ween.. it was boring'.

caloused? i don't have an calluses...
> I just am not sure who goes to a ween show in the first place
> if they would find it boring???

i didn't know it would be boring. well, actually i had a feeling
i would end up being bored, but i hoped it would be
entertaining. i get in free to that particular venue through my
job, and my boyfriend is a relatively new fan of Ween, so he's
never seen them. his best friend cancelled on him, so i got the
privilege of going with him. 

> Anyways, I seriously doubt any band touring right now could
> out-do Ween's live show, and if you think you know
> of one, let me know and I'll go see them (I have airlines
> miles, remember?)

modest mouse? 

> I didn't always like Ween because it bugged me so much that I
> couldn't figure out where they were coming from..
> were they being funny? Did they have some hidden meanings in
> everything they did?  Then I finally figured it
> out that the only place they are coming from is the land of
> good music and it didn't require that you 'get it' or not.  
> So, maybe you don't even like Ween, but I wish you did.  You
> would be better for it.  Most indie bands explore
> such a small space.. even though they do it well... but Ween
> fully exploits
> the potential that is out there in music and in the world..
> for that reason
> I can mention them with people like Zappa because they make
> music that
> does not follow trends, nor does it make trends happen. 
> That's what
> independent music should be, and what it still is to Ween.

 hmm...i don't agree with you. how would i be better for liking
ween? maybe there is nothing to get, or maybe there is, and i
just don't get it. either way, i don't "get" anything from their
music, apart from a few chuckles, when they seem to be making
fun of metal/classic rock/prog/etc. but a little bit of that
goes a LONG way. my boyfriend though thoroughly loved the 2 hour
show so don't despair Zach, at least one of us "gets" it...

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Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread norske ho

> if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.  its
> called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
> blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a rip
> off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.

i think this has been discussed on the list before.  in fact, i think i was
the one who started this thread :P  i did notice some significant
similarities between the two movies, but not enough to consider "magnolia"
a rip-off.  what i noticed was that all the people in the movie are somehow
connected in one way or another.  i think that "short cuts" had the
intensity that "magnolia" did, but i liked "magnolia" much more and i think
it's pretty original considering the similarities between the two movies. 
for movies with the same type of format see:
happiness (a personal favorite with my love, philip seymour hoffman once
nashville (it's either that or tennessee..but i think it's nashville and
it's made by the same guy who did "short cuts")
i'm trying to think what else
those are the only ones i can think of right now.  everyone must see
 philip seymour hoffman's natural ggguu
- amy

Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread whitney

Robert Altman did shortcuts, nashville, the player (which i liked better
than short cuts), cookies furtune, pret a porter, and a bunch o' other


- Original Message -
From: "norske ho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

> > if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.
> > called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
> > blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a
> > off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.
> i think this has been discussed on the list before.  in fact, i think i
> the one who started this thread :P  i did notice some significant
> similarities between the two movies, but not enough to consider "magnolia"
> a rip-off.  what i noticed was that all the people in the movie are
> connected in one way or another.  i think that "short cuts" had the
> intensity that "magnolia" did, but i liked "magnolia" much more and i
> it's pretty original considering the similarities between the two movies.
> for movies with the same type of format see:
> happiness (a personal favorite with my love, philip seymour hoffman once
> again)
> nashville (it's either that or tennessee..but i think it's nashville and
> it's made by the same guy who did "short cuts")
> i'm trying to think what else
> those are the only ones i can think of right now.  everyone must see
> happiness.
>  philip seymour hoffman's natural ggguu
> drrool
> - amy

[MMouse]: short cuts/white stripes

2000-07-11 Thread One Hundred Watt Warlock

> From: "Blake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: magnolia
> if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia
> ripped off.  its
> called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally
> notice the
> blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia,
> but its a rip off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly 
> recomended.

weird. i just saw short cuts like 2 weeks ago. it's really good.

afterwards i totally thought "so that's where magnolia got it's
inspiration from...". i esp. liked the part with Huey Lewis
pissing. first concert i ever went: Huey Lewis and the News,
Sports tour with my mom and dad, i was like 8.

i just saw the White Stripes open for weezer a few weeks ago.
was impressed, do they have anything out?

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[MMouse]: RE: God Ween Satan

2000-07-11 Thread Zach_Douglas

From: One Hundred Watt Warlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: God Ween Satan

> I've gone all weekend with this uneasy feeling because some
> caloused person casually said on this
> mail list last week, 'saw ween.. it was boring'.

caloused? i don't have an calluses...

I'm happy you stood up to be counted and your post was not about pants or
or shants.  I only meant callused in a sense that you were indifferent to my
about Ween, not knowing I would be seeing them live only days after you
posted.  I'm very
sensitive like that.

I can see now how you went to the show and didn't like them, since it was a

I can say with conviction that the Mouse, while putting on an impressive
live show,
doesn't come close to Ween's.  Having seen MM 4 times since Decemeber, I
would say I saw
them play about 40 songs total. Granted, 2 shows were 50 min sets at
festivals, and 1 show was cut short due to the sickness in Dallas.  But out
of those 40 songs they probably played about 20 unique songs.  Maybe 25.  I
can't do the math.  

In seeing Ween 1 night, they played about 30 songs, and seeing them 2 nights
they played 60 songs,
with about 55 unique songs.. and they do this all across the country every

MM has a way to go to get where Ween is (in a live show).  Many of MM's
shows I've seen have been marred, or perhaps improved by, Isaac's antics...
at SXSW he pulled his guitar plug out because he
walked to far from the amp and then he tried to plug it back in for 2
minutes while Eric and Jeremiah played a little breakdown the whole time.
It actually added to the show (for me) but I wouldn't go so far as to say MM
has a better live show because Isaac screws up frequently (I also enjoy when
he gets down on his knees and starts smacking his floor peddles with his
fist because they aren't making the right sounds come out).

So, if you asked who was my favorite band right now, I'd still have to say
Pavement. If you asked for my second favorite band, I'd have to think about
it a minute, and probably say Built to Spill.  Then if you asked for my
third favorite band, or maybe my second favorite band, I'd say Modest Mouse.
But if you asked who put on the best live show, without a doubt, Ween.

Oh yeah, when I said you would be a better person by listening to ween I
meant the collective you,
like you all people on the modest mouse list, or the Texan, Ya'll people on
the modest mouse list.
And I was kidding, although you would be a better person for it, so listen
to Baby Bitch or Buckingham Green or Mutilated Lips and if you still don't
like Ween at all, then I guess you (all) are off the hook.

> I just am not sure who goes to a ween show in the first place
> if they would find it boring???

i didn't know it would be boring. well, actually i had a feeling
i would end up being bored, but i hoped it would be
entertaining. i get in free to that particular venue through my
job, and my boyfriend is a relatively new fan of Ween, so he's
never seen them. his best friend cancelled on him, so i got the
privilege of going with him. 

> Anyways, I seriously doubt any band touring right now could
> out-do Ween's live show, and if you think you know
> of one, let me know and I'll go see them (I have airlines
> miles, remember?)

modest mouse? 

> I didn't always like Ween because it bugged me so much that I
> couldn't figure out where they were coming from..
> were they being funny? Did they have some hidden meanings in
> everything they did?  Then I finally figured it
> out that the only place they are coming from is the land of
> good music and it didn't require that you 'get it' or not.  
> So, maybe you don't even like Ween, but I wish you did.  You
> would be better for it.  Most indie bands explore
> such a small space.. even though they do it well... but Ween
> fully exploits
> the potential that is out there in music and in the world..
> for that reason
> I can mention them with people like Zappa because they make
> music that
> does not follow trends, nor does it make trends happen. 
> That's what
> independent music should be, and what it still is to Ween.

 hmm...i don't agree with you. how would i be better for liking
ween? maybe there is nothing to get, or maybe there is, and i
just don't get it. either way, i don't "get" anything from their
music, apart from a few chuckles, when they seem to be making
fun of metal/classic rock/prog/etc. but a little bit of that
goes a LONG way. my boyfriend though thoroughly loved the 2 hour
show so don't despair Zach, at least one of us "gets" it...

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Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread Blake

hahahahaha, happiness is the most briliant movie made in 1998/1999.  i loved
that movie so much.  but about the magnolia and short-cuts thing...i wasnt
on the list when you had the discussion...but the similarities i noticed
were as follows:

~the problems of random peoples everyday lives.
~some big dissaster that makes everybody wonder in the end.

sure there are more, but those are main story plots, and when main story
plots are copied, it can be considered a rip-off.  and i say rip-off lightly
because i would never in anyway talk shit on PT Anderson.


- Original Message -
From: norske ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

> > if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.
> > called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
> > blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a
> > off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.
> i think this has been discussed on the list before.  in fact, i think i
> the one who started this thread :P  i did notice some significant
> similarities between the two movies, but not enough to consider "magnolia"
> a rip-off.  what i noticed was that all the people in the movie are
> connected in one way or another.  i think that "short cuts" had the
> intensity that "magnolia" did, but i liked "magnolia" much more and i
> it's pretty original considering the similarities between the two movies.
> for movies with the same type of format see:
> happiness (a personal favorite with my love, philip seymour hoffman once
> again)
> nashville (it's either that or tennessee..but i think it's nashville and
> it's made by the same guy who did "short cuts")
> i'm trying to think what else
> those are the only ones i can think of right now.  everyone must see
> happiness.
>  philip seymour hoffman's natural ggguu
> drrool
> - amy

RE: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread Zach_Douglas

This is not to Blake in particular, but to everyone concerning the blooming
Magnolia thread...

I should probably not let my film geek side show in public, but I can't help

I love watching boogie nights and I've seen it half a dozen times, and I
have seen Magnolia
twice and was not at all bored during it's 3 hour running time

HOWEVER, I think Paul Thomas Anderson is a big, overrated, hack!

When Boogie Nights came out, Ent. Weekly and Premier and all these other
mags kept saying..
"Move over Tarantino AND Scorsese..." and then I see Boogie Nights and I
can't believe how much
this movie is just a conglomeration of Scorsese and Tarantinoesque things
wrapped up in a story
about Porn.  The last scene is pure Raging Bull except there was a dong.
Granted, that's a great thing to have a story about, but his whole style to
me is so much aped from QT, Scorsese, and Robert Altman.  People say the
same about QT for taking so much from other directors, but he spreads it
around to dozens of films from all time periods, not just make such a clear
take on Scorsese films... PTA has violence, and blood splatter, and long
takes, and dialogue..so Scorsese it puts me off.  Again, I like watching his
films.. the performances are so good and the actors he uses are the best
around.. the stories are fun... and he can tell a good story.. but I guess
the film geek in me just can't take it when he tries to go toe to toe with
QT or Scorsese because he comes up short and his films, while entertaining,
are no Mean Streets, Taxi Drivers, Raging Bulls, Reservoir Dogs or Pulp

Oh yeah, on Magnolia..  some things I didn't like were the stories at the
begining... as far as I know, 2 or 3 of those are urban legends, although I
think I read the one about the kid jumping off the building was actually the
true one.  Anyways, I expected the actual movie to have some sort of bizzare
tie in also, but in the end the story only has loose connections in the same
style as Short Cuts or
Nashville.  I was expecting the stories to have some cause and effect like
the short tales at the begining would have you think would happen.  It was
like PTA touched me in the morning and walked away.
I think the movie would have been as good or better without the little
stories, as good as they were.  Save them for the DVD.  And the numbers..
the numbers are the bible versus that tell about the frogs and what not and
you can see them here and there in the movie.. however, they are just there
and fun to look for.  There is no deep symbolism to be read in to it all...
nothing compared to Pulp Fiction which has so much heaped on in so many

Good things - the musical number in Magnolia was very ballsy and original..
I liked it.  Soundtrack
by aimee mann is great.  I love, uhm, what's his name, John C. Riley.. he's
the average guy that you don't see in films much anymore..  he's so good..
him losing his gun is my favorite part of Magnolia.
I went and saw Perfect Storm because A. it was at the Mann Chinese, and B.
he was in it.  I regret that now, but I still like John C. Riley.  Check out
Hard Eight, PTA's first film as it's damned good and doesn't rub me the
wrong way like his other movies when he became the newest 'genious' on the

Oh yeah, PTA does write really strong female characters which is really rare
these days.  So props
to him for that.  I say really strong, maybe just strong.  Hal Hartley and
John Sayles write them stronger (if we are talking about men writing female


From: "Blake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.  its
called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a rip
off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.

[MMouse]: Re: additions

2000-07-11 Thread MrHevyfoot

didnt quote star so i made no sense.

<< i wasn't going to post either, but i gotta throw a shout-out to my peeps, 
  no one mentioned richard buckner, joel rl phelps or silkworm.  surely, this 
 is criminal.
 star >>

tom waits, white stripes

Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread blake

ok, i by no means said that PTA was anywhere near as good as scorsese,
tarantino, or many other directors who i love.  the way they made deniro
look in the end of raging bull was a stroke of genius...look at the
similarities to him in the end of the movie, and in "analize this".  its
crazy how much they look alike and how acurate he was in making the
character to future scale.  but then again, deniro is a brilian actor.  and
that is a different story.

about perfect storm...that movie made me wanna live in communist russia
where artistic expression is prohibited.  that movie sucked!  but the
special effects were rad, and mark whalberg can go wrong, except in in
taking the role.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 2:19 PM
Subject: RE: [MMouse]: magnolia

> This is not to Blake in particular, but to everyone concerning the
> Magnolia thread...
> I should probably not let my film geek side show in public, but I can't
> it.
> I love watching boogie nights and I've seen it half a dozen times, and I
> have seen Magnolia
> twice and was not at all bored during it's 3 hour running time
> HOWEVER, I think Paul Thomas Anderson is a big, overrated, hack!
> When Boogie Nights came out, Ent. Weekly and Premier and all these other
> mags kept saying..
> "Move over Tarantino AND Scorsese..." and then I see Boogie Nights and I
> can't believe how much
> this movie is just a conglomeration of Scorsese and Tarantinoesque things
> wrapped up in a story
> about Porn.  The last scene is pure Raging Bull except there was a dong.
> Granted, that's a great thing to have a story about, but his whole style
> me is so much aped from QT, Scorsese, and Robert Altman.  People say the
> same about QT for taking so much from other directors, but he spreads it
> around to dozens of films from all time periods, not just make such a
> take on Scorsese films... PTA has violence, and blood splatter, and long
> takes, and dialogue..so Scorsese it puts me off.  Again, I like watching
> films.. the performances are so good and the actors he uses are the best
> around.. the stories are fun... and he can tell a good story.. but I guess
> the film geek in me just can't take it when he tries to go toe to toe with
> QT or Scorsese because he comes up short and his films, while
> are no Mean Streets, Taxi Drivers, Raging Bulls, Reservoir Dogs or Pulp
> Fictions.
> Oh yeah, on Magnolia..  some things I didn't like were the stories at the
> begining... as far as I know, 2 or 3 of those are urban legends, although
> think I read the one about the kid jumping off the building was actually
> true one.  Anyways, I expected the actual movie to have some sort of
> tie in also, but in the end the story only has loose connections in the
> style as Short Cuts or
> Nashville.  I was expecting the stories to have some cause and effect like
> the short tales at the begining would have you think would happen.  It was
> like PTA touched me in the morning and walked away.
> I think the movie would have been as good or better without the little
> stories, as good as they were.  Save them for the DVD.  And the numbers..
> the numbers are the bible versus that tell about the frogs and what not
> you can see them here and there in the movie.. however, they are just
> and fun to look for.  There is no deep symbolism to be read in to it
> nothing compared to Pulp Fiction which has so much heaped on in so many
> layers.
> Good things - the musical number in Magnolia was very ballsy and
> I liked it.  Soundtrack
> by aimee mann is great.  I love, uhm, what's his name, John C. Riley..
> the average guy that you don't see in films much anymore..  he's so good..
> him losing his gun is my favorite part of Magnolia.
> I went and saw Perfect Storm because A. it was at the Mann Chinese, and B.
> he was in it.  I regret that now, but I still like John C. Riley.  Check
> Hard Eight, PTA's first film as it's damned good and doesn't rub me the
> wrong way like his other movies when he became the newest 'genious' on the
> block.
> Oh yeah, PTA does write really strong female characters which is really
> these days.  So props
> to him for that.  I say really strong, maybe just strong.  Hal Hartley and
> John Sayles write them stronger (if we are talking about men writing
> characters).
> --
> From: "Blake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: magnolia
> if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.  its
> called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
> blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a rip
> off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.

[MMouse]: OFF TOPIC: white stripes/MULTIBALL

2000-07-11 Thread Russ Sweetser

yeah dogg the white stripes have a song with the dirtbombs on a split 7"
that comes packaed with a MULTIBALL magazine from last month or

MULTIBALL magazine. the only magazine i know dedicated to garage punk
and pinball


[MMouse]: Ween Broadcast

2000-07-11 Thread Zach_Douglas

If by chance anyone does dig Ween and you will be beside your computer
tomorrow morning,
I am planning on broadcasting the first 50 minutes of their live show here
Saturday night in Austin on my shoutcast.   Actually, maybe the afternoon is
better, say 3:00 CST, 1:00 California, 4:00 EST.  

Open winamp or real player and hit control-L and paste in either number:  (Main Number)  (Relay Number)

Web page to see what's playing:


Also you can do requests from there, I have all things Mouse including live
if you want to request it via the web page.

I can't see exactly who is listening, but I've been averaging 9-10 most of
the day
instead of 4-5, so if any of the people listening are you guys - thanks!

[MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread Zach Kuhn

sorry, friend but Magnolia is no ripoff.

First, if anything, magnolia is an homage (big
difference) to Nashville, which Altman made in the
70's.  If you watch that movie (brilliant, but not as
important as magnolia) you will notice that triplett
and the main old guy are both in magnolia, which shows
PTA's sense of humor and his knowledge that he was
"ripping off" altman.

Second, Short Cuts is an adaptation of a Raymond
Carver collection of stories, Magnolia is an original.

Third, just because julianne moore is in it also
doesnt make it a ripoff.

Fourth, buy the new lifter puller record, It's great

Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!


2000-07-11 Thread Peter Smith


Dear all,

We are up. We are good for go. And we are ready for you to enjoy yourselves
with fine poems and literature. Not to mention a few new redesigns of old
pieces. Those are floating around, see if you can spot them. heh.

We have some awesome stuff for you, most of it coming from our resident
poetry editor Michael Lovinguth. He is awesome with the pen, as well as the
eye, selecting some fine new poems, including new poems from Michael
Connolly, Sherrie Gulmahamad, and Russell Norris. Ben Lefebvre has graced us
with some amazing literature, two pieces in fact.

On top of this, we have some awesome new designs. Soon we may have some
designs from the truly amazing Nathan Flood (of NGIN co. and vir2L), but for
this moment in time, check out the awesome stuff we have now.

We are also on the look out for new interviews with bands and artists
(including DJs and hip hop artists). Also, send us your stories and poems.
We cannot do this without your help.

Check the site and enjoy.

Peter Smith, Founder of LikeSilver

Want off? Simple, just email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread Dusty

Its been a while since ive seen the movie, and its been a
while since this group had a rather long discusion on it, but
i remember us all talking about the occurance of the number
86 was it? or 28, or 82, something with and 8, i was
wondering if anyone had a tally of how many times it appeared
in the film.. just curious

dusty springfield
"the d in detroit"

Zach Kuhn wrote:

> sorry, friend but Magnolia is no ripoff.
> First, if anything, magnolia is an homage (big
> difference) to Nashville, which Altman made in the
> 70's.  If you watch that movie (brilliant, but not as
> important as magnolia) you will notice that triplett
> and the main old guy are both in magnolia, which shows
> PTA's sense of humor and his knowledge that he was
> "ripping off" altman.
> Second, Short Cuts is an adaptation of a Raymond
> Carver collection of stories, Magnolia is an original.
> Third, just because julianne moore is in it also
> doesnt make it a ripoff.
> Fourth, buy the new lifter puller record, It's great
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get Yahoo! Mail ? Free email you can access from anywhere!
> http://mail.yahoo.com/

Re: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-07-11 Thread jsl04

Ah? Magnolia a rip off of Short Cuts?! C'mon, these are two
different films. Unless you call intertwining stories a rip-
off. If that's the case, then Magnolia & Short Cuts are
ripping off several other films. Anyway, if you were to put
boxing gloves on the two, it'd be Magnolia in the 3rd round.

KO'd again.


On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Blake wrote:

> if you liked magnolia, check out the movie that magnolia ripped off.  its
> called "short cuts" and if you watch it...you will totally notice the
> blatent simalarities.  dont get me wrong, i loved magnolia, but its a rip
> off of 1992's "short cuts".  also highly recomended.
> ~blake
> - Original Message -
> From: Andrew Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 8:59 AM
> Subject: [MMouse]: magnolia
> > yeah im a tard mullet..but i just saw magnolia last night (seriously it
> didnt come to any theaters in this area until now..at the cheapo $1.50
> > theater) and yeah i love it blah blah blah..i remember a while ago a lot
> of talk about it on here...like all the odd references to the whole
> > frogs raining down exodus 8:2 passege in the bible...id like to hear
> comments and maybe some things i would have missed (i didnt pay too much
> > attention to possible clues like the clocks pointing to 8 and 2 and all, i
> was just soaking the movie in you know) but anyway yeah it was
> > great..so much more sinscere than all the other high quality movies of the
> past year or two...like, fight club, american beauty...all
> > those...altho they were all good movies..they still had this sleazy
> hollywood-ness to them underneath...that came out in the way that these
> > movies were, like most hollywood movies..very geared towards white
> males...has anyone else noticed this? like..its hard to explain..but these
> > movies are very good..but still made with the intention of appealing to
> the male brain. but anyway, i saw none of this going on in magnolia..it
> > was just great.
> > love
> > andrew
> >
> >
> >

[MMouse]: I don't know but I've been told...DP, DCFC, BE...

2000-07-11 Thread DinoJr44

I remember someone mentioning the lyrics in between two songs on M & A and 
how he/she thought they were familiar (Something like "I don't know but I've 
been told, you never die (something...) and you never grow old").  Well, I 
was minding my own business in the dentist's chair when Last Dance With Mary 
Jane by Tom Petty came on the radio.  Petty sings these exact lyrics.  
However, I still feel like I've heard the lyrics somewhere else...

Switching topicswhat would you consider to be the best albums by The 
Dismemberment Plan, Death Cab for Cutie, and Bright Eyes.  I have one of each 
of their cds (Emergency & I, Something About Airplanes, Fevers and Mirrors) 
and plan to get the rest but I'd like to know in what order I should buy as I 
am limited in the moolah department.


[MMouse]: [OT] Staged interviews for show-casing cleverness

2000-07-11 Thread jsl04

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, George ? wrote:
> I'm dumb-founded that people are taking it seriously. Personally, I thought 
> it was really funny, and can't imagine hopw anyone could miss the fact that 
> it's just a joke. The review of Fevers & Mirrors in the today's Pitchfork 
> goes on and on about it.

Actually, the review only focused on (what will now be called) 
'the interview' for 1 paragraph. (That's 1/6th the review & hardly
constitutes going 'on and on about.') Also, it wasn't devoid of
praise (gasp)... I agree, Conor has hellalot of talent, it's only
going to develop into finer things.

Personally, what bothers me is people shuffling their feet & sniffling
through their nose.

Re: [MMouse]: I don't know but I've been told...DP, DCFC, BE...

2000-07-11 Thread jsl04


On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I remember someone mentioning the lyrics in between two songs on M & A and 
> how he/she thought they were familiar (Something like "I don't know but I've 
> been told, you never die (something...) and you never grow old").  Well, I 
> was minding my own business in the dentist's chair when Last Dance With Mary 
> Jane by Tom Petty came on the radio.  Petty sings these exact lyrics.  
> However, I still feel like I've heard the lyrics somewhere else...

Actually, that might be something you remember from Sunday school. "You'll
never die & you'll never grow old" is a pretty common theme in organized
religious views of heaven. I don't listen to Petty's lyrics indepth
enough to comment on that part (who knew smoking marijuana would make you
think of something like the afterlife?! Hah.) 

Maybe it was the Novicane?

[MMouse]: This couldn't be more off topic...

2000-07-11 Thread Blesbok8

Okay, so everyone needs to check out 
http://www.fredgarbo.com">Fred Garbo the Inflatable Man
This is some crazy shit. Learn it. Live it. Love it.


Be sure and check out the guestbook, while you're there.