[MMouse]: remove

2000-09-13 Thread George Kotsovos

please remove me from your list
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Re: [MMouse]: mouse in providence

2000-09-05 Thread george booze

> << Maybe everyone already knew about this, but I don't remember anyone
>  mentioning that Modest Mouse is coming to Lupos in Providence with 764
> Hero!!
>   God bless the Phoenix, or I would never have known this.  There was even
>  little picture of Modest Mouse, with Isaac wearing a funny hat.  Pretty
> cool.
>  Thursday September 21, $12. >>
> < .meredith.>>
> I got my tickets, never been to Lupo's though, any good?
> Alex

i've been to lupos a couple times. i saw sonic youth/helium/cibo matto/sean
lennon there in '96 and beck in '97. the beck show was okay, but the sonic
youth show was probably the best i've ever seen. the setup is very similar
to the roxy in boston (if you've ever been there), in that it's got a upper
level with stairs flanking the stage. the difference is that it's a total
dive. it's pretty good though.

Re: [MMouse]: Bumbershoot!

2000-09-05 Thread george booze

what did they play? i'm hoping they've learned some different songs in their
time off.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 12:10 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Bumbershoot!

> So how did you guys like it???  It was my first time seeing Modest Mouse,
> I was a little disappointed :(  Just because of the moshing, though...
> not how you enjoy music.  I was in the second row on the floor, and it was
> getting so rough that I had to give it up and go sit down... how horrible
> that???  But it was a great set, and I think that it could have used a
> finale, but beggars can't be choosers.  So what other shows did you guys
> check out?  I went to Botch, Murder City Devils, and Juno.
> --corey--

[MMouse]: modest mouse live

2000-09-02 Thread george booze

is anyone seeing modest mouse at bumbershoot on 
monday? or at any of the shows next week?

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Funny words

2000-09-01 Thread george booze

i once came home from nursery school and told my mom that all girls are
whores. mom was shocked of course, until i elaborated: all girls are
"whores", and all boys are "hims". get it? "whores"/"hers"?

nevermind. that's a true story anyways.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:50 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Funny words

> That reminds me, I called my mom a dildo-head once when I was a
> youngun.  Not that young, probably 5th grade?  I had no idea it was
> anything dirty, I just heard my dad call people that so much.  I
> thought it was just a funny word.  Come on, it sounds like it means
> 'bozo' or 'banana' or 'wacky' and nothing more.  He was known to
> say douche-bag on occasion too.
> Kids say the damndest things.
> >
> > i would NOT be able to handle hearing my dad say *douche*.  i woudl have
to run far far away.
> >
> > nirra
> >
> --

> -=-Za   c  h 's  -=- Home Page for Dummies
> Radio Frank -=Shoutcast=- http://fc.net/~zachd/main.htm -

Re: [MMouse]: unrealted - review of weezer in boston

2000-08-25 Thread George Booze

actually, the band didn't do much for me performance-wise. they seemed to
play it pretty straight. they were decent, and they played all of my
favorites (not being a huge fan, i only like about 7 or 8 of their songs,
and got em all), but they weren't enthralling like, ohh say modest
mouse? it was just that the crowd was so excited... in my opinion the energy
from the crowd is about 80% of a live show. and what was up with that big
"=W="? was that sound-sensitive? i thought it was being controlled to glow
in time to the music from backstage, but then i noticed it's lights would
sort of flutter when the crowed applauded or chanted. pretty cool.

all in all, it was - in the words of MC Paul Barman - "super-damn-fun"

oh, and thank god i didn't get tickets for providence... i couldn't get
through another show like that for a while.

anyone else seeing them soon?

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 1:33 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: unrealted - review of weezer in boston

> << weezer played at axis in boston tonight. >>
> god damn, this was an incredible show.  Weezer needs to start touring more
> often. I got to hang out with the band afterwards, and Rivers is really
> geekiest guy I've probably ever seen.  Braces, shorter than me (I'm 5'6),
> glasses with the thick black band around his head. When I saw him
> before the show, he was wearing this ridiculous fake beard and goofy hat
> looked like it came right off the set of Dawsons Creek. After the show, I
> told him it wasnt much of a disguise, but he laughed and said it worked.
> what a show. i love this fucking band. god damn. im happy.
> .meredith.

Re: [MMouse]: unrealted - review of weezer in boston

2000-08-25 Thread George Booze

oh yeah, if anyone recorded this in any form, 
please contact me!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 12:10 
  Subject: [MMouse]: unrealted - review of 
  weezer in boston
  weezer played at axis in boston 
  i went.
  now i'm going to go to sleep for 4 or 5 

[MMouse]: unrealted - review of weezer in boston

2000-08-25 Thread George Booze

weezer played at axis in boston 
i went.
now i'm going to go to sleep for 4 or 5 

[MMouse]: austin again

2000-07-24 Thread george booze

i know a few people on this list are from austin 
and well, i'm looking to move there in a short amount of time and i'm wondering 
if someone from the area might like to help me out off-lists with questions i 
have. questions like "i'm looking at an apartment in such-and-such area... 
what's that part of town like?" or "does this look infected?". so if anyone 
wants to help, please email me directly. much 

Re: [MMouse]: bright eyes c.d. interview thing

2000-07-11 Thread George ?

well my point is, whether or not it affects the album, I just don't see how 
critics could think it was meant to be a serious interview. I guess it 
doesn't bother me as much cause I usually just skip the song that preceeds 
it anyways.

>From: Andrew Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: bright eyes c.d. interview thing
>Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 11:50:06 -0400
>okay see i "get" the interview and i still hate it...i think fevers and 
>mirrors is an amazing album...its breathtaking..but that damned
>interview does not belong...maybe it would have fit in better on letting 
>off the happiness considering that thats more of a collection of
>songs..not a really conceptual peice of work like f&mor even on every 
>day and every night it would have been better fitting. i still would
>not have liked it but it wouldnt have effected the overall quality of the 
>c.d. like it did on fevers and mirrors.

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[MMouse]: OT: Bright Eyes Interview

2000-07-11 Thread George ?

Does anyone else find it funny that critics have been so relentlessly 
slagging the little interview thing on the new Bright Eyes album? I mean, 
I'm dumb-founded that people are taking it seriously. Personally, I thought 
it was really funny, and can't imagine hopw anyone could miss the fact that 
it's just a joke. The review of Fevers & Mirrors in the today's Pitchfork 
goes on and on about it (an ends up giving the album a 5.4 out of 10) and it 
just ends up making the reviewer look really dumb.

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[MMouse]: MM Article On Sonicnet

2000-06-29 Thread George ?

There's a somewhat interesting article about Modest Mouse on Sonicnet.com:


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[MMouse]: Indie-Snob Alert!!

2000-06-26 Thread George ?

Check out this guy's description of Bright Eyes! It oughta ruffle some 
feathers here: http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=14995&article=81943

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[MMouse]: off topic - weird bright eyes reveiw

2000-06-24 Thread George ?

This review, from Buddyhead, is very strange. They end up giving it a 4 out 
of 5.


I'll be honest and admit I knew little or nothing of this band before I read 
the press sheet that's glued to the back of this cd. After giving it a few 
listens and time to grow on me I came to the conclusion that Conor Oberst is 
a very talented and diverse songwriter with a unique and peculiar style. His 
song writing style spans from a quiet lull of lush acoustically blended 
structures to at times something that one might even call rock. If a 
reference point is needed I'd probably go with something between Elliot 
Smith, the Beatles, and dare I say the Flaming Lips? The production is nice 
as well. Clean, but still keeping that lo-fi and personal element that only 
seems to compliment and add to the songwriting, something very rare in music 
these days. I don't know how to record albums, so I can't talk that 
technical bullshit, sorry, I just know what I like to hear. Conor's 
infatuation with death and his dark outlook only lured me into the music 
even more. His fascination with death reminds me of this British gay guy my 
friend Chris and I met last week. We walked up the street to this bar after 
work to just have a few drinks and shoot the shit. About an hour into our 
night we met a group of rather odd characters. One being the British gay 
guy, who introduced himself with the statement "Americans don't understand 
Oasis for shit, they're fucking stupid wankers". Not long after we had met 
our motley crue of new acquaintances the bartender announced "last call" and 
we were invited to attend an "after hours party" they were headed for. 
Having nothing else quite this promising lined up and always being up for an 
adventure (which was inevitable with this clan) we piled seven deep into 
their mid 90's compact car. Chris and I knew we were in for a longer drive 
than originally planned on when the driver asked which way the 405 freeway 
was (that's the freeway that heads to orange county and eventually San 
Diego). Twenty minutes into our journey the girl sitting on the angry 
British gay guys lap asked if it was raining. She wasn't the least bit 
stoked when she found out that what she thought was rain was nothing more 
than warm weird British gay guy puke all over her back and neck. Now I've 
never puked on anyone, but if I did I'm assuming I'd be really embarrassed 
and apologize a whole bunch. Not to mention feel really shitty about it. Not 
this guy, he made sure to tell her she should have moved and to shut up and 
wash her jacket, in his thick British accent that due to the amount of 
alcohol he had consumed sounded more like backwards German. The verbal 
onslaught continued and soon spread to the other passengers of the vehicle. 
Once we reached our destination (which turned out to be somewhere in Santa 
Monica, I think) the real drama unfolded. Turns out the British guy had been 
staying in these people's apartment for the last month and was a totally 
uninvited guest. The girl that got puked on showered right away and didn't 
say much the rest of the night and the angry puke-machine locked himself in 
one of the rooms to pass out, while quirky weird looking blonde girl and the 
owner of the room that the vomit king was in, snorted what they said was 
"probably coke and crank" off a neon glass mirror. They had bought it from 
"the weird Italian guy down the street" that told them that he "wasn't sure 
what it was made of" earlier that night. They were stoked they got it for 
cheap. I declined the death powder. After ranting and ranting about the 
British guy and his ways, the guy snorting whatever launched into why 
Hollywood sucks and how he's gonna move and attend film school in northern 
California. Chris made sure to tell him film school was bullshit and in 
short for pussies. I made sure to tell him that Pablo Honey was hands down 
the worst Radiohead album and that it was a disgrace for him to only own 
that one. I mean who the fuck owns that one but not Ok Computer, let alone 
The Bends? Fucking weirdos that's who. And here I thought this guy was going 
to be a british music guru, I mean with an opening line like that about 
Oasis, who's to blame me. Anyways, the after party wasn't a party at all, 
but rather Chris interrogating these weirdos with quite absurd and 
interesting questions and then proceeding to look through their purses and 
cupboards (with their permission of course). I ended up falling asleep on 
their carpet half way through the second Air record.
--Travis Keller

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[MMouse]: TM&A Shockwave Ad

2000-06-21 Thread George ?

FYI: You can download a little shockwave advertisement for "The Moon & 
Antarctica" at modestmousemusic.com. It's pretty dumb, but kinda neat 

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Re: [MMouse]: random things

2000-06-20 Thread George ?

The Pixies? Leonard Cohen? Pavement? Beat Happening?

>From: One Hundred Watt Warlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: random things
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:53:30 -0700 (PDT)
> > M&A Vinyl - I paid about $18 for it at a local record
> > store.  I'm not
> > sure why it's more for vinyl than the CD, although I do have
> > to say the quality of the vinyl is good, better than UP!'s.
>i have no idea for sure, just a theory but i would assume it's
>because [in this day and age] CD's are CHEAP to manufacture
>(demand is high) and vinyl is more expensive to manufacture
>(demand is lower), also less lp's will be produced than cd's.
>i love fugazi and documentaries (esp. on music, i will watch
>anything to do with music, even sucky music, hence my addiction
>to Behind the music, i can't even turn it to VH1 or else i'll be
>stuck there all day) so i loved instrument. that 8th grade girl
>interviewing them was great! i hope one day she realizes how
>f***ing lucky she was.
>Woody Allen:
>i watched that AFI top comedy films thing on tv with my mom and
>i was surprised at how many of his movies were on there. Annie
>Hall and Sleeper didn't surprise me but there were like at least
>2 others on there that i'd never heard of and looked hysterical.
>looks like i'll be having my own little Woody Allen film fest
>soon. has anyone seen Small Time Crooks? it looks decent, it has
>Jon Lovitz in it, so it's gotta be worth the price of
> > From: "Jacob Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I think I read somewhere that MM were/are inspired by the
> > talking heads.
> > have the mouse ever done any/many covers by bands they were
> > influenced by? or otherwise?
>i have been meaning to ask, what bands (or movies, books, etc)
>are the bands influences? i keep hearing a lot of "post-punk"
>stuff in them  (esp. on the new album) like Wire and Joy
>Division, etc, but i was wondering who the bands heroes were,
>inspired them to start playing music, know what i mean? where
>can i find this info???
>thanks, casey
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Re: [MMouse]: Various - hidden tracks, production, moshing, etc...

2000-06-20 Thread George Booze

>From: Philip Smoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 07:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
>First things first:
>When listening to the new album, I've noticed that it
>sounds like the boys lifted a guitar loop from the end
>of "Dark Center of the Universe" as part of the
>opening to "Gravity Rides."  If you play track 3
>followed by track 2, you'll hear that the very last
>guitar sound in "Dark Center," which is a note whose
>pitch is bent down and then back up to the original
>tone, is the foundation for the beginning of "Gravity
>Rides," with some percussive elements added by
>Jeremiah over that particular guitar noise (sticks
>tapping the rim of the snare, sounds like to me).
>This was something I noticed quite some time ago and
>keep forgetting to mention, it was a lot more obvious
>to me when the sequence of the album had "Dark Center"
>first and "Third Planet" third.

Also, you can hear "life like weeds" in the final minute or so of "I came as 
a rat"

and did anyone else notice that the weird, woozy-folky bit that comes at the 
end of "tiny cities made of ash" is hidden? If you're listening to the CD on 
random, you'll never hear it... you have to listen from "tiny cities" to 
"the cold part" to hear it. I think I've seen that before.

>Which brings me to another thought:
>How might this album have been different if "Dark
>Center" had opened it instead of "Third Planet" in the
>top slot?  I really think that "Third Planet" segued
>into "Perfect Disguise" much better than "Dark
>Center," but this is just my opinion, of course.
>Please contribute yr random thoughts to the forum.

This thought brings ME to another thought; I think a lot of the 
dissapointment with this album has to do with the fact that so many people 
heard it in other forms before it was released, and became attached to 
earlier, different versions of songs. In all honesty, I don't think it has 
anything to do with the album versions of songs being better or worse than 
"beta" versions (doesn't get much nerdier than that), I just think people 
just get attached to what they hear first. For example, I never heard any 
old versions of "Dark Center...", which I'd heard were far superior to the 
album version. Well, I downloaded a live version and the version from the 
Japanese EP, and I don't think either one compares to the album version. 
Just a thought... Makes me glad I didn't hear the album before-hand.

>I'm also curious as to how these songs can come off as
>"uninspired" to some people, especially when the band
>has been playing some of these songs live for almost
>two years.  Again, just my opinion, but is it possible
>that people are finding the big production sound to be
>too sterile, and suddenly they think less of the songs
>because of the way they sound?  I guess I just don't
>understand why some people are having such a hard time
>enjoying this album, there seems to be some kind of
>mental block attributed to clean sound and multiple
>overdubs.  Granted, during the first few listens there
>are so many new sounds to soak up and contemplate, but
>I really believe that this one will grow on you, as it
>has for me.  It seems that the more I hear it, the
>more I find new elements to the songs that I didn't
>immediately recognize before.  And I can't get over
>just how heavy "Stars Are Projectors" is, I mean I
>heard it live about a year ago, but on the album it
>just sounds so full and meaty.  *swoon*

I don't understand it either; this album is very produced as far as layering 
and effects, but one of the things that is so amazing about it is that it's 
NOT sterile; the album still has a very gritty and raw feel to it, much like 
old Modest Mouse. If you want an example of "sterile" production hurting an 
album, check out Pavement's "Terror Twilight". Believe it or not actually, I 
think "The Lonesome Crowded West" sounds slicker than "The Moon & 
Antarctica"; that's why I've never liked it as much as "Long Drive". "TM&A" 
seems, in my mind, to regain the  dark, mean vibe of "Long Drive".

>Re: moshing at concerts
>I think moshing was a lot more interesting to me when
>I wasn't so concerned with actually watching the
>musicians play onstage.  I think there's nothing more
>communal than a good group pogo, especially if
>Pavement is closing their encore in Towson last
>September with "You're Killing Me," "Conduit For
>Sale!," and finally "Unfair."  I think it's great to
>be able to jump up into the air and bump into yr buddy
>ME!!!"  But moshing?  Do you we really have that much
>pent-up rage and angst to spare at a Modest Mouse
>concert?  Whatever happened to just jumping up and
>down instead of needing to run into people?  And more
>importantly, who here wants to show their age and tell
>me they actually remember SLAM dancing?  Now THAT was
>entertainment.  *sigh*  Where are my sa

[MMouse]: Spin Online Review

2000-06-19 Thread George Booze

Spin.com reviews "The Moon & Antarctica":


They don't exactly slam it, but they don't like it... just remember though: 
this is the magazine that said Nine Inch Nails' "The Fragile" was the best 
album of 1999.

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Re: [MMouse]: MM in Seattle on Sat

2000-06-19 Thread George Booze

Actually, Modest Mouse doesn't accept tour support from Epic, so the label 
can't touch their live show.

>From: Neil Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: MM in Seattle on Sat
>Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 07:54:19 -0700
>MM never has do encores before. They probably think that's gay. I don't
>blame them. However, I bet the Epic people make them do it now. Were any of

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Re: [MMouse]: willful suspension of disbelief

2000-06-19 Thread George Booze

an interview I read said that Isaac wanted to replace one of the louder 
tunes on "TM&A" with that song.

>Subject: [MMouse]: willful suspension of disbelief
>Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 23:52:49 EDT
>i am really digging this song..

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Re: [MMouse]: bright eyes

2000-06-19 Thread George Booze

cool... I assume he's opening for Grandaddy, not vice-versa? Also, what 
happened to the cancelled European tour due to band diffculties? Was that 

>Subject: [MMouse]: bright eyes
>Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 23:23:01 EDT
>a yeah. new bright eyes dates:
>Sat-Jul-15 Dallas, TX @ Gypsy Ballroom w/ Grandaddy
>Sun-Jul-16 Austin, TX @ Emo's w/ Grandaddy
>Mon-Jul-17 OFF
>Tue-Jul-18 Athens, GA @ 40 Watt w/ Grandaddy
>Wed-Jul-19 Carrboro, NC @ GO Studios w/ Grandaddy
>Thu-Jul-20 Washington, DC @ Metro Cafe w/ Grandaddy
>Fri-Jul-21New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom  w/ Grandaddy
>Sat-Jul-22 Boston, MA @ Middle East (up) w/ Grandaddy
>Sun-Jul-23 Philadelphia, PA @ Khyber w/ Grandaddy
>Mon-Jul-24 OFF
>Tue-Jul-25 Toronto, ONT @ Horseshoe Tavern w/ Grandaddy
>Wed-Jul-26 Detroit, MI @ Magic Stick w/ Grandaddy
>Thu-Jul-27 Chicago, IL @ Double Door  w/ Grandaddy
>Fri-Jul-28 Minneapolis, MN @ 400 Bar w/ Grandaddy
>Saturday 07/29/00 Omaha, NE @ Sokol Hall (13th and Martha) w/ Grandaddy

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[MMouse]: OT: Le Vrai Monde

2000-06-16 Thread George Booze

SO, this is horribly off-topic, but what do ya'll think of the new Real 
World? I like this new cast; they seem pretty mellow and no one comes off as 
terribly annoying. Sadly, I can't really decide which girl I'd rather stick 
the pick to. The Morman girl is cute, with that "innocent virgin" thing 
going for her, but she might be TOO wholesome. On the other hand, the 
sorority girl is hot, but I get the feeling that sex with her might be like 
sticking your dick in a bowl of warm water... it's a tough choice. Any 

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RE: [MMouse]: Re: initial reaction (not so sugar-coated)

2000-06-16 Thread George Booze

No kidding. I think if modest mouse had the money, they would have sounded
like "The Moon & Antarctica" from the beginning. Isaac has said that this is
the sound they've always wanted, but couldn't afford. In that sense, it may
be the first "real" Modest Mouse album... that is, Modest Mouse as they've
intended to sound. Anyways, I'm all for it - I love the new album something

-Original Message-
From: Mark Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 12:17 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: initial reaction (not so sugar-coated)

I can see people not digging the new album, it does sound a lot
different from their older stuff. But make no mistake, M&A sounds
EXACTLY like Isaac and the band want it to sound, it has nothing to do
with what Epic wants. Brian Deck, the guy who produced the album, is the
architect behind the Red Red Meat sound (which two guys from Califone
are in) a sound (and band) that Isaac happens to love. Brian Deck has
never, to my knowledge, had a major-label production credit before, in
fact I think he's only produced a few of those Perishable bands (oRSo,
Drumhead) that no one has ever listened to. So whatever you think of the
sound of the new album, don't for a second think it had anything to do
with what Epic wanted. Isaac loves that fuller sound and he worked with
guys whom he thought could help him get it. He was sick of that thin,
K/Up/KRS business, and I don't blame him.

RE: [MMouse]: Ms. Love's Manifesto

2000-06-16 Thread George Booze

I don't think Kurt Cobain is rich, per-se... I mean, he IS dead.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 7:53 AM
Subject: RE: [MMouse]: Ms. Love's Manifesto

2. Courtney Love has a rich, famous, dead ex-husband.

[MMouse]: yea or nay?

2000-06-14 Thread George Booze

I hope everyone who has the new album will reply to this: just give a simple 
"yea" or "nay", with no explanation, to indicate wheather or not you like 

Me: big-ass "yea"

PS: I think some people were asking about M&A being released on vinyl... 
well I got it today. It was very expensive ($17.00 @ Newbury Comics) but 
it's nice heavy vinyl, so whatever.

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[MMouse]: more tour

2000-06-14 Thread George Booze

does anyones know if modest mouse do more tour dates later in year?

I'm feeling strangely foreign...

RE: [MMouse]: FLips/90210

2000-06-13 Thread George Booze

That is indeed a weird moment in indie-rock history. When asked about it in
a recent interview, the flips guys said they would do it agin at the drop of
a hat.

-Original Message-
From: josh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Its like refrigerator poetry (with a scalpel)

i bet being on 90210 was fun for [the flaming lips].

[MMouse]: initial reaction

2000-06-13 Thread George Booze

initial reaction to the "the moon & antarctica":

I've only been able to listen to it at work on headphones (which I hate
doing ) while staring at a computer monitor (I only really LOVE listening to
music while driving) but ignoring that hitch: I love it. Scratch that; I
FUCKING love it. It's just totally crazy and all over the place in a way
"Long Drive" (my favorite MM album) was and "Crowded West" (which I love,
but was a little dissapointed with) wasn't. I WILL admit that some of the
production is a little over the top, but that's totally forgivable in my
book. Modest Mouse has always been over-ambitious - it's part of their
charm. Doesn't hurt the album any more than the length of "Long Drive" hurt
that album.

Initial favorites are Third Planet, The Cold Part, Stars Are Projectors,
Wild Packs Of Family Dogs (don't know why this songs getting slammed by
some... sounds like a funny little Pavement b-side), Paper Thin Walls (of
course), I Came As A Rat, Life Like Weeds, and especially Lives, the beauty
of which gives me chills. Unfortunately, songs like "Lives", that really hit
me right off the bat (example: Pavement's Major Leagues), end up being my
least favorite. Anyways, the best part of Modest Mouse albums for me is that
the songs I skip over at first end up being my favorites, so I know there
are some gems in there that I don't yet "get".

So thats it. The best thing I can say is that the my most anticipated album
of the year is fully living up to my expectations.

Any other newly de-flowered M&A virgins want to comment?

RE: [MMouse]: m &a cover

2000-06-13 Thread George Booze

You can see the cover at cdnow or amazon or whatever.

The right side of the case (where the cd sits) is see-thru, and has a
close-up picture of a flowering branch of a (apple?) tree under the cd. 

One side of the liner notes is the long collage that serves as the
background for the modestmousemusic.com website, with the lyrics printed on
the other side.

The CD is just purple with the track list and the little triangle design
that appears  (i think) on one of the tour shirts.

It's a nice looking package.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:15 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: m &a cover

so what does the artwork look like?


RE: [MMouse]: 3 moon and antarctica reviews

2000-06-13 Thread George Booze

Yeah. The other weird comment was in the Mr Showbiz review, where they said
"gone are the violins and weird instrumentation of "The Lonesome Crowded
West"... I mean, that's one of the defining characteristics of this new

-Original Message-
From: Chris Stratton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:00 AM
Subject: RE: [MMouse]: 3 moon and antarctica reviews

i guess i'm not worth my salt cause this modest mouseketeer (???) doesn't
know where in hell this reviewer comes up with thinking all of the mouses
songs sound the same...that couldn't be farther from the truth...the new
album (as with all of their albums) has a shitload of variety..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of George Booze
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 8:51 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: 3 moon and antarctica reviews

E! Online - "A-"

No, that's not your CD player stuck on repeat. Any Modest Mouseketeer worth
his or her salt knows this band's songs usually sound the same

[MMouse]: the second i got it report

2000-06-13 Thread George Booze

I live for "new [insert favorite band name] album" days...

I went down to the record shop at lunch and picked it up... it's a good
thing I did because a good 3/4 of their substantial stock was already gone
(and it was only 11:30)! So far I've only listened to "Third Planet" (which
I knew), "Gravity Rides Everything" (which I knew) and part of "The Cold
Part" (which I didn't know). To quote Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation liner
notes "this music is hitting me where I live". Especially "The Cold Part";
when those violins started swelling, my jaw dropped.

[MMouse]: 3 moon and antarctica reviews

2000-06-13 Thread George Booze

some people like to read reviews, some people don't... I do.

Mr. Showbiz - "85/100"

Modest Mouse, the Washington-based trio that has gathered a sizable
following since its 1997 debut, This Is a Long Drive for Someone With
Nothing to Think About, charts familiar territory on its major-label debut
third album, The Moon & Antarctica. But the group's niche - stormy,
wandering rock that vacillates from whispery acoustics to raging emocore -
fits like a glove, allowing lead singer Isaac Brock to project his various
insecurities and philosophies. 
"Everything that's keeping me together is falling apart," Isaac Brock sings
on the first track, "3rd Planet." Although his delivery, lisp and all, makes
it occasionally difficult to decipher some of his words, the songs still
manage to paint a vivid picture of Modest Mouse's emotional landscape. On
its 15 tracks, plaintive, nakedly honest lyrics collide with keen
observation; meanwhile, the music, particularly drummer Jeremiah Green's
frequent time changes, is broad, yet focused enough to maintain one's

The album is a return of sorts to the dynamics of Long Drive. Gone are the
violins and esoteric instruments that marked the band's second album, The
Lonesome Crowded West, though Brock occasionally sings through a megaphone.
The group's songwriting, however, is as evocative as ever, able to
communicate startling beauty (as on "Gravity Rides Everything") as well as
congestion and stress ("Tiny Cities Made of Ash"). Modest Mouse isn't the
only group capable of such transitions, but what makes it special is the
band's consistency; you'd be hard-pressed to find a bad track on The Moon &
Antarctica. It's an hour of enrapturing atmosphere, as if the Mouse had
scored a soundtrack to an engaging road trip rather than crafting a gem. -
Mosi Reeves 

E! Online - "A-"

No, that's not your CD player stuck on repeat. Any Modest Mouseketeer worth
his or her salt knows this band's songs usually sound the same. And that's
not a bad thing, seeing as how these Northwesterners have nibbled out a very
distinctive alt-country, noise-folk niche with their dozen or so indie
releases. Squared off by frontman-guitarist Isaac Brock and his drunkard
ramblings about traveling, big-sky imagery and what a jerk he is, this
major-label debut finds the Mouse in a softer, gentler mode than usual.
Instead of just banging and swatting at his guitar, Brock shoots for the
moon and actually plays the darn thing--and plays it well. This record might
reach beyond the band's core of cool indie rockers and stodgy music critics.

Amazon.com -

With their interstellar (really!) lyrics and angular song structures, Modest
Mouse tend to defy their self-deprecating band name. In truth, the trio's
got some lofty ambitions, and The Moon and Antarctica indulges their grand
dreams with pristine production and a vivid sonic backdrop. It also dives
deeply into their geographical obsessions--always with the same subjective
twists that made The Lonesome Crowded West and This Is a Long Drive for
Someone with Nothing to Think About such inspired wonders. Isaac Brock opens
Moon with meditations on the universe's shape--all twisted into such a
solipsistic tangle that they illuminate immediately how much these songs are
about the mind as about the world. Rarely giving off the cage-jarring
thickness of guitar rock, Moon's 15 tunes are shaped around vignettes of a
disheveled head figuring out the rambling disconnections of postmodern
society. Guitars wobble, Brock wails on vocals, and his band mates--Eric
Judy and Jeremiah Green--help take each song away from any predictable
formula and toward wherever they seem to want to go. This is a band as
profoundly touched by suburbia as was writer Harold Brodkey. You can imagine
Brock, Green, and Judy lying on wide-open lawns, philosophizing about the
shape of the universe and coming up with lyric moments like this (sung to
folky, spare acoustic guitar): "A wild pack of family dogs came running
through the yard and as my own dog ran away I didn't say much of anything at
all / A wild pack of family dogs came running through the yard as my little
sister played; the dogs took her away, and I guess she was eaten up, okay."
Replays of American Beauty, anyone? --Andrew Bartlett 

RE: [MMouse]: 6.13.00

2000-06-12 Thread George Booze

you got it a store? If so, what kind of store (Best Buy, dinky record store,

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: 6.13.00

the new one is so good... a little different  i think but i still love it...

i got it yesterday and i think i have listened to it about 20  times or so
not more...


[MMouse]: 6.13.00

2000-06-12 Thread George Booze

Who will be hearing the new album for the first time tomorrow? I've tried to
keep from hearing it, but still, I've heard 7 of the 15 songs.

[MMouse]: Yeah, Stupidest Contest Ever...

2000-06-12 Thread George Booze

Here is a contest that is being promoted at ModestMouseMusic.com - it has
the little blurb shown below, and then three questions to answer. Yet the
answers to all three questions are pointed out explicitely in the blurb...
what the hell? Oh well, I'll enter anyways of course.

Modest Mouse Covers The Rocket!

Read It And Win!

Modest Mouse is on the cover of the May 24th - June 7th edition of The
Rocket! Their feature article talks about playing Scrabble (Isaac won. His
best word was "Endive".), how the members of Modest Mouse met (Isaac and
Eric met on a public-access TV dating game), Isaac's interview antics
(incuding details on a time he gave the telephone to a friend during a
phoner interview he was doing, so that he could go get some coffee), and
much much more! If you live in the NorthWest, you'll definitely want to pick
up a copy of The Rocket for yourself! To celebrate, The Rocket &
ModestMouseMusic.com are giving away prizes! 

Question 1: 
Once during a phone interview, Isaac secretly gave the phone to a
friend to answer questions about Modest Mouse. True or False?
Question 2: 
While playing a game of Scrabble during The Rocket interview, what
was the best word Isaac came up with? 
Question 3: 
How did Modest Mouse's Isaac Brock and Eric Judy meet?

RE: [MMouse]: issac brock boycotting sisqo

2000-06-09 Thread George Booze

indie girls: I've seen some very good looking girls at indie-shows. Granted,
they're usually with their indie-boyfriends, but still...

issac: you MUST check out the interview with Issac at JamTV.com. I think
it's from '97. It's in real audio and is about a half hour long and he's a
total jerk to the girl interviewing him. It's pretty funny actually, only
because the girl is from Rolling Stone and is trying so hard to sound like
she knows what she's talking about.

-Original Message-
From: norske ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: issac brock boycotting sisqo

issac brock was down with the idea of 
> doing an indie girl thong song video...

haha awesome.  with pasty white girls with bright red lipstick shaking
their asses.  i can see it now!  mmm isaac coming up to me while i'm
shaking my ass on the sand and spanking me!  ohh yeaaah baby that's hot
;)  the only reason i think isaac brock might be an asshole is cos this
girl interviewed them and said they were pretty much jerks..but that was
before the past year so maybe he's sorta changed after all the fucked up
shit that's probably been around him with rumors, getting attacked, etc.
i must hear this interview.
and then i must find modest mouse and successfully hump all of them.
- amy, the official crackmonger for 2000

RE: [MMouse]: www.modestmousemusic.com - music

2000-06-09 Thread George Booze

Is that music from a song on the new album? It's nice.

-Original Message-
From: J to the R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: www.modestmousemusic.com - music

Has their alwasy been music that plays when you load up


The Saint

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2000-06-08 Thread George Booze

The Moon & Antarctica 
>From the pages of the CMJ New Music Report, Issue: 670 - Jun 12, 2000 
Before the band even hit the studio to record The Moon & Antarctica, Modest
Mouse had a lot to answer for. The album marks the band's leap from the
indie rock world to the majors, but luckily, Mouse vocalist/guitarist Isaac
Brock is not a guy easily affected by such things. The Mouse's third
full-length album shows no signs of artistic sell-out or forced
commerciality, and continues Brock's desperate battle to understand the
conundrum of loneliness in the tightly packed modern world with all the
earnestness and frustration of the band's past work. Modest Mouse
trademarks, such as his self-effacing honesty, remain completely intact and
he comes clean with soul-baring confessions such as, "Everything that keeps
me together is falling apart/I've got this thing that I consider my only art
of fucking people over," and "Well it took a lot of work to be the ass that
I am." As his internal mania is unleashed in the lyrics, the music is at
once pop, punk, psychedelic and rootsy, filled with frantic, bending moments
that coalesce into expansive interludes during which individual sounds meld
into one awe-inspiring sonic motion. Though awfully neurotic, this Mouse has
nothing to be modest about at all. 
-Kelso Jacks 

[MMouse]: favorite mm songs?

2000-06-07 Thread George Booze

Out of curiosity, what's everyone's 5 favorite modest mouse songs? I haven't
got the new LP yet, so my list would look something like this:

- in no particular order -

   * other people's lives
   * teeth like god's shoeshine
   * custom concern
   * head south
   * trailer trash

RE: [MMouse]: bright eyes news/ modest mouse commentary

2000-06-02 Thread George Booze

when you say big venues, are you talking arena's? I seriously, SERIOUSLY
doubt that modest mouse could sell out an arena. Their were shows on this
current tour that haven't sold out until the day of the show (if at all). I
could see them moving up to big venues on an indie-rock scale (Irving Plaza,
The Filmore, etc...).

>seems like the next leg
>the mouse might be playing 
>some reallly BIG venues.


2000-06-01 Thread George Booze

Judas! Bendict Arnold here only gave "The Moon & Antarctica" 4 out of 5


-Original Message-
From: Melanie Haupt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 3:28 PM

Ok, just a reminder, if you want to meet some fellow TX listees, we'll be
meeting at Lovejoy's in Austin tomorrow night around 8pm. I might be there a
little later than that because I'm driving in from Houston and traffic sucks
ass, as does my car.
Anyway, I have dark blonde hair with white-blonde and hot pink stripes. I
have no idea what I'll be wearing, but the hair should tip you off. 
If you don't know where Lovejoy's is, you can get a map by clicking here:

If you have any questions at all, call me. (713) 224-1967 x. 4655 or (713)
See y'all tomorrow!


RE: [MMouse]: RE: Upcoming Shows?

2000-06-01 Thread George Booze

I think someone said something 
about them maybe doing another 
leg in the fall...

Modest Mouse 

6/1/00 Rubber Gloves Denton TX 
6/2/00 Stubb's Bar-b-q Austin TX 
6/4/00 The Launchpad Albuquerque NM 
6/5/00 Rialto Theatre Tucson AZ 
6/6/00 Nita's Hideaway  Tempe AZ 
6/7/00 Canes San Diego CA 
6/8/00 El Rey Theater Los Angeles CA 
6/9/00 El Rey Theater Los Angeles CA 
6/11/00 Great American Music Hall San Francisco CA 
6/12/00 Great American Music Hall San Francisco CA 
6/13/00 Great American Music Hall San Francisco CA 
6/14/00 Catalyst Santa Cruz CA 
6/15/00 Wow Hall Eugene OR 
6/16/00 Showbox Seattle WA 
6/17/00 Showbox Seattle WA 
7/2/00 Oak Canyon Ranch Irvine CA 

RE: [MMouse]: Re: bright eyes

2000-05-30 Thread George Booze

Am I the only one who DOESN'T like "Bright Eyes"? I guess so...

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 1:51 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Re: bright eyes

its cause he is shivering. his (their) live performance is amazing and every

second is pure emotion and heartfelt.


RE: [MMouse]: hiphop (OT, BABY)

2000-05-30 Thread George Booze

>Saw Chuck D on Charlie Rose debating Lars (of Metallica fame)
>over Napster (among other things). He made Lars look/sound pretty damn
>foolish on many occasions. 

That's not a very difficult thing to do...

Re: [MMouse]: as long as we're blowing indie-status...

2000-05-27 Thread George Booze

If you're going to buy a hip-hop album, "The Low End Theroy" is good, but a 
little too mellow for my tastes. I'd reccomend Wu Tang's "36 Chambers" or 
the "Ghost Dog" sountrack (produced by RZA). They're both a little more 
eclectic and lively in my opinion. I've also heard that the new Killah 
Preist album, "Supreme Clientele" is good, but I haven't picked it up yet.

>Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Rescue me!
>Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 20:23:51 EDT
>Miles Davis-A Tribute to Jack Johnson
>A Tribe Called Quest-The Low End Theory
>oh and the new common album
>sorry folks, i think i just blew whatever indie rock status i had
>but these are good buys anyway

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: RE: moshing/pogoing/dancing

2000-05-24 Thread George Booze

Right on. I grew sick of those jaded indie-rock hipsters who just stand
there at shows long ago, and at this point I'm just like "fuck em'". If you
want to watch a concert, stay home and watch a tape, but if you want to
experience a band, GO to a concert. I don't like moshing any more than the
next person, but pogoing, dancing, "feeling" the music (as hippy-ish as that
may sound) is the ONLY way to get the most out of a concert. Try it
sometime. Trust me, it's okay to get excited. You SHOULD get excited. You
should go fucking nuts. You must sing along as loud as possible. You might
get dirty looks from some of the indier-than-thou types, but the band feeds
on that sort of energy. Bands ALWAYS play better at shows where the audience
is showing a lot of love and energy. It's unfortunate that bands like
Sebadoh and Pavement have sort of cultivated this "I don't give a shit"
attitude at concerts (I saw Lou Barlow a couple months ago and he was
actually telling audience members to "shut the fuck up"), but luckily we
have bands now (MM, The Dismemberment Plan, Les Savy Fav, Enon, etc...) that
are "speaking out" and trying to bring some excitement back to the
indie-rock show. 

Resistance is futile.

-Original Message-
From: Bjorn Warloe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 3:15 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: 

Ok I have had about enough of the moshing comments.  I have been going
to mouse shows in the northwest for quite some time now.  I have seen
them play 10 or 11 times and never once was anyone moshing.  I say
this as a person who has been in the pit at ministry, kmfdm, nine inch
nails, and most violent of all the sweaty nipples reunion show last
month.  People pogo at the mouse, some people might even bump into
each other at the mouse but no one, I repeat no one is moshing at the
mouse.  There is usually a small group of people who move around in the
front, these people are not particularly violent, so why the problem.
The problem here is girls who come to the show in flip flop sandals and
stand right down in the front then get pissed because someone fucking
moved and stood on my toe.  It is one thing that everyone stands still
and listens intently at a cat power show but this is modest mouse.
People are going to feel the beat of a song like breakthrough or tundra/
desert and they are going to move around, so dress appropriately.
If you simply can not wear a real pair of shoes to the show there is 
another option.  Stand out side the 10 foot by 10 foot area where people
are pogoing.  Most of the crowd is just standing there, so if you don't
want to be near a pogo artist then don't stand right in front of the
stage.  I will be at the Eugene show and both Seattle Shows and I will
be moving my body about, if you tell me to stop and start threatening
me like the bastard at the last frank black show I went to then I will
go out of my way to begin moshing in your direction.  If you just let
me enjoy the show you probably won't even know I am there.

declan galt

RE: [MMouse]: A Perfect Circle

2000-05-24 Thread George Booze

In my book, A Perfect Circle and NIN has about as much to do with Modest
Mouse as hockey and fetal alchohol syndrome.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 1:49 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: A Perfect Circle

So A Perfect Circles album came out and it is fucking amazing.  I saw NIN
and A Perfect Circle last Saturday and I must say I was overwhelmed with how
good both sets where.  I haven't read anything on this list in a long time
because it seems as though nothing has to do with music any longer.  Now we
speak of who will win the hockey games.  Whatever, talk about whatever you
would like to talk about.  It just seems as though maybe you've lost site of
the purpose.  With love

[MMouse]: Re: I Am A Robot

2000-05-24 Thread George Booze

Wow... and here I thought I was heroic for traveling from Maine to the
Boston show.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n907

i am a robot...i was at the show last nighti want to meet people
from the list, we traveled from Maine, land of the moose and horny

[MMouse]: RE: trophy

2000-05-24 Thread George Booze

What did they get a trophy for?

-Original Message-
From: J to the R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: isaac's tattoo/film crew/trophy

Also, and I realize I babbled outside of my quota for the month, did
you know that Modest Mouse is an award winning band? They were presented
with a trophy last night.  Just thought I'd mention that...

[MMouse]: More Tour Dates?

2000-05-24 Thread George Booze

Does anyone know if Modest Mouse plans on extending their tour at all? It
seems odd that they would only tour until 4 days after the release of the
new album. 

Also, has anyone heard anything further about the album being delayed?
Amazon and CDNow just added it to their websites (pre-order) and they both
say June 13. I'll be really mad if it's delayed, since I'm one of the few
people who's waiting for it to be "officially" released before listening to

RE: [MMouse]: LISP off

2000-05-23 Thread George Booze

That's weird... although it's very common that stutterers don't stutter when
they sing. The rhythm keeps their speech flowing normally. Interesting

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: LISP off

I know a guy with tourettes who is an opera singer. No shit. When he
sings, the tourettes goes away.

Ben Hubbird

On Mon, 22 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ok i am wondering if anyone noticed that in person isaac has a every
> lisp but on all recordings you cant really tell?  is this just me?
> .bagel.

RE: [MMouse]: Travis Lisp?

2000-05-23 Thread George Booze

hmmm... I guess I don't pick that stuff up like other people do. With Isaac,
I always felt he had more of a drawl than a lisp.

-Original Message-
From: J to the R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:34 PM
To: George Booze
Subject: RE: [MMouse]: Travis Lisp?

oh, he has a lisp my friend.  If you want an example, I will have to
do a little research, as it doesn't quite record as well as Isacc's but
he certainly does.  I'll look into a good song, assuming you have the
albums...It's more apparent live...

a lisp ain't no stutter either,


J.L. Rickard
(703) 234-3953 x3139 - voicemail/fax

 George Booze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> huh? travis doesn't lisp at all... I can't imagine someone with a lisp
> doing
> "the dismemberment plan gets rich". you need pretty good diction for
> that.
> -Original Message-
> From: J to the R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:40 PM
> The first time I saw Modest Mouse the Dismemberment Plan opened up
> for
> them. 
> "The Great Lisp Show of 98"
> In a battle of the bands, Modest Mouse destroys The Plan, however...if
> it was fought only with lead singers' dueling lisps...it's a toss up.
> Travis could certainly hang with Isacc on the lisp front.  That would
> make for a killer comic book hero...
> He'd pull out a book full of S'ss and the evil speach teachers
> would
> cringe in pain...
> The D-Plan slow jams suck, but if you only listen to the fast jams
> you
> can understand why...Travis is a lyrical master, but he wears his ego
> on his sleeve.  Isacc is a lyrical master, but he wears his ego between
> his legs...
> however, they're my top two favorite bands...and what's great about
> both,
> people love them or hate them...at least you can't be ambivalent. 
> If
> I were an "artist," I'd at least want people to fall on either side
> of
> the fence, rather than sitting with a white spear up their ass in
> metaphorical
> indecision.
>  "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > >i'll jump in and just say that while their song 'the city' is one
> > of my
> > >*FAVORITE* songs out there right now, i'm kinda lukewarm about the
> > rest of
> > >their stuff. but, eh, i've only listened to the rest of that cd
> a
> > couple
> > >of times. maybe it'll grow on me, as was the case with modest mouse.
> > are
> > >any of their other cd's listen-worthy?
> > 
> > The albums preceding 'Emergency & I' (which are 'The Dismemberment
> > Plan is
> > terrified' and '!') are mandatory listening for anyone following
> the
> > modern
> > era of rock n roll. However, during the time period between ...terrified
> > and
> > emergency, something magical happend..travis learned to sing
> !!
> > it
> > really shows on Emergencycompare standout trax from 'terrified'
> > suchas,
> > ice of boston, doing the standstill...with anything from emergency,
> > and you
> > cannot get the same level of pure sincerity. Emergency & I is one
> of
> > the
> > most profound albums to come out in the past few years and it will
> > be a
> > major influence on any significant musician to emerge in the near
> future.
> > it
> > seems the d-plan get lumped into the 'emo' category by default. They
> > play
> > with alot of the bands associated with emo... as already pointed
> out,
> > but
> > they cannot definitively be classified as emo. I would go so far
> as
> > to say
> > they are in a genre completely of their own making. Songs like 'The
> > City'
> > with its keyboards swelling into valhalla, and that drum breaking
> yr
> > back as
> > you swing yr body in motion with the tingling guitar. And to see
> them
> > live,
> > dancing, moving those hips to every pulse pounding beat. travis
> > for some brave soul to come up front and breakdance.ah, dear
> god,
> > is
> > there a better band on the planet ? Bringing influences as far ranged
> > as hip
> > hop to classic r&b to, dare i say, prog rock, the d-plan meld the
> sincerity
> > and enthusiam of life into their music and it shows. how can one
> deny
> > the
> > power of the d-plan ?!
> > 
> > 
> > mathhue
> > 
> > 
> > p.s.  http://www.dismembermentplan.com
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> __
> FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
> Sign Up Now! http://www.onebox.com

FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
Sign Up Now! http://www.onebox.com

[MMouse]: Re: Travis Lisp?

2000-05-23 Thread George Booze

huh? travis doesn't lisp at all... I can't imagine someone with a lisp doing
"the dismemberment plan gets rich". you need pretty good diction for that.

-Original Message-
From: J to the R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:40 PM

The first time I saw Modest Mouse the Dismemberment Plan opened up for

"The Great Lisp Show of 98"

In a battle of the bands, Modest Mouse destroys The Plan, however...if
it was fought only with lead singers' dueling lisps...it's a toss up.
Travis could certainly hang with Isacc on the lisp front.  That would
make for a killer comic book hero...

He'd pull out a book full of S'ss and the evil speach teachers would
cringe in pain...

The D-Plan slow jams suck, but if you only listen to the fast jams you
can understand why...Travis is a lyrical master, but he wears his ego
on his sleeve.  Isacc is a lyrical master, but he wears his ego between
his legs...

however, they're my top two favorite bands...and what's great about both,
people love them or hate them...at least you can't be ambivalent.  If
I were an "artist," I'd at least want people to fall on either side of
the fence, rather than sitting with a white spear up their ass in

 "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >i'll jump in and just say that while their song 'the city' is one
> of my
> >*FAVORITE* songs out there right now, i'm kinda lukewarm about the
> rest of
> >their stuff. but, eh, i've only listened to the rest of that cd a
> couple
> >of times. maybe it'll grow on me, as was the case with modest mouse.
> are
> >any of their other cd's listen-worthy?
> The albums preceding 'Emergency & I' (which are 'The Dismemberment
> Plan is
> terrified' and '!') are mandatory listening for anyone following the
> modern
> era of rock n roll. However, during the time period between ...terrified
> and
> emergency, something magical happend..travis learned to sing !!
> it
> really shows on Emergencycompare standout trax from 'terrified'
> suchas,
> ice of boston, doing the standstill...with anything from emergency,
> and you
> cannot get the same level of pure sincerity. Emergency & I is one of
> the
> most profound albums to come out in the past few years and it will
> be a
> major influence on any significant musician to emerge in the near future.
> it
> seems the d-plan get lumped into the 'emo' category by default. They
> play
> with alot of the bands associated with emo... as already pointed out,
> but
> they cannot definitively be classified as emo. I would go so far as
> to say
> they are in a genre completely of their own making. Songs like 'The
> City'
> with its keyboards swelling into valhalla, and that drum breaking yr
> back as
> you swing yr body in motion with the tingling guitar. And to see them
> live,
> dancing, moving those hips to every pulse pounding beat. travis beckoning
> for some brave soul to come up front and breakdance.ah, dear god,
> is
> there a better band on the planet ? Bringing influences as far ranged
> as hip
> hop to classic r&b to, dare i say, prog rock, the d-plan meld the
> and enthusiam of life into their music and it shows. how can one deny
> the
> power of the d-plan ?!
> mathhue
> p.s.  http://www.dismembermentplan.com

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RE: [MMouse]: i don't feel at all like i fall

2000-05-23 Thread George Booze

...that's crazy. Sounds like the new one is gonna hit pretty hard. I think
it would be cool if after the moon and antarctica, MM went post-Crooked Rain
Pavement on us and did a totally wacked, "fuck success"-style album, ala
Wowee Zowee.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: i don't feel at all like i fall

ok, so modest mouse is on e! online... with belle and sebastian... m&a is
of 8 albums that you have to buy this summer... i shit you not...  chickedy 


love and spice,



2000-05-23 Thread George Booze

Just to build the momentum a bit more... I've seen the Plan 3 times on this
tour and every show was fucking rad; from the now-famous sold out show at
the middle-east in Boston (probably one of the 3 best shows I've ever seen)
to their show at the Skinny in Portland, Maine (playing for a crowd of about
10 people) they rocked the Casbah and split the diff. Travis is totally
nuts; he has this look in his eyes when he's performing that makes Isaac
Brock look postively boring in comparison. Add to that the fact that D-Plan
crowds are the coolest around and Eric is one of the nicest band members you
could meet (perhaps second only to the mighty Robert Nastanovich) and you
have the makings of the most vital act in music today. But that's just my

-Original Message-
From: Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:42 AM

The albums preceding 'Emergency & I' (which are 'The Dismemberment Plan is
terrified' and '!') are mandatory listening for anyone following the modern
era of rock n roll. However, during the time period between ...terrified and
emergency, something magical happend..travis learned to sing !! it
really shows on Emergencycompare standout trax from 'terrified' suchas,
ice of boston, doing the standstill...with anything from emergency, and you
cannot get the same level of pure sincerity. Emergency & I is one of the
most profound albums to come out in the past few years and it will be a
major influence on any significant musician to emerge in the near future. it
seems the d-plan get lumped into the 'emo' category by default. They play
with alot of the bands associated with emo... as already pointed out, but
they cannot definitively be classified as emo. I would go so far as to say
they are in a genre completely of their own making. Songs like 'The City'
with its keyboards swelling into valhalla, and that drum breaking yr back as
you swing yr body in motion with the tingling guitar. And to see them live,
dancing, moving those hips to every pulse pounding beat. travis beckoning
for some brave soul to come up front and breakdance.ah, dear god, is
there a better band on the planet ? Bringing influences as far ranged as hip
hop to classic r&b to, dare i say, prog rock, the d-plan meld the sincerity
and enthusiam of life into their music and it shows. how can one deny the
power of the d-plan ?!


p.s.  http://www.dismembermentplan.com

[MMouse]: RE: philly rawwwwwk

2000-05-23 Thread George Booze

I went to the Boston show and I had a fantastical time. As such, you're
out-right bashing of the Boston show makes me sad. And I don't think Les
Savy Fav played at the Philly show, so phhhbbt to you.

-Original Message-
From: Dustin Summers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:35 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: philly rawk

holy christ on a cross, the philly show had to be one of the best shows 
ever, fuck boston dude, this show took boston out in the back alley and beat
the hell out of it and then pissed in bostons wounds and laughed at it, i
have pictures its nasty. They had a maniquin on stage with them and it had a
guitar and isacc kept sayin that he was the new guitarist and he was really
good with the chords, and said that the maniquin was available after the
show. And of course the thong song. And some dude came out during the encore
and did some break dancing on the stage. I got on of them window posters.
One thing i noticed was that they had more T shirts in boston, they didnt
have the dark blue ones here in philly, but they did have some free momo
postcards. I dont need to explain myself this show rocked your ass when you
were fast asleep

the set list to you ask?
here we go:

1-Truckers Atlas
2-Neverending Math Equation
3-When Ever I Breathe Out
4-Third Planet
6-Paper Thin Walls
7-All Night Diner
8-What People are Made Of
9-The Thong Song
10-Doin the Cockroach
11-A Different City (by request-owww hell yesss)
13-Polar Opposites
15-Trailer Trash
16-Alone Down There
17-Custom Concern
1-Grey Ice Water
2-Cow Boy Dan

"when i have sex im always thinkin bout the pavement"

RE: [MMouse]: modestmouse, 5/17 cleveland

2000-05-17 Thread George Booze

10 songs? I sure as hell hope you forgot something.

-Original Message-
From: tyler drosdeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 10:20 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: modestmouse, 5/17 cleveland

i don't know if i forgot anything on this or not, i didn't know a couple
not really in order here

polar opposites
grey ice water
third planet
doin' the cockroach
neverending math equation
cowboy dan
trailer trash

custom concern

RE: [MMouse]: beer

2000-05-17 Thread George Booze

that's sad

-Original Message-
From: Torin Macbeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: beer

fer anyone who's wonderin -

at the Missoula, MT show, my friend Dave went and drank some beers w/Modest 
Mouse between the end of the concert and the encore. they was drinkin 
Rainier. and Isaac was doing lines. no joke.


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[MMouse]: RE:boston

2000-05-15 Thread George Booze

I'll be there... I have a faint birth-mark on my right knee, so say "hi" if
you see me.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 3:30 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: birthdefects and boston

my mom smoked...AND had rhumetoid arthritis so she was on some weird
medications..but nothing really seemed to effect me except that asprin can
cause CLEFT PALLETS (sp?) and yellow teeth..i as fortunate not to have a
c.p. but my teeth have always been tinted yellow..weird eh?
also...im totally psyched for the boston show..its only 6 days away. its not
soon enough to know what shirt ill be wearing...but i wanna know of peopel
from this list who will be there. oh well thats all.

RE: [MMouse]: drinks

2000-05-15 Thread George Booze

yaahh... maybe if I wear my Red Hook shirt to the Modest Mouse show in
Boston Isaac will be reminded of home and invite me to join the band. That's
what I'm thinking.

-Original Message-
From: Todd Houlette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: drinks

Obviously if you are complaining about the beer her in
the US, you live in the wrong part of the US. The
Northwest by far has the best beer. I'll admit that we
are spoiled with some of the best beer in the
country/world, as well as other mind altering, um, ..

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RE: [MMouse]: Dirty Three

2000-05-12 Thread George Booze

Yeah, Dirty Three are really under-rated. Their new album, "Whatever You
Love, You Are" is amazing, and I really don't expect to hear anything this
year as intensly beautiful as the third song, "I Offered It Up To The Moon +
The Night Sky". Check them out if you get a chance; I only have "Whatever
You Love, You Are", but I've heard that Horse Stories is even better.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Smoker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 10:52 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: all sorts of shits

"i agree totally with the person on top of me.."

ah, words to live by...

For all the cola talk, I still my mostest favorite
drink would be Mystic Peach Vanilla, I used to sneak
out my bedroom window to go to 7-11 in the middle of
the night and play Rush 'N Attack and drink them
and steal baseball cards.  which I eventually sold for
1/100 of their original value to a friend of the
family.  bye bye, mint Griffey Jr. '89 Upper Deck.  
toodle-oo, McGwire 85 Topps 1984 Olympic Team rookie.

Godspeed You Black Emperor is yummy stuff indeed.
Best explanation I've heard: movie soundscapes.  like
soundtrack music for films that have never been made. 
compelling, driving... they thrive on crescendos, on
bringing the intensity up and down while soothing. 
Saw them play in Philly last September on the same
bill with MOGWAI, who kicked my fucking ass right up
over my shoulders 3 times in the span of 18 days.  
It was heavenly, but then I love Mogwai an awful lot. 
But anyway, this Philly show with Mogwai and GYBE was
damn great... I've yet to find a tape of that bad
it's just a shame they didn't take the stage together
like they did at a festival in Scotland last year...
that was what I was desperately hoping for... but
alas, there were technical difficulties for the
could have been?  

Anyone have the new Dirty Three? (while I'm talking
about music I consider emotional...)  So wonderful, 
but the best 6 minutes of D3 in my opinion would be:
"There was a time when once you used to love me."
on Horse Stories.  That's one spicy meataball.

"can you please tell god that we fucked up here"

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RE: [MMouse]: Re: rollingstone

2000-05-11 Thread George Booze

I know what you mean... little mistakes that completely discredit the
author's knowledge of what they're writing about. The worst is when that
sort of thing happens in a record review; the critic's entire argument just
completely falls apart because a little mistake reveals that they have no
idea what they're talking about. I read a review of Pavement's "Terror
Twilight" and the critic was bashing it going on about how Pavement were
boring and stale and irrelevent in 1999... and then he goes on to say
something about "lead singer Mark Ibold"; you just want to say "ok,
nevermind... forget I asked your opinion".

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:45 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: rollingstone

In a message dated 5/11/00 12:44:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> In accordance with their user regulations, NAPSTER has banned 300,000 
> Metallica fans from its site for allegedly trading copyrighted songs by
> band illegally

it's a program that they're blocked from; not a site!  why can't these
take two seconds to factcheck.

sorry, i know this is prolly dead for most of you, but it just annoys the 
hell out of me.


RE: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n855

2000-05-08 Thread George Booze

I believe that Matador has expressed an interest in releasing the album on
vinyl if Epic doesn't want to.

>-Original Message-
>Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 4:12 PM
>Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n855
>does anyone know what the story is with epic and vinyl? will there be vinyl

>for this album or is it cd only? 

RE: [MMouse]: (no subject)

2000-05-08 Thread George Booze

The only announced opening band I've seen is Les Savy Fav in Boston, but I
don't know if they're playing with MM for the entire tour or just that one

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 11:54 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: (no subject)

Can someone tell me who is on tour with Modest Mouse? I'm about to see them 
in Cleveland.

RE: [MMouse]: the modest mouse tee shirt giveaway

2000-05-08 Thread George Booze

I agree; the big advantage of being on a major label is getting the
promotional support that an indie label just couldn't afford to do (IE: free
t-shirt give-aways). The blurb was probably written by some schmo over at
GigMania who gave little to no thought as to it's implications. Hell, don't
enter the damn contest - makes my odds of winning that much better.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: the modest mouse tee shirt giveaway

Jesus, you all sound ridiculous. It's not like Disney is sponsoring a "Meet 
the (Modest) Mouse" trip or anything. It's a tee shirt giveaway, not the end

of the world. I really don't see the big deal. Excuse me for being a bitch, 
but this "indier-than-thou" bullshit gets tired real fast.  But maybe I just

don't "get it."

RE: [MMouse]: London.

2000-05-08 Thread George Booze

Modest Mouse is barely a blip on the radar in Europe... I think people over
there think they they're just too "American" (as far as lyrics and vocals I

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 12:43 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: London.

i will be in london for a weekend on my way to the boonies of france this 
summer, and i was just wondering if there are any cool record stores to hit 
while i'm waiting for my parents to come down from the jet lag.  i know this

is a pretty american list, but SOMEBODY has to have been to or live(d) in 
london!  thanx a lot people.

stalling sleep...

[MMouse]: RE: running

2000-05-02 Thread George Booze
Title: RE: running

No, but I know who you are. All my friends in high school did track and x-country, and I managed the track team, so I know your type; you're a nut and a chick-magnet! I can't imagine x-country/track kids being into Modest Mouse though!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 2:11 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: running

any other kids on this list run track or cross??or run for fun???

[MMouse]: Re: Mendoza lyrics

2000-05-02 Thread George Booze
Title: Re: Mendoza lyrics

He's right! Some of my favorite lyrics are absolutely meaningless without the soul and music to back them up.

Case in point: my all-time favorite lyric is "This is the city life". Stupid, huh? Well I get shivers and nearly cry every time I hear it.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Smoker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Mendoza lyrics

I'd just like to say FUCK YOU to all the people who
are mocking the Mendoza lyrics as I thought they were
charming and sweet.  Sometimes the simplest lyrics can
sound so profound given the right voice and backing
instrumentation.  I'd love to rip open the CD
collections of those who call such lyrics "insipid" to
discover the intellectually stimulating treats that
are to be found within.  Shit, I should start quoting
the simpler lyrics of any number of bands that I
constantly see worshipped on this mailing list, shall
I start with Polyvinyl, Jade Tree, or elsewhere?

I'll take that emo to yr dome piece, son.

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[MMouse]: [MMouse] Hi

2000-05-01 Thread George Booze
Title: [MMouse] Hi

Hi. I'm new here. I wasn't sure if I needed to add the "[MMouse]" to the subject line or if the list did it automatically, so forgive me if it appears twice.

Anyways, I'm George and I've only been listening to Modest Mouse since "Building Nothing Out Of Something" came out; hopefully that won't translate to me not being a "true fan" or what ever, because I am. I don't mean to sound presumptuous, but you know how some indie-rock fans can be.

So I think Modest Mouse is going to save rock and roll or the world or something and I'm glad to talk to you all about that.

--- over and out ---

[MMouse]: that girl.

2000-04-21 Thread Ernie George

Yeah, I was at the cat power show; I was probably wearing a black cowboy
hat. What's the deal with the comp? I must have missed it.


[MMouse]: (no subject)

2000-04-10 Thread Ernie George

>1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

Ernie George / Lawrence, KS / 23

>2.What is your favorite mouse song?

neverending math equasion

>3.What are five records you couldn't live without

Jim White: wrong eyed jesus
Frank Sinatra & Count Basie: it might as well be swing
the Flaming Lips: the soft bullitin
Mouse on Mars: niun niggung
Belle and Sebastian: are you feeling sinister?

>4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
>bad or good?
Good. MP3s can never be as fun as records.

>5.  Ebay, bad or good?

Good.  That's where I get a lot of my musical equipment.

>6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
>voting for himself or what?

What? I don't think so.

>7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?

No, but I do have it on MP3.

>8.  First live show?

Live, and Weezer.  I think in 94 at Manhattan, KS.  They had folding
chairs set in front of the stage and would not let anyone on the floor
who didn't have tickets to be there.  Everyone rioted and rushed the
floor.  Complete chaos. Chairs went flying into the air and the baracade
in front of the stage had to be repaired between shows.

>9.  Worst live show?

I went to Lollapalloza one year.

>10.  Favorite sound?

a sine wave

>11.  least favorite sound?


> 12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
>on the internet bad/good?

good, I guess.

>13.  What book should every person in america read?

"Junkey", Burroughs

>14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

This depends on the band.

>15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to

I would not do it.

>16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

That's what makes the list interesting.

>17.  Favorite beer?

Pabst Blue Ribbon

> 18.  Favorite color?


> 19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

Jesus or Sally

>20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
>tons about a person)?

Life is Beautiful
Harold and Maude
Das Boot
Blue Velvet
North by Northwest