Re: oracle : The lowdown

2000-01-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Michael wrote:
  On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, John Armstrong wrote:
   Hello all-
 I just got the word from down high that VC's will freak out 
   if they see we are using mysql and now we are looking at an Oracle 
 The product is a mid level mod perl application that will 
   receive ~500,000 hits a day. I want to engineer it to withstand up to 
   2 million hits per day ( not unique users ).  Does anyone have good 
   or bad stories about using Oracle with mod_perl/DBI/Apache::DBI? I 
   would love to hear both sides of the coin. I personally think Oracle 
   is overkill but I don't have any major issues with it.
  Depends what the business is. If it is a serious business looking
  for VC I would actually suspect the inverse is true: MySQL is
  underkill (I think I just made that word up) due to its lack of
  transactions and other advanced features (yes, these things do mean
  something in the real world).
 So what's wrong with Postgres ??

Nothing except speed. Postgres is great for free projects, and its MVCC is
a cool technology in a free database.


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas


Try and get a static install to work.  mod_perl DSO does not
work reliably.  If mod_perl is compiled statically into
Apache, it just works, and you don't need to configure
the web server with anything, and you'll probably need 
to comment out lines like "LoadModule ...".

You know that mod_perl is working in the server by having 
mod_perl's "make test" work, or by trying something 
simple like "PerlModule CGI" in a config.  

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

don Wang wrote:
 I have tried unsucessfully to set up an Apache server with ASP
 functionality. According to instructions I got when downloading
 modules from It did not work.
 After seemingly successful installation, I tried various ways to modify
 httpd config files, and the asp (most likely mod_perl)  is not working,
 since all the asp files and perl files are displayed in plain text.
 I had a full installation of Mandrake RedHat 6.0 with 2.2.9 Linux
 kernel, with Apache and mod_perl pre-installed. I copied the tar file
 untar and perl Makefile.PL
 By then, it reported back that I have many (~10) modules missing. After
 going through installing all the modules with, perl Makefile.PL
 finally says ok, and I went ahead with make, make test, make install.
 all seems fine.
 Errors occur when I tried to config and restart the Apache server. When
 I enable DSO, it says is garbled, and possibly not a Apache
 module DSO. When disabling DSO by commenting out two lines in httpd.conf
 (AddModule mod_perl.c and LoadModule perl_module moduels/,
 Only then httpd starts. when I have location /perl in the conf files,
 the "PerlHandlerApache::Registry" is also give out error for invalid
 "PerlHandler" command, perhaps mispelled or module not defined in the
 httpd error log reports that I only have apache 1.3.6 with PHP
 Mandrake/Linux running. no mod_perl to be found.
 Then the 10 step "sure-install" also failed subsequently.
 Why does the ten step install from apache failed? is it from previous
 How do I know if a module is defined in a configuration? where? how to?
 I heard mixed words on DSO. If I were to statically compile it, how to
 disable DSO?
 I am lost. Thanks in advance for your help!
 Unified Access Communications, Inc.
 200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
 Boston, MA 02111
 phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
 fax:  (617) 695-0984

Re: oracle : The lowdown

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas

Matt Sergeant wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
  BTW, I have also evaled Sybase, Informix, DB2, SQLServer 6.5,
  Solid, and found Oracle to be the best of all those, but if
  you don't need transactions, go with MySQL...
 Do you mind sharing with me (if not the list) why Sybase lost out to Oracle?

Not going to let me get away with that eh? ...

At the time, it was likely that DBD::Sybase didn't support
bind parameters, or something stupid like that, maybe lack of
support for multiple $sth ... this eval was about 1+1/2 year
ago now, so quite dated.  It may have been that their licensing
was worse too, having me pony up $3000+ up front for a web app, 
instead of $1200 for Oracle ?  I was able to make a successful
argument with Oracle that I could monitor "concurrent users"
and should have per user pricing for starters (read $Application
+ $Session in Apache::ASP)

Its all a big blur. ;)

I think it was Informix  DB2 database quirks that turned me 
off, I vaguely recall DB2's precise time() data type being 
too precise and taking up too much storage.  SQLServer 6.5 was 
just weak and locked up way too fast, which supposedly is 
different with 7.0

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Is there a generic apache mailing list?mod_proxy problems

2000-01-12 Thread Stas Bekman

   I'm having some problems with other modules in Apache, in particular
 the mod_proxy module.  It appears to strip non-standard headers from
 requests as they pass through the proxy.  This is bad.  Can anyone help me?

You should go to, you will find all the info over there,
including the appropriate mailing list.

Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Re: Apache::Registry and -M

2000-01-12 Thread Stas Bekman

 From my quick look at it looks like there's no way to disable
 the feature where a script will be re-compiled if it changes on disk.

* take a look at Apache::RegistryNG
* move the code into a module and require from the 2 lines script

 Is this correct?
 This is a problem if I update both the main script, and modules used by the
 script. For example, adding a new subroutine to a module and then calling
 it from the main Registry script.  The main script will be recompiled, but
 not the module, so I'll get an undefinded subroutine called.
 I'm not using Apache::StatINC - the module isn't in the @INC path at startup.
 I'd like to be able to move the updated script and module into place and
 either do a -USR1 restart or just wait for the Apache processes to go
 through their normal life cycle.  As is, it seems as if I have to bring
 down the server, move in the updated scripts in, and restart.  Not the most
 graceful process.

Apache::StatINC is perfect for development stage, if you need the same
behavior for just a few files on production server, see:

Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Etienne Pelaprat


I have written a perl module that is meant to run at the root of a web 
site (, let's say), but there are errors whenever it tries to 
access an image with an absolute URL.  For instance, this tag returns a 
broken image:

img src="/images/logo.gif"

this, I'm guessing, is because it's using in some way or another the 
module I have written, since it's pointing from root.  How do I fix 
this?  How do I make the module act at the root of the site and not 
have it interfere with absolute URIs like that?



Re: problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Sean Chittenden

There are a few ways to go about this one, but here's the solution
that I'd use.

1)  Install a PerlTransHandler that sets the URI to / or whatever
you want to have your PerlHandler work with.  Have the transhandler return
DECLINED if $r-uri =~ m:^/images/:o;
2)  Install a PerlHandler that builds the response for the web.

The advantage to doing it this way is:

a)  this was what apache was designed for (multiple phases)
b)  allows other handlers to kick in before you build the response
(such as mod_access)

Sean Chittenden  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
-- Lord Acton

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Etienne Pelaprat wrote:

 Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 01:50:49 PST
 From: Etienne Pelaprat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: problems with module at root of web site
 I have written a perl module that is meant to run at the root of a web 
 site (, let's say), but there are errors whenever it tries to 
 access an image with an absolute URL.  For instance, this tag returns a 
 broken image:
 img src="/images/logo.gif"
 this, I'm guessing, is because it's using in some way or another the 
 module I have written, since it's pointing from root.  How do I fix 
 this?  How do I make the module act at the root of the site and not 
 have it interfere with absolute URIs like that?

Re: problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Stas Bekman

 I have written a perl module that is meant to run at the root of a web 
 site (, let's say), but there are errors whenever it tries to 
 access an image with an absolute URL.  For instance, this tag returns a 
 broken image:
 img src="/images/logo.gif"
 this, I'm guessing, is because it's using in some way or another the 
 module I have written, since it's pointing from root.  How do I fix 
 this?  How do I make the module act at the root of the site and not 
 have it interfere with absolute URIs like that?

How about reading the error messages from the error_log file? See: for more info.

Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Embperl Emergency!!!

2000-01-12 Thread Chris


I just upgraded to Embperl 1.2.1 and I've broken my internet server!$%

It appears the problem is I have some perl routines that go
print EOF

etc.. That was probably the wrong thing to do. I think the HTML is
coming out before the http headers. Well I've tried the
$optRedirectStdout feature but all the HTML is quoted so I get
lt;HTMLgt; etc which is no good. I've tried $optDisableHtmlScan, but
that doesn't help.

I've tried to print to OUT instead of STDOUT, but OUT doesn't seem to be
in the right namespace (No, I'm not a perl guru). And I've tried to pass
the OUT descriptor to the routine using \*OUT or *OUT{IO}, but none of
this works.


Chris Bitmead

RE: Embperl Emergency!!!

2000-01-12 Thread Gerald Richter


 I just upgraded to Embperl 1.2.1 and I've broken my internet server!$%

 It appears the problem is I have some perl routines that go
 print EOF

From which version did you upgrade? This problem should also be there for
all older versions I remember...

 etc.. That was probably the wrong thing to do. I think the HTML is
 coming out before the http headers. Well I've tried the
 $optRedirectStdout feature but all the HTML is quoted so I get
 lt;HTMLgt; etc which is no good. I've tried $optDisableHtmlScan, but
 that doesn't help.

 I've tried to print to OUT instead of STDOUT, but OUT doesn't seem to be
 in the right namespace (No, I'm not a perl guru). And I've tried to pass
 the OUT descriptor to the routine using \*OUT or *OUT{IO}, but none of
 this works.


local $HTML::Embperl::escmode = 0 ;
print HTML::Embperl::OUT EOF

This should work, but it's just a quick hack. I do not promise that Embperl
1.4 or 2.0 will support these global variables, also I guess they will do
so. (1.3 surely will not change these things)


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 "Sean" == Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sean   There are a few ways to go about this one, but here's the solution
Sean that I'd use.

Sean   1)  Install a PerlTransHandler that sets the URI to / or whatever
Sean you want to have your PerlHandler work with.  Have the transhandler return
Sean DECLINED if $r-uri =~ m:^/images/:o;

Sean   2)  Install a PerlHandler that builds the response for the web.

Or a variation of that, that I like... set up a TransHandler like this:

sub handler { # PerlTransHandler
  return DECLINED unless $r-uri eq "/";
  $r-push_handlers( PerlHandler = sub {
... your code goes here
  return OK;

No need to mess with $r-uri, which will be very confusing if there's
an error.

Sean   The advantage to doing it this way is:

Sean   a)  this was what apache was designed for (multiple phases)
Sean   b)  allows other handlers to kick in before you build the response
Sean (such as mod_access)


Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

mod_perl mixing up scripts?

2000-01-12 Thread addyd

Oh great mod_perl sages...I beseech thee on bended knee ( with eyes
averted)   :)

I'd like to preface this by saying that I _hate_ to ask lists for help, so
do all I can to research the problem on my own... but I'm not sure I'm even
looking in the right place. I've read the mod_perl guide (have it printed
and in a binder, in fact). Any assistance (including pointing me in the
right direction) would be greatly appreciated.

I'm running Apache 1.3.9/mod_perl1.21 on a Mac Workgroup Server, LinuxPPC
(1999). I have a group calendar script (FrameCal, ) that is giving me problems.

Actually, I have one calendar working perfectly with no problems. You are
supposed to be able to create additional calendars that use the same
script. Each calendar has it's own separate folder (with it's own separate
characteristics set in a .conf file). You pass the calendar information
when you call the script. ( action

The problem is that the 2nd calendar has it's own set of authorized users ,
and event catagories. It will work fine for a while when I restart Apache,
but before long it will not let it's users log in. Checking out the drop
down menu it becomes apparent that you are looking at the catagories for
THE OTHER calendar. Restarting the server fixes the problem again for a

I thought that setting up entirely different framecal scripts in entirely
different folders for the two calendars would solve the problem. So, the
script that works is in
and the script that doesn't work is in
but the information from the one calendar is still being confused by the
server with the other (though apparently not vice-versa).

I believe that I have both locations set up with the exact same
permissions/access restrictions, but I suspect that I am missing something
that involves the mod_perl aspects of the apache httpd.conf.

Is there something that I can learn from calling or
/perl-status? (It looks like I need to recompile with Devel::Sydump to get
much info from perl-status... if I knew what to do with it.)

Maybe more info than you need to know, but... here is the list of Apache
compiled-in modules...

Thanks for any ideas you might have to share.

Darren Addy
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Re: Apache::Registry and -M

2000-01-12 Thread Vivek Khera

 "BM" == Bill Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BM I'd like to be able to move the updated script and module into place and
BM either do a -USR1 restart or just wait for the Apache processes to go
BM through their normal life cycle.  As is, it seems as if I have to bring

Well, you can do it in an order that will let you keep working fine.

Since you are adding functions to your modules, just move them in
place first, send the USR1 signal to make all children exit.  Now,
move your script in place.  The children will notice the change and
any that had the old one will restart, but they already have your new


2000-01-12 Thread Gacesa, Petar

I was doing the stress testing of the Apache web server by simulating a
large number of http requests.  After several hours I started getting the
following line in my access_log file: - - [11/Jan/200:22:33:45 -0500] "-" 408 -

Instead of the URL that was supposed to be accessed.

Can somebody please tell me what this means?


Re: access_log

2000-01-12 Thread Simon Rosenthal

At 11:09 AM 1/12/00 -0500, Gacesa, Petar wrote:
I was doing the stress testing of the Apache web server by simulating a
large number of http requests.  After several hours I started getting the
following line in my access_log file: - - [11/Jan/200:22:33:45 -0500] "-" 408 -

Instead of the URL that was supposed to be accessed.

Can somebody please tell me what this means?

It's a bit off-topic... nothing to do with mod_perl.

It's reporting a situation when the client starts to send an HTTP request 
but doesn't complete it - you have an Apache process tied up waiting for 
the request to complete; it doesn't, and Apache  eventually times out the 
request and  so logs it.

So look at your simulated client.

- Simon
Simon Rosenthal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Web Systems Architect
Northern Light Technology   222 Third Street, Cambridge MA 02142
Phone:  (617)577-2796  :   URL:
"Northern Light - Just what you've been searching for"

Re: mod_perl mixing up scripts?

2000-01-12 Thread Jason Terry

I do not consider myself a mod_perl guru... But, it sounds like you are
having troubles with global variables.  Once you have the script compiled go

2) click "Compiled Registry Scripts"
3) click on the script in question
4) check on your hashes, scalars, and unknown variable at the bottom.

My bet is that some of these is not being properly initialized for each pass
through your script.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 9:05 AM
Subject: mod_perl mixing up scripts?

 Oh great mod_perl sages...I beseech thee on bended knee ( with eyes
 averted)   :)

 I'd like to preface this by saying that I _hate_ to ask lists for help, so
 do all I can to research the problem on my own... but I'm not sure I'm
 looking in the right place. I've read the mod_perl guide (have it printed
 and in a binder, in fact). Any assistance (including pointing me in the
 right direction) would be greatly appreciated.

 I'm running Apache 1.3.9/mod_perl1.21 on a Mac Workgroup Server, LinuxPPC
 (1999). I have a group calendar script (FrameCal, ) that is giving me problems.

 Actually, I have one calendar working perfectly with no problems. You are
 supposed to be able to create additional calendars that use the same
 script. Each calendar has it's own separate folder (with it's own separate
 characteristics set in a .conf file). You pass the calendar information
 when you call the script. ( action

 The problem is that the 2nd calendar has it's own set of authorized users
 and event catagories. It will work fine for a while when I restart Apache,
 but before long it will not let it's users log in. Checking out the drop
 down menu it becomes apparent that you are looking at the catagories for
 THE OTHER calendar. Restarting the server fixes the problem again for a

 I thought that setting up entirely different framecal scripts in entirely
 different folders for the two calendars would solve the problem. So, the
 script that works is in
 and the script that doesn't work is in
 but the information from the one calendar is still being confused by the
 server with the other (though apparently not vice-versa).

 I believe that I have both locations set up with the exact same
 permissions/access restrictions, but I suspect that I am missing something
 that involves the mod_perl aspects of the apache httpd.conf.

 Is there something that I can learn from calling or
 /perl-status? (It looks like I need to recompile with Devel::Sydump to get
 much info from perl-status... if I knew what to do with it.)

 Maybe more info than you need to know, but... here is the list of Apache
 compiled-in modules...

 Thanks for any ideas you might have to share.

 Darren Addy
 University of Nebraska at Kearney

Re: problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Sean Chittenden

Mind if I ask a nit-pick of a performance question?  Currently
speed and performance are of upmost importance (I'm currently involved in
a mod_perl vs JServ development race).  That being said, isn't pushing a
handler onto the request stack slower than predefining a handler that the
request falls through to?  I could be wrong and haven't tested things
otherwise, but, it would seem like pushing a custom handler (granted it's
already compiled into byte-code) onto the stack at the time of the request
would take slightly longer.  I suppose I'd be who of me to test this
assertion, but if you have any idea as to wether or not this case ahead of
time, I'd be greatly interested in hearing about your past experience.


Sean Chittenden  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 12 Jan 2000, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

 Date: 12 Jan 2000 07:33:36 -0800
 From: Randal L. Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: problems with module at root of web site
  "Sean" == Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sean There are a few ways to go about this one, but here's the solution
 Sean that I'd use.
 Sean 1)  Install a PerlTransHandler that sets the URI to / or whatever
 Sean you want to have your PerlHandler work with.  Have the transhandler return
 Sean DECLINED if $r-uri =~ m:^/images/:o;
 Sean 2)  Install a PerlHandler that builds the response for the web.
 Or a variation of that, that I like... set up a TransHandler like this:
 sub handler { # PerlTransHandler
   return DECLINED unless $r-uri eq "/";
   $r-push_handlers( PerlHandler = sub {
 ... your code goes here
   return OK;
 No need to mess with $r-uri, which will be very confusing if there's
 an error.
 Sean The advantage to doing it this way is:
 Sean a)  this was what apache was designed for (multiple phases)
 Sean b)  allows other handlers to kick in before you build the response
 Sean (such as mod_access)

Re: problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 "Randal" == Randal L Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Randal Or a variation of that, that I like... set up a TransHandler like this:

Randal sub handler { # PerlTransHandler
Randal   return DECLINED unless $r-uri eq "/";
Randal   $r-set_handler("perl-script");

That should have been -handler, not -set_handler.  Durn failing memory. :)

Randal   $r-push_handlers( PerlHandler = sub {
Randal ... your code goes here
Randal   }
Randal   return OK;

And this needs Apache::Constants qw(OK DECLINED);

Randal }

And I thought it would be obvious that I build my server with
Makefile.PL's "EVERYTHING=1" option by now, but yes, that's a prereq.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: Embperl + Apache::Session

2000-01-12 Thread Cliff Rayman

i am using embperl with cookies.
i also have this set in httpd.conf

PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_COOKIE_EXPIRES 'Friday, 31-Dec-2010 14:00:00 GMT'

how are you checking to make sure cookies are sent?
either telnet directly to the port and do a get

telnet 80
GET /path/to/page/with/embperl HTTP/1.0

that is two returns above,

or better

lwp-request -e '|less

You should see a SET-COOKIE header.

cliff rayman

Andre Landwehr wrote:

 I am trying to use sessionmanagement via Apache::Session together
 with HTML::Embperl. As I understand from  the documentation I
 just need to configure a storing and a locking mechanism in
 httpd.conf to do so. After that I should be able to use the %udat
 hash to store session related data, HTML::Embperl::Session is
 supposed to do everything from creating a unique session-id to
 storing it in a cookie or retrieving that cookie again
 Unfortunately setting the cookie does not work for me. When I use
 %udat for the first time a session-id is created (which I checked
 with a simple "print %udat;"), but the cookie is not sent (and:
 yes, my Netscape is cookie-enabled...). This is the embperl
 related stuff from my httpd.conf:

 AddType text/html .epl
 SetEnv EMBPERL_VIRTLOG /perldebug
 # optRawInput + optRedirectStdout

 # Session management
 PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES "MemoryStore NullLocker"
 PerlModule HTML::Embperl

 Location /perldebug
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
 Options ExecCGI
 Files *.epl
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
 Options ExecCGI

 I use the following versions:

 I would be happy if someone could help me with that since I have tried
 for two days everytime with the same result, which gets quite
 depressing by now ;-)

 Btw: To my mind Embperl is really great! I ported a site from PHP to
 Embperl recently and gained about 80% speed with that, due to
 faster database access

 Take care,

Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: perl -V ??

2000-01-12 Thread darren chamberlain

the easiest way to tell if you have a module installed is 

$ perl -MModule::Name

if you have the module perl will load it and wait (ctrl-d to exit), and if
you don't it will choke.

requires in eval { } 's is good for code that will be distributed and needs
to do different things based on what's available, but for just testing it's
huge overkill.


Dave Reinhardt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 perl -V got me the following, BUT how do I tell if Perl modules: Digest::MD5, 
Crypt::DES, Crypt::CBC
 are installed?
 # perl -V
 Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 2) configuration:
 osname=freebsd, osvers=3.0-19980804-snap, archname=i386-freebsd
 uname='freebsd 3.0-19980804-snap freebsd 3.0-19980804-snap #13: 
thu oct 1 21:06:05 edt 1998 admin@:usrsrcsyscompilepowerbsd i386 '
 hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
 usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
 cc='cc', optimize='-O', gccversion=
 ccflags ='-I/usr/local/include'
 stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=true
 intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
 alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
   Linker and Libraries:
 ld='ld', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
 libpth=/usr/lib/aout /usr/local/lib /usr/lib
 libs=-lm -lc -lcrypt
 libc=/usr/lib/aout/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
   Dynamic Linking:
 dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
 cccdlflags='-DPIC -fpic', lddlflags='-Bshareable -L/usr/local/lib'
 Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
   Built under freebsd
   Compiled at Oct  8 1998 12:38:21

Wise people think all they say; fools say all they think.

Embperl Emergency..

2000-01-12 Thread Chris


I have just upgraded to Embperl 1.2.1 and I seem to have stuffed my web

The problem seems to be that I have some perl subroutines that write
directly to STDOUT...
print EOF

This is probably the wrong thing to do, but it used to work fine.
Anyway, I've now tried $optRedirectStdout. That's an improvement but it
quotes everything
which is not what I want. I've tried $optDisableHtmlScan but that
doesn't help either.

I've tried printing to OUT, but the routines are in another perl module
and it can't find OUT for some reason (I'm not a perl guru). I've tried
passing OUT to the routines as a parameter but I can't figure the syntax
or something because it doesn't work for me (using the \*OUT or *OUT{IO}

Help! Need to get this server back on line.

Chris Bitmead

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas

don Wang wrote:
 Joshua, (and all)
 Thanks very much for your reply. Following your suggestions, I have tried
 again this morning, to no avail.
 I am sure I missed something obvious here. although serveral people have
 mentioned compiling mod_perl STATICALLY with Apache, I have not found clear
 instructions on EXACTLY how to do it. Following the 10-step instruction at, still several problem came up.

If you avoid doing ...

The DSO mechanism is provided by Apache's mod_so.c which needs to be compiled
 into the httpd program. This is automatically done when DSO is enabled for module
 mod_xxx via configure --enable-module=xxx or by explicitly adding mod_so via 

you will get a static build.  You need to make install mod_perl, before
you make test mod_perl.  After make test works, then copy your new httpd
to your final home /usr/local/apache/...

Once you have the new server copied over it should have the mod_perl
tag in the header too.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Embperl emergency

2000-01-12 Thread Chris


I've just upgraded to Embperl 1.2.1 and I've stuffed my webserver. It
appears the problem is that I've been writing code like this..
print EOF

This used to work, but I guess it's wrong. I've tried $optRedirectStdout
but it quotes everything...
lt;HTMLgt; which is not what I want.
I've tried $optDisableHtmlScan, but that doesn't seem to help in this

The code in question is in another perl module that doesn't seem to have
access to OUT, so I can't print to that. I've tried passing OUT as a
parameter to the subroutine (\*OUT or *OUT{IO}) but I can't seem to get
the syntax right or something because it just complains that $OUT is

Can someone help get my webserver back on line!?


Chris Bitmead

Re: Embperl emergency

2000-01-12 Thread Sean Chittenden

print qq(Using qq() works remarkably well and preserves newlines,
tabs, etc.  Here docs are... legacy, in my mind and are less friendly to
editors (such as emacs).  See if moving to qq() solves your problems, if
not, then ... I dunno.);

This is more along the lines of a PS than anything else, but it
works for all interpolated envs in perl.  Ex:

print qq(the result of 1 + 1 = @{[1 + 1]}\n);

Inline code evaluation w/in a string...  combine this w/ the
ternery operator ((EXPR) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE)) and you've got a pretty
inline scripting tool that's not emb perl.  The only gotcha is that you
can't have multiple statements (ex:  @{[ EXPR; EXPR2; EXPR3 ]}).  That
should turn up an error.  Anyway, fyi.


Sean Chittenden  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My CODE of ETHICS is vacationing at famed SCHROON LAKE in upstate New

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Chris wrote:

 Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 07:55:36 +1100
 Subject: Embperl emergency
 I've just upgraded to Embperl 1.2.1 and I've stuffed my webserver. It
 appears the problem is that I've been writing code like this..
 print EOF
 This used to work, but I guess it's wrong. I've tried $optRedirectStdout
 but it quotes everything...
 lt;HTMLgt; which is not what I want.
 I've tried $optDisableHtmlScan, but that doesn't seem to help in this
 The code in question is in another perl module that doesn't seem to have
 access to OUT, so I can't print to that. I've tried passing OUT as a
 parameter to the subroutine (\*OUT or *OUT{IO}) but I can't seem to get
 the syntax right or something because it just complains that $OUT is
 Can someone help get my webserver back on line!?
 Chris Bitmead

Apache 1.3.9 + mod_perl 1.21 + Solaris 2.7 dumps core

2000-01-12 Thread Alan Burlison

$ httpd -X
Segmentation Fault(coredump)

I thought this was the old 'apache  modperl use a different malloc'
problem, so I recompiled Perl with -Uusemymalloc, along with all the
other installed modules.  No joy - it still core dumps.  Here's the
stack trace:
(/package/SC5.0/bin/../WS5.0/bin/sparcv9/dbx) where
=[1] boot_Data__Dumper(0x4, 0xfef582a0, 0xfef62f54, 0x285814,
0xff0e7734, 0xfeff52f4), at 0xfefe4e0c
  [2] Perl_pp_entersub(0xfef62f1c, 0xfef582a0, 0xfef67734, 0x2857a8,
0x7, 0x33f170), at 0xfeef4dd4
  [3] Perl_runops_standard(0xfef582a0, 0xfef676f8, 0x265a20, 0xfef62f10,
0xe6, 0xfef676f8), at 0xfeeeccb0
  [4] perl_eval_sv(0xfef676f8, 0x0, 0xfef67200, 0x2, 0x2bc12c,
0xff1bdbc4), at 0xfeea33ac
  [5] perl_require_module(0x93eb0, 0x0, 0xff17597c, 0x0, 0xffbefdcc,
0x10), at 0xff13d754
  [6] perl_cmd_module(0x93d20, 0x93db8, 0x93eb0, 0xff17597c, 0xffbefb04,
0xa), at 0xff1377a4
  [7] invoke_cmd(0xff177e64, 0xffbefb04, 0x93db8, 0xffbedaab,
0xffbefb04, 0xff177e64), at 0x32790
  [8] ap_handle_command(0x6f810, 0xff177e64, 0xffbedaa0, 0x258390, 0x0,
0x93200), at 0x32b7c
  [9] ap_srm_command_loop(0x2000, 0x93200, 0x93200, 0xffbefb04,
0x2f687474, 0x2f616363), at 0x32c50
  [10] ap_process_resource_config(0x93b10, 0x893c4, 0x92640, 0x258250,
0x92668, 0x92640), at 0x32fd8
  [11] ap_read_config(0x92640, 0x258250, 0x893c4, 0x8dab8, 0x0,
0x92640), at 0x337cc
  [12] standalone_main(0x8dc00, 0x8d800, 0x8dabc, 0x260b8c, 0xb400,
0x8), at 0x3c69c
  [13] main(0x8d800, 0x8dc00, 0x2, 0x86800, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x3d05c

i.e. in the XS startup code for Data::Dumper (which *is* built with
system malloc).
Any clues or cuggestions, anyone?  Here's the rest of my config
My config:

Apache 1.3.9
mod_perl 1.21
Solaris 2.7

$ cat makepl_args.modperl

$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.7, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos fubar 5.7 generic_106541-08 sun4u sparc sunw,ultra-30 '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-xO2', gccversion=
ccflags ='-I/usr/local/include'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=true,
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='  -R
cccdlflags='-KPIC', lddlflags='-G -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Jan 12 2000 11:44:51


Alan Burlison

alarm() in Apache::Registry

2000-01-12 Thread John M Vinopal

Does anyone have experience using an alarm() call under Apache::Registry?
Should I set alarm(0) as my script "exits" or is it ok to leave it set?
I'm using it to cap runaway scripts.


Embperl emergency...

2000-01-12 Thread Chris Bitmead

Sorry if you got my previous mail a few times. I successfully subscribed
to modperl (including auth) and then... nothing. Not sure what's
happening there, but I'm subscribed now under a different email. Should
be ok now. (cross fingers).

The $escmode thing doesn't seem to work for me. In my srm.conf I have
optRedirectStdout set. My embperl code looks a bit like this...

[- use foo; -]
[- $escmode = 1; -]
[- foo-bar() -]

And inside

bar() {
print EOF

I've used $escmode before inside regular embperl successfully, but it
doesn't seem to be doing for me in this case. I also tried the full name
of escmode (HTML::escmode or whatever it is Gerald suggested. Don't have
it in front of me now).

I was using 1.2.0b5 I believe, and it all seemed to work. Now the html
comes out before the http headers unless I set optRedirectStdout.

Re: problems with module at root of web site

2000-01-12 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sean Chittenden wrote:
 Mind if I ask a nit-pick of a performance question?  Currently
 speed and performance are of upmost importance (I'm currently involved in
 a mod_perl vs JServ development race).

If you're on Linux, I can tell you right now that mod_perl is
significantly faster than the fastest servlet runner
( with the fastest JVM (IBM 1.1.8 final
release).  If you're on Solaris, all bets are off.  I suspect you should
be able to clobber JServ in the performance department on any platform

- Perrin

Re: alarm() in Apache::Registry

2000-01-12 Thread Stas Bekman

 Does anyone have experience using an alarm() call under Apache::Registry?

 Should I set alarm(0) as my script "exits" or is it ok to leave it set?
 I'm using it to cap runaway scripts.

(It's not on CPAN yet)

Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas


Don't do that Location /ASP/ thing yet... let the .htaccess
in site/eg override things.  The PerlSerVar won't work because
its PerlSetVar.  The black thing is probably a bug that came 
up recently, set DynamicIncludes to 1 in the .htaccess file, 
and the page should be white.  That you are seeing links 
means Apache::ASP is working !!

Read up on how to config the site/eg scripts at:

If you read about the Location tag, you have gone too far.

Congrats on a successful mod_perl install!  It will be well
worth it I assure you.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

don Wang wrote:
 Thanks again for your tips.
 After a complete installation of perl, mod_perl, and Apache (details below), I am 
ALMOST there
 ... :
 after starting apache/1.3.9 (mod_perl/1.21), I can see a BLACK page with many links 
in some
 kind of not quite orderly table layout (rather than plain script as of yesterday). 
It seems
 that asp is there, yet not quite, since the looks on many other pages are wrong and 
there is no
 asp functionality.
 As for configuration, I have the following in the httpd.conf file:
 Directory /
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride All
 Location /ASP/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
 # PerlSerVar Global /tmp
 for now, the httpd directory is located at: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ with Joshua's 
 files at eg directory under htdocs.
 I have to comment out PerlSetVar, otherwise, httpd won't start and error msg says 
 command PerlSetVar, perhaps mispelled or module not supported".
 So, questions are:
 Is my mod_perl and asp really working? how can I tell?
 why can't I use PerlSetVar?
 what's implication of the skipped test when I install mod_perl? Are they needed?
 --here's what I did: --
 After reading somewhere about possible broken perl from RedHat package, I 
reinstalled a fresh
 Perl_5.00503 (also have to include six other modules, including libwww, mime-base64, 
 in, a few tests (request, perlrunrx, cookie, and module) were skipped and 
one failed
 (sandwich) after I did "install Bundle::Apache".
 I then went ahead and installed mod_perl with (perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 
 make install, make test). It again reported a few failed tests as above.
 I went on to install Apache, and and this time, it seemed to worked, 
although mod_perl
 could still be faulty, since I don't quite know how to test it yet.
 Oh, one more thing: silly but I definetely overlooked, and if not for someone else 
email post,
 I would never know: I have to find where the newly compiled httpd program is upon 
 and installtion, and remember to use the new one rather than the old one as defined 
by default
 Joshua Chamas wrote:
  don Wang wrote:
   Joshua, (and all)
   Thanks very much for your reply. Following your suggestions, I have tried
   again this morning, to no avail.
   I am sure I missed something obvious here. although serveral people have
   mentioned compiling mod_perl STATICALLY with Apache, I have not found clear
   instructions on EXACTLY how to do it. Following the 10-step instruction at, still several problem came up.
  If you avoid doing ...
  The DSO mechanism is provided by Apache's mod_so.c which needs to be compiled
   into the httpd program. This is automatically done when DSO is enabled for 
   mod_xxx via configure --enable-module=xxx or by explicitly adding mod_so via 
  you will get a static build.  You need to make install mod_perl, before
  you make test mod_perl.  After make test works, then copy your new httpd
  to your final home /usr/local/apache/...
  Once you have the new server copied over it should have the mod_perl
  tag in the header too.
  -- Joshua
  Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
  NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA
 Unified Access Communications, Inc.
 200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
 Boston, MA 02111
 phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
 fax:  (617) 695-0984