Re: advice/techniques: script control over page transitions

2000-04-07 Thread Gunther Birznieks

"Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:

 On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, BT wrote:

  I've generally created a cgi script per page.  Is that a mistake?
  (I embed the perl in my html so I can edit pages with an html editor)
  I need a better technique for invoking traversals to other pages.
  Right now all I can do is a redirect (internal or external).
  How do you organize things so that from within a script you can either
  display the associated page or invoke any other page/script instead?
  - just do redirects?
  - put all page generation in subroutines in one big .pm?
  - something else (I hope)?
  Example:  My main "home" page has links to "login" and "register"
  scripts/pages, both of which eventually lead to a "user" page.
  With no parameters the login script displays an empty login form.
  Called with get/post parameters it processes the form data;
  on failure it redisplays the login form with a warning,
  on success it should take you to the "user" page (my problem).
  How would YOU organize this?

 The way I accomplish this is to divorce the HTML display code from the
 application logic as much as possible.  On the web, once you've started
 your output, you must complete it.  In order to be able to jump to some
 other functionality, you must not start your output until the last
 moment.  Thus it is not good to have markup and code mixed together.

I agree with this statement completely.

 Suppose you have an application that has a login page, one page with a
 form, and one page that is used to report general errors.  Your handler
 might call an authentication method.  Based on the return value, the
 handler will call either the login method or the method that spits out the
 form.  Either of those methods might return an error, so the handler
 checks the return value and invokes the error handler if necessary.  In
 any case, the various methods do not actually send anything over the wire,
 they simply stash the output away in the request record's notes table.
 The handler is responsible for setting up the response when everything has

 You can see that this design is pretty obvious.  The handler is
 orchestrating a basic flow of events, and the methods that it invokes are
 free to invoke any other method if they wish.  This allows you to
 essentially do an internal redirect without the redirect part :)

 That's how I do it, for better or worse.

That is reasonable. In fact, you are not the only one who thinks this way.

For those of you out there who are cross-language developers, Java servlets
provides a similar mechanism.

Servlets can dispatch to other servlets within the same web server-- basically
allowing java data structures to be shared amongst servlets (ie handlers) that
can sandwich each other. Furthermore, the end result can easily dispatch to
JSPs. Thus, you can have a servlet that controls the logical flow through the
program and dispatches to the JSP handler for a particular JSP page.  Thus,
your web designers can still use their DreamWeaver's and FrontPage's whilst
you can focus on creating the logic in the core language.

I am not saying this to promote Java, but rather to provide evidence that
there are others that think the way you do even in the other language


Re: NT/IIS/PerlEx vs (MS)-ASP : stupid benckmark

2000-04-07 Thread Valter Mazzola

From: Gunther Birznieks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: NT/IIS/PerlEx vs ASP : stupid benckmark
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 22:03:12 -0400

It may be a "stupid" benchmark. But no one seems to have commented on the 
rates. Why was PerlEx 100% and PerlScript 45% on the same machine,'s M$-ASP not PerlScript


ActiveState Perl (presumable), same CPU config. And yet took the same 
amount of
time to complete.

I find that interesting. I suspect that it is a trick with how the OS views 
time (eg user time vs system calls vs IO wait) in the two architectures, 
but it
would be interesting to know why this is. Especially if mod_perl ends up
adopting a similar round robining of Perl interpreters among apache threads
later on down the line (becoming more similar to PerlEx architecture).


Nicolas MONNET wrote:

  On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Valter Mazzola wrote:
  |i've made a stupid unscientific benckmark:
  |the program loops 100 and print a series of "a ", PerlEx takes the 
  |time as ASP (same NT machine) , BUT processor goes 100% with PerlEx, 
  |with ASP.
  |Can someone benchmark mod_perl under Win32, using the same stupid 
program ?
  I don't mean to be rude, but this is one stupid benchmark! Basically
  useless for that matter. You're not going to demonstrate anything with
  Now a good question is: what would be a good benchmark?
  What about doing some real life stuff, like get big results from a
  database, and calculate something over them, and print the (big?) result
  (Now this is not flamebait, I'm really wondering: why run mod_perl apps 
  WinNT? )

Get Your Private, Free Email at

PerlTransHandler and Files ~ .. sort of mapping

2000-04-07 Thread raptor


I was wondering how to map PerlTransHandler only for certain type of files.
( I'm doing URI rewriting not URI-filename translation ?!!)

Something like :
 Files ~ "xml$"
   PerlTransHandler  Apache::MyHandler

Yes I know this is wrong...can this be done in some other way ?



2000-04-07 Thread Nicolas MONNET

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Mark Imbriaco wrote:

|That opens up a nasty Denial of Service attack though.  All I have to do
|is try to log into the "gunther" account three times in rapid succession
|with a bogus password, and WHAM, the real Gunther is locked out.  Granted, 
|it's possible to work around this, but the best way is probably going to
|be cookie based like Vivek suggested.

Obviously, you want to count attempts PER IP addresses. 


2000-04-07 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Imbriaco) wrote:

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Is it possible that a special auth handler could be written that
 stores the number of bad authorizations for a userid and the last
 time of the hit in a DBM file for quick lookup? Then, configure an
 environment or server variable if the auth  screwed up more than 3
 times within the last hour (or some other prespecified time)?
 Although HTTP is stateless, the username would at least tend to
 remain constant in most cases of hacking or user problems I would

That opens up a nasty Denial of Service attack though.  All I have to
do is try to log into the "gunther" account three times in rapid
succession with a bogus password, and WHAM, the real Gunther is locked
out.  Granted, it's possible to work around this, but the best way is
probably going to be cookie based like Vivek suggested.

I should point out that if someone feels the need to use a 3-strikes system,
then cookies are inherently a bad decision unless you get really fancy. 
3-strikes means you don't trust the user and you're trying to prevent attacks
where lots of passwords are tried.  And if the user isn't trusted, then you
shouldn't trust the user to send a nice little cookie back every time he/she
tries to log in.  It's quite easy to write a LWP script or whatever that tries
to log in using lots of passwords without sending cookies, or that sends bogus

One could circumvent this by requiring a cookie (even for the first attempt),
and never sending the same cookie out of your server more than once.  Which
means you'd need some kind of counter or something, which means you're using a
database, which means you might as well just use the simple database scheme as
originally suggested.

It's also difficult to implement a lockout time with cookies, because the user
could just quit the browser  relaunch to clear cookies.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity


2000-04-07 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) wrote:

I should point out that if someone feels the need to use a 3-strikes system,
then cookies are inherently a bad decision unless you get really fancy. 

And I should amend my statement to say that cookies can be a good idea in this
case (and lots of others), but are only secure when combined with server-side

RE: PerlTransHandler and Files ~ .. sort of mapping

2000-04-07 Thread Eric Cholet

 I was wondering how to map PerlTransHandler only for certain type of files.
 ( I'm doing URI rewriting not URI-filename translation ?!!)
 Something like :
  Files ~ "xml$"
PerlTransHandler  Apache::MyHandler
 Yes I know this is wrong...can this be done in some other way ?

Yes, it's wrong because the job of the translation phase is precisely to
translate from url to file, therefore it cannot operate on files!

PerlTransHandler Apache::MyHandler
sub handler
  my $r = shift;
  return DECLINED unless $r-uri =~ /\.xml$/;


2000-04-07 Thread Mark Imbriaco

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Yeah, but this is the same with any X strikes solution on any other
 platform. It's a tradeoff. One would assume that if a DoS were being
 played, that other information would be gathered about the person doing a
 According to that theory, one would also assume securID cards are not safe
 from DoS because they lock out after a certain number of tried attempts.
 While it is true that it may be a DoS, there are situations where there
 are quite a few people using securID cards with this config because they
 feel they would rather be locked out and know that someone was doing
 something funny than to let a hacker do whatever they want.
And they're not safe from DoS, so the theory is correct! :-)  I'm not
saying that it's not a tradeoff that one might want to meke, I just
thought it would be worthwile to mention that there are some drawbacks to
this approach.
 In addition, a lock out isn't the only logic you could implement in an X
 strikes scenario. You could also consider simply notifying a sysadmin with
 a pager so they can logon and start tracking if someone is hacking the
 system. A sort of Intrusion Detection System if you will.
Exactly right.  It would even be possible to put in some more advanced
logic there to setup thresholds for notifying the sysadmin, and perhaps
sending the user instructions for reactivating their account without
sysadmin intervention.  The door is wide open -- again, I just wanted to
make sure that the person asking the question understood that there are
drawbacks to the approach.
 I guess it depends on what this guy wants to do. The primary point of my
 message was to ask if it is possible to do what I stated as a workaround
 to the stateless HTTP problem that Vivek wrote (rather than being a
 discourse on whether it is truly the most secure solution for the

In that case, sure it's possible.  And fairly trivial to implement at
that.  I am not trying to start an argument of any kind, and I'm pretty
sure that my first messages wasn't inflammatory, though it appears that
you may have taken it that way.



2000-04-07 Thread Nicolas MONNET

Ahem, now if we have to take AOL users into account ... j/k.

Actually, I don't see how cookies could be implemented; if the attacker
rejects cookies, how are you going to do it? ... 

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Mark Imbriaco wrote:

|What about folks who are behind proxies?  (ie: AOL) It is not all that far
|fetched to consider that an attacker and a legitimate user could both be
|coming from AOL -- neiter is it farfetched to consider that they may be
|assigned the same proxy server on the AOL network.
|There ARE workarounds to the issue, my point was simply that Vivek's
|cookie idea is probably the best of the (admittedly numerous) bunch.


2000-04-07 Thread Gunther Birznieks

Also, some legitimate people turn off cookies. In addition, weird browsers
(especially PDAs with limited memory) tend not to implement cookies. So those
are considerations for locking out users that may be legitimate.

However, I would rather think that the cookies would be an advisory security
mechanism used in conjunction with the 3 strikes. Not something that a user has
to use in this case, but something that helps make sure some yahoo with a
browser doesn't do the DoS attack along with the 3 strikes.

Cookies are, of course, spoofable so that then becomes something that you would
have to watch out for from a serious hacker. I guess at that point it's just a
matter of tradeoffs again...

Nicolas MONNET wrote:

 Ahem, now if we have to take AOL users into account ... j/k.

 Actually, I don't see how cookies could be implemented; if the attacker
 rejects cookies, how are you going to do it? ...

 On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Mark Imbriaco wrote:

 |What about folks who are behind proxies?  (ie: AOL) It is not all that far
 |fetched to consider that an attacker and a legitimate user could both be
 |coming from AOL -- neiter is it farfetched to consider that they may be
 |assigned the same proxy server on the AOL network.
 |There ARE workarounds to the issue, my point was simply that Vivek's
 |cookie idea is probably the best of the (admittedly numerous) bunch.

Re: Another Error in Apache::ASP and Perl 5.6.0

2000-04-07 Thread Yu Di

Hi, I also changed Perl to 5.005_03, and this problem still exists, so I
think it is the problem between Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.22, and DBI or
DBD::mysql. More likely, I think it is with DBI, because if I put
"PerlModule Apache::DBI" in my httpd.conf, this error will also occur if I
visit an ASP file(this was found with Perl 5.6, not tested with Perl
5.005_03). I am running the programs on Linux 2.2.12-20(Redhat 6.1), The C
compiler for Perl Modules and all these systems is the default one in
Redhat 6.1, I think egcs 2.91-66.

Di, Yu

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

 Sounds like an odd conflict between 5.6, mod_perl and
 DBI or DBD::mysql.  Anyone know how to work through 
 these issues?  This is likely platform dependent, so 
 will need relevant advice, what O/S are you running again?
 Yu Di wrote:
  Hi, I have isolated the problem, but it just made me more puzzled. The
  problem is not in that file itself, but in "homepage.htm" which is also an
  ASP file, in which I tried to open a MySQL connection. When I call
  it will generate the segmentation fault. But the same statement will
  execute just well if put into a standalone Perl program, so I am really
  puzzled by what's going on here.
  Di, Yu
  On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
   Yu Di wrote:
This program has been tested under Perl5.005_03, Apache 1.3.11, mod_perl
1.21 on another machine. my.conf is a configuration file for this program.
Lynx will report "Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection
aborted." while I try to connect to it, and the server error log will show
a "[Tue Apr  4 16:36:22 2000] [notice] child pid 964 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)".
I have changed as I wrote last time, for if I did not do so, I will
get other error messages.
So is it that Apache::ASP is currently not compatible with Perl 5.6?
   Nothing in your program seemed particularly odd, and
   I have not tested Apache::ASP under 5.6, nor may I for
   a while.  Because Apache::ASP uses so many modules to
   do its job, it may be tough to track this down, but
   I suspect an interaction with MLDBM  SDBM_File is
   at work here because you have so much $Application-{Config}
   writing going on.
   Can you print out in different parts of your program and
   isolate the line that causes the segfault?
   Joshua Chamas Chamas Enterprises Inc.
   NodeWorks  free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 "Rusty" == Rusty Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rusty NameVirtualHost  # IP of

Rusty # Redirect all hostless requests to www VHost
Rusty VirtualHost
Rusty ServerName
Rusty Redirect permanent /
Rusty /VirtualHost

Rusty # Proper URI for
Rusty VirtualHost
Rusty   ServerName
Rusty   ...etc...
Rusty /VirtualHost

Rusty This way, people who come in to get redirected
Rusty right off the bat, and so far this seems to have solved the problem.

Except that this requires HTTP/1.1.  Anyone that doesn't send the
"host:" header goes into a permanent redirect loop.  So the "problems"
you're not seeing are probably from the people out there that can't
get to your site to report the problems. :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 "Drew" == Drew Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Drew The dual VirtualHost configuration is exactly the solution I will take! It
Drew will also apply it to the main domain as well -, .org, and
Drew .net. That will solve my problem, as well as any future ones, and I can
Drew just be done with this stupid cookie problem! You just made my night better
Drew (and my morning too)!

But please see my followup before you implement it.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: [OT][General Programming] Key Generator sub

2000-04-07 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 "Christopher" == Christopher Taranto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Christopher Well, this is my personal hack to generate an id based on
Christopher some code by Randal Schwartz.

Uh, what part of it was based on my code?  I didn't recognize
*anything* there, especially not the "map in a void context". :) Or
maybe there's some other "Randal Schwartz" you copied from.  "Wasn't me!"

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!


2000-04-07 Thread Vivek Khera

 "NM" == Nicolas MONNET [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NM |it's possible to work around this, but the best way is probably going to
NM |be cookie based like Vivek suggested.

NM Obviously, you want to count attempts PER IP addresses. 

You don't deal much with AOL or MSN proxies do ya?   Millions of
users, a handful of IPs, and they can change from one request to the

Re: ANNOUNCE: IPO::Shareable [Re: may be an off topic question..]

2000-04-07 Thread darren chamberlain

   use IPO::Shareable qw(:NYSE);
   my $ipo = IPO::Shareable-new($company);
   hype $ipo; # dangerous indirect syntax!
   my $shares = $ipo-invest($LITTLE);
   $ipo-inflate($HUGE); # Note that HUGE is not really a constant
   $ipo-sell($shares); # may need to use Time::HiRes to be fast enough 
   while ($on_way_to_bank) {

if you're really looking to make this code work well, you'll need to add
another call:


right after you instantiate the ipo.


Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Drew Taylor


Thanks for the tip. So my question is: what is the best solution? I want
to redirect to 
Should I take out the permanent in the Redirect directive? Should the
www entry come first? Do I need to get another IP address? 

Or do you know what bit of cookie magic I need to get the cookies to
stick to I have implemented it for now anyway. Once I
figure something else out or start getting complaints I'll change it.

"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:
  "Rusty" == Rusty Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rusty NameVirtualHost  # IP of
 Rusty # Redirect all hostless requests to www VHost
 Rusty VirtualHost
 Rusty ServerName
 Rusty Redirect permanent /
 Rusty /VirtualHost
 Rusty # Proper URI for
 Rusty VirtualHost
 Rusty   ServerName
 Rusty   ...etc...
 Rusty /VirtualHost
 Rusty This way, people who come in to get redirected
 Rusty right off the bat, and so far this seems to have solved the problem.
 Except that this requires HTTP/1.1.  Anyone that doesn't send the
 "host:" header goes into a permanent redirect loop.  So the "problems"
 you're not seeing are probably from the people out there that can't
 get to your site to report the problems. :)

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Ken Y. Clark

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

 Thanks for the tip. So my question is: what is the best solution? I want
 to redirect to 
 Should I take out the permanent in the Redirect directive? Should the
 www entry come first? Do I need to get another IP address? 

i'm just learning about the beautiful magic of the RewriteEngine.  could
this be a good solution for you?  in order to make sure cookies always
work properly on which is aliased as, we use the following RewriteRule:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   !^mp3\.boston\.com   [NC]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,R]

this ensures that every request gets fixed as "" no matter
how it comes to us.  i think this is what you want.

see here for more documentation:


best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Sam Carleton

I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
run traceroute from within a perl script?


Re: [OT][General Programming] Key Generator sub

2000-04-07 Thread Martin A. Langhoff

I think I'll follow this path. You mean turn the string into a number using
the chr value?

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 The easiest way to do a crypt with plain vanilla 4 funtion math is to turn
 the string into a number, then divide the number by a large prime number.
 Then take the decimal part of the answer, and truncate to the desired


-- --
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.
-- --
- Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
  -  | God is real until  -
  - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

Re: best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Steven Champeon

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
 I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
 script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
 there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
 run traceroute from within a perl script?

I'm getting ready to port an old and somewhat clunky traceroute CGI script
to mod_perl, mostly to avoid the horrid 'nph-' construction. If you'd like
I can make the source available.


tired of being an underappreciated functionary in a soulless machine? is hiring:

Re: best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Sam Carleton

Steven Champeon wrote:

 On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
  I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
  script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
  there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
  run traceroute from within a perl script?

 I'm getting ready to port an old and somewhat clunky traceroute CGI script
 to mod_perl, mostly to avoid the horrid 'nph-' construction. If you'd like
 I can make the source available.

That would be great!  Any idea when it will be ready?



2000-04-07 Thread Eric L. Brine

Why not track IP instead of user name in failed attempts? e.g. Lock out IP for an hour if it makes 6 successive bad attempts?

I realize the attacker could change his IP, but that takes time.

I realize that two people can share an IP (e.g. proxy users), it opens for
the possibility of locking out a legitmiate user by an attacker (DoS) if
they are on the same proxy, but that might be acceptable. I also set the
count a bit higher ('6' instead of '3') to compensate for multiple users
trying to login from the same proxy.

Of course, adding a "sleep(5)" before returning a message saying the
attack failed would help too.


Eric L. Brine  |  Chicken: The egg's way of making more eggs.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do you always hit the nail on the thumb?
ICQ# 4629314   |  An optimist thinks thorn bushes have roses.

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Jim Winstead

On Apr 07, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
 I think this also suffers from placing the burden on the client.  The
 [R] there with an external rewrite means that the client will get
 redirected if it doesn't tell you the right "Host:" header.  But
 HTTP/1.0 and older browsers (and some spiders) will NOT tell you that
 header, so you get in an infinite loop.
 The solution is that you must allow for an unspoken "Host:" header to
 fall through to a generic v-host.

An important point is that although "Host:" wasn't required until
HTTP/1.1, all of the common browsers have sent it with 1.0 requests
for some time. This includes Netscape since version 2.0 and Internet
Explorer since 3.0. Most browsers released since 1996 have sent
it. I strongly suspect that all of the reputable search engine
spiders send it as well.

(That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful and structure it so
that you don't send Host-less requests into a redirect loop, I just
want to make sure people know the situation isn't quite as dire as
Randal may have made it sound. There are a large number of people
relying on browsers sending the Host header to great effect.)


Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jim Winstead wrote:
 An important point is that although "Host:" wasn't required until
 HTTP/1.1, all of the common browsers have sent it with 1.0 requests
 for some time.

Yes, but I've had problems with corporate proxy servers that don't send
- Perrin

Re: Another Error in Apache::ASP and Perl 5.6.0

2000-04-07 Thread Joshua Chamas

I would recompile all of your perl from scratch, as
well as modperl  apache.   The RedHat guys are notorious
for building perls and modperl that don't work sometimes.


Yu Di wrote:
 Hi, I also changed Perl to 5.005_03, and this problem still exists, so I
 think it is the problem between Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.22, and DBI or
 DBD::mysql. More likely, I think it is with DBI, because if I put
 "PerlModule Apache::DBI" in my httpd.conf, this error will also occur if I
 visit an ASP file(this was found with Perl 5.6, not tested with Perl
 5.005_03). I am running the programs on Linux 2.2.12-20(Redhat 6.1), The C
 compiler for Perl Modules and all these systems is the default one in
 Redhat 6.1, I think egcs 2.91-66.
 Di, Yu
 On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
  Sounds like an odd conflict between 5.6, mod_perl and
  DBI or DBD::mysql.  Anyone know how to work through
  these issues?  This is likely platform dependent, so
  will need relevant advice, what O/S are you running again?
  Yu Di wrote:
   Hi, I have isolated the problem, but it just made me more puzzled. The
   problem is not in that file itself, but in "homepage.htm" which is also an
   ASP file, in which I tried to open a MySQL connection. When I call
   it will generate the segmentation fault. But the same statement will
   execute just well if put into a standalone Perl program, so I am really
   puzzled by what's going on here.
   Di, Yu
   On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
Yu Di wrote:

 This program has been tested under Perl5.005_03, Apache 1.3.11, mod_perl
 1.21 on another machine. my.conf is a configuration file for this program.

 Lynx will report "Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection
 aborted." while I try to connect to it, and the server error log will show
 a "[Tue Apr  4 16:36:22 2000] [notice] child pid 964 exit signal
 Segmentation fault (11)".

 I have changed as I wrote last time, for if I did not do so, I will
 get other error messages.

 So is it that Apache::ASP is currently not compatible with Perl 5.6?

Nothing in your program seemed particularly odd, and
I have not tested Apache::ASP under 5.6, nor may I for
a while.  Because Apache::ASP uses so many modules to
do its job, it may be tough to track this down, but
I suspect an interaction with MLDBM  SDBM_File is
at work here because you have so much $Application-{Config}
writing going on.
Can you print out in different parts of your program and
isolate the line that causes the segfault?
Joshua Chamas Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Rusty Foster

Oops. Meant to send this to the list. :-)

Bill Moseley wrote:
 At 07:29 PM 04/06/00 -0400, Rusty Foster wrote:
 What I ended up doing was targeting cookies at a host (i.e., and setting up VirtualHost sections as
 NameVirtualHost  # IP of
 # Redirect all hostless requests to www VHost
 Redirect permanent /
 # Proper URI for
 Why not reverse the order of these virtual host sections so people without
 a Host: host go to the virtual host?  Their URL will read
 wrong, but not much you can do about that.

That's how it was originally, and they went to the right VHost, *BUT*
you recall that the original problem was cookies. I had to target my
cookies to '', because there are other virtual hosts in
the same domain that get a different cookie with the same name. They
need to be distinguished by hostname, and the browser won't send a
cookie targeted at '' to ''. Hence, the URL
has to read right, for everything to work.


 Bill Moseley

|  Rusty Foster   | "You can never entirely stop being what   |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]| you once were. That's why it's important  |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | to be the right person today, and not put |
| | it off till tomorrow."-Larry Wall |

Re: mod_perl, Apache and zones?

2000-04-07 Thread Leslie Mikesell

According to John Darrow:

 I need to be able to run the same sets of pages in several different
 environments (basically just different environment variables).  The problem
 is that once a process is initiated in a certain environment it can't be
 changed for the life of the process.  The first stroke to solve this would
 say that I need to run several Apache servers each with a slightly different
 config file.  Then each environment would run on its own port.

What determines the correct values per hit?  You can use SetEnv in
virtualhost context, SetEnvIf on the fly based on several
considerations, or do some real black magic with the E= flag
in a RewriteRule.

 The problem with that solution is that maintaining the servers becomes a
 headache.  You have to bounce many different Apache servers everytime
 something changes.

This turns out to be a mixed blessing when you really only want
to change one of the environments but it is probably too much
trouble except for drastically different servers like with/without
mod_perl or a secure proxy.

 With java servlets there is a feature that allows you to specify different
 zones within a single Apache server.  Each zone has a unique config file and
 so it can deal with the environments that way.  I'm wondering if there's
 anything similar for mod_perl?

The above, plus the ability of mod_rewrite or ProxyPass on a front
end server to proxy different requests to different backends.

 The only other thing I can think of is to just have several copies of the
 same scripts, and then depending on the URI they will be smart enough to
 know to set their own environment variables upon initialization.  Apache
 would then keep processes separate depending on where the scripts are using
 the URI.  But that's sort'f ugly.

It is a good idea to make sure the reason for the different
behaviour based on these values is clear within the script,
especially if there is any chance that different people
will make changes separately to the apache config and the
scripts.  If letting the script parse the URI itself makes
it more obvious then it isn't as ugly as the magic to hide

  Les Mikesell

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Drew Taylor

I got this from the URL I mentioned in a previous post. I have modified
it a bit to what looks like a solution. I guessing that the condition
are met w/ no Host: header or a Host: header. It looks
like it would solve the no Host: header problem as well as do my primary
task of sending everyone to Can someone w/
mod_rewrite experience tell me if it suffices?

Boy, this thread has gotten REALLY off topic. I apologize to the list
for that, but I do appreciate all the posts. :-)

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   !^domain\.name [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   !^$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,R]

Jim Winstead wrote:
 On Apr 07, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
  I think this also suffers from placing the burden on the client.  The
  [R] there with an external rewrite means that the client will get
  redirected if it doesn't tell you the right "Host:" header.  But
  HTTP/1.0 and older browsers (and some spiders) will NOT tell you that
  header, so you get in an infinite loop.
  The solution is that you must allow for an unspoken "Host:" header to
  fall through to a generic v-host.
 An important point is that although "Host:" wasn't required until
 HTTP/1.1, all of the common browsers have sent it with 1.0 requests
 for some time. This includes Netscape since version 2.0 and Internet
 Explorer since 3.0. Most browsers released since 1996 have sent
 it. I strongly suspect that all of the reputable search engine
 spiders send it as well.
 (That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful and structure it so
 that you don't send Host-less requests into a redirect loop, I just
 want to make sure people know the situation isn't quite as dire as
 Randal may have made it sound. There are a large number of people
 relying on browsers sending the Host header to great effect.)

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

Apache::Session -- Go Out of Scope!!!

2000-04-07 Thread Russell D. Weiss

I'm using Apache::Session within a large Web application (consisting of many
scripts).  We also have multiple developers on this project, some of whom
are junior developers with only a bit of mod_perl experience.

In any case, I've written a custom session package that wraps to
Apache::Session.  It uses Apache::Session for persistence, but it adds nice
functionality to it (cookies, session time-out, etc.).

Normally, this works great.  No problem at all.  This object goes out of
scope at the end of the script (it's scoped lexically with "my").  It also
goes out of scope when "die" is explicitly called.  If I add "die 'Blah blah
blah'" to an app, things are fun.  BUT... sometimes when there's a syntax
error in the code, this object just stays in scope.  This causes a real
problem, because then the developer will just re-load.  The process will sit
there forever, waiting for the session lock to go away.  But it never

This is a problem.  Under certain strange circumstances, the object does not
go out of scope.  Even under PerlRun (which I *thought* would clear the
application's namespace at the end of execution), the object stays in scope
(I print to STDERR in DESTROY to see this).

The mod_perl server starts going crazy spawning off new threads for each
request, because current threads are busy.  I placed some limits on this in
httpd.conf, but this is not really a solution.  The only solution is to
restart the server... But there's gotta be a better way!

This has been plaguing us for a while, and I can't figure it out.  I was
considering writing a $SIG{__DIE__} handler that would take this object out
of scope, but I ran into other issues there.  Has anyone else run into this

Any suggestions?


Russell Weiss
Founder and Technical Manager
InfoRelay Online Systems, Inc.

Re: Apache::Session -- Go Out of Scope!!!

2000-04-07 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Russell D. Weiss wrote:

 I'm using Apache::Session within a large Web application (consisting of many
 scripts).  We also have multiple developers on this project, some of whom
 are junior developers with only a bit of mod_perl experience.
 In any case, I've written a custom session package that wraps to
 Apache::Session.  It uses Apache::Session for persistence, but it adds nice
 functionality to it (cookies, session time-out, etc.).
 Normally, this works great.  No problem at all.  This object goes out of
 scope at the end of the script (it's scoped lexically with "my").  It also
 goes out of scope when "die" is explicitly called.  If I add "die 'Blah blah
 blah'" to an app, things are fun.  BUT... sometimes when there's a syntax
 error in the code, this object just stays in scope.  This causes a real
 problem, because then the developer will just re-load.  The process will sit
 there forever, waiting for the session lock to go away.  But it never

My advice would be to eliminate the syntax errors in your
code.  Apache::Session wasn't designed with the goal of working around
other people's erroneous code!

 This is a problem.  Under certain strange circumstances, the object does not
 go out of scope.  Even under PerlRun (which I *thought* would clear the
 application's namespace at the end of execution), the object stays in scope
 (I print to STDERR in DESTROY to see this).

There are some bugs in Perl 5.005_03 which sometimes cause adverse
interactions between eval and die.  One symptom seems to be that lexical
objects become immortal.  This is pretty rare, though.

Can you try Perl 5.6?

 The mod_perl server starts going crazy spawning off new threads for each
 request, because current threads are busy.  I placed some limits on this in
 httpd.conf, but this is not really a solution.  The only solution is to
 restart the server... But there's gotta be a better way!
 This has been plaguing us for a while, and I can't figure it out.  I was
 considering writing a $SIG{__DIE__} handler that would take this object out
 of scope, but I ran into other issues there.  Has anyone else run into this


RE: best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Karyn Ulriksen

One of the reasons that I always like the nph- construction is that is
showed the traceroute 'live' like it would from a console.  Last I checked
perl doesn't show the traceroute result until the sessions complete which
could be a long time if there is trouble in the trace.  Did you find a way
to get past that?  

-Original Message-
From: Sam Carleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 7:18 AM
To: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: Re: best way to call traceroute

Steven Champeon wrote:

 On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
  I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
  script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
  there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
  run traceroute from within a perl script?

 I'm getting ready to port an old and somewhat clunky traceroute CGI script
 to mod_perl, mostly to avoid the horrid 'nph-' construction. If you'd like
 I can make the source available.

That would be great!  Any idea when it will be ready?


$r-args troubles...

2000-04-07 Thread Jason Murphy

Dear Mod_Perl'lers

I hate to bug the list with this simple problem, but I am at my wits end. I
have The Good Book (Aka: Apache Modules with Perl and C. Aka: The Eagle
Book) but have some questions that are just killing me.

I would like to do something like the program on page 104 - 110 and also
page 130 - 135 of The Eagle book. For those of you not blessed with this
book, I am trying to recover the parameter from a GET request. Below is my
code I correctly using, but my problem is the Apache::Request and
Apache::Constant are not being found or used or whatever is the error (Error
posted below).

Some notes, I have tried adding "use Apache::Constants qw(:common)" but it
also returns the same error. I have also replaced the last line with "my
($FirstInfo, $SecondInfo) = split /=/, $r-args;" with no success either. I
have those modules installed, and I forced reinstalled them to make sure
along with Bundle::Apache.

If anyone could point me to a really good example of the r-args and GET
requests I would really appreciate it.

---My Error---

Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request" at
./ line 10.

---MY CODE---

use strict;

use Apache::Request ();
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;

my $r = new Apache::Request;  ---Where the error appears
my $dbh ||= DBI-connect('dbi:mysql:Action', 'login', 'password') || die
"Could not open Database: ";

my ($person_id, $name, $totalkills, $totalkilled);
my %arguments = $r-args;

 Jason Murphy
 System Administrator
 1-800-397-3743 ex: 133

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Kee Hinckley

At 1:01 PM -0400 4/7/00, Rusty Foster wrote:
Oops. Meant to send this to the list. :-)
you recall that the original problem was cookies. I had to target my
cookies to '', because there are other virtual hosts in
the same domain that get a different cookie with the same name. They
need to be distinguished by hostname, and the browser won't send a
cookie targeted at '' to ''. Hence, the URL
has to read right, for everything to work.

Well, the good news is that if they don't support Host:, they 
certainly aren't going to support cookies!

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere Consulting Group - Cyberspace Architects(rm)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Re: missing modules/perl/libperl.a

2000-04-07 Thread Todd Finney

It would appear, from the lack of response to this message, that I've
either asked:

1) a really dumb question that's been beaten to death and I just haven't
noticed the previous thread.


2) a really hard question that no one has the answer to.   (Given the sheer
mass of the gray matter on this list, I find that hard to believe.)

Could someone clue me in as to which one it is?


At 12:46 AM 4/6/00 , you wrote:
I'm attempting to recompile Stronghold with mod_perl, and I've run into a
problem that no set of instructions (that I've seen) seem to help with.   Any
assistance/advice/RTFMs would be appreciated.

mod_perl 1.21
Stronghold 2.42 glibc2.1 build 2412
Perl 5.005_03

This system has an existing mod_perl enabled httpd that I compiled with no 
problems.   It is also 1.21, with apache 1.3.9.  I'd rather not poon that
instance while creating this one.

First, I tried this:

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache-strong/
APACHE_SRC=/usr/local/apache-strong/ DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1

then a make, and a make install.  All appears to go well, but no libperl.a is
created in modules/perl under the apache tree.   So I tried this (per

Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=/usr/local/apache-strong/src/  make test
 make install

which ran along swimmingly until it got here:

=== modules/sxnet
=== modules/perl
cc -O2 -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE 
-DMOD_PERL_STRING_VERSION=\"mod_perl/1.21\" -I../.. 
-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE  -I../
../os/unix -I../../include -I../ssl/include -I../../ssl/include
-I../../../ssl/include -I/usr/i386-g
libc20-linux/include -Wall -DLINUX=2 -DTARGET=\"httpsd\" -DMOD_PERL
-DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS
DMOD_PERL -c mod_perl.c
In file included from mod_perl.h:41,
 from mod_perl.c:60:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE/perl.h:2546: redefinition of `union
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE/patchlevel.h:41: warning:
`local_patches' defined but not use
make[3]: *** [mod_perl.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/apache-strong/src'
make: *** [apache_httpd] Error 2

I then tried the instructions listed at C2net, here

Switch to the ServerRoot/src directory:

# cd ServerRoot/src
This is the directory created during installation, and it may vary from the

Edit the Configuration file to reflect which modules or patches you want.

AddModule modules/perl/libperl.a

Save the modified Configuration file.

Run Configure:
# ./Configure

Rebuild HTTPSD:
# make

This goes along for awhile with no apparent problems until it gets here:

=== modules/sxnet
=== modules/perl
cc -O2 -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE 
-DMOD_PERL_STRING_VERSION=\"mod_perl/1.21\" -I../.. 
-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE  -I../
../os/unix -I../../include -I../ssl/include -I../../ssl/include
-I../../../ssl/include -I/usr/i386-g
libc20-linux/include -Wall -DLINUX=2 -DTARGET=\"httpsd\" -DMOD_PERL
-DUSE_PERL_SSI -Dbool=char -DHAS
-DUSE_HSREGEX  -c mod_perl.c
In file included from mod_perl.h:41,
 from mod_perl.c:60:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE/perl.h:2546: redefinition of `union
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux/CORE/patchlevel.h:41: warning:
`local_patches' defined but not use
make[2]: *** [mod_perl.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make: *** [subdirs] Error 1

Same as before, I believe.

Additional questions I have are:

 - Is there a danger of breaking my other Apache/mod_perl installation by
configuring mod_perl against a different source tree and doing a make install?

 - Where is libperl.a?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Todd R. FinneyAlpha Geek
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (508) 879 5792
  Boy Genius Internet Development

Re: Apache::Session -- Go Out of Scope!!!

2000-04-07 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Russell D. Weiss wrote:
 Normally, this works great.  No problem at all.  This object goes out of
 scope at the end of the script (it's scoped lexically with "my").  It also
 goes out of scope when "die" is explicitly called.  If I add "die 'Blah blah
 blah'" to an app, things are fun.  BUT... sometimes when there's a syntax
 error in the code, this object just stays in scope.  This causes a real
 problem, because then the developer will just re-load.  The process will sit
 there forever, waiting for the session lock to go away.  But it never

You could try using a PerlCleanupHandler to kill any open locks.

$r-register_cleanup( \clear_locks );

- Perrin

RE: $r-args troubles...

2000-04-07 Thread Geoffrey Young

you are calling Apache::Request-new incorrectly - see the docs :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 2:07 PM
 Subject: $r-args troubles...
 Dear Mod_Perl'lers
 I hate to bug the list with this simple problem, but I am at 
 my wits end. I
 have The Good Book (Aka: Apache Modules with Perl and C. Aka: 
 The Eagle
 Book) but have some questions that are just killing me.
 I would like to do something like the program on page 104 - 
 110 and also
 page 130 - 135 of The Eagle book. For those of you not 
 blessed with this
 book, I am trying to recover the parameter from a GET 
 request. Below is my
 code I correctly using, but my problem is the Apache::Request and
 Apache::Constant are not being found or used or whatever is 
 the error (Error
 posted below).
 Some notes, I have tried adding "use Apache::Constants 
 qw(:common)" but it
 also returns the same error. I have also replaced the last 
 line with "my
 ($FirstInfo, $SecondInfo) = split /=/, $r-args;" with no 
 success either. I
 have those modules installed, and I forced reinstalled them 
 to make sure
 along with Bundle::Apache.
 If anyone could point me to a really good example of the 
 r-args and GET
 requests I would really appreciate it.
 ---My Error---
 Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request" at
 ../ line 10.
 ---MY CODE---
 use strict;
 use Apache::Request ();
 use CGI qw(:standard);
 use DBI;
 my $r = new Apache::Request;  ---Where the error appears
 my $dbh ||= DBI-connect('dbi:mysql:Action', 'login', 
 'password') || die
 "Could not open Database: ";
 my ($person_id, $name, $totalkills, $totalkilled);
 my %arguments = $r-args;
  Jason Murphy
  System Administrator
  1-800-397-3743 ex: 133

Re: $r-args troubles...

2000-04-07 Thread Doug Kyle

It goes like this:

my $r = Apache-request;
my $apr = Apache::Request-new($r);

Doug Kyle - Information Systems
Grand Rapids Public Library
"We're superheros man, we don't have time to be charming . . . we're public
servants, not glamour boys" - The Tick.

Jason Murphy wrote:

 Dear Mod_Perl'lers

 I hate to bug the list with this simple problem, but I am at my wits end. I
 have The Good Book (Aka: Apache Modules with Perl and C. Aka: The Eagle
 Book) but have some questions that are just killing me.

 I would like to do something like the program on page 104 - 110 and also
 page 130 - 135 of The Eagle book. For those of you not blessed with this
 book, I am trying to recover the parameter from a GET request. Below is my
 code I correctly using, but my problem is the Apache::Request and
 Apache::Constant are not being found or used or whatever is the error (Error
 posted below).

 Some notes, I have tried adding "use Apache::Constants qw(:common)" but it
 also returns the same error. I have also replaced the last line with "my
 ($FirstInfo, $SecondInfo) = split /=/, $r-args;" with no success either. I
 have those modules installed, and I forced reinstalled them to make sure
 along with Bundle::Apache.

 If anyone could point me to a really good example of the r-args and GET
 requests I would really appreciate it.

 ---My Error---

 Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request" at
 ./ line 10.

 ---MY CODE---

 use strict;

 use Apache::Request ();
 use CGI qw(:standard);
 use DBI;

 my $r = new Apache::Request;  ---Where the error appears
 my $dbh ||= DBI-connect('dbi:mysql:Action', 'login', 'password') || die
 "Could not open Database: ";

 my ($person_id, $name, $totalkills, $totalkilled);
 my %arguments = $r-args;

  Jason Murphy
  System Administrator
  1-800-397-3743 ex: 133

Re: What phase am I in

2000-04-07 Thread Simon Rosenthal

At 12:51 PM 4/7/00 -0400, Paul G. Weiss wrote:
Is there any way to determine from the Apache::Request object
what phase of handling we'er in?   I have some code that is used
during more than one phase and I'd like it to behave differently
for each phase.

the current_callback() method (Eagle book, p465). Funny, I had to find this 
out yesterday..

- Simon


Simon Rosenthal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Web Systems Architect
Northern Light Technology   222 Third Street, Cambridge MA 02142
Phone:  (617)577-2796  :   URL:
"Northern Light - Just what you've been searching for"

Re: mod_perl suddenly demanding DSO.

2000-04-07 Thread Stas Bekman

 So shoot me for not hunting through the achives first
 Upgrading to apache1.3.12 and mod_perl1.2.22 today, I suddenly get the
   apxs:Error: Sorry, no DSO support for Apache available
   apxs:Error: under your platform. Make sure the Apache
   apxs:Error: module mod_so is compiled into your server
   apxs:Error: binary `/tools/web/bin/apache'.
   Writing Makefile for Apache
 for every module included the distribution.  The error is correct,
 mod_dso isn't linked into my apache config (never has, never will be).
 My question is: why is mod_perl suddenly tring to use DSO ?

This is not a fatal error. It was fixed in the current CVS version. Get it

 FWIW, the mod_perl build invocation I used is:
perl5.00503 Makefile.PL \
  APACHE_PREFIX=/tools/web \
  APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.12 \
  DO_HTTPD=1 \
  USE_DSO=0 \
  APACI_ARGS='--target=modperl \
  --libexecdir=/tools/web/lib/apache \
  --enable-module=info \
  --disable-module=asis \
  --disable-module=auth \
  --disable-module=autoindex \
  --disable-module=imap \
 Did I miss something?
 "A duck!"

Stas Bekman | JAm_pH--Just Another mod_perl Hacker  | mod_perl Guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://perl.org|

Re: Another Error in Apache::ASP and Perl 5.6.0

2000-04-07 Thread Yu Di

Hi, my modperl  apache are compiled by myself, Perl 5.005_03 was included
in Redhat, Perl 5.6.0 was compiled by myself.
I will try modperl 1.21 and apache 1.3.11, and see which one's new version
is causing troubles.

Di, Yu

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

 I would recompile all of your perl from scratch, as
 well as modperl  apache.   The RedHat guys are notorious
 for building perls and modperl that don't work sometimes.
 Yu Di wrote:
  Hi, I also changed Perl to 5.005_03, and this problem still exists, so I
  think it is the problem between Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.22, and DBI or
  DBD::mysql. More likely, I think it is with DBI, because if I put
  "PerlModule Apache::DBI" in my httpd.conf, this error will also occur if I
  visit an ASP file(this was found with Perl 5.6, not tested with Perl
  5.005_03). I am running the programs on Linux 2.2.12-20(Redhat 6.1), The C
  compiler for Perl Modules and all these systems is the default one in
  Redhat 6.1, I think egcs 2.91-66.
  Di, Yu
  On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
   Sounds like an odd conflict between 5.6, mod_perl and
   DBI or DBD::mysql.  Anyone know how to work through
   these issues?  This is likely platform dependent, so
   will need relevant advice, what O/S are you running again?
   Yu Di wrote:
Hi, I have isolated the problem, but it just made me more puzzled. The
problem is not in that file itself, but in "homepage.htm" which is also an
ASP file, in which I tried to open a MySQL connection. When I call
it will generate the segmentation fault. But the same statement will
execute just well if put into a standalone Perl program, so I am really
puzzled by what's going on here.
Di, Yu
On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
 Yu Di wrote:
  This program has been tested under Perl5.005_03, Apache 1.3.11, mod_perl
  1.21 on another machine. my.conf is a configuration file for this program.
  Lynx will report "Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection
  aborted." while I try to connect to it, and the server error log will show
  a "[Tue Apr  4 16:36:22 2000] [notice] child pid 964 exit signal
  Segmentation fault (11)".
  I have changed as I wrote last time, for if I did not do so, I will
  get other error messages.
  So is it that Apache::ASP is currently not compatible with Perl 5.6?

 Nothing in your program seemed particularly odd, and
 I have not tested Apache::ASP under 5.6, nor may I for
 a while.  Because Apache::ASP uses so many modules to
 do its job, it may be tough to track this down, but
 I suspect an interaction with MLDBM  SDBM_File is
 at work here because you have so much $Application-{Config}
 writing going on.

 Can you print out in different parts of your program and
 isolate the line that causes the segfault?


 Joshua Chamas Chamas Enterprises Inc.
 NodeWorks  free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA

 Joshua Chamas Chamas Enterprises Inc.
 NodeWorks  free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: mod_perl suddenly demanding DSO.

2000-04-07 Thread Stephen Zander

 "Stas" == Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Stas This is not a fatal error. It was fixed in the current CVS
Stas version. Get it from

Thanks, Stas.  Bleeding edge here I come :)


"So if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood."... "And
therefore?"... "A witch!"

[JOB] OPENINGS:perl mod_perl developers at well-funded pre IPOBoston B2B .coms

2000-04-07 Thread IngaParsons

Web developers needed for terrific Boston startups pre IPO in growth stages 
after second round of VC funding.  Need senior and junior web developers 
(many) to script in Perl to develop applications.  NOT shell script.  In 
short, must know how to write apps in perl on UNIX to Interface Apache 
webserver.  Especially interested in mod_perl to allow Apache to executive 
obst. dbi perl code and db layer. C++ a plus.  Java not required.  Some Java 
script a plus.  Linux Gurus welcome!

Please let me know whether you or someone you know is interested by return 



Inga L. Parsons
President, HTH, Inc.-BOSTON
tel: 781-581-2272
fax: 781-581-2252

Silly Question

2000-04-07 Thread Vijay


We recently bought a new Raq3 server. We have 
developed a script to add users directly from the web interface. IT is bombing 
out as the script should be run as 'root'.

I want to know if the script can be set with setuid 
as root for execution.

Thanks for any help.


RE: What phase am I in

2000-04-07 Thread Geoffrey Young

of note, 1.21_01 introduced $r-notes('PERL_CUR_HOOK'), but why that was
introduced when there is current_callback() I don't know (it's not in
Changes as far as I can see)


 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Rosenthal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 2:03 PM
 To: Paul G. Weiss; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 Subject: Re: What phase am I in
 At 12:51 PM 4/7/00 -0400, Paul G. Weiss wrote:
 Is there any way to determine from the Apache::Request object
 what phase of handling we'er in?   I have some code that is used
 during more than one phase and I'd like it to behave differently
 for each phase.
 the current_callback() method (Eagle book, p465). Funny, I 
 had to find this 
 out yesterday..
 - Simon
 Simon Rosenthal   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  
 Web Systems Architect
 Northern Light Technology 222 Third Street, Cambridge MA 02142
 Phone:  (617)577-2796  :   URL:
 "Northern Light - Just what you've been searching for"

Re: Silly Question

2000-04-07 Thread Eric L. Brine

 I want to know if the script can be set with setuid as root for

Since you asked this on this list, I will assume the script is a mod_perl
script.  Unless the whole web server runs as root, I don't think the
script can run as root.

Here's what you can do instead. Have the mod_perl script add the info
needed to a to-do list. Setup a root cron job to periodically check if
there is anything in the to-do list. If there is, process the entry. Of
course, that means the changes don't take effect immidiately.

Another alternative is to run the script as a .cgi instead of as a
mod_perl script. CGI scripts can run as root without running the server as


Eric L. Brine  |  Chicken: The egg's way of making more eggs.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do you always hit the nail on the thumb?
ICQ# 4629314   |  An optimist thinks thorn bushes have roses.

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On 7 Apr 2000, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

 Rusty NameVirtualHost  # IP of
 Rusty # Redirect all hostless requests to www VHost
 Rusty VirtualHost
 Rusty ServerName
 Rusty Redirect permanent /
 Rusty /VirtualHost
 Rusty # Proper URI for
 Rusty VirtualHost
 Rusty   ServerName
 Rusty   ...etc...
 Rusty /VirtualHost
 Rusty This way, people who come in to get redirected
 Rusty right off the bat, and so far this seems to have solved the problem.
 Except that this requires HTTP/1.1.  Anyone that doesn't send the
 "host:" header goes into a permanent redirect loop.  [...]

Not if you do it right[tm] and have the "real" host be the default.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen -
more than 70M impressions per day,

Apache::Session and IPC::Semaphore

2000-04-07 Thread Adi

I get an intermittent error using Apache::Session while trying to tie a
session.  It occurs sometimes and the only way to fix it I've found is to
reboot.  The weird thing is that I change nothing and rebooting fixes it. 
Looks like a semaphore problem.  Why would the call:

  new IPC::Semaphore

give a Permission denied error?  Has anyone else ran into this problem?  Any
help greatly appreciated...

My system:
 RedHat 6.1 (also occurs on RedHat 6.2)
 RH Secure Server 2.0 (Apache 1.3.3)
 mod_perl 1.21
 Apache::Session 1.03

apache error_log

[Fri Apr  7 20:13:46 2000] [error] Permission denied at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/ line
(in cleanup) Permission denied at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/ line

Database handle destroyed without explicit disconnect at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 48.


2000-04-07 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Mark Imbriaco wrote:

  |That opens up a nasty Denial of Service attack though.  All I have to do
  |is try to log into the "gunther" account three times in rapid succession
  |with a bogus password, and WHAM, the real Gunther is locked out.  Granted, 
  |it's possible to work around this, but the best way is probably going to
  |be cookie based like Vivek suggested.
  Obviously, you want to count attempts PER IP addresses. 
 What about folks who are behind proxies?  (ie: AOL) It is not all that far
 fetched to consider that an attacker and a legitimate user could both be
 coming from AOL -- neiter is it farfetched to consider that they may be
 assigned the same proxy server on the AOL network.

And the other way around, there is three gazillion open proxies you can
abuse to make requests from different ip addresses.

Or a determined attacker might have a lot of different local ip addresses
at his disposal he can make requests from.
 There ARE workarounds to the issue, my point was simply that Vivek's
 cookie idea is probably the best of the (admittedly numerous) bunch.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen -
more than 70M impressions per day,

Re: Apache::Session and IPC::Semaphore

2000-04-07 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Adi wrote:

 I get an intermittent error using Apache::Session while trying to tie a
 session.  It occurs sometimes and the only way to fix it I've found is to
 reboot.  The weird thing is that I change nothing and rebooting fixes it. 
 Looks like a semaphore problem.  Why would the call:
   new IPC::Semaphore
 give a Permission denied error?  Has anyone else ran into this problem?  Any
 help greatly appreciated...
 My system:
  RedHat 6.1 (also occurs on RedHat 6.2)
  RH Secure Server 2.0 (Apache 1.3.3)
  mod_perl 1.21
  Apache::Session 1.03

The problem is most likely that you are alternating running Apache as
root, normal users, and nobody.  The problem is that once root create a
semaphore block, nobody else can use it.  If a user creates a semaphore
block, nobody cannot use it.  Rebooting removes all semaphore blocks and
their permissions.

When you get these errors, use ipcs and ipcrm (as root) to examine and fix
your semaphores.



2000-04-07 Thread Nicolas MONNET

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

|And the other way around, there is three gazillion open proxies you can
|abuse to make requests from different ip addresses.
|Or a determined attacker might have a lot of different local ip addresses
|at his disposal he can make requests from.

Let's be realistic on this one: if the idea is to prevent brute force
attacks, the fact that the attacker might use a few dozens or for that
matter a few hundreds IPs won't matter much. 


2000-04-07 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Nicolas MONNET wrote:

 On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
 |And the other way around, there is three gazillion open proxies you can
 |abuse to make requests from different ip addresses.
 |Or a determined attacker might have a lot of different local ip addresses
 |at his disposal he can make requests from.
 Let's be realistic on this one: if the idea is to prevent brute force
 attacks, the fact that the attacker might use a few dozens or for that
 matter a few hundreds IPs won't matter much. 

Yes, let's be realistic.  IP tracking is totally ruled out by the AOLs and
Mindsprings of the world.  All of their millions of customers come through
the same proxy farms with the same handful of IP addresses.  That means
that you can't throttle requests on an requests-from-ip/second basis.

Use cookies or URL munging.


Re: best way to call traceroute

2000-04-07 Thread Eric Cholet

On Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 11:01:59AM -0700, Karyn Ulriksen wrote:
 One of the reasons that I always like the nph- construction is that is
 showed the traceroute 'live' like it would from a console.  Last I checked
 perl doesn't show the traceroute result until the sessions complete which
 could be a long time if there is trouble in the trace.  Did you find a way
 to get past that?  

This works for me, showing the results as they come, under Apache::Registry.

my $r = shift;
if (open (FILE, "/usr/sbin/traceroute $host 21 |")) {
print while FILE;
close FILE;

I think there's a Net::Traceroute on CPAN, might want to check that out to
avoid the fork.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sam Carleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 7:18 AM
 To: mod_perl Mailing List
 Subject: Re: best way to call traceroute
 Steven Champeon wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:
   I want to call traceroute to the remote_host from within a mod_perl
   script, being a C/C++ programmer I don't the best way to do that.  Is
   there a traceroute object I could use?  If so, how?  Otherwise how do I
   run traceroute from within a perl script?
  I'm getting ready to port an old and somewhat clunky traceroute CGI script
  to mod_perl, mostly to avoid the horrid 'nph-' construction. If you'd like
  I can make the source available.
 That would be great!  Any idea when it will be ready?

Eric Cholet

Re: prepare_cached and Apache::DBI.

2000-04-07 Thread Sean Dague

  When attempting to use prepare_cached along with Apache::DBI, it 
  returns this error once it has ran through each of the apache 
  [Wed Apr  5 ...] [error] prepare_cached(...) statement handle 
  DBI::st=HASH(0x8296788) is still active at /home/... line ...
 You should only be getting that error if there is more data on that
 statement handle that you haven't read.  You can take care of that by
 calling $sth-finish, or by reading the rest of the data.
 - Perrin

I was getting similar errors when using the RaiseError flag under DBI as
suggested by the perldoc.  Posted to dbi-users, and turns out that this is
a known issue that will be fixed in an upcoming DBI release.

As a workarround code something like this should help (if you are using
RaiseError = 1):

eval {
bunch of sqlstatments
if($@) {
foreach $handle (keys $dbh-{CachedKids}) {

Hope this is useful.


Sean Dague

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors than
zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.

Re: [slightly OT] Problem with cookies

2000-04-07 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 "Kee" == Kee Hinckley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kee Well, the good news is that if they don't support Host:, they 
Kee certainly aren't going to support cookies!

Why?  Those are orthogonal features.  HTTP/1.0 did not require
"host:".  And certainly, browsers that handled HTTP/1.0 had cookies.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

RE: Apache::Session -- Go Out of Scope!!!

2000-04-07 Thread Russell D. Weiss

 You could try using a PerlCleanupHandler to kill any open locks.

 $r-register_cleanup( \clear_locks );

 - Perrin


Thanks a lot.  This worked great :-).  Actually, as I say, I'm wrapping to
Apache::Session with another object that handles cookies, expiration, etc.
I just registered a cleanup sub within the constructor for that object.

Looks like:
Apache-request-register_cleanup(sub {$self-DESTROY; print STDERR
"Destroyed the Object\n";});

Since we're inside the constructor and $self is already a reference to the
object hash, the cleanup handler knows how to destroy this object.  I
couldn't achieve the same thing with a $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {...} because
$main would then include a reference to the object.  So in cases where the
script did not die, the object would never go out of scope (because there's
still an outstanding reference to it).

Thanks again,

Russell Weiss
Founder and Technical Manager
InfoRelay Online Systems, Inc.

Re: mod_perl shared perl instances?

2000-04-07 Thread Joshua Chamas

Soulhuntre wrote:
 Hiya :)
 OK... mod_perl embeds an instance of Perl inside the Apache system, and with
 Apache::ASP allows us to mix perl/html. Good :)
 The problem is that these processes are 'heavy'.
 Is there any way to simulate the actions of "Velocigen" in that we could
 have a few (configurable number) of perl's running that round robin to work
 with Apache::ASP to render pages?
 This should also seperate out the systems a bit for stability.

Nothing really to be done, but you should note that if you make
ample use of PerlModule and Apache::ASP-Loader to precompile
modules and scripts, your processes will be much lighter.  Then,
you have many options for decreasing the number of mod_perl 
httpds.  My favorite is throwing a proxy in front...

... though lots of people prefer it the way Gunther suggested.

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 