Re: problems with Apache::Filter

2003-08-27 Thread Josh Chamas
Drox wrote:
I am having troubles trying to install the Apache module Apache::Filter
I need this module installed, so I can use Apache::SSI with Apache::ASP
I already have mod_perl installed. It seems to be installed ok.
But when I try to install or test Apache::Filter, I get the following:
Can't locate object method boot via package mod_perl at 
C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 8
Right, so basically either Apache::Filter  Apache::SSI need to be ported
to mod_perl 2, or I need to bundle this functionality directly into Apache::ASP.
I would prefer the former, but could do the latter ( its been requested
before anyway ).


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

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Re: Carpout in mod_perl

2003-08-27 Thread Josh Chamas
Wojciech Pietron wrote:
use CGI qw(header param url_param url);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak carp carpout);
my ($pwd, $errorlog, $fh);

   $pwd = qx|/bin/pwd|;
   chop $pwd;
   $errorlog = $pwd/myerror.log;
   $fh = new FileHandle  $errorlog;
# functions printing to STDERR 

If I use CGI instead of mod_perl, it is OK. I have all my STDERR messages at
myerror.log.  But when I put my script in mod_perl environment then I have some
of the messages in myerror.log and some in standard Apache error_log file.  If
I run my script a few times, I can see that the message appears randomly either 
in myerror.log or in error_log file.

I am not able to determine when messages are going to myerror.log and when they
are going to error_log. Is it a feature of mod_perl? 

In mod_perl, you should be aware that BEGIN {} blocks only get executed the
first time a script is compiled, so is not a reliable place to execute code
that you want executed once per script.  If you reall want the code execute
each request, put it into a subroutine, and call that routine each time.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

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Re: Use of uninitialized valued in concatenation....

2003-08-25 Thread Josh Chamas
B. Fongo wrote:

I have a file ( that I use to generate tables dynamically. 
Even though it serves its purpose, it goes on generating this error: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or 
string at line 42.

At line 42 of your module, make sure all variables being
used in that line have a value before being used.  For example...
  $null_var ||= '';

The real problem may be that your logic to assign the variable in
the first place doesn't work, but you can make the error message go
away with the mentioned trick.
For more info on this, check out the perldoc perldiag page and
look up the error message for a better explanation.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

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Re: Interpreting HTML

2003-08-25 Thread Josh Chamas
js wrote:
I have apache2 and mod_perl2 setup and running without any problems with .PL
In apache2 I have my test directory setup like the following:

Alias /test/ C:/apache2/htdocs/
  Location /test/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Options +ExecCGI
 How do I stop .HTML files from being interpreted?

You could always just match on .pl, like:

   Location ~ /test/*.pl
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
   PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
   Options +ExecCGI
For more on using Location, please see:



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

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Re: Interpreting HTML

2003-08-25 Thread Josh Chamas
Patrick Galbraith wrote:
LocationMatch I think is what you want.

 Location ~ ...


 LocationMatch ...

do the same thing.  The trick is the ~ after the Location.

Please see
for more information.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checker

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[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.55 released

2003-08-14 Thread Josh Chamas

The latest version of Apache::ASP v2.55 has been released.  The biggest
improvement is no longer loading Apache::compat for running under mod_perl2.
For the rest of the changes in this release, please see below.
To get the latest, install from your local CPAN, and also:

For more information on the Apache::ASP project, please see:



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking
$VERSION = 2.55; $DATE=08/09/2003

 - Bug fixes for running on standalone CGI mode on Win32 submitted
   by Francesco Pasqualini
 + Added Apache::ASP::Request::BINMODE for binmode() being
   called on STDIN after STDIN is tied to $Request object
 + New RequestBinaryRead configuration created, may be turned off
   to prevent $Request object from reading POST data
 ++ mod_perl 2 optmizations, there was a large code impact on this,
   as much code was restructured to reduce the differences between
   mod_perl 1 and mod_perl 2, most importantly, Apache::compat is
   no longer used
 + preloaded CGI for file uploads in the mod_perl environment

 - When XSLT config is set, $Response-Redirect() should work now
   Thanks to Marcus Zoller for pointing problem out
 + Added CookieDomain setting, documented, and added test to cover
   it in t/cookies.t . Setting suggested by Uwe Riehm, who nicely
   submitted some code for this.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.55 released

2003-08-14 Thread Josh Chamas
Perrin Harkins wrote:
Josh Chamas wrote:

The latest version of Apache::ASP v2.55 has been released.  The biggest
improvement is no longer loading Apache::compat for running under 

Has this affected the performance measurements you made earlier in any way?

Not really.  I was working on the port away from Apache::compat during
the benchmarking, so the results I posted before largely reflect the porting work.
I do not believe there was much of a performance impact regardless, there is
so much runtime overhead to Apache::ASP, that the difference was probably on
the order of 5% or so if any.  There might have also been a small amount
of memory savings as well, but I remember it to be on the order of a
200-300K or so across 20 processes ( things preloaded as usual ).


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: Apache::ASP Configuration

2003-04-04 Thread Josh Chamas
Quan Mac wrote:
Hi, I just installed mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my computer and I was 
wondering if you could tell me how to configure my Apache httpd.conf 
file to make ASP pages work. I tried adding in the lines from the 
website for configuration and then I restarted Apache. All I get is the 
html, but none of my ASP is working and Im just trying to get it to 
print out a message. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Please see:

For more questions about Apache::ASP, please get on the mailing list


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Hello World Benchmarks v1.02

2003-03-05 Thread Josh Chamas
Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Josh Chamas wrote:

I thought it was interesting that Embperl 2 (barely) beat out PHP 4.3.0
on XSLT in both the XSLT Hello  XSLT Big tests.

Why is that interesting?  A bit more background would be
interesting. :-)   (post it to the list maybe).
My experience has been that raw mod_perl handlers, PHP scripts  Resin JSP
tend to be the fastest on the benchmarks generally ( aside from the pure
C handlers of course! ) ... so when Embperl2 beats out PHP on the XSLT tests,
I was a bit surprised, especially since both of the benchmarks are using
libxslt ( ).
Neither environment seems to have a XSLT specific caching mechanism,
so I would have guessed that PHP would beat out Embperl2.  Gerald
must have done a fine job on the Embperl XSLT implementation to
beat out PHP here.
Perhaps its due to that PHP does not really integrate XSLT other than
some additional API calls.  The script itself is causing the XSLT
rendering to happen:
$xmldoc = domxml_open_file('hxslt.xml');
$xsldoc = domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file('hello.xsl');
$result = $xsldoc-process($xmldoc);
echo $xsldoc-result_dump_mem($result);
This differs from Embperl where the application layer itself handles
the XSLT rending, not the script/XML file:
So perhaps Embperl 2 is able to do some things like caching of style
sheets and the like internally that PHP doesn't do for one?


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hello World Benchmarks v1.02

2003-03-04 Thread Josh Chamas

I have published the latest Hello World benchmarks, available at:

Just updated are:

  - PHP 4.3.0 built with domxml extensions for XSLT tests
  - HTML::Embperl 1.3.6
  - HTML::Mason 1.19
The PHP XSLT test are new, and the performance is similar is Embperl2 and it
doesn't seem to have a built in XSLT caching layer like AxKit, Apache::ASP  Resin.
I thought it was interesting that Embperl 2 (barely) beat out PHP 4.3.0
on XSLT in both the XSLT Hello  XSLT Big tests.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: mp2: any recommendations for template systems yet?

2003-02-21 Thread Josh Chamas
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 22:27, Carl Brewer wrote:

Do any of you have any recommendations for template systems with
mp2?  Not of the religious kind (!) but more on the lines
of what's working with mp2 at the moment?

Everything that doesn't make mod_perl API calls should work without
changes.  That means HTML::Template, Template Toolkit, Text::Template,
CGI::FastTemplate, etc.

Without wishing to start anything religious ... any suggestions
for a template system that handles sessions?

Apache::ASP, Embperl, and Mason all have session support integrated
now.  I can't vouch for their stability on mp2 yet though.

AFAIK, Apache::ASP v2.51 is working correctly on mp2 without any
special installation or configuration.

As a separate issue, but also interesting, users are reporting
success with running Apache::ASP under SpeedyCGI also which speaks
well towards its portability.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.51 released

2003-02-10 Thread Josh Chamas

Apache::ASP v2.51 is released to CPAN.  You can get it from your local
CPAN archive or here:

Below are the changes.  This is a big release, and though it is
well tested, please upgrade carefully.

For more info on Apache::ASP, please see

About Apache::ASP...

Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the
Apache Web Server with Perl scripting only, and enables developing of
dynamic web applications with session management and embedded perl code.
There are also many powerful extensions, including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering,
and new events not originally part of the ASP API!



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking


$VERSION = 2.51; $DATE=02/10/2003

 + added t/session_query_parse.t test to cover use of SessionQueryParse
   and $Server-URL APIs

 - Fixed duplicate  bug associated with using $Server-URL
   and SessionQueryParse together

 + Patch to allow $Server-URL() to be called multiple times on the same URL
   as in $Server-URL($Server-URL($url, \%params), \%more_params)

 (d) Added new testimonials  sites  created a separate testimonials page.

 - SessionQueryParse will now add to amp; to the query strings
   embedded in the HTML, instead of  for proper HTML generation.
   Thanks to Peter Galbavy for pointing out and Thanos Chatziathanassiou
   for suggesting the fix.

 - $Response-{ContentType} set to text/html for developer error reporting,
   in case this was set to something else before the error occured.
   Thanks to Philip Mak for reporting.

 - Couple of minor bug fixes under PerlWarn use, thanks Peter Galbavy
   for reporting.

 + Added automatic load of use Apache2 for compat with mod_perl2
   request objects when Apache::ASP is loaded via PerlModule Apache::ASP
   Thanks to Richard Curtis for reporting bug  subsequent testing.

 - When GlobalPackage config changes, but global.asa has not, global.asa
   will be recompiled anyway to update the GlobalPackage correctly.
   Changing GlobalPackage before would cause errors if global.asa was
   already compiled.

 ++ For ANY PerlSetVar type config, OFF/Off/off will be assumed
to have value of 0 for that setting.  Before, only a couple settings
had this semantics, but they all do now for consistency.

 - Fix for InodeNames config on OpenBSD, or any OS that might have
   a device # of 0 for the file being stat()'d, thanks to Peter Galbavy
   for bug report.

 ++ Total XSLT speedups, 5-10% on large XSLT, 10-15% on small XSLT

 + bypass meta data check like expires for XSLT Cache() API use
   because XSLT tranformations don't expire, saves hit to cache dbm
   for meta data

 + use of direct Apache::ASP::State methods like FETCH/STORE
   in Cache() layer so we don't have to go through slower tied interface.
   This will speed up XSLT  and include output caching mostly.

 + minor optimizations for speed  memory usage

Re: install apache:asp in windows

2002-12-26 Thread Josh Chamas
Karthik kannan wrote:

I want to run sum asp programs using apache webserver 1.3 so i 
downloaded mod_perl-2.0-current.ta
to have asp support on apache webserver.

Please email future Apache::ASP support issues to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as that is the correct user group.  You can get on the mailing list
by emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Please tell me how to install.(in the website it is not clear)

Please read

2. Is there any change in config file.
3. then how to run an asp file.

Please read the rest of



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: Problem with dbm files?

2002-12-11 Thread Josh Chamas
Warren Pollans wrote:

One app uses MLDBM (with DB_File) to store a complex hash.  One doc, 
mod_perl and dbm files, suggests that there might be consistency 
problems (locking related) when using dbm files with mod_perl.  It seems 
that the MLDBM::Sync module is supposed to eliminate this concern.

Could someone that uses MLDBM with DB_File under mod_perl please let me 
know if there are, in fact, problems with this combination.  If so, will 
MLDBM::Sync fix them or do I need to rewite my app to use mysql?

MLDBM::Sync is a drop in replacement for MLDBM for typical use,
and correctly deals with concurrency issues as long as the files
are on the local disk, files on network mounts may not respect
the file locking that MLDBM::Sync uses.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: Executing Apache::Registry cached script from normal mod_perl

2002-11-15 Thread Josh Chamas
Matthew Hodgson wrote:


I have a script which executes under Apache::Registry and resides in
/perl/  However, it only generates a fragment of a page, and is
normally embedded into an html template using SSI with something like:

!--#perl sub=Apache::Include arg=/perl/ --

I am very aware that this would be better implemented as a raw perl module
used from apache's (and then embedded using something like
!--#perl sub=Blah --) - but practically this isn't an option right

How about just executing this file like this:

  do $path_to/perl/;



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: RFC: Template::YetAnother

2002-11-15 Thread Josh Chamas
Thomas Klausner wrote:


Yes, this is a RFC for Yet Another Templating System. I know that
there are a lot of those around. But this own might be
different/interesting (at least I think/hope so...)

I also posted this on perlmonks:

So, here it is, in POD format:

Don't do it.  If you want a stripped down version of
an existing templatting language, then that's great.
Work with the authors of exising frameworks like Template Toolkit
or HTML::Template that *were designed* as pure template frameworks
( as opposed to the app frameworks like Embperl, ASP, AxKit, Mason)

I'm sure you can get the authors to accept patches to disable features
that you don't want, you might even be able to create a subclass
of such a template module that sets these for the end user,
so if they just use Template:JustVarsPlease, and Template::JustVarsPlease
is a subclass of Template or HTML::Template, then you have
your solution.

Those template solutions that are too much for you got that way
because their users wanted  needed more.  That is the natural
evolution of these things.  The perl template user community is
already fractured enough, better to hop onto a project, hack it to your
satisfaction ( with the blessing of the maintainers ) to get
the configs/subclasses you need for your requirements.

That's what I would do anyway. :)



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

odd headers with Apache::add_version_component()

2002-11-14 Thread Josh Chamas

I'm looking to get Apache::ASP to insert itself into the module
Server tokens with the add_version_component() API, so I call
it like this:

package Apache::ASP

but then it becomes the first header on the list!, and I do
not want it to look like it is the actual web server itself...

  Server: Apache::ASP/2.49 Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3 mod_perl/1.27 Perl/v5.8.0 mod_ssl/2.8.11 OpenSSL/0.9.6g

So, how can I use this method correctly, so that Apache::ASP ends
up near the end of the server tokens?

BTW, I dug up this method from the mod_perl Cookbook
very good examples,



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: odd headers with Apache::add_version_component()

2002-11-14 Thread Josh Chamas
Geoffrey Young wrote:

from what I remember, this method is very strange - it depends lots on 
how your server is set up. for instance, whether you're using DSO (which 
breaks down the interpreter on restarts) and/or whether you have 
PerlFreshRestart On.  both of these behaviors seem to affect the order 
of the tokens.

I am not using DSO, but it is enabled.

When I set PerlFreshRestart On, I do get the header in the right place,
but its also still in the wrong place!

  Server: Apache::ASP/2.49 Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3 mod_perl/1.27 Perl/v5.8.0 Apache::ASP/2.49 mod_ssl/2.8.11 OpenSSL/0.9.6g

At least we are a step closer.

Even if I can get this to work through certain config tweaks,
I will not add this to Apache::ASP as I would need this to be
correct for all user configs, not just mine.  I do not want to
preempt the Apache/... header!

Thanks for the follow up.  Maybe I'll revist this in MP2.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: weird cookie behavior

2002-11-14 Thread Josh Chamas
valerian wrote:

I'm experiencing strange behavior with cookies when my scripts are
accessed in mod_perl (using Apache::Registry).  Everything works fine so
long as my browser is configured to not go through a proxy (ie, in
Netscape 4.77, directly connected to the Internet option is selected).
When I configure it to use a custom proxy (eg, Junkbuster running on my
LAN gateway), my cookies no longer work, but I can still browse the web

I would not rule out the junkbuster proxy just yet.

To get at the root of the problem, you will need to see the HTTP
headers as they are output directly from your program, with and
without the proxy.  You can use lwp-request for this like:

  lwp-request -ed http://URL/PATH

  lwp-request -ed -p PROXY http://URL/PATH

and see what HTTP headers come back.

If the headers change, then maybe the junkbuster proxy
is munging something up or dropping headers.  It may be
that there is some header special to mod_perl that is messing
up junkbuster for example so that you do not see the problem
in CGI mode.

There is also a chance that junkbuster is adding some
header, only for the mod_perl output that simply messes
up netscape.  Either way, seeing the headers themselves
should help get to the root of it.  If its the former
scenario, I would take the problem first to the junkbuster



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.49 released

2002-11-11 Thread Josh Chamas

Hot on the heels of the 2.47 release, I have released
Apache::ASP v2.49 to CPAN which fixes a major bug
introduced in 2.47.

Here is the change:

 -- bug introduced in 2.47 cached script compilations for executing
scripts ( not includes ) of the same name in different directories
for the same Global/GlobalPackage config for an application.
Fix was to remove optimization that caused problem, and
created test case t/same_name.t to cover bug.

Thanks to Rune Henssel for catching this shortly after 2.47 was

For more info on Apache::ASP, please visit



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.47 released

2002-11-07 Thread Josh Chamas

Apache::ASP v2.47 is released to CPAN.  It is a major upgrade
with significant speed improvements of 15-20% for script execution.

As this is a major release, please be sure to read the CHANGES
and test your sites before upgrading.  The CHANGES are listed below.

For more info on Apache::ASP, please see



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.47; $DATE=11/6/2002

Please see README for changes for past versions.

 + = improvement;- = bug fix;(d) = documentation

 ++ Runtime speed enhancements for 15-20% improvement including:
   + INTERNAL API ReadFile() now returns scalar ref as memory optimization
   + cache InodeNames config setting in ASP object now for common lookups
   + removed CompileChecksum() INTERNAL API, since it was an unnecesary
 method decomposition along a common code path
   + removed IsChanged() INTERNAL API since compiling of scripts
 is now handled by CompileInclude() which does this functionality already
   + removed unnecessary decomp of IncludesChanged() INTERNAL API, which was along
 critical code path
   + do not call INTERNAL SearchDirs() API when compiling base script
 since we have already validated its path earlier
   + Use stat(_) type shortcut for stat()  -X calls where possible
   + Moved INC initilization up to handler()  consolidated with $INCDir lib
   + removed useless Apache::ASP::Collection::DESTROY
   + removed useless Apache::ASP::Server::DESTROY
   + removed useless Apache::ASP::GlobalASA::DESTROY
   + removed useless Apache::ASP::Response::DESTROY

 - Default path for $Response-{Cookies} was from CookiePath
   config, but this was incorrect as CookiePath config is only
   for $Session cookie, so now path for $Response-{Cookies}
   defaults to /

 - Fixed bug where global.asa events would get undefined with
   StatINC and GlobalPackage set when the GlobalPackage library
   changed  get reloaded.

 (d) Documented long time config NoCache.

 -- Fixed use with Apache::Filter, capable as both source
and destination filter.  Added ./site/eg/filter.filter example
to demonstrate these abilities.

 + Use $r-err_headers_out-add Apache::Table API for cookies
   now instead of $r-cgi_header_out.  Added t/cookies.t test to
   cover new code path as well as general $Response-Cookies API.
   Also make cookies headers sorted by cookie and dictionary key
   while building headers for repeatable behavior, this latter was
   to facilitate testing.

 - fixed $Server-Mail error_log output when failing to connect
   to SMTP server.

 + added tests to cover UniquePackages  NoCache configs since this
   config logic was updated

 + made deprecated warnings for use of certain $Response-Member
   calls more loadly write to error_log, so I can remove the AUTOLOAD
   for Response one day

 - Probably fixed behavior in CgiHeaders, at least under perl 5.8.0, and
   added t/cgi_headers.t to cover this config.

 + removed $Apache::ASP::CompressGzip setting ability, used to possibly
   set CompressGzip in the module before, not documented anyway

 + removed $Apache::ASP::Filter setting ability to set Filter globally,
   not documented anyway

 + removed old work around for setting ServerStarting to 0
   at runtime, which was bad for Apache::DBI on win32 a long
   time ago:

$Apache::ServerStarting and $Apache::ServerStarting = 0;

   If this code is still needed in Apache::ASP-handler() let
   me know.

 + check to make sure data in internal database is a HASH ref
   before using it for session garbage collection.  This is to
   help prevent against internal database corruption in a
   network share that does not support flock() file locking.

 + For new XMLSubs ASP type %= % argument interpolation
   activated with XMLSubsPerlArgs 0, data references can now
   be passed in addition to SCALAR/string references, so one
   can pass an object reference like so:

 my:tag value=%= $Object % /

   This will only work as long as the variable interpolation %= %
   are flushed against the containing   or ' ', or else the object
   reference will be stringified when it is concatenated with
   the rest of the data.

   Testing for this feature was added to ./t/xmlsubs_aspargs.t

   This feature is still experimental, and its interface may change.
   However it is slated for the 3.0 release as default method,
   so feedback is appreciated.

 + For new XMLSubs ASP type %= % argument interpolation
   activated with XMLSubsPerlArgs 0, % % will no longer work,
   just %= %, as in

 my:tag value=some value %= $value % more data /

   This feature is still experimental, and its interface may change.
   However it is slated for the 3.0 release as default method,
   so feedback

Re: apache::ASP

2002-11-05 Thread Josh Chamas

Does this include an AddRotator?

On Win32 platforms, whatever COM objects exist there
can be accessed via the $Server-CreateObject API,
but on Unix platforms $Server-CreateObject does not work.

Please post future questions on Apache::ASP to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Josh Chamas
Ged Haywood wrote:

Hi all,

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:

experimenting with perforce [which, so far, appears nicer than CVS] )

Yikes!  Josh, you got anything to say about that?

Well I have used perforce much more than CVS now, so that is where
I'm most comfortable.

My basic feeling is that perforce is harder to set up, but more
idiot proof while using it, especially for more advance operations
like branching  integration.

CVS however is a breeze to set up, but I feel like its branching
 tagging is more of a hack ( note I am just starting to use it
recently. ) I really like how I do not have to explicitly cvs edit
files like I do in perforce before I start working on them.

Oh,  CVS is free which is always a good thing. :)

As for scaling, perforce probably has a better chance to scale
with its dbm based storage  locking, however at this one company
that uses it they get db corruption when developers hammer
its with huge media checkins which I suspect CVS never would get.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: code evaluation in regexp failing intermittantly

2002-10-26 Thread Josh Chamas
Rodney Hampton wrote:

Perrin, Danny, et. al.

I looked over the comparison document as well as the perldocs on all 
the templating systems I could find on CPAN before embarking on this 

I'll add in how Apache::ASP can be used to solve this problem...

I really only need 3 tags: one to link the templates together, one to 
bring in images, and one to call code that can by dynamically 
inserted.  Every item in my application's database (templates, 
images, and other files) has user and group permissions that need to 

Apache::ASP lets you define custom tags like:

 my:link_name type=template_faq /  instead of % link_name template_faq %
 my:img_src val=some_image / instead of % img_src_name some_image %

These tags get rendered by subroutines you define my::link_name and my::img_src.
You can use global.asa Script_OnStart to do all the database handle setup
work to make this easily accessible to your XMLSubs ( the name of this tagging feature ).

Of course, maybe more like what you have now, in Apache::ASP, its easy to
also do:

 % link_name(template_faq); %

but I personally like the XMLSubs approach because it takes a more
content oriented approach to your pages, than embedding code.

The trick to making easy local subs for all your pages is to define
these subs in your global.asa, which is the package all of your pages
are compiled into.

 be checked on access. Thus, any templating system that did caching is

pretty much out of the running because as soon as I revoke a user's 
privileges or change permissions on the item, I want access to change 

Apache::ASP does do output caching of includes only when explicitly
asked for, see:

This is only for performance optimization, so you do not have to worry
about caching otherwise.

need to track users so I had to be able to establish and maintain a 
session so this was a definate requirement.  Also, I needed to be 
able to selectively protect certain areas of the application with 
login screens (not necessarily the same one depending on where you 

Like other systems session management has been built into Apache::ASP
from the get go ( one of the reasons I started work on Apache::ASP ).
In that system, its the $Session object.

navigate).  This is the underlying architecture for a client I have 
but I intend to make it modular enough to use for future projects.  
I've done some benchmarking on what I've built already and am 
satisfied with the results.  I seem to be able to serve up 30 
concurrent connections sending dynamic content all day long and have 
it sever between 25-35 requests per second at around 300 - 375 
Kbytes/sec.  I've compiled mod_perl with DSO and it's never shown any 

For other benchmarking of the various web app environments you could
use, check out

Anyway, I'm not trying to say that what I'm doing is better or worse 
than what has come before.  I just happen to have different 
requirements and I didn't think that the other systems out there were 
going to be both lightweight and allow me to meet my need for access 

As others have asserted, I believe if you look at the other systems
hard enough, you will find many others that can fill your requirements.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: Apache Hello World Benchmarks Updated

2002-10-15 Thread Josh Chamas

Dave Rolsky wrote:
 On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Josh Chamas wrote:
This is interesting.  I should look into upgrading to perl 5.8 on
these tests  see what difference there may be.

You might also see if it makes a difference if you run the tests for
a long enough time.  I run them at least 60 seconds for these benchmarks
which may make a difference.

FYI, I reposted the benchmarks without the MaxRequestsPerChild 100 set
for HTML::Mason  Template Toolkit, as it was only Embperl 2.x that
needed it.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: Apache Hello World Benchmarks Updated

2002-10-15 Thread Josh Chamas

Ed wrote:
 (as far as i can tell after a quick peek at the code and some debugging)
 It looks like there is a bug w/ AxKit::run_axkit_engine() and/or

This is really great Ed.  Adding the AxGzipOutput On config to the XSLT
tests in the benchmark does seem to correctly activate the cache layer,
and AxKit now dominates in speed on the larger XSLT transformation!
I will leave off the config for the XSP tests since it does not seem
to help at all there.

I will republish benchmarks with the new configs soon, thanks so much
for digging into this.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Apache Hello World Benchmarks: AxKit config fixed XSLT, Cocoon benchmarksadded, Tomcat updated to 4.1.12

2002-10-15 Thread Josh Chamas


I updated the Apache Hello World Benchmarks with some major updates:

   AxKit config fixed XSLT performance
   Cocoon XSLT benchmarks added
   Tomcat updated to 4.1.12

Check them out at



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Apache Hello World Benchmarks Updated

2002-10-14 Thread Josh Chamas


The Apache Hello World benchmarks are updated at

The changes that affect performance numbers include:

   Set MaxRequestsPerChild to 1000 globally for more realistic run.

   Set MaxRequestsPerChild to 100 for applications that seem to leak
   memory which include Embperl 2.0, HTML::Mason, and Template Toolkit.
   This is a more typical setting in a mod_perl type application that
   leaks memory, so should be fairly representative benchmark setting.

Note that the latter change seemed to have the most benefit for Embperl 2.0,
with some benefit for Template Toolkit  less ( but some ) for HTML::Mason
on the memory usage numbers.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.45 released

2002-10-14 Thread Josh Chamas


Apache::ASP v2.45 is released to CPAN.  This is a fairly large
release with some new features, performance enhancements  bug fixes.
Please see the change log below.

For more information about Apache::ASP, please see the web site at:



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

CHANGES for 2.45

  ++New XMLSubsPerlArgs config, default 1, indicates how
   XMLSubs arguments have always been parsed.  If set to 0,
   will enable new XMLSubs args that are more ASP like with
   %= % for dynamic interpolation, such as:

 my:xmlsub arg=%= $data % arg2=text %= $data2 % /

   Settings XMLSubsPerlArgs to 0 is experimental for now, but
   will become the default by Apache::ASP version 3.0

  ++Optimization for static HTML/XML files that are served up
   via Apache::ASP so that they are not compiled into perl subroutines
   first.  This makes especially native XSLT both faster  take
   less memory to serve, before XSL  XML files being transformed
   by XSLT would both be compiled as normal ASP script first, so
   now this will happen if they really are ASP scripts with embedded
   % % code blocks  XMLSubs being executed.

  +Consolidate some config data for Apache::ASP-Loader to use
   globals in Apache::ASP::CompileChecksumKeys to know which
   config data is important for precompiling ASP scripts.

  +Further streamlined code compilation.  Now both base
   scripts and includes use the internal CompileInclude() API
   to generate code.

  -Fixed runtime HTML error output when Debug is set to -2/2,
   so that script correctly again gets rendered in final perl form.
   Added compile time error output to ./site/eg/syntax_error.htm
   when a special link is clicked for a quick visual test.

  -Cleaned up some bad coding practices in ./site/eg/global.asa
   associated changes in other example files.  Comment example
   global.asa some for the first time reader examples module needed use strict fix, thanks
   to Allan Vest for bug report

  --$rv = $Response-Include({ File = ..., Cache = 1});
   now works to get the first returned value fetched from
   the cache.  Before, because a list was always returned,
   $rv would have been equal to the number of items returned,
   even if the return value list has just one element.

  (d) added site/robots.txt file with just a comment for
  search engine indexing

  -fixed ./site/eg/binary_write.htm to not use
   $Response-{ContentLength} because it does not exist.
   Fixed it to use $Response-AddHeader now instead

Re: Apache Hello World Benchmarks Updated

2002-10-14 Thread Josh Chamas

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Josh Chamas wrote:
   Set MaxRequestsPerChild to 100 for applications that seem to leak
   memory which include Embperl 2.0, HTML::Mason, and Template Toolkit.
   This is a more typical setting in a mod_perl type application that
   leaks memory, so should be fairly representative benchmark setting.
 Maybe I'm more careful about memory growth than some people, but 100 
 sounds a bit on the low side to me.  I use Apache::SizeLimit instead of 

For the purposes of the benchmark, using Apache::SizeLimit won't do much
the worst results are only showing 3M unshared per process  8M total
memory per process.  The benchmarks run at 20 MaxClients.

 MaxRequestsPerlChild, but I'm pretty sure every child serves more 
 requests than that.  Did it seem to affect the performance numbers much?

For Embperl 2.x it made a world of difference on the memory side, with
only a slight performance impact of 5-10%, but reduced memory usage
from 60M to 25M for the test.  Gerald  I have found real memory leaks
in Embperl 2.x, where this kind of config is necessary.

 Incidentally, I hate to call this stuff memory leaks, since it's 
 usually just normal growth as memory gets used.  Calling it leaks 

Right... I looked into HTML::Mason today, and agree with you and
David that for HTML::Mason there is not a memory leak, it just uses
more unshared memory than other environments at runtime, and the
MaxRequestsPerChild did not seem to make a difference.  This might
also be true of Template Toolkit.  I'll look into the latter more.
I just assumed if the unshared memory footprint was as high as it
was for these environments, that there must have been a leak like
in Embperl 2.x.  I also looked into AxKit which seems to use more
memory, but it too does not seem to have a leak.

 implies that memory is being wasted as a result of mistakes with 
 pointers or some such.  When people hear memory leaks they go running 
 for stuff like Apache::Leak, thinking they can find some problem and fix
 it, which is usually not the case.

Right.  What I go for in the benchmarks as far as a memory leak goes
is do the environments seem to use the same amount of memory at 30 seconds
as they do at 60 seconds.  In the case of Embperl 2.x, this was very different,
but in the case of HTML::Mason, it stays the same.

Thanks as always for your feedback.


Re: Apache Hello World Benchmarks Updated

2002-10-14 Thread Josh Chamas

Dave Rolsky wrote:
 I'm fairly sure, FWIW, that Mason does not have any memory leaks, as of
 1.12.  Pre-1.10 versions do have a _very_ slow memory leak, and 1.10 and
 1.11 had that leak plus another, much nastier one.

Yes, Mason seemed pretty free of leaks when I tested it more today too.

 Also FWIW, running Joshua's tests on my machine uniformly used about 1/3
 to 1/4 as much RAM, with Mason, Template Toolkit and Apache::ASP.  I too
 am running GNU/Linux, with a 2.4 kernel, on i386 hardware.  The only
 difference in software was that I have Perl 5.8.0 installed, but I'd be
 incredibly shocked if that explained the difference.

This is interesting.  I should look into upgrading to perl 5.8 on
these tests  see what difference there may be.

You might also see if it makes a difference if you run the tests for
a long enough time.  I run them at least 60 seconds for these benchmarks
which may make a difference.

 I'm actually pretty comfortable with Mason's memory usage because I think
 that certain features it offers explain its memory use.  Basically, any
 framework that offers filtering features on generated output will need to
 store the entire output in memory before sending it, and I suspect this is
 one thing I think has a big impact on Mason's memory usage.

Yep, especially with how perl can store internal data structures
relatively inefficiently, where 20K of data represented internally
can easily bloat up to 100K internally depending on how its being stored,
and matters are probably made worse by code  data being intermingled
so dirtying the data dirties the code pages to to become unshared.

I think that is how Gerald achieves his low memory footprints generally
in Embperl, since he is doing most of his stuff in C it seems, and still
offering all the advanced features we have in the other application frameworks.



[mp2.0] compatibility suggestion

2002-09-18 Thread Josh Chamas

Hey mod_perl users/developers,

In short what I think we need is for the modperl2 perl-script
configuration directive to automagically load the Apache::compat
layer, please read below for why.

I am working on the Hello World benchmarks to get them running
against mod_perl2 so we can get some numbers comparing mod_perl1
against it, and meanwhile having to port to Apache2/mod_perl2
for the first time, in this case all of the benchmarks.

What struck me odd was that even the simplest of handlers would
not run directly under mod_perl/1.99_05-dev, as in:

sub handler {
 my($r) = shift;
 $r-print('Hello ');

In this case the error was about content_type() not being implemented
which I could fix by adding:

use Apache::compat;

If it is the case that even the most trivial of applications
need Apache::compat, then why not load the Apache::compat layer
automatically?  If performance is an issue, or code bloat or
what not, then perhaps *Apache::compat* layer could be added
only in case of using the *perl-script* config directive,
instead of the new modperl directive.

With the differences between the new modperl directive  perl-script,
it is clear that the latter is meant for backwards compatibility anyway, so
why not go the extra mile  load Apache::compat?  At the very least, it
will probably save the thousands of mod_perl modules out there from
having to add that one Apache::compat line to their code.
 its not even that easy, in that to keep backwards compatibility
with old modperl 1.x code, we have to add

   eval use Apache::compat;

instead!  I am actually already doing this now for the modules
that I am trying to get to work with both mod_perl1 and mod_perl2

Thanks for the great work so far, and benchmarks will be forthcoming.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

mod_perl 2.x vs. mod_perl 1.x benchmarks

2002-09-18 Thread Josh Chamas

Hey mod_perl users,

I just did a benchmarks to compare mod_perl + apache versions 1  2.
What I find striking is that without any optimizations, the v2
mod_perl  apache are faster.  I'm really blown away, as I was
expecting the new versions to be slower with v1 configurations.

Here's the numbers in brief:

 Apache/1.3.26 + mod_perl/1.27 + perl 5.6.1

Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
HTML static hello.htm 1420.710 70.390.000704  
322   5062
mod_perl handlerhello.ben  942.510106.100.001061  
206   7660

 Apache/2.0.40 + Perl/v5.8.0 + mod_perl/1.99_05-dev

Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
HTML static hello.htm 1619.710 61.740.000617  
290   5912
mod_perl handlerhello.ben 1210.110 82.640.000826  
194   11070

The mod_perl benchmark was run with the Apache::compat layer
and the perl-script directive in Apache 2.x, so it was not optimized.
Further, the configs between the web servers were identical on my
linux server during the benchmarks, so Apache was not optimized
at all for v2.   on top of that, the mod_perl2 was loaded as a DSO
while mod_perl1 was compiled statically.  Again, I'm amazed.

Obviously the apache  mod_perl development teams have done an
awesome job in building this next generation server.



Re: mod_perl 2.x vs. mod_perl 1.x benchmarks

2002-09-18 Thread Josh Chamas

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Josh Chamas wrote:
 I just did a benchmarks to compare mod_perl + apache versions 1  2.
 Any idea why bytes/hit is lower on apache 2?  Are some headers being 

Looks like its the Server tokens, see below. 32 bytes!
Maybe on a benchmark this small, this makes a difference? *sigh*

So I run it again with ServerTokens Min, and get the same results. :)
Still something different on the mod_perl headers, looks like mod_perl
2.x is setting Content-Length where it didn't use to.


Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
HTML static hello.htm 1417.5 42531 30.000.000705  
250   5000
mod_perl handlerhello.ben  939.1 28181 30.010.001065  
134   7244


Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
HTML static hello.htm 1602.4 48236 30.100.000624  
250   6756
mod_perl handlerhello.ben 1177.3 36062 30.630.000849  
154   11648

-- Josh

=== Old headers throwing static HTML bytes off 

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:14:59 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.40 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_05-dev Perl/v5.8.0
Last-Modified: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 03:43:21 GMT
ETag: 153814-c-7363e840
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 12
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 01:02:20 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) Resin/2.1.2 PHP/4.2.1 mod_perl/1.27 mod_ssl/2.8.9 
Last-Modified: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 03:43:21 GMT
ETag: 153814-c-3a32fbd9
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 12
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

Linux + Apache Worm exploiting pre 0.9.6g OpenSSL vulnerabilitieson the loose

2002-09-17 Thread Josh Chamas


There seems to be a worm spreading for Apache + Linux + OpenSSL
servers that I saw a discussion on at

Seems like we need to upgrade our apache servers to OpenSSL 0.9.6g
if we haven't already.  I didn't see this posted to mod_perl
yet, forgive me if this has been sent out already.

Based on discussion at:

it seems that we might need to upgrade modssl as well,
but I have not seen a release of modssl since June
( see ), so this seems to
not be necessary, but do not take my word for it, upgrade
if you think its a good idea ( probably is anyway ).



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.39 released

2002-09-12 Thread Josh Chamas


Apache::ASP v2.39 is released to CPAN.  This is a minor
bug fix release  below are the changes.  For more on
Apache::ASP, please see



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.39; $DATE=09/10/2002

- Turn off $^W explicitly before reloading global.asa.  Reloading
   global.asa when $^W is set will trigger subroutine redefinition
   warnings.  Reloading global.asa should occur without any problems
   under normal usage of the system, thus this work around.

   This fix is important to UseStrict functionality because warnings
   automatically become thrown as die() errors with UseStrict enabled,
   so we have to disable normal soft warnings here.

- $Response-Include() runtime errors now throw a die() that
   can be trapped.  This was old functionality that has been restored.
   Other compile time errors should still trigger a hard error
   like script compilation, global.asa, or $Response-Include()
   without an eval()

+ Some better error handling with Debug 3 or -3 set, cleaned
   up developer errors messages somewhat.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Hello World Benchmarks - Apache C API, HelloDB

2002-07-30 Thread Josh Chamas

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 To answer the original question, I don't think Apache::DBI is much 
 overhead at all.  It amounts to little more than a hash lookup. 
 Certainly less work than the the thread synchronization required for 
 connection pooling.

My only problem with Apache::DBI for a benchmark is its
default ping of the db per connect().  For a benchmark that is
little more that a ping itself, this might not be fair to cause
2 pings.  In this light, I might want to just use a global like:

   $dbh ||= DBI-connect();

I just did a quick test, and these were the results:

Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
mod_perl HelloDB MySQL Apache::DBI  my_hellod  451.3  9042 20.040.002216  
191   16092
mod_perl HelloDB MySQL Global $dbh  my_hellod  570.2 11418 20.020.001754  
191   15296

My question is is this a fair optimization for a benchmark
like this.  I tend to not over optimize the benchmarks as
a rule, but I spent hours (  12 lines of code :) )
writing an overly simple database connection pooling manager
for the JSP benchmarks where a standard one seems to be
lacking in JDBC  JNDI, so I'm not sure using a mod_perl
global instead of Apache::DBI would be skewing things.
The PHP test I had to do nothing, connection persistence is
enabled by default.

Thanks for the feedback  still looking for more!


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:714-625-4051
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: ANNOUNCE: Mason 1.12

2002-07-24 Thread Josh Chamas

Dave Rolsky wrote:
 This release has a number of important improvements and it is highly
 recommended that anyone use Mason 1.10 or 1.11 upgrade immediately in
 order to fix a nasty memory leak in ApacheHandler.  1.12 is also quite a
 bit faster than previous 1.1x versions.

Some quick benchmarks show the good work that was done...

Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
HTML::Mason v1.11 2000  h2000.mas   16.0   320 20.030.062584  
28785 58044
HTML::Mason v1.11   hello.mas   53.8  1077 20.010.018578  
196   44580

Test Name   Test File Hits/sec  # of Hits Time(sec) secs/Hit  
Bytes/Hit Mem(KB)
-   - - - - - 
- -
HTML::Mason v1.12 2000  h2000.mas   28.4   568 20.020.035252  
28785 57316
HTML::Mason v1.12   hello.mas  114.2  2299 20.140.008759  
196   40480

I'll have the benchmarks at updated
shortly with new numbers for Mason.  Good job.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:714-625-4051
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: ASP Page wont work

2002-07-24 Thread Josh Chamas

Omar Chicas wrote:
 I don't know what else to do but my configurations are:
  Files ~ (\.asp)   
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlModule  Apache::ASP
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar  Global .
PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp
*CORE::GLOBAL::flock = sub { 1 };
   PerlModule  Apache::ASP

The Apache::ASP support list is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You might make sure that StateDir points to a valid directory.
/tmp is a unix type directory ( you can create c:/tmp in windows too )

To really start diagnosing the errors though, we will need to
know what is in the error_log for that internal server error.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:714-625-4051
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: Apache Hello World Benchmarks

2002-07-21 Thread Josh Chamas

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Despite the intentionally misleading nature of Microsoft's benchmark, 
 it did get me thinking about what sort of benchmarking options exist for 
 comparing languages and platforms.  The Hello World and Hello 2000 
 benchmarks are pretty small (understandably so, given that it's one 
 person doing the coding for all environments).  A more realistic 
 benchmark would be nice to have, for PR reasons.
 The benchmark models an on-line bookstore and was used by eWeek 
 Labs as recently as February to compare database performance (using 
 identical Java code and varying the database behind it).  It's a 
 relatively small application and would probably not take a lot of work 
 to implement on mod_perl.  Versions for ASP and JSP already exist and 
 source code is available.

It would be good to see someone do this for mod_perl.  None
of the benchmarks I have done so far get anywhere near testing
the scalability of systems in the real world, and it would
be good to see this done.

As a next step for the hello world benchmarks, I'll probably do
a cross platform benchmark while hitting a MySQL database.  An insert,
delete, update, and 10-20 selects probably, but it will still
be a small code base being hit.

 On a totally different note, it would be fun to see how mod_perl 2 is 
 stacking up on the Hello and Hello 2000 tests.

Will do.


Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:714-625-4051
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking