[VOT] Need some info from people who do contract work on a regular basis

2001-08-13 Thread jbodnar

Please excuse this very off-topic post but I know that several people on this
list do regular Perl contract work and I could use some advise from a few of
them at the moment.

I've bcc'd the list so hopefully that will prevent any replies from going back
to the list, but just to be sure, if you do reply, please be sure to send it
only to me. If you'd like the answers to my question just drop me a message and
I'll send you a summary.

Now, on to the meat and potatoes.

I've been working on a project for a client for the past 7.5 months. The
project entails building a web site that is similar to TurboTax online except
this site deals with estate planning (Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney docs,
etc.). You could also think of it as a web-based version of Quicken Family
Lawyer. (The client is not Intuit, though, unfortunately.)

I was told that I needed to build a system where users would register for the
site and enter some basic biographical and familial information. They then
would have access to a suite of wizards that would ask them questions whose
answers would provide the data for specific estate planning forms. After
completing the wizard, the user would be shown a completed document in PDF
format that could be printed or saved. The user could later go back and edit
the information they entered and change the document as needed.

I was given 20 or so Word documents that were templates for all the estate
planning documents. To me the project was quite easy. Turn the word documents
into some sort of intermediate format (HTML) with blanks for the data (I used
abiword), fill in the blanks when the document was requested and then use a
html2pdf program to create the resulting pdf file. Of course, there was also
some database work for registering users, displaying the wizards, storing
answers, etc.

We bid the project as 160 hours (80 for programming, 80 for site design
(including a flash animation)) at $125/hour for a total of $20K.

I quickly finished the the word->html->pdf portion of the contract. When I
showed the client how things worked I was told that that was not how things
needed to work. The client told me that the structure and the content of each
document would change depending on the users answers. For example, if the user
only had 3 children, a table listing child information would only contain three
rows instead of the 5 rows that the blank template had. Or, whole sections of
the document might be removed based on a users answer.

Now this was a whole other beast than what I had originally bid on but my
company needed the money and there wasn't any other contracts for me to work on
so we agreed to do the project as she was now describing it without changing
the contract or charging her any additional amount.

So, over the next few months, I began converting the word documents into XML
documents with my own tags, wrote an XML processing engine that converted the
XML documents into PDFs (using PDFLib), including the handling of conditional
and looping tags and created a library for writing HTML wizards.

Over the last 7 months the client has constantly complained about the project
not being done in the two months she was promised (though she's not being
billed for the additional 5 months I've been working on it). Now, she's telling
me that the project manager who she first spoke to about this project (who is
no longer working here) told her the project would include credit card
validation and processing for registering members and a la carte purchasing of
individual documents.

She owes $4600 on completion of the project and I plan on completing what I
consider the remainder of the project (none of the e-commerce stuff) and asking
for her final payment.

Now, here's the kicker. The contract that the project manager wrote for this
job is about as vague as you can get. It basically says we're going to build
her a web site and she's going to pay us $20K. So, if either one of us decides
to take the other to court, I don't think anybody would have a leg to stand on
based on the contract.

So, what I'm looking for from anybody who does Perl contract work (or any web
contract work for that matter) is a quick dirty bid for what you would have
charged to do this project.

In summary, here's what you're bidding on:

A database back-ended registration system.
Conversion of Word docs to some some of templating system with formatting
identifiers, looping constructs, conditional constructs (based on user supplied
Web-based wizards for data acquisition and storage in a database.
An engine to parse the templates, fill in the blanks with the user-supplied
data and render the templates as PDF files.

Thanks for any and all help you can provide,

Jason Bodnar

Jason Bodnar
Gocho Networks

Homer, affordable tract housing made us neighbors, but you made us

Homer:  To Ned Flanders, the richest left-handed man in town.

   When Flanders

ANNOUNCE: Apache-AuthenCache-0.04.tar.gz

2001-02-01 Thread jbodnar

Special thanks to Christian Gilmore who did a partial rewrite to switch the
cache to IPC::Cache, clean up code, and remove the logging of passwords.


Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 22:11:05 +0100
Subject: CPAN Upload: J/JB/JBODNAR/Apache-AuthenCache-0.04.tar.gz

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/J/JB/JBODNAR/Apache-AuthenCache-0.04.tar.gz
  size: 4385 bytes
   md5: 2984cc8c6aedf033701275bca0f393ca

No action is required on your part
Request entered by: JBODNAR (Jason Bodnar)
Request entered on: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 21:10:14 GMT
Request completed:  Thu, 01 Feb 2001 21:11:05 GMT

Virtually Yours,
Id: paused,v 1.72 2000/12/26 15:12:53 k Exp k 

--End of forwarded message-

Jason Bodnar
Gocho Networks

Marge, this ticket doesn't just give me a seat.  It also gives me the 
right -- no, the duty -- to make a complete ass of myself.

-- Homer Simpson
   Dancin' Homer

RE: Help needed with MAP expression

2000-12-07 Thread jbodnar

It takes a reference to an array, and checks to see if each element of the
arry only contains one or more "."s or digits, if it does it calls the td()
function with parameters, returning the result, if not, it returns the element.

I think.

On 07-Dec-2000 bari wrote:
> Hi there,
> Can any one help me what this MAP function does...
>  map(/^[\.\d]+$/ ? td({-align=>'right'}, $_) : td($_), @$_)
> I am really confused by this one... your help would be appreciated..
>   Thank You,
> - Bari
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Jason Bodnar
Gocho Networks

It could be one of these chemicals here that makes him so smart.  Lisa,
maybe you should try some of this.

-- Homer Simpson
   Bart the Genius

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WANTED: mod_perl consulting work

2000-11-30 Thread jbodnar

While my new company is busy acquiring investment money so we can develop or
real product I'm looking for some short term mod_perl consulting work to help
fund the company. Preferably the work will be telecommuting or in the Austin, TX

A brief synopsis of my qualifications:

5 years of Perl programming
3 years of mod_perl programming
3 years of Embperl programming
Authored three Apache/mod_perl modules (Apache::AuthenCache,
 Apache::DBILogConfig, Apache::ProxyStuff)

Lead web developer at www.Austin360.com (1996-1998)
Senior Engineer/Team Lead at Tivoli Systems (1998-2000)
Senior Engineer/Researcher at TeamLinux (2000)

So, if you need any Perl/mod_perl/Embperl development work drop me a line and
will work something out.


Jason Bodnar
Gocho Networks

Homer:  I don't want you to see me sitting on my worthless butt.

Bart:   We've seen it, Dad.

   Homer at the Bat

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Remote Hosting

2000-09-26 Thread jbodnar

Take a look at Apache::ProxyStuff. It may do exactly what you want and if it
doesn't it'll give you some ideas on how to do what you want.

On 26-Sep-2000 Allen Wilson wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea of how to set up a remote host request. I am
> attempting
> to set up a web system where the user makes a request and it is process from
> one
> server to another. The remote server will return a file that will be
> formatted
> in a web page. 
> I already have the formatting done...it is the connection and requesting from
> the remote server giving me the problem. I tried to run the remote shell
> (remsh
> ) but that failed.
> Any ideas would be appreciate.
> Allen

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

If there was any justice, my face would be on a bunch of crappy merchandise!

-- Homer Simpson
   Flaming Moe's

Re: canned footers

2000-08-16 Thread jbodnar

On 16-Aug-2000 Vivek Khera wrote:
>> "BWH" == Bruce W Hoylman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BWH> Have you looked at Apache::Sandwich from CPAN?  It is easy to implement
> BWH> and I have used it for awhile now to add confidentiality headers and
> BWH> footers to pages in a small to medium site.
> The only real trick is that you are responsible for the resulting
> "sandwich" to be valid HTML.  Apache::Sandwich does not insert
> headers/footers in the right place within a complete HTML document.
> It just pastes text files together.

Apache::ProxyStuff puts the headers and footers where they belong in the HTML
document so you can use existing content and even modify the BODY attributes to
meet your needs.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

I'm tired of being a wanna-be league bowler, I wanna be a league bowler!

-- Homer Simpson
   Team Homer

Re: canned footers

2000-08-16 Thread jbodnar

Take a look at Apache::ProxyStuff. It requires you set another server (can be
virtual) but it doesn't care about methods or content type.

On 16-Aug-2000 Alex Menendez wrote:
> Your right. this works great for html! Unfortunately, however,  Apache
> sandwich really does not work for me because it only deals with GET
> requests and it can not deal with cgi requests directly. I would need to
> alter my cgi's in order to use sandwich. I am looking for a mod_perl
> solution  that will add footers to unaltered stand alone cgis.
> any other ideas out there?
> thanx,
> -amen
> "Bruce W. Hoylman" wrote:
>> Have you looked at Apache::Sandwich from CPAN?  It is easy to implement
>> and I have used it for awhile now to add confidentiality headers and
>> footers to pages in a small to medium site.
>> cpan> m /Apache::Sandwich/
>> Module id = Apache::Sandwich
>> CPAN_FILEV/VK/VKHERA/Apache-Sandwich-2.04.tar.gz
>> MANPAGE  Apache::Sandwich - Layered document (sandwich) maker
>> INST_FILE/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Sandwich.pm
>> It could most certainly be use as a basis for your needs and
>> requirements.
>> Peace.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Marge:  We're just going to have to cut down on luxuries.

Homer:  Well, you know, we're always buying Maggie vaccinations for
diseases she doesn't even have.

   Lisa's Pony

RE: canned footers

2000-08-16 Thread jbodnar

It may not be exactly what you're looking for but try looking at
Apache::Sandwich or Apache::ProxyStuff

On 16-Aug-2000 Alex Menendez wrote:
> hello, all
> I am trying to write a module that generates a canned footer for all
> html and cgi pages on my site.
> the html part is pretty easy and I have already implemented it. However,
> I am currently having trouble adding it
> to standalone cgi scripts that are not parsed by the server. I have
> tried a number of variations with mod_perl subrequests but none of them
> seem to work right. I also thought about reading the scripts contents in
> the module and using eval. However, that seems a little cumbersome.
> Have any of you implemented such thing before? Any ideas?
> -amen

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

It's okay, Marge.  I've learned my lesson.  A mountain of sugar is too
much for one man.  It's clear now why God portions it out in those 
tiny packets, and why he lives on a plantation in Hawaii.

-- Homer Simpson
   Lisa's Rival

RE: Adding an entry into .htpasswd

2000-08-14 Thread jbodnar

CPAN is your friend:


On 14-Aug-2000 Shuba Simha wrote:
> Can anybody tell  me if there is any way to add an entry into ".htpasswd"
> from a perl script, without getting prompted for the password? Meaning..I
> have the password in a variable(say $new_pass),  & want to change the
> password of a particular user from old_pass to $new_pass. How can this be
> done through the script, without getting the prompt to "Type new password"?
> Any help ASAP is very much appreciated.
> Thanks..
> Shuba

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Rock 'n' Roll had become stagnant.  `Achy Breaky Heart' was seven years
away.  Something had to fill the void, and that something was barbershop.

-- Homer Simpson
   Homer's Barbershop Quartet

RE: Expect Problem

2000-08-02 Thread jbodnar

You've got the wrong mailing list. This list is for the discussion of the
mod_perl Apache module. You probably want to contact the module author or try
comp.lang.perl.misc or comp.lang.perl.modules or comp.lang.perl.moderated. Or
maybe even www.perlmonks.org.

On 02-Aug-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm using the Expect module to perform some shell commands to automate some
> processing, but for some reason I'm not able to perform an "rm" function as
> I would from a shell prompt. All I want to do is to delete all of the files
> in the directory without a prompt or without using a recursive option. The
> command I would like to execute would be like the following shell command
> for a remove of all files starting with I*, i*, x*, y*, etc. The command
> that I would normally use would be rm /directory/[Iixy]* and this works. I
> have the same code included in my script, yet the "rm" doesn't seem to want
> to execute. Note that the before buffer contains the copy and the "rm".
> The files get copied without any problem and I can substitute the rm with
> another command and it seems to execute. Why is "rm" any different?
> Any suggestions, comments or other would be greatly appreciated.
> Sample Code:
> print "\n Start of the copy process $TFTPCopy --> $BackupDirectory \n\n";
> $command->debug(2); unless ($InvalidSwitch){  # Copy the files
> $CopyMembers=$TFTPCopy."[Iixyz]*";
> print $command "cp $CopyMembers $BackupDirectory\n";
> unless  ($command->expect(undef,">>>")){   # Copy failed
>  print " ** \">>>\"  copy failed   \n";
>  print " BACKUP FAILED\n ";
>  die "FATAL Error  $TFTPServer";
>  }
> }
> print "\n Delete All $CopyMembers in the $TFTPCopy directory \n ";
> print " execute the command rm $CopyMembers \r\n\r";
> unless ($InvalidSwitch){ # Copy the files
> print  $command "rm $CopyMembers\n";  # Set the enable
> unless  ($command->expect(undef,">>>")){   # Copy failed
>$PrintMsg1= "** Delete of members failed  \n";
>  $PrintMsg2= "Delete of the files in the $TFTPCopy Failed \n";
>   PrintFailure();  # Print Failure Routine
>die "FATAL Error  $TFTPServer";
>  PrintFailure();  # Print Failure Routine
>  }
> }
> PrintFailure();   # Print Failure Routine
> }
> "Killed after the delete \n";} # End of the CopyToBackup
> Diagnostic Display :
> shvop701>>>shvop701>>> Start of the copy process /home/tftpuser/ -->
> /tmp/tftpbackup Beginning expect from spawn id(5).
> Accumulator: 'shvop701>>>'
> Expect timeout time: unlimited seconds.
> expect: Pty=spawn id(5), time=965236546, loop_time=undef
> Matched pattern 1 ('>>>')!
>  Before match string: 'shvop701'
>  Match string: '>>>'
>  After match string: ''
> Returning from expect successfully.
> Accumulator: ''
>  Delete All /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]* in the /home/tftpuser/ directory
> execute the command rm /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]*
> Beginning expect from spawn id(5).
> Accumulator: ''
> Expect timeout time: unlimited seconds.
> expect: Pty=spawn id(5), time=965236546, loop_time=undef
> expect: handle spawn id(5) ready.
> expect: read 44 byte(s) from spawn id(5).
> cp /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]* /tmp/tftpbackup
> expect: handle spawn id(5) ready.
> expect: read 28 byte(s) from spawn id(5).
> rm /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]*
> expect: handle spawn id(5) ready.
> expect: read 11 byte(s) from spawn id(5).
> shvop701>>>Matched pattern 1 ('>>>')!
>  Before match string: 'cp /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]* /tmp/tftpbackup\r\nrm
> /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]*\r\nshvop701'
>  Match string: '>>>'
>  After match string: ''
> Returning from expect successfully.
> Accumulator: ''
> **
> ++   FAILURE of EXPECT  +  **
> Values of the match(>>>)
> Before(cp /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]* /tmp/tftpbackup
> rm /home/tftpuser/[Iixyz]*
> shvop701)
> After()  **
> Killed before the delete

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Marge: Wow, you can't find this stuff anywhere.  Seals and Crofts, Pablo
   Cruise, Air Supply, oh, Loggins and Oates...and it's free!
 Lisa: I've never heard of these bands, Mom, what kind of music do they 
 Bart: Crap rock?
Marge: [thinking] No...
Homer: Wuss rock?
Marge: That's it!

Viva Ned Flanders

RE: [OT] Abstract-Database Class

2000-07-28 Thread jbodnar

Look at Michael Schwern's Class::DBI on CPAN.

On 28-Jul-2000 Michael Nachbaur wrote:
> I'm not exactly sure where to send this, but here it goes:
> Has anyone completed/started an abstract database class at all?  I've written
> some for very specific applications, but I want a more general-purpose tool. 
> I'm about to start development on one, but wanted to get feedback from the
> world-at-large to see what features you would want first (or if anyone has
> already started one).
> The classes I've created/used before, are like:
> my $order = new Order( oid => '1234567' );
> $order->fetch();
> foreach my $order_line ( $order->Lines ) {
>   print $order_line->Description, $order_line->Price;
> }
> I'd like to interact with a database, update data, save data, etc.  without
> having to actually call any SQL code.  And, if I modify my database schema,
> I'd like the classes to automatically adapt.
> The way I've done this before, is create a series of classes with AUTOLOAD
> subs in them which intercept the name of the method being called, and then
> updating that specific field in the record.
> How I"d like to implement it would be to define an XML file with represents
> the way my data is structured in the database.  This way, the objects can
> determine when to cache data, and when to commit its values to the database
> for maximum efficiency.  An example could be:
>  database_version="8.1.5" username="nachbaur" password="you_wish">
> Now, obviously thats not that perfect of an example (but I"m in a hurry,
> 'cause I need to go get some coffee), but it illustrates that the class could
> import that XML file, which defines the way it should interpret data.  So, it
> could fetch a particular record, and depending on how you tell it to operate,
> it could suck down all the data that the inital record refers to, or could
> retrieve it as-needed.
> It may not operate as efficiently as possible by default, but would give much
> more flexibility to the programmer.  I know that when I'm lazy, I don't want
> to bind all my values, and make sure I'm using optimized SQL statements
> (explain plan, and that sorta thing).  With this, I could "pre-define" SQL
> statements in this XML file that are pre-optimized, and I can just say:
> $db->run('do_really_scarry_join', %options);
> Sory for the long message.  Would anyone like a module like this, or would I
> be just wasting my time? Anyone already have something like this?  Any
> feedback would be appreciated (except flames and spam).
> --man
> Michael A. Nachbaur (KE6WIA)
> mike(at)nachbaur(dot)com
> http://www.nachbaur.com
> "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
> sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Oh, well, of course, everything looks bad if you remember it.

-- Homer Simpson
   El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer

Re: Templating System

2000-07-27 Thread jbodnar

On 27-Jul-2000 Joshua Chamas wrote:
> I agree with your thoughts completely.  One of the reasons why 
> I built Apache::ASP was that ASP is a widely used standard,
> albeit one that Microsoft developed.  I wanted to be able to 
> leverage the mindshare of ASP scripters & from a templating
> standpoint, and this is part of the reason why I didn't 
> run with Embperl in the first place.  

That doesn't make sense. Granted, Embperl isn't any kind of standard, but any
Perl programmer should be able to pickup Embperl in a day or so and Perl is
pretty much THE standard for CGI-based web development.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Woman:  Your son was trespassing on my property and destroyed a very
valuable stone gargoyle, and -- Are you wearing a grocery bag?

Homer:  I have misplaced my pants.

   Bart After Dark

Re: [is it time for something other than html?] RE: Templating s

2000-07-27 Thread jbodnar

On 27-Jul-2000 Jauder Ho wrote:
> The template may be kept in memory but it needs to be reparsed to insert
> real values, no? What I would like to see is a way to say the template is
> static (header/footer) and does not need to be reparse/regenerated each
> time and comparitively small portion of the page be dynamic. This way, you
> can also store the html on the front end web server or akamize it and
> concentrate on having the app servers provide only the actual data. 

The template does not have to reparsed every time. At least with Embperl, the
cached p-code is re-executed but that's it.

If you want to store headers and footers on a seperate machine and wrap them
around dynamic content take a look at my Apache::ProxyStuff module. It doesn't
cache the headers and footers but that feature would be quite easy to add.
> --Jauder
> PS. I guess now that I think more about it, we can accomplish this with
> frames but that's a whole other story :)
> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jauder Ho wrote:
>> > If there was somehow a way to cache say the template, leaving only the
>> > same dynamic portion uncached, it would certainly help things along
>> > quite a bit. If anyone knows of a good way of doing this I would
>> > certainly be interested in hearing it.
>> I believe every single one of the solutions discussed caches templates,
>> most of them as compiled perl code.
>> - Perrin

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Weaseling out of things is important to learn.  It's what separates us
from the animals.  Except the weasel.

-- Homer Simpson
   Boy-Scoutz n the Hood

RE: [is it time for something other than html?] RE: Templating s

2000-07-27 Thread jbodnar

On 27-Jul-2000 Jauder Ho wrote:
> No. The problem is that you cannot cache the subsequent page that is
> generated because of the dynamic component. The template is always going
> to remain the same (interface changes should be rare for a stable web
> site), but the content (say news headlines or personalized component) is
> going to be dynamic. It is not reasonable to expect to cache that entire
> page. So what I am saying is that using HTML for such purposes is
> fundamentally broken unless we can figure out to tag a region of an html
> file as non-cachable i.e. dynamic. 

All the HTML is chached. Are you saying you want to cache everything including
the output of dynamic components? If so, then just stick squid in front of your
> And as I replied to another reply about this, embedding code in a HTML
> file strikes me as an inelegant solution plus it leads to all sorts of
> problems such as html "designers" that delete tags for whatever reason. I
> know that the correct solution is to lart them but we can't always do that
> no matter how much we would like to :).

If you've got designers deleting tags then you need to educate them or fire
them. You cannot be flexible on that issue. Also, embedding code in HTML is no
different then putting arbitrary tags that some of the "templating" solutions

My last job was with Tivoli Systems and I used HTML::Embperl with great success
in several applications including ones that involved "designers" going in and
modifying pages with embedded perl code.

> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > I could go off about why HTML sucks for dynamic page caching. If there was
>> > somehow a way to cache say the template, leaving only the same dynamic
>> > portion uncached, it would certainly help things along quite a bit. If
>> > anyone knows of a good way of doing this I would certainly be interested
>> > in hearing it. 
>> There is. Use HTML::Embperl.
>> I've been using it for several years now. I build objects for accessing any
>> data I need and then do simple things in my templates like:
>> [+ $forum->title +]
>> -- 
>> Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux
>> If it'll make you feel any better, I've learned that life is one crushing
>> defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.
>> -- Homer Simpson
>>Homer and Apu

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night!  They just plain
sucked!  I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch 
of sucks that ever sucked!

-- Homer Simpson
   Team Homer

RE: [is it time for something other than html?] RE: Templating s

2000-07-27 Thread jbodnar

> I could go off about why HTML sucks for dynamic page caching. If there was
> somehow a way to cache say the template, leaving only the same dynamic
> portion uncached, it would certainly help things along quite a bit. If
> anyone knows of a good way of doing this I would certainly be interested
> in hearing it. 

There is. Use HTML::Embperl.

I've been using it for several years now. I build objects for accessing any
data I need and then do simple things in my templates like:

[+ $forum->title +]

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

If it'll make you feel any better, I've learned that life is one crushing
defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

-- Homer Simpson
   Homer and Apu

Re: mod_eprl or PHP

2000-07-26 Thread jbodnar

PHP does not require mod_perl. They are completely seperate (and often do not
like each other when loaded as DSOs).

On 26-Jul-2000 Erich L. Markert wrote:
> This is also comparing apples and oranges since PHP requires mod_perl...
> A better comparison would be HTMLEmbperl vs. PHP
> Or mod_perl vs. java server pages, ASP, etc...

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Oooh ... maca-ma-damia nuts.

-- Homer Simpson
   Bart's Dog Gets an F

RE: Newbie Installation Problem

2000-07-25 Thread jbodnar

The permissions problems don't appear to be with the ExtUtils directory. It's
trying to mkdir /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/auto/Apache/include.
Somewhere among those directories you don't have permission.

And, I misspoke before about PREFIX. First, PREFIX doesn't do everything
correctly. You need to use 'LIB=/tmp/foo/bar INSTALLMAN3DIR=/tmp/foo/bar/man'.
Second, PREFIX, LIB or whatever for mod_perl needs to be added to 'perl
Makefile.PL' as so:

perl Makefile.PL 
LIB=/tmp/foo/bar INSTALLMAN3DIR=/tmp/foo/bar/man

On 25-Jul-2000 Adelaide Yip wrote:
> I tried doing PREFIX=/usr (I'm using Redhat layout), but still the same
> error. 
> I also checked the permissions and I did have write permissions to
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/ .  Thing is, I installed with no problems
> yesterday using the same method as today and now it suddenly has an error.
> Anyways, thanks for your time Jason.
> Adelaide =)
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, you wrote:
>> On 25-Jul-2000 Adelaide Yip wrote:
>> > ModPerl 1.24 configures fine on Redhat 6.2, but sometimes during it's
>> > installation I receive this error ...
>> > Warning: You do not have permissions to install into
>> > /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux at
>> > /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 61.
>> > mkdir /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/auto/Apache/include:
>> > Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 114
>> > make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 2 
>> The error says it all. You don't have permissions to install into the
>> standard
>> perl lib directory. You probably need to be root.
>> If you want to install somewhere other than the standard lib directory than
>> you
>> need to add: PREFIX=/tmp/foo/bar to your ./configure command.
>> -- 
>> Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux
>> Homer:  I keep hearing this horrible irregular thumping noise.
>> Pump Jockey:
>> It's your heart.  And I think it's on its last thump.
>> Homer:  Whew, I was afraid it was my transmission.
>>Homer's Triple Bypass

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Homer:  Ooh, look at this one!  The Hammer of Thor!  (Reading)  "It
will send your pins to ... Valhalla?"  Lisa?

Lisa:   Valhalla is where vikings go when they die.

Homer:  Ooh, that's some ball.

   The Telltale Head

RE: Perl as DSO...whats wrong with it, specifically?

2000-07-25 Thread jbodnar

I run mod_perl as a DSO without a problem. Just don't try to mix it with php as
a DSO.

On 25-Jul-2000 Michael Nachbaur wrote:
> I'm working with IBM (sorry!  Its not my choice!) to try to get mod_perl
> compiled into their custom version of Apache, and their techs want to know
> why I can't run mod_perl as a DSO.  So, I need to know, whats specifically
> wrong with it?  Like, what are the repurcussions of it?  This is going to be
> run under a lot of load as well.
> Thanks for your feedback in advance.
> --man
> Michael A. Nachbaur (KE6WIA)
> mnachba(at)rei(dot)com
> mike(at)nachbaur(dot)com
> http://www.nachbaur.com
> "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
> sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Uh, so.  Let's have a conversation.  Uh, I think we'll find that we have
very little in common.

-- Homer Simpson
   The Last Temptation of Homer

RE: Newbie Installation Problem

2000-07-25 Thread jbodnar

On 25-Jul-2000 Adelaide Yip wrote:
> ModPerl 1.24 configures fine on Redhat 6.2, but sometimes during it's
> installation I receive this error ...
> Warning: You do not have permissions to install into
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux at
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 61.
> mkdir /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/auto/Apache/include:
> Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 114
> make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 2 

The error says it all. You don't have permissions to install into the standard
perl lib directory. You probably need to be root.

If you want to install somewhere other than the standard lib directory than you
need to add: PREFIX=/tmp/foo/bar to your ./configure command.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Homer:  I keep hearing this horrible irregular thumping noise.

Pump Jockey:
It's your heart.  And I think it's on its last thump.

Homer:  Whew, I was afraid it was my transmission.

   Homer's Triple Bypass

RE: ORA conference

2000-07-14 Thread jbodnar

I think there was also a very cool British pub a few blocks from the conference

On 14-Jul-2000 Biggs, Jody wrote:
> and once more, you guys probably don't know me, but...
> I remember there were a couple places out near the end of the pier - can't
> remember any names though...  Place at the very end had a separate bar area,
> though it was really mainly a restaurant - the one I recall not as far down
> looked like it was a true bar/pub kind of place...
> I should be getting in around 8PM with three others from my company
>  - Jody Biggs
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 11:46 AM
> To: Ahrendt, Robert
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Vivek Khera; Jeffrey W. Baker
> Subject: RE: ORA conference
> Well, perhaps we should organize an informal mod_perl BOF (Beer's Our
> Friend)
> Sunday night? Can anybody remember and recommend a bar or pub from last
> year?
> On 14-Jul-2000 Ahrendt, Robert wrote:
>>  I know you all don't know me but if you do find someting to do on sun.
>> night (I.E. grab a beer or something). Let me know I should be in town
>> around 10pm and have never been to Monterey so I don't know what's up.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jeffrey W. Baker
>> To: Vivek Khera
>> Sent: 7/14/00 10:52 AM
>> Subject: Re: ORA conference
>> On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:
>>> > "MS" == Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> MS> Does anyone know if all the events will be in the program, or
>> should I
>>> MS> start making entries in my palm pilot?
>>> I started to do that, then realized that I don't have a palm pilot and
>>> was actually writing on my palm.  Most annoying, but effective, I
>>> guess.
>>> Anyone comeing to town Sunday?  I gotta find something to do Sunday
>>> night...
>> I'm coming down on Sunday.  I'll be motorcycling, if anyone wants to
>> join
>> me for a ride from SF to Monterey.
>> Cheers,
>> Jeffrey
> -- 
> Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux
> Yeah.  Wait a minute.  It's the guy from TV.  My kid's 
> hero...Cruddy...Crummy...Krusty the Clown!
> -- Homer Simpson
>Krusty Gets Busted

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Time to fertilize the lawn.  A couple of 500-pound bags should do it!

-- Homer Simpson
   Homer vs. Patty and Selma

RE: ORA conference

2000-07-14 Thread jbodnar

Well, perhaps we should organize an informal mod_perl BOF (Beer's Our Friend)
Sunday night? Can anybody remember and recommend a bar or pub from last year?

On 14-Jul-2000 Ahrendt, Robert wrote:
>  I know you all don't know me but if you do find someting to do on sun.
> night (I.E. grab a beer or something). Let me know I should be in town
> around 10pm and have never been to Monterey so I don't know what's up.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeffrey W. Baker
> To: Vivek Khera
> Sent: 7/14/00 10:52 AM
> Subject: Re: ORA conference
> On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:
>> > "MS" == Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> MS> Does anyone know if all the events will be in the program, or
> should I
>> MS> start making entries in my palm pilot?
>> I started to do that, then realized that I don't have a palm pilot and
>> was actually writing on my palm.  Most annoying, but effective, I
>> guess.
>> Anyone comeing to town Sunday?  I gotta find something to do Sunday
>> night...
> I'm coming down on Sunday.  I'll be motorcycling, if anyone wants to
> join
> me for a ride from SF to Monterey.
> Cheers,
> Jeffrey

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Yeah.  Wait a minute.  It's the guy from TV.  My kid's 
hero...Cruddy...Crummy...Krusty the Clown!

-- Homer Simpson
   Krusty Gets Busted

RE: Idea of an apache module

2000-07-12 Thread jbodnar

Sorry. I was attempting to answer what I thought was his real question. He
mentioned performance of CGI scripts and so Apache::Registry would be the ideal
choice. I don't think he wants to rewrite his CGIs so the template packages
won't work for him.

On 12-Jul-2000 Vivek Khera wrote:
>>>>>> "j" == jbodnar  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> j> Yes. It's Apache::Registry.
> No.  Registry does not cache the generated pages.  Try any of the
> standard "template" packages like Mason or AxKit.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

It says it's for dogs, but she can't read.

-- Homer Simpson
   Simpson's Roasting on an Open Fire

RE: Idea of an apache module

2000-07-12 Thread jbodnar

Yes. It's Apache::Registry.

On 12-Jul-2000 Luis Henrique Cassis Fagundes wrote:
>   Hi,
>   Recently I started to have problems in developing my CGIs because in my
> new job most of the servers run Netscape instead of Apache. The
> administrator told me that the reason is that Netscape has a better
> performance than Apache 1.3. I'm now developing a module that caches in
> disk dynamic generated pages, and an interface to delete parts of this
> cache when something is modified.
>   Does anyone know if something like this has already been developed?
>   Thanks.
>   []s
>   Luis

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Marge, you're my wife and I love you very much.  But you're living in a
world of makebelieve.  With flowers and bells and leprechauns.  And magic
frogs with funny little hats...

-- Homer Simpson
   Blood Feud

RE: Coldfusion vs. apache/mod_perl

2000-07-05 Thread jbodnar

I just left a company that used either mod_perl or coldfusion for our intranet
development. I never did any coldfusion development but I did have to deal with
maintaing the coldfusion server and apps. 

coldfusion crashed several times in the three or four months I was involved
with it. We never could determine what the problem was. 

coldfusion (like Apache/mod_perl) eats memory. Our coldfusion processes usually
used a total of 200MB of memory.

coldfusion does not play well on unix (at least solaris). Allaire's site
recommended changing some kernel parameters to get the best performance out of
cold fusion. That was something we weren't willing to do on a box that had much
more than CF running on it.

To my knowledge, CF does not give you the power to mess with the web servers
API like mod_perl does. You may or may not need this ability.

IMHO, mod_perl applications easily out-performed our CF apps.

One plus for coldfusion, there seems to be more CF developers out there (at
least in Austin, TX) but that may be a sign that very few people are using CF.

My opinion: stick to mod_perl, it won't let you down.

On 05-Jul-2000 Bas wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is probably gonna be a longish one. It's about coldfusion vs. the
> combination of apache/mod_perl, I'm hoping to find some people on the list
> who have some experience with both, and who maybe faced a similar question.
> I've been searching the Net for a few days now to find opinions, but espec.
> in comparison to the apache/mod_perl combo, I couldn't find that much.
> Some intro: I work for a content syndication company; basically, we receive
> tons of different newsfeeds, we classify the content, both manually as well
> as automatically (based on fulltext and metadata queries), we add some extra
> content if it's not in the incoming data (for instance, we create a smaller
> version of a news story so it reads better on a WAP device), then we have
> quite a bit of distribution options: we do HTML, plain text, XML, using
> transports such as FTP, e-mail, HTTP Post, as well as host the news which
> customers can include dynamically in their website.
> The parts that involve website development are currently done exclusively
> using apache and mod_perl, this makes up about 35% of our overall system.
> Now, it seems that Allaire's product, Spectra, does offer us a solution to
> (parts of) our problems. I'm not sure yet exactly what problem it solves, we
> still have to establish that, but let's assume it does. Spectra is a product
> built using Allaire's ColdFusion. That means that if we have to add
> functionality to Spectra, we'll be using coldfusion to develop that.
> To assess coldfusion, I installed the eval version on one of our Linux boxes
> to explore it.
> Here are some of my observations:
> 1- "Code inside HTML"
> coldfusion's like PHP or ASP in that you embed most of your code inside HTML
> pages. 
> I don't like it; I prefer to use some templating system that allows our HTML
> wizards to edit HTML, and our perl wizards to code perl.
> But let's not start that discussion: we've seen it before ;)
> 2- Feature comparison
> If I compary the features available in the coldfusion appserver with the
> available options for mod_perl, I don't see a lot of extra's:
> - session management
> We do that using our own Web::Session implementation (very much like
> Apache::Session). It can do that either using cookies or stick the session
> id in the URL. coldfusion seems to require cookies.
> - database connection pooling
> We use Apache::DBI;
> - Scheduled tasks
> We use cron;
> - Sending mail from within the appserver
> Tons of CPAN modules can do this. Great MIME stuff there too;
> - Retrieve web page and stick into local file
> This is a built-in feature of the appserver. lwp-mirror can do this just
> fine.
> - coldfusion can use COM (or is that ActiveX?)
> Apparently, there are a lot of those thingies to stick into coldfusion and
> use that from within your code.
> We run HP-UX; those won't work for us.
> - coldfusion can be clustered (apparently automagically)
> So far I haven't had the need to do this; our HP box with 4 processors never
> gets a load above 0.2.
> I assume with Apache running on a few boxes, some load-balancing hardware in
> front of those, and some URL rewriting and/or smarter session management,
> clustering could be accomplished as well. I doubt we need this though. If we
> do high volume content serving, I'll convert the dynamic content to static
> html or xml, ftp them over to a box running a non-mod_perl Apache and serve
> 'm from there. I never measured this too well, I think it did something like
> 400 reqs/second on Intel hardware running Linux.
> 3- Complexity of layers (or would those be called 'tiers'?)
> With mod_perl, I have to make sure Apache runs (Ok; I need to get the stuff
> compiled too. I can do that. By now 

RE: Group authorization information in a downstream chained hand

2000-06-22 Thread jbodnar

Take a look at my Apache::AuthenCache. You can stack modules. Someday I will
write Apache::AuthzCache which will do just what you want to do.

On 22-Jun-2000 Christian Gilmore wrote:
> I'm trying to create a cache for group authorization. I'm wondering if
> there's any way I can alter the requires information during the initial
> authorization so that the cache building code can just pick from that which
> group this person matches instead of re-authorizing during cache creation.
> I'd like for the actual authorization handler to not need necessarily to be
> tied to a cache, so doing the entire authorization and caching in one module
> is not optimal, IMO. I'm going for the following (printed below on multiple
> lines just for readability):
>   PerlAuthzHandler
>   Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache
>   Tivoli::Apache::AuthzLDAP
>   Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache::manage_cache
> If the require line contains more than one group, I don't believe that I, by
> default, have any way to know, even after AuthzLDAP has completed
> successfully, of which group the client user is a member.
> Any ideas? I intend to release all of these cache and LDAP auth modules when
> complete and put through some testing internally.
> Regards,
> Christian
> -
> Christian Gilmore
> Infrastructure & Tools Team Lead
> Web & Multimedia Development
> Tivoli Systems, Inc.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Asleep at the switch!  I wasn't asleep!  I was drunk!

-- Homer Simpson
   Homer the Vigilante

RE: Get User Login Name

2000-06-19 Thread jbodnar

The user should not have to log in twice if you use the same AuthName (Realm)
in both .htaccess files.

On 19-Jun-2000 Wang, Pin-Chieh wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to obtain user login name from perl if I put .htaccess
> under /usr/local/apache/htdocs/restricted and put my cgi/perl script under
> cgi-bin with no restriction. The reason I put no restriction for cgi-bin is
> to avoid user to login twice so I only place restriction under
> htdocs/restricted directory. ( but I lost  "remote_user"  environmental
> variable).
> I could get "remote_user" if I put the restriction on both cgi-bin and
> htdocs/restricted, but user has to login twice.
> Thanks
> PC Wang

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Six simple words: I'm not gay, but I'll learn.

-- Homer Simpson
   I Love Lisa

Appaloosa Awards

2000-06-16 Thread jbodnar

For those of you who don't get Apache Week you may be interested in the
Appaloosa Awards. Be sure to vote for Doug for the Technical Contribution Award


   Appaloosa Awards reward Apache innovation
 The Appaloosa Awards are this year's new awards to acknowledge the
 efforts of those who the Apache community believe to have had the
 most significant influences on the Apache Software Foundation's
 open-source projects.
 O'Reilly's "White Camel" awards last year went a long way to
 praising the Perl community's "unsung heroes" - those who devoted
 extraordinary creativity, energy, and time to the non-technical
 work that supports Perl's user community. That's exactly the ethos
 the ASF are trying to capture with this new Apache-specific version
 of the contest.
 The nominations are complete and voting is now open in one of the
 following categories:
 * Vision Award - best ideas of how to move Apache forward
 * Evangelism Award - promoting Apache awareness or acceptance
 * Technical Contribution Award - New ideas, bug fixes, new modules
 July's O'Reilly Open Source conference plays host to the awards
 ceremony on 18th July in Monterey, California and Apache Week will
 be there to cover the ceremony and the conference.
 The web-based [1]voting system for the awards is being hosted by
 Apache Week and is open until midnight 22nd June (GMT). Vote now!
   1. http://www.apacheweek.com/features/appies2000/

--End of forwarded message-

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

To alcohol!  The cause of -- and solution to -- all of life's problems!

-- Homer Simpson
   Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment