Re: [mp2] access to merged external (non-perl) config directives

2004-07-14 Thread dorian taylor
> I know you can do:
> $r->location_merge('container_string');
> which forces an earlier merge, but I'm not sure it'll affect the conf 
> tree shown by Apache::Directive. Have you tried looking at the C code to 
> see whether there is a C API for that?

well, there's $r->per_dir_config and $r->request_config which return
an Apache::ConfVector object.

there's Apache::Directive::walk_config which takes an Apache::CmdParms
object (i have no idea from where, how one applies this, etc) and
an Apache::ConfVector object, presumably the one returned from
$r->(per_dir|request)_config. although, that seems like more of a
"write" than a "read" method. what i'm after is the result of the
merge without actually permanently modifying anything.

will look at httpd source i guess, and the mod_perl 2 source again.


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[mp2] PerlModule vs PerlLoadModule

2004-07-20 Thread dorian taylor
if PerlLoadModule supplants the command table, i surmise it does
the job of PerlModule as well (which i understand to be roughly the
equivalent of 'use'). i'm wondering, would there ever be a reason
to load a module without wanting to supplant the command table with
any existing values that may be present? would it make sense at all
to effectively disambiguate the two directives by making them both
synonyms for PerlLoadModule?



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libapreq and filters

2004-08-12 Thread dorian taylor
suppose i wanted to significantly alter the structure of a POST
request via Apache::Request, but i wanted to re-inject the request
body back into the input bucket brigade to be processed by a later
module? i'm thinking something like this:

POST from client

Apache::Request-based handler   consumes request body entirely
""  creates document based on POSTdata
""  changes request method to PUT
""  inserts new document back into stream

mod_put_takes document to be PUT and PUTs it somewhere

is this kind of thing possible in any way?


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[mp2] recirculating (sub)?request output

2004-08-26 Thread Dorian Taylor
suppose i wanted to run a subrequest, but instead of outputting the
body (or headers, or anything) of that request down the wire, i
wanted to snag it for processing in another handler. i tried writing
a filter that gathered the content and stuck it in $f->r->prev->notes,
but it still flushes the headers of the main request. what would
be the most appropriate way to go about doing this kind of thing?



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mod_perl, SVN::Core-related segfault condition

2004-11-22 Thread Dorian Taylor
it's kind of a grey area as to where this problem is living - hence
the double post. taking a mod_perl module that uses SVN::Core (e.g.
SVN::Web), and either preloading it via PerlLoadModule/PerlModule,
or the + notation in PerlResponseHandler will cause apache to
segfault somewhere around modperl_perl_call_endav (the perl END
block handler). SVN::Core's END block contains apr_terminate().
it seems some sort of desynch is occurring in the teardown after
the initial preflight apache configuration phase. i suspect that
by the time SVN::Core's END block is executed, the pool has already
been freed by mod_perl. my understanding of these inner workings
is fairly limited though.

the platform is osx 10.3.6, apache 2.1.0-dev (worker.c), perl 5.8.5,
mod_perl 1.99_18, apr and apr-util 1.0.1, and subversion 1.1.1.

here's the backtrace. strangely, modperl_perl_call_endav is missing
from the stack, but it shows up if you set the breakpoint to it.

Breakpoint 1, 0x00610758 in modperl_perl_call_list ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00610758 in modperl_perl_call_list ()
Reading memory from the sp at: bb00
Reading memory from the sp at: bb00
Reading memory from the sp at: bb00
#1  0x00619998 in modperl_perl_destruct ()
#2  0x006083f0 in modperl_interp_destroy ()
#3  0x006095f0 in modperl_tipool_destroy ()
#4  0x00608548 in modperl_interp_pool_destroy ()
#5  0x003a5f74 in run_cleanups (cref=0x18bc828) at memory/unix/apr_pools.c:1973
#6  0x003a5678 in apr_pool_destroy (pool=0x18bc818) at 
#7  0x003a55c0 in apr_pool_clear (pool=0x1806218) at memory/unix/apr_pools.c:673
#8  0x0002870c in main (argc=3, argv=0xbe88) at main.c:653



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Re: mod_perl, SVN::Core-related segfault condition

2004-11-23 Thread Dorian Taylor
> getting things to work. I first spent hours trying to get the mandrake 
> cooker binaries to work, but eventually I've built everything from source.

yeah i went that way installing it all on my mac. i typically find
i end up needing the source for reference if nothing else at one
point or another.

> >oh, and swig 1.3.22 or higher won't work, because the guy changed
> >the way it works. i used 1.3.20.
> really? oh my, luckily I had swig-1.3.21-5mdk

yeah, that was worth a couple hours of head-scratching.
> >i suspect though that anything trying to directly call apr_terminate()
> >from an END block would do the same. the debugger gets all fuzzy
> >when it gets into there though.
> Yeah, sounds like a design problem.

what exactly is required from mod_perl in the preflight config
stage? does it basically just `use' every preloaded module in the
conf to see if it can?

> Thanks I think I'm OK now and I prefer to work on my own machine :)

ok, no worries.

> Are you in rush to get this fixed? Or can I try to finish a few other 
> things first (though not urgent).

a bit of one. i'm basically doing a kind of a reimplementation of
mod_negotiation, mod_dir and mod_mime (plus a couple other things)
to work on svn repositories. those modules interface directly with
the filesystem, so i need to provide a different method for emulating
various features of the filesystem. i wanted to do them up in
mod_perl with SVN::Core.

> If you have an XS module that doesn't depend on SVN that would be handy too.

yeah, that's what i'm going to be working on. just basically BEGIN
{ apr_initialize() } END { apr_terminate() }, in xs. i bet it'll
do the same thing.


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Re: mod_perl, SVN::Core-related segfault condition

2004-11-23 Thread Dorian Taylor
oops, sorry, was in the wrong mutt window.

> >what exactly is required from mod_perl in the preflight config
> >stage? does it basically just `use' every preloaded module in the
> >conf to see if it can?
> I'm not sure what do you ask. I meant apr design problem, not modperl's 
> one. mod_perl does not init apr, httpd does.

ah, gotcha.
> BTW, I think you may have the same problem with mod_cgi. I'm not sure 
> whether apr_terminate is called on child process shutdown.

interesting, i'll look.

> OK, so post that XS module that reproduces the problem and I'll see if 
> something can be done.

attached. you'll need to supply LIBS and INC to the Makefile.PL.
> It depends on how it is implemented. The fix should be most likely in the 
> SVN module. It should detect that it's running under Apache or APR 
> environment and in which case not run the shutdown of apr environment. And 
> this solution will be transparent to mod_perl.

i guess anything that accesses apr directly is affected. SVN::Core
should probably really use APR::Pool anyway. i'll discuss it with the author.

# httpd.conf
PerlLoadModule APR::CrashMe

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Re: mod_perl, SVN::Core-related segfault condition

2004-11-23 Thread Dorian Taylor
argh, spacy today.

*here* is the file.

Description: application/tar-gz
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Re: mod_perl, SVN::Core-related segfault condition

2004-11-23 Thread Dorian Taylor
> But I don't see the problem that you describe.

hm, i guess that makes the problem either a mac thing, an apr thing
or an apache thing.
> Though I've httpd-2.0 and apr-0. Does this distro crash for you?

i'm rolling back now. i have httpd-2.1 for mod_dav_lock (i tried
just grabbing that separately and building it against 2.0 but there
have been significant enough changes in the api to thwart that),
and apr-1.0 (considered 'best-available' by apache but oddly enough
won't build against httpd-2.0.52).
> Is it possible that your httpd and this module are compiled against 
> different libapr versions?

yeah, they're the identical libraries, i had already made that
mistake a couple weeks ago. ;).

anyway, rebuilding all this is going to take a bit. will post results
when i'm done.


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Re: mod_perl, SVN::Core-related segfault condition

2004-11-24 Thread Dorian Taylor
On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 10:08:49PM +, Dorian Taylor wrote:
> > But I don't see the problem that you describe.
> hm, i guess that makes the problem either a mac thing, an apr thing
> or an apache thing.

apparently it's httpd-2.1. damnit. that means now i have to backport

oh well, mystery solved.


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2013-07-22 Thread dorian taylor

Is there a reason why ap_save_brigade hasn't been implemented? Does it
have special needs?

(Funnily, after googling this issue, I found I had asked the same
question in 2005:
—and apparently written a patch.)


Dorian Taylor

Re: ap_save_brigade

2013-07-22 Thread dorian taylor
OK, I have a clue why ap_save_brigade wasn't implemented. I looked at
its source and it basically does this:

sub Apache2::Filter::save_brigade {
my ($f, $saveto, $bb, $pool) = @_;
# XXX should this be $f->r->pool?
$pool ||= $f->c->pool;

my $ret = APR::Const::SUCCESS;

for (my $b = $bb->first; !$b->is_eos; $b = $bb->next($b)) {
my $rv = $b->setaside($pool);

if ($rv == APR::Const::ENOTIMPL) {
my $len = $b->read(my $data);
# apparently this changes the bucket type?
$rv = $b->setaside($pool) if $len;

# check for some other kind of error
if ($rv != APR::Const::SUCCESS) {
$ret = $rv;
return $rv if $rv != APR::Const::ENOTIMPL;

# now concatenate the brigade to the target

return $ret;

The difference in the C version is that saveto and bb are pointers to
pointers to brigades, so if saveto is NULL, ap_save_brigade creates
one, which would be kind of icky for a Perl interface. It also means
that patch I submitted in 2005 was probably broken anyway.

There's really no reason why it couldn't be implemented in mod_perl in
a way that stipulates passing a target brigade in as input though. I'm
pretty sure it'd be a heck of a lot more efficient than that
subroutine I just wrote above.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 12:14 AM, dorian taylor
> Hello,
> Is there a reason why ap_save_brigade hasn't been implemented? Does it
> have special needs?
> (Funnily, after googling this issue, I found I had asked the same
> question in 2005:
> —and apparently written a patch.)
> Cheers,
> --
> Dorian Taylor

Dorian Taylor

Filter sequence and runtime filter manipulation for non-mod_perl filters

2014-11-09 Thread dorian taylor
I'm running into the perennial problem of not being able to mix
mod_perl and Apache C filters in the necessary order. Because I also
need the C filter (mod_transform) bound only to the right
Content-Type, I figure the easiest way to make it happen would be to
write a small no-op mod_perl filter that checks $f->r->content_type
and adds mod_transform to the chain.

Of course, Apache2::Filter->add_output_filter is only capable of
adding mod_perl filters.

Grepping the mod_perl source for instances of add_output_filter, I
found this:

Adding something like this to the bottom of modperl_filter_runtime_add
) should make the behaviour described there partially available:

else if (SvPOK(callback)) {
char *name = SvPVX(callback);
ap_filter_t *f = addfunc(name, NULL, r, c);

if (f) return;

Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Apache filter %s could not be resolved\n", name);

I say "partially" because that document calls for a $ctx to be passed
into the filter, but that makes no sense for filters written in C.

The behaviour I'm looking for is something like
$f->add_output_filter('XSLT') which is the handle for mod_transform.
I'm in the process of testing this code and importing the (1.6 million
rev) SVN repository into git so I can make a proper patch.

Any insights? Am I undertaking unnecessary yak-shaving?

(Note: I was hoping to be able to cargo-cult up a re-ordered sequence
with mod_filter, but that got me nowhere. Actually, it got me a


Dorian Taylor

Re: Filter sequence and runtime filter manipulation for non-mod_perl filters

2014-11-09 Thread dorian taylor
Correction: add_output_filter is in Apache2::Filter but is a member of
$r (or $c). So I'd make a small FixupHandler, not another mod_perl

Dorian Taylor

[mp2] memory access violation in $subr->run

2005-01-12 Thread Dorian Taylor
i'm running into a problem with the execution of subrequests. the
process dies in modperl_wbucket_flush. this problem occurs with the
same perl code in prefork.c and worker.c on osx.

note, the subrequest is run from a non-response handler (i've tried
header-parser through fixup, same effect). the crash will not occur
if the handler is invoked as a response handler.

if subrequests aren't meant to be run from non-response handlers,
i suggest trapping and throwing an error.


[mp2] fun with $r->location

2005-01-12 Thread Dorian Taylor
i guess i had never come across it before, but i noticed today, in
an attempt to use $r->location as a prefix for scrubbing path
segments off the front of a request URI, that it's the innermost
 block that matches the URI path and that has a Perl*Handler
in it that is returned, not the one in which the handler was

i'm curious about what would be a good way of reliably getting at
the value of the proper  block (let's leave LocationMatch,
Files ~ etc out of this for the time being).

consider this (assuming @DocumentRoot@/foo/bar/bitz exists):

Options +Indexes +MultiViews
PerlTypeHandler +MyApache::NopHandler

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler +MyApache::NopResponse

#whatever, anything
Options +FollowSymlinks

suppose MyApache::NopHandler simply outputs $r->location to the
error log, and MyApache::NopResponse outputs the $r->location to the UA.

GET /foo/ yields the listing for /foo/, and NopHandler logs
$r->location to the error log as /foo.

GET /foo/bar yields the results of NopResponse (which just coughs
up its $r->location, /foo/bar), and NopHandler logs $r->location
as /foo/bar, even though it is registered in .

GET /foo/bar/bitz yields the same results as GET /foo/bar.

how would i reliably get MyApache::NopHandler to only ever emit



[mp2] reliable methods to prevent handlers from repeating

2005-01-20 Thread Dorian Taylor
suppose i wanted the same logic as:

return Apache::DECLINED unless $r->is_initial_req;

except that sometimes it may be necessary to serve for a subrequest,
just not more than once. the construct i tried is:

for (my $pr = $r; $pr; $pr = $pr->prev) {
if ($pr->notes->get(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN')) {
$r->log->debug("We've been seen already.");
return Apache::DECLINED;
$r->notes->set(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN', 1);

but i get no love. what's the preferred way of dealing with this?



Re: [mp2] reliable methods to prevent handlers from repeating

2005-01-20 Thread Dorian Taylor
> instead of looping around try $r->main->notes or $r->prev->notes

hm, that loop should eventually hit all requests in the chain though, no?

also, the first hit to that handler could in fact be a subrequest,
so $r->main->notes may never be set.

i do admit i'm cargo culting a little bit by looping over the request
chain. my understanding is the aforementioned statement equates to
"return declined if you find a true value in a specific note in
this request or any one that has occurred since the main request.".

if that's not the case, what am i missing?

what technique would you use if you had to have a handler work
exactly once, even though it may never be invoked as an initial

Re: [mp2] reliable methods to prevent handlers from repeating

2005-01-20 Thread Dorian Taylor
On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 05:00:32PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > what technique would you use if you had to have a handler work
> > exactly once, even though it may never be invoked as an initial
> > request?
> if you're in prefork, off the top of my head I might set a perl global and
> then reset it using a cleanup handler.  something like
> $My::Foo::seen++;
> $r->register_cleanup(sub { undef $My::Foo::seen });

hm, the reason why i did the thing with the notes is because i've
seen similar constructs in C apache modules to avoid handler looping
(i'm pretty sure mod_rewrite does it).

what about unregistering the handler from the stack? is that possible?

> so, again in prefork only, at the start of any request $My::Foo::seen should
> be false.  all bets are off if you're using threads.

yeah, i'm staging in prefork (doing my best to write code that
*looks* thread-safe) currently but i'm going to be wanting to move
to worker as soon as possible.

just to clarify: what *are* $r->next/prev if not a way to access
the requests that have happened since the main, or is it only those
which have happened via internal_redirect? are the subrequests
generated by lookup_uri exempt from the list?


Re: [mp2] reliable methods to prevent handlers from repeating

2005-01-20 Thread Dorian Taylor
On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 02:32:59PM -0800, Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
> Dorian Taylor wrote:
> >suppose i wanted the same logic as:
> >
> >return Apache::DECLINED unless $r->is_initial_req;
> >
> >except that sometimes it may be necessary to serve for a subrequest,
> >just not more than once. the construct i tried is:
> >
> >for (my $pr = $r; $pr; $pr = $pr->prev) {
> >if ($pr->notes->get(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN')) {
> >$r->log->debug("We've been seen already.");
> >return Apache::DECLINED;
> >}   
> >}
> >$r->notes->set(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN', 1);
> That's because you are setting that SEEN flag in the subrequest itself,
> and that subrequest will most likely be short lived. Nobody will see that
> flag, unless that subrequest fires off another subrequest of it's own.

that's exactly it. the subrequest does in fact launch subrequests
of its own. it's possible that hits to the uri handled by this
handler may come by way of a lookup_uri from another handler, so a
test to is_initial_req or is_main won't suffice. the desired effect
is this:

GET /foo [handled by mod_foo]
  `-> lookup_uri /somewhere/else [handled by this module]
  `-> lookup_uri /somewhere/else/again [same, but return declined]

exactly as if the first request to /somewhere/else was the main
request and there was a test against $r->is_main, but there's no
guarantee of that.

> What you are trying to do is probably :
> $r->main->notes->set(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN', 1);
> And then your check becomes
> $r->main->notes->get(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN');
> Without a need to cycle over the requests list either.

if that was the case, couldn't i just test against $r->is_main?

if you had to deal with this scenario, what would you do?



Re: [mp2] reliable methods to prevent handlers from repeating

2005-01-21 Thread Dorian Taylor

$r->lookup_uri doesn't set the calling request object into $subr->prev,
according to the apache source. i can't see any way to refer to the
calling request from a subrequest, unless the calling request is
the main request.

how frustrating.


Re: [mp2] reliable methods to prevent handlers from repeating

2005-01-24 Thread Dorian Taylor
here's my solution to handler loop prevention when the initial
request to a handler isn't necessarily the main request:

sub handler {
my $r  = shift;
my $mr = $r->main || $r;
if ($mr->notes->get(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN')) {
$r->log->debug("We are looping.");
return Apache::DECLINED;
$mr->notes->set(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN', 1);

# ... do stuff, including other lookup_uri/lookup_file requests.

$mr->notes->unset(__PACKAGE__ . '::SEEN');
return Apache::OK; # or whatever other status



[mp2] retrieving the calling handler

2005-01-31 Thread Dorian Taylor
how would i go about retrieving (mod_perl or otherwise) the name
of the immediate calling handler of the current handler being

i'm trying to do loop checking in which a given handler may need
to be executed as a result of multiple subrequests, but never back
to back.


# httpd.conf ... 

# mod_transform uses an output filter to trap the content of a response
# it lives at
LoadModule transform_module modules/

# Apache::MyStuff cleans up uri->filename stuff 

PerlTypeHandler Apache::MyStuff
AddOutputFilter XSLT .xml

so, the scenario here is that mod_transform needs to subrequest its
external entities. these external entities need to be able to run
once through the type handler, but only once, as the type handler
will loop indefinitely. the timeline goes as such:

* request comes in from a browser, or possibly a subrequest.

* Apache::MyStuff examines uri.

* Apache::MyStuff may run a lookup_uri here or there (these do not trigger 
  Apache::MyStuff's handler because some sort of state is set).

* http_core (or whatever) serves up a resource, probably xml.

* if it's xml, mod_transform picks up and starts trying to dereference 
  the external entities using its filter to trap the output.

* as entities are being dereferenced, Apache::MyStuff is called once again 
  as if the subrequest lookup generated by the entity dereference
  was an external request.

so anyway, what i'm trying to figure out is how to set a state in
a handler temporarily, so that subrequests spawned from it and it
only do not cause it to recurse, but if it's invoked as a subrequest
or internal redirect from another handler, it does its job.

if anyone can suggest anything, i'd be greatly appreciative.



[mp2] apache 2.0.53 and ap_bucket_save

2005-02-09 Thread Dorian Taylor
i've been reading apache list archives and source changelogs regarding
a bug recently fixed in ap_bucket_save. i noticed that it was marked
with a ! in xs/maps/ was it unimplemented due
to this bug or are there other implications to enabling this



[mp2] erratum: ap_bucket_save should be ap_save_brigade

2005-02-10 Thread Dorian Taylor
same issue, now with a function that exists. ;)

source scanning process seems to miss APR::Const::SUCCESS (and others)

2005-05-09 Thread Dorian Taylor
Using Debian testing with the packaged versions of Apache 2.0.54-prefork
and APR 0.9.6, I ran make source_scan on the -current (rc6) tarball.
It seems that only the constant groups fopen, fprot and filetype
were found. I can only presume after looking at Apache2::ParseSource,
that the required apr headers are never seen. 

I added the following which seemed to clear it up:

--- ../mod_perl-2.0.0-RC5/lib/Apache2/ParseSource.pm2005-04-14 
05:19:34.0 -0700
+++ lib/Apache2/  2005-05-09 10:00:08.0 -0700
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
 sub include_dirs {
 my $self = shift;
 ($self->config->apxs('-q' => 'INCLUDEDIR'),
+$self->config->apxs('-q' => 'APR_INCLUDEDIR'),
+$self->config->apxs('-q' => 'APU_INCLUDEDIR'),

i'm currently running a make test (which seems to pass minus
content_length_header.t, but that's another issue).


[mp2] [PATCH] implement ap_save_brigade

2005-05-09 Thread Dorian Taylor
no tests currently, but there's a module on cpan that uses it.
diff -ur mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/lib/Apache/ 
--- mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/lib/Apache/ParseSource.pmFri Jan  7 01:17:50 2005
+++ mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4-djt/lib/Apache/ParseSource.pmFri Feb 11 08:22:37 2005
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 apr_optional mod_include mod_cgi
 mod_proxy mod_ssl ssl_ apr_anylock
 apr_rmm ap_config mod_log_config
-mod_perl modperl_ apreq);
+mod_perl modperl_ apreq mod_transform 
 $unwanted = qr|^$unwanted|;
 my $wanted = '';
diff -ur mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/xs/Apache/Filter/Apache__Filter.h 
--- mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/xs/Apache/Filter/Apache__Filter.hFri Jan  7 
01:17:40 2005
+++ mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4-djt/xs/Apache/Filter/Apache__Filter.hThu Feb 10 
20:33:58 2005
@@ -365,3 +365,20 @@
 return rc;
+static MP_INLINE
+apr_status_t mpxs_Apache__Filter_save_brigade(pTHX_ ap_filter_t *f,
+  apr_bucket_brigade *saveto,
+  apr_bucket_brigade *bb,
+  apr_pool_t *p)
+apr_status_t rc = ap_save_brigade(f, &saveto, &bb, p);
+/* if users don't bother to check the success, do it on their
+ * behalf */
+if (GIMME_V == G_VOID && rc != APR_SUCCESS) {
+modperl_croak(aTHX_ rc, "Apache::Filter::save_brigade");
+return rc;
diff -ur mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/xs/maps/ 
--- mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/xs/maps/ Fri Jan  7 01:17:39 2005
+++ mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4-djt/xs/maps/ Thu Feb 10 22:59:18 2005
@@ -245,7 +245,9 @@
+ mpxs_Apache__Filter_save_brigade | | \
+f, saveto, bb, p=(f->r ? f->r->pool : NULL) | save_brigade

source scanning process seems to miss APR::Const::SUCCESS (and others)

2005-05-09 Thread Dorian Taylor
Using Debian testing with the packaged versions of Apache 2.0.54-prefork
and APR 0.9.6, I ran make source_scan on the -current (rc6) tarball.
It seems that only the constant groups fopen, fprot and filetype
were found. I can only presume after looking at Apache2::ParseSource,
that the required apr headers are never seen. 

I added the following which seemed to clear it up:

--- ../mod_perl-2.0.0-RC5/lib/Apache2/ParseSource.pm2005-04-14 
05:19:34.0 -0700
+++ lib/Apache2/  2005-05-09 10:00:08.0 -0700
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
 sub include_dirs {
 my $self = shift;
 ($self->config->apxs('-q' => 'INCLUDEDIR'),
+$self->config->apxs('-q' => 'APR_INCLUDEDIR'),
+$self->config->apxs('-q' => 'APU_INCLUDEDIR'),

i'm currently running a make test (which seems to pass minus
content_length_header.t, but that's another issue).


Re: [mp2] [PATCH] implement ap_save_brigade

2005-05-09 Thread Dorian Taylor
> How is that related?

i think that's some cargo culting that i didn't clean up. that can
be disregarded.

> So you think this approach will be faster than flattening bb on each 
> filter invocation and concatenating the scalar?

honestly i didn't give it any thought. when i wrote this i just
wanted to make it go.

> sub Apache::SubRequest::run_trapped {
> my ($r, $sref) = @_;
> [...]
> $bb->flatten(my $data);
> $$sref = $data;
> $rv;
> why not make the API that does run_trapped($data) and save the copying of 
> what could be a huge data with:
> sub Apache::SubRequest::run_trapped {
> my $r = shift;
> [...]
> $bb->flatten($_[1]);

yeah that makes significantly more sense. i'll update that soon.


Re: [mp2] [PATCH] implement ap_save_brigade

2005-05-09 Thread Dorian Taylor
> it'd be nice to run a benchmark. I wonder why ap_save_brigade was marked 
> as ! in the map file. Which normally means it's not going to be exposed. 
> Did you by chance look at the archives for possible references to it?

there's a mention of it in the APR::Bucket manpage. i couldn't find
anything else aside from a thread on

and something else i wrote to this list asking about it.

it's been labeled ! since its initial revision in svn though, apparently.

perhaps dougm could shed some light?

i came across the function via , where the
author uses it to retrieve arbitrary output from what may or may
not actually be a file on the filesystem. i've been using it to do
things like feeding subversion PROPFIND responses into xslt processors.


Re: [mp2] [PATCH] implement ap_save_brigade

2005-05-17 Thread Dorian Taylor
> I'm not getting very far with this, Dorian. Neither httpd-dev nor apr-dev 
> are taking it anywhere. So at the moment ap_save_brigade is sort of an 
> unstable API, so other developers think we shouldn't expose it in the core 
> API. So at the moment you have two options:

hm, this is unfortunate.

> 1) write an XS code in your module which will add this code.

as long as it's relatively straight-forward, i think i'd opt to do this.

> 2) rewrite the code not to use this API, instead use a scalar buffer or an 
> array and append the data their flattening the brigades on each invocation.

ap_save_brigade was unfortunately the only way i could come up with
for intercepting the body of a response so that it doesn't get sent
to the client, and that its contents may be used for other things.

> Please let us know whether this works for you. Thanks.

i can get on this in a few days.



[mp2] enforcing the order of mod_perl with other modules

2005-05-18 Thread Dorian Taylor
i was under the impression that for each phase in the request,
modules were hooked in the order they were loaded. has this behavior
changed? is there any way to force mod_rewrite, for example, to
operate before mod_perl in the transhandler phase?



[mp2] enforcing the order of mod_perl with other modules

2005-05-18 Thread Dorian Taylor
i was under the impression that for each phase in the request,
modules were hooked in the order they were loaded. has this behavior
changed? is there any way to force mod_rewrite, for example, to
operate before mod_perl in the transhandler phase?



Re: [mp2] enforcing the order of mod_perl with other modules

2005-05-18 Thread Dorian Taylor
> in apache 1.3 yes, just change the order of the modules with LoadModule
> or ClearModuleList+AddModule.  in 2.0 you need to alter the mod_rewrite
> or mod_perl sources, unfortunately.

yeah i just looked at that. what happend to Apache2::Hook?



2005-05-21 Thread Dorian Taylor
did this go away? i can't find any mention of it in the source other
than the documentation and core module logic. i'm currently playing
with making a container configuration, and the documentation says
to set OR_EXEC_ON_READ on the req_override, but it doesn't appear
to be present in Apache2::Const. bizarre.


Re: [MP2]how to catch the response body of a subrequest?

2005-05-27 Thread Dorian Taylor

this is actually broken. it needs the ap_save_brigade patch. i'm
in a c mood so i think i'll hook up an xs version tonight. thanks
for reminding me.


Re: [MP2]how to catch the response body of a subrequest?

2005-05-27 Thread Dorian Taylor
> Or rewrite it to stash data from $bb->flatten, instead of stashing 
> brigades. In which case, no extra API is needed.

this is true. i'll put something up on cpan tonight.


Re: Any way for a PerlHandler to know what Location block it's in?

2005-06-08 Thread Dorian Taylor
On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 12:00:23PM -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
> On 6/8/05, Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > $r->location() ?
> Duh, I'm an idiot.  Thanks :)
> -John

$r->location will also return whatever's in a LocationMatch, Directory
and DirectoryMatch directive, should the scope of the request lay
in one of those. if you're simply clipping the location off the
front of the request uri you could potentially run into trouble.
you can always piggyback the Location directive specifically, using
the configuration api and use what you get back from that.


[ANNOUNCE] Apache2::TrapSubRequest 0.03

2005-06-08 Thread Dorian Taylor - now with working tests.

0.03 should show up soon (forgot to remove the bit about ap_save_brigade
in 0.02)

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache2::TrapSubRequest 0.03

2005-06-08 Thread Dorian Taylor
> Hmm, have you considered removing the _filter sub and writing 
> it as a closure instead?  Here's some code that I've been using 
> for that:

i suppose i could do that. today is clean-my-modules-and-get-them-on-cpan
day so perhaps later. ;)


testing against both apache 1.x and 2.x

2005-06-08 Thread Dorian Taylor
so i'm working on one of my modules that works in both mod_perl 1
and 2, (custom config directives, conditional makefile processing,
the whole nine) and i realized i have to test against both apache
1 and 2, preferably in one sequence. now, there's APACHE_TEST_APXS,
APACHE_TEST_HTTPD and whatnot, but what would be a sane way to go
about retrieving both to do a single test run?


[ANNOUNCE] Apache(2)::DebugLog, Apache(2)::LogF

2005-06-12 Thread Dorian Taylor
i've just completed a couple logging convenience modules. the first:

allows for two dimensional (i.e. category, verbosity) debug logging
on top of the normal debug log. the second:

simply adds printf-like convenience methods to Apache::Log.

Apache::DebugLog uses two custom configuration directives,
PerlDebugLogLevel and PerlDebugLogDomain. mod_perl 1.x is automatically
detected and the xs required to enable these directives is generated.
i have not tested this yet. apache 1.x folk are welcome to try to
break this for me.



Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache(2)::DebugLog, Apache(2)::LogF

2005-06-13 Thread Dorian Taylor
> sounds nice :)

thanks ;)

> if you succeed, is there any chance you could make the logic you came up
> with generic enough to release it as a separate package?  it would be really
> nice to be able to use something like this from Makefile.PL

see below...

>   use Apache::ExtUtils::SomeName;
>   [ whatever your API is ]
> basically, anything generic that would make it
>   o easy to ship mp1 and mp2 modules together
>   o easy to manage mp1 and mp2 modules together where directive handlers are
> involved
> would be a _huge_ benefit to the community.  I know I'd jump right on board
> and try to get Apache::Template working with it if the API were slick and
> easy enough :)

heh, actually, that's what my talk at yapc is about. "abstracting
the apache configuration api". for it, i'm writing
Apache(2)::AbstractConfig which i intend to provide an extensible
configuration framework, making it easier to work with configuration
directives. ideally, i'll be including canned data structures and
merging methods, amongst other things.

i was originally just going to ship this for apache 2, but then i
realized the 1.x xs command table api was easy enough to access.

the only tricky thing is juggling loading of mod_perl 2's symbols
over mod_perl 1 in the Makefile.PL/Build.PL to get the directive
stack out of the common config module. i'm sure it could be wrapped
though, or possibly even some stash-fu could occur.

anyway, i'm going to be sharing my results with the list before
yapc, in case anyone has input on any glaring design mistakes i
might make. ;)


EXEC_ON_READ configuration block directives

2005-06-18 Thread Dorian Taylor
is there a working example of a block directive implementation
available? i just tried setting one up the way
says, and i'm not appearing to get my config subroutine run.

the config parser doesn't complain about the directive, but the
hook doesn't seem to get run.

i did the following:

package Apache2::TestBlock;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Apache2::Module ();
use Apache2::Directive  ();

use Apache2::Const  -compile => qw(TAKE1 RAW_ARGS OR_ALL EXEC_ON_READ);

my @directives = (
name=> ' __PACKAGE__ . '::TestBlock',
args_how=> Apache2::Const::RAW_ARGS,
req_override=> Apache2::Const::OR_ALL | Apache2::Const::EXEC_ON_READ
name=> 'TestScalar',
func=> __PACKAGE__ . '::TestScalar',
args_how=> Apache2::Const::TAKE1,
req_override=> Apache2::Const::OR_ALL,

Apache2::Module::add(__PACKAGE__, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

sub TestBlock {
my ($self, $parms, $args) = @_;
warn "wtf TestBlock dude";
require Data::Dumper;
warn Data::Dumper->Dump($parms->directive->as_hash);

sub TestScalar {
my ($self, $parms, $arg) = @_;
warn "TestScalar: $arg";


the config is this:

PerlLoadModule Apache2::TestBlock

TestScalar bar

am i missing anything?


Re: Apache2::Upload Issue

2005-06-20 Thread Dorian Taylor
uh, hate to bring up a no-brainer, but just out of curiosity, is
the Content-length request header accurate for the encoded payload
*after* it's encoded? just on the off chance that libapreq2 is
stricter than libapreq1, an error like "end of file reached" would
occur if there was extraneous data after the buffer of Content-Length
size was filled. i'd make sure to double, nay, triple-check that
value in the vb.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:07:57PM -0400, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> "D. Hageman"  writes:
> > ggRIASUVORK5CYII=\r\n--AaB03x--
>  ^^
> Missing an \r\n there I think.
> -- 
> Joe Schaefer

Re: Switch and mod_perl

2005-06-23 Thread Dorian Taylor
On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 03:19:22PM -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 10:46 +0200, Jan Eden wrote:
> > could it be that mod_perl doesn't play nice with the Switch module?
> Isn't it a source filter?  Those don't work with mod_perl.
> You probably shouldn't use Switch for anything serious.  Even Damian
> says so.

no doubt. i consider dispatch tables much more elegant anyway.

sub stuff {
# ...

my %DISPATCH = (
Foo => \&stuff,
Bar => \&whatever,

# then ...

my $result = $DISPATCH{$param} ? $DISPATCH{$param}->(@args) : undef;

# or whatever.


Apache::Test assumes Test::Builder < 0.29

2005-07-14 Thread Dorian Taylor
apparently the reset() method of Test::Builder >= 0.29_01 has been
turned into an instance-only method, thus any call to
Apache::Test::test_pm_refresh() when using Apache::Test qw(-withtestmore)
will cause test code to die. perhaps schwern should be notified as well?


Re: Apache::Test assumes Test::Builder < 0.29

2005-07-14 Thread Dorian Taylor
> this is fixed in svn

hm weird i thought i updated before i checked again.

> why?  I think that at best I was mis-using the call to reset() - it always
> accepted $self as an argument, but since it wasn't actually being used I
> ignored it, mostly because I didn't want to mess around with getting the
> $Test object.  then I saw that new() was actually a singleton and smacked
> myself on the head :)

i just figured if you did, other people must have as well, and
throwing in a Carp::croak('...') unless ref $self into Test::Builder::reset
might save some head-scratching all around, but, meh. ;)


debian testing vs mod_perl trunk: Makefile.PL, IO and XSLoader

2005-08-02 Thread Dorian Taylor
the most bizarre thing popped up when i was trying to build a
mod_perl deb (and from regular source) on debian testing/i386:

String found where operator expected at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/ line 11, near 
"XSLoader::load 'IO'"
(Do you need to predeclare XSLoader::load?)
syntax error at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/ line 11, near "XSLoader::load 'IO'"
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 11.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/ line 6.
Compilation failed in require at lib/Apache2/ line 26.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/Apache2/ line 26.
Compilation failed in require at Makefile.PL line 36.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 36.

now, if i go disambiguate XSLoader::load with parentheses, it
complains of an undefined subroutine.

i'm not sure what's eating XSLoader's symbols, but it's sure messing
me up. has anything around this sphere been changed recently, say,
in the last couple weeks?


Re: debian testing vs mod_perl trunk: Makefile.PL, IO and XSLoader

2005-08-02 Thread Dorian Taylor
> Assuming you're aware of the renaming issue:
> I've seen a similar error when installing a current
> CPAN/svn mod_perl-2 over top of an existing mod_perl-2 
> that followed the old API. Did you remove any old
> mod_perl-2 installation before installing the new one?
> In particular, is there an old around that
> may be getting picked up?

weird, there was an, but the mtime was dated july 14,
which is strange cause i thought i'd cleaned it out far before then.
anyway thanks for pointer.


Transfer-Encoding: chunked in requests

2010-10-04 Thread Dorian Taylor (Lists)

Hi all,

Is there a best-practice solution for dealing with requests with  
chunked transfer encoding? About the only thing I could do to get it  
to cooperate was this:

# pull headers
my $hdr = HTTP::Headers->new;
map { $hdr->header($_, $r->headers_in->get($_)) } keys %{$r- 

my ($buf, $cl) = ('', $hdr->header('Content-Length'));
if (defined $cl and $cl =~ /^\d+$/ and $cl > 0) {
$r->read($buf, $cl);
elsif (($hdr->header('Transfer-Encoding') || '') =~ /chunked/i) {
# AHA. chunked.
$r->setup_client_block(2); # REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK
my $chunk = '';
while (my $n = $r->get_client_block($chunk, 2048)) {
# warn $n;
$buf .= $chunk;
$hdr->header('Content-Length', length $buf);
else {

$r->read() seems to have no effect when the input is chunked but the  
docs warn against using $r->get_client_block. I did notice that  
get_client_block clobbers $chunk instead of appending to it  
(originally I had it as $buf). So I'm interested if there is a more  
appropriate way to do this.

For reference, I am using: Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 SVN/1.5.4  
mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0


Dorian Taylor
Make things. Make sense.