Re: [MOSAIC] Need questions to ask fifth grade teacher candidates!

2009-08-14 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Yes! I so agree with Jennifer! What have you read lately? should
DEFINITELY be one of your most important questions (maybe even asking
specifically if he/she is familiar with Mosaic or any other professional
books about literacy). 

But also don't forget, Have you WRITTEN anything lately?  You might be
surprised by how many candidates are bloggers. You could really learn a LOT
about someone by reading what they've put out there on their blog. 

Good luck!
-Michelle TG

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

-Original Message- writes:

So, I'm  helping to interview two fifth grade teacher candidates
tomorrowI'm  supposed to ask questions relating to literacy. I'm
thinking: reading and  writing workshop related question, and how to balance
direct instruction on  skills with choice related reading and writing. What
do you think I should  ask?

Send me some questions that you think I should ask!

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Re: [MOSAIC] Creating a database

2009-08-11 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
You might want to try It's free up to a certain # of
books, but then only a small fee for a lifetime membership with unlimited
books. You can tag books with strategies or add things in the comment box. 

Also, I'm quite happy with their customer service. I had issues searching
for books, emailed them my concern and they fixed the bug that day. 

-Michelle TG
-Original Message-

I am interested in finding out what you are using to create a database for
book cataloging.  All my books are leveled but not cataloged which can be
frustrating when I am looking for a read-aloud book to match instruction.  I
would like to create a system to find the books I want to use instead of
digging through 4 bins in a certain level (Then of course enlisting the
kids! LOL)


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Re: [MOSAIC] teacher desk or no?

2009-08-08 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I asked an older semi-retired farmer/carpenter to build me a podium. I gave
him a sketch with dimensions and asked for adjustable shelves, a drawer, and
a built in pencil cup. Also, WHEELS so I can move it about easily. 

He ended up building me the most beautiful, pulpit-looking solid oak podium.
He really enjoyed the challenge! 

Here's a photo:

AND the bonus is it's MINE. Cost me about $300 out of my own pocket, but it
goes wherever I go. 

I know that office supply catalogs have similar metal podiums if you are
allowed to request items like that from your building principal. They also
run about $300. 

Just another option! :-) 

-Michelle TG/5th/IA

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Scott and Michelle TG


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Re: [MOSAIC] Classroom Library

2009-08-05 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I think having a WIDE range of levels is very important. You are guaranteed
to have a WIDE range of readers in any given classroom. And don't forget a
nice balance between fiction and nonfiction.  

As for where to get the books, yes, yard sales are great, thrift stores
usually have a few good ones, buy a handful from each book order each month
(those prices are hard to beat!), and when I first started, I bought a book
at Walmart/Target just about every time I was in the store (they usually are
under $5).  Oh, and don't forget to mention in your newsletters that you
would be more than willing to take any donations when parents clean off
bookshelves at home.  

Finally, is a great place to catalogue your

Building your own personal library is just so much fun AND then you get to
take them all WITH you as you move about grade levels/positions/schools. 
Best of luck! 

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

 In a message dated 8/5/2009 2:27:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 I am a  student at Wayne State University and will be doing my student
 teaching in  September. I am very interested on starting my own classroom
 library for when  I will have a classroom of my own in a year. What are
 suggestions on how I can  create my own classroom library? Do I
 levels? Where is the  best place to find books?

 Glynis (Wayne State University student)

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Re: [MOSAIC] Ind. Reading (book whisperer)

2009-08-02 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Rhonda (and others)
There is an informal book discussion on The Book Whisperer going on here:
I'd say the book is aimed at 4-8 teachers, but definitely worth the read for
ALL reading teachers! 

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

-Original Message-
I bought and read The Book Whisperer in practically one sitting. I would
love for anyone who has read it to email me off line for an informal book
discussion. I have done many of the things that Donalyn has done in her
classroom but would like to take it to HER level. I teach 8th graders so
let me know your thoughts.

Thanks so much,

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Re: [MOSAIC] anecdotal data

2009-08-02 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Scrolls really served as an anchor for me throughout the year in regards
to determining importance in NONFICTION by identifying those features. My
students knew to look for titles, subtitles, and bold words FIRST when they
picked up nonfiction (and other features second, third,...) as a result of
the mapping we did with scrolls at the beginning of the year. 

Thanks again for sharing your ideas, Dave! 


This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

-Original Message-
A penny for your thoughts:  If you used scrolls and textmapping in your
classrooms last year, would you take a moment to summarize how things went?
It could be as simple as, I teach fourth grade language arts in Timbuktu,
and it made a big difference for eight of my twenty-four students.  (And
perhaps you could give an example of a lesson that worked particularly well,
or of a child who benefitted)

Your feedback would be much appreciated.


Dave Middlebrook
The Textmapping Project
A resource for teachers improving reading comprehension skills instruction.   |   Please share this site with your colleagues!

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Re: [MOSAIC] Professional Learning Communities

2009-06-20 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
My experience with PLCs is that they work wonderfully on a VOLUNTEER basis.
Don't MANDATE them. 

-Michelle TG

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Re: [MOSAIC] Textmapping for beginners

2009-06-06 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Love the idea of laminating the scroll on butcher paper. Then you can also
use overhead markers to mark it each year.  Thanks for the idea, Lori!

I wrote about using scrolls to teach nonfiction features here:

Dave--when is your book coming out? 

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Scott and Michelle TG


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Re: [MOSAIC] binding books

2009-04-10 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

If you are pretty good w/formatting in MicrosoftWord, check out They offer professional printing services and will mail
you the finished copy within a week. This would be especially good for a
collection of stories.  Plus, you could offer parents a chance to buy their
own copy.

-Michelle TG
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Scott and Michelle TG


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Re: [MOSAIC] Help: Need to start 8th Grade Sci-Fi Club

2008-12-07 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Try the book Heir Apparent by Vivian Vande Velde.  SciFi set in future
w/artificial intelligence machines and games.  Main character, a gamer
(happens to be a girl) goes into a Virtual Reality game set in medieval
times and gets stuck in the game, unable to get out until she successfully
completes game, or dies from VR computer overloading her brain. Reading
level is something like 5.4.  I highly recommend it! Boys and girls LOVE it.

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelly Wade
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 6:07 PM
To: mosaic
Subject: [MOSAIC] Help: Need to start 8th Grade Sci-Fi Club

Hi all,

A friend of mine works at a school that spends a lot of time trying to
engage reluctant and struggling readers. He started a reading club for his
eighth graders, featured the book Twilight, and attracted a lot of kids. The
catch: all girls, of course. So now my friend is looking for a sci fi book
or sci fi series that will attract some of the boys in his target group. Any
ideas? Remember I'm looking for eighth grade interest but maybe a bit lower
in terms of reading level.

Thanks in advance!

Kelly W
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[MOSAIC] Invitation

2008-11-23 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I'd like to extend an invitation to my Mosaic friends.  We are beginning a
small discussion on Debbie Miller's Teaching with Intention book at

You all are welcome to join in the conversation. :-)  

Michelle TG

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Scott and Michelle TG


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Re: [MOSAIC] Thanks Dave! Textmapping is Great!

2008-09-20 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I think Dave answered your questions BEAUTIFULLY. There are SO many
applications of this textmapping technique.

But, if you want to know what I was doing with that particular lesson, it
was focused on finding and using text features.(See
So, no white out. Book was about 30 pages nonfiction QA format(I shrunk it
down on copy machine to get two pages per sheet w/room on top to write) and
the book was related to their current Social Studies unit on Early Explorers
(Kids were saying, We have SCHEMA for this!). For THIS lesson I DID use
the same text because the focus was on finding and labeling those features. 

Here's some more info if you are interested...

I have since given them each a smaller scroll, although we didn't glue/tape
pages together, just laid out the pages on their desks.  They each got three
papers, each with four pages of text from the book (shrunk 50%), just taking
the first couple of sections from the beginning of the book and the
glossary/index from the back.  I specifically choose another book related to
their current Science unit on muscles.

Their directions were to highlight and label those nonfiction features, then
go back and READ the text (I choose one about a grade level below so I was
sure they could all read it. PLUS they had schema for the text since they've
been learning about muscles in Science.) As they actually READ the text, I
asked them to record some of their thinking in margins, using the
strategies. (I have done an anchor lesson for each MOSAIC strategy as a
review at the beginning of the year as our kiddos have had strategy
instruction all the way through now.)

This was used as a FORMATIVE assessment to see which kids still need help
identifying the features, which kids need help in getting beyond basic,
surface-level use of strategies, and which kids are ready for a stretch.
This coming week we'll break into groups to do just that, using different
texts for each group.

And yes, I hope to get into teaching those text structures more and more
this year and will certainly make a point of using scrolls and textmapping
to do so. 

All said, I just plain LOVE the idea of spreading that book out, opening the
entire text for them to see at once. This is a great teaching tool.  Try it!

-Michelle TG

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG
-Original Message-
Hi Michelle - thanks for your post...just a few quick questions if you don't
mind. Did you white out the page numbers, and/or the the features for them
to fill in on their own, or were the copied pages exactly from the text?
Also, how long of a text did you choose? Was it an instructional text or
informational? and one more question...did all groups have the same text?
Thanks you so much!! Diane

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[MOSAIC] Thanks Dave! Textmapping is Great!

2008-09-17 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Just wanted to publicly say Thanks to Dave Middlebrook for sharing his
textmapping project with everyone via his website at 

I wrote about it and shared some pictures of the process on my blog at 
My kiddos LOVED it and they will definitely remember how those nonfiction
features help them read and understand the text. 

-Michelle TG

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

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Re: [MOSAIC] Web 2.0 opportunity for Mosaic members

2008-07-14 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I certainly did not intend to worry anyone or to imply we trade in this
email group any time soon with my invitation to explore web 2.0
opportunities available to this list.  My sincere apologies. 

I'm merely suggesting that there are newer, improved ways of communicating.
Remember those clunky old bag cell phones? They were great when they first
came out, but I'm sure glad my new phone slides right into my pocket.  Web
2.0 is like that--smoother and easier to manage.  Honestly, if you were able
to subscribe to this Mosaic email group, you could certainly navigate
through the website which I suggested as a starting point
( There's no need to download any software at
all.  Why not try it out for yourself--you may be surprised! 

Either way, read Mosaic, DISCUSS in which ever way you're comfortable, and
be happy.  

Enjoy the remaining days of summer!
-Michelle TG

-Original Message-

I have no idea how these different systems work or what they look like.
That said, I like the way Mosaic works right now.  

What kind of software might I need to add to use a different system?  I'd
probably leave the list if I had to add something or if it was difficult to
learn to use a new system.


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[MOSAIC] Web 2.0 opportunity for Mosaic members

2008-07-13 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I've been exploring a couple of web 2.0 sites this summer and have fallen
head over heels with their possibilities.  I really see potential for
expanding this group into one of the several social networking sites.  I've
joined two recently and have come into contact with educators around the
world.  If you're interested, check out the links to Classroom 2.0 and
Twitter on the left side of my teacher link page

Seriously, BIG collaboration potential people! :-) (Not to mention a
reduction in LONG ugly emails with all of the techno-garble attached!)

Michelle TG/IA

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[MOSAIC] OBBD--Feeding the addiction!

2008-07-07 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Love that term, Obsessive Book Buyers Disorder, Joy!  

May I offer some ideas to feed your addiction?
Whenever I'm in Des Moines, I love to go to Half Price Books and pick up
between $50-$80 worth of used books for my classroom.  They have franchises
all over the place ( they
offer a 10% teacher discount. Most of you have probably heard of these
stores, but being from a small town, I was ecstatic when I found this place!
I'm somewhat glad I don't have one of THOSE stores closer to where I live,
or my addiction would be seriously out of control.  

Also, if you're into organizing your library, check out  It offers a cataloging service.  Free for up
to 200 titles, $25 for lifetime membership with unlimited titles. And you
can tag books by typing in inferences or questioning so you can
remember which titles you liked from one year to the next.   

Wondering what other OBBD resources are out there?  Please share!

Michelle TG/IA
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 1:18 PM

Welcome to OBBD anonymous! The first step to becoming an official member
of Obsessive Book Buyers Disorder Anonymous is recognizing you have a
problem. I'm a charter member, and can identify with you completely!

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[MOSAIC] Wordle website

2008-06-18 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Hey all,
LOTS of possibilities with a website called Wordle
Anyone else out there use it? I created a wordle using the reading
strategies and put it on my teacher link page

This would be a FUN project to do with students!   

Have a good Thursday!

Michelle TG/IA


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[MOSAIC] Off Topic: Teacher documentary

2008-06-16 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Take a look at the trailer available on this website:

-Michelle TG/IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] Colorado website

2008-06-05 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Not sure if I have the right link to which Melissa was referring, but I
added that Denver Public School Elementary Literacy website to my Teacher
Link page.  DPS has put a lot of good info on that site! Thanks to those
that remembered that link!

Michelle TG/IA

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/4/2008 3:31 PM 


A while back there was reference of a Colorado school's website.  I found so
many useful resource on the website--they had mapping at each grade level
and then the scope and sequence that strategies were taught at each grade
level district wide.  I printed everything I wanted and then lost the
website, but since then have bragged about this site continuously for all of
it's usefulness, and now can't pass it on!  If anyone knows what I'm
referring to and could send me the link that would be WONDERFUL!!! 

Thank you so much.  I hope everyone's school year is winding down!!

Melissa Zey
Farmington, MN

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Re: [MOSAIC] Looking for book suggestions

2008-05-25 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
My kids LISTENED and read along with the first Artemis Fowl book by Eoin
Colfer.  I downloaded the unabridged audio version from iTunes.  It's read
by Nathaniel Parker and it's WONDERFUL!  I got the actual books from for only $3.00 each (still a big chunk of my own money, but worth
it).  I also downloaded a VERY in-depth book study guide on the book from  AND a school in Tennessee
( has posted questions
that I used as just a quick did you pay attention check.  Feel free to
email me off list if you'd like more details of the unit 

Michelle TG/5th/IA

 -Original Message-
I am doing my ordering for next year andam looking for some book
I am looking for high interest books for students in grades 6 - 8 who are 
struggling readers. I need books that will grab them and hold their
throughout the book.   Any suggestions?

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Re: [MOSAIC] Staff Development

2008-05-16 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
-Original Message-
I am looking for suggestions for someone to come in and present a one-day
³workshop on workshops.²  

Check out
We've been using Angela as a literacy consultant for three years and
absolutely love her!  She has a vibrant personality and a passion for
literacy education. 

-Michelle TG/IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] Leveled books

2008-04-23 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

I JUST got a few sets of leveled nonfiction books (between levels M through
S, I believe) from Sundance Publishers called The Real Deal and my 5th
graders are loving them! I just got the one copy of each package, but they
sell them by six-packs as well.  I highly recommend them! 

Also, as you get into the intermediate grades, I'd say Rigby does a SUPER
job with nonfiction, but their fiction looks pretty canned and cartoonish.  

Finally, we originally began stocking our bookroom with the guided reading
sets available from Scholastic--all real books, but packaged in sets where
you can buy the entire set (they have 4 different sets available now levels
A-Z!) or you can buy just certain levels.
The sets come with a generic Guided Reading manual from Gay Su Pinnell

Have fun! Ordering books is just like Christmas! :-) 

-Michelle TG/IA

On 4/22/08, HERBERT Suzanne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't thank everyone enough for their comments and directions with 
 my request for help with choosing books.  The problem is this.  The 
 school principal will not allow a books boxed by a publisher at a 
 level as she thinks those are not the best quality literature.  We are

 using F and P as our guideline for the book titles at each grade level

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[MOSAIC] Lookybook site great for smart boards

2008-03-26 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Here's a new web site that's just in its beta stage:

Browse/READ ENTIRE picture books online.  Especially cool if you have a
SmartBoard! Some books are difficult to read, as the text is too small and
they don't have a zoom feature yet, but MOST are just fine to read online.
When used with a SmartBoard, it's kind of a digital big book!

Check it out!
Michelle TG/ IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] Guided Reading in Intermediate?

2008-03-25 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I'm in the same boat, Melissa.   It's hard to get everything in!  Here's my
very FLEXIBLE scheduling information.  I, too, am VERY interested in what
others are doing. 

I teach 2 sections of 5th grade Reading/Lang Arts. One section is a solid
two hour block (except for two days a week where over 1/2 of the kids get
pulled for large group band practice... THAT'S another story).  My own
section of kids I get between 1.5-2.5 hours each day, but somewhat scattered
depending on the day.  (I also do Social Studies with my own kids as well
for 30-50 min most days.)  

Right now, my solid two hour block goes MOSTLY like this:
8:30-8:45/55 (15-25 minutes) WORD WORK
Including Word of the Day, Working with spelling words (grouped by phonetic
pattern and/or based on roots, prefixes, suffixes), and Vocabulary words
from the basal.

8:45/55-9:05/20 (20-40 minutes) Modeled/Shared/Interactive Reading
We are all practicing the same thing (often one of the Mosaic reading
strategies) with a common text (usually our new Literacy by Design basal
from Rigby) and reading together, within small groups, or with partners

9:05/20-9:35/40 (15-40 min) Independent/Guided Reading OR Literature Circles
USUALLY kids use this time to independently read and practice skill or
strategy discussed during our whole group time with their own self-selected
text (although sometimes I direct them to a specific text or genre depending
on what they need and what works best for practicing that skill).  While
they read, I require them to record their thinking on sticky notes as proof
of the application of said skill/strategy.  They are also allowed to take
Accelerated Reader quizzes during this time.  

We've also done literature circles twice for two weeks each during this time
so far--LOVE IT and the kids are BEGGING to do it again! :-) We will at
least one more time this year.  

Once in a WHILE I meet with a small group during this time, but usually I'm
busy answering miscellaneous questions, responding to kids who are excited
to show me something in their book, conferencing with a handful of students,
or doing some kind of one-on-one reading testing. 

9:35/40-9:45 (5-10 min) SHARING TIME
I randomly (or not so randomly some days) call on kids to SHARE their
thinking from independent reading time which they have recorded on sticky
notes.  I remind everyone Eyes on speaker, and then they all learn from
each other and quite often like to add their own two cents worth to
someone's thinking.  Those notes then go on notebook paper placed in their
individual reading binders as a form of formative assessment for me.

9:45-10:00 (15 min) STORY TIME!  
I read aloud from a chapter book.  If we skip this, I hear about it!  Even
5th grade kids LOVE to be read to! 

10:00-10:30 (30 min) WRITER'S WORKSHOP
I include 5-15 minute grammar mini-lessons during this time or a DOL/Daily
Oral Language sentence at least.  As far as the actual writing portion, I
read and LOVED Aimee Buckner's book 'Notebook Know-How and used that as a
starting point earlier this year to introduce daily writing.  We now
alternate every few weeks between playing around with a mode of writing in
our composition books, to working through the writing process using legal
pads for first draft, and typing (and editing) 2nd/3rd/possibly 4th drafts.

Wow!  Sorry that's SO long.  
I'm looking forward to hearing what others are doing! My main question would
be how important do you all feel DAILY Guided Reading IS at this age,
especially IF/WHEN the kids are getting 15+ minutes of focused independent
reading within their reading level?  

-Michelle TG/IA/5th
-Original Message-
Can some of you elaborate on the time frame all of this is being completed

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Re: [MOSAIC] Teaching kids to record their thinking

2008-01-09 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
The four square page is simply four empty boxes--no individual purpose for
any of the boxes other than to provide an organizational tool for hanging on
to those precious notes that hold all that thinking.  By the way, I
conference one-on-one with the kids as they read independently (2-4 kids per
day) and I also randomly call on kids at the end of our 15-30 minute
indep.reading time to share their thinking (what they wrote on those sticky
notes), so I'm holding them accountable to stick with the strategy and to
actually record their thinking. Also, this 5-10 minute follow-up time
provides such rich conversation and new insights to the strategies as we can
discuss misunderstandings and different ways of looking at things in the

I put a copy of the form on my web page at
Feel free to download, change, print, copy, whatever!

Have a good Thursday!
Michelle TG/5th/IA

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

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Re: [MOSAIC] Teaching kids to record their thinking

2008-01-07 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I teach fifth grade and use sticky notes all of the time. Kids write on them
and then we attach them to a four-square page (a paper that simply has
been divided into four squares with room for the title of the book at the
top) that is kept in their individual reading binders--pages of direct
evidence of the kids' thinking while reading.  GREAT for classroom formative
assessment, report cards and parent-teacher conferences.  By the way, the
kids also have the option of simply writing directly on the four-square
page, bypassing the sticky note.  Most use the notes though because of their
portability and small, non-threatening size. 

Whenever we begin a new strategy focus, my kiddos have a little bit of time
figuring out what exactly to write on those notes: how to write just enough
information and how to SUPPORT their thinking with evidence from the text.
That's why it's SO important to follow the GRADUAL RELEASE model beginning
with MODELING.  Modeling is not just a one time shot.  You need to model,
then model again, adjust instruction according to the needs of your
students, model some more, and just when you think they JUST about have it,
model AGAIN! :-)  If the kids aren't getting it they need a MODEL of what
it should look like.  

Of course, don't forget the other steps in the gradual release including
shared, interactive, guided and independent practice.  Your 5th grade
teacher may be modeling, but skipping some of these other steps.  Each is
important in developing active readers. The Strategies That Work book does a
nice job of explaining this process.  Not only a good way to teach reading,
but simply a good way to TEACH, period. 

-Michelle TG/ IA/ 5th

This message sent from the home of
Scott and Michelle TG

-Original Message-
From: Linda Buice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A teacher in my building is having difficulty with fifth graders use of 
sticky notes.  Does someone have a lesson that helps them focus on just 
writing real connections on the notes - they are not getting her point.

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[MOSAIC] Questioning

2007-10-13 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Happy Saturday, everyone!  

I'm planning for next week's lessons on questioning and I have a question
for the list.  I DON'T want to get too involved in labeling questions (just
like many of you said about labeling text-to-self/text/world connections),
but I think that in order to get my kids past surface level questions, I
need to come up with some kind of tier of questions and I want to go past
Thick and Thin question labeling for my 5th graders.  I REALLY would like
some input and then I'll come up with a visual that I'll post on my web
page. AGAIN, don't panic, I'm not going to go overboard with this, but
simply want to point out the difference in one or two lessons so I can label
an irrelevant question as such when one of my kiddoes fails to dig into the

Here's what I'm thinking:
Tier 1: Irrelevant questions (Questions that have no relevance to the
comprehension of the story)
Tier 2: Clarifying questions (Questions that stem from monitoring your
comprehension as you seek to clear up confusion--these DO affect
comprehension and show active reading)
Tier 3: Predicting questions (Questions that lead to inferences about what
will happen in the story--obviously affecting comprehension)
Tier 4: LIFE questions (Questions that lead to a synthesis of the story.
These may or may not be answerable.)

Are there other tiers that I'm not including in this so far?  Are there any
other terms for Predicting or Life questions?  Any clarifications on
what each type involves?

Thanks in advance.  

Michelle TG/IA 

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Re: [MOSAIC] persuasive writing

2007-10-09 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

Barb wrote:
We are going to be doing some persuasive writing in both 2nd and 3rd grade.
You have GOT to read the picture book I Wanna Iguana as an introduction to
persuasive writing!  Check it out at amazon:

-Michelle TG/IA

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[MOSAIC] Jennifer's schema parent newsletter

2007-09-24 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Good evening group!
I see that you have a parent newsletter devoted to schema available on the
tools page:

Just wondering...
Would you happen to have parent newsletters for the other strategies? And if
so, would you be willing to share them?  I think that a SHORT, eye-catching
newsletter like this one would be very beneficial to parents wondering what
all of these strategies are exactly. Does anyone else have sample parent
newsletters devoted to each strategy?

Michelle TG/IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] help! 13 years in gr.1/2 now gr. 5!

2007-08-23 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
In a message dated 8/23/2007, Nancy wrote:
I noticed there are a lot of Skippyjon Jones books.
Which one would you recommend?

There are currently three regular Skippyjon Jones as well as a few board
books.  My favorite is still the first and original entitled simply,
Skippyjon Jones. 


-Michelle TG

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Scott and Michelle TG


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Re: [MOSAIC] help! 13 years in gr.1/2 now gr. 5!

2007-08-22 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Seems like there's quite a few of us that have moved from primary to
intermediate this year.  I taught 2nd for 12 years and now am in 5th.  Feel
free to email me off list as well and we can share ideas together if you'd

For writing ideas and lesson outlines, I would HIGHLY recommend a book that
I found as a result of this list.  Notebook Know-How by Aimee Buckner.  

Also, the book I read to the class today (first day of school), just to
remind them how FUN reading can be, is Skippyjon Jones, a picture book, by
Judy Schachner. Absolutely hilarious!  

Finally, don't forget all of the reading  writing resources available to
print and use immediately from Beth Newingham's website.  There's a link to
her page at  I spent a lot of time
on her site this summer just trying to look at her stuff and THINK about how
I wanted my reading and writing workshop time to go.

Best wishes,
Michelle TG

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Re: [MOSAIC] Choice Literacy/The Two Sisters

2007-07-31 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I agree with everyone on the value of Choice Literacy.  I just signed up for
the FREE stuff last year and loved THAT (email newsletter, articles, and
links).  I'll be getting the subscription this year.

As far as the video Classroom Beautiful goes, I have seen it and loved it!
I found it to be much like the home makeover type shows on TLC/HGTV, but
geared at classrooms.  Depending on your fire codes (ours are getting
stricter ALL of the time) you may not be able to implement all of their
suggestions.  I had a talk with my principal before purchasing the four
lamps (at the dollar store and Goodwill) for my room this year--all plug
directly into a regular outlet and I don't have any cords sticking out where
they could be tripped over.  I also have already covered all of my bulletin
boards in a green (sagey kind of green) with black borders, leaving them
empty and ready for our learning this fall. Love it! They just give you
ideas on how to make your classroom more home-like and organized. If you
haven't already, go to their site and watch the little preview.  

Hope you get a chance to see it. Our AEA has it available for checkout.  

Oh, by the way, THANKS everyone for the website suggestions. I keep adding
them to my links page and the list is getting quite extensive!  My latest is
Marsha Carlevaro's page where she listed our beginning of the year book
suggestions.  She has a LOT of resources available on her thinking
strategies and reading pages.  Thanks for sharing, Marsha!  

-Michelle TG/IA

 -Original Message-
I have just discovered the Choice Literacy website 
(  Is anyone a member of the 
site, and can you tell me if you've found it worthwhile?

I'd also love to see the Sisters' new DVD about organzing classroom 
space called Simply Beautiful.  If you've seen that, I'd welcome your 
comments as well.

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Re: [MOSAIC] ESL students

2007-07-28 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
In a message dated 7/28/2007 12:10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
Is it more effective for ESL students to learn to read first and focus less 
on comprehension, or should ESL students focus more on comprehension and
less on  accuracy?

I would agree that working on BOTH accuracy (decoding) and comprehension
simultaneously is the key.  

My first pure ESL student (not speaking one word of English) arrived in my
2nd grade classroom last year and she began to understand English more
quickly than she could read English.  I had my ESL in two groups.  One group
that read very emergent (FP levels F-G) with a couple of my special ed
cherubs and one group that read at grade level and then I would read TO/WITH
her.  However, after only a month or so, this little ESL soon became
frustrated when meeting with the emergent group because of their special
needs and needing to be constantly refocused on the discussion. So I moved
her to an entirely different group with a couple of Title I Reading kids,
just slightly below grade level.  I had to work with her a lot in that
group, so I finally decided just to take her one-on-one as often as I could
for anywhere from 5-20 minutes.  She progressed, but was not catching up
as quickly as I would have liked.  

Thankfully at that point (February?), our Reading Recovery teacher found an
open slot and took her for 30 minutes and worked through that program with
her.  WOW!  I have always been a supporter of that program, but now I'm
really a CHEERLEADER!  I'm happy to say that she was reading orally AT GRADE
LEVEL by the end of the year.  She still had a BIG background knowledge and
vocabulary deficit, but could decode 2nd grade material accurately and
fluently.  (Background knowledge is an entirely different thread as you all
know.)  At any rate, while the RR Teacher worked one-on-one with decoding
and comp at the emergent level, I was able to place her in a group and work
mainly on comprehension (and some decoding) at grade level.  This
double-dipping worked well and I was so pleased with her growth!  

I know this scenario will not work for everyone and it probably will not
even be an option for me in the future (it just worked out this year).  But
if I have another pure ESL student like this one, you bet I'll be asking for
advice from my RR teacher and simultaneously work on comprehension and

By the way, I also regularly ordered LOTS of Spanish and bilingual books
from the Club Leo Spanish book orders from Scholastic last year so my ESL
student could read those books as well during independent reading.  Then I
felt comfortable that she had plenty of material that she could actually
read and comprehend.  She was VERY excited when she saw the first few
Spanish books come out of the box and devoured those books within days,
reading them and talking about them with me in class, and taking them home
to share with her family along with the English books that she read nightly.

Good luck to you and your fellow students.  I think you all are VERY lucky
to have such an excellent instructor! 

Michelle TG/IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] Student teacher question on fluency/retention-Juliana

2007-07-28 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
-Original Message-
Elisa wrote,
Research on retention reveals that while retaining kids may have a positive
effect in the short term (the following year of school, maybe) there are no
positive long term effects.

I'd like to know what the research has to say about EARLY retention.  I've
personally seen quite a few successes with retaining kinders and 1st graders
(age/maturity being main issue). Does anyone know of any age related
research on retention? 
Just wondering.

Michelle TG/IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] Links to websites?

2007-07-27 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

Thanks, John!  I took a quick look at the sites and added them today to my
teacher links page. I'm looking forward to going over them in more detail
later this weekend.  

Michelle TG/IA
-Original Message-
From: Zeck, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I'm new to this list so I don't know what has already been shared but three
good literacy sources are
1. Literacy
Education and Reading Network)
2.  (Cooperative
Learning Structures)
3. (K to 12 Resources)

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[MOSAIC] First week plans?

2007-07-26 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Anyone out there willing to share some first week lesson plans (especially
for 5th grade reading/language arts)?  What specific activities do YOU all
do the first few days?  
Thanks in advance,
Michelle TG/IA

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Re: [MOSAIC] Links to websites?

2007-07-25 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Thanks, Kelly, for the link to the MiddleWeb site with the curriculum maps!
I had forgotten about that one.  I added it and the related Literacy
Workshop site to my teacher links page
(  There sure are an awful lot of
amazing educators out there so willing to SHARE!  

If anyone has any other really good literacy sites that I should include,
let me know.  I'm updating my page before school begins in late August and
I'd love to have a bunch of new sites to share with my committee at our
first meeting. 

Michelle TG/IA
-Original Message-
Those are all excellent questions and--as I feel like a newbie regarding  
workshop teaching--I can't answer them with authority. However, what has
helping me a lot is being able to see curriculum maps from others who are
experienced at this. At the very least they give you an idea of what people

teach when and how they put certain concepts together.
A set of curriculum maps that REALLY helped me can be found at 
( .  I downloaded all
of them both for reading and writing and 
was able to  revise them to suit my unique needs (like adding required stuff

from my  district and deleting lessons that are not appropriate for my

Kelly W

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Re: [MOSAIC] Round Robin Reading

2007-07-21 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
On 7/21/07 11:47 AM, Joy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't do round robin reading in my class. Never have. However, my new
TA, who is wonderful in every other way, is disturbed by this. She feels so
strongly about it that whenever she has had to fill in for me (IEP meetings
and the like) she makes a point of doing this with my class. It is important
for me to win her over without hitting her with a bunch of research and
data, and I don't want to involve the school administration (like I said,
she is WONDERFUL the BEST TA I've had yet). What would you suggest I do?

You're probably not going to change her mind overnight, and the likelihood
of convincing her without sharing research is slim. So, how about having the
TA work on choral reading/reader's theater if she feels the need for oral
reading while you're occupied?

-Michelle TG

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Re: [MOSAIC] [reading videos

2007-07-21 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

Our local AEA (Area Education Association) has the videos.  They even were
kind enough to order the Daily 5 and a couple others after I made the
suggestion and they allow us to check them out over the summer if we are
willing to pick them up and drop them off at their office ourselves. I don't
know--does every state have their own local education associations??

(Seems like I'm just sitting by my computer today!!  My son is not feeling
well, so I'm inside today, and I'm waiting for an email from family, so I
keep checking it whenever I hear the bleep.  I really DO have a life outside
of the MOT listserv! LOL! My name is Michelle, and I'm not only a
teachaholic, but I've been addicted to the MOT listserv for 12 weeks now...
Have a great weekend everyone!)

-Michelle TG/IA

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] [reading videos

I would LOVE to see some of the wonderful videos like Sharon Taberski's or  
Debbie Miller's but my district isn't able to buy these.  I'm wondering if  
anyone knows of any library or rental system that might have these tapes  
Wouldn't it be great if  Stenhouse would rent them like Blockbuster  does.  
They probably make more in rental fees than sales!  LOL
Kathy in Ct

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Re: [MOSAIC] Balanced Literacy

2007-07-20 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
-Original Message from Diane-
The Reading teachers have been asked to do an all day presentation on  
Balanced Literacy for one of our Professional Development days in  
September. I'm wondering if some of you have some things to share. My  
coworker and I are feeling quite nervous about this presentation. We  
would appreciate any help you can give us.

You might consider breakout sessions.  Perhaps one would involve viewing and
discussing some of Debbie Miller's tapes/DVDs.  Another might be sharing of
the MOSAIC teaching tools page and other websites and could be done in the
computer lab. My favorites are listed at

Whatever you decide to do, I'd be interested in hearing about it.  Please
let us know what you decide to do, how you do it, and how many educators are

Thank you,
Michelle TG/IA

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[MOSAIC] [OT] 5th grade word study

2007-07-19 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
I have a question for the group as I make the transition from teaching 2nd
grade to teaching fifth grade this fall.  It is OT (off topic) of reading
strategies, but IS a part of balanced literacy.  (I would appreciate emails
off list in response.) I knew that you all are such wonderful educators, I
couldn't dream of going somewhere else to find answers. :-)

I'm not sure how word study is going to fit yet into my 2 hour
reading/language arts block and I'm not sure what material to use. 
What do you all suggest?

I'm interested in Patricia Cunningham's month by month phonics (and I see
they have a newer version now,
=month+by+month+phonicsoid=736).  Has anyone used this resource?  

Sorry, I couldn't pass up the chance to ask THIS group an OT question! 

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Re: [MOSAIC] reading conferences PLUS an idea!

2007-07-16 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Debbie wrote,
The one thing that I can see the value of is the students having control of
the notebooks.

Don't forget to check out Beth Newingham's web page. Remember she has
AWESOME resources available to download for a reader's notebook.
Click on Literacy Links, then on Reader's Workshop, and finally, about
half way down the page she has a link to her Reader's Notebook ideas and
.PDF files.  (Also many are in .doc so you can adapt them to fit your needs
as well.)

I think you could easily incorporate a section in each notebook for your own
anecdotal records. The students would have their notebooks with them as they
were reading and you could just open up to that section as you conference
with them.  I'm thinking of trying that next year in 5th grade.  Has anyone
tried this?  One benefit would be a sense of ownership as each student can
see exactly what you are writing.  

I'm also playing with the idea of having a 3 box record sheet.  One box
would be a note keeping box, where you could either record a running record,
or just conference notes.  The second box would be titled, I liked..., to
record positive behaviors you noticed. And the last would be, How
about...? where you could record what you'd like that student to work on.
Run about 4 or 5 of these sheets back to back and place them into the
student's notebook, ready for you each time you conference and just keep
adding to the section as you need.  Then each conference is recorded and
ready to share at parent-teacher conference time.  What do you think???


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Re: [MOSAIC] Picture book recommendations?

2007-07-15 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
One specific C. Rylant title that is a MUST for both reading AND writing is
Let's Go Home: The Wonderful Things About a House by Cynthia Rylant 

It's a real treasure for creating sensory images and determining importance.

-Michelle TG/IA

-Original Message-
From: Maggie Dillier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Specifically, I am looking for wonderful picture books that can serve
double duty in many, many minilessons (reading AND writing, probably).

5th GT, Irving, TX

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Re: [MOSAIC] Sentence Combining

2007-07-05 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

In the book Best Practices in Literacy Instruction (2nd Ed) edited by
Michael Pressley, there's a chapter entitled, Building a sound Writing
Program and on page 145 of that chapter the author states, Studies show
that teaching formal grammar to students has 'a negligible or even harmful
effect on improving students' writing'...The only isolated skills teaching
that does seem to show a positive effect on writing is teaching students how
to combine sentences.  (in other words, teach grammar in CONTEXT of
students' writing.)

After reading that a few years ago, I purposely incorporated some sentence
combining lessons into my 2nd grade writer's workshop and the kids did very
well with the activities and the lessons had some carry over. I did these
lessons in the spring after introducing adjectives and adverbs, but I think
I'm going to begin the year with sentence combining this year (I'm moving to
5th grade) and make sure to intersperse these lessons throughout the year
for maximum effect.  

Anyone tried this throughout the year? Have you seen carry over and improved
writing as a result?

-Michelle TG, 5th IA


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Re: [MOSAIC] DRA, accuracy, comprehension and fluency to arrive at a reading level....

2007-05-19 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
The DRA2 has written response beginning at level 28 (approx level=end of 2nd

Michelle TG

-Original Message-
From: Amy and Christine Rebera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2007 7:22 PM
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] DRA, accuracy,comprehension and fluency to arrive at a
reading level

Is there an acutal writing component when you reach a certain DRA level?  We

are using Rigby Assessmentsbut really need to implement a writing 
assessment K-4...wondering if the DRA assesses reading comprehension through



- Original Message - 
From: Karen Shook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] DRA, accuracy,comprehension and fluency to arrive at a

reading level

 We are using the DRA2 - this is our 2nd year with it and only our first 
 with the comprehension part.  We did as another poster suggested and set a

 cap.  Well it's not official because really we are the only one of 3 
 buildings doing the whole reading/comprehension/fluency part of the 
 reading - the other 2 buildings are still only doing the reading...yes 
 this is a point of contention - but the administration isn't making them -

 or us but what's the point if all your doing is the reading?  Anyhow - 
 enough about my gripes - as I said we do have a cap, the first grade 
 teachers simply decided to stop at a 24 or 28 (this is our end of 2nd 
 grade level), for 1st we are expected to have them at an 18-20.  Whether 
 we stopped at the 24 or 28 was up to us we could make the call depending 
 on the child because of the writing component with the 28.  We're much 
 happier and really why push them?  Besides most really don't have the 
 writing skills to do it really well, not that some can't,
 but for many even my higher children, getting the higher thinking and 
 writing and then amount of writing involved it gets to be a bit much.  At 
 some point as someone said it really is too much just to keep pushing 
 simply so we can write that number down.


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[MOSAIC] who is russell yates

2007-05-13 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis
Hi everyone,
I have a study group reading through MOT and we have been using the study
guide posted on the tools page by Russell Yates.  Just wondering if anyone
knows who that is?  I'd just like to send a Thank you out to him for
sharing the guide. 
-Michelle TG

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Re: [MOSAIC] new basal adoption

2007-04-24 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

Shirley McNinch wrote:
I have the following questions:
1. What publishers would you rate as the top 4?

I have found Rigby to be an excellent guided reading source and their new
Literacy by Design series has modeled, shared, interactive, and guided
reading components as well as a writing component.  I have seen samples of
the program at a conference and was quite pleased with their visuals
(charts, posters, graphic organizers, and blackline masters, etc) for each
of the reading strategies.  We're having a sample set shipped to our school
to examine it in depth, but my first impression was, Wow!  You can check
it out by copying and pasting in this address in your Internet browser: 

Anyone have first-hand experience with this new program? 

Michelle TG

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[MOSAIC] vocabulary lists?

2007-04-09 Thread Michelle TeGrootenhuis

Does anyone have any really good suggestions or resources on grade level
vocabulary lists, assessment, or just plain vocab development?  

-Michelle TG

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