Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-19 Thread Barbara Lickness
Jon said:

"Thanks Barb, for letting us know for your fan
participation habits. That was really one of my
points. There's a hell of a difference in perspective
if you love the team or you couldn't care less."

I say:

I am really not sure what you mean by this. I don't
think my post indicated that I either was or was not a
fan of baseball, football or whatever venue is played
in the Metrodome or whether I supported a new stadium
or not.   

As far as land values go, you are probably right. The
land used for surface parking lots was most likely not
in high demand at the time. Sealing their fate in
asphalt has not helped to change that either. 

My point in the post was to say that IF a new stadium
gets built somewhere in Mpls. that they give strong
consideration to condensing parking for it so they
don't need to "pave paradise to put up a parking lot".

As far as my personal interest in sports goes, I am a
avid Ice Skating fan. I have followed this sport for
years and my goal is to see Michelle Kwan and Sasha
Cohen skate for the Gold personally in Turin Italy in
2006. I also love gymnastics and swimming. The Target
Center has been a great place to watch the Olympic Ice
Skating Tour and the Olympic Gymnastics Tour when they
come to Minneapolis. Having access to the great
variety of entertainment, sports and arts is what
makes and keeps Minneapolis a world class city. 

The Mill City Museum is now open. Fit a visit to it in
your schedule. After you see it, you can go up the
block and skate for awhile at the Depot or visit the

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-19 Thread Joncgord
In a message dated 10/19/03 2:46:28 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  That took a lot of prime real  estate off the
 market and left blocks of barren asphalt. 

How do you classify prime real estate? It sure wasn't being put to any 
prime use at the time. It was the rear end of downtown,  butted up to  the 
freeway and doing little except deteriorating. It was really slummy. Are you aware 
of anyone else who showed interest in that area? I certainly don't remember 
anyone making any argument that the dome was elbowing other bidders out of 

Thanks Barb, for letting us know for your fan participation habits. That 
was really one of my points. There's a hell of a difference in perspective if 
you love the team or you couldn't care less.

Jon Gorder
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-19 Thread Barbara Lickness
One of the main things that affected Elliot Park when
they built the Metrodome was all the surface parking
lots they built surrounding it to support Metrodome
parking. That took a lot of prime real  estate off the
market and left blocks of barren asphalt. 

I hope that any proposals of a new stadium facility
deal with parking issues in a way that is far more
compact than it is with the Metrodome. 

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-19 Thread Joncgord
In a message dated 10/18/03 5:59:59 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  didn't say what is remaining is valueless
 Quit twisting the rhetoric. What the Metrodome neighborhood will not do ever
 again is thrive, save for some bars. 

Well, you did say valueless, no twist of rhetoric there.
Exactly when was the Metrodome neighborhood thriving? I used to live over 
there when I was a wanten youth and believe me I could easily afford it because 
it was anything but thriving. Actually the new Elliot Park developement is 
precisely on the spot I used to reside. I wouldn't call that valueless, I'd say it 
was a giant step up.
I certainly don't think ball parks grow economies just by their 
existence. Neither do I think your heated rhetoric is the story. Why don't you come up 
with the social and economic stats that would even hint at a proof of your 

Jon Gorder
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-18 Thread Andy Driscoll
They ain't all gone yet, but the erosion is obvious. The historic West 7th
district in St. Paul has become  a mini-strip of sports bars and some
restaurants and a good number of the old antique shops and other businesses
in the vicinity are dropping away - precisely the way it went with the
Target Center's vicinity. I didn't say what is remaining is valueless, but
it's rapidly becoming that way when sister operations drop away, that keeps
the non-sports fans away from a once-thriving segment of downtown.

Quit twisting the rhetoric. What the Metrodome neighborhood will not do ever
again is thrive, save for some bars. The chaos created before and after
games is a climate few, if any, residents would want to live in the shadow
of...and haven't. The record is clear.

The question isn't whether a stadium is of no use whatsoever, but that it's
placement accommodate the traffic with the understanding that 99% of the
fans exit the area completely, leaving little but a trail of trash behind
them. Also, not a dime of public money should be spent of carving out that
much valuable space for a professional sports operation unless there's no
hope for renovation without it.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

> Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 16:47:11 EDT
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] Stadum;
> In a message dated 10/18/03 1:16:44 PM Central Daylight Time,
> << The chaos surrounding professional
> sports fan behavior sickens the society, but worse, ruins surrounding
> properties rendering them valueless. >>
>   That's a hell of a statement. You mean the warehouse district and nearby
> downtown properties are valueless due to Target Center?  All the new
> restaurants  and clubs surrounding Excel jumped into business to sicken
> society? The 
> Metro Dome neighborhood is going to go up in hellfire after tomorrow's Vikings
> game? Please elucidate.
>   On this theme, I really wonder how many of the posters on this issue are
> even marginal sports fans. Please correct me if I'm wrong but my estimate
> would be in the range of nil and none. There seems to be an anti-sports sub
> theme 
> going here. 
>   Personally, if any manner of user tax plus owner payment could be worked
> out, I'd love to go to Twins games in an outdoor park downtown. I'd at least
> double my current attendance (I'd go to twenty or thirty games a year). I know
> lots of fans that would do the same.
>   Jon Gorder
>   Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-18 Thread Joncgord
In a message dated 10/18/03 1:16:44 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< The chaos surrounding professional
 sports fan behavior sickens the society, but worse, ruins surrounding
 properties rendering them valueless. >>

That's a hell of a statement. You mean the warehouse district and nearby 
downtown properties are valueless due to Target Center?  All the new 
restaurants  and clubs surrounding Excel jumped into business to sicken society? The 
Metro Dome neighborhood is going to go up in hellfire after tomorrow's Vikings 
game? Please elucidate.

On this theme, I really wonder how many of the posters on this issue are 
even marginal sports fans. Please correct me if I'm wrong but my estimate 
would be in the range of nil and none. There seems to be an anti-sports sub theme 
going here. 

Personally, if any manner of user tax plus owner payment could be worked 
out, I'd love to go to Twins games in an outdoor park downtown. I'd at least 
double my current attendance (I'd go to twenty or thirty games a year). I know 
lots of fans that would do the same.

Jon Gorder
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-18 Thread Andy Driscoll
TIF districts not only suck away for 25-50 years future increases for the
city which negotiated them, but for the other taxing districts that did not,
slicing revenues from the county, the school district and any special taxing
districts relying on property taxes and their increases to keep up with
increasing demands.

A TIF district would be one of the worst ways to funnel public dollars into
a private professional sports facility, which should not be done in any

Furthermore, if proponents and opponents alike would do their research - as
with Andrew Zimbalist and others publishing data on publicly funded stadia -
the economic development spin-offs from stadiums/stadia are essentially nil,
especially in the long run. People really do not want to live in the shadow
of a sports stadium. Why should they? The chaos surrounding professional
sports fan behavior sickens the society, but worse, ruins surrounding
properties rendering them valueless.

Check out what has happened to the eight block radius around both the Hump
and the Target Center. Wastelands. Once-thriving 1st Avenue, 3rd, 4th 5th
and 6th Streets are disasters and the Warehouse district is taking a major
hit from Target Center's impact on the cozy arts and performance mecca that
once defined the entire community.

Stadiums are never a public asset, only a private one - they're without a
true public purpose and their impact on a huge area of every city core where
they've been erected has been ghetto-creation, little more.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

> From: "David Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 08:14:55 -0500
> Subject: RE: [Mpls] Stadum;
> Tim Bonham writes, re: the $10 million stadium cap:
>> They just don't ever go before the City Council for funding.  Instead they
>> run it thru MCDA, which they claim is not restricted by this voter-passed
>> Charter Amendment spending limit on the City Council.  To argue that MCDA
>> is just the City Council in another name (same 13 people on the board),
> you
>> will have to have the money and lawyers to fight the city in court.
> The MCDA no longer exists. It's Community Planning and Economic Development
> (never know if that's "Department of CPED" or "CPED Department, or CPEDD -
> oh well), and it's part of the city now. No independence claimed, or given.
> Since Hennepin County has to be involved for anything to go forward, I
> expect they'll be the lead "banker." It's possible the city could
> simultaneously change existing non-stadium burden-sharing agreements with
> the County as one way around the referendum requirement.
> Another way, floated in the past, is to create a TIF district that would
> suck in new property taxes from any new housing developed in the Rapid Park
> trench. Wouldn't tap current tax base, but would keep the city from enjoying
> the new property taxes from the housing development for decades. It's quite
> a stretch to think a booming area could meet a TIF "blight test," but it has
> happened before.
> Also, there's always the possible that they might just have a referendum!
> David Brauer
> Kingfield

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RE: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-18 Thread Jim Bernstein
The Metrodome was built long before the $10 million dollar limit was
placed in the City Charter. 

Jim Bernstein

-Original Message-
Of Tim Bonham
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 12:16 AM
To: mpls-issues
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

>Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is
>something on the books that limits the City Council to
>a $10M appropriation cap for stadium spending without
>voter approval.
>Barb Lickness

That didn't stop them from building the HHH Metrodome.

They just don't ever go before the City Council for funding.  Instead
run it thru MCDA, which they claim is not restricted by this
Charter Amendment spending limit on the City Council.  To argue that
is just the City Council in another name (same 13 people on the board),
will have to have the money and lawyers to fight the city in court.

In the Metrodome case, they got a friendly judge to order that the 
challengers had to put up a multi-million dollar bond to cover the
additional construction costs that would be caused by delaying
for a court trial.  Since they couldn't do that, their challenge was 
dismissed and never heard in court.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson 

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RE: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-18 Thread David Brauer
Tim Bonham writes, re: the $10 million stadium cap:

> They just don't ever go before the City Council for funding.  Instead they
> run it thru MCDA, which they claim is not restricted by this voter-passed
> Charter Amendment spending limit on the City Council.  To argue that MCDA
> is just the City Council in another name (same 13 people on the board),
> will have to have the money and lawyers to fight the city in court.

The MCDA no longer exists. It's Community Planning and Economic Development
(never know if that's "Department of CPED" or "CPED Department, or CPEDD -
oh well), and it's part of the city now. No independence claimed, or given.

Since Hennepin County has to be involved for anything to go forward, I
expect they'll be the lead "banker." It's possible the city could
simultaneously change existing non-stadium burden-sharing agreements with
the County as one way around the referendum requirement. 

Another way, floated in the past, is to create a TIF district that would
suck in new property taxes from any new housing developed in the Rapid Park
trench. Wouldn't tap current tax base, but would keep the city from enjoying
the new property taxes from the housing development for decades. It's quite
a stretch to think a booming area could meet a TIF "blight test," but it has
happened before.

Also, there's always the possible that they might just have a referendum!

David Brauer

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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Bonham

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is
something on the books that limits the City Council to
a $10M appropriation cap for stadium spending without
voter approval.
Barb Lickness
That didn't stop them from building the HHH Metrodome.

They just don't ever go before the City Council for funding.  Instead they 
run it thru MCDA, which they claim is not restricted by this voter-passed 
Charter Amendment spending limit on the City Council.  To argue that MCDA 
is just the City Council in another name (same 13 people on the board), you 
will have to have the money and lawyers to fight the city in court.

In the Metrodome case, they got a friendly judge to order that the 
challengers had to put up a multi-million dollar bond to cover the claimed 
additional construction costs that would be caused by delaying construction 
for a court trial.  Since they couldn't do that, their challenge was 
dismissed and never heard in court.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson 

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Re: [Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-17 Thread Barbara Lickness
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is
something on the books that limits the City Council to
a $10M appropriation cap for stadium spending without
voter approval. 

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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[Mpls] Stadum;

2003-10-17 Thread Jim Mork
Rybak and Stadium
Jim Berstein is dead right that most taxpayers in Minneapolis are on record 
against publicly funded stadiums.  If Jim remembers, the referendum on 
spending city money was 70-30 to require the voter's OK on such levies.  
That really rankled the suburbanites, but at that point, MOST of us didn't 
care.  As to Rybak's "preference" to build it in Minneapolis, that is not 
Rybak reflecting the sentiments of the residents of this city.  If he doubts 
that, let him take a referendum on THAT.

One wishes that correspondents wouldn't be so hasty to draw their 
conclusions.  The prejudices just get too EASY to see and not at all 
pleasing to behold.  By the way, can I assume that Anne McCandless' POV 
comes from past and/or present service in the police?  When the papers were 
writing about Jordan, they mentioned that.  She is pretty consistently 
behind the police no matter what they do, so she doesnt judge their behavior 
from arms-length.  Being neither an abuse victim NOR an ex-cop, I tend to 
see all sides of these issues.  If I have a bias at all, it is the 
anti-secrecy bias.

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood
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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread loki anderson

--- Robert Schmid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I would normally say "I vote for both!", but I do not
want to see another dome. Unless it's just for the
Vikes and Gophs. So, I say...


Oh, yeah...and about that earlier post about finding a
new candidate for mayor...good timing.

Marshall Terrace

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 No matter how hard I try"
  -Dusty Springfield

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread j harmon

I would hope they'd include affordable housing in a potential TIF district 
as all the 'new jobs' selling peanuts the stadium will create will likely 
pay just that.
And slap me if I'm wrong, but I thought a project or any portion thereof 
that's publicly funded could potentially include a living-wage requirement, 
which I believe would require a living-wage be paid to everyone from 
plumbers and nail-pounders all the way down to the folks slinging 3.2 beer. 
Worse yet, the mantra of those seeking public money has frequently been that 
should they indeed be required to pay such a wage, the cost of the project 
skyrockets, and in essence, becomes undoable - oh, boo the hoo...
I'm no guru though.
Anyone know any details or wish to clarify?

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RE: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Walt Cygan

Clark C. Griffith wrote:

> I think we should move on to other topics.

My response: I am in response-only mode on this topic. If people stop
putting forward plans to use public money for a Twins stadium, I'll stop
writing responses. Until then...

> Here are the two alternatives for stadium finance.
1. A $400,000,000 retractable dome stadium is built
for the Twins involving 85% public money and a similar Vikings/UofM
stadium is built several years later. 2. The Twins go away and the
Vikings have a $550,000,000 dome built for them at public expense, for
which they pay nothing, a separate open air football stadium is built
for the Gophers, the public pays off Target Center and Excel Center debt
and both the T'Wolves and Wild receive rent free leases.

My response: I think *this* can go unanswered. A little frustration setting
in, maybe?

Walt Cygan

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Robert Schmid

EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT public funding?  You act like not having a sports
franchise is not an option.  Where do you get the second scenario from?
More extortion based panic?  Are you expecting that we will have a mayor
like Norm Coleman who let downtown St Paul become vacant so he could build
a stadium?
We should never have bailed out Harv & Marv.  We should have let the
Target Center go into foreclosure and either bought it cheap or let
someone else buy it cheap.  What were they going to do, move it?
The only teams I will even consider building for are the gophers.  But
first, they must prove that they are supporting STUDENT athletes instead
of acting as a minor league for professional sports.
A recent article in the StarTrib
( stated that the state
receives $4M in revenue from Twins-based activity.  Based on this, you are
asking us to buy a stadium that will take us 85 years to pay for.
(Assuming no interest and zero inflation).  Yet the dome is only 20 years
old and you want to scrap it.
Of that $4M, $945,000 comes from the Twins $27M payroll.  That's a tax
rate of 3.5%.  Normal people in Minnesota pay roughly 8% income tax.  So,
instead of building a stadium for millionaires, we could instead invest
MUCH LESS money into creating jobs that pay $50,000/yr (540 jobs) or
$30,000/yr (900 jobs!) which would produce roughly 2.16M in income tax for
the state and probably $1.5-2M in sales taxes while simultaneously keeping
people off the welfare and unemployment lines.

Robert Schmid
8th Ward, Central

> I think we should move on to other topics. Here are the two
> alternatives for stadium finance. 1. A $400,000,000 retractable dome
> stadium is built for the Twins involving 85% public money and a similar
> Vikings/UofM stadium is built several years later. 2. The Twins go away
> and the Vikings have a $550,000,000 dome built for them at public
> expense, for which they pay nothing, a separate open air football
> stadium is built for the Gophers, the public pays off Target Center and
> Excel Center debt and both the T'Wolves and Wild receive rent free
> leases.
> Clark Griffith, 7th Ward

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RE: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Michael Hohmann

What have you been smok'n Clark?  Ain't gonna happen!  Have you heard about
the recession and layoffs and government budget shortfalls at all levels?
And the fact the public has said "no" too many times to count!

Michael Hohmann

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Clark C. Griffith
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 11:59 AM
> To: mpls
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal
> I think we should move on to other topics. Here are the two alternatives
> for stadium finance. 1. A $400,000,000 retractable dome stadium is built
> for the Twins involving 85% public money and a similar Vikings/UofM
> stadium is built several years later. 2. The Twins go away and the
> Vikings have a $550,000,000 dome built for them at public expense, for
> which they pay nothing, a separate open air football stadium is built
> for the Gophers, the public pays off Target Center and Excel Center debt
> and both the T'Wolves and Wild receive rent free leases.
> Clark Griffith, 7th Ward
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Clark C. Griffith

I think we should move on to other topics. Here are the two alternatives
for stadium finance. 1. A $400,000,000 retractable dome stadium is built
for the Twins involving 85% public money and a similar Vikings/UofM
stadium is built several years later. 2. The Twins go away and the
Vikings have a $550,000,000 dome built for them at public expense, for
which they pay nothing, a separate open air football stadium is built
for the Gophers, the public pays off Target Center and Excel Center debt
and both the T'Wolves and Wild receive rent free leases.

Clark Griffith, 7th Ward
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Re: [Mpls] Litmus Test - Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Robert Schmid

I keep forgetting to sign my posts -

Robert Schmid
8th Ward
Go Saints!

> Attention Mayor Rybak.  This is a litmus test issue.  Fail, and I start
> looking for a new candidate now.  Extortionists should be prosecuted
> NOT appeased.

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Conor Donnelly

>From Strib Stadium coverage:

"The mayor-elect also suggested to the panel that the area around the stadium
could be declared a tax-increment district, with increased development ideally
helping fund transit or affordable housing."

I'm not understanding this. I thought the ability of the city to use TIF for funding 
development projects was severely diminished by tax reform in the legislature last 
session. We went on and on here about NRP phase II being jeopardized because of 
changes in tax law. I'm clearly not up on this like I should be, so can someone 
explain me on how a stadium project could be declared a TIF district and help 
affordable housing at the same time? Maybe DBraurer is right, they'll add low cost 
rental units as a ring around the
top level, with views of the action below.


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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread David Brauer

Eva writes: 

> EY:  The referendum was not approving money for a Stadium.  It was capping
> the ammount of city money that could be used on a Stadium.  It was also a
> pretty clear message that voters in the city didn't want public money to be
> used for a stadium.

I think this isn't fully accurate. I interpreted the resolution as capping
the amount that could be spent on a stadium **without direct voter
approval** at $10 million. (Between asterisks indicate emphasis.) Below that
figure, it's up to the City Council in our representative democracy.
Convenient that we just had our once-every-four-year referendum on them.

> Rybak's statement that he would be ok with backing from other governments
> is rather interesting.  He attacked Sharon Sayles Belton on the Stadium
> Issue.  Now that he is mayor, he seems to be doing an about face on this
> issue.

I think RT is trying to have it both ways. To defend him, having someone
else pay for it is not necessarily an about-face - his campaign statements
were not anti-stadium, just anti-city-paying-for-one.

However, saying now that old lines need to be erased and he has to hear from
citizens does seem contradictory - I think a lot of citizens voted for him
as the no-city-money-for-stadium candidate. They thought they already spoke
through their RT vote and that their "no" was heard. Some may now think
their messenger was deaf to their message.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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[Mpls] Litmus Test - Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Robert Schmid

Attention Mayor Rybak.  This is a litmus test issue.  Fail, and I start
looking for a new candidate now.  Extortionists should be prosecuted NOT

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-29 Thread Eva Young

At 10:01 PM 11/28/01 -0600, List Manager wrote:
Rybak has been a staunch opponent of investing city money in a stadium,
though he has said he is not opposed to financial backing from other
governments. Ostrow said he would regard $10 million in city backing -- the
maximum approved by voters for a stadium -- as "appropriate."

Asked whether he might oppose that, Rybak said he was more interested in
hearing the citizen group's reaction to the proposals. "It's really
important to put aside a lot of the old lines," he said.

EY:  The referendum was not approving money for a Stadium.  It was capping
the ammount of city money that could be used on a Stadium.  It was also a
pretty clear message that voters in the city didn't want public money to be
used for a stadium.  

Rybak's statement that he would be ok with backing from other governments
is rather interesting.  He attacked Sharon Sayles Belton on the Stadium
Issue.  Now that he is mayor, he seems to be doing an about face on this

Gary Bowman writes:  

What is most frustrating is that we're all doing just what Bud Selig would
like to see us do: panic.  Once panic has set in, logic and thoughtful
discussion goes out the window.  Then my streets aren't plowed and
maintained because my tax dollars are going to less needed things.

EY:  What bothers me is that coverage of the Twins contraction is sucking
the life out of most other stories in the press.  

I really wonder if Rybak thinks the taxpayers of Minneapolis are too stupid
to see that other government spending on the stadium also comes out of our
pockets.  Also, there's going to be less interest at the state level to
vote for public funding for a stadium if the city -- and the taxpayers in
the city don't pony up.  

Eva Young

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-28 Thread Gary Bowman

Quote from the Strib,

"Rybak has been a staunch opponent of investing city money in a stadium, though he has 
said he is not opposed to financial backing from other governments. Ostrow said he 
would regard $10 million in city backing -- the maximum approved by voters for a 
stadium -- as 'appropriate.'"

Let me mention once again what I stated before:  Minneapolis voters DID NOT approve up 
to $10 million for a stadium, they capped it at ten million.  As I collected 
signatures for the petition that put the question on the ballot, I was asked over and 
over again why $10 million?  It should be $1!  It is disappointing that my Council 
Member seems to fail to see this distinction.  It is more disappointing that the 
person I voted for for Mayor seems to be hedging on an issue that I believed he was 
being very sincere in.

RT, you talked about being a breath of fresh air with the green tree air fresheners 
and all.  You're not even in office yet and I'm starting to question if the air will 
be fresh or just reconditioned.  Restore my faith in you as a good Mayor!

What is most frustrating is that we're all doing just what Bud Selig would like to see 
us do: panic.  Once panic has set in, logic and thoughtful discussion goes out the 
window.  Then my streets aren't plowed and maintained because my tax dollars are going 
to less needed things.

Gary Bowman

On Wed, 28 November 2001, "List Manager" wrote:

> David Brauer
> List manager
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RE: [Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-28 Thread Walt Cygan


All of a sudden there is not even a mention of MLB being required to
reform its finances before a stadium is built. At least the Ostrow /
Rybak plan shifts 2/3 of the stadium funding to the team, which is
better than previous proposals (and bound to kill the plan). 

I fear that the Pohlad / Selig minions are winning a war of attrition.
The threats from MLB keep coming, the stadium proposals keep coming, the
pressure keeps coming, and all it takes is one weak moment when a plan
passes, because people fear the "cold-Omaha" scenario. Then we'll be
paying for a stadium that has an average attendance of 12,500 because
tickets are $30 and beers are $6 and the Twins are still not
competitive, because there is still not enough revenue to bid for
quality players, because there is still no salary cap or meaningful
revenue sharing, because the Yankees still want to win year after year
and they are getting $50 million / year in local TV money and players
won't accept anything that puts a drag on salaries. 

Am I missing something where the magic occurs (where's Harry Potter when
you need him) and makes this all work out and a truly competitive Twins
team (for more than 1/2 of a season) plays before 30,000 per game and
makes money? 

Thanks for enduring another rant.

Walt Cygan 

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[Mpls] Mpls stadum proposal

2001-11-28 Thread List Manager

David Brauer
List manager

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