Re: Xa Resource manager not available

2003-06-18 Thread Kearns, Emile E
If maxcur is not specified, what is the default? The manual is not very

-Original Message-
From: Jim Nuckolls [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 June 2003 06:04
Subject: Re: Xa Resource manager not available

Hm, that's not according
to design as far as I remember.  It was 2 years ago (Oracle
8 and MQ 5.2) when I was dealing with that particular
configuration. Neither side is supposed to depend on the
other partner(s) being available 100%. Sounds like time for
a PMR. I would turn on the trace facility for the XA flows
in the XA string in qm.ini as part of my data gathering
prior to opening the incident.

Here is the string in the qm.ini file I used to collect as
much detail as possible. The DbgFl=0x15 is the setting that
says to collect as much data as possible.


Hopefully this will get you a little further into the
problem determination process.

Jim Nuckolls

Kearns, Emile E wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there another to start the XA connect between the Queue Manager and an
> Oracle Database other than to restart the Queue Manager.
> Often  the DBA's stops and starts a database without the MQ admin staff
> knowing, this then breaks the XA connection.
> After the database has been restarted, the XA connection is not there.
> How can this be started with restarting the QMGR?
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Re: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1 .4.1

2003-06-18 Thread Cherie Tan
Thanks for your help!
Bob Kasischke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I must be missing something because I sure don't see anywhere on this
web page where they talk about a _Microsoft_ SDK for Java
I think there are IBM Java SDKs and Sun Java SDKs.
To answer the original question:  I don't think MQ V5.2 will work (very well) with
the _Microsoft_ Java Runtime.  The version of this Java was only 1.1.4 or so.
As noted on the web page IBM is looking for version 1.3 or later.
Also note that the JRE is bundled as part of the SDK so you can install
Robert S. Kasischke 415-243-6975 

-Original Message-From: O'Keeffe, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:32 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1 .4.1
Check this link out.  The IBM (of course) 1.3.0 SDK is the supported platform for NT, but it seems you're able to run with the Microsoft SDK

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie Tan 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:03 AM
Subject: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1.4.1

Hi All,
I had one question. I am currently running Microsoft Java Runtime on my Win NT4.0 server. I had MQSeries Client v5.2 installed in that server. Is there any implications if i were to replace MS Java Runtime with JRE?
I had tried to look thru the documentation provided by the IBM but was not able to find anything on this.
Any help or comment is greatly appreciated!
Many thanks in advance.

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2003-06-18 Thread Kearns, Emile E
The client version works.

I was just interested to see if the server version can be configured to
connect remotely.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Frank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 June 2003 02:27
Subject: Re: RFHUTIL(IH03)


>>>Is it possible to set RFHUTIL, running on NT, up to look at
>>>remote QMGR on Solaris , If so how?

There is a client version called rfhutilc. Both are included in the


Christopher Frank
Sr. I/T Specialist - IBM Software Group
IBM Certified Solutions Expert - Websphere MQ & MQ Integrator

Phone: 612-397-5532 (t/l 653-5532) mobile: 612-669-3008

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Re: Channel Retry Counts/Intervals

2003-06-18 Thread Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)
Don't forget about Heartbeats. If a RCVR does not get a HB back from the
other side in the required time, it assumes an outage and goes into
Inactive. When the network comes back up, the SNDR finally gets a successful
retry, and finds the RCVR inactive, ready to do business.

If the SNDR successfully retries a connection after an outage but before the
heartbeat, then the RCVR is still running, and then AdoptMCA steps up to the
plate to save the day like Steve explained below.

Properly set up, it is very rare that you have to manually interfere to get
channels running again after an outage.

-Original Message-
From: Stephan C. Moen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: Channel Retry Counts/Intervals

Beware this is a long response but it is technical in nature, which is a
welcome relief for those of you who got tired of the "Spiraling downhill"

When I referred to the fact that your sender channel LONGRETRY and LONGTMR
attributes can be set to ZERO, this would only make sense if your DISCINT
interval expires BEFORE your SHORTRTY * SHORTMR interval.  Well this ONLY
works if there are no messages left on your XMITQ.  DUH!  In short this was
an IDIOTIC statement to make, let alone broadcast to all of you. I thank you
all for allowing me to say this versus one of our more assertive
personalities on the Listserver. Do I hear chuckles in the background?  From
this point forward, I will proof read my statements BEFORE hitting the SEND
key.  To save what dignity I have left, what I was ATTEMPTING to do is
explain how channels can be made more reliable by using the DISCINT,
ADOPTNEWMCA, and ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT attributes in combination with the
SHORT* and LONG* attribute values.  Allow me to re-explain.

The DISCINT interval only works for SENDER type channels.  Let's assume this
attribute is set to 10 minutes.  If no messages go to the XMIT queue for
that channel within that time period, the SENDER channel will quiesce, as
will the RECEIVER channel (assuming there is connectivity between the two).
If the connectivity is broken, then the ADOPNEWMCA and ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT
attributes take over, since they work on RECEIVER-type channels.  With that

When a network outage occurs, there is no guarantee that both ends of the
channel will detect the failure at the same time.  Often the sending channel
detects the failure first since it is trying to send the message.  If the
sending channel goes into an inactive state during a network outage
(disconnect interval expired), when new messages arrive and the network is
back online, the sender channel will try to reconnect to the target queue
manager but since the previous receiver channel is still running with the
same name, the new inbound connection request is rejected because the
receiver is still stuck waiting on the previous socket signature (did not
receive the disconnect request from the sender channel due to the network
outage).  Remember, a sender channel will only connect if it finds the
receiver in an INACTIVE state. The ADOPTNEWMCA attribute allows you to
control the shutdown of a receiver channel and the startup of a new one.  By
configuring ADOPTNEWMCA, if a new inbound connection request arrives and
there is already a channel with that name running from the same network
address and from the same queue manager, then the new channel tries to stop
the previous one by requesting it to end.  If the previous channel does not
respond to this request by the time the ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT interval expires
(lets assume it is set to 20 seconds), a second attempt is made. If the
receiver channel has not ended after the ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT wait interval
expired for a second time, I believe MQSeries ends the channel with a

With all this said, I find this a cleaner, more robust solution to handle
system or network interruptions, though maybe some of the issues we have,
are cleaned up in V5.3 (we are at an earlier release of V5.2 - cost
reasons).  This configuration was principally done to resolve issues with
remote connections found throughout the United States.  Without using the
ADOPTNEWMCA* attributes, if the sender channels time-out while there was a
network outage or a system crashed, the receiver channels would stay up.
Once the incident was resolved (network or system outage), we had to bounce
numerous receiver channels to get them to reconnect. Using the ADOPTNEWMCA
parameters in conjunction with the DISCINT attribute, channels reconnect on
their own free will - no matter what the previous outage was or its time

Oh, and DON'T set the LONG* channel attributes to ZERO.  Keep the LONGRETRY
attribute at its default value (999,999,999) and change the LONGTMR
attribute to fit whatever timeout values fits your situation.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Glen Larson
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:15 AM
To: [EMA

Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Stephan C. Moen
I believe Shelden is right EXCEPT one step was missed.  In order for the
inetd daemon to recognize a change in its configuration file, you either
need to BOUNCE (stop/start) inetd or issue the refresh command (in AIX it is
'refresh -s inetd', not sure under HP-UX) to reread the /etc/inetd.conf


-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Brian T.
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Default port 1414 changed.

Hi Sasha,

> I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" .
> Any fixes available.
> We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2
> queue managers on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on
> 1414 and B on 1415. Then we changed ports so A listening on
> 1415 and B on 1414. After the change is done, all SENDER
> channels on qmgr A that have no port specified, trying to
> access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly
> port 1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
> Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same
> as port on which QMGR listening ???

I've seen that.  I think "feature," but I understand why
you find it confusing.

I think your subject line is very telling.  I bet you have a
service called MQSeries in /etc/services, and you just moved
its port to 1415, right?

Here's what I think is going on under the covers.  Like a good
TCP/IP app,  MQ is doing getservbyname("MQSeries").  If there
is no service called MQSeries, either in NIS nor files (or
whatever), it defaults to the hard-coded default of 1414.

Butyou do indeed have a service called MQSeries.  But
you've moved it to 1415.  So the default is now 1415.

Change your service names to MQSeriesA for queue manager A
and MQSeriesB for queue manager B in both /etc/inetd.conf and
/etc/services, and you'll get the behaviour you expect.

--Brian T. Shelden   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shelden & Associates, Inc.   New York, NY 10280
Certified MQSeries Specialists   (212) 786-0175

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Re: Channel Retry Counts/Intervals

2003-06-18 Thread Stephan C. Moen
Beware this is a long response but it is technical in nature, which is a welcome 
relief for those of you who got tired of the "Spiraling downhill" thread.

When I referred to the fact that your sender channel LONGRETRY and LONGTMR attributes 
can be set to ZERO, this would only make sense if your DISCINT interval expires BEFORE 
your SHORTRTY * SHORTMR interval.  Well this ONLY works if there are no messages left 
on your XMITQ.  DUH!  In short this was an IDIOTIC statement to make, let alone 
broadcast to all of you. I thank you all for allowing me to say this versus one of our 
more assertive personalities on the Listserver. Do I hear chuckles in the background?  
From this point forward, I will proof read my statements BEFORE hitting the SEND key.  
To save what dignity I have left, what I was ATTEMPTING to do is explain how channels 
can be made more reliable by using the DISCINT, ADOPTNEWMCA, and ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT 
attributes in combination with the SHORT* and LONG* attribute values.  Allow me to 

The DISCINT interval only works for SENDER type channels.  Let's assume this attribute 
is set to 10 minutes.  If no messages go to the XMIT queue for that channel within 
that time period, the SENDER channel will quiesce, as will the RECEIVER channel 
(assuming there is connectivity between the two).  If the connectivity is broken, then 
the ADOPNEWMCA and ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT attributes take over, since they work on 
RECEIVER-type channels.  With that said...

When a network outage occurs, there is no guarantee that both ends of the channel will 
detect the failure at the same time.  Often the sending channel detects the failure 
first since it is trying to send the message.  If the sending channel goes into an 
inactive state during a network outage (disconnect interval expired), when new 
messages arrive and the network is back online, the sender channel will try to 
reconnect to the target queue manager but since the previous receiver channel is still 
running with the same name, the new inbound connection request is rejected because the 
receiver is still stuck waiting on the previous socket signature (did not receive the 
disconnect request from the sender channel due to the network outage).  Remember, a 
sender channel will only connect if it finds the receiver in an INACTIVE state. The 
ADOPTNEWMCA attribute allows you to control the shutdown of a receiver channel and the 
startup of a new one.  By configuring ADOPTNEWMCA, if a new inbound connection request 
arrives and there is already a channel with that name running from the same network 
address and from the same queue manager, then the new channel tries to stop the 
previous one by requesting it to end.  If the previous channel does not respond to 
this request by the time the ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT interval expires (lets assume it is 
set to 20 seconds), a second attempt is made. If the receiver channel has not ended 
after the ADOPTNEWMCATIMEOUT wait interval expired for a second time, I believe 
MQSeries ends the channel with a CHANNEL IN USE error.

With all this said, I find this a cleaner, more robust solution to handle system or 
network interruptions, though maybe some of the issues we have, are cleaned up in V5.3 
(we are at an earlier release of V5.2 - cost reasons).  This configuration was 
principally done to resolve issues with remote connections found throughout the United 
States.  Without using the ADOPTNEWMCA* attributes, if the sender channels time-out 
while there was a network outage or a system crashed, the receiver channels would stay 
up.  Once the incident was resolved (network or system outage), we had to bounce 
numerous receiver channels to get them to reconnect. Using the ADOPTNEWMCA parameters 
in conjunction with the DISCINT attribute, channels reconnect on their own free will - 
no matter what the previous outage was or its time duration.

Oh, and DON'T set the LONG* channel attributes to ZERO.  Keep the LONGRETRY attribute 
at its default value (999,999,999) and change the LONGTMR attribute to fit whatever 
timeout values fits your situation.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Glen Larson
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: Channel Retry Counts/Intervals


when the problem is network related yes,  but what about the inevitable
outages for hardware/software/power/cooling upgrades that may take 4-12
hours on a weekend.   Now some but not all of the servers may be down at
this time, either because the are not on the same platform, or maybe not
even in the same datacenter.  In that case is it not better to let MQ
reconnect on its own, rather require an admin to fix something that really
isn't a problem?

Glen Larson
Zurich North America

"Stephan C. Moen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-Wien.AC.AT> on 06/16/2003 11:25:14

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Very many MQClient queues...

2003-06-18 Thread Tim Armstrong
Do the users signon with a unique id that is available to the application.
If so use it or a portion of it when you generate your perm-dynamic or
temp-dynamic reply to queues.

Tim A

  Ruzi R
  M>   cc:
  Sent by: MQSeriesSubject:  Re: Very many MQClient 

  17/06/2003 03:40
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

That is not an option for us due to volume.

As I said, ASSUME the worst case scenario where you
have as many client queues as the number of clients.
One reply queue for all is not an option due to the
volume. However we could cut down on the num of
queues, by say, using 1 queue per 20 clients. However,
I really don't want to spend to much time on
discussion on the number of queues as it is not an
issue for me. As I said, let's assume we'll have 1000
local reply queues (one per client).

Again the question I am asking is: Not the number of
Reply queues or how we can cut down on that number,
but RATHER "Where should we store the reply queue
info?" In the "ini" file on each client machine? In
LDAP? In DB? Or what? Is anyone using a huge number of
client reply queues? If so, where do you store the
reply q info?



--- "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)"
> Or just have one reply queue and get the reply
> messages by CorrelID.
> -Original Message-
> From: Rick Tsujimoto
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 10:59 AM
> Subject: Re: Very many MQClient queues...
> You could change the apps to create dynamic
> temporary queues and use them
> as the reply queues.  No LDAP or DB2 required.
>   Ruzi R
>   OM>  cc:
>   Sent by:
> Subject: Very many MQClient
> queues...
>   MQSeries List
>   en.AC.AT>
>   06/16/2003 08:32
>   AM
>   Please respond
>   to MQSeries List
> We ll have around Java apps running on  about 1000
> MQClient (5.3 CSD03) on W2K connecting to MQ 5.3
> CSD03
> server on W2K. Request queue will be one but the
> reply
> queue will be as many as the number of clients or
> fewer (it has not been decided yet). I know how to
> determine the number of reply queues needed
> (frequency, depending on message volume etc.); so
> this
> is not an issue. Let's take the worst case scenario
> and just assume that there will be 1000 reply queues
> (one for each client).
> The development people do not want to use use an
> file on each machine to get their client-queue
> names,
> claiming that there would be just too many INI files
> around. I am thinking of using LDAP or DB2  for this
> purpose. I would like to know how other people are
> handling a similar situation.
> Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ruzi
> Instructions for managing your mailing list
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Very many MQClient queues...

2003-06-18 Thread Tim Armstrong
What is the expected volume?

Tim A

  Ruzi R
  M>   cc:
  Sent by: MQSeriesSubject:  Re: Very many MQClient 

  18/06/2003 03:55
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Hi Glen,

Thanks for the response... I have suggested using one
reply queue but because of the volume they don't want
to go for it. I still think they could use one reply
queue for all and each one get its reply based on
correlid , but they are not willing to do so...

--- Glen Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ruzi,
> I seems to me the simplist solution is the best.
> One reply queue, using
> Correlid/msgid to identify the messages.
> The only reason that this would not work well is if
> messages are queued up
> for a along period of time, and so maintained a
> large queue depth.If
> this is a requirement, I would question the
> application, on why they cannot
> get the messages sooner, and thereby keeping the
> queue close to empty.
> This keeps admin costs down, and you may find you
> burn as many cycles
> getting the init info as you do doing a qualified
> get.
> Glen Larson
> Zurich North America
> 06/16/2003 01:02:27 PM
> Please respond to MQSeries List
> Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:Re: Very many MQClient queues...
> Frederico,
> Thanks for the idea. Actually, we could load this
> config queue with each clients config info. Each
> client can then can MQGET its config info based on a
> correlid (which is that uniqueu id you have
> mentioned_, which would have to be stored somewhere
> outside the app. This would require many (I can
> determine the number later) unique ids to be stored
> somewhere. Where would you suggest??? As I said,
> development team does not want to use the ini file
> currently, unless I can convince them to do so.
> Thanks for any suggestions...
> Ruzi
> --- Federico Demi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...or, if you really want to make things nicely
> > complicated, you could have
> > a well know queue on the server MYCFG.QUEUE where
> > you store (in the form of
> > persistent msgs) the correspondence between a
> client
> > (clients must have a
> > unique id) and  the reply queue it should use.
> >
> > The approach is not cheap because you then need an
> > admin tool to maintain
> > the entries in the cfg queue, but it may be ok if
> > you use it to store also
> > other client related cfg items...
> >
> > Ciao,
> > F.
> >
> > __
> > Federico Demi
> > Primeur
> > Via Malagoli, 12 -- 56124 Pisa, Italy
> > Phone: +39 050 31331
> > Fax: +39 050 3133232
> > Mobile: +39 348 8960 563
> >
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)"
> > Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 6:16 PM
> > Subject: Re: Very many MQClient queues...
> >
> >
> > > Or just have one reply queue and get the reply
> > messages by CorrelID.
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Rick Tsujimoto
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 10:59 AM
> > > Subject: Re: Very many MQClient queues...
> > >
> > >
> > > You could change the apps to create dynamic
> > temporary queues and use them
> > > as the reply queues.  No LDAP or DB2 required.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >   Ruzi R
> To:
> > >   OM>
> cc:
> > >   Sent by:
> > Subject: Very many MQClient
> > > queues...
> > >   MQSeries List
> > >   en.AC.AT>
> > >
> > >
> > >   06/16/2003 08:32
> > >   AM
> > >   Please respond
> > >   to MQSeries List
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > We ll have around Java apps running on  about
> 1000
> > > MQClient (5.3 CSD03) on W2K connecting to MQ 5.3
> > CSD03
> > > server on W2K. Request queue will be one but the
> > reply
> > > queue will be as many as the number of clients
> or
> > > fewer (it has not been decided yet). I know how
> to
> > > determine the number of reply queues needed
> > > (frequency, depending on message volume etc.);
> so
> > this
> > > is not an issue. Let's take the worst case
> > scenario
> > > and just assume that there will be 1000 reply
> > queues
> > > (one for each client).
> > >
> > > The deve

Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread mikhail malamud
If the clients are connecting remotely and remotely only, in order to
secure queue manager you need to use both SSL to establish identity and
MCAUSER as a handle to configure access control.

Here is an example.

Say you have 2 channels.


All of those channels are a vulnerable including whatever other svrconns
you might have.
Step 1.
Enable SSL authentication on all channels, meaning only entities who
have matching DN string or have crtificates that were signed by the CA
that the queue manager trusts, etc. or both.

Step 2. - Practicing defense in depth :)
Hardcode appropriate MCA user id for each channel with the user id that
you will use in setmqaut commands to grant necessary access control.

So for SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN you could actually put in mqm for MCAUSER in
case you need to manage the queue manager from somewhere where you are
not mqm. Its ok since you are the only who would have the certificate
that would be necessary to make the connection.

Create a certificate with dn=,ou=payroll and make sure that your
queue manager only accepts the certficates by the ca that it trusts or
the ones queue manager signed itself or with certificates that are
simply in the keystore.
Now, no one but your payroll will be able to connect to that and no
other channel. This is called establishing authenticity of the client.
From here on, you do not want payrol to have full access to all the
objects so you hardcode mcauser with user id payrol and using setmqaut
commands configure access to only payrol queues and that's it. This is
called access control.

Repeat this all "incoming channels" since this could be easily applied
to recevier channels as well.

If someone thinks this is will not work, let me know.


- Original Message - 
From: "Crowder, Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

Thanks Wyatt,

This is great info... I don't think the MCAUSER parm is really what I
It appears that it just gives the connecting client the rights of the
specified in MCAUSER (as checked by OAM)... What keeps an ill
person from connecting to another server conn channel?

Sounds like the exit that restricts by incoming IP is more like what I
need...  I don't really want to use SSL because of the overhead.

Thanks again...

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt, T. Rob
Sent: 6/18/03 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Client connections are very unsecure by default but you can tighten them
quite a bit.  Whatever ID runs the listener is potentially used by the
to check authorities.  If you use a channel exit or specify an MCAUSER,
can force the ID to be a low-privileged user - but only for that
channel.  Remember, just because you protect SOME.APP.SVRCONN with an
or MCAUSER, doesn't mean an intruder won't try to come in through
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SVRCONN instead.  And if you secure all the SVRCONN
they can easily put up a SDR to connect to one of your RCVR/RQSTR
It's kind of a pain to manipulate the listener process ID and use
because you need some kind of administrative access to the box so the
solution is to use an exit of some sort.  This is true across all the
distributed platforms, BTW, not just Wintel.

Jørgen Pederson wrote a small exit program that filters connection
by IP.  I think he's trying to get it released as a Support Pac but in
meantime he's made it available at:  Click on "Tips And Tricks" then
for the link to "BlockIP Security Exit".  He provides source as well as
Windows DLL.  It's very effective as is or you can use it as an starting
point and add your own features in.

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe
is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queue manager with full rights.

I have a test "service" that I install and run under my local system
account.  It uses the client to connect to a queue manager and then puts
test message on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.  Regardless of how a
manager is secured with setmqaut, as long as the service runs under
local/system, it can connect to the queue manager and put messages.

Beyond using SSL, is there any way around this behavior?


Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

Instructions for managing your mailing list 

Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread mikhail malamud
If the application will be connecting in server/bind mode therefore
bypassing server connection channels the only way to secure the queue
manager is to forbid applications from running under system but rather
have it run under a specific UID for which the proper access control can
be established.
- Original Message - 
From: "Pavel Tolkachev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

Hello Randy,

If you leave MCAUSER blank (' '), the channel agent will actually run on
behalf of the user as reported by the client. The details of user names
used are in the book (mostly "Clients" and "Intercommunication" as far
as I can remember) but they depend on both client platform and server
platform. For NT to NT, I beleive, the "strongest" security check is
performed which involves domain controller and similar stuff (like user
provides its SID or something similar -- but do not  hold me to it

Yes, it is mostly "authentification by assertion" especially if you
beleive the attacker can forge the MQ protocol completely. But still
slightly better than nothing.

SSL looks the way to go. I got it working, with streaming type of
ciphers like RC4 x 128 x SHA it must be reasonably fast and reliable.
3DES would slow down things, but even using it I do not beleive SSL
would become a bottleneck, especially considering MQ performance. Much
faster MOMs like those from Tibco or Vitria are using SSL and that makes
me think the slowdown will be relatively insignificant with MQ. What
will suffer is an initial connection time because the keystore
decryption algorithms are traditionally made slow -- and for good
reasons. It takes especially a while to complete any single operation
with .kdb database with IBM's gsk; JDK's keytool is much faster working
with .jks databases but still takes time. (your SSL participants may
need to use both: queue manager will use kdb and client can use .kdb (C
clients, not tried) or .jks (Java clients, tried)).

Hope this will help,

  "Crowder, Randall"
  Sent by: MQSeries List Subject:  Re:
Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

  06/18/2003 04:37 PM
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Thanks Wyatt,

This is great info... I don't think the MCAUSER parm is really what I
It appears that it just gives the connecting client the rights of the
specified in MCAUSER (as checked by OAM)... What keeps an ill
person from connecting to another server conn channel?

Sounds like the exit that restricts by incoming IP is more like what I
need...  I don't really want to use SSL because of the overhead.

Thanks again...

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt, T. Rob
Sent: 6/18/03 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Client connections are very unsecure by default but you can tighten them
quite a bit.  Whatever ID runs the listener is potentially used by the
to check authorities.  If you use a channel exit or specify an MCAUSER,
can force the ID to be a low-privileged user - but only for that
channel.  Remember, just because you protect SOME.APP.SVRCONN with an
or MCAUSER, doesn't mean an intruder won't try to come in through
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SVRCONN instead.  And if you secure all the SVRCONN
they can easily put up a SDR to connect to one of your RCVR/RQSTR
It's kind of a pain to manipulate the listener process ID and use
because you need some kind of administrative access to the box so the
solution is to use an exit of some sort.  This is true across all the
distributed platforms, BTW, not just Wintel.

Jørgen Pederson wrote a small exit program that filters connection
by IP.  I think he's trying to get it released as a Support Pac but in
meantime he's made it available at:  Click on "Tips And Tricks" then
for the link to "BlockIP Security Exit".  He provides source as well as
Windows DLL.  It's very effective as is or you can use it as an starting
point and add your own features in.

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe
is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queue manager wi

Re: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1 .4.1

2003-06-18 Thread Bob Kasischke

I must 
be missing something because I sure don't see anywhere on 
page where they talk about a _Microsoft_ SDK for Java
think there are IBM Java SDKs and Sun Java SDKs.
answer the original question:  I don't think MQ V5.2 will work (very well) 
_Microsoft_ Java Runtime.  The version of this Java was only 1.1.4 or 
noted on the web page IBM is looking for version 1.3 or 
note that the JRE is bundled as part of the SDK so you can 
Robert S. Kasischke 

  -Original Message-From: O'Keeffe, Michael 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 
  2003 3:32 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 
  Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1 
  Check this link out.  The IBM (of 
  course) 1.3.0 SDK is the supported platform for NT, but it seems you're able 
  to run with the Microsoft SDK

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:03 
  Subject: Microsoft Java Runtime vs 
  Sun Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1.4.1
  Hi All,
  I had one question. I am currently running Microsoft Java Runtime on 
  my Win NT4.0 server. I had MQSeries Client v5.2 installed in that server. 
  Is there any implications if i were to replace MS Java Runtime with 
  I had tried to look thru the documentation provided by the IBM but 
  was not able to find anything on this.
  Any help or comment is greatly appreciated!
  Many thanks in advance.
  Do you Yahoo!?SBC 
  Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per 

Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread Wyatt, T. Rob

Just to clarify, it is not necessary to forge the MQ protocol to assert a
user ID in a client.  In fact, it is a trivial task to set this field using
a Java client.  If the ID is suppressed, the connection will acquire
whatever ID the listener runs as.  

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Pavel Tolkachev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

Hello Randy,

If you leave MCAUSER blank (' '), the channel agent will actually run on
behalf of the user as reported by the client. The details of user names used
are in the book (mostly "Clients" and "Intercommunication" as far as I can
remember) but they depend on both client platform and server platform. For
NT to NT, I beleive, the "strongest" security check is performed which
involves domain controller and similar stuff (like user provides its SID or
something similar -- but do not  hold me to it please)).

Yes, it is mostly "authentification by assertion" especially if you beleive
the attacker can forge the MQ protocol completely. But still slightly better
than nothing.

SSL looks the way to go. I got it working, with streaming type of ciphers
like RC4 x 128 x SHA it must be reasonably fast and reliable. 3DES would
slow down things, but even using it I do not beleive SSL would become a
bottleneck, especially considering MQ performance. Much faster MOMs like
those from Tibco or Vitria are using SSL and that makes me think the
slowdown will be relatively insignificant with MQ. What will suffer is an
initial connection time because the keystore decryption algorithms are
traditionally made slow -- and for good reasons. It takes especially a while
to complete any single operation with .kdb database with IBM's gsk; JDK's
keytool is much faster working with .jks databases but still takes time.
(your SSL participants may need to use both: queue manager will use kdb and
client can use .kdb (C clients, not tried) or .jks (Java clients, tried)).

Hope this will help,


  "Crowder, Randall"



  Sent by: MQSeries List Subject:  Re: Stopping
NT Local/System account access for the client




  06/18/2003 04:37 PM

  Please respond to

  MQSeries List



Thanks Wyatt,

This is great info... I don't think the MCAUSER parm is really what I need.
It appears that it just gives the connecting client the rights of the user
specified in MCAUSER (as checked by OAM)... What keeps an ill intentioned
person from connecting to another server conn channel?

Sounds like the exit that restricts by incoming IP is more like what I
need...  I don't really want to use SSL because of the overhead.

Thanks again...

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt, T. Rob
Sent: 6/18/03 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Client connections are very unsecure by default but you can tighten them
quite a bit.  Whatever ID runs the listener is potentially used by the
to check authorities.  If you use a channel exit or specify an MCAUSER,
can force the ID to be a low-privileged user - but only for that
channel.  Remember, just because you protect SOME.APP.SVRCONN with an
or MCAUSER, doesn't mean an intruder won't try to come in through
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SVRCONN instead.  And if you secure all the SVRCONN
they can easily put up a SDR to connect to one of your RCVR/RQSTR
It's kind of a pain to manipulate the listener process ID and use
because you need some kind of administrative access to the box so the
solution is to use an exit of some sort.  This is true across all the
distributed platforms, BTW, not just Wintel.

Jørgen Pederson wrote a small exit program that filters connection
by IP.  I think he's trying to get it released as a Support Pac but in
meantime he's made it available at:  Click on "Tips And Tricks" then
for the link to "BlockIP Security Exit".  He provides source as well as
Windows DLL.  It's very effective as is or you can use it as an starting
point and add your own features in.

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe
is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queu

Re: Service provider in Java

2003-06-18 Thread mq wiberg
thanks Brian
I do not want to define any remote queues in the MQ manager (for the service
MQ itself will resolve the situation and place the message on the
transmission queue.
Then I can easily attach new front end applications and only bother about
channel and Xmit queue
on the MQ manager for the service provider.
When we execute the Java application without any Remote queue definitions,
we end up in in the error situatiuon 'queue missed' !
We have seen this before when using MQ adapters, (JMS based) from external
vendors, towards standard ERP systems...
Please provide me with the URL:s and I will update myself on alternatives to
the trigger monitor!

From: "McCarty, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Service provider in Java
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:04:59 -0500
I may not understand all your requirements, but there shouldn't be anything
stopping you from coding the reply-to-q in the message just because you're
using a java app.  Maybe you could describe what you're seeing the problem
to be some more.
Also, if you have the capacity to run this as a JMS app, you could use the
MessageListener or a Message Driven Bean to "listen" to the queue rather
than doing triggering or a get with wait type app.  Basically with a MDB,
the container manages connections to the queue and then when a message
arrives, it hands it off to a real worker instance.  It's very nice because
connection pooling and threading problems are virtually eliminated.  The
drawback is that with a MDB you will need a J2EE application server that
supports the EJB 2.0 specification (MQ 5.3 won't have a problem supporting
it.), I'm plugging WAS 5.0 here.
However, you can still use a MessageListener without using an MDB, you just
have to do the connection pooling, etc. stuff yourself.
If you think this is something you want to do I can point you to all of the
URL's you would need to get started.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist
 -Original Message-
From:   mq wiberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Service provider in Java
We are running a B2B application (for 3 years) where the portal is in
for all Europe.
We are integrating with different SOP-systems on different platforms.
All these 'service providers' in the SOP-systems have been set up without
any remote queue definitions for the reply back.
The service has been easy to use by other 'front-ends' relying on the
reply-to-queue/mgr information in the message itelf.
For the first time the service provider is written in Java and executed on
The intention was to have the very same setup as before. but
1. We can't execute without a remote queue definition! Does Java demand for
a remote queue?
or are we just bad in using the Java Classes.
2. Are there any trigger monitor, dedicated for Java, that do not start the
JVM every time the trigger is turned on?
Denis Wiberg
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Re: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1 .4.1

2003-06-18 Thread O'Keeffe, Michael

Check this link out.  The IBM (of 
course) 1.3.0 SDK is the supported platform for NT, but it seems you're able to 
run with the Microsoft SDK

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:03 
Subject: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun 
Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1.4.1

Hi All,
I had one question. I am currently running Microsoft Java Runtime on my 
Win NT4.0 server. I had MQSeries Client v5.2 installed in that server. Is 
there any implications if i were to replace MS Java Runtime with JRE?
I had tried to look thru the documentation provided by the IBM but was 
not able to find anything on this.
Any help or comment is greatly appreciated!
Many thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?SBC 
Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per 

Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

2003-06-18 Thread D/L
yes there is  Bobbee, and please forgive my shameless plug -- it's
called QN-StatWatch -- check out , or contact me
directly... hopefully before you run out and get that tin cup...
Robert Broderick wrote:

We have a large system wich spans WIN200K, Solaris, Tandem, OS390 (MVS &
TPF), MQ & MQSI using both Client and server connections at different
points. We are in the middle of stress testing and are experiencing
Much to our complaints, there are no MQ tools in the Shop. The shop is
enterprise sized, so is the application. Is there a product that will do
performance monitoring of messaging going through the system. I know
of some
administration tools that lend themselves to this there a
that can be configured to wathc points of entry and exit and corellate
data based on MSGID and CORELID and report back performance.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1.4.1

2003-06-18 Thread mikhail malamud

Which versions?

  - Original Message - 
  Cherie Tan
  Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:03
  Subject: Microsoft Java Runtime vs Sun
  Java Runtim Environment (JRE) 1.4.1
  Hi All,
  I had one question. I am currently running Microsoft Java Runtime on my
  Win NT4.0 server. I had MQSeries Client v5.2 installed in that server. Is
  there any implications if i were to replace MS Java Runtime with JRE?
  I had tried to look thru the documentation provided by the IBM but was
  not able to find anything on this.
  Any help or comment is greatly appreciated!
  Many thanks in advance.
  Do you Yahoo!?SBC
  Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


2003-06-18 Thread McCarty, Brian
I don't know if your still having trouble with this one, but the trace I was talking 
about earlier is to set an environment variable: MQSI_UTILTIY_TRACE=debug and the 
MQSI_UTILITY_TRACESIZE=10 or some number significantly big.  Then run 

Try Marty's suggestion first and if that doesn't work, try the trace to see where it 
dumps.  It's probably because of the Merant driver issue or char con problem.

Let us know how it works out.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Marty G. Trice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:00 PM

Give this a try my friend

1. Shut down all database instances as the instance owner ID: db2stop force.

2. Shut down the administration server instance as the admin instance ID:
db2admin stop force.

3. Back up the original db2.o under /usr/lpp/db2__/lib

4. Issue "slibclean" as root.

5. Copy db2_36.0 to db2.o, ensuring that ownership and permissions are

cp db2_36.o db2.o

-r--r--r-- bin:bin for db2.o

To switch back to the original object, simply follow the same procedure using
the backed up db2.o file.

Marty G. Trice
WebSphere MQ/MQI Administrator
Sara Lee Business Services - EAI Group

  "McCarty, Brian"
  AA.COM>  cc:
  Sent by: MQSeriesSubject:  Re: MQSICREATEBROKER - 

  06/18/2003 12:23
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Look for a core file or look in WMQI admin doc for how to set an early trace for
commands (not the broker user trace stuff).  That trace should tell you the last
thing that happened before the dump.

Usually it's a database access problem.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Sony Varghese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:07 AM

Dear all,

Has anyone encountered a segmentation fault error while creating
the broker? What causes this?

Here is my error:

mqsicreatebroker DGBCGB01 -i mquid -a mquid01 -q DGBCGB01 -n WMQIBRDB -u
mquid -p mquid01
AMQ8110: WebSphere MQ queue manager already exists.
WebSphere MQ queue manager running.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
Segmentation fault

my platform - AIX 5L
MQ 53 CSD 04
  MQSI v21 CSD 03
  DB2 8.1

Do reply please !!


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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Brian T. Shelden
Hi Sasha,

I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" .
Any fixes available.
We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2
queue managers on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on
1414 and B on 1415. Then we changed ports so A listening on
1415 and B on 1414. After the change is done, all SENDER
channels on qmgr A that have no port specified, trying to
access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly
port 1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same
as port on which QMGR listening ???
I've seen that.  I think "feature," but I understand why
you find it confusing.
I think your subject line is very telling.  I bet you have a
service called MQSeries in /etc/services, and you just moved
its port to 1415, right?
Here's what I think is going on under the covers.  Like a good
TCP/IP app,  MQ is doing getservbyname("MQSeries").  If there
is no service called MQSeries, either in NIS nor files (or
whatever), it defaults to the hard-coded default of 1414.
Butyou do indeed have a service called MQSeries.  But
you've moved it to 1415.  So the default is now 1415.
Change your service names to MQSeriesA for queue manager A
and MQSeriesB for queue manager B in both /etc/inetd.conf and
/etc/services, and you'll get the behaviour you expect.
--Brian T. Shelden   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shelden & Associates, Inc.   New York, NY 10280
Certified MQSeries Specialists   (212) 786-0175
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread Pavel Tolkachev
Hello Randy,

If you leave MCAUSER blank (' '), the channel agent will actually run on behalf of the 
user as reported by the client. The details of user names used are in the book (mostly 
"Clients" and "Intercommunication" as far as I can remember) but they depend on both 
client platform and server platform. For NT to NT, I beleive, the "strongest" security 
check is performed which involves domain controller and similar stuff (like user 
provides its SID or something similar -- but do not  hold me to it please)).

Yes, it is mostly "authentification by assertion" especially if you beleive the 
attacker can forge the MQ protocol completely. But still slightly better than nothing.

SSL looks the way to go. I got it working, with streaming type of ciphers like RC4 x 
128 x SHA it must be reasonably fast and reliable. 3DES would slow down things, but 
even using it I do not beleive SSL would become a bottleneck, especially considering 
MQ performance. Much faster MOMs like those from Tibco or Vitria are using SSL and 
that makes me think the slowdown will be relatively insignificant with MQ. What will 
suffer is an initial connection time because the keystore decryption algorithms are 
traditionally made slow -- and for good reasons. It takes especially a while to 
complete any single operation with .kdb database with IBM's gsk; JDK's keytool is much 
faster working with .jks databases but still takes time. (your SSL participants may 
need to use both: queue manager will use kdb and client can use .kdb (C clients, not 
tried) or .jks (Java clients, tried)).

Hope this will help,

  "Crowder, Randall"   
  Sent by: MQSeries List Subject:  Re: Stopping NT 
Local/System account access for the client
  06/18/2003 04:37 PM  
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Thanks Wyatt,

This is great info... I don't think the MCAUSER parm is really what I need.
It appears that it just gives the connecting client the rights of the user
specified in MCAUSER (as checked by OAM)... What keeps an ill intentioned
person from connecting to another server conn channel?

Sounds like the exit that restricts by incoming IP is more like what I
need...  I don't really want to use SSL because of the overhead.

Thanks again...

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt, T. Rob
Sent: 6/18/03 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Client connections are very unsecure by default but you can tighten them
quite a bit.  Whatever ID runs the listener is potentially used by the
to check authorities.  If you use a channel exit or specify an MCAUSER,
can force the ID to be a low-privileged user - but only for that
channel.  Remember, just because you protect SOME.APP.SVRCONN with an
or MCAUSER, doesn't mean an intruder won't try to come in through
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SVRCONN instead.  And if you secure all the SVRCONN
they can easily put up a SDR to connect to one of your RCVR/RQSTR
It's kind of a pain to manipulate the listener process ID and use
because you need some kind of administrative access to the box so the
solution is to use an ex

Vladimir Veytsel is out of the Office.

2003-06-18 Thread Vladimir Veytsel
I will be out of the office from 06/18/2003 until 06/19/2003.

I will respond to your message when I return.

My emergency out-of-office contacts:

Phone:  201-251-3892
Pager:   917-218-8938


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Re: Unsubscribe

2003-06-18 Thread Richard Santilli
signoff Richard Santilli

  Randy J Clark
  .HONDA.COM>  cc:
  Sent by: Subject: Re: Unsubscribe
  MQSeries List

  06/18/2003 02:51
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

  Richard Santilli
  Sent by: MQSeries List Subject:  Unsubscribe

  06/18/2003 11:03 AM
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Richard Santilli

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DB2 Timed Trigger

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
Have a database with state data coming out of the Broker. Want to clean up
the database every 15 Min. Otherwise because of the vol. we will start
getting performance degrations. This is OS390
Is there a way of kicking off a stored procedure (with a trigger) every 15
min. I have seen there are triggers for the DB operations (events) but none
for time.

I could use CA7 but don't want to schedule jobs if I don't have to.


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CHADEXIT on mainframe queue managers

2003-06-18 Thread John M Hammond
I've got a CHADEXIT on the mainframe which inserts a MSGEXIT on my
cluster-sender channels when they start up.  With the move to MQ 5.3.1 on
the mainframe, the exit has to change to use the MsgExitPtr field instead
of the MsgExit field.  Has anyone done this already and could give me some
pointers (no pun intended)

I'd like to avoid allocating new storage to hold the name of my exit if I
can.  I am trying to point the MsgExitPtr at the original MsgExit field in
the MQCD, but the exit (although it complies cleanly) causes an error
whenever a channel tries to start.  Is there a way to get this to work or
do I have to bite the bullet and allocate storage in my exit to store the 8
byte exit name?

If anyone has a sample CHAD exit which sets these values using the pointers
and could share it, I'd appreciate it.

John M Hammond
Data Center: Middleware
Household International
100 Mittel Drive
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Phone: (630) 521-4339; Pager: (866) 237-0985

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Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread Crowder, Randall
Thanks Wyatt,

This is great info... I don't think the MCAUSER parm is really what I need.
It appears that it just gives the connecting client the rights of the user
specified in MCAUSER (as checked by OAM)... What keeps an ill intentioned
person from connecting to another server conn channel?

Sounds like the exit that restricts by incoming IP is more like what I
need...  I don't really want to use SSL because of the overhead.

Thanks again...

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt, T. Rob
Sent: 6/18/03 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Client connections are very unsecure by default but you can tighten them
quite a bit.  Whatever ID runs the listener is potentially used by the
to check authorities.  If you use a channel exit or specify an MCAUSER,
can force the ID to be a low-privileged user - but only for that
channel.  Remember, just because you protect SOME.APP.SVRCONN with an
or MCAUSER, doesn't mean an intruder won't try to come in through
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SVRCONN instead.  And if you secure all the SVRCONN
they can easily put up a SDR to connect to one of your RCVR/RQSTR
It's kind of a pain to manipulate the listener process ID and use
because you need some kind of administrative access to the box so the
solution is to use an exit of some sort.  This is true across all the
distributed platforms, BTW, not just Wintel.

Jørgen Pederson wrote a small exit program that filters connection
by IP.  I think he's trying to get it released as a Support Pac but in
meantime he's made it available at:  Click on "Tips And Tricks" then
for the link to "BlockIP Security Exit".  He provides source as well as
Windows DLL.  It's very effective as is or you can use it as an starting
point and add your own features in.

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe
is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queue manager with full rights.

I have a test "service" that I install and run under my local system
account.  It uses the client to connect to a queue manager and then puts
test message on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.  Regardless of how a
manager is secured with setmqaut, as long as the service runs under
local/system, it can connect to the queue manager and put messages.

Beyond using SSL, is there any way around this behavior?


Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

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the Listserv General Users Guide available at

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Re: MQSeries and .Net

2003-06-18 Thread Andrew Don
Title: MQSeries and .Net

for the help. I'll give this a try.

  -Original Message-From: Crowder, Randall 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 
  2003 12:19 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 
  MQSeries and .Net
  MQGMO_SYNCPOINT for the get and MQPMO_SYNCPOINT for the put.  Then do a 
  commit.  They will both be included in the same unit of 
  "The man who has nothing for 
  which he is willing to fight and nothing he cares about more than his personal 
  safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free unless made and 
  kept so by the exertions of better men than himself" - John S. Mill
  Randy Crowder National City Corp Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure 
  Integration Phone: 
  216.257.5306 Cell: 
-Original Message-From: Andrew Don 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 
10:59 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: MQSeries 
and .Net
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience 
making MQ queues transactional using .Net and MQSeries. 
I have MQSeries Version 5.2 (Server edition) 
running on a Windows 2000 server, while using the MQAX200 ActiveX. We're trying to access another MQ server to retrieve and 
put messages. I have an application written in C# that can successfully get 
and put messages to the MQ server, but I'm not sure how to make the process 
of getting/putting a MQ message transactional. I am new to the MQ world and 
I'm having trouble finding any good examples. If anyone can point me to some 
sample code or provide any tips, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Andrew Instructions for managing your 
mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide 
available at Archive: 

Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
Thak you Peter for taking the time on this. I have forwarded this to the
person trying to make a decision. I was wondering how you found out about
the buffer sizs. Thought you were buying drinks for the Hursley guys or
rumaging through their garbage bins in the back of their office complex.
   tnx, bobbee

From: "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 14:28:53 -0400
That one sentence applies to a specific feature of TV that I found most
useful. (TV does do other things)
It allows you see every single option on every single MQ call. You know
a MQCONN call took place for instance, to the microsecond if on MF or
Solaris, millisecond otherwise. You know that it took an MQOPEN call .247
seconds to complete. You know what the application specified for every
in the MQMD going into the PUT or GET, and you see every field in the MQMD
returned by the QM. You know all the GMO and PMO options set by the
application. And you can browse every message after the fact.
Based on what you chose to collect, you can run queries that are very
informative, like:
Show me all the MQCONN calls for the last week
Show me all the MQ calls for Application XYZ for Tuesday between 3 and 6.
Show me any messages that went thru the system that had ABC in bytes
and 785 of the message buffer. Or show me any messages that had "bobbee"
anywhere in the buffer.
Show me any MQSET calls.
Show me any calls that ended with a RC of 2033, or any other RC.
When the results come up, you get tons of other info on each call. Who made
it, what TCODE was it running under, was it succesful, etc.
Since MQSI and MCAs are apps, this allowed me to learn all sorts of neat
stuff about these apps and what they do under the covers. Fiddle with your
channel settings or MQInput Node and watch how the MQ calls change. TV is
how we learned that MQSI is changing the buffer size on its MQGET calls,
which sometimes causes it to do a double get to take care of the truncated
error. (I just ran a query where the app was MQSI, where the call was MQGET
and where the RC was 2080).
Most importantly, I don't have to rely on the app area to tell me what they
think they are doing with MQ. I know for a fact. They call me and tell me
is losing messages. I tell them to try coding something other than 0 for
Expiry!!! (This actually happened once. Try solving that problem when they
insist "nothing has changed" in the app)

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
You use the words 'Application" and "Monitoring" in the same sentence. What
does this imply. Can you give an example(s) of some of the features.
"Readers Digest" version.

Basically we have multi platform Messaging hops with an additional stop in
broker (OS390). It is not coming up to the TPS requirements desired by the
client. There is nothing here in the way of a global MQ monitoring /
administration / management tool(S). They are doing performance testing and
have a microscope view of all the pieces. They need help!! I am trying to
suggest a best fit solution. But they need it up fast and quick.
>From: "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:40:33 -0400
>Yes, Transaction Vision (TV) is not cheap, but the amount of info it
>you about your MQ applications is awesome.
>I use QPASA every day. There is only a slight overlap with what it does
>TV does. They are 2 different and complimentary products.
>Reconda StatWatch is closer in function to TV than QPASA.
>-Original Message-
>From: Scott Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:09 PM
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>We looked at it last year and it was a solid product, but imho
>expensive.  MQSoftware now offers a business dashboard capability in
>QPasa V3 product that has similar capabilites...We own QPasa now and it's
>been a struggle since day one, but YMMV.
>-Original Message-
>From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
>McCarty, Brian
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:06 AM
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>Yes, Bristol's transaction vision looks like a real good tool for
>message/transaction monitoring:
>but this does require that a binary intercept the MQ calls made by the
>application before hitting the queue manager.  They say that it is
>lightweight, but you probably want to do your own performance/release

Re: Spiraling downhill - helpful tools and tips

2003-06-18 Thread EARmerc Roberts
(Please note: I don't work for TechRepublic, so I removed the actual URLs this 
time. Personally, I found a few useful tips, other I found humorous and 
somewhat appropriate to the thread. You decide. -EARmerc)


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Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread Pavel Tolkachev
Hello Randall,

First of all, check that MCAUSER field is set to ' ' (space), not mqm in SVRCONN 
channel definition. After that, if both server and client are running on nt platform, 
there must be a way to make queue manager to authenticate using [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
credentials (if MQ does not do it by default which I think it does) which is not very 
easy to forge without hacking the client code (theoretically MQ could also do some nt 
trickery to check the user is actually logged in on the domain at source ip address). 
Still, it is a pretty weak authentication, so SSL is probably the way to go.

Just a 2 c

  "Crowder, Randall"
  Sent by: MQSeries List Subject:  Re: Stopping NT 
Local/System account access for the client

  06/18/2003 02:44 PM
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Anyone have any ideas on this one...  Thanks in advance for your help.


"The man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight and nothing he
cares about more than his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no
chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men
than himself" - John S. Mill

Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
To: 'MQSeries List'
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as long
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queue manager with full rights.

I have a test "service" that I install and run under my local system
account.  It uses the client to connect to a queue manager and then puts a
test message on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.  Regardless of how a queue
manager is secured with setmqaut, as long as the service runs under
local/system, it can connect to the queue manager and put messages.

Beyond using SSL, is there any way around this behavior?


Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at


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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread Wyatt, T. Rob

Client connections are very unsecure by default but you can tighten them up
quite a bit.  Whatever ID runs the listener is potentially used by the OAM
to check authorities.  If you use a channel exit or specify an MCAUSER, you
can force the ID to be a low-privileged user - but only for that specific
channel.  Remember, just because you protect SOME.APP.SVRCONN with an exit
or MCAUSER, doesn't mean an intruder won't try to come in through
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SVRCONN instead.  And if you secure all the SVRCONN channels,
they can easily put up a SDR to connect to one of your RCVR/RQSTR channels.
It's kind of a pain to manipulate the listener process ID and use MCAUSERs
because you need some kind of administrative access to the box so the usual
solution is to use an exit of some sort.  This is true across all the
distributed platforms, BTW, not just Wintel.

Jørgen Pederson wrote a small exit program that filters connection requests
by IP.  I think he's trying to get it released as a Support Pac but in the
meantime he's made it available at:  Click on "Tips And Tricks" then look
for the link to "BlockIP Security Exit".  He provides source as well as
Windows DLL.  It's very effective as is or you can use it as an starting
point and add your own features in.

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as long
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queue manager with full rights.

I have a test "service" that I install and run under my local system
account.  It uses the client to connect to a queue manager and then puts a
test message on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.  Regardless of how a queue
manager is secured with setmqaut, as long as the service runs under
local/system, it can connect to the queue manager and put messages.

Beyond using SSL, is there any way around this behavior?


Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Re: Spiraling downhill - delete key is 2 the right of the \ key

2003-06-18 Thread Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)
If none of us work in MQ because it pays squat for reasons discussed here,
then there will be no more listserve, or only one where everyone is asking
everyone questions, including "Where did the guys who knew all the answers
go?", instead of answers to MQ questions.

The biggest problem I have with all this is what one person brought up
before, which I assume/fear is accurate. And that is there are no taxes
collected for salaries sent overseas (Could that be true?!?!?). And no goods
are purchased in US stores if the salaries are sent overseas.

-Original Message-
From: Fryett.Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

If you don't like hit the "Delete" key, otherwise take a back seat as Bobbee
has suggested.

If you have a question, issue, or problem you are free to send an email to
the list server.  If you would like to respond to an email on the list
server go ahead, otherwise skip the messages that pertain to this subject.

Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Santilli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

I noticed that most or all of these emails do not pertain to MQ or MQSI.
Can we please use this forum for work related issues pertaining to MQ and

Thank You.

  "Stephan C.
  >Subject: Re: Spiraling (even
further) downhill
  Sent by:
  MQSeries List

  06/18/2003 09:04
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

There is only but ONE truth in business and that it will CHANGE. As the
technology wizards we are, we must change with the marketplace, too.
Nothing lasts forever - especially in the technology field we have chosen
build our careers on.

Let's remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, one that
revolves around a capitalist, free-market society.  In that business
playground, the rules are simple. Rewards are earned by those who work hard
and think smart, while penalizing excuses, mistakes, inefficiencies and
of planning.  We have learned in our recent history that business can be
BOTH fun (Internet boon years) and cruel (today's environment).  I guess
can look at the situation many of us are in today and say, "is the cup
half-full or half-empty"?  Your answer will most likely reflect the job
status you currently find yourself in.  We can COMPLAIN and moan about our
predicament or you can do something about it.

Of all the responses to this thread, I thought Chris Fryett stated it best
"Find a niche in the market and plug it with your skills so you can earn
money you choose to make."  That is ultimately the right answer.  There are
opportunities out there to build a business around companies that don't
pursue offshore opportunities like the Fortune 1000 do.  Small to midsize
companies are always looking for technical innovation and talent to support
those solutions.  The business environment of today, both large and small,
still has a lot of use for your skills to integrate and automate their
internal business processes.  There is plenty of work to do, you just have
to find your niche.

What each of us needs to do in tough business times is to re-evaluate our
situation.  You need to stand out and clearly differentiate yourself,
establish a unique high-margin (hopefully) market position that can be
sustained over time.  The big challenge is to make yourself (or your
company) the go-to-source for a particular problem.  Don't be all things to
all people:  (1) focus on a specific market space and identify a common,
mission-critical problem  (2) develop a solution  (3) develop a unique
approach to that solution.  Whatever that product and/or service is that
perform, if it is executed in a prompt and quality manner, and within the
expectations you set for the customer, you will win your fair share of
business. I will not say this is an easy journey. When all is said and

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Williams,
Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill

This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broder

Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Pavel Tolkachev

I bet it fell back to item #3  because Sasha mentioned inetd.conf. Probably he 
actually did not change inetd.conf (where you usually use the symbolic name of the 
service, like MQSeries), but instead changed the number in /etc/services? Great 
excerpt, Justin! I believe I saw the procedure before but never realized all the 


  Justin Fries
  OM>  cc:
  Sent by: MQSeriesSubject:  Re: Default port 1414 changed.

  06/18/2003 12:23
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List


When choosing a port, MQ uses the following sequence:

1.  Any port explicitly named:

2.  The default port in the qm.ini file:


3.  The port associated with the 'MQSeries' service in the /etc/services file:

MQSeriestcp/1419### Default MQ port

4.  Port 1414.

If 1414 isn't being picked up, odds are that another port number has been 
found at step 2 or step 3.


   Justin T. Fries
   WebSphere MQ Support
   Raleigh, North Carolina

   Robert Broderick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject:Re: Default port 1414 changed.
   06/18/2003 09:58 AM
   Please respond to MQSeries List

I have seen this and was mystified by this too. I didn't track this down or
verify it's existence (other things got in the way) BUT I thought somewhere
this is a configurable parameter (default port) I was going to look in one
of the two ini files to see if it was there (QM QMS). Not sure if this was
even near the solution to the problem BUT I vaguely remember something on
this subject.


>From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
>Hi there.
>I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes
>We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
>on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
>Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
>change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
>trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port
>1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
>Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on
>which QMGR listening ???
> Alexander Gerasimenko
> (a.k.a. Sasha)
> Information Services
>International, (part of Mars Inc.)
> Global AMI Team, ISW , *120,

Re: Unsubscribe

2003-06-18 Thread Randy J Clark
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

  Richard Santilli
  Sent by: MQSeries List Subject:  Unsubscribe

  06/18/2003 11:03 AM
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Richard Santilli

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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client

2003-06-18 Thread Crowder, Randall
Anyone have any ideas on this one...  Thanks in advance for your help.


"The man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight and nothing he
cares about more than his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no
chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men
than himself" - John S. Mill

Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

-Original Message-
From: Crowder, Randall
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:00 AM
To: 'MQSeries List'
Subject: Stopping NT Local/System account access for the client


Probably not news to anyone else, but I have discovered what I believe is a
major security hole with the Client...  For NT/2000 it appears that as long
as a service is running under the local/system account, if it can client
connect to an NT/2000 queue manager with full rights.

I have a test "service" that I install and run under my local system
account.  It uses the client to connect to a queue manager and then puts a
test message on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.  Regardless of how a queue
manager is secured with setmqaut, as long as the service runs under
local/system, it can connect to the queue manager and put messages.

Beyond using SSL, is there any way around this behavior?


Randy Crowder
National City Corp
Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure Integration

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at


2003-06-18 Thread Richard Santilli
Richard Santilli

This email/fax message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and
may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized
review, use, disclosure or distribution of this email/fax is prohibited.
you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by email/fax
and destroy all paper and electronic copies of the original message.

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

2003-06-18 Thread Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)
That one sentence applies to a specific feature of TV that I found most
useful. (TV does do other things)

It allows you see every single option on every single MQ call. You know when
a MQCONN call took place for instance, to the microsecond if on MF or
Solaris, millisecond otherwise. You know that it took an MQOPEN call .247
seconds to complete. You know what the application specified for every field
in the MQMD going into the PUT or GET, and you see every field in the MQMD
returned by the QM. You know all the GMO and PMO options set by the
application. And you can browse every message after the fact.

Based on what you chose to collect, you can run queries that are very
informative, like:
Show me all the MQCONN calls for the last week
Show me all the MQ calls for Application XYZ for Tuesday between 3 and 6.
Show me any messages that went thru the system that had ABC in bytes 783,784
and 785 of the message buffer. Or show me any messages that had "bobbee"
anywhere in the buffer.
Show me any MQSET calls.
Show me any calls that ended with a RC of 2033, or any other RC.

When the results come up, you get tons of other info on each call. Who made
it, what TCODE was it running under, was it succesful, etc.

Since MQSI and MCAs are apps, this allowed me to learn all sorts of neat
stuff about these apps and what they do under the covers. Fiddle with your
channel settings or MQInput Node and watch how the MQ calls change. TV is
how we learned that MQSI is changing the buffer size on its MQGET calls,
which sometimes causes it to do a double get to take care of the truncated
error. (I just ran a query where the app was MQSI, where the call was MQGET
and where the RC was 2080).

Most importantly, I don't have to rely on the app area to tell me what they
think they are doing with MQ. I know for a fact. They call me and tell me MQ
is losing messages. I tell them to try coding something other than 0 for
Expiry!!! (This actually happened once. Try solving that problem when they
insist "nothing has changed" in the app)

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

You use the words 'Application" and "Monitoring" in the same sentence. What
does this imply. Can you give an example(s) of some of the features.
"Readers Digest" version.


Basically we have multi platform Messaging hops with an additional stop in a
broker (OS390). It is not coming up to the TPS requirements desired by the
client. There is nothing here in the way of a global MQ monitoring /
administration / management tool(S). They are doing performance testing and
have a microscope view of all the pieces. They need help!! I am trying to
suggest a best fit solution. But they need it up fast and quick.

>From: "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:40:33 -0400
>Yes, Transaction Vision (TV) is not cheap, but the amount of info it gives
>you about your MQ applications is awesome.
>I use QPASA every day. There is only a slight overlap with what it does and
>TV does. They are 2 different and complimentary products.
>Reconda StatWatch is closer in function to TV than QPASA.
>-Original Message-
>From: Scott Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:09 PM
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>We looked at it last year and it was a solid product, but imho unbelievably
>expensive.  MQSoftware now offers a business dashboard capability in their
>QPasa V3 product that has similar capabilites...We own QPasa now and it's
>been a struggle since day one, but YMMV.
>-Original Message-
>From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
>McCarty, Brian
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:06 AM
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>Yes, Bristol's transaction vision looks like a real good tool for
>message/transaction monitoring:
>but this does require that a binary intercept the MQ calls made by the
>application before hitting the queue manager.  They say that it is
>lightweight, but you probably want to do your own performance/release
>testing also.
>Brian M. McCarty
>USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
>MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
>e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist
>  -Original Message-
>From:   Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent:   Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:53 AM
>Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
>TransactionVision or Reconda
>-Original Message-
>From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:16 AM
>To: [EMAI

Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Fryett.Chris
If you don't like hit the "Delete" key, otherwise take a back seat as Bobbee has 

If you have a question, issue, or problem you are free to send an email to the list 
server.  If you would like to respond to an email on the list server go ahead, 
otherwise skip the messages that pertain to this subject.

Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Santilli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

I noticed that most or all of these emails do not pertain to MQ or MQSI.
Can we please use this forum for work related issues pertaining to MQ and

Thank You.

  "Stephan C.
  >Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) 
  Sent by:
  MQSeries List

  06/18/2003 09:04
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

There is only but ONE truth in business and that it will CHANGE. As the
technology wizards we are, we must change with the marketplace, too.
Nothing lasts forever - especially in the technology field we have chosen
build our careers on.

Let's remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, one that
revolves around a capitalist, free-market society.  In that business
playground, the rules are simple. Rewards are earned by those who work hard
and think smart, while penalizing excuses, mistakes, inefficiencies and
of planning.  We have learned in our recent history that business can be
BOTH fun (Internet boon years) and cruel (today's environment).  I guess
can look at the situation many of us are in today and say, "is the cup
half-full or half-empty"?  Your answer will most likely reflect the job
status you currently find yourself in.  We can COMPLAIN and moan about our
predicament or you can do something about it.

Of all the responses to this thread, I thought Chris Fryett stated it best
"Find a niche in the market and plug it with your skills so you can earn
money you choose to make."  That is ultimately the right answer.  There are
opportunities out there to build a business around companies that don't
pursue offshore opportunities like the Fortune 1000 do.  Small to midsize
companies are always looking for technical innovation and talent to support
those solutions.  The business environment of today, both large and small,
still has a lot of use for your skills to integrate and automate their
internal business processes.  There is plenty of work to do, you just have
to find your niche.

What each of us needs to do in tough business times is to re-evaluate our
situation.  You need to stand out and clearly differentiate yourself,
establish a unique high-margin (hopefully) market position that can be
sustained over time.  The big challenge is to make yourself (or your
company) the go-to-source for a particular problem.  Don't be all things to
all people:  (1) focus on a specific market space and identify a common,
mission-critical problem  (2) develop a solution  (3) develop a unique
approach to that solution.  Whatever that product and/or service is that
perform, if it is executed in a prompt and quality manner, and within the
expectations you set for the customer, you will win your fair share of
business. I will not say this is an easy journey. When all is said and

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Williams,
Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill

This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!


2003-06-18 Thread Marty G. Trice
Give this a try my friend

1. Shut down all database instances as the instance owner ID: db2stop force.

2. Shut down the administration server instance as the admin instance ID:
db2admin stop force.

3. Back up the original db2.o under /usr/lpp/db2__/lib

4. Issue "slibclean" as root.

5. Copy db2_36.0 to db2.o, ensuring that ownership and permissions are

cp db2_36.o db2.o

-r--r--r-- bin:bin for db2.o

To switch back to the original object, simply follow the same procedure using
the backed up db2.o file.

Marty G. Trice
WebSphere MQ/MQI Administrator
Sara Lee Business Services - EAI Group

  "McCarty, Brian"
  AA.COM>  cc:
  Sent by: MQSeriesSubject:  Re: MQSICREATEBROKER - 

  06/18/2003 12:23
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

Look for a core file or look in WMQI admin doc for how to set an early trace for
commands (not the broker user trace stuff).  That trace should tell you the last
thing that happened before the dump.

Usually it's a database access problem.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Sony Varghese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:07 AM

Dear all,

Has anyone encountered a segmentation fault error while creating
the broker? What causes this?

Here is my error:

mqsicreatebroker DGBCGB01 -i mquid -a mquid01 -q DGBCGB01 -n WMQIBRDB -u
mquid -p mquid01
AMQ8110: WebSphere MQ queue manager already exists.
WebSphere MQ queue manager running.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
Segmentation fault

my platform - AIX 5L
MQ 53 CSD 04
  MQSI v21 CSD 03
  DB2 8.1

Do reply please !!


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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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2003-06-18 Thread Kinlen, Dan

RBC Dain Rauscher does not accept buy, sell or cancel orders by e-mail, or any 
instructions by e-mail that would require your signature.  Information contained in 
this communication is not considered an official record of your account and does not 
supersede normal trade confirmations or statements.  Any information provided has been 
prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed, does not 
represent all available data necessary for making investment decisions and is for 
informational purposes only.

This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any 
related rights and obligations.  Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or 
the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized.  If 
you receive this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) 

Information received by or sent from this system is subject to review by supervisory 
personnel, is retained and may be produced to regulatory authorities or others with a 
legal right to the information.

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: MQSeries and .Net

2003-06-18 Thread Crowder, Randall
Title: MQSeries and .Net

MQGMO_SYNCPOINT for the get and MQPMO_SYNCPOINT for the put.  Then do a
commit.  They will both be included in the same unit of
"The man who has nothing for
which he is willing to fight and nothing he cares about more than his personal
safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free unless made and
kept so by the exertions of better men than himself" - John S. Mill
Randy Crowder National City Corp Strategic Technology Services - Infrastructure
Integration Phone:
216.257.5306 Cell:

  -Original Message-From: Andrew Don
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:59
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: MQSeries and
  I was wondering if anyone has had any experience
  making MQ queues transactional using .Net and MQSeries. 
  I have MQSeries Version 5.2 (Server edition)
  running on a Windows 2000 server, while using the MQAX200 ActiveX. We're trying to access another MQ server to retrieve and put
  messages. I have an application written in C# that can successfully get and
  put messages to the MQ server, but I'm not sure how to make the process of
  getting/putting a MQ message transactional. I am new to the MQ world and I'm
  having trouble finding any good examples. If anyone can point me to some
  sample code or provide any tips, it would be greatly appreciated. 
  Andrew Instructions for managing your
  mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide
  available at Archive: 

Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
You use the words 'Application" and "Monitoring" in the same sentence. What
does this imply. Can you give an example(s) of some of the features.
"Readers Digest" version.

Basically we have multi platform Messaging hops with an additional stop in a
broker (OS390). It is not coming up to the TPS requirements desired by the
client. There is nothing here in the way of a global MQ monitoring /
administration / management tool(S). They are doing performance testing and
have a microscope view of all the pieces. They need help!! I am trying to
suggest a best fit solution. But they need it up fast and quick.

From: "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:40:33 -0400
Yes, Transaction Vision (TV) is not cheap, but the amount of info it gives
you about your MQ applications is awesome.
I use QPASA every day. There is only a slight overlap with what it does and
TV does. They are 2 different and complimentary products.
Reconda StatWatch is closer in function to TV than QPASA.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
We looked at it last year and it was a solid product, but imho unbelievably
expensive.  MQSoftware now offers a business dashboard capability in their
QPasa V3 product that has similar capabilites...We own QPasa now and it's
been a struggle since day one, but YMMV.
-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
McCarty, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
Yes, Bristol's transaction vision looks like a real good tool for
message/transaction monitoring:

but this does require that a binary intercept the MQ calls made by the
application before hitting the queue manager.  They say that it is
lightweight, but you probably want to do your own performance/release
testing also.
Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist
 -Original Message-
From:   Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies
TransactionVision or Reconda

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:16 AM
Subject: Performance monitoring/matricies
We have a large system wich spans WIN200K, Solaris, Tandem, OS390 (MVS &
TPF), MQ & MQSI using both Client and server connections at different
points. We are in the middle of stress testing and are experiencing delays.
Much to our complaints, there are no MQ tools in the Shop. The shop is
enterprise sized, so is the application. Is there a product that will do
performance monitoring of messaging going through the system. I know of
administration tools that lend themselves to this there a product
that can be configured to wathc points of entry and exit and corellate the
data based on MSGID and CORELID and report back performance.

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disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. If
you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
immediately by return email and delete this communication and destroy all
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Richard Santilli
I noticed that most or all of these emails do not pertain to MQ or MQSI.
Can we please use this forum for work related issues pertaining to MQ and

Thank You.

  "Stephan C.
  >Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) 
  Sent by:
  MQSeries List

  06/18/2003 09:04
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

There is only but ONE truth in business and that it will CHANGE. As the
technology wizards we are, we must change with the marketplace, too.
Nothing lasts forever - especially in the technology field we have chosen
build our careers on.

Let's remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, one that
revolves around a capitalist, free-market society.  In that business
playground, the rules are simple. Rewards are earned by those who work hard
and think smart, while penalizing excuses, mistakes, inefficiencies and
of planning.  We have learned in our recent history that business can be
BOTH fun (Internet boon years) and cruel (today's environment).  I guess
can look at the situation many of us are in today and say, "is the cup
half-full or half-empty"?  Your answer will most likely reflect the job
status you currently find yourself in.  We can COMPLAIN and moan about our
predicament or you can do something about it.

Of all the responses to this thread, I thought Chris Fryett stated it best
"Find a niche in the market and plug it with your skills so you can earn
money you choose to make."  That is ultimately the right answer.  There are
opportunities out there to build a business around companies that don't
pursue offshore opportunities like the Fortune 1000 do.  Small to midsize
companies are always looking for technical innovation and talent to support
those solutions.  The business environment of today, both large and small,
still has a lot of use for your skills to integrate and automate their
internal business processes.  There is plenty of work to do, you just have
to find your niche.

What each of us needs to do in tough business times is to re-evaluate our
situation.  You need to stand out and clearly differentiate yourself,
establish a unique high-margin (hopefully) market position that can be
sustained over time.  The big challenge is to make yourself (or your
company) the go-to-source for a particular problem.  Don't be all things to
all people:  (1) focus on a specific market space and identify a common,
mission-critical problem  (2) develop a solution  (3) develop a unique
approach to that solution.  Whatever that product and/or service is that
perform, if it is executed in a prompt and quality manner, and within the
expectations you set for the customer, you will win your fair share of
business. I will not say this is an easy journey. When all is said and

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Williams,
Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill

This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!

>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid 

Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread EARmerc Roberts
The parameter is configurable on OS/390:


is specified in MQSAINPX input member for the CHANNEL INITIATOR address space.

We also have our TCT/IP config designating that port for our MQSA queue manager.

I suspect that an analogue exists for each platform.

1414 is the default specified port from the install. It should be matched in 
the TCP/IP profile specifications. That port number is not a requirement, so 
you can pick your own. I use 1414 and 1415 for two queue managers.

Ernest Roberts
IT - Sr Sys Prog
Three Mercedes Drive
Montvale, NJ 07345
201-573-4383 fax
866-308-3782 pager

- Forwarded by Ernest Roberts/171/DCAG/DCX on 06/18/2003 12:19 PM -

Robert Broderick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
06/18/2003 09:58 AM
Please respond to MQSeries List
 Subject: Re: Default port 1414 changed.

I have seen this and was mystified by this too. I didn't track this down or
verify it's existence (other things got in the way) BUT I thought somewhere
this is a configurable parameter (default port) I was going to look in one
of the two ini files to see if it was there (QM QMS). Not sure if this was
even near the solution to the problem BUT I vaguely remember something on
this subject.


>From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
>Hi there.
>I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes
>We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
>on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
>Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
>change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
>trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port
>1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
>Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on
>which QMGR listening ???
> Alexander Gerasimenko
> (a.k.a. Sasha)
> Information Services
>International, (part of Mars Inc.)
> Global AMI Team, ISW , *120,
> DDI: +44 (0) 118 9446629
> mobile: +44 (0) 7760201663
> mailto:
> web:

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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Justin Fries


choosing a port, MQ uses the following sequence:

 Any port explicitly named:


 The default port in the qm.ini file:


 The port associated with the 'MQSeries' service in the /etc/services

       tcp/1419        ###
Default MQ port

 Port 1414.

1414 isn't being picked up, odds are that another port number has been
found at step 2 or step 3.


        Justin T. Fries
        WebSphere MQ Support
        Raleigh, North Carolina
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Robert Broderick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
06/18/2003 09:58 AM
Please respond to MQSeries List
       Re: Default port 1414 changed.

I have seen this and was mystified by this too. I
didn't track this down or
verify it's existence (other things got in the way) BUT I thought somewhere
this is a configurable parameter (default port) I was going to look in
of the two ini files to see if it was there (QM QMS). Not sure if this
even near the solution to the problem BUT I vaguely remember something
this subject.


>From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
>Hi there.
>I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature"
. Any fixes
>We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
>on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
>Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
>change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
>trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly
>1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
>Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port
>which QMGR listening ???
>         Alexander Gerasimenko
>International, (part of Mars Inc.)
AMI Team, ISW , *120,
+44 (0) 118 9446629
+44 (0) 7760201663

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at


2003-06-18 Thread McCarty, Brian
Look for a core file or look in WMQI admin doc for how to set an early trace for 
commands (not the broker user trace stuff).  That trace should tell you the last thing 
that happened before the dump.

Usually it's a database access problem.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Sony Varghese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:07 AM

Dear all,

Has anyone encountered a segmentation fault error while creating
the broker? What causes this?

Here is my error:

mqsicreatebroker DGBCGB01 -i mquid -a mquid01 -q DGBCGB01 -n WMQIBRDB -u
mquid -p mquid01
AMQ8110: WebSphere MQ queue manager already exists.
WebSphere MQ queue manager running.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
Segmentation fault

my platform - AIX 5L
MQ 53 CSD 04
  MQSI v21 CSD 03
  DB2 8.1

Do reply please !!


Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Service provider in Java

2003-06-18 Thread McCarty, Brian
I may not understand all your requirements, but there shouldn't be anything stopping 
you from coding the reply-to-q in the message just because you're using a java app.  
Maybe you could describe what you're seeing the problem to be some more.

Also, if you have the capacity to run this as a JMS app, you could use the 
MessageListener or a Message Driven Bean to "listen" to the queue rather than doing 
triggering or a get with wait type app.  Basically with a MDB, the container manages 
connections to the queue and then when a message arrives, it hands it off to a real 
worker instance.  It's very nice because connection pooling and threading problems are 
virtually eliminated.  The drawback is that with a MDB you will need a J2EE 
application server that supports the EJB 2.0 specification (MQ 5.3 won't have a 
problem supporting it.), I'm plugging WAS 5.0 here.

However, you can still use a MessageListener without using an MDB, you just have to do 
the connection pooling, etc. stuff yourself.

If you think this is something you want to do I can point you to all of the URL's you 
would need to get started.


Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   mq wiberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Service provider in Java

We are running a B2B application (for 3 years) where the portal is in common
for all Europe.
We are integrating with different SOP-systems on different platforms.
All these 'service providers' in the SOP-systems have been set up without
any remote queue definitions for the reply back.
The service has been easy to use by other 'front-ends' relying on the
reply-to-queue/mgr information in the message itelf.

For the first time the service provider is written in Java and executed on
The intention was to have the very same setup as before. but

1. We can't execute without a remote queue definition! Does Java demand for
a remote queue?
or are we just bad in using the Java Classes.

2. Are there any trigger monitor, dedicated for Java, that do not start the
JVM every time the trigger is turned on?

Denis Wiberg

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Re: Xa Resource manager not available

2003-06-18 Thread Jim Nuckolls
   Hm, that's not according
to design as far as I remember.  It was 2 years ago (Oracle
8 and MQ 5.2) when I was dealing with that particular
configuration. Neither side is supposed to depend on the
other partner(s) being available 100%. Sounds like time for
a PMR. I would turn on the trace facility for the XA flows
in the XA string in qm.ini as part of my data gathering
prior to opening the incident.
Here is the string in the qm.ini file I used to collect as
much detail as possible. The DbgFl=0x15 is the setting that
says to collect as much data as possible.
Hopefully this will get you a little further into the
problem determination process.
Jim Nuckolls
Kearns, Emile E wrote:
Hi all,

Is there another to start the XA connect between the Queue Manager and an
Oracle Database other than to restart the Queue Manager.
Often  the DBA's stops and starts a database without the MQ admin staff
knowing, this then breaks the XA connection.
After the database has been restarted, the XA connection is not there.
How can this be started with restarting the QMGR?
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Re: Spiraling downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Ronald Weinger
Besides, unions do not have the power they once did. Just look at a news
broadcast and see how many TV cameras are  unmanned. 20 years ago the
unions would not have allowed that.

  "Robert Broderick"
  OTMAIL.COM>   cc:
  Sent by: "MQSeriesSubject:  Re: Spiraling downhill

  06/17/2003 03:30
  Please respond to
  "MQSeries List"

What you must realize is that most unions represent the Blue Collar workers
of the US. Not your average VP or AVP with an educational and professional
background. BUT if something isn't done both by the workers and the
administration about this I'm afraid all our technical knowledge and IT
resources will be come non-existent and we will be giving t much power
to non-American interests.

>From: Pavel Tolkachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 14:53:50 -0400
>Hello Bobbee,
>Sorry for continuing on the off-topic..
>There is something common and unfortunate in all unions I heard about from
>my buddies and relatives who happened to join them: after a little while a
>union is going to take advantage of its hard working members much more
>efficiently than the employer.
>So, unless you are going to leave the technical side and join the dark one
>(meaning -- union administration), a union may not be a beneficial idea
>you. For some intermediate form, though, take a look at
> I am not saying they are not like all
>others unions (and I am not a member myself, I am permanent as of now),
>at least they do not have (and supposedly won't have any soon) an exlusive
>with any employer/trade of type "union job".
>   Robert Broderick
>   OTMAIL.COM>   cc:
>   Sent by: MQSeries Subject:  Re: Spiraling
>   List
>   .AC.AT>
>   06/17/2003 11:26
>   AM
>   Please respond to
>   MQSeries List
>Yes I agree,
>And sure, There are alot of corners on Wall St.
>  bee-oh-dubble-bee-dubble-egh
> >From: "Fryett.Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
> >Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 09:18:08 -0400
> >
> >Here! Here!
> >
> >It is more common today that contracting agencies are taking advantage
> >the large surplus of unemployed by paying really bad, but charging the
> >clients a lot.  I suspect that this contract agency if it is one is
> >charging the client 50-75 percent over this amount.
> >
> >Let me know when you get that tin can and I'll join you ;-)
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:59 AM
> >Subject: Spiraling downhill
> >
> >
> >This is not a technical issue so take a back seat if you want to
> >
> >WOW. Look at this. Notice the rate
> >
> >SKILLS REQUIRED: MQ Series, Unix, mainframe
> >LOCATION: Hicksville, NY
> >RATE: $25-30/hr
> >AREA: 516
> >LENGTH: 12 months
> >SUMMARY: X Xx has an immediate opening for a Software
> >Specialist. Candidate should be able work as a MQ Series administrator
> >support various MQ series messaging infrastructure related projects.
> >Candidate must be familiar with MQSeries V5.2 and...
> >
> >You know there is a vagrant who hangs out in fromnt of Grand Central
> >Station. They did and article on him a few years back in the NY Times.
> >supposedly make about 100+ K a year pan handeling. I think after my
> >contract ends I'm going to the hardware store to get a tin cup and
> >my revenue why decreasing my exposure to STRESS!! We need to start a
> >UNION!!!
> >
> >
> >bee-oh-dubble-bee-dubble-egh
> >
> >_
> >The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*
> >
> >
> >Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
> >the Listserv General Users Guide available at
> >Archive:
> >
> >
> >*
> >The info

Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Kamal, Ahmed (ITD)
I had a similar problem while setting up queue managers on a Solaris box. I had setup 
listners on a particular port using inetd and then I had to change it. The reason was 
that some of the MQ IPC objects were hanging around and I had to clean them up. Stop 
your queue manager, clean all mq related shared memory and semaphores and then restart 
the queue managers again.



>From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
>Hi there.
>I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes
>We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
>on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
>Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
>change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
>trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port
>1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
>Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on
>which QMGR listening ???
> Alexander Gerasimenko
> (a.k.a. Sasha)
> Information Services
>International, (part of Mars Inc.)
> Global AMI Team, ISW , *120,
> DDI: +44 (0) 118 9446629
> mobile: +44 (0) 7760201663
> mailto:
> web:

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Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread McCarty, Brian
Are you using clustering?  Are the sender channels in question by chance the static 
cluster sender or the dynamic cluster senders?  I think we have fixed this before but 
let me know about your clustering usage so I can help more.


Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Default port 1414 changed.

I have seen this and was mystified by this too. I didn't track this down or
verify it's existence (other things got in the way) BUT I thought somewhere
this is a configurable parameter (default port) I was going to look in one
of the two ini files to see if it was there (QM QMS). Not sure if this was
even near the solution to the problem BUT I vaguely remember something on
this subject.


>From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
>Hi there.
>I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes
>We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
>on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
>Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
>change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
>trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port
>1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
>Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on
>which QMGR listening ???
> Alexander Gerasimenko
> (a.k.a. Sasha)
> Information Services
>International, (part of Mars Inc.)
> Global AMI Team, ISW , *120,
> DDI: +44 (0) 118 9446629
> mobile: +44 (0) 7760201663
> mailto:
> web:

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Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)
DO NOT set the Port setting for the TCP parameters.

If you do, any channels that you create will append whatever value you have
set in the Port setting to the end of the channel.

I bet your Port setting for TCP parameters on QMA is set to 1415. Any
channel you create on QMA that does not have a specific port specified in
the properties of that channel will use 1415.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Default port 1414 changed.

I have seen this and was mystified by this too. I didn't track this down or
verify it's existence (other things got in the way) BUT I thought somewhere
this is a configurable parameter (default port) I was going to look in one
of the two ini files to see if it was there (QM QMS). Not sure if this was
even near the solution to the problem BUT I vaguely remember something on
this subject.


>From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
>Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
>Hi there.
>I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes
>We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
>on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
>Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
>change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
>trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port
>1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
>Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on
>which QMGR listening ???
> Alexander Gerasimenko
> (a.k.a. Sasha)
> Information Services
>International, (part of Mars Inc.)
> Global AMI Team, ISW , *120,
> DDI: +44 (0) 118 9446629
> mobile: +44 (0) 7760201663
> mailto:
> web:

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Re: Spiraling downhill

2003-06-18 Thread EARmerc Roberts
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Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

2003-06-18 Thread Craig L. Ching
> I use QPASA every day. There is only a slight overlap with 
> what it does and
> TV does. They are 2 different and complimentary products.
Sorry for interrupting your conversation with vendor information, but I'm an architect 
for MQSoftware.  We have announced a new product called Q Nami! which is our business 
transaction monitoring product.  You can get some details from our web site, or feel 
free to contact me off the list.

Craig L. Ching
Chief Product Architect
IBM Certified Specialist, MQSeries
IBM Certified Developer, MQSeries
MQSoftware, Inc.
(952) 345-8720 

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Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

2003-06-18 Thread Ronald Weinger
25-30/hr for an MQ administrator (and w/o benefits) does not appear top of
the chain, esp when he is expected to be an expert on multiple platforms.
I'm wondering how many companies are looking ( or willing to settle )  for
'Jacks of all trades but master of none' vs platform specialists

  "Paul Meekin"
  CO.UK>   cc:
  Sent by: Subject:  Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
  "MQSeries List"

  06/18/2003 07:47
  Please respond to
  "MQSeries List"

(Sorry - can't resist...)

Many of these anti-offshore posts seem to be suggesting that the
free-market economy that the US (amongst others) wants to see installed
throughout the rest of the world also incorporates some sort of social
responsibility. It's all very well nurturing free markets in China etc
you expect to be able to sell your goods there but when they turn around
and, in
the best tradition of the free market, undercut you with an equally good
product at a lower price it's a bit hypocritical to start complaining.

But another point I'm curious about which is implied by some of these posts
the longer term future of the MQ jobs market. Take Java - in the early days
people with Java skills weere at a premium. Now every high school graduate
out equipped with 3 years Java 'experience' and the market bacame
saturated. A
similar thing seems to be happening with Oracle DBAs.

But I haven't noticed this happening with MQ. MQ has never really hit the
mainstream, thus preserving the premium value of those of us with the
skills and
experience. Once the market picks up again and demand massively outstrips
I think we'll be back where we were near the top of the chain.

Is this a common view?


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Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread paul flynn

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Williams, Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: 18 June 2003 12:05
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill

This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!

>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid a bowl of rice a day.
>Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
>Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous,
>the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
>AMEN!  Start a union, or maybe get our legislature to wake up and smell
>The good old USA lost  2 million jobs last year.   Offshore jobs reduce
>wages and also pay zero income taxes.  Do you hear that that sucking
>its these jobs on our economy.   These offshore income earners at
>expense spend zero, none, nada, zip, zilch,  money in America resulting
>zero sales taxes being paid as well.   This great offshore push only
>the pockets of the CEO's and the like.  They are nothing but a  drain
>our economy.  It may not be your job today but it could be tomorrow.  I
>wonder how long we will go and how bad it will get before we get
>about a union or employing a powerful lobbyist.
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>the Listserv General Users Guide available at

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Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread DePeyster, Donna
Whatever you are saying must be interesting

-Original Message- 
From: MQSeries List on behalf of Robert Broderick 
Sent: Wed 6/18/2003 9:09 AM 
Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill


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MQSeries and .Net

2003-06-18 Thread Andrew Don
Title: MQSeries and .Net


I was wondering if anyone has had any experience making MQ queues transactional using .Net and MQSeries.

I have MQSeries Version 5.2 (Server edition) running on a Windows 2000 server, while using the MQAX200 ActiveX. We're trying to access another MQ server to retrieve and put messages. I have an application written in C# that can successfully get and put messages to the MQ server, but I'm not sure how to make the process of getting/putting a MQ message transactional. I am new to the MQ world and I'm having trouble finding any good examples. If anyone can point me to some sample code or provide any tips, it would be greatly appreciated. 



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2003-06-18 Thread Sony Varghese
Dear all,

Has anyone encountered a segmentation fault error while creating
the broker? What causes this?

Here is my error:

mqsicreatebroker DGBCGB01 -i mquid -a mquid01 -q DGBCGB01 -n WMQIBRDB -u
mquid -p mquid01
AMQ8110: WebSphere MQ queue manager already exists.
WebSphere MQ queue manager running.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
The setmqaut command completed successfully.
Segmentation fault

my platform - AIX 5L
MQ 53 CSD 04
  MQSI v21 CSD 03
  DB2 8.1

Do reply please !!


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Generate XML output Message Problem

2003-06-18 Thread Michael Ke
I have a XML input like following.   valuevalue  valuevalue  valuevalue 
I want to generate the XML output like following
      valueabc  xyzAABBCC  xxyyzztest    
In my code, I have following lines but does not work well.
DECLARE myref REFERENCE TO InputRoot.XML.Data.part[];WHILE LASTMOVE(myref) = TRUE DO    IF UPPER(myref.(XML.attr)id) = 'PART_1' THEN    SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.(XML.attr)id = 'Part_1'; SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.part_1_item = myref.part_1_item;   ELSE  IF UPPER(myref.(XML.attr)id) = 'PART_2' THEN    SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.(XML.attr)id = 'Part_2';  SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.item = 'abc';  SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.item = 'xyz'; ELSE     IF UPPER(partyref.(XML.attr)ID) = 'PARTY_3' THEN SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.(XML.attr)id = 'Part_3';  SET OutputRoot.XML.New.Data.part.item_3 = 'test';    END IF; END IF;   END IF;   MOVE myref NEXTSIBLING;END WHILE;
However, I only got following result.
Could anybody tell me what's wrong here?
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

2003-06-18 Thread philip . distefano
Yes, it was about at that time Congress was convinced to change the
emigration laws, by creating the H-1B and L1 visas.  These permits firms to
"temporarily bring"  foreign born professionals into the US to handle this
extra work.  Now, however, the H-1B and L1 "temps" are still in the US.
At what point do these temporary visa expire ?

| |   Robert Broderick  |
| |   OTMAIL.COM>   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries |
| |   List  |
| |   .AC.AT>   |
| | |
| | |
| |   06/17/2003 03:34  |
| |   PM|
| |   Please respond to |
| |   MQSeries List |
| | |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a feel
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point where
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There weren't
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing out
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them. Talk
about genocide!!

>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in the
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid a bowl of rice a day.
>Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
>Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous, and
>the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
>AMEN!  Start a union, or maybe get our legislature to wake up and smell
>The good old USA lost  2 million jobs last year.   Offshore jobs reduce
>wages and also pay zero income taxes.  Do you hear that that sucking sound
>its these jobs on our economy.   These offshore income earners at
>expense spend zero, none, nada, zip, zilch,  money in America resulting in
>zero sales taxes being paid as well.   This great offshore push only lines
>the pockets of the CEO's and the like.  They are nothing but a  drain on
>our economy.  It may not be your job today but it could be tomorrow.  I
>wonder how long we will go and how bad it will get before we get serious
>about a union or employing a powerful lobbyist.
>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
>the Listserv General Users Guide available at

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and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statem

Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

2003-06-18 Thread Jerry Cergol
Someone in this thread needs to remember his Economics 101 and the classic 
supply-demand curves. At the same time we expect decent wages we also expect lower 
prices for "the things that we buy". The manufacturers of "the things that we buy" 
constantly look for ways to lower the cost of manufacturing, sales and distribution so 
that their products are most attractively priced so that we tend to buy theirs. 
Lowering costs is why companies turn to other sources for their IT 
requirements.because we, IT workers, are also consumers. We have again met the 
enemy and it is us.   Start buying products without regard to price and things may 
change. Otherwise everyone on this thread needs to read the ancient, but still 
applicable, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" by Adam 
Smith in which he describes the famous 'invisible hand' which describes our economic 
behaviors. An excerpt (quote):
Every individual necessarily labors to render the annual revenue of the society as 
great as he can. He generally neither intends to promote the public interest, nor 
knows how much he is promoting it...He intends only his own gain, and he is in this, 
as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part 
of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for society that it was no part of his 
intention. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society 
more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much 
good done by those who affected to trade for the public good. 
Is anyone on this thread immune to what is stated there?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/18/03 08:42AM >>>
HUMMM. Sounds like the start of the Great Depression. Too many goods and no
one to buy them. Which leads to corporate cut backs which leads to more no
one to buy products which..

I feel the teeth sinking into my American butt as we speak!! We have finally
caught our perverbal tail and are eating ourselves! Too smart for our own


>From: "Fryett.Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 20:25:27 -0400
>The problem honestly is not that American cars were bad back then, it was
>the fact we wanted to support our local salvage yard where cousin bud
>Truly what I have found over the years is US workers have become to
>comfortable in their jobs, and that created laziness among a number of
>them.  Then the DOT.COM's crashed occurred and many investors,
>corporations, and VC's discovered they bought into vaporware.  So, when
>corporations realized they over extended themselves they decided the best
>way to resolve the issue was to outsource certain parts of the companies
>projects overseas and fire/layoff the US workers.  Heck, if you had to pay
>someone $0.10 - $0.30 to the $1.00 and it was your money wouldn't you?  So,
>how do you compete with it?  You can't unless you are willing to work for
>less and that is exactly what is happening.  The butt heads of the past
>screwed it up for us today.  Also the problem is the cost-of-living isn't
>going down to compensate for this reduction so now you'll have to work two
>or three jobs to equal what you make now.  Say good-bye to your kids and
>spouse because you will not see them for a long time.  Also, get your grave
>arranged, because the stress alone will kill you quicker than smoking.
>It may be time to go back to school and become a psychologist where you can
>sleep through your counseling sessions, and on occasion say "That sounds
>interesting have you tried another way to handle that".  Sorry, regressing
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6:01 PM
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>First off I am not a Honda employee...
>I agree things will turn around as the rest of the world prospers but it
>will be a long time coming and painful along the way...
>When did the American cars become competitive the 90's well that was a
>painful 20-30 years in the US auto industry so I guess the bulk of the next
>20-30 years are going to be painful for US IT workers.  I agree with that
>assessment then.
>Are you instructing college age children to go into the IT field or steer
>The US Auto industry was once number one in the world and what is it now?
>Sure still a case can be made that it is number one but only by the har on
>its chinny chin chin and I would bet hardly any on this board drive and
>American car.
>If we stay with the auto industry example the US IT industry dominance is
>also gone never to return!!
>CONED has no unions huh?  I would assume by your comments you are 5 years
>or less from retirement - and thus have no worries...  I pity the current
>crop of CS college graduates - what they saw when they


2003-06-18 Thread Declan Harrington
It's rfhutilc you need (client version)

create a .bat file with the following in the direcory where rfhutilc is

@echo off
start rfhutilc

this works for me


- Original Message -
From: "McCarty, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: RFHUTIL(IH03)

Look again at all the files that come in the package.  There should be a
.pdf file (doc) and an rfutilc.exe.  That is the client version.  I have
never actually used it, but from what the doc says it's for making
connections from machines with only the MQ client installed (you will have
to install it yourself).  Give that a shot, maybe configure the MQSERVER
variable before firing up rfutilc.exe?

Let us know how it goes.


Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Kearns, Emile E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:43 AM
Subject: RFHUTIL(IH03)
Importance: High

Is it possible to set RFHUTIL, running on NT, up to look at remote QMGR on
Solaris , If so how?

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Service provider in Java

2003-06-18 Thread mq wiberg
We are running a B2B application (for 3 years) where the portal is in common
for all Europe.
We are integrating with different SOP-systems on different platforms.
All these 'service providers' in the SOP-systems have been set up without
any remote queue definitions for the reply back.
The service has been easy to use by other 'front-ends' relying on the
reply-to-queue/mgr information in the message itelf.
For the first time the service provider is written in Java and executed on
The intention was to have the very same setup as before. but
1. We can't execute without a remote queue definition! Does Java demand for
a remote queue?
or are we just bad in using the Java Classes.
2. Are there any trigger monitor, dedicated for Java, that do not start the
JVM every time the trigger is turned on?
Denis Wiberg
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Re: Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
I have seen this and was mystified by this too. I didn't track this down or
verify it's existence (other things got in the way) BUT I thought somewhere
this is a configurable parameter (default port) I was going to look in one
of the two ini files to see if it was there (QM QMS). Not sure if this was
even near the solution to the problem BUT I vaguely remember something on
this subject.

From: Sasha Gerasimenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Default port 1414 changed.
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:59:42 +0100
Hi there.

I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes
We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers
on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the
change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified,
trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port
1414 in connection for sender channel it works.
Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on
which QMGR listening ???

Alexander Gerasimenko
(a.k.a. Sasha)
Information Services
International, (part of Mars Inc.)
Global AMI Team, ISW , *120,
DDI: +44 (0) 118 9446629
mobile: +44 (0) 7760201663

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Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

2003-06-18 Thread Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)
Yes, Transaction Vision (TV) is not cheap, but the amount of info it gives
you about your MQ applications is awesome.

I use QPASA every day. There is only a slight overlap with what it does and
TV does. They are 2 different and complimentary products.

Reconda StatWatch is closer in function to TV than QPASA.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

We looked at it last year and it was a solid product, but imho unbelievably
expensive.  MQSoftware now offers a business dashboard capability in their
QPasa V3 product that has similar capabilites...We own QPasa now and it's
been a struggle since day one, but YMMV.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
McCarty, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

Yes, Bristol's transaction vision looks like a real good tool for end-to-end
message/transaction monitoring:

but this does require that a binary intercept the MQ calls made by the
application before hitting the queue manager.  They say that it is
lightweight, but you probably want to do your own performance/release
testing also.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Performance monitoring/matricies

TransactionVision or Reconda

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:16 AM
Subject: Performance monitoring/matricies

We have a large system wich spans WIN200K, Solaris, Tandem, OS390 (MVS &
TPF), MQ & MQSI using both Client and server connections at different
points. We are in the middle of stress testing and are experiencing delays.
Much to our complaints, there are no MQ tools in the Shop. The shop is
enterprise sized, so is the application. Is there a product that will do
performance monitoring of messaging going through the system. I know of some
administration tools that lend themselves to this there a product
that can be configured to wathc points of entry and exit and corellate the
data based on MSGID and CORELID and report back performance.


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Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
Here Here,

Very good closing remarks to an interesting thread! I am sorry my
origional remark started such a long thread but that paints a clear picture
this is a concern to all of us. Thanks for all your comments

From: "Stephan C. Moen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 07:21:17 -0500
There is only but ONE truth in business and that it will CHANGE. As the
technology wizards we are, we must change with the marketplace, too.
Nothing lasts forever - especially in the technology field we have chosen
build our careers on.
Let's remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, one that
revolves around a capitalist, free-market society.  In that business
playground, the rules are simple. Rewards are earned by those who work hard
and think smart, while penalizing excuses, mistakes, inefficiencies and
of planning.  We have learned in our recent history that business can be
BOTH fun (Internet boon years) and cruel (today's environment).  I guess
can look at the situation many of us are in today and say, "is the cup
half-full or half-empty"?  Your answer will most likely reflect the job
status you currently find yourself in.  We can bitch and moan about our
predicament or you can do something about it.
Of all the responses to this thread, I thought Chris Fryett stated it best
"Find a niche in the market and plug it with your skills so you can earn
money you choose to make."  That is ultimately the right answer.  There are
opportunities out there to build a business around companies that don't
pursue offshore opportunities like the Fortune 1000 do.  Small to midsize
companies are always looking for technical innovation and talent to support
those solutions.  The business environment of today, both large and small,
still has a lot of use for your skills to integrate and automate their
internal business processes.  There is plenty of work to do, you just have
to find your niche.
What each of us needs to do in tough business times is to re-evaluate our
situation.  You need to stand out and clearly differentiate yourself,
establish a unique high-margin (hopefully) market position that can be
sustained over time.  The big challenge is to make yourself (or your
company) the go-to-source for a particular problem.  Don't be all things to
all people:  (1) focus on a specific market space and identify a common,
mission-critical problem  (2) develop a solution  (3) develop a unique
approach to that solution.  Whatever that product and/or service is that
perform, if it is executed in a prompt and quality manner, and within the
expectations you set for the customer, you will win your fair share of
business. I will not say this is an easy journey. When all is said and

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Williams,
Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill
This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?
Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!
>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid a bowl of rice a day.
>Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
>Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous,
>the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Stephan C. Moen
There is only but ONE truth in business and that it will CHANGE. As the
technology wizards we are, we must change with the marketplace, too.
Nothing lasts forever - especially in the technology field we have chosen to
build our careers on.

Let's remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, one that
revolves around a capitalist, free-market society.  In that business
playground, the rules are simple. Rewards are earned by those who work hard
and think smart, while penalizing excuses, mistakes, inefficiencies and lack
of planning.  We have learned in our recent history that business can be
BOTH fun (Internet boon years) and cruel (today's environment).  I guess you
can look at the situation many of us are in today and say, "is the cup
half-full or half-empty"?  Your answer will most likely reflect the job
status you currently find yourself in.  We can COMPLAIN and moan about our
predicament or you can do something about it.

Of all the responses to this thread, I thought Chris Fryett stated it best
"Find a niche in the market and plug it with your skills so you can earn the
money you choose to make."  That is ultimately the right answer.  There are
opportunities out there to build a business around companies that don't
pursue offshore opportunities like the Fortune 1000 do.  Small to midsize
companies are always looking for technical innovation and talent to support
those solutions.  The business environment of today, both large and small,
still has a lot of use for your skills to integrate and automate their
internal business processes.  There is plenty of work to do, you just have
to find your niche.

What each of us needs to do in tough business times is to re-evaluate our
situation.  You need to stand out and clearly differentiate yourself,
establish a unique high-margin (hopefully) market position that can be
sustained over time.  The big challenge is to make yourself (or your
company) the go-to-source for a particular problem.  Don't be all things to
all people:  (1) focus on a specific market space and identify a common,
mission-critical problem  (2) develop a solution  (3) develop a unique
approach to that solution.  Whatever that product and/or service is that you
perform, if it is executed in a prompt and quality manner, and within the
expectations you set for the customer, you will win your fair share of
business. I will not say this is an easy journey. When all is said and done,

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Williams,
Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill

This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!

>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid a bowl of rice a day.
>Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
>Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous,
>the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
>AMEN!  Start a union, or maybe get our legislature to wake up and smell
>The good old USA lost  2 million jobs last year.   Offshore jobs reduce
>wages and also pay zero income taxes.  Do you hear that that sucking
>its these jobs on our economy.   These offshore income earners at

Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
HUMMM. Sounds like the start of the Great Depression. Too many goods and no
one to buy them. Which leads to corporate cut backs which leads to more no
one to buy products which..
I feel the teeth sinking into my American butt as we speak!! We have finally
caught our perverbal tail and are eating ourselves! Too smart for our own

From: "Fryett.Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 20:25:27 -0400
The problem honestly is not that American cars were bad back then, it was
the fact we wanted to support our local salvage yard where cousin bud
Truly what I have found over the years is US workers have become to
comfortable in their jobs, and that created laziness among a number of
them.  Then the DOT.COM's crashed occurred and many investors,
corporations, and VC's discovered they bought into vaporware.  So, when
corporations realized they over extended themselves they decided the best
way to resolve the issue was to outsource certain parts of the companies
projects overseas and fire/layoff the US workers.  Heck, if you had to pay
someone $0.10 - $0.30 to the $1.00 and it was your money wouldn't you?  So,
how do you compete with it?  You can't unless you are willing to work for
less and that is exactly what is happening.  The butt heads of the past
screwed it up for us today.  Also the problem is the cost-of-living isn't
going down to compensate for this reduction so now you'll have to work two
or three jobs to equal what you make now.  Say good-bye to your kids and
spouse because you will not see them for a long time.  Also, get your grave
arranged, because the stress alone will kill you quicker than smoking.
It may be time to go back to school and become a psychologist where you can
sleep through your counseling sessions, and on occasion say "That sounds
interesting have you tried another way to handle that".  Sorry, regressing

-Original Message-
From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
First off I am not a Honda employee...

I agree things will turn around as the rest of the world prospers but it
will be a long time coming and painful along the way...
When did the American cars become competitive the 90's well that was a
painful 20-30 years in the US auto industry so I guess the bulk of the next
20-30 years are going to be painful for US IT workers.  I agree with that
assessment then.
Are you instructing college age children to go into the IT field or steer
The US Auto industry was once number one in the world and what is it now?
Sure still a case can be made that it is number one but only by the har on
its chinny chin chin and I would bet hardly any on this board drive and
American car.
If we stay with the auto industry example the US IT industry dominance is
also gone never to return!!
CONED has no unions huh?  I would assume by your comments you are 5 years
or less from retirement - and thus have no worries...  I pity the current
crop of CS college graduates - what they saw when they entered college and
what they are getting 4-5 years later is sure two different pictures.
BTW I have contracted at only Japanese companies for 20 years!  :)

Honda worldwide sells and builds more cars in the US than in any other
market - we build and export 1000's of cars from the US each and every

  William" To:
  OM>  Subject:  Re: Spiraling
downhill (OT)
  Sent by: MQSeries
  06/17/2003 12:12
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in the
60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition from
manufacturers who did care about quality.
I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
were paid a bowl of rice a day.
Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous, and
the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.

-Original Message-
From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
AMEN!  Start a union, or maybe get our legislature to wake up and smell the
The good old USA lost  2 million jobs last year.   Offshore jobs reduce our
wages and also pay zero income taxes.  Do you hear that that sucking sound


2003-06-18 Thread McCarty, Brian
Look again at all the files that come in the package.  There should be a .pdf file 
(doc) and an rfutilc.exe.  That is the client version.  I have never actually used it, 
but from what the doc says it's for making connections from machines with only the MQ 
client installed (you will have to install it yourself).  Give that a shot, maybe 
configure the MQSERVER variable before firing up rfutilc.exe?

Let us know how it goes.


Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -Original Message-
From:   Kearns, Emile E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:43 AM
Subject: RFHUTIL(IH03)
Importance: High

Is it possible to set RFHUTIL, running on NT, up to look at remote QMGR on
Solaris , If so how?

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2003-06-18 Thread Christopher Frank

>>>Is it possible to set RFHUTIL, running on NT, up to look at
>>>remote QMGR on Solaris , If so how?

There is a client version called rfhutilc. Both are included in the


Christopher Frank
Sr. I/T Specialist - IBM Software Group
IBM Certified Solutions Expert - Websphere MQ & MQ Integrator

Phone: 612-397-5532 (t/l 653-5532) mobile: 612-669-3008

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Re: Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Stephan C. Moen
There is only but ONE truth in business and that it will CHANGE. As the
technology wizards we are, we must change with the marketplace, too.
Nothing lasts forever - especially in the technology field we have chosen to
build our careers on.

Let's remember that we live in the greatest country in the world, one that
revolves around a capitalist, free-market society.  In that business
playground, the rules are simple. Rewards are earned by those who work hard
and think smart, while penalizing excuses, mistakes, inefficiencies and lack
of planning.  We have learned in our recent history that business can be
BOTH fun (Internet boon years) and cruel (today's environment).  I guess you
can look at the situation many of us are in today and say, "is the cup
half-full or half-empty"?  Your answer will most likely reflect the job
status you currently find yourself in.  We can bitch and moan about our
predicament or you can do something about it.

Of all the responses to this thread, I thought Chris Fryett stated it best
"Find a niche in the market and plug it with your skills so you can earn the
money you choose to make."  That is ultimately the right answer.  There are
opportunities out there to build a business around companies that don't
pursue offshore opportunities like the Fortune 1000 do.  Small to midsize
companies are always looking for technical innovation and talent to support
those solutions.  The business environment of today, both large and small,
still has a lot of use for your skills to integrate and automate their
internal business processes.  There is plenty of work to do, you just have
to find your niche.

What each of us needs to do in tough business times is to re-evaluate our
situation.  You need to stand out and clearly differentiate yourself,
establish a unique high-margin (hopefully) market position that can be
sustained over time.  The big challenge is to make yourself (or your
company) the go-to-source for a particular problem.  Don't be all things to
all people:  (1) focus on a specific market space and identify a common,
mission-critical problem  (2) develop a solution  (3) develop a unique
approach to that solution.  Whatever that product and/or service is that you
perform, if it is executed in a prompt and quality manner, and within the
expectations you set for the customer, you will win your fair share of
business. I will not say this is an easy journey. When all is said and done,

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Williams,
Dave (Systems Management)
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: Spiraling (even further) downhill

This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!

>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid a bowl of rice a day.
>Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
>Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous,
>the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
>AMEN!  Start a union, or maybe get our legislature to wake up and smell
>The good old USA lost  2 million jobs last year.   Offshore jobs reduce
>wages and also pay zero income taxes.  Do you hear that that sucking
>its these jobs on our economy.   These offshore income earners at

Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

2003-06-18 Thread Paul Meekin
(Sorry - can't resist...)

Many of these anti-offshore posts seem to be suggesting that the Laissez-faire
free-market economy that the US (amongst others) wants to see installed
throughout the rest of the world also incorporates some sort of social
responsibility. It's all very well nurturing free markets in China etc because
you expect to be able to sell your goods there but when they turn around and, in
the best tradition of the free market, undercut you with an equally good quality
product at a lower price it's a bit hypocritical to start complaining.

But another point I'm curious about which is implied by some of these posts is
the longer term future of the MQ jobs market. Take Java - in the early days
people with Java skills weere at a premium. Now every high school graduate comes
out equipped with 3 years Java 'experience' and the market bacame saturated. A
similar thing seems to be happening with Oracle DBAs.

But I haven't noticed this happening with MQ. MQ has never really hit the
mainstream, thus preserving the premium value of those of us with the skills and
experience. Once the market picks up again and demand massively outstrips supply
I think we'll be back where we were near the top of the chain.

Is this a common view?


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2003-06-18 Thread Kearns, Emile E
Is it possible to set RFHUTIL, running on NT, up to look at remote QMGR on
Solaris , If so how?

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Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relating to the official business of the 
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Spiraling (even further) downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Williams, Dave (Systems Management)
This may be one of the more important threads on this list - I'm even
more concerned as to the risk at which companies are put (especially
financial industries) by this shift to off-shore workers. Is anyone, at
the top, paying attention?

Dave W.  

-Original Message-
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)

What you can hope for is that the off shore laborers start getting a
for the good life their financial demands will increase to the point
they price themselves out of the market. The peoplem here is like the
just before Y2K where COBOL programmers were in high demand. There
any who could step up to the plate quick enough. So they were turniing
Child 90 day wonders to do the Y2K coding. And now for most intends and
purposes have been strandarded by the same industry that spawned them.
about genocide!!

>From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill (OT)
>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:12:25 -0400
>LMAO at this rant from a Honda employee...
>He may have quoted this word for word from the auto workers unnions in
>60s when US cars were garbage because they didn't have any competition
>manufacturers who did care about quality.
>I remember being told Japanese cars were cheap becuase the workers only
>were paid a bowl of rice a day.
>Today Japanese labor is as expensive as US labor
>Things will even out as the rest of the world becomes more prosperous,
>the free flow of goods and services will only speed the process.
>-Original Message-
>From: Randy J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
>AMEN!  Start a union, or maybe get our legislature to wake up and smell
>The good old USA lost  2 million jobs last year.   Offshore jobs reduce
>wages and also pay zero income taxes.  Do you hear that that sucking
>its these jobs on our economy.   These offshore income earners at
>expense spend zero, none, nada, zip, zilch,  money in America resulting
>zero sales taxes being paid as well.   This great offshore push only
>the pockets of the CEO's and the like.  They are nothing but a  drain
>our economy.  It may not be your job today but it could be tomorrow.  I
>wonder how long we will go and how bad it will get before we get
>about a union or employing a powerful lobbyist.
>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided
>the Listserv General Users Guide available at

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Default port 1414 changed.

2003-06-18 Thread Sasha Gerasimenko

Hi there.

I wonder if someone seen this and if it is bug or "feature" . Any fixes available.

We have HPUX box with HP ServiceGuard with MQ 5.2 and run 2 queue managers on it, A and B. A were listeneing (inetd) on 1414 and B on 1415.
Then we changed ports so A listening on 1415 and B on 1414. After the change is done, all SENDER channels on qmgr A that have no port specified, trying to access remote qmgrs on port 1415. I fthe specify explicitly port 1414 in connection for sender channel it works.

Does the default port for SENDER channels meant to be the same as port on which QMGR listening ???


        Alexander Gerasimenko 
                                        (a.k.a. Sasha) 
                                        Information Services International, (part of Mars Inc.) 
                                        Global AMI Team, ISW , *120, x.6629 
                                        DDI: +44 (0) 118 9446629 
                                        mobile: +44 (0) 7760201663 
                                        mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Spiraling downhill

2003-06-18 Thread Robert Broderick
OK Lets see.Everyone who is participating on this thread, everyone who
has something to add to this thread and anyone who is interested in this
thread and anyone who would remotely want to add anything to this thread
send me you home / office/ girlfriend / boyfriend / bars address and I will
go around and rip all your cables out of your computers so the people who
feel comfortable in their jobs and who would also like to control what goes
in and out of this LISTSERV can have their little heart satisfied. Because
somewhere, somehow they think I and they have the power to control what
people are typing. So as I am the group appointed execution man. Everybody
bow their heads to the malcontents and get ready for the swiish of my blade.
OneTwoThree...bang!!! All your cables have been cut and they will be
reconnected as soon as the FEW give us a list of what they would like to to
talk about.

PS The point here is we all have an exposure to downsizing and off shore
practices. If you aren't aware of what is going on in the market you stand
to risk yourself, career and family because of lack of financial input.
EVERYBODY is at risk
As for the malcontents, like I said "take a back seat". Bye everyone, it has
been fun again. The guy a couple of EMAILs back who gave the political
review. That was interesting.

From: "Fryett.Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 20:39:12 -0400
I think Bobbee need to close this thread since he *&$($% started it, and he
knows that a number of us are in a crappy situation with the job market.
Plus, if you haven't had to deal with being unemployed from a permanent or
contract position it is difficult to understand.
So, I second closing this thread 

-Original Message-
From: Warren Betty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
As for everything, the rate/price is determined by the market.
It will fluctuate depending on the supply and demand.
It the current market rate is $ 25-30, so be it. I think it is time to
close this topic.

  "Brian S.
  K.NET>   Subject:  Re: Spiraling
  Sent by: MQSeries
  06/17/03 01:00 PM
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List


$25-30 is reasonable for an MQ Admin

Current market rates are

$30 MQ Admin
$35 MQ Developer
$45-50 MQ and WMQI and MQWF and WAS Project Leader/Architect
There are companies that will pay more but if a contract gets out to the
agencies then the rates drop especially when you are not dealing with the
prime agent
Brian S. Crabtree
EAI Consultant
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
> I believe we're missing the point here.   This issues isn't $25-35
> rate, but if any MQer would work for that rate.  The advertisement could
> simply be a trial balloon.
>   "Potkay, Peter M
>   (PLC, IT)" To:
>   RTFORD.COM>Subject:  Re: Spiraling
>   Sent by: MQSeries
>   List
>   AC.AT>
>   06/17/2003 09:35 AM
>   Please respond to
>   MQSeries List
> Hicksville???
> maybe a hick MQ specialist is only worth 25-30 per hr...
> -Original Message-
> From: Williams, Dave (Systems Management) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Spiraling downhill
> Wow this isn't good.
> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:59 AM
> Subject: Spiraling downhill
> This is not a technical issue so take a back seat if you want to
> complain
> WOW. Look at this. Notice the rate
> SKILLS REQUIRED: MQ Series, Unix, mainframe
> LOCATION: Hicksville, NY
> RATE: $25-30/hr
> AREA: 516
> LENGTH: 12 months
> SUMMARY: X Xx has an immediate opening for a Software
> Support
> Specialist. Candidate should be able work as a MQ Series administrator
> and
> support various MQ series messaging infrastructure related projects.
> Candidate must be familiar with MQSer

Re: Very many MQClient queues...THANKS

2003-06-18 Thread Kevin Tobin


Temporary dynamic queues are tailor made for your situation...

It does not make sense to have 1000's of permanent queues set up for several reasons:

a) Initial set up/config/running costs - cost of setting up MQ / LDAP or a DB and configuring them etc
b) Maintenance costs you are going to have to maintain all of this externalized data and your application is vulnerable if you cannot access it ( server failures etc ) ... you will need to make that server highly available to avoid a single-point-of-failure arising.
c) Flexibility - dynamic queues can come and go as required ... for request/reply type transactions there is rarely a need for persistent messages ... so if the queue disappears ... whats the problem?
d) Scalability  - you only need the reply-to-queues for the duration of  active clients.  e.g. If only 200 clients are active only 200 queues will be chewing up MQSeries resources as more clients connect .. more queues will be created ... so that the resources match the load.
e) Authentication at the LDAP is not a reason to have these extra queues authentication is a completely separate issue.

I have seen many LDAP based MQSeries systems fail because they did not consider the "SPOF" in their design.
If you must externalise the queue names and make them permanent on your queue  manager... make sure  you have a 
replication LDAP server somewhere else. otherwise. :-(.

It sounds like your developmemt team are potentially creating a rod for their own backs?  



Xa Resource manager not available

2003-06-18 Thread Kearns, Emile E
Hi all,

Is there another to start the XA connect between the Queue Manager and an
Oracle Database other than to restart the Queue Manager.

Often  the DBA's stops and starts a database without the MQ admin staff
knowing, this then breaks the XA connection.
After the database has been restarted, the XA connection is not there.
How can this be started with restarting the QMGR?

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Re: OS/400 and RPG

2003-06-18 Thread John Scott
I don't disagree with anything you say (except perhaps what the question
is). However, all I am suggesting is a route to discard invalid messages if
the size != known value makes it invalid. Rather than working out the size
then getting and discarding the message, fix the buffer at the known value,
accept a truncation and discard the message.

Obviously this has pretty specific scenarios and is *not* a default


-Original Message-
From: Rick Tsujimoto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 June 2003 13:28
Subject: Re: OS/400 and RPG

The question is, is it a problem message, or just a message that is large?
If the queue max message length is not sized properly, do you really want to
throw away a message?  If the poster is trying to find a way to self manage
his buffers regardless of the message size, then you could take the approach
of reallocating a larger one (not just one that meets the exact size of the
incoming message), and redo the MQGET.  Storage is cheap. Discarded messages
could cost you your job.

  John Scott
  S.CO.UK> cc:
  Sent by: Subject: Re: OS/400 and RPG
  MQSeries List

  06/16/2003 01:59
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

This is what I would do but that's not what I understood from the original

"In the end I want to have the application check to see if a message is
above a certain size, if it is, then I want it to branch into a get with a 0
sized message buffer, thus removing the problem message."

>From this I took that he wanted to throw away the problem message, by trying
to work out it's size to remove it. You could remove it by accepting a
truncated message. The RC indicates it was truncated, so you know to throw
it away.

If the application required very high performance and used non-persistent
messages, accepting a truncated message to discard it may be the right
option. Catching truncated msg failures and regetting with a larger buffer
may cause unacceptable delays.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Tsujimoto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 June 2003 13:43
Subject: Re: OS/400 and RPG


Wouldn't it be better to not set MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG and test if a
truncation error occurred, get the message length, obtain a larger buffer
and redo the MQGET?

  John Scott
  S.CO.UK> cc:
  Sent by: Subject: Re: OS/400 and RPG
  MQSeries List

  06/16/2003 06:05
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

Why not use MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG on the get options. You'll get a
message and received a warning for a message that's too large.

You can then discard it if it was truncated.


-Original Message-
From: Saar, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 June 2003 19:52
Subject: OS/400 and RPG

On OS/400 utilizing RPG and MQ 5.1, can someone help me understand how you
would query a message for it's size to determine if it's going to be too
large before you get it?  I can do this in the C++ and Java environments,
but I unfortunately and very ignorant when it comes to RPG and I'm of little
help right now to the group who is inquiring.  In the end I want to have the
application check to see if a message is above a certain size, if it is,
then I want it to branch into a get with a 0 sized message buffer, thus
removing the problem message.

Thank you very much for your help,

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