Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] UPnP db plugin

2013-12-18 Thread jf

You know what: you are right. The UPnP plugin is 4000 lines of bloat and
your nitpicking about a few hundred lines of commodity code inside it has
just saved you from the whole packet.

A few months ago, I put up with your flat out lies about the Proxy DB
plugin (no denying possible, just see email messages and commit log), and
I've answered calmly to your abuse from last night, because I like MPD and
felt like contributing.

But I have more pleasant things to do.

Please delete my repository from the musicpd site, 

Best regards.


Max Kellermann writes:
  On 2013/12/18 10:02, wrote:
 +static const string rootid(0);
 Using std::string here is useless bloat, isn't it?  There's much more
 of this useless bloat in your code.
   I do not think that this is useless bloat, except if you consider that
   std::string is useless bloat in general. As most of the code is based on
   std::string, defining the constant as such means that we do not incur a
   char*-to-std::string conversion each time the constant is used (to
   construct another string). 
  When would this conversion happen?
 Use nullptr instead of 0.  0 is obscure.
   0 is not obscure, as it was the standard up to really recently (NULL usage
   was discouraged by Stroustrup himself, you can easily google for this).
  It WAS the standard.  MPD was not designed for this outdated standard.
  It was rewritten to C++11.  When MPD was C99, it used NULL -
  Stroustrup's opinion does not matter here, because he was talking
  about C++.  Now MPD uses C++11, and it shall use nullptr -
  Stroustrup's opinion still does not matter, because it's obsolete.
   I am all for converting to nullptr, but saying that 0 is obscure is
   a bit of an exaggeration.
  It obscures the nature of the variable.  Using 0 implies that it's an
  integer, but it's not.  It was obscure even when it was the standard.
  This old standard is obsolete for a good reason.
   I can change the declaration order if you really insist, but you should be
   aware that many people (e.g. Google standards) quite logically recommend to
   put the public declarations (the interface) first, and the private stuff
   (including the data members) last because this improves readability.
  There are arguments both for both sides.  It boilds down to personal
  opinion.  There are no logical super-arguments for any.  I
  criticized your coding style because it does not follow what the rest
  of MPD does.  Google standards are irrelevant here.
   The variables are not passed as std::string but as const refs to
   std::string, so, no overhead.
  Const or not const does not matter for the question of whether it's
  overhead, does it?
  It is overhead because a simple string literal must be converted to
  std::string each time the function is called - and that implies a heap
  allocation and deallocation.
   I actually don't understand your remark. Using std::string for
   everything except when constrained by an external interface is just
   good c++ practise.
  Maybe in your opinion.  It's not in my opinion.  MPD uses C++ syntax
  because it is easier to write than C.
  I converted MPD from C99 to C++ when C++11 came, which allowed me to
  eliminate most of the runtime overhead.  Only then was C++ acceptable
  for me.  Now you're adding all the C++ bloat that I feared, why I have
  been disliking C++ for so many years.
   Using a writable ref for returning the result avoids copying a possibly
   expensive object. This is also just good practise and I think that it's not
   clear to you because you are not used to it: non-const refs are for
   returning data, else they would be const...
  You may want to read
 What is reallyOpen()?  The method name is obscure.
   I have to delay initialization of libupnp until after mpd daemonizes, else
   the lib does not work. I don't know if the fork does it or some descriptor
  So it's a kludge to work around a MPD initialization order
  problem.  This should be well-documented in a code comment so it can
  be eliminated once the MPD core has been improved.  And you should
  write a ticket to request this improvement.
 +   if (m_root)
 +   return true;
 What does that check mean?
   As reallyOpen() has to be called for every visit call this is checking if
   we need to actually do something or we're already done. Setting m_root is
   the last thing the method does when really working. I could put the test at
   the call locations, but I find it cleaner this way.
  Again, there should be a code comment explaining this kludge.
 +   FormatDebug(db_domain, UpnpDatabase::reallyOpen\n);
 Do we need those debug messages?  What value do they add?
   Well, they're used for debugging actually. I could remove them, but having

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] UPnP db plugin

2013-12-17 Thread jf
Max Kellermann writes:
  I see many bug fix commit, which fix bugs introduced earlier by
  yourself.  This is confusing to read, and makes the repository hard to
  bisect.  Please fold those into the commit that introduced the bug.

Ok, then, I've squashed everything into one commit, as the history was
all bug fixes over the initial code add.


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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] Using MPD to play music from an UPnP Media Server

2013-11-04 Thread jf
Max Kellermann writes:
  On 2013/11/02 16:11, wrote:
   I have uploaded the code for a UPnP Database plugin to
  Your first commit UpNP database plugin: build and configuration
  refers to files which don't exist (yet).  All commits should be able
  to build and should work, or git bisect fails, which is annoying
  when looking for a bug.  I wonder why you chose to split the commits
  this way.

I wanted to separate the commit that modified existing mpd files from the
commits that added new code. Sorry about not thinking about the bisect
issue, but except for the configuration files themselves the commit only
activates code if --enable-upnp is used.

I wonder if you will actually want to keep this commit history
anyway. Maybe the best approach will be to wait for a reasonably stable
version (to be decided), decide if you want this at all, add the code in a
single modification, and then switch to regular maintenance/modification

I think that it is a little early to test for regressions in this code, and
that early commit histories only add noise, because it's very difficult to
be orderly when exploring new stuff.


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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] Using MPD to play music from an UPnP Media Server

2013-11-04 Thread jf
Max Kellermann writes:
  On 2013/11/02 16:11, wrote:
   I have uploaded the code for a UPnP Database plugin to
  One more thing, I had a very quick look at the first commit that adds
  code: you added a copy of libexpat.  Why that?  Why not link this
  library, like everybody else does?

I am certainly not adding a copy of libexpat ! I have integrated and
modified one file from libexpatmm (a c++ wrapper for libexpat), because
this is very simple code, and I did not judge that it was worth the trouble
to introduce another dependancy for something almost trivial.

I have really no objection in principle to depending on libexpatmm instead,
only I'm not completely sure that this is packaged on every platform.

All this can be changed, this is a relatively big and complex piece of
code, and I certainly don't expect to get it right the first time...

With the commits I just added tonight, things mostly work with gmpc and
minidlna, with exceptions which will be difficult to implement over UpNP
(things based on VisitUniqueTags()). The main thing that I find still
missing is add directory, I'm not too sure how to do this right. And the
stats, I need to do the stats too :)


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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] Using MPD to play music from an UPnP Media Server

2013-11-04 Thread jf
Max Kellermann writes:
  On 2013/11/04 19:02, wrote:
   I wanted to separate the commit that modified existing mpd files from the
   commits that added new code.
  I don't follow this argument.  Adding a new source code file and
  registering it in belongs together, that's an operation
  that cannot be splitted.
  Only when you require modifications to other parts of MPD as
  preparation for your feature, then this must be a separate commit.
  For example, when you need one more parameter/method in an existing
  API declaration or function prototype, or when you add another generic
  utility library.

Point taken, I should not have done the modification in this
commit, but in the one which added the files.

   I wonder if you will actually want to keep this commit history
   anyway. Maybe the best approach will be to wait for a reasonably stable
   version (to be decided), decide if you want this at all, add the code in a
   single modification, and then switch to regular maintenance/modification
  Tell me when you feel it should be merged, and then I'll review the
  branch you cleaned up.  It's somewhat cumbersome to review this branch
  in the current form.  Hint: learn about stgit.


This said, at this point in the evolution of the still very young plugin:

 - I think that it is more useful to look at the code than at the
   commits. I am mostly using git as a backup tool for now. In really new
   code like this, it is not so interesting to look at the history, it's
   too chaotic. I've already dumped a good part of it.

 - If nobody is interested in actually trying out the function (as seems to
   be the case), the merge won't be a concern :)


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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] Using MPD to play music from an UPnP Media Server

2013-11-04 Thread jf
Max Kellermann writes:
  On 2013/11/04 19:33, wrote:
- If nobody is interested in actually trying out the function (as seems to
  be the case), the merge won't be a concern :)
  I can't - I have no UPnP hardware.  

Me neither.

  Therefore, I have exactly zero personal interest in the feature ;-)

I'm much more interested in the MPD proxy db, which I use already. 

On the other hand, I've also just spent a fair amount of time persuading a
piece of code to properly process Hindi text (उसको सत्य नहीं कह सकते हैं), in
which I can't even count the letters, so I gather that personal
interest is not always the motivation for writing software :)


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[Musicpd-dev-team] Using MPD to play music from an UPnP Media Server

2013-11-02 Thread jf

I have uploaded the code for a UPnP Database plugin to

The plugin enables MPD to browse and play music from an UPnP Media Server.

As far as I can see, things mostly work properly using MiniDLNA as an UPnP
server and phpMp as the MPD client.

If anybody sees any usefulness in this feature, I'd be very interested by
feedback, particularly using other UPnP servers and MPD clients.

There is a page of instructions for pulling the code and setting things up:



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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

[Musicpd-dev-team] ProxyDatabase plugin

2013-10-11 Thread jf


I have fleshed out the code inside ProxyDatabasePlugin.cpp so that it
now works.

I have only lightly tested this, on a basic setup, and I don't no a lot
about mpd, so I can't be sure that everything is working as it should.

One visible problem is a performance issue for the search
operation. Because it is not forwarded to the remote server but done by
walking the tree, the performance is not good (because of the many trips to
the server necessary for exploring each directory). For example on my
configuration, a search which takes 0.4 S on the local server will take 6 S
when using the proxy. The list operation which is executed by calling the
VisitUniqueTags() method in the Database plugin, and which delegates the
work to the server, does not suffer from the same issue, and it would seem
possible to have the same kind of approach with search (using
mpd_search_db_songs() instead of mpd_search_db_tags()), but this needs a
non-local change (to the plugin interface).

I also had to open up the SongFilter interface a bit (for implementing the
constaints inside VisitUniqueTags().

I think that this plugin could be quite useful in a configuration where
there is a central music store and several independant players: only the
central server has to update().

As as mentionned a couple of months ago, I would like to implement another
equivalent plugin to talk to an UPNP Media Server, I'm just coming back to
it, and exploring the ProxyDatabase one was a good way to see how things
worked on the mpd side.

A patch against the current master branch is attached, I hope that you will
find it useful.

Best regards,


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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] Musicpd as a media server client

2013-07-26 Thread jf
Max Kellermann writes:
  On 2013/07/22 11:26, wrote:
   I wonder if someone has begun working on this or is planning to in the near
   future ? Otherwise I'd be quite willing to give it a try. 
  afaik, nobody is working on that.  I'm not, because I don't even know
  what DLNA is.

DLNA is an additional compatibility specification over UPnP. The latter
defines a standard way for devices (Media Server, Media Player, many other
pieces of home electronics) to communicate over a network.

Mostly, all communication-capable media devices except the Apple ones use
UPnP. The Apple devices use DAAP instead, it's mostly the same function, but
implemented differently.

The idea is that multiple mpd instances on a network, could share a common
music store (UPnP MediaServer), which maintains the catalog (tag scanning
etc...) and presents the catalog and data through UPnP/DLNA. This would
probably be much better than each instance doing its scanning across a
file-sharing protocol (NFS or SMB).

There are multiple implementations of DLNA Media Servers, open source or
not. Many NAS boxes include a DLNA server. So the work here is just to
implement the catalog retrieving and data access parts to let MPD use
them. There are several open source libs which could provide the base layer
(UPnP is a complicated beast).

I was wondering if somebody had maybe started something because there are
already multiple entries in the issues db on the subject. But ok, good
then, I'll give it a try. Don't expect much progress in August though :)



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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

Re: [Musicpd-dev-team] Musicpd as a media server client

2013-07-26 Thread jf
Cody Marx Bailey writes:
  Why not just send it curl strings? There's a CURL input plugin that will suck
  the playlist/files off a simple HTTP server.

You lost me here. How does this solve the catalog/directory part ? 

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Musicpd-dev-team mailing list

[Musicpd-dev-team] Musicpd as a media server client

2013-07-22 Thread jf


It has become quite popular to implement audio players by running mpd on
small devices (e.g.: Raspberry PI). These devices often have little to no
local storage and access the audio data through the network. Currently,
this has to be done using file sharing protocols (SMB or NFS), which has
multiple disadvantages (redundant scanning of tags, possible access control

Enabling mpd to function as a MediaRenderer would be very valuable, as all
players could share the directory and data access services of the
MediaServers on the network.

Issue 1924 in the musicpd bug tracker proposes to integrate mpd in the DLNA

I wonder if someone has begun working on this or is planning to in the near
future ? Otherwise I'd be quite willing to give it a try. 

As far as I can see, the tasks involved are:

 - Selecting the most appropriate upnp library package
 - Implementing the directory part. I guess that the experimental Proxy
   Database plugin could be the base for this ?
 - Implementing an input plugin.

Please let me know if my working on this makes sense.


J.F. Dockes

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